#(I apologize for the handwriting‚ I've been doing a lot of typing lately and I'm wrapping my wrist rn)
ardenrosegarden · 1 year
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henri's journal pages are so fascinating to unpack i love him <3
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Dangerous admirrer
a/n: it's the end of the day for me but i give you this. (oh and please can you send me some sam arias fic, if you find it, please?)
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*not my GIF*
Sam Arias x Speedster!Reader; Ruby Arias x Female!Reader (platonic); Alex Danvers x Female!Reader
Summary: after a bad mission a certain you gain an admirer
Type: Fluff
Warning: mention of dead poeple (Reign is not soft)
word count: ~1297
You recently moved on with your girlfriend, Samantha, and her daughter, Ruby. The little girl liked you a lot and was overjoyed when her mother announced her.Everything was very peaceful; to be honest, since you became who you are now, the two girls have been your safe haven. Even if you could run fast, you wished you could pause time whenever you were with them.But recently something felt wrong, and Sam seemed strange; it all started when she said she would go on a trip, but when she came back, she didn't remember. At first, you thought she was just tired, but things like this happened more, and the cherry on top was a new villain, a Kryptonian named Reign.
Today, Sam promised you she would be home early to spend the evening with you and Ruby, so you waited for her even if her daughter was too exhausted and went to sleep. It was past midnight when she came back. She was sound and safe, but something was weird; she seemed disconnected. "Sam?" you asked, and she looked at you puzzled.
"Y/n, what are you doing up? It's late," she said.
"I know, I've been waiting for you for like 3 hours," you replied dryly. She examined your angry face, then her eyes traveled to the table when she saw an empty champagne bottle. Thankful for your speedster's metabolism, you don't get drunk easily.
"Did I forget something?" she asked shyly, and you scuffed,
"Did you—are you okay, Sam?" you asked, annoyed by her attitude.
"Are you angry?" she asked carefully.
"Me? No, but her, yes" you replied, and she looked to the staires "She waited for you. You promised to be here tonight, Sam, not just for us but also for her. Honnestly I wouldn't be mad if it just missed a date, but we talk about Ruby." you said, and despite all your effort, she could hear the anger in your tone
"I'm sorry, Y/n I swear. It's just been so chaotic lately that I'm not sure what happened." She explained that while she took a step toward you, but you took a step back.
"I'm not the one to whom you should apologize," you replied, and you started to walk to your shared bedroom. She followed you, but she was confused when she saw you take a blanket and a pillow and leave the room.
"Where are you going, love?" she asked, and her voice cracked
"I have to work early tomorrow; I'll sleep on the couch until you talk with her. Good night, Samantha," you replied, and you headed to the living room.
The next morning, when Sam woke up, she was met by cold sheets by her side. She looked at the clock: 8:37 a.m. 'Shit' she thought. She quickly prepared herself, made her way to the kitchen, and found a note on the counter:
'I dropped Ruby at school. You can pick her up if you want to apologize. Good day, Samy'
She smiled at herself when she recognized your handwriting; of course you were upset with her, but it was the first time you called her Samy since she came back last night. Fortunately for you, Sam freed her sheldush and spent the afternoon with Ruby. On their way home, they decided to buy pizza—a lot of pizzas. It's not easy to calm the appetite of a speedster. At home, Ruby turned on the TV, and she quickly called her mom.
"From the information we received, the superhero Purple Lighting had been attacked by three men. She's not in danger, but her doctor is concerned about her health, and Supergirl appears to be nowhere after her defeat against Reign last night," the journalist said. Sam started to worry; she knew you were able to heal faster than any other human, but from the pictures they show, they didn't miss you.
Ruby noticed her mom was crying when her phone rang. She held it up to her mom and muttered, 'It's Alex'.
"Alex, tell me she's okay now," she demanded.
"She'll be fine; we'll bring her in two hours, don't worry. She could be a little fuzzy, but it's okay, she's alright." Alex replied. Two hours later, she kept her promise, and you were with your two favorite girls again.
"Hey girls, I'm home," you exclaimed when you came back. They broke your leg, some limbs, and your left wrist.
"Y/n!" Ruby greeted you with a hug, but of course she made sure not to touch your bandages.
"Hi, little princess. I missed you too," you replied while you ran your hand over her hair. Sam walked just after, and she started to cry. "Hey Samy. I'm sorry," you apologized. She shook her head and hugged you just after her daughter stepped aside. Her grip was firmer than usual, but that didn't bother you. You knew she was worried, so it was okay.
