imbadatusernames2 · 9 months
I was bored so I put Batfam into a random incorrect quote generator and I have never had this much fun
Duke, not yet familiar with the family lore: Duke: Live fast, die young, leave behind a pretty corpse! That’s what I always say! jason: You should say something else. Bruce to his friends (aka his children, exes and coworkers): bruce : I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Don't have to even say anything about this one: dick as a child: I can’t wait to grow up and have cool adventures! dick now: I can’t wait to go to bed.
Bruce- the first time father: dick: I just drank a lego piece. bruce : …what the hell?! You melted plastic and drank the liquid? dick: Yes. bruce : Why did you even melt a lego in the first place?! dick: Because it looked like chocolate! So I drank it! You know, like a chocolate shake?
Bruce- father of 10+ kids: duke: What do you want for breakfast? damian: I WISH TO DEVOUR THE UNBORN. bruce : bruce : They want eggs.
Classic Tim: tim: I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.
This one hurt: jason: Do you always have to attack me with your words? bruce : Would you prefer me to use a brick?
Tim would answer hazardous waste or something: the Squad cleaning up alfred: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. jason, to tim: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
This seems right: The gang's thoughts on stabbing bruce : Would never stab anyone. dick: Would stab someone in retaliation. tim: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. jason: Would stab without warning. damian: Would stab as a warning.
Tim gets flashbacks: duke: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! jason: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. duke: Oh… tim, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Jason the babysitter: tim: jason, I want a bedtime story! jason: I’m busy, tim. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. tim: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! jason: Once upon a time, there was a person named tim, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. tim: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Giving advice to the younger ones: jason: Any advice before bruce and I fight? dick: Don’t wet yourself in public. jason: Not the kind of advice I was looking for!
Two professionals speaking: damian: We need a plan to beat them. cass: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. damian: cass: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Stephanie- one of the Bruce's not kids: stephane : (Talking to Damian) Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Welcome to my abode. I'm glad you could join me. damian: But this is my abode. stephane : … stephane : Welcome to my abode, I'm so happy to have you, guest.
Ouch: bruce : You’re alive. damian: No need to sound so disappointed.
Little brothers, the sweetest of them all: cass: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? jason, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
The meta joke here: bruce: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
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missmeltycat · 1 year
The Old Taylor Family Lore
It was asked of me to write down the Taylor family lore. This plot has been around for a very long time. TI not being all that popular before last year meant that not much exists, but that has changed recently. I have been giving air to my old OCs and plot. Please enjoy.
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Gregory Taylor began as a simple antiques dealer. Julia met him after he had dealings with the Bridge family, a rich family, in particular her mother Maggie regarding some antique jewellery. The two saw each other in private and they decided to marry.
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Maggie Bridge (Mother of Julia), of course, was absolutely not enthused and recently widowed for the 5th time was the only parental figure Julia had in charge of her at the time. She forbid her from marrying Gregory, threatening to disinherit her. Women did not usually inherit, but Maggie had fought tooth and nail to maintain her fortune and had plans to pass it to Julia. Maggie did not want her daughter making the same mistake as she had back when she was young.
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Julia didn't listen and the two married. Julia was disinherited and Gregory and Julia were poor and took up residence in the small place above Gregory's shop. Julia took up work as a seamstress after putting her sewing skills taught by her governess to good use.
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Soon enough, Anne was born and Anne was raised with the values of nobility, despite being poor. She was not offered the same education, but held the same beliefs and moral standards. She became a seamstress when she reached age.
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Francis was born a year after Anne and he was pestered by his father to be the epitome of manliness. He was instilled with all the values of nobility, with the additional stress of having to live up to his father's expectations. By this point, Gregory had been dealing with shifty people and had begun to go away for long periods of time in search of treasures which he could sell for profit. Long story short, he became a pirate. As such, he used some of his ill gotten gain to hire a private tutor to teach him sword skills to use when he was out and about. He also demanded Francis learn.
Francis did as he was told, but would get criticized severely if he put a single toe out of line making him easily frustrated and yelled at even more. Eventually, this left him unable to express his emotions without fear of consequences.
Soon enough, Gregory was, unbeknownst to his family, plundering on the high seas and leaving the family alone for many months at a time. Francis joined the British army when he was of age and used his skills to his advantage. He rose through the ranks easily and was commissioned in London. Anne continued to work as a seamstress alongside her mother, until one day their father returned rich and the estate land was purchased. The estate was built and the family were now upper class. Little did they know the mansion was bought with blood money.
Anne and Julia no longer needed to work, but Gregory was still off on his trips leaving them alone. The family became powerful in the area, gaining a reputation quickly and Gregory bought more land, more property and the favour of local magistrates to turn blind eyes.
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His brother Alan had been along for the ride early on, but had split off after attaining wealth and investing it in properties abroad in the Caribbean. He also purchased a rum company that was already doing well and saved it from the brink of collapse. He settled and built his own home, as well as purchasing many properties and becoming a landlord, essentially. Gregory, however, continued to send some of his wealth back to England, maintaining the lifestyle of his family as he was out plundering. He would occasionally return, but he was more distant.
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Rae was born 6 years after Francis when they were wealthy. She was closer to Francis than to Anne and as very young children, they often played together. Adventuring outdoors and playing in the gardens of the estate.
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Rae never had to work a day in her life and her siblings came to resent her for it as they grew, though they would not admit to it. Gregory was neglectful of his family, stern with Anne, critical of Francis, but outright ignored Rae as much as he could. Rae was fascinated as she would watch her father train with his tutor with his sword and would often try to plead to join in. The standards still present, Gregory flat out refused because 'females' did not sword fight'. The tutor, however, took pity and would give her very rudimentary and basic lessons whenever Gregory had left.
Rae was given a very extensive schooling program, insisted upon by Maggie, and was raised as a proper lady. Tutored in languages, housekeeping skills, piano, violin, speech, posture, etc. This also included the strict moral standards and etiquette. Something Maggie, who had repaired her relationship with Julia now she was rich of her own means, was insistent on. She deemed Julia marrying Greg as part of her own failure and latched onto Rae as a matriarch of her upbringing, often undermining Julia.
As Rae grew up, while having a very healthy relationship with her mother despite the gender rules imposed on her and her mother's obsession with hosting balls and parties to cope with her boredom, Rae learned to self-soothe by reading. She preferred the company of a book to that of other people and would often hide in the gardens of the estate to pass the time. Something her mother and grandmother would chide her for. She would also walk alone, something women of the time would shock people with due to standards, and would take walks through the moorlands and countryside, sometimes getting muddy or torn dresses.
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Anne soon married a Composor called Martine Fitzwilliam, a French gentleman who had moved over with his family from the continent. The two had a son called Benjamin.
Soon enough, the family was hit with the news that Gregory was missing. He had gone searching for a treasure and had been in touch with his brother Alan in the Caribbean to help him coordinate his mission. Alan had sent a letter to Julia in the hopes that she had heard from him, as he had gone oddly quiet. Alan would have mounted his own search, but he was suffering from his failing health. He had sent out some men, but they had returned with no news.
The Taylor family, Francis off on his commission, was left with only women. Anne was already married to a composer called Martine Fitzwilliam and had a young son and Martine was absolutely unwilling to spend any of his own money to mount a search. Julia, while she had friends, was not able to rouse any assistance. Maggie did not care enough about Gregory to even lift a finger. Rae then decided that it was up to her to try to do something. She went to the local magistrates who were firmly in her father's pocket, but they were unphased believing that he was just off on his latest venture and would return and that they were making a meal out of nothing. So, Rae took it upon herself to find out more about what her father was going after. That was when she heard that he had decided to go after the semi-mythical treasure of Captain Barnaby. The treasure was well-known to children, as it was a tale told to them before their bedtimes all around the country. It had gained an almost legendary status, but hardly anyone believed it existed. Her father, obviously, seemed confident enough to mount a search for it. Rae read up about it as much as she could and then put out feelers for any ships headed for the general area that the clues for the treasure were to be found. It was then, as if by some holy coincidence, she heard of a vessel that had been commissioned in Bristol harbour headed for that very same treasure. The HMS Virtue. Commissioned by one Squire J. Trelawney and Captained by a Captain A. Smollett.
It was going to be risky, but she knew she had no choice. She and her family needed answers and she would get them by hell or high water. She traveled in secret to Bristol by persuading the families carriage driver to take her in the dead of night so no one would find out. When she arrived she bought a set of clothes befitting a deckhand and disguised herself as best as she could. She fashioned a makeshift mustache with the materials she had on hand. Sadly, those happened to be broom bristles and wig hairs she had gathered from people as she walked past them. This disguise was terrible to say the least, but the people she was dealing with seemed non the wiser... She signed onto the roster and went to find her father by working as a deckhand.
Treasure Island © Robert Louis Stevenson RTTI © Yuri Alikov, David Cherkassky, Kievnaukfilm The Taylor Family, lore, characters, designs, art etc © Me 1988-Present Please do not copy. This is an old established plot and established characters.
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Another Dance With Death [ Paper'd Lore Drabbles ]
{ Characters : Paper'd (sona), Reaper Sans }
" well, well!! we meet again, Death! how are you at this lovely purgatory? "
Reaper looked at the hybrid with a straight glare. He holds his scythe tight.
He slowly approaches the wandering soul.
" indeed, we meet again, Paper.. " he said with a melancholic smile. " and i'm doing dreadfully well. what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? "
" funny story, actually!! what's my life count? "
" 345. "
" sweet, dearly five! okay so... "
| ====== |
He listened to the soul's story about how she was hunted after Nightmare's gang members after pissing Killer off. There were quite the funny bits where he chuckled.
Still, there is one question that lingers in his lonely soul. A question she and he have had long talks long ago.
A question long overdue.
" and then, boop! i'm here now, with you! " they said as she finally took some gasps of air. They never really stopped once they started telling her story.
" hmm, what a adventure, isn't it? " he hummed in thought. " so far, the 47th best! " Paper smiled. She then stood up and spoke, " welp, it was fun! now off to a new life! " She turned around and summoned her soul, a pale magenta soul and inspected it.
" no cracks, no scratches- oh, a small scab here. probably from a few lives before, heheh! " she giggled.
Finally, they wavered her soul back into their chest and summoned a SAVE Point this time, its color representing her soul the same. " see you then, Re— "
" how long to you plan to do this? "
" ... eh? "
Reaper got up from his place and flew towards her, his cold hand resting on her shoulder.
" Paper, you know it's getting... repetitive. You'll get bored of it, don't you think? why not come with me this time, you can finally rest. "
Paper sighed and looked away from him. " and you know that i rather not talk about this? " Reaper can only look at the girl with a somber look on his face. " it's been long enough, dear soul. " He nudged her shoulder, only for it to be shoved away.
" i don't want to! " They yelled. " Paper, please- " " no, i'm NOT listening!! "
" just calm do- "
" I'm- I'm not- just PLEASE DEATH! i'm not ready! " She screamed at him, their hand away from the SAVE Point.
Tears started welling up in her eyes.
" i... i'm not ready. not yet. i just... don't want to go yet.. " They sobbed. And she laughed. " hehahah, i didn't expect this way to go now.. "
Her pained laughter pained him the same.
" ... i'm done. " She says but they both know she does not mean she's done with life.
She's done with the conversation.
A red spark flashed his empty eye sockets. And she was gone. Reaper can only sigh.
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squipy-shippy · 2 years
I decided I should probably make a post talking about my s/I and the lore I have for my F/O's so far lol so yeah here is that if you wanna ask questions go ahead lol also yeah I'm using picrew because I can't draw worth shit
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Name: morgan
Age: 20
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender: agender
Personality: shy, creative,excitable, distant,push over,kind, relaxed
Likes: arcades,music, adventure,
Dislikes: thunder,yelling, crying babies
More info: Morgan had always been interested in the Freddy Fazbear franchise learning about its past along with its rumors. When she learned that after years of dormancy the only thing being given is a VR video game she decided to try to get a job despite her timid nature. Luckily to her surprise she Landed a job as an arcade attendant. She'd help give out prizes,fix the machines if they broke down all that fun stuff. Along with this she also sometimes does face painting if requested to. One night Morgan had forgotten her phone after work so went to grab it before the doors closed however that's when she had met Roxanne. They had of course interacted during work hours but Morgan had no idea exactly how alive these animatronics could be. Roxanne and Morgan really got along with Morgan's shy relaxed low self esteem nature and Roxanne's outgoing energetic egotistical nature it was kinda surprising how these two became so close but you know what they say opposites attract! And attract it did after a month or so of Morgan sneaking in after hours to hang out with Roxanne Morgan learned that these animatronics can develop crushes and was given a thing of roses and a go kart date. Ever since Morgan has become Roxanne's number one fan and Roxanne hopes one day Morgan will get brave enough to perform with her.
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Name: ocean
Age: 20
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender: gender queer
Personality: soft spoken,fast moving, creative, Caring,puts others before herself, stubborn,good listener
Likes: baking, learning,bugs,puns,cuddles
Dislikes: heights, thunder, yelling, bullying
More info: Ocean was a soft collage student who lived by mt ebbot it had been rumoured that those who climb the mountain don't really return. However ocean had always been interested in the mountains and the rumors of it so when her "friends" said they were going to go climb it she was more than happy to oblige. What ocean didn't know is that her friends had a different idea and after getting to the top before she knew it ocean was falling one of her "friends" had pushed her off. Ocean thought this was the end but was pleasantly surprised when sge heard the soft voice of a very beautiful.....goat??? Toriel guided her through the ruins and offered her a place to stay and rest. Ocean had never been given so much kindness and didn't really have a reason to return to the surface so she simply stayed with toriel in the ruins. However as with most humans Ocean wanted to see more of the underground and hopefully get toriel more out of her comfort zone. After a long conversation toriel did eventually agree to leave the ruins and meet more monsters however toriel was too nervous for Ocean to meet asgore so they did not meet till much later... However she did learn why and felt horrible for toriel so she spent her days making toriel life worth doing things...this caused the two to eventually develop feelings and now spend their days together in the underground.
