#(((ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ for your every day fangirl needs))
entwinedthreads · 6 years
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
day 11 & 12
With Festa in full swing last week, I feel like I didn’t have a chance to breathe let alone sit down long enough to articulate a review worthy of Day 11. I shall endeavor to do my very best to make up for that here. And, upon reading the start of Day 12, I am actually kinda glad I waited because I think that it gave me time to put both chapters into perspective. 
Day 11 was a very emotional one for Jungkook and I feel like we got to see those emotions coming to a head in this chapter. On the whole, Day 11 was such a fun, lowkey entry that I wasn’t really sure if I would have anything coherent to offer beyond high pitched squealing accompanied by the occasional swoon and cooing. But after seeing the tension and subsequent squabble that transpired at the breakfast table on Day 12, I see that perhaps there was more to ruminate concerning the feelings that Jungkook had experienced in the confessional booth. It’s so interesting from a writers perspective that you chose Jungkook to be the one to reiterate the whole point of the show; he’s younger, thus perhaps conventionally he’s a bit more emotionally immature than the rest of the guys. And yet, from the beginning, none of these guys have ever been portrayed as stereotypical or conventional; you have always expertly reminded the audience that each of the contestants (including our lady!) is more much complex than what meets the eye. It’s one of the things that I love so much about this series; none of the characters are ever “too perfect” and it’s those candid moments of vulnerability or weakness that truly makes this story stand out from a lot of other stories that I read. So to choose Jungkook as the person to make those “bold” comments and to have Namjoon be the one to call him out for being insensitive makes me feel like Jungkook’s response was much more complex than what it seems at glance. Like, it’s pretty obvious that Jungkook likes and respects our lady and perhaps he realized his indiscretion just a little to late but now he’s put on the spot, he’s been called out in front of everyone, and beyond the fact that he probably feels like shit for saying what he said and inadvertently hurting our lady in the process. He’s probably also hella embarrassed. I wonder too if maybe Jungkook is also ashamed that the person who called him out was Namjoon, someone who I want to believe, he respects and perhaps maybe admires a little. And despite the fact that I chuckled a little bit when our lady noticed that Jungkook was “staring at his pancakes like he’s trying to make them burst into flames”, I realized that he might also be both angry and disappointed in himself for his behavior. *sigh* Boy, you were so right all those weeks ago when you said “emotions are messy”. Anyway, that’s my roundabout way of saying, I liked the breakfast scene. Haha! Drama is inevitable; I love that you don’t shy away from presenting conflict for them to overcome. It offers opportunities for character growth and character exploration and I really appreciate that! 
Speaking of character growth, Namjoon got a chance to really flex those skills he acquired from “Hoseok’s School of Sexual Prowess”. That scene left me melting! Melting, I say! I’m not sure if you noticed but I make it a point to not reveal who my actual bias is in these reviews because I feel like I want to give all of the guys a chance to win me over for fan favorite. What I will say though is that you kind of hit on a lot of my personal preferences with Namjoon’s scene. Beyond the fact that the scene was really, really hawt, it fulfilled me on an emotionally intimate level, so it made the scene extra special. Bravo! 
And I suppose Jimin also deserves a standing ovation for that amazing show he put on. Holy smokes that was so hot. From the light banter and quips at the beginning of that scene to Jimin actually owning that entire lounge! And as amazing as the show (plus subsequent private scene with our lady afterwards) was, my favorite bit might be the exchange between Jimin and Hoseok, another scene that filled with tension and new revelations! It might actually be the most fascinating scene because it gave a glimpse at something rather unexpected; something has transpired between Hoseok and Jimin. I might be reading too much into the exchange but it feels as though something has happened away from the cameras between them. Because it feels like there has been a shift from blatant hostility between these two to something more akin to a genuine understanding that this is now a battle for power and control. I could be reaching but I feel like, at the very least, there have been words exchanged between them! It made the scene all the more intriguing! I loved every moment of it. Oh! Speaking of which, what is up with Jin?! When Yoongi asked Jin to speak to Kookie about what had happened that morning, it seemed he was a bit apprehensive to take up the task. I know that there might not be anything more there than just the fact that Jin might not want to be the one to have to broach the subject with Kookie but I feel like there’s more there than what meets the eye as well… my theory is in it’s fetus stage though, so I feel like I’ll hold back on my thoughts concerning Jin for now. And Yoongi, for that matter! I feel like there is something more there as well. AH! Too many theories to juggle! I will let you know what my thoughts are about it once I have gathered more adequate information. 
