#(I mean. I put a TEENY bit of weight on it when I hobble to the bathroom cuz the crutches are impossible to use in my tiny bathroom)
about time I realized how important I am and treated myself to the shiny rainbow checkmarks
... tho I forgot that you only get two, and somehow expected the entire rainbow
important, but not necessarily smart XD
anyways I'm plugging along trying to get some stuff done! Scrivener recently updated and threw a wrench in my plans... I prefer to write there, then paste things into a LibreOffice document to preserve the formatting before I post text anywhere, but, well, with the latest update, it won't save the formatting when pasting it from Scrivener to LibreOffice. and I've tried it with WordPad which should preserve editing as well, and apparently the Scrivener update was a major overhaul of the code, so something done got fucked and it's a problem with Scrivener :/
sucks since I paid money for Scrivener and genuinely enjoy using it and I feel it makes me a better writer, but I'll keep checking periodically to see if the issue is fixed, and just write in LibreOffice in the meantime
I wanna get at least 10 things done to toss in the queue so that it's at least a little full to start with and doesn't immediately get empty for days whilst I work, and I think I've got... 7 new things done at the moment?
so hopefully y'all will see some content from me soon! love u all lots <3
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megsironthrone · 7 years
At The Gym pt. 2
Multiple requests here and on Wattpad! I do not own Sandor. He is the property of George R.R.Martin.
Part 2/3(at least) of “At the Gym”
Warnings: Fluff-ish. A teeny bit of steam at the end. Modern AU
Pairings: Sandor Clegane x fem!reader
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Sandor arrived at the gym a little earlier than usual. He was hoping to see you. You hadn’t been to the gym all week and it worried him. He cursed himself for not getting your number sooner. For all the years he’d been going to that gym, you were there at least four times a week. You never missed. Until now. Sandor couldn’t help but wonder if he’d scared you off already. You hadn’t even had your dinner together yet.
              Sandor started his workout as he waited for you to arrive. An hour passed and still no sign of you. He tried to keep himself calm. There were other people in the gym and it wouldn’t for him to lose his cool. Luckily, he wouldn’t have to. A phone at the front desk rang just then and a second later, the receptionist called out Sandor’s name.
              His brows drew together, but he took the phone from the hand of the receptionist, who looked ready to pee their pants at the sight of him. “Yeah?” he asked into the speaker. “Sandor?” The man breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of your voice. You were okay. “Y/N. Where the hells have you been?” You chuckled lightly. “I sprained my ankle at work the other day. Doctor ordered me off it as much as possible, so no work outs. I figured you’d be at the gym so I thought I’d call. I was wondering if you’re available for our dinner tonight? I’ll cook.” Sandor quickly agreed and you gave him your address.
              Sandor arrived at your house a couple of hours later, more nervous than he thought he’d be. He rang the bell and waited. He didn’t have to wait long before you opened the door. Your face was sporting a bright grin, a sight Sandor rarely saw from women. Your hair was brushed to a shine and you had very minimal make-up. That wasn’t really what got Sandor. What got him was the fact that you managed to get yourself put together and cook dinner all while hobbling around on crutches.
              “There you are! Come on in!“ you greeted, carefully moving out of the way. Once the door closed behind him, you lead the way to the kitchen. “Dinner’s almost ready if you want to have a seat.” Sandor grunted. “Why don’t ya let me get it for ya? Ya probably shouldn’t be up so much.” You gave a little shrug. “I’m fine. I already got most of it done before you got here.” Sandor didn’t look amused and you chuckled. “I promise I’ll sit after I get dinner out of the oven. Besides, hobbling on this crutches is a good arm workout.”
              Sandor sat down and tried not to fidget. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable with you, but the man hadn’t been on a real date, well, ever. “Sandor, you don’t have to be nervous. I don’t bite.” Sandor snorted out a laugh, “Says the woman who refused ta workout with me in the gym.” You stuck your tongue out before laughing. Sandor couldn’t remember the last time he had been so playful with anyone.
