#(I think it's v. very cool when ppl like to self insert and come up with personalities for blank slate charas I've done it before Too)
asterism-collective · 2 years
Rating my alters cause I’m bored and unoriginal
(idea stolen from @idratherhavecake)
This is all lighthearted
Everix: 7/10 they’re ok, but I’m an introject of their oc so I have a grudge against him by default. I try not to be similar to ae as possible bc im their self insert and that’s mad awkward—
The Contra: -1/10 a bitch. I think I’m a persecutor and I meet this mf
Lady Opera: 8.5/10 a girlboss, violent tendencies but it’s ok she can slay her way through it, got a good mindset I love her, literal evil queen vibes
Latwinksha: 4/10 go to sleep wtf bestie. no sane human remains sane after talking to her. how do you not have drugs or alcohol in ur system (haha)
Ian: 9/10 he’s a great kid! I hate children tho
Bear: 9/10 too he seems fun to talk to /j /lh (he’s mute) but anyway we both like choc chip cookies so slay
Keisha: -10/10 get your horknee away from me bitch 🤨🤨 confronting with her is the absolute worst experience ever (I am aroace)
Achilles: 5/10 sometimes a bitch, sometimes a dumbass but generally pretty ok, he’s a lil too good when it comes to gatekeeping and pretends there aren’t other alters sometimes
Mayflower/Fluttershy: 7/10 ig, token cottagecore lesbian but like she’s cool! has way too much patience for one person tho
Claudius: 6/10 depressed poet. dipped halfway through an assignment about him for school, talks like an English professor, lowkey scares me
Q: 2/10 idk shit about them LMAO they had a weird name tho
Violia: 5/10 she/he pronouns are cool, you look cool, idk your personality
Vaz (Vazerius): 8/10 gay uncle energy, sarcasm on fleek but very laid back. do something you vampire idk bite an apple or something
Moira: 3/10 shes a Nice Girl™️, we don’t vibe. only thing in common is we like vanilla ice cream
Casse: 8/10 cool energy, would probably set something on fire, the type of person to drag me to the roof of a school to skip class
Jex: -3/10 I don’t trust ppl with neon hair 🙄🙄/s
Artemis: 2/10 THIS MF WRITES PAPERS FOR FUN???? gootbye
Pip: 7/10 manic feral energy I love them
Gran: 2/10 idk shit except they’re scared of everything
Cordelia: 9/10 trauma holder buddies! also someone give her a hug
Emily: 6/10 l don’t like childrencore! She’s cute tho I’d get her a mlp coloring book and toys for her bday
Xen: 3/10 you look cool idk personality
Eloise: -100/10 I don’t like you (she’s a nice person tho..)
Olivia: 4/10 ig, she and kabri bonded over discord and Minecraft so they’re cool
Orieole: 10/10 meme material right here. unsure if ey have nipples/ ij
Aiden: 7/10 older brother vibes, reminds me of my older bro a little bit. first time he fronted he was immediately like “oh shit I have an ass and tits”
Hal: 5/10 femboy, don’t know much about him
Maria: 6/10 gives us religion issues bc she’s a witch but she’s v cool, old lady vibes tho
Rea: -800/10 source issues I hate him. also fire and water don’t mix at all bye bitch
Quinn/ Elliot/ Clyde: 4/10 definition of a tiktok emo boy
Nin: 7/10 caretaker robot, she’s cool, I like how she looks too but hasn’t been around so idk much about her
Fatimah: 1/10 we don’t get along at all, too religious, don’t like her vibe
Kabri: 10/10 my brother I love him what up my guy?!? cofronting is so fun I went on a road trip with him, my gay trans boy right here <3
Akira: 5/10 shes from source, was p nice to me I’m just iffy she exists
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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patchdotexe · 4 years
gonna ramble abt hlvrai appearance headcanons bc im trying to figure out how to draw everybody
gordon: exhausted rectangle. bulky even w/o the hev suit. taller than coomer, shorter than bubby, usually on par w/ benrey unless theyre fucking around. honestly even tho i draw him the most i still have NO IDEA how to draw him. FUck you can never take ponytail gordon away from me. he has a short but fluffy ponytail and its cute. also has messy bangs, might bandwagon onto “gordon has a grey streak in his hair from stress” i keep waffling on his arm bc like. im v inconsistent w if he gets it back or not, or has a prosthetic, or w/e looks either tired or exasperated 75% of the time, like he Does have an emotional range but his resting face is Tired post-resonance cascade
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benrey: long hair, really messy and always tangled. somehow fits it under their helmet. looks human, if rather pale. skin has a slight grey tinge to it. also looks like they havent slept in 5 years. eyes are in permanent shadow even w/o their helmet but it just makes them look More Tired. eyes always half-lidded & expression apathetic. starts looking Less human at certain parts, like having sharp teeth when being threatening or doing the Evil Cackle. has the thing where their eyes glow in the dark if you shine a flashlight at them (it scares the shit out of gordon). teeters on the edge of the uncanny valley scale relative to other people is always inconsistent, changes height when no one’s looking to mess with them and it’s always either very minimal or “something’s different about benrey but hell if i know what” or “wait since when was benrey That tall”. not really sure abt bodyshape so that also might be a bit fluid black hair, eyes are a v dark colour
