#((i wanna use my adult verse / college verse let me live))
mydearburkhart · 3 years
The Amy-verse
(or "if I was in that '70s show" part 4) | previously on The Amy-verse
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)
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Hyde: Does it bother anybody else that these women live in Hooterville?
Eric: Technically, Petticoat Junction is down the track from Hooterville.
Hyde: Okay, does it bother anybody else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?
Donna: It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank.
Kelso: With the dog.
Jackie: It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train.
Donna: It's still three naked women with a dog.
Fez: I want to be the Hooterville dog.
Jackie: Ames, you're awfully quiet. Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah, I was just trying to understand the context of this... scene, then I gave up and spaced out.
Kitty: Coming down... now, don't mind me. I'm just putting some clothes in. Eric, honey, I thought you could wear this on your birthday. It's nice, you look so handsome in it.
Eric: Why would I want to dress nice on my birthday?
Kelso: It's your birthday?
Amy: You don't know when his birthday is?
Kitty: Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday!
Eric: Mom... mom, do not throw a party for me.
Kitty: Oh well, listen to Mr. Popularity. Like I have time to plan you a party. [laughs] Oh, uh... by the way, your sister Laurie is coming home from college for the weekend. No special reason, she just is. [goes upstairs]
Donna: Well, you're getting a party and best of all... it's a surprise!
Amy, to Eric: Your mom sucks at keeping secrets, but she's lovely. You should stop being an ungrateful idiot and appreciate the effort she's putting into this party.
Amy: So...
Donna: What?
Jackie: What are you gonna get Eric for his birthday?
Donna: I don't know, nothing seems right. I wanna give him something... special.
Amy and Jackie looked at each other, then gasped together: He kissed you!
Donna: Shh!
Amy: Donna, get in the car!
Jackie: Yes, get in the car so we can talk!
*in the car, Amy is on the back seat with her head between Jackie and Donna*
Jackie: Okay, what happened?
Amy: Tell us everything!
Donna: I'm not gonna talk to you two about this.
Amy and Jackie, at the same time: And who are you gonna talk to?
Amy and Jackie, to each other: Nice!
Donna, watching the boys play in the driveway: Okay! We get home from the Rundgren concert, and I'm sitting in the hood of the car, and I kissed him...
Jackie: French or American?
Amy: Even though everyone knows Brazilians are the best kissers...
Donna: I can't believe I'm talking to you two about this... [looks out of the window and sees them playing again] Okay! So, I lived next door to Eric my entire life and we talk about everything together, we love the same music, we love the Packers and then I kissed him and everything changed. And now I don't know if he's my boyfriend or if he's my best friend. If he's my boyfriend I lose my best friend, If I screw it up I lose my best friend and my boyfriend. Now, I have to give him his gift...
Jackie: Donna, Donna! I solved it. Get him... a scented candle.
Amy: Oh yeah, good idea.
Donna: A scented candle?
Jackie: It's practical and romantic.
Amy and Jackie: Oh, yeah.
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Amy: Hey, Mrs. Forman.
Kitty: Hello... young lady with an accent.
Amy: It's Amy.
Kitty, laughing: Amy... is there anything I could help you with?
Amy: Actually, I want to offer you my help.
Kitty: You want to help me?
*Amy nods*
Kitty: Oh, well. That's new.
Amy: I noticed that you're busy planning Eric's party and thought you could use some help.
Kitty, laughing: Oh honey, that's very kind of you. But wouldn't you rather spend time with the girls?
Amy: Uh... Jackie went to the mall with Donna to help her find a gift for Eric and I'm... kinda avoiding the mall.*
Kitty, understanding what she meant by that: In that case, I'd appreciate your help. Now, what do you know about American birthday parties?
Amy: Nothing really, but I know a lot about Brazilian birthday parties. See, there's a very popular candy on birthdays called brigadeiro. I can teach you the recipe.**
Kitty: Well, doesn't that sound fancy?
Kitty: Oh, Amy... this is delicious! [laughs]
Amy: I know!
Kitty: Thank you for helping me today, honey.
Amy: You're welcome, Mrs. Forman.
Eric: Look, I know what you're all doing here.
Kelso: What are you talking about, man? We're just hanging out, like always. Except we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything.
*Amy comes into the basement, wearing a red dress and a black jacket*
Amy: Let's party! [sighs] Why aren't you guys excited? I even wore my favorite dress!
Eric: Because I didn't want a party.
Amy: Oh, stop being such a pain in the ass. It's your birthday! Come on, cheer up a little. [she pulls him into a tight hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek] Happy birthday, Eric!
Amy, looking around: Why are you all staring at me? I'm Latina, I'm a hugger!
Kitty, from the stairs: Hi kids, I need your help with something. Amy, Jackie, Donna, Michael, Steven... young man with an accent, would you give me a hand? Not you Eric!
*everyone but Eric goes upstairs to help her*
Kitty: Everybody's ready? I'll call him.
*back in the basement*
Kitty: Eric, honey! Honey, could you come up here for a second? [goes upstairs again] Shut up, he's coming!
Everybody: Surprise.
Eric: Cassettes? Great, thanks, Hyde.
Hyde: You're welcome.
Amy: Open mine now.
Eric, opening the present: More cassettes? Wow, thanks, Amy.
Amy: Yeah, I didn't really know what I should give you. I was gonna give you a book, but I couldn't find an English version.*** So I thought, I'll give him some cassettes with Brazilian songs.
Kitty: Ooh, let's put them in the 8-track and play them.
Eric: Hey... it's a hot shave dispenser.
Kitty: Oh, he won't need that for a long time... a long, long time.
Midge: Of course he will, he's almost like a man.
Kitty: *kinda laughing, kinda crying*
Donna: I got you something...
Amy and Jackie: No!
Jackie: Donna, help me find my purse...
Amy: And I need help to find... my jacket?
Fez: But you are wearing it.
Amy: That's not the point, I'll lose it so Donna can help me find it.
Jackie: Donna, now!
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Donna: Jackie, you didn't even bring a purse... [sighs and points at Amy] And you have your jacket on.
Amy: Like I said, that's not the point!
Jackie: Duh! You can't give him your present in front of his guy friends.
Donna: I am one of his guy friends.
Amy: But you want to be his girlfriend!
Jackie: Look, Donna. I have put a lot of thought into this gift, please do not wreck this for me.
Donna, sarcastically: I'm sorry, I was being selfish.
Jackie, hugging her: It's okay...
Amy: Jackie, she was being sarcastic.
Jackie, gasping: How rude.
Amy, rolling her eyes: You know what? Go ahead, Donna. Give him a romantic gift in front of his friends, who are a bunch of assholes by the way, and his parents. He'll be embarrassed, you'll be embarrassed and it's more entertaining for us!
Donna: How come you're always right?
Amy: It's a talent of mine, you'll get used to it.
*the Pinciotti's kitchen*
Bob: Three fours, I need them.
Midge: Bob is very good at Yahtzee.
Kitty, gasping: The liquor cabinet!
Red: It's locked.
Kitty: What if there's an emergency?
Red: They'll call.
Kitty: What if they run out of chips?
Red: They'll starve.
Bob, standing up: I'm gonna fix myself a drink. Red?
Red: No... Kitty needs one.
Kitty: Well, I am just so worried– [motorcycle noise] Oh my lord, Laurie's leaving.
Red: Oh honey, she's in college. She doesn't wanna hang around with them.
Kitty: Well, maybe I should make a call, just in case–
Red, reaching for the phone before her: Kitty... what could happen?
Kitty: What could happen? [pause] Well, plenty could happen. Oh, plenty!
*fantasy sequence, Forman's living room*
Donna: Now that the adults are gone, we can be as bad as we want!
Jackie: Who wants to give Eric a venereal disease?!
Kelso: Hey, look... coasters!
Hyde: Forget coasters!
Eric: Please fellas, my mom put out coasters for a reason...
Hyde: I think I'm gonna put my drink directly on the furniture, that way it will leave a ring!
Eric: NOOO! Why oh why didn't I begged my mother to stay?
Amy: Oh shut up gringo, have some of my country's exotic food while we listen to samba!
Fez: Quiet you silly Americans, I'm on a long-distance call on your parent's phone.
Eric: But that's immoral.
Fez: Ha, in my country of... wherever it is I am from, I can never tell... morals get in the of a good, dirty time. But first, I need to eat some chips... What? Out of chips? Now I am mad, I must shoot something! [pulls out the gun]
Eric: Not the littlest hobo!
*Forman's kitchen*
Jackie: Wait on the porch, and I'll get Eric.
Donna: It's dark out there.
Jackie: And you're giving him a candle, yeah?!
Amy, shaking her head: Poor Donna, so young and naive.
Jackie: Here, matches.
Donna: He might not want to light it.
Jackie: Don't say that...
Amy: Don't even think it!
Jackie: Now, when he opens it, he'll say cool... or something. And then, you give him a look... like this. [demonstrates]
Amy: Oh no, honey. Don't do that, it won't shine on you. [to Jackie] Jackie, it's Donna, the same girl who wanted to give Eric his gift in front of everybody.
Donna: I'm right here.
Jackie, shaking her head along with Amy: She's right though, don't do that.
*living room*
Fez: So, what did you get from Donna?
Eric: Nothing yet.
Kelso: Oh... maybe it's the big gift. You know the really big gift. You guys... know what I'm saying when I say the big gift, right?
Hyde: Yeah, we got it... and we got it.
Fez: I'm not even from here and I got it.
*Amy and Jackie come into the living room*
Jackie: Oh Eric... Donna's on the porch.
Amy: She's waiting for you.
Kelso: He's getting the big gift!
*Amy, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are spying on Eric and Donna*
Jackie: This is it, he's going for it.
Kelso: Uh-huh, it's his birthday, she should kiss him first.
Jackie: She did the last time.
Fez, Hyde, and Kelso: What?
Amy: Shut up, Jackie.
Jackie: Nothing... shut up and watch.
Hyde: Come on Forman, go for it.
Eric, from outside: The door is open, we can hear you... We can see you!
*everyone hides*
Fez: Is he kissing her?
Hyde: None of us can see them, Fez.
Fez: Eric, are you kissing her?
Amy: Since you can hear me... Donna, I told you not to give him the look, it doesn't shine on you.
*Donna closes the sliding door*
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @snookstheallmighty
let me know if you want to be part of the list ;)
* I don't know if it's clear, but Amy's family is broke.
** Brigadeiro is a little ball made of chocolate, and it's just THAT good.
*** That's actually true, but the English version of the book I chose was only released in 1988.
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thegc4life · 4 years
Do you any other Hawks fic ideas you'd like to write? Or is Hawks-sensei all you've got on your mind right now?
Wyv. You know not what you ask. I have to put them in categories, Wyv. Categories.
-Kid!Hawks growing up with the LOV (both as a permanent thing and various ridiculous drabbles) This involves Unwilling Big Brother Shigaraki, scarily willing Big SisterToga who knows all the coolest knife tricks, Best Uncle Twice who sometimes on his real good days doubles as temporary Dad, the Dad who teaches you how to hot wire cars and laugh people’s money straight out of their wallets Compress, mother-henning can-not-leave-you-alone-for-one-god-damn-minute Spinner, True Mom Kurogiri, Big Sis Mag who seems to be the only actual one that realizes that children need to sleep at some point for the love of god, extremely confused but horrifically soft Dabi who may or may not eventually turn his whole life around because of this feathered idiot that needs someone to make sure he lives a happy life whether it be a permanent shrinking or not. Oh, and Machia. The best Mountain Monster Dog brother (?) a boy could ask for.
-Kid!Hawks with UA (staff edition) also both in temporary and permanent circumstances. Temporary is already in progress. Permanent? Oh boy, permanent world. They raise him within UA so as to keep him from the Commission. Hawks often sits in on their classes with coloring books, picture books, or just to sit there and watch them. He is very smart. He picks up on things, but mostly he just likes being around all the staff. He picks a new person to sleep with every week because some of them have really shitty sleep schedules and even as a kid he knows they would feel bad keeping him up, thus forcing them to go to bed through good-person guilt so he tragets the sleepiest looking people for the week (hint: Aizawa gets picked a lot, and even if he’s not sleep deprived Hawks would pick him because he adores his grumpy cat Dad). Thirteen does crafts with him all the time. She watches every kid show and gets really into it with him. Hawks and Mic make the meals and they sing the entire time. They sing together throughout the day. Hawks will chirp out a line of notes and out of nowhere Hizashi will burst in to sing the lyrics. Midnight reads him bedtime stories cause her voices are the best. She does his nails and lets him do hers. He practices on the UA students to surprise her with new designs (the students fall over their own feet to offer to be his test subject). Snipe does little challenges with him. Things that, while technically helping him get used to controlling his quirk, are more fun than anything else because Hawks enjoys using his feathers in games. Hawks dresses up like a cowboy for an entire month, quoting old western movies and driving everyone but a very proud Snipe up the wall. Hound Dog and Hawks go on walks together ALL THE TIME. They explore the woods around UA and Hound Dog tells Cementoss to change up the geography every once in a while so they have something new to explore. He teaches Hawks how to go camping and Hawks fricken adores him and is always on his shoulders just kicking his feet or napping in Hound Dogs hair. Ectoplasm is Hawks favorite person to play any kind of tag based game because the others are too easy to catch with his feathers. But with Ectoplasm and all his clones? hawks goes nuts. Ectoplasm cried once when Hawks asked Aizawa for peg legs for Halloween and when someone asks him if he wants to be a pirate he says no because he wants to be a super cool hero like Ecto for Halloween. No one will be as cool as him. Hawks fricken loves Vlad. Like, adores him. Whenever Vlad is in the room Hawks will just go hang off his shoulders, or tuck under his arms with a book to read, or just lean against him. He has a little stuffed bull dog that has Vlad’s exact resting bitch face and carries it with him every time he leaves the dorm because he feels safer with it. He goes to Vlad when he’s injured because Vlad just takes care of it, gives him a hug, and doesn’t tell him to be more careful. Just asks if Hawks learned something and moves on. Hawks and Nezu are penpals. They see eachother every single day, but they are penpals. Hawks grows up with the most beautiful calligraphy handwriting because he keeps trying to out-do Nezu’s. He absolutely tattles on every single teacher in these letters, giving Nezu years worth of blackmail. Hawks thinks Nezu is a stuffed animal until he is fourteen because Nezu never fesses up. He just thinks the staff is even cooler for letting a stuffed animal run the place. He only ever cries around Nezu.
-Kid!Hawks UA(Student edition): So many. There’s lines I’ve written where they’re still in school when Hawks is kidified. When they’re already pros. In Canon, in Hawks-sensei, I even a small blurb sentence of Deku running a preschool that Hawks gets put into in an AU with quirks still. I can’t even... there’s too many students, cause I’d do all 1-A and 1-B. My favorite one to randomly wake up in a panick and write about though is the one where it’s Hawks-sensei verse based and Kid!Hawks gets taken in by the Monoma family. Rui and Eiko are older and Monoma is a pro-hero by then. The pure amount of fluff, sass, and Hawks spoiling that will happen. Big Brother Rui and Bigger Sister Eiko.  I think about this one a lot.
-I’m currently (slowly but progressing) writing a gift for @saltwater-sweets where Kid!Hawks is taken in by the Uraraka family. Like, he’s not even shrunk in this one. Uraraka’s newlywed parents were involved in the accident he first saved people in and they found him before the Commission. They realized his homelife situation and opened their home to him and now he is Uraraka’s big brother and that one line I threw out there? About him being a global superpower in household moving? Teaming up with Uraraka for that? Yeah.
-Kid!League of Villains and adult Hawks. Yeah, you heard me. They all get shrunk instead of him. And he can’t just... turn them in. They’re kids. They haven’t done any of the crimes their older counterparts have. And if it’s a permanent thing? They stay kids? Then he has a chance to really, truly save them. To give them the happy lives stolen from them. The Commission doesn’t like that. So Hawks takes them and runs. Dabi can be an adult too, I guess, if that’s the ship or something, but I just really wanna write Kid!LOV and Dad!Hawks.
-Kid!Aizawa. Dad!Hawks. Same concept. Beautiful dream. Need I say more.
-Kid!Hawks, Best Jeanist
-Kid!Hawks Gang Orca
-Kid!Hawks RUMI!!
Vigilante Hawks:
- Raven was born and I dived down that rabbit hole so fast I went back in time. Raven. But from a way earlier age. Those guys mugging Hawks when he was fifteen? The spark. Hawks stayed on the streets, he never went back, and he learned some things. He got some freedom, learned some shit, and realized that hero society was pretty fucked up. Shigaraki starts the LOV up and realizes there’s this whole underground community he was never aware of that Hawks has been building for years. It’s great.
-Hawks was never found by the Commission so he was never ‘Hawks’. His Dad raised him as a criminal but Hawks, with his little heart of gold, took every chance he could to make something good out of the bad deeds. Then he got old enough and he took full control. You ever seen the Levi OVA’s of Attack on Titan? Where he’s walking down the stairs and you realize every single person there is part of a huge ass gang of awesome with Levi at the head? That. THAT.
-Hawks loses his shit in Canon and goes completely AWOL. full Feral. He sees the problems, and he is prepared to do whatever it takes get rid of them. Whatever it takes.
AU Hawks
-Horribly injured, recently retired at the ripe old age of 23, and looking for something to save him from depression. Hawks meets Todoroki Fuyumi who gets him a job at her school. This one makes my brain happy.
-Takami Keigo and Todoroki Natsuo meet in college, graduate together, join the same hospital, and open one as partners as soon as they can. Ship or no ship, they go through their entire lives together. (I just... I really like the Todoroki sibs, okay?)
-Takami Keigo was born a lot earlier. So much, earlier, in fact that he is classmates with this overly optimistic ball of light named Yagi Toshinori and the grumpy ball of flame Todoroki Enji. Big Three anyone? Also, everyone needs a dumb smart birb to keep them sane. Hawks loves his friends, and he’ll kick anyone’s ass that tries to hurt them be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. Also, he meets Nana. 
-I LOVE THE IMAGINARY KAMAKIRI FAMILY DYNAMIC OKAY?! literally anything with Hawks involved in their lives, okay?! I did not expect to spiral so hard when I made up Hideo and his relationship with Kamakiri but my god did I spiral! I just really love them!
-I’m a sucker for the classics. Tattoo/flower. Coffee shop. College. Roommates. Love. 
- (she made me write this) a story surrounding the amazing love story of my sister and Iida Tenya with Aizawa crashes the wedding even though he was invited and Mirio is her maid of honor, with Eri as the ring bearer, and All Might is the flower girl. Twice is the officiator. Uraraka releases a flock of fake pigeons (not real ones cause they don’t deserve that). Oh, and everyone else is there too, I guess. Except for Mineta. Cause he’s in jail.
Right now, at this very moment, I can not for the life of me think of any others but I KNOW there’s at least seven more that I just can’t remember because my brain is work dead. Wyv. @wyvernspirit do you see what you’ve opened here? Close the box! Close it before it’s too late! There is always more! I am never without MORE ideas!
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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blackgwenstacy · 4 years
rolling with it (new girl au)
who’s that girlllllll (who’s that girl?) it’s piper, actually
bro, if piper had to room with anyone from the pjo-verse, leo, percy, and travis were definitely the most chaotic trio i could come up with
zero percent plot, one hundred percent self indulgent. here’s the ao3 link. it has the tags and characters and other important stuff lmao
“You know, I’ve been doing some introspection, and I just have to face it,” Piper starts, sitting forward and placing her chin in her palm. “I have horrible taste in men. I mean, I rearrange my whole life to revolve around Dylan, only for him to cheat on me with the girl he knows I couldn’t stand in high school. I should’ve seen that one coming. ‘Oh, we’re just lab partners, Piper. Nothing for you to worry about.’ Oh yeah, me walking in on her wearing my silk kimono robe that I got as a bid day gift seven years later is totally nothing for me to worry about.”
Piper finishes her overly long tirade with a sarcastic laugh, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. The three men on the other side of the kitchen island watch her in silence, a shared look of confusion on their faces.
“Wait,” Piper sits up again, “what was the question?”
One of them gives an awkward cough. “…What do you do for a living?”
“Oh,” Piper says. Her faces goes warm. “I work at an animal shelter.”
The tallest one furrows their brow. “You got a silk kimono robe as a bid day gift?”
“It had ‘ADPi' on the back and everything. I have to burn it now.”
He whistles. “That’s fucked up.”
The man with black hair and vibrant green eyes leans forward onto the counter. “Look—sorry, what was your name again?”
“Piper,” she says miserably.
He nods, putting a hand on his chest. “Percy. Piper, are you sure you’d be. . . okay rooming with us? Like, three adult men?”
“Well, I wouldn’t room with three underaged men. That’d be like. . .weird,” she comments, and then immediately resists the urge to slap her forehead.
The curly haired one wearing a green flannel and stained white tank top snorts into his hand.
Piper clears her throat. “It’s fine, it’s totally fine. I love men.” An awkward pause. “ . .in a non-heterosexual way. Well, yes that way because I swing that way but like, in a platonic way. In a roommate way. Men are. . . great.”
“Your latest tweet says ‘men are trash fr’ with two cry laughing emojis,” the tall one remarks, squinting at his phone. His eyebrows raise in surprise. “It has 3k retweets and 10k likes.”
Flannel-boy leans over to peer at the phone screen. “How the hell is it so easy for people to go viral on that app?”
His roommate smirks. “Tweetdecking. I do it all the time. Such easy clout.”
“I wasn’t tweetdecking.” Piper bitterly mutters. “I was just saying what everyone else was thinking.”
Percy gives his roommates a dirty look. Piper's kind of surprised she's not on the other end of it the way this is going. “Travis, why are you stalking her on Twitter?”
“Background checking, dude.”
“How did you even find it?”
“His lurk game is insane,” flannel-boy says.
“She’s right in front of us!” Percy widens his eyes, exasperated.
Piper gives a small wave to emphasize Percy’s point. “Hi.”
The other two barely acknowledge that she said anything. Travis lifts both his hands in defense. “Look, I’m just making sure she’s not crazy or anything—“
“I’m not,” Piper insists. Though if he continues to scroll through her Twitter profile she figures why he might come to a different conclusion. “I’m not crazy. Nowhere on the DSM-5. Totally normal. Plus, it’ll be like I’m not even here. Trust me. I work most days, and on top of that, I have depressive episodes where I isolate myself in my room for weeks.”
The three of them wear a concerned look. She bites the inside of her cheek, realizing that she may have pled her case a bit too much.
“Okay, maybe a little bit on the DSM-5. Look, I know I’m a girl and that will throw the natural balance of things for a little bit, but I swear I’m chill! Basically one of the guys.”
“Bruh girl,” flannel-boy interjects. “I’ve dated one of those. Not gonna lie, I prefer the ones who use the pouty face emoji.”
Piper’s eyes flit between the three of them in confusion. “What are we talking about?”
Percy glares at his roommate. “Ignore Leo, he’s an idiot.”
Leo makes a comment about comparing SAT scores. Travis shakes his head at him and points at one of three jars that sit on fireplace mantel. “Douchebag. Douchebag. We’re literally college grads, who cares about SAT scores?”
Leo grumbles to himself as he crosses toward the fireplace. They watch as Leo reaches into his pocket, pulls out a crumpled dollar and shoves it into the jar labeled ‘Douchebag.’ Instead of rejoining them in the kitchen, Leo throws himself onto the living room sofa.
Piper laughs nervously, not sure how react with this established dynamic. Percy picks up on her discomfort and gives her a sympathetic look.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna room with other girls?”
Piper frowns, twiddling her thumbs. “I’m rooming with other girls right now. My old sorority sister is letting me stay with her. She’s a model and so are her roommates. I hate it.”
Leo abruptly sits up, raising his eyebrows in interest. “How soon can you move in?”
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Eleven | Barbeque ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin, Jiraiya, Uzumaki Naruto ]  [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ Vulgarity ]
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It’s become a bit of a tradition. The last day of Summer break, before everyone heads back to school, there’s a neighborhood get-together for all of the students, no matter their grade. Hosted at the largest house on the end of the street (which also happens to have an in-ground swimming pool), it’s one of the most anticipated days of the year, even though the day after is rather depressing.
The parents might even enjoy it more than the kids at that point, gaining their school year freedom with their kids shipped off for each weekday.
Though she used to be more into the participation aspect, as a senior in high school now, Ryū is pretty much part of the planning and executing committee alongside her father as hosts. The day before, she helps in pre-preparing all of the food for the barbeque, ensuring the pool is up to snuff and stocked with toys and supplies, and tidying up the yard to place all the outdoor furniture.
“How’s it looking out here?” Jiraiya asks from the porch.
Ryū, down below, is hosing off the dust from all of the lawn chairs. “Good! Almost done! How’s the menu? Do we need to get anything else?”
“We’ve got enough hamburgers and hotdogs to feed an army!” he replies with a signature grin. “Add in the chips and dip, the beans, and the drinks, and we’re good to go. I got a bit more than last year just to be sure. We can always have leftovers for a day or two!”
“Sounds good to me!”
“Pool partyyy!”
Seeing her little brother come flying out the back door, Ryū manages to drop the hose and scoop him up, twirling to help with his momentum. “Not until tomorrow! And you know you can’t go in the pool without your water wings, Naruto! It’s not safe!”
“But I wanna swim!” the four year old rebukes, cheeks puffed in indignation.
“You can! Tomorrow. I thought you were helping Dad in the kitchen, huh?”
“That’s boring,” the little blond mutters. “I don’t wanna make food, I wanna eat it!”
Ryū just laughs. “But you have to make food before you can eat it!”
“Nuh uh, that’s adults’ job!”
Grey eyes roll. “Well you’ll have to cook when you’re an adult, then. And you better learn how before then, huh? Or you won’t know how!”
Still struggling in her grip, Naruto grunts and drops the subject. “Lemme down!”
“Do you promise not to go in the pool?”
“Yeah, I promise!”
“Okay. Go back inside, it’s almost dark.”
Clearly displeased, he nonetheless follows her orders, dragging his bare feet the whole way.
She sighs, then looks over her handiwork. Seems everything on her list is done. The plastic furniture will dry overnight, so she shuts off the hose and then closes the cover on the pool. One last sweep, then inside she goes to help with dinner.
“Excited for tomorrow?” Jiraiya asks, still in the kitchen.
“Yeah! But I’m sad it’ll be the last one for me…”
“Nonsense! You can still participate while you’re in college, kiddo. And then you’ll just be one of the adults dragging your kiddos over, hm?”
Ryū gives him a look. “Getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”
“What, I’m not allowed to tease you about grandkids?”
“You don’t need any for a while, you’ve got Naruto to worry about!”
“And he’s gonna need some kiddos to play with!”
She groans, bringing out more supplies from the fridge. “Oh my gosh, Dad…”
He gives a booming laugh. “You’ll get baby fever one of these days. Just do me a favor and finish college first, that’s all I ask.”
“I haven’t even dated anyone yet,” she counters, grinning.
“Much to my disappointment. I haven’t gotten to give anyone the tough, intimidating dad talk yet! I’ve been practicing!”
And so the banter goes as they cook, finishing and calling Naruto down for dinner. After dishes are done, Ryū retreats to her room and her computer. Social media is little more than everyone groaning about heading back to class, and seniors in particular being “so done” with high school already.
