#(If someone comments with a random word and numbers username with no info on it {bonus if they made acct this year})
taichi-x-koushiro · 10 months
Me, when I realize the person who likely harassed me on A.O.3 comments (and was determined by A.O.3 mods to be targeting me with said harassment to the point multiple other accounts they had got banned) is likely back harassing another Taishirou writer without them knowing it: ... I am going to flip (and Not in the Good Way)
#taichixkoushiro posts#taichixkoushiro personal#taichixkoushiro vents#dgmn stan issues#advs stan issues#(If someone comments with a random word and numbers username with no info on it {bonus if they made acct this year})#(And tries to ~praise~ your Taishiro stories but more specifically lavish you in a ~youre an amazing Taishiro writer!!1!~ way)#({in combination of} while not so subtle 'politely suggeting' {demanding} smut from you??)#(BLOCK THEM)#(They're a troll)#(AND they tried to turn on me and shame me when I ~denied~ them their 'request')#(AND THEY F*CKING INSULTED A CULTURAL HOLIDAY MY FAM HAS OBSERVED AND I WAS *Trying* tO Observe UNTIL THEY PULLED THAT)#(That commenter is NOT GENUINE and they WILL spam your comments for half a year+ only to aggressively turn on & harass you)#(And I highly HIGHLY bet they're not even a KouxTai stan)#(They're just a harasser)#(They also claimed I '~~betrayed!!1!1!~~' the TaixKou fan base by writing a platonic one shot involving Koushiro and Daisuke)#({which Im very definite was also a very fake reaction from them because I bet they dont actually give 2 sh*ts about such platonic duos})#(I'm hesitating bringing it up to where I saw their comment since it wasn't my story but GODDAMN I WANT To)#(At least here a handful or two more KouxTai fans follow and might notice this P.S.A)#(Anyway THATS also what I've been so angry about as of early 2021~2022 *and* it happened not long after Kizuna dropping)#(which brought a LOT of Particular fans back into the fan base and I'm almost CERTAIN the troll is one of them)#(Namely because this person clearly isn't someone I'm actively acquainted with and is very much an outsider to KouxTai fan base)#({and I recognize other fans who have interacted on my posts} and they're clearly not any of them either)#(They also spammed me with emojis at one point and *clearly* never actually read the stories I posted)#(And kept asking me random questions only to ignore me when I very clearly answered them so YEAH Theyre a Troll)#(DONT let them start doing that to you just because you'd like comments its Not Worth It BLOCK THEM)#*This was a PERSONAL post and NOT meant to be reblogged so Please Do NOT rb my personal posts talking abt MY being harrassed Thanks
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mandy-hanae · 6 years
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Forewarning: an exceedingly long list of bullet journal page ideas below :)
Hi everyone, it’s been a while! So, long story short, I’ve made a very long list of bujo page ideas that I think are useful, interesting + fun! Fyi, I’ve arranged the ideas (i.e. the bullet points) under each categories according to my own priority + interests. Also, I’ll be updating this list from time to time, so feel free to suggest new ideas simply by replying this post! ;)
index (table of contents)
key, legend, specifier
goals (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, future)
goals (short-term, long-term)
new year resolutions / goals
daily spread / log (routines: morning, evening, night)
weekly spread / log / schedule
monthly spread / log / review
future log / yearly calendar
x-year plan (where x = number of years)
to-dos / tasks (daily, weekly)
10 minute tasks
reminders (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
important dates
holidays / special days
appointments / events
diary / journal
trip / travel / holiday / vacation planning
wedding planning
progress tracker (events, goals, etc)
vehicle maintenance (timeline, checklist)
home maintenance (timeline, checklist)
bullet journal (aka bujo)
bujo routine
bujo hacks / tips
bujo themes
header / banner ideas
doodle / drawing ideas
doodle page (doodle a day challenge)
sketchbook (doodling / drawing pages)
title + sub-title ideas
date ideas
divider ideas
layout / spread ideas for bujo
handwriting page
font page
hand lettering / brush lettering / calligraphy
washi tape collection / swatches
pen colours swatches
highlighter colours swatches
brush colours swatches
water colour samples
stationeries / art supplies wishlist
stationeries / art supplies inventor
practice page (hand / brush lettering, doodle, drawing, colour combination, etc)
page to try out new stationeries (pens, markers, highlighters, brushes, etc)
full-page journal entries
