#Henri‚ grabbing him by the shoulders: HOW MUCH DOES HE KNOW?!
ardenrosegarden · 1 year
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henri's journal pages are so fascinating to unpack i love him <3
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not-magdi · 11 months
(Not so) Quiet Evenings
Summary: Lando is alone with his son for the first time
Warnings: None, just so high risk of a baby fever
Words: 1.1k
I wanted to thank you for 1k notes on Little Update. So I wrote another dad!lando to thank all of you! <3
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(I wanted to put a picture with him and a baby here but this was way too cute to not post❤️)
Carmen and Lily invited you to a small baby-free get-together. Nothing too big, just the three of you sitting together, relaxing and letting loose for a bit.
This whole thing was actually Lando's idea. He wanted to get you out of the house for a bit, sensing that you needed a little break from being a mama bear.
So he asked Lily if she could invite you over to catch up and keep your mind off of things a little. Of course, she said yes, already starting to plan the second Lando asked her. 
So now the Brit is sitting on the couch, watching you rush through the apartment to grab everything you need.
"Baby, you're gonna be fine, trust me. It's just Lily and Carmen."   
Halting your movements, you turn to him, your phone in one hand and your keys in the other. 
"I know it's just I want this to be perfect. It's been so long since I went out."
Lando stands up and makes his way over to you, stopping right in front of you. 
"You're going to be ok. Enjoy your night. Me and the little muppet are going to have a great night."
Lando strokes your arms, kissing your head to calm you down. 
"Speaking of the little muppet." You turn around and grab a piece of paper from the shelf behind you. "I wrote you a little list so you don't get overwhelmed by being alone."
Lando takes the paper and reads through the different points. 
Try to feed him before bed. So he sleeps a little bit longer( milk is already in the bottle) 
Bath him (use the blue and the green bottles on the sink) 
If he gets fussy, play the F1 intro. (Works every time!)   
Try to get him to bed around 7:30 p.m. 
You're going to do great. You're a super dad, and I believe in you. 
"Aww, you're cute." 
Wrapping his arms around you, he wishes you a lovely evening and practically pushes you out the door. 
Now, standing alone in the quiet apartment, a feeling of nervousness creeps up in his body. He grips the list you gave him a little tighter and makes his way into his son's room. 
Gently opening the door, he smiles at his son's sleeping figure, cuddled up in his little cot. Lando walks into the room, approaches his son and gently takes him into his arms.
Henry wakes up and looks at his dad with his adorable big blue eyes, cuddling himself into Lando's shoulder. 
Lando strokes his back to settle little Henry in his arms again, feeling the soft material of his little bear pyjamas between his fingers. 
"Well, hello there, little man. Slept well?" He asks, earning himself a happy gurgle. 
"I take that as a yes." 
He carries Henry into the living room, asking him all sorts of questions on the way.
"You also think that nobody needs fish, right? Say nothing if you agree."
Hearing complete silence from the sleeping baby in his arms, he looks down to find Henry in a deep slumber again. He laughs a little at how much they already have in common, being able to sleep everywhere. 
The two continue to cuddle for a bit. Lando tells him all sorts of stories until he feels Henry getting restless on his chest. 
"You getting hungry, little bud?" 
Henry lets out a whine, grabbing the shirt he lays on with his little fists. Lando strokes his back to settle him again, and stands up to grab a bottle from the kitchen. 
"How does Y/N do that?" 
In the kitchen, he currently tries to heat the bottle while holding the baby in his arms, which turns out to be more complicated than he thought, with a squirming baby in his arm.  
"How about- no, that's not going to work." 
"And if I just- nope, also not." 
After some time, he finally figured it out. He stuck Henry into his hoodie and held him with one hand while he prepared the bottle with the other.  
Now, he is sitting in your bathroom waiting for the water to be the perfect temperature. 
Let's say feeding didn't go quite as planned. The food was everywhere except Henry's mouth, on the floor, on Henry, the curtains, but mainly on Lando. 
So, now that both of them needed a bath, he decided to kill two birds with one stone. 
The water is warm enough now, so he grabs little Henry and climbs into the tub. The warmth engulfs their bodies as he lays down. 
"Yeah, that's better. Admit it, you just wanted to bathe with me."
Henry gives his dad a toothless smile and splashes him with water. Lando giggles at his son's antics and grabs the soap to start washing him. 
After he washed himself and the baby, he got both of them dressed. They are both dressed in matching quadrant hoodies, something Max gifted him as Henry was born. 
Land decides the world needs to see how unbelievably cute he and Henry look, so he takes a picture and posts it on his story. 
Millions of messages arrive to him in a matter of minutes, but he ignores them and makes his way over to Henry's little nursery. He is fighting to keep his little eyes open, so Lando decides it is time for him to call it a night. 
The second he lays him down in his crib, he starts to whine, not liking the loss of his father's warmth one bit. 
So Lando picks him up again, walks to the living room and sits on the couch. 
"You don't want to sleep yet, do you?" 
He coos at him and bounces up and down to settle Henry a little. Happy to be in his dad's arms again, he settles back down and closes his eyes. 
"Oh, so now you wanna sleep? Little evil genius, you got that from your mom." 
Not wanting to wake him up, Lando decides to stay on the couch and watch some TV until Henry is sleeping deep enough. It doesn't take long for Lando to doze off, one hand on his son's back and the other under his butt, having him in a safe grip. 
And that's exactly how you found them two hours later, cuddled up on the couch, the TV playing in the background.   
Smiling to yourself, you take out your phone and take a picture of the two of them, definitely posting that later. But for now, you walk up to them and cuddle yourself to your perfect little family.   
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erodasfishtacos · 7 months
hiiii guys.
this is my new trope on patreon. there are 6 more parts available on there and more updates to come. You can subscribe for $3USD a month here
YN doesn't know why she thought that a hockey game of all things would make her feel any better about her breakup with Adam.
YN really can’t imagine that anything will lessen the sour taste of her high school sweetheart getting another girl pregnant.
All YN had known was Adam which she was now realizing how much she had been missing out on experiencing through her earlier twenties.
While Adam snuck around behind her back to experiment, hook-up, and do whatever else with other woman.
YN, unfortunately, only knew Adam intimately.
YN always knew that had been lackluster, always more to desire because he chased his own needs and very rarely helped her reach her own pleasure.
It was bittersweet.
There’s a massive relief that she doesn’t have to imagine her entire life with him and open it to new possibilities.
However, the hurt that came with his infidelity still ached enough that she sometimes physically felt her chest twinge.
A hockey game with a few of her close friends.
Her best friend, April, worked for the arena which meant that she was able to secure pretty close-to-the-ice tickets for a fourth of the price.
As they sat down, a few of them had already had a drink or two in them, and YN didn’t want to mix alcohol with a broken heart so she stuck to a soda instead.
After they’ve filed into their seats, YN was at the one end of her group which meant the chair next to her would be filled by another attendee.
She didn’t think anything of it, leaning across her friend Henry to chat to April, her back towards the empty seat.
YN does not realize that someone is trying to sit down until someone bumps her in the back with their elbow, not hard enough to hurt but enough that YN glances back.
“Sorry for that,” The most gorgeous man she’s ever seen apologizes, a big genuine smile that makes dimples pop in his cheeks, “Got my hands full.”
And he did, he managed to carry three bottles of beer by the neck in one hand, his other filled with a tray of food.
His friends follow shortly after, tugging the beers one by one out of his hand until he can sit down comfortably with his carton of food on his lap.
“It’s okay,” YN assures him, trying to not make it too obvious that she’s giving him a sneaky once over because damn.
He was in a pair of well fitting jeans, a shirt that looked vintage but hugged his broad shoulders tight, looser as it tapered down.
The man continues to smile at her as his friends appear to be quite a rowdy group in comparison to him as they settle in.
“You’re pretty,” The stranger tells her, no shame in his words but not much meaning because he’s already turning back towards his friends like he didn’t just rock her world.
YN questions whether she heard it right because did he just call her pretty?
She tries desperately not to hyper focus on it like a schoolgirl with a crush but it’s hard when his shoulders are so broad, his biceps were built.
It was impossible for their bodies not to be frequently touching.
YN attempts to focus on her friends until the game starts, having to face forward and not be able to have her back to the man.
“You want a fry?” The stranger asks randomly after a few moments.
YN assumes that he’s talking to a friend until he nudges her with an elbow, “Do you want a fry or a chicken strip?”
YN normally wouldn’t accept food from someone she didn’t know but their dinner had been disgusting and inedible which meant her stomach was rumbling.
He’s offering the basket up to her, letting her pick out a fry, and his smile was still just plaster on his face as he watched her.
“Thank you,” YN replies after she’s finished it, giving him more of an unsure grin back.
“Help yourself,” He tells her casually before he’s placing the basket between them so she could grab a fry or strip more easily.
This was weird.
After a few minutes, YN hesitantly plucks up another fry, and the man next to her doesn’t acknowledge that she’s eating out of his basket at all.
When YN’s hand hits paper, she looked down in utter embarrassment, “Oh my god. I am so sorry. I didn’t even realize that I was eating all your food.”
The guy looks over at her for a moment, confused until he glances down at the basket balanced on his leg, and then back to her.
“I’ll go grab you another one right now-“
YN moves to stand up and his hand lightly comes to her shoulder to keep her sat, his expression is somewhat unreadable, somewhat amused.
“I offered them to you? Why are you apologizing?”
“You didn’t offer for me to eat the whole basket,” YN points out with a heat in her cheeks, this was embarrassing.
“Are you still hungry? I could go grab more,” He asks easily, it wasn’t a jest or teasing, he was being a hundred percent serious.
If YN would have ate Adam’s food, he would have demanded she go immediately to get more and then bring it up for the rest of the night too.
This man, who was unfairly attractive but more than that, suspiciously nice even though it didn’t come off as creepy or predatory.
“I’m good. Thank you for asking. I’m sorry again,” YN apologizes again for good measure as she picks anxiously at her thumb.
“No apology needed,” He shakes his head with a laugh as he puts the empty remnants on the ground in front of him and swigs from his beer.
YN has to keep her eyes on the ice, she is much too focused on every time his shoulder brushes or his knee knocks in hers because he has to spread his legs an ungodly amount.
There was no conversation between them until another attendee who was further into the middle row was attempting to exit by their side.
The man was a bit wobbly, there was surely a lot of alcohol running through his system and he wasn’t being careful.
He trips over his own feet, over the debris on the ground, and rumbles right on top of YN who yelps in surprise.
The man next to her is quick to action, standing up and tugging the guy back up so that he was standing off his feet.
He was visibly annoyed with the drunk, voice sharp as he warns, “Watch where you’re fucking walking, mate. You could have hurt her.”
The guy mumbles an apology before staggering up the stairs, most likely to get more alcohol.
“Thank you,” YN says once again to him, adjusting her top and brushing off the pants of her leg, heart still pounding.
“Harry, bro. Johnson almost scored!” One of his friends pats his arm excitedly.
Well, Harry gives her that signature smile before biting the corner of his lip, and his eyes stay on her a moment longer than acceptable before going back to his friends.
When a commercial break cuts, towards the end of the game, it’s the crowd's favorite time.
The kiss cam.
YN doesn’t think much of it, she’s not with anyone nor loving up on someone.
And it’s an area with fifty-thousand people, it’s next to impossible for her to-
But then her friends are squealing, shoving at her to look towards the Jumbotron, and there she is, projected on the screen.
The frame is decorated with corny swirling pink hearts, balloons popping, and most importantly bold letters that read, ‘KISS CAM’.
In the frame with her, however, is Harry.
As if they were a couple.
His friends must point it out to him because he’s glancing at the screen before he’s making eye contact with her.
Boldly, wildly, he grins and asks, “Can I kiss you?”
YN boldy, wildly nods ‘yes’.
He leans into her space then, big hands coming up to cup her face, and he pulls her into a kiss with an intensity that’s unwarranted but welcomed.
YN can feel her heartbeat in her throat, blood rushing through her ears, and her hand trembling when she wraps her fingers around his wrist.
It’s not chaste.
No, Harry is swiping his tongue against her bottom lip as the crowd goes absolutely insane, roaring and hooting.
Not to mention their friends.
At some point, the camera finds a new couple but YN is positive that they’ve kissed for much longer than they were on the screen before they both pull back.
His lips are puffy, pink, and his eyes are intent on her.
YN feels like panting and her heart jumps when he leans back in for another kiss, a shorter, more sweet one but his hand is grounding on her jaw.
“I’m Harry.”
“YN,” She smiles back at him, her hand still gripping onto him and he doesn’t seem to mind one bit as they just can’t take their eyes off each other.
“Would you want to get out of here?” Harry asks brazenly, hopefully as he appears like he wants to devour her.
YN who’s never been a risk-tasker, who’s never had a hook-up, or anyone other than Adam finds herself agreeing, “Yeah, I do.”
part ii
After Harry had opened his apartment door, the arousal and excitement has warped into a trembling nervousness.
What the fuck did a random hookup look like?
YN didn’t even know if she was good at sex because Adam only had a few trusty positions that he liked.
Harry locks the door behind them, the apartment is small but cozy and clean, it smells like his cologne and the lighting is just right for the mood.
He steps up behind her, leaning down to kiss her neck, and his hands on her hips, bigger and stronger than anything she’s ever felt before.
“Do you need anything first? Bathroom, food, water?” He asks against her skin, he was forward in the way that he was already pressing his hips into her backside.
YN shakes her head, trying to keep up, “No, thank you.”
Harry laughs softly, lips smooth against her pulse, “So polite. Let me know if that changes, baby.”
They just met and it sounded sincere, not like a corny pickup line.
Harry moves in front of her, not once ounce of shyness as he crosses his arms over his chest and tugs his shirt up and off.
He was ripped.
Surprisingly so, not that he didn’t look fit with his shirt on but YN wasn’t expecting him to have abs, a sharp vee cutting towards his groin, nor the defined muscle near his ribs.
He looks like he walked out of a magazine.
Was she being pranked?
YN didn’t think this could possibly be real life where the most handsome man she’d ever seen was stripping for her.
He moves towards his jeans, unbuckling his belt, and shimmying them off his narrow hips before kicks them to the side.
Just in his briefs and socks, his groin was prominent, and YN’s heart lurches at that because she’s only taken Adam who was a little below average in size.
His wasn’t average, she could tell from here.
A nervous flip of arousal churns in the bit of her stomach, she wanted this man so much that she felt like clenching her thighs together.
Harry’s brow knife in concern when he notices YN stood like a statue, just staring at him, and making no effort to move.
“Is everything okay?” Harry checks cautiously, stepping towards her but not touching her as he looks unsure.
Fuck, she was embarrassed again.
“Uh, ye-yeah,” Her voice cracks like a boy going through puberty, “Just my first time.”
Harry’s eyes widen in alarm, startled, “Oh fuck, I would have done shit different if I knew that you’ve never-“
YN realizes she could have used much better wording and waves her hand, “No no, I’m not a virgin. I just got out of a long-term relationship. I’ve only ever been with him. This is my first time…just randomly hooking up with someone.”
A relieved smile crosses Harry’s face, “Shit, baby. I’m glad you chose me. How could someone let you go? Prettiest face I’ve ever seen, cutest set of tits too.”
“I just might not be the best but,” YN shrugs sheepishly, this has to be the most mortifying experience ever.
“Don’t be worried ‘bout a thing,” Harry assures her as he steps forward, “Now I gotta give it my all to prove m’better than your ex.”
YN decides to take a step out of her comfort zone, reaching forward to grip him through the cotton of his briefs, and he fills her whole hand.
