universestreasures · 1 year
@crimsonkaiser​ For you <3
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“Kai!!!!” Excited cries escape Aichi’s lips as his boyfriend comes into view, the teenager being careful to not run any of the small children over that were playing in the park. He knew his boyfriend was here. Kai always napped here in the afternoon after finishing up at school. Miwa likes to joke that the brunette was secretly a cat and not a human with how often he found himself taking cat naps, but Aichi found the image rather cute. Though, he is certain Kai would disagree with that.
The reason for his hurry though is in regards to a letter he is holding in his hands, a letter he’s been waiting weeks for. Aichi was at that age to start applying for university, with his graduation eminent in just a few short months. He had applied to tons of places, including programs in the states, but his number one choice was a university only a few short hours drive from the city in which they lived in. It was the same school Kai had received a sports scholarship for and planned on attending in the Fall. 
Now, this school didn’t have the best program for Aichi’s field of study. No, schools in the states offered much more in terms of astrophysics-related education. But Aichi was determined, determined to stay with his boyfriend no matter what. After all, Kai had decided to wait a whole year before starting university just so Aichi and him could start together. It would be wrong to betray that sacrifice by going to another school, despite the insistence of the other they’d find a way to make long-distance work if it came down to it.
Being a long distance away from Kai...The thought of it makes the teen’s heart ache, so much to the point where he doesn’t even want to consider such a thing. Those feelings constantly flooded his heart, influencing his decisions to the point where he instantly panicks if Kai doesn’t text him back within a few hours or he isn’t found in the park like he is today.
He and Kai had to stay together, together forever. They had to in order to finish what was started centuries ago...
Aichi finally manages to make his way to Kai, his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. It’s moments like this where he envies the other’s athletic talents. Aichi may be the better student than Kai, but he is no where near had the of physical strength and agility that his boyfriend did. He swears when he asks Kai to come over he arrives at his doorstep inhumanely fast. No wonder he’s been scouted by so many universities for his talents, huh?
“I got it, Kai! I got my decision letter from Keter University! I...I wanted to wait till I found you to open it!” He explains, showing him the letter with the golden seal on it. Aichi’s been waiting all day to open this. Several of his classmates tried to get him to get the news early, but the cerulean-eyed teen stood his ground. He wanted to learn what the next chapter of his life will hold with the person that he loves, the very person who he couldn’t imagine not being in it. 
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“You know...I’ve been waiting for this letter for so long now, and honestly...I’m pretty nervous. But...I just need to picture it, like you always tell me, Kai. Picture it and make that image come true.”
Eyes close as Aichi once again takes Kai’s advice, the young teen imagining the future he was hoping would open up to him upon reading the letter. He sees himself and Kai on campus, walking around together and then relaxing underneath a shady tree. He sees himself attending one of Kai’s soccer games, Aichi decked out in Keter swag as he cheers him on. He sees him falling asleep at his desk, and Kai putting a blanket over his shoulders. He sees Kai crying on the floor of a dark hallway, crying as he clutches Aichi’s body close to his chest.
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“Huh...?” Aichi blinks his eyes a few times and shakes his head, finding himself back in the park with Kai still laying on the bench. What was that? It was just an image, like the countless Aichi has made in his mind, but it felt so...tangible. It felt like it was something he had experienced before, but that couldn’t be. He’s never been in a situation like that. On top of that, the other images didn’t seem that way, so why that?
His focus is then taken back to the letter in his hands, having momentarily forget it was there. Right...he was there to open his decision letter. Slowly, he gently moves to open the envelope and take the paper inside out. The last thing he wants is to to damage it. After managing to do that, he holds it in front of his face to read. Gosh, he was shaken, but from what that image was and about the results of what this letter would say. 
‘Dear Aichi Sendou, we thank you very much for your application. Keter University prides itself with educating the next generation of great minds, upholding the values of courage, bravery, and honor. It with great pride and honor that we invite you to join Keter University as a student in our honors program, an accelerated learning program only for the brightest students with the highest marks on our entrance exam. Congratulations and we hope to see you soon.’-Keter University Admissions Office
“I got in...”
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“I got in!!!” His cry of joy echoed throughout the park. Normally such an outburst would leave the teen feeling embarrassed, but he’s way too happy about this to even notice. “I got in, Kai! We’re going to university together! I can’t...I can’t believe it!” 
That’s when he, without any warning, moves to give Kai a hug, essentially laying on top of him from his position on the bench. Again, if he wasn’t focused on the joy he feels, he’d be blushing like a madman for being in such a position in public. There are certainly people staring, but Aichi pays them no mind. 
He and Kai were going to not be separated. They were not going to have to be alone again. They were going to start the next leg of their journey on the road called life side by side, walking hand and hand as they decide for themselves who they will become.
As it should have always been....
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