#c: taichi yagami
koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs (+Our War Game) x M.L. {Miraculous} {Parody} ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: ~ “In the rain” {Fan Cover} “redux” + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai}
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the intro is completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! This 1st part / intro / opening has taken about 25~ min already.
This is an A.U. inspired parody (not 100 percent parody) of “Miraculous” episode; “Jubilation”, (Among Many Others, but with other Inspiration from there!) There may be minimal spoiler-without-context. (Dialogue included in this is mine)
“Hey, Koushiro?”
“Do we have to {WAKE UP}?”
“Do you hear the sound of a CL--”
Or, That One in which They (Eventually) Fight Against Time
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!!]
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taichi-x-koushiro · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi (+with Agumon & Tentomon) (Higher quality art from the character stand previews!)
{Note how Koushiro has mainly ORANGE (Taichi), Dark fuschia pink (Hikari) and green (Mimi) splashes, with a significant amount from Taichi too} (Koushiro also seemed to land a hit or two on Agumon!)
{Crop'd by Me} (Please ASK to Use) (DO NOT RE POST Without Asking Please)
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
Actually I want more feral younger sibling content in general
Speaking as the youngest brother, the protective instinct absolutely runs both ways, and yet said instinct so often goes unrepresented. Why isn’t there more of that? It’s so obvious; and again, speaking as the youngest brother, the baby is the first to turn feral and commit crimes when either A) backed into a corner or B) their big sib in trouble. Or even C) for no damn reason.
Tails snapping when he sees Sonic drop to the floor and not bounce right back up—flat out biting because his tech’s broken and he rejects outright any scenario that involves him seeing his big brother’s demise a second time.
Luigi screaming a guttural war cry when Mario takes a spine or a burn or any hurt too many; his fear circles right back around to rage and he goes on tear that reminds people he’s just as strong as his brother. I wanna see Weegee headbutt Bowser’s nose. 
Kari Yagami rampaging across the digital world because someone dared to deceive her favorite person in the world and got him hurt; holy light turns to incinerating, searing oblivion because you went after Taichi.
Bulla/Bra Briefs mapping out and executing an excessively elaborate series of pranks and revenge schemes that precariously toe the line of legality because someone broke Trunks’ heart after he told them he didn’t actually want to remain the CEO of Capsule Corporation. 
Mikey doing... actually, y’know, ROTTMNT Mikey embodies feral baby sib pretty well. Good job.
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hikari-m · 5 months
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
{Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Works/Editing Under any Circumstances, including for A. I. Usage, without my Permission}
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
Taikouvember Fanfiction - Day 4: Confession / Lie
Summary: Taichi is used to getting regular and quick text replies from Koushirou - of course he gets worried once his partner doesn’t respond and thus wants to figure out what’s wrong by paying him a visit at his office...
Characters: Taichi Yagami & Koushirou Izumi (established, ages 22 and 21)
Main POV: Taichi Yagami
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T (tw: depiction of anxiety/a panic attack)
Wordcount: 1586
The first thing that had made Taichi get suspicious was the significant lack of informative messages on this particular day.
 Koushirou wasn’t exactly a typically ‘chatty’ person when it came to sending messages, but ever since he had created and continuously improved the Chosen Children network, he had made sure to keep everyone up to date – and connected as well. To this day, Taichi was still baffled by the fact that he had not only provided the entire team with individualized smartphones – but that he had also committed himself to the task of inventing the perfect distortion tracking goggles.
 Just for him.
 Koushirou had always been the one to gather and instruct their group and thus, directly or indirectly, helped Taichi to stay on track.
 Now that he was sitting on finalizing his thesis for university, Koushirou’s matter-of-factly messages had been a welcoming distraction here and there. No matter how eager he was to get his thesis done, getting a step closer to the Digital World, Agumon and himself again, Taichi knew he would never not go soft for Koushirou simply rambling to him about ‘a bug in the system, keeping us from tracking the distortions properly at the moment, but I will take care of it’.
 He was aware that Koushirou felt responsible. For finding a way to restore their partnerships, for making sure to prevent it from happening again in the first place. And so, Tentomon had to have worked overtime for all of them recently…
 “Huh. I wonder if he fell asleep on his desk again…”, Taichi quietly mused out loud, yawning, looking out of the window of the campus library. He had been there for hours, so darkness had already fallen over the city. Deciding that it was time to find an excuse to not only distract himself but Koushirou as well, he had texted him around an hour ago.
 ‘Could you figure out what the bug was? Anyway, I’ll pick you up for dinner, your choice, my treat this time. No sleeping at the office today.’
 It was unusual for him not to respond within a timeframe of five minutes, as his office set-up allowed him to access messages from at least three devices at once.
 “Hrm…” Taichi felt like a spoilt child, expecting to get an answer immediately, but now he genuinely started to worry. Not that he had been able to focus much on the paper in front of him anymore anyway, so he got up on the spot, heading over to Koushirou’s office complex via public transport. It was a route he knew by heart already, knowing exactly when to catch which train, regardless of where exactly he was.
 A soothing journey, almost like a ritual, something to hold onto in times he couldn’t really be sure of anything.
 So when he arrived, as expected, none of his employees were left on the floor when he stepped into the darkness of the main space – Taichi enjoyed special privileges after all and thus owned spare keys to all important aspects of the space, including the manager’s office.
 What he absolutely hadn’t expected was the state he would find Koushirou in.
 Contrary to what he had assumed, he was far from being asleep – but the sight in front of him wasn’t any less worrisome. In fact, it made Taichi’s heart stop for a moment.
 The redhead was sitting in a curled-up position on the floor next to his chair, legs pulled close to his chest, breathing heavily and irregularly.
 A panic attack.
