universestreasures · 1 year
@crimsonkaiser​ For you <3
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“Kai!!!!” Excited cries escape Aichi’s lips as his boyfriend comes into view, the teenager being careful to not run any of the small children over that were playing in the park. He knew his boyfriend was here. Kai always napped here in the afternoon after finishing up at school. Miwa likes to joke that the brunette was secretly a cat and not a human with how often he found himself taking cat naps, but Aichi found the image rather cute. Though, he is certain Kai would disagree with that.
The reason for his hurry though is in regards to a letter he is holding in his hands, a letter he’s been waiting weeks for. Aichi was at that age to start applying for university, with his graduation eminent in just a few short months. He had applied to tons of places, including programs in the states, but his number one choice was a university only a few short hours drive from the city in which they lived in. It was the same school Kai had received a sports scholarship for and planned on attending in the Fall. 
Now, this school didn’t have the best program for Aichi’s field of study. No, schools in the states offered much more in terms of astrophysics-related education. But Aichi was determined, determined to stay with his boyfriend no matter what. After all, Kai had decided to wait a whole year before starting university just so Aichi and him could start together. It would be wrong to betray that sacrifice by going to another school, despite the insistence of the other they’d find a way to make long-distance work if it came down to it.
Being a long distance away from Kai...The thought of it makes the teen’s heart ache, so much to the point where he doesn’t even want to consider such a thing. Those feelings constantly flooded his heart, influencing his decisions to the point where he instantly panicks if Kai doesn’t text him back within a few hours or he isn’t found in the park like he is today.
He and Kai had to stay together, together forever. They had to in order to finish what was started centuries ago...
Aichi finally manages to make his way to Kai, his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. It’s moments like this where he envies the other’s athletic talents. Aichi may be the better student than Kai, but he is no where near had the of physical strength and agility that his boyfriend did. He swears when he asks Kai to come over he arrives at his doorstep inhumanely fast. No wonder he’s been scouted by so many universities for his talents, huh?
“I got it, Kai! I got my decision letter from Keter University! I...I wanted to wait till I found you to open it!” He explains, showing him the letter with the golden seal on it. Aichi’s been waiting all day to open this. Several of his classmates tried to get him to get the news early, but the cerulean-eyed teen stood his ground. He wanted to learn what the next chapter of his life will hold with the person that he loves, the very person who he couldn’t imagine not being in it. 
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“You know...I’ve been waiting for this letter for so long now, and honestly...I’m pretty nervous. But...I just need to picture it, like you always tell me, Kai. Picture it and make that image come true.”
Eyes close as Aichi once again takes Kai’s advice, the young teen imagining the future he was hoping would open up to him upon reading the letter. He sees himself and Kai on campus, walking around together and then relaxing underneath a shady tree. He sees himself attending one of Kai’s soccer games, Aichi decked out in Keter swag as he cheers him on. He sees him falling asleep at his desk, and Kai putting a blanket over his shoulders. He sees Kai crying on the floor of a dark hallway, crying as he clutches Aichi’s body close to his chest.
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“Huh...?” Aichi blinks his eyes a few times and shakes his head, finding himself back in the park with Kai still laying on the bench. What was that? It was just an image, like the countless Aichi has made in his mind, but it felt so...tangible. It felt like it was something he had experienced before, but that couldn’t be. He’s never been in a situation like that. On top of that, the other images didn’t seem that way, so why that?
His focus is then taken back to the letter in his hands, having momentarily forget it was there. Right...he was there to open his decision letter. Slowly, he gently moves to open the envelope and take the paper inside out. The last thing he wants is to to damage it. After managing to do that, he holds it in front of his face to read. Gosh, he was shaken, but from what that image was and about the results of what this letter would say. 
‘Dear Aichi Sendou, we thank you very much for your application. Keter University prides itself with educating the next generation of great minds, upholding the values of courage, bravery, and honor. It with great pride and honor that we invite you to join Keter University as a student in our honors program, an accelerated learning program only for the brightest students with the highest marks on our entrance exam. Congratulations and we hope to see you soon.’-Keter University Admissions Office
“I got in...”
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“I got in!!!” His cry of joy echoed throughout the park. Normally such an outburst would leave the teen feeling embarrassed, but he’s way too happy about this to even notice. “I got in, Kai! We’re going to university together! I can’t...I can’t believe it!” 
That’s when he, without any warning, moves to give Kai a hug, essentially laying on top of him from his position on the bench. Again, if he wasn’t focused on the joy he feels, he’d be blushing like a madman for being in such a position in public. There are certainly people staring, but Aichi pays them no mind. 
He and Kai were going to not be separated. They were not going to have to be alone again. They were going to start the next leg of their journey on the road called life side by side, walking hand and hand as they decide for themselves who they will become.
As it should have always been....
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colesluvr · 1 year
HELLO‼️‼️ I saw you were doing Ninjago requests so i was wondering could you do one where the reader(gn) is based off koyuki from demon slayer ⁉️ it could be something like any of the ninja of your choice being tasked to take care of the reader. i don't care if it's romantic or platonic i just want to see what the ninja would do in the situation ‼️THANK YOU‼️‼️
Safe & Sound | Cole Brookstone x GN Reader
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Sooooo, I never watched demon slayer, but I did do my reaserch on this character! I hope this isn't too bad, I'm not a huge fan of this piece of writing, bit I you all will like it. Thx for the req!!
Also I, i think I took "taking care of Y/N" in a different term, my bad :(
The sound of Y/N's cries of pain caused Cole to instantly go into big brother Cole mode. He jumped over the couch and ran to the doors of the Monestary. The big doors entered his vision and almost instantly he threw the doors open to see Y/N in Kai's arms.
They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole. "They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole.
"It hurts, it fucking huhurts!" Tears filled their eyes. In slo-motion, Cole looked at Y/N's leg. It looked twisted and bruised. It looked...broken.
"Wha-What happened?" Cole asked as Nya rushed behind her brother with you in his arms, still crying from the pain. "They-They were gone for not even 10 seconds and they were jumped by thugs! A-A store was getting robbed and-and me and Kai thought Y/N would be find catching one thug, but suddenly four more jumped them and-" Tears stained her cheeks from her pervious crying, but new fresh tears started to form as they ran into the Med Room.
Another one of Y/N's screams caused Cole to look back up at Kai who placed them on the bed. He tried to stop them from curling in on theirself so Zane could get a better look at your leg.
"Gaaaaha! Ihit hurts!" Y/N cried, tears falling from their cheeks. Kai squeezed their hand as Zane examed their leg. It was bruised from the calf and down, a little banged up, but hopefully nothing to serious.
"I know, but you moving around like this will make it hurt more." Kai tried to calm them down, but they curled around even more. Cole soon walked into their vision, causing them to turn their head toward him.
"Hey, hey. I know this hurts, but you're doing great, Y/N. Just a couple more seconds. Zane is putting the cast on as we speak, just look at me, try not to focus on the pain." Cole spoke over your cries and groans. Kai allowed Cole to take the lead, not stopping him because it seemed to work. Zane was able to put the cast on quicker with him moving Y/N's leg as much.
"What's your favorite color?" Cole asked, making eye contact with Y/N.
"Uh-AH-Uh.." It took them longer to say an answer, "F-FC! GAh!"
"Good. Good. Uh, how about movie? I love movies!"
"Uh-F/M!!" You cried you our favorite movies name as Zane finished the cast.
"There we go," Zane smiled as he looked at Y/N who still cried. "Thank you, Cole."
Cole waved him off, saying it was nothing. Y/N's eyes closed, they took deep breaths relieved the pain was over.
"When-When will they get better? Like, when will their leg heal?" Kai asked, tapping his foot as he looked at Zane. Zane thought for a moment, "I cannot be certain, but possibly in the next 4-6 months."
"Hah?!" You cried, slamming your head back to the pillow. Cole asked for Zane and Kai to go out of the room to talk about this and he'll let Y/N know when they'll get better.
Y/N watched as Cole escorted the two out of the room and closed the door a tad. He smiled back at you before asking you if you needed anything.
Two months have passed and during the time period, Lloyd was able to get Y/N some crutches. They were already doing fine on the cast, by fine you mean Cole basically carrying them aroun like royalty. Cole wanted to make sure they were comfortable with the crutches, so he stood by their side as they used them for the first time.
Almost cried when Y/N almost ran into a wall, such a gentlemen.
"Cole. I can grab it-"
"Nah-uh. You sit your butt back on that bed and I'l get for you."
They've pretty much gotten use to him bossing them around, but they weren't really complaining. He was their best friend after all.
"You rang?" Cole grinned as he entered Y/N's room when their soup. Y/N was 4 months in recovery, having doctor appointments for their leg now and then, Y/N's should be healed un the next month if they just sit and try not to put pressure on the leg. Although they've been doing well without cole's help, they could never tell him that.
He's been trying to hard to help Y/N feel better, he's even attempted to sleep in the same room if they need water, use the bathroom, or get a midnight snack because he knows how much they love those.
"I actually rang Jay, but it's always fun to see your face. Even though I see everyday now." You joked, "Well, Jay was out on a mission with the others so," Cole shrugged as he sat down on the bedside as he placed the soup on the dresser by your bed.
"Wait, don't tell me you stayed behind on a mission to take care of me?" You asked and Cole blew gently on the spoon with soup. "Okay, I won't."
You have him a 'are you serious' look as he locked eyes with you. "Y/N, I'm sorry, but I just want to be here for you since I wasn't when you got hurt! I want to see you get better with my own eyes."
"Cole," You laughed, "I've been doing fine, I barely need the crutches anymor-" Cole cuts you off by gently shoving the spoon into your mouth. "All I hear, "Aw, thank you Cole for taking such great care of me! I haven't complained at all after the past 6 months."
You swallowed the soup and chuckled, "I sound nothing like that, dork."
It was quiet for a moment, Cole stll feeding them now and then. before he did again, Y/N spoke. "I..actually am thankful for you, Cole. I mean it. Thank you for taking care of me these past 6 months." Cole smiled, wiping soup off your chin with his thumb.
"Anything for you, Y/N. You know that. I wouldn't just sit back and relax knowing my friend's hurt-"
You grabbed Cole and engulfed him in a hug. He paused, not wantinh to hurt you if he moves. Suddenly, he smiled, hugging you back.
"Thank you," You spoke.
"You're welcome, Y/N."
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Heya! Glad your request are now open, may I request a TXT reaction to their s/o accidentally discovered their cute/funny or embarrassing childhood photo? Thanks
Txt reaction to you finding their baby photos
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genre: romance; fluff
warnings: none
description : The txt members reaction to you (their s/o) discovering their baby photos
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- Uh, y/n, where did you find those??
- His face would be absolutely in shock, like he had no idea you would ever find those photos
- The moment you say something about how cute he was as a baby his ego would boost up by 1000
- “We’d make cute babies, right, y/n?”
- Both of you would just go through old photos giggling and talking about your childhood together and sweet memories as kids
- afterwards, he’s definitely gonna ask you to see your baby photos bc he just needs to know what you looked like as a baby
- “Cmon babe, I bet you were a cute baby” LOL
- Ohh his face gets so red
- He’s slightly embarrassed but he also thinks it’s a little cute?
- he’ll try to get you to stop looking at them for a moment, just in fear that you might find something super embarrassing 😭
- “Let’s look at these later? please?”
- If you say anything about how cute your guys’ kids would look he would be blushing so hard omg
- like the thought of having kids with you excites him so much
- “We will in the future, have plenty of cute kids” Lowkey gives him baby fever for the rest of the day
- “Omg, where did you even find these?”
- You surprised the hell out of this man, he was NOT expecting this 🤣
- “I was so adorable” You know gyu has to compliment himself
- “Who do you think was cuter as a baby? me or you?” LOL
- When he sees your baby photos he thinks you are so cute, like actually adorable
- “Let’s have like a dozen kids, they’d all be so cute y/n!” Babes is getting a little too ahead of himself 😭
- Looking at baby photos would also raise his baby fever by 100 omg, he just can’t wait to see what his little family with you would look like in the future
- He honestly forgot how cute of a baby he was 😭
- like you and him will just be going through the photos together like “awww, that’s so cute”
- He would be kinda embarrassed at first but i don’t think he would really mind for the most part
- “Can I see your baby pictures now?”
- when he sees them he thinks they are the absolute most cutest thing ever
- both of you would just be comparing pictures and seeing what you guys were like as kids
- “Do you think we’d be friends as little kids, y/n?” Tae is honestly so curious about this 😭
Huening Kai
- “You found those, let me see!”
- He would honestly be more interested in these photos then you, just because he hasn’t saw them in so long
- Every photo you looked at, he most likely had a little explanation for it, like the backstory of the photo
- “I remember that trip! It was so fun, we should go there together sometime”
- he would be so cute for the rest of the day, his childhood was an important part of him, so showing you that side is honestly a big deal to him
- “I wonder what our future kids would look like y/n? what do you think?
- Ugh he’s just so cute about it, he probs goes onto one of those face morphing apps to see what your guys kids would look like out of curiosity 😭 LOL both of you would sit there and laugh about it too for a hot minute
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Thank you for your request lovely!! I enjoyed writing this so much! 💗
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maytheleiabewyou · 7 months
Analysis of the German gay film #freierfall / #freefall PART 4
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For the 10th anniversary (omg! 10 years already!) (11 now because its 2024!) of one of my favorite movies I decided to make an analysis of the film and especially of the scenes between these two great actors.Max Riemelt and Hanno Koffler. Kay and Marc. Marc and Kay. I hope you like it and that above all it serves to encourage the creators to give us that long awaited second part.
