#((this ooc post is brought to you by (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧))
entwinedthreads · 6 years
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
Some Notes;;
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Muses I officially unofficially rp:
Be.lial from GBF (i can’t really play the game cause my net is shit but i watched his event thing and i’m a bitch for him)
Mc.Burn from s.en no k.iseki (another game i don’t play but i’m just drawn to this dude cause i’m trash)
Muses I need to rp more:
Ax.el/L.ea from KH (i started playing dream.drop.distance again and with K.H3 coming out in a few months the muse for him is just bangin)
Zack from angels.of.death (he’s my son, my sweet serial killer boy and i need him)
Muses I no longer actively rp for the time being:
All of my Dangan.Ronpa muses because my interest in the series just fell off really fucking hard a few months back and now it’s near impossible for me to muse anyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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soooooo beauty guru au, anyone? w/ @hopefillings
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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hey guys, since i enjoy making these icons in my own small way to contribute and celebrate pride month, i’m gonna do what i did last year and open to any and all requests for icons. just give me the name of your muse (or you can even submit the picture/icon you want me to use), their sexuality, gender and/or romantic alignment and whether you prefer the flag behind the character (like this) or transparent over top of the character (like this). this is honestly just my own little way to give back, have fun and show appreciation to all genders/sexualities/romantic attractions so i hope you guys enjoy it, too.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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When reading a book resurfaces your need to play your fave trashy rich boy.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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so i kinda wanna apologize to people? 
cause sadly my muse for DR is wavering a good bit. like don’t get me wrong, i still love the series and have been trying my damned hardest, but it’s difficult for me to find muse for so.uda and some of my other DR muses for the past month or so?? i know i’ve still been answering asks and occasionally putting out replies for some of these characters, but it’s harder than normal and i feel really bad for it to where it’s got my anxiety pretty jacked lately. i’m not gonna drop these muses or anything, but it’s slightly more difficult to write as them and do asks and threads but i’m gonna be slower than normal as them. i hope people can understand this but if it bothers them i really don’t mind if i’m unfollowed and dropped.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
*boots up dr2*
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me, already singing: i want to see my little boyyyyy
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
me: *starts reading a book i’ve been seeing good things about all over*
character: *already makes himself out to be ruthless and fuckin badass*
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me: ah yes. you. you’re my new fave.
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entwinedthreads · 7 years
game that i'm right at the end of: hmmmmmmmm
game that i only played the first five mins of: ahhhhhhhhh
game that i'm halfway through with: ummmmmmmmm
game that i've played 500 times, platinumed and know like the back of my hand: AH! perfect!
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
my feelings regarding the new bn.ha ep
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*deep inhale*
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
so you and i?? i feel have such a good chemistry when writing ?? and honestly i adore your little mannerisms for your characters. you have a good grasp on all your muses?? and i truly read through everything you write even if it's not for me, because i do love your stuff. also blessed to have you as a friend
what about my portrayal attracted you to my blog?
i’m totally not tearing up at this i have no idea what the hell you’re talkin about
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entwinedthreads · 7 years
alright so for the people that were straight up vaguing me and name dropping me over the thread i was doing with @obserialed ‘s sonia, can i have a reason why no one actually fucking came to me when i explicitly said for people to do just that if there was something i needed to tag or something was bothering them on more than one occasion??? the thread isn’t supposed to be a fucking romanticized shippy situation but purposefully toxic under a god damn despair verse for my muse. but hey, instead of being a fucking adult and communicating with myself or my partner, you decided to vague and block and namedrop encouraging other people to do the same to the both of us. now i could literally give two shits about whether i’m blocked especially considering the people blocking me never fucking bothered to step forward or try to interact with me to begin with but to try and smear bambi’s name through the mud, too? literally fuck you. i don’t give a fuck who else decides to block me and drop me for this rant, i’m seriously fucking pissed off. 
i understand fully that the thread was going to cover triggering topics seeing as IT’S UNDER A FUCKING DESPAIR VERSE and the whole goal in the thread was for souda to be pushing sonia into despair as well. i literally reminded twice here and here for people to fucking come to me and inform me if they needed me to do something. i’ve covered triggering topics and dark themes plenty of times in my time as a roleplayer but never have i seen this kind of bullshittery being flatout name dropped and not even spoken to in private like a fucking adult. 
consider this a fucking hiatus. see you fuckers on the flip side.
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entwinedthreads · 7 years
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Tis the season for a Rules overhaul, fa la la la laaaaa la la la la~.
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