#(I haven’t written a Drabble in years let alone this intense of angst)
silverwingborn-moved · 6 months
“Sever the Ties”
Drabble from Silver’s past, back when she was still alive on Earth and traveling with her Nephilim flock.
TW: violence, gaslighting, abuse, injury, blood, trauma
The lock clicked open, her hand turning the knob and pushing the door inward. Silver stepped inside her apartment, expelling an exhausted breath. Slinging her pack off and tossing it on the floor, she kicked the door closed behind her with a heel. Dancing her fingers along the wall she reached blindly for the light switch. What a stupid setup this place was. Who installs a light switch so far from the front door? Finally her fingers grazed the switch, flicking it upwards.
The entry way remained dark.
“What the hell?” Silver flipped the toggle up and down to test it wasn’t just faulty wiring. The damn light was out. Groaning with annoyance, the Nephil felt her way along the wall as she strode for the next switch in the living room. The dark curtains of her apartment windows were drawn, only the edges haloed by a thin light. Finding the standing lamp, Silver felt for the turn switch, but no light was produced. Her entire apartment was without power.
“Damn it, this is not my day!” Producing a silvery flame in the palm of her hand, it produced enough glow, much like a candle stick. The glow and flickering of the flame danced light upon her brunette hair and blue-grey eyes. Sure she could produce her own light source, but it was not ideal by any means. If it’s a fuse that’s blown, she’d have to call the landlord-
“You always like to play with fire.”
The deep, husky voice of a man alarmed Silver, spinning around as the flame in her palm exploded into a small inferno. It was swiftly snuffed out by a cold, deliberate gust, the sound of a large wing sweeping the air and then folding once more. Cast into darkness, Silver could only see his eyes glowing across the room. A honey golden hue that stared unblinking, unemotional back at her. The Nephil felt a rise of anger, balling her fists as she shouted at the intruder.
“Damnit Faller! I told you not to sneak up on me like that! Did you kill my power? Again?! Jesus, man, you did this at the last place. I had to pay out of my own pocket for the repairs.”
The pair of glowing eyes slowly blinked before the sound of Faller’s body rising from the couch could be heard. The furniture creaked and groaned, as if crying out in relief the large man had finally gotten off of it. His eyes now stared down at Silver from across the room, his form barely silhouetted in the dark. He stood a hulking 6’10”, a towering man compared to the 5’6” woman. In three strides Faller stood before Silver, the heat of his body radiating so close against her own that she knew he must be inches apart.
“I see you took a trip,” he spoke smoothly, ignoring her quips about the power. The female Nephil’s eyes darted quickly to the bag in the hall she’d slung off, then quickly back to her flock leader. It was pointless to lie.
“Y-yes. Just a short one. I-I was only gone several days.”
“I know. You’d packed essential things. It was obvious you had no plans to come back from a short excursion.” There was no malice in his tone, simply observant and stating the facts. Reaching a hand out, his long fingers brushed past her cheek to glide through her brunette locks. His radiant eyes narrowed and Silver thought she could make out a grin in the darkness of his face.
“I was worried about you. You’d left the safety of your hiding grounds without consulting me. Why is that, my dearest?”
Her fingers smoothed over the fabric of Faller’s shirt as he pressed himself against her. They’d been intimate like this a few times. The gentle caresses and feeling of his hot breath upon her skin fed a deep hunger in Silver. The need to be touched, to be held, to feel loved more than just another flock member. A yearning for a partner. Faller never went far with his physical endearment, but his words always dripped with honey and lavender. A sweet calm that made the rest of the world disappear if only for a couple breathes.
“I didn’t want to bother you. It was just a short excursion. Trust me, I won’t do it again.”
“Oh you never bother me with your honesty, my shining light. And you’ll always be honest with me, won’t you?”
Words caught in her throat as Faller dipped his head, pressing his forehead against hers. Silver stared deeply back into his eyes, her own wide and vulnerable. Between her legs she him move his knee, keeping them pinned in place. She was utterly at his mercy now. Her heart thudded rapidly, the flow of adrenaline fueling this new excitement. Silver craved this, and yet had the nagging doubt she didn’t deserve him. Faller was far superior and better than her in every way. Stronger, faster, skilled beyond his age, a leader that lead his flock with confidence. She was a mere songbird and he was the eagle.