I'm baaaack! Sorry for the delay <3 I would have liked to upload this fourth part as a christmas present but well now you could say it's a late valentine's day present hehe
Remember where we left it? :)
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I promised myself I was going to only talk about these two ignoring all the plot with Marc's wife pregnancy but I think its necessary to mention it. This wonderful kiss in the woods happened MEANWHILE! (although here Kay did not know it yet!) After this scene there are a couple more that do not involve these two = boring. haha Scenes that Marc tries to convince himself how good is his life and how lucky he is. #whoareyoutryingtofool
After training at the police academy comes the action! And of couuuuurse Kay had to go to the same unit as Marc. Fact that Marc did not seem to like it at all.
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+What are you doing here? (Marc) -I'm glad to see you too (Kay)
The first time I saw the movie I thought Marc was going to kiss Kay furiously. The next few times I watched this scene I felt sorry for Marc and how he deals with his frustrations with violence and is not able to face these new feelings in a normal way. But now, I see this scene and I really feel sorry for Kay. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that and even less for saying what we all think (that Marc is quite happy to see him again). It is true that for Marc this meeting is the last thing he needed. But just because he is afraid.
Time for Kay to find out he will be an uncle? hahah
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oKAY its true that Kay's expression is everything in this scene but look at Marc! He is saying so much without talking! He is between shy, serious (not smiling at all even though Bettina is happy talking about baby) and kind of afraid that Kay found out? Look how for a moment he looks away and immediately looks at the ground as if avoiding Kay.
The dialogues here are key to understand everything. First of all neither Kay or Marc greets each other (where are your manners guysss)
-scary huh? (Says Bettina due to Kay's facial expression)
And then nobody talks about it anymore. Kay and Marc can't say anything else. They just glance at each other but inside a whole of emotions are going on.
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Blessed the existence of men's bathroom that allows the two of them to be alone for a moment!
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Kay is spechless. He speechless? I know. So Marc looks at him and says:
+yes, that's how things are (as Kay cared about that HAHAH)
Fun fact: after this scene they go home and Bettina asks Marc about Kay. And while Marc can only say bad things about Kay, Bettina is like "he seemed nice to me" hahaha
Now comes the moment we all were waiting for! Pure authenticity
After Marc again being violent with Kay in an exercise, Kay approaches him gently and just is honest with Marc:
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I know you will hate me right now but Im ending this part here haha! So the wait for the next part will be more than worthy!!!
ps: Thanks for all the feedback from the previous publications and to the owners of the gifs I used. Also, here you have the previous parts in case you missed them <3
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linkemon · 2 months
Crazy, noisy, bizzare town (Higashikata Jōsuke x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏꜰ [ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ], ʜɪɢᴀꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴛᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ɪᴄᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ. ᴜɴꜰᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴇʀꜱ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴜꜱᴜᴀʟʟʏ ꜱᴛɪʀꜱ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅꜱ ɪɴ ᴊᴏᴊᴏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4 ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴀɴᴅꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ 90ꜱ. ɪ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴜʟᴀ.
Mori-Mori-Mori-Mori Morioh Cho Radio! This is your favourite neighbour Kai Harada! It's going to be a beautiful, sunny morning. Remember to bring hats and a bottle of water. I wish everyone a tasty coffee accompanied by the best songs from the top of playlists. We'll see you again in an hour. The topic of the day will be the mysterious disappearances of dogs. Stay with us!
Yoshikage Kira stretched. Satisfied, he reached for a cup of dark brown liquid. He took a sip of the pleasantly hot liquid. It burned his tongue a little but that's what he loved. He glanced at the clock. He still had a few minutes to go. As a decent office worker, he did not allow himself to be late.
He thought about what he heard on the radio. Undoubtedly, some stand user has just attracted attention. He smiled happily. This will only distract any attention from him. It was going to be another great day.
— Come on, honey — he said caressingly.
He grabbed a delicate hand, twisted his nose at the rotten stench. The hand was almost completely dead. He sprayed it with flower spray, grabbed his briefcase and left. He will have to find a new woman. But that could wait. Leaning out at this point could end badly. So he went to the office, hugging his beloved.
[Reader] rushed out the school door, clutching her bag tightly. She almost hit a young middle school student. She waited impatiently for the bell to ring and then she was detained after class. No matter how hard she tried, she was fifteen minutes late.
The heat in Morioh was becoming unbearable. The stronger the sun shone, the more tourists came. And that meant ice cream prices were going up. Recently, she and boys found a place where they could get them quite cheaply. In the afternoon, the best ones were often already sold out. Therefore, it was necessary to run as fast as possible.
— [Reader], what's taking you so long? — Okuyasu kicked a pebble impatiently.
— Were you attacked by an enemy stand? — Kōichi looked at her. — Just a moment and we would go looking for you.
— I'm fine. — She waved her hand dismissively. — It's all Kūjō-san's fault.
Higashikata smiled widely when he saw her. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. He was slightly confused, as he always was when she showed him affection in public places. Immediately afterwards, however, he eagerly grabbed her hand and they headed towards the store.
— But what does Mr. Kūjō have to do with you being late? — Nijimura never thought too fast.
The only time he really shined was in fights. Apart from them, he couldn't be expected to handle something his brother always did for him. Now that he had only his father left, he had to rely on his friends. The girl sometimes wondered how he would cope without them.
However, JoJo immediately understood what she meant. He sighed softly and muttered the customary: Yare yare greato daze. He didn't like the situation they were in either. They couldn't do anything with it. As usual, it all came down to Yoshikage Kira and the danger hanging in the air.
— I was late because Shizuka-san asked me to set her up with Jōsuke. You have no idea how difficult it was to get her off. All because your uncle — she pointed an accusing finger at her boyfriend — forbade us to show anyone that we were together.
— I'd rather not hide it either — he admitted — but I guess we don't have a choice.
— You aren't hiding now. — Okuyasu scratched his head thoughtfully.
You could almost hear the gears turning in his mind.
— Because he was only talking about school, so technically we're not breaking the ban at all — [Reader] blurted out.
She high-fived her 'partner in crime'. They had always shared a clever way of dealing with life's awkward situations. Lately, it had come in handy more often than they would have liked.
The heat pouring from the sky was becoming more and more noticeable. She was glad to be walking on the side of the sidewalk where the trees sheltered her. On the right, JoJo was blocking the sun. With his height, he created a perfect shadow the entire way.
When they saw the store, they rushed towards it. There was a nice cool air conditioning coming from inside. For a moment they just stood and breathed in the beneficial, cold air.
— Who pays today? — Hirose asked the usual question.
The three of them turned their eyes towards Higashikata. It was his turn.
— I don't have money anymore. — He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
— You've just won the lottery! What did you spend that money on? — The short friend looked at him in disbelief.
— My mother froze my account until I was an adult — he sighed.
One million six hundred and sixty-six thousand and six hundred and sixty-six yen had been floating around in his head for two weeks. It was useless to follow Shigechi across half the city. When he finally got the check, Tomoko said she wouldn't let him spend that much money. So he said goodbye to the vision of luxury.
— Fortunately, my father can't take my money. — Nijimura laughed and went inside with Kōichi.
The building was tiny. Four people couldn't fit in it. Maybe that's why the prices are so low. It's also possible that the old man behind the counter simply didn't know much about business.
The girl leaned against the building. There was no one on the street. Most people were at work at this time. Tourists marched to the beach, and school students returned home.
A quiet footstep broke the undisturbed silence. She glanced at the direction it was coming from. A tiny dog ​​was running across the road. Luckily for it, there were no cars. It had a red collar that jingled softly with every step. The white chihuahua moved its paws as fast as it could.
It was only after a while that she noticed the owner chasing him. The breathless woman stopped in front of her. She recognized her as a distant neighbour. She was holding the leash. The hair on her head was already starting to turn gray. By wearing a pencil skirt and high boots, she doomed herself to failure. In such an outfit, she had no chance of catching the animal.
— Have you seen my dog? — she asked, then described his appearance.
JoJo nodded.
— It ran through here a moment ago. — He pointed in the direction.
— How did she get up so quickly? Where did he get so much strength from? — she muttered.
[Reader] exchanged a knowing look with Jōsuke. It wasn't right to leave her in need. There went the quiet afternoon.
— We might help you look for her? — she suggested.
— It would be great. Her name is Kiki. — She left her phone number and then ran away.
They had quite a run in the heat before them.
The girl sent Butterfly ahead. Sometimes she wished she could, like her boyfriend, just punch the enemy. The group of butterflies was great for searching and tracking. However, it could not replace the brutal strength that even Star Platinum had at its disposal. The Joestar family always said that power is only as good as its user. Yet throwing a colourful insect at someone could only disgust them. The only advantage was the distance at which she could control the stand. Fifty meters usually happened with self-controlled entities.
When she finally managed to pick up the trail, she followed him with Higashikata. The other two separated fifteen minutes ago, hoping to find Kiki on the other side of the intersection. They didn't want to waste time. Especially since the whole thing smelled strongly of mysterious disappearances of animals from the area. They called Mr. Kūjō from a nearby payphone to let him know how things were going, and went deeper into the forest.
At first the route looked promising. The wide, beaten path through the trees looked familiar. Sometimes they went for walks here. However, the further they went, the more they had to stray from the well-traveled trail. The soft ground was covered with green needles and moss. The trees cast ominous shadows among the low bushes. They grew more and more densely. The couple stopped running. It became impossible. They responded to every sound of a breaking branch or slight breeze with readiness to attack.
That's why they lost the dog again. She must have gotten far enough away that the butterflies couldn't see her. They came back and started circling around the owner.
So they continued heading in the direction Kiki had been heading before. Morioh is a small town. They should be able to walk through the forest within an hour and come out on the other side. As long as they don't get lost.
— Did you hear that? — [Reader] stopped for the first time in a long time.
She sincerely hoped her ears weren't deceiving her. The rustling of the leaves seemed to increase.
JoJo didn't answer. Slowly and quietly he looked around. He summoned Crazy Diamond and waited.
Butterfly flew forward and stopped nearby. A boar was roaming under one of the spreading trees. For a moment it seemed to be looking for food. It snorted quietly and put its snout to the ground. But when it raised its fangs, it turned towards the travelers. It was as if it had been looking for them all along.
— Back away slowly — she whispered, trying to get out of the boar's way.
But it didn't help. A war cry announced a murderous charge. Several dozen kilograms rushed towards them.
Jōsuke spotted a tree with low-growing branches. Without thinking, he started climbing, aided by his stand. [Reader] wasn't doing that well. The bark tore her fingers until they bled. She mentally cursed her stupid uniform skirt. That's why she was doing so poorly. The boy grabbed her hand just in time. Just after she had safely grabbed onto the thick trunk, the boar hit the wood. Splinters fell. The world staggered slightly for a moment.
— Crazy Diamond!
A purple fist met a brown snout. One attack wasn't enough. Slightly stunned, the animal turned and charged again. Higashikata waited for it to run up and then rained down a barrage of blows on it. It was moments like these that he regretted that his range was only two meters. He had to go lower, risking a close encounter with the fangs.
The tired, battered boar finally gave up. With its tail between its legs, it limped as far away as he could.
— Do you think they are under protection?
— Is that really what you're worried about now? — [Reader] laughed in disbelief.
— I don't have money for a fine. — He rubbed his temple thoughtfully.
Suddenly something white flashed in the bushes.
— Over there! — she shouted, pointing in the direction.
She clumsily slid down the tree and ran towards where she saw movement. She stepped straight into the mud almost immediately. Or at least that's what she preferred to think. She didn't want to assume the worst. Brown, smelly goo stuck to the shoe. Wiping the nasty stuff in the letter didn't do much good. She cursed quietly under her breath.
At least she finally found it.
— There you are, Kiki. — She slowly extended her hand towards her.
The Chihuahua tentatively sniffed her fingers. She nuzzled her trustingly. Satisfied, she took her in her arms. JoJo shouted something but she didn't hear him. She immediately felt a terrible pain in her ear. Blood flooded her eye. Instinctively she reached out her hand towards it. The red liquid was flowing at an alarming rate. Only then did she realize that the dog had bitten her.
— You damn…— She didn't finish the sentence.
The little enemy attacked the ankle. She didn't look down. She was afraid that she would throw up her breakfast at the sight of flesh.
Jōsuke caught Kiki struggling and healed her wounds with Crazy Diamond. However, the momentary peace did not last long. They saw a man in strange fur. Immediately afterwards, a snake rushed towards the boy with stunning speed. He managed to catch it but the two deadly fangs left tiny red wounds. It hurt. He knew he didn't have much time. He squeezed the reptile tightly. The stand user had no choice. He separated himself and stood before them. Higashikata held him by the throat to be sure. Enough that he couldn't move. However, this caused the animal to slip away and crawl away into the trees.
— Don't hurt me! — the enemy squeaked thinly. — You need me. Only I ca-ca-can bring him back. Without the antidote, you'll die from the v-v-venom — he stammered.
JoJo frowned. He always did this when he was worried. This didn't happen often. But now he wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't heal himself. This was the biggest drawback to his power. He had to endure every injury like a normal person.
— We don't need you at all — [Reader] said in a firm voice. — You didn't notice but I chased you to the edge of the forest.
The opponent looked back in panic.
— I also sent butterflies to find Kūjō-san. He'll be here in a minute and it's only ten minutes to the hospital. We'll make it. — She smiled defiantly.
— It can't be... you mean you did it when I was a wild boar? — His eyes widened.
— I'm the one asking the questions here. Who are you? Did Kira's father send you here? — [Reader] stuck her finger into his chest.
— My name is Ka-Ka-Kameko Hiroto — he sobbed. — Yoshihiro-san said I can do whatever I want. He called me a coward because I refused to kill people. I was too a-a-afraid.
