#((alastor's doctors answering his text: 'YOU WANT TO *WHAT*???'))
concubuck · 2 years
Alastor, I'm really into dissections. Well, vivisections. Seeing someone writhe on a cold table before me, my scalpel tracing along their flesh, before cutting in deeper. I love seeing the wet, warm insides, blood tricking as I open the body cavity-- the writing, the agony on their face, how they can't even scream at some points. And then when I crack the rips? Oooh, how their heart starts pounding, I'm shaking just thinking about it... Anyway, think we can work something out, you and I? I'll make sure to bring my best bone saw!
Oho! Now that sounds like a wild night! Hah! It's been months since I've gotten a knife in me—and that was one of those fellows who likes to stab. Don't get me wrong, I know how to enjoy a few good hard thrusts; but every once in a while you want a little... finesse. Someone who really pays attention to every vein and tendon—someone who knows how to ignite nerves you never knew you had. It sounds exquisite.
Unfortunately, I do currently have a passenger on board whom I'm rather keen to keep away from sharp blades. I can fold him away to another dimension, but I'm not entirely sure what anatomy those hidden parts connect back to in this dimension.
So I'll have to check with my doctors on what's safe; but we might need to keep the vivisection from the diaphragm up, if that's alright with you. If you'd rather have full, unrestricted access, well—I'll be free in late January. 😉
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F/O Crossover OneShot Pt. 1
This is just massive crossover where all of my f/os meet each other. Romantic, Familial and Platonic a like.
Word Count: 2775
“Alastor can you help me get lights strung up.” Theo said as she was standing on her tippy toes to string up some lights around the ceiling. She refused to step on a ladder and with having Alastor and Angel Dust round they could hang up the things that need to go on tall shelves. “Of course, bell.” Alastor’s static voice said as he finished helping Angel Dust set out an array of alcoholic drinks. His dress shoes clicked on the wooden floors as he approached his sister. Theo looked up at Alastor with the christmas lights bundles up in her arms and a smile plastered on her face. Alastor always smiled, but it widened even more to see her so happy. “Alright, do you want me to hang them up or pick you up?” He asked. “Either one, I really don’t care.” She said to him.
Alastor picked her up and placed her on his shoulder. “Angel if you want you can help!” She said as she looked at her other brother who was still counting over all the liquor. It was definitely going to be needed over the course of the night. Angel brightened up and walked over to help the other two. The whole day the three had busied themselves to prepare one hell of a party that was about to commise. They finished streaming the lights and went to double check if they had everything ready to go. Theo fiddled with her fingers, a bit of anxiety crept over as she didn’t know what to accept. Angel notice first and crouched down next to her. “Hey, ya don’t gotta worry. We will be right here for ya. Plus Alastor will throw any of them to the curb if they do something stupid.” He said as he pulled her into a hug. Her head it his chest fluff and she hugged back. Alastor smiled happily as everything was ready to go for the night. “He’s correct. Now I think it’s best that we all get change before our guests arrive! Angel, nothing to revealing.” Theo let out a chuckle at Angel’s groan as he pulled away and went to change for the party.
An hour or so had past and the three siblings were ready to go. Alastor was as casual as he could get, he still looked like he was running an underground mob and Angel Dust was the right hand man. Theo could only assume that Alastor had been the one to dress Angel Dust, which only made her laugh a bit. She was just walking through the house to make sure everything was good, she honestly lost question how house even existed and left the assumptions to Alastor’s powers. She was looking around in the kitchen when there was heavy knock at the door. Alastor or Angel didn’t even get a chance to get to the door, because Theo was already there opening. “Samara, Jason! I’m so glad to see you!” She cried out hugging both of them. Jason basically pick up Theo and Samara when they hugged. He soon placed them back on the ground before signing to her. ‘Are we early?’ He said, nervous that he came a little too early for the party. “Of course not. Come in.” She said as she opened the door. Jason slightly tucked his head under the door frame as he followed Samara in the house.
“Oh my satan, Alastor. That’s Jason Voorhees.” Angel gasped. To be honest both demons were surprised at Jason showing up. They never thought Theo had managed to make a friend like that, but then they remember they were demons and they were family. Theo didn’t pay attention to her demonic brothers and hugged Samara. The little ghost girl clung to her and nuzzled her face into the crook of her neck. “Watashi mo aitakatta.” Samara said to her. Theo never learned to speak japanese, but something with being quite close to Samara, she was able to understand her. “Me as well. I’m glad you could come. You and Jason both.” She said as she placed the little girl down again. She could see a smile through the long black hair and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Well you two make yourself at home. I know you don’t approve of alcohol, Jason. But trust me it’s going to need tonight, if everyone is gonna be showing up.” She told the undead slasher. Jason gave a disapproving shake of his head and let out a playful huff. Even Pamela, Jason’s mother, agreed that it was well needed for the night head, even if she disapproved of it.
