yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about Hibiya's relationships with the rest of the Dan after the series? I was always a little disappointed we didn't really get to see him interact much with anyone besides hiyori, konoha, and momo. I would have loved to see him properly integrated as a member of the group and hanging out with them 🥲
hibiya is the mekakushi dan's little brother.
0. ayano's big sister radar goes off incredibly fast when meeting hibiya. she spoils the hell out of him because hibiya is largely independent and already has momo as a big sister for emotional stuff so when ayano's like WANT ME TO PATCH UP THE HOLE IN UR SHIRT hibiya's like what. i know how to do that myself. and ayano's like fine i will buy your love if i must. so she's always taking him shopping and asking if he needs anything new. he comes back every summer to the city with broken ass sandals and ayano's always sending him back with shiny new ones. he still rly enjoys having her around but he looks at her more in a motherly light than sisterly. he'd DIE before admitting it tho
1. srry to play the cooking card with kido again but. hibiya and kido cooking together :) i think kido is very impressed with hibiya's cooking and hibiya is SUPER used to being taken for granted so when they point it out to him he almost bursts into tears. i think hibiya is always looking for compliments from kido bc kido is super cool and The Leader and they kinda have a teacher's pet dynamic LMAOO hibiya is always asking kido if he can help with any chores so of course it works and he's kido's favorite student. if this was a class which is not. so he's just a rly helpful kid kido enjoys having around and hibiya loves that kido is really normal. also kidomomo. yeah. hibiya and his lesbian moms. also kido teaches hibiya how to bind. ratio
2. with seto... i remember reading this fic in ff/net back in the golden days of kagepro (so like. 10 years ago) that was like hibiya resenting seto bc he was still hurting abt hiyori and while everyone died with a loved one seto lost a DOG. i thought it was so funny bc it's so immature but seems so in character for hibiya. also in the novels when hibiya is unconscious he's taken to seto's room. i think hibiya thinks the whole dan act like fools (bc they ARE) but kind of respects and looks up to seto because hibiya is 12 and according to my intensely calculated family headcanons was raised in a toxic masculinity household so he sees this Buff Guy getting up at 5am everyday and holds more than one job for his family...he's like (nod nod nod) and he also really respects how seto refuses to use his eye power because of its. erm. unethical nature. hibiyas like UGH SETO IS SO COOL SUCH A MAN'S MAN. seto is mostly oblivious to this and always always always ruffles hibiyas hair. everyone does this but seto is the only one hibiya doesnt yell at
3. i think kano would go easy on hibiya cuz he's a kid but not entirely bc if kano isnt totally insufferable to everyone he knows at least once a day he gets sick and dies. i think kano tries to do the big sibling thing abt convincing the little brother of a total bullshit lie like basically his hobbie is gaslighting hibiya for fun. hibiya goes screaming for kido to make him stop lol. also kano's the one who's always saying shit like hibiya is 8 years old. even when hibiya's an adult kano's like how old are u again. u turned like 15 right
4. man mary tries acting SOOOO GROWN UP to hibiya she's like desperately trying to seem like a cool older sister but on purpose. with everyone else it's kind of natural but she is actively trying. momo bestie so also around a lot and sees how momo (hibiyas big sister #1) acts around him and tries doing the same and hibiya's like. this is pathetic. but still endearing and accepts it LOL he's also respectful of mary bc he's well aware of her role in their survival so he's like SIGHS okay
6. takane is everyone's demise because she introduces hibiya to smartphones and gaming. like hibiya rly wanted a smartphone right and then he makes all these friends and has to go back to the village so he takes an intensive course ran by takane abt how to use a phone. which is all good. but the thing is she is ALSO like ur so weird kid. here. play some amongus. this is how amongus hibiya can still win. everyone like vinnie hibiya cant be a fortnite kid bc he has no idea abt gaming he doesnt even have a phone WELL i got news for u buddy my fave character is takane and im also totally delusional. she is the reason hibiya is texting the gc in total typos asking if anyone wants to among us. and he's so thankful to her he expresses his gratitude thru sending her amongus and minecraft memes he finds around that she's seen a thousand times but it's rly endearing. also hibiya is shintaro coded so takane knows how to handle him sorry im so delusional abt their friendship (holds their chapter together from novel eight close to my chest)
7. eheheheheh. like i said. hibiya is shintaro coded like in canon both momo and takane say hibiya reminds them of shintaro like he's a little shin. and momo adopting hibiya means shintaro gets little brother by default too. his ass is always at HIS HOUSE!!!! i talked abt this in a post once abt how seeing hibiya and momo together makes shintaro want to try a little harder at being a big brother. i think they like each other and shintaro always lets hibiya sit in his room if momo is being too insane, and hibiya sometimes is like well shintaro's actually pretty normal!! (immediately sees him act a fool bc ofc he does) eugh. also shintaro helps hibiya with his summer hw, i think hibiya's a good student but appreciates the help and tells shintaro he thinks he'd make a rly good teacher and continues writing down on his hw all casually while shintaro has to act like he didn't get all choked up hearing that
9. i've talked abt the haruka and hibiya shitshow lol but again i love the idea of hibiya just totally refusing to acknowledge konoha's gone and keeps kicking and screaming abt it. bc if konoha is rly gone then it means he regrets everything bc he was so mean to it and its bc of it hiyori is alive (hiyori doesnt act this way bc she's well aware of it) and that SUCKS. so hibiya largely avoids haruka and isn't all that into how hiyori is really accepting of him and all. and haruka is also like. awkwardly trying to approach him because it's the least he can do in konoha's memory but hibiya's like hissing at him. eventually hibiya would accept it after a couple breakdowns. i think momo also punches some sense into him. i want hibiya to lash out at haruka and scream all sorts of things at him abt how it's not fair konoha is gone and like who even is he and just overall say all the things haruka is already super insecure about but then it ends on hibiya sobbing in his arms abt how much he misses konoha. and haruka can only hug him back and apologize :(
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uraniumnm333 · 10 months
hello friend. if you don’t mine me asking, what’s kagepro i’m curious :]
ARARARAGAGAHAGAGGAGAHARARARAR marlo you have opened up a can of worms. Tou may or may not regret this
so BASICALLY kagepro (or kagerou project) is a multi-media series by jin. Vocaloid songs, manga, light novles, the anime… (OH GOD I DO NOT LIKE THE ANIME VERY MUCH)
i probably would be really shit at explaining the actual STORY, so i’ll give you sole good respurces
@yuukei-yikes <- a really cool kagepro blog !! They actually have a good post on how to get into kagepro pinned and they post a lot of cool things i like
^ this is a playlist w pretty much every kagerou project song !! Although my personal thoughts are that theres not really an order to it
Along w rhis video, bread box makes some awesome analysis videos on kagepro !!! I love just watchinf his stuff sometimes, it’s really fun :]
anyways ill probablt reblog this w some blogs i really like w kagepro themes !!! Getting into it seems difficult at dirst but its really funnonce you understand it ^^
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epicfranb · 9 months
Re: describe the female character or anvil falls on thee
Vent about AnXiEtY DisOrDeR under cut
Not rereading that so there may be stupid autocorrect typos
There was a time i made only female characters and struggled to make male ones. All of them had different personalities, as good as a 10 year old could make them. Moved on to making male and non-binary (not realizing they're non-binary yet) a whole lot later.
My problem here is that, while there are female mcyts i like... I'm just not into them as much as Etho and Bdubs. It goes for literally every other mcyt as well. In my dsmp era, there just weren't creators that caught my interest; i really liked Aimsey and Crumb, but i could not for the life of me stay on stream for as long as Tubbo's streams, and after a while i stopped forcing myself because what fun is it, forcing yourself to watch a steamer for some sense of moral goodness? If anything, i think watching a female streamer for the sake of watching a female streamer is actually worse than being honest in saying "there just aren't any that i enjoy" cuz it's true that there are less of them, and/or they are less popular, so you're less likely to come across one you like.