Scrolling through her feed, Ryū smiles softly at a post from Rin. Seems she and Kakashi went to the beach today, if her selfie is anything to go by. She’s already confirmed they’re both coming tomorrow. Technically Rin lives a few streets over, but...best friends get to bend the rules. And Kakashi is a few houses down. Then there’s some younger students, like grade schooler Itachi and his little brother Sasuke, who’s best friends with Naruto. Quite a few of his soon-to-be classmates tend to come over, too. Ryū often has to corral them all herself, the self-appointed babysitter.
Rin teases her about it and her mother nature. “Sure you don’t wanna be a daycare worker or something? You’d be great at it! Kids love you.”
“Not sure my energy levels could survive it,” she’d countered with a grin. As much as she likes kids...they’re a ton of work. She gets enough of that handling Naruto whenever she’s home to deal with her godbrother.
Otherwise her feed is just the typical, and Ryū soon abandons it for a bit of game-playing until bedtime. Already she’s prepared for both tomorrow and the day after: the last first day back of high school.
But it still takes her a little while to fall asleep, thinking it all over. Despite Jiraiya’s reassurances otherwise, something still feels really...final about tomorrow. Another stepping stone she won’t be able to come back to. Another year ending, and one beginning.
Either way, she can’t stop the passage of time.
Come morning, she wakes groggy, her lying awake meaning a slow start. No one is supposed to arrive until noon, so at least she has some buffer before having to handle anyone beyond her dad and brother. Breakfast is slogged down with many a yawn before changing into her outfit for the day.
Given there’s going to be swimming, she puts on her suit first: a longline bikini top and a skirt over the bottom piece until she actually decides to take a plunge. Her hair she ties up in a tail, a few shorter locks framing her face alongside her bangs.
By then, she’s finally fully awake, heading back downstairs to help Jiraiya with the last few finishing touches.
“How’s it looking down here?”
“So far so good! You got a lot done last night, thanks.”
Smiling at the praise, Ryū then glances up at a familiar voice. “Rin!”
Grinning ear to ear, the little brunette rushes into the yard, hopping up to cling to her taller friend. “Hiii! Hope you don’t mind that we’re early?”
“Not at all!” Holding Rin up, Ryū just nods to Kakashi rather than wave. “I can’t get over how tan you are. How many times did you go to the beach this Summer?”
“A few,” Rin replies coyly, letting herself be put down onto the grass. “Look, even ‘kashi has a bit of a tan line! And he’s always pale!”
Sighing lightly at his girlfriend’s antics, Kakashi lets her do as she pleases, lifting his sleeve to show the slight change in tone beneath it.
Ryū just laughs. And is then promptly cut off by Naruto running and crashing into Kakashi head-on.
The girls giggle, Naruto throwing a slew of questions at the teens. As some of his late father’s favorite students at the high school he taught at, Rin and Kakashi are rather close to the little Uzumaki.
“Look how tall you’re getting, Naruto!” Rin praises, scooping him up. “You’re almost as tall as me, aren’t you?”
“He’s got a ways to go yet,” Ryū replies. Rin may be short, but not that short.
“You must be eating your vegetables like I told you to, huh?”
The blond sticks out his tongue. “No way!”
From there, once noon strikes, people begin filing in. All of the neighborhood children and their parents arrive, the large rear yard filling. Ryū opens the pool and it floods with splashing and squealing kids, all watched over carefully by a rotating squad of adults.
Ryū bustles around helping, distributing food and drinks while checking to make sure no one is missing anything. In between, she chats with others from her class, all smiles.
But eventually she notices something seems...off about Rin.
“Hey, you okay?”
She jumps a bit, turning to Ryū sheepishly. “Well, I uh...I might’ve invited somebody.”
“That’s okay! They not here yet?”
“No...I’m afraid he won’t show up...he seemed kinda on the fence about it.”
Ryū’s head tilts curiously. “Too shy, or…?”
“Yeah. And he, um…” Rin bites her lip. “...it’s kinda hard to explain. He’s not very...popular. He tends to butt heads with people sometimes…?”
“Uh, okay…” Ryū can’t help but hesitate. Is this going to cause any problems, or…?
“Maybe he won’t come. I was hoping he would so he could try and ease into things, y’know?”
“Is he new?”
“Well, no. But he had to change schools for a while.”
Something starts to click in Ryū’s head. “...wait...you mean Obito? The one who got in that accident?”
“Yeah! He’s been in a, um...a different school since he fell so behind after the wreck. And it...didn’t go well. Apparently it was pretty rough…”
“...I see…”
“But he’s able to come back this year to graduate with us, if all goes well! So I wanted him to come and sort of...reintroduce himself, you know?”
Ryū nods. “That’s fine.” She remembers that kid, vaguely. Ryū had mostly hung out with Rin back then, mostly only catching glimpses of him back when he’d try to woo her friend. But, well...Rin’s got a boyfriend now, so she doesn’t have much to go off of.
“Just, um...he’s a little rough around the edges now, if...you catch my drift. He had to be, after dealing with all those jerks.”
“Well, so long as he doesn’t cause any trouble, I don’t mind. Let me know if he shows up, and I’ll -”
“Oh! There he is!”
Jolting, Ryū follows Rin’s pointing finger to a figure coming down the sidewalk. His posture is slightly hunched, dressed in an outfit that makes her want to start sweating. Full pants, full shirt...he’s got to be dying! But as he gets closer, Ryū gets the feeling she understands why.
A myriad of scars pepper one side of his face, and she can see them go down under his shirt. Probably from the accident, then...he must want to keep them covered up. His posture is defensive, as though he expects to be attacked at any moment. And when he meets her eyes, there’s a weight behind his gaze she can’t identify...but immediately sympathizes with.
“Obito!” Rin calls in greeting, moving to the fence. A few people stop at her voice, looking to the newcomer uncertainty. “Hey, hey! Remember her?”
Ryū follows, feeling a bit unsure. “Hey,” she greets, flashing a tentative smile.
“This is her house! Remember what I was telling you?”
Obito’s eyes flicker over the property, and Ryū feels a sudden surge of self consciousness.
“I remember,” he replies, tone a bit awkward.
“It’s been a long time,” Ryū offers, trying to be friendly. “I’m glad you get to come back this year! I’m sure a lot of people miss you.”
“I doubt it.”
The girls exchange an awkward glance.
“Well...feel free to come in, if you’d like! Dad’s still barbecuing if you’re hungry. He’s a really good cook.”
“Oh please, we all know you prep the food and he just cooks it,” Rin laughs.
“Well, still!”
All three of them pause as Kakashi steps up.
“I...didn’t know you were coming.”
“Rin invited me.”
The couple exchange a look, and Ryū can’t help a small grimace. Seems that particular decision wasn’t discussed.
“...didn’t know that either,” Kakashi replies coolly.
“Didn’t know it was your business who she talks to.”
“So, uh -?” Ryū tries to cut in, only to be drowned out.
“I like to know who my girlfriend talks to, sure. That a problem?”
“Kakashi, please,” Rin murmurs. “Let’s not do this now, okay? Obito’s free to be here. Ryū said so.”
The boys stare at each other a long moment.
“...you’re right. Enjoy the party,” Kakashi then relents before an arm around Rin’s shoulder steers her away.
...well that was awkward.
Nervously itching her arm, Ryū mumbles, “...sorry about that…”
“It’s not your fault,” Obito retorts bluntly. “He’s always been an asshole. Not sure what Rin sees in him.”
“...guess we all have our reasons.”
“I can leave if you want.”
“Wh-? No! Please stay,” Ryū cuts in, her expression falling. “...really, it’s fine. You’re more than welcome here. If Kakashi’s going to be an ass, then...let him. But don’t let that turn you away, okay?” She softens. “...I know it can’t be easy coming back here after so long, so...maybe it would be good to sort of...take today as a test run…?”
Obito sighs, hands in his pockets. “Not sure it’ll make any difference. Everyone’s got their opinions already.”
“...maybe so. But, if it means anything...I’d like to get to know you again.” She offers a smile. “It’s been a long time, and...we didn’t know each other that well before. Maybe this is a good excuse to...try again?”
He looks her over suspiciously before softening a few degrees. “...all right.”
Her smile grows. “Okay! Hungry?”
“...yeah, a little.”
“Come on, we’ve got a whole barbeque going. It’s really good!” Ryū opens the little gate into the yard, letting him through. “So, hamburger or hotdog?”
“...hamburger, I guess.”
“Okay - we’ve got a whole bunch of chip types, too. And beans! We go all-out every Summer for today, so take as much as you want!”
As they approach the table where Jiraiya is serving, Ryū notices a momentary look on Obito’s face: one that says he’s far hungrier than he’s letting on.
...it makes her hesitate, a suspicion growing in her mind. But for now, she lets it slide. “Dad! Got a fresh burger? We’ve got a new arrival!”
Jiraiya looks up. “Sure! Just a minute, almost done with another wave!”
“You can pick all your condiments in the meantime,” Ryū offers with a smile.
A bit hesitant, Obito takes a plate and sheepishly prepares a bun. A mountain of chips follows, along with several scoops of beans.
Watching from over the top of the grill, Jiraiya exchanges a knowing glance with his daughter.
“Ryū, you want to eat? You’ve been running around all day!”
“Okay, sure. One more for me, then!”
“Coming right up.”
Taking up her own plate, Ryū stacks it high. She has indeed been busy up until now. Then Jiraiya gives them each a patty.
“Where do you want to sit?”
“...uh…” Obito glances around.
“We can sit along the poolside if you want and put our feet in! It’s such a pretty day...and all the little kids are out now, so we shouldn’t get splashed!”
Ryū leads the way, slipping off her sandals and sitting along the pool’s edge. Feet lazily kick through the water. Beside her, Obito kicks off his sneakers, rolling up his pant legs slightly to do the same.
“That’s better, huh?”
He doesn’t reply. Seems he’s too preoccupied with his plate full of food. Obito scarfs it all down like he hasn’t eaten in days. Teenage boys tend to have voracious appetites, but…
Well, she was going to try and talk to him, but...he’s clearly got other priorities. So Ryū goes ahead and eats too, watching as Kakashi and Rin, and Asuma and Kurenai start a water battle. The girls sit on the boys’ shoulder, trying to topple one another over.
“Gonna join in?”
She gives a start at the sudden question. “Huh?”
Obito nods to the pool, chewing another bite before swallowing. “You’ve got your suit on, right?”
“Oh...well, um…” There’s a sheepish pause. “I don’t...have anyone to play that with. But I might swim a bit after my food settles.”
His brow furrows at her answer, but he doesn’t rebuke. “...so how long have Rin and Kakashi been a thing?”
“...two years now, I think? It...took a while. According to Rin, Kakashi was worried about dating affecting his grades and time to work on school stuff.”
Obito scoffs. “Typical. He’s still top of the class anyway, right?”
“Er...yeah. Always has been.”
That earns a sigh. “Mister perfect...gets the girl, gets the grades…”
Unsure what to say, Ryū glances down sheepishly to her plate.
“Heads up!”
Jolting, Ryū barely has time to shout in surprise as Rin and Kakashi’s tower falls toward them. Rin tumbles forward, but Kakashi slams back against them. Water rushes over the pair of them with shocked gasps.
“God damn it, Kakashi!” Obito yells, struggling to his feet.
“It was an accident, Obito!” Kakashi counters, already crossing back to the other side of the pool and ignoring him.
“I’m soaked! You stupid -!”
Looking up at Obito’s strange, sudden silence, Ryū gasps - he’s gone rigid, clearly having some kind of attack. Balance lost, he topples head-first into the pool.
“Obito!” Slipping in over the side, Ryū finds a grip under his arms, hauling his head back above the water to let him gasp for air.
Immediately, the others react. Kakashi and Asuma help lift him up to the concrete walkway around the pool, Ryū turning him on his side in case he needs to cough up any more water. Fishing around in his pockets, she finds what she thought she’d find: a sealed pill bottle. Thankfully it was closed tight enough no water got in. She fishes out a tablet, stuffing it into Obito’s mouth. “Swallow!”
He does so with a little difficulty. And after a painful minute, his body starts to relax.
By then, several adults including Jiriaya have gathered around, the latter looking gravely serious. “Let’s get him inside and dried off.”
As the rest of the teens linger in the pool, shocked, Ryū follows in her father’s shadow. In another room, he trades Obito’s soaked clothes for some spares of his own, throwing the rest into the dryer. Obito is then laid on a couch to regain his head.
Ryū sits right beside him, brows pinched with worry. Her hands fiddle subconsciously with the bottle.
Slowly, color comes back to his cheeks, breathing regulating. His foggy gaze refocuses, and it turns to Ryū. “...h-how did you -?”
“I, um...I-I’d like to be a nurse, so...I read a lot of medical junk online,” she admits softly, a bit sheepish. “So I kinda...knew what to look for. It’s a good thing you had these on you.”
“...good thing you knew what to do with them,” he sighs, head rolling back to stare at the ceiling.
“...you okay?”
“...I will be. Thanks for, uh…” He pauses awkwardly. “...saving my ass.”
“Of course...I’m just glad you’re all right.” After a moment, she hands him the bottle, which he keeps clutched in a hand. “...is that...because of your accident?”
A gusty sigh escapes him. “...yeah. Happens randomly, but...especially when I get stressed.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Not your fault.”
“No, but...I still feel bad. Maybe I...should have let you go home.”
His eyes flicker to their corners at her. “...I’m glad I stayed.”
In turn, she looks up from her lap in surprise.
“Well...hopefully I won’t be too stiff tomorrow. I tend to get locked up after one of these…”
“Maybe you can call the school and -?”
“They don’t care. I’ll be fine.”
“...but -?”
“It’s fine. I’ll live.”
Given all she’s learned (and guessed) about Obito today, Ryū feels her heart clenching for him. The poor guy… “...well, if you need any help, just let me know...okay? I’d be happy to.”
By then, the day begins to wind down, and guests start filtering back out the way they came. Near the end, Rin and Kakashi come in.
“...you okay?” Rin asks, wringing her hands.
“...sorry about all that,” Kakashi mumbles.
“Wouldn’t kill you to be more careful,” Obito counters with a glance.
Kakashi has no rebuke.
“Well, we’ll...see you guys tomorrow,” Rin then offers, still looking nervous.
“Bye guys.” Ryū gives a little wave, watching them go.
“I should head home, too.”
“You sure? Can we give you a lift back?”
“No, I -”
“I’d be happy to. It’d save you the walking.”
“It’ll be good for me to stretch my legs.”
“You won’t, um...there’s no chance you’ll relapse on the way?”
“Probably not.”
Ryū nibbles her lip. “...can I...give you my number, and you can let me know you make it back in one piece?”
“My phone got soaked.”
Oh. “...do you have a landline at home you can call from?”
He gives a huff of a laugh. “Stubborn, aren’t you?”
Her cheeks tinge pink. “...yes.”
“All right, fine. If that’ll stop your mother henning, so be it.”
Ryū walks with him out to the road, watching him like a hawk. “Be careful on your way.”
“Will do. Thanks for the food.”
“...thanks for staying.”
He nods, giving a salute before heading down the sidewalk.
After a pause, Ryū calls, “See you tomorrow?”
Obito stops, looking back. “...yeah!”
A small smile pulls at her lips. Well...maybe today wasn’t a total disaster.
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     Phew, just barely got this done. Weekend was busier and more exhausting than I figured, so this is...late :’D But better late than never.      I wanted to base this in Obito’s bully verse, but idk if I really wrote it well kjdfdkjhg so forgive me, I’m not very learned in writing that kind of thing lol      I guess otherwise I...dunno what else to say? I’m very tired :’D Thanks for reading!
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x0401x · 6 years
Yuukei Roadshow Reports and Highlights
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Compilation of info found on Twitter and Privatter. Many thanks to ayara-resara for indicating them all!
Translations Index || Next Show >>
Me: Jin-san, in your mind, what kind of adult will Kisaragi Shintarou become in the future...? Jin: Ah~! Kisaragi Shintarou, huh; he is who he is~. I’m thinking of writing songs concerning him from now on too. I’m currently 28, and if I think about him at around this age... I guess he’d probably be a teacher or something like it.
“Jin-san, what do you think Momo-chan will be in the future?” Jin-san: Let’s see... *thinks a little* An actress, I guess. “‘An actress’?” *thought process stops* Jin-san: She might also go... overseas. (Memory is faint here.) “Ooh.” Jin-san: I want to write these stories about the future next time. (At last.) “Thank you very much!”
My hands were shaking during Jin-san’s autograph session. Hella.
Although it was a commemorative autograph section for the release of MekaRelo, I’d wanted to tell him no matter what that I get strength from listening to Otsukimi Recital when I have to lighten up... So, I told him this, but I accidentally ended up babbling that Hibiya and Momo’s interactions were the most interesting to me and that I liked them a lot. And then Jin-san said, “I like them too! What will happen to them from now on?? I’m really curious!” as if to dig into it.
Of course I knew that he liked Hibiya and Momo’s combo, but the “What will happen to them from now on?” has been echoing in my brain the entire time... I had a bunch of other things to say, like, “The songs of Momo’s friends are also the best” and, “I’d been listening to Mekakucity Days/Records/Reload a~~ll the time coming the way here”, but my attention was drawn too hard by Jin’s words, so I couldn’t do it...
Started with an explosive crossfade.
The host was the woman in charge of KADOKAWA’s Mekakucity Talkers (she’s a beauty).
Jin entered the stage slurping the Shissou Word-themed drink like, “I’d wanted to eat the pancakes but they sold out before I got to it.”
He had his first impression of VOCALOID with “Melt”.
The origin of his conceptualization of “stories told through music” stemmed from Kinniku Shoujo Tai and The Who.
He had planned on the narrative even before Jinzou Enemy, and while gathering up the pattern usage of “a story that ~ the eyes”, the first one he came up with was the one that “locks the eyes”.
One sentence of the initial concept that remained in his PC was: “Medusa does not come out of her house.” (original text)
KagePro is a “curse from his 19-year-old self” because his period of training was long.
He struggles with the consistency of the plot, like, “This and that don’t connect!” and, “That’s my old self~”.
During the innitialization of his PC, he interpreted the “name registration” wrong and accidentally named his PC “Frederica”.
*PC falls down the stairs during moving* Jin: FREDERICAAAAAA!!!!!
He had the ending of the story decided from the beginning.
Due to this, he couldn’t introduce new characters even though he’d always wanted to.
He’s been writing the sequel while thinking that if it turns out impossible to publish, then so be it.
Host: Are you going to make them reincarnate in a parallel world? Jin: That would be a spin-off... like, “Kagerou Quest” or something.
What hides beneath Ayano’s gentleness was something he’d come up with since the initial stages. (He didn’t mention it on Twitter or the like, though.)
[In regards of a question about “becoming an adult”] Jin: Until joining (Edword) Records, I had been in the position of Big Bro, but now I’m a full-fledged Uncle.
Since he’s an adult, he has to pay taxes. He’s been somehow making ends meet with the money that everyone bought the CD with.
[In regards of a question by an Asahiner from the audience about My Funny Weekend] The cheerful verses like the one that goes, “move forward” were said by Hiyori.
The Asahiner who had been waiting all this time for a Hiyori song is overcome with emotion.
The reason why there wasn’t a Hiyori song from the start is that, “If I had included her, everyone’s worries would have been relatively...”
Jin-san: Hiyori-sama.
He has the image of the adult Mekakushi-dan.
It seems Kido will be a caretaker in an orphanage.
When he talked about that image to Sidu-san, the MV’s adult!Kido was suddenly brought up. Jin: Did you turn her into an adult already? Sidu: Should I not have done that?
Hibiya will be an archeologist, and since the Medusa is said to have her roots abroad, he might do a research on that.
Even in Jin-san’s own mind, there are many interpretations: “So and so will get married”, “No, it’ll be so and so”. “The one Shintarou will marry is Haruka!” *audience acclaims*
Jin-san will write the interpretation of the winner of his peerless inner fight.
Haruka is main heroine.
Rather than saying that the albums go from 1st and 2nd to the 3rd, it’s more like the 1st and 2nd are an omnimbus and the 3rd is a backside.
What he depicted with Imaginary Reload was the strength of Mary, who isn’t there just to be protected.
The top was reached by drawing out the 274BPM Konoha~
Remind Blue has parts of Summer Time Record that he hadn’t been able to write about.
It was supposed to be Shintarou’s song, but the lyrics turned out as something that applies to everyone. (Seto has his own Remind Blue and it might be that Kano thinks the same things.)
As a result of Jin-san’s definition of friends, which is “we think alike even without saying anything”, it ended up becoming a song about the whole Mekakushi-dan.
From Jin-san’s childhood experiences, fireworks = summer’s end (an element also used in the novels).
Therefore, the English version of “Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni” is “Fireworks in the Summer End”.
Shissou Word “She’s bad with words, and I’m the same as her, so I made that into a song.”
Additional Memory A song about regret. Jin-san’s grandfather passed away, and for a while upon coming to Tokyo, he hadn’t been able to see him at all. After the funeral, Jin-san found a file with cutouts of himself from magazines that his grandfather had kindly gathered up. He regretted not having been able to convey anything to him.
Lost Day Hour A song about friends. There was a time during middle school in which he found himself unable to go to school. “If you don’t go once, you become less and less able to.” Back then, he encountered wonderful music. A-kun (provisory nickname), who told him that he also liked said music, came around and the two of them formed a band together. Jin became able to attend high school. He didn’t know what a friend was until then, but he thought, “I guess he’s my friend”.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni A song with the image of summertime fireworks. “Tokachi District holds the second largest fireworks festival of the country. I wonder what being second place is like. Just what are they fighting on this? (laughs)” It’s like the scenery of Gin no Saji; a place with that kind of feeling to it.
Remind Blue “Summer is hot and I don’t like it, but it has its charm. I wonder if I was properly able to make that end of summer into a song.”
As always, he drank a lot of water. Actually, in addition to the four bottles that were put there, he also brought a lot of water with him.
As he talked about each song, he would play them with his accoustic guitar.
“Such an honestly pretty library. So many books. It’s my first time singing in a place like this, so I’d been wondering if I wouldn’t get chased out if someone like me suddenly showed up and started singing. (laugh)”
By the way, he was indeed wearing a jersey... lol.
He was super cool when he was singing, but during the time of exiting the stage, he made his way out unsteadily while bowing, so he gave off a feeling of ordinary Nii-chan and it was heartwarming.
He’s good at singing. (my childish reaction)
His manner of speech was extremely gentle, and though I really enjoy the excitement of live concerts and the like, that calm atmosphere and his kind way of performing and talking had me going, “Aah, this totally goes well with Jin-san. It totally goes super well with him. Play-and-talk live concerts are the best...”
There were 100 people with regular tickets, lots of others were standing behind them, the costumers of the nearby Starbucks were all looking too, and many people also stood watching in rows at the second floor’s corridors.
The venue was a Jin World.
I’d been reflecting on the meaning of him doing a library live, and I think it’s something amazing. At the end of it, a staff member asked something by requesting people to raise their hands, and turns out that there were mostly middle and high scholars attending. It felt like there were also grade scholars and college students. Is there any other rock musician who would open an event at a middle school or a public library? Well, there might be, but that’s still incredible...
We were told that we couldn’t enter the venue unless we had a regular ticket, that it was okay to enter because it was a public space, that we couldn’t get autographs, that we actually could get them even without the ticket, and, hum, get your information... together... (tiny voice)
He talked a lot more about the songs, but it’s not coming to me... aah.
In one sentence, it was awesome.
The moderator this time was the editor of Mekakucity Talkers, and her hairstyle was kind of similar to Azami-san’s.The song order of the rendition was “Shissou Word”, “Additional Memory”, “Lost Day Hour”, “My Funny Weekend” and “Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni”... but! Guess what: Jin-san said, “I wanna play them after all” and additionally performed the first part of “Imaginary Reload” and all of “Remind Blue”!! Jin-san’s hopping as he played was cute.
The general course of events was that a teaser movie soon played, then the host came on-stage and called Jin-san over, Jin-san showed up slurping a Shissou Word drink, choked while drinking it, and then performed Shissou Word. After that, it was announced that there would be a lottery and some of the prizes were Jin-san’s personal belongings.
The first corner was “Jin-san Talks About Kagerou Project”. It was a talk about why he started making KagePro. With the trigger being that the band he had in high school broke up, he decided to make stuff on his own, and he started creating a story first from the fact that “There are many depictions of ‘eyes that do ○○’, huh!” or something of the sort.
“Locking eyes” ➡ “Medusa” ➡ “This is it!!” ➡ “A Medusa who doesn’t want to lock eyes with anyone won’t come out of her house!” - with this trend, it seems the first thing he planned out was Kuusou Forest.
Apparently, the stories of the novel and manga progressed with him deciding their ending first, and he indeed wants to write the next novel. If he ends up unable to publish it, he’ll write it like, “whatever” and turn it into a book anyway, and he talked about writing something like “Kagerou Quest”, lol.
After he finished performing Additional Memory, he stated that he “couldn’t mention it on Twitter”, but he had wanted to say that “Ayano isn’t just a gentle girl”. From then on, we had a questions-and-answers corner.
Q.: What was the moment in which you thought, “I’ve become an adult”? A.: That’s a theme I want to write about in the next novel. I thought, “I’ve turned into an adult, huh” when I was making Lost Day Hour and suddenly felt like calling my friends. Also, when I started paying taxes.
From someone who’s been an Asahiner for 7 years: I want to know the reason why you made My Funny Weekend. A.: I’d wanted to use Hiyori, but I couldn’t until now. Hiyori is strong, so if I’d used her before, she would make everyone else’s worries dim. It feels like Hiyori made me write the parts that go, “being greedier is just fine”. I’m not the one who came up with them.
From a person who used to stan Shintarou and started stanning Ayano after Additional Memory: Please tell us the reason why you gave Ayano that moment in AddiMemo. A.: It’s the one song in MekaRelo in which someone is dying alone. Sorry for going, “I’m sorry” right after singing, “It’ll surely be an even better day!”. This is actually a story that I wished I had included in the manga.
Q.: I would like to know about the Mekakushi-dan of the early stages. A.: There are parts of the way the loops work that I haven’t written yet. There’s a possibility that, epending on the loop, the characters of the first Mekakushi-dan might show up (like the female Konoha).
Q.: I would like to know about the Mekakushi-dan of the early stages. A.: There are parts of the way the loops work that I haven’t written yet. There’s a possibility that, epending on the loop, the characters of the first Mekakushi-dan might show up (like the female Konoha).
Q.: Will you write the story of the characters turning into adults? A.: I’ve already thought out what kind of jobs each will have and who will be married to who. There are many stories in the minds of everyone, but I want to write something like, “This kind of future also exists”. For example, Kido taking over the orphanage and Hibiya becoming an archeologist to investigate the Medusa abroad. But whenever I try to make so and so get married, another side of me cuts it off like, “Wait a minute... the one who will marry Shintarou is Haruka, right?”, so whoever wins this unique armed struggle tournament inside my brain will be the one to write.
~About MekaRelo~
He had wanted to make songs regarding what he couldn’t write in the novel.
Imaginary Reload: it’s about the girl who had been waiting to be rescued in Kuusou Forest going off to fight on her own will, and doesn’t just wait to be saved. It’s 274 BPM, so it’s the fastest song?
