magnusmodig Β· 1 month
π‹πŽπŠπˆ 𝐖𝐀𝐒 π’π€π˜πˆππ† . . . something . but thor would be REMISS to say that he was paying attention. FOUR DAYS had passed since they had first laid foot in this realm , and it only ever grew curiouser and curiouser.
clouds had begun to gather in the distance , and with them : A BELL TOLLED . most of the aercon continued about their way as they all shouldered between the haphazard streets of ragtime way , nary paying the skies any heed. and so it was that loki had continued speaking whilst thor's mind had begun to wander far - afield .
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this : A NOT - SO - RARE OCCURRENCE. truly and in many ways , thor echoed the young prince of days of old as his steps slowed. his eye skimmed the clouds upon the horizon. the winds picked up , GUSTING past loki's shoulder in a burst of wary , restless energy.
@mischiefmodig / campaign .
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askstalks-in-shadows Β· 8 months
New To Eterna Village \ / Thread
Stalks-In-Shadows had only just recently manifested from the tower. She had a million questions, but felt that asking now wasn't the proper time. She had seen a figure before, who had made eye contact with her for a short time before walking away, and when she attempted to follow, she soon lost track of him, and found herself hopelessly lost.
At first she tried to catch his scent in the area, but for whatever reason, her enhanced sense of smell wasn't working...in fact, her hearing seemed a bit off as well, and after taking a few moments to collect herself and test something, she came to the scary realization that her werebeast abilities were somehow being cancelled out.
She was on her own. Taking out the strange key she was given, she read the inscription: Eterna Village 106.
So that was where she needed to go. And she didn't have the faintest idea where to begin looking. Looking around, she locks her eyes on a tree that she could climb, maybe get a bird's eye view.
Climbing the tree, upon getting to a high up branch and standing precariously on the long but decently strong looking branch, and holding onto the trunk of the tree, looking around, before she can see much of anything, she hears someone yell "HEY!"
Unfortunately, that moment was enough to startle her into flinching...which apparently was all the branch beneath her feet needed to justify SNAPPING.
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clxscdeyes Β· 2 months
It's a pretty quiet evening, save for the sound of the young girl humming as she takes a stroll through the forest. Her stride is nonchalant as she tosses the guitar pick up in the air and catches it. There's no fear for what may launch out from their shadows. Luna is confident that she'll be able to handle anything that comes her way.
Lips parts as she sings part of the song under her breath, "dream a little dream of me~ 🎡 ."
Further in her little adventure through the very familiar forest, Luna smiles when she spots Loki. Happily, she rushes to him, a big smile on her face. She's always been happy to see Loki, after all.
"Mister Loki, what are you doing here all by yourself?"
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fellstcr Β· 4 months
βš”οΈ // with the season firmly set in , the entire island was abloom with springtime greenery. birds chirped , wind blew , and flowers opened their petals wide to the sun. no place was anywhere near so lively than the temporal gardens. perhaps it was byleth's own idle , early morning wanderings that brought her back to the gardens. perhaps others might say the flow of time brought her to this place β€” seeking TRANQUILITY even in the face of TURMOIL.
regardless of how or why she traveled there . . . byleth would be remiss to say that it wasn't nice. enough so to desire the feeling of warm soil beneath her feet , flats carefully held aloft between her fingertips. the breeze played with her skirts as byleth ventured further in , eventually settling beneath an echo tree , if only to enjoy the slumbering quiet of the space.
a flicker of movement flashed in byleth's peripheral. turning her head towards it , she spotted ... a peculiar sight. a tiny green dragon perched atop a nearby sapling. and it was staring at her.
byleth held her breath. if she moved too quickly , would she startle it away? ( if she truly was as one with them ... would they stay ? ) the little creature hovered on its sapling leaf and slowly blinked up at flame incarnate. and she , wavering slight with the breath of wind , obliged.
careful not to startle away her kin , fell star reached out her hand to the little one , curling her palms upright , and beckoning safety within her hold. it watched her , CURIOUS of this strange sea star , but knew when it had been summoned. it conceded , drawn forth by the flame's all-encompassing warmth , and curled its small frame between the spaces of her fingers.
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"hello," she whispered , drawing the little one up to her eye level. the dragon crowed a small greeting in kind. "it's nice to meet you."
( @mischiefmodig . )
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ttauriwanderer Β· 9 months
There were strange people here, everywhere he turned. People from all over the universe and probably different universes, different realities. They had different energy signatures, remnants of their homes embedded in their souls, and it was fascinating to just walk down the street and people watch.
Some of them burned brighter then others did but every soul was bright and unique and beautiful. Flickers and flares and burning suns wandering around with the dimmer flickers that matched the background of the world they were in. He wondered what the worlds all these people came from were like.
Most of them he didn't recognize but one, he knew that one!
"Oh! You're Loki!" He brightens, then coughs awkwardly. "Err, sorry, got excited I recognized someone. I haven't gone to a different reality and recognized someone in a while."
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bvrriers Β· 9 months
@mischiefmodig / starter call
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It was snowing. Heavily.