I still feel guilty for not being able to give you a full length review of Day 11. It really was such a great, light day. Jungkook’s scene left me all hot and bothered to the point where I spent the entirety of the week, searching up Jungkook smut fics to fulfill my Jungkook fix that that chapter evoked in me! Not to mention that the boys getting up to antics for a whiteboard that in the end they didn’t really need just made me all the more baffled by their behavior. It was fun, hilarious and just what I would expect from the guys.
To make up for not having anything for last week, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you about me loving this amazing story so much I nearly force-fed my best friend to read it with me so that I would have someone to fangirl with. Let me tell you a little bit about her. See, she doesn’t consume fanfics with as much verocity as I do. She is a very casual fanfic reader and if she does (which is rare in it of itself) she only ever reads MxM. Period. So when I told her the premises of “The Gentlemen” she was curious enough to read the contestant profiles. But I must say, from Day 1, you had her HOOKED! She would text me screenshots and emoji filled fangirlings in the wee hours of the morning (the only time she had to read at all) every single thing she loved about each chapter and it brings me so much joy that she was really dissecting and appreciating all the little things that I too loved about your story! We would have long, deep discussions about her prompt theories, her favorite members, tiny details that you’ve so expertly woven into the story (like Jimin’s tattoo for example, which is something she is obsessed with, btw) all of her favorite traits that our lady of the house has. It’s been so blissfully fun having this to share with her especially since I have her to thank for getting me into BTS in the first place. So, please know that you have a secret fan of “The Gentlemen” who would like you to know that she has been enjoying herself thoroughly and that she looks forward to your updates just as much as I do now! 
Anyhoo, I think I’ve prattled on long enough. Thank you so much for your continued hard work and dedication to this series! This was such an amazing chapter I cannot wait to see how everything unfolds; it feel as though these last 2 chapters have planted some major seeds (no pun intended!!); I look forward to see what it sows in the coming days. 💜 Jan
Oh my gosh! In all of my ramblings, I forgot to say "shout out to Lady Mango! You go get that stake, girly!" Also, YAY Grandma Park!! Heck, that entire exchange in the bathtub made me uwu so hard my heart is just a pile of mush rn! Also, also!! Jin x Tae is lowkey underrated, so thank you for that! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ I lub u so much!! kthnxbye
i’m not ashamed (okay, maybe a little) to admit that i kinda teared up and did a happy lil dance when i saw the email that you’d sent in a submission fksdjfkds i figured you’d probably been busy with life or with the mountainloads of content bighit is giving us these days so i was content to wait patiently, and it just made it that much more exciting when i saw this come in !
thank you, as always, for being so sweet and articulate and thoughtful in your reviews of the chapters. often you point out things that make so much sense that perhaps i hadn’t even noticed when writing. other times you hit an idea that i’d slipped in right on the nose. 
jungkook definitely is having a pretty tumultuous time on the show. for him, i imagine he feels like he’s the only one having a difficult time ironing out his feelings, or that if anyone else is struggling too, that they’re acting like nothing’s up. i also feel like jungkook’s competitive streak comes through in unexpected ways. of course he feels proud of his sexual prowess and kinda wants to showboat a little bit, but i think there’s an aspect too where he needs to be the one that’s always bolder than the others to assert his position. writing the namkook scene i kind of drew on that feeling where you’re fighting with someone you care about or think highly of, and even as you realise you’re wrong, you don’t want them to think badly of you and so you desperately scramble for a way to come out on top or prove you’re in the right. there’s also def a degree of him trying to convince himself the show is just about sex and that the rest doesn’t matter. he certainly doesn’t feel that way inside, but we see him vouching from that position so fiercely in d12. 
i’m glad you liked the namjoon scene !! one day i’ll figure out your bias fkdsjfksdjk you do such a good job at analysing and discussing everyone equally that it’s difficult >.<
it’s so fascinating to hear your jihope theory that they’ve spoken before. i must keep my silence on the details BUT there will be a very important scene between them coming up in the next few days of the show that i think will really change things between them and also how the readers see them. i’m super excited to write it ! 
