#(Also if you don't wanna be tagged in things anymore shoot me an IM and I'll stop <3))
sovereigntism · 7 months
alias / name:  Kami / [Error: Friendship Level 4 needed]
pronouns: He/She/They
birthday: Jan 29th
zodiac sign:  Aquarius
height:   5'2
hobbies: Gaming, Writing, Reading, Drawing, Cosplaying, TTRPGs, Cooking, and some others that honestly don't immediately come to mind cause I'm ADHD. XD
favorite color: Blaaaack.
favorite book: Oouf, so I have a few, but I'm just gonna list one that constantly pops to mind. Bleeding Earth by Kaitlin Ward. It's such a good horror, and I'm not usually one for horror- But I finished this in a day and it keeps coming to my mind even years later.
last song:  Took me a bit so have the last 3 I listened to... Witch Hunt by Chandler Leighton, DEZI / Vicious by Bohnes / Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
last film / show: Banana Fish, I'm on like episode 8 or so. :3
recent reads:  The Game Master's Book of Random Encounters by Jeff Ashworth (I'm thinking of running a one shot game from it :D)
inspiration:  Anime, manga, games, and other rp writers. Music helps often, but not as often as just watching a show or playing a game. King is a muse that is inspired by worlds. Came to me in a bored moment of drawing on my arm, and spiraled out of control over the years.
story behind url: The loml @culpablecreatures helped me figure it out, finding the perfect word for me and it was surprisingly not taken! So I snatched it so quick. XD
fun fact about me: Like King I have (slight) synesthesia. I enjoy drawing the way voices look to me.
Tagged by: @heavens-sinTagging: @arealmunited, @culpablecreatures(get double tagged, loser&lt;3), @dangaer, @fangier, @goreburdened, @queenharumiura, @ruinouss, @raytm, @skarletchains, @sanguine-salvation, @signorinavongola, @tximidity, @uechoes, @vanaglorie, @whiskeysmulti, and @102pts. And finally, you reading this! @ me cause I'm so so nosy. XD If you've already done this and I've tagged you, no need to do it again. Skip <3
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meatriarchived · 1 year
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just as a small bit of heads up when it comes to interacting with both my killer / aggressive type muses and my survivor / victim type muses:
your muses can absolutely attempt to or successfully harm my muses. if they are in the middle of a struggle, they are being attacked or mine are grabbing at your muse? your muse can respond in turn how you see fit! i do not mind at all c:
----- luda mae isn't exactly physically strong anymore due to her age; however - she has blood on her hands as well, not nearly as much as charlie or thomas but she is not above using her age and perceived frailty because of it to her advantage. ----- birdie, wes, maria, my reagents, night hunter/don, vincent, and the legion, all of them your muse is fully okay to go after, grab, maim, throw shit at, lift off the ground, throw them, pull on their hair, you name it - if its something your muse realistically should do during struggles and fights and such, yours can harm my muses. ----- also, technically speaking? for my survivor / victim muses, in terms of one-shot interactions ( ie. responding to an inbox thing from me ) your killer muses are welcome to kill them for those brief interactions. if its easier to imagine: think of it in similar terms to the entity putting survivors through trials only for them to in essence "revive" and be completely fine for the next. c: i usually treat my inbox content as one-off pieces. they aren't necessarily meant to be a part of the muses' overall stories by default. so, if your killer muse wants to kill one of mine in an ask response? go for it! if my muse is being mouthy to your killer and they reasonably get ticked about it and wanna teach them a lesson? go. for. it. ----- otherwise, i dont plan on killing off any of my muses for realsies and anything other than one-shot inbox things? don't just outright kill my muses without warning or talk. :)
you can always shoot me any questions or concerns in regards to this :)
the ONLY muse i would say that high chances are, those things won't quite be as effective would literally be with thomas.
granted i'm not too sure exactly what height / weight that bubba stands at. while he is a pretty stocky guy, he also doesn't look nearly as beefy as thomas does. thomas is portrayed being as physically intimidating as possible. I write thomas as being 6 feet 9 inches tall. he's a bit of a heavy set guy. and he is built quite literally like a brick and cement building. he isn't just strong - he is CONSISTENT HARD LABOUR strong. his muscle tone is functional, not just for show so to speak. while for sure, stabbing at him, knocking things over in front of him to cut his path, etc. will slow him down / break his attention on who he's after? don't mistake his size for incapability to catch up real quick. hes like a rabid dog - poke at him long enough to agitate and he is a bullet train coming right at you. and just because hes often got his hands full by his chainsaw, doesn't mean he's useless without it. i'd wager that being literally pummeled to death by a man his size may be worse than a "quick" death by chainsaw blades to the face.