Alastor made his way over to introduce himself to the two new guests. He could tell that Jason was on edge, but he didn’t blame him. After what Theo told him and Angel, about Jason’s encounter with Freddy Kruger he could understand the hatred. “Now you must be Jason and Samara. We hear such good things about you both. I hope you all enjoy the party.” He said with a nod and then booped Samara’s nose, who gave out a giggle and then began to stick next to Alastor sides. Theo smiled already seeing the family bond being built between Samara, Alastor and Angel Dust, who at the moment was just smothering Samara in love. Even Jason was warming up to them a bit.
Before she could go join them, there was another rasp at the door and she opened it. There stood, her brother Ciecl and his boyfriend Carlos. “Cecil.” She said she wrapped around her brother. “It’s good to see you too. I can say things are so strange around here. Quite different from Night Vale.” He said as he hugged her back. Carlos let out a breathless chuckle at the wording and gave Theo a hug as she hugged him as well. “Come in you too. You must be tired from your drive. Also tonight may get really chaotic, so we have a massive supply of liquor.” She told them. “You really think ahead, now don’t you.” Carlos said with a chuckle as he hung up his and Ciecl’s coats. “Yeah, I honestly don’t know how everyone else is gonna get along.” She said. “Well if they are all here because of you they will definitely get along.” Ciecl said  with a smile. Theo gave a nervous smile and knew she was not ready for the night to come.
Now the party was in full swing. A lot of the others had shown up, which made Theo’s heart soar. She was facing her cousin, Peter Parker in a game of ping pong. Even with Peter’s spider sense both where having a bit of a hard time making it over that tiny net in the middle of the table. Her brother Peter Quill sat in a chair watching that small white ball bounce back and forth. “So like who else is coming? Or is that everyone.” Quill said as he took a sip of his beer. “Well I invite two supernatural hunters, an élite alien hunter, a time lord, a bunch of people from multiple galaxies, another super hero, a journalist that is possessed by a demon, a consulting detective and a researcher for secret government organization.” Theo huffed out as she hit the ball back to Peter. “Wow, how do you remember all that?” Peter said as he went to go hit the ball but missed. “I don’t know, just do.” She said as she gave a small victory pump of her fist when the ball made fell off the table. Quill smiled and watched as Peter picked up the ball and hit it again.
They were in the loft area that overlooked the massive living room, while the others mingled around. Edward and Clint had been chilling around the bar, talking about anything that could come to mind. Kassandra had also joined the siblings and cousin in the loft watching as her girlfriend duke it out with her cousin in a game of ping pong. So far everyone seemed to be getting along, which was good. The doorbell went off and Alastor went to go answer. When he opened the door, the black curly hair detective stood in the doorway. “Hello, you must be Sherlock. Please do come in.” Alastor said in charming tone. Sherlock squinted at the tall demon and walked in. Theo hit the ball back at Peter and her eyes fell over to Sherlock. A small smile danced across her lips as she remembers the curly haired detective. “Sherly!” Theo shouted over the music. Sherlock looked up to see the familiar girl and headed over to them. Theo tossed the ping pong paddle over to Quill and went to go greet Sherlock. She hopped over the ladder and landed. Pain stunned her ankles for a couple of seconds put they wore off and she ran over to Sherlock and hugged him.
The detective stumbled back a little bit by the force of the hug, but his smile widened even more. He hugged her back and rested his chin on top of her head. “I missed you so much, Holmes.” She muttered into his chest. She pulled away and looked up at Sherlock. “How are you doing?” She said to him. “I’m doing well.” Sherlock said. She had really missed his smile. “Hey I want you to meet some people.” She told him. She lead the detective to meet her friends and family.
Time rolled by where beer pong was now taking place. Quill had challenged Kassandra to match and now that was what Peter and Theo where watching. Alastor had caught Sherlock’s attention, because right off the back for the fact that when Alastor was living he was a serial killer. Sherlock was asking back to back questions trying to figure out the demon, who only found it entertaining for the time being. The beer pong game started to get intense where Peter and Theo where like looking over the edge of the table, trying to figure out who was gonna win. “I think it’s gonna be Quill.” Peter whispered. “Really, it’s totally Kassandra. She a freaking demigod.” Theo quipped back. A small buzz came from her phone and she pulled it out to look at the text. She sat back down and looked at the phone. Her eyes widen and smile came over her face. It was Dean Winchester. She hadn’t seen him in such a long time and she was glad he was coming. Apparently there where outside, along with Miles and The Doctor.