“Our flock may be apart for now, until the threat of the angels has passed. But we are always going to be your family.”
“I-I know. I miss my family so much-“
A flicker of light flashed in Faller’s eyes, like distant lightning of an impending storm. His mouth parted into a grin, expression empathetic to her longing. The fingers in her hair remained, entangling further to support her at the back of her head. His free hand rubbed gently up her arm, past her shoulder and came to rest at the nape of neck. A finger lifted to trace the tattoo on the side of her neck, where the concealed lightning like scars hid beneath the ink. Silver gasped softly, feeling the familiar hot tingling of his “gift”, the spot hypersensitive now after his bite and magic transfer.
The leader chuckled deeply, amused with her reaction.
“I felt such pride the day I shared my gift with you. My belief it will make you stronger, to excel your powers potential. I chose you, and no one else. Our flock has only grown stronger since we welcomed you in. Embraced you without merit and loved you fiercely.”
His large hand lifted from the mark to lift her chin until their lips remained inches apart. In a low, whispered voice, he spoke.
“And you repay us with treason.”
Silver’s brow furrowed, confused by his accusation.
“What? No. No I haven’t-“
“Oh but you have, Arianell. You disobeyed our flocks rule.”
Excitement quickly melted into anxiousness and embarrassment. Faller never used her true name, not after she renamed herself as the right to leave her past behind. He knew she went back to her home? To see her mother?
“Faller, I-”
“When we took you in we made it clear that we are your family now. All that was would remain in the past. You made your choice. You agreed to the flocks terms. And now, you have risked everyone’s lives with your selfishness.”
“No! That’s not true!”
His large hand swiftly gripped her jaw, the honey golden hues glowing fiercely. In them she say a storm swiftly building. Silver was frozen with fear. There was no escaping from Faller, never. The songbird was in the eagles claws now.
“I ask for your honesty and you cannot even offer that? Something so simple, and yet you use your silver tongue to spin lies and deceit. You deceived the flock, Silver. You turned your back on us all not once, not twice, but three times!”
The female Nephil yelped as she felt Faller’s sharp claw like nails dig into her scalp, hair gripped painfully tight. Shaking her head only increased the pain, forcing her to remain still and unable to avoid his venomous stare. Her hands feebly pushed against his chest, pulled at the hand that gripped her jaw. It was like fighting a marble statue. Tears began to roll down Silver’s face, her eyes terrified and words pleading.
“I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to endanger anyone. I never intended to cause potential harm! I-I just wanted to see my mother again.”
Dark wings flared behind Faller, rippling with electricity, the air in the room dropping dangerously cold. The sparks rolled over his feathers like a thundercloud, casting him and Silver into a ominous flickering glow. The lightning scars upon her neck took on the same glow, sending out electric shocks painfully into her body.
“You refuse to sever the ties of your past to rise to a future, Silver. And in doing so you take your whole flocks lives into your hands. A traitor, a liar, and a deceiver to us all. The angels could have found you. Followed you back to our flock. And all you have to say for it is “sorry?”
“Faller stop! Y-you’re hurting me! It hurts!”
She felt a sharp pain in the side of her jaw as Faller’s sharp thumb claw like nail pierced her skin. The blood drawn was crimson, running down his thumb and over his hand.
“Will you endanger our flock again?”
“Will you continue to be a liar and dishonest to us?”
“I WON’T!”
“Will you sever the ties to your past that you’ve so foolishly held onto?”
Fallers thumb slide down and under her jaw, stopping at her throat. Blood seeped and dripped freely down her neck and spattered on her clothing. Silver sobbed, unable to struggle away. Crying for help would do no good either. A human was nothing more than a meat sack to a Nephil’s strength and power.
“Swear it. Swear it on your LIFE. Swear it to ME. To your FLOCK. To the FAMILY YOU CHOSE!
He leaned in close until he could whisper in her ear, his words coiled with a lethal edge.
“You will uphold this promise. If not, I will defend this flock by all means necessary. May this mark serve as a reminder.”
Silver felt his hands and body leave her, allowing the woman to collapse to the floor. On her knees, she clutched at the blood that poured freely from the long gaping wound. She looked up fearfully at Faller as he loomed over her, his eyes narrowed and body standing stoically.