tommy: very tall and lanky w/ super curly hair & freckles! might have a tooth gap idk, im kinda back-and-forth on it. been trying to draw him Actually Looking Like An Adult bc like. he’s older than gordon. i dont really have any hcs for species stuff so he’s just like. human appearing. WAIT ACTUALLY his eyes do the glow-in-the-dark thing bc i think thats cool. like, actually glowing, not like benrey’s “shine a flashlight at me and shit your pants” thing. his ability to survive despite his high caffeine&sugar intake might also be a biological perk tommy is just. long. long face, long nose, long body. tallest of the science team unless benrey cheats. brown eyes, but they glow kinda orange-yellow in the dark i kinda wanna give him like. sneakers w/ loosely tied laces but im worried abt making him Too Childlike in vibes bc of like. yeah. i just also want the 3 scientists to have Some kind of unique outfit quirk
coomer: looks soft but is actually strong as hell. he’s built like a bear. shortest member of the science team but could easily carry all of them at once (except maybe benrey, depending on benrey’s size) has no exterior signs of his cybernetic enhancements so gordon thought he was joking until the PowerLegs:tm: thing where he just. fucking launched himself like 100 feet. probably has like, synthetic skin over it or something iunno wears tacky hawaiian shirts under his labcoat and just. generally has Fun Grandpa vibes. rolls up his sleeves at some point and then they just Stopped Existing w/ the activation of superplayer very round shapes! hair is very fluffy. eyes are a dark green (same as “ominous text” colour)
bubby: second tallest behind tommy, also a bit noodley but not as exaggerated. tommy is long circle, bubby is Long Rectangle im really torn on drawing him with Sharp Teeth bc i love seeing other ppl draw him w/ that but it didnt really vibe with me when i drew it? so i dunno im workshopping it i guess. he does have eyes behind his glasses but his glasses are mostly opaque so its hard to tell sometimes. gordon isn’t sure how he sees has like.. god idk what to call them. the term coming to mind is “platform shoes” but there’s no way thats it. ACTUALLY YEA GOOGLE SAYS IT IS bubby wears platform shoes to be Even Taller but is STILL shorter than tommy
also some ocs under the cut fdhgkzjdfgh
andi: just over 5 feet tall, very chubby / potato-shaped. this man has No muscle mass. hair is Ridiculously fluffy & is dyed orange (his natural colour is brown). his right eye is a bit fucked up so he’s always squinting with it and it makes his expressions look really weird gdzhkdjghdfj he probably needs glasses but keeps leaving them at his desk which is definitely not something i do he’s the shortest & youngest member of the science team. he’s just barely shorter than coomer. coomer can also definitely throw him straight up and he’d never be seen ever again has his labcoat sleeves pushed up / rolled up (its inconsistent) to the elbow, & wears plain colour t-shirts under it. his boots help him feel taller some of our self-insert ocs have scars on their arm bc of personal shit and im still undecided on if andi has them too. if he does, he gets them during the black mesa incident
john: short kinda-curly hair, but has been considering growing it out post-game bc of like. gordon reasons. kinda scruffy-looking. less square than gordon is + different build, but theyre the same height at least. brown eyes, hair’s darker than gordon’s, skintone is lighter. doesn’t quite have the “resting tired face” p much exclusively wears beanies and hoodies, doesnt care too much abt his appearance so he looks like a Trash Man. starts rolling up his right sleeve post-act 3 to remind himself that his arm is, in fact, there (although he has difficulty using it bc his brain gives him like 500 errors)
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seasaltmemories · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Review/Analysis
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So I didn’t have a ps4 when the original persona 5 came out, so royal was my first experience with the game, as a result, I will be talking about spoilers for both the original content and Royal bc a lot of the additions seem mixed in aside from just the third semester stuff
let’s get the summary
Prepare for an all-new RPG experience in Persona 5 Royal based in the universe of the award-winning series, Persona! Don the mask of Joker and join the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Break free from the chains of modern society and stage grand heists to infiltrate the minds of the corrupt and make them change their ways! Persona 5 Royal is packed with new characters, confidants, story depth, new locations to explore, and a new grappling hook mechanic for stealthy access to new areas. 