 “K-Koushirou?!”, Taichi instinctively uttered to get his attention, slowly approaching him by kneeling next to him on the floor. His own heart was about to jump out of his chest now and cold sweat covered his neck as he frantically looked around, trying to locate a certain ladybug in the room – but couldn’t…
 “Hah…”, Koushirou breathed loudly, unable to look at Taichi, still facing forward with a blank stare and Taichi tried his best to clear his head. He could not afford to be overwhelmed himself in a situation like this. He had to collect his thoughts, memories, strategies…
 “It’s me, Taichi”, he said as softly as he could despite his shaky voice, keeping his presence as non-threatening as possible. “What do you need? Is there anything I can do for you?”
 “T-Taichi-san…”, Koushirou whimpered, gasping for air as his voice sounded awfully raspy. And now Taichi was able to tell that tears must have streamed down his face previously. “I-it’s n-nothing. I will be a-alright.”
 It was a deflective reaction Taichi was just too familiar with and he absolutely hated that he could relate to it so well. Biting his lip, he looked for signs, body language, anchor points… Until he noticed that Koushirou had clenched his fists as his arms were wrapped around his legs and so he took another shot:
 “Is it okay if I touch you?”, Taichi asked, smiling through his worries, wanting to reach through to Koushirou as kindly as he was physically and mentally capable of, no matter how big the urge to just hug him was – and this time he got a reaction, just a small nod, but enough for him to act upon it.
 Reaching for his fists with both hands, he covered them softly, noticing how cold his skin felt, how much he was shaking. Eventually, he could feel them unclenching, trembling fingers lightly intertwining.
 “Do you want to breathe with me?”, Taichi asked after another minute, already feeling a little bit more confident in his doings as he could sense another nod from Koushirou, hoping that his own warmth could get through to him. “Close your eyes and-“
 Just a breathless whimper, but persistent enough that Taichi understood. That would have been too much, alone with his own, probably terrifying thoughts…
 “Then… Look at me instead?”, he suggested calmly, looking for dark, watery eyes to meet his own, anxiety and trust equally present in his glance. Taichi could feel the latter coming through as he began to visibly breathe in and out, giving Koushirou an indicator to follow. Slowly, patiently. Repeating the procedure a few times until they were in sync.
 “Good, good, you’re doing great. I’m here for you.”
 How could he not have seen this coming? How could he not have known that the separation process must have begun a while ago? How long had Koushirou kept it to himself? Now he felt like the biggest idiot under the sun for having asked about the ‘bug’ in his earlier message – if Koushirou had read it, it must have triggered his current reaction even more. When looking around in the room, Taichi spotted the digivice lying on the ground. Covered in stone. Even after everything he had gone through…
 They kept sitting like this for a while, while Taichi occasionally repeated words of encouragement. He did not keep track of the time, but it didn’t matter anyway. If necessary, he would have sat here with Koushirou for the entire night, never leaving his side for even a second. The pain of losing one partner was already painful enough for a day…
 As the shaking vanished and Koushirou’s breathing became steadier and calmer, they ended up in a loose embrace, with Taichi gently stroking his back.
 “Thank you, Taichi-san…”, Koushirou merely whispered after more minutes had passed, voice hoarse and tired, but significantly more composed. “How did you… Know what you were supposed to do…?”
 Hearing that, Taichi chuckled, relief washing over him over the fact that Koushirou was finally able to speak coherently again, despite their circumstances.
 “You should know never to underestimate me, right?”, he teased lightly, aware that he had to take this topic a bit more seriously. “Well… To be honest, I had to go through something similar with Hikari when she was little and… She also had to deal with me when I had those after… That time. You know… Panic attacks. Sorry that I never told you about that…”
 “Mhmh…” Koushirou nodded, sinking a little more into their hug, clearly exhausted. “I… Did not mean to lie to you either, I just… Could not… I’m so sorry…”
 “I understand”, Taichi reassured him, thus tightening the embrace a little more. He knew what it was like to spiral. He knew that Koushirou must have blamed himself for everything, watching Tentomon disappear must have been like an entire world crumbling around him. Blaming himself, not having done enough, known enough, being ignorant and useless, not wanting to worry anyone around him. Not even Taichi.
 Taichi, who was just glad that he could have reached him this early – he didn’t want to imagine how much worse it could have gotten if Koushirou had been left on his own the entire time. How ironic that he had to go through it himself to understand that lying about being okay was not the right thing to do.
 “It’s not your fault. Believe me, it’s not. And… We’ll get through this together, I promise. We’ll see them again. Now… Do you want me to get you some water?”
 “Please”, Koushirou replied, breathing in audibly. A tiny wince went through his body and Taichi already assumed he was close to getting a relapse – but then he just leaned his head against Taichi’s shoulder, letting even more of his guard down. “Can we… Go home then?”
 It was the start of an even more uncertain future. But just as Taichi said, they would get through it together.
 “Of course.”
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deathberi · 3 years
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papasmistakeria · 3 years
Taichi: I used the scientific method to gather information and data to determine 'Which Child Has The Most Favor In My Parents' Eyes'
Koushiro: What were the results?
Taichi: I came in third
Koushiro: Well, that's not too bad, that's a bronze, how many siblings do you have?
Taichi: One
Koushiro: ... Oka-
Taichi: But we have a cat. She was polling ahead of me
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earlgreymon · 4 years
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digidestined + c-ent artists fancast —  fancast by maysnow, graphic by me
taichi, sora, koushiro
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ri-ships-takari · 3 years
The familiar
pairing: takeru x hikari (in a way) [ao3, ffnet]
setting: sometime around tri/when they’re in high school note: was supposed to be finishing some takari week 2021 prompts but I also just wanted to write a chaotic little thing so here it is ^_^;
Suddenly his girlfriend is a stranger, and on her lips hangs the name of this boy he’d never even heard of. Standing between the two, a strange feeling overcomes him, an almost voyeuristic shame, as if involving himself with something he should not.