              "Fair enough. In my defense, you’re hot and you always lifted weights right in front of the treadmill I was on. I could see every muscle moving. It’s very distracting,“ you said, putting food on plates with your back to Sandor. His eyes scanned your formed. “Yeah well, did ya ever stop ta think that I worked out in front of ya so I couldn’t see ya?” You glanced back at him with a raised brow, but he didn’t elaborate.
              Shrugging it off, you reached over and carefully slid his plate in front of him before grabbing your own. “You’re a stubborn woman, aren’t ya?” You giggled and nodded. “Always have been. Dig in,” you said as you eased into your seat.
              As the two of you ate, you struck up conversation. Sandor was much more open to talking when it was just the two of you. That fact didn’t escape your notice. In the span of time you were eating, you learned more about Sandor, including how he got his scars. “Your brother did that to you? That’s horrible.”
              "Yeah well, he got his. He’ll be in prison for the rest of his life.“ You nodded and finished up your food. You got up and took your plate in hand, but Sandor stopped you. "Let me. Ya said you’d sit and I’m holdin’ ya to that.” You chuckled but let go of the plate. “Alright. Just stick them in the dishwasher.” Sandor did as you asked and turned back to you. “Now, how are ya at cards?” You arched a brow. “You aren’t tired of me yet?” Sandor actually laughed. A deep, full-belly laugh. “Course not.” You grinned. You sat back down as Sandor fished a deck of cards from his jacket pocket.
               “What did you mean when you said that you work out in front of me so you don’t have to see me?” you asked after the second hand. Sandor’s brown eyes left the cards he was shuffling to look at you. “I meant that you’re hot and a distraction,” he answered, throwing your own words back at you with a smirk. You bit your lip and glanced down at your lap.
              You were surprised that the rest of the time he was there wasn’t awkward after that. The two of you sat up playing cards until the very late hours of the night. When you saw that it was well after midnight, you laughed. “I should probably go. I’ve got an appointment in the mornin’.” You nodded and got up, grabbing your crutches to walk him out.
              "I’d like to do this again,“ you admitted once you reached the door. "Yeah. Me too.” You beamed up at him. “Here. Let me give you my number this time so I don’t have to call the gym.” You quickly entered your number in Sandor’s phone. You handed it back to him. You stared at him and Sandor could see you contemplating your next move.
              Without warning, you brought your hand up to the back of his neck and pulled him down. When your lips were almost touching, you stopped, giving him a chance to refuse you. Sandor closed the gap between you himself, eager to see if your lips felt as soft as they looked. They did. Sandor didn’t want to stop kissing you now that he started.
              Eventually, you had to part for air. Once you caught your breath, you panted, “Are you sure you have to leave?” There was a glint in your eye that Sandor hardly recognized. He glanced back toward his car in the driveway before looking back at you. He kissed you again. “Yeah, but trust me, I’ll be comin’ back.” You pressed your lips to his again, sealing the promise.
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pen-masta · 7 years
Malicious Mental Part 7
1   2   3   4   5   6   7
Castel smiles as he bounces his niece on his good knee, she giggles holding onto his hand as he jolts up and down. Having his family here has been actually really rather nice. His brothers came with their families and Joy’s sisters came with theirs. It’s almost like Thanksgiving but in the summer, Joy helps his and her moms cook up huge meals to feed everyone while he plays with his nieces and nephews. His brothers and her sisters chat all day long while their dads take care of some work around the house and with the cars. It’s a very warm and welcoming atmosphere that he hopes never leaves.
“Alright Skylar,” Eliza smiles taking her daughter off of Castel’s knee. “Come on little one it’s time for a nap.”
Skylar whines loudly and reaches out towards Castel making grabby hands. He chuckles.
“I’ll be here when you wake up,” he assures her.
The baby whines as her mom takes her up stairs to the guest room to lay down. Joy smiles and takes a seat next to Castel, he smiles at her and gingerly puts his arm around her–which is kind of strange considering he can’t fully straighten his arm quite yet.
She hugs him and looks up at him, “She loves you.”
“I guess,” he chuckles. “She’s only one I highly doubt she’s decided what family members she likes and dislikes.”
Joy shakes her head, “No I can tell she loves you.”
He shrugs and decides to not fight her on this, “Alright.”