so what i mean is: your muse ABSOLUTELY CAN attempt to attack thomas as well! :) i would just say that it may not go nearly as well as hoped dsfjksa
( this is NOT to say however that i will disregard any discomfort when it comes to your muses being hurt / attacked btw. when i write any sort of altercation that may result in bodily harm, i auto-default to beginning an action and allowing the response to be either left open-ended for a brief interaction, or for you to decide your muses' next move / how they dodge it / etc. ya'll are always welcome to shoot me an im or make note of it in the tags or ask etc to ask about any of what i've spoken about here c: )
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seeraven · 7 days
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. i struggle to fly now .
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independent roleplay blog for vax'ildan vessar of critical role's vox machina . portrayal inspiration will be pulled heavily from the tv show , the legend of vox machina , the first campaign , kith and kin , and the vox machina origins comics . note : i am still making my way through the first campaign and am pretty early on , though , i am cool with spoilers .
. please read below for my rules until i get my carrd up !
I . i am mutuals only! Please be patient with me IC and OOC . that means writing-wise, IMs, discord, asks, etc. I am not and will not always be in the mood for chatting or even writing. I appreciate the understanding on this!
II . there is a lot of content i won't interact with for my own comfort / triggers / etc . please don't be offended if i don't follow back, as the reason could be something as simple as i don't jive with the series you write from !
III . i will be primarily writing in the first campaign of cr and in the legends of vox machina timeline ! i will be updating my progress through the campaigns in my tags here !
IV . in regards to shipping, i am multi-ship and open to being ship - exclusive . i like to be friends with my ship partners and put a lot of work and development into my ships , and really wanna dig into what love means for vax in different aspects of his life ( romantic or otherwise ) . that being said, if you're interested in a genuine romantic ship with vax, he can be a tough nut to crack, so it'll definitely take some time and development there! i portray him as bisexual.
V . there WILL be triggering content on this blog ! i will tag everything that I can think to tag , but if you'd like something specific tagged , please just shoot me a message ! i'm not here to make anyone uncomfortable .
VI . ultimately i'm here to hang out and have fun and not take things too seriously . thanks for reading , and i hope we can get to interacting soon !
VII . also just an add-on rule, i don't really do affiliates ! i have mains and honestly don't really have a specific number cap for duplicates of a main anymore haha. mains to me are just portrayals/writers i've plotted with more extensively and will, at times, have priority due to my writing muse gravitating in the direction of our development. that being said, my current mains are leif's vex'ahlia & shadowheart and prince's keyleth & tifa lockhart.
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meatriarch · 8 months
just as a small bit of heads up when it comes to interacting:
your muses can absolutely attempt to or successfully harm my muses. if they are in the middle of a struggle, they are being attacked or mine are grabbing at your muse? your muse can respond in turn how you see fit! i do not mind at all c:
----- luda mae isn't exactly physically strong anymore due to her age; however - she has blood on her hands as well, not nearly as much as charlie or thomas but she is not above using her age and perceived frailty because of it to her advantage. ----- birdie, pepper, maria, ana, danny, nancy etc, all of them your muse is fully okay to go after, grab, maim, throw shit at, lift off the ground, throw them, pull on their hair, you name it - if its something your muse realistically should do during struggles and fights and such, yours can harm my muses. ----- also, technically speaking? for my survivor / victim muses, in terms of one-shot interactions ( ie. responding to an inbox thing from me ) your killer muses are welcome to kill them for those brief interactions. if its easier to imagine: think of it in similar terms to the entity putting survivors through trials only for them to in essence "revive" and be completely fine for the next. c: i usually treat my inbox content as one-off pieces. they aren't necessarily meant to be a part of the muses' overall stories by default. so, if your killer muse wants to kill one of mine in an ask response? go for it! if my muse is being mouthy to your killer and they reasonably get ticked about it and wanna teach them a lesson? go. for. it. ----- otherwise, i dont plan on killing off any of my muses for realsies and anything other than one-shot inbox things? don't just outright kill my muses without warning or talk. :)
you can always shoot me any questions or concerns in regards to this :)
the ONLY muse i would say that high chances are, those things won't quite be as effective would literally be with thomas.