The girl looked at him more closely. She seemed to recognize him from somewhere. However, the brown hair, small blue eyes and plain face brought no answer. In Morioh you knew almost everyone, unless they were tourists. The coat attracted the most attention. It consisted of fur pieces. Brown, black, white and gray. Dotted and spotted. They created a strange composition. The longer she looked, the more she felt sick. This is where all the missing dogs from Morioh were. He wore them as hideous clothes.
Hiroto had loved 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' since he was a child. Every evening, his mother took a worn-out book from the shelf. There were also many others on the bookcase but she read this one to him every day. Otherwise, he simply wouldn't fall asleep. He knew the words by heart. He could recite them at every moment. Any time of day and night.
When he grew up, he started breeding fur ferrets. He studied hard, so he was accepted as an employee in a well-known and respected company. All this to look like Cruella De Vil, his idol. He wanted to create his own coat. Even if it couldn't be with white and black dots. However, it turned out that it was not that simple. He only managed to steal one piece of leather. The business was looked after with the greatest caution. He was fired pretty quickly for financial losses and animal abuse.
Bitter and angry, he moved to Morioh. The small, quiet town was supposed to give him peace. Here, where no one knew him, he decided to forget about his dream. He blended in with the crowd, toiling at the grocery store around the corner. He also rented a tiny apartment and found a fiancée. So he lived a normal life. Until fate gave him a chance — a stand that allowed him to take on the role of animals and control them. Desire overshadowed reason.
— Mercy! — he howled.
Kameko felt salty drops running down his face. Snot was coming out of his nose. He couldn't even wipe it off. He felt terrible. Until now, he had managed to reconcile his passion with the life of an average person. He was so close to achieving his goal and finishing the outfit he dreamed of. He hated the two people in front of him. He sincerely hoped they would die. If not now, then later, at the hands of the city's best assassin.
For a moment he wanted to beg for mercy again. After all, even if that little shit was bluffing, they were almost out of the forest. They outnumbered him. The situation is terrible. But through his tears, he saw his chance. It was floating a few meters away. He could barely contain the smile that spread across his lips.
— Loosen your grip! I'm choking! — he wheezed as hard as he could.
He knew it would work. He met JoJo once in a store. He was actually a soft man. Not like his creepy uncle. The only problem with him was that he never allowed you to owe a yen. He found this type of customer particularly annoying. It wouldn't save them if he let go sometimes. Because of it, he had to go to other cashiers. The brat probably had plenty of money anyway. After all, he was constantly buying hair care lotions. All the sprays and gels must have been quite an expense. Hiroto always thought it made no sense. The customer looked strange. He was wasting money.
— Just no tricks! — the boy warned him.
Kameko reached out with his mind towards a butterfly flying alone. Fate favored him by giving him this opportunity.
— Wild Animal! — He recalled his stand. — Bye, losers! Higashikata, someone must have hit you over the head once because you're a gullible idiot with a crap haircut! — He felt like he was on cloud nine shouting it.
Although he knew that he would not avoid abandoning Morioh but it was better than death. He will start over, somewhere far away. He will fly towards the blue sky and that's all they will see.
To his surprise, however, nothing happened. He should feel connected to his animal. Meanwhile, he was still stuck in Crazy Diamond's iron grip.
The girl held out her hand. The insect calmly sat on it.
— I had a feeling you might want to do that. Did you really think I would let any animal stay around? — The swallowtail butterfly flapped its wings. — I separated that butterfly from the group and changed its species while you weren't looking. You cannot bond with it because it is not a living organism. — She snapped her fingers. — Jōsuke, tell him something.
She saw that he wanted this very much. The Joestar family never left an opponent without a word. She found it funny but she didn't question the habits.
They had to hurry. The venom was slowly taking its toll. Beads of sweat ran down the back of his neck. His legs were starting to tremble slightly.
— First of all, you disrespected my girlfriend. — He pointed an accusing finger at him. — Secondly, you insulted my hair. This is unforgivable!
Crazy Diamond with a joyful Dora dora dora plunged his fist into Hiroto's face. There were screams, protests and pleas for help. However, they were of no use. After damaging his hair, Higashikata became extremely irritable. Blood was shed. It looked like it wouldn't end with a few broken teeth and a terribly bruised cheek.
However, he was interrupted by a quiet but firm voice:
— Yare yare daze.
In front of him, wearing his favourite hat, stood Mr. Kūjō. As always, he handled the situation with stoic calm. He didn't look happy.
JoJo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him. It's true that he has to explain why he and [Reader] are together, since classes have ended a long time ago. However, he will deal with this later. The snake deprived him of his strength. He was barely holding himself together. After all, he could leave everything in the hands of others. He pushed his opponent into a tree. His head was now inside the trunk and his back was sticking out. Immediately after that, his strength left him and he fell to the ground.
Okuyasu and Hirose were the last to arrive. They panicked when they saw their friend's condition. They offered to watch the bastard until the Speedwagon Foundation took him over. They had no doubt that the Star Platinum user would be better able to transport the patient to Budogaoka Hospital. They also called Kiki's owner.
[Reader] shuffled after the older man.
— Don't look at me like that. It's embarrassing — she muttered.
She still couldn't understand how he was so different from the boy he carried on his back. It was hard to read anything in his eyes. No emotions.
— Good job — he said quietly.
She smiled. You couldn't count on more from him.
— But will we still get the lecture? — she asked.
There was a slight chance that they would get away with it. She allowed herself to dream.
— Yare yare daze.
— So we're screwed. — Resigned, she left the forest.
She looked up. The sun was already setting on the horizon. Purple mixed with pink, orange and yellow. The colours painted a beautiful picture. The heat of the day slowly faded away. A light sea breeze blew invitingly. Tourists covered in sand were returning from the beach. They gave her curious glances but said nothing. But the neighbours picked her up faster than she would have liked to tend to her remaining wounds. She had to leave her boyfriend in the hands of her uncle. However, she had no doubt that they would soon be able to spend a quiet afternoon with their friends. She was going to get the ice cream on sale no matter what.
Still, it was a good day in a crazy, noisy, bizzare town.
Landmarks in Morioh:
No. 31 — Haunted Forest — Locals claim that dangerous animals live there. There is also a Tree Spirit roaming around there. Sometimes on hot summer afternoons you can hear his desperate screams and calls for help.
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multific · 1 year
His Follower
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Kai Anderson x Reader
Warning: Kidnapping, torture, blood, cults 
Summary: Being one of his followers had its moments, especially when his rival thinks they can just kidnap you.
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As they pulled the bag off of your head, you let out a groan.
"Well this is pleasant." you looked around the room, five men wearing ski masks stood in front of you as you were chained to a chair.
"You will answer our questions." one said in a distorted tone, he must be using some kind of device.
"Alright, the secret is a good shampoo and I do weekly conditioning masks on it." you said as everyone fell silent.
"What?" one of them finally spoke.
"My hair-care routine." this resulted in you getting a slap across your face.
"We know you are one of Anderson's followers, we want to know his plans." you looked at the mask of the man who just hit you.
"You won't be able to stop him, no one will because all of you are nothing but imitators. Powerless little insects." another slap.
"You whore, you will tell us everything or you will suffer."
"I do like it rough." you smirked.
You probably didn't like it this rough though. Also who could have thought they would stab you with a freaking screwdriver?!
You didn't even feel your thigh anymore as he pulled the damned thing out, you watched blood flow out of the wound.
You looked up at their leader.
"You will regret this."
"Why would I? You are just one of many, he doesn't care about you, Sweetheart. Or did you believe he did? I feel bad for you being so naive."
you started to laugh. "What's so funny?"
"I'm not his follower." even with the mask on you could see the confusion. "I'm his everything, his obsession, the reason he keeps on going. I'm his wife." and now you saw the panic.
These idiots really thought they would kidnap you, chain you to a chair, torture you and kill you without Kai even noticing.
"You picked the wrong one." you said just as the door burst open and people with clown masks filled the room.
Exhaustion suddenly took over as you no longer had to hold it. Then on top of it you were pretty sure you got shot, the pain in your shoulder was killing you.
You were in and out of consciousness. 
"Miss." you heard them say but you couldn't focus. You heard the chains being cut and you felt them move you.
Once you were in a car, you passed out.
You woke up in your own bed, feeling like shit, you heard the machine next to you beep to the beat of your heart.
You looked at the damn thing beeping away, the sound annoying you to no end.
You made a face before you felt your hand being touched, you turned and saw your husband smiling at you.
"Sweetheart." he said as you tried to sit up, your shoulder hurt like hell and so did your legs. "Don't move too much, you lost a lot of blood and you were shot in the shoulder."
"Wonderful..." you said as you closed your eyes for a moment.
"I dealt with them." you heard him say as you only let out a sound to acknowledge his statement.
"My shoulder feels like shit."
"You were shot, Darling, it is normal. I'm sorry."
"The fuckers took me from a parking lot! I had ice cream in there..."
"It was planned. Thankfully I found you in time."
"I know you watched the video of them taking me many times. They wanted info, they thought I was only a follower." he almost laughed at that.
"If anything you are the one telling me no."
"Well, they didn't know that." you looked back at him, opening your eyes. "Can you stop that thing? I'm alive, the beeping is making me crazy."
He stood up and went to the other side of the bed, turning the machine off before sitting down by your leg.
"I won't let this happen again, you will be with me at all times or you will have someone with you. I can't lose you." You lifted your hand and put his cheek into your palm, you offered him a weak smile.
"You won't. I'm too stubborn to die anyway, you know that. But I wouldn't mind spending more time with you. You have been busy lately with your plans." he nodded. "I don't blame you for this, if anything its your stupid men who shot me in the shoulder." he made a face at that.
"They told me it was the people who took you."
"They didn't have a gun." you replied and now Kai knew, he needed to have a talk and find just who shot his wife. "I love you. Thank you for saving me."
He didn't want to bring up the fact that he was the very reason you were taken. He can't let that eat him up from the inside. He will just try and move on.
But both of you knew, every time he will see your scars, they will be a reminder to him of his failure. 
Never again. He promised to himself and to you.
"I love you too." he said as he moved his head to kiss your palm.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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Shell 4.8 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
I’d discovered facing down more than a dozen gunmen, thirty or so people with improvised weapons and a mad scientist with a fetish for bombs made me really, really appreciate what Bitch brought to the team.
:Cackle: Understandable, tho. She's really a 'I'd rather have her and not need her' sort of teammate, isn't she?
She rested her hand on the head of an ABB member standing in front of her jeep with a pistol in his hands.  He flinched at the touch.  “If the blonde opens her mouth again, open fire on their entire group.  I don’t care what the others have to say, but she stays quiet.”
Someone did their homework.
 “You’re the only one I don’t get.  Don’t know your powers.  But seeing how you and the skinny boy baited my ineffectual mercenaries, I think I’m going to play it safe and have you be quiet.  Maybe it’s a subsonic thing, altering moods as you talk, maybe it’s something else.  I dunno.  But you shut up, ‘Kay?”
Okay, not her homework, but she is improving the test not half-bad, I guess.
.  Enough fear, and they stop worrying about their own interests, stop wondering if they can usurp you, and they dedicate themselves entirely to making you happy.  Or at least, to keeping you from being unhappy.”
It also makes people happy to betray you the moment they think they can, and makes people not give you important news if it's bad news. Fear must be tempered.
What gesture would be effective enough that it would have their people running for the hills when they see me coming?”
Nothing? I mean, E88 has fought Lung before, I'm sure. The capes at least.
She didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, didn’t offer any tell or signal.  There was a sound, like a vibrating cell phone on a table, and Park Jihoo liquefied into a soupy mess in the span of a second.
*shudder* Gyagghagah. That kind of shit is always a horrifying mental image.
“The six-eighteen!  I forgot I even made that one!  Perfect!  Better than I thought!”
But for me it was Tuesday?
If her job was to terrify, she’d succeeded.  With me, at least.  I wanted to throw up, but I’d have to take off my mask to do it, and I was afraid that if I moved, I’d get shot.  The fear of the guns was enough to override my welling nausea, but the end result was that I was shaking.  Not just trembling, but full body shakes that had me struggling to keep upright.
Yeah, I really can't blame Taylor for this one.
“I’d be too lazy to do that, even if I had your powers,” Regent said, “Can I approach the body?  Get a better look?”
Oh Regent, I'm sure this is you playing her, but also like... it's believable he'd just be that into it. Just a little. But I love that she was so sure she needed to shut Tattletale up and now she's letting the Master (even if his mastery doesn't involve his voice) who got raised by Heartbreaker chat it up.
I can think twelve moves ahead before you’ve even decided on your first. 
Anyone who unironically says that is about to get their ass handed to them, right? That is how it works, right?
Give the lunatic bomber a little respect.  I quietly voiced what Tattletale couldn’t. “Tone it down a notch, Regent,” I whispered.
I dunno. I think Regent has the right idea, actually. Sociopath to Sociopath and all that.
The camera-guy answered in an accented voice, “Good plan, Bakuda.”
I mean, is anyone ever gonna tell her that she has a bad plan?
I feel like she wouldn't react well to that. And we know how she handles not reacting well.
I saw a glimpse of chaos, of screaming people running from the place the explosion had happened in the midst of Bakuda’s own group.  The fleeing people were obstructing the view of the people with guns.
So she just blew one of her own people up just to be unpredictable?
Finally, there was Bakuda, still sitting on the side of the jeep.  She was either shouting something or laughing.  She was letting us slip from her grasp, her people were on the verge of killing one another in mindless panic, and she’d just killed at least one of her own people on a whim.  From what we’d just seen of her, I was willing to bet she was laughing as it all happened.
