#(Anyone from Aevum feel free to chime in-)
askstalks-in-shadows · 8 months
New To Eterna Village \ / Thread
Stalks-In-Shadows had only just recently manifested from the tower. She had a million questions, but felt that asking now wasn't the proper time. She had seen a figure before, who had made eye contact with her for a short time before walking away, and when she attempted to follow, she soon lost track of him, and found herself hopelessly lost.
At first she tried to catch his scent in the area, but for whatever reason, her enhanced sense of smell wasn't working...in fact, her hearing seemed a bit off as well, and after taking a few moments to collect herself and test something, she came to the scary realization that her werebeast abilities were somehow being cancelled out.
She was on her own. Taking out the strange key she was given, she read the inscription: Eterna Village 106.
So that was where she needed to go. And she didn't have the faintest idea where to begin looking. Looking around, she locks her eyes on a tree that she could climb, maybe get a bird's eye view.
Climbing the tree, upon getting to a high up branch and standing precariously on the long but decently strong looking branch, and holding onto the trunk of the tree, looking around, before she can see much of anything, she hears someone yell "HEY!"
Unfortunately, that moment was enough to startle her into flinching...which apparently was all the branch beneath her feet needed to justify SNAPPING.
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