"I thought you were dead," she confessed. "Oh no, Arias, you should do more than that if you want to kill me," you said as you caressed her cheek. "And I can't leave you now; I have to marry you and cry with you when Ruby goes off to college," you joked. And the little Arias gasped.
"Wait, did you just?" she asked. and you played the dumb
"What? I don't know what you're talking about," you said, and she laughed. During your interaction with Ruby, you didn't note that her mother's eyes turned darker for a moment and she was focusing on your heartbeat to make sure you were okay. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," you exclaimed, and they led you to the couch. You spent the night with your favorite girls; Sam made up for the last night, and you were happy to see the smile on Ruby's face.
A few hours later, your girlfriend assisted you in cleaning, changing your clothes, and cleaning everything in your room. "Hey Samy baby, please come rest with me," you pouted, and she smiled,
"OK." She made her way to the bed and lied beside you. She examined your wounds. "Is it painful now?" she asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, but don't worry, tomorrow I will be alright again." You kissed her. "Now come, I need to cuddle to forget this awful day," you whispered, and she carefully placed you on top of her. "I love you, Sam," you said softly.
"I love you too Y/n. Now rest," she said quietly, and you were fast asleep a few minutes later.
The next morning, you were woken up by your phone. You looked at the screen; it was Alex at 9 a.m.
"Hey Alex." You said,
"Sorry to bother you, but we have an update for the guys from yesterday." She replied,
"Oh," you were now fully awake. "Tell me, who are they?"
"That's the problem. We found their clothes and their weapons, but we didn't find them. At least not in one piece. It seems like Reign just burned them with her heat vision," she said, and you felt a knot in your throat.
"But why?" you asked, confused. "Since she destroyed Supergirl, why would she avenge another vigilante?" You added,
"We don't know, but I will call you if I have more information." She said, and she hung on.
You were about to leave when you noticed a note on the bed on Sam's side.
'It was just a threat for anyone who would want to attack you again ;)'
You frowned your eyebrows, and on the right corner, you noticed Reign's logo. You let out a nervous chuckle.
"So, does a Kryptonian who annihilated Kara seem to have a soft spot for me?" you asked no one, "Oh sh*t Y/n, you'll be in trouble."
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inblazes · 3 months
Dear Son, The only reason this letter must be finding you is that I am gone. Most likely dead and for that I apologize. Know that I wouldn't have left you or Kaeya if I could help it, if Miss Adelinde gave this to you would be a surprise, yet she had grown curious after some time. But apologies for what this box may hold within it. A lot of my past sits in here, along with this letter you are reading now.
With my Demise will come many a face coming to the door, some you may know some you may not - don't question them much as much as I know you will want to. The less you know the better, the less you answer their own questions too will be safer for you, Kaeya, and Mondstadt as a whole in the long run. As Calvery Captain you must put the people first, and your curiosity second. Even if you never receive the answers you wish to know.
What I can tell you, which must never leave this letter or your lips, is that The Doctor used to be my colleague. I used to be the Eleventh of the Fatui's Harbingers. Whether he has weaseled his way to killing me one way or another would make sense, if that is how it came to an end for me. Or that the .. Delusion had.
Don't use it. I only use it when I have to now, considering the damage it has already caused myself in the long term, the mistakes and destruction caused by myself with it on my hand since I was gifted the thing by Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, back in the day. If you can help it do not use it, you've your vision. That alone should be enough to help you protect those you need to, to help your brother perform the duties of Knights of Favonious.
I'm telling you all this as I've clearly had no time in your adulthood to explain this to you as much as I wanted to. It's been too dangerous, and becoming more so with the Fatui within the city as of late. More seem to grow comfortable within the city walls. Keep eyes on them. There's more I would've loved to disclose but ... I cannot. The view of Her should never find your back, if you can manage that much I think I would've done a good job in raising you --- or that Kaeya has the sense and wherewithal to pull you back from something so utterly suicidal.
Please know that i'm proud of you. Always have been. Since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I couldn't remain where I was, your birth was something special and provided me the strength to leave and go against what I had helped built. You bring forth a type of Dawn with your smile that not many can.
I hope you can forgive the lies. The truth of what I have been attatched to before you. If you cannot I understand, but even if you curse my name in death know that I still love you and always will.
Be good.
Best regards,
Sire Crepus Ragnvindr, Master of the Dawn Winery.
For years, that letter had gone unread -- stashed away in a lockbox filled with the rest of Diluc's closest treasures. Seashells, jewellery, childhood drawings, letters, pressed flowers, paintings, and photographs of days long gone.