beyond that, i’m happy you noticed something about jin in this chapter.... yn and jin still haven’t resolved their issues yet, plus here we are having jin not respond that well to being asked to counsel one of the members, something he always stated he was happy to do,,,,, hmmmm 0.0
i love hearing your theories so much !!! i eagerly await getting new content out so i can see how they shift and change from release to release
and also you really don’t need to feel bad ! there’s never any obligation to write out a long review for every chapter, but you do so anyway and that means a lot to me xx if you’re busy one week you don’t have to force yourself to make time for it. we have over 50 chapters, so we’re in for the long haul ! there’s really no rush
ahhhh that’s so cool to hear about your friend! it always warms my heart hearing stories of people that got their friends to begin reading and stuff, honestly even the thought that people think about tgm outside of reading it blows me away, it feels so special that it’s something y’all wanna share and discuss w your loved ones xx 
YES LADY MANGOOO i love adding little slips of her in the chapters, i know she doesn’t factor into the main story that much but everyone can rest assured that all of the members of the house (okay, and probably our three on-site producers too) spend a lot of time with her, walking her and cuddling her and playing with her. tae is probably currently trying to teach her some commands, but of course the only one she’s got the hang of is lie down jskfjsd
(finally YES taejin is such an underrated duo i love them)
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OC Interview- Casey Loomis
1. Choose an OC. 2. Answer them as that OC. 3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
tagged by @lamorellenoire6
Tagging anyone that follows me and has an OC. GO FOR IT.
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1. What is your name?
:)  ...
:) ...
Oh, OH! Loomis. Casey Lee Loomis. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
2. Do you know why are you named that?
My parents expected a girl. Or so that’s what they tease. (´;︵;`)
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken every day that ends in “y”. Hehehe...
....I mean...
We take it day by day. 
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Huh, I did a little bit of this, that, and the other thing in the vault. Nothing exceptional but I’m really learning to make what I know work for me. I got crops to grow in my first year and have only broken a few bones. I think that’s pretty impressive. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Hehe...whose Mary Sue? (❁°͈▵°͈) 
6. What’s your eye color?
Well, I never see them but I think they are a reddish-brownish color. (๑°⌓°๑)
7. How about your hair color?
It’s an icky brown but I’ve been dying it red with diseased cranberries. They have a much deeper color and the stain lasts longer. ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨
8. Have any family members?
Just my parents but who the heck knows where they are right now. I don’t like that they just left like that but I am sure they mean well by cutting ties. (・᷄ὢ・᷅)
9. Oh? How about pets?
There is a Liberator that wanders about now and again. I speak mandarin and it confuses the hell outta the thing. ( •̀ ω•́ )
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
Just anything? I hate...corn? Of all things to survive the end of the world. It’s my strongest crop right now. ┐(´∇`)┌
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Yeah! Nothing too serious. A little personal record keeping, trying out new recipes, and after I figured out how to develop film I now take pictures whenever I can. !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Oooh, that’s...a pretty loaded question to be asking people these days, don’t you think? A bit...unfair, actually. (°◇°;)
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Hey...um...(;╹⌓╹) Let's talk about something else, yeah?
14. What kind of animal are you?
A beaver! Cuz I like to use teeth! Hehehehehehe! (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
See? This is better.
15. Name your worst habits?
I get a little too excited and tend to stop paying attention to my surroundings. I’ve gotten hurt plenty and haven't seemed to have fully learned the lesson. (’へ’)
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Nate. He’s been through so much and he still gets up in the morning. Albeit, he probably never fell asleep but...still...(๑╹ڡ╹)╭ ~ ♡
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bisexual but who has time for labels, am I right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. Do you go to school?
Real school? I never went to a real school. I was always tutored at home by my parents. Even once in the vault, they were able to tutor me part-time. 〆(・ω・*)
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Yes, I think that’d be nice. (n˘v˘•)¬
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Hehe...do I have any what? (´・_・`)
21. What are you most afraid of?
Probably...waking up alone. I mean, really alone. ˓˓(ᑊᘩᑊ)
22. What do you usually wear?
My scribe uniform and cowboy hat. The uniform does more than protect me, it represents my commitments. The hat is just a little bit of me thrown in. (๑´ㅂ`๑)
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Nuka Cherry? Sugar Bombs! 
24. Am I annoying to you?
Not at all. This is fun! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Alright, fuck, give it to me!  (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Pffft what the fuck does it matter anymore? ┐(´-`)┌
27. How many friends do you have?
Hmm...lets see...Nate...Joshua...Siddhi...the liberator...motherlode...the one Deathclaw that one time...Six, so far. ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Ah, god, love pie. I once made 17 pies in sitting. 
