#((they used in a way ta conceal this character's identity))
spaciebabie · 2 years
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"Put your head on my shoulder.....Hold me in your arms, baby."
just some oc lore. who is it? wouldn't you like ta know
imagine being eaten alive by rats at 6 years old. well, they don't hafta imagine they remember. even decades later the nightmares don't seem ta stop.
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yeleltaan · 4 years
 Go here and repost with your character’s name in their handwriting!
Cayin is no stranger to the use of pen quills or other common writing tools of the era, and though his handwriting is hardly garish, with a subtle tilt being the only thing close to giving a sense of decorative style, it displays an ease of use befitting of someone who commonly makes use of it. Despite being an avid reader, he has always preferred the use of spoken words and has never put much effort into the presentation of his written messages.
But if Cayin were to write his name for the sake of it, not for a particular purpose, but to express his identity with the language that could be considered the closest to being his mother tongue, he wouldn’t choose to write it down and represent it in the manner that is most commonly expected.
He would mimic the way in which his name was written, not imprinted into some paper through ink, but instead sculpted upon a surface of stone concealed in the depths of undiscovered ruins on the northern edge of Central America. But if one were to replicate it on paper, this would be the result.
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Tagged by: @derjaegermond​
 Tagging: ///I did this a little late, so I think most people have already done it or been tagged? If you read this consider yourself tagged.
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Cost of Freedom (23/52)
Summary: In which two wanted criminals decide it’s a good idea to attempt a break in to Tokyo’s police headquarters. Prison!AU
[Beginning]     [Previous Chapter]     [Next Chapter]
8.14 p.m
"He's hiding something."
Aoko crosses her arms over her stomach as they finally leave the police station behind, glancing over at Ran with stiff shoulders and a steady frown. She hasn't said much after they'd finished watching the interviews, had only offered the smallest opinion that Kudo doesn't seem wholly innocent, but she has been gathering information of her own.
From beside her, Ran purses her lips, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. She doesn't comment at first, but when Aoko refuses to elaborate, she offers a short 'who?'.
"Hattori-kun." Aoko can't help but look back at the Osakan from where he's getting into a taxi for the evening with Toyama, eyes narrowing with suspicion.
She doesn't know what's off, exactly, but she's not stupid and it's not easy for people to fool her. Kaito, she thinks, is the only exception, and that's because he's KID. "Aoko doesn't think he's being entirely truthful."
"What makes you think that?" Ran asks. She sounds distant, almost as if she's still caught up on the interviews they've watched, trying to process the words Kudo had said. Aoko doesn't blame her, not really - even she's a little put off by the delusional words she'd heard, the borderline hysteria that had crept into Kudo's voice as the interview had proceeded.
"Aoko asked him when he last saw Kudo-kun," she pauses, takes a moment to sort the words in her head, "and he told Aoko when they'd last visited. Doesn't Ran-chan find this suspicious?"
They cross the road, having both made a unspoken agreement to walk to Kudanshita station with one another, and Aoko holds her breath, waiting for the response. She's not Hakuba, she knows she's hardly detective material, but she is normally a good judge of character.
"I admit it's strange..." Ran trails off. She doesn't sound wholly convinced that it's anything, and Aoko finds irritation building in her stomach - it'd been obvious when he'd talked that Hattori had spoken that he's a poor liar, and so he'd evaded questions and given them half-truths instead. "But-"
"Aoko thinks that he's seen both Kudo-kun and Kaito recently," Aoko says, skipping over the cracks in the pavement. She feels strangely animated beside Ran. "Aoko thinks that why Hattori-kun made sure not to show up on official reports, because he didn't want to be linked fully. What if he helped-"
Ran shakes her head now, glancing over in disbelief. She says, "if that was the case, then he wouldn't have told everyone he'd visited in the first place."
"And anyway," Ran adjusts her bag, pulls at her jumped so that the fabric doesn't ruffle beneath the strap, "Saguru-kun and I phoned him early this morning, at the exact time Shinichi and Kuroba-kun escaped. Hattori-kun, he has an alibi."