Winter was always something he had disliked. It's cold and there's ice and as fun as ice skating and hot cocoa can be, it doesn't make up for the cold. Spring and summer had always been the more favorable seasons for him. But of course he would have to end up stranded in some foreign land in the dead of winter. He didn't even have a coat. At the very least he had his sweatshirt, even if that didn't do too much at the moment.
He wished that his barriers worked here. The snow was more bearable when he could prevent it from touching him. The raven haired young man burrowed himself further into his sweatshirt, hands stuffed into his pockets as he waited for the trolley system to carry him back from the Merchant Town sector of this place. - That was another thing he didn't like. Although he had been told time and time again not to be too cocky and blatant with his powers… it was so much faster and simpler to air walk or teleport. If he could avoid crowd and wasting time (and money) on a train, bus, or tram system, why shouldn't he?
…But he couldn't do any of that here. So it was either make the long walk back to his bizarre new home or take the trolley system.
He opted for the latter.
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hecrtled Β· 2 months
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*:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧ ❛ WELL , WELL , NOW what sort of trouble maker have we got here ? ❜ fawn fluttered down from the top of the nourriture alleyway , hands perched upon hips and a teasing smirk on her face. she giggled as she approached the black cat. ❛ you look like a tom-cat on a mission. now c'mon , tell me what you're up to , gatito ~ ❜
@mischiefmodig / starter call .
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bluestringpuppeteer Β· 4 months
A festival for winter, a festival for spring, now a festival for summer. Legato expects something to happen for each season by now, so he is not surprised when brightness blooms over the island and the Aercons set to reveling in the new season. Summer time, and isn't it odd to have such changes in the environment to mark the progression of time.
Summer is warm, pleasantly so, but nowhere near as hot as home. Legato keeps his coat on even as others scurry around with far less clothing to cover them. It's not as effective at temperature regulation and protection as it would be in the planet-wide desert, but he is far more comfortable with it then without.
It acts like a beacon, glowing white as he moves around the massive tent full of strange objects, knickknacks and bits of trash. Oh, there's some interesting items in the mix, like a lovely set of cooking knives Legato has been eyeing, but for the most part it seems to be recycled objects of little value. Finding the gems requires careful digging through the less desirable items.
And then there's rumors of items from different worlds. That's what has Legato here, among the other shoppers, carefully perusing the selection when he spots a familiar face doing much the same. He hasn't seen Loki much since they first spoke, so he makes his way around a particularly precarious display of objects and makes an approach.
"Good afternoon, Lord Loki. I hope it has been a pleasant one for you." The human gives a respectful little bow. "Are you here seeking objects from other worlds as well? Or more mundane goods buried in the piles?"
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liightaga Β· 7 months
On the Wrong Foot
Sora's pretty much explored most of the main island here in Aevum. There are only two places he hasn't been and that's Merchant Town and the Rosewood District but both Badou and Donald told him not to go there.
It was a cool spring day however and Sora wanted to explore! He asked Cucumber if he wanted to tag along, but he was busy with... something Sora forgot. He even asked Badou, but he was busy sticking his nose in other people's business. He would have asked Donald too, but he was sadly running errands so Sora decided to go on his own. Maybe he would make some new friends!
Sora wouldn't have to travel for too long. It was a bit of a walk and... A couple of jumps between buildings but Sora finally made it to Merchant Town. He wanted to find the local produce since he was sure Donald came here and wanted to see some of the fruit that the venders offered so he could bring some home for his favorite duck.
When arriving to Vespertown market, he saw what looked to be like an endless ocean of markets booths, stalls, tents, etc. It reminded him of Agrabah and Aladdin and how after defeating Jafar twice he would be offered classic Baghdad snacks for his help.
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Sora found himself at a stand that was selling fruit he was familiar with as well as fruit that he couldn't name even if he tried like the plant life in Wonderland.
He was going through and picking a few things out before a black shadowy figure caught his eye a few people next to him. Pale skin... black clothes.. Almost as if he was a part of the "Organization...!" Sora muttered to himself. His face scrunched up with frustration, but before he did anything he waited for the figure to leave with... An apple?
Sora followed after them, leaving his basket of produce at the stand behind him as though to not catch the mysterious figure's attention. He would follow until they got to a more secluded and less populated area of the market so that he wouldn't disrupt the community or have any casualties if they did want to fight. The Organization confused Sora with their motives, but if they wanted a fight, he'd give it to them.
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Sora extended his arm and summoned his keyblade. The metal key shimmered in his hands as he readied himself for combat.
"Hey dark and skinny! What're you doing here! Haven't you already terrorized enough worlds?!"
@mischiefmodig The Organization!!!
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epilvgue Β· 5 months
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γ€Œπ”Ÿπ”žπ”«π”€ π”Ÿπ”žπ”«π”€!」- Loki was an adult, it was as simple as that. The man could go where he wanted, spend his time how he wanted, sleep the night where he wanted, but... Vash was pretty sure that it had been months since he'd properly seen or had a conversation spanning more than a couple of words with his roommate. He hadn't even so much as glimpsed the other man when he'd played that prank on him during Logus Pocus Day - all there had been was a pastry on the table when he got home from work.