“You should shower before dinner,” Joy tells him pulling at only of his curls. “Your hair is kind of greasy.”
He chuckles and nods, “Alright I will.”
“When you’re done just leave the door open and I’ll be in to help with your hair and change your bandages.”
He nods, “Sounds good.”
“I’m gonna go finish helping your mom set the table,” she stands up. “You need anything?”
He shakes his head, “Not at the moment.”
“Oki doki,” she smiles and skips off to the kitchen.
Castel smiles watching her walk out, his eyes not leaving her for a second.
“Help with your hair?” A voice behind him asks and he jumps.
He turns to see his brothers smiling down at him and he relaxes.
“Geez you scared me half to death,” Castel sighs and smiles at them as they each sit on either side of him.
“Sorry bro,” Zack chuckles.
“So what did she mean help you with your hair?” Mikey asks smirking at his kid brother.
Castel’s cheek are instantly red, “Um…well…I-I can’t really lift my arms too much to wash my hair…so…”
“But if you’re able to take showers now,” Zack smiles, “shouldn’t you be able to wash your own hair?”
Castel’s face is on fire and he swallows hard, “Well…I-I can’t.”
“I think you’re lying,” Mikey teases. “If based on nothing else other than that dopey grin you just had watching Joy leave, I’d say you enjoy having her wash your hair.”
Castel fidgets in his seat, “I do not in fact I hate having to ask her for help.”
“Sure,” Zack rolls his eyes. “You keep telling yourself that Tiger.”
“I’m not judging,” Mikey smiles and shrugs. “I think it’s rather sweet that you like it.”
“I don’t like it,” Castel says defensively.
“Then why don’t you tell her you can do it yourself?” Zack asks quirking a brow
Castel huffs out a sharp sigh, “Did you two come here just to mock me?”
Mikey’s eyes soften, “Not at all we really wanted to see how you were feeling.”
“Yeah dude you nearly died,” Zack says putting his hand on his baby brother’s head. “The thought of no longer having you here is terrifying.”
“We’re so thankful that you’re still here with us Cassie,” Mikey says and kisses Castel’s head.
Castel smiles feeling the embarrassment leaving his body, hearing the love and sincerity in their voices. But then they both smile teasingly.
“But the teasing part is just a bonus,” Zack chuckles and pokes Castel’s side earning a very boyish squeak out of the younger male, which then follows a very childish whine.
His brothers both laugh and Mikey ruffles his curls.
“We’re just messing with Cassie,” Mikey smiles and Castel pushes his hand away sticking his tongue out at his brother.
“So how are you feeling?” Zack asks
“Better than I have been,” Castel says and relaxes into the couch. “My physical, mental, and emotional state have all been pretty normal.”
“That’s good to hear,” Mikey smiles. “Is the therapist helping?”
He nods, “Yeah…I think it’s only helping cause I’m not alone though.”
“You mean that Joy’s there in the session,” Zack says and Castel nods.
“Yeah…she makes it a little easier to stay calm,” Castel says and rubs the back of his neck.
“Is she a good nurse?” Mikey smiles nudging Castel.
Castel smirks, “Yes she is. She’s very diligent and helpful.”
“And you like playing doctor,” Zack chuckles as Castel’s cheeks turn red.
“I am thankful for her help,” Castel says very matter-of-factly.
“Uhuh,” Mikey says and he and Zack share a knowing grin.
“You know I’ve really rather enjoyed the peace and quiet that’s filled the house since you two have moved out.” Castel snubs
“Really now?” Zack laughs, “You think you’re in a safe position to make a statement like that little brother?”
“I think you’ve forgotten what happens when you make comments like that,” Mikey grins and looms over his brother.
Castel’s eyes widen and he tries to back track, “No, no I remember very well.”
“Perhaps you need a refresher,” Zack chuckles.
Castel reaches for his crutch to get up and run…hobble away from his brothers, but Mikey kicks the crutch away pinning the youngest of the Cubs to the couch.
Haley smiles and bumps her hip into Joy’s
“So small fry,” Haley says, “you enjoying playing Clara Barton?”
Joy’s cheeks turn pink slightly but she smiles.