bullet journal page ideas
bujo goals
what is bujo + how to bujo? (bujo introduction + guide)
journaling techniques
habits to break
new habits to adopt
chores list / tracker
shopping list
cleaning routine / schedule / tracker
tidying days tracker
laundry tracker
productivity tracker
outfit planning / inspiration / ideas
time management tracker
work / job / career history + timeline
no buy list
no spend days tracker
money-saving tips
savings goals
savings tracker
spending / expenses tracker
monthly budget tracker / planning
debt payoff tracker
income tracker
income growth tracker
bills tracker
gas mileage tracker
self-care / self-improvement
self-care activities / tips
about me (self-introduction)
bucket list
wishlist / wish board
vision board
abstract feelings (drawing therapy: express my feelings, draw my emotions out)
things that make me happy
hobbies tracker
new hobbies to try
hug / cuddle tracker
what do I enjoy + love? / things I enjoy + love
things I got into recently
dream journal / log / tracker
highlights this past year
experiences this year
“fuck it” page (vents / rants; let all those swearings out)
memories of the month
memories / special moments you don’t want to forget
in-do list (things I’ll quit doing)
my horoscope / zodiac sign info
my personality test result / mbti type info / my personality traits
small things that matter
everyday “nothings” I’m grateful for
timeline of my life
map of my life
happy thoughts
notes to self
positive affirmations
sentence-a-day log
one-liner journal
letter to past / future self
personal stories / thoughts (like diary)
random thoughts
skills to learn
things I want to learn
reward tracker
gratitude tracker (things, people)
20 goals before 20
30 goals before 30
things that are stressing me out
how to reduce the things that are stressing me out?
learned lessons / things to reflect on
things to improve
things I love about myself / what I love about myself?
how to stop self-hate / self-loathing?
my values
how to live out my values?
things I’m proud of
things I didn’t do as much as I liked
“flaws” I am grateful for + why
level 10 life
life goals list / tracker
resolutions page
achievements / accomplishments in life
what am I working / fighting for?
how to succeed?
“one smile a day” challenge
my observations about people
where do I want to be in x years? (where x = number of years)
read at least one chapter log
hydration tracker (water intake log)
menstruation tracker
mood tracker
relaxation tracker
methods of relaxation
sleep tracker
healthy meals / snacks ideas / options
healthy meal planning / tracker
snacking tendencies tracker
food to eat / avoid list
no x days (where x = food to eat less; e.g. snack, junk food, alcohol, sugar, carbs, etc)
how to cope with mental illness? / mental health management (depression, stress, anxiety, etc)
step count tracker
daily step count goals
energy tracker
migraine tracker
meditation tracker
mental health tracker
meal / food tracker
meal / menu planning
recipes to try / things I want to cook
ratings on things I cooked
favourite recipes
medicine tracker
skin care routine
calorie tracker
exercise / workout tracker
fitness tips / guide
fitness goals
fitness routines / sets
measurements tracker
weight loss / gain tracker
bmi tracker
yoga tracker
yoga poses to try
study (school, university, college)
printables / print outs
things to do before a new semester starts
academic / semester calendar
classes / lectures schedule (timetable)
assessments tracker (assignments, lab reports, projects, homeworks, etc)
project / assignment planning / breakdown (brainstorming new ideas)
important dates (upcoming tests, finals, group discussions, etc)
deadlines tracker (assessment due dates)
study plan for a subject / course / class
studying schedule / timetable/ routine
studying / revision tracker (study hours log)
revision checklist (topics, chapters, subjects, courses, etc)
scholarship activities / events
definitions list
formulas list (maths, chemistry, etc)
vocabulary to learn list
semester goals
grades / exam results tracker
study / school / university supplies list
study / learning websites
reference books / textbooks to buy
study space layout (actual / dream study space)
dream study space ideas
organization tips / ideas for university
productivity tips / ideas for university
before-class routine / checklist
hours spent in library
study tips / hacks
improvement tracker
note-taking method / system
color-code system
studying techniques / methods
how to study smart / efficiently?
how to stay motivated?
how to focus in class?
how to get good grades? / how to improve grades?
how to stop procrastinating?
tips for time management
syllabus / modules list
lecturer / professor / teacher info
past papers tracker
how to overcome failure?
