#(I’ve been mainly lurking on twitter/x)
soulsmuses · 8 months
-taps my chin in thought-
…I should really log on my pc to update things around here
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dweamsy · 3 years
Hello I'm Kora
Please read my carrd before processing further or interacting 
I'm mainly on mcyttwt(lol) but I've been lurking on tumblr for a while and trying to get away from twt so here I am instead to dump my thoughts. Most of them will be random thoughts dumps you shouldn’t take them seriously also I mention twitter a lot because they're the platform I’m most familiar with LOL sorry
I only keep up with the Dream Team so almost everything I talk about is about them x-)
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hitomi-suzuya · 3 years
Hello, I’ve been meaning to come over to Tumblr and make a writing blog. I’m new to Tumblr, so please, bear with me while I figure out the ins and outs. I’ve lurked on Tumblr for years reading x reader collections, and I admit that I am feeling a little shy.
That being said, the reason why I am feeling a little shy is that this blog will be a collection of self inserts paired with various anime characters that I am in love with. However, I’m admitting that I am afraid of being laughed at because they are self inserts. I just want an outlet to chase away loneliness is all.
Here is a small list of the characters I will mainly write for:
Juuzou Suzuya- Tokyo Ghoul
Neferpitou- Hunter x Hunter
Itachi- Naruto
Dazai- Bungo Stray Dogs
Akutagawa- Bungo Stray Dogs
Sakura- Naruto
Those are just a few. As the blog grows, so will the character list.
Now, I will take the time to say that some of them will be shameless smut, and Yuri. I’ll tag them as such.
I wanna make friends on here too, so don’t be afraid to interact. Maybe we could write a collaboration together. I have a Twitter as well. @hitomisuzuya perhaps you already follow me if you stumble upon this humble blog of mine.
I’m gonna add my first piece later today. It’s almost 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t slept yet.
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topsyturvy-dream · 4 years
Blog Updates
I remember starting this blog more than six years ago, and looking back, wow we've come such a long way. I started this blog when I was going through a tough time, thinking that I'll be using this as a pseudo-journal of my angsty life, but I guess plans changed! Now, I mainly just lurk around reading lots of fanfics, reblogging interesting fandom stuff, and occasionally post art and little writings here and there.
Believe it or not, this blog has given me so many incredible memories. I still remember my first ever fandom, which was during my Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit phase, and aside from the ups, the downs, and the crazies I've been posting (and probably deleting right after lol), I've been through several fandoms along the way -- from Marvel (mostly Loki) to animes (like Naruto, Bleach and Inuyasha) and then to a visual game app (Choices lol), and now, I'm back to Naruto again!
What I love most about this blog though is getting to meet and talk to amazing people on here! I'm really thankful to have a platform where I can share my interests freely, as well as having wonderful people that enjoy the things I share on this blog.
Important Stuff: So here we are! After once again going through a rough patch, I suddenly found my inspiration back and I'm happy to announce that I have several artworks planned. And true to topsyturvy fashion, I just LOVE creating OCs for our beloved characters in my art, so I'll be releasing my to-draw list (and monthly updates as a reminder for me not to procrastinate) and bringing back my old topsyturvy-smut blog but in Twitter (I'll go into more detail on these in another post).
Aside from this, I'm thinking of doing a mini-celebration for my followers, I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure which one to actually do. These ideas are basically opening up limited requests for: 1. Chibi art 2. B&W sketch 3. HCs 4. A mix of these three 5. A surprise (you give me a character and I'll choose between #1-3) *please note that I mostly do “character x y/n” stuff
The fandoms included will be for Naruto and Choices (I'll give an exact list later on when I finalise what to do).
So yes, here it is! 😁 Let me know which one you prefer or vote in this poll! 😊
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gh0sti3-writes · 5 years
Word count: 3k+
Pairing: CEO!Baekhyun x Reader
Summary: Baekhyun is known as one of the sweetest, most caring CEO’s out there. Everyone in his company adores him and is completely loyal. But, a dark secret lurks under every bright smile.
Warnings: Profanity...That’s it.
Note: Not proofread. Inspired by that one twitter post.
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“I told you already, I refuse to apply for a job that doesn’t even interest me!” I protested, as Jennie simply laughed and punched my shoulder gently.
“It’s fun in the company! You’re so qualified.”
“I’m not working under a man who forces his employees to call him Byunnie.” I joked, as she rolled her eyes.
“Look, we’re not forced to. He’s been looking for a secretary...For what? How long?” Jennie tapped her chin, and I shrugged.
“Seven months.” She smirked.