granted i'm not too sure exactly what height / weight that bubba stands at. while he is a pretty stocky guy, he also doesn't look nearly as beefy as thomas does. thomas is portrayed being as physically intimidating as possible. I write thomas as being 6 feet 9 inches tall. he's a bit of a heavy set guy. and he is built quite literally like a brick and cement building. he isn't just strong - he is CONSISTENT HARD LABOUR strong. his muscle tone is functional, not just for show so to speak. while for sure, stabbing at him, knocking things over in front of him to cut his path, etc. will slow him down / break his attention on who he's after? don't mistake his size for incapability to catch up real quick. hes like a rabid dog - poke at him long enough to agitate and he is a bullet train coming right at you. and just because hes often got his hands full by his chainsaw, doesn't mean he's useless without it. i'd wager that being literally pummeled to death by a man his size may be worse than a "quick" death by chainsaw blades to the face.
so what i mean is: your muse ABSOLUTELY CAN attempt to attack thomas as well! :) i would just say that it may not go nearly as well as hoped dsfjksa
( this is NOT to say however that i will disregard any discomfort when it comes to your muses being hurt / attacked btw. when i write any sort of altercation that may result in bodily harm, i auto-default to beginning an action and allowing the response to be either left open-ended for a brief interaction, or for you to decide your muses' next move / how they dodge it / etc. ya'll are always welcome to shoot me an im or make note of it in the tags or ask etc to ask about any of what i've spoken about here c: )
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
hi! i actually sent a similar question to @lurkymurker but i was wondering if you have any tips on writing in general, and writing male characters? i rllyyyy wanna start writing and you and her are my fav writers here <3
hi there! i really appreciate the love, and Ri is fantastic. Thank you for the support! im putting in a cut bc i typed a lot lol
I'd say first and foremost, don't feel like you have to write. Let the ideas come to you, and then sit down and write until you don't feel it anymore. It's kinda hard to explain that feeling, but you'll recognize it when you start writing. Don't rush it and don't feel pressured to do it.
Rough drafts are your friend!!! I write little notes to myself like this line sucks or change this and it really helps me when i go back in later to edit and/or change things. (maybe be nicer to yourself than i am to myself lmao)
Don't feel like everything has to be perfect the first time around, or even when it's done. It's really easy on here to feel like every word has to be exactly right, because some people can be mean, but most people are going to love whatever it is you put out.
Male characters. They're tough to write, even when you have experience with the species (lol). Personally, i think flaws make them. some flaw in their life that they maybe learn to work through with the love interest, perhaps? Also, don't overthink them. men are simple creatures, and to make them believable, write them as such. i often listen to my dad and my brothers talk to each other when i need little pieces of male conversation for a story, and trust me, it's not the most intelligent (i don't mean that in a mean way, but they're not talking about classic novels and art).
Take it easy on yourself! Don't get discouraged because maybe one idea didn't pan out. It's your story, and even if you write it and don't get the attention you want, you still did something amazing. Writing is very, very challenging and you should be proud of yourself.
Please tag me (if you feel comfortable) in whatever you write if you post it on here! I'd love to read it and give you feedback. I'm sure it will be great! I'm here if you ever need anything, editing advice, to talk through an idea, formatting your stories, anything. I check in on here at least 10 times a day lol so shoot me a message if you want to. You got this!!
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nnatasha · 5 years
don't blame me for falling, i
tom holland x reader
 he comes back to town after years and years, and the press are just eating it up, and you're falling too hard and too fast
a/n; mentions of alcohol and drugs, sex. my version of beer pong is in here and the basic rules are that like if u and ur partner both miss a shot consecutively, you lose the game and have to drink the rest of the alcohol on the table loll (also shoot me an ask or smthn if u wanna be on my tag list)
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you were wildly late for the party and, as you hurried around the small corner shop you had stopped to get some food at (because of course you didn't know that you were supposed to provide food) , you weren't really watching where you were going. maybe it was your fault, or maybe it was his, or maybe it was the gaggle of girls and boys alike crowding him that made you drop the bottle of wine.
as the dark red liquid seeped into the linoleum cracks in the floor all you could think about was how it was the dumb fucking rich boy that had got in your way. it wasn't your fault. it was not your fault and the both of you knew it. hell, god almighty knew it and he never even paid attention to you.