Hermitcraft/Life Series/Empires/whatever is the first time there are female mcyts that i can confidently say i enjoy a lot. Pearl, Cleo and Shelby in particular are my faves. But i watch each of them fairly casually. I probably couldn't write an in-depth analysis of their character as well as i could ethubs. But that sort of goes for literally everyone else on those servers. The post doesn't talk about an analysis, i know, but when harsh wording like this comes up... Not only is it the situation where you're asked for something, and you immediately forget everything about it, it's also like being backed into a corner and forced to answer calmly. Oh AND a "don't think about X" situation where you're bound to think about X.
The post originally doesn't talk about mcyt tho. It's about characters. Last time i was fully into written characters was Kagepro, where admittedly i was also into 2 guys that i shipped the hell out of, to the point of shoving everyone else in the background. I could still write them fairly well - helps that there aren't real people behind them whose decisions often contradict, but also I'd say they're pretty simple characters once you break then down (i could talk a lot about kagepro). I particularly liked writing Ene for how much of a troll she is. Being nerdy about games and technology certainly helped.
Lastly, there's Winx which I am. Sort of? Into rn? Where all 6 of the main characters are girls and the male characters, each of their boyfriends (yeah all of them conveniently have boyfriends) are the one-dimensional guys with very little going in terms of their stories and personalities. But In Winx, their characters are very typical, so it's easy to describe them. All of them can be described as "she's A and B, but also C and D" They're not bad characters, they're certainly not one-dimensional, but they are very simple.
So, what do i want to say with this? I guess this could be called sort of a vent. The deal with those kinds of posts is that i know they address a problem that exists. I know they're targeted at a specific type of person that exists. I know it's likely a rhetorical question just to bring to light how female characters are often treated. But this kind of post also makes me start looking within myself, even when i know I'm ok with writing female characters, i KNOW i don't have the problem being described!!! I'm not saying I'm free from misogyny, but this problem I KNOW i don't have. It makes me feel bad though when i don't want to describe a female character or when i fall flat on any description, whether it's cuz i just don't want to or because I'm not in right mood. Idk, it's just something anxiety does where it makes me question myself.
Tldr I agree with the message of the post but i don't like it because of the way it affects me personally.
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y01te-moved · 6 years
ive kinda been in the mood to draw hibiya and hiyori since like last night fr some reason but i just... cannot make myself so guess ill die
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yuseirra · 3 years
hi yusei! Hopefully this isn’t something you’ve mentioned before but what programs do you use to make your videos? to be honest, I was thinking of messing around with making some myself and wanted to know if you had any recommendations. your videos always turn out so cool and vivid , I love your imagery and I always watch them even for series I know nothing about haha
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Hi cat!! It's been awhile, have you been well? Thanks for telling me you enjoyed my videos! ;v;)♥ I do put a lot of love into it and enjoy the process
I brought a screencap for visual aid! This is what looks like when I make a video.
For the video making program, I mostly use sony vegas 15 (I bought it off humble bundle back when it was on sale and it was a really good deal!!) and I tried out clip studio EX's animating feature once last time (but I used vegas to re-edit, so it's not much difference in the end) if you're looking for a free video making program, AviUtl was also a good-great program with a lot of cool effects. I hear it was what sidu used to create their earlier kagepro videos and it has a lot of pre-made assets, I remember having seen that soundwave thing you can see from a lot of videos. I still have no idea if vegas has that sort of thing.. The downside for that program was that it took forever for me to render a video and I got tired of waiting, so I settled with vegas. It's very easy and intuitive to get the basics and since I focus a lot with getting the beats on point, vegas allows you to do these minuscule edits on point and its automatic crossfade feature is great with making each cut overlap smoothly. I've been having a lot of fun with it and it's given me the results I want, very fast and simple to use, so I can certainly recommend it! I didn't even look up a lot of tutorials to begin using it, I only do when I occasionally need a few features.
I hear a lot of people use adobe after effects for their videos, the really good fanmvs seem to be using those but I don't have that ;v;) I've also heard Davinci resolve is great and there's a free version for it, so you can go with that too~ I'd like to try that one out someday as well! Tbh I'm not using vegas to its full potential either, the features I use are very basic and you will be able to incorporate those right away!!
For drawing programs I use SAI2 and clip studio! I've been using SAI for very long and I still find it very convenient to use in terms of how lightweight it is, and I use it for simple sketches and comics. If I want to use a variety of brushes, or feel like sitting down to color things with more detail, I use CSP more now that the brush strokes seem to be working fine for me after the constant updates(FINALLY! I love it a lot too~ the oily brushes they have is totally my thing!). I wholeheartedly recommend both programs if you don't have them yet!
I'm really happy to hear you watch my videos with care and regard them so highly!/// Making one is exciting but a lonely journey bc you have to sit down for a long time till the whole thing's complete (it takes longer than drawings too) but it feels satisfying when you see your things move, there's certainly a big charm! I'll keep practicing to do better, hope you have fun with yours too if you start creating your own videos!
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shinayashipper · 3 years
KagePro x YGO AU: Chapter 1(?)
I decided to write a not-very serious rough draft of KagePro in a YGO setting.
In which Shintaro is a duelist...
2 years prior to the start of the series, Shintaro was a super genius duelist, but had never attend any formal tournament, thinking it was just a waste of time and that he would always, always win anyway, so it wouldn’t matter. He was very aloof and distant.
After the death of his best friend, he became a shut-in and a NEET. Had never touched the TCG for years. 2 years later, one day he received a mysterious e-mail and when he opened it, there was a file of a card: Cyber Girl Ene. Without thinking, he downloaded the file and suddenly there appeared a ‘virus’ who call herself Ene. She acts just like a cyber assistant, calls Shintaro “Master” more like in a mocking way, and is very playful and snarky.
Ene explained that she was a “newest version” of a duel monsters card. She can live and move around in any of Shintaro’s gadgets: his PC, his smartphone, etc. And that Shintaro had been invited to join Battle City, an annual Duel Monsters tournament.
Shintaro absolutely Did Not Want to join. Not even if one of the prize is a superb high-tech new PC system. But then his uncapped bottle of cola slipped and his PC is now broken because of it. Ene said “It’s your chance! Go to Battle City and get that new PC!” and finally Shintaro just “FINE” because dear God, PC was his Life and jobless as he was, there’s no way he could afford a new one.
So Shintaro attended Battle City, in hopes of getting that new PC prize. 
To attend Battle City, Shintaro had to buy this newest Digital Duel Disk. (I think it’s more like the one Kaiba used in DSOD) so he went to the Mall.
There was many duelists in the Mall, who also wanted to buy the newest Duel Disk. Among them, there’s also the Mekakushi Dan, a group of youth duelists.
Just his luck, suddenly the Mall was surrounded by Rare Hunters!! (In here, I think they act more like terrorists. They have guns and stuff) There were some chaos happening, and in the end Shintaro found himself tied up on the floor with a few others. Dammit!
“Dang it, Master, you should challenge these guys to a duel and show ‘em who’s boss!!” Says Ene, could be heard from the earphones still on Shintaro’s ears.
“Are you freaking crazy!? These guys got guns! Actual weapons! And you want me to play card games with them!?” Shintaro retorded half-screaming half-whispering.
“Oh? Did anyone said card games?”
Shintaro whipped his head and was met with a boy with cat-like eyes smiling at him. Shintaro didn’t know why but that smile is very unnerving. “Hiya, I’m Kano. A fellow duelist~” The boy sings-song. He seems younger than Shintaro.
“Are you going to challenge them?” said another boy, taller than both Kano and Shintaro, but from his eyes he might be the youngest of them. “I’m Seto, by the way. Can’t really say I’m a duelist but I love to play!”
Shintaro didn’t understand why these two could look so at ease in this situation!
“Why would I challenge a bunch of terrorists to a card game!? I just want to go home and get my PC fixed!!”