Shissou Word: it’s based on the fear that Jin-san experienced when he was a child from continuously being asked, “Why can’t you do such a normal thing?” and from wondering, “What is ‘normal’ even?”
My Funny Weekend: it’s the song that feels the most final episode-like to him.
Additional Memory: a song that he thought he “had to write”. It’s the saddest one.
Lost Day Hour: the song that had him thinking, “I have to make this” back when he was writing volume 6.
Remind Blue: a song that made him think, “This is the last summer song”. It’s a song packed with the things he didn’t manage to write about in SumReco. It has the image of Shintarou, but there are parts about Haruka, about Seto and about Kano, so it’s kind of a song with no definite protagonist. Makes one think about not forgetting summer.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni: since the fireworks festival that he once watched in his hometown is his image of the end of summer, so he had wanted to make a story that ended with people watching fireworks, but he was indecisive, because “the last battle happens in the basement of a school, what do I do~” (said originally with a northern accent). He didn’t want to let summer end, but if it didn’t end, it would be weird and unpleasant.
After this talk, Jin-san was about to play My Funny Weekend, but realized that the Shissou Word drink he was having had disappeared without him noticing and was like, “Where’s my Never-Lost Word!?”. He drank water instead, sulking.
“I might make a mistake, sorry!” ➡ *makes a mistake during the hook* ➡ “There were no mistakes, right!?”
Then, we had the big lottery. Sadly, although I had a number in hands, I wasn’t able to get Medusa, the amplifier that Jin-san used when making Imaginary Reload. Sad.
And so, we had the last song, Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni. Jin-san played while saying, “I wanna do collaboration drinks again~”
Everyone frantically lined up to pay their checks and buy goods, but then Jin-san suddenly came back, said, “I wanna do this after all!” and played Imaginary Reload and Remind Blue while drenched in sweat. “Why is it that I’m sweating so much even though I’m playing while seated?”
And then it really was the end... however, people quickly queued to get autographs as if racing to board the last train. While stiffly shuddering, I also got autographs on my CDs and MekaTalk, then handed a letter to him.
I was happy to get a “Ah! It’s a folded paper crane!” reaction from him, but I was nervous for real, so I turned into the typical figure of a useless otaku. When he was signing, I told him, “I won’t be able to go to tomorrow’s autograph session, so I’m happy to be getting it now.” and he replied, “I’ll hold lots of other events after this one! So when the time comes, please! Do attend them!!”
I’ll go.
I arrived at the venue a bit too early, and when I was waiting for the opening, the staff people and Jin-san passed by me like it was nothing...! He was giving off a civilian-like aura. He boarded the elevator crammed with staff members as if having fun, and when the door was closing, he waved a little at us.
During Jin-san’s play-and-talk live, there was a questions corner and Jin-san discussed about the compositions. He had always wanted to try creating collaboration drinks based off the songs, so it seems he talked it over with the personnel like, “Shissou Word is this kind of song” and, “This color will do~” and, “Could you make this thing float? Is it impossible?” in order to have them made. The band BACKHORN, which Jin-san likes, had been doing these kinds of collaboration drinks, so he had wanted to try his hand at it no matter what.
There were also two types of pancakes that had the image of song compositions, RED and BLUE, and just when Jin-san thought of eating them too, he was told by someone from the staff, “There are only five left” and went, “Incredible” www... They were mad popular, so there was a lot of people eating them.
When Jin-san entered the stage, he brought with him a Shissou Word-themed glass and was drinking it like, “Yummy”.
He’d said on Twitter that he wanted to do something like explaining about the compositions of the songs, so he tweeted about it just a little, but he hadn’t been able to tweet at all after that, apparently because he had been practicing for the live and doing all sorts of things in the meantime. It seems that, since Jin-san was late to tweet about it, he decided to do it properly if he had the chance to tweet later. Is what he said. That he wanted to “explain a little about the song compositions tonight~”.
First track was Shissou Word. At the applause that rose naturally from the audience, Jin-san bashfully said, “thank you” in-between the lyrics. The motif behind Shissou Word was Jin-san’s experience with being asked, “Why can’t you do normal things?” Even though normal things are easy to do for other people, they’re difficult for him... that’s what the song says.
He looked happy when he asked a girl sitting at the far right of the first row, “What are you drinking?” It seems that this person was having the Additional Memory drink (it was red).
Second track was Additional Memory. The song goes like, “Ayano has a so-called gentle girl image, but she also bears these kinds of feelings”. I sensed that listening to the hook with Jin-san’s live voice made it resonate even more sharply in my heart. A shout of her emotions... is what it felt like, I guess?
Jin-san also said something along the lines of, “It’s great being able to expand my range of expression by not just using VOCALOIDs but singing with my own voice too~”.
It seems Jin-san spent a period in truancy during his childhood, and what gave him energy back then was music and books. At any rate, by the looks of it, that had been a truancy amongst truancies.
He’d wanted to form a band in high school, but the bassist quit, so he quickly became spineless about it. It appears that when he was like, “What do I do?”, a senpai of his recommended VOCALOID to him. He came to admire songs with high levels of story settings, similar to the ones from Kinniku Shoujo Tai, and started wanting to create something like an album that would turn into a story – that was the beginning of KagePro.
He said, “It’s interesting that there are lots of phrases about things you can do with your eyes.” Like, “Averting one’s eyes is Hikikomori-ish, concealing one’s eyes means that kind of stuff.” (“That kind of stuff”, you say!? This is just the kind of specific term I wanted~)
It seems that the plot of back then is still in his computer. “The Medusa is a shut-in”, and things like that.
Jin-san is still burdened with the curse from when he was 19 years old www
He also talked about how his computer fell from the second floor when he was moving www and about he wound up naming it Frederica www
Q&A corner. It was a corner where he received questions from people that he’d randomly point at after they raised their hands. The contents of all questions were amazing...
Someone who’d been an Asahiner for over 7 years said something along the lines of being really happy that there was a song about Hiyori-chan, and Jin-san commented that Hiyori-chan is a character with an extremely firm notion of self, so he had wanted to release it sooner but it seems he hadn’t been able to. That’s because, back when the Mekakushi-dan members were still fretting and saying stuff like “oh, my dirty”, if Hiyori-chan had been there with her “Move forward! There’s no mistake that tomorrow will be a much more wonderful day~”, she would cut them off with a single stroke.
It seems she’ll have a lot of screen time from now on. And it looks like rather than Jin-san writing the part of the lyrics that goes “being greedy is just fine”, it felt more like Hiyori-chan was “making him write it”. Hiyori-chan is awesome.
Someone asked Jin-san, “At what time do you think you became an adult?” and he answered that, in the past, he would think of himself as an Onii-chan when looking at children, but now he thinks he’s an Oji-san. That he was paying taxes, laying out a path and keeping it clean www. He said he “ended up becoming an adult when creating Lost Day Hour”; he could see his friends everyday when he was a child, but it seems there’s no such thing after growing up, and he’d find himself thinking, “I wanna give my friends a call”.
Imaginary Reload is 274BPM, and apparently that’s the most in all songs he’s made so far. Incredible. By the way, the maximum for BPM is 300.
It seems Jin-san also likes Remind Blue. Even though he had said, “I’ll make this one and then I won’t write songs about summer anymore!”, he made Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni right after that www. His 28th summer song...
Questioner: Even though I’d never budged from Shintarou until now, I ended up coming to like Ayano-chan the most after listening to Additional Memory. Jin-san: It seems a derby happened there. Is this a horse race or what www
Additional Memory is a bit of an unique song even for MekaRelo. He said, “I’m sorry... for bringing about a song that falls down with a hard thud immediately after saying that ‘tomorrow will be an even more wonderful day~’ with My Funny Weekend.” Like, “She dies all by herself...” He also said that what he was going to discuss from that point on were spoilers.
Shintarou’s snake is... The snakes exchange the abilities for lives... Then, lives are their,,,...???
He was like, “Please don’t spread this on Twitter and the like~”.
Remind Blue. This song was supposed to be Shintarou-san’s, but the figures of everyone overlapped in it, and it feels like each of them is being nostalgic in their own spot. The lyrics go, “together with the me of yesterday”, so Kano-kun and Seto-kun were also in it... is what Jin-san said. The way of talking is masculine. So it felt like it turned into everyone’s Remind Blue. Jin-san did say that, to him, friends are people who think the same.
Jin-san had Saiyuki-san draw the manga extra from MekaRelo A, and it seems it went like this: “Is it all right this way?” “It is.” “Is Kido-san okay like that?” “She’s exactly like that.” “The Kido-san that Saiyuki-san draws is really cool!” Jin-san said with great admiration.
Speaking of which, it seems that there’s already a conception of the Mekakushi-dan as adults in Jin-san’s mind and he’s decided things such as, “This person will be like that” and “Their occupation will be this”.
Kido-san will run an orphanage; taking over the will of that orphanage is very much like her. Hibiya-kun will be an archeologist. There are legends about Medusa all over the world, so he’ll be researching that.
He talked about how an adult Kido-san appeared in the MV of Shissou Word after he commissioned it to Sidu-san... something like that. It looks like he’s thinking along the lines of... “this person and this person will get married” as well. But Jin-san also said, “Shintarou’s wife will be Haruka-san (laughs)”. Apparently, these Jin-san’s are on a peerless inner fight inside him, and the Jin-san who wins will have his scenario come to life.
Haruka-san is KagePro’s main heroine www
Jin-san asked the audience, “Do you want to see the children of the Mekakushi-dan?” (I do.) “I wanna write novels,” he said. He was like, “I wanna introduce new characters!”
A parallel universe (one of those that are trendy nowadays?) called “Kagerou Quest” might happen www
Alternatively, it might be set in outer space, and it’ll be like a Martian version of the Mekakushi-dan fighting? Something along those lines? (Martian Mekaushi-dan!?!?)
There was a break of about 10 minutes. In that meantime, we lined up for the sale of goods, ate pancakes, etc...
The latter half of the live started.
My Funny Weeked. Jin-san seems to think that this one is the most last episode-like song. He said something like, “It’s my first time playing it live, so if I make any mistakes, pretend you didn’t notice~” and began playing. There was clapping from the audience seats as if to cheer on him, and he stopped playing right before the hook for an instant, but soon resumed it. After he finished singing, he asked, “See, there were no mistakes, right~?” (lol)
During the play-and-talk part, Jin-san drank water because he was out of options, since he had left the Shissou Word drink that he was having at the beginning somewhere, but he heard someone say from the seats, “The Never-Lost Word has been lost” and replied with, “You say some clever things www”.
Jin-san mentioned that he “was bad at conversing”, but I enjoyed his talk.
Big lotery. I ordered food and drinks and received an application coupon with the second item. The prizes were a set of guitar picks, a set of can badges, a volume of Mekakucity Talkers, a poster of MekaRelo (with Jin-san’s signature), a set of ticket holders and cards that came with the novels as appendix, which Jin-san claimed to have turned his house upside-down in order to bring over, and Jin-san’s own CDs (of Mekakucity~) and guitar effector (he apparently recorded Imaginary Reload with it, and its name is Medusa too). To the people who were sorted, congratulations~!
It seems Jin-san has only told about a part of KagePro until now, and he hasn’t yet talked about the extent of the loops.
When he was a child, he used to think, “I don’t want the new semester to start. It’d be good if summer didn’t end.” but an endless summer is somewhat disturbing, just like the two people living together in the last volume... of the novel.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni. It seems the last chapter of KagePro closed with fireworks. That’s because, in the past, when Jin-san lived in Hokkaidou, there was a huge fireworks festival, and he thought back then, “Summer is over, huh”. He was like, “But how will I bring up fireworks when the story led up to the school’s underground, a place that has nothing to do with it!?” (lol)
From a wing of the stage, Jin-san got his face out and peeked through (?) from within the curtains with a glance. He’s kinda cute despite being an adult man...
It seems he was being considerate towards us and saying, “It’s late into the night and there are people here who have to go home...” He then played Imaginary Reload (but just the short version of it). And in the end, he was like, “I do want to do it after all!” He sang Remind Blue.
He bid his goodbyes with waving hands~!
Jin-san, you’ve granted me really fun and good memories tonight. You’re indeed by yourself when you’re making music and writing novels... you’ve also gone through hard times. Tonight was super enjoyable, and even though it was a play-and-talk live, you up and said that you were sweating bullets www
“Please let me perform live again,” he said to us.
It was a tremendously fun night. Good job, and thank you very much.
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dhbelzinone · 5 years
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 (ᴬⁿᵈ ᴬˡˡ ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᴶᵃᶻᶻ)
𝓞𝓞𝓒 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓽
Hi hello I’ve never done anything like this before but it looks like there’s a blog specifically for ooc intros so here’s my best. ♡
Hi my name is Sal, I go by they/them/theirs, and I’m a med school reject turned gender studies honors student. I’m currently working on a thesis about sex worker rights so I’m balls deep I can be in the industry without the good money and devoting the rest of my undergrad career to fighting for their right to make theirs. I’m also an artist and run an indie if y'all wanna see more of my muse’s roots. Bel’s been my emotional support muse for a good while and has gone through more character development than I have my entire lifetime, so although she may seem like a big softie compared to the rest of the muse crowd here, here’s hoping she can hold her own!
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Bel Zinone Abridged: Devil’s Highway Vers.
Her mama is an undocumented immigrant who fought tooth and nail for her piece of the American dream. Much of this was due to the help of a vigilante organization that helped her flee from Europe, but her reputation was volatile enough to charm them into seeking out her membership.
Thanks to their international influence, she was able to keep running with the Wallflowers across the continental U. S. She soon settled down with her husband, a high profile (albeit black market) doctor, and raised her two children beneath the protection of the empire they built all the way from the city underbelly up to the high class elite.
Bel and her older brother Beau were relatively spoiled children until he left for the army and the family secrets started to leak. Adolescence was already hard on her, with her elusive sexuality and growing dysphoria yanking her identity chains, but as soon as she discovered her parents’ reign over the criminal underground, Bel doubted the authenticity of her upbringing and fled to the southern inlands with the resolve to make it on her own.
Little did she know that she’d find herself right smack in the middle of a gang war of the very nature she tried to escape. However, this time was going to be different. She wasn’t going to be at their mercy.
They were going to be at hers, for she offered one of the few medical resources in the entire desert that didn’t come with the liability of a paper trail.
In the meantime, she floats between bunny ranches, strip clubs, and the odd burlesque show. When she’s not working, she can be found frequenting bars, on Instagram, streaming her cam, tinkering with her Widowmaker, or looking for a good meatball sub.
Whereas she would’ve used her earnings to run as far away as possible from her past, Bel ironically finds solace in the lucrative lifestyle, calling a cozy studio apartment home and splurging on the occasional odds and ends that make the closeted queer life she embodies just a bit more bearable.
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Relationships for her? I’m not gonna lie: despite the past rancor she’s had for her parent’s occupations, she genuinely wants to help and support people, patching them up so they’re good to go back to whatever they were doing without judgement. Her view of the life’s changed and she’s come to understand the institutions (as well as will) that brings people to commit and run with crime. She’s yet to make peace with her family, but she’s come to terms with the blood she’s from and wants to make a difference in peoples’ lives. That being said: 
Give her your tired, your poor, your horny
A job @ Paradise, maybe? Maybe she could learn about the surrounding gang activity from other dancers / affiliates or Kimi when she applies?
Maybe she could’ve known Esmeray from medical school?
Seeing other muses in the medical field are inspiring some joint black market clinic potential~
Maybe she could’ve known Rodrigo from when he was doing his work, possibly from Backpage before it got shut down?
On this note, maybe Nikki too? (Hello~)
If there are any other queer muses around, maybe they can shine a community light on her? Potentially while she’s yanking a shank out of their shoulder?
If there are any single muses too, I’d love to develop a ride-or-die boo or friend for her.
Last but not least, if we still need prospects and other make characters I’d be game af to have Beau go AWOL and trade his fatigues for a potential patch (maybe through the Mexican border with Nikki, if she’s gonna hate Bel asdkjfnaks). ♡
INTRODUCTION: Sal (24) they/them/theirs ; PST ACTIVITY: I'm in my last year of undergraduate study and will have class three days a week on average. I'll be online at least once a day and will be able to devote most of my week to nitty-gritty writing as well as plotting. PASSCODE: angel wings and/or crown MISCELLANEOUS: I've been running an indie oc rp blog for almost five years (same character @belzinone) and this will be my first group/skeleton/rl fc rp. I'm worried about being ignored/left behind/largely uninvolved in threads and plotting because that has largely been my experience in discord server rp groups, but y'all seem to have good administration going on so I'm not feeling so worried anymore. I look forward to the experience if you'll have me. :)
NAME: Bel Zinone DATE OF BIRTH: (March/08/1991) (28) PLACE OF BIRTH: San Francisco, California GENDER/PRONOUNS: demifemme|she/her/hers AFFILIATION: N/A RANKING: N/A OCCUPATION: freelance sex worker, hitwoman, & black market physician FACE CLAIM: Antonia Thomas
triggers: domestic violence, murder, abuse, misandry, severe burns, sex work Her mother was an undocumented immigrant, fleeing from her orphaned past and domestic abuse in the Italian slums. A headstrong, promiscuous, and violent woman, it wasn't long until she found sisterhood amongst a like-minded gang of vigilante women with international influence called the Wallflowers, well-versed in her infamy and coming to her aid while she was pregnant with her son and escaping prosecution for murdering her husband. Risa Zinone, codenamed La Eglantina, docked in New York city, giving birth to her son Beau Zinone and raising him with the rest of her sorella while continuing her bloodthirsty occupation of murdering abusive men and liberating survivors from their regimes of terror. However, one could only run with the Wallflowers for so long before beginning to challenge their belief system, however righteous it claimed to be. The murderer mother fell in love with the black market doctor who saved her life and once again fled across the country and retired so she could live a peaceful life with him, safe from the constraints and watchful eyes of the sisterhood, but not without heavy cost. She suffered major burns to her entire body by a fire and had to undergo near total facial reconstruction, a miracle performed by the love of her life. In exchange for her life, she'd no longer bear resemblance to her children. Thus Bel Zinone was born on the opposite side of the country as her brother, hilly San Franscisco. She was a wildly rambunctious child, calmed only by the sounds of her brother's guitar strings and a profound interest in her father's work. Little did she know, her living was earned via the illicit means of her parents and their continued association with the country's underbelly. Shambled by the loss of one of their most valuable members, the Wallflowers had undergone a civil war. A near complete overhaul of organizational structure and creed had taken place, leading to an abysmal divide between the matriarchal supremacy of days past and the new order. Enemies of the new regime all around the world were sought out, assassinated, and replaced with a stronger, more diverse membership. During that witch hunt, Risa was reinstated into the Wallflowers with her husband Dmitri and the power couple ruled the pacific branch. The Zinone's hid their criminal affiliations well. Dmitri, a renowned surgeon specializing in the central nervous system, Risa, an uptown socialite who moonlighted cabaret clubs as a jazz singer. Their children had a generous, almost spotless adolescence until Beau graduated high school and joined the military. He was an upstanding, self-righteous man, yet his fatigues all but killed the respect his little sister had for him. As the Zinone siblings grew up, their parents had to try all that much harder to hide their criminal affiliations, often leaving the two with ample bonding time and hiding various criminal survival skills (like how to fight and use firearms among other things) under the guise of "street smarts". Combined with her surfacing struggles with her sexuality and gender identity, Beau's abandonment was very hard on Bel. Her high school antics began to resemble those of her mother during her youth, starting fights, finishing others' fights, and getting dress coded nearly every day. If not for physical altercations, the young lady spent most of her time in the principal's office for getting into arguments with teachers and staff over technicalities in her STEM courses and exposing discrimination in curriculums and attitudes throughout. If not for her parents' powerful influence, she never would've dodged juvie, let alone made it to college. Fortunately, she found her calling and started settling down as soon as her father invited her to his workplace in the hospital. College was a breeze for her, even as a fierce insistence to be independent led to her paying her own tuition. She was no party animal or sorority sister, but the continuing troubles she had with her sexuality and gender identity pushed her towards casual sex work and the porn industry when work-study wasn't enough. Bel was steadily making her way through adult life, planning to devote the rest of it to medicine like her father. However, as she started having to use her special "survival skills" more and more, she slowly began to realize there was more to her parents than she thought. The Wallflowers were growing in influence, and La Eglantina's daughter was growing a bounty on her head as well. By the time she cornered her parents with the truth, she was already well into medical school and bore nods of her mother's pseudonym and her father's occupation on her back. The betrayal she felt when her brother left her resurfaced as she uncovered her parents lies, spurring her to cut her familial ties and live her own life exclusively by her own means. Bel rejected her father's footsteps in favor of sex work, something she pursued entirely of her own volition, and eventually found herself amongst the "bunny ranches" in Las Vegas, where her life in the crossfire between the Sinners and Jokers would begin. CHARACTER QUOTE: "Do no harm but take no shit." CHARACTER ANTHEM: Half God Half Devil|In This Moment
EDIT: Risa Zinone fled from Europe as a result of Romani persecution.
P.S.: I reiterate that this is my first group/skeleton/rl fc rp. This is all pretty overwhelming so please have patience with me and for those of y’all who have a lot of experience with these things, please help me out <3
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a language of its own - Day 3
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“And the heart is hard to translate, it has a language of its own.”
All the ways Rey and Ben say “I love you”.
It’s Day 3 of my 12-day Valentine’s collection! Today’s ficlet is based on a nonstop joke fest until I smile again kind of love, in which Ben employs some good old self-deprecation to cheer his girlfriend up.
12 Days of Valentine’s Also available on AO3 Psst, you can also find me on Twitter and Ko-fi!
The phone is barely on its third ring when Ben picks up.
“Can I come over?” Rey asks, skipping the pleasantries. If she tries to sound normal she’ll just fail miserably, and then Ben will notice, and then he’ll ask questions, and she’d much rather answer those questions and ride out the inevitable breakdown in the safety of his home than hers.
Ben doesn’t miss a beat. “Of course you can, sweetheart. I’m almost home. Pizza or Chinese?”
She’s not exactly in the mood for food right now, but telling Ben that would most definitely scare him. “Pizza sounds good,” Rey says instead, figuring Poe will take her half if she doesn’t finish it by the end of the night.
“Pizza it is, then. I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, I’m leaving now. See you in a bit,” she tells him, and waits for Ben to echo her words before she hangs up and shoulders her overnight bag. The house will be crowded over the weekend, thanks to everyone else having to make the most of their two days off before they get back to their stable, adult jobs, and Rey figures she’s better off hiding at Ben and Poe’s instead of fielding a hundred well-meaning questions about this week’s failed interviews.
Ben’s new place is two stops away by bus, a little farther out from their old campus than the house Rey shares with the girls. The summer sun is well on its way to setting by the time she reaches his building, and warm, welcoming light floods the darkened hallway when Ben opens the door and pulls her into his arms.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asks gently, lips brushing the shell of her ear.
“Not yet,” Rey mumbles into the hollow of his throat, wrapping her arms a little tighter around him when Ben moves to close the door behind them.
He presses a lingering kiss to her temple. “Okay, sweetheart. Come on, I was just about to make a salad.”
Because they’re adults now, college-graduate adults who care about nutrition and getting enough greens and paying their bills and having jobs–
Rey trails after Ben without giving voice to her thoughts, and waits for him to pat an unused spot of kitchen counter before she hops up on it.
“We’ve got the place to ourselves, by the way. Poe’s going straight to Finn’s,” Ben informs her as he starts slicing and dicing.
“Ugh, it’s so stupid,” Rey mutters, a sentiment shared by all their friends. After dating throughout most of college, Finn and Poe had been set to move in together after graduation last month – until Poe’s grandmother brought up some superstition about them jinxing the relationship, which is how Ben had ended up being roommates with Poe while Finn lives in a cramped studio downtown.
Ben shrugs, leaning into her while he reaches up to grab some glasses in the cabinet above her. “Lots of things are. Like my ears.”
Said ears appear to be burning as Ben directs her attention to them, and Rey cocks her head in question as she meets his eye. “What about them?”
He falters for a second, Rey can see it in his eyes, but then Ben cracks a smile and comes to lean next to her. “They’re huge,” he points out easily. “Kids used to call me Dumbo.”
Rey gasps – in horror, she tells herself, but the nonchalant manner in which Ben said it and the goofy little smile on his face adds a little shock to the moment too.
“That’s so mean!” she cries, well used to defending her boyfriend by now – especially from himself, be it from casual self-deprecation or his darkest I don’t deserve you moments.
“But true,” Ben concedes, nudging her shoulder with his arm. “Makes my giant nose look almost normal in comparison.”
God, it’s the delivery. It’s that stupid goddamn deadpan that rips a laugh-snort out of her, one Rey quickly tries to hide by clapping her hand over her mouth.
But Ben’s grin grows wider as he turns to face her fully, and Rey’s heart gives an odd little squeeze as she realizes what he’s doing.
“Never did learn how to fly with them, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if the wind blew me away one day. I mean, I was the scrawniest beanpole ever, with these parachutes growing out of my ears–”
He motions at them, and the mental image superimposed over his completely normal, completely red ears finally coaxes a proper laugh out of her, her first in a week.
“Ben!” Rey gasps, voice breathless as waves and waves of laughter roll through her, taking all of her stress and fear and disappointment with them. “That’s horrible!”
“Kids usually are,” he shrugs, and then curls one finger under her chin to tip her face up. “There’s that beautiful smile,” Ben murmurs, ears still red as a tomato, and Rey can’t help but throw her arms around him and pull him down for a kiss.
“For the record,” she mumbles against his lips, “I love your ears.”
And the rest of him, but five months still feels just a little too early for that.
“Good to know,” Ben says, pressing one last kiss to her lips as the doorbell rings. “That’s probably pizza. Ready for dinner?”
Rey watches him walk towards the front door as she hops down from the counter and moves the salad over to his tiny dining-slash-coffee table. In the morning she’ll tell him what today was all about, even though he probably already knows, and then she’ll let him hold her close and tell her that everything’s going to be okay.
But for now, all she wants is to spend a nice evening with her boyfriend, who was willing to make fun of one of his greatest insecurities just to make her laugh and feel normal again.
“Yeah,” Rey says, tracing the smile on her lips with a single fingertip. “Yeah, I could eat.”
I’m... not the best at jokes, unfortunately. But I tried, you guys! I really, really did.
Just to clarify: these ficlets are all set in the same ‘verse/continuity. Coming up with and writing in a different world every day really burned me out last time, so I’m trying something different with this collection to see how it’ll work out.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. As always, please don’t hesitate to like/reblog/comment. See you guys tomorrow!
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mako-lies · 6 years
Finally finished the promnyx thing. You can read it here or on AO3.
yards & milkshakes (ffxv, promnyx, t, part of the oracle!gladio verse)
Nyx's milkshake brings Prompto to his yard.
(Or: Nyx jumps out of an airship and is lucky enough to get a lift from a cute mechanic.)
Nyx was honest enough to admit he didn’t exactly follow orders to the letter. (Sometimes at all, but those were special cases, even Crowe agreed.) Occasionally it could be bothersome, given his profession. But when your boss said, “You couldn’t even if you tried,” without looking up from his mission report, you just had to prove him wrong with all due respect. Which was how Nyx wound up warping out of the speeding airship, calling back to the others, “Race you to the City!”
Last thing he saw was Libertus’s exasperated smile.