The familiar
He felt he was the luckiest boy in the world, having the honor of being Hikari Yagami’s boyfriend. They had just started seeing each other, but everyday after class, but before club practice, it was him who all the boys would look at in envy, when he would pass by her room to wish her a safe trip home. And when they were both off early, it was he who had the privilege of walking her all the way to her apartment.
The condominium front concluded all of these with little forehead kisses farewell. There he might linger, just a moment, and count the floors she must climb to get to their unit.
He had never actually been up to the apartment though — until today.
When he arrived at her homeroom that afternoon he discovered she hadn’t come that day, that she was out sick. Strange. She hadn’t messaged him, but he wasn’t surprised.
She had spent that past Sunday watching his game, staying the entire day out in the cold winter chill. When they won, he insisted on walking her home by himself so he could recount to her every detail, every significant play. He was so caught up in delivering that hair-raising final half that it was only when he reached for her hand near her home that he realized how cold it was. 
He felt a pang of guilt thinking about it now. He had to make it up to her. 
He could bring her some vitamins and snacks to make her feel better. Did she like orange juice, or was it strawberry? He wasn’t sure but no matter — he could get both.
He’d have to skip training today, but maybe Taichi wouldn’t even mind. It was for his own sister, after all.
After about an hour of scouring their message history for any mention of a unit number, he finally found the right residence: 1306 Yagami.
In his hand was a bag with all the essentials: a few fizzy vitamin C drinks, a dozen lozenges, and some packs of fruit (he wasn’t sure which she might like, so he got some of everything by the supermarket counter.)
He was happy to discover that he recalled correctly how a spare key sat in whatever seasonal ornament their mother hung around their home’s nameplate. He found the spare stuffed in the soil of the tiny hanging pot with striped carnations — exactly where he hoped it might be. 
When he turned the key into the knob though, he was surprised to find it was already open.
Weird. He knew she must have been home alone today. Her mother was visiting an aunt out of town for the week; her father would be at work until later tonight. Taichi, as their team captain, couldn't cut training.
It wasn’t like her, but maybe even Hikari could forget the locks when she wasn’t at her best. He had to remind her to be a bit more careful next time.
He stepped into the apartment and found it alight, but his girlfriend was nowhere in sight. A kettle sat almost simmering on the stove top, while some fruits and vitamins were scattered on the dinner table. The whole apartment shared Hikari’s familiar, comforting aroma. If he could, he might have simply allowed himself to remain captive in the sweet scent for just a moment more.
But he was here on a mission. Recalling his rations at hand, he set for what might be Hikari’s room.
It wasn’t hard to find. In fact, it had her name on it, hanging upon its door in bright, broad katakana characters. It was dim inside, but the door was slightly ajar. Through the crack in the door, his hand reached in to locate the light switch. Once he found it, he pushed the door wide open while flicking the switch.
He wasn’t surprised to find his girlfriend fast asleep in her bed — but he was surprised to find the blonde boy standing next to it, lifting a hand to shield against the sudden burst of light, and looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Once the blonde boy’s eyes had adjusted to the light, he stopped squinting, and blinked perceive the new arrival. 
“Sorry,” he says at the blonde boy, though more of a question than any apology.
“Oh, no I’m sorry. I was just replacing this,” he replies, raising in his other hand what looks like a damp cloth. He takes the towel already on the girl’s forehead, and replaces it with his fresh one, brushing her bangs away only ever so gently. He looks at the newcomer and whispers “She just fell asleep so I didn’t want to wake her with the lights.”
He isn’t sure if this foreigner was speaking a foreign language.
“My bad. Takaishi, Takeru. Hikari and I are in the same class,” he says. “I was bringing her our homework, so Taichi asked if I could check up on her.”
Takaishi. Familiar but rings no particular bells.
“How do you know Taichi-sempai?” he asks the strange boy suspiciously.
“We all grew up together,” says the boy with a slight smile “You must be Keiji. Hikari has mentioned you. The soccer club, right?”
“She hasn’t mentioned you much,” Keiji replies a bit rougher than he expected.
“Maybe I’m not too noteworthy,” Takeru says with a light laugh.
Just then, the kettle in the kitchen whistles in a boil. Takeru lithely sidesteps Keiji as he rushes to silence it, to avoid waking the sleeping girl. After regaining his composure, Keiji flicks the light back off, and follows him to the kitchen, where the younger boy is already brewing a cup of tea.
“Would you like some, Keiji-san? It’s sencha mint —”
Keiji almost gags.
“—Hikari’s favorite,” Takeru continues with an awkward laugh.
Keiji chokes at the very thought of the combination, before remembering his agenda. He drops his bag of supplies on the table before saying, “Well, thank you, Takaishi-san, for watching over Hikari. Maybe you should get going before it gets dark. Wouldn't want you getting lost, boy.”
“It’s alright, I know the way well,” he said, carefully mixing a measured amount of sugar into the tea. “I promised Taichi-san I’d stay until he got home from training.”
A wave of shame washes over Keiji. Was it from cutting club training? Or for Taichi-sempai entrusting his girlfriend to this kid and not him? He wasn’t sure, though Taichi-sempai had always looked at him with some sense of discontent. That started even before he began dating his sister though, and only seemed to grow since then.
Keiji was so caught up in these thoughts that he didn't even realize that Takeru had finished preparing the tea and was now waiting in front of him.
“Ah, Keiji-san, would you like to be the one to bring it to her?” he asks, holding the cup out for him to take. 