“funny / weird things that happened in university” list
best campus food
stationeries (pens, markers, highlighters, brushes, etc)
food / meals (desserts, snacks, beverages, drinks, etc)
swatches (stationeries: pens, markers, highlighters, brushes, washi tapes, etc)
colours / colour schemes / colour palettes / colour combinations
hobbies / pastimes
movies / tv series / documentaries / anime
books / manga / manhwa / manhua
genre categories (movies, tv shows, anime, books, manga, music, etc)
songs / playlists / albums / podcasts
song artists / bands
ice cream flavours
things / items / products I own (skincare, makeup, etc)
font types
brands (notebooks, clothings, skincare, makeup, etc)
cafes / restaurants
animals / pets
plants (flowers, leaves, etc)
stores (online / physical stores)
indoor + outdoor activists
presents / gifts
celebrities / influencers
blogs / tumblr blogs / websites / youtube channels / instagram accounts
six word stories
scent / smell
fruits + vegetables
organization ideas / tips
tea / coffee consumed tracker
to watch (movies, tv series, documentaries, anime, etc)
to read (books, articles, manga, manhwa, manhua, etc)
to listen to (songs, playlists, albums, podcasts, etc)
to buy (groceries, shopping, etc)
to try (food, beverages, activities, etc)
to visit (cafes, restaurants, etc)
to travel (places: countries, states, cities, etc)
things to try / attempt
craft / diy project ideas to try
zero waste tips / habits
green living tips / habits
packing checklist (travel, trip, vacation, moving, etc)
adulting list (things I need to learn to become an adult)
maps (colour the place you’ve visited)
before-bed checklist
road trips
random acts of kindness
destinations / places to travel with friends
progress tracker (e.g. book series: pages, chapters, volumes; tv shows: episodes, seasons; podcasts progress, etc)
boredom buster list (fun things to do)
usernames + passwords
playlists for certain moods / occasions
new music discovered
new songs added to playlist
gift / present ideas
things I googled
foreign language vocabulary to learn
new vocabulary
inspirational / motivational quotes
questions I want answers to
story / plot ideas
character ideas
beautiful words to use more often
untranslatable words
365 words to learn (learn a new word per day challenge)
convenient / useful knowledge
useful unknown facts
interesting / random facts
important contacts / emergency contact info
upcoming releases of things that I like / love (release dates)
pros + cons list
outfits / clothings I own
fashion / outfit inspiration (print outs, magazine cut outs, etc)
how to make someone happy
authors to know
the most important people in my life
flowers / leaves (dried / pressed)
polaroid pictures / photos
swatches (pens, markers, highlighters, brushes, washi tapes, etc)
fortune-telling paper strips / fortune cookie fortunes / amulets
ticket stubs / tickets (movie, train, amusement park, concert tickets, etc)
stamps (ink)
postage stamps
clothing tags
maps + brochures from travel
greeting cards / postcards
food wrappers / packagings
wrapping papers from gifts you’ve received
cute paper / gift bags
magazine / book cut outs
business cards
books purchased (titles, date + place of purchase, etc)
social media (blog, tumblr, instagram, pinterest, youtube, etc)
content / post ideas (planning)
social media planning (timeline, content, event, etc)
followers / subscribers count
blog goals
blog information
blog statistics
content updates
social media tracker (time spent on social media)
blogs, tumblr blogs, instagram accounts, youtube channels, pinterest boards, websites, etc to follow
room layout / dream room ideas / room decoration ideas
dream home ideas
aesthetic page (mood board, style board, inspirational photo board, etc)
morse codes
brain dump
pretty + cute things (literally anything pretty + cute)
song of the day
art journal
collage art
colouring page
pen tests page (scribbling page)
random notes
things to look forward to
countdown to a special day / event
“don’t break the chain” challenge
100 days of productivity
moon phases tracker
musical pieces you’d like to play
journal writing prompts
invention ideas
best purchases made
“if I had a million dollars”
pet care log
plant care guide + log (plant watering, etc)
family tree
food / snacks / beverages reviews
restaurant / cafe reviews
places travelled review
movies / tv series / anime reviews
book reviews
constellation chart
30 day challenges
hogwarts houses
knitting patterns
things that my friends like
friends page (where my friends write stuffs in)
tattoo ideas
philosophical stuffs
5K notes · View notes
alilybit · 3 years
Steam Scam Documentation
improved readability + table of contents on my website: https://phal.io/hackers/stean (free easter egg included!)