Sadly that outburst from Shintaro got the attention of the Rare Hunters. They pulled Shintaro by the shirt. “Ho~ You want to challenge us?” “Is this guy even a duelist? Doesn’t seem like he’d have any valuable cards in him”
When the Rare Hunters busy to torment Shintaro, the other MekaDan formed their escape plan. Using the tech of the Duel Disks they summoned their monsters and created some kind of monster illusion with it, creating a chaotic situation (?) Well, anyway, the chaos made the Rare Hunters let go of Shintaro and he immediately went and connected Ene to the Mall’s computers.
Ene hacked the whole security system and Police soon came.
Soon after, Shintaro just passed out because damn his body doesn’t build for this and he’s: Exhausted, he just passed out on the spot.
Amongsts everything, Momo, his sister who was with the MekaDan saw him passed out on the floor and the gang immediately carried him away to their hideout.
To be continued? Haha, Just made this for fun.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 3 years
obviously every vocaloid fan is familiar with songs telling intricate stories often in nonspecific ways theres a lot of great song series out there like this & hiiragi magnetite's is no exception even if its only beginning.
without even looking at story content their sound design is so intense(?) & easy to listen to. & i feel like this is backed up by who else writes an 11 minutes song that, by time alone would make a lot of people reluctant to listen, as their First Song and then have that reach the ranked section of a video site. i feel like thats really amazing in itself.
& then u get to the story content. its just so different from other series at least that ive kept up/interacted with? kagepro, shuuenpro are more supernatural, mikagura, honeyworks are feel good types, whatever nayutans got going on, etc, all of them have a lot going on yeah. & then hiiragi magnetite comes in here with what seems like another of a time loop type series, which is already cool & fun by itself, but then they throw in so much science & physics & the like & from the very first song theres already a lot of emphasis on the importance of not just the present time, but also the past & the future thats being aimed for & everything in between. on top of that u cant get everything just from the lyrics, which yeah typical for vocaloid, theres all the very brief text, all the small details in the still art, the very slight overlay details (ie the rain effect in aru sekai) that just keep adding to the story. even the text being reflected.
aru sekai shoushitsu is like. the first time u listen to it ur like. okay. great. did it really need to be this long. but yeah even the song length is part of the story telling i think. aru sekai brings up the donut shape & repetition ideas a lot, and beyond a few lines there actually not too much lyrical repetition, but the whole song itself is in the restart, try, end, repeat type formula it talks about. there is a part where it sounds like it could end in the middle & then it picks up again & the lyrics about the story are changed. its like a demonstration of the whole "this way to save that world didnt work, let's try this instead" idea thats going on. wish i could understand more than "function" & "toroid" in the weird repeating lines bc i feel like it holds a lot of info but unfortunately still havent figured it out. it does a really good job of setting everything up & how its composed its not even a chore to listen to for the whole 11 minutes.
kyuuyaku hanka gai is similar. its long (6 min) not as long as aru sekai but still long enough that its getting across the need for patience & waiting all while the song is so intense and desperate sounding. aru sekai held a very scientific/logical approach to things, but whether its past beliefs (since it its the song explaining the "past") or desperation kyuuyaku introduces some religious type thinkings both in the non lyric text & lyrics while still having the logical/science approach as well. the song itself isnt panic inducing but the composition definitely expresses the hopelessness & desperation, especially with the bell in the second half i think, but also the "good bye see you tomorrow" corrupting into the next lines & then the long high notes almost like a crying type of screaming. & then at the end of all of it theres the melody of the aru sekai line about being reborn to really drive home it didn't work before but it'll happen again and they need to keep trying
shuuen touhikou too. its the shortest so far (and i do find it funny so far every song has been like half the time of the previous) but again. the worlds being destroyed again. waiting for help in the "past" didnt work. all they can do is flee as fast as possible. theyre running the whole song (maybe not physically running the whole thing bc like ive said before how many quintillion ri is not a reasonable distance for a human person by any means). so it makes sense for it to be a shorter song. they know whats coming and they dont want it so they'll avoid it with everything theyve got (mood) theyve tried fighting, but fighting didnt work so theyve sheathed their swords, will use them if they need to, but mainly just trying to find away to get to a safe world. theres lines from both other songs in the bg text which isnt just a "theyre connected" thing but reasoning into whats going on. & in terms of composition theres the beginning like everythings, fallen, clattered down, & then the song picks up with that "lets flee" energy. that said, fleeing ≠ giving up by any means, more like buying time i think
theres just so much going on & so much info it feels like the more u know the less u understand but its so intriguing u have to keep trying to understand.
just. these two worlds whos fate are tied together trying to save what they cant & it just keeps repeating but including all the technical, theoretical, philosophical ideas that make it work. i just think its so interesting
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festaventurine · 4 years
hey i know i haven’t been active about jin’s work recently and im disappointed we’re probably would never have continuation to nirvana but
pls support and subscribe to mewtral! 
they’re vtubers/virtual idols under the production of ZOWLS, aka Jin and Sayuki combination from Nirvana with support backed by Compile Heart (known for Neptunia series). They’re a combination consisting of Mii (the girl with blonde hair) and Yuu (the girl with green hair).
their voices are so nice and they’re fun to watch, and they’re one of those vtubers who so far have short skits and no long livestream so they’re very easy to get into for those new to vtubers. also they have a pretty good original song made by Jin himself with MV animated by Sayuki.
they also star on VVVtune, a Neptunia game as main characters from the Vtuber world side of things, but the game doesn’t have much good review about it thus they’re not receiving the attention they deserves. if you are tired of kagepro like me but still want to support Jin please do subscribe to them!
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giantchasm · 3 years
ghhhhh kagepro is one of my fave series!!! how about ✨, 🎥(can be from the manga/LNs too), and/or 💕 for it??
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? 
The characters for sure. Kagepro’s plot is very. It’s very weird and inaccessible. But the characters themselves are just GOOD. The dynamics and bonds they have with each other are super unique, and I love the way they interact with each other. They’re all very unique, and I’m pretty much obsessed with them all.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Oh gosh that’s hard. There are a LOT of scenes from Kagepro. Hmm... let me think.
Well, for one, I really like all of Otsukimi Recital, especially in the song timeline iteration. Seeing Momo cheer Hibiya up is so, so cute, and actually what got me into the series in the first place.
I dunno if it’s my concrete fave, because there’s a LOT of scenes I’m forgetting -- but it’s definitely a contender. Big sister moments...
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! 
Haha another hard one. Believe it or not, I have five characters tied for my favorite Kagepro character. Hibiya, Hiyori, Haruka, Takane, and Momo. But picking just one to talk about, I think I’d have to talk about Momo.
I love Momo so, so much. Not only is she just a really kind and selfless person, but I love the ways she parallels her brother and interacts with people in contrast to him. Her dynamic w characters like Kido, Hibiya, and Kano are all SUPER fun, and there are some (I.E Ene) I desperately wish she got to interact with more because she is a DELIGHT in every scene she’s in.
Momo’s this sort of special character to me because she’s one of the first times I really felt ‘seen’ in media. Kagepro has a lot of neurodivergent characters, and intentionally or not Momo gives off a lot of ADHD vibes. Her struggling with not wanting to be seen and feeling like she was being judged in the novels especially hit me. I was struggling a LOT with RSD. But ultimately she found her place in the world and friends who loved her for who she is, and that’s super comforting. 
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Is kagepro an anime? I wanna get into the series but I don’t know where to start (and honestly all i know about it is the stuff that you post, shout out to that white hair malewife and black hair girlboss you always post about)
GOD OK UM SO kagepro is really one of those things that are. just messy.
this is my pinned, so i’m putting it under read more!
What is kagerou project, should i get into it, how do i get into it?........... let me tell you about it!