“You weren’t going to give it your all before?” YN teases, feeling her confidence grow by the moment as she moves to thumb over the sensitive head.
“Fuck,” He curses under his breath, eyes meeting hers under his lashes, “I was always going to, baby.”
“Mhm,” YN hums, not convinced as he twitches in her palm, easy for her already.
“Gotta get you naked, my room,” Harry’s breathing is heavier as he reaches out for her hand, guiding her towards his bedroom.
Once they’re in, it’s surprisingly big, and has a comfortable looking king-sized bed that was actually made nicely.
“Please,” YN hears him asks after a moment of her being distracted, “Let me undress you. I’m fuckin’ dying to see you.”
YN can’t help but look over his body once more and she knew she was nothing in comparison to his athletic build.
However, pushing the insecurity down, she nods with a smile for him to undress her.
It was worth the nerves.
By the time she’s down to just her panties, Harry is groaning as he acts like he’s never seen anything better in his life.
“Knew you’d have the cutest set of tits I’ve ever seen,” Harry rumbles as he ducks down to cup them in his big palms, mouth wrapping around one and sucking.
It felt amazing.
Adam didn’t pay any attention to her body when they had sex, never had, and it did feel like her first time in a way.
She wouldn’t want it with anyone else but Harry.
His hand trails from her breast down her belly, fingers dipping into the front of her cotton underwear.
“Fuck, wait,” YN reaches down to hold his wrist, cheeks warm, “You don’t have to.”
Harry pulls his mouth back from her chest, frowning as he stands up straight again, “Do you not like that?”
“It’s not that, I just haven’t you know…” YN trails off, hoping that he would catch on.
He doesn’t.
“You haven’t….” Harry repeats back, he was still soft and gentle, unhurried and patient with her as she hesitated.
YN looks past his right ear as she replies, “I haven’t shaved in a while. We’ve been broken up for a few months and I haven’t maintained-“
Harry is letting out a humored snort, leaning forward to kiss her quiet before he’s kneeling down in front of her, mouth laying wet kisses on her belly.
“Baby, you’re insane if you think I mind hair. Anyway, I can get your pussy is fine by me. I like it, knowing I’m the first to have you like this in a while,” Harry replies, voice scratchier as his arousal grows, and his lips stay on her hip as he tugs the underwear down her legs.
Adam would refuse to have anything to do with her if she wasn’t freshly shaven.
Not shaving for the past few months had felt like the most freeing experience, she hadn’t ever thought she would be randomly having a hookup or she would have shaved.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Harry groans when he finally gets a look at her, his thumb coming up to smooth down the downy curls that were lightly dusting her pubic bone.
“Harry,” YN giggles anxiously, “You don’t have to act like -“
“Can I get my mouth on you?” Harry cuts her off, his eyes were glued to her center, where his thumb was pressing between her folds to nudge at her clit.
YN raises her eyebrow in surprise.
Adam had rarely done that, maybe five times total in their entire relationship, and YN never requested it because it didn’t feel good enough to want it again.
“If you want,” YN breathes out, still in a bit disbelief that this man was kneeling in front of her, asking to put his mouth if her.
“If I want,” He chuckles with a shake of his head before his hands are gripping his hips a bit firmer and keeping her still.
He doesn’t waste another moment, burying his face into her center, nose bumping against the curls on her mound as his tongue swipes through the split of her.
Harry knows what he’s doing.
His lips find her clit in seconds flat but he’s grunting at her, communicating without taking his mouth off of her, and shoulders her legs apart wider.
YN reaches for balance, finding his hair as something perfect to weave her fingers into, and hold steady.
He then just casually, again refusing to take his mouth away, hefts one of her thighs over his shoulder, and makes it possible to lick even deeper.
“Harry,” YN moans kittenishly, a sound she’s never heard out of her own mouth as she tugs harshly at his hair.
He lets out his own moan between sucks and licks, nose buried in the curls, and he’s taking heavy breathes because of his refusal of air.
YN has had orgasms when she had sex with Adam, occasionally, and with her own fingers.
This was the first time someone other than herself made her come.
Holy shit, it was life-changing.
“M’close,” YN warns but by the time she gets the words out, she’s throwing her head back and bucking her hips into his mouth as she rides it out.
His hands move to grip her ass hard, bruising enough as he pushes her as close as possible to help her feel it for as long as possible.
YN realizes just how much she was tugging his hair when her fingers ache, unwinding them as she pants, “I’m sorry. I pulled your hair so hard.”
Harry sits back on his heels, face shining as he swipes his thumb across his bottom lip before sticking in his mouth.
He was fucking obscene.
“Loved it,” Harry replies, voice raspy and deeper than ever, “You tasted just as good as you look. I think I’m in love with the bush.”
YN giggles as he helps her unwind her leg from over his shoulder, he stands up and kisses her hard.
It shouldn’t be hot that she can taste herself.
“Want to see you,” YN murmurs shyly, her fingernails trailing down his stomach, his abs twitching in response.
“Yeah, baby?” Harry goads as he watches her hand, “Hopefully it’s to your liking.”
YN takes that as permission to tug his briefs down his thighs, he was beautiful here too, unsurprisingly.
YN had experience with this.
Adam was less than half the size, not as pretty nor as thick.
It was a bit intimidating.
Harry must sense it, pressing a kiss to her lips, and huffing when she wraps her hand around him, stroking upwards.
“S’gonna fit, nice and snug, huh?” Harry whispers sweetly before he bites her bottom lip, he takes it upon himself to reach down again.
He slips in index and middle finger through her folds, crooking them up inside of her, and cursing under his breathe.
“Baby, you’re tight,” He tells her as he goes slowly, working her open as she pumps him in slow, firm strokes.
YN bites her lip, brave as she thumbs over his shiny tip, “Fuck me, please. Want it.”
“What do you like?” Harry asks as he walks them backwards to the bed, YN landing on her back and squirming up to the middle center.
“What do you mean?” YN asks between a gasp when she feels him brush against her mound, tip bumping at her folds.
“What position gets you off the best?” Harry elaborates as he peppers kisses over her collarbone, tweaking a nipple in his fingers.
“Whatever you like,” YN replies because none get her off.
Harry glances up at her, “But what position is good for you?”
“They’re all the same, aren’t they?” YN shrugs mulishly, “I don’t usually, well, I can use my fingers in any one.”
Harry looks at her like she’s grown a second head, voice sharper, “Did you ex really never make you orgasm during sex without you using your own fingers?”
YN tucks her bottom lip between her front teeth for a moment, “He said it’s easier if I just did it so yeah.”
Harry shakes his head, a scoff of disbelief, “How did he not worship this perfect little pussy, baby? I’ve never seen anything more magnificent.”
YN tries not to let the compliment go to her head, he defiently says that to every other girl he’s been with, it’s just a line.
“Your fingers aren’t going to be anywhere near your cunt tonight,” Harry rumbles as he reaches over to his night stand, rummaging until he finds a condom and rolls it over himself.
“Sweetheart, you’re drippin’ to your bum,” Harry laughs but it’s not mean, it’s fond as he has her bend her knees and spread them.
Harry paints himself up and down her entrance, hitting the heavy weight of it against her clit a few times before pressing in.
“O-oh,” YN gasps because he’s big.
It’s not painful but it is a stretch, as he makes room for himself, and he goes slowly.
He leans down, kissing her, and murmuring encouraging words to her.
Much too sweet for a causal hookup.
“Look at you, never had anyone look so pretty while taking my cock, baby.”
“See? S’room for me, hugging me perfectly.”
“Shit, darling. Never going to want to pull out, just want to stay all tucked up inside you.”
“Fuckin’ beautiful, I can’t decide whether I want to look at your pretty face or perfect pussy. M’spoiled for choice.”
“Please, please,” YN hiccups, she feels needy as he starts to put in more force behind in thrusts, and on every odd motion, he manages to hit a spot she didn’t know she had.
The spot that barreled her towards her second orgasm, nails digging to Harry’s bicep as she squeezes her eyes shut.
“Fuck, there it is, pretty baby. Come around my cock, squeezing me,” Harry lets out a low moan when he feels her walls contract around him.
YN has never come twice like that.
When Harry reaches down to press a thumb to her clit, she squeals with the overstimulation but he kisses her and assures her that she can give him one more.
YN has pathetic, fat tears streaming down her face as her third orgasm hits her.
“There we go,” Harry croons, pleased as a peach as he kisses her damp cheeks, “Came on my tongue, on my cock twice, see how good you are for me? S’all mine, right? Only cock you’ve ever come on.”
The possessiveness in his words makes her stomach flip with something good, validating that she wanted.
“Just yo-yours,” YN manages to agree through bated breath, he was pounding into her now, barreling towards his own end.
“Good girl, fuckin’ making me come for you,” He grits out, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple as he stills, pulsing inside her, “Fuckin’ hell.”
YN wakes up before Harry the next morning, quietly as a mouse slipping back into her clothes, and leaving his apartment.
Was it a shitty thing to do?
Did she do it to avoid him kicking her out after they used each other because it felt real to her and this was just plain fun for him?
Also yes.
YN guesses this is how hookups go.
four more parts are up on my patreon now :)
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pillowspace · 9 months
Fnaf au ramble yada-yada
New thought that's stuck on my mind. One of those time travel fix-it Michael AUs, except Charlie also time travelled after Pizzeria Simulator. Neither of them knows the other remembers everything, and both are too distracted trying to comprehend the sheer normalcy of their own realities to really process how different the other person's acting.
Henry's very concerned as to what's happened to his daughter, as Charlie's suddenly become much more still and quiet, lacking her typical innocent cheer. She forgets to eat or drink until Henry reminds her to, and she won't tell him why she suddenly seems so on edge all the time. She was in terrible conditions as the Marionette for years, she has no idea how she's meant to be a person again. She sits in the same room as Michael and just stares at him, and whenever she's not looking, Michael's staring at her, thinking about a strange history that no longer exists but has put a massive barrier of tension between them both.
But there's also one issue with the time travel.
Neither Charlie nor Michael can remember when any of the deaths are to happen until they're happening.
So one day, Charlie gets locked out of the pizzeria in the rain. At first she pounds on the window, but then she stops. She backs away from it. There is a powerful, suffocating dread in her chest that is so much more than just her aversion to rain, demanding her attention. Something is very, very wrong. Now becoming even more nervous, she tries to recall how she had gotten back inside the building that day.
And she realizes.
She does not have a single memory past this point.
And before a car can even turn the block, Charlie runs.
At the same time, Michael was also running. He had regained the memory of this being the day Charlie dies, and is determined to make it to her before his father can. Only to turn the corner and, sprinting as fast as he can, crash directly into Charlie who had been doing the same. Michael barely has time to regain his focus on the sidewalk before Charlie is already scrambling back up and running past him to gain more distance.
So... life successfully saved! By... herself. What changed? And why had she been running so scared if, when Michael asked, his father hadn't even seen Charlie that day...? And as time goes on for even longer, Michael slowly starts to pick up on Charlie's oddities. Out of everything, it sticks out to him that when her birthday arrives, a birthday that she had never had the chance to see before, she only makes one request:
She wants a music box.
Eventually it'll have to fall into place.
Cassidy could have also time travelled, but I'm hesitant on that because the AU might just end the second they find a fatal weapon. Then again, I could give Cassidy the added bonus of not remembering who their killer even was, so one day they just grab Evan by the shoulders like "Evan. Evan, there is an imposter among us and I have no idea who it is, I'm going to explode. Tell me if you see a murderer" and he's like "there's a WHAT?? D':"
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Pairing :Henry Cavill x reader
Warning: Daddy!DomHenry, Smut, Oral, Size Kink
Everything below the cut is NSFW I won’t lie.
Summary : Henry loves how big he looks in comparison to you. 
“On your knees.” he commands calmly. You bring yourself to the floor as he unzips his pants. He brings himself out of his underwear practically slapping you in the face as it springs free.
“Sorry.” he chuckles, fumbling to hold himself down.You laugh at the juxtaposition of his handsome face and figure, that exudes this constantly flustered personality. You know he loves seeing his size next to you.He caresses your cheek softly, then replaces his hand with his cock. You look up at him, eyes wide and innocent. 
“Open your mouth.” his voice is stern while he gently slaps himself against your face.
“You look so fucking cute like this.” he can tell his compliment perks you up and he does not stop there.
“Come now, open that pretty little mouth for daddy.” he says, tapping his member on your lips. A bit of his precum leaks onto you and he uses the tip of his cock to spread it across your lips. The sigh that leaves his body makes your heart skip. And when you part your lips slightly, he presses down with his thumb popping himself into your mouth. Your eyes widen a bit at the surprise of the expanse he takes up ,practically engaging your gag reflex. 
“Fuck that’s good babe.” he says grabbing your hair, angling your face further up so he simply fits straight into your throat. “Mmmm.good girl. Take me just like that.” he praises. You can feel your insides light up at that positive response and can’t help yourself from feeling your pussy juices drip down your leg. He extends his arm down to you, and when you move to take it he lifts you up, swinging you over his shoulder, to the bed.He sets you down much gentler than you had expected.
“Open your legs baby” he coos while hovering over you. You try to squeeze them tighter, almost embarrassed by how much you were leaking all over his bed but, he works one strong hand in between the middle of your upper thighs and spreads them before you get the chance to continue your protest. 
“It’s to big” you protest but,he hushes you. Slowly he pushes into you, deeper and deeper, letting out a low growl once he finally finds himself fully inside. 
“That’s it darling, make space for me.” he whispers. You can’t stop the noises that escape your lips as he ruts into you,complementing and praising you the whole way.
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goofygecko · 1 year
Every man gets his wish♡
William Afton x Reader oneshot
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Groping, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, praise, L- bombing, grinding, squirting
Word count: 759
William loves the way you sit in his lap and watch television with him after he tells you he had a bad day at work. He'll stroke your hair lovingly as his eyes fixate on whatever VHS movie he's chosen to watch with you to get his mind off of how much of a prude Henry was or how some sticky toddler decided to throw a tantrum in the middle of the show.
But, today was different then most days.
When William entered the house he was fuming. His heavy feet pounding against the hardwood floor and the slamming of the front door that had startled you made that fact quite apparent. You rush to the door, not wanting to piss him off anymore. As you try to help take off his jacket he grabs your wrist tightly.
"Not in the mood." He snarls, so low it could be mistaken as a growl.
"Bad day at work today I take it?" You say sweetly, doe eyes looking up at him.
"Very." He says through clenched teeth.
You nod slowly in understanding.
"Do you want to watch something on the tellie to get your mind off it or do you want to tell me what happened? I can make us some tea if you want." Your voice is soft and soothing as you speak, trying to hold onto the hand that is currently gripping your wrist.
He stays quiet for a moment, eyebrows still furrowed angrily, before a slight smirk forms on his face.
"I think you know the answer to that already." He says as he grabs onto your chin roughly to give you a kiss before making his way up the stairs.
You take that as your sign to head to the kitchen and start the kettle. Water quickly reaching a boiling point before you pour it in small cups with Will's favorite tea. Heading out to the living room you place both of the cups on the side table before sitting on your partner's lap, leaning back on him so the back of your head rests on his shoulder.
"What did you pick today?" You move your head to look up at him slightly as you speak.
"Lolita." He replies flatly.
"Really?" You say eagerly, "But I thought you hated this movie?" 
"Oh, I despise it." He chuckles darkly.
"Then why'd you choose it?" You ask skeptically.
"Because you like it." 
You smile at him, his face still scrunched slightly in anger as he watches the television. 
Around 20 minutes into the movie you feel William's hands wondering your body. He's groping and rubbing you before settling on your breast, squeezing and pinching at your soft nipples through your shirt.