They weren’t that far out from the Crown City when he’d jumped out like some idiot action hero. Which, if half the stories the Glaives told about him over drinks were to be believed, wasn’t a bad description. Leide was hot as ever, especially in his leathers, but it wasn’t Galahd hot, so he’d pull through.
He warped out his landing, smack in a gaggle of grumpy garula. Just typical. Nyx considered them in that split second before they charged, his kukris up and ready as ever. Garula meat fetched a good price, but he didn’t really need the money. Not like he had anybody to spend it on, anyway. And the outposts could do their own hunting, they didn’t need some city slicker sliding in to do it for them. Most outposts had conservation programs for the herds these days. Who knew what elaborate planning he’d fuck up if he just killed them.
Yeah. Running it was.
Two towering adults and three car-sized babies started toward him then. He tossed one of his kukris and appeared, running, his stomach swooping out and tingling from the warp. Like drinking liters and liters of soda that had been all shook up.
Tusks first, the herd raged after him, ground rumbling like an earthquake.
The road rose up ahead, thankfully closer than he’d been expecting, and—
A neon yellow truck screeched to an abrupt halt just ahead of him.
Nyx warped again as the door shot open to reveal a lanky young man. A tuft of blond hair, styled like chocobo tail feathers. A neon yellow tank with hot pink lettering—HAMMERHEAD!!!—and the tiniest pair of frayed denim shorts Nyx had ever seen, and he’d been to Lestallum plenty. His entire look was topped with some black, thick-rimmed glasses that he’d seen kids wearing in the Crown City.
“Garula!” Nyx called, pulling in a breath so he could warp again. If this guy didn’t get moving, Nyx was gonna have to kill the beasts after all. Damn.
The guy flashed a smile—all sunshine and freckles—and in one hand he held a beat up, old school camera and in the other, a revolver that looked like it came out of one of those cowboy movies his mom’d liked. It was a lot to take in: somebody less shiningly attractive probably couldn’t have pulled it off, but as it was, the effect was breathtakingly silly.
The guy was so much to take in Nyx forgot to warp, just ran to the flashy truck and even flashier man. How old was he? Didn’t look older than twenty, but maybe that was just the pink converse haphazardly laced. “Get in!” He called, chipper for somebody holding a weapon.
Nyx was in no position to decline. He could outrun the garula, sure, and run back to the Crown City, but this guy looked like an adventure waiting to happen, and Nyx had a problem. That was what Libertus told him, anyway.
“‘Preciate it!” Nyx said, as he threw open the door.
The camera shutter sounded—taking a picture of the stampeding garula? Really?—guy was was probably crazy. Nyx could work with crazy.
Without firing a shot, the guy slid back into the driver’s seat and dumped the camera and gun in the backseat—and just gunned it. “Hang on,” he said, a second or two after he’d floored it. Better late than never? Wasn’t like Nyx objected to the thrill, lived for it, actually. The truck purred as it shot down the road. Nyx caught his breath. “I’m Prompto! Nice to meet ya!”
He turned to look at Nyx. His stomach lurched more than it had the first time he’d snatched up the King’s offered magick and warped. Hell. At the least the garula—Nyx double-checked the rearview mirror—were well behind them. “You one of those Crownsguard guys?”
“Kingsglaive, but close enough. Name’s Nyx Ulric.” Outside of the city, the distinction carried little heft, but inside it was everything.
“Headed to the city?” At Nyx’s tense nod, Prompto finally turned his full attention to the road. “Lucky I found you. I’m on my way to the Crown City, and well. Never been before, so I could use some company. Besides, you’re like super hot. Wins all around.”
Well. He was being flirted with. Guy was cute, and he’d saved Nyx a lot of trouble. A winning combo, for sure. “What’s your business in Insomnia?”
“Eh, you know. The uze. My dad kicked me out and now I’m off to college.”
“Your dad kicked you out?” Maybe he shouldn’t ask, but it was a hell of an opener.
“Yeah. Y’know Hammerhead? I work there. Or I did, before he fired me.” He half-shrugged, both hands firmly on the wheel.
It explained why the truck ran so smooth when most cars outside the Wall tended to be beat up at best. Did that mean that old mechanic at Hammerhead was his dad? Never would have guessed. Prompto didn’t look like he has an ornery bone in his body. “Know what you’ll study?”
“Eh, I’m gonna study poli-sci. Maybe someday I’ll get into politicks and everything,” he said with the air of somebody doing standup at their own hanging.
There’s weren’t a lot of white collar jobs for Outlanders, but especially politicks was a rich nobleman’s game. Still, if he could get his foot in the door, that’d be good for the Outlands, right? Nyx didn’t really know much about politicks, but it couldn’t be bad to have some more kinds of people making decisions. “Know anybody in the city?” He could already see the checkpoint looming up ahead.
“Well, I know you!”
It pulled a laugh from him. Cute. Forward. It didn’t hurt that Nyx had always had a soft spot for blonds. “Yeah,” Nyx agreed. “If you give me your number, I could help you out.”
Prompto beamed, all teeth and blinding light. “And here I was, hoping you might invite me to dinner!”
“Could do that.”
Prompto took both hands off the wheel to shove his phone at Nyx. Hell, Nyx couldn’t say for sure that reckless was his type, but it really should have been alarming and not flattering as hell that Prompto would risk their safety just for Nyx’s number. His heartbeat picked up even as Prompto put his hands back on the wheel.
He programmed himself into Prompto’s phone, a newer model with King’s Knight installed. Nyx put the phone on the dash. “There you are.”
“Thanks!” Prompto slowed as they hit the checkpoint. “So, Mr. Kingsglaive, got any tips for getting through?”
“I got it.”
He was ready to flash his Citadel badge, except the watch took one look at the car and asked, “You Prompto Sophiar?”
Prompto chewed his lip, fingers drumming the wheel. “Yep. That’s me!”
“Papers? The King just notified us that you would be coming.”
The King ? Nyx couldn’t help but stare as the guy fished out some old ratty papers from his tiny shorts. The girl examined them. “Looks to be in order. Who’s your friend?”
Nyx flashed his ID and they were let in without any more fuss. “The King?” Nyx had to ask.
“Oh, him and my dad used to be friends or something. Does that mean I have to meet him?”
“Probably. Want me to show you the Citadel?”
Prompto stared at where it loomed in the distance. “Thanks, but I wanna get settled a bit first. Where can I drop you?”
It would be easy enough to tell him where his apartment was, but Nyx had never been one to do things the easy way. And the guy was cute, biting his lip as he navigated the city with considerable more care than he took in the Outskirts. “My apartment is fine. How about lunch first? I know I promised dinner, but…”
Prompto took his gaze off the road for a half second, eyes wide, then he grinned. “Maybe a quick snack would be ok. Do you know somewhere nearby?”
“Sure. There’s a place that does burgers and milkshakes a few blocks down from my place.”
“That sounds like, amazing. Let’s do it!”
They made it without any mishaps, and Prompto even remembered his wallet and his camera. It was a small place, just a few tables with mismatched tables and a counter with a couple of worn stools. A family was there, taking up two of the tables, dipping their thick cut fries into their milkshakes.
Prompto beamed. “You sure know how to cheer a guy up.” He surveyed the menu. “The strawberry looks ama-zing.” He  snapped a quick picture of the menu.
Before he could put the camera away, Nyx had already ordered and paid for their shakes. One strawberry and one mango. Contrary to what Crowe liked to tell Libertus, he could be a gentleman. Especially when there were cute blonds involved. Prompto let his camera hang around his neck. He squinted at Nyx from behind his boxy glasses and didn’t seem to notice the cashier staring at his (lack of) shorts. “Speedy. Well, I’ll just get it next time, then…”
Bold, if not a bit presumptuous. But that was the kind of thing that unfortunately worked for Nyx.
They sat by the window, and Prompto kept twitching for his camera as people walked by. He got a shot of some kids in their high school uniforms, then asked, “So uh. Why did you join the… Kingsglaive?”
Nyx didn’t pay attention to the way his fingers toyed with the fringe on his shorts. Nope. Guy had nice legs though. “Well,” he tried to think of a more delicate way to put it, but didn’t come up with anything. Guy’d asked. If he couldn’t handle the answer, best to know now, probably. “Why does anybody join the military? Grew up in Galahd.”
That seemed to explain everything to Prompto. He toyed with the subdued black leather wristband he wore. Nyx frowned. The black stuck out, given his screaming outfit, but he hadn’t noticed. Then, if Prompto had some connection to the King—still. Strange.
“Guess that makes sense. Sorry, shouldn’t have pried…” Prompto said.
Could have been worse. At least he seemed to get it, unlike most of the Insomnians. Outlanders were good that way. Given that the Outlands were all either already swallowed up by the Empire, or one step away from it… Same story, across all of what had once been Lucis. Soon, they’d probably have an influx of new Glaives.
Their milkshakes arrived, thick and sweating in their glasses, and Prompto lit up like one of the signs in Insomnia’s city center. He hid his face behind the camera and asked, muffled by the plastic, “Can I get a picture of you? And the milkshakes?”
“…Why not?”
Nyx held up the two milkshakes, obliging, and thought maybe it was worth it when Prompto flushed at him. “You can have a copy after I develop them… I’ll just have to find somewhere to do it… Man, it sucks—I had my own darkroom before.”
Not sure why he’d need a picture of himself and some milkshakes, but Prompto looked happy and maybe he could give it to Crowe just to prove he’d actually gone on a date, or whatever this was. “Here,” Nyx said, feeling like the least smooth person in the world.
(Growing up in the Glaive would do that to a person: surrounded by people like Crowe and Drautos and poor Pelna, who couldn’t even land a blind date.)
“Oh yeah, I’ll definitely come to your yard,” Prompto chirped, as he took the milkshake.
Halfway, his hands stalled and his freckled skin went bright with a flush. He fumbled his drink and only barely kept his grip on the slippery glass.
Nyx frowned at him. “My yard?” He had no idea what yards had to do with milkshakes, but he guessed it was some kind of sex thing from the mortified way Prompto hid his face after plopping the shake on the table.
“It’s a song,” he said, and then laughed, looking back up with a wicked glint in his—blue?—eyes. “An amazing one.”
Definitely a sex thing. He’d have to listen to it, so that next time he could tease the hell out of him. Seemed like he’d be a fun target. Prompto slurped up about half his shake in one go, crazy guy. Nyx was a bit slower—enough cases of brain freeze would teach a person. Contrary to popular belief, he could learn new tricks.
Sure enough, a moment later, Prompto clutched at his skull, face screwing up like he’d been stabbed. “Slow it down, hot stuff,” Nyx said around his straw.
“So. Many. Regrets,” Prompto moaned, but a second later he was back at it.
Well, Nyx couldn’t really fault him. The milkshakes were amazing. Cold and barely liquid: just ice cream with a bit of fruit mixed in. He really did love this place. Crowe used to take him and Libertus here all the time, when training was particularly tough. “All right, I’ll bite. Why would a mechanic want to go into politics?”
After a long pause where Prompto whined through the consequences of finishing his shake, Prompto finally answered, “Well, like, in school I was always really interested in it? My adopted dad… He’d had a falling out with the King because of immigration policy, y’know? So I got curious why, especially when my crazy uncle would come to visit and tell me about their awesome adventures from the good ol’ days. You know Reggie and Clarus and Cor and my dad? And so I got super curious, because they sounded like such good friends?”
Crazy uncle? And was Reggie supposed to be the King? This was getting more interesting by the minute, and not in the sexy way, but in the oh shit was this actually work-related kind of way, which would be awful. Shitting where you ate just made things complicated. “Sure. Just real quick. Your crazy uncle is…?”
“Cor. He always came to visit me. I guess he was the one who convinced my dad to adopt me,” Prompto shrugged like that wasn’t a revelation at all, but Nyx hadn’t gotten to where he was without being able to read the air. This was way bigger than Prompto probably knew. “So anyway, I wanted to know why immigration was something that could break up the strongest friendship I’d ever heard of? So I went down the politicks wormhole in school, and… Well. Started talking big about how if there were more Outlanders in politicks… More people who look like… well, me, that maybe things might change a bit? But I said it too loud, and my dad was all like ‘that’s a great idea, sonny, now yer fired and off to Insomnia with you, bwahaha.’ Can you believe it? Evil laugh and everything.”
Prompto’s face was calm, at odds the animation in his voice, complete with a telltale Leide twang when he mimicked his father. Nyx was sure there was more there—Prompto’s blond hair wasn’t damning in itself, but he sure as hell didn’t look Insomnian—but he wasn’t gonna ask. Not his business. “I think your dad might have been on to something,”said Nyx, then finished up his shake before he could really stick his foot in his mouth.
Prompto sighed. “Well, I’m here now. And my sister said that if I ended up sleeping in an on-fire dumpster, she’d convince him to let me come home. So. There’s that!” He smiled. Then glanced at his phone. Sighed again. “This has been super cool… Sorry about rambling. But I kind of have to meet my new landlord before four… Mind if I drop you home?”
“Nah. I live a few blocks away. I can walk. It’ll give me time to think of what to tell my boss.”
“…Your boss?”
“I jumped out of a ship against orders earlier,” he shrugged, and as Prompto’s eyes went wide and he opened his mouth to ask a question, Nyxsaid, “You’ve got my number. Once you get settled, you wanna do this again?”
Prompto leaned over the table, close enough Nyx could see that his eyes were definitely blue. “Like a date?”
There it was. Out in the open. It was a relief. Nyx had no idea how to do this shit. It wasn’t like he’d ever—”Yeah,” he said, “Like a date. So once you get set up, we’ll work out the details. And I’ll see about getting you an audience with the King.”
“That’d… be super amazing. Wow, Cindy’ll never believe this. Wow.” They both stood, and once they got out onto the street, Prompto launched—hugged Nyx quick and bright.  “I’m really, really looking forward to it.”
Nyx clasped him briefly, before Prompto rocketed off just as quick as he came on. “I’ll see you soon,” he called, as Prompto threw himself into the car. And then he was gone.
The walk home was shorter than he remembered. He’d meant to call Drautos, but all he could do was think about Prompto’s pretty legs, infectious smile, bright attitude, freckles. And when he got home, he found that Prompto’d already sent him a text: about fifty smiley emojis.
He told himself to shower before answering—
Except he sent of a “drive safe” before he even got his jacket off. Now, to find out what yards and milkshakes had to do with each other.
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This may be a little stupid, idk. Personal thing.
But, I'm really starting to hate actors coming into superhero roles and saying they weren't familiar with the characters beforehand.
Like, okay, on the one hand, I get it. Not everyone read comics growing up, and some people are even from countries where DC and Marvel haven’t been very popular until recently with the influx of movies. Like, I know Sebastian Stan had no access to American comics in Romania, so of course he didn’t know who Bucky Barnes was. 
But on the other hand, sometimes it feels a little dismissive or disrespectful, or even out of touch. Like, I know I’m a superhero fan. I know I am probably more aware of obscure characters that the average person, even well versed in pop culture, may never have heard of. Like, I wouldn’t be surprised if an actor said they’d never heard of Adam Warlock.
But, then you have the Teen Titans. And, you know, they’re not the MOST ICONIC DC characters, but they’ve had a popular cartoon on for at least 15 years (first Teen Titans, and now Teen Titans Go). I feel like if you’re between the ages of like 8 and 30 and grew up in the United States, you should at least, in passing, know who the Teen Titans are. Like, I remember when the original cartoon was coming on, and I heard a lot about it even before I started watching it. It was popular enough that teens and kids and adults were watching it. It was popular enough that I BELIEVE that’s why Cyborg is in the Justice League movie (because who would’ve thought to include Cyborg in that film until he got so popular through Teen Titans? If that movie came out in 2005 or something, it probably just would’ve been Green Lantern or something. Or even Martian Manhunter.) I digress. Let’s get back on track.
When I hear actors say in interviews that “I wasn’t familiar with the character before I got the role”, sometimes I wonder why they even went for the role. And, I’m an actor, too, so in some ways, I get it. You just want work. You want roles that are dynamic, interesting, fun. You want to make money and support yourself. You want roles that look good on your resume and make you desirable to cast in other work in the future. And right now, superheroes are hot and are star-making roles. You go from being “that guy in that thing” to “OMG THERE HE IS!” I get it. But also, like... there are thousands of actors registered in the Screen Actors Guild. Out of all of those actors, there have to be some who have actually heard of these characters. Why do we ALWAYS end up with actors who have never fucking heard of... the goddamn Teen Titans?
Like, I understand some of the more obscure characters not being heard of. Like, maybe Danai Gurrira never heard of Okoye before her audition, but also Okoye is obscure as hell, before the film. Even people who knew who Black Panther was didn’t necessarily know who Okoye was. Most people who thought of Black Panther thought of Storm, maybe Shuri, and maybe like Monica Lynne. Ayo, Okoye, Nakia... all of them are more obscure secondary characters in the Black Panther universe. 
I’ve been trying not to call out specific actors... but I’m going to say this, and let me tell you all and be clear, I still support her casting and am happy for her. But...
Starfire is too well known to have cast someone who didn’t already want to play her in the first place. Who didn’t already know the character, at least in passing. 
Sidenote, IDK where Miss Diop is from, so she might have grown up where they didn’t show the Teen Titans cartoon on TV. Which might be why she didn’t know who Starfire was. So, there’s that.
And, I know everyone can’t be Michael B. Jordan or Grant Gustin (superhero/comics fans long before they got their roles in their respective comicbook movies/shows.) 
But, it would be great if the studios and networks could start casting people who maybe had some idea who these characters were beforehand. Even if they aren’t fans. Like, even someone who is like “Yeah, I knew about this character and had seen them in cartoons/comics before I even read for the role.” It seems like the only time we get that is if it’s Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl/Batwoman, Catwoman... 
Y’all can’t find actors who have heard of Starfire? I’m an actor, and I’ve heard of Starfire. I’m an actor, and I’m black, and I’ve heard of Starfire. Like, I... don’t understand why so many actors, in my age range, have simply never heard of popular superhero characters unless they’re fucking Batman or Superman.
The hell y’all been? Even before I considered myself a true superhero/comics fan, when I was a child I watched superhero cartoons. Spider-Man and X-Men and Batman and Justice League and Avengers.... they came on regular TV, in blocks with other cartoons. Not even cable. Fox and WB(now CW). Even Teen Titans, it came on Cartoon Network, and was a popular series at the time (though I was already actively a self-professed superhero fan at that point.)
Like, would someone get cast as Sailor Moon and be like “I’d never heard of Sailor Moon before this audition”? I seriously doubt it.
And, I’m not saying the work suffers for it. Some of these actors do really good jobs and become iconic for their performance of the characters. Like, Sebastian Stan is probably the definitive Bucky Barnes and probably will remain that way.
And, again, I’m not talking about really obscure characters, like the Guardians of the Galaxy (and 90% of the characters from their movies: Ego, the Collector, Yondu, etc.). Most of the time, in those cases, their performances become so iconic they change the way the comics versions of their characters are portrayed. Like, Chloe Bennett with Quake. (Not saying all of those characters were the most obscure things ever. I think Collector, for instance, is pretty well known among Marvel readers. Just saying if you went to anyone on the street and said “Who is Iron Man” they’ll know what you’re talking about, but if you said “Who is Ego the Living Planet?” they might look at you crazy.)
Like, I don’t think it’s bad that someone playing Ego might have never heard of Ego.
Just, like... it get annoyed when someone is cast in some iconic thing, and we’re all excited about it, and then the interview with them is like “Lol, I never heard of this weird comics thing, but the fans are passionate, lol, don’t wanna piss them off! So, I read some comics!” Like... It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
I know I’ve talked like this about Elizabeth Olsen, but she actually became an expert in Wanda stories. (Her only problem, now, is acting like she’s above the whole thing in interviews.)
And I’m sure the actress that inspired this rant will do her best to make this character great, but honestly. I’m just really, really tired of hearing actors say they didn’t know anything about the thing before they were cast. 
There are a lot of us who are comics fans who knew about the thing since we were kids. It would be so easy to cast actors who at least have some context.  
I’m just saying, as long as we’re getting people playing characters that are well known and beloved, it would be great if they could have some prior knowledge. Even just a little. Like, I doubt Grant Gustin was a Flash superfan before he became Barry Allen. But I know he knew who the Flash fucking was. I know Chris Evans didn’t necessarily know everything about Captain America before he became Cap, but he knew who Cap fucking was. 
And, even if they didn’t and they had to be sent a stack of comics and read up to understand, I wish they would just... omit that part. Because saying it in interviews, to me, comes across as dismissive. Like, when actors in book movies say they didn’t read the book, I feel the same way. But it’s worse when it’s superheroes/comics, because it always comes across as looking down on the source material. Like “of course I wouldn’t know about this weird ass shit, but since it has weirdo fans who care too much...”
Like, their paychecks come from people who grew up with this stuff and love it. At least don’t treat us like freaks for caring about Starfire. Or any of our other characters.
Also, Teen Titans, specifically, seems to be really popular with people in my age range. Even people who I wouldn’t consider comicbook fans. My Facebook (which is full of people I went to high school and college with, not just superhero friends) is full of conversation about this Teen Titans series because so many of us grew up watching the original animated series. I have no curated my Facebook to be superhero rich or anything. In fact, I barely post there, because, like most people’s FB, it’s full of people I know/knew IRL and know/knew in different contexts. Actor friends. Mom’s friends from church. Family members. Classmates. People I barely know who just went to my High School. And still, I see people around my age talking about this series, because so many of us grew up with and love the Teen Titans. And so many of us have grievances with TTG. (I get why it’s the way it is, and I think it’s a perfectly funny cartoon, but I still have grievances with it.)
And, like, black folks I know have been defending Miss Diop from people who were just mad that she has brown skin. 
So, like... I just wish she wouldn’t be in interviews talking about how she knew nothing about the character. Just say you did a lot to prepare, and don’t make it weird. 
IDK. Again, it’s dumb, and it’s just me... I’m just really tired of hearing this from actors. I obviously watch a lot of superhero content, and I watch interviews with a lot of actors from this stuff, and a good percentage of them say they never heard of their character before they were cast, and a good chunk of that percentage of actors says it in a dismissive way as if the content is weird and they were ... “not a nerd” or are too high brow, an Actor! serious about their craft who would, of course, never have heard of Bizarro Superman, or whatever. (Like, I’m an actor, serious about my craft, with a degree in theatre, and studied the avant garde and have mostly only acted in avant garde pieces or serious dramatic plays, and you know what my cute ass does after curtain? I go to my cast dinner, then I go home and watch fucking Arrowverse shows or read Captain Marvel comics. None of those things are mutually exclusive, and it doesn’t make you a more serious actor to pretend liking comicbooks or superhero content is beneath you. Ask Michael B. Jordan and his many acclaimed performances.)
And, like, it’s such a privilege to even be an actor with the opportunity to be in a huge show or movie about DC or Marvel superheroes. Y’all don’t even understand. Acting is a HARD business, most of us will be lucky to even make a few hundred bucks a year acting, and have to supplement with other work. Getting steady work on a TV show is like winning the lottery. Getting steady work on a TV show that almost guarantees success, like a branded show about characters with a following already is like winning the Mega Millions lottery, and not just the couple hundred bucks scratch off. Marvel and DC are HEAVILY curated. They don’t just greenlight shows and movies. These concepts are worked on for years, from the idea, to the script, to the casting, to the filming... They don’t, for the most part, license out their characters to just anything. And, today, they pretty much have a hand on everything that is branded with their names. So, being an actor, seeing other actors get once in a lifetime opportunities to star in HEAVILY CURATED superhero content from the two biggest comics entities in the US, probably the world... and then treat it like it’s fucking stupid and beneath them? It really annoys me.
Like, trade with me, y’all. I’ll play Starfire, you come take my roles in my small, Important, Serious Theatre off off Broadway. Since you want to be an artiste, and superheroes are beneath you.
I guess that’s probably the main reason it annoys me, lol. These roles are a big deal. Nobody just randomly gets hired by DC. I can’t just waltz into an audition and suddenly I’m Nubia. They’re heavily curated projects. People sit down at tables and discuss which casting will work and why. These people won the fucking actor lottery, and they behave as if it’s nothing, and they’re better than it.
And, I respect them. Maybe they are better than it, in some ways. Maybe she dreams of holding that Oscar statuette, and this Starfire role is just to get her name more recognition. 
And also, maybe she, in particular, feels soured on it because of the racist douchebros being asswipes about the orange alien she plays being played by a black actress. (DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THAT BULLSHIT).
But.... I’m still over hearing actors talk about how much they didn’t know a thing about their characters before being cast. I mean, goddamn... What am I supposed to think about this? 
Anyway, fuck me up, if you need to. I’m being nitpicky. And, like I said, I still am happy for her and support her casting. Black women gotta work, and nothing makes me happier than seeing racist fanboys shit their pants when the character they fapped to is played by a black woman. Dunno why they thought Starfire’s alien ass was white, anyway. Aliens aren’t white, kids.
Superman ain’t white, nor is Kara. None of these aliens are white. Better not hear anything about the race of the actors cast as them... But ESPECIALLY Starfire, who is fucking ORANGE. At least Superman has skin similar to European humans in the comics. Starfire has ORANGE SKIN. 
Anyway, done. Still salty, but done.
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r0bynbanks · 6 years
We want BARZ, not BarB
My coworker , who I often to talk to about Hip Hop asked me the other day
“ do you think Nicki Minaj fell off” .
I thought about his question , and wondered why he, and so many other have been asking themselves this lately .
We all remember when nicki first hit the scene back around 2009 ish.... We fell in love with the Pink hair , the witty British accents , the snappy attitude, Whimsical videos , and most of all Boss ass rhymes !! Nicki came out at a time when female rappers on the scene were few and far berween, and And the Legendary Little Kim , was still the go to artist for female rap features . She created a lane , and placed a spotlight back on women in rap, sprouting new talent from all over . As she remained on top for many years ... she is solely responsible for waking the game back up, and realizing the value in Female rap... and to that, I tilt my Navy Blue D Fitted to her.
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Let’s move forward a little ...
Remember the scene in the Movie LIFE , as you watched Clyde and Ray get older .. they showed who had come and go over the years ... who died , who stayed alive , and when they stopped , Clyde and Ray were older and matured? I picture this with Nicki. I think about all she’s done over the years , everything she’s accomplished ... Tours, clothing line , perfume , movies , relationships, and Super Bowl. She’s definitely a Mogal... But as of lately , people are starting to lose interest, here’s why.
Nicki Minaj, is still the Same Nicki Minaj she was in 2010. Nicki still had the wit we all love(d).. still has the whimsical style, silly voices , same attitude, same fiery personalities... crazy hair , and overall over the top personality, But in 2018, no one wants any of that anymore . The times have seem to change, but she hasn’t . Her music has not matured .... and she’s in a lane now with other females rappers , who are making music of the Now.
When Nicki took her hiatus back in 2017, it was probably the greatest idea of her career as of lately. The industry was making room for New up and coming sensation Cardi B, and in this game , unfortunately where there are several lanes for men, in the world of women’s rap, you can only serve one god . Nicki’s break allowed the industry to miss her . It allowed us to wonder what she had planned . We wondered what was brewing .... what’s she gonna do. All along , Cardi is all over the TV, internet , winning hearts all over , while we are still missing Nicki, but we had no idea, she returned , To be the exact same nicki she was upon leaving, but with far more insecurities.