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originally? it started as vocaloid series, as in a story told thrusongs, then it had a manga adaptation, anime and novels. they all vary a lil bit with consistency tho tell the same story. and that is because… each media represents a “route” the characters go through. yep. it’s a “time reset” kinda story! kagepro its what i like to call a clump story. just a bunch of stories put together. u take longer delving into each character's backstory rather than the actual main plot ig?? like, knowing everyone's backgrounds Builds the present story. it is difficult to explain 1 thing without explaining another and so on..
if you want to start somewhere I recommend listening to the songs in order, many have very cool music videos also the songs are VERY VERY GOOD.
the manga i recommend up until volume 4 chapter 18. after that it gets TOO confusing because it goes into a route thats only explored in this adaptation, while its kinda important if u REALLY wanna jump into the world of kagepro, it is VERY VERY confusing at first, like a LOT happens and differs significantly from the regular routes(and as an old fan i really was not into it that much but that’s aside the point) but the manga in the first 4 volumes at least puts the beginning more in perspective
and only then id recommend watching the anime cuz without all this the anime is VERY confusing lol the novels are good but theyre wholeass BOOKS yknow. there are 8 so it is not beginner friendly if u rly dont wanna tap into it lol even some seasoned fans haven't read them. that’s my casual kagepro fan guide. but.....
but if in the end u rly become interested and u end up reading them... hey, ur here already, and i know i told u not to finish the manga but if u just read 8 light novels i guess ur ok with reading 9 more volumes of manga!!!! and then... i’d watch the anime? because the anime, believe it or not, as shitty and as ugly as it is... possesses the GOOD ending. and bc u read 8 novels, 13 manga volumes and listened to like 5 song albums, u can watch and actually know what’s going on and u are very happy at the end bc after ALL THAT u get to see the good ending.
BY THE WAY AS FOR THE PLOT... as i said, a clump story. kagerou project isn't only difficult to understand when it comes to all its different medias, the story ITSELF is as convoluted as it comes! hurray! but the basics is, shintaro kisaragi is a shut in ever since his hs best friend ayano tateyama committed suicide. he goes out for the first time in 2 years and runs into some funny quirky people who might've been involved in ayano's life, who in return was involved in fun quirky sci-fi shit about..wow? superpowers?! maybe her suicide wasnt driven by depression but by....(SPOILER CUT)? or was it? join shintaros man angst as he learns about everything ayano left behind! you'll cry! its a REALLY sad story! with lovely characters such as:
kido kano and seto! ayano's little siblings! kido is the leader. of what? good question! kano is gay and hates shintaros guts. seto? he has jobs and better things to do. he likes dogs.
momo! shintaros little sister! she is.. a famous idol?! and... DEPRESSED?!
mary! token cute character who is...relevant to the plot!? and even...A PLOT POINT!?!
hibiya! a 12 year old who ended up here for some reason! also equally as important depending on the route, his best friend hiyori! dont worry about it. 
konoha! we dont know who this guy is. well. we do. but thats a spoiler so dont tell!!!!
and of course our lovely deuteragonist, ene!! the funny little AI living in shintaros phone who TOTALLY didnt use to be human and has a sob story of her own and totally isnt related to the mystery of konohas existence. kagepro!! call now!! ITS AWFUL IN HERE!
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
( Description/spoilers/warnings/LYRICS, etc. under the read more ! )
" Toumei Answer " ( can be read as "Transparent Answer", "Invisible Answer" .... )
- more Repeat-verse, THIS TIME IT'S VERY TRI ( MAINLY KOKUHAKU, MEIKO ) - a lot more aesthetics in general though ? - however there ARE some slightly spoilery scenes from Bokura no Mirai - if you know DAIGO spoiler or Kyousei's as well, Taichi spoiler, Meichi implied scenes pre-BNM ending etc you already know it - a bit of Meiko and Meicoomon's final scenes are in here too though ..... ;;; ( only small bits though ) (but yeah) - a VERY tiny bit of Kizuna trailer scenes are in here, too ( about 2~3 quick flash scenes or so ) [ more for aesthetics bUT ] - a tiny tiny bit of " To Sora " but it's less of Sora and more of . flowers . yes
- ok so this AMV - this one is my attempt at comparing and contrasting: -- Taichi, Koushiro, & Meiko in general; + Tri!Taichi, Tri!Koushiro; + themes surrounding their storylines/developments ? - as well as : Taishiro, vs Meichi, ( t b h I might be implying at least a few TaiKouMei polyship potentials ) - basically like a character comparisons/introspections video in attempts to point out Things I Am Intrigued By - in regards to their storylines, behaviors [ during Tri's plot especially ], and such and such - basically: tAICHI ..... KOUSHIRO AND MEIKO ARE ..... VERY VERY SIMILAR IN WAYS ACTUALLY ..........
technical notes:
- THERE ARE SOME GLITCHES I NOTICED THEM hopefully they will like - fix themselves when . I re-edit . and add subs . y e a h - ( WMM tends to fix itself upon re-saves, etc. ) - Windows Movie Maker aLSO Began The Crashing towards the middle - I had to split it up by the end of 1st choruses - and re-splice it all together - hence there are some frequently repeated moments ( the classroom scenes ) I will . REPLACE A COUPLE OF THOSE LATER but yeah - was using them as filler to parallel the original video too OTL - so any repeating scenes I might throw in a few more moments of Koushiro to replace them ; etc. later on - CURRENTLY THIS IS UNSUBBED HENCE THIS PLACEHOLDER POST - I PLAN TO ADD SUBS EVENTUALLY, BUT - I PROBABLY WILL NOT BE FINISHED UNTIL JUNE/MID-SUMMER
...It’s not even bustling , And in that kind of everyday ...
I would sit in my seat many times over as if ... DRIFTING... .
" SO , how about you ? "
... The NUMBERLESS TEXTBOOK   ... SAID something .. .
( aah ~ .... )
... If you mean my RESULTS, then , ... Well , I guess they’re   fine   .
... Getting a “ three-digit ‘ perfect ’ score ” on recycled paper.
In the seat beside me , ... With an embarrassed smile ,
... YOU took your seat with a “ low-digit score ” .
Outside the window , I don’t seek anything out .
Because   AN ANSWER   soon RISES UP ...
" ... If that’s the case , then hey , that’s   PRETTY  BORING "
Saying that , Y O U always SEEMED to be  ENJOYING YOURSELF ...
[ Chorus 1 ]
D O N ' T  T O U C H ,
... the   HEART that wants to DISAPPEAR   ANY MORE THAN THIS ,
Even today , it can’t be seen anywhere on this earth ...
The A L A R M that rings out:
TELLS ME     A L O N E ,
" You’re   A   ' COLD-HEARTED '   GUY , H U H "
Even if I put together those    MYSTERIOUS ANSWERS    after so long I’ll still be able to understand them completely somehow
" At this rate ,  EVEN IF   I   DIE ,
SOMEONE ELSE  w i l l  j u s t  REPLACE ME "
... Just whispering that ,
... is so     F O O L I S H . [ Verses 2 ]
Though these drifting days   REPEAT ,
... I get this STRANGE FEELING [ whenever ] YOU'RE   a b s e n t
... Well, whatever happens, the test that is returned tomorrow
... Will probably have a result that hasn’t changed for the better ,
( aah ~ ... )
In that kind of everyday that wasn’t even bustling,
... Somewhere, SOMETHING   may have
And   your  S M I L E ,
... Someone may already be  U N A B L E  to  REMEMBER IT .
" From THE WINDOW , how is
That   EMPTY SEAT   r e f l e c t e d ? "
I thought I had  KNOWN YOU , B U T
[ Chorus 2 ]
The days that would surely have continued
Had I been able to understand even a little more ,
Every time I  STOP THE ALARM  that  RINGS OUT , I realize
... That   THEY'RE GONE .....
