#(If you saw the prev ver. of this post I posted by accident
your-zipper-is-down · 6 months
UU Week Day 7, a song/poem/quote you associate with Undead Unluck:
Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Killing Me to Love You
I'm cheating a little, because I chose a song I associate specifically with BillyTella, BUT HEAR ME OUT.
The song I associate most with UU is 01; it is the reason I started the manga, and it has a dear place in my heart. BUT I felt it was a cop-out lmao.
(The other song is Teppeki, but I'm already writing a fic inspired by it OOPS)
SO- I took the opportunity to try and materialize the BillyTella AMV that plays in my head with this song- mind you, I hadn't touched an editing software in like, 6 years, but as soon as I saw the prompt I knew I had to try to do it. It's a mess. But it is my mess 💖
It's mostly for their 100th loop versions, but I throw some refs to the next loop in there too.
(The reason why I chose to upload it to yt instead of like- here, is because: 1. Wanted to add subs, 2. Wanted to embed it into my AO3 account to have the 7 prompts in there)
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tinisprout · 3 years
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No Doubt in Us
Chapter Sixteen - I Want You *written section below*
Fiance!Haknyeon x Fem!reader
Masterlist | Prev | CH.17 NSFW ver. | CH.17 SFW ver.
Synopsis: Life is great, you have your dream job, you finally got your first big break, and you are now engaged to the love of your life. Happier than you’ve ever been, you live life one day at a time. Then one day a terrible accident happens leaving you in a coma. Where you finally awake, everything is not as you remember. Amnesia takes away 3 years of your memory, forgetting your beloved Fiance. Faced with a reality that seems unreal, as your mind is stuck in a past with uncomfortable memories, your future with him is uncertain.
a/n: Alright I'm finally back. sorry for the long wait. The next chapter will be broken up into TWO versions, the NSFW ver. and the SFW ver. The NSFW ver. will better show the development of the relationship unlike the SFW ver, but any important post point will but put in the SFW chapter. So the NSFW ch is not essential to read to understand the plot. The SFW ch IS essential to understand the plot going forward, so if you do read the NSFW make sure to also read the SFW.
Send me an ask if you want to be put on the taglist for this series
Taglist: @my-summer-night @deputyjuyeon @juhaktheoneforme @sunqnew @givememunjang
Word count: 2.3k
Content Warning: mentions of drinking, harassment, a little violence from the MC, suggestive talk towards the end
The scene was noisy as you would expect from a club. Maybe going off on your own to the bathroom was a bad idea, you should have taken Haknyeon with you to be safe. The guys that stopped you on your way back to your group were a little more than friendly with you. You weren’t drunk enough to not do anything about it.
“Don’t touch me!” You would like to not have your night ruined by these men, so the best option was to just walk away. So you did, at least until you were yanked back by the wrist. Your blood boiled in an instant, you felt disgusted just like back then. You never wanted to feel weak in those kinds of situations ever again, after that you decided to take self-defense classes for a while. You never needed to use the skills you learned oh so long ago, at least you think.
You twist your hand grabbing his wrist as well, pulling him closer to you. You pivot your body to be at his side and use your free hand to slam against his shoulder. His arm locks and he lets go of your wrist while you still have a death grip on him. You kick the back of his knees making him fall to the ground and you place your foot on top of his back keeping him in place. The people around were either enjoying the show or didn’t care about what could have happened to you or what was happening to that guy, typical.
“I said, don’t touch me,” instead of looking at the guy on the ground, you look at his two friends.
“Okay, let go of me!” The guy on the ground yells. Doing as he saw you then take a step back from them, making sure they don’t try any funny business. The guy gets up and backs into his stupefied friends. “Come on guys, this crazy bitch isn’t worth our time.”
You watch as they walk away, but suddenly someone calls out to you and a hand rests on your shoulder. Before your mind can even process that you recognize the voice your body reacts, and you use all your strength to slam your elbow into the person that was behind you.
“Y/N…” The hand on your shoulder tightened its grip in pain and you suddenly realized that it was Haknyeon’s voice and you quickly whipped your head around. You see Haknyeon hunched over with a hand covering his stomach, as well as your friends crowded behind him.
“Oh my- Honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I thought you might have been-”
“I-it’s fine. I think I-,” Haknyeon’s eyes widened and then he covered his mouth. Without another word, he runs off to the men’s room, presumably to puke his guts out. You bounce on your toes wanting to go after him but you can’t, you felt terrible.