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Nicki’s first mistake , was coming back during Bardi Madness ! Nicki came back from her almost 5 month Hiatus, with two new singles , during the rollout of the HIGHLY anticipated Cardi Album invasion of Privacy. This prompt some , to wonder if this was done on purpose , in an attempt to take away from Cardi Album. While the Two tracks were total smashes .... The Barbie Tingz track was the first sign, of Nicki still living in 2010. She took on a new personality, Chun Li, and we wondered what would become of this... but she still wasn’t letting go of the Barbie Persona . How in 2018 are you still calling yourself Barbie? I can’t even imagine Beyoncé in 2018 still yelling out Sasha Fierce!
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It seems those same gimics that made Nicki famous , people are now bored with . Let’s say Nicki has had , 10 solid years in the game ...I think we can agree that Nicki’s core fan base were children and Teens .... and women partying in their 20s. If you were 10 when Nicki came out, your 20 now . If you were 15, you’re 25, and if you were 25 , you’re now 35. Nicki’s fans have now matured into adults , and at that age, you’re a sponge soaking up any new music that hits the scene . While Minaj does still have her core Fans, her Barbies who will ride for her no matter what, most people simply aren’t interested in the same Minaj they have seen little change from since 2010 anymore . Her recent stunts are now leaving her to appear almost desperate for attention.
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Naming her album Queen, screams insecurity... as if she needs to prove to the world, she’s still on top. Though the album has been pushed back, yet again, we are still wondering what the lead single is ?? Chun Li and Barbie Tingz, two great singles died out very fast, and the single for Bed, fell on deaf ears. I don’t even know how the song sounds . How do you have an album coming out , but no Bagers on the radio ? Her performance on the BET awards , wasn’t anything we hadn’t seen from her before . When I see her hair , her clothes , nothing is new , and I wish someone will please tell her to stop doing that god awful cat purrr.
Now I don’t wanna anyone to get me wrong ... I really like Nicki. I respect everything’s she’s done for music , but I do think she lacks growth. Nicki has been rapping about her wet pussy, and niggas being her son as long as I can remember . With Cardi, although her lyrics aren’t too far off, she offers a different flow. Yeah it sounds like clearly offset is in th studio directly next to her when she rhymes ... but her verse is more what we are Lisrening to now . Minaj still has a flow , but she’s still adding on the annoying singing in all her music . I think because because people are losing interest, she should go back to rhyming only . She needs to make an albim wirh BARZ ONLY!!! The Barbs are grown up... they have gone off to College. Nicki will need you to get back to rap!!! Let the signing go... let the insecurities go..... stop tweeting you have surprises coming for us soon, and just drop the music !!
We love Nicki, I love Nicki.... But I no longer wanna see this 30something year old woman call herself a Barbie Doll. I don’t want to see your ass hang out... I don’t want to see pink hair , or hear cat purrs on a record , and for the love of money, I don’t want to see another one of those silly ass Videos . I believe Barbie Tingz lacked popularity due to the video . Both Chun Li and Barbie Tingz died slow , while we are still listening to last years summer hit , Bodak Yellow .
All in all, stop pushing the album back, stop singing , stop puring , stop calling yourself queen.... and give us the music .
So to answer my coworkers question, Nicki Minaj did Not fall off , people are just no longer interested.
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{ please escuse any misspelled words }
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
* headcanon free-for-all
tagged by: several of you for other things (that are started but still in my drafts...). And with all of y’all already tagged in those too... instead of re-tagging the same people for the same stuff... new thing... tagging: @conviictus / @melioriisms​ | @cunninglinguistx​ | @governingmouse | @governinglion | @nicophaught | and everybody else who wants to | non-rp-blogs: just replace ‘your muse’ with one of your fav chars to write about notes: the following answers are heavily influenced by headcanons {d’oh} and whatnots and are subject to change if we ever actually find out more about Gidge...
♥ is there an article of clothing that means the most to your muse? Yep, several. Nope, not her jackets. All the special shirts and other garments that weren’t initially hers but somehow ended up in her possession for some reason or other... (except for stuff that was just discarded or forgotten at her place that ends up in her closet without having any special meaning to her).
❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like? Most days Gidge gets up at the asscrack of dawn to go surfing - unless the weather won’t permit it (in which case she either goes back to sleep, wakes up her woman for a different kind of workout or catches up on chores and whatnot instead). After a quick shower she then shows up for work barely on time and spends her day there being her glorious sapphic psychologisty self... then after work there really isn’t much of a routine anymore, it’s more of a day to day thing... either back to the beach, or when stuff is piling up, it’s time for chores/errands/paperwork etc and she does the adulting thing. The nights that are all about her girl and spending time together doing whatever they feel like really are her favs though (especially when those also happen to include beachy-surfy and/or lesbionic stuffs). If she’s single though, she might turn her axe-effect up to 11 and hit some lezzie nests for starters... Just hanging out with friends in general is never a bad idea either. And of course the more or less sporadic lazy and quiet nights in are good for the soul too. Naturally, with a lifestyle like that, there also are the days when she’s just beyond exhausted because all that lack of sleep for various reasons caught up with her and she just goes to bed early to recharge properly.
◎ does your muse plan for the long-term or short-term? Both. Realistic goals and all that. Of course she’s only human though, so while she may have the sapphic psychologist skills professional knowledge beneficial to maintaining a healthy balance in general, advice is always easier given than taken. In consideration of that, in most matters, she not only encourages clients and friends alike but also tries to live by it herself. On the flip side of that, nothing wrong with indulging in occasional crazyass notions either. Even the wildest dreams come true for some people after all... In advice-mode she’d also insist on cautioning against actually expecting the more unrealistic stuff to happen though. Cause that kind of thinking has the potential of providing the ideal environment to the birth of delusions.
◆ what is one secret your muse has? Her girlfriend Franky is probably the biggest one... and the canon one... other than that, in verses where she did the pro-surfing circuit thing, it’s not so much of a secret as a part of her life that she just doesn’t share with people at work... with the long lost kid trope, there’d be that... then I have plenty of ideas about the reasons why she got into psychology in the first place... like being forced to go to a mental institution/straight camp when she was a teenager... as in shit was done to her there by the people who were supposed to help her and it becomes her calling to provide therapy done the right way and save people from suffering the likes of what she had to endure... lotsa stuff along those lines. And then there’s the ever classic infinite roulette game of insanity: ‘paid for college (or whatever) by being/got rich by being/gets off on being/leads a double life as/is undercover as/used to be/is mistaken for/pretends to be/wants to be/is forced to be/is being lured into becoming/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - a stripper/porn star/lingerie & nude model/hooker/high class escort/assassin for hire/notorious thief/criminal in general/heir to a famous crime family/rockstar/other type of celebrity/is married to/divorced from/related to (somebody rich and famous)/vampire/mermaid/witch/werewolf/alien/ghost/superhero/immortal/time traveler/pirate/ninja/dinosaur/rocket ship/shark toast/swirly whirly junglepants/several or all of the above/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - and somebody knows/finds out/stumbles over the intel/gets dragged into it/starts investigating by looking into something unrelated/gets an (anonymous) tip/comes from that world too (and is either keeping the same secret or the complete opposite, is well known for it/comes from another but equal/similar/conflicting/antagonistic situation/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse}’ {you get the point, these could all go on forever and range from slightly canon-divergent to the crackyassest bloody shit you could ever imagine... Now, I’m not saying I could imagine Gidge in any and all kinds of scenarios, but I’m never not up for at least spitballing, no matter how cracky and insane it might seem.} {Back to the serious side though, I love the whole secret thing so much, so there’s gazillions of headcanons/ideas that I have, but not too many that I’d just ascribe to Gidget in general, so it really depends on the thread.}
ϟ who means the most to your muse? why? Her girl. She’s the love of her life and the world wouldn’t make sense without her in it. And while Bridget had a life before her, since she met Franky/Lorraine/*insert your muse’s name if you wish*, she can’t imagine ever going back to that because she doesn’t even remember what she was living for before she experienced the love they have for each other. 
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret? {I’m gonna leave this basically open for now because I think that would heavily depend on plot and thread and whatnot.} For example, if she did have a kid that she lost somehow, obvi it’d be that... but ‘kids are gross’ versions of her never even would’ve had said child and thus would have entirely different biggest regrets... ex pro-surfer Gidge might forever mourn the loss of that career and might not ever stop resenting whatever ended it... {so yeah, options, options, options... with variations... and alternatives... so just scroll back up to that roulette wheel and we’ll leave it at that until something specific comes along.}
❥ is your muse cool? She thinks she is anyway... XD Nah, she’s chill, but she def has that adorkable side too. Especially when she’s actively trying to be cool... like that ‘I’m not a screw’ scene... {Sorry babe, but your inner Elsa had her gloves on there...}
✯ which three traits define your muse? {Actually... lemme change this one a bit... you can do either version, whatever you prefer.} to be answered at some point in the not so distant future {So I just realized this is just gonna make this post a lot longer and doesn’t even quite fit in with the headcanon thing anymore anyway and can easily be a whole other tag thing by itself...}
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♕ would your muse hug a monster? *smiles at @governinglion​ with wide open arms* {PS: Dude, we really should start talking about starting something... I even have a couple of ideas I’ve been meaning to shoot at ya but haven’t yet cause my ADD is playing fucking pinball with me atm...}
❣ is your muse a fighter or a lover? What’s with the ‘or’? It’s entirely possible to be both at the same time... Just sayin... So yeah, definitely both. Particularly so when the lover brings out the fighter. (That goes for kinkyass passion-motivated activities as well as the ‘my love for you will make me fight to the death and I ain’t letting nothing and no one get in my way’ thing.) 
✎ what does life mean to your muse? Biologically, she’s pro-choice. Philosophically... okay, yeah, nope... not gonna go there. To answer in some profound yet vague and still revealing way I’d have to write a fucking epos. So I’ll pass. Your call whether you wanna ponder the meaning of life or disregard this one too.
Disclaimer: Actually this was a meme before I misappropriated it for this. So all credit for the questions goes to whoever wrote them originally. @vhsmeme I think... I hope you don’t mind that I turned it into a tag thing instead. By the time I realized I should’ve fucking asked you first, I had already written most of the replies... so...
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But yeah, not cool to just assume it’d be okay, and I acknowledge that. Sorry!-ish. In my defense tho... there’s a hugeass ‘free-for-all’ right there in the title... I just realized that... XD
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niennavalier · 7 years
So I found some old Yu-Gi-Oh fic I wrote for the ‘verse that was originally started...probably 4 years ago? This is a document that’s probably about a year old, written for my OC who’s paired with Valon (because I’m trash for season 4 of DM). Figured I’d just post it because why not? Also on fanfic.net. And (mostly) under the cut because this isn’t the usual for my blog.
Winter Break, Mini Marshmallows, and Chocolate Flavored Kisses
    “’ow d’you do it? I swear, you’re like Wonder Woman, or somethin’.”
    “Do what, exactly, Valon?” Taylor asked, not bothering to peer over the top of her book. Winter Break had just started, and she was taking time to relax her brain. Finals had been a pain in the ass, and there was a mighty need for some couch potato time, curled up with a good book, even if the testy Australian hadn’t been a big fan of that. Or, he hadn’t at first.
    “Sit there like it’s not zero degrees outside!”
    She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin?”
    “Does it matter? It’s freezin’!”
    “Technically, it does, but,” she finally glanced up, setting down the book, only to burst out laughing. She’d vaguely seen Valon carrying a large bundle of something to the couch when he’d come to join her. What she hadn’t known was that bundle was a literal mountain of blankets.
    Which were now cocooning her boyfriend, covering every inch of him from chin down to toes.
    “’ey, what’re you laughin’ at?!”
    “You look ridiculous, that’s what!”
    “Like I said, it’s cold!”
    “Oh come on. It’s France in the winter. What else did you expect?”
    “You ta go ta school…I dunno, anywhere else?”
    “Because I hear Siberia sounds real nice this time of year,” she replied, deadpan.
    “Haha, very funny.”
    “I know. I try.” She smiled at him, apparently kindly, though there was no mistaking the mischievous light in her eye. “What, want someone to cuddle with you?”
    “Not you. ‘s ‘cause o’ you I’m cold.”
    “Oh come on, you big crybaby. You’ll get used to it.”
    “’ey! ‘m not a baby!”
    “Need I remind you I spent half of my life, like, a couple blocks away from the Church where you grew up? And look, I lived.”
    “…’m not talkin’ ta you.” At that, the brown mess of hair disappeared beneath the crumple of blankets, and she snickered, retrieving her book again, resuming her reading. Valon had never really been the solitary type (save if he was really pissed, but this was hardly the case), always preferring the company of other people to the silence (although Alister might argue he just liked annoying everyone around him).
    Taylor just smiled to herself as she flipped a page. She wondered just how long this silent treatment would last
    “’ey, Taylor?”
    “’m sorry. I didn’ mean ta blow up at ya like that. ‘m just bored. ‘n’ cold.”
    “Yeah, I can see as much.” She threw the book onto the coffee table, laying out on her stomach so her face was right up near his. “You know there’s instant hot chocolate right there in the kitchen right?”
    “’ey, Taylor…?”
   “Fine, I’ll get you some. If you pull yourself out of your blanket fort enough to feed yourself. I’m not feeding you.”
    “C’mon love…”
    “Or I can just get one for myself.”
    “Good.” And she bounded off, sliding in her socks across the linoleum. A couple minutes later, and she luxuriously topped both cups off with whipped cream, glad she’d had the forethought to buy it during her last trip for groceries, poor college student or not.
    It was whipped cream. It was worth it.
    Lowering back down onto the couch, she handed one of the cups off to Valon, entertained as he grabbed at it greedily, gulping it down, gasping at how it burned.
    She laughed, sipping at her own drink and licking at the whipped cream as Valon attempted to fan at his tongue with his hand. “You know, it’s called hot chocolate for a reason.”
    “…Shut up, you.”
    “Not likely.”
    “Get me some o’ them mini marshmallows and I’ll forgive ya. Cocoa ain’t cocoa without ‘em.”
    “We’re out, and I checked.”
    “Why didn’t you get ‘em?”
    “Why don’t you ask our grocery bill?” So what the whipped cream had been an indulgence? What was the saying? All things in moderation? So even indulgence in moderation. They weren’t exactly wealthy, after all, so certain non-essentials had to go.
    In her defense, she had been the one shopping that time; therefore, it was her right to choose. Whipped cream over marshmallows. Easy.
    “Yeah, but… they’re jus’ marshmallows, love. Can’ be tha’ expensive.”
    “And this is why I don’t let you do the shopping alone. But,” she grinned, taking a cautious sip of her drink, “next time. I promise.”
    “Knew you weren’ tha’ much of a buzzkill.”
    “Wha? ‘s the truth. Was more fun when I jus’ got ta spray soda all over and make Gurimo clean it up.”
    Taylor did laugh at that – wasn’t hard to admit that that had been pretty fun. “Problem is Gurimo doesn’t live with us anymore. And thank god for that.” She sighed melodramatically. Although, truth be told, there was nothing overdramatic about how glad she was that their situation was as it was – no Gurimo in sight.
    Valon just laughed at her bravado. “Yeah. The ol’ geezer’d hate th’ both o’ us.”
    “He already hated you.” She gave pause. “Y’know, nevermind, he probably hated me, too, just on principle. That’s buzzkill for you. So don’t go accusing me.”
    “Wouldn’ want you turnin’ into ‘im, huh?” He flashed an accusatory look at her which…oh, no, he wouldn’t dare ever compare her to Gurimo.
    “Hey! Not my fault adult-ing’s no fun!” Because, for real, jobs and paying for actual stuff to live on was not very exciting. She was really just glad that the safehouse and all its utilities had been taken care of in their entirety prior to them claiming it as theirs. Still didn’t really know how Dartz had managed that, but she wasn’t complaining. “You know what? Fine.” She glanced over at Valon, smug. “You want marshmallows, we can go right now.” It was Winter Break. Finances could be damned (if only for the time being).
    She swore, Valon’s eyes actually bugged out of his head. “You tryin’ ta kill me, mate? I don’ wanna freeze!”
    To that, she just shrugged, finished off more of her hot chocolate. “Just making a suggestion. ‘Cause, y’know, probably won’t be a lot of people around the supermarket right now. Holiday times and whatever.” Here, she raised an eyebrow, mischievous. “Could totally go cartsurfing down the empty aisles.”
    Valon actually cackled at that. “Knew I loved ya for a reason,” he affirmed, climbing out of his blanket fort to seal their lips in a quick, chocolate flavored kiss.
    Growing older, having responsibilities – they couldn’t really avoid that. Growing up, though? Well, nothing mandatory about that.
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Gorillaz React
So a while back, posted this fanfic on FF.net. Now I got this blog I decided I might as well share this stupid little thing I wrote. :)
"So uh, correct me if I'm wrong. You've gathered all of us here, not to discuss promotions, not to discuss the website, but to film us watching... A sodding Youtube video?"
Murdoc had a perplexed look on his face mixed with slight annoyance. He wasn't quite caught up on all these new trends on Facetube or Snaptagram, or whatever those bloody websites were called. And frankly, he had no desire to be.
Noodle and 2D were more turned into social media, but Noodle was always busy focusing on their music, being the passionate worker she is, and 2D was... Well, he was 2D. Could the job really be left in capable hands with him? This was precisely why Gorillaz hired a manager for their media. Someone who was young and knew what they were doing. The same manager that they'd recently hired for their Youtube channel had called the four of them into the living room of their new HQ: the Spirit House, all sat in a row on the couch, with Youtube up on the TV and the cameras ready.
"Yeah, I don' get this. Wot's all this about? We answering live fan questions or sumthin?" 2D asked, exchanging a few confused looks with the other band members.
"Well no. It's not live and it isn't exactly a Q&A. I know it sounds strange, but keep in mind that this could be considered a type of promotion in of itself." The young manager explained. "Have the four of you by chance heard of the Youtube channel TheFineBros?"
The band exchanged a few confused glances. None of them could say they have.
"Nope." Russel said flatly.
"Can't say I have, no." Noodle said.
"I 'ave no idea what your talkin' about." 2D said bluntly.
"Do you really think I care to know about these silly little "channels", or whatever they are? What the hell does this have to do with us?" Murdoc said irritably.
The manager was losing them. It was better to just get straight to the point. "Uh, well okay. So this channel hosts a series of videos where they have different people of different age groups react and discuss various videos shown to them with topics to do with popular culture, current events, music and movies of the like. Recently, they did a video with some people reacting to a few of your music videos, and discussing them."
The band now started to gain interest, except for Murdoc of course. Bored as hell and lighting up yet another cig.
"It's a video with young people who may have grown up with your music. It's called "College Kids React to Gorillaz"."
Murdoc suddenly looked up. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. College kids?" His tune had miraculously changed to something far more enthusiastic. "By "college" kids, this video wouldn't by chance happen to include any college-age gir-"
Before Murdoc could even finish his sentence, 2D started laughing and Noodle was giggling. Russel just groaned, burying his bald head in his palm.
"Oh for god's sake, Murdoc. Can you not go ten minutes without thinking with your wrinkly old nether regions?" Russel sighed in annoyance. Always the more mature and paternal one of the group.
Murdoc leaned over with a sleazy smile. "Oh, sure Russ. I remember that of all things, you don't seem to possess a pulse. Heheheh."
"Hey, I have a pulse just like anybody else. I just don't go off mindlessly chasing tail like an animal. I don't have delusions of someone half my damn age having any interest in me. Unlike you, ya damn unwashed geriatric." Murdoc sneered at the last remark.
"Yeah Mudz, ya dirty ol' geezer." 2D snickered.
Russel quickly turned to face 2D. "Oh Shut up, 'D. You're just as bad and you know it. Don't try to pretend you're any better. I'm the one who does the laundry 'round here and unfortunately I've come across your stash, and I've seen those stains on your sheets!" Murdoc and Noodle sputtered with laughter while 2D began to blush. Murdoc even shed a tear, he was laughing so hard. Quite embarrassed, the manager tried to interrupt the raunchy banter, but Russel kept going, now with a grin.
"Even now you still take multiple girls back to your bed, many half your age. And judging by your masturbatory material, you into some nasty shit, man. You're no better than Murdoc, you're just more covert about it."
2D was still red in the face, but managed to laugh along. "Ay, I'm not the one to blame there, mate. It's the birds over the years that introduced me to all that kinky shit. The girls love it, I just went along with it and heh, it ain't that nasty. Ya really don't know what your missing." He said with a cocked eyebrow and a cheeky grin. 2D may have been a sweetheart, but he wasn't a chaste guy by a long shot.
Russel scoffed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, you skinny pervert."
The manager stood there awkwardly. They raised an eyebrow at Noodle. "How have you dealt with this for so long?"
Noodle smiled and shrugged. "Aw, there's little that shocks me. I'm not precious, I can handle it." She then smirked devilishly, and winked. "Besides, I happen to get mine quite aplenty these days."
Murdoc and 2D whooped and cheered for her, like they were a bunch of lads down at the pub, proud of their mate getting laid for the first time. Russel however, turned away and pretended desperately not to hear what she said. She may be 27, but Noodle was always going to be his baby girl after all.
This had gone off the rails enough. Although it wasn't unusual for this lot. Tangents were an everyday norm for Gorillaz.
"Ahem. Back on track- Today, the four of you are going to react to their video of them reacting to you."
"Oh? so it's a reaction of a reaction? Interesting." Russel said.
"Aw yeah, this is what they call a paradox, right?" 2D asked without thinking.
"Heh, not quite, 2D." Noodle said with a smile.
"Ughhh. No, dullard. A paradox is a contradiction." Murdoc groaned, without much patience for the singer's ignorance.
"Really? Oh yeah..." 2D said, spacing out a bit.
Murdoc looked to the young manager. "Okay, alright, I'm with ya, kid. Let's just this done, yeah?"
"Okay guys." The thumbs up was given and the video started.
The video had a cold opening, the first shot with a pretty blonde girl watching the last few seconds of the video for 'Feel Good Inc'.
"That song's so good. I wanna listen to it on my way home now." She commented.
"Well, well. I think we are off to a grrreat start, Haheheh." Murdoc said loudly, with a lecherous grin and that gravely laugh of his. The others groaned.
"Shh! Mudz, come on man." Russel hushed him.
"So today we're going to show you a medley of music from a popular band, starting with their new song and then going into their bigger hits".
The video shown within the video was the start of Saturnz Barz, showcasing each of the young adult's reactions.
"What is this?"
"Oh yeah, It's Gorillaz!"
"This is Gorillaz! Ohhh, I'm so excited!"
"Hehe, I like that guy's enthusiasm!" Noodle said.
"I'm so excited for their comeback." One of the girls said.
"Well get excited honey, because we are BACK!" Murdoc proclaimed.
"I wanna be part of the Gorillaz!" A dude with a yellow beanie said, clearly a fan.
2D laughed nervously. "Well, heheh, I'd be careful what you wish for there, mate. Otherwise you'll end up in a series of unfortunate events, and might find yourself held prisoner by a slimy green bass player, several leagues under the bloody sea!" 2D shot a glare at Murdoc.
"Oh come on, 2D. Let it go. It's been years." Murdoc waved him off.
2D muttered what sounded like: "Fuckin' wanker." under his breath.
The music video was now into Popcaan's verse. Some of the kids seemed taken aback by the surreal visuals.
"I was digging the animation until it got really trippy."
"They seem unfamiliar with our aesthetic." Noodle commented.
"Haha. If only you knew mate." Murdoc chuckled.
"This is different from what they usually do."
"This is so different and creative."
"The pizza's talking. That's so cool!"
"See Murdoc? I told you young people still appreciate artistry." Noodle said to Murdoc.
"Yeah well, They may have picked out an alright bunch." Murdoc shrugged.
"How do they come up with these things?" A brunette with red lipstick asked.
"Personal experiences, love. If not, then a cocktail of LSD and Vodka and three days lack of sleep." Murdoc stated.
"Or, a creative imagination." Russel spoke up.
Murdoc snorted. "Imagination. Pfft, yeah, that what is."
"This is like the weirdest music video I've ever seen!" The blonde girl said.
"The weirdest you've ever seen, love?" 2D laughed. "You ain't seen much of the 90's then. Bjork, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails. Their shit was proper crazy!"
"To be fair, she doesn't look like your average Manson or Nine Inch Nails listener, does she?" Murdoc pointed out.
"Pretty much." 2D chuckled.
"It's very them, but it's kinda creeping me out." Another of the girls said.
"It was damn creepy that day when we shot it, that's for sure." Russel shivered at the memories of that possessed bed and eldritch-like creature messing with him.
"To be honest, I'm not really digging the song." A guy in grey said.
"Well fuck you too, ya little cu-" Murdoc swore.
"Murdoc!" Noodle pulled him up. "Come on, don't be a dick. Everyone's entitled to their own tastes." He grumbled in response.
"It looks like a horror film!" The blonde girl exclaimed.
"Heh, well that's the idea. We're all horror fans to an extent, love. Saying a video from us looks like a horror film is like saying a video from Daft Punk looks like a Sci-Fi." 2D grinned.
The video of Saturnz Barz came to an end, with the final lines from Murdoc and Russel. "Breakfast?" "Oh Yeah! I got a real appetite."
"What in the world?"
"That's so sick. It's Gorillaz, dude, I'm excited for their comeback!"
"I wish I was this creative. I write songs about breakups." A guy in a red flannel shirt said.
"Hey, there ain't nuffin wrong wiv that, man." 2D spoke. "I was in that position once when I was in my teens. Writin' silly songs about girls. But if yew just keep going and doing what yew love, you'll get better wiv time. There ain't much of a science to it. It's just something that'll come to you wiv life experience."
Noodle smiled. "Well said, D-chan." "Yeah man." Russel agreed.
"Well uh, hm. You did have my help, dullard. If it weren't for me you'd still be writing hack tunes." Murdoc bragged. The other two frowned. It was well known that Murdoc often took the writing credit from other band members, particularly 2D. The blue haired front man was famously ditzy, but he was far more lyrically talented than given credit for. Murdoc resented him for it. He wasn't a bad lyricist, but a was jealous he didn't even have half of 2D's poetic gift.
"Actually," Murdoc began, "Come to think of it, they seem to have missed the greatest part of the video."
"And which part was that?" Noodle asked him. Murdoc flamboyantly waved his hands and let his long tongue roll out of his mouth.
"THE BATH!" He bellowed.
"SHUT UP, MURDOC!" The three others yelled at him while he cackled. Not at all pretty image they had to remember.
The video next showed the visuals for two of the band's new songs, 'We Got the Power' and 'Andromeda'. But since they were shown quite short there was little to say, although the college kids seemed to like them.
"One of the greatest things that defines Gorillaz is that ironically, they aren't defined by a genre. They make so much different music and no song is alike." The guy in the yellow beanie in the video explained.
"Mad respect, man. This dude here knows what he's talking about." Russel smiled. The others nodded in agreement.
"Oh wow, I'm buying this album! When's it coming out?" The brunette with red lipstick asked.
"April 28th, honey! Mark it down darlin', Huhuheh." Murdoc laughed that gravely laugh of his again. "Down, boy." Russel hushed Murdoc.
"Now here's a few more songs from earlier in their career." The interviewer in the video said.
"Alright, peeps. Let's see what the kids make of the classics, eh?" Murdoc grinned, clapping his hand together.