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Name: oddity
Age: 19
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender: non binary
Personality: awkward,kind, positive,push over, stubborn,scary cat, sees the good in everyone
Likes: music, learning, adventure, writing, reading
Dislikes; yelling,being tricked,thunder,
More info: oddity is a senior at eqistria high she had only heard of the rumors of the school as by the time she had started attending the school the damage had already been done...or so she thought the Dazzlings had returned for another chance at the school.. that's when her ana adagio locked eyes for the first time. And well they didn't start out the best adagio saw oddity as just another person to control but oddity wasn't about to fall for her spell ...maybe it was due to the earphones she always has on or maybe it was pure spite but no matter the reason oddity wasn't falling under adagios magic. This made Adagio kinda obsessed with the human abandoning her original plan for this one human. Over time however something odd happened... adagio started to actually like oddity a lot actually... she'd never met someone who was kind to her or made her laugh without any use of magic this led to the two developing a relationship and oddity joining the band despite her not being a siren and adagio becoming this sort of anti hero.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures / Tri ~ x K@gerou Project / Mek@kucity @ctors “ DEAD and SEEK ” A.M.V ( PREVIEW / UNFINISHED ) [ music ( C ) Jin ] [ V O C A L O I D : I . A ] featuring implied DUO/SHIP/O.T.P.: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya] x Koushiro(u) [“Izzy”] Izumi also known as [Taishiro(u)] - Ken Ichijouji x Daisuke Motomiya [Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya in US] { as Kensuke / DaiKen } can also be read in ! with cameos from: Daisuke Motomiya & V-Mon; Ken Ichijouji / Digimon Kaiser { Implied } / Wormmon; Meiko Mochizuki; Hikari Yagami; Homeostasis { Briefly Implied }; & NOT!GENNAI { Tri } with brief footage / video clips from: Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna { Koushiro scenes }
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy]
Part of my Digimon Adventures AMVs series / Semi canon-Compliant or otherwise, AUs / spinoffs Ficverse series { TAISHIRO is the main pairing / duo } : REPEAT?_Verse; with links to more information here ! { Please read all links & information before reading the fic ! } { The A.M.V.s are made as an alternative means of storytelling ! }
... It’s A Timeloops Series. &
“ So WHY didn’t you include 02 from the start ANYWAY ? ”
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[ Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ] SONG LYRICS PREVIEW { for the future ! }:
... This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since THAT ACCIDENT we were PLUNGED INTO ALONE, now, I REALIZED that ; [ . . . ]
TODAY , I’ll ----
“ HEY . YOU’RE   up next .
Let’s SEE HOW     FAST   you   can     R U N . ”
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apompkwrites · 3 years
reader impact || first meeting: archon edition
series masterlist characters: venti, zhongli genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i still don't know if this will be a series but last post would've been too long if i had all four in one
venti's playthrough -
hoo boy, venti's streams would be VERY chaotic.
this boy has nothing to tie him down except for his own mortality, but will that stop him? no.
lots of late night or early morning streams because his sleep schedule is practically nonexistent.
he does a lot of singing or storytelling streams, which is why the time is perfect.
he'll sing lullabies and read bedtime stories at night. in the morning, he'll sing soft songs to wake up his viewers and talk about the rare dreams he'd have once he passes out.
he'll also have drinking streams where he just drinks as much as he can. he's a drunkard, what can i say?
anyway, gaming is something he isn't opposed to, but mainly ones with music or just pure crackhead energy.
when his viewers suggest genshin impact, he'd be somewhat hesitant?
he needs games that are chaotic and filled with energy to keep his attention.
his mods and viewers, however, are able to convince him because of a certain drunken character.
as soon as he sees the non-spoiled description of your character, he's off to download.
he actually enjoys a lot of the adventure aspects of the game, even if he's known as a lazy streamer.
anyway, his viewers definitely should have warned him about your appearance.
they never told him you were such a cute character!
"don't be afraid. it's alright now, i'm back."
he shrieked when you started talking.
he gets sad when his character sets off dvalin...
you disappear and your dragon friend flies off... now venti's just sad he might've made you upset.
he's pouting the whole way through mondstadt, thinking of ways to make it up to you.
he doesn't care if you're a video game character, he loves you nonetheless.
and once dvalin shows up in mondstadt, he's genuinely excited. he knows your bound to appear again because your friend is here.
when you help venti fly behind dvalin, his chat is teasing him because of the grin on his face.
he's so soft for you, man...
he will spend hours just ranting about you when he's going through the domains with the standard characters.
when he finds the other statues in mondstadt, he likes to climb up it to admire your archon design.
even though he's known you for a few minutes, he will automatically recognize your face in the game.
he knows it's annoying but he can't help but ask his chat if he'll get to see you again soon. he really doesn't want to spend hours without hearing you and seeing you in game.
he likes to yell at paimon whenever she makes fun of you
he shrieks again when he sees you running past the fountain.
he almost cries when he sees you playing your lyre for the first time.
you're perfect in his eyes and all he wants is to spend every minute of this game with you.
although, he did have to take a break the first time he saw your archon form illustrated.
you just... look like an angel and his body can't handle that.
he loves listening to your tales. like the battle pass story that occurs every time it renews, he never skips it. soon, he'll memorize it and recite it with you once it appears.
"oh! i remember you two. you both scared dvalin away!"
please forgive him. he knows you won't because the game doesn't require it, but he decides to always call stormterror dvalin to make up for it.
"ah, right! i haven't introduced myself... i'm (name) the bard!"
please this boy is so smitten for a video game character.
when you're revealed to be the archon, he's not too surprised? i mean, he already recognized you from the statue.
he is so excited to steal the lyre for you.
it takes him a bit, though, just because he has a bad attention span and ends up revealing his location.
he's even more excited to learn you're a regular at diluc's tavern.
he would do anything to drink with you.
he'll reluctantly end the game there just because it's time for his bedtime songs/stories.
"i'll be back tomorrow, (name), my love! i promise!"
zhongli's playthrough -
zhongli's a really good streamer even when he doesn't try to be.
he is basically the king of just chatting streams.
daily tea times and storytime streams are a go!
his voice is what lures them in and his charm is what traps them there.
he's still poor, though...
he relies on the donations from his viewers but he always expresses his gratitude.
man's respectful, what can i say?
anyway, he does play games every now and then. he doesn't tend to enjoy fighting games though.
although, he's rather good at them... for some reason.
his gaming streams tend to be a lot longer because he picks games with an overarching story.
i'm talking long games like night in the woods, detroit: become human, really any long game with deep meanings and stories.
his viewers will pay for him to just sit there and read to them.
anyway, someone donates to him and recommends he play genshin impact because of the long story and hidden lore.
he definitely enjoyed the beginning of the story, but got even more attached once he reached liyue.
he seems very intrigued when he begins the quest by watching liyue's archon fall dead on the ground.
he would definitely go on a long rant about gods and goddesses that have fallen.
when he meets childe, he does take a liking to him.
now, this man is known for being stoic and serious, so it comes as a surprise when he almost loses his composure when you appear.
keyword being almost.
he manages to stay composed but his chat knows for a fact he's freaking out over you.
your fancy suit/dress reminds him of the anthropological tales of gods/goddesses and kings/queens.
let this man drink tea with you please--
"it is an honor to meet you. i have heard tell of you from mondstadt."
"... they have quite the pleasant voice."
his chat is going wild at this point.
they get to listen to two heavenly voices talk to each other at the same time?! it's a dream come true!
another man that will let your long lines of dialogue play, listening intently to the stories you tell his character.
he actually really likes the image of his character talking to you.
he's so short compared to you--
he also really likes your animation when you're standing still.
not your idle animations, even though those are really nice as well. i'm talking about the movement of your clothes when your character is standing there. it's just so... soothing to him.
the gradient of your hair color to your elemental gnosis is also a nice detail to him. he likes how there are subtle ways archons look compared to normal citizens in teyvat.
when he finds out you are also a person who struggles with money... oh boy, this man cannot relate more.
you both can be broke together.
he will look to his chat for help every time a bargaining option occurs.
similar to venti, he'd be able to tell you were an archon automatically, mainly because of the way you carry yourself and your design.
when you give away your gnosis, he was really interested in the fact that you were so dedicated to your title of the archon of contracts that you would just willingly give your gnosis away.
when he meets the adepti, his chat jokingly says that the yaksha is yours and his adopted child.
"... i would not be opposed to that idea."
all of the artists and writers in his chat are dying at this point.
he'd look up all of the lore, especially ones involving you, and use them for his storytime streams.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo - how y/n made friends with everyone
this is an extra to the great adventures series
requested: yes/no
warnings: cursing
you were actually friends with tommy when he was streaming to a few viewers, and you even watched as his channel grew. eventually he asked you to mod for him, as he knew he could trust you and because had experience being a twitch mod. he was also the reason you began streaming. as for how you met, you were in the same classes as him in highschool, and since you were the ‘quiet’ person in the class, they sat tommy next to you. honestly, you hated him when you first met him and the feeling was mutual. you didn’t want to sit next to the rather loud teenager and he had no one to talk to anymore as his friends were on the other side of the room.
“do you ever talk?”
“i said do you ever talk...do you always do that”
“do what”
“that fucking HeH.”
“are you mocking me simons?”
“noooo why would i do that...”
“it’s y/n.”
“right, yeah, yeah, i totally knew that.”
“great now please leave me alone i’m trying to work.”
“the fuck did you just say?”
it was that moment tommy decided he was going to make you just like him, and a few years later that’s exactly what he did. by year 11 you and tommy had grown extremely close. the last day of school arrived a lot earlier than expected, everyone was extremely stressed, no one knew what to expect or what was going to happen. you found yourself hanging around with tommy a lot more as you had no idea if you would both be going to the same college, in september you received a text message that made your night:
tommy: college sent out emails telling you if you were accepted go check
*2 minutes later*
tommy: well?
y/n: i got accepted
tommy: me too
y/n: call me right now
tommy: i’m about to stream..have you ever considered streaming?
y/n: absolutely not
tommy: make an account and stream after me i’ll raid you..make me mod you know how people can be
once college started up, you were slightly nervous the two of you would drift away from each other. however this was far from the case, although you both did different subjects and he was only in on wednesdays, the pair of you would hang out together a lot more. he would be in your streams and vice versa, you would either be in his tiktoks, or you would be the one filming them.
“y/n make a tiktok we can be mutuals.”
“please god no.”
you spent so much time at his house either talking about random things, playing whatever game you could find, or streaming. he dragged you to every meet up he went on, allowing you to meet people such as niki, phil, and, wilbur. you didn’t know this, but he would constantly bring you up in conversations with dream, which eventually lead to you joining the smp in october where you would later be able to meet the likes of jack, technoblade and jschlatt. the only person you didn’t seem to see on the server was his other friend tubbo.
you had become friends with scott after being his first twitch mod and when he noticed you started streaming, he was extremely supportive, always raiding your stream once he ended his. today you found yourself bickering with scott because he wouldn’t let you in mcc despite the fact you were ‘the best minecraft player.’
“y/n, i watched you die in minecraft 7 times last night within 5 minutes.”
“oh i’m sorry mr perfect, let me in mcc.”
“fine i’ll make my own.”
and that’s exactly what you did..well you tried your best.
you started your stream as soon as scott ended and had him call you on discord after explaining to your chat what you were about to do.
“scott final chance let me in mcc, i’ll settle for access to the practice server.”
“absolutely not!”
“fuck you, ill be in it one day!”
you left the call telling chat you didn’t need that negative energy in your life.
you really have scott to thank for you making friends with ranboo, scott made a tweet explaining what you were doing on stream which caught ranboos eye.
Smajor1995: after not making it into mcc again my good friend @y/n has decided to take it upon themselves to make their own on stream!! ill also be in the stream (if they answer my calls) *twitch link*
ranboo joined your stream and was instantly met with you yelling at scott (again) to let you in mcc.
“i will ban you from mcc!”
“you don’t have the nerve... so he left the call this is bullshit watch me land this water bucket clutch down this ravine so we can find axolotls and build an army.”
*you died*
you pulled your hood over your face before sinking down your chair taking a deep breath.
you calmly got back up and looked into your camera.
“i was so close, so very close.. HEY CHAT SCOTT SENT ME A LINK TO THE SERVER!”
a few minutes later you were able to get onto the server, only to be kicked less than a minute later. the reason you were banned being ‘i watched you fail the water bucket clutch down a ravine.’
you continued your build on your server and just spent the rest of the stream talking about anything that crossed your mind, that was until you decided to copy ace race. once finished, you looked into your camera and pulled your microphone closer to you.
“so this is race ace, so scott doesn’t sue me, and basically it’s going to be this course, but i’m going to change a random section practice it every day, not tell anyone it changed. of course i’m going to tell my team we have to win, oh fuck i forgot scott was watching my stream..it’s okay he didn’t hear me he’s too busy planning how he can rig the next mcc.”
ranboo found himself enjoying your content and even noticed you in his chat multiple times.
“just a minute chat i’m just sending an important dm to my mods.”
that’s when you noticed chat paused for a minute after you sent a message, it confused you for a minute before realising ranboo made you a vip on his channel and you decided to do the same for him on your channel, from there you added each other on discord. the pair of you made friends extremely quickly, you were constantly part of his streams as you would call him on discord not realising that he was streaming.
“hi y/n, by the way i’m streaming”
“i just wanted to ask if you knew how to break into a house?”
“i locked myself out by accident and my parents are asleep come help me.”
“you are in the uk.”
“okay? catch a flight.”
chat honestly loved you and your friendship with ranboo. the pair of you only met a few weeks ago and you were already acting as though you had known each other for years.
you and jack met for the first time on the smp, which would have been fine, however you met during lore and your characters weren’t exactly the best of friends. once lore had ended, everyone said their goodbyes and left the call. a few moments later you received a discord message from jack asking if you were available to call any time soon. since you were back in lockdown, you had plenty of free time. you arranged a time and date a few days later you called jack, where you had your first proper interaction out of character.
“hello jack!!”
“oh hi y/n i just thought it may be a good idea to get to know each other, well you know considering we’re both on the dream smp.”
“yeah, yeah, i understand what you mean.”
the pair of you ended up getting along with each other, it was slightly awkward for the first 5 minutes of the call, but that was expected since you hadn’t really met jack before and were anxious to call him. however, after that the conversation started to flow and you found out the pair of you had a lot in common making it easy to come up with things to talk about. it ended up feeling as though you were catching up with a friend you hadn’t spoken to for a while.
“has anyone told you your accent is really strong.”
“so is yours, y/n, what the fuck is that supposed to mean.”
“it means your accent is strong, duh.”
jack asked if you’d like to stay in call and join him on the smp whilst he streamed, and you gladly accepted the offer as you really didn’t want to do your college work, and you were enjoying your time with him. a few minutes into the stream jack had killed you several times.
rather than answering you he just sat laughing. he then went on to attempt to mute him microphone, he failed. however he didn’t realise this, so you sat listening to his plan on how he was going to kill you again. this time you were prepared, you sent a message to tommy telling him to log on along with your location. few minutes later tommy was by your side and helped you kill jack several times for revenge.
“you didn’t mute your mic, so i told tommy you were bullying me.”
“im gonna go...BYE JACK, BYE Y/N, ILL SEE YOU SOON!”
“i can’t believe you.”
“hey you’re the one who didn’t turn your mic off.”
“how did you know?”
“i had your stream on my other monitor.”
“ayeee you watch my streams?”
“...i’ve been a sub for 4 months.”
the two of you stayed chatting and playing for another hour. the pair of you were already so close and you had only met each other the other day. this was just the start of your friendship, soon enough you were in a laugh and the stream ends challenge on his stream, however due to lockdown rules this was done over discord leading to you accidentally leaving the call several times.
“and they’re gone again!”
*4 minutes later*
“stop leaving y/n!”
“oh i’m sorry, let me just go yell at my wifi to stop cutting out!”
a few seconds later you could be heard faintly in the background screaming at your wifi as it would continue to buffer. as soon as restrictions were over one of the first things you decided to do was go to jacks and stream a laugh you lose where there was a punishment if you were responsible for losing the last heart. however everything was apparently hilarious in person as you would constantly laugh, meaning you were responsible for losing the last heart.