“Oh man, I’ll go help him,” Jacob says as he runs into the restroom after Haknyeon. Hyunjae and Eric laugh, tripping over themselves as they walk to the restroom to see the mess. Sunwoo chuckles and follows to make sure those two don't do anything stupid. It almost seemed like Hyunjae and Sunwoo’s roles were reversed, but you figured that was just another side of their relationship.
“Ugh, I can’t leave you for a second can I?” A rhetorical question came from Chanhee. Much like Jacob Chanhee was not one to drink himself into a stupor, he knew his limits, besides there needed to be at minimum two relatively sober people to watch over everyone. Sangyeon came closer and slung his arms around Chanhee from behind, resting his chin on his shoulders. Chanhee sighed but didn't stop Sangyeon.
“Y/N, are you okay? Sorry, we didn’t get here in time. Do you need me to go beat up those losers?” Sangyeon says grumpily.
"Thanks, but I've handled it already. Besides, trash like that isn't even worth your time." You pat Sangyeon's shoulder.
"You also handled Haknyeon. You know, I think he enjoys seeing you kick Sunwoo's ass, not his," Kevin teases you, chuckling, but then holds his head in pain, feeling a bad migraine. You childishly stick your tongue out at him, wanting to laugh because of karma. Changmin puts a finger to his chin.
"I think I remember why we stopped going to clubs. It's not really fun when your friends get harassed. I guess this wasn't one of my brightest ideas," Changmin feels bad, he wished that this outing would be a success. Although he was being a little harsh in the chat before he genuinely hoped you would have a good time if this didn't help you remember anything. Nothing is that easy though.
"It's whatever. I think that's enough fun for tonight. Everyone that wanted to be is sufficiently drunk. I also hurt my Haknyeon, so I’m not really in the mood anymore, sorry.” You feel a little apologetic to call it a night since this was for you.
“I don’t think I can make it home by myself if I drink anymore, so yeah, I’m done too,” Kevin says rubbing his temples.
“Chanhee let me stay at your place,” Sangyeon says sleepily. Chanhee can’t say no, but he gives no answer in return.
“I could go for a few more drinks, but alright. I’ll go check on the others and tell them what’s up.” Changmin says then walks off to the restroom.
Haknyeon sat on the couch patiently waiting. You got a glass of water for both him and yourself. Sitting next to him you hand him the glass.
“Here, drink some water and then go brush your teeth.” You make sure he is grasping the cup before letting go of it and drinking your own. He wasn’t much drunker than you, but it felt natural taking care of him like this. You didn’t know it yet, but Haknyeon liked being taken care of, so he would sometimes act more helpless than he was. He finished the water without a word and waited for you.
When you finished you stood up and looked at haknyeon, signaling him to follow you. He stares at you for a moment then lifts his hands up, like he is asking for help. You laugh at his childish act but still grab his hands and pull him up. You lead the way upstairs still holding one of his hands. You had him brush his teeth first while you got changed and when you were both done you switched roles.
Haknyeon lay on the bed thinking about everything while waiting for you. He already sorted out that he was ok with your memories being lost forever. He already won your heart over again, and in a way, it was fun watching you fall for him all over again. Still, for your sake he wished you could have remembered something by now, it would be a lot easier on you. He wondered how getting your memories back worked, would you suddenly have them all back, or do they come back slowly in installments.
Hopefully, he will find the answer to that soon. Or maybe the answer would never come, that’s okay too, as long as you can live your life without worrying about it anymore. His thoughts were cut short when you came out of the bathroom. You sat on the bed, moving closer to Haknyeon, putting a hand on his cheek, planting a soft kiss on his lips.
“Are you okay?” Haknyeon frowns a little, not understanding your question. “I hit you earlier, does it hurt?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s fine, I think.”
“Let me check, I didn’t go easy on you.” You lift his shirt and see a reddish-purple mark on his stomach and you glowered at it. “You sure it doesn’t hurt?” You graze your fingers against feeling how that part was raised. Haknyeon winced when you applied some pressure to his bruise.
You apologize, running your fingers over it again, being as gentle as possible. Haknyeon turns his face away from you and you're shocked at his reaction. You had gotten used to him saying, it’s okay. Now he was sulking, while you did feel bad, you couldn’t ignore how cute he was like this. You go to try and turn his face to look at you, but he only glances at you for a second before he turns his head the other way avoiding your gaze.