“If you are speaking in reference to me taking care of Castel then yes,” Joy says as she dices the tomatoes.
Tina giggles, “So you like taking care of him?”
“Well yeah,” Joy says ignoring her increasing blush. “It makes me feel better about what happened.”
Her three sisters all share a look.
“Short stack,” Taylor says and puts her hand on Joy’s shoulder. “You…you don’t still think what happened is your fault…do you?”
Joy stops cutting but still stares down at her hands.
“Not really…but maybe a teeny tiny small part of it…was?”
Taylor gentle takes the knife from her baby sister’s hands and sets it down. “Joy,” she says. “Please don’t lecture me again,” Joy sighs. “Cassie and I have talked like…I know it’s not like anyone blames me…but really if I hadn’t said yes to Hayden this whole thing would have never happened.”
“Joy,” Haley sighs
“It’s fine,” Joy smiles at her sisters. “It really is, I’m moving on it’s just gonna…take some time is all.”
Tina smiles sadly at her before wrapping her in a hug, “Alright we’ll drop it.”
Joy smiles and hugs her back, “Thank you.”
“Besides it’s not like Hayden can hurt you two anymore,” Taylor grins.
“If he did I think Cassie would kill him,” Haley giggles.
“No way!” Tina laughs.
“Ya’ll have never seen Cassie in a rage,” Joy laughs. “He’s scary.”
“I believe it,” Taylor nods. “It’s always the sweet dorks that turn into the Hulk when you push the right buttons.”
The four giggle as a shriek comes from the living room.
“Was that Cassie?” Tina asks and Joy nearly trips over her feet running out to see what’s going on.
But she sighs in relief hearing the shriek is followed by laughter as Castel’s brothers take advantage of his inability to move to take the time to torment him. Joy smiles happy to see that Castel is alright and making up for some long overdue bonding time with his brothers.  
Castel smiles as he finishes washing himself in the shower. It takes a lot of energy and strength to stand up and wash himself, but he’s happy he’s able to manage it again. He stands in the hot water for a moment staring at his shampoo. He could lift his one arm enough to scrub his hair and stand all at once as long as he leaned against the shower wall. He could do it himself, he didn’t really need Joy to wash his hair for him anymore.
…But he wants her to.
He feels a little bit of shame in having her wash his hair when he is perfectly capable of doing it himself. He blames it on the fear of slipping and losing his balance, but really he secretly enjoys it. He shouldn’t enjoy it, but he does it feels good to have her massaging his scalp. And really, it’s not even the fact that it feels good, but more of an excuse to be close to her without it seeming awkward or out of place.
Feeling embarrassed he shuts the water off and takes his towel from the hanger. Carefully he dries himself and wraps the towel around his waist before taking a shaky step out of the tub. He’s able to stand on his own for all of five seconds before his knees start to shake and he quickly sticks the crutch under his arm, leaning his weight off of his wounded leg. Hobbling to the sink he takes the foldable stool out from the cabinet and places it in the tub. Huffing a little from the exertion all the movement is taking him he opens the door just as Joy instructed and takes a seat on the stool.
He sits there for a moment or two trying to catch his breath; playing with his nieces, nephews, and his brothers has been quite the workout on his lungs. Joy walks in a half a second after he sits and smiles at him.
“You good?” She asks as she takes her spot behind him
“Yeah,” he smiles at her still panting.
“We need to still do your exercises,” Joy says squeezing some shampoo into her hands. “You’ve been doing well, but the only way you’re going to get back to a healthy norm is if you keep practicing.”
“I know,” he nods.
She smiles and begins scrubbing his wet curls. Her eyes soften as she watches him relax back against her. His eyes close, his lips fall into a lazy grin, and he lets out a very satisfying hum of contentment. She’s positive he’s reached a point in his recovery to where he could take care of his hair himself, but she likes to think that he enjoys this little moment with her. Castel isn’t that willing to ask for things he likes, often feeling a bit embarrassed to ask for some sort of affection, so she’s more than happy to oblige in giving him this little bit of pleasure. And she’s positive if he really didn’t like it he would have stopped her by now. Of course, she will never call him on it knowing he’ll shrink away and never ask for it ever again, and she doesn’t want that.