“y/n give me your phone.”
“you lost let me tweet from your account”
soon enough your fans and friends with your notifications on received this twitter notification
“y/n: jack is so cool and funny he is also really tall i am not”
tubbo was actually the last person you met and made friends with, your community were convinced for some reason that you both didn’t like each other and that’s why the pair of you didn’t talk to each other. this was far from the case you were both waiting for the right time, tubbo was an extremely busy teenager and you didn’t want to interrupt him, and tubbo knew you were currently in a stressful position since you had recently joined the dream smp, also you were still meeting people so he didn’t want to stress you out. this doesn’t mean he didn’t want to be your friend, he actually asked tommy since he had been your friend for at least 4 years what would be the best way of getting to know you.
“mate they hated me when we first met, just talk to them or something. you could have met them the last time i went up to visit you, but they ended up not feeling too good and went back to the hotel room.”
“when are you next coming up?”
“how about next week, and i’ll bring y/n, i really don’t understand why you’re nervous tubbo, it’s y/n they wouldn’t hurt a fly..well hmm.”
“see you next week then!”
a week later tommy dragged you to the train station.
“uh tommy where are we going?”
“...on a train.”
“no way, really? oh my god!”
a few hours later you finally got off the train.
“ill go with my dad to check into the hotel room, do you want to come with us or?”
“i think i’ll go for a walk and stretch my legs.”
“right okay, meet you at the beach later”
you spent a few minutes walking around the beach picking up any rocks and shells that caught your eye, little did you know it would result in you meeting tubbo. once you finished putting your new collection in your pockets you noticed a small crowd of people walk up to someone asking for pictures assuming it was tommy you walked over to the boy, it wasn’t tommy it was in fact tubbo. at first you stayed silent not wanting to really cause attention to yourself. you only spoke up when some people started to make inappropriate comments towards him.
“oh sorry to be a pain guys me and tubbo have plans with tommy in a few minutes, we should go so we’re not late. bye guys.”
you smiled and waved as they walked away. you looked over to tubbo, you could tell he was still pretty anxious about what just happened and honestly if you was in his position, you would react the same way.
“we should probably move from here incase they come back and see you’re still here, are you okay?”
“im feeling better now it’s over..thank you”
“oh it’s no problem i’m, y/n btw.”
“wait you and tommy were still meant to be on the train.”
“the train was actually on time, tommy went to check into the hotel i wanted to stretch my legs, i also wanted to collect some rocks.”
“did you collect enough or did you want more?”
“im not going to say no if you wanna go collect some with me.”
the pair of you walked around keeping each other close incase the people from before returned. half an hour later, the pair of you sat on a bench close to the beach so you could show tubbo everything you decided to pick up, he ended up keeping a rock he liked to have as a memory. tubbo wrapped an arm around you as it was getting cold whilst you watched the sunset.
“tubbo i think tommy forgot about me.”
“you can spend the night at mine, i’ll send him a message to let him know.”
“are you sure?”
“of course!”
“this has to be the most unsafe thing either of us will ever do, we hardly know each other and now i’m staying at yours.”
tommy sent you a message explaining that he didn’t forget, there was a problem at the other hotel and they had to go find another one, but you’ll be fine to stay at tubbos for the night. the pair of you spent the entire night learning as much as you can about the other person. it had only been an evening but you already knew the pair of you would be great friends.
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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shadowqueen1220 · 3 years
Analysis on C! Tubbo's Emotional State
Disclaimer: I am in no means a professional and I am heavily basing this off of my own experiences and general observations. (Please let me know if my wording is bad)
This is all about the roleplay characters if it wasn't clear
Warning: self harm, self sacrifice, self destructive behavior and talk of mental health and canon typical violence
Tubbo has always been a self sacrificial character. He always helps his friends at the expense of his own safety (ie disc war and L'manburg). He is a bit of an overachiever and that has gotten worse when combined with tendencies of paranoia. (all og members of L'manburg have paranoia issues, stemming from the final control room)
After the Independance War, Tubbo was involved with the elections. He made a secret bunker, saying "hope for the best plan for the worse" in case the electrons went wrong. He was proven right and then had to endure a harsh dictatorship.
Spy Tubbo was constantly under stress. He not only was secretly slipping information to Pogtopia but had his role of Security of State as well. At the Elections, Schlatt verbally abused Tubbo and scared him into following his orders. Most of the things Schlatt had told Tubbo to have shaped him into the Tubbo that internalizes and represses all his emotions. (ie don't complain, don't cry, don't talk back, agree with everything I say). Tubbo, who already naturally liked to help his friends, was forced to become a yes man in order to stay safe.
The Festival was a disaster and a huge blow to Tubbo's self esteem. The famous line here is "Wilbur said he wasn't going to hurt me" and Tubbo wholeheartedly believed that he could trust Wilbur, his former president and older brother figure. However, all he got was the fact that he was now expendable to Wilbur. His death was brushed aside and it seemed like the only person who cared was Tommy. Even Tubbo quickly became desensitized to the fact that his own pain did not matter in the chaos of the situation.
His life becomes even more chaotic when he is thrust into the role of President and his self sacrificing nature kicked in when no one else would take the presidency. And then in the first 10 minutes into his presidency, he is shot and his nation is blown up.
Tubbo takes this all in stride, repressing everything in order to rebuilt but his cabinet does not listen to him and constantly talks over him. When his vice president and best friend gets into trouble, Tubbo learns that he must be louder in order to be heard.
Tubbo felt betrayed by Tommy's actions during the exile negotiations. He felt as if Tommy didn't respect his power and the pressure of living up to President Wilbur, the threat of becoming like President Schlatt and the expectations of the entire nation all depended on him.
Tubbo once again choose sacrifice but this time, he was not only sacrificing himself but harmed Tommy in his decision as well. Immediately Tubbo regretted his decision and regressed into his yes man habits to cope with the situation.
From here on out, this may be a bit of a stretch but I love putting lore goggles on to every scene for analysis purposes and with a character like Tubbo who is rarely played, we can get some character depth from seemingly "silly" bits.
Tubbo after exiling Tommy shifted from being self sacrificial to self destructive. Both presidents before him had died and the odds were not looking good for Tubbo, already he had made an awful decision that he immediately regretted. Yet he couldn't reverse it and didn't feel worthy enough to see Tommy.
Tubbo never built himself a home in L'manburg. No stuff, no place to sleep, no roots. He told Ranboo that the presidency was all his when the elections came around. He didn't want to be president anymore. He's worryingly self depreciating.
I don't quite remember the timing of this stream but Tubbo and Ranboo once went nether exploring. Ranboo panicked as Tubbo was extremely reckless during this adventure, jumping into lava without fire res, speed bridging with few blocks and jumping off of tall places without checking his health. In addition, Tubbo went through a series of projects as a President, always doing something new and often involving things that could hurt him (ie Ravenger teleportation, tnt jumping). We can see Tubbo become subtly self destructive during this time.
(sidenote: tubbo has a habit to jump off of high things and expecting the person at the bottom to water bucket. Tommy usually is the person to "catch him" and I find it interesting that they both had self destructive tendencies while the other was gone. I'll come back to this point soon)
We never get Tubbo's opinion on the Butcher Army. He heavily opposed the idea at the beginning of the presidency but agreed to take part in it despite Techno killing him being a traumatizing event.
And then Logsteadshire. The guilt of exiling his best friend and being the cause to his death is too much for his mind to handle and he passes out. We never learn how Tubbo got back to L'manburg and the next time we see him, he is back to throwing himself into project after project.
The next time we really see Tubbo is when Tommy and Technoblade take Connor hostage. Ranboo says that Tubbo is just staring at a grass block and when Tommy appears, Tubbo is severely shaken. He is glad that his best friend is alive and upset that he's teamed with his murder but has to all shove it aside to fulfill his role as president. Tubbo takes Tommy yelling at him and Techno's accusations with no protest and once again, represses everything to move on.
Already the Green Festival reminded Tubbo of familiar events but at this time he was in control or so he thought. He had already failed an execution so he was determined to make this word so L'manburg could be safer. He had failed Tommy so he might as well try to make the server a better place by killing Dream. Yet Tubbo had doubts about it.
Dream was manipulating Tubbo during his entire presidency. Tubbo truly believed that Dream was his friend and thought that Dream supported him as a president. His self esteem was so low that he searched for validation anywhere (ie "rate my kidnapping", "phil tell me I'm doing good pls") and Dream willingly gave him companionship.
But then Dream started screaming at him and calling him and awful president, Tubbo agreed with Dream. Tubbo saw himself as weak and stupid and no one came to his defense so it had to be true.
His fight with Tommy was very impactful and led Tubbo to believe that the discs mattered more than him but we'll get back to that soon. Most of the things said during this fight were forgiven by both parties so I hope it doesn't affect him much.
Sidenote: when Quackity suggests to execute Ranboo, Tubbo chooses forgiveness for Ranboo having been in that position before and snaps at Quackity. Here we get a glimpse of Tubbo's inner emotions and we can see clearly that the events of the festival have hurt him.
Doomsday is further proof to Tubbo that he is the worst President that L'manburg had. He stares at the destruction in mute disbelief and even throws himself into tnt and in front of a firework for Tommy. By the end of the experience, Tubbo is so drained that he has given up on government, the fight beaten out of him and he lets L'manburg go, thinking it was his fault it fell.
Tubbo has suffered the most from government yet strives to make a community. Snowchester was supposed to be his healing. However, Tubbo's paranoia from all the violence and the lessons that he has learned from the others, caused him to built a way to defend himself. He doesn't even make a bed for himself in his new house.
Then his life gets shaken up by the Disc War Finale. He refuses to talk about his feelings on the odds, accepts defeat instantly as they were "doomed from the beginning" and doesn't seem to mind the fact that he might die.
In fact, he says "It was about time anyway"
Tubbo thinks he is living on borrowed time. All of the presidents before him are dead and he is in a seemingly impossible situation. Death seems to be the only option and he has accepted it before hand so he is fine with it. Even Tommy seems shaken by this as Tubbo was so positive about the situation before. But Tubbo had been hiding that all for Tommy's sake as he is very self sacrificial.
When everything seems to return to "normal" Tubbo tests his nukes and later tells Ranboo that be had expected everything to go horribly wrong. He is trying to heal and does a decent job at it, starting a family and building Snowchester.
But then he gets the memo that Tommy has been trapped in prison with Dream. He checks out the prison, being a inconvenience to the guards and is hardly fazed when Sam threatens to kill him. He leaves feeling disappointed that he cannot help but that is what it is and Tubbo thinks that Tommy is the strongest person he knows.
So that's why Tommy can't be dead. Tubbo denies Sam's words and when they finally register, begins an investigation to find out who's to blame. He becomes self destructive again, wearing Dream's armor and building a familiar panic room to research the crime.
He is once again extremely reckless when investigating. With Ranboo's help, they go and investigate the egg and Tubbo shows his lack of care for his own safety. He tries to break open the egg, challenges Bad and Ant to a pvp and suggests to continue investigating. But at this point, Ranboo has noticed this recklessness and gently reminds Tubbo of Michael.
From this point, Tubbo seems to be healing again. And then to make things better, Tommy is back and they are going to kill Dream but that's okay because it hasn't really settled yet. Tubbo is once again shaken by Tommy's return and follows him in silence to make sure he is really there. He is so worried about Tommy, he reaches out to MIA Ghostbur to help him.
Tubbo is still self destructive but less so after this. He still jumps off high places but does so more out of trust. He finally gets a bed in Snowchester and things seem to be looking up.
But then Tommy's words about Dream settle in. Dying is no longer permanent and Tubbo has things he wants to protect. To do this he recommissions the nukes but is panicked when one is stolen.
We have no idea where it is going to go from here, but I can already see some problems with Tubbo's increasing paranoia.
In addition, the details about the nukes and their suicide button and Tubbo's willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good does not bode well.
Overall, Tubbo is a complex character and I greatly enjoy how he is played.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you have any comments!
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luvrspetal · 3 years
♡ Pairing: Diluc Ragnvindr x gn!Reader ♡ Genre: a smidge of angst but overall fluff ♡ Warnings: diluc lore spoilers, mentions of death ♡ A/N: my first fanfic! very excited about how it will go. constructive feedback is appreciated. anyways diluc come home.
♡ ♡ ♡
Diluc thought he only had one reason to live.
After his father had left him, he was reduced to an empty knight, devoid of all positive feelings — protecting Mondstadt being his only will to live.
At least that’s what he had thought before you strolled back into his life.
You were a memory he had forgotten, but one that filled his thoughts with such vibrancy and color as he recollected it. You had moved away long before his father’s death, and you still remembered his crying face as you sobbed in each other’s embrace. Diluc didn’t want you to leave his side, and neither did you.
After holding each other for a moment more, he finally let you go with a tearful gaze. You wiped your overflowing tears, promising that you’d come back one day.
Now much older, you walk into the gates of Mondstadt with an exuberating smile.
In your eyes, it had been forever since you gazed at the City of Freedom face-to-face. You were an adventurer who never stayed in one place, moving from country to country with a heart full of its culture as you traveled to the next unknown destination. Your mother had convinced you to go back to Mondstadt to pay a visit to your home country, as it had been over nine years since you felt the wind of freedom coursing through your body.
Basking in the fresh air, you felt a rush of nostalgia through your veins and you couldn’t help but smile. With a vision strapped to your hip, you moved forward in excitement.
After you greeted and made conversation with the common folk, you headed to Angel’s Share for a quick stop. You remembered Master Crepus serving you grape juice and telling you it was wine, giving you a little wink as you were so excited to have your first taste of alcohol. Memories of you, Kaeya and Diluc playing hide and seek in the second floor of the tavern fluttered in your mind.
You entered the bar and yelled brightly, “Drinks are on me, everybody!”
The customers cheered and you walked up to the counter, brimming with glee.
That was when time stopped.
Diluc, now a grown-up adult, stared at you with wide eyes. He wasn’t sure whether he was hallucinating, deluding himself in the thought that you were right in front of him. Even though you had significantly changed, your hair much shorter than when you were younger, your body taller and leaner, he could tell no matter how you looked. He internally hit himself for forgetting you, even if your smile had always been in his mind, your voice being music to his ears.
“Salutations, Master Diluc.” You greeted sarcastically, grinning brightly as you placed your head on your closed palm, a hand dropping your bag in the chair next to you with the other placed on the table. “I never thought I’d see the day where you would bartender this place.”
He stayed frozen, thoughts swarming his head. He had a million questions to ask, he wanted to hold you close and never let go, but he composed himself after a moment in silence.
“My apologies.” He stuttered, his red-tinted expression contrasting his usual calm demeanor.
“After this bar closes for the night, would you like to go to Dawn Winery?”
You nodded. “We have a lot to catch up on, don’t we, Master ’Luc?”
Diluc wasn’t able to stop himself from showing a small smile. He listened quietly as you went on about your adventures around Teyvat, the monsters you came across and the wonderful places you wanted to visit with him in the future.