TLDR – What To Do
- Never sign in using Steam anywhere unless it’s a well known site that you navigated to yourself, preferably by manually typing the URL into your browser and saving that URL as a bookmark for later, NEVER sign in on links others sent you, even your significant other whom you would trust with your life because their account could be hijacked or they don’t know they’re sharing a malicious link
- Optionally send the link to an internationally approved computer expert you trust (me?)
- When you confirm trades in the app, always double check both trade contents AND the person you’re trading with (level, friend date) because hackers can automatically replace outgoing and incoming trade offers to go to a different account with the same name and pfp as your original trade partner
When It’s Too Late
- Warn your friends not to click on any link that might be sent on your behalf, check active chats for messages you didn’t send, send/tell them this
- Change your password (if you use your Steam password elsewhere, change those as well, you should be using unique passwords and a secure open source password manager like KeePassXC)
- Log out all sessions in the Steam desktop client by clicking on your name in the top right corner next to notifications and navigating to account details -> account security - manage Steam guard -> deauthorize all other devices
- Open https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey in your browser (if you don’t trust my link, which you shouldn’t, simply find out if steamcommunity dot com is the real domain for Steam and then manually type the complete link into your browser), revoke any API key there is if you haven’t created them or don’t know what they are, if you did make them replace them
- Optionally report the link at https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/?hl=en to make all common web browsers display a warning before loading the malicious site
(Source + further info: https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/hijacking/)
When a Friend Sends You a Malicious Link or Acts Suspiciously
- Try to contact them somewhere outside of Steam and send/tell them this to save their account and to prevent the hijack from spreading further through their friends list
- Warn their friends
Pro Tip
The interwebs are full of malicious links/downloads, even/especially search engine results. To make sure you get the proper installer for programmes/the proper link to log into/purchase something, ALWAYS use the Wikipedia Technique™:
- Open wikipedia.org
- Search for the programme/site/shop/whatever
- Look for the website link either on the right in the summary box or by navigating to the external links section at the bottom
I will now describe and show how a friend of mine had their account hijacked. I’ll also keep adding other forms of scam attempts to this post/site as I come across them so you can look at examples and be prepared for when it happens to you.
Incident 1 – Can You Vote for My Team?
It was the night before my first vaccination. I was still doing something on my PC, I don’t remember what, even though it was past bedtime, when I got a message from a Steam friend. I’ll call them Ingeborg. My brother, Ingeborg and I had met a month earlier on a TF2 rocket jump server and we added each other. We played together a couple more times but beside that I didn’t know Ingeborg that well. You can see the chat from that day in the images below.
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The first cropped message from Ingeborg at the top is “hey u free rn?” or something. I assumed they just wanted to ask about playing a game of TF2 with me, as it has happened before. When they dropped the question about voting for their team and getting keys in return, I didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know of any competitive team they were in and I also didn’t know Ingeborg well or that alleged tournament at all. It also didn’t seem like they could just throw expensive keys around. I took some time to process the information and to think about what I should reply, but Ingeborg didn’t leave me much time to think, following up with “?” and “u here”. So I asked, feeling stupid for not knowing what they’re talking about.
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Then, they also set a time limit of less than 30 minutes and kept asking why I’m not immediately replying or “voting”. I have to admit, I nearly fell for it. I want to help people and I can’t think clearly under pressure, especially when it involves other people. And, for the Permanent Record, I of course wouldn’t have taken anything in return for helping a friend. I wanted to tell them that but they didn’t even give me the time to type that. I had already put my name and password in the form, after a lot of thinking, but something prevented me from pressing enter, it just didn’t feel right. I had even briefly searched the web for that tournament and didn’t really find anything. But what finally made me realise that there is something wrong and what made me think clearly again was the border and title bar of that alleged pop-up window. (Edit: Thanks for 1 likes. I compared genuinely signing in through Steam on scrap.tf and it did not open a pop-up window, it simply completely sent me to steamcommunity.com. I guess that means pop-up Steam sign ins are always fake.) I already tried clicking on the HTTPS information earlier which didn’t work for some reason but which still didn’t make me 100 % realise that this is a fake site. Until I noticed that the title bar is a Windows 10 default light theme title bar. I’m on Linux and I use dark themes, the title bar should look completely different. I tried moving the window around and it moved choppily and I could only move it within the Firefox window. I checked the source code and it was true: It was merely an iframe within the site that contained a fake Steam login form from a different URL that’s not steamcommunity.com. This is the site in the iframe:
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As you can see, it’s the Steam login form, but the address at the top is not a Steam address. I took a look at its source code and found that it was a lot longer than the original and also contained a lot of dialogue lines about removing the Steam mobile authenticator. This apparently didn’t come up when actually putting in password and username, but you should look out for fake sites telling you to remove your authenticator, they could get complete access to your account that way.