"Will–? What are you d—"
"What a good girl, so willing to do anything just to please me. Fuck, I love you so much, doll.." He growls lowly in your ear before sliding one of his hands to between your clothed legs and cupping his hand over your mound, "You're so good for me."
You look down at the hand between your legs before your eyes are forcefully brought back to the television.
"Nuh-uh, baby, Keep those eyes on the movie." He teases, hot breath hitting against your neck as he grinds his palm harshly on your covered clit.
"Will.." You gasp.
"Shh, doll, watch the movie." He purrs as his hand moves under your pants, moving your panties out of the way to rub at your bare cunt. 
You try your best to hold back your moans, you really do, but when he starts to grind up against you are his fingers plunge into you it's downright impossible.
"Will— fuck — 'm gonna cum! Please let me.!" You moan and beg as he picks up the pace.
"Mngh. Yeah? Go ahead, cum all over my fingers, you deserve it." As soon as he approves your request you're being hurdled over the edge, pussy squirting and gushing juices all over his hand and your pants (:( ). 
"I love you so much! Ah-!" You whimper out as he slowly brings his fingers to a stop as you work your way down from your high. Bulge in his pants now more than prominent on your bottom. 
You almost leave the poor man with blue balls! You try to get up so you can change out of your newly-soiled pants and panties before you're quickly pulled back onto him.
"We're not done yet. I still have to show you how much I fucking love you."
Let's just say; he definitely showed you.
A/N: this is shorter than I wanted it to be! :(
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imagines4thefandoms · 2 years
Family for Christmas
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“Merry Christmas love,” Henry said kissing your shoulder as you slept. 
“No it’s too early for Christmas. It doesn’t start til 7 not 8,” you said turning your head to face your boyfriend and pulled the blanket over your head. 
“Well I hear little feet that says it’s now,” he commented hearing your son running from his room to the living room and now heading to your room.
You and Henry have been dating for 2 years now and your son loves him more than he loves you. And you know Henry adores your son. Sometime you notice Henry spends more time with Scott than he does with you which warms your heart. Scott needs a man in his life and Henry has been a great influence on your 6 year old. 
“Mommy, Henry wake up. Santa came it’s Christmas,” Scott yelled jumping on the bed landing on Henry’s stomach. 
“No Santa said we can’t open presents til 8,” you said pulling the blanket from over your head and pulling your overly energetic son into your arms. 
“No mommy, Santa didn’t say that. We open presents in the morning. It’s morning,” Scott said trying to wake you up. 
“How about we make mommy a cup of coffee and see if that will wake her up,” Henry offered pulling Scott over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. 
You rolled onto your back and watched your loving boyfriend and your son head to the kitchen to make you coffee. Henry never hesitated or was put off because you are a single mother. After he met Scott he said it didn’t bother him, he just has two best friends. Everything about how Henry is with Scott made you love him so much more but you were taking things slow for Scott’s sake. You didn’t want him to get confused or too attached incase things didn’t work out but based on the laughter in the kitchen Scott would definitely take your boyfriends side in any fight over yours. 
A few seconds later your two boys came back into the room with a giant cup of coffee with whip cream and sprinkles on top. Scott had a giant smile on his face and a bit of whip cream on the corner of his lips. 
“Oh wow, this looks amazing,” you said sitting up and taking the cup from your 6 year old. 
“I did it all by myself, Henry didn’t help at all,” Scott explained excitingly. His eye were wide with pride as he waited for you to take a sip. 
“Oh it’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had,” you said putting the cup on the night stand and pulled him into a hug.
“Really, mommy,” he asked looking up at you. 
“Oh yes, if you can make me this every morning I would never go to Starbucks ever again.”
You took another sip of the overly sweet coffee and your son jumped off the bed and grabbed Henry’s sweater that was lying on the chair in the room and threw it at you. 
“Now presents. I’ve fed the mommy monster now I want my presents…… please,” he said with a cute smile and a tilt of his head. 
“I don’t think calling the mommy monster that to her face was a smart idea,” Henry said stepping away from your son. 
“Im not a mommy monster,” you said throwing your pillow at your boyfriend.
“Yeah your a lot nicer after your have your coffee. Less monstery,” your son said standing front of your boyfriends trying to protect him. 
You laughed and threw Henry’s pillow at your son but Henry caught it before it hit him in the face. Your boyfriend picked your son up and they ran out of the room yelling for you to get up. You put on Henry’s sweater and grabbed your coffee walking out of your room into the living room. 
There were maybe 20 presents under the tree. Mostly from Santa cause you were not going to spoil you kid. Henry on the other hand could never say no to your kid so he definitely has a few gift hidden from you for Scott. Your son was hitting by the tree with a present in his lap and talking to Henry about what toy he thinks Santa brought him.  Henry was waiting for you on the couch with a fluffy blanket. 
“The sun is barely awake. I’ll give you 20 bucks if we can sleep for another hour,” you tried to bribe your son. 
“No presents, this is for you Henry,” your son said grabbing the present in his lap and brought it over to you furnace of a boyfriend. 
“Thanks buddy,” he said opening it up. 
It was a superman Christmas sweater with the big “S” on the front and a cape on the back. Scott saw it in the store the other day and kept saying he had to get it for Henry that he would love it and wear it all the time. 
“DO you like it,” Scott asked jumping up and down. 
“I love it buddy,” he said getting up off the couch and putting it on. “How do I look?”
“Super,” Scott said running and jumping into his arms. 
Scott was explaining the sweater with the symbol and the cape while you got up and grabbed a couple presents so the three of you could stay under the warm blanket. You expected all three of the presents to be for Scott but was shocked to see your name on one of them. 
“What is this,” you asked holding up your present.
“Its a gift mommy,” Scott said running over to you and pulling you onto the couch so you could open it. 
“Hen, I thought we said no gifts,” you scorned your loving boyfriend. 
“Well I got this amazing gift so,” he said standing in the superman pose. 
You laughed and shook you head at the man who was a giant child. You opened the present and inside was a pandora bracelet box. You opened it and saw it was a silver charm bracelet with S and H dangling from it. 
“Oh my god this is beautiful,” you said wiping a tear from your eye. 
“I helped pick it out mommy. S for Scott and H for Henry. When you wear it you will know we love you. So never take it off,” Scott said taking the bracelet and trying to put it on your wrist but failing. 
Henry leaned over and helped him out and watched you admire your new piece of jewelry. You kissed your sons head then stood up and pulled Henry in for a kiss. 
“I love it,” you said kissing all over his face causing a small “eww” to come from behind you. 
“Merry Christmas darling,” Henry said returning the gesture of a millions kisses getting a fake gaging sound from Scott. 
“Gross. There is no kissing on Christmas just presents,” Scott said opening his gifts. 
He got actions figures, legos to build with Henry, a switch so he could play some video games with Henry, books and nerf guns. There were no other presents under the tree but Scott held u his little finger and ran in to his room and came back out with a poorly wrapped gift with way too much tape and glue. 
“Merry Christmas Henry,” Scott said handing the gift over and taking a big step back to watch his reaction. 
Hen looked over at you but you had no idea what this gift was. He slowly opened it and saw it was a framed drawing of the three of you. You then noticed that there was a dog flying in the background which was probably Kal. 
“I drew it for you,” Scott said slowly stepping forward and making his way between you and hen. 
Once he sat down he pointed out every little detail of the photo. After he just stared up at Henry who was still silently staring at the photo. 
“You don’t like it,” Scott sadly said filling the silence trying to take the photo back. 
Henry pulled Scott into a hug and you noticed that his cheeks were wet. Henry pulled your son into his lap and kissed his head.
“I love it buddy. It’s an amazing picture of all the people I love,” Henry reassured as he kissed Scott head again. 
“You really like it,” Scott said happily looking up at him. 
“Yes, it’s the most important thing I own now. I’m going to take it with me everywhere I go so I know I have the two most amazing people waiting for me.”
“I love you Henry,” Scott said wrapping his little arms around Hen’s neck.
“I love you too, buddy.”
You left those two to play with the new toys while you started getting ready for Christmas dinner at your parents. You were in the kitchen making a few things and just listening to Henry explain to Scott how to play some game. While the food was being set aside in the fridge to be cooked at your parents house you noticed it was almost 8 am and decided to start making breakfast. 
“Scotty what do you want for breakfast,” you asked looking in the fridge making a mental note of what you had and what you needed to get when you go to the store in a couple of days. 
“Get dressed,” you heard Henry said walking into the kitchen and closing the fridge. 
“Where are we going,” you asked before making sure Scott wasn’t looking then kissed Henry. 
“I’m taking you guys to breakfast. So you don’t tire yourself with cooking so much today.” 
“But I don’t wanna,” you whined thinking about wearing actually clothes this early on Christmas. 
“Grab a pair of my sweatpants and meet me and Scott in the car in 5 minutes,” he warned slapping you ass. 
Scott was waiting by the door with one of his non-superman action figures and his coat and rain boots. You gently slapped Henry’s chest and went to your room to do just at he said. When you finished getting dress Henry and Scott where already in the car jamming out to Christmas music. 
“Mommy do I have to sit in my car seat i’m a big boy. This is for babies,” he complained sitting next to the car seat. 
“How far away is the restaurant,” you asked looking at Henry. 
“8 minutes tops,” he replied. 
“Ok but you sit right and sit back. I’ll have to get you a booster seat later,” you said placing your hand on Henry’s thigh trying not to cry cause your baby is growing up. 
Henry waited til he was sure Scott was buckled and sitting right to start the car. You noticed out of the corner of your eye that every so often he would look in the rear view mirror to make sure Scott was siting right. Henry held your hand as Christmas music played and Scott was in the back playing. It wasn’t long til Henry pulled into the IHop parking lot. As soon as Scott saw we were at his favorite restaurant he started leaning forward and jumping in his seat.
“Scott buddy you need to sit still. I know you’re excited but its dangerous if you don’t sit right,” Henry said stopping the vehicle in the middle of the parking lot. 
“Im sorry,” you son said sitting right which prompted hen to park the car. 
The three of you got out of the vehicle and went to grab a table. Scott walked up to the hostess wished her a merry Christmas then asked for a table. 
“Of course sir, just follow me,” she said grabbing menus and headed further into the building. 
The waitress stopped at a booth and asked Scott if this table was acceptable and he responded with a Kurt nod. She placed the menus on the table and walked away. You sat on one side with Scott and Henry sat across from the two of you. 
“I want hot chocolate and a smiley face pancake and bacon,” Scott said looking at everything in the menu. 
“Ok scotty,” you said messing up his hair. 
The waitress came back and Scott ordered his food and Henry ordered 2 more hot chocolates, French toast for you and a breakfast sampler for him. While you waited for the food, Scott was explaining how excited he was to go to visit Henry’s family for a late Christmas next week. 
“I wanna see the guards with the silly hats. Can I get a silly hat,” Scott asked.
“If we can find one yeah,” Henry said. 
It didn’t take long for the food to come and when it did the three of you sit ate in silence. In the middle of eating a boy around the age of 12 came up to the table holding a notebook and a pen. 
“Im sorry to bother you but can I have your autograph,” he asked Henry. 
Henry held up his hand cause the kid came up to the table when he was mid bite. You grabbed the book from the kid and placed it in front of Henry. 
“Of course he will,” you reassured the kid. 
After Henry got his food down, he signed the notebook and smiled at his sweater. 
“I got that for him,” Scott said staring the kid down. 
“Its so cool that you know superman,” the kid told Scott. 
A second later an older man came up and apologized for the kid interrupting our meal. He tried to take the kid away but then he asked for a photo. 
“Sure,” Henry said wiping his hands and his mouth then getting up from the booth. 
He took one photo and once the kid was satisfied he ran off and told his mother all about meeting superman. Henry sat back down and Scott went to sit next to him. 
“What’s wrong buddy,” he asked gently nudging him with his elbow. 
“Why did he want a photo,” Scott asked. 
“Cause i’m famous buddy, a lot of people ask for photos and autographs.” 
Once Scott wrapped his head around Henry’s famousness he finished scarfing down his breakfast and talked about how he wanted to play his new video game with Henry before we left for Christmas dinner. 
“Sure but we have to help mom clean up and cook first.”
Scott reluctantly agreed and finished his food. The waitress came back to the table and left the check on the table. Henry left money on the table and a nice tip as you left the restaurant. The car ride home Scott sat without being told to sit back or anything. And once you got back home you cleaned up the wrapping paper that was all over the place and Scott grabbed your coffee mug while Henry went to help put Scott’s new things away in his room. Seeing that you still had 4 hours til you had to head out you went to lay down for a bit longer seeing how you were rudely woken up. 
Henry and Scott came into the room too which would have made you whine in protest but Henry sat you up so you can sleep on him and Scott sat next to you and you three just laid in the bed. You slept while Henry was playing some game on the switch with your son. 
You woke up to Henry kissing your head. The shower in your room was running and you could hear Scott laughing and water splashing. 
“Wake up love, it’s time to get ready. Scott is taking a bath and I have your shower running,” he whispered tearing the sheets off you. 
He left you to attend to Scott and you just heard Scott yell ‘ho ho ho’ which meant he had a bubble beard. You slowly got up out of bed and hopped in the warm shower. You were enjoying the hot water hitting your back when you heard Scott come into the bathroom.
“Mommy I don’t want to wear a suit,” he whined.
“Grandma loves when you wear a suit,” you told him. 
“But I get I don’t like it. I want to stay in my pjs,” he stomped his feet. 
“How about suit no jacket,” you suggested.
“Can I wear my cape.”
“Deal,” he said closing his eyes and sticking his hand in the shower to shake. 
You shook his hand and pushed him out of the bathroom. While you were washing your hair, the door to the bathroom opened again. 
“Scott we already made a deal,” you shouted thinking it was your son. 
“Not Scott. He’s picking out his cape,” Henry said getting undressed and stepping into the shower with you. 
You felt his hands on your waist and let out a small shriek. 
“Henry, Scott could come in any second,” your said slapping his hands. 
You quickly finished your shower and got out so you wouldn’t have to pay for your son’s therapy in the future. After you got out of the shower you wrapped yourself in a towel and started drying your hair. 
“I want to apologize in advance for that you are about to experience Hen,” you told him as you stared at your reflection. 
“Ive been to your family dinners before what’s going to be different,” he asked sticking his head out. 
You looked at him and saw that his head was covered in his shampoo and just smiled at the domestic vibe of everything. 
“Well there’s going to be people you haven’t met there and whom I don’t like so there’s that.”
“Judgmental aunt,” he questioned.
“No you met my judgmental aunt and you know that my family doesn’t mean have the stupid stuff they say but these people do. They don’t jokingly judge they judge judge and think they have an opinion in your life and want to give you relationship advice on a guy who’s a dead beat and you are better off without but insist you should give him another go cause its how a family is suppose to be,” you ranted not realizing til Henry let out a joking whistle. 
“Sorry,” you said putting your hairdryer down and sitting on the toilet. 
“Don’t apologize,” he comforted still sticking his head out of the shower. “You’ve never mention Scott’s father before.”
“Cause he’s not worth mentioning. He was super excited about having a baby but after 9 months of Scott being born he said its not what he expected. Not as fun and exciting. It was too hard for him,” you confessed. 
“Well he’s stupid. Scott’s amazing,” he responded going back to his shower.
“He is, but it still hurts you know. I see his face when a father son event comes around and he says he can’t go. Scott doesn’t deserve a dead beat for a father. Philip hasn’t even sent a card or called for his birthday.”