Aoko closes her mouth and thinks of alibis. She thinks of the time she'd tried to prove that Kaito wasn't KID to her dad, and how he'd found a way despite being beside her, to commit a crime - she reckons it was during the film. He had been unusually quiet during it, hadn't given her his usual commentary on it.
Either way, she knows that alibi's aren't concrete, that they can be faked and staged.
"Maybe Aoko's just reading too much into it," she says, offering the other girl a smile. "It's probably nothing."
Except, it doesn't seem like something she wants to drop. Wariness fills her, and she can't help but bite down on her lip, wondering whether it'd be foolish to let another one of her suspicions drop because she's supposed to be trusting others.
"Aoko will take your word for it." She lies.
The following day
"You're certain this will work?" Shinichi asks as they're readying themselves to go to the police station. Kaito's barely talked to him all morning, too busy finishing up the disguises they're going to wear, adjusting the suit he's forced Shinichi to try on twice now.
He'd made the masks yesterday, after a short conversation with Heiji, and is waiting to put the finishing touches on, a bit of concealer to smoothen the edges and make it look more realistic, the creases of laugh lines beneath the eyes.
"Very," he hums, taking the suits cuff and sewing it so that it will fall from Shinichi's wrist in just the right way. He's only working from pictures he's seen from pictures he's found online, but the suit isn't going to be difficult to make, and he's certain Shinichi can pull it off. "I happen to be very skilled at what I do."
"Right." Shinichi says, dryly. Kaito feels tempted to just stab him with the needle he's holding, but he decides it's probably best not to. "Why don't you just steal their clothes like you used to during heists?"
"I'm used to the pressure," he says, cutting off left over thread once the cuff is correct, "so I can get changed quickly and apply masks with no difficulty. But you? You'd take too long. So we're going to show up in the disguises, except the masks of course."
"I wouldn't." Shinichi protests.
"Unless you only take ten seconds to change and throw on your mask," Kaito says, moving the the other sleeve, "you're too slow. And we don't want to waste a second."
Shinichi sighs. Then, from across the room, where he is throwing other clothes into a bag - the one's Kaito has left out for him - he stretches, lets out a groan.
He says, "I still feel guilty about this."
"We're stealing someone's... we're stealing identities, I... I don't know, something about it just doesn't feel right." He zips up the bag, lets out a sigh, sitting down on the sofa. The room doesn't have much in the form of furniture, only has a futon and couch. (Shinichi had insisted Kaito sleep on the futon. Kaito hadn't objected.)
Kaito hums in response, not overly empathetic.
"Doesn't it bother you?" Shinichi asks after a pause, gaze burning into the back of Kaito's head. The other sleeve finished, Kaito moves to his own disguise, picking up a skirt and adjusting it to so that it will make his hips appear wider when he puts it on.
"Why would it?" Kaito clicks his tongue, shakes his head. "I rather enjoy it actually."
"I'm questioning your mental state."
"You wouldn't be the first," Kaito laughs, and places the skirt back onto the futon where he's laid both disguises out. "What time is it...?"
Shinichi glances at the mobile phone, nods his head. "Almost 7 a.m."
"Good," Kaito says. He stretches out his arms, tries to relieve his bones of the ache that comes with sitting hunched over for hours, "the police records said that they're scheduled for a 9 a.m shift. If we catch the Shinjuku line then it'll take us twenty minutes to get to the station... You know them both, are they type to show up early?"
Shinichi nods, making his way over to the futon to grab his suit. "The last time I saw them, they had a habit of being at least fifteen minutes early."
"We need to be in the car park before them, so let's get there ten minutes earlier. If we aim to be at the station car park for half past eight..."
Another nod. Shinichi says, "I'll go get ready then."
Heiji wakes to the sound of his phone alarm.
Across the room, Kazuha lets out a groan and tells him to turn it off. Half asleep, Heiji leans across to his phone and presses snooze. He doesn't really want to get up, which is strange, considering how he's normally a early riser, but he pushes himself up anyway, thinking that he'll need to make contact with Kudo and Kuroba before they head to the station.
The time says it's half past seven - he'd promised Hakuba and the others that he'd meet up with them at around ten a.m, but with his knowledge of the plan Kuroba and Kudo have put together, he's wants to get there by nine a.m.