Theo knew that must have been fun to see. “Hey I’ll be right back.” She said as she nudged Peter. Her cousin gave a nod and whispered something about keeping a score of the current game. She slipped under the ping pong table and down the ladder of the loft. She made her way past Carlos and Ciecl, giving them away as she threw on jacket and walked out the door. A light snowfall had occurred and the snowflakes danced their way to the ground. Outside stood the Doctor, Miles, Dean and Sam. Theo quickly cupped her hands together and blew into them before walking down the steps to greet them. The Doctor was the first to notice and had a goofy grin on his face. She quickly walked over to him and gave him a big hug. “Well it’s been some time since I have seen you. How are you holding up?” He asked. “Really good. I hope getting here was too much trouble. Alastor’s magic is something else.” She said. “You right about that. Something we haven’t seen hunting.” Theo looked over to Sam who spoke. She smiled and gave Sam a playful punch in the arm. “Yeah, I would hope so.” She said with a smile. She looked over at his brother and walked up to him. “Winchester.” She said. “Ryder.” Dean responded with a smile.
Both stood there for a second before Dean pulled her into a bone crushing hug. “Saying I missed you is an understatement.” Dean said as he pulled away. Theo gently placed a hand against the side of his face. “You are right about that one.” She said. Someone cleared their throat, causing Dean and Theo to look over. “Like not to interrupt or anything.” Miles said rocking on his heels. Theo shook her head and left Dean’s side, heading over to Miles. “I didn’t forget about you. How are holding you up?” The last part came out as a whisper. She worried about the journalist. There was a low growl and she looked up. There was the Walrider. “Pretty good. He keeps me company, but I would be lying if I didn’t say we both missed you.” He said as he brushed a couple of stray hairs out of her face. She smiled and pulled him into a tight hug. He was the first on in her life and she always thought about him. They stood there for a couple of seconds before she pulled away. “Come on guys. Let’s go inside. There is an intense game of beer pong going on.” She said as she waved them to follow her as she headed back into the large house. A chuckle came from The Doctor who shook his head and the rest followed her inside the house.
Time wasn’t relevant at this point in the house, everyone was getting along so far. Aizawa had also joined them and now was in debate with Sherlock and The Doctor. Clint, Edward, Kassandra, Quill, Peter, Miles, The Winchester Brothers and Theo had entered intense and possible aggressive game of Uno at this point, leaving the rest to watch either the debate, uno game or watch as Alastor played the piano. At this point in Uno, no one trusted anyone and the color was constantly change and hands as well. “Hey Quill, how much money do I have to give you to team with me to win?” Theo spoke up. “I don’t know, about 50$.” Quill said without looking up as he placed a card. A string of curses went around the table as the color changed once again. “Alright, I can do that.” Theo said. “Hey, hey. Can they do that?” Peter said. “We made no rules against it.” Clint said as he placed a card as well, making Edward who sat next to him draw two cards. The pirate assassin cursed under her his breath and took the two cards, begrudgingly. Theo smiled and quickly finished the money from out of her wallet and handed it to Quill who took and the two began to whisper about their plan of attack.
A loud knock echoed on the door, causing the two siblings to stop talking and look at the door. Quickly the two broke out in rock, paper, scissors on who would answer. But Ciecl was ahead of the game and went to answer the door. He opened the door and it was open to Kylo, Hux, Phasam and Jon arguing about something. Ciecl just stood there and soon backup as much larger figure approached behind the group. A rawr that would put a lion’s to shame, paused the Uno game and made the group at the door stop fighting and look behind them. Granite stood there, staring down at them and nudged his head to the side. The group immediately parted, much to Jon telling them too. The predator walked in, ducking his head under the doorway. As Granite walked in, the group recollected and watched as the massive alien hunter walked in. “Who the hell is that?” Shay said as he looked at him. “Oh that would be Granite for you all.” Jon said as he followed after the 7’ 9” hunter. Din followed after, with baby Yoda in his arms. Theo perked up when she say Granite and Din, with little Yoda. She hand her cards over to Quill, which would allow him to win the 30 minute game of Uno. She ran over to Granite and the massive alien picked her up and clicked his mandibles in loving and friendly way. She sat on his forearm and made similar clicking noises with her tongue. The hunter placed her down and ruffled her hair up. “Oh by the way everyone. This is Granite. He’s pretty chill.” Theo said loudly. She gave him a more powerful playful punch in the stomach and the predator gave out a chuckle like noise as she went to go greet Din and little Yoda.
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