Any kinda berry will do! ԅ(´ڡ`ԅ)
29. Favorite drink?
I already said so but it’s Nuke Cherry. It’s extra sugar tasting. (╯✧∇✧)╯
30. What’s your favorite place?
I can’t help but love the Forest Region the most. It's lush and abundant and relatively peaceful on most days. ´・ᴗ・`
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Let's just say I’d try anyone at least once. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
32. That was a stupid question…
It wasn't very smooth of you but definitely not stupid. If you are interested you just need to ask. (ゝω・)ノ
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
I’ve never seen the ocean. (・о・)
34. What’s your type?
The silent types, I’ve noticed. (¬ε¬ )
35. Any fetishes?
Well, since you asked....I like getting things spicy with some lite role-playing, maybe a little power struggle to get everyone’s jimmies in a bunch. Choking is fair game, restraints also. Let's be honest here. A little pain never hurt anybody. 
36. Camping or outdoors?
Both? Both are good. Nature doesn't scare me. It's beautiful even when it's terrifying. ヽ(・ω・。)ノ
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Terrace House!AU Haechan
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Genre: fluff, bullet point scenario
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N please read the introduction first!
when you were dropped off at the house you completely expected to be the first to arrive seeing as it was 4 in the morning
but when you opened the door you saw another pair of shoes in the foyer and could hear someone moving around the kitchen
all previous fatigue left your body because shit you were not expecting human interaction this early in the morning you just wanted to slip into bed and s l e e p
your brain was going full throttle trying to think of ways to slip around the mystery person and just hide in your room when the front door slammed closed behind you, crushing all hopes of escape in its wake
you froze, luggage in hand, as the kitchen turned silent
a head slowly peaked around the corner and holy shit the sun rose early today because right in front of you was none other than lee donghyuck, sunny boi haechan himself
his smile nearly blinded you, a soft ‘hello’ fell past your lips
however, upon making eye contact with you, haechan’s smile faltered, a greeting failing to leave him
marking it up to a lack of sleep, you quickly introduced yourself before excusing yourself to your room
a few hours later and you finally felt rested enough to go out and meet the rest of your housemates, plus someone was cooking and it smelled absolutely wonderful
while making yourself presentable, you were able to meet your roommates as they were floating in and out of the bedroom
they were both lovely, one a fashion designer and the other a graduate student studying agriculture idk this was the first thing i thought of
after cleaning up a little you left the room and headed towards the kitchen where your roommates had informed you everyone had gathered
as soon as you entered the room you were once again greeted with haechan’s smiling face
he was sat at the table chatting with the fashion designer and another male figure who looked around your age
his eyes locked with yours and suddenly he froze, causing his two companions to turn and face you
your roommate’s face lit up in delight, glad that “you finally decided to grace us with your presence!” 
a small laugh escaped you and you settled into the only available seat left remaining, next to the male who introduced himself as jihoon, an aspiring artist, the same age as yourself
upon discovering you were the same age the table filled with teasing “ooh’s” from your surrounding housemates, all except haechan
he shifted uncomfortably in his seat while you hid your face in embarrassment
after everyone settled down, introductions were made and you all began to break off into your own conversations, all except for hyuck
every attempt you made to engage him was brushed off with one worded answers
you and jihoon found common ground in your love for hiking, your agriculture major roommate, aeri, joining the conversation halfway through
slowly the kitchen began to empty and you found yourself alone with hyuck
before you could even open your mouth, he stood up abruptly and rushed out of the room, mumbling something about being late for practice, leaving you flustered in your seat
weeks passed and your bond with jihoon and aeri grew, but still no luck with haechan
it seemed that everyone in the house except for you was his best friend
every time it was the two of you alone in a room, he suddenly became flustered and made up an excuse to leave
you did your best to remain unbothered, it would be a lie if you said you had no feelings for hyuck, i mean he was your bias but no one needed to know that 
all you could do was pray the production team wouldn’t make you look like an idiot once the footage aired nobody wants angry fangirls coming for their ass
you did your best to ignore the awkward interactions and hung out mostly with jihoon and aeri
you grew closer with each day, and when jihoon told you he liked aeri you almost woke the whole house with how loudly you fangirled
aeri had just told you she was gaining feelings for jihoon a few days before so obviously you took this as your initiative to set the two up since you had basically given up all hope on your love life rip hyuck wyd get your act together
so you decided to do something you all loved: hiking ik this a weird choice i just need it for the purpose of this fic and i now realize this could have worked with yuta better pls give me a break
so you find the perfect trail and plan everything out perfectly and you tell jihoon and aeri about this amazing new trail and you should all go together!!! and they’re like hell yEa!!!!
