#((char vc: what did i do to deserve this-))
bornbreathless-archive · 10 months
@lawbnd from here
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geeze. what a way to wake somebody up. groggy eyes peak open; left one first as he squints, then the right one as char stares at him with her own wide eyes. he can't tell whether it's genuine fear in them or annoyance over this supposed corpse lay flat across her livingroom. oh. that wasn't where he had placed her. " you think if she really was dead i'd be this calm about it? " he retorts, getting comfortable upon the sofa once again by completing melting into the cushions behind, hoodie shrinking him even more. the corpse in question, trucy, didn't stirr once throughout this exchange. doing a 48 hour charity event nearby tired her out more than any attempt phoenix had tried and thus, she had taken to sleeping anywhere she could. although he could swear she'd been placed elsewhere. as for why they found themselves in char's flat was pretty easy to figure out. " truce wanted to visit but you were out. that's fake blood on her. honestly such poor hospitality from her favourite aunt, we'll be leaving a TripAdvisor review. "
If only Phoenix knew how much of a feat it was to nearly give a dead woman a heart attack.
He's right, of course, she knows that he wouldn't be taking a nap on her sofa if Trucy was really dead on the floor, but that doesn't mean that a moderately-hungover Char had processed that particular fact quick enough to cut-off the initial split-second horror at seeing the kid sprawled out on the rug. Covered in blood, no less!
She scowls, though there's no real anger behind it as she throws her handbag at Phoenix from where she crouches next to the not-dead Trucy. "Book in advance next time, I'll make sure to get the coffin reupholstered." Not her best quip but again, moderately hungover, cut her some slack. Char gently scoops the sleeping Trucy up into her arms and deposits her on the other sofa, drawing a blanket over her before she flops dramatically down next to Phoenix. "Care to explain why she's covered in fake blood?"
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fairydnp · 5 years
🌻@cozydnp tagged me in a positivity train, so I though I’d just tag some other lovely people too that definitely deserve it :)🌻 @sevenatee Sev, my brilliant, amazing, chill, spectacular and stunning best friend. You were the first ever friend I made on this hellsite, and I still hold you to my heart dearly. You’re wacky, brilliant and so so so kind. We don’t talk as much as we used to but you mean so much to me and have a very special place in my life. I still expect us to have that very gay apartment later in life. I’m already booking inspections. I can’t wait until I manage to take you to a theme park or something (also stop worrying, you’re definitely tall enough) ilyvm dude! @thegayestdnp Luke, our first proper conversations started when you got mad at me because I was eating M&M’s with chopsticks (it’s still valid and you know it) and I’d like to say we’ve been friends ever since. You’re the face of the Mothgang, we’re all pretty sure you just are Mothman anyways though. You’re wacky, fantastic, and such an amazing(phil) person that I’m so lucky I got the chance to meet. love you lots, lp adventure isn’t too far away. And we can agree now that Tika has always deserved better :P @thedinodad Steg, h o l y  s h i t. You’re one of the funniest and most genuine people I’ve ever met. You’re caring, probably slightly crazy but it’s okay we all are, and willing to share pictures of your dog and hammie, which I can assure you that everyone is grateful for. I find it very fantastic and cool that I can call you a friend, and you’re all round such a fantastic person. Keep on scree-ing on vc, and tell Mars and Ruby I love them. @blxckmochi Lynn, I can’t believe I had the opportunity to meet a treasure like you. You mean the absolute world to me and I can talk to you about anything. You’re kind, gorgeous, beautiful and one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever talked to. I’m so glad you dm’d me after we met on Rose’s gc, otherwise I’d never had found out how amazing you are. You’re probably not going to believe all this, but it’s so true. You’re so deserving of love, and happiness and everything good that comes your way. I love you so much bub. @youabsolutespoon Lea, where do I begin. When I first talked to you I was talking to you about Panic! At The Disco and how Vices and Virtues is one of the best albums to listen to when you need to calm down. I would’ve never thought I’d end up meeting one of the best people in my life. You make me so incredibly happy and you’re so sweet, kind, loving, and precious. When we made arrangements to video call, I was so nervous I was going to screw up or something. It was one of the best moments I’d had in my life and it was amazing to have that connection with you. My irl friends know you as Lea From Tumblr, and I’ve made sure to mention how kind and lovely you are. You’re seriously one of the best people ever, and I love you so very much. @phanniephobic Rose, when I first sent you that ask, I never knew how kind you could be, how gentle and caring you could be. You’re seriously such a lovely and gorgeous person, and the first ever dan and phil blog I ever worked up the courage to engage with, and I’m so glad I did. You mean so much to me and I remember some of the hilarious conversations we’ve had. You’re brilliant, fantastic, and such a welcoming and sweet presence. I’ve loved every minute I’ve talked to you, and you’re honestly one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. I love you rosehaw. @cozydnp Aly, where do I start? Whenever I talk to you it just feels like a big warm hug. You’re so goddamn kind and sweet, but have so much love to give to others. You’ve got a crazy wacky side which I adore, and you have a definite mother side. It’s gentle and soft and kind, like rainy days and hot tea and fluffy blankets. You have such a sweet aura and I’ve loved getting to know you. Tyvm for putting up with me, and you motivate me to do better. I love you chungy
@lemonheadlester Harley, you’re definitely someone I look up to. You’re so incredibly talented and fantastic, and I’ve admired you since I first found you and your blog. I was instantly floored by how talented you are in so many aspects. Edits, gifs, writing, singing, music, you name it, it’s all stored in the Harley. We don’t talk much, but you’re definitely a very sweet and lovely person. Thank you for being so kind! ilyvm!!
