#(OK BUT LISTEN this is a VERY short instrumental preview of the ending of the song and thus a potential ending of .... the AMV itself)
billk128 · 4 months
Anna Shoemaker - Someone Should Stop Her - demo notes
To start, thank you Anna (and John), for allowing me the listen and to offer my feedback, I really appreciate it. Ask any questions, and I don't know how to be other than honest, so forgive any lack of knowledge or dismiss any questionable feedback, I'm just winging it and letting the thoughts fly.
Holy crap - Holly has nearly 4.5 million hits on Spotify. OK, most of the below can be ignored, but I immersed myself into this and enjoyed it. And I am used to being ignored.
I approached this in a few different ways, but landed on an in-between "review" and I guess what I'd call "production notes" - the latter in part based on my own experience helping create, arrange, mix, and "produce" our own (Chilblains) attempts at music, but still tied to my long listening history and the review aspect (I ended up taking and leaving notes on each song). And I also listened from an album perspective (or "record," the term as I use it below), considering sequencing and the flow of songs.
Admittedly, this genre of music falls outside of my typical lanes, but that factor enabled me to listen differently and appreciate the elements and melodies and vocal permutations, all of which are quite good and well presented. So I have enjoyed the exercise because the music is good - great job, Anna!! And the melodies are sticking with me, always a good sign...
Real Life Baby kicks off the set nicely, with a versatile blend of music and a generally crisp-sounding mix that previews much of what is to follow. The more organic sounding elements I hear - I believe that is a banjo in the mix in the chorus and outro - are integrated nicely. The vocal progression perhaps overreaches a bit in that 2:03-2:20 bridge (hard to make out what's being sung), and hints at a larger release, but then you pull it back. Which is an approach that I comment again on below...
One general note, and I hear it across a handful of songs - the fretboard fingering squeaks are a bit too prevalent in the mix - they do add some authenticity, but in moderation, at least to me.
In Fields, the acoustic guitar is a highlight of a really good 2nd song in the record sequence, albeit the whispered parts seem more like a sonic deception than part of the story. Excellent backing track mix to the conclusion as well.
Game of Thrones has an attractive melody, though the generally unimpactful drumming throughout starts to register as a minor weakness, while the effect-centric and the at times washing over sound template starts to get a bit more apparent in this track as well. But the heightened tempo is welcome and rises above the drums, and coupled with the winning vocal arrangements could make this a candidate for a single. I also very subjectively thought some lead guitar lines added to the outro might add some flavor...
Not Your Baby gives the drums some room to express, and they deliver to a degree, but I still find them a bit stiff and maybe too compressed sounding here. Then I feel the tension/release aspects of this (and other songs) gets a little short-changed. For example here, at 2:08, the "I'm getting older..." piece starts - you do it once; maybe run through those 2 sets of lines again, sustaining that tension, and then the release hits with the drum break, and let that release continues through the outro...and while I do like the slower instrumental ending, it's a tact you use on other songs, so just a consideration to mix things up a bit.
Back Again hints an electric guitar backing that I admittedly wanted beefed up a notch - maybe just in the chorus for a little extra edge. Squeaky fretboard alert, and you peel back a bit again for the ending, but that musical outro is nicely imagined - and echoes a combination a band from Philly called Marah used to employ in a more rock setting (they are since defunct).
Iced Coffee ring bluesy torch-like - a good change of pace here - and hearing what I would consider your more natural vocal style in the verses is appealing as well.
Gas Station Parking Lot has a pop country texture here, an electro texture there, is another song about a boy and a girl (can't really say men and women when the phone is so critical to the decision, but I am clearly not the demographic), has kind of gratuitous cursing, but also a strong lead vocal and supporting vocal textures, a bracing bridge...and then sort of an exhaled ending. Maybe too many good ideas that don't quite coalesce.
Close to the Sun has a great chorus and hints at a rock version that might be a good alt take to release as a "B" side. Pump up the tempo and guitars a bit, get a rock drummer that kicks in during the first chorus, reconsider the ending (which feels a little clipped). Just ideating here - the song is strong, if perhaps a bit unfinished, and placed well in the record's sequence, setting up for...
Horse Girl 's gentle intro (fretboard alert) and delicate vocal techniques. I feel the song really starts to gain momentum and then it ends - and again, this kind of stop/start approach used frequently on the record leaves me a bit wanting at times. Which isn't necessarily bad, you want the listener to want more, so a subjective and fine line of balance there...
Miniskirt has a promising, indie guitar tone to start that thickens up and gets washed over a bit by keys in the chorus - and if that is more consistent with the overall tone of the record, the song doesn't really rise above that level.
Wishful Thinking - Another song about a breakup indeed, ha, this might be the best line on the record (kidding!! still, timely). That said, you might want to move this one up in the sequencing (or not, I'm thinking Spotify listeners not listening all the way thru...). I say this because this one also struck me as a potential single. It's a wistful pop tune, with a bouncy tempo, hooky chorus, and sneaky effective guitar. (The tune also reminds of Jesse Malin songs, and Derek Cruz's guitar/production sound on those, NYC indie dudes...). But sequencing less an issue when you have...