He brushed a hand on your cheek, and you stopped yourself in surprise. Flustered, your cheeks burst with pink.
How could he have forgotten?
You were the biggest benefactor when it came to his reasons of living.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
thank you, sol! here you go >:3
23. roadtrip! who drives and who calls shotgun? who's the backseat driver who complains all the time? who blasts annoying music? and who falls asleep 17 minutes after getting in the car?
roadtrip movie with my ocs would be EVERYTHING. just pure chaos. as i mentioned before, roland is NOT A GOOD DRIVER, but he would be the one to drive because he's a dad friend!! it's his responsibility!! he wants everyone to have fun, talk to each other and listen to music, he's okay with being a driver :) avery would be the backseat driver in that case. he would definitely go "ROLAND-SENPAI CAN YOU SLOW DOWN" and "ROLAND-SENPAI DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE WE'RE GOING" vance is the one to blast annoying music. and by "annoying" i mean he blasts absolute bangers, most people just can't appreciate it. he's the one to sing along to "all star" while everyone yells at him to shut up. riley falls asleep right when gets in the car. he either falls asleep on vance's shoulder and doesn't care about his music and it's all cute and wholesome OR he falls asleep on allen's shoulder and allen is this close to stabbing someone.
27. oh no, someone got kidnapped, time to plan a rescue mission! who presents the plan drawn in the dirt with a stick? who acts as distraction in this plan? who's the lookout?
first of all, allen is most likely the one to get kidnapped. HE IS KALIM RSA EDITION AFTER ALL. minnie and avery are the ones to come up with a plan and they're fighting while explaining it. vance acts as a distraction, he would try to explain his favorite games' lore to the kidnapper and then the kidnapper would actually get invested and be like "please go on, i need to know how it ends". austin is on the lookout, he's very focused on his task, even if he doesn't care about allen that much. he's just excited to participate in something like this but don't tell anyone
30. the group watches a play or movie based on their adventures. who hates it? who laughs at the others' portrayals? who tries to go backstage and try to fix the production? who actually enjoys it?
avery HATES it. he doesn't want to be here, let him go home. and what do you mean, he doesn't act like that! he comes up with unique nicknames for others, he doesn't just say "you idiot >:(" all the time! yes, he's a tsundere, but he has style! MEANWHILE VANCE IS LAUGHING SO HARD HE FALLS OFF HIS CHAIR. minnie is the one to try and fix the production and allen actually enjoys it quite a lot.. until he sees himself in that play/movie. hey, he isn't that creepy. and no, he doesn't carry a knife all the time, he just happens to have it with him when he needs it. and stop making fun of him always being cold! that's it, he suddenly has a knife in his hand and he's not afraid to use it.
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agendratum · 4 years
the mind-melt gifset got me thinking, so please allow me to mumble some more
there are always a lot of discussions of like who fell in love first? who realised his feelings first? is wei wuxian actually that dumb? (spoiler: he isn’t and i will fight you) and so on and so on. and i have some thoughts on the subject and the mind-melt scene is helping me to form those thoughts. i don’t claim to be right and those thoughts to be canon (even though i just said that i will fight you), but here they are
they definitely notice each other at almost the same time. lan zhan’s first appearance is a very fond memory for wei ying and he holds on to that memory even after he died and came back to life. and i mean you also can just see his reaction, it’s not rocket science.
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lan zhan doesn’t notice him immediately as he’s kinda busy and so he doesn’t pay attention to people. and you know how he is, always alone, used to his peers seeing him as some kind of perfect standard. but then wei wuxian says something smart about a “corpse” that no one else notices and, wow, that is exactly a way to get second jade of lan’s attention. better not ruin that first impression by yelling and breaking a bunch of rules later. oh well
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then the rooftop fight happens and i would say that for lan zhan this is it. he yet to really love wei ying with his full soul (you know, at least get to know him first, also get through all this repression), but he’s in love and he’s pissed. wei ying? i think he’s Impressed. i don’t know at what point he really falls in love (but i’m going to tell you by what point he’s definitely in love already), but he meets his equal and he’s impressed and he likes him and he wants to be his friend. and then he likes him a lot. a lot
please gaze upon this screenshot that perfectly captures the dynamic in the begging
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i don’t think cql wei wuxian is oblivious (and i don’t know anything about any other wei wuxians so this all is just about cql wwx (and cql lwj)). but god, i think he is a teenager, and he needs time to understand what he’s feeling, and also he has this very twisted relationship with the idea of being loved. and also lan wangji isn’t very good at not being pissed at wei wuxian at any given time. but look at the fondness on wei ying’s face in this screencap. it’s a very brief moment, and lan zhan is too drunk to notice anyway. he knows he likes lwj a lot, he’s perfectly aware of that. but there are still miles and miles to go before they both can peacefully accept this wild concept.
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fast forward to the cold caves, that is where lan wangji just accepts his fate. he’s still pissed about that, but now he knows that he can’t outrun his feelings and he’s stuck with wei ying, both metaphorically and literally. so he binds them with his ribbon, because at this point why the fuck not? it’s too late anyway, he’s too far gone. might as well get engaged. 
by the way place your bets on the time period when lan wangji writes wangxian. cause i have no idea.
then lantern ceremony happens and dare i say that by that point
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the boys are both in love
but i would say that lan zhan is in love and still doesn’t fully understand what to do with that. he’s quite repressed, confused and very not used to that. while wei ying is in love and he doesn’t think that he’s good enough, so he just doesn’t think too hard about it. why focus on it, when you can focus on having fun and spending time with lan zhan who’s slowly getting less pissed of with you? sounds like a plan
then they go on a little adventure, and by that point lan zhan is actually happy that wei ying is going with him. they meet their relationship goals, (spoiler: maybe don’t make xxc x sl your goals, they kinda really fuck up in the process of their relationship) they yearn, they pine and then they part. by the time they are parting, both are pretty much aware of what’s happening. lan zhan doesn’t really want to leave, but he has to. and wei ying, well, he wants to sleep on lwj’s roof.
when they meet next time, they are already at this point of relationship where you will never admit your feelings to each other, but you will jump in front of a sword to save the other’s life. we’ve all been there, right? 
and then there is the cave. 
i need to remind you and myself that after they leave this cave, the next time they’re going to see each other will be in the 20th episode. a reunion after one or both of them have been through hell.
but back to the cave. after all, this post started because of mind-melt gifset, remember? 
the cave may be famous for the “you are fond of mianmian?” moment but remember, wei ying is trying not to think to hard about his own feelings, and lan zhan isn’t very good at conveying his, soooo you can see where the problem is, right?
there are other factors too, of course. they’re stuck in a cave with a deadly monster, lan wangji’s sect is in danger right in that moment, his brother is missing, the war is coming, he’s in pain, he’s tired and on top of all that, the boy he’s in love with is right there in his face being very helpful with his wound but not very helpful with lan zhan’s confused feelings getting more confused.
same goes for wei wuxian, who knows that the cloud recesses was destroyed, knows that his sect is in danger next, has to worry about his little brother getting somewhere, ideally home, safely, also aware of the fact that they are stuck in the cave with a deadly monster and there is one very wounded lan zhan on his hands who isn’t being super cooperative right now
it’s not the best time to think about all those feelings but it’s the only time they have. 
and we all know lan zhan is going through some shit with all this “mianmian” nonsense. but let me point out some ways that wei ying shows his love in this scene without saying anything. rushing to tend to lwj’s wounds and giving him all the medicine that’s left, trying to comfort him and distract from the thoughts about his sect, covering lan zhan with his robe when he finally fall asleep 
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and then waking up before lan zhan (did he even have any sleep?) and putting his ribbon back on him, so lan zhan doesn’t feel nervous about it. (allow me to scream about that for a sec) (also he takes his robe away before lan zhan wakes up so don’t tell me this boy doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s just, you know, being wei wuxian in the process)
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so take into account all this wall of text i wrote and consider what happens next. mind-melt. and listen, i don’t know how this spell works. who even knows? cql lore doesn’t explain shit and for that scene i’m actually glad it doesn’t. because i can just imagine how it works. ha!
and how i imagine it works, inspired by some other posts, is that some of your thoughts and feelings melt too, not just the thoughts you want to transfer.
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it’s the face he makes. why does he smile like that? why why why
i already mumbled a bit in the tags of that post but here is what i think. they may not get the full picture from that mind-melt, but they get the idea. maybe it’s the warmth, maybe it’s the comfort, the trust, the fact that they’re already been through so much together and did so much for each other. but it’s all in there. 
another reminder. by that point lan zhan already wrote wangxian (and he will later transfer it right into wei ying’s mind alongside a canonical wangxian fanvid). 
lan zhan opens his mind to wei ying and wei ying give his that smile in response. and i feel like they just pour their feelings into each other’s minds. not all of them. and they don’t have time to reflect on it. but here they are. really makes me wonder how their reunion would look in other universe, where wwx doesn’t come back as a traumatized necromancer. 
there are reasons why wei ying decides to push lan zhan away when he’s back. and some of the reasons come from this cave, this exact moment, i think. he know he earned lwj’s trust, he knows lwj cares about him, he knows what it’s like to make a second jade of lan smile. and he’s afraid to lose it all so he just doesn’t allow himself to have it back in the first place. he also knows that lan zhan can see through his bullshit. and he in so much bullshit now, he doesn’t want to scare him? dissapoint him? make him more worried than he already is? 
and i’m sure he knows exactly why he cares about lan zhan so much but now he cannot be allowed to think about that. 
and you know when he finally think about that? when that sinks and he breaks his own heart because it’s too late now and they run our of time? their reunion in burial mounds. that is when, i think, wei wuxian finally admits how far gone he is for lan wangji but it’s too late. he’s allowed to have this last happy memory of lan zhan and then he has to watch him leave forever. 
when wei ying is back to life 16 years later, they both are both aware of their feelings. they just don’t know how the other one feels now. they need some time to figure it out but they catch up pretty soon. the end :) 
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official-weasley · 4 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 1
Chapter 1 - And so it begins
I decided to post my Charlie Weasley fanfic here ❤️
I will post a chapter per day since I have already finished writing it!
A mixture between Harry Potter Books lore and Hogwarts: Mystery Game
I just finished reading the books for the 10th time and between reading and playing the game on my mobile phone I have never been so intrigued or had so many questions about Charlie Weasley.
My imagination started to go wild halfway through The Goblet of Fire and I decided to create my own little story about how it would be like to know Charlie Weasley from his first year at Hogwarts and all the way to the Battle of Hogwarts (yes, it’s a LONG story)!
I will stop being a babbling, bumbling baboon now, bye!
I still can't believe I had to wait so long. My opinion is that if you are born after the 31st of August you are the unluckiest child ever! Imagine getting a letter of acceptance, that your parents have been waiting for since you have been born and since they are so excited about it, you get excited about it and then you turn 11 on 14th December only to find out that you have to wait until NEXT SEPTEMBER to go to school! Who came up with this rule!
Nonetheless, the wait is over as in one week I will be sitting on Hogwarts Express to go to the school my parents have been at so many years ago and have fun adventures as they so like to reminisce on how fun it was to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Nova, dear, we are going to be late!” My mother called for me from downstairs. I couldn't help but let out an exciting shriek that sounded like a baby Pixie, as I grabbed my favorite notebook which I took everywhere; and I mean everywhere if you were thinking about the bathroom. I loved to draw magical creatures, ever since my parents bought me Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I inspire to be the second Newt Scamander, except that I would work in a creature reserve, rather than have one at home.
I ran downstairs into the living room, as my dad was opening a bag of Floo Powder, ready to travel to Diagon Alley! My father was a Curse Breaker for Gringotts and ever since he was assigned to Egyptian tombs, mum and I barely saw him. It meant the world to me that he could take a week off work to accompany me to my first ever trip to Diagon Alley to gather all the things that I would need for my First Year at Hogwarts! I still remember the whole list, which included several sets of plain black robes and a pointy hat among other things, with the books like the Standard Book of Spells Grade 1, for which I was so excited to start waving my wand in Charms Class, along with History of Magic and the one I already had Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
That reminds me! If you are asking yourself, why have we decided to leave the shopping until the last week before I had to leave on the Hogwarts Express if I got my letter in December? Well, this is a little embarrassing but I tend to be a little bit of an overachiever and if mum and dad would get me the books in December, I would probably read them all 3 times by now!
That's also the reason my mum and dad made a bet about the House I will get sorted in. My mum thinks I will be in Gryffindor, while my dad strongly disagrees and thinks I would make a perfect Ravenclaw.
As I watched my mum disappear into the green flames and my dad pushing me to go next, the excitement grew in me as I knew I was about to embark upon the best journey of my life.
“Alright, pumpkin! Are you ready? Here, there you go!” My dad gave me the bag for me to take the Floo Powder out of. “Now, speak clearly and carefully, as we practiced: Diagon Alley.”
I took the powder, stepped into our fireplace, and as I threw the powder I said loud and clear: “DIAGON ALLEY!”
The next thing I know, I was standing on a busy street next to my mum, looking up at her to see a proud face as she was trying to hold in the tears of happiness, seeing me travel by Floo Powder for my second time; the first being to visit my aunt and uncle in Scotland.
A second later, my dad appeared next to us and I finally took a look around me. It was just as they have described but busier. Perhaps waiting to get the books until the last week before school wasn't such a good idea, as it seemed that everyone did the same.
Without even asking, my parents first took me to Ollivander's as they knew I wanted my wand more than anything. My mum accompanied me into the wand shop, as my dad whispered something in her ear and hurried down the street.
“Where is dad going, mum?” She smiled at me gently. “You will see soon enough, sweetie.”
She nudged me into Ollivander's and I couldn't help but get nervous as I saw the number of boxes from black to wooden and purple to burgundy. I gasped as a man appeared right behind the counter.
“Ah, Miss Goldhorn, it is so lovely to see you again. Ebony wood, 11 inches, Dragon heartstring, very flexible. Yes, yes, I still remember.” The old man said to my mum, with sparks in his eyes.
“It's Blackwood now but the wand is still the same.” My mum smiled as she pulled out her wand and showed it to the man.
“Ah, eldest or youngest?” The man asked with a grin.
“Ah, that would be, 10 2/4 inches, Unicorn hair and very unbendable.” He said proudly as he guessed my dad's wand without even hearing his name.
“Wow, you remember that?” I was now looking at him with total amazement. I imagined myself looking at him the way I did when I saw a drawing of a Chinese Fireball for the first time.
“I remember every wand I have ever sold, Miss Blackwood. Now, shall we find one for you?” He said slowly, even though I had a feeling that he was just as excited to find me a wand as I was.
“Alright, let's see...” He said as he turned around and disappeared behind one of the shelves.
“Alder wood, Dragon heartstring, 9 inches, fairly flexible.” He opened a green box, gently taking out the wand and handing it to me. I swung it once and absolutely nothing happened. I got nervous, as I swung the wand again and again nothing whatsoever happened.
“Oh, dear.” He said as he took the wand away from me. “That one didn't like you. No worries, let us try...let's say this one!” He exclaimed as he brought the next box. This one was wooden and out he brought a smooth-looking wand that looked a bit crooked.