“I knew you would know it!” Jennie exclaimed proudly, as I facepalmed. “Look, you don’t have to work with us if you don’t want to. Buut, you’re so qualified. I know office jobs don’t interest you but he funds so many different projects that it’ll be fine! And if you work in marketing, you can work with me!” She tried to convince me, pushing further. I took a wistful bite of my sandwich, before shaking my head slowly.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Haha! See, you’re convinced.”
“No. I’m thinking.”
“I convinced you to think Y/N, I convinced you to think. That’s all that matters.” She said wisely, staring at the city bustling before us.
“Sure…” I smiled softly. Jennie was one of the most loyal workers under Mr. Byunnie I know. Ugh. Just saying that name makes a scowl appeared on my face. Byunnie was one of the richest CEOs in South Korea. CEO of a popular company that focuses on creative arts and new innovative projects. His company never interested me, but after he opened his secretary position right after I got fired from my old graphic designer job, it definitely became more appealing.
Jennie told me he was getting more and more desperate each day, but I think she just wants me to work there. She was always a little too clingy for my taste, but she still is one of my greatest friends.
But, her loyalty surprises me. How in the world could someone love their boss that much? Like, even my old boss was a close family friend. But some days I would have such a burning, burning anger flaming in my heart. Jennie isn’t stupid either.
I suppose me applying for the job was mostly out of fascination. Everyone loved Byunnie.
And, as the story goes, I walked into the office building holding files closely to my chest. Jennie finally pushed me to go see if he was still looking for a secretary, and I was running out of money to pay for rent and necessities.
I rubbed my arm uncomfortably, nervous as what’s to come. What if I just walked into a brainwashing facility?
A cold sweat ran over me, my brain jumping to the worst situations. Most of them were impossible, most of them were logical considering the amount of money he has. I finally pushed my last step to the front desk, as a woman with swirling brown eyes and black ringlets of hair smiled warmly at me. It made me feel, comforted? Comforted isn’t the right word...Just welcomed. Safe.
“Welcome to the B&Y Building! How may I help you today?” She questioned with an airy voice, her brown eyes scanning me intently. I stuttered, before clearing my throat and tightening the grip on my black blazer.
“I’m here looking for the position as an inter-I mean secretary. Uhm, if the position is open, I would like to apply, obviously.” I chuckled sheepishly. “If that’s alright.” My nerves bounced up and down, as I tried to hide my flushing cheeks due to my embarrassing request. The front desk lady laughed softly, before typing at her computer.
“Well, we have been terribly desperate for a new secretary. The interview is open as of now actually, or whenever you’re ready. If you don’t feel prepared, feel free to schedule an appointment anytime this week.” She explained, typing away. Her black fingernails gleamed in the sunlight that shone through the glass walls. I looked around, and then down at my watch. I nodded.
“I wouldn’t mind d-doing an interview now.” I responded, somewhat confidently. She grinned.
“Great! tenth floor, first room on the right.” She pointed to the elevator, and I nodded, jitterish for what was to come. I was immediately regretting my choices. Usually I would have more prep time, but my interest in this company was overwhelming. I steeled myself as I swung the glass door open. I entered into a glass room, minimalistic with not much. A black cup full of ballpoint pens, with ‘B&Y,’ carefully engraved. A desktop idle on the polished oak desk. The smell of leather and vanilla wafted through the air, as two black office chairs sat on either side.
I nervously slid into the black office chair, tinkering with the fabric of my bottoms, my mind traced over the objects hanging around the room. Abstract art pieces on the white walls, a glass wall that showed the city below. I heard the door open, and a man in a crisp suit with scraggly brown hair walked in. His eyes were sunken, as if he had gotten no rest. He was awfully skinny, but seemed too preoccupied in his paperwork to notice me. I cleared my throat, as he sat in his chair and he looked up at me.
“Oh! Hey there!” He greeted in his baritone voice that seemed to ring around me. He shuffled in his seat and nodded at me, before spreading out his mass papers. “My name is Kim.” He stretched out his hand, and I shook it hesitantly.
“Hi Kim.” I smiled at him.
“Please excuse, this.” He referenced to his face. “I’ve been awfully sick for a while now.”
“Ah! No worries, I didn’t even notice.” I lied.
But then again, who would? I notice everything there is to notice. From the cloud formations to each and every person on the train. The horns, the bird formations, even the smudged paint hidden discreetly with a plant in Jennie’s house. At the right angle, it’s definitely noticeable. I rubbed my hands together under the table, as he coughed slightly.
“Well, I assume you are here for an interview for the position of Byunnie’s secretary?” He flipped through some papers.
“Uhm...Yes. Yes I am.” I answered.
“Great! Any questions before we start?”
“Do...Do we have to call him Byunnie?”
“Well, it’s not required but he prefers it that way.” He chuckled. “It’s a bit of a silly name, I know.” I shook my head.