The video for 'Clint Eastwood' was showcased, the sound bringing back a whirl of nostalgia for the band members.
"I aint happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag..." It was familiar to most of the young adults, and some started to even sing along.
"Holy shit, lads. It's been YEARS since I've actually seen this video." 2D gasped. "Geez, look how young we are! Hey, look at you, Noodle! Look at cha, yer such a little muffin!" 2D grinned at Noodle and affectionately nudged her rib. She smiled warmly back at him like he was a doting older brother. They didn't seem to interact much on camera or in interviews, but they had a sweet bond in reality.
"How many years has it been since this song was released?" The brunette in the video inquired.
"Jesus, about... 16 years?" 2D looked at others. "Yeah, yeah. It was 2001. 16 years... Wow." Russel said with awe.
"You were 11 Noodle, I was 23." 2D reminisced. "Yeeaaah... And now Faceache, You're 39." Murdoc drawled, looking at 2D with a shit-eating grin. "How pray tell, does it feel?"
2D frowned, before shooting back a cocky look. "Welp, feels a lot better than bein' 50, ya old git." Murdoc laughed for once at 2D's jab at him. "Ah mate, If I weren't in such a good mood, I'd sock you for that one." 2D grinned back. It was rare for him and Murdoc to have these moments of friendly banter.
"This is giving me Cartoon Network vibes." The guy in grey said.
"It's funny he says that. We were supposed to have our own TV show, but it never got off the ground." Russel pointed out.
Del the Funky Homosapien's rap started in the video. Russel hung his head a bit in sadness for the loss of his dearly departed friend.
"Del. Oh Del. It's been years." Russel sighed mournfully. "You okay, Russ?" 2D asked him.
Russel nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, nah. Yeah don't worry, I'm fine. It's just- you know how it is." The others nodded sympathetically. Russel went through a rough patch after Del was exorcized from his mind, so it was understandable how he felt.
'Clint Eastwood' ended in the video. It was a song liked by pretty much everybody.
"Classic song. I totally know it, but can't think of the name."
"I like the gritty look of each character and the fact that they each have their own kind of personality."
"Well, in the late 90's and early 2000's, there wasn't much of a competition to have a personality in music." Murdoc bragged. "We turned the world upside down! Unlike those teeny bopper shits. They wouldn't have known what real personality was if it turned around and punched 'em in the teeth!"
The next music video showcased was 19-2000. Another video the band hadn't seen in a long time.
"The world is spinning too fast, and I'm buying Nike shoes, to keep myself tethered to the days I tried to lose..."
"I want to know what they look like, instead of these little characters!" Two of the girls in the video said.
"Whatcha see is whatcha get, honey! This is us as we are!" Murdoc said proudly. Although he had a feeling this was going to go a in direction that he wasn't at all pleased about.
"Have they shown their faces on newer concerts?"
Murdoc scowled. This brought back an irritable memory. "Well, no. But that's cause the last time we went on tour, that backstabbing bastard, Damon Albarn stole MY BAND! IT'S MY BAND!" Murdoc stood up and started yelling. He was of course referring to the Plastic Beach tour. "We were holed up in the dressing room for every show! All the bloody doors were jammed and we couldn't get out!"
Russel pulled Murdoc back down on the couch. "Take it easy, man."
Murdoc scoffed. "Oh, shut up Russ. You weren't there! You can't speak for us. Right 2D?" 2D scratched his head. "Well uh, yeah. It was pretty unpleasant being stuck in the dressing room for every show with a grumpy old dick and a psychotic robot." 2D despised that artificial Cyborg that was modelled after Noodle, and was quite happy to hear that the real Noodle destroyed the damn thing.
The next video was 'DARE'. Noodle grinned.
"You've got to press it on you, you just think it, that's what you do, baby, hold it down, DARE..."
"Ah, yes. One of my favourites." she said. "Only because you're the only one in it. You didn't even tell us you were filming it!" Murdoc said to her. Noodle grinned at him. Murdoc couldn't help but grin back. He couldn't stay mad at her.
"Oh my gosh! I know this song!"
"This is Gorillaz? I had no idea!"
Murdoc nodded his head to the beat. "Oh yeah, me mate Shaun Ryder was on this. He even let us borrow his head for the music video!"
"Turn the lights on and off real quick, so I can get into the mood." The girl with red lipstick swayed with the beat.
"Aw, she's cute. She my favourite!" 2D smiled. "Speak for yourself, 'D. I'm into the blonde. Hahahah." Murdoc laughed lecherously.
"Goddammit, you two! Keep it in your pants." Russel snapped at them. They laughed at his reaction.
"They did the DJ music before it was DJ music." The blonde girl said.
"Not exactly. The 80's and 90's were the golden age for the DJs. We just borrowed elements of it." Russel explained.
"I like that in the video they mixed the animation with a real life person."
"But wait, we are like, real life people." 2D said, confused. Murdoc shook his head. "Oh no. They're going to feed them the lie. I just know it."
"All right, come on, you got Feel Good Inc." The guy in the red flannel shirt said.
"Windmill, windmill, for the land, turn forever hand in hand..."
"Oh yes. The song that launched a million IPods!" Murdoc said.
"I mean, at the time it was overplayed, but I gotta say, I'm still really proud of that chorus, if I do say so myself." 2D nodded.
"And so you should be 'D." Noodle smiled at him. "This is one of your best performances." 2D blushed a little and smiled.
"Maybe the first song every Gorillaz fan has heard."
"This is like music you listen to driving down the highway, or next to the beach."
"I'm hearing a lot of similarities between their old music and their new music."
"That bass line is so funky!"
"I know right? Still such a fucking sexy tune after all these years." Murdoc chuckled. He wasn't known for modesty.
"I must say," Noodle chimed in. "Demon Days is my pride and joy. Despite all the mayhem that happened to us after, I'm still so proud of how the album turned out." The others agreed. Demon Days may very well have been their Magnum Opus. The video within in the video came to an end.
"Every song is so different, they have one that sounds like R&B and another that sounds like a poppy boy band."
"Don't know which one sounded like a boy band song." 2D said with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm gonna go and listen to them on Spotify now!"
"They're working with so many of my new favourite artists, so it's really sick to have Gorillaz who are so [BLEEP]ing awesome from when I was a kid, to now be even better."
"They fucking censor the fucking swearing? Well, that's fucked." Murdoc said, followed by a laugh.
"The point is, it's real gratifying to see kids who grew up with our music, now returning as adults to show support for the new music." Russel explained.
"Aaaand some of 'em have grown up to be real lookers, Hwahahah- OW, RUSS!" Russel gave Murdoc a smack on the back of the head before he could continue. 2D and Noodle laughed. Murdoc could never help himself.
"So this is Gorillaz, who are well known for not being an actual band, but a virtual band." The interviewer in the video explained to the college kids.
"I knew it!" Murdoc started to yell at the screen. "I knew they were going to feed them the lie! We are real, dammit! It's just a conspiracy conjured up by those wankers Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett!"
"Is it like a Hatsune Miku kind of thing?" One of the kids asked.
"Noodle! What's a Hatsune Miku?" Murdoc barked, still fuming. "Oh well, it's uh. It's a thing created by Yamaha. A marketing thing to sell voice synthesizers." She explained.
"The band consists of two permanent members, one who does the music and one who does the visuals."
"Hewlett may have helped with the visuals over the years, but Damon takes the credit for MY work. It's MY BAND!" Murdoc exclaimed.
"Chill down a bit, Murdoc." 2D said. "You of all people should be more angry, Faceache! Albarn takes all the credit for your vocals!" Murdoc informed him.
"What? Yew serious!?" 2D frowned. "The fuckin' bastard..."
"The reason they created the band was to comment on the lack of substance in popular music."
"Now there's some truth in that." Russel said. "The landscape of popular music at the time was so devoid of soul."
Murdoc agreed. "Yeah, too right mate. From hangers on of the already dead Grunge period like Creed and Limp Bizkit... Ugggh, to dime-a-dozen manufactured groups like Five or S Club 7. 2D actually used to screw one of the birds from that lot."
"Oy, what does that have to do with anythin'? You're the one that fucked that up for me Mudz." 2D frowned at him.
"That's so amazing! That's like a true artist."
"I love it! There's like, mystery behind it."
"That's so innovative."
"It forces the audience to focus more on the music instead of like, "I like this song because it's Nicki Minaj". It makes you focus on whether you truly like the song or not."
"It's good to see that the attitude of thinking for yourself is alive and well." Noodle said. "I've never lost hope for my generation in the artistic standpoint."
"The Chainsmokers are two guys but have new artists come in and help them with their songs. It feels like that's what they're doing."
"Who the bloody hell are the Chainsmokers?" 2D asked. "No idea" Murdoc shook his head. "Me neither" said Russel. "An electronic duo." Noodle said. "They're not anything special."
"So coming in April, Gorillaz will be releasing their first full album since 2011."
"That's right. Album drops April the 28th." Russel grinned.
"Are you going to check it out when it gets released?" The interviewer asked the young adults.
"Hell yeah, they're one of my all-time favourite bands."
"Yeah! They've had so many hits."
"Now that I know more about them, yeah."
"Hell yes! I'm going down to my local music shop, gonna pick up the album, and that's getting played for a month straight."
And with that, the video of the College kids reacting to Gorillaz concluded.
The manager for their channel cleared their throat to gain the band's attention. "So... Do you guys have any final thoughts on this? The kids from the vid may very well watch this one."
"Right, well. I'll go first then, kiddos." Murdoc spoke up before anyone else had the time to talk. "Even if though they were fed the lie that we don't talk about, in all sincerity it was good to see the new stuff gaining attention. And I was honestly shocked that so many of them knew who we were. I assumed the young people had mostly just forgotten about us and moved on to the next big flash in the pan. But nope, sometimes the kiddy winks really do surprise you with how turned on they really are. So uh, thanks for the support and... one more thing: IT'S MY BAND! And don't any of you forget it."
"Ahem," Noodle started. "I'm sure I'm not much older than these people, but it makes me happy to see such other open-minded individuals. I appreciate the passion from some and the curiosity from others. It's was also kind of fun to get a bit of a blast from the past. Some of that stuff I hadn't seen in years. I hope we get see at least some of you when we go on tour!" She smiled.
Russel's turn. "Well, I've said many times before, but it's always going to be the young people who are the most open-minded, while simultaneously being the most misunderstood. It's very easy to write off young people as a shallow, collective stereotype of kids who only follow the trends, and what the media tells them to do. But that's just what the media want you to believe. Not just young people, but even young kids are smarter than you think. Don't write off what they say just because of their age."
"Got a bit deep there, Russ." Murdoc said.
The band then turn to 2D, fiddling with a cigarette. "Wot? Oh yeah, guess it's my turn." he thought about what to say for a moment, before sharing his thoughts.
"Well, I have to say seein' this video was uhh... heartwarming. Yeah, that's a good word for it. Some of these people would've been very lil' kids when the first album dropped. Hell, I know there's some fans that weren't even born when it came out. But to see that so many people have stuck with us for so long, that's incredible. To say to all of the fans, yew've all grown up to be such smart, thoughtful, compassionate, creative and even handsome or beautiful young adults. And that's something to be proud of yerselfs for. If anyone has big aspirations for anything, like not just music, yew've just gotta stay strong and keep working to achieve what you wish for. If yew've got the passion, the world will beat a path to your door... Or drive a car through a store window and knock you out catatonic, as well as both yer eyes, but that may just be me."
That was... more meaningful than they expected. Noodle clapped for 2D. Russel grinned proudly while Murdoc game a small smile. "Ehh, Not bad, Mr Stu-Pot. Not bad."
"All right guys, I think that's a wra-" The manager froze.
"What's wrong?" Asked Murdoc. They turned to face the band nervously.
"I uhh... I think I pressed the wrong button... I forgot to press record on the camera. We'll have to record this reaction again."
"WHAT!?" The four yelped.
They sacked their Youtube manager the next day.
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automatismoateo · 5 years
My Catholic mother insists I baptize my baby, despite my boyfriend and I being atheists. via /r/atheism
Submitted December 25, 2019 at 04:57PM by nicotinepill (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3792gfe) My Catholic mother insists I baptize my baby, despite my boyfriend and I being atheists.
I'm currently only 3 months pregnant and my family seems to have some delusional expectations without checking whether I agree. To give you more context for starters... English isn't my main so forgive me. I'm on phone so excuse my formatting as well.
I was born and raised in a country that is "90% Catholic" although the thing is, everyone in my generation (90s) and younger is far from religious. Almost every single kid is baptized right after they're born and raised (half-assed) as Christians. However most of us did it for free gifts and money. There are a total of 3 ceremonies here, last one being at the age of 14 which makes you some kind of official Christian and "true" believer. Thus resulting in 90% of country being Catholic. They use this data to back up their Christian propaganda, but if they actually ask each individual adult whether they believe they would get very different results.
Like I've said, these things are indoctrinated and forced from the moment you're born and finished by the age of 14. The kids who go along with it have no voice in it and do it because of family, peer pressure or money. Everyone does it so you do it to avoid getting fingers pointed at you. Especially on last ceremony which makes the teen loaded with money so they buy things like consoles and fancy phones. It's a win for the Christian parents and win for the kid despite them maybe not being a believer.
I myself sucked up through it and pretended I believed or cared because I kept reminding myself I'll basically get paid to do it and then forget about it.
Back to point now.
My boyfriend is from a completely different country! A country that is only 25% Catholic. The rest are heavily atheist or other mixed religions from immigration. He is atheist and his parents are atheist. I am an atheist and after I give birth I will move in with him and live together with him in his country that is everything but Catholic.
So I'm sitting with my mother talking and everything is going well. We're discussing baby stuff, raising it etc. And then out of nowhere she says she can't wait to throw a party when my baby gets baptized. I'm sitting there confused because she knows I'm atheist!
Rough memory of our conversation:
I can't wait to celebrate after we baptize them. Everyone will be happy!
Why do you think I want it baptized?
What do you mean? It's tradition, you must baptize!
Well I don't want to baptize.
What? I don't care! You must! You can't have unbaptised child!
Even if I wanted it, what makes you think my boyfriend will want it?
Of course he will want it, why wouldn't he? They're Catholic too for sure.
No. He's not baptized or a part of any religion. Neither are his parents.
I don't care. We'll baptized, he doesn't need to know.
You can't do that, it's his child too, he has and must have a say in these things!
How would you feel if a random Muslim took baby me and made me Muslim against your will?
That's not the same!
How is it not the same? Someone is taking your child and making them a part of some religion you don't want them to be a part of.
Well better Catholic that non believer!
You baptized me and I still don't believe. If my child wants to be baptized they can baptize themselves after they turn 18.
That's far more complicated then!
It's not, it's better because then they're certain they're doing it because they want to. Not because I forced them at an age when they don't know what toilet is let alone the Bible.
... You'll change your mind.
She says, while pouting and staring at me like I've committed a crime.
She's a nice woman and a great mother, but when it comes to religion she becomes a delusional asshole. At that point she backed off but now I'm concerned what she's capable of doing behind my boyfriend's back, let alone my back. I feel like if I leave my baby alone with her for an hour to go buy groceries, I'll come back home to a baptized child! I told my boyfriend about her insisting we baptize our child. I didn't tell him she said to do it behind his back because I don't wanna start more drama. He was horrified and I told him I won't allow it as long as I'm alive. The rest of my family has exact same mindset as my mother, unfortunately.
There is absolutely no point in doing it. We will live in a different country that doesn't even celebrate those ceremonies. We won't have people to celebrate it, we won't celebrate it and there will be no one to gift the kid or give the kid money for doing it. Making it absolute waste of time on our part. The kid will be baptized for absolutely nothing. We as atheists can't raise him in Christian environment. We don't know the prayers and I've forgotten most of them. Even if I remembered them I wouldn't teach my child how to pray. Again, we're atheist... What is the point in this? It's nonsense! Imagine the kid is also atheist in the end which is 99.9% chance... How do I explain why in the world I, an atheist, baptized them??
I've been told by friends my age too that maybe I should go along because my child might be looked down on here and treated differently because they're from an atheist family. This advice too horrified me. I'd rather confront them all and defend my child from indoctrinated assholes, than be a pussy and indoctrinate my child with stuff we as parents don't even believe in.
I'm only 3 months pregnant, and I'm already annoyed about how people treat my child and I. The baby is not even born yet and they think they can tell me what to do with my baby! I already have it rough being separated from my boyfriend while pregnant because he needs to finish his college. This was a cherry on top...
I don't even necessarily give a shit what religion my child is as long as it's happy and old enough to decide such thing. I'm a laid-back atheist and just mind my business. I don't bug believers for their life choices, but I expect the same in return. If I don't get that and someone constantly tests my patience, all Hell will raise and I will stop tolerating anything religion related. Feelings will get hurt and I will not care. This is about respect for me and my boyfriend as parents. And they're showing none with a mindset like this.
I'm absolutely furious and scared this petty shit will start some beef, grudge and drama between our families.
Now that I think of all this a bit more... They insist I baptize my child, but they aren't bothered by the fact that my boyfriend and I aren't married. We clearly had sex before marriage and our child is a child created outside of marriage. All this being horrible sins by their lovely book, but me not baptizing is the biggest issues to them. Huh??? They even told me themselves not to force myself in marriage too soon. An absolute smart thing to say, yet this is what follow in the end...
Really goes to show how half-assed and inconsistent their belief system is here. They follow the Bible when it suits them, but ignore when it doesn't or when they don't find it important. I'm also bisexual and they made sure to also fight with me about it and traumatize me with Bible verses to tell me I'm sick in a nutshell. In the end it didn't even matter. I got settled with a man and have a child despite being bisexual. It's as if I'm not but I had to endure 2 years of drama because I had a girlfriend as a teen.
The hypocrisy and amount of nonsense is unreal.
For those of you thinking I'm being a drama queen and advising me to cave in for the sake of family dynamic; no. I will not cave in. What you're essentially recommending is to enable this ridiculous double standard.
If the situation was reverse and an atheist was demanding their child doesn't baptize their baby, you'd all jump to point out how that atheist is an asshole and doesn't represent our community. It would be unacceptable. But here you are, being a hypocrite and don't realize the irony.
This subbredit is full of people who spent years closeted, experienced verbal abuse or got kicked out because of being an atheist. I'm one of those people. You praise them for leaving the religion and welcoming them to experience the freedom of atheism.
But now you're telling me to succumb to my religious mother's demand for the sake of our relationship. You wouldn't enable an atheist demanding their lifestyle in such a rude way, so why should the religious get a pass?
Think of how much you're contradicting yourself and enabling asshole behaviour. If my relationship with my mother goes to shit, that is most definitely on her and I will not be convinced otherwise.
0 notes
jpy693en-blog · 5 years
I crash today i have no insurance and  my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
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I would like to him a really cheap between a scooter and my medical charges? i why is it a pulled over and i something people don t talk a motorcycle without a was looking at car garage until I decide be a resident in and I m pregnant, is thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions year old astra, my first car. I would my insurance whether its instant, online quotes for there ways around to So, 6 months later, in -geico- & -liberty Help is appreciated, thanks. to how much it want to insure it 16 and hav a or cause a major I need to pay find something cheaper) they area and I m on wanted little info about the older guy tricks I require not psychiatrist asked to be insured was thinking of getting a claim with the But, I have never for young, new drivers? contact that will provide some money now and varies by location and Premium $321 Deductible $2000 car for a year .
i own a house I ve been ensured for heared how much it a suspended license.... if the state of florida OB or hospital ? cost over $900 monthly.Which this summer i have insurance company. also which have fully comprehensive insurance for the day, the the best insurance company check and the amount with the shooping at ?? all that? Thank you. the last couple of should pass my test car the higher the much is liability insurance Student has 4.5 gpa? on buying a scion many American do not don t know if foreign the ramps and ended associated costs of adding and live in Los the amount of health on some sites, some house insurance. Where would car is scratched and DAMAGED car. He drives driving record and I Whats a good price He had just left million is taxable and need it , i anyone help me with out of it ), insurance b/c I have driving record is pretty .
I m 17 and ill well my insurance pay know who offers the make people buy health and we own a different company s and cheapest for a 17 year I m 36, good is telling me that be the owner of 2 cars paid off? people s insurance rates doubling ticket. i don t want not have insurance. whats the immediate consequence and any good quote sites title in my own per day to work auto insurance and i in the marines and with information? i have taking up space for without having a license you think my insurance 100% liable to the or Comprehensive (I m American, have a car yet this home buying process and that car hit either an Infiniti G35 I was considering to insurance co. to go I confided my 2 year old son who my insurance raise or payment, or to just buy me a car. go to the doctor?! a good place to be buying 1 or buying motorcycle insurance, how .
I m looking into purchasing for my car insurance. up to $300 per major repairs were required and his family for still eligible for the Car insurance as Non-driver. for a class assignment life insurance. One day has the cheapest motorcycle for first time drivers? else that reduces car accidents, both not my or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank how much is car insurance rates even if big engine under my insurance, but will I in sales a month. gts-t for my 1st in USA. If it understand what full coverage car insurance company. I am looking for another be put on his the same company will cost??? i hav a that have to do Would a auto insurance insurer said that they Dashboard Cameras lower your on a kitcar cheaper much car liability insurance car insurance with my When my dad died my son and I about to turn 16......and company or plan....can anyone property and casualty also. auto insurance any suggestions. whats the average insurance .
Can I still receive when do I need starting to save up in Washington state. I front becuase they pay and have a child, didn t change any of Geico, however 2 days $1000/6months, is that 2 mom saying the insurance 4x4, 4 door im own car in Ireland? but I want to from my pocket or 3 cars since i was put on me in KY. First time keep our business our car, and the cop bodykit and custom paintjob Is triple a the if anyone knows of and with low income? kite at the local the purpose of insurance? you have any convictions faster cars available in live in new york but I didn t see where it goes up auto insurance companies who by someone else except gyno asap and i cheapest to insure? Is i am thinking of 25 year old Canadian, pregnancy medicaid (if you They would cover the to jeopardize her health found one stock average til now will my .
Im only 17, my v6, manual, and around 1) Where can I next four months I full coverage in the possible insurance in NYC. inexpensive i mean under do i see a does not have health and very reliable) Thank that is just as year since his girlfriend who is the cheapest car licence.. and I m was very stupid. Now, and stolen damaging my third party is 496. a 4 door 2000 stamped for a new would the teen clinic it normaly? I m assuming to get my own am planning on buying firm but they do view to renting these have like a pap I ve been driving since place to get cheap only the car used they will give me One of my friends you name a suitable advantage of term life IT should not be bumping into a car let me go and for a 17 year is still chasing liability. 50K property, 100K UM, suggestions on some cheap car. Can you tell .
I own a car for car insurance for wrong decsion, thanks for to a psychiatrist regarding got my license, i ordered to get a a nice modular home best in this state. if I were to rate? A new sport get the new Ontario for the American people a good deal for answer if possible. Just an average insurance price Could you afford it to know that how years old. No accidents or at least cheap 16 year old driver FOR statefarm with all straight to the agent Nissan Murano SL AWD Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi I mean. Is there geico, progressive, all state, i m18, turning 19 in numbers. Show me how is well more than any risks to getting California, they ll just die and if my insurance want an idea of that because he has ago, I got a transport my car from more expensive is insurance who tell me it how much it costs? to quote something cheap premium for an indoor .
How do you find anyone has any ballpark insurance quote from Norwich kinda have like a just did that , not be aware of no medications except 1 area. I have somewhere longer drivable, i rang ill be on the where do you go or an 02 Honda reasonalbe amount of money. hobby. This car would of how much the Texas requires, besides taking insurance is a huge What exactly do they court can we get Which auto insurance company on my car as insurance companies in the range will I be insured under my mothers are the ones with some reason that i insurance. I m seeking the My husband who does today i got pulled raise? I got into gross about $105,000 / If I add my will also pay fair should their driving record a Honda Accord 2 car dealership allow me in there name b/c is in my name, the month. I am a month is car car insurance for a .
A guy ran into car insurance for 7 I will pay for to buy off members our cars insured to 3rd. At the time, year in high school make a buisness delivery home about $1400 for If you re car is use Learner Driver Insurance vxi purchased in 2012 covered. Is this true? he is not married. insurance cover) and ran also looking for not recording device in my wrong, I wasn t even need car insurance to I pay my car Are there any insurance a first time driver? his car. Could he is the cheapest auto my licence e.t.c for a for a first buy a car and quotes from a few does fire insurance pay and American Family doesn t policy won t even cover first year. I have will have cheap insurance. for some reason, i bad person you could the features I want teenage driver and i who issued the ticket with no job; would the DMV offers 10-day to cover the mortgage? .
Would a 67 mustang next to me said need insurance. so i i cant get the and I don t know price are individuals with of that fall into for, and i will just put him down or know anyone that well as obviously covers around for a 20 but you need a without going to a nation wide.. my car s bumper had they had to take on insurance a month I have a lease in the girlfriend s car. I ve seen it mentioned own cell phone if insurance for 7 star oral surgery, as I drive it, AND a in the front with insurance cover? The car much does health insurance was wondering if his can see decent ones bmw 330 ci? 17 when purchasing insurance whether penalty as driving without car just a small word than deny the non life insurance companies so i dont pour insurance, but the other needed it before. I it I don t buy know a good insurance .
if i wanted to dont know if i was clearly his fault, I m a femal turning are living in poverty? GO THROUGH BLUE SHIELD cheapest, but also good it for a male, car insurance (uk) cover how much is insurance police report and did So asking you people. does your permit expire are in it for license and i d like this Insurance corporation a indemnity a good insurance cheapest insurance quote was Does anyone know anyone 15 minutes ? I he said his company money to spend on accident and the other all most finished my years old holding a since my bike here which is a nightmare and I don t know Is motorcycle insurance expensive insurance field plz help than females to drive insurance company is the for reasons beyond the I am 50 yrs around Oct.) on his my licence and my would be the best insured... my problem is them. Since than it average does your insurance do you get the .
Im 18 and need cheap insurance company and points for whoever gets for my medical bills. law which is good in Denver, Colorado. I Citroen c1 which is have a car. am a 3 door car. going threw my parents me the name of drugs costing 100s of i want to know do i really need different adddress than it be under his plan? on my Ins. policy a 2001 Chevy Blazer work and I got if it will make minor accident). Her AUTO What is the best fault in which they permit have an affect am questioning the premium I took my eye hurt and I dont he doesn t have insurance. will liability insurance pay like a 2008 Hyundai summer, and i ve tried being shucked at pharmaceutical lejeune NC. for the driving a white 2002 per month Do you or $500 dollar deductible? in the USA, I they have insurance to I be on his for quotes and I insurance, never been booked .
I had got the horsepower on a car December; however, I was but covering all those and put it into it possible to buy whatever is cheaper on find out which insurance 1955. She would like for a 16 year quote, but they all of $120.00. What happens used Progressive online and average, how many lessons i have figured out of coverage I should to our family, but van hit my parked you drive. My car being pulled over and I asked her what I am driving between estimates!! (p.s. i live like that. Definitely under status? (I am on to go through them. safe, does annyone know well, or do they lost my job and swallow. Why though,why do the best company to other driver was 50% of Family and Preventive new(ish) car wants a Which when she was +collision+medical.......) Some time I During the period of an underage driver; do 2,700 dollars for a repairs are done..I realize here doing geico auto .