Honestly feels just a little bit contrived, tbh. Though maybe it will feel less so once I've read the next chapter
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Minisodes oh my lawd
I haven’t posted yttd since Kai’s island route came out, but wow that was some shit I just saw. I wanna talk about my thoughts. I’ll go in order of increasing sadness and rambling.
!!! spoiler warning !!!
The least lore-heavy story maybe? It was cute, and I liked to see more of her since she’s one of the most minor characters in the playable cast, but I feel like there wasn’t a lot of deep stuff in this one.
Her school uniform is cute but seeing her de-clown-ified and normal is strange. It’s like when Nankidai draws Gin without the fursuit
I saw other people point this out as well, but it’s weird that Ryuu’s coworker got a full sprite while Anzu’s girlfriend was just a silhouette. Is the woman relevant somehow? mean if she and Samurai Yaiba can get sprites then why not the friend? Maybe it’s comparable to us never having seen Ryoko’s face in outside content or any part of her at all in the game itself, but Ryoko’s situation makes me suspicious. Does this mean something or is it irrelevant?
That bit about Kugie buying all the ice cream was a surprise. I wonder if it will be relevant to Kanna’s story, like she got her a ridiculous supply of ice cream to cheer her up when she was sad or something. Also confirmation that Kanna and Anzu lived in the same town. Did the cast all live near each other or is it just them?
I see people upset that Anzu found a guy hot but like. Her color scheme is the pansexual pride flag
I saw mention that she said she made her costume herself in the game, but the minisode says that it was a gift from Ryuu. Maybe he gave her part of it and she made the rest, or that she modified an old costume herself to be more her style? More likely that Nankidai just forgot tbh
The plaza where she became a clown is the one Midori was in last chapter, but we haven’t had a chance to be there in peace. I guess it’s just another memory location, but it’s interesting that it’s the setting for some very climactic scenes while the others aren’t. Of course, we haven’t seen every character’s room yet.
I feel like there’s something we’ve yet to learn about Anzu because at the moment she just feels like a wholesome, kinda incompetent comic relief character, and this game does not have those. Why is the survival rate of the girl who complains about extracurriculars being too much work so high? Is she such a positive force that people can’t help but keep her around? She dies immediately two separate times in the game and frankly doesn’t help with anything during puzzles. Is she secretly a good manipulator? She’s a self proclaimed good actor and learned slight of hand tricks and such from Ryuu. Does she have another side to her? If not for the logic route, we wouldn’t have known what Ranmaru is capable of, but according to the minisode, the way Anzu acts in the game is the same as how she acted to the people around her normally.
Why can’t we have nice things??? It was so cute and so heartbreaking at the same time. Like, if this was a scene in a linear, chronological story, we’d still have the hope and maybe expectation that Alice will still fix things with Reko, but we know that from this moment on he screws up literally every chance he can get until it’s too late. The good ending we want so bad is pretty much impossible.
The kid sprites are so cute. We already saw them in that one CG but seeing them as sprites makes them feel more alive, y’know
When Alice referred to himself by name and Reko was like I already know your name… this one’s going in my transgender compilation
Them having a secret treehouse fort is so baby
And I love the Samurai Yaiba designs. Looking camp right in the eye. Idc if people think it’s ugly, the girls who get it get it
It was nice to finally meet the other band members. I wasn’t expecting to ever see them have real screen time but hey. Although Stronghold turned out to be a creepy weirdo and Ursheen is nonverbal or mute or something?
I’m excited to see island routes for these two. Idk if their events together will be deep or anticlimactically goofy. I imagine Reko’s “good” ending will involve starting a band or something, but what would Alice’s be? Does he have his own ambitions? Imagine if it was the other way around, if managing a band or teaching music to beginners was his passion
It’s interesting that almost every account of this plot line is from Alice’s perspective, which makes sense because it has a much stronger emotional effect on him than on Reko who thinks she has more important things to worry about and overlooks Alice. I would like to see more of her take, though, because her whole situation seems to be deeply un-relatable to him. Did she prioritize her success with the conscious awareness that she’s hurting his feelings, or is she just so career-focused that she didn’t even think it’d affect him?
Lastly, I’m intrigued by fandom reaction to Reko’s behavior. People rightly find her to be complex and compelling, but they also just like her and seem to forgive or understand her. I often find that when a character, especially a woman, does something like this, people hold it against them pretty harshly. Yet Reko is widely loved and may even have more fans than Alice? Is it because we know she becomes a better person later on and starts to mend their relationship? As a member of the liked-Qtaro-before-it-was-cool-and-everyone-else-hated-him club I’m curious about the standards people hold flawed characters to. Is it because Reko has that badass punk rock pretty privilege, or does her story just resonate with people?
Oooohhhh my god dude. This one. Shitting and crying. Kai was allowed to be happy for five seconds ever.
Seeing Sei was a jumpscare
Seeing young Gashu was an even bigger jumpscare. Y’know how when a guy shaves, all you can see is the real estate where a mustache is supposed to be?
I can’t BELIEVE this shit made him somehow sympathetic. These sideplots have made every villainous character from previous chapters have a sympathetic side what the hell. We haven’t seen the full extent of Miley’s story yet, just little hints, which is exciting to me, obviously Safalin is grey all over, and Ranger was programmed to be the way he was, but Gashu?! Clearly he still sucks, but HRNNGGHR what’s next? Does Midori have a sympathetic side?
Gashu making brief, absolutely pathetic attempts at treating his kids as people with feelings between training sessions. These moments of empathy being seen as a failing on Asunaro’s end that had to be beaten out. Gashu not fully understanding what they were planning and turning himself into a total emotionless monster after he found out to protect himself for what was coming. He probably thought he was doing Ranger a favor by making him the way he did.
Sei’s whole thing re-contextualized Rio Ranger so grossly. People are upset that Kai didn’t live to meet him, but I’m kinda glad he didn’t have to see how his father desecrated his brother’s personality and image post-mortem.
Hated seeing the light leave their eyes after the visit from Asunaro lady
Speaking of her, huh? She looks way too unique to be a silhouette character? All the other ones were generic looking normal people but she looks like Miss dori. My theory is that the hair was the only part that mattered, that that hairstyle is a symbol of the figure the organization sees as “god” and its higher members perhaps try to emulate it, Midori included.
We got some more explicit information on the religious cult side of Asunaro. We already knew Gashu had these beliefs, but the other floormasters didn’t. We have hints that Miley and Safalin are actually exceptions, caring more about their scientific research and personal agendas than whatever the organization’s true beliefs and agendas might be.
Kai trauma-dumping on Mr Chidouin made me uncomfortable. It feels like Kai will trust anyone who’s nice to him, and is surprisingly optimistic or even naïve considering everything he went through. We don’t know what Mr C’s goals are, but man. He has the same poses as Meister. Come on. I hate the way he had that fake ass smile plastered on while Kai spilled his heart out. It seems like Kai never learned how to trust or distrust people, and both those things played a part in his downfall.
That Euphoria Rue Happy Moments compilation on YouTube that’s only one minute long except it’s Kai
I like how Sei really did have that bitchy, unserious personality Ranger ended up with, except he also had ~feelings~. I would have liked to see how his brash sense of humor plays of Kai’s bizarre one.
Does involvement with Asunaro immediately require you to upload your consciousness to their central computer or something? Where else would Gashu get the AI of a long dead kid for Ranger? I doubt he understood him well enough to have him replicated from scratch, fucked up liberties and all.
Sei being older than Kai surprised me. How old do you guys think they were? Like 12 and 15 maybe? I have seen many fans in the past interpret Ranger as being an adult, but I always saw him as a kid/teenager. I guess a big part of it is his trauma-induced immaturity (and probably literally having the mind of a child), but he looks young to me too. He doesn’t look too much older than Sei, and his body appears strangely un-athletic looking for someone who underwent rigorous assassin training, thought he does look taller. Maybe 18-ish?
The whole murder island thing felt so impractical and unnecessarily sadistic but then again everything the organization does is like that. Also can’t believe Kai won the hunger games by doing nothing what a legend
I know Sei’s death wouldn’t have had nearly the same effect without CGs, but this minisode being the only one with extra art like that made it feel way bigger than the other two
The way Sei was capable of breaking down in tears and loving and being terrified but still had it in him to kill others, and be casual about it too
Kai growing up still wearing that same type of uniform every day symbolizing how he could never escape Asunaro’s grasp even when he tried running, ignoring it, covering it up with his apron which represents his individuality. Ranger wearing that black t-shirt and little yellow scarf representing him being freed from Asunaro’s expectations, not in a way that granted him autonomy, but rather that it gave them the OK to empty out everything that made him him and using him as a brief, disposable tool, represented by him stealing pieces of all the other humans who were similarly used and killed by Asunaro for himself.
What would Kai dress like if he could pick out his own clothes?
I would love an afterlife scene with these two like the one Nao and Mishima got
Or the normal version of a Sei AI in YTTS
Man getting to know Sei really changed my whole perspective of Ranger and I’m glad he and Kai not only knew each other in life but also formed a close bond. That for a brief period they both had somebody they could trust
Edit addition: omg how both of them became completely aware that they were going to die with no way out of it, and didn’t accept it per se, quite the opposite actually, but their final wishes were to at least not die at the hands of the enemy who doomed them
Can you tell this one was my fav? Yeah uh. Fuck. Anyway I love how Nankidai manages to keep everyone relevant as have us learn more about them so long and so consistently after their deaths. Nobody is just there for a plot device or shock value, they all have their own stories that don’t end when they’re gone. Can’t wait for more
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ro-valerius · 2 months
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After the chaos from the attack had died down, and the revelation that Kaiyo had also known Tio before he was Tio, they both decide they need to have a bit of a heart to heart.
Facades fall, and some storms still rage...
Kaiyo sat on the couch by the door, one leg folded under her as she stared out the window, chin propped up on one hand. The chaos had died down, and the hours spent patching up their reckless viera had long passed. The main room still retained a small bit of disorder from the medical emergency as the afternoon sun settled across the room, but Tofu had been safely squared away in Kore’s room with Miyu and Kore, while Ro and Blomma were getting some much needed shut eye after all of the panic from seeing their beloved brother so near death. It had been a day, maybe two, she couldn’t tell, time had felt so nebulous.
Her head swirled with so many thoughts. 
She was relieved that her momma and Nerida were both alive. Gods was she relieved. But she was worried for Nerida, who not only had the relief of Kaiyo and Mina being alive, she also had the fresh pain of learning that Rory didn’t remember any of them. That couldn’t be easy, with how their relationship was. She couldn’t help but wonder how their conversation earlier that day had gone… Neri and Rory had been inseparable, once upon a time… 
But aside from her pirate family, her new friends were also cause for concern. Tofu especially, with his condition with magic. The others could be healed with magic, but… Tofu had come home with such a terrible injury, and several small ones, and had apparently been hit by enough magic spells to make even Daen Lad concerned. And her best friend was even at a loss, and while she had done the best she could, the entire time she had been treating his wounds, she was panicked.  And Rory- Tio had come home, looking so distressed about it…
As if summoned by her thoughts, Tio stepped heavily down the stairs, one hand on the wall to keep himself steady - down from another trip to check on his brother. Judging by how he looked, it wasn’t looking great. He caught sight of her and sighed through his nose. 
The sound drew her out of her thoughts, and she turned her head to give him her best attempt at a smile. It didn’t meet her eyes. He walked over and tapped her lightly on the head, gesturing at the door with a nod of his head. She, too, sighed, but nodded regardless and uncurled herself from the couch, stretching as she stood to ease her tensed muscles. 
As the door closed behind them, Tio reached out and took her by the hand gently, as if silently telling her that she wasn’t in for a scolding, as he led her to the wooden deck at the side of the yard. He sat her down on the bench and leaned against the table, looking down at her with an expression that was hard to read. 
“I…suppose I owe an explanation, huh…?” Kai asked softly, not meeting his eyes as she linked her fingers together in her lap. 
“I- Well- Just… you knew all along?” Tio replied, unsure of what exactly he wanted from her, himself. She once more smiled, and once more, it did not reach her eyes.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “The moment I saw you. But you…didn’t seem to recognize me. So, since I didn’t want to confuse you while you were already agitated that you couldn’t remember anything, I…didn’t say anything. I thought…it would be better if I was the only one that hurt, when it came to us, rather than both of us.”
“What makes that better? Bubbles, you have been hurtin’ all alone all this time,” he murmured, reaching over and brushing her bangs out of her face to look at her better. She didn’t meet his gaze. He sighed again, tilting her face to look up at him, finally noting that the distance in her eyes was actually pain. “You thought you had lost everyone, and of course the one of us you did find…had to be me…”
“Hey, it’s alright. Rory or Tio, I was just happy to see that you were alive,” Kai said gently. She stood up and placed both hands on either side of his face. “My beloved brother, who took care of me without complaint, who still showed me love and kindness even when he no longer remembered who he was… You were every bit as gentle and wonderful as you are right now, and while you no longer treat me as your sister like you used to, it’s so plain to see that your care remains.”
Tio straightened off the table and wrapped his arms around Kaiyo’s shoulders tightly. Kai’s eyes widened in surprise, her false smile fading from her face as tears welled in her eyes. The facade she had put up of being strong crumpled away as she stood there, her trembling body wracked by sobs as they tore from her throat. She tried to hold back, but she couldn’t stop herself from sobbing uncontrollably, wrapping her arms around him and gripping his shirt tightly, so tight it made her hands hurt. Tio ran his fingers gently through her hair, resting his cheek on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry, Bubbles… I never noticed the pain in your eyes…”
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Horizon:
-Sadly, Horizon probably has been safe from the Reapers until now.