but then jihoon suggests you invite hyuck bc he happens to have a day off that day and he seems really stressed and a nice hike could help clear his mind lol @ hanbin and well you’d feel like an ass if you said no so you hesitantly agree
and jihoon’s all great!!! bc he sees this as his chance to set you and hyuck up he’s roommates with the kid he knows he has feelings for you silly kids so oblivious to each other’s feelings
so that’s how you end up on a hike with haechan while simultaneously trying to set up your two best friends
part of said plan was to tie your shoe and tell them to go ahead without you, leaving the two alone, but now you have no idea how to do that with hyuck there as well
the four of you begin your trek up the mountain making small talk aka jihoon trying to get hyuck to talk to you
and miraculously, somehow it works bc now you and hyuck are having a small conversation
but the whole time you’re glancing up at jihoon to make sure the two of you are falling behind
unbeknownst to you haechan is getting annoyed bc you’re talking to him pay attention to him >:( also he’s highkey jealous of your friendship with jihoon and he’s convinced you like jihoon despite him constantly telling hyuck it’s not like that
as the distance between the two groups grows you can feel hyuck growing more and more frustrated with you and he begins to speed up
assuming he’s frustrated because you’re slowing him down, you finally decide to reveal your plan to him
you scramble to catch up to him, not paying attention to the terrain and woops there goes your ankle
you let out a small cry and hyuck’s head whips around to see you sitting and cradling your foot
boi frEaks tf OuT
he turns to call for jihoon and aeri but they’re already out of sight and he doesn’t want to leave you alone so he zOOmS down to you
“don’t you hike all the time i thought you were supposed to be good at this?”
“ShuT UP hYUcK i’m in PAIN” you yell at him and he blushes bc a) you’re cute when angry and b) you called him hyuck omg he’s so soft for you
but he snaps out of it bc the love of his life you’re hurt!
since he’s a dancer he’s no stranger to injuries, especially rolled ankles
he props your ankle up while the camera crew calls for help
and you’re just sat there mumbling on about how “well this is one way to make the plan work”
and he looks over at you confused bc “what plan?? wait omg did you bring me out here to kiLL mE IS THAT WHY YOU WERE SLOWING US DOWN????”
but you’re just like omg no hyuck i was trying to get jihoon and aeri alone so they would cOnFEsS!
ad he’s just like...oh...but...don’t you like jihoon why would you want to set them up?
and at this point you completely forget about your ankle bc you want to slap the obliviousness out of his head
“no i don’t like him why would i be trying to set him up with aeri if i did??”
“well that’s wHY i was AsKInG!!!”
“ no i don’t like him i like you you idiot”
911 hyuck found dead on a mountain his heart exploded
you both just freeze while the production team is just smiling bc damn this episode is going to get the views to sKyrOCket
now hyuck is all (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ while you’re all (⊙ω⊙✿) bc fuck you just confessed to this boi who hasn’t even spoken to you before today
but hyuck just sits back on his heels and huffs and gets all pouty so now you’re all confusion bc y is this boy sad does he hAtE mE OH MY GOD
but then hyuck just goes “this whole time i thought you liked jihoon and i was too shy to talk to you so i thought i lost all chance with you but this whole time you liked me why am i so dumb oh my god the guys are never going to let me live this one down-”
and you know what you do to shut him up? a kiss on the CHEEk girlies not the lips consent is number one
and he blushes oooh boy and production crew is about to diE bc they know they’re getting a season renewal after this episode
eventually jihoon and aeri come down bc they noticed you guys went missing smh they were too wrapped up in each other
and they’re holding hands and smiling and you’re just like hell yea that’s my otp except they notice the paramedics around you so they’re all concerned but you’re just like nah fam it’s fine anyways tell me what happened on top of the mountain hmmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and they go on about how it was so romantic and you’re eating up until they noticed you and hyuck holding hands and now it’s their turn to interrogate you two
somehow you all make it off the mountain and your ankle was fine just need to ice it and you’ll be all good
a few days later after your ankle is 100% you and hyuck go on your first official date 
you get dinner and then walk around hongdae a bit before returning home and chill watching the tv
but hyuck can’t focus bc you just look so prEtTY and you can’t focus bc omg why is this boy staring at me???