So one of the things that I picked up really early on into my playthrough was that Persona 5 feels like a very adolescent piece of media, like yeah it is about highschoolers, but more than just its cast and setting, it seemed really fixated on capturing and adolescent mindset, there is this fresh awareness to the injustices of the world and a burning desire to fix it without much understanding of how to even began to tackle those problems, and the fact it stuck so hard to to that worldview made me a lot more forgiving of its flaws then I might have otherwise been, not that there isn’t stuff to critique about the way it tackles controversial issues, but at the same time i just had this mindset of, “well of course they aren’t going to get everything right, what can you expect from teens?”
Anyone who knows me knows I am a pretentious blow-hard, but I think P5 is a perfect example of just how important style is to anything.  So much of the pure glee and joy I got when I booted up the game came from the fun presentation and commitment to the phantom thief aesthetic, I have a lot of thoughts on gameplay that seem to be contradictory to the general consensus but to keep things brief, all the “sneaking’ around a palace, grappling from places, ambushing enemies, and performing all out attacks just all gave this sense of being cool and stylish that was great, even if the writing stronger, without those fun flourishes I don’t think I would have enjoyed my experience as much
I also think the more than any other game, persona 5 does a great job of making me thinking “just one more thing” you got a lot of confidants to fill and stats to raise to fill them so there is always something to do, at most during the story sections things sometimes dragged, but i was eager to finish them to get back to finishing my goals, for as long as the game was, this made it feel so much more manageable
Unpacking an entire 110 hour playthrough is kinda an overwhelming task, so instead I’m going to talk about my four favorite characters and hopefully that will cover some good amount of material
1) Goro Akechi- one of the first things I knew about this game was what a controversial character this bastard was and it turns out I fell on the side that loves him bc I think I have a thing for traitor characters, I have to say though for most of the game I wasn’t sure how I felt about him, I knew his true role going in, so it was hard to get attached to Detective Prince Akechi as most of his interactions with Joker felt like an act, however his Rank 8 confidant link, when he not only pulls out a gun on you and challenges you to an one on one fight but also freaking throws a glove to challenge you in a duel I was like “oh so you’re a little bitch boy then!” and never turned back
To me part of what makes him so compelling is just how stubbornly he is set on his path straight to Hell, a lot of ppl were moved by his tragic backstory but honestly it does little for me, I think it is important to consider, but you have to remember he approached Shido about his powers first and basically volunteered to be his personal assassin, still it is hard to ignore that sense of lost potential, in a way I can see how getting to pretend to be a part of a safe and welcoming team environment almost made things worst because he just kept feeling like, “why wasn’t I allowed to have this earlier” and just too tied to his current path of self-destruction to waver from it, like even the fact the Phantom Thieves and he had the same goals regarding Shido in the end, he couldn’t side with bc that would mean acknowledging all the murder he did was for nothing, so they just continued to be another target on his list, made all the more dangerous bc of the affection he held for them
That said I don’t think I would have liked him so much without Royal’s updates, I mentioned Rank 8 being a key moment for me but aside from that, the fight with him in Shido palace had so much going on, it kinda dulled the weight of any one of the numerous revelations, 3rd semester kinda brought in the perfect amount and balance of the different sides of Akechi, the minute he appeared I swear me and my brother cheered in joy, obvious spoilers for the rest of it
I had seen 3rd semester Akechi called “feral” and while he is still as horny for murder as ever, i don’t really think that fits, there is still a sense of restraint to his actions, yet he doesn’t mask his true intentions and feelings so much, what I like is that his rudeness and outbursts come off as very deliberate and planned, as if he enjoys exposing the contrast between his “pleasant” reputation and his true bitterness, and with the reveal that oops he is supposed to be dead, you still have that determined “don’t be a fucking pussy, just pull the trigger,” attitude, I really like the dynamic that forms between a Joker that just wants the best for him and an Akechi that just emphatically refuses to be saved in anyway, he is an easy character to woobify but I love how canon just at every turn doesn’t let you ever see his true vulnerability even if we all know it exists down there, also just something about hearing him curse is always so much fun and delightful
TLDR: I have a lot of feelings about this edgy bastard and may or may not already have a playlist for him
2) Makoto Niijima- another character I had an interesting relationship with, while from the start she seemed like my type, the overwhelming love for her kinda made my hipster side apprehensive, however predictably I was won over and I did romance her in the end (what can I saw my Joker is into brunettes)