@dinosaurnerdhowell Azra, we don’t really talk much, but you’re always so kind and take the time out of your day to send me a message sometimes, and that honestly makes my entire day. From what I know of you you’re kind, sweet, and really genuine and nice. Thank you for being someone I can look up to and I feel like I can trust you. ily lovely!! @orangeexcusez Liz, you’re an incredibly lovely person and even though we hardly talk, you’re still such a lovely and positive influence and I really hope you’re doing well! @theincediblesulk Avery, I look up to you immensely. You’re really a genuinely fantastic and caring person, and I’ve admired you for so long. I hope you have good things coming your way. Keep being hecking awesome :)
@bleepblopbloop56 You’re really really talented and you’re somebody who is super super cool and I’m pretty intimidated by you, but I think you’re amazing and that you’re having a good day!
@discombobulated-hullabaloo Aunty Nicoke, You’re my best friend’s sister, and the druggie auntie, but you’re incredibly kind, despite being a legit cryptid. Thanks for being nice to me, I know it can get irritating. Also your bullet journals are always very pretty and they’re nice to look at. @gothichufflepuff Amy, there’s no words to describe how much I love you. In grade 5, I was nervous, upset, and definitely not willing to engage very much. I went on camp with you and we were in the same cabin. Remember the 5am party of Murder In The Dark? Or most memorably, our project on Saturn. I’m so glad we got to do that together because it’s definitely a staple of our relationship forever (oH pLaneTs arOund a StARrrrRr) We bonded over Harry Potter in the first year we knew eachother. I remember your birthday too. Do you still have the Hedwig mug lol? In grade 6 you managed to miss all the bloody drama (goddamn it, it sucked) and five became three for a while. You, Meeks and I were pretty unbreakable. This is where all the fun set in. Grade 6 is probably one of my favourite years of school, simply because I spent it with you. It was the birth of #Zayme (I still ship it) and where the infamous grape incident occurred. Betting our food in games of cards at lunch was definitely a favourite. Badminton is my favourite sport, Biconarbate is still thriving somewhere, and Haan still suks. You’re my favouritest pickle, and i love you more than words can say.
and last but certainly not least @elizaschuqler Char. What would I do without you? I could write a whole essay and a half about how much I adore you. You never cease to spark joy and you’re so kind and supportive. One of my favourite moments of you was when we both pulled an all-nighter together and watched Barbie movies, definitely one of the best times I’ve had in my life. We’d go on long giant rants about how much we love eachother and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. You seriously have helped me through so much and you mean the absolute entire world to me. I couldn’t ask for a better friend, someone who I can trust, and someone who can be kind and gentle, but crazy and questionable (in the good way of course) at the same time. I can’t wait until I can finally hug you. Our Luna Park adventure is only a few years away, not long (although it absolutely seems like it) I really hope you understand just how much you mean to me. You’re incredibly fabulous, and you mean more to me than words can say, there’s simply no way to express it. I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know. I can’t believe I met someone as kind and sweet and caring as you. Full yeehomo too. I love you so much.  ✨🌻choo choo🌻✨
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moonslaughter · 6 years
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WHAT IS THIS / AN INTRO? it is, hey demons its me ya girl! i’m taylor, 18 yrs whatever and i’ll be playing everyone’s favorite fuckable werewolf (thank you mark for that) tyler lockwood! i love superheros, naps, bein lazy as heck and iced coffee! you can find me on discord @/#whitewolves(2758) that’s all!  his stats are here and here is his pinterest board / child abuse, mental health, and alcoholism trigger warnings 
tyler was born prematurely on halloween (how ironic) causing great issue to his two loving parents carol and richard lockwood. for better say tyler has been a problem child since birth, but that was not always his intention of course
he is the only biological child of richard lockwood and his only son, yet, the man has always treated him as a failure despite tyler only sixteen and full of potentional. he may not get the best grades but he is average and compensates for what he cannot in sports which seems to suffice for now
richard has never taken kindly to the unforgiving rage that has always been inside of tyler who for the life of him cannot back down from a fight. he's almost aggressively brave and while has gone along with a lot of what his father asks would not give it a second thought to argue with him on something he is passionate about. 