TIM is indoctrinated. They could safely assume he would only act in their interests, so they had no reason to target Horizon. It could wait until the rest of the galaxy was subdued.
It probably would have remained ignored if the breakthrough in overriding Reaper indoctrination hadn’t occurred.
-It sure is convenient that the Reapers attacked Shepard right after Traynor identified it as where Kai Leng fled to.
Neither Cerberus nor the Reapers should have known Shepard was coming, so this is a coincidence.
I think I would have preferred if Sanctuary was still operating per normal. How would Shepard investigate? Would the refugees turn on them? It could have been similar to Noveria.
But ME3 is primarily about shooting, so that was not on the table.
-Of course the Sanctuary broadcasts aren’t subtitled. Why am I even disappointed at this point?
-Miranda knows communications are being blocked. Why did she leave behind a message that Sanctuary is a Cerberus base inside Sanctuary? Who did she expect to find it?
And more pertinently, why didn’t she inform anyone before she went to Sanctuary? The Alliance, or at least Shepard?
Even if she wasn’t certain until she was at Sanctuary, just a heads up that something was fishy about it would have been good to know.
I suppose she was concerned about Oriana, but she could have told Shepard something along the lines that she was checking out Sanctuary and if she doesn’t report back in 24 hours to go after her.
Miranda’s too damn smart for this.
-What about the water draining system looks like Reaper technology? I’m not seeing it.
I suppose there are hoses, but the point is to drain water. The lights aren’t even blue.
-Liara: This looks more like a factory than a refugee camp.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Liara, that’s going to hurt in a few minutes.
-Javik when you switch on the console power and first learn what Cerberus has been using Horizon for: Yes... this process is known to me. They do not kill what can be useful. I’m sorry, Commander.
Shit. He saw this in his cycle, didn’t he?
He probably suspected from the moment they arrived.
-Cerberus isn’t using Dragon’s Teeth to create the husks.
I suppose pods are preferable because they contain the husk once its been created.
-Henry Lawson’s logs says the purpose of the husk experiments were too learn how Reapers communicate.
Did he mean with each other? Or with their troops?
-Javik: This is what happens when you allow machines to think for you. You become slaves.
Javik, how is the log of Henry Lawson describing that adrenaline is better than red sand to break will allowing machines to think for us?
-Javik is not nearly outraged enough about the refugees being used as test subjects. He seems more resigned than anything.
Javik, I assumed you had seen this type of facility before when you investigated to shut it down. Did the Protheans run them?
-Miranda’s log says that the point of the search was to learn how indoctrination works.
-A later console says they learned how to control Reaper troops, and planned to expand it to learning how to control the Reapers.
Yeah, not surprising the Reapers attacked.
What is surprising is that TIM was able to think clearly enough to pursue this plan. You’d think the indoctrination would have stopped him.
I’m half-wondering if the Reapers were confident that whatever TIM learned wouldn’t work; maybe they have multiple means to control troops and only let TIM learn one of them.
-And once again, I bitch about the timeline: Saren spent how long investigating indoctrination and made no progress?
Yet TIM’s learned how to override the indoctrination of Reaper troops in what, less than six months?
I’ll assume TIM got a hold of Saren’s research and has been building upon it. He also has had more subjects for testing, so that must help.
-Why is there a gun in a pod???
-Even at the end, Henry Lawson is obsessed with Oriana. He didn’t even raise this one.
And he’s surprised she tried to shoot him? How delusional is he?
-Let’s pour one out for Oriana. Torn from her family, probably trapped at Sanctuary since the start of the war, held captive by a man she doesn’t know who’s obsessed with her. Poor girl must be deeply traumatized by this point.
-If you go neutral with Henry Lawson and don’t take the renegade interrupt, Miranda dies.
This is very similar to the final confrontation with TIM, so kudos to Bioware on the mirroring.
-Shepard: We need to end Cerberus and focus on the Reapers.
I’ve been in favor of that since Mars, but good to see Shepard is finally catching up.
-I wish whether Miranda lives or dies made more of a difference. Either way, you still find Cerberus HQ.
It’d be a nice touch if it impacted the narrative at all. Even something as small as whether or not TIM expected you to come.
-I’m still pissed at Bioware for killing Kal’Reegar off in an email. He deserved better than that.
He could easily have made an appearance in the Rannoch arc.
-Joker, Cerberus has already turned a colony into husks. They fed Alliance marines to thresher maws and experimented on the survivor. How can Horizon shock you?
It’s like ME2 and ME3 really, really want to pretend that nothing you learned about Cerberus in ME1 occurred.
-Edi’s confused about behavior of prisoners at a Reaper containment camp. They did not place their survival above all else; some protected each other and worked against the Reapers.
I’m baffled how an AI with access to the internet who has been flying Shepard around two games is confused by the concept altruism. She took them through the Omega-4 relay on a suicide mission to protect human colonies! After she was unshackled!
And how many books, movies, plays, etc. are based around these behaviors?
This feels out of place and frankly like an insult to Edi’s character up to this point.
-If you go renegade, Edi says indoctrination should have prevented the prisoners from rebelling. Shepard says they may have understood how indoctrination works and made a decision.
I don’t. The point of indoctrination is that it’s nigh impossible to resist. Saren and Fai Dan put bullets in their skulls to stop themselves. TIM will shortly have the opportunity to join them. Benezia locked part of herself away and was still overcome.
Unless Shepard meant to imply that prisoners that felt themselves being indoctrinated killed themselves?
If so, dark as hell. And good.
-Depending on your decisions, this can be the second time you tell Edi welcome to the crew.
Does the scene play differently if you welcomed her earlier?
-If you go paragon, you ask Edi if submission is preferable to extinction.
Shepard quotes Saren. Nice touch.
-Shepard, if you go paragon It sounds like you’ve found a little humanity, Edi. Is it worth defending?
Nitpicky on part, but in a galaxy full of multiple sapient species I wish Shepard had picked a different word than humanity.
-And Kaidan is craving TIM’s blood.
Understandable, but highly unusual. Kaidan is not normally the type to celebrate violence.
-Javik and the memory shard is so damn painful.
Paragon Shepard makes a mistake when they have Javik touch it: It reopens old wounds that had healed. It’s no wonder Javik becomes suicidal afterwards.
Every player should see the scene at least once; it’s critical to understanding Javik. But he’s not touching it again on one of my playthroughs.
-Javik’s story about his old crew is awful.
If Shepard had to do the same, I’m not sure they’d handle it better than Javik has. Shepard’s strength has always been their crew – who are they without them?
-Javik: War is an atrocity committed in the name of survival.
Good line.
-If you go renegade, Shepard doesn’t push Javik for more information about hid old crew.
Surprising amount of emotional sensitivity for renegade. They recognize it’s a sensitive subject and leave it be.
-The memory shard does explain why Javik speaks like he has first hand experience about so many subjects that he probably does not.
He may have seen them in the shard and so it feels like he has the experience.
-Javik: Subjugating the Reapers will not bring victory. Only their extinction will.
And Bioware is surprised that so many players reject Control as a valid ending?
The entire game argues against it!
-Tali, I don’t see the “emergency induction port” you’re referencing…
Bioware didn’t animate the straw.
-Tali: When do we get to stop reacting to our parents and start living for ourselves?
Tali, that’s a choice you have to make for yourself. But I’d say you’re overdue for it. Your father never deserved that devotion in the first place.
-Cortez: With you to the end, Shepard.
While I’m grateful for it, that came out of nowhere. No lines before or after. Is everything okay, Cortez?
-Miranda, just refeI haven’t killed any fish this playthrough! The clone had no basis to blow up the sushi place!
-Miranda, did you just refer to the clone as it?
That’s just rude.
-Why do I need to return to the Normandy to trigger Miranda’s second meetup?
I can receive messages at my apartment. Let me get it there and save me some loading screens.
-Miranda and Shepard having a night out on the town is surprisingly cute. Space divas, indeed.
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jazzystudios82 · 4 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 11: A Super Saiyan God is Born!
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Previous. . . . Next Chapter. . . .
Goku and Beerus stared at each other for over a minute. Goku looked away and stared at his hands. “So this is what it feels like to be a Super Saiyan God, huh? Well, I gotta say it feels pretty awesome. Hey Lord Beerus, I get why you wanted to find him now. This is nuts!” Goku said, becoming ecstatic.
“Yes, that’s right. I’m glad you find it thrilling. Obviously I’m excited too.” Beerus said as he walked a little closer to the red haired Saiyan. “Well, let’s begin shall we?” Goku nodded and began to levitate, with Beerus doing the same.
“Do you think he’s got enough power?” Bulma asked the others. “We’ll find out soon.” Piccolo answered. “Besides the glowing, he looks like he’s in his regular Saiyan form.” Krillin said. “I honestly thought he’d bulk up a little, like a Super Saiyan. If anything, he looks leaner now.” Bulma added. “I wonder if that God ceremony even worked correctly, I can’t feel his energy right now.” Gohan said.
“Oh no, it did work.” Brier told them, shocking everyone. “You see, this is how divine energy is supposed to work. Regular mortals like yourselves aren’t supposed to sense it.”
“So then, that means that my dad. . .” Gohan said, trailing off. “Yes, Goku is a Super Saiyan God in the literal sense. I can’t say that this puts him on the same level as Lord Beerus, the Titans, and the Kais, but nevertheless, he has joined the ranks of a celestial.” Whis said.
Goku and Beerus had attempted to begin their battle after Goku had to get used to his new godly body. Goku first used his Kamehameha technique, but it looked different from how it usually did. There were flashes of lightning in it, a bright yellow color mixed in with the light blue energy.
As soon as he shot it towards Beerus, he ended up missing him by accident. It flew near the ocean’s waters, causing it to part and show the ocean floor, and to explode in the distance. 
The explosion caused the water to rock the ship, making the people fear that it could also cause a tsunami and drown the ship. “Sorry about that! I got a little carried away!” Goku shouted at the ship. He looked away from the ship and focused on Beerus. “If I win, I want you to leave the Earth alone and go back to where you’re from. Does that sound good?”
“Very well, but gods fear me too, you know. There is no other being from this universe that is stronger than Beerus the Destroyer.” Goku attempted to punch Beerus’ face, but the deity instantly grabbed his fist. 
Beerus pushed Goku away from him, making him fly backwards. Goku did this a few more times, but it ended the same as earlier. He even tried to kick Beerus, but to no avail. Beerus had dodged him again and then punched him in the stomach, causing Goku to cough up a little blood mixed with saliva. Goku flew away in order to catch his breath.
‘Dammit, he’s still got the edge on me. I don’t know what to do.’ Goku thought as Beerus snuck up on him. He punched and kicked Goku again and again, making the Saiyan fall into the water below. 
The passengers watched with worry, wondering if he was alright. They can’t sense godly energy, so they all knew that the only way to see if Goku was fine was to see it with their own eyes. 
Suddenly, the water began to bubble, and Goku quickly flew out of the sea and straight towards Beerus. He attempted to launch a surprise attack, but it didn’t work. However, when Beerus attempted to punch him again, Goku managed to block them. The two stopped for a brief moment when they saw steam coming from where Beerus hit him.
“I gotta hand it to you Lord Beerus, your powers are crazy!”
“And you’re completely different from the fighter on North Kai’s world. Now it’s hard to believe that it was really you.” Beerus said. 
“That’s right. If I were to take any of the shots that you’re handing out now during our first fight, I’d be dead for sure!” Goku agreed. “I’d be in OtherWorld chatting with King Yemma! But I’m liking this fight a heck of a lot more. Alright, let’s pick it back up, Lord Beerus!” Goku exclaimed.
Beerus nodded and the two started to fight once again. From down below, the others watched as the two were trading blows. 
“My word, what a commotion they made.” Whis muttered, watching the fight up above. Suddenly, the two flew up higher, far above the clouds. “They’ve gone too high for us to see.” Gohan said.
“Aw man, how are we supposed to know what’s happening?” Krillin mumbled.
“I’m with Krillin, this is too frustrating! Come on guys, let’s go after them!” Bulma told them. The Z Fighters ran after Bulma, and they all were shocked to see that she had her spaceship onboard. After getting onboard with the others, she powered it up and proceeded to fly after Goku and Beerus to watch the battle. 
Brier wanted to watch the fight as well, but since she didn’t go with the Z Fighters to Bulma’s ship, she knew she had to use another method to do so. Luckily for her, Whis had conjured up a holographic image with his staff for the two of them to see the fight. Her husband and Goku were far from the ship, up in the clouds, and it appears that they were about to begin their battle once more.
The two deities simply watched each other, trying to see what the other was planning to do. Upon realizing that Goku wasn’t going to do anything unprovoked, Beerus said, “I’m ready when you are, Super Saiyan God.” Goku nodded and began to power up, his new godly aura mixed with crimson and yellow, making it resemble bright hot flames. He charged forward, and instantly teleported behind Beerus to hit him in the back, catching him off guard.
He then teleported in front of him and punched him in the chest. Beerus composed himself and began to attack Goku with punches of his own. 
Their harsh punches were creating massive shockwaves, causing the clouds to drift away from the sheer force. Goku managed to get the upper hand and kicked Beerus far away from him, making the destroyer fly through the clouds behind him. Beerus then emerged from the clouds, with barely a scratch on him.
“Wow, that barely phased you at all, huh?” Goku asked, astonished. “I wonder, do I seriously have to provoke you even more?” Beerus questioned with a clear smirk on his face. He was enjoying this fight more than he thought he would.
Beerus proceeded to create a large orb of golden yellow energy with the tip of his clawed finger, and threw it right at his opponent. Goku braced himself as his hands caught the energy orb, and struggled to keep it from exploding on him. 