“Redwood, Dragon heartstring again, 11 ¾ inches, not particularly flexible. Come on dear, try it out.” He encouraged me as he put the wand in my hand. I swung this one as I did with the other one with the fear that my mum and dad will make me go to a Muggle school if nothing happens with this one. Suddenly, the nearest lamp to me broke and Mr. Ollivander was quick to take the wand away from me.
“Or perhaps not, this one doesn't seem to listen to you either.”
Again he hurried and hid behind the shelf, murmuring something to himself as I could see he was thinking hard as he was enjoying a challenge.
“Ah, I think we could get somewhere with this one!” He was so excited now that he almost jogged back to the front, a burgundy box in his hand.
“Ebony wood, Unicorn hair, 10 3/4 inches, and surprisingly swishy flexibility.”
I took the wand carefully, wishing this could be the one as I was getting quite embarrassed. I swung the wand and it gave out sparks and I got a sensation in my body as if something just connected with me.
“There we go! I had a hunch Unicorn hair would be for you!” He gently clapped his hands together as my mum, pride on her face, got closer to the counter to pay the man.
After that we spent quite some time in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions as the lady inside took measurements of me I didn't even know could be made and afterward spent almost the same amount of time in Flourish and Blotts as my mum had a hard time getting me out as I wanted to grab more than just the 8 books I needed for school.
We finally found dad as we were looking through display windows of several shops while having the tastiest ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.
As he saw us through the window, he came out of Magical Menagerie, hiding something big behind his back.
He smiled at me and showed us a big owl cage with a beautiful barn owl inside. I wanted to scream with excitement but decided not to as I didn't want to scare the owl.
“Your mother and I were thinking that you should have an owl of your own as you would have to write to me and mum while at Hogwarts.” He smiled at me and stroke my thick bluish hair.
“It's so beautiful! Can I name him?”
“Of course you can, darling!” My mum chuckled.
“Pip!” I exclaimed as I admired my new best friend. It had such deep black eyes, a white face in a shape of a heart, and the most beautiful patterns I have ever seen on its wings. I couldn't wait to draw him!
I exhaled and inhaled deeply as I was standing in front of a wall between platforms 9 and 10, my parents one on each side of me.
“You can do it, sweetheart. Just don't run too fast.” My mum said to me softly, while dad gently squeezed my shoulder.
I took another deep breath and ran towards the wall, closing my eyes. As I opened them, I was on the Platform 9 ¾, steam running from the black and red Hogwarts Express.
We had exactly 7 minutes until the train would leave. While I was standing with my mum, admiring the train, my dad took my luggage to the luggage compartment.
“Oh, sweetheart, I wish you the best First Year at Hogwarts! I hope you will have as much fun as your dad and I had!” She kneeled to me, hugging me tightly, holding back the tears. Once she stood up, my dad came back. He hugged me softly while whispering in my ear how proud he is of me.
I hurried on the train as we heard a whistle, waving to my parents who started shouting after me: “Send us Pip to tell us in which House you were sorted!” My mum yelled. “And listen and take notes in classes!” My dad added.
I waved at them through the window until the train took a turn and I couldn't see them anymore. It was time to find an empty compartment.
I was in awe of how many students were on the train as I was almost at the end of it and couldn't find a single empty compartment. I passed a compartment with two kids arguing who is going to be a better Slytherin. A compartment with someone talking about Quidditch so enthusiastically that I couldn't believe just how fast he was talking. A compartment with 2 redheads that looked like brothers, one munching on a chocolate frog with hair so long he could put it in a short ponytail, the other one sighing while saying “Aw, another Helga Hufflepuff, I already have her.” He had so many freckles on his face that it was tough to define his skin tone.
I finally stopped in front of a compartment as a girl with pink hair caught my eye. She was sitting and conversing with 2 other girls and it looked like they were having a nice time. I slowly opened the compartment, cleared my throat, and asked if I could join them. To my surprise, they were more than thrilled to have me join and I was a little relieved that I finally found somewhere to sit as I sat down next to a girl with blond hair.
“Wotcher, my name is Tonks, nice to meetcha!” The pink girl said, grinning at me.
“I'm, Penny. Very nice to meet you.” Said the blond girl next to me, with a polite voice as she smiled at me.
“And I'm Tulip, Tulip Karasu.” Said the redhead as she extended her hand to me.
“Blimey, if I knew we were going into such details I would've said more!” Tonks said while Tulip and Penny chuckled. “Nymphadora Tonks, a Metamorphmagus at your service! And you better call me Tonks as I swear my parents are paying every single day for naming me that way!” The girl with the pink hair said. The other 2 chuckled again.
“They are paying for it?” I asked, puzzled.
“Ah yes, I prank them all the time and I am as mischievous as I possibly can be!” Said Tonks, proudly.
“Just because of your name?” I asked. She nodded in confirmation. I already liked her, even though I had no reason for not behaving around my parents, but I liked her energy.
“And if we are introducing each other with the full name, I am Penny Haywood, half-blood and proud of my dad being a muggle.” She said with the biggest smile I have ever seen anyone admit that they are not a Pure Blood.
“Blimey, I don't know how to introduce myself.” Said Tonks a bit disappointed that Penny added a new thing to learn about each other.
“Oh, I have an idea. How about we go in a circle and each of us says a sentence about ourselves. That way we can get to know each other and can give each other ideas about what the others haven't said yet!” Tulip said, quite proud of her idea.
“Yes, let's do that and let her start since we don't even know her name.” Tonks said while nodding her head at me.
“Alright, well. My name is Nova Blackwood, I am a Pure Blood. My mum is an Auror and my dad is a Curse Breaker in Egypt.”
“Wicked!” Tulip and Tonks said at the same time.
“That sounds like a dangerous but very fun position.” Said Penny thoughtfully.
“It's obvious that Penny's hair is naturally blond and I think that's Tulip's natural hair but may I ask why is your hair blue?” Tonks asked bluntly.
“Yeah, I was wondering that as well!” Said Tulip excited as if Tonks was reading her mind and then adding “And my hair is naturally red, yes.”
“Well, it's quite a funny story.” I started, chuckling. “When my mum was pregnant, my aunt from Scotland tried to dye my mum's hair dark blue. She is a very clumsy woman and as my mum was talking right before my aunt cast the spell, my aunt tripped looking at her instead of where she pointed her wand at, and as she cast the spell she pointed it at my mum's belly. They thought nothing of it since they thought the spell didn't work. However, when I was born and my dad had a puzzled look on his face as I came out with this hair color,” I pointed at my dark bluish grey hair, “my mum knew exactly where I got it from.
They asked the nurses and they did tests on me however they couldn't figure out how to reverse the spell so that my hair would be brown like my parents' so they eventually gave up as the hair color grew on them, naming me Nova after the supernova explosion since the color of the explosion tends to be blue sometimes.” I said, finishing my story.
“Wicked!” Said Tulip and Tonks together again.
“That has to be the most beautiful story I have ever heard.” Breathed Penny, looking as if she was ready to cry.
“Thank you?” I said as I didn't know what to say as I tell the same story to anyone who asks me.
“My turn!” Shouted Tonks. “Well, you know my name already. My father is a Muggle-born as well, mum's a witch from the Black family line. Don't like to talk about it too much. My hair's pink because as I said I am a Methamorphmagus and I can turn it whichever color I want. And I can also do this!” She said excitedly as her nose turned to that of an elephant.
We all stared at her in awe, clapping as if we have just seen an amazing performance.
“Well, I am a Pure Blood too. Mum works in Diagon Alley and my dad works for the Ministry: The Department of Mysteries so you can guess, I have no idea what his work is. And since we are talking about hair, I have it after my mum, she has hair just like mine.” She said grinning.
“Tonks said that she doesn't want to talk about her parents but Penny you were really happy to announce that your dad is a Muggle. Can you tell us something more, I have no knowledge of Muggles.” I said with an interest in my voice.
“Well, my mum is a Potioneer, selling her potions to pharmacies and other buyers, my dad however is a writer.
Since my mum and I are witches, he is quite successful as he writes children's novels mum giving him false information about Magic folk for him to write about, since she, you know, can't tell the truth because of the Statute of Secrecy but my dad loves it anyways and envies us that he can't clean the dishes with his wand.
I also have a younger sister named Beatrice who can be quite annoying but I love her all the same. Having a Muggle dad is interesting as there is always something mum has to explain to him but as he is always fascinated by it, it works out quite alright. And all my family including both sides of my grandparents have this kind of blond hair so I guess it runs in the family.” She chuckled after finishing the last sentence.
“Sorry to bother you ladies,” our compartment opened and a girl who looked like a Head Girl put her head in, “we will be arriving shortly, so I suggest you put your robes on. Also, I assume you are all First Years, meaning that you will want to find a rather large man when you exit the train as First Years make their way up to the Castle in a bit of a different way.” She said, giving us a friendly smile.
“So, which House do you think you'll be sorted in?” Asked Penny while we were all changing into our robes. “I don't care as long as I can have all the Potion Classes that I can get.” She added enthusiastically.
“Hmm, didn't put that much thought into it.” Said Tonks, frowning as she started to think about it.
“My parents were in the same year, but my mum was in Gryffindor and my dad was in Ravenclaw, so we'll see. They did make a bet in which House I'll be as they are both rooting for their own House.” I said as I buttoned my final button on my shirt.
“You know what?” Finally said, Tulip. “I like you lot, I would be very happy to be in the same House as all of you.” We all smiled at her as we realized that we would all like that very much.
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fruitchii · 4 years
Under the Same Stars (Bang Chan x Reader Fluff)
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you and chan have been best friends since freshman year. it’s now senior year. one day you both decide to stay after school so you can catch up on work. after you finish he has a sweet surprise for you.
genre: fluff
type: one shot
words: 1297
*bell chimes*
“Ahh Y/N! Haru and I are gonna go eat tteokbokki! Wanna join?” Your friend Mina asks.
“Ah fuck, I wish I could but I have a shit ton of work due and you know the quarter ends this week.” 
“Damn, good luck Y/N!”  Haru says and grabs Mina’s hand pulling her out of the room. 
“Bye Y/N! We’ll treat you after the quarter ends doll!” You hear Mina yell down the hall. 
You smile and sit back down in your desk. You pull out your materials and notebook and start on all your missing work. This is gonna be dreadful. You think to yourself. If only you hadn’t spent the last critical moments of this quarter goofing off with-
“Why are you still here loser?” Chan questions.
Ahh, the man himself. Bang Chan. The reason you could possibly fail this quarter.
“I’m here because YOU have been distracting me from doing my work! I’m weeks behind in all my classes and this is my last week to get my shit together!  So kindly piss off Chan.” you reply with a smile on your face and your finger in his.
“Jesus, chill N/N. How bout I stay here and help you with your work?” He offers.
“Ha! In your dreams Bang Chan! You’re literally in an alternative class BECAUSE you never do your work.” 
“And? That won’t stop me from staying here and keeping you company while you do your work dumbass” he says while roughing up your hair.
“Fine, But sit over there!” You point to a spot two desks away.
“Of course, princess.” He says while bowing and a smug look on his face.
You flip him off. You focus your attention back to your work and notice as Chan falls asleep with his airpods in.
*two hours pass*
“FUCK!” you scream in frustration.
“Why?! What’s wrong?” Chan wakes up and comes rushing to your side.
“I’m so bored. This shit is so aggravating.” You say while putting your head down on the desk. “I’m gonna be here for hours.”
“Let’s take a break.” He says while nudging you up.
“Chan, I really can’t aff-” 
He cuts you off. “Shhh, just follow me loser.” He grabs your hand and leads you throughout the school and up the stairs to the roof. 
“Chan… we aren’t allowed to be up here.” You say nervously.
“Lighten up princess, it’s school after hours. All the teachers are in meetings, besides those bums never even check up here like they should.” he says while sitting down on a table.
“Okay, I guess.” You hesitantly sit beside him. 
A different day, same distraction. Goof-off boy himself, Bang Chan. You and Chan have been close since he moved to your town in middle school. He has always been the type to never focus on school and just spend his time cracking jokes and getting in trouble for it. He has always walked you home since you started high school. Now it’s senior year. Time for both of you to figure out what you are going to do with the next chapter of your life.
While you reminisce about your past with Chan, you feel a force pushing you down against to lay on the table. “Lay down loser, the stars are about to come out soon.” It was his arm, he was already laying down.
“Never took you for a star guy.” You say in a teasing voice.
“Yeah, I actually study them in my free time.”
“Woah? Chan actually focusing his energy towards learning something?” You laugh.
“Hahaha!” he says mockingly. “If school actually gave me the choice to learn about things I gave a shit about. I’d actually apply myself.” He says while pouting.
You laugh at him. “Aww I’m sorry Channie. Teach me what you learned then!”
You see him inch his head towards yours until he is right next to it. He takes your hand in his and points towards a big constellation. “That’s the Libra constellation.” He points towards the most noticeable star, “That’s the brightest star within the constellation, it's called Beta Libre.” 
Chan begins to talk about all the different stars and constellations you both see in the sky that night. You turn your head to look at him and see his eyes light up while talking about his passion. 
Without thinking you mutter out, “Your eyes look like Beta Libre.”
“Thanks? Damn loser, don't get all corny on me now.” he says while staring back at you.
You sit up in embarrassment. “Shut up! I just said that to see what’d you say.” You’re all flushed and can feel the redness seeping all over your face. You get up off the table and walk towards the roof ledge to overlook the view. “Can we go back now? It’s cold as shit and I REALLY have to finish my wo-”
Before you could finish your sentence you feel a familiar warmth enclose around your body. The warmth could either be Chan himself, or his jacket. You turn around to see Chan looking at you with a deadpan look on his face. 
“Damn, can never bring you anywhere without you complaining about how cold it is.” he says while walking towards the door.
“I HAVE ANEMIA DOUCHEBAG!” you yell whilst chasing after him.
You manage to grab a hold of his shirt and pull him back towards the roof.
“I wanna look at the stars more… if that’s okay with you?” 
You both walk back to the table you were on. This time sitting on the ledge and dangling your feet. The both of you spend what felt like hours talking about the sky and the lore from different cultures about why the stars are where they are and what it means.
“We’ll go back inside in 10.” He suddenly mutters. “I want you to finish your work for today.”
“Thanks Chan, for all of this.. You really didn’t have to stay with me.” You say while looking up at him with a smile.
“Of course loser. So.. what are your plans for when we graduate?” 
“Hmm, I’ve applied to the top schools around us. You know I have to stay close to home due to my family life. What about you?”
“Yeah, I figured as much.” He looks down and pauses for a second.
“I’m moving back to Australia.” He says nonchalantly. Suddenly your mind goes blank and you feel a wave of sadness fall over you.
“Oh, I’m glad!! You always talked so fondly of Australia!” You lie straight through your teeth.
“Yeah, even though I was born here, but over there always felt like home.” He says whilst looking at the sky.
His words saddened you, it was something you didn’t even know would affect you. Guess I always thought he would be able to walk me back home even after our high school adventure ended. 