If she’s being honest she rather enjoys their hair washing ritual as well. How could she not? He looks so cute this way, leaning back against her. She loves that she’s able to relax him this much, especially after everything he’s been through. She smiles lovingly as the suds form in his mop of curls, she tries hard to make this moment last as long as she possibly can. But all good things must come to an end, and soon she’s rinsing the suds out of his hair and tossing a dry towel onto his head.
He chuckles a little as she towel dries his hair, and she smiles at how wild his curls look as the damp follicles stand up in all directions looking as though he was just struck by lightning. She’s happy she can be here for him, not because she still feels responsible for the accident but because he deserves it. He deserves to have her attention, to have her help as he needs it. God knows he’s always freely giving his time and attention to her. As she grabs the comb off the counter and begins to try and wrangle in his curls she remembers several times when he’s been there for her. There were several nights after bad break ups when he stayed up with her as she cried. There were several sacrifices he’s made for her as they grew up from letting her take his swing on the playground to giving up his ticket to the music festival that she couldn’t go to cause she was sick, just to keep her company while she was ill. Her heart swells as she reflects on every single moment of her life where he was there for her when she needed him—there are too many to count and she feels so unworthy of that treatment. After the way she’s treated him, ignored how he felt, how her choices affected him…
And suddenly a very vivid memory floods her mind. It was something that had happened several months back before she had even met Hayden. She was dating this big football jock Bruce, they had been going steady for about four months and everything had been going fine. Bruce was extremely popular and had tons of friends, which meant he got invited to a lot of parties. Which meant Joy got invited to a lot of parties. Parties that were not the popcorn, soda, and monster movies she was used to having with Castel. Parties where everyone thought they were a lot more adult than they really were. Which is fine, Joy doesn’t judge but she just wasn’t about that life. One particular night Bruce had a little more than his share to drink and started feeling sick. So Joy was guiding him to the bathroom, but before they were even near the bathroom he forced her into the bedroom. In his drunken state he tried to pressure her to have sex with him and when Joy said no Bruce got angry. They fought, yelled, and things got physically violent. The horrific event ended with him calling her a string of unkind names and kicking her out of the party.
Bruised, beaten, and feeling very violated and betrayed she stood on the street in the rain with tears streaming down her cheeks. It was cold and wet and dark and she had no idea how to get home. With the last bit of charge her phone had she could make one phone call.
So at three o’clock in the morning, in the pouring rain, she called him. And he answered. All he had to hear was the brokenness in her voice and he was already on his way. She shared her location with him and sat on the curb shivering and sobbing. It wasn’t long until he pulled up in the family minivan getting her into the car and blasting the heat. Seeing the bruises on her face and arms caused a burning fire to light in him, but he said nothing. He didn’t pressure her for the story, he didn’t even ask if she was alright. They drove in silence for a short while before he turned on the radio smiling a little as the ABBA song came through the speakers.
Singing at the top of his lungs he sang the lyrics to Dancing Queen looking as goofy and dumb as he possible could until she smiled and started laughing and singing along with him. He took her home and stayed at her house making soup while she showered. And after she told him what Bruce tried to do to her it took everything within him to not drive back to the party and kick the crap out the dumb jock. So instead he stayed with her all night, holding her close and keeping her company until she fell asleep. Although he didn’t murder Bruce that night, that didn’t stop him from nailing the guy in the face the next day at school.
Tears sting her eyes as the memory fades from her mind. He had been there for her every single time she needed him, he was always at her side. She still can’t shake the thought of him being ripped from her life at the hands of Hayden. Her chest feels heavy as she begins to feel overwhelmed. Dropping the comb from her hand she wraps her arms around his neck burying her face into his neck. Needless to say the sudden change startles Castel and he jumps slightly at the sudden death grip she has on him.
“Jo-jo?” He questions trying to get a better look at her.
“I’m sorry,” she sniffles and hugs him tighter. “I just…I needed to hug you.”
He smiles a little and places his hand on her arms.
“Aw Joy,” he chuckles. “You can always hug me.”
She giggles airily, “You don’t realize what you’ve just said. You’ll regret it.”
He smiles and rubs her arm, “Bet I won’t.”