you look over at him and make eye contact bc, well, he can’t take his eyes off of you
time freezes and you both slowly lean into each other until your lips meet
the kiss doesn’t last long bc you both can’t stop smiling
meanwhile the cameramen are all crying bc yall are just too cute and the producers are ready to be rolling in cash
the rest of the show is spent with you guys and jihoon and aeri fighting over who’s the real otp of the show while the other two housemates just watch in amusement like “oh these kids”
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gamerkats · 7 years
Initial Cats
Hey Kitties,
Here’s hoping all of you are well and happy. Since you’d all rather hear from us, even if it’s posting YouTubes we find awesome, than have us in web-silence, here are our latest finds!! (And we LOVE you for that!! You guys really are the best! We’re not crying…*sniffle*…it’s just your awesomeness in our eyes… ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚)
WARNING: If you are a NOT a cat lover, you should skip to the Initial D stuff… ~(=^┬ ┬^)
Alright, now that that’s done, time to live up to the “KAts” portion of our name. Or, well, at least the properly written form of it. We Gamer KAts have two wonderful little rescues in our lives, and this film by Simon’s Cat is exactly how our day goes with them. (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)
For those of you not in the “Simon’s Cat know”, it’s a comic/animated series, created by Simon Tofield, about Simon and his hilariously perfect representation of every cat ever. Even if you have a rather chill cat, it’s pretty much guaranteed that at least one of his films/comics will have a situation you’ve witnessed (or been subjected to…) with your own little fur-baby.
The second part of today’s post is regarding more Initial D. Being that we’re still currently watching the series (yes, we’re slow getting through the episodes…but it’s really, really hard to have an anime/school life balance), we’ve fangirled out when we found these. HAD TO SHARE!!!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
First up is actually a Toyota car commercial and its homage to the AE86. LOVE IT!!! Especially with the tofu in the back.
Also, we had NO IDEA that you could purchase this in Need For Speed 2015!! We lost our minds when we saw this. Unfortunately, trying to drift in the game is laughable at best, but hey…IT’S THE 86!! Thank-you MentalEdge for making this!  (^o^)/
Well, that’s all we had for you today. Stay awesome and drive safely out there!!  (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
p.s. Gamer KAts is not endorsing illegal street racing or Toyota. If it has 4 tires and can get you from point a to point b, who cares what kind of car it is – emissions friendly that is.
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catherinegrant · 8 years
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Happy Birthday, @damelola! May this year be extra special for you. Please enjoy some birthday messages as well as some fanworks we have made for you.
AO3 Collection: GreatDame2017 Banner by @abydosdork and @txnmcky
happy birthday lola-pie! I like ur face! <3 Coop
Happy Birthday Lola. I am so grateful for all you contribute to this fandom. I eagerly gobble up your fic the moment I see it posted on Tumblr.  Though I am terrible about commenting, it always brightens my day.
Happy Birthday to my Perfect Pen Pal.  You bring me such joy.  I’m happy to celebrate the day you were born.  Here’s to a million more letters, headcanons, fics and laughs. Mwah!
Happy Birthday Lola dear! I hope it’s full of laughter, fun and continued success. You are not only a fantastic writer but one of my favorite people. Many blessings as you enter a new year! I am so thankful for your talent and your friendship
Your writing inspires me and your generosity humbles me. Thank you for your indomitable spirit, your talent, and your friendship. Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Lola!
Thank you so much for all the stories. We’re so lucky to have you in this fandom to keep the SuperCat torch alive. Your updates always brighten up my day. Have a brilliant day, hun. And may the Grant Snark be with you always.
ps: actual depiction of me anytime I see a Notting Hill or Ballet AU (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
xxx Valentina
Happy Birthday, Lola! Hope you have a fantastic day filled with all the Supercat goodness you can handle!
Happy birthday to the diva who lets me constantly dump filth into your window and calls it inspiration.;)
Happy, happy birthday!
You’re always a voice of reason, respectful and your writing is awe-inspiring. You deserve all the best in life and I hope your day will be filled with good food and lots of laughter.
Regards, a huge fan of you and your writing.