“No, no.”
“Don’t lie to me.” It was a little more aggressive, but it could’ve been my anxiety that was disorienting me. I nodded and smiled awkwardly. “Alright, since you didn’t schedule an appointment I’m afraid I’ll have to fill out your file right here and now. First, can I have your name?”
“Y/N L/N.” He typed away busily, bobbing his head a bit.
“Great. Can I ask for your age and birth date?”
“Y/A, Y/B/D.” He smiled.
“My sister was born that day too!” I laughed, warming up and getting more comfortable. The vanilla sweetness in the air and the spring sun seemed to wrap me in bundles of safety and comfort. “Anyways anyways, can I ask for your education? Your major in college and what college exactly?”
“Uhm...Well I was an art major. I focused mainly on digital and graphic design or illustration. I recently worked in an indie graphic design company. I went to college in Japan. University of Tokyo.” He nodded, typing it all down.
“Right right. Any ideas with business?”
“I minored in business. It was my first interest but the art program opens lots of opportunities”
“I heard they aren’t big on that type of art, how exactly did you-?”
“I bought online courses while taking the normal ones.” I explained, interrupting him. He smiled. The interview went on, slowly drifting onto what I can contribute towards the company. What makes me a good secretary, what can I handle and tolerate, what can I do. Just the basics with some more in depth questions that focused a lot on my creative aspects. I understood why he was beginning to ask more complex questions, this is a very wealthy company with lots of information.
If they hired the wrong person or let a bad employee slip into the midsts, then...Well it can go downhill. So, I didn’t mind it and answered as honestly, confidently, and charmingly as I could. Finally, about an hour or two later, I was free to leave.
“Thank you for meeting with me. This was great Ms. L/N, I’ll get to you in a week or so.” Kim grinned boyishly at me, as I nodded, shaking his hand.
“Yes. Thank you.” I left the building, getting ready for lunch with Jennie. She texted me during the meeting, wanting to hear all the details on the interview. I was gonna pop by my apartment. Change into clothes, enjoy myself to avoid staining one of my only good blazers.
I got into my apartment, texting Jennie I’ll be there in thirty.
That’s great! Can Byunnie come?
I almost spat out whatever fluids I had in my mouth, it was most likely saliva but the bitter taste of coffee was reminiscent so...Who knows?
Who in the world brings their boss to lunch? Isn’t he running a multi-billion company?
My hands were furiously typing as I was changing into high waisted jeans and a white, blousey crop top. I started to brush my hair down into whatever style I preferred, and slipping on black sneakers. I began to apply some accessories, as my phone dinged once again.
Well! He would love meeting the new secretary.
It’s not confirmed.
So! Pleeaaaase.
She sent me a crying emoji, and then a selfie with her and her boss. I sighed grumpily, blowing a strand of hair out of my face and grabbing my bag.
Fine, on my way.
I grabbed a few gulps of water before deciding to walk to our usual lunch place. The walk was scenic. Bright blue sky, birds flying around and about. The air was dust free for once, meaning the smell of flowers was flowing around with the slight breeze that danced around my body. The green trees rustled, as the heat was buzzing in my ears. I finally arrived at the spot, a nice tea house with lots of treats that they offered. It was aesthetically pleasing, a lot of girls and boys on Instagram could be spotted snapping photos.
I entered and found Jennie waving towards me, Byunnie sitting next to her. She smiled brightly, as I took a seat in front of her, next to Byunnie. Or...Diagonal. Or somewhat close but we were still at a comfortable angle to avoid tension. We were sitting in the nicer areas, gilded accents to accompany the white walls. Aerial plants potted in geometrical glass pots to accent the theme. Dried blue orchids as our centerpiece, with cushions to accompany us.
“Y/N! This is Byunnie, Byunnie, meet Y/N!” I met eyes with him, trying to understand him. But really all I could see was warmth. Bright, brown, swirling warmth. I tried to pry, understand him. But no, it was just...Inky. It was overwhelming, and I felt myself back down. His skin was completely free of blemish or scar, his silvery white hair swirled perfectly and trimmed to precisely frame his face without flaw. He was glowing, radiantly. Like...His skin was absolutely perfect.
His innocent look, chocolate eyes, and perfect hair caught me off guard. This was...Not what I was expecting. I finally realized he was greeting me, and my attention snapped back to him. He beamed at me, out-stretching his hand. I hesitantly took it, warmth spreading over my arm.
“Hi Y/N!” His voice was soft, angelic almost. He was the exact epitome of lovable. I felt my cheeks flush.
“I-Hi, hi...B-Byunnie?” I tested the name gingerly, trying to gauge if he would react. His grin seemed to grow wider.