After dinner they all remain at the table playing board games and laughing together. He can’t remember the last time he’s had this much fun. He really feels genuinely happy, even after everything that’s happen he’s really starting to feel like himself again. Soon everything is cleaned up and put away and the enormous household splits apart to all get ready for bed. His mom smiles at him as she gets him situated on the couch, allowing Joy a chance to shower herself.
“Are you having fun bébé?” She asks putting some more pillows behind him.
He nods, “Yes I am.” He smiles, “It’s nice to see everyone.”
“Good,” she smiles and kisses his forehead. “You should thank Joy.”
He blinks, “What do you mean?”
“Well this was her idea,” she says and flattens out the blanket on him. “She thought it’d be good for you to have some visitors, socialize a bit, have time with your brothers and everyone.”
“She set this up?” He asks in shock.
“I don’t know why you sound so surprised,” his mom laughs. “She’s always thinking about your wellbeing and what could help you. She knew you’ve been feeling low lately and kind of missing your brothers, so she called everyone and invited them to come visit for a few days.”
He blinks again before he smiles, “Really? This wasn’t one of your ingenious ideas to get me to be social?”
She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair, “I wish I could take the credit for this one bébé but I cannot. This was all Joy, from the people to the food to the games she planned out everything to make you feel better.”
He smiles and feels his cheek heating up a little, “Really?”
“Yes Cassie,” she smiles at her youngest. “She cares a great deal about you.”
He smiles, “I’ll be sure to thank her.”
She nods in agreement and ruffles his curls, “Do you need anything before I go get ready for bed bébé?”
“Nah I’m good Moman, thanks.”
She smiles and kisses his temple before walking up stairs. He smiles to himself at how Joy had humbly outdone herself trying to lift him up. He really loves when she does stuff like this, not just for him but for anyone. She puts others first and is always looking to bring some light into the darkness of somebody else’s life. She’s amazing and it’s one of the many aspects he adores about her. He will definitely have to do something for her in return, not just say thank you. He leans back against the pillows and sighs in contentment.
He lays there for a moment or two listening to the shower turning off. Joy would be down in few minutes in her pjs, hair brushed and soaking wet. She loves braiding hair, but she’s never mastered braiding her own hair. Perhaps he could offer to braid her hair for her as a starter for a return thanks, after all she looked really rather cute when her hair was braided. He could manage that with one hand, couldn’t he? Maybe there was a ‘how to braid with one hand’ video on YouTube he could watch right quick.
He pulls his phone out from his pocket and types in his passcode unlocking the screen. Before he can even open YouTube he notices a notification number floating over his text message box. He scrunches his eyebrows together wondering when he got this message seeing that he hadn’t felt his phone vibrate. But maybe it was James from the robotics club checking in with him, seeing that the team seems to be lost without their president. He smiles and opens the text message but it’s not from James, it’s from an unknown number.
The message is a simple website link marked BANNED and nothing else. Unsure of what this link or person is he types back.
Who is this?
He waits and soon three dots appear on his screen before the message comes through.
Just open it dude it’s a must see
Completely confused and upset by the strange response he decides it’s probably best to delete this message. It’s marked banned for a reason, it could be pornography or gory graphics or even some kind of virus that would attack his hard drive. He should delete it now. But as he stares at the link his finger hovering over the trashcan preparing to delete the message and forget it even existed, his curiosity starts to weigh out.
He bites his lip as he looks around the room, the Curtis family went back to Joy’s house and his family is all upstairs preparing for bed. On the off chance this is some X rated cite there were no little ones around to get scarred for the few seconds the cite would be open before he could close it out. The oddity of this text message is so alluring he can’t ignore it, he has to know what this ‘must see’ is. Clicking the link causes his Safari to open and pulls up a video that begins playing as soon as it opens.
“Cubs!” A voice yells on the screen.
Oh no.
His chest tightens and he can’t breathe. It’s the video. The video of him getting shot.
“Hayden I thought we talked this out. You said we were good and that you understood.” The smaller Castel’s voice says to the shooter.
His heart leaps into his throat and pounds viciously to where he’s positive he’ll throw up. His hands tremble as his eyes are locked on the screen unable to look away. Turn the video off!