I confronted Ingeborg with this and they stopped replying. But they didn’t immediately remove me from their friends list, like that one time I was actually scammed. I wasn’t sure what to do now. Was Ingeborg really a scammer? Was everything we did together so far just to gain my trust to scam me? Like that one time I was actually scammed? The funny thing is that out conversation before this was about scammers. Some usual random scammer put a usual comment on my profile and Ingeborg warned me. But I believe in the good in everyone and I didn’t want to just assume they were a scammer without making absolutely sure. I thought about what else I knew about Ingeborg. They gifted my brother some items because he barely has any. They invited me to their Steam group. They subscribed to me on YouTube and put my channel on their home tab. Coincidentally, earlier that same day, I also took some time to take a look at their YouTube channel and subscribed. So I thought that me subscribing to them was the sign they were waiting for, signalling that I trusted them enough to fall for the scam. I checked their channel and I was still on their home tab and subscriptions. I checked their Steam group and was still a member. This convinced me that there really is a possibility that this wasn’t actually Ingeborg trying to scam be but that they’ve also been phished and someone else is now trying to also gain access to their friends’s’s accounts.
Ingeborg’s friends list and profile comments were now set to private, so I couldn’t comment or directly message their friends to warn them. But there was the Steam group. One other member was online, one with a Pokémon profile picture and I believe I also remembered noticing them on Ingeborg’s friends list because of the Pokémon theme. So I put a comment in the group and added the Pokémon person, who unfortunately had their comments disabled as well, so I put an explanatory message into my profile to let them know why I’m adding them. I warned them and asked them to tell Ingeborg that someone has access to their account, should they know Ingeborg better than me. On YouTube, Ingeborg had their Discord name listed. I tried to add them but friend requests were disabled. There was also an Instagram name. I technically don’t have Instagram but I made a test account a while ago to test a YouTube scam comment with a link to an alleged Instagram password hacking site. I logged in with that account, changed my profile picture to my real one, added an explanation to the bio and added Ingeborg. But they didn’t react. So I wrote a comment on a YouTube video. I think it took three attempts for the comment to pass the automatic spam filter. It could of course also have been Ingeborg deleting my comments exposing them for being a scammer. But the third castle stayed up. And a while later, they actually responded. I then tried to tell them to add me on Discord, that also took many attempts and extremely careful wording to get through. Not even my Discord tag with numbers spelled out and 1447 speak, as Jeremy 900 800 500 would say, went through, but a carefully camouflaged link to my website did. By then, they also messaged me on Steam, asking for help and asking me to temporarily take their valuable items to secure them. I told them to add me on Discord so I know it’s actually them I’m chatting with. As it turned out later, it was really good that they didn’t trade me their stuff.
Apparently, Ingeborg wasn’t home at the time and only had access to their phone. And they allegedly fell for the exact same scam a day before. The obvious first thing that had to be done was changing the Steam password. But it seems that the password can’t be changed in the app itself. So I had the idea that Ingeborg could log into Steam on their phone’s web browser and change the password there, which worked. We kept chatting and I kept researching. I still wasn’t sure if this was still part of Ingeborg’s ingenious plan to regain my trust to scam me again, but I believed in them. Eventually Ingeborg got home, and I stayed awake gladly until 3:47 in the morning, I… I sang as time went off. Because as long as menly men like me are prepared to give their time, a flower grows. And that flower, that small, fragile, delicate yellow flower, shall burst forth and defeat interwebs criminals. On the “next” day, the vaccine had a side effect of making me a little tired. Strangely enough, that side effect already started before the injection itself.