“I see Jennie told you about my nickname.” He chuckled, nodding. “Yes, feel free to call me Byunnie. We might end up partners after all.” Jennie laughed.
“Might? No way. Y/N is not just a might. She’s for sure what this company is looking for!” She reclined into her chair.
“Jennie, please. Don’t be so kind. I’d rather earn the job then let other people gas me up.” I shuffled. I was trying to straighten myself but his angelic aura seemed to completely intimidate me and welcome me at the same time. He must be a great CEO. Being able to make my legs shake but a smile appear must be confusing for competitors of the company. However, I still felt queasy.
“I’m just being honest!” She wagged a finger in my face.
“Jennie, don’t worthy. Neither should you Y/N. I assure you, my mind isn’t so easily swayed.” He leaned forward, I leaned backwards. “Thank you for meeting with me and Jennie, I know it seems rush but I’m thankful that you accepted her invitation and everything.” He strummed his fingers against the white table. “It’s good to know who I may be working with.”
“See! This is gonna be great Y/N.” Jennie giggled. “Anyways, you guys ready to order?” She questioned. I nodded.
“Actually, I haven’t been to this place before. Y/N, any recommendations?” He questioned. I stared at him quizzically, startled. I realized he was actually regarding my existence, and I realized I should probably respond before he catches me continuing to stare.
“Oh! I...Don’t come here that often. If I do have to recommend anything…” I pointed at the tea section in his menu, reaching over. “Boba, taro. Ask for sixty percent ice and seventy percent sugar, that specific order gets you complimentary taro mochi. Then, for food order the turkey sandwich or a crepe cake, both are really good with taro. Just don’t get durian cake, it isn’t too good.” I instructed, pointing at the different selections.
“I know the secret menu.” Jennie winked at Byunnie and I.
“Jennie, of course you know the secret menu. You literally always get lunch here.” I deadpanned, moving away when I noticed the close proximity. He had the same vanilla scent as the interview room did, just sweeter and mixed with cologne. He also was wearing his usual crisp suit that I saw in the photos. He was usually styled less innocently, but paparazzi coverage isn’t always accurate. His black suit had no wrinkles, white buttons perfectly aligned. Taking in his character, it was almost admirable how absolutely stunning he was as a whole. I took back my hand and cleared my throat. “Of course, it’s entirely up to you.”
He smiled and shook his head. “Nah, taro boba and crepe cake it is!” I smiled proudly, knowing I influenced the choices of a multi-billionaire CEO. It kinda made my heart swell. After ordering, our food swiftly came. I always loved the reliable service that the tea shop offered. It was good for in and out orders, when I was rushing.
We ate our food with slight conversation. The interactions were clearly awkward, but I began to warm up and grow fond of Byunnie. Even over the course of one meal, he was easy to interact with and was kind. I understood why all of his employers enjoyed working with him, he was smart. Resourceful. Respectful. Funny, he could easily pass as your roommate in college who always did the dishes for you.
“So, Y/N. Do you have a partner?” He inquired, as I tapped my chin.
“Mm, no. The closest thing is Jennie and even then we still have our emotional distances.” I joked.
“The only distance is the one you made when you said you don’t like ice cream on pizza.” She retorted, as I scoffed.
“Dairy on pizza is disgusting and gross.”
“Cheese. Y/N. Cheese.” He cleared his throat, giggling a little at our sad excuse of a debate.
“So, no partners? I really assumed so. You seem so put together and you’re very pretty.” I laughed slightly at his compliment.
“Put together? You're the CEO of B&Y and you’re telling me I’m put together?” He nodded, as if it was a basic statement.
“Well, it’s really not too much of a compliment. I’m not god or anything, I just admire how...Easily you hold yourself together.” He grinned at me, his smile wide and sweet. Welcoming. Charming. Not just the smile of a CEO. The smile of a friend. I blushed.
“Why thank you Prince Charming. You’re too kind.” He nodded.
“Look at you Y/N! Getting that CEO ass!” I nearly spit out my drink, expecting Byunnie to yell at her or reprimand her for disrespecting him. But he simply high fived her and laughed boyishly.
“Jennie!” I hissed loudly.
“It was just a joke.” She teased.
“In the company, I consider all the employees family. So of course, comments that usually would throw most bosses off end up being completely normal.” I nodded, not accustomed to now loose and free he was. How in the world is he so successful if he is so easy? He just seemed like the type of person who would let you make your own work hours and pay you all the same.
“You seem...Odd.”
“In a good or bad way?” He joked, as I grinned.
Jennie called for the waitress who was serving us, as all of us whipped out our wallets.
“I’ll pay!” Jennie declared, proudly. I shook my head and slammed my wallet down.
“No! I WILL!”