[ Final Chorus ]
In the classroom, the HEART THAT WANTED
   ///   I  WON'T  FORGET   ///     YOUR      S M I L E ,
... NOT   even   T O M O R R O W .... ... .. .
slight but significant TRIGGER WARNINGS for the originating song: [ relevant MORE to K@gepro’s original and LESS to Repeatverse BUT ]:  - In K@gepros original version, the song is about a specific girl and boy duo only [ not KageDaze boy+girl, another duo ] ( in my version, I'm throwing in Koushiro as an extra + for . fun . ficverse things ) [ both Koushiro and Meiko are paralleling the girl ; Taichi the boy because Main Charas sIGH ] - since it's Kagepros, of course, there are the psuedo-deaths there too - with Kagepros however, STRONG TW: this song very heavily implies " s.uicide " of the girl of the duo - however in the end it's a LOT more like KAGEPROS SPOILER FOLLOWS: the psuedo-deaths self sacrifice because - the characters initially THINK she has died via those means and at a point she probably had - HOWEVER as the story develops she gets second chances and different outcomes/outlooks sO ..... YES
the original K@gerou Project video for timings, etc. comparisons is here.:
PLEASE note the warnings mentioned above if you watch.
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kokkuri3 · 5 years
Comparing Kagepro and PH is kinda fun actually I’m shifting into autism mode anyway scissors are symbols strongly associated with self destruction in both series but the way they’re developed and the specific connotations in each series is very different
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure/02/Tri ~ x Kagerou Project / Mekakucity Actors “DAZE” [ TV SIZE ] Short amv [ full [subbed] version of original song: here ] [ music (C) Jin, singer: MARiA ] (Kagepro version opening: watch here ! ) featuring DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] + the Adventure Chosen Children [“Digidestined” in US] in a “gen” sense (however if you’d like you can read various polyships/sideships into it, too!) [*regardless the main/intended ship is Taishiro(u), so please note this!]
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave / Outer Science / Headphone Actor (short edit) ( * It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV “ DAZE” ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” AMV, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ] ( though, this song in itself is a pretty upbeat/action-y Opening-style song!! ] - part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kage-pro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s NOT a direct parody (but v[ERY] inspired) (if you can’t tell) - this particular AMV is a bit more of an “inspired” parody (hahaaaa) bUT STILL NOT DIRECT i.e. characters do NOT match up exactly, etc. and are NOT intended to - watching it in HIGH(ER) QUALITY at the original Youtube link is encouraged! - to do so, go to the original youtube link, click “HD”, then “ 1080p ” !
- minor Tri spoilers through to “Our Future” (Movie #6) are in here - HOWEVER they are mostly super-short “aesthetic”-like scenes - or action-y scenes in general / basically gen(eral) scenes with “movement” - BASICALLY if you know a shred of “ what happens to the 02 Chosen ” ? - you probably know the spoiler - something else in relation is heavily implied but it uses scenes from 02
- short version of implied story/plot of this series: T I M E L O O P S - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - KOUSHIRO IZUMI VOICE : ( ‘ W H Y ’ ) - DO THEY MAKE IT TO THE END - @ TAICHI & KOUSHIRO, ARE YOU SURE YOU /WANT/ TO ——-
- TBH HOW MUCH do KOUSHIRO or TAICHI even REALLY REMEMBER - MUCH LESS THE REST OF THEM - who even knows after a certain point anymore - timeloops are fun !! ! !
Lyrics are included in the video but just in case, you can view the full versions’ lyrics/translation here at Kagepro wiki ! ( note: some small parts of lyrics were combined with / edited to include the “Daze” full versions’ translations’ lyrics !
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- if you compare to the original K@gepro anime opening you can maybe see some other things I was trying to do here while making this! - however, if you do, please note K@gepros warnings particularly in regards to the very end of the video / OP - ( IT’S A TIMELOOPS SERIES FOR A REASON ) - OK BUT I MATCHED UP 0:35 TIMEMARKS TO PARTICULAR ( FUN ? ) moments too cAN YOU CATCH ... THE CROSS-FANDOMS IN-JOKES ..... - Official Digimon tri arts used with credit to digisoulnet tumblr ! - Black+White edits to these images were done via photo-kako.com ! - I AM MAYBE HEAVILY IMPLYING “ DARK CHOSEN CHILDREN ” VARIOUS AU POTENTIALS ... THINGS with those edits - you can see shades of this in most of my other AMVs for this series as well !
[ note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ]
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x0401x · 5 years
Music Natalie Interview with Jin
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The reason why he took the span of five and a half years to “reload” KagePro.
Jin announced a new album on November 7th, Mekakucity Reload. Mekakucity Reload is the latest work of the multi-media project developed by Jin, Kagerou Project. This album is a work that he is releasing about five and a half years ever since Mekakucity Records went on sale in May 2013. Why did Jin, who had declared the completion of Kagerou Project back when Mekakucity Records was released, create an album with the name “Mekakucity” at this timing? Here, Ongaku Natalie has asked Jin himself the motive behind his producing of KagePro music once again with the new work “Mekakucity Reload”, which looks back at the walk of five and a half years.
Translations Index >>
“There was simply not enough music for KagePro.”
──In the interview from when the album Mekakucity Records hit the shelves back in May 2013 (see: Jin (Shizen no Teki-P) Mekakucity Records Interview), Jin-san, you announced the conclusion of Kagerou Project’s music compilation.
Yes. It’s already been five years and a half.
──At first, I was dumbstruck when I heard that Jin-san had released an album with the name “Mekakucity” in it.
After I finished making the two other albums, Mekakucity Days and Mekakucity Records, I thought to myself about quiting making music for once. Thankfully, even as KagePro’s musical compilation had ended, the novels and comics were still on-going, so I thought of concentrating on the literary field and on writing, and that’s how I spent these five and a half years. And so, I’d been experimentally writing a light novel that I hadn’t yet announced to everyone and making a series with a mangaka sensei (see: NIRVANA, A JinxSaiyuki Talk). As I progressed with writing the continuation of the KagePro novel editions, I started thinking that there was simply not enough music (for KagePro).
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──In the interview from five and a half years ago, Jin-san, you said that you “weren’t thinking about publishing any more volumes of the novel or manga”, but in the end...
I didn’t finish them back then at all, huh (laughs). I ran and ran, yet I didn’t get any closer to the goal I had planned. I also got asked stuff like, “Won’t you make music anymore?” whenever the novels or comics came out, and I had the feeling that the number of things I could express through music increased as the story went deeper. So the truth is that I had been thinking, “I want to make ‘KagePro’ music again” since about two years ago, but I wasn’t able to arrange the environment or conditions for it at all. Once they were ready, I completed “Mekakucity Reload”.
──The light novel version of “Kagerou Daze” ended as its eighth volume hit the shelves in December 2017, and the completion of the comics was already announced as well. I got a devilish impression when you revived the music version of KagePro in that timing.
Hahaha. That’s indeed true. It just happened to be this timing simply because I thought I should properly move the pivot leg from literature to music once I got to the stage of finishing writing the novel. There was also the fact that I didn’t have enough skill to properly make music while writing the novel, and that I wanted to focus on the songs and only write lyrics if I was going to do music.
──After taking five and a half years concentrating on the literature, were there any changes when you turned towards the music again?
I think the portrayals in the lyrics changed a lot. Everything, even descriptions, are part of the work in a novel, but in lyrics, you don’t need to explain every single thing like, “I did that” and, “This happened to you”. Within the way of expressing words through lyrics, which doesn’t have a right answer, I reflected really hard about how to express what I deem as the right answer.
──You say that, but you were still able to write lyrics five and a half years ago, right?
That’s right, but before I would write the lyrics occasionally thinking things like, “There might be better words for this”, and continued making songs while shaking off this kind of anxiety. In contraposition, I’m proud to have written the lyrics of this album with words that I myself am satisfied with. Of course, it’s placed as one of the works of KagePro, but I believe it’s also a work that people who are discovering KagePro will be able to enjoy. If I were a listener, I think I would end up keeping a distance because you can’t quite have fun with it if you don’t know the previous songs. But each of the songs recorded into this album are properly established as a single song, and I feel that I was able to manage this because I focused on my writing work.