“Think carefully! This energy is far too dangerous to just toss away!” Beerus told him. Screams were coming from the red haired Saiyan, he knew he couldn’t hold on to it for much longer. What happened next was something that Beerus didn’t anticipate.
Goku used as much strength as he could muster and started to compress the energy with his hands. Suddenly, bright beams of light shoot across the sky. 
As soon as it disappeared, Beerus and Goku went back to physically fighting each other. Bulma’s spaceship was finally able to catch up, and the Z Fighters were able to witness the battle. With Beerus’ getting his tail bitten by Goku, him repeatedly slapping Goku across the face, and Goku screaming in Beerus’ large ears, the actual battle itself was rather childish to say the least. 
The two gods pulled away from each other, both taking deep breaths. “I should have known that you weren’t fighting for real, Lord Beerus.” Goku said, looking at the deity. 
“?” The destroyer looked at Goku and waited for him to explain.
“You’re not fighting with your full power, aren't you?” “. . .What gave it away?” Beerus asked. Instead of responding, Goku simply threw his head back and laughed.
“I just figured that a gung ho, competitive fighter like you needed help pacing yourself so that you didn’t get exhausted too early.” Beerus told him.
“Well don’t worry Lord Beerus, I’m not mad at ya. I bet when you’re as strong as you are, there’s hardly anyone who can handle you at maximum power which means that you never have a chance at a decent fight. That’s why you-” “Don’t try to understand me.” Beerus interrupted, appearing behind Goku. “You have no idea.”
Beerus’ hand touched Goku’s back, and then blasted a great amount of energy into it. 
This launched Goku into several nearby clouds, with gray smoke trailing behind him. Goku nearly fell from the sky, but Beerus caught him with his left hand, and repeated his attack from earlier. He continued to do this until Beerus slammed Goku into the ground of a nearby island. 
Beerus walked into the crater he made and searched for Goku’s body, humming a little tune while doing so. It didn’t take long for him to find Goku laying face first into the dirt, his fingers twitching ever so slightly. At a single glance, one would assume he’s on the brink of death. Goku moved so he was on his back, and quickly moved his arms in front of him when Beerus began to punch him. 
“You bore me! You were supposed to be different, supposed to be worthy! But you practically put me to sleep like everything else! IS A LITTLE BIT OF EXCITEMENT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!?” Beerus bellowed.
“YOU WANT ME TO WAKE YOU UP?!” Goku yelled as he headbutted Beerus and quickly got back up on his feet. “Congratulations on the cheap shot, but this level of power that you’re showing me. . .well, how should I put it? IT DOESN’T HAVE ANY AFFECT ON ME AT ALL!!!” 
The two fighters flew off of the deserted island and back up into the sky. Unbeknownst to them, Bulma’s ship had flown close to the island, and the sudden act of the two deities flying nearly at the speed of light had caused the ship to lose balance. "WOAH! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Bulma shouted as everyone held on for dear life as the ship fell into the ocean waters. Luckily for them, the ship didn't sink. Bulma calmed herself before looking back at the others and asking, "Is everyone ok?" 
"Yeah, we're great!" both Gohan and Krillin said, laughing nervously. "Ha. . .that's good." Bulma muttered, relived. Unfortunately, because of that, Bulma and others had lost track of Goku and Beerus, so they couldn’t follow and watch the fight. 
AN: In case you're wondering, no I don't think I'll be able to fully write all of the fight scenes in the Bride of the Destroyer AU since I'm not very good at it, which is a shame since Dragon Ball is mainly known for it's insane battles. But I suppose people can just watch the DBS anime or read the manga if they want to.
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Azula x Kai Series: Part 6
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Click here for Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five and Part Seven. 
After their holiday things were different back home between Azula and Kai and he was pleasantly surprised. He wasn't expecting any huge change or for Azula to suddenly become really docile and doting...and she wasn't but what he got was better. Azula made an effort and time for him. They would go on dates such as walks around the palace or would spar together. Azula talked through her plans and goals with him which gave Kai a nice insight into her life. When she was the Princess, Azula greeted him with a small nod and a smile whenever she saw him in the palace and that small gesture made Kai's heart beat rapidly. So Kai was pretty happily smitten and even Azula seemed to be in a better mood these days too but that could also be because the invasion was getting closer and Azula had a bet to be proven right.
Azula had told Kai that she'd heard of the Day of Black Sun where all Firebenders would lose their power and this was when the rebels would attack. Preparations were quietly being made with only the necessary people being told anything and Kai felt privileged that Azula considered that to be him. She even asked him to stay with her and act as a decoy so her father would be protected at his most vulnerable and of course Kai accepted. He said goodbye to Mai and Ty lee and proudly made his way through the underground barrack to Azula's chamber. She went over the plan a few more times and explained that she'd give them a big chase and waste all their time. "Aren't you worried about fighting them without your bending?" Kai asked and Azula looked at him "no, why would I be?". Kai paused surprised at how certain she'd been. "I just think if I was a bender I'd feel lost without it, I'd probably rely on that as my first form of attack". Azula smiled "and why do you think I train so hard at everything not just bending? A person is only as strong as her greatest weakness and thankfully for me my greatest weakness is still better than most people on a good day". Kai smiled having to agree with her and didn't ask any further questions. The moment finally hit and the Dai Li told Azula the rebels were coming. She situated herself on the throne and waited for the door to be thrown open. When the rebels arrived they received the shock of their life seeing Azula sat there but Kai was also stunned because the Avatar was alive! He'd seen Azula shoot him down with lightning but here he was in front of them. Kai went to defend Azula when he realised she knew. "So you are alive after all. I had a hunch you survived but it doesn't matter, I've known about the invasion for months" she called. She'd known this entire time that the Avatar was alive and had been planning for this. Kai was upset she hadn't told him and felt foolish for believing he was her right-hand man but soon Azula sprang into action and he didn't have any time to brood. It was a pretty great fight, the two teams were well-matched and even without her bending Azula ran circles around them. Kai gave her some cover, knocking the earth bender's attacks out of the way and keeping the Avatar on his toes but eventually the Earth bender caught him and sandwiched him between two huge chunks of rock. By the time he got free, the fight was over and Azula happily told him they'd won. They left to go pursue the rebels in their war balloon and half of them surrendered unable to flee. It couldn't have gone any better but Kai didn't realise they'd lost one of their own or more the prince was now a traitor again. When Kai returned home his house was quiet and he wondered where Mai and Ty lee were. It only just occurred to him that they hadn't been at the victory celebration and he walked further into the house to hear soft talking coming from Mai's room. He pushed the door open and saw Mai in bed crying while Ty lee tried to soothe her. "Get out!" Mai yelled makeup streaming down her face and Kai jumped "why are you crying? What's wrong". "Go! You don't care about him you never did". Kai frowned and Ty lee looked down "Zuko...". Kai raised his eyebrows "no he didn't...who killed him". "Nobody killed him you idiot! He left!" Mai said "he ran away again". Kai's surprise turned to anger "he what? I knew we couldn't trust him! Azula should've thrown him in a cell with that traitor uncle of his". "Get out! You have no idea about anything" Mai cried and Kai frowned "you're seriously angry at me? He's the one who left you Mai! Are you seriously still on his side? When are you going to grow up and stop being his doormat?". "I'm a doormat?" Mai yelled standing up "how long have you spent kissing Azula's boots and now she actually makes eye contact with you when she enters a room you think you're so high and mighty". "Atleast my girlfriend didn't abandon me like Zuko did to you" Kai responded and Mai grabbed something from her desk. It was a knife and she held it expertly "you have 3 seconds before I throw this in your arm!" she yelled and that's when Ty lee intervened. "Okay! Kai let's go" she said and she took his arm. Ty lee pulled him out of the room and sighed "why would you do that?" she asked. Kai looked at her shocked "what? I didn't do anything wrong". "Kai she just lost Zuko again. Of course she's angry but she's also sad and embarrassed and scared and having you come in and tell her how you were right all along and she should've known better isn't going to help". Kai sighed seeing her point "okay so what do I do?". "Nothing" Ty lee said "just give Mai some space and when you do see her don't mention Zuko, not until she brings him up first. Got it?". Kai nodded and was thankful once again that he was friends with Ty lee. "Yes" he said and she nodded "okay enjoy your evening" and she retreated back into Mai's bedroom which previously Kai didn't think could get any more depressing but was sorely mistaken. After that nobody spoke about Zuko and it was as if he'd never existed. Iroh had also broken out and Firelord Ozai was furious from what Kai could gather from what Azula told him. So Azula's main goal was to track down the Avatar and her brother who she had no doubt were together. Kai doubted it as he couldn't see Zuko sinking that low but Azula was sure that was where Zuko was and once again she was right. She found him at an old air temple with the group and chased them away with Zuko only narrowly surviving. When she recounted the fight to Kai he was stunned. Azula noticed her expression and shrugged "what?". "Nothing just...the balloon exploded and you used a hairpin to scale a mountainside! That was the only thing stopping you from plummeting to your death". Azula chuckled "you're so dramatic, I could've used my firebending to propel me a few meters up or one of the ships would've tossed me a rope, I was fine". Now it was Kai's turn to laugh "I know you're the strongest fighter I know but things like this impress me...and worry me" he admitted. "Worry you?" Azula asked raising an eyebrow and Kai nodded "of course! I care about you Azula and even though I know you're totally fine on the battlefield I still get nervous every time you leave". Azula's expression was hard to read but eventually a soft smile filled her face brightening it "do you really think anything could kill me? Clearly I've not impressed you enough". Kai smiled shaking his head "you're the most impressive person I've ever seen and I know you're immortal" he joked coming to stand in front of her "but even titans can be wounded" and he nodded to her hands which were all scratched up from the mountain "let me clean them for you". Azula paused "I can do it myself". "I know you can" Kai assured her "but let me help you". Azula hesitated and Kai was sure she was going to say no but eventually she nodded her head. Kai's heart leapt at her response and he rushed to get a warm bowl of water and instructed her to sit at the desk. Azula did so, watching as he hurried around grabbing supplies before he came over to her which a concentrated look on his face. "Your left hand please" he said and she held it out to him. Kai cleaned Azula's cuts as gently as possible but she didn't even wince, not once. He still dried them carefully and applied a soothing balm which should reduce the redness. He went to bandage them too but that was too much for Azula. "I don't need a bandage" she said "they're just scratches, I'm not Zuzu!" then she froze as she said his name. Kai saw the realisation go through Azula's face and realised Mai wasn't the only one who felt Zuko's absence. Although he'd been gone for years Zuko was Azula's only sibling and while the two weren't close it must be odd having the only other child and heir leave so suddenly. Kai just pretended she hadn't mentioned Zuko's name and nodded "do you have to do or would you like to do something together?". Azula paused before looking at him "I haven't eaten yet, would you like to join me for dinner?". Kai nodded "I'd love to" and couldn't stop smiling that this was the first time Azula had, however unofficially, asked him out on a date. He hoped there would be many more times. Azula was ensuring all of the Fire Nation's defences were secure and as part of that she planned a visit to the Boiling Rock, the Fire Nation's most heavily guarded prison. She said it was just routine inspection but Kai knew several important prisoners were held here, like the Kyoshi Warrior Azula obliterated one on one and she likely just wanted to gloat a little...but Azula's timing was excellent and of course they arrived to find Zuko and the water tribe kid Sokka there. When Kai found out Zuko was there he looked at Mai anxiously. She hadn't mentioned Zuko's name since he left so Kai hadn't either and he worried this might be too much for her having to see him again so soon. He was about to suggest that he and Mai look at the outer defences when she asked if she could speak with him. Kai froze as did Ty lee and they all turned to Azula. "He owes me some answers" Mai said and the tone in her voice made Azula smile. She ordered some men to take Mai to Zuko's cell and told her to give him hell. After that Azula told Kai and Ty lee they were going to locate the water tribe boy. "He's smart so will probably have a disguise but he's easy to predict. He'll be going to get the water tribe chief but how..." when the alarm went off and all the cells opened. "Move!" Azula cried pushing some guards out of the way and she charged out into a balcony overlooking the courtyard. She scanned the crowd below before a figure could be made out literally running on the heads of the crowd below. The Kyoshi Warrior. "Follow her!" Azula said and they broke off running. "They're going to the gondola" Kai said and Azula nodded quickening her pace but they were too slow and the warden was useless in stopping them. They reached the edge of the volcano and stared out at the searing water below. "After them" Azula said and Kai was going to ask how when Ty lee leapt onto the wire and Azula literally flew up. Kai couldn't fly or do super-human acrobatics so he drew his bow and worked on firing at the group. He managed to get the water tribe boy in the arm but after that Azula and Ty lee were there and they were too close for Kai to distinguish between them. He watched feeling useless when the warden yelled for the guards to cut the line. Kai was making his way down to help when a black figure appeared and started taking out the guards. It was Mai. Kai's stomach dropped and he practically leapt down the stairs in his rush to get to her. He reached the clearing and grabbed her arm. "Mai what are you doing?" Kai yelled and she shrugged "saving the jerk that dumped me, don't try and stop me Kai" and launched herself at the nearest guard. Kai was so stunned he didn't react for a few seconds and then he ran after his sister "Mai stop! Think about what you're doing!". "I am!" Mai cried "I won't let Azula capture him and I won't let you stop me so choose. Whose side are you on?" she asked. Kai shook his head "Mai you're my sister...but I can't let you do this" and he launched an arrow at her. The siblings had trained together their entire life so it was a rapid exchanging of shots. Kai stuck near the line trying to give the guards enough time to cut it but Mai was furiously attacking him