“No! I SHALL PAY!” Byunnie shoved the money into the waitress’s hands, eyes gleaming. “Keep the change.” I burst out laughing, trying not to seem to informal but jesus. He was so extra, it was so damn amusing. He was so friendly, welcoming. Just everything you wanted in someone close to you. Honestly, because of this lunch I was beginning to want the position of secretary more and more. My eyes twinkled as I watched his mannerisms, his patient nodding, sparkling eyes, bright smile...Everything about him just screamed sunshine flying out of his ass.
He didn’t make people respect him, he made it seem like he deserved it. Who wouldn’t want to give him the world?
“It’s getting late, I should go home. Thank you for inviting me out.” I said respectfully, bowing my head as they nodded.
“No problem, feel free to come with us whenever. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Byunnie laughed, as I nodded.
“Of course.”
I left, with a smile that I unconsciously placed on my face. I felt fuzzy, safe, comfortable. I felt like I could let everything go to him, send him memes at 3 AM, even rant about my hatred of ketchup. But...He would be my possible future boss. The thought of that made me tense, I really just had a date with my future boss.
Ugh, he’s not even my boss! And even then, I don’t know for sure, and...My mind blurred uncomfortably, as I suddenly began to feel sick. It wasn’t...Food poisoning, it felt more like, I was mortified. Something horrible just happened and I wanted to sit down. But I stumbled home, eyes blank as I could only push forward to my apartment. Why did I feel so...Weird? The fuzziness was replaced with static that swirled around my stomach and head, loudly ringing in my ears.
I shoved the keys into my door, swinging it open and quickly locking it shut. I slowly stumbled into my bed, and felt my body sink in. I didn’t even have time to think about today, as I passed out immediately.
When I woke up, I felt better. Completely refreshed and invigorated, like someone just pounded a bunch of vitamin c into my face and threw me into a warm bath. Like the gods above shoved immortality down my throat. I quickly washed my face of residue products from yesterday, and changed into more comfortable clothes. High waisted shorts and a tie-dye shirt. I put my hair back, and went to my computer to see if I got any emails.
I scrolled through some spam lazily, deleting and cleaning out emails from my babe, a Nigerian Prince offering one million. I chuckled at the cheap scams, before eyeing a new email from B&Y. My cursor hovered over the email, as I felt my throat grow dry. I trembled slightly, as I scanned through the big fancy words and colorful designs.
Finally, I saw the words.
“We are proud to tell you that you have been chosen as Byunnie’s secretary. Please come in at 6 AM tomorrow to get details and get you adjusted.” I squealed to myself, giggling like a child as I sent a text to Jennie.
JenJen! Guess who’s gonna be the new secretary?
I’m serious omg.
Congrats!!! Omg I’m crying in the library. Good job!!!
Still working on your masters?
Duhhhh, gotta figure my life out one day haha.
I put down my phone, clutching it tightly. For some reason I wanted to thank Byunnie so bad, tell him grateful I am. But, that wasn’t what people do. I needed to get a grip. This is a job, this is just a job. This is just a job that gives me the position of secretary under the CEO of B&Y.
If only I knew, if only I fucking knew.
This would be more than just a job.
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blckspectre-blog · 6 years
✶ - - ` intro
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hello everyone! i’m carly; chances are we’ve met in another roleplay before at some time or another, as i’ve been in several, but if not, it’s great to meet you! i’m really excited to be here. those of you that have had me on twitter for a while may recall in your distant memory me talking about this muse when blcktmpl was first open. i almost impulse applied for him even though i didn’t have the time, but i controlled myself, thus he never lived. with blcktmpl reopening, however, i saw my opportunity and took it, because i said i would, and i’m equal parts excited and nervous tbh! usually i join things pretty early and not when they’re already established, but i trust u guys to take good care of me and involve me in everything, and i am going to weasel my way into all of your plots, too.
a big reason that i’m nervous is because i’m not 100% sure how to write this muse yet, i took forever on his profile page (and his bio is now up here!)  (this is all i have up atm...haha...) so i didn’t write his bio or any of the solos yet even though i wanted to, and i may do that to get a solid handle on him before i delve too far into plotting. that being said, if you want to plot, like this post! i just ask that you give me some time to get settled first, i’m going to give myself a week to write the stuff i need to as my deadline, and then i’ll send messages out after that for sure. feel free to beat me to it if you want, though! i welcome any and all ideas so if u get anything, don’t be afraid to mention it to me! aside from that, i’m also @taekaimoon on twitter. we can plot there, or you can just follow me and we can be friends, both are welcome ;w; i have a discord too, but dm me if you want that, it’s kind of my peaceful space.