The shower turned off and Henry stepped out and grabbed the towel hanging on the rack. After covering up he knelt in front of you and held your hands.
“You are an amazing mother raising that amazing kid all by yourself. Don’t let anyone try to convince you differently. I’ve seen children with both parents around be a complete arsehole. And your son isn’t an arsehole so that’s an achievement.”
“God I love you,” you said grabbing his face and firmly pressing your lips against his. 
“I love you too, now let’s get ready,” he said standing up and pulling you up with him. 
You went back to drying your hair while Henry went to get dressed. To make Scott feel better he decided to wear a suit like him. After you did your hair and make up, you put on your simple green dress. When you walked out Henry was helping Scot with his tie which matched your dress. Scott decided to wear his superman cape because it was red which is a Christmas color. 
“Lets go I wanna see grandma and becky and willy,” Scott said standing like superman then running around the room so his cape flowed in the wind. 
“Wait, we gonna do the bet,” you said taking your wallet and placed a 20 on the table.
“Um i'll eat all my vegetables and i'll go to bed an hour early,” Scott offered. 
“And you will pick up without having to be asked.”
“That’s asking for to much mommy. Don’t get your hopes up. Veggies and early bed take it or leave it,” he offers holding his hand out causing you to chuckle. 
“What’s the time,” Henry asked.
“2 hours,” you stated. 
“Ok i’ll double it if you can go the entire time, from start to end no stain no mess,” Henry said putting another 20 on the table. 
“5 hours can you do that Scott,” you asked putting the money in an envelope and handing it to Henry. 
“Yes I can, I hate veggies,” Scott replied. 
With the family bet made you piled into the car and started to head to your mothers house. Since your mother’s house was pretty far away, Scott had to sit in his car seat which he wasn’t happy about. 
“Mommy when I win I’m getting a new car seat. One for big kids,” he said crossing his arms in anger. 
“Okay baby, first thing tomorrow we will get you a new one,” you said reaching behind you and gripping his foot. 
Henry placed his hand on your thigh and gave you a reassuring squeeze as you looked out of the window. 
“Henry if things get heated please take Scott somewhere else,” you asked him.
“Things didn’t get heated last year,” he questioned.
“I was still trying to impress you,” you joked holding his hand. 
“If it gets too much we can leave for England tonight and never come back,” he joked.
“Don’t joke Hen cause I might take you up on that.”
Even though you stomach churned as you got closer to your mother’s having Hen touching you settled the butterflies. Sometime you still don’t believe he’s your boyfriend. You can’t believe how lucky you’ve been with him coming into yours and Scott’s life. When you pulled up to the house your niece becky was outside with your siblings. 
As soon as the car stopped Scott unbuckled and jumped out of the vehicle to hug his aunt and uncle. “Happy Christmas,” he shouted before hugging becky and running inside. 
Becky ran over to you and jumped into your arms but then went to Henry. She held her hand out and tugged his hair a bit. Her mother ran over and apologized before taking her from your boyfriend.
“She just started walking and she can’t be stopped,” you brother stated. 
“Scott is still that way,” you warned him. 
After helping him get becky’s diaper bag and play pen the four of you walked into the house. Your mother was in the kitchen. She turned and looked at you and engulfed you in a hug.
“My baby I’ve missed you,” she cried like she hadn’t seen you last week. “Were the food.”
Before you could even stress about leaving the food Henry put the diaper bag down and said they were in the car. He walked out and came back in with 3 dishes. He put them in the oven and came back to give you a kiss. 
“You really are super,” you joked laying your head on his chest. 
You walked around the house greeting everyone and were having an amazing time. Til the front door opened and you could just feel the judgment fill the room. Your uncle’s mother, Brenda walked in with her bags of gifts and her nasty perfume. 
She walked in greeting everyone with kisses to the cheek. After she greeted you she announced she has brought a guest. And as if this night couldn’t get worse, in walked in your ex Philip. 
“Hey, (y/n),” he said wrapping you in a hug. Which you was accepted just because you were too shocked to protest. 
“What are you doing here Philip,” you asked coming to your senses and pushing him off you. 
At the sound of your ex’s name Henry placed his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Philip glared at the motion then turned back to Brenda. 
“I ran into Philip the other day and just thought how long it’s been since he’s been to a family event and thought it would be nice to see him again,” she said putting her purse on the table and taking a seat.
“Nice for whom,” you asked louder than you expected.
“He’s family dear. It was time you moved past your childish behavior and did want was best for Scott. He needs his father,” she said ignoring the looks of disgust on your face.
“I don’t see him anywhere all I see is a dead beat who thought a baby was too boring and wanted excitement so he left,” you whisper yelled worried that Scott would hear from outside where he was playing. 
“You kicked me out,” Philip objected.
“You wouldn’t even look at Scott without this distain for him like he ruined your life.”
“Dear, stop being so dramatic you need to do the right thing and have a normal family. You don’t want to confuse Scott,” Brenda said stating her unwanted opinion. 
The back door opened and in walked Scott. Philip started walking over to him but Scott looked at him like a stranger which, he was, then ran over to Henry.
“Henry can you come play. Willy and Becky are the supervillains and I need your help to save the city,” he said pulling his hand not waiting for his answer. 
Knowing things were going south, he let Scott pull him outside. But Philip stoped him and knelt before your son. 
“Hey buddy it’s me dad,” he said as if he’s been gone are a year not his entire life.
“Not your buddy,” he said pushing past him causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Really, you turned our son against me,” Philip yelled after the door closet.
“Can’t turn him against someone who has never been in his life. I never told him about you cause I didn’t want him to know that you met him, spent 9 months with him and the thought ‘nah I don’t want him’.”
“That man your dating is not his father and I don’t see why your letting him treat him like one,” Brenda butted in. 
“Im doing no such thing. Henry is just being himself. He loves Scott and has been there for him for the past two year. Two year. You could stand to be in Scott’s presence for 9 months. So as far as i’m concern your not his father either,” you yelled. 
“I have a right to my son. And I don’t want that man around him,” Philip said sitting down as if he was having the last word. “And i’m going to take him til school starts again.”
“What,” you nearly screamed. “You are not taking MY son for even a second.” 
Guessing your were too loud Scott ran in worried about you. Philip pulled him into a hug and you could see the uncomfortable look on your sons face. He tried to wiggle out but Philip wouldn’t let him.
“Scotty you’re going to come home with daddy and we are going to spend time together,” he said ruffling his hair.
“What about the England trip and my funny hat,” he questioned. 
“We are still going baby, Philip is joking,” you reassured him mentally pleading for someone to remove your child from his arms. 
“What trip,” Philip asked gripping your son’s arms.
You could feel the anger seeping from every inch of his body. Philip was never violent but he doesn’t have the patience to take care of a child. 
“We are going to have second Christmas with Henry’s family in London next week. We are leaving on Wednesday,” he explain still trying to get out. 
Henry stepped closer to Scott hoping to grab him but Philip snapped at him to stay away from his son which cause Scott to go from uncomfortable to scared.
“Mommy what’s going on,” Scott asked.
“Nothing baby, Philip is going to let go of you and your going to go outside til us adult solve a little problem,” you said in a calming voice trying to sooth your son’s fear. 
“I’m his father, you’re not taking him out of the country without me and definitely not with him,” Philip said nodded his head towards Henry who was starting to get angry.
“Ow,” Scott said as Philip gripped his arm tighter.
“Let him go now,” Henry whisper yelled not wanting to scare Scott even more.
“You do not tell me how to deal with my child,” Philip said pushing Scott off his lap and standing up.
“Leave now,” you mother said checking on Scott before she ushered him outside. “You are not and will never be welcomed here.”
“Not without my son,” Philip said taking a step to the back door. 
Henry blocked him. Philip tried to step around him and Henry wasn’t going to let him anywhere near Scott.
“Jesus (y/n) that man has no right to stop Philip from seeing his son this is a family event. I’m not sure why he is here anyway,” Brenda yelled standing up for Philip.
“Henry is my family he is Scott’s family. Philip is not, you are not. Your my uncle’s mother you are not my family so why are you here. And I don’t see how any of this is your business. You have never and will never have a decision or opinion that is relevant to how I raise my son,” you yelled back at her. 
“How dare you speak to me that way. I’m worried for Scott cause you are not doing a great job raising him I mean look at how rude he has been and disrespectful,” she stated.
“Enough,” Henry stated raising his voice scaring you a little as how you haven’t heard him this angry. “I won’t stand here and listen to you question her parenting. (Y/n) has been a mother and a father to Scott for 6 years. While you decided being a father wasn’t worth it, she didn’t waver to it for a second. And I may not be his father but i’m never going to abandon him. And as much as I would love to take credit for a fraction of the kid he is, I haven’t and wouldn’t dare try to parent him that’s not my job but I do stand by her every decision.”
“You have no right to speak to me that way,” Brenda cried.
“I do when you keep trying to tear down the woman I love and plan to spend the rest of my life with,” he said looking over at you.
You could see in his eye that he want to come hold you not to give you strength but to get some from you but he didn’t want to give Philip a direct line to Scott. The room fell into an awkward silence when the kids came back inside cause it was too cold. Scott quickly came to sit next to you and Henry was not far behind. 
“Is the problem solved,” Scott asked.
“For now yes, but are you hungry,” you asked him. 
“Yes I want ham and Mac and cheese and 3 biscuits,” he said with a smile looking at Henry mentally asking him to make his plate. 
Before Henry could get up Philip made the plate and placed it in front of Scott. He looked at the plate then at Philip then Henry and laughed.
“These are scones not biscuits silly,” he said taking the biscuits off.
“Those are biscuits,” Philip said confused.
“He mean cookies,” you stated. “He’s been learning some of the English slang from Henry.”
This time Henry got up and got the cookies that Scott wanted. One by one people went to fix themselves a plate but the awkwardness didn’t fade. After dinner it was time for presents. With the presents it was like the giant fight that we had before never happened. That was until Philip opened his mouth. 
“So Scott did Santa bring you everything you asked for,” he asked sitting down next to him as he played with his new race cars.
“No,” Scott said nonchalantly.
“Baby, what did you want,” you asked him worried that you forgot something major.
“I don’t want to say. I might make you upset or mad,” he said not looking up.
“Oh baby nothing you can say right now will make me upset or mad. What did you want for Christmas,” you asked siting next to him and forcing him to look at you. 
His eye went from you to Philip to Henry to your mother then back to you. “I want Henry to be my dad,” he said putting the toys down. 
You sister stood up and announced that she planned a scavenger hunt for the kids and took them back outside. She was out there for a few minutes then came back in stating they are going to be preoccupied for half an hour at best. 
“What the fuck,” Philip yelled as soon as the back door closed. 
“Calm down,” you told Philip.
“Why when you are trying to get my son to replace me with your current booty call,” he yelled waving his hands around.
“Im doing no such thing and he is my son. You don’t get the right to call him your son when you’ve been out of his life more than you have been in it. And don’t go blaming Henry for any of this either. Don’t get mad cause he constantly makes Scott feel loved and safe and happy,” you yelled back.
“I don’t trust him around Scott he is not family,” Brenda said once again thinking she had a say in the matter.
“Oh but you would trust your husband to watch my son or your grandkids even though he’s in jail for touching little kids,” you announced. 
“Damn,” you heard you brother laugh under his breath. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. That was all a lie,” she stuttered out. 
“I’ve been nice Brenda. I’ve listen to you nag about what is best for a kid you see once a year or twice at most. I’ve been nice for the sake of my mother and my sister but i’m done. I don’t want to hear another word in relation to Scott or my relationship with Henry come out of your mouth ever again. So you’re going to sit there and just wait keep your mouth shut which we make everyone here happy,” you scorned her then turned to Philip, “I’d rather not take this to court cause I shouldn’t have too. If you would have walked in here and apologized and asked if you could see Scott I would have probably said yes but no you come in here all fragile masculinity type demanding to see him and then you have the nerve to scare him and hurt him. So consider this your informal serving. When we get back from London i’m getting a lawyer and fighting for legal fully custody.” 
You could see the anger filling his face as you pressed your index finger against his chest with every word of your threat. Philip grabbed your hand and twisted it. 
“Im not going to let you keep Scott away from me,” he growled twisting you wrist more causing you to cry out in pain. 
Henry grabbed Philips wrist where he was hurting you and squeezed til he let go of your hand. “Touch her or Scott again and I will hurt you,” he threatened as he turned to come check on you. 
In all of the commotion you didn’t notice Scott run back in the house and open the front door. Two police officers walked in and tried to calm everyone down. Henry gently took your arm to check you wrist when Philip tapped on his shoulder and went to punch him in the face but without thinking Henry dodged the fist and Philip ended up hitting you on the chin. 
You didn’t even register the punch all you hear was Scott crying out and you just wanted to see is Scott was ok. 
“Shit, darling are you okay,” Henry asked touching your chin causing you to wince. 
The officers slammed Philip against the wall and put him in cuffs then pushed him on the floor. The female officer walked over to you then radioed for EMS to come check you out. 
“Ma’am are you okay,” the female officer asked trying to get your attention. 
“Where’s Scott,” you asked wincing as you moved your mouth. 
Suddenly little arms wrapped around your neck and you could feel the little tears fall from his cheek to your neck. 
“I called them mommy cause you said to call when you need help and that guy wasn’t listening and he was scary,” Scott confessed as he sat back and looked at your face.
“You did the right thing kid,” the female officer told him. “You were really brave.”
“The bravest,” you said pulling him into another hung. 
Philip started to yell that he was Scott’s father but the male officer told him to shut up then brought him out to the police vehicle. 
“I don’t want a dad if he’s it. I just want a mommy and a Henry.”
After EMS came and checked you out and you gave the officers your statements, you and Scott sat on the couch and watched the grinch. Henry was in the kitchen grabbing you a bag of ice seeing how you refused to go to the hospital. Your aunt stood up and let out a small laugh saying how Henry ruined Christmas. 
“I hope you’re happy about breaking up a family,” she commented pouring herself some wine. 
“Goodbye mother,” you heard your uncle say as he held up his mothers purse. “I speak for everyone here when I say go home.”
She was in shock but left once she saw how no one was coming to her defense. She slowly walked out the door and your mother slammed it shut behind her and locked it. Everyone sat down on the couch and you rested your head on Henrys shoulder as he gently pressed the ice to your chin. 
“Well seeing how (y/n) is the family disappointment it doesn’t matter that I dropped out of college does it,” you cousin announced trying to lighten the mood. 
You let out a small laugh making your chin hurt. Even your uncle laughed til he realized his daughter wasn’t joking. 
“Im sorry you what,” he asked angrily. 
“Henry is the home wrecker,” she cried trying to get the attention off her. 
“Good cause you two are mine,” Henry whispered in you ear holding on to you tighter. 
You lifted your head and placed a small kiss on his shoulder. Scott looked around the room and then got off the couch and ran outside. Your mother gave you a confused look and went to go after him but you stopped her. 
“I’ve got it,” you said getting up and dropping the bag of ice in Henry’s lap. 
You found Scott outside in the rocking chair crying. You knelt in front of him and just rubbed his knee.
“What’s wrong baby,” you asked him. 
“I ruined Christmas,” he cried out hiding his face in his hands.
“You did no such thing.”
“I made everyone fight.”
“Sweety, it’s Christmas. It’s a time where family get together after not see each other for a while. There’s bound to be a fight but that’s ok cause families fight but we still love each other and we still show up for other family event,” you explained to him. “I’d be worried if we didn’t fight.”
“Do you and Henry fight,” he asked finally taking his hands out of his face.
“Yes we do,” you told him wiping the tears off his face. 