He tries to pause the video as he’s holding his phone in the same hand which doesn’t work.
“I do understand Cubs.” The video Hayden’s voice says with a crazed smile, “I understand why Joy was trying to break up with me. I understand that it wasn’t really her who wanted me gone. I understand what’s standing between me and Joy.”
Heart throbbing, adrenaline pumping, the need for the video to disappear growing stronger. He fumbles breathing hard as he tries to get the video off his screen, which causes him to end up dropping the rectangle. He bites his lip until he’s sure it’s bleeding as he stretches and reaches his arm out for the phone.
“Hayden you don’t have to do this. Why don’t we just talk for a second, I’m sure we can work this out.”
No, no, no shut it off! Shut it off!
“I’m done talking,” The small video Hayden hisses.
Oh no here it comes!
The first shot rings out and people in the video start to scream, even from the far distance the phone lays away from him he can see blood forming on the side of his video self. The second shot rings out and he gives up trying to grab the phone and opts to cover his ears curling up in the fetal position on the couch. He can smell the gun powder, he can feel Joy tugging back on him, he can feel the burning pain engulfing his body all over again.
He screams closing his eyes. He needs this to stop, he can’t relive it! His screams match the scream of the video Castel as he falls forward drenched in blood. He can feel the sticky liquid dripping down his sides, how uncomfortable his clothes are, the flames licking at his flesh. He screams again.
“Cassie!” A voice yells from somewhere around him and suddenly his brothers are at his side.
“Cas it’s alright, snap out of it!” Zack yells and tries to pull his younger brother to a sitting position but Castel is not having it.
He curls more pressing the palms of his hands harder against his ears trying desperately to drown out the gunshots and his own screaming. Mikey spies the phone on the floor and nearly dives for it.
“Cas what the heck!? Why would you do this to yourself!?” His brother cries and pauses the video.
Castel is hyperventilating his eyes squeezed tight as tears run down his face. Zack pulls Castel into his arms and holds him as he trembles and shakes, sobbing feeling the phantom pain breaking down his body.
“It’s not real Cas, it’s not real. It’s over,” Zack repeats holding his brother as tight as he can in hopes that it’ll help Castel get a grip on reality feeling his brother hugging him.  
It’s several minutes before Castel is able to breath normally again and he gingerly opens his eyes to look up into the faces of his brothers. Both of which are dumbfounded on how to help the youngest of the Cubs family. A beat passes before new tears fill his eyes and he beings to cry for some reason he’s unsure of.
Mikey and Zack sit on either side of him, trying to calm him down. Gosh this was so much easier to do when he was a baby…and not nearly experiencing death. Zack continues to hold Castel as he sobs and Mikey offers words of affirmation rubbing Castel’s back…it’s the only thing he can think of to do.
None of them are sure how long the process actually took, but they find themselves several horrific and painful moments later sitting in silence. Castel still curled in Zack’s arms with Mikey sitting next to them unsure of how to help. Castel sniffles and rubs his eyes.
“‘m sorry,” he slurs in a watery voice.
“Nothing to be sorry about kiddo,” Zack smiles weakly at his brother.
“Where did you even get this video?” Mikey asks and looks down at the discarded phone.
“Someone s-sent it to me,” Castel says and sits up to lean back again Mikey.
“Some sicko jerk whose gonna get killed if I ever find them,” Zack grits his teeth.
Mikey glances down at the phone feeling it vibrate. Castel looks at the screen and before Mikey can send the text away he sees it. From the same unknown number.
Enjoy Throwback Trauma Thursday HERO
Castel cringes staring at the screen of the paused video. He blinks seeing the person had recorded another two minutes of footage. He can see himself hunched over on the bleachers, Joy holding his lifeless body and Hayden looming over her, pressing the gun to Castel’s head. His eyes widen.
“Did he hurt her?” He breaths out and moves to press play on the screen.
“Cassie no!” Mikey scolds and pulls the phone out of reach, “No more don’t torment yourself you masochist.”
“I don’t know what happened after I was shot,” he says still staring at the phone. “I was in and out. I left Joy alone with Hayden. I have to know if he hurt her.”