“Hmph!” Your eyes widen at his response. Haknyeon wasn’t upset with you, he just wanted to tease you right now. He was planning to ask for a kiss as your apology, he didn’t expect to feel ticklish on his stomach. He looks down to see you with your lips pressed against his bruise.
Your eye locked with his, eyes pleading for forgiveness. Haknyeon’s heart pounded in his chest and he could feel his face growing hot. He was sure your intentions were pure, but something like this feels a little risqué. The way your fingers rubbed circles on his sides, everywhere you touched it felt like it was slowly burning. He thought he was going to lose it when you pouted your lips at him, letting out a little whine.
Get your head out of the gutter! He told himself. Haknyeon promptly sat himself up brushing his hair back. You backed away from his sudden movement, not aware just yet what he was going through. He got off the bed and turned off the lights, before sitting back on the bed. His demeanor doing a complete 180 from cute and childish to standoffish.
���I forgive you. Let’s go to sleep now,” he laid down and covered himself with the comforter, turning away from you. You were left there questioning what just happened. He didn’t seem angry but he didn’t really seem okay either. You hesitated for a bit deciding on if you should pursue the matter or not, ultimately deciding that you had to know what was going on with him.
“Honey… are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me what’s going on or I’m going to worry all night.” You rest your hand on his arm that was covered by the blanket, you could feel him jump at your touch.
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just… I’m thinking too much,” his voice came out so small.
“What’s making you think so much?” Haknyeon turns giving you a look pleading you to drop the matter. “When we promised to start over, I told you I would try my best to be more open with you. I- I think I’ve been doing that, can you do the same?” You put your hands in your lap and twiddle your thumbs waiting for his answer, not sure if you were being too pushy.
“One day I’m going to lose my mind because of you.” Haknyeon turns his body around to face you.
“So, I did do something.”
“Well, I guess that depends on how you look at it. My head is in a dirty place.” You are silent for a moment, thinking.
“You mean, you’re thinking about those things?” Okay, that wasn’t the direction you thought this would take. Haknyeon groans in embarrassment, covering his face with his arm tightly shutting his eyes wishing to be done with this conversation.
“Can we just sleep now?” Your silent again for a bit, thinking about what you wanted to do. No matter which way you thought about it, this felt like the next logical step for the two of you. It was also something you were waiting for a long time for. This is the moment that’s been popping into your mind more often as of late.
“I wasn’t trying to make you think those things, but you don’t have to hide those feelings from me. I can help you.” Haknyeon’s eyes that had been shut tightly shot open, he thought he must have heard wrong. He moves his arm to get a peek at you.
“Did I hear that right?” You nod and Haknyeon abruptly sat up like he was trying to create some distance between you. “What, no we can’t.” If you knew one thing, it was that Haknyeon loved you, but his words and actions did wound your pride.
“You don’t want to?” Your voice came out dejected.
“That’s not the problem! I mean you’re drunk, you don’t even know what you’re saying.”
“I’m not drunk!”
“That’s what drunk people say.”
“You know I’m not. I was the one taking care of you earlier. If anything you’re the drunk one!” Damn, you had him there.
“Okay fine, you’re not drunk. Still, “Helping me” should not be the reason that we do this.
“I should do it when I’m ready, with someone I love.”
“Exactly, so now is a perfect time. You don’t seriously think I would do that just to help you? I’m ready, but if you don’t want to then I’ll just drop it.” Don’t want to? You still have no idea how crazy you make me.
Of course, Haknyeon wanted to, he wanted you. He was just hesitant, you were at least a little under the influence and if you went all the way and ended up regretting it, he would hate himself forever.
“Do you really want to, you’re not going to regret it?” He decided to lay his worries bare.
“You’re really going to make me say it? I want you and it’s not just a today thing. I wanted you yesterday, the day before that, even before then, and I’ll still want you tomorrow too.” Honeyed words simultaneously calmed his mind and made his heart race. “Just tell me what you want.”
You came closer to Haknyeon who was already backed against the wall and reached out to him, cupping his jaw. You looked into each other’s eyes seeing the other’s desire. You waited for Haknyeon to say something, you wanted to kiss him so bad.
“I want you too.” Hearing his words brings a soft smile to your face. Haknyeon put his hand on your waist, gently guiding you closer. The beginning of your night together started with a kiss.
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