Part of what makes her stick out so much to me, is how the game felt much less afraid to show her unlikable in comparison to other characters, i usually don’t complain or really notice this but more than any other game series I’ve played, there is definitely a lot of self-insert fantasy elements involved, ppl rip the newer FE games apart for that, but I never really saw it as the terrible as the cast had dozens of life changing interactions with other characters, the fact most of the interaction we see are through Joker’s eyes, and the fact that he is the catalyst to changing several adults’ lives made this element a lot more noticeable
But not only does Makoto take an antagonistic role at first, but they let her be so smug and annoying that I probably hated her with the same passion as the characters themselves, yet even when she comes over to or sides, her flaws are still pretty open, like when trying to help out Futuba, she definitely had that air of, “neurotypical trying too hard to make you normal” that was understandable but still annoying, and I appreciate it bc it made the contrast between her good points all the sharper
I kinda wanted to roll my eyes at first at her archetype as an honors student, bc yeah i was a nerdy student who didn’t know how to connect with my peers and just kinda subconsciously sucked up to adults bc I didn’t know what else to do, but in comparison to the teeming tragic backstories involved, you can see a stark difference in scale, yet Makoto is just carrying all this familiar teenage girl anger that reminds me a lot of Serena from Arc V, and getting to see her embrace it is very cathartic, I also really enjoyed her confidant which was surprising after seeing everyone tear into it so much, I feel like a lot of ppl’s confidant’s centered around other ppl and it didn’t just start off with the Eiko stuff, you see her Makoto want to change from the sheltered snobbish life she has kinda trapped herself in and rediscover her dream of being a police commissioner, I also found it fitting for her to also kinda figure that out through her own little investigation and to see that exploration of justice explored through her acting with a third party
The fact she is related to Sae also gives her interesting relationships we get to see from a different POV, and a greater investment in arcs outside her own, it just naturally gives her the feeling of being more well-rounded to have it spread out, and while her romance stuff did have the same sort of fantasy elements (that I greatly self-indulged in) overall I never felt like Joker was “saving” her in some way but growing and exploring along sides her
Overall, a great character and while i think best girl debates are dumb, I will not stand for hearing her described as worst girl
3) Ann Takamaki- honestly before I got this game I expected her to be the “main girl” with a lot of popularity and focus so seeing how little love she gets was heartbreaking for me, bc she is part of what made the early phantom thieves so enjoyable
I’ve heard the discussions about the issues around her sexualization and I think things on that access come out to be a wash, the developers kinda brush near some interesting ideas about the struggles women face with sex and attraction but don’t really know what to do with that, and so I think trying to trace and overall arch one way or another about her and her body issues is kinda a lesson in futility
in the end though what made her click for me is just how much fun her personality is, like I feel like in other stories her cheerfulness might come off as generic, but the fact that she is introduced so depressed and sullen makes her attitude shift come off as refreshing, like we know she can be serious, but the fact she isn’t being repeatedly sexually harassed by her teacher gives her like plenty of reason to goof off and enjoy herself
Again despite all the criticism I really enjoyed her confidants, the Mika stuff was honestly barely a blip in the thing and most of it alternated between her shooting the breeze and just having fun and still dealing with that lingering guilt and issues surrounding Shiho and just not having been able to save a close friend when she really needed her, I think the contrast is very much needed, especially to keep things from feeling like wallowing, which i felt was a problem with some other confidants
In the end though the main reason i didn’t romance her was bc as much as I liked her as a character, I didn’t want her to be with Joker specifically, i wanted to support her and see her finally confess her feelings to Shiho and the two of them go ride off into the sunset lol, still there’s a reason I reached rank 10 with her first
4) Takuto Maruki- lol so in this section I’m going to basically go into all my 3rd semester thoughts, again the first leg of his confidant was kinda dull, but I was prioritizing him bc of the deadline, once we got into his personal past that is where I got interested
On one hand part of the charm was just getting to see a more adult story, while there are other adult confidants I found the grad school and like academic stuff relatable, plus like the little moment with the steamed glasses was very funny, he’s just a down to earth guy and his kindness is genuine