Glancing over at Kazuha, he lets out a sigh, and grabs his clothes to get changed. As soon as he's ready, he kicks the end of her futon, telling him that he's gonna head to the police station.
"Yer gonna leave me in Tokyo by myself?" Kazuha grumbles, sitting up. She rubs at her eyes. "Ahou, give me ten minutes, we'll go together."
Heiji loves Kazuha, he does, and maybe it'd taken him a while to realise it, but right now, he really doesn't want her to join him at the police station. Even if she's only going to sit on her phone - Heiji needs to be able to talk on the phone to two wanted criminals, and it's going to be nigh impossible if Kazuha comes with him.
Either way, he doesn't beg her to stay behind. It'd be too suspicious, and if he asks, it'll only cause Kazuha to grow more stubborn.
"Hurry up then." He grumbles, "Don't wanna be late."
He doesn't explain that the thing he doesn't want to be late for it the break in of two escaped convicts.
"You're at the police station now?" Kaito asks, phone pressed to his ear as he stands in the stairwell leading up from the car park into the police station.
Shinichi is also leaning against the wall, Kaito having recently helped him put on his mask when they'd first stepped foot into the stairwell.
"Yeah," Hattori says on the other side of the phone. "Kazuha and I just got here. I'm in th' bathroom at th' sec, so I can't talk long... But I'll have ta ditch her in a minute."
Kaito nods, glances around the wall into the car park and notices the car they're waiting for - a Mazda RX-7. He smiles, turns back to Shinichi, offering him a thumbs up.
"We have to head off as well." Kaito says, "call us as soon as you're inside the CCTV room, alright?"
On the other side of the phone, he hears a grumble of 'I can't believe I'm doin' this.' before a sharp inhale. Hattori says, 'alright', before hanging up, the line going dead against his ear. Kaito throws the phone to Shinichi, who pockets it, before pulling something out of his own pocket.
Shinichi narrows his eyes.
Kaito glances as two detectives get out of the car, one of them holding two coffees. When Shinichi opens his mouth, Kaito shakes his head, hisses 'catch the coffee, okay?'
And then, they wait - what only takes two minutes, lasts what feels like a lifetime. One of the detectives calls out 'go on ahead of me, I need to grab these files'. Footsteps echo in Kaito's ears, adrenaline pumping through his blood, burning against his veins.
Waiting is agonising.
Excitement builds in his stomach, and Kaito grins because the stakes are high and he's always loved dabbling with danger. Aoko had called him an adrenaline junkie once, back before he'd become KID, back when he showed her every daring magic trick he'd thought up. Playing with fire and heights, with swords and throwing knives had made him feel a little like a circus act, but there had been magic there too.
They'd made a deal after the first magic trick - one that had included a tank of water and handcuffs he'd strapped to himself. Every idea he'd had, Kaito had to run by Aoko first - He told her, she had to tell him whether he could do it or not.
("Does Kaito really want to risk everything for this trick though?" She'd asked him, once. Usually, it would make him say no, because he hadn't wanted to worry Aoko - she was his final trick, the trick he used to avoid doing dangerous things. Mainly because he hadn't had the nerve to tell her that he'd wanted to do anything that involved overcoming what might destroy him.)
Then he'd become KID, and the responsibility of being told not to do dangerous things had fallen to Jii. And it had always been easier to ignore Jii on subjects like danger.
Without anyone to hold him in check, he's almost giddy. He's burning up, too much energy swimming around him.
Kaito wants to act.
He doesn't want to be stuck in his head, waiting for all of the action. He wants to feel the rush he'd felt when they'd escaped yesterday morning.
The second he sees the shadow approaching the entrance to the stairwell, Kaito readies himself to move. As soon as he sees the man's shoes, he pulls draws himself up, grabs hold of the beige suit the detective wears and slips around behind him.
"Hello Detective Takagi," Kaito says, voice mimicking Detective Sato Miwako's. He brings his spare hand up to Takagi Wataru's mouth, smothers any potential complaints, before pushing the taser he'd brought along with him from their previous escape into the detective's shoulder.