“We fight about me leaving my smelly socks around, and when she takes forever to get ready for an event for my work but it’s always my fault,” Henry said kneeling next to you. 
You didn’t hear him come outside but glad he did cause a smile appeared on Scott’s face when he told him what you fight about. 
“But your still here,” Scott stated processing that fighting doesn’t mean leaving.
“Of course I am. I love your mummy even when she puts her feet on me when she is cold or when she wakes me up when she can’t sleep but she doesn’t know I know that,” he told Scott whispering the last part. “And I love you even when you think batman is better and even when you steal the last bite of my food. I’m not going anywhere. And god forbid your mum is ever tired of me and we break up, you are still my best friend and I will always be there for you.”
Scott jumped into into Henry’s arms and let out a little cry. “I still want you to be my daddy Henry.” Henry pushed Scott back so he could look at him and wipe any remaining tears away. 
“I was going to wait til we got to England but your son is stubborn and persistent,” Henry said reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a little black box. “I know how you hate doing anything cheesy in front of family but I want both of you and your family and the entire world to know you guys are stuck with me and I’m stuck with you two. No matter the fights. My world is so much better with you guys in it.” Henry opened the box and there was a beautiful ring with with a rose gold band and an emerald stone. 
“Henry,” you cried as he slid the ring on your finger. 
“Will you marry me?”
You were too busy crying and looking at the ring so you didn’t answer which was stressing Scott out. “Say yes mommy. I promise to clean up for a whole month.”
Henry let out a laugh and you slowly started to nod your head. “Yes i’ll marry you,” you said throwing yourself in his arms cause the three of you to fall the ground. Henry gently grabbed your face and firmly pressed his lips against yours. He let you go when he heard you wince but you didn’t let him get far. You pulled him back to you and ignored the pain. 
“Can I call him it now,” Scott asked standing up.
You let out a laugh and nodded your head not caring about what your family will think or how it would make Philip feel. 
“I love you daddy,” Scott screamed as he jumped on Henry. 
“Love you too, buddy.”
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worldofheroes · 1 year
Say That Again
tom cruise x fem!actress!reader
summary: during an interview, simon calls you out about your multi-lingual abilities, making you say something embarrassing. tom finds it absolutely attractive and can’t stop thinking about you talking in that tone of voice to him.
warnings: 18+, no plot, language, friends with benefits, protected sex
wc: 1.3k
a/n: based on a request by @rveyjules! I took a couple creative liberties, I hope you don’t mind! this has absolutely no plot, so don't go looking for a storyline lol
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“Please welcome Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, and Y/N Y/L/N!”
The crowd erupts into cheers and whistles. It takes well over a minute for everyone to calm down. 
“I’m so glad you’re here tonight!” Jimmy exclaims. 
“It’s great to be here,” Tom smiles. 
“So, we have newcomer Y/N Y/L/N to the Mission team. Y/N, what has it been like working alongside these amazing actors?” Jimmy asks. 
“Oh, starting with me,” you blush. “It’s been fantastic. Everyone has been so kind and patient. I’m sure Henry can agree with me on this, but it was a little nerve-wracking coming into a series like Mission with such an established story and characters.”
Henry nods. “The crew has been so welcoming. A big part of it is that Tom really likes to get everyone together even when we’re not filming to form those bonds that you see on the screen.”
“I think that’s what keeps this franchise going is those character bonds we see,” Jimmy says. “Now, does any of that change with filming in different countries?”
“I try really hard to ‘normalize’ Mission as much as I can,” Tom says. “We spend a few weeks here, a few weeks there… It's a crazy schedule. I try to set it up to where we can take breaks and just have fun outside of work.”
“You film in so many countries, is there ever a struggle with the language barrier?” Jimmy asks. 
“I think all of us are at least conversational in a lot of languages,” Simon says. “Some are better than others…”
Everyone laughs. 
“But like, Y/n here is almost fluent in Japanese, which I love,” Simon says. 
“Really?” Tom turns so he can face you. 
“Thanks Simon,” you say playfully, hitting his shoulder. 
“She is! It’s crazy,” Rebecca says. 
“Can you say something for us?” Jimmy asks. 
“Um… Ohayō, ogenki desu ka?” 
“And what does that mean?” Jimmy asks. 
“Just a simple, ‘hi, how are you?’,” you smile. 
“I believe there’s something with the word ara-ara,” Simon laughs. 
“Simon, no!” You laugh. 
“Ara-ara?” Jimmy asks. 
“It’s kind of a meme,” you explain. “But you have to say it right.”
“How so?” Jimmy asks. 
You clear your throat, and then as seductively as you can without embarrassing yourself too much… “Ara-ara.”
Everyone laughs and Tom just about chokes on his water, making everyone laugh harder. 
“That was… something,” Tom remarks. 
“Simon, I hate you,” you say, laughing. 
The interview quickly gets back on the topic of Mission, and wraps up shortly after. 
The group makes their way back to their dressing rooms to change back into “street clothes”. 
There’s a knock on your door. You open it to see Tom standing in the hallway. 
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey,” he says, not making eye contact. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Can I come in?”
“Um, sure,” you say, moving so Tom can enter. You close the door. 
“I didn’t know you could talk like that,” Tom says in a low voice. 
“What do you mean?” you ask playfully. 
Tom tries to hold back a moan. “You sounded so hot… I can’t stop thinking about doing things to you.”
You raise an eyebrow. “You’re not being very professional.”
“Fuck being professional,” he growls, moving towards you. 
“Tom,” you breathe. “Not here.”
Tom reaches out and grabs your arm. He gives it a squeeze and then lets go. 
“You’re right. Not here.” Tom sighs. “Come to my hotel room.”
You nod. “I can do that,” you whisper. 
You nod. Tom quickly exits your dressing room, and you hurriedly finish changing so you can get to the hotel. 
You get to the hotel, and you’re standing outside Tom’s room. 
You take a breath and then knock. He opens the door instantly, pulling you in. 
“Tom,” you whisper. 
“I’ve always had a thing for you,” he says softly, brushing hair out of your face. “And the way you said that word…”
“Oh, you like it when I talk like that?” you ask seductively, lightly moving your fingertips up his arms. 
Tom closes his eyes. “You have no idea.”
“Mm… I can talk to you like this,” you say with your hands moving to his chest. 
“Please,” he says in a strained voice, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Do you need to fuck me?” you ask him. 
The two of you have agreed to a friends with benefits relationship, neither one of you quite ready to commit to anything, but needing something more than just friendship. And when the two of you met, you both really hit it off. 
“Yes,” he whispers. 
You start to unbutton his shirt, breathing a little heavier now. 
Tom’s hands find the buttons to your shorts, undoing them and pulling them off. You finish unbuttoning his shirt and slide it off his body. 
“Sweetheart,” he breathes, pulling your shirt off.
You unclasp your bra and let it fall to the floor. 
Tom moans, unable to hold back. 
You work at his pants, pulling them down. 
“Go ahead and fuck me,” you whisper, palming at his groin. 
Tom picks up his pants, pulling his wallet out, then a condom. 
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you. “You always have one on you?”
Tom nods. “I can never guess when you’ll do this to me.”
A moan escapes you. “Fuck, you’re hot.”
Tom walks you backwards to the bed. You fall backwards on it, and he crawls on top of you. 
He starts kissing your jaw, down your neck, down your body. 
“Tom,” you whisper. 
He looks up at you, putting his fingers in his mouth, coating them with saliva. Your hips involuntarily buck, knowing what’s about to happen. 
Tom’s fingers dive into your folds, making you yelp. He circles your clit, making you squirm. 
A finger is inserted into you. 
“Tom,” you moan. 
He takes his other hand and presses down on your lower abdomen, and you can feel his finger petting your walls. 
“More,” you beg. 
Tom smiles, inserting another finger. 
You put a hand on his, the one that’s working in you. 
“I was thinking something… thicker,” you say softly. 
“Fuck,” Tom groans. “Okay.”
He removes his fingers, then his boxers. He strokes himself a couple times before ripping the condom wrapper open. 
You watch him closely as he rolls the condom down his shaft. 
“Tom,” you plead in a whisper. 
“I’m right here,” he replies, starting to push into you. 
“Shit,” you moan. 
“I’m right here,” he repeats, bottoming out against you. 
He slowly thrusts against you, grunting in pleasure. 
“Agh, sweetheart,” he mumbles, laying down on you, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Faster,” you whisper. 
Tom grunts in reply, his hips moving faster and faster. 
“Tom…” you almost cry in pleasure. 
“Come for me, baby girl,” he whispers. 
Your fingernails dig into his back as you let go, cumming on his hard cock. 
Soon, Tom finishes as well. He sighs, letting down all his weight on you. 
You grunt with the added weight. “Fuck.”
Tom sits up and pulls out of you. He discards the condom and lays back down on the bed, pulling you onto his chest. 
“Tom,” you exhale. 
“You didn’t have to talk like that at the interview,” he whispers. 
“Mm, but now I know what it does to you.”
“I think we should change our status. Have a real relationship.”
“I’m falling for you, y/n.”
“We can keep it a secret for a while. Test it out. No pressure or anything for either one.”
You look up at Tom. 
“I care about you so much,” Tom says softly. 
You nod. “I think we could give it a try.”
Tom smiles softly and kisses your head. 
“No pressure,” he repeats. 
“No pressure,” you agree.
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stupidfuckingwindow · 9 months
One NSFW hc for (almost) every character // Part one
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Notes: This was my attempt at a solution for writer's block. Let's hope it worked. Also I will NOT be writing a headcanon for Jerry later on because he was a real guy and that feels.. Weird.
Word count: 789
Richard Haywood
Absolute whore at every turn or time. Oh, you're away and in class, not paying attention to your phone? Well, look at that. There's an unsolicited dick pic from Richard's contact. That, or you and whoever you're showing something to is getting an eyeful of sexts that are meant to piss you off. That, or you're going to hear all about when he snuck off to go fuck either Justin or some random girl, all to get you jealous. When pissed off during an argument, Richard probably will grab you by the throat or shoulders and lick your face out of some strange, gay little impulse. What a weirdo.
Henry Letham
A lot of painplay with Henry is expected. He'll often cry during sex and needs both a cigarette and a minute to himself. By the time you come back to check on him with a warm rag and towel, he's quiet and there's another burn to his skin. It isn't that Henry hates the touch or attention- He's just overwhelmed at sudden want and tends to overthink things. Henry often backs himself into a corner on accident, and a bit of reassurance is all that's needed to help him, even if it seems like he's not listening or doesn't respond. Henry tends to remember every little thing about you and what you do, keeping it in mind for if he ever needs that information again. Severe thigh kink. Likes fucking your thighs, painting them, and touching them. Looks yummy in thigh highs as well.
Officer K
Considering that he's a robot, there's so much potential here. His dick vibrates, for one, and his cum is just neon colored lube. It takes a little while for him to get hard, and a fuck ton of stimulation is going to be needed. K also prefers sleepy sex, being able to hold you and have his cock warmed while the two of you just quietly unwind in one another's presence. He also enjoys long, hot showers with you for the same reason of getting to relax and being able to feel you close to him. You'll often cockwarm him while he works, especially when you're both not feeling particularly up to actually fucking. Sex with K is rare, and when it does ever happen, he takes his time.
Colt Seavers
Thick, tall, and heavy. Hoooh boy, Colt is big. He's muscular in his arms and thighs, with a belly and hip dips. Colt has a lot of hair, as well, and you best believe it's long and messy. He's so warm. Colt also has to eat a lot to maintain his energy, and his metabolism is high. He's the one who introduced food play into the bedroom, liking how it combined many of his interests. Colt loves it when you ride him. He knows he barely fits, and foreplay is always needed before anything happens between the two of you. Sex usually ends in him getting overly excited and a little rough. Colt falls asleep pretty quickly afterwards, and needs a little help staying awake long enough for Aftercare.
Noah Calhoun
Smells like pine, tree sap, and sawdust. Expect long, slow, and sleepy sex on the couch with a blanket thrown over the two of you. He usually does this with you late at night or in the afternoon, when neither of you have responsibilities. He likes moving your hips while you bury your face in his neck. That, or fucking you to sleep until he's too tired to keep going. Constantly touching you, whether that be your hips or tracing patterns into your skin or simply holding you. Noah likes feeling strong, and often carries you around the house for fun all while making excuses. The floor’s too cold for your feet, you'll freeze to death! even though it's hot as hell outside. Also makes excuses to take care of you at all times. You're getting his god awful ‘random things found in the fridge’ soup when sick whether you like it or not.
Julian Thompson
Number one bondage fan right here. Julian likes the restraint put upon either you, or himself. He feels safe when you tie him up, and revels in the rare control he can get when you're tied up instead. It's a common joke that Julian sits in the corner and stays quiet, but the cuck chair was made for him. You're usually tying him to the chair while he watches you touch yourself, or touching him while he's restrained. Julian also isn't opposed to you leaving him with just a vibrator for hours at a time, as well as having a cock cage outside of the bedroom. He feels secure whenever he's restrained.
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cha-melodius · 3 months
Hey, hiii! Are you still taking prompts? Am I right that this one didn't come yet:
💖 + firstprince
Your prompt fulfillments have all been lovely and wonderful, superb even, 12/10, absolutely addictive, no notes, chef's kiss. Mwah!
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out (you are right, that one didn't get sent before! sorry for the delay on this, it fought me a bit [no pun intended], but it's also extra long to make up for it. a bit of m-rated smut below the cut. and thank you!! read all the kiss ficlets)
Henry finds him in the training room, slamming his fists too hard into the heavy bag hanging from the ceiling.
“We need to talk about what happened back there,” Henry announces from where he leans in the doorway, loud enough to be heard over the erratic thwack thwack filling the room.
Alex doesn’t so much as glance toward him. “Don’t think we do, actually.”
Unfortunately for him, Henry isn’t willing to let this one go, especially when Alex’s self-destructive streak seems to be still going strong. There’s blood soaking through the wrappings on his knuckles, for Christ’s sake. He doesn’t stop even when Henry crosses over to the bag, so Henry grabs one of his wrists and holds firm.
“What do you want, Henry?” Alex spits, fixing Henry with a hard glare as he tries to twist away.
Henry tightens his grip and tugs him closer. “I want to talk.”
“Well I don’t, so either square up or get the fuck out of my way,” Alex practically growls.
“I’m not going to fight you, Alex,” Henry says flatly. Even if he wasn’t still wearing his office clothes, it’s a stupid idea.
Alex’s eyes flash in a way that Henry knows is nothing but trouble. “You sure about that?��
Henry would reply that he is sure, in fact, except Alex swings a wild hook at him with his free arm, and Henry is forced to block it. Using Henry’s distraction to his advantage, Alex pulls free from his grip and keeps coming, throwing punches and forcing Henry back across the mat until he is, quite frankly, fed up. Henry makes another grab on Alex’s next punch and tries to twist his arm behind his back, but Alex is too quick—he drops his shoulder and throws out a leg, sweeping Henry’s feet out from under him, and the move sends them both tumbling to the floor.
Unfortunately for Alex, though he’s got the speed advantage when upright, Henry’s mass works to his advantage on the ground. Alex tries to squirm out of his grip, but Henry gets a thigh thrown over his hips and succeeds in turning them over so that he’s straddling Alex’s thighs, catching Alex’s other wrist and pinning both wrists to the mat next to his head as he does.
“For fuck’s sake, stop,” Henry snaps, his chest heaving from the exertion.
“Make me,” Alex retorts hotly, defiance flashing in his eyes as he struggles, arching up under Henry’s body, and abruptly a different kind of heat flares in Henry’s gut.