“Yes, thank you very much,” he says, clenching the cup with such force that some of its contents spill into its saucer. He tries to cover up his grumbling as he starts back towards Hikari’s room.
He takes one from blondie’s book this time, and keeps the lights off, the door slightly ajar, for some illumination. He stumbles in the ill-lit room before arriving at what must be her bed. As he places the saucer by her bedside, she shuffles, coughs, then says, “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replies. “How are you?”
“Sorry, my head kinda hurts,” she says with a forearm over her eyes and shallow breath.
“Just get some rest,” he replies, words painted with a worried color.
"Thanks for coming," a smile has barely set on his face when she continues, "Takeru-kun."
"Ah, don't worry about it,” the blonde replies from behind the older boy, with a shade of surprise even Keiji can’t miss. “Just... just get better," he finishes.
Keiji could have noticed the freshly chilled cloth in the blonde boy’s hand, but his focus is elsewhere. He wonders how this boy got there so quietly, without staggering as he had across the dark room. Perhaps the layout wasn’t as foreign to him. Perhaps this boy did truly know his way. 
Suddenly his girlfriend is a stranger, and on her lips hangs the name of this boy he’d never even heard of. Standing between the two, a strange feeling overcomes Keiji, an almost voyeuristic shame, as if involving himself with something he should not.
They are frozen here for a minute, until the sound of shuffling at the front door announces that Taichi has finally arrived, to allow them to escape any of the moment's inevitable implications, at least for now.
a/n: this was initially intended as a one-shot, but it has a prequel here that could also stand as a one-shot on its own ^_^; will see if i continue this as a series of one-shots in the same continuity aaa thank you for your time reaching the end~ bless youuuu
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smol-tactician · 3 years
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I posted 481 times in 2021
444 posts created (92%)
37 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 1,744 tags in 2021
#alternative universe - 241 posts
#digimon adventure - 238 posts
#digimon - 234 posts
#digimon au - 220 posts
#matt ishida - 161 posts
#yamato ishida - 160 posts
#tai kamiya - 155 posts
#taichi yagami - 127 posts
#sk8 the infinity - 107 posts
#reki kyan - 101 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#tai and matt are davis's metaphorical parents and you can't convince me otherwise
My Top Posts in 2021
Adam: Why hello snow~
Langa: *on the phone* Joe come pick me up I'm scared.
Adam: *starts walking closer*
Langa: JOE!!!!!
Adam: Oh really? Who exactly told you that you were so good?
Reki: Your mom.
Langa: *drops his sandwich*
Miya: *somehow pauses animal crossing*
Cherry: Did he just-
Tadashi: Sir, are you alright?
Adam: I Refuse to be told off by some chaotic toddler!
Reki: Calm down, you'll catch Ligma.
Adam: What the fuck is Ligma?
Miya: *GASP*
Adam: *[Wasted]*
Joe: *Dieing of laughter in the background*
Langa: *very confused clapping*
Langa: I can not believe you'd wear dots and stripes at the same time.
Reki: Langa that was a picture of me when I was five, fuck off.
Reki: Hey baby I got two braincells, wanna be my third one?
Langa: Reki now is not the time for this! You're bleeding out!
Reki: Nah it's just my over flowing love you for~
Langa: Damn you cute as fuck.
Reki: What?
Langa: What?
Reki: What did you say?
Langa: What did I say? I wasn't paying attention.
Miya: Oh my god you dumbass.
Shadow: Behave or I'm calling your boyfriend.
Reki: Langa doesn't tell me what to do.
Langa: Behave please.
Reki: ....Only because you said please.
Reki: Hey Langa, I fixed your board!
Langa: Marry me.
Reki: Huh?
Langa: Please.
Reki: Langa all I did was fix your-
Langa: I've been I love with you since you did that skateboard trick over my head.
Reki: Langa-
Langa: I already bought a ring-
Miya: Just say yes dumbass!
Langa: Once I ate a whole gallon tub of ice cream out of spite.
Reki: What the fuck-
Shadow: How do you do that out of spite?
Langa: I was told I couldn't do it.
Miya: How are you even alive?
Langa: My mom's a nurse.
153 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 17:59:18 GMT
Because I haven't done much with the AU
Spoiler warning just incase
Kakoyin: Hey Jotaro, where do you get your freckles from?
Jotaro: U H.... I have no fucking idea.
Later while talking with Joseph
Joseph: And this is a picture of my grandfather and grandmother.
Jotaro:... Wait a minute. Grandpa Jonathan had freckles?
Joseph: Yes apparently, why?
Jotaro: Because now I have an answer.
Joseph: What?
Jotaro: I didn't sign up for this.
Dio: Get over it.
Jotaro: No, now shut the fuck up.
Dio: Make me.
Jotaro: Hey star-
Dio: f u c k
Giorno: What was my father like?
Jotaro: Which one?
Giorno: what do you mean by which one?
Jotaro: Hey grandpa, what would happen if I theoretically ate spaghetti with a spoon?
Caesar: I might have to disown you.
Jotaro: *slowly puts down the spoon*
Giorno: Mista where's Fugo?
Mista: .... shit I'll be back.
Giorno: What?
Jouske: I'm your uncle?
Jotaro: Yeah, welcome to the Joestar family tree, this is probably the most normal part of it for you.
Jouske: Oh dear.
Kakoyin: No one can deflect the emerald splash.
Jotaro: That's a fucking lie.
Kakoyin: Shush.
Rohan: Gucci or no Gucci?
Koichi: Does it matter?
Jouske: Sometimes you gotta flex.
Rohan: Oh god I actually agree with you.
Jouske: The world is ending.
Okuyasu: W h a t
156 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 15:24:33 GMT
Langa: So I think for our wedding, it should be in the spring. And we should get cherry blossoms because they look nice with your hair.