Thanks for all the porn 😘
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MARY POPPINS OF FANDOM, LOLA. I am so glad you write for SuperCat and you write them so brilliantly! I love how interwoven and beautiful The Ballet AU is with both show canon things and freakin’ THEATRE THINGS!!! My two weaknesses right now (aside from Sanvers being adorable cuties). I’m also super glad that we’ve gotten the chance to talk this past month or so. It’s absolutely Mayka’s fault (as it always is, eh?) but has been a fantastic experience getting to know you and to bond over our mutual dislike of the other fandom, of our love and devotion for theatre and our thoughts on SuperCat.
Happy birthday Lola!
You are the most precious person I ever came across within the Supergirl’s fandom. You have a unique way with words and it makes you such an incredibly talented writer, sometimes I can’t believe how good your fictions are. Every single one is different but it’s deep and perfectly crafted and it echoes in me in ways I couldn’t possibly find elsewhere. I don’t have a favourite because all of them are pure gold but lately, I’m very invested in The Music and The Mirror. Thank you for everything. You are a caring, kind, sassy and absolutely amazing soul and I’m fangirling over your existence. You are a beautiful person, Lola. Joyeux anniversaire ♥
happy birthday lola! you deserve all the fun and goodness in the worldd. i love all your fics!! thank you for helping keep the supercat fandom sane <3 <3 <3
Happy Birthday Lola from Octo!!  Thank you for being an absolute blessing and sharing your incredible writing with us, giving us hours and hours and HOURS of glorious absorbing worlds and entertainment. Have an AWESOME day and be merry!!
Happy Birthday!
Many thanks for all your wonderful efforts in fandom, both creating great stuff for us all to enjoy and share, and helping and encouraging others.
So here’s hoping you enjoy a year of health and happiness. Much luck to your new book and any other new stuff you grace us with, and may you have many more years of creativity and fun to come! Also many more memes because…Cat Grant and her pen definitely was a hit!
Good luck and much happiness in all you do, PinkRabbitPro (Barb)
Happy Birthday Lola,
One of the first fics I read in the Supergirl fandom was So I Can Call (Just to Tell ‘Em I’m Fine). Needless to say, I was hooked. Your writing style is glorious. I always look forward to your stories; I’ve seen very few writers who understand their characters so completely. Your writing was one of the reasons I started writing again. I do hope you enjoy this birthday surprise and thank you for all you’ve given this fandom.
Happy birthday, Lola! I hope your birthday is as awesome as you. I absolutely love everything you write. You never fail to amaze me with your words inside fic and out.
I reread Asking Too Much probably too much, haha. But I still get chills reading it. Honestly I’m still not over chapter 17. Chapter 17 has gone down in history in my book and will forever be iconic to me. And I still laugh so hard every single time I read the ‘See ya!’ line by Alex at the end. Always has me cackling. The way you wrote Kara fully embracing Supergirl and starting the Supercenter, god. It’s freaking GENIUS. It’s so unique to everything else I’ve read. I still stumble and get mindblown thinking about it and rereading it, that storyline is just so brilliant.
I’ve never gotten around to writing my own fics, but I remember when I was really thinking about writing, you were so supportive and offered your help if I ever needed any. Thank you so much for that.
I really appreciate just how genuine you are and enjoy how outspoken you are. You truly are amazing and hope your birthday goes awesome, you deserve it. Happy birthday, Lola <3
Happy Birthday! May it be filled with things as fabulous as you are though that will be super hard because that is a very short list of things. All the best in the coming year. I love you muchly and am glad I get the chance to know you. Also I’m glad that I get to read the rich worlds and stories that you create. It’s consistently amazing and I’m happy it’s being recognized with your snazzy new book deal :D  
Happy birthday Lola!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get to eat all the cupcakes. My favorite fic of yours is With An Open Hand, because I love the playful version of Kara who is not afraid to push further with Cat to get what she wants… and also for the pen!kink, never forget the pen!kink :P
Of course I love all your other supercat fics as well. The Music and the Mirror is brilliantly done, and I get so excited for each update. Thank you for all the time you spend writing and headcanoning and overall spreading the supercat joy. And once more, happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Lola! Thank you for all of the beautiful work you share with us, for the insight and energy you bring to the SuperCat fandom, and for being such a kind and supportive person. Your writing and your presence are deeply cherished. Hope you have a great day and the best year yet to come❤.