the anger problems he clearly inherits from his father were more or less a side effect of the wolf burrowing under his skin anticipating the trigger to set free. tyler is completely unaware of the supernatural at the moment, the whole lot, and has absolutely no clue to the fact that he is a werewolf. 
unfortunately his greatest fear is not his father but becoming him. in fact it terrifies him that one day he'll be the mirrored imagine of richard lockwood and that's his worst nightmare. tyler wants to find love and grow up happy doing what he loves, not a miserable angered man like his father. 
since he was a little kid tyler has grit his teeth and stepped in front of his sister out of protection whenever the threat may occur. whether that be shitty boyfriends or their father, despite lydia being a little older he has always been protective of her and whoever chooses to fuck with lydia martin is going to have to deal with him first. 
due to their close age lydia has been tyler's best friend since they were kids. it never mattered that they did not share a father and it could never change anything. regardless of technicalities lydia is his sister and he wouldn't want anyone else to have to put up with his bullshit.
child abuse tw // while carol may not be aware of it on a handful of occasions tyler had been " taught a lesson " by his father after acting out through teenage rebellion. it almost always entitled being back handed or thrown against a wall, ty puts on a brave face like it doesn't mean shit to him but secretly he is afraid. if anything he will gladly deal with it over lydia having to face the wrath of her step-father
alcoholism tw // tyler might be the definition of a cliche frat boy. he is a massive jock, wears god awful dad shirts and is the person to beat at beer pong but throughout forbidden high school parties he's gotten into the habit of drinking a little too much. at first it was a sip here or there, which then turned into a few bottles before that shifted to half empty whiskey bottles hidden under his bed away from prying eyes. there have been plenty of times where the newly junior has shown up to first period with tired eyes and a killer head ache. like father like son. 
mental health tw // between the abuse and drowning it in alcohol it has left tyler a little more than damaged. he's managed to keep it pretty on the down-low from a lot of people but it's hard for him to understand that he can't be perfect and he doesn't have to be. he's sad and just needs acceptance even if it is not something he thinks he'll ever get from the person he seeks it most.
such a mama's boy tbh??? like there must be a billion baby pictures of tyler holding his mother's hand and trailing behind her like a little duck. it's pretty precious but now that he's older he doesn't want to bother his mother and leaves his own issues to be dealt with himself. she's still his hero and he wishes that she did not have to deal with someone as shitty as his dad.
nsync vc: BI BI BI
tyler has never been in love, not for real. he's had girlfriends and boyfriends, hooked up with people and been in many pleasent company but he's never got even a slim experience of love. most of his relationships don't last longer than a couple of months and to be honest even if he did catch solid feelings for someone he wouldn't be able to stay. he'll never admit to it but he has a hard time accepting that he is enough so the idea of deserving love or someone amazing is abstract to him. he doesn't want it. ( pls give him exes omg )
on that point though he is infatuated with vicki ( gotta work stuff out there ) it ain't love probably but he likes being in her company and like,,, she's beautiful so who is he to complain? again this will be added too in the future but yeah 
he tends to speak before thinking things through and this is why i contemplate: why does tyler have friends? not going to lie, he's kind of a dick. he is well aware he's a dick too and most of the time he can't help it ( blames it on being a scorpio smh )
the thing about tyler is that he has good intentions, like he really means well most of the time but most of what he says either sounds awful or he acts like a cliche rich boy to impress people. tyler is seeking acceptance to fill the void that his father's disapproval left in him and well, it's clearly damaged him a lot. 
doesn't always make the best choices ( and this needs to be plotted out still ) but i'd like to say that tyler is pretty damn loyal. he is willing to die for his friends and eventually will gain ones that he does in later seasons of the show so more than just matt.
is a pissy little bitch at times and yes wants to fight the small baby child that is jeremy gilbert. has straight up asked what the child is doing here when jer is around, just let him be extra.
he is such a nerd!!! loves superhero movies and star wars!!! probably has all the marvel movies not going to lie but also really enjoys horror movies just saying
his best class is gym and shockingly english
the most dramatic rich boy you'll probably ever meet but shrug emoji, he is a lockwood dammit and he'll be dramatic as hell. punch him in the face? he'll make a bloody nose look good. 
aesthetics include: wet hair, howling, thick forest trees, dirt under finger nails, the fresh smell of coffee, dark grain in wood, worn down sneakers, chalk dust, the chime of a whistle, bloody noses, expensive whiskey, fire places and football jerseys. 
char insp: loren hale, nate archibald, sirius black, jake fitzgerald and jace wayland.
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