#I might decide to be stupid and open the askbox just... jus for a lil
about time I realized how important I am and treated myself to the shiny rainbow checkmarks
... tho I forgot that you only get two, and somehow expected the entire rainbow
important, but not necessarily smart XD
anyways I'm plugging along trying to get some stuff done! Scrivener recently updated and threw a wrench in my plans... I prefer to write there, then paste things into a LibreOffice document to preserve the formatting before I post text anywhere, but, well, with the latest update, it won't save the formatting when pasting it from Scrivener to LibreOffice. and I've tried it with WordPad which should preserve editing as well, and apparently the Scrivener update was a major overhaul of the code, so something done got fucked and it's a problem with Scrivener :/
sucks since I paid money for Scrivener and genuinely enjoy using it and I feel it makes me a better writer, but I'll keep checking periodically to see if the issue is fixed, and just write in LibreOffice in the meantime
I wanna get at least 10 things done to toss in the queue so that it's at least a little full to start with and doesn't immediately get empty for days whilst I work, and I think I've got... 7 new things done at the moment?
so hopefully y'all will see some content from me soon! love u all lots <3
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