However when he stepped up as the antagonist in the third semester, that’s when he got interesting, I found the conflict itself of a dream world to be kinda simple, aside from the fact obviously we need to oppose this for a plot to happen, Persona 5 is all about this humanist approach to personal growth and change, most of what I found fascinating about Maruki was the kinda self-martyring narcissism to his approach, like aside from treat the phantom thieves with kid gloves at time and just doing his best to avoid being a bad guy, there is this simmering resentment he masks and tries to replace with his desire to basically save the world, rather than deal with his own drama and baggage he tries to invest his energy into solving other problems
And you can see some of the parallels between him and the phantom thieves that points out some of hypocrisy of themselves, calculating the exact risks and harms of altering ppl through the Metaverse is hard to do due to a variety of factors, personally I don’t even have other Persona games to look to, but in general while it is for the greater good, the phantom thieves basically impose their will onto ppl who didn’t consent to that change, and in the end they decide to oppose Maruki purely based on their desires to not live in it, the game doesn’t do much with it, but I found the contrast more interesting than the Holy Grail one, plus his boss battle was more fun bc you actually got to use the main mechanic of the game, exploiting weaknesses and baton passing
But yeah all this comes to a head at the latter half of the boss fight where he just is so desperate and refuses to lose, it is like abundantly clear that this dream world is much more for himself than it is for anyone else, it is a desire to turn all his trauma into something more meaningful than just pain, and nothing shows that more clearly than the fact he fistfights a high schooler even after he has basically lost and tries to let himself die rather than face the consequences of his lost.  All in all I think he was the my favorite antagonist and palace holder
Some last thoughts I couldn’t fit elsewhere: Casino was my favorite palace, while weak story-wise, Okumura was far from my least favorite palace gameplay-wise and his boss fight as frustrating as it was might be my favorite for engaging with the player, if anything my least favorite palace was Futaba’s, my favorite showtimes are probably Morgana/Ann, Makoto/Ryuji, and Joker/Kasumi, Caroline and Justine are a delight and I really miss them, Tycoon is addicting and distracted me from being able to beat the game for a while
I got more hot takes I might elaborate on in length in the future, but in conclusion this is another rec where I can see and understand ppl being disappointed in some of the writing and its quality but at the same time i think there is still value ppl are too quick to dismiss and definitely multiple reasons to still enjoy it, I think this is going to stick with me for longer than I first thought it wound
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chibinekochan · 7 years
I was wondering if you could make an HC with the RFA+Saeran+V. Reacting to seeing a past video of a drunk and wild teenage MC at a party, dancing on tables and stuff, as well as screaming random and stupid things. I hope this is not too much.-
Of course I canand I hope you not had to wait too long for this.  I´m not wild atall so I can only image wild ppl .
The internet neverforgets even when you did.
Years ago theirwas this one party where you been really wild.
Now someone send aVideo of it to your boyfriend Zen.
You saw it interror you barely remember any of this happening you where reallydrunk.
You saw your selfdancing on a table singing loudly to really strange songs.
When someonepulled you down from the table you randomly screamed the most randomthinks.
You where gigglingand then you where threatened everybody to sing some more if theywill not give you more beer.
You just wanted todie seeing this it was so terrible you never thought that anyonerecorded it.
Who uploaded itanyways ?
You look at Zenwith fear in your eyes and he is laughing.
He find your pastdrunk self very cute.
You aredisagreeing with him you been so wild.
Zen tells you howmuch more wild he was then you where in that video.
You are veryembarrassed about that past you.
Zen tells you youdon´t have to worry he will protect you when you are drunk from nowon.
He keeps the videosaved even when you tell him to delete it.
One of his friendssend him a video of a party it´s not really interesting him but theytell him to keep watching.
So he does and hesees why they send it to him.
You are in thatvideo and you are dancing like no tomorrow you are getting on a tableand someone is chasing you around to stop you but you are having toomuch fun.
You drink and youstart to sing really badly while the ppl around you encourage you todance some more around.
Someone asks youto undress and Yoosung prays that you did not do that.
At that point youcome in and you see what he is watching and you are so ashamed youthought this think was long gone and now he sees how you been in yourwild days.
You tell him tonot watch this he gets worried and thinks you undressed but you tellhim no you actual kicked the person who asked that.
Yoosung thinks youare really cool for that but he is also glad that you are not thatwild anymore.
You where goingthrew your old stuff with her and she found a old DVD it had notitle.
She asks if shecan throw this in and you agree.
The film startsrunning and you see its a Video from a past birthday party.
You are first not100percent sure what birthday party it was.