“I will come for you when it is safe again for our flock to reconvene. You will remain here and not leave the safety of this town again. Understood?”
“Y-yes flock leader…”
The rolling lightning over his wings began to brighten and intensify, snapping and crackling in the air of the room. The light fixtures flickered wildly around them.
“Fair flight and may Heaven never see you, Arianell.”
In a flash and rumble of thunder that shook the building, Faller was gone. All the lights in the apartment complex burst, the distant shouts of tenants filling the quiet building. Silver remained on the floor, clutching the open wound as she sobbed. Wracked with guilt and fear, the Nephil knew she could never see her mother again. This was the one and only warning she would receive. Her leader had given her a merciful second chance. She would not betray her flock again. The only family she had now…
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#35: “About the baby...it’s yours.” & #41: “I’m pregnant.”  -Roman Reigns. (PART 2)
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @panic-angel3314, @shieldgirl95, @earl-01, @nickie-amore, @blondekel77, @reigns420, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut, @blackwidow2721, @wrestlingimaginesposts, @wweburnitdown, @thirstiswet, @princesstoniii, @birthday-prinxess, @princess3733, @princesses-reign-daily, @lip-sync, @laziestgirlintheworld, @lclb13, @tinyelfperson, @justkelsey15, @blisssection, @camm-wow
Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse in reader’s former relationship. Also a mention of a miscarriage. ANGST? Little bit?
A/N: So, here is what everyone has been asking for! Part 2 of the Roman drabble! You can read the first part HERE. This was a lot longer than I was expecting it to be. I put a lot of myself into this. It’s 3553 words long. Not going to lie, it’s a roller coaster ride. I hope you like it. I’ve never written a story this intense before. You’ll know what I mean if you read it. Please let me know what you think. And if you’d like added to my tag list!
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It’s been a month since the incident with Roman. You have refused to talk to him. You were still very upset. The things he said were unforgivable in your mind.
He had been leaving you messages every single day trying to say how sorry he was. You ignored them. He would send flower bouquets to work everyday. You took the note and ripped it up and left them at the front desk. The patients would get a better use looking at them than you would.
People kept telling you that you should just give in and forgive him. Let him in. That he is the father to your child after all. And you were well aware of all of this, but you weren’t giving in that easily. Text messages and flowers aren’t a good enough reason to let someone back in.
Roman was the only person that knew about your past. He knew that your last relationship ended so badly and it ruined you. When you met Roman, you didn’t want to let him in, but eventually you felt like you could trust him. He made you feel safe. So he should at least understand why you weren’t easy to get, so to speak.
Your ex was just a man that liked to use his height and strength to his advantage. He was also an alcoholic. He was older and had two kids of his own, but they always stayed with their mother. They came and stayed with their dad on the occasional weekend, sometimes. Most of the time they chose not to because they didn’t want to. He hated that. And whenever he got pissed off, guess who got the wrath of it? That’s right. You did. At first, he would just yell at you, and blame it on you. But then it got physical. He would grab your arms and slam you against the wall. Slap you across the face. Punch you in the stomach.
There were times that you tried to get out of it, but he was always one step ahead of you. You would try to get up in the middle of the night and leave. He would either hide your keys or wait by the door with your keys. Ask where you were going. Escort you back to the bedroom and slap you around a couple times.
One of the things he would like to do when he was drunk was get on top of you while you were sleeping and try to have sex with you. He was so aggressive that he would leave bruises. You tried to fight him, but he was too strong. He pinned your arms and you wouldn’t be able to move your legs.
The last time he did that to you, you ended up pregnant. You had mixed emotions about it. You were happy that you were pregnant. Bringing a miracle into this world, but the other part of you hated it because it was his. He did this to you. You wanted a child, but not this way.
You waited to tell him, because you didn’t know how he would react.
One weekend when his kids were over, it was New Year’s Eve, your boyfriend was drinking a lot more than he normally did. Even his kids noticed. They were at an age where they noticed these things. They had called their mom letting her know that they wanted to go home. They told him that she would be there in about an hour. He was hurt. He kept his cool, for about 2 seconds.
You were standing in the dining room just waiting to see what his next move was going to be. He walked into the living room and went to the coffee table and flipped it over. It hit the wall and made a dent.