“Alex,” he warns.
A slow grin spreads onto Alex’s face, and he very deliberately shifts against Henry again. “Make me,” he taunts, his voice pitched low, and the last threads of Henry’s tattered restraint give way.
He crashes his lips onto Alex’s in a bruising kiss that’s just as much a battle as the fight that came before it. Alex kisses with all of his teeth and his tongue shoving into Henry’s mouth, and it should be awful but it’s not. The rest of Henry’s breath is stolen away, but he doesn’t care, he’s drawing his own oxygen from Alex’s lungs now. Alex writhes under him, still trying to squirm out of Henry’s grip, and when he finally does his hands go right to Henry’s arse, digging his fingers into the flesh and urging Henry’s hips against his. His stupid little workout shorts do precisely nothing to conceal how turned on he is, and he grinds up desperately against the rapidly tightening region of Henry’s trousers.
“Fuck,” Alex gasps when they part, tipping his head back against the mat and exposing the tempting line of his throat. “More. Fuck, H, I need—”
“I know what you need,” Henry growls against his fluttering pulse, then he shoves a hand into Alex’s shorts and bites down hard on his neck, and Alex keens.
It’s fast and efficient and a little rough—Christ, they don’t have time for finesse, they’re in the bloody training room and anyone could walk in—but Alex clings to him and fucks up just as hard into his fist as Henry leaves a lurid bruise just above his collarbone. Henry knows what he’s doing, and it takes only minutes before Alex is falling apart under him. He calls Henry a fucking motherfucker just before he comes, and then he goes entirely silent as his eyes squeeze closed, his chest heaves, and he spills hotly over Henry’s fist and his own stomach.
Henry works him through it until he’s hissing at the oversensitivity, then wipes his hand on the inside of Alex’s shorts and starts pulling away. That snaps Alex quickly out of his post-orgasmic haze, and he catches Henry by the wrist.
“Wait, what about you?” he asks, looking pointedly down at where Henry’s straining against his trousers.
“I’m fine,” Henry says shortly as he pulls away and stands up. Christ, what he wouldn’t do for Alex’s hands on him, but not—
Not like this.
He clears his throat, shoving all of the too many feelings about what just happened deep, deep down. “Go clean yourself up. We need to talk.”
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cripple-punk-dad · 9 months
Once again feeling emotions about God, Forgive These Bastards: Songs From The Forgotten Life Of Henry Turner by The Taxpayers. I listened to the whole album not really knowing the background or the story behind the title. I just loved the music and the artist's voices. But then I found the explanation by the main vocalist on the album, Rob Taxpayer, and:
"The first time I met Henry Turner I feared for my life. I remember the exact date – February 18th, 2007 – because the day before, a close friend of mine had unsuccessfully attempted to commit suicide in his studio apartment and I’d spent the entire night at the hospital. It was one of those terrible and typical Pacific Northwest winter nights where the rain seemed relentless and the gloom was contagious, and as I waited at a sheltered bus stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard for the # 6 to arrive, a man approached me for a cigarette.
I shook my head and gave him a half-smile.
“Sorry. I quit a few years back.”
I stuck my head back into the newspaper I was reading, and he took a few steps closer.
“How about a buck and a quarter then? All I need is a dollar and a quarter and I’ll have enough for bus fair.”
I shrugged and fumbled around in my pocket.
“I’m using an expired bus transfer myself, but I might have a few extra dimes. It ain’t much, but if it helps, it’s yours.”
I passed him the change, and when he grabbed it, he ducked down to my level and looked me straight in the eyes.
“Look at me. Does it look like a few extra dimes would help? You think a few extra dimes would do any good to anybody? Take a look at me. I got a rotten heart and a bad shoulder and I ain’t slept a good night’s sleep in the past ten years, and you wanna know the kicker? I get fuckers like you tossing me their condescending extra dimes.”
He was tall and intimidating, with wild gray hair and deep wrinkle lines all across his face, and his eyes would occasionally roll up into his head, quiver, and then refocus. His thick, wet coat and his tangled beard had bits of crumpled leaves stuck to them, and he carried himself with the strange confidence of an angry and confused lion.
“And the best part about all of this is that I know you’re cheating me. And you know what I did to the last bastard that cheated me? “
He paused for a few silent, terrifying seconds.
“I bit his ear off.”
I almost pissed my pants. My brain was telling me, “get up and run”, but my body was frozen in fear, and I sat there shaking in excruciating silence. Sure, maybe he was harmless, but something about the look in his eyes terrified me. I could see the bus approaching from about a quarter of a mile away. I did the math. From that distance, it would be another minute or so before the bus arrived, saving me from certain death. I could try to fight back. But while he was an old man, he was an enormous old man, and anyways, you just can’t fight a crazy person. I could run. That was it. I was going to have to get up and run before he sunk his teeth into me, or pulled out a knife, or worse.
Suddenly, he burst into laughter. Not a maniacal laughter, but a booming, good-natured laughter, and his angry eyes became kind and warm. His snarl turned into a crooked smile, and he slapped me on the back like an old friend.
“Aw, I’m just fucking with you, kid. Ain’t much for laughs around here. You’ll have to forgive me.”
He held out his massive hand for me to shake.
“Henry Turner. Friends call me Hank. How ya doin'?”
I was still petrified. Was this some sort of a trick? Was he going to grab my hand and then snap it off like a tree branch? He looked me over and laughed again, reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out a bus pass.
“Here. This one ain’t expired. Go on, take it, I got a whole stack of ‘em.”
And with that, the bus pulled up to our stop in the rain, the doors opened with a loud mechanical sigh, and Henry held out both his arms, outstretched, in the direction of the doors.
“After you, kid.”
I didn’t realize it at the time, but he was a semi-celebrity around town, although most people wrote him off as just another one of the crazy folks that told rambling, drunken tales – amusing for a few minutes, but best largely avoided. It was true, he had his demons, but he also had a magical brilliant quality to him, and whenever I ran into him around town, I’d end up spending a few hours with him, if for no other reason than to listen to his unbelievable stories. It didn’t really matter whether they were true or not, it was the way he told them, with absolute clarity and confidence, no matter how crazy they sounded. Some of it even checked out. He’d often talk about his years playing baseball with Georgia Tech, and the famous play-off game where he pitched a two-hitter in 1979. When I got home, I went on the internet and looked up the Georgia Tech roster from 1979, and there he was. Henry Turner. I’ll be damned.
The years went by. I’d leave town for months at a time, but when I came home I could always expect to run into Henry for the latest news and a ridiculous tale. Businesses closed and new ones opened, houses changed ownership, new faces arrived and old ones disappeared, but he was like an ancient marble pillar – unaffected by the changes around him. Or so it seemed. In the winter of 2010, three years after we first met, I ran into Henry on one of the downtown park blocks. He was disheveled and had these crazy eyes, and when he recognized me, he touched me on the shoulder and said something to the effect of, “Gonna go away for a while. You’ll hold onto something for me, yeah?”. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a huge stack of unused bus passes, thrust them into my hands, and walked away. It was the last time I would see him.
Henry Turner died on March 25th, 2010, a product of years of substance abuse and tough living. If a funeral was held I wasn’t aware of it. The news of his death hit me harder than expected, and it sparked an obsession: I began compulsively writing down every outlandish and unbelievable story he’d ever told me, as a sort of tribute. My band started working on an album of songs pertaining to Henry’s life. My nights were spent researching everything I could find about the Turner family. I would rant on and on to complete strangers about the whole ordeal. Then slowly, it began to subside. Life went back to normal. Though I never quite forgot about it, my utter entrancement with the Turners faded.
What follows is an amalgamation of the stories Henry told me, as best as I can remember them. I hope I did him justice. There are some embellishments and I took quite a few liberties, but like all good narrators, Henry knew that any story worth telling should be grand, significant, and a little bit false. It’s important to note that Henry was no hero, and I’m not trying to romanticize or defend him – as you’ll find out, he was a murderer, an abusive husband, an unapologetic addict, and a crook who was haunted by his most awful moments. But he was also at times a tender, loving father, a brave adventurer, and an amazing pitcher, who was surprisingly candid and an absolute charm to listen to. No person can be summed up by their worst actions. And despite his insistence that “forgiveness ain’t an inherent human quality”, that’s what this whole thing’s been about for me: the capacity to forgive someone’s most wretched moments.
Ultimately, I think that when Henry was at his best, he was something simple: a kind, strange friend" -Rob Taxpayer, from The Taxpayer's Bandcamp page
Look at me look me in the eyes: "No person can be summed up by their worst actions" I'm broken I'm dead I'm deceased. The last track on the album is an interview with somebody who knew Henry as a child. It's about remembering someone that nobody else thinks about it's about preserving the memory of the jerks and the assholes and the addicts because everyone deserves to be remembered and to have songs sung about them and have their stories told in whatever way they can be told.
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Three times Alex denied being ticklish
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Anonymous said: Hi N! I loved your red white and royal blue fic! In that story you said, that Henry had to tickle Alex to pieces three times before he admitted to being ticklish. Would you be interested in writing about that as well?
Words: 800
The revelation had happened on a day like any other, only Henry had marked it in his calendar and Alex had whined about it for days because of it. A Tuesday, semi-cloudy, event after event lining up throughout the day, and all Alex had wanted was to sneak in some fun between them if you catch his drift.
He’d wanted slow kisses and quick hands. Hushed voices and Henry tugging lightly at his hair while a coat hanger dug into Alex’s shoulder blade.
What he’d gotten instead was Henry digging his fingers into his sides again with a delighted laugh, because Alex’s stupid body had been too eager and too tired to pretend the gentle squeeze hadn’t tickled the first time, and so of course Henry needed to be an asshole about it and do it again.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish,” he said, indignant and offended and whatever other emotion he managed to lace his voice with as Alex was too busy trying to shove him off.
“I’m not,” he said, knowing it was stupid to deny it, especially when Henry was just about to discover that his ribs were even worse as he climbed his hands upward, but he said it anyway.
“Are you sure about that?” Henry’s voice had a teasing lilt to it which made Alex want to both blush and tear his clothes off.
“Y-yes!” He tried to twist out of his grip, bumping into a broom or something which fell against the door. “Henry, they’ll hear us- don’t!”
“I think they’ll understand when I tell them of the earth-shattering information I just discovered about the first son of the United States.”
Henry stilled his fingers with a huff. “Fine. But your denial does not land with me.”
“Please shut up and just kiss me while you can, you idiot.”
The second time was much more private, which meant that Henry had much more time to explore his discovery, much to Alex’s dismay. He pinned him on the bed, Alex thinking for a second that this was simply Henry being impatient, only to realize that his wandering hands were aiming to tickle rather than to touch.
“Hey, wait, don’t do tha-ah!”
“Why?” Henry paused just at Alex’s upper ribs. “You’re not ticklish, remember?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Have fun having a whole nation after you.” Henry curled his fingers, grinning when Alex jumped. “What’s wrong?”
“I see. So you won’t mind if I do that again then?”
Alex leaned his head back, begging the gods for strength. “Of course not.” “Oh, good, because now that I think about it, I have noticed you twitching a bit when I kiss your neck.”
Alex’s breath hitched. “Right.”
“So be a good boy and keep your head just as it is.”
Alex was not a good boy, but Henry was strong, Henry was stubborn, and Henry was much too good of a tickler for it to be fair.
It was a miracle no one came to rescue him, because Alex was certain his screams could be heard throughout the whole of the White House. He needed new guards for sure.
The third time had Alex nervous, which Henry noticed and teased him about. “I wouldn’t be torturing you if you had just not kept this from me to begin with.”
“Sorry for not holding a press conference about being ticklish, your majesty.”
“So you admit it?”
“Then I reckon I have no choice.”
Alex tried to make a run for it this time, leaping over the bed with Henry right at his heels, both laughing, both young and silly and in love, and when Henry managed to grab him and pull him down into a heap on the floor Alex wondered if this was how the rest of his life would be and found he didn’t mind it at all. Not even when Henry started tickling his knees.
…and one time he admitted it.
In the end, Henry didn’t have to coax out the confession.
It was late, both were breathing heavily, and Henry was running his fingertips over Alex’s stomach without any real intention of tickling him. Alex was half asleep and wasn’t feeling ticklish at all until he hit a particularly bad spot on his lower belly, which made his hand shoot out to try to stop him. “Tickles,” he mumbled and he heard Henry laugh, something hushed and lovely.
“Knew it,” he said, and Alex whined, unwilling to open his eyes to glare at him. “Is this your official confession?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, rolling his head away from him and sighing happily when lips found his temple. “Don’t be annoying about it.”
Henry huffed. “I would never.”
“Not fun when someone denies the obvious, huh?”
“Shut up and go to sleep, your majesty.”
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believesthings · 1 year
Give & Gain // Ted Lasso x Reader
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Summary: You are overwhelmed with work and feeling unsure about your direction in life. Your boyfriend, Ted, does what he does best and offers comfort and cuddles.
“Ted! Do you need help?”
“Hey there sugar - no n-no I’m fine. I got it. I got it all.” He words are reassuring but the slightly labored breathing underneath makes you not so sure. Here is your sweet man, with bags of groceries up and down his arms. He went shopping while you were home, burying yourself in an incredibly frustrating work project.
You got up to clear a spot on the table so that at the very least, he’ll have an easy landing spot for all of the food he bought.
“Are we stocking up for the apocalypse?” You question while beginning to put any perishable items away.
He chuckles lowly at you. “No. No. I just, well, Henry will probably be coming to visit soon and Roy had mentioned that Phoebe wanted to have a play date with him and I just figured I would cover all the bases. Of course, when I was actually shopping it really didn’t seem like all that much but once I got back and tried to get everything in one trip, I realized how much stuff it really was. I almost pulled my arm out of the socket trying to balance that milk jug.”
He begins to help you put the last of everything away, it’s been a long day - hell a long week, for the both of you and he’s looking forward to finally resting with you at the end of it all.
“Is there anything else out there?” You question.
“Nope. Managed to get it all. Even closed the trunk - sorry the boot too.”
You give him a pointed stare. “You know, we are home alone, Teddy. You don’t need to correct yourself here. It’s not like a constable is going to come banging down the door and putting you in cuffs just because you said the word trunk.”
“Heck, I know darlin’. I just like to make the effort, you know? When in rome, right?”
With everything successfully put away, he grabs your hand and pulls you close, bringing you in to kiss you. Pulling away, he says, “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I walked though the door.”
He walks you over to the couch and the two of you settle in. He considers himself to be pretty well versed when it comes to you and he can definitely sense the tension resting in your shoulders.
“Hey, you ok?” He asks glancing down at you.
“Yeah. Why do you ask?” You say without glancing back.
“You just seem like you’re feeling off.” He raises his hand to rub your shoulders, feeling the tightness beneath his fingertips.
“Yeah. I’m good. I’m great.” You answer, a little too quickly for his liking. You definitely aren’t good, he decides.
“Look, whatever it is, we don’t have to get into it right now. But I know something’s up, honey.”
You stay silent for fear that the dam would break and tears would come welling up to the surface if you tried to speak.
Ted leans into your ear and whispers, “I’m here, okay?”
And that, as it turns out, is all it takes. You can feel your lip quivering and the hot tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You hang your head down and feel yourself start to crumble, while Ted pulls you closer.
“Hey, Darling. What’s going on?”
You snuggle closer into his side, finally looking up at him. “It’s just work, I guess. I have so many tasks to do and I feel like I can never get ahead of any of it. It doesn’t help that I don’t always seem to have the best support system in my job either. I’m actually kinda jealous of you, Teddy.”
He looks at you in surprise. “What are you on about?”