Till you see howdrunk you are and how you where yelling random thinks out and thenyou started dancing on a table.
You just grabbedthe remote control in a panic you hit the pause button and you whereso embarrassed.
You tried toexplain Jaehee who that was years ago and how you where so muchwilder back then and how alcohol just makes you really break loose.
Jaehee understandsyou completely she is like that too.
She finds itactual kind of funny to see you like that.
Its a completelynew side of you.
Jaehee will keepan eye on you whenever you are drinking.
Some coworker ofJaehee shows the Video to her and she figures it´s best for Jumin todecide how to deal with this situation.
Jumin makes surethat there are no traces left of it but he still has the file thatJaehee had given him.
Jumin only deletedit to prevent possible damage since you can never know what the mediawill make out of that.
He is kind ofcurious how wild you actually where according to Jaehee you just hadfun.
So he startswatching it at first its really harmless you are playing somedrinking game with your friends.
Then you playtruth or dare and you mostly choose truth and its quite interestingto Jumin what past you thought.
Then you and yourfriends start to dance and you are really drunk and say the mostrandom thinks and you just stand on a table and start to sing anddance to not existing music you seem to have a great time.
Jumin finds itinteresting how wild you where.
At that point youcome home and you see that Video on the huge screen and you arealmost screaming in terror.
Jumin finds it notbad at all though he does not understand how that is bad for you hethinks you where really bold back then.
He will make sureyou not get drunk like that again though even when you tell him youknow your limit and you wont dance on tables anymore.
He found it oneday by searching for your name online.
So of course hewatched it.
It was reallyentertaining to him to see you getting all wild and dancing around hefound it hilarious what random thins you said while being drunk.
You where dancingon tables , still fun.
Someone offeredyou some more to drink but you had enough you where much rathersinging loudly.
You wherescreaming the most randoms this while singing badly it was all fun.
Till someone cameup to you and hit on you then his face turned a bit darker how wasthat past you reacting to that ?
He was praying tothe seven gods that he was not just witnessing the start of yourfirst love.
You came in atthat point and saw what he was watching and you where laughing atyour past drunk self.
You had stillmemories of that night you ask him if he is at the part where you gothit on by that one idiot.
He nods and yousay that it is the best part since you really showed him.
He looks back tothe screen and he sees how your past self is laughing at the guy andtell him to get lost you not just hooking up with some random -insertswear words here- .
Your boyfriendsnever heard that you used that foul language he is impressed how youhandled it.
You tell him howglad you are that you found the right person now and before he canask who that is you kiss his nose.
Spoilers for V andSaeran just in case
Do I needto say that he can see for this ?
You where sorting out some old stuff and you made a pile to trash.
When V came home later he saw the pile and he was curious what youare trashing.
He saw a untitled DVD it looked like self made so he thought maybe itwas important so he decided to take a quick look at it.
He would hate it if you would accidentally throw a childhood memoryaway.
The Video starts and its a party from where you where just turned oldenough to drink.
You having fun with your friends you all get drunk and doing the mostrandom thinks.
You first get giggly and then you lough at random thinks and startyelling at a wall for getting in your path.
You start dancing when you proclaim that your  favorite song isplaying and you step on a table an start dancing wildly.
It really looks like you have so much fun V is laughing at yoursilliness.
You come in and see him laughing at you dancing like crazy and youpanic a bit.
V tells you that you where just too cute back then.
You can´t be mad at him since his laughing is a blessing fromheaven.
His brother sendhim a video at first he just wants to ignore it but Saeyoung textshim and says its a video of you.
So he is watchingit and she sees that it´s showing you and some people having aparty.
You get drunk andyou start talking random thinks and you complain about everything oina very sill way.
You scream andblame your teachers for making you getting early up in the morning.
Then you randomlystart dancing really wildly and you sing loud and then you climb on atable and keep on dancing.
Saeran thinks youmight get hurt he gets a bit mad at the past you for being thatreckless.
He sighs and youjust come in and look at him the screen and you see yourself and youremember how much you regretted it the day after.
You sigh atyourself and say that is exactly the reason why you not drink much atall anymore.
Searan remarks howyou at least learned your lesson.
You wounder how heeven found this though you had no idea this was even recorded.
He tells youSaeyoung found it and it´s not really surprising you you rally wishthis think would just vanish from the face of the earth.
So Saeran doesjust that and removes all traces of it but he keeps a copy forhimself just to see you being so random and he thinks its really notthat bad at least you had fun.
Takea look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
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