“This is all your fault! You’re the reason my kids don’t want to hang out with me!” He said, pointing a finger and coming after you.
“No, it’s not! They just don’t like hanging out with their dad when he’s like this!” You said.
At this point, you were standing by the kitchen table. He picked up a chair and threw it across the room at you. You ducked, but it still hit you. You then got out your cell phone and gave it to the kids.
“Guys, quick! Go lock yourself in the bathroom and call 911! Hurry!” You said.
They listened and went to the bathroom. Once you heard the click of the lock, you were ready for whatever he had to throw at you.
“You fuckin bitch.” He said.
You paced back to the living room and he managed to throw the recliner toward you. It hit you, but not hard enough to hurt. You ran past him, pushing him against the wall making your way to the kitchen. He caught up with you and threw you against the kitchen table. You landed on your side. It hurt so bad. But you couldn’t give up. He could try to kill you. You had to fight back.
You got up and went into the kitchen to grab something to defend yourself. He went behind you and grabbed your wrist, “Huh uh, sweetheart.”
Like it was an instinct, you slapped him across the face. It left a cut, because of your nails.
“You dirty fucking bitch! You’ll pay for that!” He said.
You were standing by the stairs that lead to the doors outside. There were only 4 steps, but when he came running after you, you moved out of the way and pushed him down. He wasn’t getting up, but you could hear him grunting.
Just then, you could hear hard banging on the front door. It was the police.
They arrested him and you checked on you and the kids. Luckily the kids didn’t witness anything, but you were hurting. Bad.
You knew that was your chance to get the hell out.
The kid’s mom showed up and took them home and you couldn’t apologize enough. She knew it wasn’t your fault. That was the reason she left him. But now he was in jail. You were safe, temporarily.
You spent the entire night packing up all of your things and got the hell out. You packed your car as full as it could get and got a hotel room. There wasn’t much available, you forgot it was New Year’s.
When you checked in, you went straight to the showers and just sat there. With the water running down on you. You couldn’t help but let out a loud cry. So much had happened tonight. It was so overwhelming. You sat there for about an hour and a half. When you got up, you felt a sharp pain. It was in your stomach area. Then you saw blood running down your legs. You began to panic and grabbed your phone and called 911.
The ambulance came and took you to the hospital. They were asked you about all the various bruises on your body, but you weren’t worried about that. You wanted to know what that bleeding was. They kept you overnight.
In the morning they ran all kinds of tests and you got the most devastating news of your life. You had a miscarriage. The doctor said it was most likely caused by all the beating up your boyfriend had done to you.
You left the hospital and called your mom to see if you could stay with her for a couple weeks. At least until you could get things figured out. Of course, she welcomed you with open arms.
Weeks went by and you hadn’t done much. Work had given you the time off. It was embarrassing enough that your coworkers were the ones who had to take care of you when you went to the hospital.
After about 3 weeks, you got a text from your boyfriend. You shouldn’t even be calling him that, but you needed to tell him to his face that it was over. For good.
He wanted to meet up and talk about what had happened and apologize. You had no interest in what he had to say, but you had a couple things there you wanted to get, so your mom agreed to go with you.
When you went over there, at the time that he suggested, you walked into your old bedroom and he was in there with another woman.
You couldn’t believe it. You walked right back out.
“Y/N! Wait!” You heard him shout.
That was the last you ever saw of him.  
***Backstory Over***
You were at work in the break room spacing off, as usual. This became a normal thing for you. Spacing off, thinking about the baby, Roman, your past. Just everything. You didn’t know what to do. You still haven’t responded to Roman yet. What would you even say?
While sitting there on your lunch break, you got a call from your OB-GYN. Your first appointment was set up for the baby. First ultrasound. You were so excited to see how baby was doing. But then Roman came to mind. Do you tell him? Invite him to the appointment? It’s not like he’s your boyfriend. You’re just really close friends with benefits. Besides, you’re not currently talking to him.
Your mother called you stubborn, and you were. But what would that say if you were to give in so easily? You refuse to deal with shit. Especially now that it wasn’t about you anymore.
You would do anything in this world to protect this baby.
So, you went to the first ultrasound appointment alone. You got to hear its heartbeat for the first time. It was one of the most happiest moments of your life. You were looking over at the screen while the nurse had the thing on your stomach and you looked over as if there was someone to share this moment with. But, there was no one. You were alone. That feeling didn’t feel so good.