Reki:.... Langa, we're not engaged....
Langa: Oh! So that's what I forgot to do last night.
Reki: what
179 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 02:14:24 GMT
Cherry: Where's your boyfriend?
Reki: Langa couldn't make it today.
Miya: Thank you for the confirmation.
Nanako: Something wrong sweetie?
Langa: There's a disturbance in the Reki.
Nanako: What?
Langa: I gotta go.
Nanako: What??
262 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 23:02:41 GMT
Langa: *just vibing*
Reki: *sleeping and using Langa as a human pillow*
Miya: Can you even feel your legs?
Langa: No, but its worth it.
264 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 20:31:03 GMT
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” {Part 2} [Previous Parts: 1] [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro [Also seen: 2020!Sora, Adventure Chosen, Meiko, briefly]
Audio/Dialogue (C) Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: About 3~ hours (or a little more) on 08/07/22 My Commentary:
I have a lot of Thoughts on how Koushiro feels towards Taichi, Actually {And also in reverse, though this is mainly Koushiro’s Point-of-View.} (This part will have just a bit of Taichi perspective too, though.)
I also have a lot of Thoughts on Adventure{s} wider LORE on a grander scale, but also as it relates to Koushiro’s whole canon.
I’ll probably go back and smooth this out later, but for now it’s doing what I want it to do, and hopefully you can follow along by reading the dialogue below: (Note: Contains starting spoilers for the originating series, Chobits, though the context in this part is quite vague, and happens quite early in series.)
Scenes used come from: - Digimon Adventure [Eps 6, 21, 24, 48] - Digimon Adventure 2020 [Ep 20; Koushiro-relevant scenes] - Digimon Adventure tri.: Saikai [Koushiro-relevant moment; non-spoilery] - Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna [Adventure Chosen moments pre-final battle; Meiko relevancy] {Briefly} {It doesn’t necessarily spoil tri., but it’s a notable moment} It DOES spoil a significant moment of pre-final battle Kizuna w/out contexts} (Though 2020 is used, this is mainly meant as overall Semi[?] Canon-compliant, but 2020 Chosen can be in their own Time too...)
- Dialogue (Preview):
- As expected, there isn’t anyone in THIS CITY either.
- [THAT IS SOMETHING I “KNOW” WELL] Because, {I} [{Boku}/{Watashi}] am {ME} [{Boku}/{Watashi}].
{Note: In the J.P.N version, Koushiro uses “boku” as saying “I”, but Koushiro also speaks in overall rather formal/polite speech.} [This is the case in all current medias, including the newest “02″ movie, up until {supposedly} around the point of right about the Epilogue years] By then, he still uses “boku”, that is, but speaking just a bit less formally.] (In the originating series, the speaker is a girl using “Atashi”). (The rest of this ‘A.M.V’.s storyline will show itself in time...!)
[Extra Note: It is read in a storybook-like style, hence narration.]
(Check under the ‘read more’ for full text!)
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful are ok!]
Everyone was with “THAT.” They won’t awaken from the {FUN} [Dream] with “THAT.” The (TIME) they spend with “THAT” is a [Dream]. A [dream-like] “wonderful” (TIME).
“THAT” can make ANY(?) {W I S H} come [True](?)
“THEY” will make people happy by ‘doing what they want’
Because “THAT” isn’t a {Person}
Which is why “THAT” can [BECOME] a {person}’s [Dream]
It can [become] a “replacement” for one, but never [BE] ONE.
- [THAT IS SOMETHING I “KNOW” WELL] Because, {I} [{Boku}/{Watashi}] am {ME} [{Boku}/{Watashi}].
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I finished rereading “The song of love,” a fic I wrote from 2015 to 2018. I began to reread it when the Digimon Adventure 2020 series entered a hiatus, as a way to pass time. It was my longest and most complex work of fiction so far.
So, almost two years after concluding it, I'll share my thoughts.
First, my ranking of arcs:
1. Original chosen children arc (c. 10 – 24)
2. File island arc (c. 1 – 9)
3. Yagami Hikari arc (c. 25 – 38)
4. Apocalipse arc (c. 39 –  46)
It's not that I didn't like arcs 3 and 4 (some of my favorite chapters are from them!), but I could tell that my burnout had begun affecting my writing. Arcs 2 and 1 just felt more fun and cohesive. I do think, though, that the ending was fitting to the story.
Arc 1: File Island
Favorite antagonist: Devimon, but Monzaemon comes in close second.
Highlight chapters:
Broken mirror (c. 7)
Takeru's loss (c. 9)
Mimi's strength (c. 3)
Jyou's remembrance (c. 6)
The first arc was way more fun than I remembered it being! Sure, my writing was clunkier, I kept referring to everyone's grades (ugh) and the transitions weren't the smoothest, but it was really nice to see the characters bouncing off one another before the big drama began (not that they didn't have drama already). The beginning of their friendship ranged from sweet to tense, but it all ended well... until Angemon died in the final chapter of the arc. The story was so much simpler back then, but the seeds of complication were there.
Arc 2: Original chosen children
Favorite antagonist: Fate, followed by Kanda (technically not an antagonist to the chosen children, but he did do many terrible things)
Highlight chapters:
Heaven sent (c. 17)
The Magician's apprentice (c. 19)
The beginning of all things (c. 16)
Rock Opera (c. 14)
Hands down, my favorite arc of the story. And I think it's the best one. The character journeys really shone in these chapters. And yeah, I liked to write my original chosen children ocs as broken people showing what could go wrong if the new kids followed a dark path. Above all, I really liked Sora's character arc (I liked everybody's, but Sora's was the one that made me keep saying “YES” while writing) and Koushiro's (his trauma was just beginning!).