Vash had gone to the Arcanus Archives, located his roommate, and now he was practically hauling the other man over his shoulder.
"C'mon, ya should sleep in a bed sometimes, y'know. And there's a lotta leftovers in th' fridge that need ta get eaten."
He didn't know about Loki, but the gunman thought that he could get used to having somewhere consistent to rest his head for the night. Even if it made him restless at the same time.
"'m sure your brother would like ta see ya around a lil' more often too."
@mischiefmodig // semi-plotted
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dragonhcrt Β· 6 months
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"Dream of heaven. The angels are calling your name."
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magnusmodig Β· 10 months
π’πŽ π‘π€π‘π„π‹π˜ πƒπˆπƒ π“π‡πˆππ†π’ πŒπ€πŠπ„ 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄 in the universe and its many realms. and even more rarely within that did the norns allow such fates to be within thor's grasp or meager control. so soon was ASGARD displaced of its throne atop the NINE REALMS did cosmic sovereign find himself displaced from his people altogether. in his hands a few rudimentary items. in his ears the ringing voice of another creature's parting sentiments.
. . . in his veins the resounding hollow of an emptiness within ; the distractingly familiar void of the wind and electric current humming throughout .... everything.
air caught in the lungs of the mighty thor. pulse skipped a beat in the breast of a man not meant for such disquiet. still did thor find that one strange thing led way to another , for the sound of another soul stepping through the opposite end of the .... ( head craned upright . against the glare of light , thor squinted. ) tower roused his mind and heart before it could be torn asunder.
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squaring his broad shoulders , thor stepped around the bend. ( &. was met with raven hair and a green cape so heart-wrenchingly asgardian that were he man of less stature thor might have just cried for joy. )
❝ loki? ❞ thor called to the brother who seemed not to see him nor sense the dawning of thor's presence. &. finding that such matters perturbed him , thor called for him again before finding his boot fell swift if only to find himself by younger brother's side. ❝ are you alright? whereβ€” ❞ a short glance around them. atmosphere , certainly. not space. ❝ where is our vessel? the STATESMAN? ❞
@mischiefmodig / it ππ„π†πˆππ’ .
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ithuriel Β· 9 months
𖀍 His reflexes aren't what they're used to be.
Standing on the second-floor balcony of his assigned housing in the Seaside Province, Aurelius is preoccupied with fiddling on his new phone when a strong breeze blows past him and through the door to the rooms within.
That isn't much of an issue; it's the sudden slam of a door further in the house that causes his fingers to twitch. His phone slips out of his grip in the process, sailing through the air before it lands with a splat on the pavement below. Fortunately, it missed hitting the skull of the dark-haired passerby out for a walk.
Leaning over the railing, Aurelius feels a rare flash of awkwardness.
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"Apologies, that was clumsy of me."
@mischiefmodig ΰ»’κ’±
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clxscdeyes Β· 2 months
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The child looks to her left and then she looks to her right. There's a feeling in the air, cold and chilling prickling at the back of her neck. She exhales softly and steps forward. She'll mold a rather sloppy orb of water into thin air. It really tries to stay afloat, but it's struggling. It doesn't matter though, because she's about to splash it at
And with enough force, the water orb comes barreling right at the man hidden. Sorry, Loki!
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fellstcr Β· 3 months
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tea time with byleth / @mischiefmodig /accepting ! ↳ [ WHY NOT? ]: The sender prepares some tea for both themself and the receiver, not out of any great need or want, but because their default setting is making tea and frankly they can't see any harm in it either way.
βš”οΈ // the coarse scratching of pen on paper filled the air as byleth filed through a stack of paperwork that much desired her attentions. for loki , that meant he was allowed to be left MOMENTARILY UNSUPERVISED. at least , as much as he could be. the mandatory security cuff around his wrist would hardly allow him the clearance to get very far should he attempt to escape while byleth was on the clock.
still , she had allowed him to take the time for himself while she attended to her duties. so , when the scent of freshly brewed elder-flower tea wafted through the air , byleth found herself surprised to find he had in his hands two styrofoam cups. one in his hand , and the other being deposited onto her desk.
". . ."
perhaps it was truly silly to think , that she was not yet used to loki odinson being kind . . .
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"thank you."
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aevummarket Β· 9 months
Hellooo I would like to Rank up Loki Odinson of the MCU from the Forged Rank to the Arden Rank. His stats page (/s) and threads page (/th) can be found on the bar under Stats. or in the navigation. The date is 12/27
Your experiences have led you to deeper ties in this world. Young Echo, may you cherish them well.
Congrats! Your muse, LOKI ODINSON has ranked up to Ardent Rank! You know have the following benefits:
Access to Tier 2 of the marketplace
200 emblems per Activity Check
All other benefits listed on the Ranks Page.
β€” Mod Leillis 🌸
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