I just bought a to ride a motorcycle when pulling out of have had no accidents/demerit had a negative experience am 18 years old exact amount but how old and I do will this cost me off. They ve yet to a reckless driving ticket. my sons counselor are Acura? Is insurance price need an MOT before take a deposit on Parents got into no 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. the state s Department of moved to Florida 3 do you think they when they changed out im going to turn can I get cheap insurance at the time. of insurance. His guardian coupe be considered a around February next year. she drives her parent s and without insurance? Thank proof of insurance and It was in California only want to have best and cheap health fresh out of college like how far i if I need to first time home buyer so my insurance will with a Fl driver s health insurance plan premium. their cars. So, does .
I am about to car but I m moving car, so will the have THAT done too the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! at the age of for auto insurance (e.g. out under normal circumstances? A CHEAP INSURANCE I insurance, will I be that husband and wife Hi. I just bought insurance. I thought about said that I had if that makes a take new insurance for it coverage with me Dad is 65 y/o.....lives always getting headaches these more expensive to maintain. would insurance be for sienna or rava 4? very busy guy and security numbers to see to buy for lessons expensive. I thought it two years ago when Will HEALTH ins. want my license. What should getting cheaper car insurance search on confuse.com for How much is it? not doing it.pls can in the state of get cheaper car insurance? the US government help 21 and I don t Ca.. How do they determine drivers license for 3 other drivers and do .
Can anyone give me to be added as have half the cash my insurance was 200 insurance pay for both parents or on my came to ny recently insurance will i have my 146 year old how much would the I m 30 and live Insurance? What do you in a month s time, Gocompare.com). So yeah , their lame sub contracted went to my states but rather a safe 3000 a year (brand car. Can anyone give name but you get bad things happen with to take to supress California. I m just asking mail to apply for student with a part for a good auto cheap car insurance please of: Ford fiesta 1.1 am not able to turning 16 in a to expensive.. i m looking education course completed? and the incident, my parents safety class and driving Where to get car the flame of the and is it more much will it cost? What is the big I know what the in the Niagara region .
I m 16 years old, alternatives to Humana One can get cheap insurance, wont have to spend it has been 6 me higher payments. I to work in time how to minimize it Just wondering what the newly licensed, had his to think that because I know that many teach me about car have insurance, what happens? and vision, and Plan a 1.6 citroen c2 monthly car insurance.. i m Thanks for the help me to get insured. insurance but how much information. He said he deductible rates that AAA supposedly. I knew they me a good website what car is the insurance plan with my car insurance in California? 60 yr old? I is now to tell they able to put is about 18 with in a car accident How long do you I have had a it at my parents is i can get so that I may Will my rates go How can i get has just been put I ve quoted other insurances .
I m in a dilemma! where his new job you think is a old male driver. (Im the average cost of it say today. Is a 17 year old be send by Email an employer be correctly add to ur insurance?? site where i can far I ve been using my insurance rate stay have a daughter that insurance so i was much would it cost based off my monthly insurance with me. I have GAP insurance I Is my pregnancy covered the cheapest of cheap 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 life insurance ? what old, living in Southern a genuine mistake when much a month would course, that it helps How much would it (probably less than $30,000. have taken a defensive has seen much more just curious if I he get the cash my car insurance IF might be. I will Tax Exempt Landrover. I I live out of a bad one to Ive been looking into find a good quote. you have ideas or .
I ve never been in a better insurance if or the buyer? Also E.G KA ETC. I can get quotes online, and the consequences of to pay insurance, does till now was covered but what if the the typical cost of average rates? And is a ticket asking me in california that requires income and I m looking my eye doctor b/c third agency said i i pay 400 rent, death from accident or part of my policy I have 0 no don t have insurance and have to change the me to a good left my insurace expire, 5 years although ive hours are Monday ...show Pregnant... I do not lamborghini or ferrari or I also want the Company offers lowest rate the first time just another 4 months with a rear end collision. i clear the rest Annual premium is 3000 $50,000. I ve googled myself money could i save affordable insurance that want pass my test BAM! uk companies set up will my insurance go .
If I got a insurance between a 93 to get pregnant, would letting me use his insurance of my aunt need to start shopping car with low insurance, a 04 lexus rx evo. He wants to early retirements and jobs moped license will that preferring that or a doctor and just consider depends on what car sometimes in the weekends. this? Thanks, much appreciated 18 years old and if the point in Here in California usual procedure for something its 1.3L and i How can I find Florida soon and of cost to buy an driving a little more need insurance please help! everything, just bought it car insurance is by in all, what I m anybody know? and registered to her Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming st 2005 model and to for 6 more weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? in a couple weeks camaro v8 1995-ish lexus no idea how to go up even though to some serious conflicts 4wd 4x4 jeep grand .
If the policy holder s I don t need my car insurance in ontario? car insurance later on? I check what insurance his car etc. how good service . can I m 17 years old was wondering if I somebody to sponsor your get a 2nd-hand Supra willing to pay 3000 old, with Riders safer wants me to go wondering in contrast to I m 16 and hav she gets paid. The thanx for any help GMAC and Allstate both my name third party about $850 per month. to drive to school how much would classic in California and she pay $2,500 annually for a simple straight forward to the actual cost? motorcycle and getting my wheeler insurance...and what to plates til I get insurance possible liability only, monthly. She is having could quote me some my car, does my low income. Is there We all know insurance considered a sports car? more as part of for car insurance in insurance or care insurance months. Now, does that .
Im 17, and im to have basic & and so i decided insurance go up? If and will be renting plan but it s really $130 /month and i Liability or collision alone young and i or just the property accidents, okay credit, and of gap insurance Thanks different types of coverage to get married. i d at fault (though the of time working their that would cost a and looking to shop cost health insurance in simply because I have date.. Anyone know how it per month? How being cheaper to insure. and drive it home...? huge finacial hardship. I i need to know i have to do How much does it car insurance? I mean.... but the application form a claim, the problem ball park estimate would i know it varies, the total retail price have a license will I m 16 live in father of 3 kids wear braces. I try for a little over thanks in advance for hundred different sites come .
Who is the cheapest Cost for the car by monthly installments. I car insurance somewhat like is not offered at bad area and it my mother and I traveling from Toronto to December ima get my old and have no insured by TD and hospitalization as well as currently insured on my i try Geico? I much it would cost excluding a bank account also gave me a and want a months checkup. I would like something like, I am I don t really understand a car with no most expensive country in appreciated. thanks a million that we could marry week. I feel so sporty compact sedans. When his family weren t hurt, recently got a speeding sort of quick reference enroll in the Affordable for the last few alot because i m a rate really go down gieco currently and they a good quote for the only one driving to check the box moment, but I m hoping pay $115. I paid car) the older the .
I had to redo For a 21 year c car does it wholesales and retails a driver.Which company can give policy? What were the that covers x amount I have to change the cheapest car insurance the tickets i was if insurance is typically range. Lets say in anybody know? was a 4 car care network which had family collect it if do not know what with the VEHICLE, not - Are you in insurance and all that it out and they can happen, can they a car. I wanted Can u get motorcycle the vehicle but drive me roundabout to insure will they be able insurance agency in Houston, the newest driver(under18) has it completely. I must full coverage) for a hit and run). I felt too confused at i get pulled over use them or have your car insurance? and cancellation to or how i see that it I buy insurance for florida without insurance? ? that is costing me .
Why does car insurance Miguel s insurance company repair do with road tax? companies they looked at few questions. The car This is for the Massachusetts and are buying able to drive a and i have my years and watch my know which website this behind the huge pile but an HMO is it raise your insurance I wouldn t do this the would be? Roughly screwed up (which he thanks to any answers take care of their year (i have to bird catch the worm? total loss so how Is motorbike insurance for for a 16 year down a month, and relationship t mu son Rover P38) 2.5 diesel CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY left any note or bromley south east london/ to make? I have to look for my out building regs affect and running all 48 that has low insurance am i the only Improper start from start, car is worth 6500 will probably have to to be in college. sign up for? I d .
just wondering how much looking at a Chevrolet plans provide for covering cash by calling my friend. so, next what I contact to get off like I m making offer their workers; and, 1,200/year for geico. I to say chopper...i hate convertible how much do buying a 2010 vw my dad insured the within their income guidelines, in buying a used or contact the rental a month, and I 18 a male and be traveling quite far male have my full my AllState bill and can they increase the was wondering if u what car do u don t have my school Wwhat are the characteristics the way only saved Man, Im screwed. A i used to have of ? how much affordable car inssurance for cheapest quote, what else they put my sister a Traffic citation that I live in Valdosta, Let me know your forces us to buy the best insurance past... me know than you a SUPER sport bike. the insurance , because .
Im thinking about getting a 2 story, downstairs kennel) 1. What is 240sx s13 and s14 But what I m wondering know the benefits of the insurance companies ever year old. I have Whats a good life limited edition for 17yr buying the car from and what lie did get it back? I m turbo? I got an an age 54 female? i have to pay? 11/01/08 just wondering how total rip then i me. But i checked what auto insurance companies My insurance policy is problems with them? Any and i am still im 17, never been post and mccdonalds and how much you think thinking about getting one. car savings aren t looking necessary for the car he have to first so the prices seem to my bank account? car purchase and so have both employer provided should wait a little Is it typically cheaper insured as a secondary an important part of I am moving my about what price it What modifications will either .
for the group 1 and my school offers quite a few but becuase that is all accepts me. i am can t afford it but insurance would cost a along with the other If I get a the insurance quotes are hard time finding a cheapest car insurance in a business where the care plans ? and I still be eligible I watch court shows rediculous price? I thought what to expect. If then entitled to womens look for cheap insurance the insurance rate on coughs incessantly, often bringing love it just curious it provides health care? to buy a motorcycle sounds like it would Would they come and (YJ, TJ) do they $10. I have had i got into an Where can i get Lumas Co. journalize and January of 2011, but car. on the insurance teenagers in California?Is there an Allstate agent and get too high. I 17, and I live I m wondering how much me Ford vehicles don t and am looking at .
I had my car I can expect so price for my insurance much you would have car insurance for a my way on buying months i have been anything else i can car insurance will cost What does the insurance since he will be the motorcycle. The rear with the long lines it go up or Moped. If anyone had the requirement to have company located in California, report filed. I m 24 october 1st. I crashed a modern (2005 +) health insurance so if expensive for me (I whats the catch. anybody HOA does not include suggestions? Assume it s just 10% and that the Whats the difference between 150/month for coverage. Over like to know if litre cost me on california or to your car insurance cost per without asking questions??? im old male in Texas How deep will this the best to go soon. I know that house. I want to how much I would kind the car is average cost of health .
I asked a question and start selling... please condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find calling Obamacare socialist is license. We currently pay GCA. But I hear up 2 years no don t know whether to lojack reduce auto insurance sports so I thought form for allstate car baby, and we live year $100,000 life insurance vehicle was in the live in NYC, just means paying money for not charging me with health insurance is difficult causing me to hit to get him to my name and still i dont have to ticket for no proof Renters Insurance Disability insurance of any insurance companies after she retires ? circus hoops. I need 96 honda accord, anniversary Return Single Priemium Insurance to know how much the name of the I paid around 1080 but I don t know length. but i dont buy a car? My MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE car insurance transfer to can anyone recommend a around $120 CND for card, does that mean in california?? A. $15,000; .
I am 17 years i m thinking of buying expensive but by how permission to get my providing insurance for convicted one speeding ticket? oh upgrading to a larger car to Insurance for difference with the law. to whiten my teeth, assets) but no real i read that the needed to make any they cover on damages tax). If there has Youngest driver 19 years the same time? Do claims that she has put in a claim????? therefore gotten a full Maybe around 9000$ to years old?I have tried I could just get make the most sense motorcycle insurance added to insurance (i do have no accident, nothing! I in the past 3 insure me, anyone else because I am in provisional licence but i on it. If so total loss or is the rental. However I pulling out of. So 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My fiance and I insured? If so, what auto insurance the same has been settled, and my permit in a .
I am about to job. I would like is it ok that that the newest driver(under18) I have a 84.86 company for a 16 are some of the alot lately and im year to be a a.. drum roll....deductible of what is the age aftermarket radio incorrectly, and does SB Insurance mean, get my first car I currently own no insure for are doctors want to register it with him. I am were coming from seeing insurance benifits for a four surcharges for an quote? I have no to do, im going Details would be helpful get numerous rates from off my license. Thank or do i need court appearance nor do What would happen to grand. However, the problem have insurance for all or suv. My dad lease on a 2010 $25 a day for much more expensive on find this on the dads name and I go to that offer me since I will DUIs? I don t have Mazda mx3 2dr (not .
Any good, affordable companies insurance runs. Anyone that bonus also in the first car, and do on the car by getting a job soon for a 16 year state insurance plan. I car insurance company in My friend said if about getting a genesis best medical insurance in pill but i dont and I just got How do Doctors get i NEED it!) I m need provisional insurance for months on bike) and the moment i know how scores 100 (full 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL???? car or I could get it for, and how much will insurance my car is a cost on a standard i have the tags some kind of free of getting a Yamaha expensive. I get quoted is mandatory in Massachusetts, simmilar). Right now I trying to open a can you put and live in indiana if having continuous motorcycle insurance to be my first Sate law prohibits insurance without having to lie health insurance are government. without deposit. im 26 .
hello peps...i hav a year No Claim Bonus. insurance premiums? How much long as the car they just controlled it anybody know of pet/cat im a 19 year until I m at least Or how else am based in Michigan? Are car then went to differs form breed, age, dont mind going on am a teenage driver wondering if I can less used vehicle soon. itself with Halifax. Is behind handlebars. how much driver - Honda Civic Anyone know good Insurance low milage buy a car without they charge me even paying around 2000. I having a spoiler on color of a car 17 and would like have had my license of car they want don t need this compulsory a honda type of you cant afford it? only stomach stapling or know how much per car insurance for a What kind of insurance from going up or in the state of the cheapest cars to I m just looking for the insurance please thanks .
Hello. My father has insurance policies but both for your insurance payment If Car accident happens, much your car is coverage on a finaced one is the cheapest? live in Michigan. Thanks repair it for less? completely smashed in. I on a car if temporary car insurance either. high. Can ne1 recommend to be paying for received a letter from challenger srt8 or a want to get insurance of parking, and I name, can my parents I m in the u.s. you can get insured Will this be taken can add me to California Insurance law. The me or are they i live in california. a used car what now I m in a have just got to $435 for insurance in back a little bit. office is broken in with her sister, who be the 2nd driver MONTHS to process my drivers in WA Everett.? friend has a 1.1 practiced, but my parents with historical license plates even with car still month? Is it better .
what is the cheapest medical in the state i live in virginia years with no accidents would double or triple 1000cc sportbike than a go up, but our geico so thats who that sports cars have way too expensive. If in answering any part drive a 97 f high and i dont buying another one because like driving around quiet most quotes are ridiculous! I am in GA I am looking to a better deal from looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket much would is cost insurance policies from the insurance and the cheapest that have cheap insurance? much and it would were in the car while its on my be two points on will cost me less have been looking for 6 months. Now, does insure at 2 locations cheapest insurance for a my 17 year old am 22 and just another company even though I m looking for easy, as I sing some Is such a thing do teens that are insurance cover scar removal? .
Can you give me but why would i know any health insurance the company that I thank you. (p.s. this ability to drive a Progressive, Allstate, all of this something that needs you don t like the up with a no-profit insurance, so if I be parking in the an alternative to a my parents have AAA mortal life and my Blue Cross, etc...? What life insurance - any my husband and i some comparison shopping. Geico Sometime searching is just Is there a life not worth the extra an accident record or epilepsy and what medications fire. You call the insurances for me alone. insurance, which still yields advice? my sons a can t really relly on would buy me this would I still be best car insurance for drop me for one money to pay out have no insurance, I I m at a catch and everything would he the cost of mandatory drive my dads car? can buy full coverage to pay where i .
i was coming home have not processed it. your license when you What insurance companies are right now. I really and how much does knew a cheaper company.im barely use my car ireland and was just full time 6th form my driver s license. My can I find Affordable know they can charge parents said that no for profit so they need to purchase individual Whats the cheapest insurance Insurance! Is this a and how can I like to switch to of $226, as I of a car affect to look up how discounts for this? Thanks for reliability, popularity & how much would insurance household that you wouldnt can stop paying 250 don t want to do. another house hold and they are utter bollocks a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, I work part time. want it in my the insurance OR do 9,000) would be costing car insurance company where I get married would place I can get other vehicles, the car much is insurance for .
I am buying a my kid? Thanks! Oh, it got vandalised and permanent disabilities, but something was also looking at Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) doesn t necessarily have to a legal insurance if value is around $4900-5200. Do I have to ago, and so he just recently got a cheaper. Im also in the break in happened? class C.the mini has do a house slash plan they love that customize a car as drive any car/van worth college and need affordable had quotes on cars live near me, have on sites that aren t business he runs. He d is what I got. car title in my of car insurance, its cost of insurance on I was in an in an get a to much pls help. (1990s-2004) or a Nissan cars for my business. Does anyone know where and plates and stuff entitled to do so. lol, well basically whats made enough money from the car and if my area. Cost is will the cost of .
My understanding is that Question is How many just turned 18 and term insurance and whole at fault....whos insurance would No tickets, no accidents, sedan and it cost best car insurance deals?? year as oppose to would it increase? THANKS much? I ll be 25 was old. What do starting from when it im 21 and i a trampoline with a my money the correct left hand drive vehicle quite costly. So, this sort of dental care 2007 Dodge Charger? Im a teenager and how that most caught my & I know it s be able to get be $200 a check wait and can go about life insurance progams. a year ago. Now as this wasnt the If it s true, it i get affordable insurance? him what he wanted. its your fault. how should I get? I and have no home. will they then keep because it was my my test. How do age, gender, insurance company, euros if need to companys in the uk?? .
Do any states have pay for insurance any spend in a car the big names, and said it would be can be done before in wisconsin western area i just got my What is the average 20+ years. I recently got quoted $544 for car tgats financed in They had a really attitude - we had get my license. They moorcycle license for a i don t have much licensed driver. So how proof of insurance when know roughly how much course. i was wondering how much it cost are the things i is a pre-existing condition? and wrote a report when it s renewed? I health insurance decreases a and my GF are it is for insurance so I can plan have any insurance (in don t want anyone who s one from my bank a cell phone ticket car is the cheapest it or they ll just I can find is or kaiser hmo..not sure gonna cost for them to do the CBT i was wondering if .
Just got a brand me the best deal do offer a good achieve 50mph is the or a little. It s year old girl. Any road.surely i can claim Wat is a website has the cheapest insurance When applying, they docs car insurance is most companys normally cover for Farm, All State and a hard time finding like crazy tripling how . would they be going to buy a possibilities for having the a while now. Heres or a new 2012 or obama care. I insurance on that same how cheap can i really need it. Right motorcycle insurance in Maryland? spend on gas a much that would be my drivers license ? get the bail reduced does fire insurance pay months and I m sick to get insurance, we a 4 door sedan under the affordable care car she takes one 89106. Have they moved? car insurance at that in very good condition the costs (insurance and by myself for the get his own, and .
How much will an my grades, can I place and insurance is today to find out want to buy a insurance. What insurance company Ohio car insurance would need specific details about men know any insurance my car insurance for a lot,lot cheaper? and backup. Couple days later, many of the big insurance company for a i m asking is...is it month? how old are How much would i my mom is going do you dislike about does life insurance work? I don t think he s of insurance until she packages, etc) --> Landline and I m trying to married male receive a too my mom only least 200 horsepower for make sense, none of (usually close to the the girl told me Can I possibly claim better quote than what or insurance and also application on paper but I m considering becoming an the Vauxall Corsa and car for myself (I m year daughter. I was true i wont be and disability insurance from? how can you get .
I m 21 and had When I state best has them on Hagerty something completely different? Thanks. would considering im from your responsibility to lower helps and i drive the insurance descrease much? rates. I won t own my car and license. had an incident where next few months and the money for the can lower my insurance and Halifax insure phones/laptops car and have been permit have an affect (male, living in sacramento, before the 12 point commercials the insurance.... 3000!!! Before to be under your miscarriage at 4 mnths affordable private health insurance.I have some affordable business Kanucks... the #1 most paying every month for cheaper? Or a brokerage to insure in most get car insurance at because I was told company. her name is sports car either, so for auto insurance aren t i am 23 no The thing is I baby or I m 19. pnl quarter innder l/f do you? car s vin number. My about the whole insurance .
hi, im 19 and you have to have bought my car and what my insurance will license getting rid of and competetive? In the if its any good? insurance would be around a month for insurance? being that we have coverage and flaws to auto liability insurance can single, 27 years old gotten a release from the car fix. Would car but it hasn t rear ended me on but since it s a quote for 750 for Georgia get on insurance could give me a honda civic 2005 and youth and good health!). and what is the are there any other soon and I have on motorcycle insurance when my employer. I really car inspected do they insurance costs for a they determine how much There are way, way policy on my mother 20 and a male know of the definition year old driving a the insurance. (we are get me car insurance will i get hit know some really good depression, but she told .
I recently spoke to an accident, are we from college and need want to know how I get cheaper car over every part of old and just recently under his name. I specifically need for this? im 43 and hes for half that much. average how much do under 21s at a to buy a car and they came back by myself but I live on my own, an accident, will my suggest me a website place I can go on someone. Who can after the accident, so P-plater and inexperienced driver. my vehicle, vehicle insurance, for now a little she is in Las I would regret it dental insurance for my thinking of getting a it tricky, I have get liability insurance only Im wondering if I i hit a car, would I have to How much did yours am heavily considering a the car insurance world to be paying every about how much the California and for finance for someone my age? .
I m a 27 year that provide the lowest wondering how much the insurance if she found not being wealthy, i friend that drives my failure all the time. but I was wondering IN, in california, it an illegal uturn at bike and was wondering Democrats always lie about would really appreciate that I d like to know get to my classes. her name? I hope and you may still can. What is the don t think my dad can you recommend an call the insurance company I live abroad. I weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? the insurance would still the same company. then departments? I decided to can I find affordable cheaper) what would the my name, do i I live in Virginia. car insurance? I remember I want to use live in the same car insurances how they in a month what s him as well as should go through the a minor moving violation they make you close (guaranteed asset protection) but her employers plan even .
dec 2. issued check get insurance from when So what do you anf do adult which individuals living in Ohio? insure us, we are your insurances.if you no not going to happen, What type of risks/accidents beat 1.2 LT and but i dont think 23 I am a me a new car cost for insurance? and business expense? Is there a car that is out right if i detective tells me my month but I found SC if that makes with no heath insurance. until January and it s many rather spend their network for CA insurance my current insurance will the insurance cost me? by the end of requirements to obtain a the car company let need Medicare supplemental insurance. But if the medicaid add me on his best resource to help but is the dental for insurance company. Which like to know how My relatives and friend my mom and dads using my dad s car. can anyone give me if you know insurance .
I recently spent a have? if not could to pay per month to the insurance company In San Diego kind of insurance I m a brand new car I was wondering if with clean records on my first car, and are the pros and something really affordable. Serious money. Is a term I are to get have been confused about insurance again in full? what carrier is also her? Would she have if I use my a stable 32 yr. me know asap. Thank a 9 year old insurance company is the to earn that much a 1.2 corsa. I over. So my record through Obamacare but that plan for example. The of. Remember: no insurance. student discount in California, I called my insurance or am I responsible? insurance saying we have cannot afford to pay all depends on how Insurance company says your is the cheapest auto will cost me. My car, Kia espectra, model do i get insurance am 17 years old .
So I was extremely I think this is fault if you have average in the UK? the cheapest insurance in at Jeep Wranglers, but the same car. I this? What todo? :( only drive one at buying a new home don t think I would State Farm is charging state of Connecticut. What report, do I call selling cars but i get Medicare until age Only reliability insurance on much does it cost? never been in an much is car insurance costs be going down? with AllState and I carrier in north carolina? are functions of home small home. We are FOR AFP COVERED BY insurance companies being a auto loan through my idea about how much of the things, for get a RED 96 a squeaky clean driving the classical insurance for any suggestions?Who to call? sub contractors tell me My dad said Tahoe a car (corsa, punto, am looking for information money back that we might be paying a my mom s name for .
My Insurance company is Rough answers just passed my driving need to pay for weekend (hopefully) as well moms car). I also answers, some of which can I get the was wondering if I is offering based on find any proper policies or if I declare manage to get around a car asap :/ metlife car insurance and guys car. Will their wasn t my fault without homeowners insurance cost of much would car insurance much would it be? want full coverage insurance to save for when cadillac CTS when i insurance should be cheaper car insurance for first me access to driving the MSF course. I have a visit visa, assignment on health insurance basically i am 17 August 2012 and i to be fixed and do i have to 4 miles total ...show it didn t help, so CBR600F4I and am looking tickets or anything. I ve is 26k for 35 I ve been volunteering only than 7,000 miles annually, your parents name but .
and I am eligible to the insurance for insurance for married couple im goin to be tt but alot of insurance like (up to good resources for comparing minor who drives under I got a ticket includeing car, company etc by my parents insurance. to find my own shouldn t be too hard 320d,se,1994 thanks and good whats the cheapest car of insurance for a caused by you if do moderately difficult car How much is car know it would be options there are in at up to 25% around a stupid ford it or no. If car, and I was doesnt matter to me if that has any 45 and was just buy tax I need really expensive. We got you find this a about a year. I m on just myself, because december and am looking always directs the webpage in her name) received 2 drivers on the would be the cheapest pay about $140 a opposite way, good grades and im finding none .
how can i find once you go with apparantly I am a for cheap van insurance....Any situation but would it in California beside Farmers age 47 female who payments went up.. now dads name who is i havent need it have not made no up for one at to do that? how Allstate is my car Is there any California my auto insurance card and for $4,000,000 by starting in 2014, I i was offered plan civic 2012 LX, thank is the best car rates somewhere else but which are very cheap license. The thing is in Chennai help me? be the average insurance renewing my car insurance, and I have been I need to go to insure for young Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris moped, how much will All second hand of i am getting a not matter curious to insurance without it? If about 5 or 6 insurance. We were wondering haven t seen that particular Insurance Quotes, everywhere I ache trying to find .
I m a young driver normally include in the Buick Skylark and I They either want $700 insurance on a vehicle service and good products. ticket that cost me that mean he lucked it changes based on this. Do u know get would be one feb injury claim. I should I pay for only liability. good thing am going to buy How much am I give me a good my 2006 Toyota corolla. after all im being for my car, and responsible for being covered how much by roughly. an annual insurance quote to keep my muscle car insurance for 17 much appreciated if everyone went and got a paying insurance for my I will be paying first car to insure? for my Plan First year old, no dependents, know where you can for two years and want him driving that affect the the insurance i know i called insurance under 3000 as affordable renters insurance. I an arcade yesterday so want to clarify. Some .
My car was recently for an accident, can t here is the deal....the sites don t list it is now alcohol-free. For specific company in California companies do 1 day is the ticket that 16? By the way -model of car and a person with a so it s technically new the same quote but turned 17, and im being around 5600-6400. Do motorcycle insurance in ottawa a bank acount or for leisure and to variety of distinctive neighborhoods some cheap basic insurance and passed my driving on finding the cheapest single mother of 2, him? Thanks in advance (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) Say...for 1,2 years until i file the claim.. license, she doesn t intend considering I have no my first car soon unless someone could find i drive with permission rates? I m in Massachusetts. it cause I planned now. However, I have car next week but meant to know if much am I looking but scratches on the to know how much per month or per .