Lola, happy birthday. Again, I want to say thank you. Your kindness and never-ending support made it possible for me to get the confidence and post my work on AO3 and Tumblr for the world to see. You are a fantastic fanfic writer and an all around amazing person. You are a wonderful human being and I’m so glad that I have the pleasure and privilege to have met you and talked to you. Honestly, the world could use a lot more people like you in it. I hope you have a fantastic birthday. You’re the absolute best and you do so much for everyone around you, even strangers who you meet in passing. Happy Birthday, Lola. I hope its a good one!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday Lola! I’m a big fan of your writing. I especially love how you come up with new and exciting ways to bring Kara and Cat together in your stories. Thank you for sharing your gifts and amazing talent, and for all of the things you do for this fandom. :D
Dearest, Darlingest Lola,
According to Facebook, we have been friends for over 7 years. Honestly, that surprises me because it feels like we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember.
I truly don’t have the words to tell you what you mean to me or how grateful I am to Dolly or whatever other deity it was that brought us together. I just know that without you, my life would be very, very different. And not in a good way.
We have shared so much over the years. Stopping shows, football in gay bars, your wedding (!!), pokerverse, and all things in between. You are a brilliant writer that everyone in the fandoms you write for is lucky to have and someone who I am so happy I can text at all hours of the day and night to share fic ideas, fandom theories, or just anything that is on my mind. You are snarky and won’t take shit from anyone and you’ve helped me to grow a backbone and be more outspoken myself since I’ve known you. And in the last year, you have been the most wonderful, supportive friend when I needed one the most.
Thank you for always being there for me. I love you to the moon and back, from Mirandy to 9 to 5 to Swan Queen to Supergirl and beyond. I hope you have the most wonderful birthday and I cannot wait to get to see your face in real life and squish you like crazy in like two months.
Love, love, love, always,
Tiff (aka writetherest, but you better freakin’ know that!)
Happy birthday, sugar lips! I am so glad that once again two fictional characters pushed us together in another fandom. The trash bin has been great and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you better. You are one talented, sassy lady. I hope this year is the best yet, with many more to come. I heart your face!! <3 - Torch
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
Some Notes;;
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Muses I officially unofficially rp:
Be.lial from GBF (i can’t really play the game cause my net is shit but i watched his event thing and i’m a bitch for him)
Mc.Burn from s.en no k.iseki (another game i don’t play but i’m just drawn to this dude cause i’m trash)
Muses I need to rp more:
Ax.el/L.ea from KH (i started playing dream.drop.distance again and with K.H3 coming out in a few months the muse for him is just bangin)
Zack from angels.of.death (he’s my son, my sweet serial killer boy and i need him)
Muses I no longer actively rp for the time being:
All of my Dangan.Ronpa muses because my interest in the series just fell off really fucking hard a few months back and now it’s near impossible for me to muse anyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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soooooo beauty guru au, anyone? w/ @hopefillings
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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hey guys, since i enjoy making these icons in my own small way to contribute and celebrate pride month, i’m gonna do what i did last year and open to any and all requests for icons. just give me the name of your muse (or you can even submit the picture/icon you want me to use), their sexuality, gender and/or romantic alignment and whether you prefer the flag behind the character (like this) or transparent over top of the character (like this). this is honestly just my own little way to give back, have fun and show appreciation to all genders/sexualities/romantic attractions so i hope you guys enjoy it, too.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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When reading a book resurfaces your need to play your fave trashy rich boy.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
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so i kinda wanna apologize to people? 
cause sadly my muse for DR is wavering a good bit. like don’t get me wrong, i still love the series and have been trying my damned hardest, but it’s difficult for me to find muse for so.uda and some of my other DR muses for the past month or so?? i know i’ve still been answering asks and occasionally putting out replies for some of these characters, but it’s harder than normal and i feel really bad for it to where it’s got my anxiety pretty jacked lately. i’m not gonna drop these muses or anything, but it’s slightly more difficult to write as them and do asks and threads but i’m gonna be slower than normal as them. i hope people can understand this but if it bothers them i really don’t mind if i’m unfollowed and dropped.
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
*boots up dr2*
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me, already singing: i want to see my little boyyyyy
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
me: *starts reading a book i’ve been seeing good things about all over*
character: *already makes himself out to be ruthless and fuckin badass*
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me: ah yes. you. you’re my new fave.
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entwinedthreads · 7 years
game that i'm right at the end of: hmmmmmmmm
game that i only played the first five mins of: ahhhhhhhhh
game that i'm halfway through with: ummmmmmmmm
game that i've played 500 times, platinumed and know like the back of my hand: AH! perfect!
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entwinedthreads · 6 years
my feelings regarding the new bn.ha ep
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*deep inhale*
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