A crack of electricity. Takagi convulses, fingers going loose on the coffee's he's been holding. Shinichi reaches forward, catches the cups before they can fall, before leaning back. He looks the perfect image of the detective, down to the loose button on his jacket.
"I hope you don't mind if we borrow your identity for a little while."
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shielduniversityapps · 6 years
Name/ Pseudonym: cas Age: 22 Preferred Pronouns: they/them
Timezone: est
Triggers: ed’s Activity: i have a job and college but i promise to be on as much as i can. i should be able to get on everyday at least. 
Character you’re applying for: warren worthington III Age: 25 FaceClaim: william moseley Secondary FaceClaim: (in the very rare chance there is an issue with your first choice.) will tudor Traits: (2 positive and 2 negatives.) charismatic & charitable - arrogant & shallow Reformation Stance: (Pro or Anti [ refer to this to get a better gauge on what we mean] ) Anti Is their Identity known?: No Class Standing (junior, senior, TA or professor, etc if you’re unsure click here): TA
Why do you want to play this character?: i’ve never played warren before and honestly i dont know why. hes a really interested character and a pivotal part of the original x-men. im really interested in delving into his personality and furthering his development as an x-man. Other characters you’d like to play (feel free to leave this blank. we are just curious about what you are interested in): pietro maximoff, melinda may & rocket raccon Bio: warren worthington III was born to warren worthington jr and kathryn who never expected to have a mutant as a son. being a very wealthy family, warren never spent too much time with his parents so the growth of his wings that sprouted from back at a young age wasn’t brought to their attention because he was basically raised by a maid who kept his secrets. he learned really quickly how to hide his large wings as he was sent of to boarding schools across the country. he took to being a superhero after a fire broke out at one of the boarding schools he was attending. throwing on a wig, he saved a bunch of students from the flames. 
coming off the high of saving those students, he then donned a poorly homemade costume and took on the name the avenging angel. he started trying to be a superhero which caught the attention of professor x who recruited him as one his first students at his school. he was a pretty good student, he had always been but this time he was given a chance to really use his wings for good and learn how to really fight. the professor had a harness specially made for him to hold his wings down in a way that didnt cause him immense pain and let him completely blend in. after years of studying and fighting with the x-men, warren decided to give back to kids who were like him, confused and in need of help to become the heroes they were about to become. he joined shield university as a ta in hopes of really helping. 
Writing Sample: 
flashback - warren worthington III, age 15
the perks of having rich parents was that if he wanted a private room, he got a private room. many kids resented him because of this but he didn’t want to take any chances with his special appendages. it was hard enough to keep them a secret normally, imagine having a roommate that you were forced to change in front at some point. for a while he thought he was cursed but he didn’t know why he’d be cursed with wings and the ability to fly. usually curses were like horns and tails or like worse things like demonic possessions. he knew if he told his parents, they’d lock him away in some room in their giant house and pretend that he didn’t exist, so that he didn’t tarnish their family name. the worthingtons were a great family, they couldn’t possibly have a mutant son but here they were, with one no matter if they liked it or not - not that they ever noticed that something ever changed with him. 
the young mutant stood in front of the bathroom mirror, his wings free and aching to feel the breeze of the sky against them but that was too dangerous. he turned to the side as he looked at the white feathers, blue eyes gazing down to the base of where they came out of his skin, which was starting to show bruising. he sighed as he pulled the ace bandage that he used to push them down out from a drawer. there was a method to his madness and if he didn’t do this, it was impossible to conceal his wings at all. warren wrapped the ace bandage around his wings, pulling them tight against his back. wrapping around and around until he ran out of bandage and was slightly out of breath by how tight it was. he pulled his uniform shirt over his arms, quickly putting on his cardigan and then topping it off with a slightly puffy jacket that he was allowed to wear because he lied about having a condition where he was cold all the time so the teachers wouldn’t tell him to take it off. warren looked into the mirror again, the slight bump on his back could easily be just from the puffiness of his jacket which is what he wanted people to think. another sigh escaped his lungs. he hoped there would come a day when this would end, where he could walk out into the world without going through this routine. 
Extra Bits and Bobs: n/a Rule check: [ removed by mods ]
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