“Hatsune Miku probably hates me.”
──Jin-san, during the period of five and a half years in which you have been devoting yourself to your writing work, there were several changes in the scene that had NicoNico Douga as its center, such as the alteration of style in the media mix works that represent KagePro and the uprising of Vocaloid culture during the tenth anniversary of Hatsune Miku’s selling. How do you, Jin-san, view these kinds of movements?
As a user, I really like NicoNico Douga, so of course I’ve always been keeping up with the trends. There’s something I’d wanted to tell Natalie-san regarding Hatsune Miku’s tenth anniversary of two years ago. To tell the truth, I got an offer for an interview from Natalie-san of the “Hatsune Miku’s 10 Years” project (see: Hatsune Miku’s 10 Years ~The New Sights She Has Showed Us~), but I ended up declining it...
──Why did you decline?
The contents of the interview, as the name of the project says, were to “talk about Hatsune Miku”, but in the first place, I thought Hatsune Miku probably hates me.
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──What do you mean?
Putting it in a simpler way, the community of Hatsune Miku culture probably doesn’t think well of me. I actually didn’t even have an account in NicoNico Douga until just before announcing KagePro’s first track (“Jinzou Enemy”, which was uploaded to NicoNico Douga in February 2011). For starters, I didn’t have a computer and didn’t have contact with the internet at all. When my band broke up and I was left with no one to sing even though I had the musical compositions, I began using Vocaloids, which a friend of mine had taught me about. From that point on, I prepared the original story and characters, used Vocaloid and announced the series, and that was a differing stance from other Vocalo-P’s (Vocaloid producers). Something I myself noticed upon coming in contact with NicoNico Douga is that Hatsune Miku exists in the heart of Hatsune Miku Culture as a character. But at the heart of my series, there was no Hatsune Miku.
──Jin-san, this is because your series has Vocaloids singing the songs of original characters, right?
Yes. That’s why, even though I use Hatsune Miku, I wonder if I have the right to say anything about Hatsune Miku culture, and I really had the feeling that I’d be raining on the parade if I said anything. So I declined the offer. The only thing I wanted to put out there is that, while staying active as “Jin”, I came to really like the video submission site culture in which I started using Hatsune Miku. I also enjoy it a lot as a user, and many writers whom I admire are there. Of course, I read all of the reports of “Hatsune Miku’s 10 Years” (laughs).
──Thank you very much. During the interview, including the parts that were not in the manuscripts, you often became the topic, Jin-san.
I won’t dare ask in what context I came up (laughs), but I’m extremely honored. After all, I myself have received motivation from my Vocalo-P senpais, so I thought that it’d be great if I could grant some sort of motivation to other creators.
“I don’t want humans in ‘originals’.”
──Regarding stopping your literary work for now and resuming your musical activities, the way that you are now, Jin-san, I think you also had the option of making a series other than KagePro with your music.
I felt that I wouldn’t be able to make KagePro stuff anymore if I ended up starting something new. Even though I’d said five and a half years ago that I was going to “finish KagePro”, there are people who have always continued to cheer for KagePro in this five-and-a-half-year period, and I was simply able to discover countless ideas for songs while writing the novel. So I wondered if making KagePro stuff to my utmost wouldn’t be one of the logical choices. There are indeed things I want to do other than KagePro, but I can make them happen another time.
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──Anything you obsess with when using Vocaloids? Your own play-and-sing is included in the Limited Edition B of this album, so you have many forms of expression now, right?
When I’m making KagePro songs, as expected, the image that first comes to mind is of Vocaloid. The uploaders of “uttattemita” videos on NicoNico Douga call their own melodies “originals”, but I have this feeling that I “don’t want human beings in what I call ‘original’”. Like, as long as there’s just a story, characters and philosophy, I don’t need anything else. For example, if I were to play and sing a song settled for the protagonist, there’s an instant in which it sounds to me like I myself am the protagonist. That’s not what I want to aim for.
──Then, Jin-san, what are the intentions behind your presenting of play-and-talk livestreams?
That’s kind of a secondary work (laughs). After all, I sing songs that already have their proper originals. Also, the ways you convey things between when you have people watch videos and when you have them listen to you live in a broadcast are completely different. This is something intuitive, but the feelings of “thank you” that I receive after people listen to my own songs become even stronger. Because of this as well, I tried including my own play-and-sing to this album as an extra.
“Additional Memory merged the philosophies of the two of them.”
──Please let us hear about the songs included in Mekakucity Reload. The musical composition of the song Additional Memory, which has already been uploaded to video sharing sites, has turned out as a mash-up piece of the KagePro songs that had been published in the past, which has been making the fans smile from ear to ear.
Additional Memory is a song I started making out of the thought of creating a work that would blend Lost Time Memory, Ayano no Koufuku Riron and Summertime Record. Specifically speaking, when I thought of the next stories of KagePro, there was a need to cross Lost Time Memory with Ayano no Koufuku Riron. It’s not in the sense of making the two characters meet or something like that, but I started wanting to make a song that merged their philosophies. As I did this, regarding the sound, since Lost Time Memory doesn’t have piano in it, I felt like creating a dialogue between it and the piano sounds that were the main feature in Ayano no Koufuku Riron.
──Then, what was the reason for you to think of adding Summertime Record to this?
The season pictured in KagePro is summer, so when I thought of inserting a phrase that would give it a summer feeling, I came up with a melody that was a variation of Summertime Record. After all, Summertime Record is a song that sings memories of, “Our childhood was fun, huh”, and if anything, Additional Memory is a song about regret. I used it while sprinkling a bit of dark taste to the originally bright melody line.
──Each character in KagePro has a song with them as motifs, so weren’t there any difficulties in combining them?
I solved that merely with subtraction. This also has to do with what I discussed just now about “concluding things with a single song”, but I think having countless characters showing up in one song causes quite a bit of anxiousness to the people listening as well. I was certain that there were things that could be conveyed even without saying them, and Ayano-chan is the only one who appears in Additional Memory, so I wrote the lyrics by cherishing a simple love letter-like image. I’ve been checking the reactions of everyone with my heart racing ever since the video was uploaded, and there are lots of fans who properly read between the lines, so I felt that what I’d wanted to convey was transmitted to them.
──It’s not just in the sound, but in the video as well, several parts that link up with the past KagePro were provided. What kind of advance arrangements did you have with Sidu-san, who produced the video?
It had been a while since the last time I had Sidu-san make a video, but we didn’t talk about revisions of what had happened until that point in our preparatory meetings. It was like, “Let’s work together again with a new song.” and, “Yes.” (laughs). I felt Sidu-san’s fervorous feelings for KagePro even without her putting it into words, so I basically requested her, “I think the videos have Sidu-san’s worldviews, so I want you to pull it along”.
“If it were five years ago, I most likely wouldn’t have written this.”
──Amongst the recorded songs, there are many that connect with the novel version and the manga version of KagePro, such as Shissou Word and Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni, and only Remind Blue has a slightly different disposition, right? Its musical composition seems to look back at the story of KagePro, and the viewpoint is portrayed as from the future.
Up until now, the KagePro songs have been cherishing the subjectivity of children a lot. They were the world as seen by children, and sang the emotions of children themselves. What’s clearly different in Remind Blue is that it sings as if from the position of an adult recalling the past. There’s always been the feeling of “wishing to properly turn the Mekakushi-dan members into adults” within me, that’s why I’d wanted to show this side of it to everyone through the song called Remind Blue.
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──Speaking of which, the song Summertime Record, which is included in the previous album Mekakucity Records, also has lyrics of which the contents reminisce to the past, right?