I also kept thinking about what the actual purpose of this series of hijacking accounts is. Ingeborg’s Steam wallet and inventory seemed to have been untouched but there must be some way for the criminals to profit off of this, if only to pay for the costs of the website and domain. On Vaccinator day, I finally found an article on https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/hijacking/ that explains it. When you give them your password and current authenticator code, they obviously get access to your account, but you still have the authenticator, so what they can do is limited. Apparently, they use the opportunity to create an API key that allows them to keep accessing your account even after you changed your password and they use it to immediately replace incoming and outgoing trade offers with ones that go to a fake version of your original trade partner with the same name and profile picture. You might then not notice the difference when confirming the trade in the app and give them your items, unknowingly and without them having to have access to or remove your mobile authenticator. A brilliant idea. You might as well check if you have any API keys which you usually shouldn’t, the details are explained on the steamrep link and in the “when it’s too late” section at the top of this piece of medium literature.
And the moral of this story: Always be careful, educate yourself on how they trick you and on digital security in the sense of safety, never assume you won’t fall for it, don’t shame people who fell for it and don’t feel ashamed if you fell for it. And always have an internationally approved technical support character on your team.
Incident 2 – Simply Building Trust AKA Social Engineer
We write the distant year of 2016. Two… œ… six… one. Oh, I’m an idiot, I held the pen upside down. Never mind. I don’t recall the incident in as many details, but I still know the most important things. It started on a TF2 tdm_hightower community server, rocket jumping and Market Gardenering around. I don’t remember exactly how one of the other players started conversing with me, I just remember that they, I’ll call them Wincohn, added me, chatted with me and wanted to trade one of my items that was not yet tradable. We chatted over the course of multiple days. Eventually, we also chatted about bad things that happened in our pasts, like the divorce of my parents and how their dad allegedly died when they were young. And we comforted each other. They also asked me if I was religious at some point, I guess because religious people are easier to scam. When I took a look at their inventory, I saw TF2 competitive matchmaking beta passes. I don’t remember exactly how that worked, but I was excited about matchmaking and you could only get in if you have the beta pass item, but having it also gives you some invites to give to other people. So I offered to take a beta invite in exchange for the item they wanted. My item, a festive Rocket Launcher was still not tradable though, so they offered me to temporarily give them something else and they would immediately give me a beta invite. Since the beta invite is not an item, I had to trust them they would actually invite me in return. We were on the aforementioned community server again and they agreed to make our trade public to the server members so they could witness it and report one of us, should we not keep our side of the bargain. So we opened a trade and I gave them one cosmetic drop I didn’t need, one cosmetic I used and two non-strange festive weapons so I don’t lose my stats, which were apparently in total about equal in value to the Rocket Launcher. Right before the trade went through, they left the server, which I only noticed when the trade window closed. And they removed me from their friends list. No beta invite. I told the others on the server that we traded but he left before it went through and he scammed me but nobody cared. The chat where we agreed that I would get a beta invite was also gone. I lost my items and I didn’t even have proof that it was a scam and not just a gift or tax dodge. Steam rightfully doesn’t return scammed items, because the scammers of course immediately sell them and taking them away from the buyer would be unfair for them and giving the victim a duplicate would be easily exploitable, but getting them banned would at least prevent further scams. The worst part, though, is that everything they told me was a lie and only served the purpose of gaining my trust. Fascinating.
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After it happened, I was of course sad and angry. But only temporarily. I don’t hold a grudge against them, I’ve long since forgiven them. Quite on the contrary, I’m even thankful because I didn’t lose that much virtual material value (like 3 $) and it was a valuable experience. I only hope that they have changed since then and don’t do this anymore. The comments on their profile are disabled to this day, not the best sign. They also don’t have a Steam or third party ban. Either them scamming was not a common occurrence or nobody was ever able to prove it.
Incident 3 – Wanna Join Our Tournament Team? (Incomplete)
I got another one of those friend requests on Steam from a suspicious looking profile. One of those that have TF2 comp stuff in their profile description. This time, I accepted it to see what they would do, to document more methods used by interwebs criminals.
This account had 1200 hours of TF2 playtime. So it looked like they’re an actual player, or maybe a hijacked account. Their inventory was public as well, but nearly empty, not even regular weapons or anything. They were playing TF2 the entire time and when I checked the server they were on, it always said no server. I guess that means they just have TF2 open the entire time to farm playtime that is publicly and prominently displayed on their profile to appear like a real player.
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I tried to go along with their chat but it didn’t go well. I even prepared my long unused Gibus Cap Discord account that I used to use to test roles on our server. But apparently, I asked too many questions. I was too eager to get a nice phishing link into my net. After that last message, they removed me from their friends. Next time, I won’t ask questions.
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