The appointment finished and everything looked good. You got your ultrasound pictures and you couldn’t believe the little blob in the pictures was yours. You felt proud. You went to your apartment and hung them on your fridge.
That night while you were trying to sleep, you couldn’t help but think about how awful it felt to not have Roman there by your side to share that moment with you. He would have loved that. You felt kind of bad. He probably wanted to be apart of that.
While you were eating breakfast the next morning, you decided to send Roman photos from the ultrasound.
R -Are those yours?
Y/N -Yep. Baby’s doing well.
R -I’m glad to hear that. How are you doing?
Y/N -Okay. We should catch up next time you’re in town.
R -I’ll be in town next week. We’re in the UK on tour. I’ll text you then?
Y/N -Sounds good.
R -Been thinking about you a lot lately..
You left it at that. You didn’t talk to Roman until you saw him face to face at your favorite coffee shop. You didn’t get coffee though. Hot chocolate this time, to be safe. For the baby.
Roman handed you your drink and sat down across from you.
“So, how have you been?” He asked you.
“I’m alright. Busy. Work is crazy as usual.” You said.
Roman lifted his eyebrows and took a sip of his coffee, “Well I hope you’re not working as hard. Giving your feet some rest.”
You laughed, “I try. Sometimes I like to visit the old folks and they like to talk forever. So I get my breaks then.”
“That’s good, I guess.” Roman said, laughing.
This was nice. Just talking to him.
“How is the baby?” He asked, more serious tone.
You swallowed hard, “Doing well. Last checkup they said its progressing at the right rate. In a few weeks I have another ultrasound and will figure out if its a boy or a girl.” You said, looking down, holding your belly. Smiling.
“Really? Has it really been that long?” Roman asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I guess it has. Time flies.” You said.
It was silent for a moment.
“Well, I’m glad you’re doing well.” He said, “And you look good. Pregnancy looks good on you.” He smiled.
You blushed, “Thanks.”
Roman then drove you back to your apartment. You told him that you’d let him know if you needed anything. He had to go back to work tomorrow.
Weeks had passed and it was almost time for your next ultrasound. You had a lot of time to think these last few weeks, and you decided that you wanted Roman there with you this time. To find out what you were having. You wanted someone there to experience it with you.
You called your doctor and changed the day to 2 days later, that way Roman could come, since you knew he’d be home. Then you sent him a text.
-Ultrasound Wednesday at 10:15am. You can be there if you’d like.
Not even a minute later…
-I’ll pick you up
Wednesday was here and you were waiting for Roman to pick you up. You were feeling so many emotions. You were so excited to know what the gender of your baby was going to be. You were happy Roman was going to be there with you, but you were hoping Roman didn’t think anything of it. This baby was his too, so you wanted him to be involved. But you still had your guard up.
You heard a knock at the front door and Roman escorted you to his car.
He then started driving to the hospital.
“Thanks for picking me up.” You said.
“It’s no problem. It’s the least I can do. This is kind of my fault…” He said laughing.
“I mean, yes. But it is partially mine too.” You said.
“No matter who’s fault it is, it’s gonna be one damn good lookin kid.” He said.
You laughed and looked over at him, “What makes you think that? It could have an extra arm or four legs…”
“Eeesh. Don’t freak me out right before the appointment…” Roman said, grossed out. He was pulling into the hospital parking lot.
He helped you out of the car and tried to grab hold of your hand walking up to the main doors. You pulled away. You weren’t ready for that kind of thing yet. Roman then just shoved his hands in his pockets.
You got all checked in and sat down.
“I’m sorry, Roman, I’m just not ready for-” You began to whisper.
“It’s alright. I know. It was by bad. I’m sorry.” He said.
A few minutes later they called you back and got you all set up.
They squirted the jelly on your stomach and got started. Once you saw your baby on the screen, it was like the rest of the world disappeared. You were so happy. You looked over at Roman and he looked like he was going to cry. You reached over from the table and grabbed his hand.
“A very healthy baby.” The doctor said confidently.
“And there’s no extra limbs or anything?” Roman asked nervously. His eyes never left the screen.