Summertime Record has an image of growing up but remembering the past while still being in one’s young years. In contraposition, Remind Blue looks back to one’s youth after it ended completely, you see. My intention was that I wanted to write about how the characters also properly grow up. But I think that, in majority, I became able to write about it because I myself properly turned into an adult. If it were five years ago, I most likely wouldn’t have written this.
──Remind Blue is a song that has one of the Mekakushi-dan members, Shintarou, as its protagonist, but will the grown-up figures of the other characters also be depicted from now on?
I still can’t talk about it for certain, but what I’m thinking is I want to show everyone a story that will be like a “future saga”. I believe I’ll most likely be able to write a novel of it and we might make a manga as well. I also have ideas for a KagePro spin-off and I wanna make a series of videos... Of course, to match up with these, I’ll create a new album too.
──You already have plans for a media mix project.
Yes. In order to develop the next conceptions, with the current timing, in which the novel and the manga have ended, I’ve brought in the song Remind Blue. I’ve reloaded it with this album, so I want people to look forward to the “gunfire” that is to come from now on.
“I was able to create this work because I had my own experiences.”
──The one in charge of the art of the manga annexed to the album’s Limited Edition A was the other member of ZOWLS, Saiyuki-san, who is making NIRVANA together with Jin-san.
There’s a proper meaning to the theme portrayed in this manga and in the fact that I had Saiyuki-sensei draw it. About three years ago, I was really depressed, and there was a time in which I could no longer see any meaning in creating works. During this time, I had a talk with Saiyuki-sensei. Saiyuki-sensei is someone who works with Comic Gene, which serializes the manga version “Kagerou Daze”, and I had read his series, so of course I listened to his talk. Back then, Saiyuki-sensei invited me like, “Why don’t we do something together?”... At that time, my emotional condition that was enough to make me think that I’d “end up being hated by the whole world”, so I was really saved by him coming to talk to me. I truly think that my being able to create music like this right now is thanks to Saiyuki-sensei.
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──You also talked a bit about that when mentioning Hatsune Miku, but Jin-san, why do you end up thinking that you’re “hated by the people around you”? Seeing it from the sidelines, you’re a creator who has achieved great success with the media mix “Kagerou Project”, so I think many people have approved of your series.
I wonder why (laughs). I know that there are many fans who cheer for me. Still, I’m a person who was pretty negligent with my surroundings in order to create my work; for example, I haven’t been keeping in touch with my friends from the countryside for the longest time and am not called over to graduate’s reunions, and even having said so, I don’t have that many friends... Sorry, this kind of turned into a depressing talk.
──No, no.
After I started KagePro, I became able to sense that the people surrounding me were keeping a little distance. As the project gradually turned into a big deal and I became busier by the day, there was a time when I thought, “The only one within a 2m distance from me is my pillow”. If I went outside of those 2m, there would be a lot of people and I’d probably have been able to make lots of friends, but I somehow had a sense of estrangeness and wasn’t the one to reach my hand out to others.
──And then Saiyuki-san was the one who extended his hand to you.
Yes. As soon as he talked to me, I asked Saiyuki-sensei, “I’m bashed by a lot of people, you know? Are you okay with that?”. Even so, Saiyuki-sensei said, “Let’s do something together”.
──So, after this invitation, the manga NIRVANA, which Jin-san and Saiyuki-san are writing as the unit ZOWLS, was born, right?
Yes. NIRVANA was a story in which the protagonist, Hitotose Yachiyo, set out on a journey to gather companions named “The Twelve”, but this time, the contents are aware of the subjects from the manga that I had Saiyuki-sensei draw and of the connections between people. The contents are about each of the Mekakushi-dan members are thinking, “What is a friend?”, and I think it’s a manga that I was able to write because I had my own experiences. It’s a very worthwhile reading, so I want the people interested in it to read.
“I’ll write the best melodies in the world.”
──From what you have said, Jin-san, I got the impression that your situation is doing well obviously because you have arranged yourself an environment in which you are able to focus on your productions.
I’ll say this because I can now: the truth is that I created Mekakucity Records in a really tumultuous period. I’d wanted to take more time to make an album, but the adults around me would say things like, “Compromise is necessary in order to publish your work”. Back then, I thought, “It’s definitely not like that” (laughs). I was certain that one can definitely take time to create a work without compromise that would leave them thinking they did everything they could, and I believe I actually managed to do that with this work, Mekakucity Reload. At present, I can say for sure that I’m unable to create any works beyond it and I could muster all that’s important out of me. I think it turned out as the best album, full of songs I myself like.
──You said you were devoted to your writing, and the strength of your characteristic melodies did not weaken at all, but rather, they even gave off a feeling that they became more powerful.
It might sound cheeky of me to say this, but deem myself to be the human being who writes the best melodies in the whole world. It’s not like I’m saying that I’m awesome, but that I’m the one who knows my own taste best, so if I’m able to write melodies that fit this taste, the best melody should be born from that.
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──I see.
I’m merely making melodies that I myself like the most into songs and having everyone listen to them, right? As I made music like this, I met lots of people who had me thinking that their hobbies are the same as mine, so as long as those people are looking forward to it, I believe there’s meaning in my continuing to make music.
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fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
You all, not gonna lie, I’m tired. I’m. very. TIRED.
I tried to lighten the mood a bit with Pride headcanons (also because I got that huge burst of inspiration to FINALLY SAY THEM YEAH but)
----- I’m tired.
I’ve been in this fandom for a VERY. LONG. TIME. Y’know? since Kisaragi Attention was new is when I REALLY began paying attention. But technically I was seeing Kagepro all over my dash since KONOHA’S STATE OF THE WORLD WAS NEW. (And tbh a bit before that too tbh it was probably more like since Imagination Forest) BUT YEAH I’VE SEEN THINGS.
IF YOU WERE HERE pre-2016, I’m probably ? AWARE OF YOU if you’ve posted a lot. (ESPECIALLY IF YOU USED THE MAIN TAGS. OR MAKE CONTENTS.)
If you WERE HERE SINCE 2012 ERA --- I am almost DEFINITELY aware of you (TO AN EXTENT). (because i was a huge lurker and never actually interacted with people much) but I know those who were here probably realize that I AM AWARE OF YOU.
WAY BACK when I first made this blog, I was basically a nobody. (to an extent I STILL AM A NOBODY when it comes to content creations because WHOA I cannot art at all) All I did was? Reblog Kagepro. and make an amv once but yeah REBLOGGED. A LOT. OF KAGEPRO.
(and there were still many, many, M A N Y more blogs doing the same) I’ve been searching old archives for canon references lately - I’d see YEARS-OLD arts, gifs, etc. - go ‘wait, did I reblog that already?’ - WHOOPS YUP I DID
If you were very active then, you PROBABLY have A TAG on this blog this is because I have xkit set to automatically tag by username of OPs ... And you know what I’m seeing a lot of, LATELY ?
A LOT OF PEOPLE who seemingly ----- WELL.
-- You know what, LET ME BACKTRACK A BIT.
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(^ “6 YEARS AGO”)
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(^ FYI to anyone who may still be wondering: YES YOU CAN)
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(^ “ the only bad thing is that everyone is now gone ” ) ....................
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Hey. hey. SEE ALL OF THAT? YEAH. IT’S NOT A LOT. and there were some scattered others and the like. BUT.
I’ve elaborated on the following before in tags but let me elaborate again.
Late AUGUST, of 2012. My grandfather (mom’s side) passed. After a years-long battle with cancer (leukemia).
August of 2013 was the first-year anniversary of my grandfather’s passing.
But you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? 2013, BRIEFLY, FOR ME, WAS ... FUN. It was a wild ride Jin gave us but IT WAS FUN. and I sobbed because of Summertime Record
Late August, 2015.
My grandmother (dad’s side - yeah, my Jewish side) passes. literally one day before the anniversary of my other grandfather’s death
I was, again, considering stopping all of my social media. ESPECIALLY in the years that followed
.. but you know what? Kept me going?