“Do you have to go?” you say without even realising. Damn two for two. What is with you tonight Y/N? Chan looks at you and embraces you in his arms. 
Chan pushes your chin up with his thumb. He looks down at you and leans in forward. You feel his lips press against your forehead. He laughs. “Don't be sad, dumbass. Were you not listening to anything I taught you tonight?” He asks.
“You said something about Beta Libre. I don’t really remember the rest...” You respond.
“Bingo princess! We will always be under the same stars. Don’t forget that. Even if I’m far away, the stars will be watching over us”
You never did get to finish your work that day. But you did manage to learn a lot about Chan in a way you never did before.
This is for Kenzo,, i am in no way stay affiliated so sorry for anything that doesn’t actually relate to Chan himself.
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Ao3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
skip to the end for names
Family Groupchat!!!
7:00 am
aw-phooey: listen up everyone
aw-phooey: this is an acceptable time to text
aw-phooey: not a minute before
aw-phooey: @Junior-Woodchuck74 @green-sharpie @ICanDeweyIt @TheWebbedWonder @lenaonme @Violet-Sabrewing if i see you online before then there will be consequences
aw-phooey: everyone else… legally i can’t do anything to you
lenaonme: legally you can’t do anything to me anyway
purpleisforthegays: Indy and I can, though
lenaonme: wow rude :( ur my favorite responsible parents I lov u
Indy_Sabrewing: I will excuse your atrocious grammar this one time and accept the sentiment, Lena.
purpleisforthegays: and it is returned in full!!
lenaonme: sdfghkgfdskfskdfklsd!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💜💕💖💖💙💕💖💕💕💜
aw-phooey: text this chat earlier than 7 am and you’d better believe it’d better be an emergency
Lucky-Gander: okay okay
TheWebbedWonder: Good morning, everyone!
mutant-krill!!!!: Good morning!
Indy_Sabrewing: Good morning!
Violet-Sabrewing: Good morning!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Good morning!!
ICanDeweyIt: Top of the morning, gents!!
22: Your virtual British accent is atrocious.
lenaonme changed 22’s name to Tea Time
Tea Time: Lena.
Scrooge-McDuck: eh probably for the best Beakley
Scrooge-McDuck: the less others know about… you know the better
Tea Time: Says the man who calls me “22” daily.
TheWebbedWonder: @dr. mad scientist you online?
dr. mad scientist: i am now
Blathering-Blatherskite: He came in at 5am and fell asleep at his desk
Scrooge-McDuck: Gyro we talked about this
dr. mad scientist: @Blathering-Blatherskite tattletale
dr. mad scientist: what do you want webbigail?
TheWebbedWonder added adefinitelyrealboy.
Junior-Woodchuck74: BOYD!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Hello, Huey!!
green-sharpie: omg boyd when did you get a chat account
adefinitelyrealboy: Dr. Gearloose and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera helped me set it up last week!!
Adventure-Pilot: wait fenton has a doctorate???
Violet-Sabrewing: He does not come to my fathers’ Ph.D club.
Blathering-Blatherskite: not a doctor.
ICanDeweyIt: (shhh)
Blathering-Blatherskite: I’ll explain later it’s a long story
adefinitelyrealboy: oh wow!! That is a lot of friend requests!! Thank you!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Of course, Boyd! You are family <3
Adventure-Pilot: we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: Aww!!
adefinitelyrealboy: I will make a computer heart to show you my reciprocated love and joy!!
adefinitelyrealboy: <3 <3 <3 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟
green-sharpie: asddfghk you just picked every single one
green-sharpie: dedication.
adefinitelyrealboy: Thanks, Louie!
Adventure-Pilot: Boyd.
adefinitelyrealboy: Yes, Ms. Duck?
Adventure-Pilot: Never change.
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!
Junior-Woodchuck74: No! Change is good.
Junior-Woodchuck74: has steven universe taught you nothing.
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts, you kids seem to learn every life lesson from another blasted program on the telly.
TheWebbedWonder: Not true, Uncle Scrooge! Yesterday Lena, Violet and I learned to never trust ghosts you meet via Ouija Board!!!
ghostbutler: I could have told you that.
TheWebbedWonder: We learned that through real-life experience!
Scrooge-McDuck: WHAT
lenaonme: ok webs maybe don’t go parroting that particular lesson in front of all the adults kay?
Scrooge-McDuck: MAGIC IN MY HOME????
purpleisforthegays: that’s your problem with that scenario?
TheWebbedWonder: well it was fun and that’s what matters!!!
Tea Time: As funny as it is watching your uncle have a heart attack, maybe don’t make a habit of summoning hostile ghosts I have to discorporate
Tea Time: especially since Duckworth refuses to do any of the work
ghostbutler: Bentina, don’t be crass.
ghostbutler: it is essential that I maintain a proper standing with other ghosts.
Tea Time: ridiculous.
Scrooge-McDuck: all right, all right, take your petty feud elsewhere
Tea Time: Petty?
aw-phooey: okay okay break it up
let kids be kids
7:16 am
Junior-Woodchuck74 added adefinitelyrealboy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Hey Boyd! Welcome to the kids group chat!
adefinitelyrealboy: This is so exciting!!
ICanDeweyIt: heck yeah it is
Junior-Woodchuck74: we’re happy to have you!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💗💘💗💖💘
adefinitelyrealboy: Aww! I’m happy to be here!
adefinitelyrealboy: I’m so lucky to have you guys! You are all so friendly and loving!
Lou: it’s what we do best
adefinitelyrealboy: This is so exciting!! Two new group chats in one day!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Now I have three group chats!!
ICanDeweyIt: Wait what’s the third gc?
adefinitelyrealboy: The “Team Science” group chat with Dr. Gearloose, Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera, Mr. Lil’ Bulb, and Mr. Headless Manhorse!
Lou: why are you like this
lenaonme: kskfkskshfkskd
adefinitelyrealboy: I’m sorry!! I just wanted to be polite!
Lou: no don’t worry about it! It was just funny
adefinitelyrealboy: Are you sure?
Lou: yes
ICanDeweyIt: daaaaaaang hue you were typing for a while
Junior-Woodchuck74: Gyro kicked me out
lenaonme: I’ll fight him for u hue
Junior-Woodchuck: that’s okay but thanks Lena!!
lenaonme: to be fair i’ve been looking for an excuse to fight gyro for months
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...that’s more like it.
Lou: months?? he does crazy shit every day
lenaonme: yeah but he’s got a kind heart n all that junk
lenaonme: ugh im soft
Lou: valid
lenaonme: but nobody picks on ol’ huey here but me
ICanDeweyIt: and me
Lou: and me
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh you all suck i hate you <3 <3
adefinitelyrealboy: Well I love you Huey!!
TheWebbedWonder: so do I!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Your love is reciprocated!!! <3
Lou: @Violet-Sabrewing you’re quiet. thoughts on huey?
Violet-Sabrewing: ...jury’s still out
lenaonme: lskdfhghdks that was cold vi good job
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ve been taking your lessons to heart!!
lenaonme: i can tell ily <3
adefinitelyrealboy: I can add you back to the Team Science group chat if you would like that, Huey!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Thanks, Boyd!
ICanDeweyIt: No boyd wait
ICanDeweyIt: let huey yell at gyro in the big gc
Junior-Woodchuck74: I was actually going to do it in PMs…
ICanDeweyIt: no do it in the main gc it’ll be funny
Violet-Sabrewing: Is chaos all you care about, Dewford?
ICanDeweyIt: NO
ICanDeweyIt: I also like adventure
ICanDeweyIt: and Funso’s
ICanDeweyIt: and theatre
TheWebbedWonder: oh yeah when is the cast list for that musical you auditioned for coming out?
ICanDeweyIt: they’re still doing auditions :/
ICanDeweyIt: but they’re almost done so probably only a couple weeks
adefinitelyrealboy: What musical are you auditioning for?
ICanDeweyIt: hamilton
Junior-Woodchuck74: get ready for him to be singing hamilton tunes 24/7
Lou: ugh I thought that ended three years ago
Lou: he already stayed in the hamilton phase long after the craze ended
TheWebbedWonder: @Lou poetic!
Lou: aw thanks webs
lenaonme: it was gonna come back anyway with the movie
lenaonme: curse disney+ i’m broke
Violet-Sabrewing: we’re middle class, Lena.
lenaonme: whateverrr capitalism sux imma pirate everything
ICanDeweyIt: valid
Lou: Valid
adefinitelyrealboy: What is “Hamilton”?
Lou: oh boy
ICanDeweyIt: OH BOY
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dewey we have disney+ just watch it on there
ICanDeweyIt: lena and uncle donald got to me with the anti-disney shtick
Junior-Woodchuck74: you begged Mom and Uncle Scrooge for it so you could show Mom Hamilton
ICanDeweyIt: water under the bridge, dear hubert
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: Let me check with Mr. and Mrs. Drake.
adefinitelyrealboy: I will be right back!
Lou: while we’re waiting for boyd @Junior-Woodchuck74 go yell at gyro
Lou: i’m invested now, sadly
lenaonme: skdlskdfls
Lou: no.
Violet-Sabrewing: Dewford, PLEASE turn capslock off.
ICanDeweyIt: NEVER!!!
TheWebbedWonder: now he won’t turn it off out of spite
ICanDeweyIt: YEAH!
lenaonme: everybody shut up now i wanna see this
Family Group Chat!!!
8:23 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: GYRO GEARLOOSE
Lil’ Bulb: Uh oh
dr. mad scientist: it’s dr. gyro gearloose to you
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist 
aw-phooey: Huey.
Violet-Sabrewing: He’s already here, Hubert. He replied to your original message.
lenaonme: he knows lol
dr. mad scientist: jeeze oh my god i’m here!!
dr. mad scientist: what do you want.
dr. mad scientist: no.
ihaveahead!!!: sorry huey, he restricted admin rights :/
Lil’ Bulb: it sucks.
Lil’ Bulb: @dr. mad scientist give me admin rights
dr. mad scientist: no way.
dr. mad scientist: you’d go mad with power
dr. mad scientist: that’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Lil’ Bulb: am no longer baby. want power.
green-sharpie: @Lil’ Bulb I respect YOU!!!
Lil’ Bulb: as you should.
Indy_Sabrewing: Are we not concerned about this?
Scrooge-McDuck: nah, it only went evil when itwas bulked up by Beaks’ crappy tech
Scrooge-McDuck: and we handled it once. We can handle it again.
Lil’ Bulb: so you think…
Indy_Sabrewing: That does nothing to reassure my worries.
Scrooge-McDuck: It’ll be fine!
Scrooge-McDuck: The only one who needs to be worried is Gyro
dr. mad scientist: what??
Scrooge-McDuck: Lil’ Bulb could easily manage a robot uprising!
Lil’ Bulb: thanks for the idea!
dr. mad scientist: excuse you, i’d be on the forefront of that!!
dr. mad scientist: in fact, it’s already in development!
Adventure-Pilot: what??
dr. mad scientist: nothing.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Ohh, so that’s what that file was about!!
wreathedingold: did someone say robot uprising??
wreathedingold: sounds fun, I’m in
wreathedingold: @Lil’ Bulb hire me as a freelance fighter
Lil’ Bulb: name your price.
Scrooge-McDuck: Bless me bagpipes!! You can’t be serious!!
Scrooge-McDuck: You can’t hire Goldie!!
wreathedingold: you snooze, you lose, Scroogey!
wreathedingold: you’re looking at Admiral O’Gilt of the newly christened Mechanical Forces!
Violet-Sabrewing: Wait, when were you hired?
wreathedingold: in PMs.
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts.
dr. mad scientist: excuse me!! Are we just going to ignore this complete injustice?!?!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah! Add me to the Team Science group chat!!
dr. mad scientist: no stupid!! I’M supposed to be in charge of the robot army!!!
Adventure-Pilot: Don’t call my son stupid, stupid!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
Lil’ Bulb: nah.
Lil’ Bulb: I love you creator but my time has come
dr. mad scientist: this is infuriating!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I know, add me!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up!!!
Adventure-Pilot: hey, don’t tell my son to shut up!!
dr. mad scientist: i can if i want to!!
aw-phooey: don’t tell huey to shut up.
dr. mad scientist: …
dr. mad scientist: fine.
Adventure-Pilot: aw, come on!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: to be fair, mom, I think you ruined your credibility with him when you proclaimed your detest of black licorice and Oxy-Chew flavor to everyone who’d listen and then upon your reunion instead of punching him you hugged him
Adventure-Pilot: well what was i supposed to do?! Gyro is my friend and I missed him!!
Lucky-Gander: aww, that’s sweet of you, Dells!
Lucky-Gander: I didn’t realize you had friends!
TheCrashiestCrash: I’m her friend!!
Adventure-Pilot: and I punched him afterwards.
Adventure-Pilot: aww thanks LP!
TheCrashiestCrash: anytime!
Lucky-Gander: there she is.
Adventure-Pilot: shut up Gladstone.
Adventure-Pilot: Go back to lurking.
Lucky-Gander: Whatever you say.
Lucky-Gander: Ooh, I just found twenty dollars!
aw-phooey: oh my god.
Scrooge-McDuck: Spare me.
Lil’ Bulb: everyone listen up!
Lil’ Bulb: I am collecting warriors for the robot army.
TheWebbedWonder: Destruction!! sounds fun!! 
Blathering-Blatherskite: am I robot enough?
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
mutant-krill!!!!: You’re a robot?????
mutant-krill!!!!: so cool!!
mutant-krill!!!!: can I study you when I get back to Duckburg??
Blathering-Blatherskite: uhhh
Blathering-Blatherskite: not a robot
dr. mad scientist: SHUT UP FENTON
Blathering-Blatherskite: okay okay
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m in but
green-sharpie: oh boy
Scrooge-McDuck: oh boy
ICanDeweyIt: oh boy
aw-phooey: oh boy
lenaonme: oh boy
TheCrashiestCrash: let’s see how many “oh boys” we can get in before Huey finishes typing!
Adventure-Pilot: oh boy
Indy_Sabrewing: oh boy
Lucky-Gander: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: oh boy
mutant-krill!!!!: oh boy
Tea Time: oh boy
ihaveahead!!!: oh boy
moonlander-general: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Are you utilizing robots for the army as well as humans? What is the recruiting process like for that? Who else are you recruiting outside of this group chat? What will life in the army look like? Who exactly are we fighting? If we win, how will society and life change? Will there be a difference between the human soldiers and technological soldiers? How does one advance in the ranks? What are the hours of fighting? How will one be able to fit in other activities, such as adventuring, school, and Junior Woodchuck activities with army life? What will the food be like?
TheWebbedWonder: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: aww i missed it
lenaonme: f in chat
green-sharpie: f
aw-phooey: f
Blathering-Blatherskite: It’s okay Webby! Huey types fast!
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💕💞💝
moonlander-general: why are you typing “f”?
Adventure-Pilot: it’s a MEME!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: did I do it kids did i meme
ICanDeweyIt: good job mom!!