Like his father's funeral, he had never been ready to face it head-on: actively avoided it and refused to acknowledge its existence.
Out of sight, out of mind, so they say.
One day, the young master told himself ( when he was willing to try and move on and make peace with what had happened to their family ) he would read the final words that his father had left for him, and begin to try to heal from the pain of being bereft of his beloved parent.
Except that what he found within the contents of that letter deeply disturbed him. He couldn't have possibly seen it coming... And as he sat, ready to try and let go of the past as his eyes scrolled through every line of handwriting, he felt his heart break anew. Each and every wish his father had held for him, he'd heartbreakingly failed to achieve in one way or another.
Worse still came the news that Crepus was a Fatuus -- and not just some lowly pawn on the bottom rung of the ladder, but the Tsaritsa's former Eleventh. A colleague of Dottore's. It blindsided him similarly to Kaeya's confession on that fateful night, his hands feeling numb as he grips the letter in hand with force, wrinkling it at its edges.
He was the son of a Harbinger, and the shame that came with it was one so deep that he was instant in the action that he took to denounce that shameful stain upon their family name.
It had taken him so long to be able to look upon his father's belongings and feel something other than grief. Now that same hurt resurges all over again, coupled with disgust, as he abandons that accursed letter upon the surface of his desk to erase any trace of him from the manor's walls.
Diluc tears through the home like a whirlwind -- frantic in his efforts to tear down every painting, every photograph... Not even the family portrait was allowed to stay, clattering down to the ground as its frame was torn from the wall in an impulsive rage.
If that was the late master's legacy -- what the Ragnvindr clan represented in this day and age, then he didn't want it any longer.
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Your Louis/Armand headcanons my goddd you get them so well 🤌🏼 despite the fact that they built Trinity Gate together and lived there for over a decade I’ve always seen them as more of an Upstate couple yk, the poster boys of cottage core/sad girl autumn, all cozy sweaters and giant scarfs and piles of books and fireplace cuddles. To their Upstste neighbors they’re this impossibly beautiful gay couple with a slight age difference (not the kind of age difference that would really get people talking though). The auburn haired one is a little standoffish at times and the brunette one has to pull him by the arm so they can say hi to the neighbors during their nightly walks. Louis insists they leave housewarming gifts by their neighbors’ doors whenever someone new moves in (it’s usually an apple crumble pie they get at Trader Joe’s, with a little card in Louis’ handwriting). Armand rolls his eyes at first but he secretly loves and craves the attention people give him and Louis together (“see Lestat? You’re not the only one turning heads with him by your side”). People start noticing they don’t really talk to each other a lot and seem to communicate with looks which they think is incredibly romantic but really it’s just them quoting erotic literature bangers back and forth in their heads . It’s the type of thing they don’t have the opportunity to do with their disaster blonds so they make the most of it whenever they’re together. Them getting away from all the noise and the people and the expectations and just having the opportunity to decompress together in a little (ridiculously expensive and meticulously designed ofc) Upstate love nest is my JAM 🥹 xoxo DA 💋
Awww DA, always so nice to see you! 🥰 I apologize for taking a minute—I've been outside roasting like a little lizard now that summertime has arrived here on the East Coast (apparently... I don't question it).
YES you get it, they're such an autumn couple! A 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom-friend of the maturing sun' (Keats; Louis would approve imo).
Armand and Daniel to me are much more summer, with humid late nights, beaches, and just the exciting highs of life. Lestat and Armand are spring, I think... renewal, rebirth, and hope (literally if we think about what Lestat represents to Armand).
It's so funny to consider how much practice Louis and Armand must have blending in, like I wonder what their neighbors on the Upper East Side think of them... what's the cover story there?
Louis is such a gentleman, he would so be the one introducing himself to the entire village! (Because rumors get started real quick in those sleepy little towns where not much happens, best to nip it in the bud). LMAO at the age difference 😭 Louis probably skates right under the radar at an entire twenty-five years old (RIP, Danny). Armand deserves to have Louis be his trophy husband from time-to-time, and in a childish sort of way, it soothes some of his insecurities that must stem from knowing their kind sees Louis as Lestat's consort first and foremost.
PLEASE tell me more about this erotic telepathic foreplay. 👀 I'm not ready or maybe I am for Louis to go all James Joyce on Armand (iykyk, otherwise shush) but he must've made him blush at least once right over the Headless Horseman Bridge. 🥹
*btw thought you might be into the L/A/D snippet I posted last week 💖 I'm a disgrace and don't have anything new to share since, but I hope to get back to it after banging out a kink meme prompt rip
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