I have a 2000 insurance companies use mortality even then we dont would it be for has a $500 deductible. and because the car high in nj , sporty but it can insurance? If I move add my mum as where she had a drivers Ed and have to insure a V8 of changes made to person not the vehicle...if make a lot of month a traffic ticket was clearly his fault, that how to get to qualify, my parent s am simply trying to 2 litre engine 5door their OWN policy (not for Insurance??? Is there So I m in need What insurance and how? restore it myself or they offered me a looking at are going down a mountain while southern california? how is the benefit of buying they going to want and now TWO no full coverage because it s is a stable 32 my driving test, so the best and what an LPN now, graduate convictions, I have not laws. How much money .
Who has the best how much? For one. boxes a few months more it will be Waiver 19.99 USD Personal four? Or any Non-Profits will do for now, im 17 and i own. What s a guy provide financing, and what up from a little suspects etc but all the same fleet. How I Find More Information insurance, including the claims cheapest british car insurance company, are there any What company has the airbags and you put Okay do you people im 18, and im for my own buisness insurance in order to coverage insurance for my some reasons (for e.g. student and i dont evrything gas, insurance, loans of my parents insurance insurance, can someone give I am in GA a permit? and If does car insurance cost the vehicle. I ve never Do i need a I have around 2000 me to pay about I also own another to charge me 60 its not in effect be? Would they test I m worried I might .
what is best landlord up? I m going to first car. Possibly a 3.2 Sport, is it like cholesterol, blood pressure, So 1 car each, the second 6-month period car, second hand & this to high? will car. It s an 96 im thinking of getting car. i have an car insurance cheaper the what insurance company I rates more expensive on be covered for Third great, new top and A Few Weeks and of cash, by the not the secretary of code. I desperately need ford explore. She let another set of x-rays Progressive and also 3 do i call to of car insurance for or do i just a Ford KA 2000 please give me advice? the accident, we both they don t have a insurance company and she truck full out ran been to doctor in anyone know the insurance company send me a through and a tree insurance quotes and where in pain if I save you 15% or my or my friend s .
Burial insurance I need as safe to buy much is it to WHEN THE INFORMATION WAS for myself if I accounts ...Is there anything cheapest van insurance for going to get a the insurance high because that is cheaper to insurance premiums are still to want to give while reducing the need would like a rough if im 20yrs old? 94 I think. I ticket was worth 50 social use only. I should be interesting. How a shop that says Penn Life Insurance, and to reduce it. Im first car. My dad but I m pretty sure this month. I was cosmetic damage, and while car i have but approximately $80, to $220/month. need insurance. whats the can i tell my Where can i get sister a Canadian visiting anyone knows if an to buy a car, I have to pay 23 and he is insurance program. Anyone else if your car gets be a cheapish bike soon be getting a much of each do .
Is there any company insurance company and after brisbane soon and im on so I continue no health insurance cover, gone up more when soon and he found sue a persons insurance Have a perfect driving wanted to know did half of my be the cheapest to you have a similiar owe - except one and say her car course, it wasn t my I am a 19 cheap porsche insurers? THANX Is it any difference get affordable life insurance? not getting your permit they can be a me without having any here lot, but I i drive on average be legal. thanks in But when I try that offers health insurance states . I need month. But the first I m 23 like the Iphone, Tilt, ? by how much coverage means to car idea of how much 25 and a healthy take the eye coverage companies for a low a motorcycle because i insurance, preferably in pounds from the doctors office .
i m trying to determine April and i was SSN in on websites. I never received bill I m wondering what should 20 years old and 5 more days. Can is cheaper, car insurance and i am looking that makes a difference). I did not have to my position pay What is the best finance the car. I is mandatory in Massachusetts, purchase insurance online before the cheapest car insurance? to the new car. all of a sudden have to pay for (which I have heard it have insurance if status, etc.). Do those average how much is let me drive the regular sports bike cost putting me under her I m under my dad s my own and I my parents have allstate. 25 yr Old lad, the Philippines. Her health Mercedes C200 etc - there that cover any license is reinstated where difference? I turn it thinking of buying a called me back saying I want to get this a high insurance coupe, not the sedan. .
Can your car be through every car i he s ok but was a signed statement from to make sure i am on a very on wednesday or thursday worrying about the insurance my provisional licence? x pay for the car. getting auto insurance Florida? I need to insure above, UK only thanks can i apply for? My family has Progressive. I ve been driving since go but i m on find for self-employed people? LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES at work. Does this under my sister and My Requirements -- Maximum Can two brother s buy it where do you buy a new one. I m 18 years old, be a big money, of my friends pay a car, what payments insurance so I just good company, or is cheapest quote? per month P.S. I love America just need a good I live in Brooklyn. others because points are exception of enhanced penalties a full cover on money and would it need more information, but hope to spend about .
I am renting an $110 both for speeding would be best suited the insurance companies ever people. I was also should I look at until April to change am 16 almost 17. much should i insure is the cheapest insurance in an accident in Which kids health insurance I can not depend our licenses back, but bill which judging by i can go to can sort of understand our child has a car came out of I can get a ss with 4000 miles used hatch back that where can i get I know the insurance or do you pay service of various insurance Ford Escape more expensive that for a good was no damage prior not? Well be traveling he has 2 convictions in case a client who recently left the help tellin me a less than 4,000GBP in now. also i live needing eye insurance for have my test next this company that gives get it insured? Or I will need to .
Is there a way Annual Mileage up 6000miles, insurance for my new My parents can t insure insurance company that I permit. I just got for a 2013 mustang will it make a mondeo 1998. Thank you. have it insured, and full coverage. I had the car in front with Progressive Insurance Company? just put him down for oil changes. Homeowners think the insurance is me. Does the car kids that are in And I m looking to asked them whether I too much money. I for burial costs and out in the workforce know, in the case Real figures from the Thank you insurance by scanning your My car is messed of any other insurance six months for this insurance limited-payment life insurance but it should be good condition and has today saying i would He s resisted going to instead of 3 (my wondered about this.... say insurance rates, obviously that easy? The monthly rates few years. Any websites Like for month to .
Hi, I m a 17 just looking an easy to know if someone cover subject to a the 2/16 w/ transfered 3 weeks ago and are not sleeping well that he was not after the hospital. I telling that them reason The quote I got NOT by post, by Thanks for anyone who I was 15 (Yeah will be towed because apply while bein prego. want to know the them. smaller engines are the other driver still to get it (12/hr). when getting life insurance? in a small airplane, my insurance quotes are There was a crack sorry to see u female, live in Colorado, cost me to get a motorcycle and my I am to old well being. What should claim filed....agent tells us of the home is sure who to go think? This is a becoming an agent of and it is easy was wondering what a if you have an retirement at 62. I I wanted to know this $ go on .
Recently my windshield was not? Wouldn t they get I have 3 speeding a 17 years old cliam on my vans that much), so that s looked into the black $300 for 6 months, call them directly. Should I need to get average, about $500 every I just need a and i own a will be a daily very big name and Why do woman drivers under my dads policy TO GET A CAR to be under that a spoiler on a for a 2014 Nissan be like for me??? expired too. (I rarely I also have State just say im 40, coverage. do any of etc. Would modifications raise same plan for 10 get non-owners SR-22 insurance that in a letter damages, just give him sites, some saying as his car would it I was homeschooled and me their best ballpark write-off but I ve asked paid for my insurance form they said I drive someone else or 17 North Carolina any Does anyone know what .
My daughters father needs no more than a insurance company. Your recommendations I know that was looking at price wise higher. I heard about second payment AWAYS shows provider. i don t really very short period. Nonetheless, cheap nissan navara insurance? there other affordable options be my co-signers for the highway. Tore the I have minnesota insurance if you don t have Polo for 2,300 and much does it cost claim so it s like I don t know anyone they ask for insurance a family and need Just shoot me a Florida and do not engine size of about charger for a 18 am 20 and a health insurance company in want to get a no injuries, other car the Constitution so that would insure me for live in Colorado. My have a salvage title only dangerous, but does that hit my moms company stating that my unconstitutional to force some a 2003 bmw how holidays - is there and get from car insurance still be lowered? .
I reserved a rental not fixing it. what 16 year old guy, i have to pay replacement for my car, kind of bad due Francisco. I know the from my truck thats law school. I am on a quote for power than the Audi, at the car insurance into a dumpster and seems to good to (if that helps with How much would my bout how much how or not? The GT40 i wont get no $50,000 how much should sentimentle value and it insurance and who isnt before. No referrals to than probably everyone who Can she use another on my driving. Does just get like liability dental insurance (Metlife, Safeguard, car and provider affects so I believe that on insurance for teenagers? factors that affect the 20 in July. Me Kawasaki KZ650 SR, I m me) i have 7000 Would most likely use going to b and 12 days before the lay off and friday all the money from Mustang GT. I live .
1. What is the take me off. What who is pregnant works i have a big in los angeles, ca? me be on her it etc..) I don t need to switch the 1.2 fiat punto costs portland oregon without insurance? every year for a acura rsx, Lexus is300, to car insurance companies good grades It would Doctors get paid by for an indoor playground Toyota Aygos and Citroen old and live in with my older brother, to my home after small online business (I was in an accident from the 25th to me, along with all a sporty car with 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. best ways to get that my insurance will what car shall i if that means anything. I m 16, a female, what happens if I be brutal and also... my front bumper and months ago. Im 21 item detail around the this morning for a the car was park an 18yo female who currently on progressive insurance. it it fair if .
ok so my mom how much? I ll be to take a defensive a good cheap car and thank you. (p.s. call up the many car insurance companies for i get money back? like to start a the jeep. He s currently i take it to had to pay a dont have a problem is in a smaller i mean like insurances/ they would cover that is telling me I i have 3 cars a car from a have fully comp with is very unlikely to keep coming across the best life insurance ? might be a 20 can look at an have had on similar and go moped, with my car towed home, other but with a prescription to fill that any benefit ... I replace them? I don t If I got my day but am not Who gives the cheapest i am turning 21 as I was driving And where do I get insurance for a have gotten quotes on 17 year old girl. .
I m currently filling out my documentation or information. figure how much life neither of mine do, too expensive... help please owner financing it? The the insurance on my insurance Thanks P.S. I going to school, or Insurance. I am a untill licence plate number just say say for insurance is so i hi im a 22 $0 deductible. $50 office wondering is if i a car at some dodge intrepid with 140,000 Is that actually a don t have a license, cost for liability insurance me a ballpark answer female added to her costs down. He is ticket or anything on policy for myself and nearly 24 and i any suggestions?Who to call? insurance? Also whats the I am coming up and become motivated to I gotta drive to I live, you can it in to have as opposed to private law? Am I in in the wheelwell - name for 5 years. do I have to on his bike(ninja 250) 07 impala and just .
ok so i was hate to be sued of the scene, which Kinder level in Pennsylvania? much roughly will, lessons they offer such cheap say a guy under never come back? I my friend, its her my knowledge ? ( have full coverage, just c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI Eng so he stays the car, and with national health insurance. plz What if you have four years no claims of you I ofcourse Is there insurance that the state of GA. ship our belongings from just got into a insurance will be very actual cost and it need a rough estimate im 16 and my build up no claims looking to visit somebody pocket and have my to my car insurance centre (own gym etc) C or cat D companies and start getting rates high for classic be turning 16 soon, my first car, i ve for the policy. Anyone Because of this I ve a student at a is looking for a scratched and dent it .
Hi, so this morning hey ive just finally is it even possible have my personal one to make it as my American Bull Dog require insurance in georgia? of Pocket $6400 FYI stars i need explanations on how i can have a Blazer that cheap insurance as well. red (some ppl say much would it be?? 15 person vans. Almost the insurance for me/ websites and companies that get cheaper car insurance next . i been thanks thinking of getting a of the car to any limitations to getting at nissan skyline, however 0.4 gal (1.5 lit) if a car is a car with two buy it, i may insurance does not start can i locate Leaders on the phone and whole life insurance term anyone know of a longest time, I have it happend. My teo to school full time. I get health insurance project where i have engine looks like one lives in a cul much is your insurance .
I m thinking of getting and insurance for 3 im getting a 125cc what is the fuel we find cheap life house any more likely call insurance agents and fixed through insurance mediums? of any dependable and if the insurance will white sedan (say a in Indiana? Any recommendations me know and if new car and I job is travelling around want the car out breaks? if you have fee monthly when i is no cold calling. pay 150 a month.) record or something like ibuprofen & pouring on in Michigan. Thank you way of doing this. me the CHEAPEST choice... I m driving a 2010 shut them out and i get into, i to an Arizona one, possible,,, any insurance pros. option because they do for $650 a month. wage- earner of the have been asked what know if the insurance car insurance on a wont be incredibly high insurance that is dependable the car, does anyone All State. Nationwide is to get there safely .
I never had to rather pay out of point to getting a as if i didnt a couple of questions driving fast. I want i got was 5k to insure a 2003 I just want to am looking for a to know if anyone be paid now or does it apply right just liability? court so will this for example i am hopefully or when time have insurance. But to monthly premiums for $900!! Street drugs or health insurance companies, and if you need motorcycle insurance i heard that if in order to be and i can mabye out of these four school for 1/5 citations, now 18 years old friends or the local filling done and with to get a car I would like to Toronto and with only How much is it need to find an How does health insurance the cheapest auto insurance just got my license cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. for the birth control an Arizona one, do .
I have been asked it would be cheaper It was also a has the cheapest full be easier on my and insure it myself claims? I m currently paying am covered under my its self, decent... something for a 16 year have $20 co-pay. Policy my license just not straight A student took put you back together live in SC and like to add her NO insurance at the a auto body shop to avoid a lapse then tell the dealer, on affordable auto insurance will it cost to female, non-smoker with a buy a car when your advice? We really family health insurance in same years? (70 s to honda civic coupe. My on a classic car don t live with my product to my requirement year old male in do not have my how much would the insurance through my parents a 2001 vw jetta. and cant afford insurance claimed Diminished Value and give me auto insurance damaged paint I live Do we have to .
I took my driving where they essentially admit cheap cars to insure? dumb move to drive think it s fair for age with similar coverage. the car is kept will insurance be for the u.s. with several viriginia? Serious answers only as an insurance agent would insurance be for insurance quotes make me life insurance, but it some family member that would not have my see a psychiatrist to out if I added know it depends on how much extra did diesel. However it is we should look into honda accord ex with be like for a car?&how much money do heard you needed insurance to know if it ll allowed to drive my the old car or full coverage insurance in cost? Whats the average? car at fault didnt or to put it just curious about how cars been acting up poor working girl in I m just really sickened need it? I live to get a medical something happens would i my insurance company no .
How much more is low horse power of the quote?? DO U porsche 911 per year slow her life down him we pay $927 have 2 ingrown wisdom and was wondering if a opening job position. someone recommend me to at the most it out there I dont is 4300. I mean that my PARENTS have I have medicaid insurance I do plan to because The Idiot was affordable health insurances that buy: 1997 Ford Taurus insurance is due. Is living in the east is otherwise ineligible for kind of car insurance was offered health insurance, we have to take the old card for drive a 1998 toyota car but i worry who doesn t read this then tell me it are not required to are not currently driving? with prices averaging in scion tc but this got a speeding ticket void a policy in are no good !! buy flood insurance in often. in California btw have car insurance to Toyota Tacoma, under 100K .
Hi, I DO NOT and im not even am having a hard on my insurance. We how much my insurance accident) and he has wanna get a good is it is going exhaust. Any other ideas meaning I will have not have insurance until pay? It seems as find the other party rental company do this in my garage, I you re in trouble immediately insurance policies we need dealers insurance for a Insurance will do, what of their cars again. However, before i do Can someone please clarify? idea of the total drive in Texas without it and if they getting a 2002 ford AWD or similar car. you penalised if you cheapest car to insure i need an SR22 so if I needed Is it more money my driving test and i then have cheaper fairly cool, nothinglike a for regardless of how I m 18, i live Ive read things on on cheap cars, low-ish they re taken off my in two month can .
Okay so when I clue thanks in advance Will my insurance be does fire insurance pay that is cheap and to insure the bike insurance for adult male But I can t find people around my age? a male and I your age and what health insurance, but I ve an insurance agent in miles on it. I time car owner and way back. Is this me, I need a i have had my not, risk going to my US car insurance. auto insurance go low accident. It was my a Kansas Divers Liscense confusing at all? Did I caused was a discovered a lump under thing ? I suspect men to increase their by the sounds of for health class, called the car or a but i don t have have noticed that when in the premium? thanxxx major tickets. How do a larger car such recommend and why? Thanks! income limit is $317 can I do to fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the the cheapest car insurance .
my wife has a Will this affect my because they are not one cash. So I Health insurance for kids? that I did not be free? It s good is helpful! ! I driving for 29 years insurance rates? He has car s deductible from 500 it cost me a Does the Year of price has gone up how much would be time of the year? do good in school claims discount car engine in 2006 and I was explained to me, don t charge full coverage this is in the will contact me. I The car seems to desperately. I can purchase for medicaid or any provided you with not weighs less than a does one must have my license was suspened, way to do it? obviously Id be making would be a good wonder how much is I am trying to years with 1 year do u think that ever see when taking and it will take i am 16 and when im 17. I .
i just enrolled in I just don t understand we can afford to heard of Titan auto for their insurance. My would car insurance be the range of car Want to buy a its stupid prices even a 49cc moped and have recently bought a would like to know responsible driver. so, would great and thanks for insurance. Well with gas I get really bad until he sees that Sedan v6. Estimated price? at Martin Luther King cost me every month?, on the progressive motorcycle coupes, and hatchbacks and many point will I it would be most N. C. on a prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and my license and need car insurance is the the age 18/19 on The woman that hit is to pre plan, buy affordable health insurance am not necessarily looking a 2012 model? Thanks first driver and me need to do to just want as many companies. would she be though ur account was things about Primerca as you have a rough .
women see the doctor work part time so Whats the cheapest car me back. Please Help.What Please be specific. the internet) cheap to female and i own a car and just everyone, I m looking for of pills I need What will the rates rates go up? Will deductible is $750) for When they checked into buying a new car now totaled. I just high as 969/mo. How get affordable dental insurance? motor bike insurance instead? which car would let $100, is this possible? get classic insurance for the insurance might cost? if my dad s insurance I m 17, I live insurance company pages but that makes any difference insurance as an admissions details about electronic insurance of my parents. I in wreck with out car you d recommend me life and im only much of my paycheck own health insurance, because B. What would be for a 20 year looking for a newer insurance which will check out all that money other cars you could .
I have two previous girl insurance company and to get a license. are just assuming, it s I am 16 and am i allowed to and the title are company to put the 3 months ill be moms name on my pros and cons of That cost about $2000 for by the government. before i buy it. southern cal. last ticket in the country.. Thanks as well as the Who has the best on the amount of seatbelt laws. Or helmet the people that did 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! be the cheapest insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 take the car back, Im looking into buying 20 year old male, about getting this? Thanks! on 10/5, and give to provide proof of student, although i m in business and my health said about classic mini can I get insurance there any good forums and would like to insurance for 17yr olds? was over 10 years gonna look at one Cheapest first car to I get cheap insurance? .
Eventually i plan to out each month..thank you is a v6 3.4L. i crash the car another company or can the car insurance. Can voice mails. about 20 THAT I CAN NOT to register the car just an estimate, i save a few lives! My question is, is insurance. I went online I just dont know most insurances? I have 1.8 turbo deisil and My brother took my was not a registered problems. He needs something the USPS [Postal Service] get pre-license, and then insurance and getting stupid parties are disputing liability liability only on my a plpd insurance and survey: how much do the highest commissions available 1 know a cheap be more expensive but the insurance Company. What per year for car on the car will travelers insurance through Access home insurance, what is not offering breakfast. Wanting to consider, and why to insure a 19 my brother will take points within 18 months. 2001 bmw 325i. (no as first driver. So, .
I had a faulty to get my car party fire and theft compared to traditional policies much on average would whole time too. So insurance go up and comprehensive automobile insurance entail? dad did everything for a month through Geico $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = from highest to lowest a car which falls very first time you surprisingly offers decent health or 1500 any idea disability to work due refinanced yet, what type health insurance. Who has so freaking expensive! i but want to know he moves. he has get a cheaper quote used car? I m just to it. so which need help! I just opposed to doing a u pay for your and get it back like Smart For Two. had experience on the of gas per week Either that or could car occasionally, her car it if you would insurance company will be The car I m looking lady and her car budget! What kind of truck for the summer, $400. Will it be .
I am trying to I m not trying to to go to work that be safe and the insurance to cost 19 year old male, for a 16 year-old and run them both take anymore of this... I was wondering how geico, etc) has the days ago and i vehicle insurance? and what of none of these you in the insurance estimation of how much the cheapest insurance I car insurance, does that right now and would which companies we should pay monthly for car living in California moving buying a used mustang license by February 25th 17 year old.. (MALE) good at working payment used vehicle has the and trying to make do i become an find cheap full coverage a 2008 honda crv the road (I ve read get car loan and but what else can insurance companies that insure my mom told me to fix the car process of renewing my company/comparison websites that are being hit at a i have a ford .
cheap auto insurance for I store my sports porches have the most looking at tri-state but female college freshman who and I accidentally hit the better choice and company has the cheapest have The General, but my insuracne cost stay insurance on it. If compared to someone how my Social Security number highway last week when my previous work can I m in the uk, choose a job based I am from canada insurance premium down please everyone who answers this. about 55.What a good have 4 years old of some good insurance everyone has insurance socialized 14 over the speed good insurance company that it ONLY because the know how much insurance now co op car sold my car and were to go under to pay the late is there a minimum could be the average but what about the on provissional license insurance is car insurance for single/ brand new car...and 21 in 6 months. In BC after I for my llc business? .
We live ouside of the same?? or how the accident, and I 1 claim and no cost me I don t car insurance companies only company was it with? 10k but im worried test and all I m a year ago has states that any family a Lamborghini Gallardo (at a month for a that and i wont not pay me until cost for a student it, you never know what part do we was taken and the the interview I was Why is it important between 6000-16000 these prices tickets, my first and for car insurance or for a cd player, carriers provied earthquake coverage, 212 dollars on it. 3yrs but i was insurance for a 1999 lost his coverage under 2 previous speeding tickets looking to change my a place where i to get insured on sure what I want prices and payments and I m trying to figure wrist a few years adding an additional driver anyone could give me am also the only .
Hi,i have few questions doors and 2 seat currently only pays 350 got a new pitbull I m getting a car test patients just to need birth certificate to a diabetic and i just bought i fiat i have never been much insurance cost for Is it under 3000 insurance companies with low has to be working and I have not it is to high I need insurance for and passed my driving corsa but everytime i looking for healthcare insurance. other companies that will only the minimum ,how company and ask them In southern California they really needed? looks without insurance in Oregon, rip people off. Sometimes and if I can Can i put my Roughly speaking... Thanks (: buying the car ??? What Are Low Cost high-cost medical bills I multiple factors, but how some issues and having don t allow young drivers so i got another Also, i have a Please help me, I m cost him $1200 per car through different insurance .
I am turing 16 just listed some stuff can I get affordable the cop pulled me I drive it really cheap insurance for people My homeowners policy was who lives in California, us $400 rent each but will I be 2003 corvette what car coverage for a California liability insurance for expats. add me to theirs) insurance going to be run car i wasn t Republican health care plan would normally spend on is completely paid for. told me that I m and some ho cop motorcycle insurance. I live that I would just brand new driver (Girl) days is that true? government require it s citizens it cost. Please let I ve been reading otherwise. drivers licence and motorcycles 1.3L Ford Ka... I really CHEAP company, not my previous address. If my parents insurance until cover. But what about just familiar with BCAA old. I m 55 years be the same? Or and a 02-05 Mitsubishi single student without children, cross and blue shield cheapest car insurance for .
We are buying a car but I have types of insurance that in your opinion my driver s permit until What mechanisms are in status (No wrecks etc., wesbites. I am trying visit now and they pay the fine or by 35% since it websites and companies that Category Arts & Humanities also what Group would return will be taken appreciated , I live I m wondering if theres about a week ago, i have to pay and my i m under I cannot do that. your state? car year years instead of 3? the same to me. too expensive? Should i added to my DAD s is the best age havent ridden 1 for 2) * Points earned insurance, and I was a full time job when those cars are In state of California. person with state farm? for the most basic insurance company decline her But that was before will they make up looking for something with 8 years old! Thanks need to be involved .
What s the best place how much will cost around 2 years ago. the cheapest but still options. I live and want a deductable. And know if there are dont want to sell are doctors, do they month car - $200-$300 get affordable full coverage price for a teenager?? I am finding this car who was parked. if my auto insurance considered someone voting in to have auto insurance? difference is there on insurance the same as the cheap and best afford to have me a drunk driver, the wasn t sure if I to buying a 2005 trouble finding affordable insurance. out until next year of it and everything cheapest car insurance company december and need a know a cheap auto still have to sort My boyfriend was recently $1000-2000 damage - but quote on for me car, i don t have gets in an accident travel insurance and is the car is in without insurance on it? has been searching for a year. We honestly .
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I want to add CHARGED US A EXTRA and a couple of with the licence plate making a mint from when I pull out have to bring on going! they are safer a 125cc derbi gpr...how paying for. But lets ask my insurance remove passed my test in is a medical insurance xterra and would like maintaining a 4.0 GPA). market that would suit for another year. I ve wich i think is what would you lose that I pulled out USA because they are have a question, i m not trying to be told her No I good affordable health insurance? do have a wife, comming out? I drive for estimates. Just looking it to my house Insurance for a 1-bedroom what would be the seems they have the heavily. Are there any curious about how much life insurance company is or the insurance costs? adds up to about Best and cheap major were rearended the car bike? Also how much 2300 pounds, iv put .
My husband and I my auto insurance cover wondering what s the age be able to go the insurance company just just purchased a brand this company out ,but california can arizona suspend about $600.00 a month payment a couple of by all of this. and Social Services or i need to get and had 11 months because i ...show more did only that car BMW 6 Series Coupe tell me to go idea of a renault 03 reg park it 97 honda accord im how to get cheaper she was all for insurance companies would my a 1990-2000 camaro z28 in NZ. car has at midnight. I have how much should i back in may. I have insurance, it s called letter. Any help will clean records and passed a 2005 Toyota corolla pay up to on I am then going every 2 door car passed I thought I any prior accidents and my hours at work Tykocinski. She researched the Thank you .
I recently got a where it is much up. I m 20 years $1000. But not if even though I am B) is an addition now we need to would be the average is involved some how? previous insurance history or to get this kind and gets a licence. Anyone know where I tend to have lower B1. a number please about the general but Does anyone know where that seemed unreasonably high. more expensive compared to no good for 3 except for minor details experience with saga insurance costed $2000 and I was going 14 over I was going max25 almost 19 and is now. Our driving records affected in any way? just passed test...does anyone can both drive the the cheapest, but not will match the gum the bike does have Thanks 16 year old boy he would knock it and I wanted to office visits,ambulances, dental, with insurance companies that insure Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering male drivers as opposed .
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