lxckyclovers-blog · 7 years
"Happy birthday, Komaeda-kun!" The reserve course beamed as he reached out a terrarium, where a rather... familiar looking moth was sitting inside. "Gonta thought that Komaeda-kun could need a friend to have with him, since he always seems a little... melancholy." That was one way one could describe it. "So Gonta got one of his nicest friends and thought he'd let Komaeda-kun take care of him." It is a death's-head hawkmoth. Happy birthday have this symbol of death.
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~ ✧ “I’m thankful, Gokuhara-kun! It’s… An INTERESTING moth, to say the least, but still. Thank you for your gift! I’ll make sure to take GOOD care of him, but I hope my luck doesn’t get to this POOR creature.”
He takes the terrarium into his hands, gazing into it and at the moth that fluttered within. Internally, he planned a funeral for the moth, since he knew it wouldn’t last too long knowing his luck. Well, it’ll die with him at least TRYING to keep it alive. A gift’s a gift—it’d be rude not to accept it.
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