enOUGH about me!! onto what you’re really here for: mr spectre. he’s a lil bit sugar, spice, everything nice and chemical x, and a lil bit genji from overwatch, older brother presumably killing him and all (thanks @blckgambit). he lived his life pre-blcktmpl in his older brother’s shadow, always quiet and blending into the background, and he chose the name spectre because of that, mainly, but it got a double meaning after gambit was forced to “kill him” for his initiation following their simultaneous kidnappings, and then the collective saved spectre for a fun plot twist. he’s a veteran of five years now, his story and character is pretty well known in blcktmpl, but he prefers to live as mysteriously as possible, living up to his name. he’s very shadow-y, very ghost-like, rarely speaks, tends to appear and disappear a lot. he might be hard to plot with but i promise i will try my darndest, ok!! more facts about him under the cut!
one of your (currently) few isabelline candidates
as mentioned before, a veteran of five years, so if you were a(n isabelline) rookie in the past ~3 years, he could’ve helped with your training, or maybe you know an isabelline candidate that he helped with
his elev8 account is some real hipster bullshit. he doesn’t post any pictures of himself, preferring to keep up his air of mystery, and posts pictures of his surroundings, friends, acquaintances, etc, with vaguely eerie, poetic captions. some posts are poetic weirdness or philosophical shit without pictures
he works at an arcade out in the real world, still rarely speaking, lurking in the shadows there too
he used to work as a bartender but that required too much socializing for his taste, even though he enjoyed listening to drunk people pour out their life stories
i still don’t know if his obsession with staying mysterious is genuinely for his own protection or a strategy to keep the collective interested in him, because once they know everything about him he’ll be boring. he’s equal parts genuinely aloof and a little calculating
his entire time (presumably) died during the awakening part of the initiation. he survived because he spent most of the time hiding. he’s not proud of it and he never talks about it (there’s room for plotting here though; maybe a teammate survived without his knowledge, etc)
he really has a good heart, and gets attached more quickly than he wants to admit. he’s so quiet partially to spare others from the same fate
looking after people is in his nature; he spent most of his teenage years taking care of his brother who was ill for years, so he will do the same with others, especially younger than him
he was a successful author before blcktmpl, but as a ghostwriter-- under his brother’s name. they collaborated and jonghyun wrote myungsoo’s memoir about his experience with his illness
knows multiple types of martial arts, and practices daily to keep his mind clear and body in peak condition. catch him in the training area’s dojo and parkour simulation learning to wall climb like the real genji
at first, spectre was thankful to the collective for saving his life and giving him a chance to live his own life for the first time in years, though he quickly learned he was only around for their entertainment, and his fondness for them ran out by the end of his first year as a candidate
his participation in missions was almost constant at first, and then has tapered off to be more spotty. he loves to keep everybody guessing on whether he’ll show up or not,,, but ultimately he participates quite a lot and has performed pretty well over the years
he’s a very calm and level-headed individual, and has this exterior of being unfazed, especially when it comes to accepting higher level missions, but internally He Screams, he just puts on a brave face
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Amnesia Ch. 13
I’ve been away from the group for two weeks. Two weeks since I ran away, since I walked out and talked to the girls. Though they did send various messages a day, I ignored all of them. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t continue to be part of it and pretend everything was okay when it wasn’t.
So I was hiding out. No one knew of the location except for management. I had to tell them of the break I needed. They agreed to it reluctantly, but nonetheless they agreed to allow me a month off before we would go on tour.
Tour. It was what I dreaded the most. I couldn’t imagine being on tour with them and pretend that nothing had happened. But I also couldn’t talk to them. I couldn’t force myself to care about anything but myself. I needed to put myself first. It was what I should have done in the first place. I should have just listened to my mom and my dad. They were right. They were always right.
“Lauren, lunch is ready!” My mom yelled up the stairs.
When it all got tough, the one place I knew I could always count on and I had not forgotten was home and family. So I ran back home to Miami, where I knew I could be me and not have to wonder about everything I was missing.
They wouldn’t have the answers even if I tried to ask. They didn’t know as much as the girls knew. They knew the basics of me going to X Factor to becoming part of a pretty well known girl group today. That was it.
So currently, my life was as peachy as it was going to get. Which relieved some of the pressure I had building up inside of me, but I didn’t know the whole truth yet. And I knew at one point, I would need to know the truth–the complete truth.
“Thanks mom.” I slid into a chair at the breakfast table after giving my mom a kiss on the cheek.
“Eat before it gets cold.” She gestured to the plate in front of me, which was filled with all sorts of Cuban food. I loved her cooking. It was the best.
I took a couple of bites before I started talking to her. We had small random conversations that made me forget about this whole disaster I called my life. The more time I spent here, the less stressed I was feeling over all of this. I think I made the best choice deciding to come home after that whole thing with Camila.