“You’ve got such a good dynamic going on with the team. You’re so great at what you do. All that positive reinforcement? I kinda wish I had that sometimes from my work too. It’s hard to stay positive when you don’t actually have someone giving you that positive feedback and sometimes I just kind of wonder what the point of it all even is. Is this really what I want to be doing? Am I even good at it?” I don’t even know if I know what my future is going to look like anymore.” You pause for a beat, “is that ridiculous?”
He shakes his head at you. “Not at all. I think that’s normal. It’s normal not to know what you what out of your future. Sometimes you think you want something but it doesn’t mean it’s gonna feel right once you’re in it and that’s okay. Now all of this talk about you not being good enough, I’m gonna stop that right now. You might be the smartest person I know. I hate that you’re doubting yourself, honey.”
He wraps his arm around your shoulder and drops a kiss to your forehead. “None of this means that you wasted your time and it doesn’t mean that you failed. It just means that you’re learning more about yourself and now you can take that and use to make whatever kind of space you need for yourself. Sometimes the path you take doesn’t always feel right once you’re actually on it. Doesn’t mean you’ve let anyone down. Not yourself. And especially not me.”
He strokes your cheek before continuing. “It’s okay to be unsure, you know. Especially when it comes down to something like your future. But you don’t need to decide right now. Now look, sweetheart. I can’t tell you what the right choice is but what I can tell you is that I’m here. You’ve got me. In whatever way you need. If you need someone to listen, you’ve got my ear. If you want problem solving, my brain is all yours. If you want a distraction and break from being all up in your head, Heck Darlin’ that’s my specialty and I’ll be happy to comfort ya all night.”
You let out a laugh, the tears finally seeming to subside.
“The only thing I want - the only thing anyone who’s worth a damn in your life wants is for you to be happy. But you don’t need to know what the path looks like right now. But one thing I do know for sure is when you figure it out, I’ll be here. Think of me as your own personal cheerleader. Or a shoulder to lean on if you need it. And even if you choose a different path and you decide that’s not right for you either, it doesn’t matter. I’ll cheer you on down every path in this world. Even the ones with a lot of sharp turns. You know you got me in your corner, right?”
You nod at him. “Yeah I do, Teddy.”
He nudges you to sit up as he repositions himself behind you, digging his fingers into your neck and rubbing out the knots underneath. “You know you are one of the kindest people I know. Of course, you can still have a little bite too when you need to. But you care. Deeply. It’s one of the reasons I think I fell in love with ya in the first place. Will you please save some of that kindness for yourself?”
You whip your head around at him and he holds his hand up in mock surrender. “Now I know, darlin’ I’m not great at doing that myself either. Maybe that’s something we can work on together.”
He drops his head down and places light kisses on your neck and shoulders. “I know we’re all our own harshest critics but the one voice you can never get away from is your own and I know sometimes it’s hard to make that voice be quiet but maybe you can add a new voice.”
Scrunching your eyebrows together, you ask, “what do you mean?”
“Maybe what you need is a little mini Ted voice added to all that chaos. And when you’re feeling down and unsure, let that voice say the words that I’m saying to you now. The kind of stuff you would say to me if I was feeling down.”
The thought of carrying around a little mini Ted in your pocket was so nice to you. If only it were actually possible.
“Come here.” He stands up from the couch and grabs your hand. You follow his lead as he leads you into the bedroom. He settles you into bed, cuddling you close into his chest and whispers against your ear. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You don’t need to figure anything out right now but you will figure it out. I know you will.”
You stay like that for a minute, laying on his chest feeling the rise and fall of his body as he breathes in and out. He whispers again, “have I told you I love you today?”
You chuckle. “You tell me everyday Ted.”
“Well, I love you. So much. So what do you need?”
“Cuddles, I think.”
“Well, that’s my favorite activity. course we can do that.”
You can feel him tracing patterns into your skin while you both lie there in each others warmth.
You sit up rather abruptly, looking down at your boyfriend.
“What is it?”
“Ted, honey I’m sorry. I never even asked you how your day was. We’ve spent all this time wrapped up in my problems.”
He waves you off. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I like comforting you. Doing this for you helps me just as much.”
“Really?” You ask him unconvinced.
“Yeah. Comfort given is comfort gained, you know. The Doc taught me that.”
“I always knew she was smart.” You lean down and give him another kiss, whispering against his lips. “Thank you.”
“Course. No need to thank me. That’s what love is, right?”
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erodasfishtacos · 6 months
this is the first two parts of an exclusive trope i have on pateron. it is completed and all together eight parts.
if you’re interested in the rest, you can sign up here for $3USD and have access to 100s of stories and blurbs.
YN doesn't know why she thought that a hockey game of all things would make her feel any better about her breakup with Adam.
YN really can’t imagine that anything will lessen the sour taste of her high school sweetheart getting another girl pregnant.
All YN had known was Adam which she was now realizing how much she had been missing out on experiencing through her earlier twenties.
While Adam snuck around behind her back to experiment, hook-up, and do whatever else with other woman.
YN, unfortunately, only knew Adam intimately.
YN always knew that had been lackluster, always more to desire because he chased his own needs and very rarely helped her reach her own pleasure.
It was bittersweet.
There’s a massive relief that she doesn’t have to imagine her entire life with him and open it to new possibilities.
However, the hurt that came with his infidelity still ached enough that she sometimes physically felt her chest twinge.
A hockey game with a few of her close friends.
Her best friend, April, worked for the arena which meant that she was able to secure pretty close-to-the-ice tickets for a fourth of the price.
As they sat down, a few of them had already had a drink or two in them, and YN didn’t want to mix alcohol with a broken heart so she stuck to a soda instead.
After they’ve filed into their seats, YN was at the one end of her group which meant the chair next to her would be filled by another attendee.
She didn’t think anything of it, leaning across her friend Henry to chat to April, her back towards the empty seat.
YN does not realize that someone is trying to sit down until someone bumps her in the back with their elbow, not hard enough to hurt but enough that YN glances back.
“Sorry for that,” The most gorgeous man she’s ever seen apologizes, a big genuine smile that makes dimples pop in his cheeks, “Got my hands full.”
And he did, he managed to carry three bottles of beer by the neck in one hand, his other filled with a tray of food.
His friends follow shortly after, tugging the beers one by one out of his hand until he can sit down comfortably with his carton of food on his lap.
“It’s okay,” YN assures him, trying to not make it too obvious that she’s giving him a sneaky once over because damn.
He was in a pair of well fitting jeans, a shirt that looked vintage but hugged his broad shoulders tight, looser as it tapered down.
The man continues to smile at her as his friends appear to be quite a rowdy group in comparison to him as they settle in.
“You’re pretty,” The stranger tells her, no shame in his words but not much meaning because he’s already turning back towards his friends like he didn’t just rock her world.
YN questions whether she heard it right because did he just call her pretty?
She tries desperately not to hyper focus on it like a schoolgirl with a crush but it’s hard when his shoulders are so broad, his biceps were built.
It was impossible for their bodies not to be frequently touching.
YN attempts to focus on her friends until the game starts, having to face forward and not be able to have her back to the man.
“You want a fry?” The stranger asks randomly after a few moments.
YN assumes that he’s talking to a friend until he nudges her with an elbow, “Do you want a fry or a chicken strip?”
YN normally wouldn’t accept food from someone she didn’t know but their dinner had been disgusting and inedible which meant her stomach was rumbling.
He’s offering the basket up to her, letting her pick out a fry, and his smile was still just plaster on his face as he watched her.
“Thank you,” YN replies after she’s finished it, giving him more of an unsure grin back.
“Help yourself,” He tells her casually before he’s placing the basket between them so she could grab a fry or strip more easily.
This was weird.
After a few minutes, YN hesitantly plucks up another fry, and the man next to her doesn’t acknowledge that she’s eating out of his basket at all.
When YN’s hand hits paper, she looked down in utter embarrassment, “Oh my god. I am so sorry. I didn’t even realize that I was eating all your food.”
The guy looks over at her for a moment, confused until he glances down at the basket balanced on his leg, and then back to her.
“I’ll go grab you another one right now-“
YN moves to stand up and his hand lightly comes to her shoulder to keep her sat, his expression is somewhat unreadable, somewhat amused.
“I offered them to you? Why are you apologizing?”
“You didn’t offer for me to eat the whole basket,” YN points out with a heat in her cheeks, this was embarrassing.
“Are you still hungry? I could go grab more,” He asks easily, it wasn’t a jest or teasing, he was being a hundred percent serious.
If YN would have ate Adam’s food, he would have demanded she go immediately to get more and then bring it up for the rest of the night too.
This man, who was unfairly attractive but more than that, suspiciously nice even though it didn’t come off as creepy or predatory.
“I’m good. Thank you for asking. I’m sorry again,” YN apologizes again for good measure as she picks anxiously at her thumb.
“No apology needed,” He shakes his head with a laugh as he puts the empty remnants on the ground in front of him and swigs from his beer.
YN has to keep her eyes on the ice, she is much too focused on every time his shoulder brushes or his knee knocks in hers because he has to spread his legs an ungodly amount.
There was no conversation between them until another attendee who was further into the middle row was attempting to exit by their side.
The man was a bit wobbly, there was surely a lot of alcohol running through his system and he wasn’t being careful.
He trips over his own feet, over the debris on the ground, and rumbles right on top of YN who yelps in surprise.
The man next to her is quick to action, standing up and tugging the guy back up so that he was standing off his feet.
He was visibly annoyed with the drunk, voice sharp as he warns, “Watch where you’re fucking walking, mate. You could have hurt her.”
The guy mumbles an apology before staggering up the stairs, most likely to get more alcohol.
“Thank you,” YN says once again to him, adjusting her top and brushing off the pants of her leg, heart still pounding.
“Harry, bro. Johnson almost scored!” One of his friends pats his arm excitedly.
Well, Harry gives her that signature smile before biting the corner of his lip, and his eyes stay on her a moment longer than acceptable before going back to his friends.
When a commercial break cuts, towards the end of the game, it’s the crowd's favorite time.
The kiss cam.
YN doesn’t think much of it, she’s not with anyone nor loving up on someone.
And it’s an area with fifty-thousand people, it’s next to impossible for her to-
But then her friends are squealing, shoving at her to look towards the Jumbotron, and there she is, projected on the screen.
The frame is decorated with corny swirling pink hearts, balloons popping, and most importantly bold letters that read, ‘KISS CAM’.
In the frame with her, however, is Harry.
As if they were a couple.
His friends must point it out to him because he’s glancing at the screen before he’s making eye contact with her.
Boldly, wildly, he grins and asks, “Can I kiss you?”
YN boldy, wildly nods ‘yes’.
He leans into her space then, big hands coming up to cup her face, and he pulls her into a kiss with an intensity that’s unwarranted but welcomed.
YN can feel her heartbeat in her throat, blood rushing through her ears, and her hand trembling when she wraps her fingers around his wrist.
It’s not chaste.
No, Harry is swiping his tongue against her bottom lip as the crowd goes absolutely insane, roaring and hooting.
Not to mention their friends.
At some point, the camera finds a new couple but YN is positive that they’ve kissed for much longer than they were on the screen before they both pull back.
His lips are puffy, pink, and his eyes are intent on her.
YN feels like panting and her heart jumps when he leans back in for another kiss, a shorter, more sweet one but his hand is grounding on her jaw.
“I’m Harry.”
“YN,” She smiles back at him, her hand still gripping onto him and he doesn’t seem to mind one bit as they just can’t take their eyes off each other.
“Would you want to get out of here?” Harry asks brazenly, hopefully as he appears like he wants to devour her.
YN who’s never been a risk-tasker, who’s never had a hook-up, or anyone other than Adam finds herself agreeing, “Yeah, I do.”
+ second part +
After Harry had opened his apartment door, the arousal and excitement has warped into a trembling nervousness.
What the fuck did a random hookup look like?
YN didn’t even know if she was good at sex because Adam only had a few trusty positions that he liked.
Harry locks the door behind them, the apartment is small but cozy and clean, it smells like his cologne and the lighting is just right for the mood.
He steps up behind her, leaning down to kiss her neck, and his hands on her hips, bigger and stronger than anything she’s ever felt before.
“Do you need anything first? Bathroom, food, water?” He asks against her skin, he was forward in the way that he was already pressing his hips into her backside.
YN shakes her head, trying to keep up, “No, thank you.”
Harry laughs softly, lips smooth against her pulse, “So polite. Let me know if that changes, baby.”
They just met and it sounded sincere, not like a corny pickup line.
Harry moves in front of her, not once ounce of shyness as he crosses his arms over his chest and tugs his shirt up and off.
He was ripped.
Surprisingly so, not that he didn’t look fit with his shirt on but YN wasn’t expecting him to have abs, a sharp vee cutting towards his groin, nor the defined muscle near his ribs.
He looks like he walked out of a magazine.
Was she being pranked?
YN didn’t think this could possibly be real life where the most handsome man she’d ever seen was stripping for her.
He moves towards his jeans, unbuckling his belt, and shimmying them off his narrow hips before kicks them to the side.
Just in his briefs and socks, his groin was prominent, and YN’s heart lurches at that because she’s only taken Adam who was a little below average in size.
His wasn’t average, she could tell from here.
A nervous flip of arousal churns in the bit of her stomach, she wanted this man so much that she felt like clenching her thighs together.
Harry’s brow knife in concern when he notices YN stood like a statue, just staring at him, and making no effort to move.
“Is everything okay?” Harry checks cautiously, stepping towards her but not touching her as he looks unsure.
Fuck, she was embarrassed again.
“Uh, ye-yeah,” Her voice cracks like a boy going through puberty, “Just my first time.”
Harry’s eyes widen in alarm, startled, “Oh fuck, I would have done shit different if I knew that you’ve never-“
YN realizes she could have used much better wording and waves her hand, “No no, I’m not a virgin. I just got out of a long-term relationship. I’ve only ever been with him. This is my first time…just randomly hooking up with someone.”
A relieved smile crosses Harry’s face, “Shit, baby. I’m glad you chose me. How could someone let you go? Prettiest face I’ve ever seen, cutest set of tits too.”
“I just might not be the best but,” YN shrugs sheepishly, this has to be the most mortifying experience ever.
“Don’t be worried ‘bout a thing,” Harry assures her as he steps forward, “Now I gotta give it my all to prove m’better than your ex.”
YN decides to take a step out of her comfort zone, reaching forward to grip him through the cotton of his briefs, and he fills her whole hand.
“You weren’t going to give it your all before?” YN teases, feeling her confidence grow by the moment as she moves to thumb over the sensitive head.
“Fuck,” He curses under his breath, eyes meeting hers under his lashes, “I was always going to, baby.”
“Mhm,” YN hums, not convinced as he twitches in her palm, easy for her already.
“Gotta get you naked, my room,” Harry’s breathing is heavier as he reaches out for her hand, guiding her towards his bedroom.
Once they’re in, it’s surprisingly big, and has a comfortable looking king-sized bed that was actually made nicely.
“Please,” YN hears him asks after a moment of her being distracted, “Let me undress you. I’m fuckin’ dying to see you.”
YN can’t help but look over his body once more and she knew she was nothing in comparison to his athletic build.
However, pushing the insecurity down, she nods with a smile for him to undress her.
It was worth the nerves.
By the time she’s down to just her panties, Harry is groaning as he acts like he’s never seen anything better in his life.
“Knew you’d have the cutest set of tits I’ve ever seen,” Harry rumbles as he ducks down to cup them in his big palms, mouth wrapping around one and sucking.
It felt amazing.