Arc 3: Yagami Hikari
Favorite antagonist: Fate
Highlight chapters:
Child of the Spring (c. 31)
The end of all things (c. 30)
Sora rises (c. 38)
Tachikawa interview (c. 28)
The most ambitious and audacious arc of the story and also the one with my favorite chapters of the whole fic (30 and 31). It doesn't rank higher because the burnout hit me by its end, the Vamdemon subplot felt lackluster (to the point where I gave up on bringing him back after the first defeat), the Ame reveal by the end felt too sudden and... I just wasn't all that passionate about writing for Taichi and Yamato. Aside from that, Fate is the best and most compelling villain in the story. All the build-up to their reveal, their interactions with Hikari, Mimi and especially Koushiro, the tragedy, the complexity, the themes... I loved writing all of it and loved reading it. It was also nice to explore Hikari's antagonistic role later on (despite chapter 36 not having quite the punching effect I hoped for). This arc was dark, emotional, complex and hopeful despite everything.
Arc 4: Apocalypse
Favorite antagonist: LadyDevimon (the most complex antagonist, after Fate) and Wisemon (nobody in this story is nearly as evil as Wisemon)
Chapter highlights:
Koushiro concludes (c. 43)
Hikari's choice (c. 45)
Symphony in the sky (c. 46)
Merciful Mimi (c. 40)
The final arc served as a conclusion to everybody's journey. Some were more successful than others (rereading the fic, I felt that Jyou and Takeru were being a bit repetitive). “Koushiro concludes” certainly was the highlight of the arc. Despite being a Koushiro chapter, Sora definitely stole the spotlight in that one, being in her most heroic mode. Overall, I liked how the story ended and the characters' ultimate fates. “Hikari's choice” was a lot better than I remembered! Despite the arc being a bit clunky, I'm glad it delivered a strong end.
Top 10:
1. Child of the Spring
2. The end of all things
3. Heaven sent
4. The Magician's apprentice
5. Koushiro concludes
6. Hikari's choice
7. The beginning of all things
8. Rock Opera
9. Symphony in the sky
10. Broken mirror
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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[10-  Emergencial Reunion!!]
“You said it was an emergency so you have to be straight and tell us what’s going on.”
Iori didn’t want to sound rude, but considering everyone at this point is full of work to do, like Joe having many appointments with hurt or sick digimon as example.
“It’s about him” Ken said with a serious tone.
Everyone stopped talking or complaining, creating a heavy and uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. It wasn’t like they had given up on Daisuke, and yes that they had no clues to solve that issue. Taichi had gotten no time to search for him, and had given a lot of excuses to the media to keep everything under control. If not… How would’ve Taichi explain that without revealing that Daisuke is one of the DigiChosen?
“What did you get?” Miyako broke the silence, yet her voice was cold. They were talking about her husband after all.
“We never learned what happened to him” Ken began, “Two years ago, we got a message on our digivices about a mysterious S.O.S. signal. Daisuke and I went to check it out, but we had been ambushed by a digimon.”
“That we know, Ichijouji” Takeru vaguely commented.
“The jogress was an option for us but, we got separated in combat. When we found each other, Daisuke shoved me into the gate to save me from being captured.” 
“Then, what have you discovered about the case?” Taichi acted as the good and old leader once again “You said on the phone that it is connected to the Roar of Freedom, am I wrong?”
“It’s an assumption” Ken explained “This group had been spotted on the same area Daisuke got caught, and they know who we are. Because after someone executed the Strikedramon brothers… We found that they left a message addressed to us.”
“Are they threatening us…?” Yamato clenched his fist, but Takeru calmed him down.
“We didn’t give up on finding Daisuke, and this may be the very first clue we got since two years ago.”
“... What you want us to do?” Koushiro asked him, and that was everyone’s question as well. 
Ken hated to feel pressured by glares, somehow it brings him bad memories from his childhood. However, he was on Daisuke’s position in the group -- While Taichi is the first and Yamato the second… Daisuke is somehow the third. And Ken does not like to be the lead despite being the head of the Special Digimon Cases Unit.
“Nothing for now” he answered a few moments later, trying to formulate words in his mind.
“You want to go there and investigate, am I wrong?” Taichi said, then looked at the others.
“If Ken goes, I’m going” Miyako raised from her seat “Daisuke is not only our friend, it’s my husband. And I have to protect my family.”
“I’d like to go too but… I’m busy” Iori mused.
“I have a lot to do too” Hikari, Mimi and Sora replied, some frowns were visible.
“The hospital needs me, I’m sorry” Joe was honest as ever, deep down he wanted to do more for the group but he was the most busiest of the them right now.
“I could go, but” Takeru spoke “I have a book release to attend. After that, I can lend you a hand Ken.”
“The next mission is settled to the next week” Yamato was pouty “I will help giving support here. Could go investigating those cases in the meanwhile” then he glanced at Taichi.
“Sorry, I can’t go” and he answered “I had been a target, while I can still fight… Handling with the role as a Chosen Child and as the digimon’s Ambassador wouldn’t be good. I trust you two though. If you need help, I will do my best to send backup.”
“Taichi, our identities are a secret!” Yamato argued “You can’t simply ruin all of our efforts to keep our families safe!”
“I won’t, I prefer to call Ken’s unit to give him and Miyako support.”
Daichi was sleeping when someone had entered in his room. Luckily, Ulforce and Natsu were still spending the night at the old Daisuke’s office room so no one suspected about them.
A very quiet voice was what made Daichi wake up, seeing a blurred human holding a pink ball.
“Daichi, please wake up and help” Kiyoko was the one he saw now that his vision went back to normal “This lil’ guy is needing some help!”
“Lil… W-wait, that’s a digimon!?”
“No, it’s a plush. Duh, of course he is!”