She was the only one who had not messaged me or attempted to call me. I checked daily hoping she would, but I had fucked that up; really fucked it up big time.
I never should have spoken to her like that or said the things I did. It tore me apart after I had enough time to think about my words and actions, but my pride was too much to go back and apologize. I didn’t want to seem weak by making the first step. Although I was the cause for her misery and mine, I couldn’t bring myself to make the first move to call or text her.
“What are you doing today honey?”
“Hmm. I don’t know. I figured I would just lounge around the house.”
I really hadn’t done much in the last week. I’d been hiding away in my parent’s house to avoid any fans or the possibility of paparazzi lurking about while walking around town.
Management had put out a statement about how I was fine, but I was taking a small break due to personal reasons.
Of course that had made Twitter blow up and not to mention any other social media I had. The fans were sadden over the news but they also wished I was okay and that they wished me the best. It was sweet and I had responded to a few. Mainly I tried to stay away from it so I wouldn’t get wrapped up in what was happening. It was better if I did. Less for me to deal with.
“You should call up Alexa and Vero. Go have fun, be a teenager. You should take advantage of your break and do the things you hardly have the time to do anymore.”
I nodded at my mom’s words. She was right as always. But what if they were busy? I couldn’t expect them to just drop everything and be with me. It wouldn’t be a fair thing to assume they would do. But I could at least ask.
“I’ll message them and see what they say. Thanks for lunch mom.” I kissed her cheek again and went back upstairs, flopping onto my bed with a full stomach.
I took my phone out, seeing several messages from the girls–except Camila–and notifications from Twitter plus other social media I had. I pressed the clear button to remove all the notifications before I went to start a group chat with Alexa and Vero.
I sent a simple message asking if they were free to hang out, possibly go to the beach. Both replied almost instantaneously and agreed to the outing; stating they would come get me in an hour.
I jumped off my bed satisfied they had both jumped at the opportunity to hang out with me. I’d had small conversations with them over text and the occasional phone call since I was released from the hospital but not as much as Lucy.
I sighed when I thought of Lucy. She was avoiding me just as much as Camila was. I didn’t hurt her as bad as Camz so I didn’t understand why she was staying away but she was. Which was so frustrating. Both of them worth.
Letting out a small groan the headache both girls were causing, I returned to the task as hand; which was to get ready for an afternoon at the beach.
An hour later exactly, Alexa and Vero were parked in my driveway waiting for me to walk out. I yelled bye to my mom telling her I would be home later and walked out to the door. Both of them squealed at the sight of me and hugged me once I had made it into the car.
“I’m so glad you messaged us Laur. We’ve missed you so much.” Alexa was practically gushing her feelings out in front of me and I had to chuckle at the love this girl had for me.
“I’ve missed you guys too. I’m glad you guys were free to hang out. I wasn’t expecting you guys to be able to hang out,” I spoke honestly, knowing that I could speak what was on my mind with them at any time. 
“Aw. We always have time for you Lauren. But don’t flatter yourself,” Vero said. She gave me a goofy grin showing that she was just joking. “Like Alexa said, we missed you and glad you got in touch. It’s been forever since we’ve had a proper hang out.”
Alexa squealed at that time and it made me jump ten feet at the unexpected sound that erupted from those lips.
“This is my jam!!” She turned up the knob on the stereo and the new single we released filled my ears.
Normani’s voice whispered in my ear as I heard our single for the first time in a week. Hearing this only served as a reminder as to why I was here and only made me think of the situation once again.
I had forgotten about it for the time being, trying to focus on what was happening with Alexa and Vero. But it pulled me back and held me tightly there until I couldn’t breathe. I lost focus on the girls here in the car with me and went back to the night where I told Camila to leave.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m so sick of everyone saying I’m sorry!” She physically flinched at my words. “Just get out. I can’t even look at you. You’re making me feel sick.”
Camila fled the room, tears streaming down her face.
Usually I would be the one to chase after her and make sure she was okay, but I didn’t this time. I couldn’t. There just wasn’t enough sympathy inside of me to care about her feelings when she couldn’t care for mine.
I couldn’t think of my next move. I had just to make it and go. Before I could change my mind and stop myself from making a stupid mistake, I packed my bags and walked out the room.
I hailed a taxi once I was outside of the hotel and asked them to drive me to the airport.
All that was on my mind was home. Home where I could be myself and not focus on Camila. Where I could forget this part of my life existed. I could run and hide if I wanted there. And no one would think to look there because it would be too easy.
With my mind made up, I sent a text to my mom letting her know I was coming home for a break. Then shortly after I sent an email to our manager to let them know I wouldn’t be able to continue at the moment but I would be ready for when the tour would kick off.
“Earth to Lauren. Is anyone still in there? Seriously. Hello? Lauren?”