"shit," the voice was quiet amongst the loud murmurs of the small crowd ," are you okay, love?"
a very tentative hand against your back and all your problems were buffed out. you let out a shaky laugh, nodding. it was just a bottle of wine and you would not cry in the middle of the supermarket, you would not because you could not and so you would not.
the tears spilled over your cheeks of their own accord and you laughed again at the sudden very high pitched ramblings of whoever it was. "are you okay? I swear im so sorry I'll pay for it and oh god are you crying I'm so sorry?"
and then tom was there and you felt like crying even harder. little tommy who taught you how to ride a bike, who stole your first kiss and your first everything, and who had upped and left the moment he garnered a little bit of fame.
and then there was a pair of strong, familiar arms around you, pulling you close. not so familiar, you thought. he'd buffed out over the years, all muscles and hard edges. gone were the days where you could beat tom in a wrestling match and gone were the days when you, him and harrison would bum joints off your neighbour and sit on the garages until god knows when, thoroughly waved and young.
"hey tommo." you sniffled into his shirt and then you realised that it wasn't cotton but in fact a dress shirt that was probably more than a weeks worth of your wages and then you were pulling away, willing yourself so furiously not to let a single tear escape you as you stared up at tom.
an overjoyed look overcame tom and his teeth shouldn't of made you as happy as they did but they did and that snaggly tooth of his would be forever imprinted upon your soul. "y/n!" he exclaimed excitedly. the hesitation that was on his face was one you rarely saw and then his eyes were off yours and then so were his hands and his warmth and you were back to being you. "I'll pay for your wine ma'am, I'm terribly sorry."
"I'm not an old lady, you prat." you said, a smile on your face, tears a thing of a past life.
but then a flash went off and you flinched. of course, in that moment where the entire world was watching you were an old lady. he wasn't the tom you knew and you weren't the old friend he knew. just two strangers passing in the night, one a top-earning actor and one a girl who couldn't brave leaving her hometown.
and so you separated ways, with no wine and no food to bring to the party because you definitely weren't going to that anymore. only when harrison texted you the day after did you know how much you could've had: tom went, even if you didn't.
the bakery at the end of your street was owned by your mother. it couldn't host big parties and was so incredibly crammed and it barely made enough money to scrape by on when you were younger, but it was good in the long run. maybe you were incredibly biased, but it was the perfect place to work. it was not, however, the perfect place to run into your childhood best friend.
"can I have a- oh hey!" the familiar voice made you freeze and you looked up to a grin that could sink a thousand ships (and break a million hearts). all smiles, all dimples and you were ready to hand over your heart and soul in that very moment, right there with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand.
"tom." you squeaked out, heart caught up in your throat but also at the bottom of your gut and then just pounding so loudly, too loudly in the centre of your being.
a nod and then words that couldn't possibly be said through a grin oh so big, "sorry about the other day. sorry it ended up everywhere."
everywhere meaning almost every tabloid in england: spiderman got one caught in his web? or tom holland has a raunchy reunion with childhood lover or love in the air for budding actor? were all that seemed to follow you after saturday. you had learnt that tom was back in his hometown indefinitely for a 'well-needed and deserved' hiatus. (who's to say if you'd been reading the papers recently.)
even worse were the fangirls, with their hate posts and their posts telling people not to hate on you and then the few fics and edits you had read online before shutting down your laptop. it was all too overwhelming and too much and so you had taken a day off work to look at it all; being in the tabloids was a once in a lifetime experience, after all.
"fine. it's just fine." you managed a small smile. "so, mr holland, what would you like from ye old sweet shop?"
tom laughed, a familiar thing that lit a flame in you. "don't call it that! it was a bloody joke."
your grinned matched tom's as you remembered what your mum had called her quaint shop after a night of too much wine. to her dismay, it had stuck with you and the boys for too many years for it to be truly funny, but in that funny way of inside jokes it was still ,well, funny.