and knocking away any of his stun arrows. When he ran out he drew his sword and charged his older sister. He figured if he could just stop her doing anything stupid he could talk to Azula and undo any of the damage she'd done but Mai was making it hard. She dodged his attacks, always staying out of arms reach so he couldn't grab her and kept darting to different sides to disorient Kai. His sister was good and he panicked when he realised she'd managed to turn his sideways and the second he looked away to check how far from the edge he was, was all Mai needed...to stab him with his own paralysing arrow. "Mai!" Kai cried but she didn't even watch him go down before she took out the two people trying to cut the line. Kai tried to get to his feet but the gel worked fast and he soon fell onto his face. The guards were no match against Mai and she soon cleared the area and Zuko got away. Once there was nobody left Mai came and turned Kai over so he wasn't on his face. "What have you done?" he asked her "you've doomed us all".She shook her head "no I haven't, Azula won't hold this against you. She saw you trying to fight me off. Say hi to Tomtom for me". Kai shook his head "Mai just apologise, throw yourself n her mercy and she might understand". "No she won't" Mai said shaking her head and Kai sighed, there was no use reasoning with her so he stayed quiet. It took some time for Azula to get over to them and by the time she'd arrived Kai had got the feeling back in his legs and could slump. He stood with Ty lee and watched anxiously as Azula stormed up to Mai. "The thing I don't understand is why, why would you do it?" Azula asked "you know the consequences". "I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do, you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you". "Mai shut up!" Kai called but it was too late, Azula was furious. "No you miscalculated! You should've feared me more". Kai knew Azula would kill Mai one-on-one so he rushed forwards as fast as his legs could carry him to intervene when Ty lee barreled past him. He realised too late what she'd done and yelled for her to stop but she took out Azula. Kai couldn't believe she'd actually attacked Azula! He was just going to stand in the way or try and grab her arm but Ty lee actually attacked the heir to the throne. "Ty lee what have you done!" he cried rushing to grab Azula on the floor. "Kai I...I had to" Ty lee said and she and Mai huddled together while guards surrounded them. "Help me up!" Azula barked and Kai helped her onto her feet. "Azula they're just confused...Mai didn't mean to..." he tried but she silenced him with a look. "What should we do with them princess?" the guard asked and Kai would've been shaking if he wasn't holding on to Azula. "Put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again and let them rot!". The two were dragged away and Kai stared watching them go. He felt so conflicted. Ty lee was his best friend and the nicest person he knew. He and Mai had never gotten on that well but she was still his sister and had been his only sibling for years...but they were both traitors now. Because of them Zuko had escaped and they'd attacked the princess, a crime of treason in the Fire Nation. "Get me to the ship!" Azula commanded and Kai nodded "can I carry you?" and Azula nodded. Kai took her to the ship in a daze and was confused when they started leaving immediately. Weren't Ty lee and Mai coming back to the prison in the capital with them? Then he realised Azula meant to leave them here, in boiling rock! How was he going to tell their family? He felt so overwhelmed, he felt angry at Mai for being so reckless, frustrated with Ty lee for choosing the wrong option, ashamed at what Mai's choice would do to his family and upset and anxious that the two of them were now prisoners. As soon as Azula had regained control of her muscles she was marching around the ship and found Kai silently gazing at the sky on the deck. "We'll be home in 1 hour" she told him and Kai nodded. He wasn't sure how he felt about the whole situation so decided not to speak and the silence stretched out awkwardly. "So out with it" Azula said "I know you will eventually tell me how you feel so how about we skip that bit and you save me the time and the dramatics". Kai looked at her and sighed "I get why you had to do that but I'm just shocked...at both of them. I had no idea Zuko had such a strong hold over my sister. He left without her and still she chose him? Over our home, over you, over me?" Kai asked. Azula nodded "I was shocked too, it seems my brother can ruin anything even when he's not around anymore". Kai nodded "and Ty lee too...I just don't get it. They're traitors now! They'll spend the rest of their life in prison...right?" he asked. Azula nodded "they betrayed the crime and cannot be trusted". Kai rubbed his head "it's a lot to take in but I'm glad you're okay". For the first time in hours Azula's fury actually softened and a glimpse of a smile crept through. She nodded "you as well, rest up while you can" and went back inside. Kai nodded and watched the Fire Nation start to appear on the horizon. He had no idea what he was returning home to or if he could even call it home anymore. All he knew was Azula was there and he'd follow her anywhere.
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strooples · 2 years
Just some rambles:
So basically, I finished the entire first season. I don’t have much to add accept that I like dissecting the first season the most.
For the manga, I’m on the part Daichi starts to appear but my ADHD brain can’t handle much at once so I took a break on it to focus on the anime. It’s been neat though, and it honestly reminds me of PokeSpe’s beginnings a bit!!
I found a thread discussing Beyblade Rising though, and am absolutely FASCINATED by the events — new things, critiques both good and bad, our old characters re-appearing. On the thread, they linked Takao Aoki’s official website with the promotional art… I can’t stress enough how much I love love love seeing cute art of the characters in the manga style!!! Aaaaaa
(( Let me just insert more fangirling over the cute promotional art of our characters! ))
For G-Rev, some parts are super super blurry in my mind (or I flat-out dunno what happens) bc I referenced a lot of what other Bakuten Shoot fans mentioned of events that caught my interest + watched episodes according to events and battles I like. So I have the basic outlines: Stuff like the tag-team style tournaments, BEGA with antagonists like Brooklyn, Garland, Ming Ming etc., how our main team split up, Hiro’s appearance, nerfed characters (the White Tigers, Tala etc.), big battles (mainly ones where Kai or Tyson are involved), and so on.
I look forward to watching G-Rev thoroughly in chronological order though, but getting through V-Force has been tough.
Which brings me to V-Force!!
I think a lot of criticism on it is a bit exaggerated, as it can be enjoyable too. But I can understand how story-wise, it’s seen as the weakest of all 3 seasons. It’s not bad to me, per say. It’s just super super slow where I’m at. I’m struggling to get myself motivated enough to get through it. Which I don’t fully blame, as the anime writers had to come up with filler or decrease the pace of things so the manga could catch up. It just feels like plot progression is much much slower than the 1st season.
Also watching Hilary/Hiromi and Tyson/Takao bicker feels like hell :/. It’s super repetitive ahahah. Also IDK if it’s just the dub being wonky, but Tyson’s personality isn’t pleasant for the most part (the whole issue with the “world champion” fame getting to his head). But IK the English dub made Tyson super arrogant versus sub Takao who has moments of humility and kindness, so again, it could just be a dub issue.
I admittedly wasn’t a huge huge fan of Hilary’s introduction, and she doesn’t add a lot to the story. She seemed in comparison pretty chill though in G-Rev! Maybe a character that mellows out later on?
G-Rev has my favorite art style of the 3 seasons, and fits the series in the best IMO. But I dissent with the common opinion here on the V-Force art style bc I think the characters look really cute! I do agree though that they were drawn to look too young.
Also the dub changes/censorship in this season sucks. I’ve heard from sub watchers on key lines we miss out on and saw on YouTube funny scenes they cut. The 1st season’s dub could be hilarious and goofy (err, hilariously goofy) but the V-Force dub cuts out so many funny scenes.
On key lines, there’s moments like when Kai gets out of the butler’s car driving him to his dorm. In the sub, they briefly mention his father (which is a curious question since it’s a wonder what the anime version of Susumu is like??). And the butler guy basically goes ‘You shouldn’t be so cold to your dad. You barely said anything to him’ — which indicates Kai’s relationship to his dad is rocky in the anime too. But in the dub they change it to the butler asking him about his Dranzer blade not being in the luggage. And ofc, the change in event when Wyatt goes mad instead of the kids who Team Psychic are involved with dying, and Kai living with the guilt of his friend’s death.
But I do find some of the attempts to censor kinda hilarious. Like in Episode 15, where they send out Jerry (IDK the sub name???) to test out the cyber bit beast. Now basically it explodes and the kids die, so the Team Psychic lackies in black suits rush out, grab the kid, and drive away. It’s obvious Jerry dies but the dub adds the lines “Are you okay kid?” “I think so” as they carry him limply. The censorship cover up there was so bad it was a bit funny.
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Also, obligatory Max appreciation from the episode I’m on! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Just because he’s so adorable! And bc I’ve been thinking how he’s super under-appreciated compared to Takao, Kai, and Rei T~T. He’s got to be my favorite after Kai ngl.
That is all.
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littledreamling · 2 years
About Me (part 2!)
Thank you so much for the tag @mathomhouse-e!! I did this back when it was circulating before but I'm excited to see if my answers have changed since then!
Nickname: Kai or Crow, though I'll respond to anything
Sign: Sagittarius sun, libra moon, scorpio rising (yeah I know)
Height: 5'5" (I've grown an inch! In reality, though, I went to the doctor and got measured for the first time in years, giving me an extra inch to lord over all of my friends who are still 5'4" *cough, cough* @levi1088 and @birdbraintm)
Last thing I googled: oh this could be very embarrassing... oh thank god it's Tom Burke, the reason being that I saw his name in the credits of Mank and recognized it from The Musketeers (fantastic show, everyone should watch it, Tom Burke did an amazing job with Athos' complex character)
Song stuck in my head: Thankfully, I do not have one, probably because it's difficult to have a song stuck in your head when you're actively listening to music... (for anyone wondering, I'm listening to Lightning Crashes by Live, which is a childhood favorite handed down from my parents). I also had Voulez-Vous by ABBA stuck in my head earlier this week because I watched Mamma Mia over the weekend
Number of followers: 429 (I've gained about 40 since the last time I answered this, half of which are from the discord server lmao, I love you all my beloveds <3)
Amount of sleep: Time spent actually asleep? roughly 7 hours, give or take. Time spent laying in bed scrolling through my phone before falling asleep/after wakign up? Far longer, but I refuse to admit how much longer... I'm on break, sue me lmao
Dream job: this hasn't changed: university professor. It's been my dream job every since starting university (with a brief stint where I wanted to be a pilot, though that didn't last long when I realized how expensive getting a pilot's license is and that the only way to get one for free is to join the military...) because it's largely my only career path. As a cellular and molecular biology major, my two paths lie in pharmaceutical labs doing quality control or doing research funded by a university. Of the two, I'll always prefer the latter.
Wearing: This always feels like a main character describing herself in a badly written fanfiction, but here goes: black sweat pants, a grey long-sleeved t-shirt, black socks, and my hair is tied back with a hair tie in the world's smallest ponytail. Nothing fancy to see here. I don't even have my dangly earring in, though I do have my other earrings in (because they never get removed) which consist of a pair of small gauges, a septum ring being used as an earring, and a black industrial bar. I also have my rings and signature necklace, so I guess that counts for something. Idk
Movies/books that summarize you: Last time, I asked my roommate to answer this because she knows me best, but I don't have her here at the moment, so I'll take a stab at it. Where Hope Comes From by Nikita Gill is definitely a strong contender, simply because of the non-toxic positive messages it contains. I particularly enjoyed the book The Genome Odyssey by Euan Angus Ashley as well as Genome by Matt Ridley. Both vastly expanded my horizons in my chosen career path and have pushed me to better understand everything that can be done through the field of genomics. Antigone by... well, Sophocles is my favorite play (sorry Shakespeare, I have to agree with Hob on this one) because everyone talks about loving the way men love, but Antigone shows what it is to love the way women love. I adored it when I first read it at the ripe age of fourteen and I still love it today.
Favorite song: Too many to list. I have a playlist on spotify called Absolute Favorites that is over 7hrs long... If I had to pick, though, I'd say (right now) it's Saviour by George Ezra or Michigan Cherry by River Whyless. I'm not sure they'll stand the test of time to be included in my Absolute Favorites, but they're currently scratching specific itches in my brain and that's enough for now
Favorite instrument: My answer 100% has not changed: church organ, bagpipes, and the harmonica. I have religious trauma, blood that sings for Scotland, and I was raised in the American South. I'm not sure what else you could ever expect of me... I have to add to it, though, for sheer hilarity: the hurdy-gurdy. Tangentially, I love the fiddle and always wanted to learn how to play but never had the time/money to do so.
Aesthetic: I could copy/paste my answer from last time because it hasn't changed. As @the-cloudy-dreamer and I were talking about earlier, roughly 90% of my clothes are black, 7% are grey, and the rest are some variation of other neutral tones. Color and I do not oft get along, so I don't try. My skin is so pale that I could be an Endless sibling and I dress the part lmao
Favorite authors: Neil Gaiman, obviously. My literary tastes, however, rarely fall neatly along the lines of one author; I tend to pick up books as they interest me, not because I know or like the author, which leads to me reading books by wildly various authors and not having any particular favorites.
Random fun fact: I'm never quite sure what to put for questions like this... reading back over my answers from last time (I can lick my elbow, I rode horses for 10+ years, I own far too many tarot decks, and I have blue hair), they seem so surface-level, but they're also deeply intrinsic pieces of me that add up to the greater whole, and I'm not sure if I could fit anything deeper or more meaningful into a tumblr text box. I'm a photographer (or used to be), I'm a trans man (though I'm not out socially), I'm in a sorority (part of the reason why I'm not out socially, though not the entire reason), I have over 700 hours in Animal Crossing... if you want to know anything about me, just ask I guess, I'm an open book!
And because our whole server was tagged in one fell swoop, I have to exit our little bubble so I'm tagging @birdbraintm @levi1088 (my two IRL friends on tumblr), @landwriter @avelera @softest-punk @staroftheendless and @fishfingersandscarves (because it was surprisingly fun to revisit these questions to see how much, or how little, has changed) As always, feel free to ignore a tag! I'm also leaving an open tag: if you see this and want to do it, do it! I'd love to be tagged in it so I can be nosy!