“Cas Mikey is right you don’t need to be watching that,” Zack says trying to rationalize with his brother.
Castel grits his teeth the need to know what happened to his best friend after he passed out fueling him.
He growls, “I need to know!” Again he reaches for the phone.
Mikey stares his baby brother down hoping the kid would just let it go, but when it came to Joy, Castel never backed down. Finally Mikey sighs and reluctantly hands him the phone.
“I think this is a bad idea,” Mikey says.
“I don’t care,” Castel snaps and presses play.
“No! Stop!” The Joy in the video shrieks.
Hayden looks at her confused, “Stop? What for? I have two bullets left I want to use them all.”
Castel trembles a little, beginning to feel the hot metal pressing against his temple, but he refuses to break down again. He has to know if Hayden put his hands on Joy. He’s waiting for Hayden to turn the gun on Joy, to hit her, to do something to her. But then something he wasn’t expecting happens. Joy starts to speak. She’s calming Hayden down, she’s talking the gun away from Castel’s head, she’s convincing Hayden to leave him be.
Castel’s eyes widen as he watches Joy in the video standing up to his attacker. He had no idea this even happened! Why didn’t anyone tell him!? Why didn’t Joy tell him!? She was amazing thinking quick on her feet, getting in the favor of the enemy and sweet talking her way into his head. Making her plans seem like his. She was brilliant! She was incredible! She was so brave! She…saved his life.
Suddenly it hits him like a train. The words Hayden was saying, the placement of the gun. Hayden never had a target on Joy…he only wanted Castel. Cas wasn’t protecting Joy or saving her life, she was saving his! Joy has said many times that Hayden was going for Castel, but it never really hit him until this moment. New tears fill his eyes as he watches Hayden pull Joy in for a hideous kiss, one that he can see Joy is physically trying to endure. And then Hayden is gone and Joy dials the phone.
“Hello 911!”
The video stops playing and the three males sit it complete and utter silence. Castel sits up straight careful of his bad leg.
“She was the one who saved me,” he says as he exhales still in awe of how spectacular Joy had been while he was unconscious. “I…I had no idea that’s what had happened.”
“Me either,” Zack agrees and Mikey nods as well.
“I would have never thought that fast,” Mikey says and closes the video out. “Joy certainly is one incredible gal.”
Zack chuckles, “That’s for sure right Cassie?” He jokes nudging his brother.
But Castel’s mind is still processing so he only smiles weakly.
“Yeah,” he nods and blinks. “Wait a second…where is Joy?”
“She was still in the bathroom getting ready for bed the last I saw her,” Zack says.
“It’s odd she wasn’t the first one down here when you started screaming,” Mikey inquires and looks towards the steps.
Castel’s eyes widen, “The video. JOY!”
He falls off the couch trying to leap to his feet, but he’s still not one hundred percent yet and his body is not up for all this fast paced movement. He fumbles with his crutch before he manages to get to his feet with the aid of his brothers.
“JOY!” He screams out again and when he gets no response he forces his body to move faster.
“Cas slow down, you’ll over do it!” Mikey calls as he watches the younger male trying his hardest to scramble up the stairs.
“I don’t care!” He calls back.
When the crutch catches on the carpeted steps for the third time he lets out an audible sound–that could only be categorized as a roar–before he throws the stupid crutch down the stairs. He continues on up the last few steps and falls to his knees hearing his brothers’ voices somewhere behind him and the sound of them running after him. He ignores them and crawls on his hands and knees towards the bathroom.
Fire burns in his left arm seeing that the weak muscles are having too much weight put on them, but he doesn’t care.
“JOY!” He yells again and forcefully pushes the bathroom door open.
The door flies open to reveal Joy, in her favorite t-shirt and pj pants toothbrush with foamed toothpaste laying next to her as she sits against the sink cabinet. Phone out on the floor in front of her, toothpaste foam dribbling down her chin as tears slide down her cheeks mixing with the pink bubblegum flavored foam. She stares blankly at the phone on the floor.
“Hello 911!”
The video stops playing leaving the room filled with the only sound that’s left–the running water from the sink above her.
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