More of those random asks, above. AND
some of my favorite series I loved to death were still ongoing at the time, INCLUDING KAGEPRO. I realized there actually WAS a lack of canon references blogs for this series since around then.
I just... kept reblogging things. All the news. All the translations I could find, etc. Because I loved Kagepro.
I was keeping up with the manga because I ENJOYED THE MANGA. I was keeping up with the novels because I ENJOYED THE NOVELS. I was keeping up with Jin’s random events like Seek at Mekakucity and Mekakucity Talkers because I ENJOYED THEM MEKAKUCITY RELOAD ANIME WAS ANNOUNCED IN 2016 WE STILL DON’T HAVE IT
I was keeping this blog going FOR THOSE WHO LOVED KAGEPRO
... I’m not sure I’m enjoying the state of the fandom as it is now.
Because you know what? You know what I’m seeing, HEARING, lately?
People I saw posting often, back then.
Changing into people I no longer admire.
I want you to sit back and THINK about that for a good while.
Because I’m NOW having to go through my blog, REMOVING WORKS FROM PEOPLE I USED TO ADMIRE
Because I’m seeing you trying to justify saying, DOING, awful things to others in this fandom
All because the canon isn’t going your way.
And you know what ? You know what all this fighting over it HARMS IN THE END ?
It harms this series you claimed to love. It harms this fandom you claim to enjoy.
it turns MORE and MORE people away from this series, this fandom
think about that for a moment.
(and yeah, Jin DID go temporarily homeless that one time in 2016.) (it’s mentioned by him in his afterword for “over the dimension”, the 6th novel.) (you know, if you didn’t know.)
(I’m sure all this endless fighting over the current canon is SURELY helping Jin)
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kikithedeceiver · 5 years
Are you going to translate kagerou daze last chapter? I can’t wait
Well...okay. I’m gonna be honest with the Kagepro Fandom here.
It is not likely Iwill post the RAW manga for the fandom anymore
I will get the manga, yes. But at this point, I don’t evenwant to contribute anything to do fandom to help with access to officialcontents.
It was a very hard decision to make, but with how theKagepro fandom is acting today, I have decided I will not post the Kagepro RAWson Tumblr anymore, and will remove all RAWs I have scanned once I get thesubscription.
TL; DR: At thispoint, the fandom is too toxic, therefore I have no more desire to provide themanga chapters even though there is only one chapter left. Sorry to those whowere not involved in this, but screw it with the antis who now run the fandomand hope you’re happy.
Also still shipKanoKido and don’t see HibiMomo as a “pedophilia ship”
Listen. Back when I joined the fandom, it was a simplertime. Yobanashi Deceive came out, followed by Lost Time Memory and Ayano’sTheory of Happiness shortly after. Those days were simple as we all cried overKano and Ayano, and think of the potential plot LTM revealed as we all waited forMekakucity Actors to come out. We also had awesome contents on translatorstranslating some fancomics (with permission) and a good amount of fanfics andfanarts provided by the fans in this fandom.  
Of course, we had some discourse over which was better:KanoKido or KanoAya; and over Shounen Brave’s MV being leaked online. And wehad major discourse over how MCA went, but in the end it’s just agree todisagree and move on to focus to other medias Kagerou Project was released in,or just move away from the series in general.
Right now with the fandom, however, they cannot agree ordisagree over ships. Majority of the fandom anyway. Today the fandom…other fandoms really, just love to throwthe word ‘incest’ and ‘pedophilia’ left and right with ease and spread theirflames in their posts, tags and replies. In everything, really. Even when theyposted official art, they feel the need to scream in their tag to tell usshippers to fuck off and die for shipping what they think is ‘incest’. I also knowthere are those who are disgusted over my display picture of Kano and Kidokissing, which an old friend of mine edited when that episode of MCA aired(won’t reveal name because I don’t want you to attack them). And even feelgross out over the pic in my blog of Kano petting Kido’s kitty ears.
I want to ask, how can the antis who claim Kano and Kido aresiblings, can see petting as sexual? You could have chosen to see it as abrother petting his sister’s kitty ears because it is cute and fun to tease herfor that, but no. Just because Kano and Kido are alone within a picture…or apanel frame really, you guys choose to view it as a romantic relationshipinstead of a sibling relationship, getting angry over it and spreading hate.
Ironic for antis who claim Kano & Kido are siblings, butjust seeing them together doing something makes you think it’s romantic anyway.
What’s more. Age gaps. Ever since another discourse over ships happened when my friend tried to makepeace with shippers (and sadly failed and upset over it when you guys flamedher), I have heard of this thing called “Half your age + Seven” to dictate whoto date with, and what is appropriately shippable, like HibiMomo. Honestly thispost have the best response over it, but I will quote the replyhere.
so a 16 year old can’tdate a 14 year old? so an 18 year old can’t date a 16 year old? so a 40 yearold can’t date a 27 year old? a math expression should not be the regulation ondating ages…
and if it’s shippingwho tf cares? not hurting anybody because they all fictional…
To be honest, this reminds me of Dead Poet Society. Ifanyone had seen the film, maybe you recall a scene where poetry is calculatedby math as well. This is that level of stupidity. The fandom today is doingsomething what could be considered excrement on what is acceptable over whatis fiction and bringing that over to reality. The reality where your parents,grandparents, classmates or anyone you know also have age gaps, and that reallyyou are more upset over fictional characters dating instead of real-life issuesof incest and pedophilia.
Other than that little discourse fiasco, there are otherthings, but I will not go into detail. Instead just says this tiny fandom justfeels too entitled with their belief and doing uncalled for things likebackstabbing and limiting others to enjoy supporting the fandom in their ownway. Also to let the antis go free by just sit by and watch. I understand thosewho are just tired and don’t want to deal with them. But for those who actuallyenable the antis to do what they want because you guys just don’t care, youguys are part of the guilty party as well by letting them grow and think it’sa-okay to be like this.
With that being said, I do not feel the need to post thefinal chapter anymore. You guys will have to figure it out yourselves or justwait and hear bits and pieces of it maybe. But I don’t even want to post what Iknow. Instead I will just share those RAWs with who I am friends with and whomI trust, plus those who are more mature because instead of flaming, they justlet others enjoy what they ship and do their own things.
The chapters being taken down will also remove myself as aRAW provider to the fandom, which I am thankful because I do not need to dothis anymore, as I, again, I hate scanning and always believe I would get intotrouble.
I know there are those, like my friends and mutuals I havehere on Tumblr, who wanted to read the manga since they do not have access tothem where they live. I am sorry for doing this to them too, but it just isn’tworth it in the end.
Instead, I will spend my remaining days in the fandom asjust someone who hears bits and pieces of Kagepro fandom here and there while Iam enjoying myself more in another fandom or doing other things I enjoy inlife, instead of spreading hate when someone doesn’t agree with you. I willstill look forward to Jin’s next album and when Mekakucity Reload to come out, andalso I might finish my KanoKido Oneshot requests and multichapter stories Iwanted to finish, but that will take a longtime since I’m planning to focus other writing instead.
But what I look forward to the most is when the series’ end,so then it can be put to rest for real and I can officially leave and let thefandom to slowly die. Might hear some things, but it will be a dying fandom atthat point.
The asks are still open for yelling. But it will just provea point. But right now, I believe I have blocked a lot of anti, which goes toshow how toxic this fandom has become. If I do get any asks/anon hate though,feel free to blacklist #discourse and #negativity, dear followers. Tumblralways had that option at least, you guys just need to use it when you’re onthe app without xKit. Also I will just answer those asks once, then block them afterwards (if you’re sending an ask through anon, you’re IP blocked).
If you guys read this whole thing (over 2 pages at thispoint), then I thank you for reading this. And more so if you understand what Iam doing. Sorry to those who are upset over this, but not to the antis who areupset and possibly raging if they read this.
Because with antis running the fandom, I want no part in itby providing them the last manga content.
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