Adam didn’t pay any attention to her body when they had sex, never had, and it did feel like her first time in a way.
She wouldn’t want it with anyone else but Harry.
His hand trails from her breast down her belly, fingers dipping into the front of her cotton underwear.
“Fuck, wait,” YN reaches down to hold his wrist, cheeks warm, “You don’t have to.”
Harry pulls his mouth back from her chest, frowning as he stands up straight again, “Do you not like that?”
“It’s not that, I just haven’t you know…” YN trails off, hoping that he would catch on.
He doesn’t.
“You haven’t….” Harry repeats back, he was still soft and gentle, unhurried and patient with her as she hesitated.
YN looks past his right ear as she replies, “I haven’t shaved in a while. We’ve been broken up for a few months and I haven’t maintained-“
Harry is letting out a humored snort, leaning forward to kiss her quiet before he’s kneeling down in front of her, mouth laying wet kisses on her belly.
“Baby, you’re insane if you think I mind hair. Anyway, I can get your pussy is fine by me. I like it, knowing I’m the first to have you like this in a while,” Harry replies, voice scratchier as his arousal grows, and his lips stay on her hip as he tugs the underwear down her legs.
Adam would refuse to have anything to do with her if she wasn’t freshly shaven.
Not shaving for the past few months had felt like the most freeing experience, she hadn’t ever thought she would be randomly having a hookup or she would have shaved.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Harry groans when he finally gets a look at her, his thumb coming up to smooth down the downy curls that were lightly dusting her pubic bone.
“Harry,” YN giggles anxiously, “You don’t have to act like -“
“Can I get my mouth on you?” Harry cuts her off, his eyes were glued to her center, where his thumb was pressing between her folds to nudge at her clit.
YN raises her eyebrow in surprise.
Adam had rarely done that, maybe five times total in their entire relationship, and YN never requested it because it didn’t feel good enough to want it again.
“If you want,” YN breathes out, still in a bit disbelief that this man was kneeling in front of her, asking to put his mouth if her.
“If I want,” He chuckles with a shake of his head before his hands are gripping his hips a bit firmer and keeping her still.
He doesn’t waste another moment, burying his face into her center, nose bumping against the curls on her mound as his tongue swipes through the split of her.
Harry knows what he’s doing.
His lips find her clit in seconds flat but he’s grunting at her, communicating without taking his mouth off of her, and shoulders her legs apart wider.
YN reaches for balance, finding his hair as something perfect to weave her fingers into, and hold steady.
He then just casually, again refusing to take his mouth away, hefts one of her thighs over his shoulder, and makes it possible to lick even deeper.
“Harry,” YN moans kittenishly, a sound she’s never heard out of her own mouth as she tugs harshly at his hair.
He lets out his own moan between sucks and licks, nose buried in the curls, and he’s taking heavy breathes because of his refusal of air.
YN has had orgasms when she had sex with Adam, occasionally, and with her own fingers.
This was the first time someone other than herself made her come.
Holy shit, it was life-changing.
“M’close,” YN warns but by the time she gets the words out, she’s throwing her head back and bucking her hips into his mouth as she rides it out.
His hands move to grip her ass hard, bruising enough as he pushes her as close as possible to help her feel it for as long as possible.
YN realizes just how much she was tugging his hair when her fingers ache, unwinding them as she pants, “I’m sorry. I pulled your hair so hard.”
Harry sits back on his heels, face shining as he swipes his thumb across his bottom lip before sticking in his mouth.
He was fucking obscene.
“Loved it,” Harry replies, voice raspy and deeper than ever, “You tasted just as good as you look. I think I’m in love with the bush.”
YN giggles as he helps her unwind her leg from over his shoulder, he stands up and kisses her hard.
It shouldn’t be hot that she can taste herself.
“Want to see you,” YN murmurs shyly, her fingernails trailing down his stomach, his abs twitching in response.
“Yeah, baby?” Harry goads as he watches her hand, “Hopefully it’s to your liking.”
YN takes that as permission to tug his briefs down his thighs, he was beautiful here too, unsurprisingly.
YN had experience with this.
Adam was less than half the size, not as pretty nor as thick.
It was a bit intimidating.
Harry must sense it, pressing a kiss to her lips, and huffing when she wraps her hand around him, stroking upwards.
“S’gonna fit, nice and snug, huh?” Harry whispers sweetly before he bites her bottom lip, he takes it upon himself to reach down again.
He slips in index and middle finger through her folds, crooking them up inside of her, and cursing under his breathe.
“Baby, you’re tight,” He tells her as he goes slowly, working her open as she pumps him in slow, firm strokes.
YN bites her lip, brave as she thumbs over his shiny tip, “Fuck me, please. Want it.”
“What do you like?” Harry asks as he walks them backwards to the bed, YN landing on her back and squirming up to the middle center.
“What do you mean?” YN asks between a gasp when she feels him brush against her mound, tip bumping at her folds.
“What position gets you off the best?” Harry elaborates as he peppers kisses over her collarbone, tweaking a nipple in his fingers.
“Whatever you like,” YN replies because none get her off.
Harry glances up at her, “But what position is good for you?”
“They’re all the same, aren’t they?” YN shrugs mulishly, “I don’t usually, well, I can use my fingers in any one.”
Harry looks at her like she’s grown a second head, voice sharper, “Did you ex really never make you orgasm during sex without you using your own fingers?”
YN tucks her bottom lip between her front teeth for a moment, “He said it’s easier if I just did it so yeah.”
Harry shakes his head, a scoff of disbelief, “How did he not worship this perfect little pussy, baby? I’ve never seen anything more magnificent.”
YN tries not to let the compliment go to her head, he defiently says that to every other girl he’s been with, it’s just a line.
“Your fingers aren’t going to be anywhere near your cunt tonight,” Harry rumbles as he reaches over to his night stand, rummaging until he finds a condom and rolls it over himself.
“Sweetheart, you’re drippin’ to your bum,” Harry laughs but it’s not mean, it’s fond as he has her bend her knees and spread them.
Harry paints himself up and down her entrance, hitting the heavy weight of it against her clit a few times before pressing in.
“O-oh,” YN gasps because he’s big.
It’s not painful but it is a stretch, as he makes room for himself, and he goes slowly.
He leans down, kissing her, and murmuring encouraging words to her.
Much too sweet for a causal hookup.
“Look at you, never had anyone look so pretty while taking my cock, baby.”
“See? S’room for me, hugging me perfectly.”
“Shit, darling. Never going to want to pull out, just want to stay all tucked up inside you.”
“Fuckin’ beautiful, I can’t decide whether I want to look at your pretty face or perfect pussy. M’spoiled for choice.”
“Please, please,” YN hiccups, she feels needy as he starts to put in more force behind in thrusts, and on every odd motion, he manages to hit a spot she didn’t know she had.
The spot that barreled her towards her second orgasm, nails digging to Harry’s bicep as she squeezes her eyes shut.
“Fuck, there it is, pretty baby. Come around my cock, squeezing me,” Harry lets out a low moan when he feels her walls contract around him.
YN has never come twice like that.
When Harry reaches down to press a thumb to her clit, she squeals with the overstimulation but he kisses her and assures her that she can give him one more.
YN has pathetic, fat tears streaming down her face as her third orgasm hits her.
“There we go,” Harry croons, pleased as a peach as he kisses her damp cheeks, “Came on my tongue, on my cock twice, see how good you are for me? S’all mine, right? Only cock you’ve ever come on.”
The possessiveness in his words makes her stomach flip with something good, validating that she wanted.
“Just yo-yours,” YN manages to agree through bated breath, he was pounding into her now, barreling towards his own end.
“Good girl, fuckin’ making me come for you,” He grits out, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple as he stills, pulsing inside her, “Fuckin’ hell.”
YN wakes up before Harry the next morning, quietly as a mouse slipping back into her clothes, and leaving his apartment.
Was it a shitty thing to do?
Did she do it to avoid him kicking her out after they used each other because it felt real to her and this was just plain fun for him?
Also yes.
YN guesses this is how hookups go.
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taste-thewaste · 3 months
Henry’s first time trying to do his own laundry in the brownstone and will absolutely NOT admit that he accidentally shrunk his T shirts in the dryer and wears them around the house as slutty crop tops
this turned out so soft (like henry) i hope you enjoy!!
Read on AO3 if you prefer!
They never explicitly discussed it, but Alex does the laundry. Henry’s done his best learning all the tasks of domesticity–a lifetime of being waited on in a castle is hard to unlearn–but laundry has always eluded him. The washer just has so many buttons and the dryer…is it natural to stick something in a metal hole and have it come out piping hot and fluffy? Henry doesn’t think so. 
Alex has been perfectly fine doing the laundry, but then suddenly he’s gone for a week on a trip to DC and Henry’s stuck in the city and he’s out of t-shirts and he cannot simply lounge around in polos and button-ups. 
“I’m out of t-shirts,” Henry whines over Facetime one night to his boyfriend, pouting openly. 
“Wear one of mine,” Alex says. 
“You know that won’t work,” Henry says, panning the phone down to his tummy poking out over his jeans. 
“Oh, my poor little prince,” Alex says with fake sympathy, a grin on his face. “What are you going to do without me there to do your laundry?” 
“I could do my own laundry,” Henry says quickly, fake confidence coating his voice. “I could do my own laundry any time I want.” 
“Oh, could you? Prove it,” Alex says, and that settles it. Henry is doing his own laundry. 
Everything goes swimmingly with the washing machine (no one ever needs to know about the way it overflowed with suds because he cleaned it up right away and the floor needed to be washed anyways, thank you very much). It’s the dryer that ends up throwing a wrench into it. 
Into the dryer go all of his t-shirts, clean and smelling like soap, and when they come out they’re warm, dry and six inches shorter than they had been going in. 
Alex comes home a few days later and there is Henry, sitting on the couch, wearing his ‘Hollywood Handshake’ graphic t-shirt and reading Jane Austen. “Welcome home, love,” Henry says with a warm smile, and when he stands up, Alex bursts out laughing in a way he hasn’t in forever. 
“What are you laughing at?” Henry asks, hands on hips, and that only serves to make Alex laugh harder. Henry’s t-shirt, white with a photo of Paul Hollywood in the middle with the words ‘Hollywood Handshake’ in an arch above and below the picture, would’ve been funny enough (it had been a gag Christmas gift from Alex that Henry unironically loves). The fact that it can now only be called a crop top, Paul Hollywood’s face all squished up and Henry’s belly fully visible, is what sends Alex over the edge. 
“You shrank your t-shirts, didn’t you?” Alex asks between fits of giggles. 
“No idea what you’re talking about,” Henry says haughtily, but the glee emanating from Alex breaks down his resolve and he smiles, too. 
“I’m loving the new look, sweetheart. Especially this,” Alex says, and he comes over and pokes Henry’s tummy. Henry crosses his arms over his chest self-consciously but the grin on his face belies his body language and Alex pokes him again, tickles his belly. 
“Stooooop,” he says, laughing and reaching out and grabbing Alex by the shoulders. He tugs him closer and Alex wraps him into a hug. 
“I missed you,” Alex says, holding him tightly. Then he bends over and kisses Henry’s tummy, an action that sends a blush to Henry’s cheeks. “And I missed you.”  
“You are ridiculous,” Henry says softly, but there’s no malice behind the words, he’s feeling too soft for that. He loves how much Alex loves his body. 
“Tell me something, sweetheart,” Alex says, settling his hands on Henry’s hips. “Did you wash all your t-shirts? Did they all meet the same fate?” 
Henry nods. “Why do you ask?” 
Alex reaches out and pinches Henry’s belly so he yelps. “Just want to know how long the fashion show I’m going to force you into is going to be.” Henry’s laugh is music to Alex’s ears.
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wordsofhoneydew · 6 months
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happy wednesday <3
thank you to my lovelies @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @itsmaybitheway @eusuntgratie @heysweetheart-writes @rockyroadkylers @magicandarchery for tagging me !! your snippets were absolutely scrumptious
i started my first song fic!! so i’ll be sharing a longer snippet than i usually would:
Henry is walking back now, taking careful steps around the crowd of dancing people as he tries not to spill the tray of shots he’s holding. A high pitched giggle escapes his lips as he sets it down on the table in front of Alex, but Alex never strays his focus away from Henry’s face. The way his blue eyes gleam reminding him of the water at his father’s lake house back in Texas— dark and all consuming—as he looks back at Alex so intently. He could get lost in them forever.
just another blip in my heart:
He’s laughing at some suggestive joke Pez makes, head tipped back and smile completely unguarded. The sheen sweat on his cheekbones makes his skin glow under the luminescent lights of the bar, as if he was sculpted by Michelangelo himself. And Alex just watches him in quietude, utterly infatuated with Henry’s natural beauty. It makes his heart clench in his chest; knowing that he can’t have him, that Henry doesn’t feel the same way as he does.
So he looks away begrudgingly, grabbing another shot and downing it without a flinch or grimace, hoping that the buzz under his skin and the raucous music will eventually drown out the thoughts of the pretty blond man in front of him.
Then Nora is grabbing Alex by his wrist and pulling him up to the dance floor. He bites back a groan as he gives in to her, and places his hands on her waist.
“What’s up with you, Alejandro? You’ve been sulking all night.” Damn Nora’s perceptiveness and ability to read right through him. He thought he did a fair job at hiding the looming feeling of dejection that comes to him whenever Henry’s around or weighing heavily in his thoughts.
”Nothing.” Alex catches a glimpse of Henry watching them and turns around so that his back is facing toward him. Out of sight out of mind.
Nora looks over his shoulder as she continues to dance, a knowing smirk spreading across her lips. “Oh I see, still pining over Henry?”
Alex rolls his eyes as he tries to keep up with the pace of Nora’s movements. “What d’ya think?” he practically grumbles. “It’s not like I can turn off my feelings like a fuckin’ light switch.”
“Loosen up, man. Or just talk to him. That white boy is literally in love with you, stop being a coward and just go for it.”
A coward. That’s exactly what Alex is, and if it means it will protect his heart from inevitable rejection, then so fucking be it.
“I need another drink.” He mumbles, not caring whether Nora hears or not.
The night fades away into Alex stumbling through the front door of his apartment, still buzzed with adrenaline and alcohol running through his system.
After a much needed shower and change into a comfortable pair of sweats, the fuzziness subsides, his feelings begin to feel tangible, more real. His mind replays the events of the night; prim and proper Henry loosened up after a few drinks of gin and tonic, how he swayed his hips subtly to Get Low and smiled to himself as other people gyrated against each other. He recalls how they caught each other's eyes every so often, then noticing how Henry quickly averted his eyes every time. Tonight he was beautiful and glowing, and absolutely captivating in the way he just was—In the way he always is. Alex misses the person he was before he found himself enamored with Henry; gregarious and the life of the fucking party. Now he’s stuck in an endless loop of pining after someone he can never have and convincing himself he’s over it.
sometimes I think of calling you up:
Alex is sprawled out on his couch with his TV playing something he could care less about. As suspected, the effects of alcohol can only do so much to drown out the despair of unrequited love, his mind no longer buzzing from the sound of club music, but circling around only one person’s name over again. Henry Henry Henry.
@agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @absolute-audacity @anchoredarchangel @bitbybitwrites @saturntheday @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @nocoastposts @littlemisskittentoes @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @ninzied @rmd-writes @orchidscript @myheartalivewrites @i-am-freyja @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @tinyarmedtrex @gayrootvegetable @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @captainjunglegym @sherryvalli @alasse9 @read-and-write- @sparklepocalypse @songliili @sunnysideprince @priincebutt @bigassbowlingballhead @o0anapher0o
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