"what can I get you?" you asked after handing the hot chocolate you were holding to a sweet teenage girl.
tom furrowed his brows slightly, even though you both knew what he was going to order. "one mocha with, um, half  teaspoon of coffee ,please. actually make it two."                                                       
a chuckle got caught in your throat. "two?" jealousy was a true evil and it seeped into your skin, into your bones, into your soul.
"wait, do you wanna join me and haz cause we're supposed to go to a party later and I think it'd be cool if you came." a jumble of words fought away the monster as you exhaled in relief. no secret girl to worry your heart over.
"yeah, I get off in about twenty minutes if you two can wait?"   
and so your night began, with two idiots thinking that mochas were the pre-game pre-game pick me up
  the party was already in full swing by the time you arrived, with people milling about the front garden. "just like old times, boys." you grinned, swinging your arms around tom and harrison's shoulders. "whoever pukes first has to make pancakes in the morning."
"you're on, mate." harrison agreed readily, with tom making an absent grunt beside you.
and so it began, a group of girls you knew pulling you away from tom and harrison the moment you stepped into the door. the squeals about tom being back in town and how you were going to , like, get it filled your ears and you couldn't help but laugh. stacey, your childhood friend, pushed you down onto a large sofa in the lounge of the house. "tequila?" she offered, stumbling slightly as she procured a plastic cup from her bag. stacey, you couldn't help but notice, looked like a goddess in a neon pink dress that hugged her body tightly, ending very, very high up on her dark thighs. she was already drunk and you couldn't help but wonder how much time you had wasted with tom and harrison getting ready and having shots in your flat.
"tequila!" stacey shoved the cup in your hands before plopping herself down next to you, her legs going on for miles until they reached the coffee table (you couldn't help but chuckle at the socks and heels combo stacey was wearing, staying true to her weird phobia of feet).
you nodded with a tipsy grin, saying "tequila!"
and the night moved on from you and stacey, to the hoards of other people drinking, fucking, whatever, to you and tom playing beer pong hours later against harrison and harry.
"are you even old enough to drink yet?" you shouted at harry over the loud music. you had ditched your shoes god knows where eons ago, and were leaning against the hard, hard thing that was tom holland. his heat seeped into your skin, through your bones and into your soul as you threw a ping pong ball in the direction of the boys opposite you.
"should you even be up this late, old lady?" harry shouted back, cheering when you missed your shot. you childishly stuck your tongue out at him, drifting until you banged into the dining table you were playing on.
"oopsie daisy." you murmured as tom placed a hand on your back, drunken gaze searching you. you were so close, so close, too close to him and you flinched away from him just as harrison got a ball in a cup and you groaned.
the shot slid down your throat like water and you shut your eyes. you were either really, really very much too drunk to be going to work tomorrow, or the party had run out of alcohol. tom missed his shot and banged into you, the two of you laughing like hyenas as harry and harrison cheered over their easy win.
as per tradition, you and tom made slow, clumsy work of drinking all the leftover alcohol on the table, stomach flipping as you moved too quickly, bumping into tom at the halfway point. "'ello matey." you slurred at him, his eyes the most beautiful kaleidoscope of colours that made your head spin and your heart flip.
and then stacey was whisking you away to the garden or maybe it was the bathroom or maybe just an empty pitcher, but you were doomed to make pancakes in the morning and tom was doomed with the task of taking you home.
  the pictures of you and tom were splashed on almost every media outlet you could think of the next morning. you and tom in the bakery, leaving together and smiling like you were two birds born out the same flame. blurry, dark photos of you arriving at the party obviously already waved, you taking shots with your arm intertwined with tom's, you and him playing beer pong, you leaning up against him, the almost kiss that definitely was not an almost kiss it was just a fleeting drunken moment that wasn't, and then you puking in the kitchen, stacey wobbling on her too high heels next to you. a video of you and tom stumbling in the front garden, your bodies banging and clanging against each other in a symphony that dropped your heart to your stomach and then his arm weaved it's way around your waist and there your heads were too close, so close it should've been illegal and then there was you, puking down tom's back, the sickly green of it fading into yellow and then all the colours of the rainbow as you watched the video over and over and over again.