“What happened?!” he got up from the bed “Where did he come from!? Where did you find him!?”
“Uhh, long story short… He was running away from some baddie and de-evolved back to this form. Is it a… Poromon right?”
“Hm yes” he examined the borb-like baby “I think it is.”
“Why don’t you use that shining thing on your desk?”
“Shiny thing--” he looked back and realized he didn’t hide the D-TimeRune before going to sleep!! “Aa- Um, that thing!? It’s a phone! A normal phone!! Old phone I meant…!”
She smirked, “I know you’re hiding something from me dear brother. Because after getting your message, I phoned Mitsuki and he said you weren’t at his home. I also phoned your other friends and they said the same!”
He gasped.
“You can’t hide it from me, Daichi. I’m sly as a fox, faster like a cheetah and your sister.”
“A… Uh… Please, don’t tell anyone about this” Daichi sighed “I’ve got a digivice and a digimon partner.”
“Y-you’re going to wake mom up!!” he whispered to her “Please don’t tell mom or anyone else.”
“Fine fine!” Kiyoko muttered and pouted “Now please help me with this digimon, he seems hurt!”
Daichi grabbed the digivice and told Kiyoko to follow him to the room no one ever had opened since Daisuke’s disappearance. When they stood in front of the door, Daichi muttered:
“This is also a secret, don’t let anyone else know,” and he opened the door. They walked in and he closed the door, turned the lights on and made the sleepy digi-duo wake up.
“Aww, they’re cute!!” she was looking at them and almost squishing the hurt Poromon “What are they? Digimon too? That’s a Chibimon and… I never had heard of a pink bun!”
“Daichi isn’t your identity supposed to be a secret?” Natsu squinted her eyes but her expression changed to concern “Uh-oh, you have an injured digimon here! Let me heal it…!” and she switched forms in front of them, took the Poromon from Kiyoko’s hands and put it on the couch by Ulforce’s side. she send an energy from her hands to the bird-like digimon, healing him slowly.
“A secret?” Kiyoko glanced at Daichi “I thought you wouldn’t hide something from me…!”
“Natsu said to me to not tell anyone else, there’s some things you cannot know--”
“And there’s more!? And you can’t trust me!?”
“I think y’all should tell her” Ulforce interrupted the heated discussion. Both Daichi and Natsu looked at him “Sorry guys, the girl needs to know now that she’s aware of us here.”
“Fine, Daichi tell her I’m busy to give details. But you must keep quiet about it, Kiyoko.”
“I… I will, don’t worry!” the girl nodded “Not even mom and dad must know right…?”
“Especially them, or else they will lock me in the depths of the Digital World.”
“Ok…?” Kiyoko wasn’t able to understand that, but she promised to not tell anyone about whatever it was Daichi’s secret.
“... Mom and dad are legendary heroes” Daichi began “Remember of those stories about the Digital World’s warriors? They were real… And our dad is a brainwashed enemy right now.”
She stared at him for a while. Then she snorted and laughed but not too much loud.
“Seriously? Have you been talking with Junya lately? Our parents are heroes!? How funny!”
“Kiyoko I’m deadly serious here! They are, I just saw--”
“Wait, How can a digimon researcher and a worldwide famous chef be secret heroes? It makes no sense, big bro. You’re talking like Junya about the conspiracy theory of ambassador Yagami hiding the truth from everyone about the legends.”
“... He is right. But not for something evil, actually it’s about our safety.”
“Daichi, I don’t know what happened to you to jump from ‘our dad is dead’ to ‘our dad is alive, and our parents are part of the legendary Chosen Children’ but I know dad is on a business trip and our parents aren’t heroes.”
“He’s telling the truth” Natsu turned back and stared at Kiyoko “Daisuke, Miyako and Taichi are DigiChosen. Most of their friends are.”
“I… It’s strange knowing that our babysitter is a digimon but...”
“Kiyoko, my sweetie… I’ve been with your parents from a long time ago that I’m basically an honored digimon partner. Believe me, I tell no lies.”
“Why would dad be an enemy? He’s a good person!! Makes no sense!”
“He had been captured, but Daichi knows how to fix it… You have to stay here and not tell anyone about it--”
“Urk…” the Poromon woke up, his vision being pretty blurred but slowly coming back. His noise called the kids, Natsu and Ulforce’s attention though “I need to find the… C-Chosen Children.”
“Don’t talk, you’re badly injured!” Kiyoko said, worried with the poor bird “You’re safe, please rest.”
“Why is he looking for them?” Ulforce tilted his head.
“What happened to him, Kiyoko?” Daichi asked calmly.
“I don’t know, I was coming back from school and…”
  … It fell from the skies devolved in front of me.
“Hey little one, are you okay?!” I approached from, super duper concerned with him. I took from the ground and examined him for a few seconds. Then he talked to me:
“... Human kid-- W-watch out…!!” He said and then he shove me to the ground. A light hit this poor Poromon and he fell again on the floor.
“Ugh, h-hey why did you-- Huh!?” I looked behind me and saw a shadow. It was trying to catch the Poromon so I grabbed the bird orb from the floor and ran away.
  Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu looked at Kiyoko, then to each other. To Daichi, that sounded like the plot of one of the old games he and his father had played together.
“So, someone’s looking for him” the boy mused “And, probably is going after you now.”
“Yeah, I think so…”
“Do you think it chased her at home?” Ulforce looked around “I mean-- Not like I care of someone trying to invade your home...”
“The house is safe” Daichi said “There’s alarms and mx. Hawkmon lives here. He’s mom’s partner after all.”
“Uh… About that…” The three looked at Kiyoko “... Mom and mx. Hawk are not here, they went to an important meeting.”
“So we’re all alone!?” Ulforce babbled in panic, then he started to verify every corner of the room “Are we safe!?”