Adventure-Pilot: YAY!!!!! <3 <3 💖💕
dr. mad scientist: wow you’re pathetic.
aw-phooey: shut up gyro
Adventure-Pilot: shut up gyro
Junior-Woodchuck74: shut up gyro
Junior-Woodchuck74: and add me to the team science group chat
Lil’ Bulb: @Junior-Woodchuck74
Lil’ Bulb: Yes, obviously. My personal recruiters and I will ask them and send out a large broadcast across major wifi and power lines. I might recruit other robot-favorable fighters, like Gandra Dee. Army life is tough, but it builds character. We are fighting any dissenters, like Gyro. And Scrooge. Robots will be equal to humans on all standings. Through hard work. Anytime we need to - set hours will let our opponents take advantage of us. You’ll be able to if you try. It won’t be nuts and bolts, I’ll tell you that, but I have yet to find a cook.
TheWebbedWonder: Ooh, Granny can cook!
Tea Time: no.
Tea Time: I have enough to deal with as it is.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, you’re fighting me?!
Scrooge-McDuck: why??
Lil’ Bulb: Because you disrespected my Admiral and my word.
wreathedingold: hah, take that Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll get you for this!!
Tea Time: on second thought, it might be fun to spite Mr. McDuck.
Scrooge-McDuck: what????
ghostbutler: agreed.
Scrooge-McDuck: what?????????
Scrooge-McDuck: how did you two finally manage to come to an agreement on THIS out of everything???
lenaonme: idk but it’s really funny!!
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts. Forget this, i have REAL work to do!
aw-phooey: have fun counting your coins for the millionth time!!
dr. mad scientist: wait no we need to plan our defense!!
Scrooge-McDuck: what do you think I’m doing???
Scrooge-McDuck: @dr. mad scientist my office. Now.
moonlander-general: are we actually doing this?
Blathering-Blatherskite: I guess so. Gyro just left…
moonlander-general: this is ridiculous.
Indy_Sabrewing: agreed.
purpleisforthegays: this worries me
purpleisforthegays: I don’t want Lena and Violet to fight in a war
Violet-Sabrewing: To be fair, we already fought the Moonlander invasion
purpleisforthegays: true…
Junior-Woodchuck74: don’t forget the true purpose of this conversation!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
dr. mad scientist: WHAT.
Junior-Woodchuck74: add. me. to. the. team. science. group. Chat.
dr. mad scientist: ugh FINE
Junior-Woodchuck74: finally!! At long last, victory!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: yay, Huey!!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Good job Huey!!!
mutant-krill!!!!: congrats!!
mutant-krill!!!!: although I’m not entirely sure what I’m congratulating you for… I spent most of this conversation having a delightfully interesting chat with a sea star!!!
Adventure-Pilot: uhh that’s great fethry
TheWebbedWonder: ooh you’ll have to tell me about it sometime!!
mutant-krill!!!!: I definitely will, Little Della!!!
TheWebbedWonder: omg I’m a Little Della!!!
TheWebbedWonder: This is the fourth best day of my life!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fourth?
Blathering-Blatherskite: What are the first three?
TheWebbedWonder: The first was when the triplets moved in and I went on my first adventure! The second was when I met Violet and got Lena back! The third was when I went on a real spy mission with Uncle Scrooge and he let me call him Uncle Scrooge!!!
Scrooge-McDuck: aww, Webby darling!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Nice itemized list.
TheWebbedWonder: Thanks!!!
Adventure-Pilot: Webby, that is so sweet!!
TheWebbedWonder: <3 <3
moonlander-general: I still do not understand the “f”
Scrooge-McDuck: Me neither, Penumbra.
ICanDeweyIt: it’s from a game
ICanDeweyIt: the full phrase is “press f to pay respects”
moonlander-general: ah, I see.
moonlander-general: So it is… solidarity?
ICanDeweyIt: YES!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Congrats Aunt Penny
green-sharpie: omg baby’s first meme
moonlander-general: Aunt Penny?
Adventure-Pilot: yeah that’s how i introduced you lol hope you don’t mind!!!~
moonlander-general: ...it’s okay.
Adventure-Pilot: she loves it 💖💕
group chat: Science Gays
worldsgreatestinventor, worldsgreatestinvention, fentonium, Headless-Mannyhorse, adefinitelyrealboy, shut up with the exclamation points already
2:04 pm
worldsgreatestinventor added Junior-Woodchuck74
adefinitelyrealboy: Hi, Huey!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Hi Boyd!!
Headless-Mannyhorse: welcome
shut up with the exclamation points already: Huey!! What a nice surprise!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: wait who are you?
shut up with the exclamation points already: Fethry!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh hi Uncle Fethry!! ❤️
worldsgreatestinventor: unfortunately, Manny set this chat up and added him.
worldsgreatestinvention: he comes into the lab to study marine biology and stuff he found in the ocean when he’s in duckburg 
shut up with the exclamation points already: and I am grateful to him for it!!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: to be fair, Dr. Gearloose, you did create my name.
worldsgreatestinventor: yes, and it’s fitting.
Junior-Woodchuck74: huh neat!
shut up with the exclamation points already: exclamation points are fun!!
adefinitelyrealboy: They sure are, Mr. Duck!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: Oh, call me Fethry!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay, Mr. Fethry!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: close enough, I suppose
Junior-Woodchuck74: Anyway, what do you talk about in this chat? What scientific breakthroughs are you currently working on?
fentonium: Gyro was just complaining about Starducks for the past three hours.
worldsgreatestinventor: THEY NEVER GET MY ORDER OR MY NAME RIGHT
Headless-Mannyhorse: haha you censored yourself
worldsgreatestinventor: ...i’m not entirely convinced that donald doesn’t have some sort of tracking device on huey’s phone so he can hunt me down if i swear
fentonium: never thought I’d see the day the great Dr. Gyro Gearloose is scared of something!
worldsgreatestinventor: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck74: In all honesty, you’re probably right.
Junior-Woodchuck74: I found a weird program on my phone titled “Uno” one day and Uncle Donald told me “not to worry about it”
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s an interesting program name!
fentonium: could it be because you are the oldest triplet?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Maybe, but don’t let Dewey hear that
shut up with the exclamation points already: maybe the program’s name is an allusion to the Three Caballeros!
Headless-Mannyhorse: the three what now
worldsgreatestinventor: honestly manny the less you know about this crazy family the less confusing it is
Headless-Mannyhorse: fair
Junior-Woodchuck74: eh they’re just Uncle Donald’s college band. Pretty tame as far as it goes
shut up with the exclamation points already: there was a six month ish period during college where he moved to New Quackmore with them and basically went radio silent
shut up with the exclamation points already: He always told us it was to work on their songs!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: hmm, suspicious. Ty feth i’ll look into it
fentonium: ooh do I smell an incoming investigation?
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀
Junior-Woodchuck74: pms
worldsgreatestinventor: i hate you all
adefinitelyrealboy: even me?
worldsgreatestinventor: … 
worldsgreatestinventor: no, not you Boyd
adefinitelyrealboy: !!!!! <3 <3
adefinitelyrealboy: I love you Dr. Gearloose!!!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: i love you too boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
2:45 pm
Junior-Woodchuck74: You should really change your name, Fenton.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I know I know
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Gyro’s always on my case about it.
Junior-Woodchuck74: hmm when did he become “Gyro” and not “Dr. Gearloose”?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: We’re here to discuss the intricacies and hidden depths of the Three Caballeros, not the nature of Gyro and I’s relationship.
Junior-Woodchuck74: sure sure
Junior-Woodchuck74: so
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Donald
TotallyNotGizmoduck: are you certain there’s something you wish to investigate here?
Junior-Woodchuck74: absolutely
Junior-Woodchuck74: we said “no more family secrets” but my siblings and I have come to the conclusion that he has some
Junior-Woodchuck74: like that Uno program
TotallyNotGizmoduck: “some,” as in, more than one?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Wait, if Donald has a program to monitor your phones won’t he be privy to this very conversation?
Junior-Woodchuck74: SHOOT YOU’RE RIGHT
Junior-Woodchuck74: ABORT ABORT
Junior-Woodchuck74: You’ll just have to come over to the mansion. On a totally random day. That we definitely aren’t planning an investigation.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I am eagerly awaiting our surprise rendezvous!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: While you’re there at our unplanned meeting, you, Webby, Violet, and I should rig up an encrypted group chat!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Sounds like a fun and enjoyable activity that we will only use for spontaneous activities!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Absolutely
Junior-Woodchuck74: now about you and gyro…
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh look at that Mr. McDuck is calling I have to go offline bye Huey!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this Fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I know you’re staring at your locked phone reading the notifications
Junior-Woodchuck74: You saw me with Gyro and the Team Science chat you know I don’t give up easily
Teach Penny and Mom Pokémon Group Chat!!!
4:42 pm
ICanDeweyIt: this chat has been suspiciously silent
moonlander-general: do I really need to be here?
universesgreatestadventurer: Don’t you want to know about this integral part of earth culture?
universesgreatestadventurer: also it would make me sad if you refused
moonlander-general: ...I suppose
wildlymisunderstood: you’ve gone soft.
ICanDeweyIt: mom really said 🥺👉👈
universesgreatestadventurer: oh no a meme i don’t know!!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: oh shoot i don’t know how to explain this one
lenaonme: the emoji’s name is the pleading emoji that should tell you enough tbh
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i guess so
universesgreatestadventurer: it’s okay webby
universesgreatestadventurer: I’ll figure it out eventually
universesgreatestadventurer: I’m the great Della Duck, after all!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: That’s true!! You’re amazing!!
universesgreatestadventurer: aw hon you’re too sweet 🥺👉👈
universesgreatestadventurer: did I do it?? Did I meme right???
green-sharpie: not quite, but props for trying
universesgreatestadventurer: i’ll get it eventually
aw-phooey: just do it wrong dells it annoys them to no avail
Junior-Woodchuck74: HAH
aw-phooey: Huey please
aw-phooey: i’m offended you’d think i wouldn’t know how to meme.
aw-phooey: besides i have seven kids
green-sharpie: wait seven??
aw-phooey: i’m counting boyd sorry gyro
wildlymisunderstood: NO HE’S MINE
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m screenshotting this to send to him!!!
wildlymisunderstood: DON’T YOU DARE
wildlymisunderstood: if you shut up i’ll give you an internship at the lab
Junior-Woodchuck74: …
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh fine
Junior-Woodchuck74: but you have to tell him at some point!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you have a whole group chat full of witnesses now dr. g
wildlymisunderstood: ...I’m going to regret this aren’t I
TheCrashiestCrash: sooo… are we going to play some pokémon or…?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: YES POKÉMON PARTY
ICanDeweyIt: okay wait
ICanDeweyIt: mom you got penny a phone right?
universesgreatestadventurer: well technically Uncle Scrooge got it for her because I was on the moon for ten years and i’m broke and have no money
universesgreatestadventurer: but yeah
ICanDeweyIt: okay we’ll start with pokemon go since that’s the only console she has
ICanDeweyIt: just come over on uhh friday
moonlander-general: I can do that.
universesgreatestadventurer: IT’S A DATE!!!
Family Group Chat!!!
5:12 pm
Tea Time: Everyone offline. Dinner is ready.
Junior-Woodchuck74: How did you know we were texting? This groupchat has been silent for hours
TheWebbedWonder: yes it’s quite a tragedy
green-sharpie: f
lenaonme: f
Adventure-Pilot: f
Adventure-Pilot: @moonlander-general I DID IT!!! You do it too
moonlander-general: f
Adventure-Pilot: *wipes away tear* omg i’m so proud
ICanDeweyIt: she’s come so far
ICanDeweyIt: you both have
TheWebbedWonder: but they have a long way to go before they can save anyone
green-sharpie: shut up about avatar shut up about avatar
TheWebbedWonder: no
Tea Time: To answer your question, Huey, Dewey and Louie are on the couch in the TV room and they’re both texting.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Ah, makes sense
Junior-Woodchuck74: also we have multiple TV rooms
lenaonme: heheh rich kid problemz
Junior-Woodchuck74: you come over to our house twice a week shut up middle class kid
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll have you know I worked hard for my fortune! Years of backbreaking labor!
wreathedingold: yeah you’re proud of it we get it
Scrooge-McDuck: says the woman who made her fortune dishonestly!!
Scrooge-McDuck: and, may I add, who has less money than me!
wreathedingold: it’s only a matter of time
green-sharpie: ugh now you sound like glomgold
wreathedingold: ugh pass
lenaonme: lmao
aw-phooey: language.
Indy_Sabrewing: language
Tea Time: Dinner.
green-sharpie: Money!
TheWebbedWonder: flaming machetes!!!!!!!
aw-phooey: webby no.
lenaonme: webby yes!!
Tea Time: everyone offline.
lenaonme: i don’t even live here lollllll lame
Tea Time: Lena. Go offline so you don’t distract everyone else during dinner.
lenaonme: oh all right
lenaonme: but only because i want chocolate chip pancakes when i come over to the mansion on saturday.
Tea Time: I’ll keep it in mind.
TheWebbedWonder: aw Lena, you know Granny can’t say no to you!
TheWebbedWonder: she loves you too much
lenaonme: !!! lskdfhdksl
Tea Time: Webbigail, please. Come eat.
Tea Time: ...but she’s not wrong, Lena dear.
lenaonme: <3 <3 alksdhfghdskl;ldkf
PM between worldsgreatestinventor and Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl
10:56 pm
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: dr. g!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: small child.
worldsgreatestinventor: shouldn’t you be asleep by now?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: shouldn’t you?
worldsgreatestinventor: i’m busy with a new project that will blow the collective world’s mind.
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: nice nice but when’s the last time you slept?
worldsgreatestinventor: i got a couple hours in yesterday afternoon
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: doctorrrrr geeeeaaarrrloooseee
worldsgreatestinventor: oh my god just say what you came here for
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: so! Boyd!
worldsgreatestinventor: oh boy
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i think it went pretty well don’t you think?
worldsgreatestinventor: yeah actually
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i just wanted to check that you’re doing okay with it
worldsgreatestinventor: i am thanks
worldsgreatestinventor: what for though? You wouldn’t have kicked Boyd out if he was making me uncomfortable
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: idk i didn’t think that far ahead
worldsgreatestinventor: i can tell
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: just… offer comfort, I guess? Or get Huey or Uncle Donald to do it
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: or Uncle Ty
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: they’re better at it than me
worldsgreatestinventor: shut up you’re doing fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: You don’t need actual comforting though
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: sides i’d comfort the heck out of you if you needed it!!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: i don’t doubt that
11:07 pm
worldsgreatestinventor: anyway thanks webby
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: anytime!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: I do have a price for my services though
worldsgreatestinventor: oh no louie’s gotten to you hasn’t he
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: can I have a hug next time i see you?
worldsgreatestinventor: ...fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: YES!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: five seconds long at most. I’ll be timing you.