The doctor laughed and reassured him that there were no extra body parts hanging anywhere.
“Would you like to know the gender?” The doctor asked.
You looked over at Roman and he looked at you, smiled and nodded. You then nodded at the doctor.
“It’s a girl.” He said smiling. “Congratulations.”
You brought your free hand to your mouth. You felt yourself start crying. You were having a little girl. Roman kissed your knuckles and you could see that he was all teary eyed as well.
After a second, he leaned, “We’re having a little girl.” He had a huge smile on his face. It was so contagious. You were smiling, but you were also crying still. This was such a happy moment. Nothing could ruin this.
You got all cleaned up and thanked the doctor and got your pictures.
Leaving the hospital, you were overjoyed. You were going to bring a little girl into this world. Now you couldn’t wait.
Roman was on his way taking you back home, “Want to get celebratory lunch? Celebrate our little princess?”  
You smiled, “I would like that.”
So Roman treated you to lunch. Then he took you to a couple shops downtown and you got to pick out a couple things for the baby together. You have to admit, it was nice.
He carried everything inside and put it in the spare bedroom. You thanked him, hugged him, and he went on his way. Back to work.
It was so nice to have him there with you. And he seemed genuinely happy to see his baby girl. Maybe he really has changed. Maybe you should give him a chance. You had a lot of thinking to do.
The next couple months flew by and it was all the same. You worked, saw Roman when he was home. He brought stuff for the baby every time you saw him. This little girl was going to be so spoiled.
Now you were about 37 weeks pregnant and you were definitely feeling it. Feeling so fat. You were finally on maternity leave, so you could relax until baby girl came. She was so active. As if she was telling you she was ready to come into this world. But you were trying to keep her in there until full term, even though that wasn’t likely.
You had your hospital bags packed and ready to go because you didn’t know when this was going to happen.
One night you were having a movie night. Romance movies and junk food because you can. When you got up to go get the ice cream, you felt a pool of water around your feet. You knew exactly what that meant.
In a panic, you reached for the phone.
“Hello? Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Roman,” You said, panting, “I need you. Baby girl is coming. Now.”
“Oh my god, okay. I will be on the first plane out of here. I will he there in a couple hours. Hold on! Call the ambulance! I’ll be there as soon as I can!”
You hung up and called 911. You didn’t have anyone else around you. That probably wasn’t very smart, but the ambulance came relatively quickly and took you to the hospital.
When you got all hooked up to all the machines and checked out, Roman showed up. Perfect timing.
“I’m here. What’s going on?” He asked, sitting next to you.
“Not much yet. My water broke, and I’m only a couple centimeters dilated. We have to wait a while longer until I can start pushing.” You said.
So, you did your waiting. It felt like it was taking forever. And it was painful. Roman never left your side. He held your hand when you needed it. Held you up. He was literally your support system. You were in so much pain.
When it was time to push, Roman stood by your head and held your hand tight, for your support.
It wasn’t easy, but after about 20 minutes you heard a little cry. They pulled your little girl out and handed her to you.
She was perfect. She looked just like Roman.
You couldn’t help but cry, “She’s p-perfect. Looks just like her daddy.”
Roman was looking down at her, taking it in.
“Yeah, she does, doesn’t she. Hi baby. I’m your daddy.” He said.
You both just looked at her. Then the nurses had to take her and look her over. Make sure she was healthy.
Now that you had a moment to breath, you leaned your head back.
You felt Roman grab your hand, “You did it. You brought our little princess into the world. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you. I did. And she looks just like you.” You said, smiling lazily.
Roman smiled.
“How about I let you get some sleep. I can get some time with both my girls in the morning.” He said.
He leaned down and kissed your forehead and let you sleep. He was going to stay in the chair across the room, for when they brought the baby in. It was the middle of the night anyway, but morning would be here before you knew it. You should get used to the short nights now.
You were so thankful to have Roman here by your side. You honestly weren’t sure if you could have done this without him. Sure, it was a bumpy road along the way, but that happens. No one is perfect. You thought he proved himself. You could see the change in his eyes when he looked at his little girl for the first time.
Maybe, if you let your guard down just this once, things will work out this time. You now had a little girl to think about. And you wanted her to have her dad involved in her life.
You’ve never been able to say it before, but now you were actually looking forward to the future.
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