every frame burned into your eyes as you rushed to the bathroom, knees slamming against the floor in a way that would've, should've been painful except you were so numb and so, so hungover.
tom had dropped you off home and left without a trace. sure, his keys were on the side glinting at you dangerously in the harsh yellow rays of the blinding sun, but there was nothing else to even hint at last night.
you had known tom for years and years, memory upon memory of you and him, him and you, stacked away in your brain. little tommy, who taught you how to ride a bike and who stole your first kiss, your first everything-
and suddenly you were fifteen years old again, with your thin eyebrows and damaged lungs and your two best friends, tom and harrison. and tom was on top of you, underneath you, inside you, warming you from the inside out, seeping in through your skin, your bones and your soul.
  then tom moved back to london because millionaires can just do that, despite his hiatus and the stories of the two of you sewn into the ground of your hometown, staining the floor of ye old- your mum's bakery.
and you were right back where you started; no tom, rushing to a party you were wildly late to.
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imma-new-soul · 5 years
Hey hey hey glad you feel better! I don't know if you do angst but if you do could you write me some Shuri x Mj with this prompt: "What if I'm in too many pieces now to fix myself again?" Totally ok if you don't wanna I can send something else.😊
Deep and Unspoken
A/N Hey hey hey sorry babe I opened the message and then it got lost and I couldn't find it till I got on my laptop I'm so sorry anyway I hope you like this. And I LOVE doing angst fyi ❤
Pairing: Mj X Shuri
Warning: just some good old Angst
Word count: 515 just a short one for yah
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The key was in the ignition before Shuri could even finish her sentence. The street lights and signs all blurred to thin colorful lines and the low voices on the radio merged into hushed faded sounds. 
It was a regular routine. Mj would rush over to Shuri everytime she broke down, and it was often. 
In the day Shuri would be fine, more than fine even. She laughed the loudest, and smiled the brightest. She was vibrant and full on life but when the night came, her smile dimmed and sobs replaced her laughter. Her vibrancy drained to a sad grey dullness.
Mj was the only one who could pull her from this dark place she put herself in. She'd fall apart each night and Mj pieces her back together. Their love for each other was on a subatomic level. It was deep and unspoken, It was simple but profound. 
The door to Shuri's apartment was already cracked open a bit, so Mj stepped in and walked towards the bedroom where she knew she'd find her. Aching crys hollowed out the room, if filled the space with thick dense air, it swallowed up the light and left only shadows. 
Mj rushed to Shuri, sliding down the wall beside her, resting her head on Shuri's shoulder. 
"Im here now it's ok, Come on get up, let's get you cleaned up and back in bed" Mj whispered in a soft hushed tone but Shuri did not reply.
"Hey, I said come on. I'll put on a movie and make some popcor-" Mj said while pushing herself off of the wall until she was interrupted by Shuris shaky low voice.
"Stop, just STOP. I..I can't do this to you anymore, I can't keep letting you come to my rescue and fix me, it's not fair to you, it's not right"
Mj brows sank down in confusion, Shuri's words repeating in her ears like a painful sting. She kneeled down next to Shuri placing her hand on hers, thumb rubbing softly on shuris skin. 
"I don't fix you, I don't even come to your rescue. I come to remind you that you are strong, the strongest person I have ever known, you and only YOU can put yourself back together" Mj explained, her eyes never leaving Shuri's.
"But What if I'm in too many pieces to fix myself again? What if I can't this time?" Shuri stammered tears soaking down her face, pain painted in every word that slipped out her lips. 
"Hey listen to me, can and you will because you have to." Mj insisted a shy smile creeping up her face. There was so much more she wanted to say like how her world would be mute without the sound of Shuri's laughter and each room would be empty without her presence, the warmth of the sun would remind her of her skin and dark oak trees of her eyes, but she didn't have to say those things because she knew. 
They had a love that was deep and unspoken, it was simple but profound.
@honeyvbarnes @sebbbystaaan @mushyjellybeans @babiiface95 @perpetually-tuned-out @criminal-cookies @this-kitten-is-smitten @becausewhyknotme @theladyoffangorn
Tagging mutuals if you dont want to be tagged shoot me a message also if you do want to be tag also shoot me a message. Also Also... just shoot me.
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