“What?” Man I was seriously fucked.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes to tell you we’re at the beach.” Alexa said from the driver’s seat.
Vero was no longer in the car. She had left to grab the stuff from the trunk I presumed as I didn’t see her making her way to the beach.
“Sorry. I just zoned out for a moment. The song reminded me of some things.” I sheepishly spoke.
Alexa arched her eyebrow at me but didn’t say anything else. “Well let’s get out so we can enjoy this day and make it unforgettable.” She gave me a smile before she opened her door to get out.
I grabbed the small knapsack I brought with me and proceeded to do the same. I followed her and Vero down to the beach, picking out a spot that wasn’t too close to the water but close enough that we could jump in as soon as possible.
We spread out our towels and then decided to spend the next three hours in and out of the water, occasionally dunking each other in when we had the chance. We hardly spent any time outside of the water because we were having so much fun.
“You guys! I can’t even feel my stomach anymore from how much we’ve been laughing.” I was holding my stomach, trying to get rid of the giggles so I would be able to breathe again.
“Okay, okay. How about we go lay down and try to tan for a bit?” Vero asked us but it sounded more like she told us.
We agreed and went back to our spot, crashing into our towels to get a tan. Though I wasn’t sure how much of a tan I would get since I was so white. Alexa and Vero on the other hand already looked like they had gotten a tan.
I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my back. It felt so calming and familiar to me. I had missed this part of being in Miami. I missed the rays of the sun and the beach, the flip flops and shorts you could wear pretty much all year round.
A few moments of silence later, I could hear them whispering. I couldn’t hear their exact words but it did make me curious to know what they were being so secretive about.
I turned my head to look at Vero who was in between Alexa and I.
“What are you two whispering about?” I whispered.
Vero turned to look at me and she blushed.
“Uh well, we were just wondering how you’re doing, you know with the whole memory loss thing?” Her voice squeaked at the end and I laughed.
“You guys don’t have to feel embarrassed about asking me.” I rest my head down on my towel, closing my eyes again when they didn’t say anything.
I popped open my eye that wasn’t pressed against the towel. They both had their heads up, looking at me.
“I’m handling it.” I gave them a vague answer because I wasn’t sure what I could say or couldn’t say to them. And I didn’t want to say something for them to waltz around the subject like Camila and everyone else.
“You can tell us anything, you know that? We’ve always told each other everything. There’s nothing you could say that would make us walk away.” Alexa and Vero both had soft smiles on their faces.
They’ve been my friends for years and I never had a problem telling them about my problems. I could recall all the times I had gone over to Alexa’s house to cry about a boy or a problem at home. Or doing the same with Vero. Or them coming to me. We took care of each other and made sure we would be okay. Why should now be any different?
There was no judgement here. Only love and care in those eyes staring into mine. There shouldn’t be any fear.
“I can’t do this. I’m surrounded by a past I don’t remember. The girls…they won’t tell me anything. They hide anything that could hurt me or cause me more trauma. But I don’t want that. I want to know what’s going on. I want to remember everything so it can go back to normal.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Vero asked.
I nodded. “I had a fight with the girls. I um may have kissed someone and uh well it just caused everything to spiral out of control.”
“Oh my God! Did you kiss Camila?!” Alexa practically screamed out the last bit, her eyes wide.
“Alexa!” Vero yelled, clamping a hand over our friend’s mouth. My eyes shifted between the two of them, trying to figure out how much they knew and how much they would be willing to tell me.
“Let me guess, you’re not going to tell me anything, right? Is this how it’s going to be here as well? Everything kept a secret?” The same anger I had felt nights ago when the girls had been of no help, was threatening to rise and make an appearance again.
They shared a look between them, uncertain of how to proceed with the predicament they–we–were in.
“Well, um–”
“You’ve always had a crush on Camila!” Alexa cut off Vero who had been trying to tell me probably a version of it.
“Alexa! What the hell?” Vero, again, clamped a hand over Alexa’s mouth, trying to prevent her from speaking any further.
Pensive over what she said, I closed my eyes and focused on the new information. I had a crush on Camila. Or I’ve had a crush on Camila. This made a lot of sense now. It was why I kissed her. It was why I was always checking up on her. It was why I had developed feelings for her.
I had felt this before and that is why everything felt familiar. My body knew these feelings. My body knew her, in the sense that it recognized my feelings for her.
I was always finding a way around her. I was always trying to find a way to comfort her when she wasn’t feeling great. I was always happy to have her around and I couldn’t stop thinking of her whenever we were apart.
Oh my God. Was this what they were all hiding? Is this what Camila avoided? Is this why she didn’t want me to forgive her? What had happened between us?
Holy fucking shit… What happened?
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