“Are you scared…?” Natsu smirked “Aren’t you the grand hero Ulforce?”
“Me!? Scared!?” the tiny-mon took the bait “I gonna show ya how great I am! Daichi kid, evolve me and I will protect everyone for the night!”
“Uh, no need to--” suddenly a noise was heard from outside. Kiyoko grabbed the Poromon and hid behind Natsu, while Daichi took the D-TimeRune to see if it was a digimon signal.
“Wha-what was that!?” the girl asked “It sounded like someone crashing the restaurant’s entrance door…!”
“Stay here” Daichi whispered, “Ulforce come with me.”
“F-fine…??” he nodded, then jumped to the boy’s arms. The duo left the room, leaving Natsu and Kiyoko to protect the injured Poromon.
“... Mom’s going to not like if they damage the restaurant” Kiyoko mused “Natsu, can you see if there’s someone inside?”
“I don’t feel anything from here, and Poromon is injured we can’t--”
Kiyoko left the room and Natsu sighed. No matter how much she worked to keep the siblings safe for the sake of their lives… Those two always find a way to get into trouble. Quite like their parents.
When the girls arrived at the restaurant floor, they saw Ulforce on child level already and chasing a shadow, with Daichi going after the blue digimon.
“It’s… It’s that one who was chasing me!!” Kiyoko shouted, Daichi glanced at her but turned back to the battle “P-please don’t damage the restaurant, dad wouldn’t like it…!!”
“I won’t!” He assured her “Ulforce, Kiyoko, Natsu, try to lure it to the outside!”
“Wait will you put YOUR SISTER in danger!?” Natsu babbled.
“She’s fine, she’s with us!”
“Yes, but do you forgot she’s a not a tamer!?”
“Oh screw that!” Kiyoko yelled “With or without a digimon, I’ve raised to fight! I’m made of fire!” then she ran towards the mysterious silhouette, with the Poromon in her hands “Hey, dummy dumbo thing! Come catch me, leave this place alone and come after me!” She left the restaurant by the main entrance, forcing the shadow to chase her.
“Good job, Kiyoko!” Daichi nodded, then looked at Ulforce and Natsu “Let’s go, we need to prevent that thing from hurting Kiyoko and the Poromon.”
“Ok” they nodded and with this the three left after the shadow.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Mixed Media Hip-Hop Project Paradox Live Prepares for Battle
  There's a new hip-hop mixed media project on the table, and it's preparing to do battle in more ways than one.
  Paradox Live announced its existence with a new website and PV, featuring four teams of musical artists designed by four different artists and voiced by familiar talents from around the world of anime and music.
    Preparing to do battle with music are:
    BAE: Designed by Akiakane (Hatsune Miku's "Rolling Girl" PV)
Hajun Yeon (L): CV Ayumu Murase (Ryo Asuka, DEVILMAN crybaby)
Allen Sugasano (C): CV Gakuto Kajiwara (Shinra Kusakabe, Fire Force)
Anne Faulkner (R): CV 96Neko (YouTube/Niconico rapper)
    The Cat's Whiskers: Designed by Kuniharu Komiya (Craft Essence illustrator, Fate/Grand Order)
Naoakira Saimon (front): CV Ryota Takeuchi (Dyne Woodwonder, Overlord)
Ryu Natsume(back L): CV Natsuki Hanae (Taichi Yagami, Digimon Adventure tri.)
Yohei Kanbayashi (back C): CV Yuu Hayashi (Smokey Brown, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shiki Ando (back R): CV Junta Terashima (Ousuke Kiryu, Kono Oto Tomare!)
cozmez: Designed by KINAKO (original character design, Gatchaman Crowds)
Nayuta Yatonokami (L): CV Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri!!! on ICE)
Kanata Yatonokami (R): CV Yusuke Kobayashi (Subaru Natsuki, Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-)
Akan Yatsura: Designed by Karada (Yatamomo)
Reo Maruyama (far L): CV Shogo Yano (Mafuyu Sato, given)
Zen Gaho (second from L): CV Shima (member of group Urashimasakatasen)
Iori Suiseki (C): CV Takayuki Kondo (Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)
Hokusai Masaki (second from R): CV Shunichi Toki (Allocer Schneider, Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Satsuki Ito (far R): CV Tasuku Hatanaka (Denki Kaminaru, My Hero Academia)
The project's first CD, Paradox Live Opening Show, will be released on February 12. The premiere album will feature each group's first "battle" track, as well as an audio drama for each of the four teams.
  >> Paradox Live Website
Source: Comic Natalie
  Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
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Writers = Nathan Eric Schwab
Producers = Nathan Eric Schwab And 
Choice A = Lions-Gate L.T.D. 
Choice B = Nickelodeon Films
Directed by = John A Davis (For Now) 
Director’s Choice B = Ridley Scott (Alien One And Legend And Gladiator)
Director’s Choice C = Slyvester Stallone (Rocky Film Saga)
Based on = an Electronic Pocket Toy Pet of the Same Name
TAICHI YAGAMI = A Human Ages 20 And a Man = 
Choice A = Robert Downey Jr.
Choice B = Mark Walhberg
Choice C = Ken Jeong
Choice A = Olivia Munn
Choice B = Olivia Wilde
Choice C = Machiko Ohmoto (The Voice of Kirby)
Choice D = Megan Fox
KOROMON = a Hand Puppet and Remote Control Puppet And a Rod Puppet
AGUMON = voiced by Brian Beacock in his child nick tripp avatar from lords of nature return done with half practical half Cgi
GREYMON = voiced by Brian Beacock in his adult nick tripp avatar from lords of nature return done wiht full on cgi
Etemon = Seth Green 
Gatomon = Emily Blunt
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