#(I have so much planned eueueu)
brick-a-doodle-do · 11 months
status update
i am not dead! i mean that much is obvious since i've still been replying and stuff ,,,,, even tho it sounds weird to me i've just been busy with school, and by the time i get home i just have the energy to lay in bed or watch tv
my interest in the dsmp hasn't really faded yet, i still indulge in fics but haven't exactly been keeping up with anything content-wise cause it's seemed to all go to shambles and i don't have the interest in catching up with qsmp (even though it sounds like so much fun. the brain is weird like that)
i've had SO much, like, existential dread lately even if it's a lot better than before. just can't shake the bad feelings quite yet eueueu
as for writing i haven't been writing g/t lately, not because of disinterest, just cause the creativity has completely been slacking. but i have been writing a non g/t thing that i do plan to put on ao3 hopefully! my motivation is definitely all into that at the moment cause mmm lovely writing for that!! ALSO i hope to post some mini (non g/t) stories to ao3 just to get some stuff out.
so not dead but probably won't be writing g/t fics for a bit (knowing me next week i'll be fixated on something g/t lmfaoao)
LOVE EVERYBODY feel free to drag me back onto hellsiht by discussing or sharing ideas with me or something idk aaaaaaAaaa
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icyfox17 · 1 year
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they lost :(
do you want to write about them being friends?
I KNOWW I SAW IM SO SADWAJOIWE R:(( wails BUT HEY it was pretty close to 50/50 so im happ B)
also ty for the prompt i haven't written orphanduo in so long this actually made me really happy eueueu
It’s pouring outside. Absolutely pouring. A torrential one if you will. The wind is howling, and Techno worries for the safety of their house from the massive tree in their backyard. 
Techno looks over to where his dog is sitting perfectly at the front door, tilting his head back and forth. “No, Floof. We are not going on a walk in this weather. Are you crazy?”
Floof whines, before jumping up and down in a circle and barking. 
Techno gives him a deadpan look. “You are. You have finally lost it.”
Floof ignores him, and continues to bark. There is no way Techno is giving in to this tiny demonic ball of white fluff. 
Techno stands up, and instead of going towards the front door, he moves to the back one. He unlatches the lock, and waits for Floof to come running. Floof does, without hesitation, and Techno can hear the clitter clatter of his nails hitting the hardwood. When Floof reaches the door, Techno slides it open, and all of the sudden the pouring rain and rushing wind become much, much louder. 
Floof sits in front of the door, and turns to look at Techno. Techno is pretty sure he can see the despair in his dog’s eyes.  
“Yeah. Thought so. You’re just gonna have to wait it out bud,” says Techno as he closes the door, latching the lock.
Floof this time doesn’t argue, and instead lies down in front of the door whining.  Techno gives him a pat twice on the head before, going back to where he was gaming on his computer. He was mining for his new faction on the (twentieth) Minecraft server Skeppy had forced him to join. 
A flash of thunder rocks the house, and he looks back out at the stormy world outside. Really, he can’t see anyone going outside in this weather. He pauses, looking back at the Minecraft world on his computer screen. Unless…
The Blade
can u come over rn
Annoying Dumbass #1 whtat?!??!
The Blade
floof knocked over the bookshelf downstairs
can u come right away
i cannot pick it back up myself
Annoying Dumbass #1
how the hlel did floof di taht?!?! isnt he tiny?!?!?
The Blade
you underestimate how much force is in that tiny body of his
Annoying Dumbass #1
ur fcuking w me
The Blade
im not
ill give you the first piece of netherite i find on this server
Annoying Dumbass #1
fine, but istg if this is a troll techno—
It is. But Skeppy doesn’t need to know that until he gets here. Plus, Techno wasn’t lying when he told him he would give him the netherite he found. Techno isn’t that cruel.
Techno prepares them hot chocolate and popcorn, planning on gaslighting Skeppy that the whole reason he tricked him over was so they could watch a movie together, and definitely not because he just thought it would be funny to see him get soaked.
As Techno is mixing the powder into the heated milk, he hears a knocking on the door and grins. He finishes stirring, before grabbing one of Floof’s towels and walking to the door.
He opens it to reveal a completely soaked Skeppy. His hair is dripping into his face, and the thin wind-breaker he’s thrown on has been changed from the light aqua colour it normally is, to a dark blue. 
“You are so lucky I only live five minutes away,” Skeppy says, glaring at him.
“Oh Skeppy, what would I ever do without you?” Techno replies, taking a step back so Skeppy can enter his house. 
As Skeppy is taking his shoes off, Techno closes the door behind him, locking it before throwing the dog towel at Skeppy’s back.
It drops to the floor, and Skeppy picks it up. He’s about to rub his face with it, before he squints at it. “Is this Floof’s?”
Techno shrugs. “Maybe. You got a problem with that?”
“I’m not a dog, Techno!”
Skeppy throws the towel at Techno’s face, laughing. “Fuck you, Techno!”
Techno cackles back, before making his way to the kitchen, grabbing him the clean and human towel he had prepared before, and giving that one to Skeppy. He then goes to finish the popcorn he was making.
Skeppy follows him all the way through, and when he gets to the kitchen he pauses, scanning the living room where the singular bookshelf that Techno’s family has downstairs is. There’s silence for one moment before, “Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me.”
“You really have to get better at not being gullible, man. You give Bad shit all the time for it, but really man? You thought Floof knocked that down?”
Skeppy laughed. “Shut up, man! I hate you so much.”
“I’m still going to give you the netherite.”
“...Okay. I hate you a little much.”
“That’s not grammatically correct at all.”
“Fuck off.”
Techno finishes with the popcorn, and hands Skeppy the mug of hot chocolate he’d made him. “Let’s go watch Megamind.”
Skeppy takes it without hesitation, and follows Techno to the couch in the living room, with the very clearly knocked over bookshelf. “You could’ve just asked me to come over.”
“This was funnier.”
“You are the worst.”
“I made you hot chocolate and popcorn, and this is how I’m treated? Fine, next time you’ll get nothing in return.”
“No, no no no no— It’s great. Thank you, Techno.”
“That’s more like it.”
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