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luciusgerard · 2 years
Okay, so, here's everything I've heard about the Eddie Munson/Kas theory:
First of all, if you don't know who Kas is, basically he's a character from Dungeons & Dragons who's half-human, half-vampire, and there's a theory that Eddie will essentially become Kas in season five of Stranger Things.
Quick warning: Spoilers for season four of Stranger Things. Also this is a long post, so hold onto your butts, brochachos.
'Kay, so we all know that Eddie dies at the end of season four. Yes, I cried too, don't worry. But, thankfully, there's a theory that he could come back, and I personally think it makes a LOT of sense. Here's everything I've heard about it. If you have anything to add, or you actually know things about D&D unlike yours truly and would like to correct my information, please let me know.
First of all, let's look at how Eddie actually kicks the bucket. He's eaten by bats. Kas is also eaten by bats, later becoming a vampire. Eddie also has a tattoo on his arm that depicts a swarm of bats, and while I doubt Eddie would become a vampire in the literal sense (this isn't Riverdale), bats are obviously directly related to vampires. What are vampires? They're undead creatures.
One of the weapons Kas is known for using is his shield, which has spikes in it. As we all know, Eddie also uses a makeshift "shield" with spikes, AKA a garbage can lid with nails hammered through it. Still serves the same purpose.
Let's look at how exactly they'd explain how Eddie is miraculously alive. In D&D, Kas is basically Vecna's right-hand man, but he later turns on Vecna and defeats him. Our Stranger Things version of Vecna has the same powers as El, and we saw El bring Max (or her body, at the very least) back to life. If El can do this, so can Vecna, meaning he could revive Eddie. As far as we, the audience, know due to the two-day jump soon after his death, Eddie's body is still in the Upside Down, and thanks to Will we know that Vecna is still alive, though in pain. The question now is, what motive would Vecna have for reviving Eddie? Well, not only do we know Vecna is able to bring people back to life, but he is also able to control people's minds, as we saw with Billy and Heather in season three, which brings me to my next point.
If Vecna were to revive Eddie and take control of his mind, perhaps to get close to the kids in Hawkins as a spy of sorts or for another reason entirely, this would essentially make Eddie Vecna's puppet. How is this relevant, I hear you asking. Well, see, random person on the internet, if you were not already aware (which you probably were, but anyway), the song Eddie plays on top of the trailer to distract the demobats is Metallica's "Master of Puppets." Not only this, but one of Eddie's many glorious tattoos is literally a puppet. The writers could make him a servant of Vecna, a human puppet, completely under Vecna's control, until he's snapped back to reality with the power of friendship or something and defeats Vecna once and for all.
Or not for all, but I'll get to that in a minute.
We all remember this wonderful scene:
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Look a little closer: the cassette in his hand is Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden has a mascot. What is that mascot? Some kind of weird undead creature thing. What is the name of this strange being? Eddie. I'm not kidding, its name is literally Eddie. Google it if you don't believe me.
Now, as for what I said about Eddie defeating Vecna once and for all not actually being once and for all. Let's all take a moment and think back to the very first episode of season four, shall we? Specifically, the Hellfire Club meeting, in which Erica plays in her brother's place. You all know the scene I'm talking about, now let's think about it.
First of all, from what I remember, this is the only scene in the whole show where Kas is mentioned by name, when it is revealed that Vecna is actually not dead like they thought he was and Mike shouts, "Vecna was killed by Kas!"
"So it was thought, my friends, so it was thought," Eddie replies, shaking his head. "But Vecna lives."
Okay. So Vecna was killed by Kas. Vecna is now back, apparently not dead. I assure you this is not just D&D lore unrelated to the point of this post, because trust me, dear reader, there is more to this scene worth mentioning.
The club has chosen to fight. Now, almost everyone has been defeated, except for Dustin and Erica. The two living players now face a choice: Do they surrender, or do they fight? They choose to fight, with Dustin putting things ever so eloquently: "Screw it. Let's kill this son of a bitch."
Now, in order to defeat Vecna, a 20 must be rolled. Dustin rolls first. Not only does he not roll a 20, but the number that he rolls is 11. Where have we heard that before, hmm?
Now Erica rolls. She rolls a 20 and delivers a critical hit, killing Vecna, while her benchwarming brother over in the gym simultaneously scores a winning buzzer-beater in his basketball tournament. It's a victory for the nerds and the jocks, who would'a thunk it?
Now, here's the idea:
They thought Vecna was dead, having been killed by Nancy, Steve, and Robin and falling from the Upside Down version of Creel House. But here he is, clearly living. Eleven is the last hope for defeating him. She's so close to taking Vecna down once and for all, putting him and everyone else out of their misery. But Vecna is too strong, and overpowers her, and she fails.
Here's Eddie, unwillingly loyal to the beast who indirectly caused his death. He's an undead puppet, his brain under Vecna's control. But something snaps. Like Vecna himself says: "He thought about something that made him sad, but also angry." We already know full well that Eddie has many memories like that, as most people do. That's where Vecna and El find their power, and whether Eddie has powers or not, that could be a source of his strength as well, to bring Vecna down and put an end to everyone's suffering.
Also, there is one more small detail which could point to Eddie not actually being dead. There is a song that the Stranger Things fandom knows as the "fake death" song, as it is used both when Will is presumed dead in season one and when Hopper nearly dies in season three. This song is "Heroes" by David Bowie. However, the song that plays when Eddie dies (I can't remember the title and I can't find it online) is also the song used at the end of season one when El "dies." Coincidence? I think not.
By the way, before you reuse the argument that the Duffers said that Eddie is "one-hundred percent dead" in an interview, might I remind you that there was once a time when both Martin Brenner and Jim Hopper were "one-hundred percent dead" as well? As they are clearly not, my point still stands. Also, it wouldn't make sense for the Duffer Brothers to say, "Well, actually, Eddie's alive," because what sense is there in spoiling what would be a major plot twist in season five before you've even started writing it? They've also said Eddie's death will play an important role in the fifth season, and I doubt they'd be saying that if all the characters did was sit around and think about all the times they had together. Which, for most of the characters, was no time. Plus, Eddie can't be dead—this man hasn't had a chance to meet Will, Argyle, or Suzie yet, and you know he'd love them.
But, hey, we won't know until season five, so until then, all we can really do is wait impatiently and hope for the best.
Anyway, if you actually read this far, you might as well follow me. If you want to, that is, but no pressure. Also, remember to sign this petition to hopefully convince the Duffers to bring Eddie back if you also think our boy was wrongly killed and deserves an epic return.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Baby Boy (T.H)
My Main Masterlist is here.
My 400 Follower Masterlist is here.
Tom Holland Masterlist is here.
Summary: dad!Tom x reader. Tom gets jealous when you solely focus on your six month old son, Oliver. You both then cuddle and afterwards spend time together as a whole family. It’s just a blurb with Tom acting like a big baby.
Warnings: None. Fluff all the way.
Tom Holland was never the one to get jealous but from the moment you entered his life, this was the one emotion that made itself known on regular basis. He always told you that you were too good for him and he didn’t deserve you. You disagreed him with every time because it was other way around. However, you gave up on it after sometime and just kissed him whenever he spoke regarding the subject.
An ‘I love you’ was your answer for situation like these and it never went away even after three years of marriage.
Your husband never left your side for even a second whenever you both went out with friends or family. It was not that he didn’t trust you or that he didn’t trust the people around you. He just wanted to be near you and wanted your sole attention. Your Tommy was a needy little baby. Hence, it was safe to assume that he was jealous when your baby boy took all of your love and time.
You both had been trying for almost two years after your marriage and every negative test took away a little bit of hope until the lucky day came. It was one of the best day of your lives and Ollie was a mumma’s boy from day one. Of course, Tommy was jealous but his heart also beamed with adoration whenever he saw the both of you together. The only man Tom could ever afford to share you with was your son. The little boy was really stealing hearts from the moment he entered this world and Tom wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I’ll go pick him up. You sleep, ‘kay?” Getting out of the bed, you tried to coax your husband back to bed. Tom had a full day at the set and he helped you with Ollie as soon as he came back. He really needed to rest.
“No, I’ll get him.” He tried to protest but the red, swollen eyes were a dead giveaway.
“He likes me better anyways so I’ll do it. Night, love.”
“That’s mean!”
You stood up without listening to another word and made your way towards your baby’s neutral themed nursery. You both wanted to keep the gender a secret till the very end. It was truly a surprise for Tom when the doctors announced that you were parents to a beautiful baby boy because he believed that his first born would be a girl. Nevertheless, he got into his daddy mode as soon as Oliver was placed in his hands by the nurse and has never let up since then.
“Hey baby! What happened? Why you crying, bubba?” You had to admit that you were getting pretty good at the baby talk. It has been six months of practicing so you better hope you were.
“Say mumma. Mumma. Yes, you can do it. You’re such a good boy. Yes, you are.” From the past week, Ollie has been trying to say words and you just really want his first word to be your name.
Cooing at you, he placed his head on your shoulder with his thumb stuck in his mouth. He was teething so he was in a phase where he put everything and anything in his mouth. It has been tiring to watching after the eager toddler but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Four hours had passed by since his last bottle so you made him one while carrying him in the other hand.
“Let’s drink your milk and then we can play with your toys. Mumma’s not sleepy anymore.” The chocolate brown eyes that stared back at you with wonder reminded you of the man sleeping peacefully in the master room. It was only five in the morning and your day had already started.
“Morning, darling.” Rubbing his eyes, he walked downstairs to the source of all the commotion.
You looked up from your position on the carpet to see your husband approaching the both of you. He had just leaned into kiss you when you diverted your attention back to the toddler.
“Hey, mister! You can’t put that in your mouth.” Crying was the only thing heard after you took away the train from Oliver’s hands. You always sterlise his toys but you still don’t allow him to put them in his mouth. His tantrums were much like his dad; only you could console them. “Shhh. I got yeh, darling. Let’s go look at the plants, okay?”
“Wha- What?” Tom’s mouth opened and closed like a fish because he couldn’t believe what just happened. His son stole away his wife.
You always loved telling your son about Nature. Studies always showed that nature helps develop a child’s sensory organs so you made it a point to come to the garden with Ollie every morning. It was your little routine.
“(Y/N)! I can’t find my pink t-shirt. Please help me!”
“Just wear something else.” You hollered back while going inside the house.
“I want the pick one. Come up and help me.”
Rolling your eyes, you replied, “I’m feedin’ your son so just wear anything else.” Tom and his pink t-shirt.
A sad ‘okay’ echoed through the house and you chuckled slightly at his childish behavior. You sometimes really didn’t know who the baby was in this house. Feeding your son his mashed banana, you bathed him while Tom sullenly took out Oliver’s clothes.
When he was dressed up in his unicorn onesie, you gently laid him in his crib. Tom moved around the room to switch off the lights and turn the mobile on. It was time for his mid day nap so that meant you could finally take a shower and eat a proper meal.
“Come with me!” Your husband whispered right in your ears before dragging you out with your wrist.
“What happe-” You were cut off by his lips as he pinned you against the wall. It was shocking but you soon responded back. “What was that for?”
“That was my morning kiss that my son interrupted.”
“Awww. Is someone jealous?”
“I also need you, darlin’.” Hugging you tightly, Tom stuffed his face in your neck.
“You are my big baby and nothing will change that, Tommy.”
Pecking you on the cheeks, he started pulling you downstairs. “Let’s cuddle.”
“But I am all sweaty and covered in mashed bananas.”
“At least, let me change my clothes.” It was like bargaining with a kid and he was sometimes more difficult than your actual child.
“Okay but no more than five minutes.”
You quickly went upstairs and pulled on the first shirt that you got your hands on. After adjusting your hair in the mirror, you realised that it was Tom’s pink t-shirt. He was going to be so mad when he finds out that you put it in your closet again. However, you didn’t care about that. The shirt was so soft that your husband would have to just suck it up.
“I knew it!” You laughed loudly at his exclamation and just laid on top of him on the couch.
“Keep quiet or you won’t get any cuddles.”
“Sorry, darling.”
The silence was weird after such a hectic morning but you enjoyed every second of it. Your son was sleeping and you could finally have some quality time with Tom. You both started talking about Tom’s new movie and before you knew it, you were asleep. Oliver really tired you out sometimes and Tom felt guilty for not helping out that much. He always wanted to do more but the little boy was attached to your hip and would scream bloody murder if he didn’t see you.
“Love, Ollie’s awake. Let me get up, please.” A gentle voice reached your eyes and you just slightly shifted on the couch. You were too tired to comprehend what he was saying.
“Hey, buddy. It’s just you and I for sometime. We should let mumma sleep for sometime.”
Seems like luck was on his side because Oliver wanted to snuggle up with his father for a change. You woke up after two hours of a very satisfying nap and instantly panicked when you saw it was three in the noon. However, you relaxed when you heard your husband and son’s voice from upstairs. They were both watching cartoons.
“Hey.” You first gave your husband a peck and then picked up your baby boy. He instantly snuggled into your chest.
“Don’t deserve you, darling.” When you looked into his eyes, there were slight tears. He always got emotional when he witnessed moments like these. It was truly an enchanting sight.
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” He hugged you both closer and you all watched as Tom kept running in circles chasing Jerry.
Hope you guys liked it!!
A/N: This is my first blurb to celebrate my 400 followers and there are more to come. I really love you guys and I really appreciate you all. Couldn’t have gotten here without you all especially my tumblr buddy, @peculiarpenman. Tell me what you guys think about it and I’m open to requests. Also, if you want to be added to my tag list, do let me know.
Tag list: @peculiarpenman, @kalopsia-flaneur, @agnesk 
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