Holly - Per the note way above, when I saw this song kicking ass on Spotify, I started laughing at my old self. Here are my initial notes, and I clearly know NADA, hilarious: "3 songs w cigs now, and too many Fs and fretboard runs…a nice tempo jump, but stemmed by the torchy conclusion…maybe add some more rhythm guitar to the mix...drums, meh"...listening here now for the Xth time, it sounds wonderful. Other than the drums and the ending, ha, I just can't help myself...
Final notes: To be clear, I have no issues with curse words, but their value diminishes with use and their use gets "explicitly" labeled and cut from radio versions, that's all.
Songs about relationships...finding other ways to express the emotions and frustrations and everything else in life is hard, but mining other artists attempts at reflecting on humanity will inspire new thought. I have my own faves, but the options of course are numerous...
Again, really good record, thank you again for letting me immerse and spew my nonsense, congratulations and good luck!
0 notes
izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures / Tri ~ x K@gerou Project / Mek@kucity @ctors “ DEAD and SEEK ” A.M.V ( PREVIEW / UNFINISHED ) [ music ( C ) Jin ] [ V O C A L O I D : I . A ] featuring implied DUO/SHIP/O.T.P.: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya] x Koushiro(u) [“Izzy”] Izumi also known as [Taishiro(u)] - Ken Ichijouji x Daisuke Motomiya [Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya in US] { as Kensuke / DaiKen } can also be read in ! with cameos from: Daisuke Motomiya & V-Mon; Ken Ichijouji / Digimon Kaiser { Implied } / Wormmon; Meiko Mochizuki; Hikari Yagami; Homeostasis { Briefly Implied }; & NOT!GENNAI { Tri } with brief footage / video clips from: Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna { Koushiro scenes }
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy]
Part of my Digimon Adventures AMVs series / Semi canon-Compliant or otherwise, AUs / spinoffs Ficverse series { TAISHIRO is the main pairing / duo } : REPEAT?_Verse; with links to more information here ! { Please read all links & information before reading the fic ! } { The A.M.V.s are made as an alternative means of storytelling ! }
... It’s A Timeloops Series. &
“ So WHY didn’t you include 02 from the start ANYWAY ? ”
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ] SONG LYRICS PREVIEW { for the future ! }:
... This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since THAT ACCIDENT we were PLUNGED INTO ALONE, now, I REALIZED that ; [ . . . ]
TODAY , I’ll ----
“ HEY . YOU’RE   up next .
Let’s SEE HOW     FAST   you   can     R U N . ”
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colemckenzies · 6 years
ok here's my mamma mia THOUGHTS (spoilers)
first of all I wanna set the scene this is the 8:20pm screening im tired and emotional already im wearing my utility shorts and manspreading in the centre of the front row and i cried at a mcdonalds advert during the previews
ok so i didn't know going in that donna is straight up DEAD in this film so that was quite a bombshell to drop right at the beginning
how did donna get valedictorian and also doubly so seeing as it seems to be a british university where that Isn't A Thing
i know everyone is hot for lily james and rightly so (my mum: 'i would') but im COMPLETELY in love with Alexa Davies who i realised afterwards is aretha in raised by wolves and utterly unrecognisable so like We Stan Acting
literally tho every scene w young rosie i Could Not Look Away she's so cute... honestly love her.
also incredibly hot and beautiful: the accordion player/pianist in the band 😍
young bill can 100% get it too that angel face
the whole 'why did it have to be me' scene was SO 100 ee moe jee
((one second I have to catch a moth and get it out of my bedroom))
ok he's outside
I got to learn new abba songs!! faves were why did it have to be me, angel eyes, and andente, andente
automatically better than the first film bc it had my second fav song from the musical (knowing me knowing you) but loses points for only being 1 verse/chorus and bc young sam is kinda ugly and boring TBH
STILL didn't have my number 1 fav under attack but they DID play the instrumental so that's fine i GUESS
the young dynamos and young bill were really well cast in terms of looking + acting similar to their older counterparts
young harry was hugh skinner and tbh that's the only way I can think of him so fine
sky is a boring character in the musical and i don't really care abt dominic cooper usual but there were moments in this film... boi
luv all the animals esp the cat goat and donkey
some really great diversity in the ensemble!
related but my mum was excited bc there was someone who looked exactly like her in the dancing queen scene (her all time favourite song also)
the dancing queen scene was BEAUT
gd I wish colin firth was my dad
Waterloo had one of the weakest set ups but the choreography made my heart happy
there was too much making out in this film and many many moments that made me very very sad abt being aro
the scenes w bill's twin brother and harry leaving the business meeting were. odd.
luv that sophie has collected a fourth dad
the Fernando reveal i SCREAMED
also laughed 2 loud at the establishing shot for Japan which had an advert for boruto + jjba
REALLY wish media would stop making me watch people giving birth but it was very emo and cute and religious conceptually so I'll let it slide
the christening scene my god. my god.
ok listen there was already a lot going on and obviously I was audibly sobbing abt the donna/sophie element so did we really need sky making soft loving faces at his child? which I have a known weakness for? we did not.
im so glad they Understood mamma mia is primarily abt sophie and donna's relationship
everyone was very hot in the credits sequence and those lil pyjama-y tops the young dynamos were wearing w the animals on 💞
harry is the most realistic reaction 2 meeting a younger version of yourself
of COURSE richard curtis was involved in this that emotionally manipulative bitch
the end credits scene kdjdhdh Omid.
ive probably forgotten a lot but it's 30 minutes until midnight and this film is A Lot emotionally so good night
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