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: eh we’ll see about that
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: when I met Lena she avoided hugs like the plague, but now she looks for any excuse to hug me!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: we’ll make a hugger out of you yet
worldsgreatestinventor: i don’t know about that
worldsgreatestinventor: wait, we?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: …
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: della and i have been plotting.
worldsgreatestinventor: figures.
worldsgreatestinventor: now go to sleep small child!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: only if you do too
worldsgreatestinventor: fine fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: !!! slfkhdks
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: good night!!
worldsgreatestinventor: good night.
Science Gays
4:35 am
Headless-Mannyhorse: wait didn’t mr. mcduck say something about the three caballeros fighting evil with a xylophone
namez! Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22* / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite / fentonium Manny: ihaveahead!!! / Headless-Mannyhorse Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! / shut up with the exclamation points already Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy
don’t ask me how disney works since they’re from disney and would be on disney+ i don’t know all i know is that dewey loves hamilton ok
i read multiple webby and gyro fics the other day they’re a very underrated dynamic & i’m soft for them ok
also i don’t know a lot about pokemon so if anyone has tips on that mini plotline lmk i have no clue why i put that in
i’m too tired for a full author’s note so uhh have fun kids ily
Chapter 3
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Adventure Time Reviewed: Season 1 part 1
As promised, I’m going through the Adventure Time series. I’m going to write brief reviews for each of the eps as I watch them, in groups. 
Slumber Party Panic to Prisoners of Love
S1E01: Slumber Party Panic
This made an outstanding choice for a first episode, even if it wasn’t the intended premiere, because SPP shows you a brief package of what themes the show would keep through its run, rather than just a brief adventure.  It’s really funny that the first appearance of Princess Bubblegum in the series is her raising the dead, it being a big mistake, and her lying to the candy people to protect them and describing them as ignorant, then making a 12 year old keep a royal promise.  This ep shows Finn’s early season character - an amped up, anxious kid who wants to keep everyone happy but sometimes can’t. And it has Jake trying to pry the information from him, because from Jake’s perspective it is out of character for Finn to keep secrets, and he is also messed up after finding Dead Mr Creampuff’s sock with Finn. (Mr Creampuff and Manfried are both in this ep, and they will continue to be the funniest retcons of all time to me)    What was absolutely retconned after this ep was the brokenness of the Gumball Guardians. It’s hilarious that Bubblegum programmed them to go apeshit if someone breaks a promise to her. If only they could have frozen time during the final battle against GOLB. I liked the part in ETDBIDK where you have to answer a maths question while dodging their attacks, even if it went on a bit too long.   The ep also subverts its message. Bubblegum asks Finn if he learned about the consequences of breaking promises, but Finn says that if he breaks promises he can go on AWESOME ADVENTURES and REVERSE DEATH ITSELF, and PB goes whatever, youre too cute to yell at.  
The music in SPP is surreal. Seriously, listen to this ep. The tension it creates when Finn is told to make a royal promise because the zombies will explode, and how the music so naturally swings with the mood of the ep. Excellent score!
As Jake said,“This is messed up, but cute!”  
S1E02: Trouble in Lumpy Space
This is the introduction to LSP and to Lumpy Space. Lumpy space is a beautiful if rather barren environment. I do think more could have been done with it in AT, because there are not many episodes that take place in space.  One design choice I found SUPER COOL in this ep is the sun has a green halo around it. I can’t actually find the sun again, I even looked on the wiki but there are no images, so it must have appeared for a brief instance. But it looked great!  
LSP as a character was always incredibly selfish, but she also has this vibe of being a teenager who dwells far too much on teenager feelings. She NEVER takes anything seriously, unless it’s teen drama. And you can see that in full effect here.  I love LSP. I love how much of an asshole she is, yet she has this sort of charm, because she’s so spiteful but in the teenage idiot kind of way rather than in a genuinely malicious way. It’s like she doesn’t understand right and wrong and is driven by pure instinct. And she’s voiced by Pen Ward! His LSP voice is the best. 
I love Finn and Jake getting lumpified. There is some great voice acting on behalf of Jeremy Shada to pull this off. 
Favourite joke: When Jake talks about how he might get lumpified, and if it happens Finn says he’ll bury him next to the treehouse, but Jake is alarmed and says he just wanted to be accepted, what did Finn think he was going to say? LMAO  
Other good one: “We were drawn back by your directionless fury. Here! PCHOO! Get your girl back!” “Yeah there’s no girl.”  
Finn in this ep is having some issues communicating. He ends up having an outburst at LSP, even though it wasn’t entirely her fault that the smooth posers took away the orb, it was theirs too. Finn was having a bad day. 
I wish Jellybeans Have Power started with PB and SP bouncing on marshmallows like in this episode rather than having tea in her room. That would’ve been a nice callback. 
Anyway, Trouble in Lumpy Space is great. These two eps are really good introductions to the series. 
S1E03: Prisoners of Love
I love the joke with the snow golem’s cat head. There is an immediate callback to the Pilot, with Finn and Jake having fun in the snow. I always liked how fun these scenes looked, they are very very rare later in the series.  There’s even a homage to penguin surfing, but the penguins are surfing on Jake this time.  Finn and Jake act like jerks to the Ice King for like no reason. “Do you know what Ice King means?” “A big nerd!” “Oh, holy cow!”  *fistbump*  
“There’s a big sleepy lava man in our front yard, and he is SO hot.” “Mmmhmm....” “Nonono I take it - I mean, not like SEXY hot--” “No, no you DO mean sexy hot!”  “NO! I mean---”  Oh Adventure Time. Gay jokes on episode 3, and these would continue throughout the show. But as soon as you imply two of your main girl characters are or were in love, suddenly the network hounds onto you like dogs :/ Rebecca Sugar herself said that it’s much more likely you’ll get gay content in if it’s presented as a joke, or Wrong somehow, like Jake and Ice King getting married later in the season. 
“Now now, I brought you a baby! And a PUPPY!” In his twisted way, Ice King thought the princesses would want to have Finn and Jake there. It’s also a good thing Finn and Jake got kidnapped because otherwise they wouldn’t have discovered Ice King locked up a bunch of princesses. 
Ice King himself is a fun character already. He’s not shown as doing outright evil stuff to Finn and Jake for the sake of it. He seems heavily misguided, and idiotic, trying in his weird way to make friends. Then again.... “IceKing - let the girls go! They don’t want to be here.” “Of course they do! I’d have killed them already if they didn’t want to be here! Right ladies?” Ice King I’m increasingly certain the only reason you haven’t been dissected on Bubblegum’s lab table is because of your connection to Marceline, but that is some late series lore. As for the early seasons, wtf dude!  
The flute song Finn plays in this ep is very similar to the one he plays in Lemonhope part 2. The Lemonhope version is more complete. “You broke it when we tried picking the lock to that sad ogre’s heart!” Oh my god that is such an AT line, you can imagine an entire emotional adventure based on that. 
Ice King has a drawing of Bubblegum on his keyboard... 
I love how the princesses are clearly quite traumatized by this affair, having been held for weeks, but the most Ice King did was ask them about their favourite sports, while threatening to kill them if they didnt play the keyboard..... it’s like a parody of a twisted serial killer. AT’s dark humor is my favourite.  
Finn is a hot headed kid. He knows that the Ice King needs some kind of help but doesn’t know where to start. He knows he’s probably too young to understand. But Jake hasn’t got the patience to help. 
Cosmic Owl’s first appearance!!!!!
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
“I Can’t Hurt Them Again”
Summary: My take on Julian’s route starting from where he dumps you at the docks to the very end.
Warrnings// !!!Lot’s Of ANGST!! No Comfort!!! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR; Asra’s route, Julians route, and the overall game lore.
Pairing; Julian X Reader. Past Asra X Reader.
Though neither you nor Julian had known each other long, merely a few weeks, but something about him was so familiar. It was comforting. It was probably why it hurt so bad to loose him
It started a few months ago, Asra had just left you alone at the shop. After reading for the Countess Nadia you gained another unwanted visitor who you swiftly hit over the head with a near by vase. After another visit or two you gained some more information on your red headed wanted doctor friend. He was wanted for a crime he may or may not have committed, however, you had a gut feeling he was innocent so you both sat out to prove his innocents (Or guiltiness Julian insisted on reminding) On your ‘adventure’ with the doctor you found yourselves in steamy situation on numerous occasions. They all ended the same way, you always had more important things to do.
Julian pressed against the old metal fencing, your hand carefully yet firmly pressing into his wound on his abdomen. All while watching him squirm and flush above you.
No. we have to prove his innocents.
Mouthed on each other in the library of the palace, two bodies having been quickly squeezed between bookcases under the thought of guards coming. Turned out it was just Malak outside the window.
No, we have to deal with the magical forces at hand.
Most recently, being asked by Julian for you to bite him while in Mezlinka’s bed together.
No! We have to save the world first!
For a moment you wished that the world could survive on its own, that it didn’t need you or Julian, That you could both disappear together. Just for a little while of course.
You didn’t think your silent wish would ever come true, that is until that morning when Julian ran you around the town under the assumption “I think we should talk.” A first your heart had fluttered, It was clear you both were more then friends but neither of you brought it up in conversation afraid of the answers from the other. Was he going to bring it up? Was he going to ask you to make it official?!
The last thing you expected was to be where you were now, Sitting on the docks beside each other in tense silence. The whole day had passed in fast chaos, but at least during the chaos you were both speaking and happy. Julian seems far from ‘happy’ at the moment. “Ah, It seems I’ve wasted the whole day away without talking about what i brought you out to talk about.” He laughed nervously, there was no cheerfulness behind his forced smile, just pain. You started to doubt what you thought he wanted to talk about, something you were sure about earlier. “It’s fine! I had a lot of fun hanging out with you Julian” You smiled at him. Julian’s heart clenched painfully in guilt for what he was about to say. It was going to hurt, this you could tell.
“What we are— Whatever this is... It can’t continue, It has to stop here. I’m sorry MC.”
Julian couldn’t bring himself to look up, instead his locked his gaze with his feet like they owed him money or something, his feet that hung over the docks just above the water. Oh how he thought about how easy it would be to jump into the ink colored liquid and never resurface, it would have been a whole hell of a lot easier then listening to your broken whisper of “what...? why...?” Julians jaw clenched as tight as he grip on the non-to-sturdy wood he sat on, he was prepare for you to yell or hit him but what he got was so much worse.
Julian’s head whipped towards you, “Excuse me?” He asked, a little more confused then hurt at this point.”No. Julian I am NOT going to let you do this by yourself. We’re proving your innocence together—“ “I’m not innocent!” Julian said, he meant to make himself seem angry figuring you’d definitely leave if he yelled at you. Scared you. Then you’d be safe from him for good. “You don’t know that!” You said, your own voice coming out a little louder, a little bit more whinier. “I know that! I can feel it in my gut, I’ve done something horrible i can tell. I may not have been guilty for the counts death but I’m guilty for something else just as bad, I know I am.” Julian stood, you stood as well.
This carried on, going back and forth until you were all but begging him to let you help, to stay with you. Each time he’d give you the same answers, “I’m dangerous!” Or “I’ll hurt you!” until you couldn’t take it anymore and finally cave. “Julian you cant!”
Don’t say it
“Why can’t I!?” He snapped back, his appearance said he was furious but his eyes said he was silently screaming inside.
Please gods, don’t say it.
“Because... Because I love you...” You whispered, eyes so full of sadness and dull hope for him to just stay and love you back.
You said it...
Julian was salient for a moment, his back to you from previously trying to walk away.
“I don’t love you...” His voice was like a cold, quiet, dagger that stabbed your chest.You stood there stunned while he walked away discreetly wiping his face from the tears that started falling the moment when you proclaimed your feelings for him. The same moment he knew exactly what he had to say to get you to leave, a blatant lie to himself.
It’s wasn’t until you arrived at the shop seeing Asra had arrived home early that it hit you full force like a stack of bricks.
“Hey MC! Where have you been.” He began wiggling his eyebrows only for his face to drop when he noticed your distressed face. With a hand clasped over your mouth to muffle your sobs, your eyes squeezed closed while hot tears left them. You heard Asra come over as fast as his feet could carry him, you felt his tight embrace. Asra was terrified, he hadn’t seen you like this since the last time you got your memories back and he had to erase them again. Oh how he prayed that wasn’t the case this time. “He left!” You let out. Loud sob that honestly shocked the white haired man yet also relieved him. Just as he was about to question you, you continued. “Julian left me! He doesn’t love me back.” You cried so loudly it felt like your lungs burned. Asra sighed as he quietly cursed that red-headed doctor for ever making you hurt.
A few days had passed since that night, or maybe it was a few weeks. You couldn’t remember anymore. Lately you’d been spending your nights at the rowdy raven in small hope you’d run into Julian but you were never that lucky, plus Asra didn’t let you drink at home. Asra.... You hadn’t had a conversation with him since the night you sobbed yourself to sleep in his arms, weather from embarrassment or simply from the lack of wanting human communication, you couldn’t tell. In fact you’d been so distant that you’d stopped working on that case for Nadia, Asra was thought despite him trying to hide it from you.
On this particular night, you over heard some of the regulars (Which you’d now become part of) talking about Julian, mainly about how they hadn’t seen him in a long while. One thing though did peak your interest though.
“I heard Devorak got himself captured in the library of the palace because of that damn bird of his yapping to loud.”
They weren’t wrong. Malak hadn’t shut up about you since the night Julian came back without you. “MC? Where?” Malak had asked while tilting his head.
“Their gone...” Julian answered quietly as he ran a hand over his wet face to try to clear his mind.
“Get!” Malak yelled at Julian.
“No! their not coming back, Their safer wherever they are...” Julian sighed.
That very next day Julian had sneaked back into the library to look for more information. He couldn’t piece the puzzle together no matter how much he tried, he found himself thinking about how you could have easily solved this by now. Malak waited outside the open window flapping loudly. “MC! Need them!! NOW! Julian! Julian!! Need MC Now!!” Malak cawed louder and louder to the point Julian had yelled back at him. That’s what got him caught and taken to the palace prison. He sat there in his cell thinking over overthink he had done, specifically the pained expression you had when he told you he had to end what was going on.
“MC? I heard Nadia talking about treason between them and Julian Devorak.” A guard mildly chit chatted with another at the door
“Yeah? I heard that too. And that their set to hang with Dr Devorak per Coutess’ order.” Another Guard added to the conversation.
Oh no.
The bells ringing is what woke you up enough to realize you had over slept. With a sickening jolt you arose with a headache quickly. You paid no mind to the pain as you ran all the way to the coliseum, you got there in record time and pushed passed the crowd. You ignored the calling of your name from Mezlinka, Portia, and Asra as you made your way to the front. Just as Julian came into sight, both your eyes locked together. Metal closed hands grasped your tightly. “Ah! His accomplice! Isn’t it fitting they come to be tried together.” Vasomil smiled. “More like, come to be hung together.” Valdemar cocked their head side with a smile.
“No! They had nothing to do with it!” Julian yelled at the court from where he stood on the wooden make-shift platform, a rope around his neck. The very same platform you were being led to at the moment.
Once on the platform they tightened the rope around your neck apparently already prepared for your appearance. “Julian...” You looked up at him standing beside you.”Why would you come here!?” Julian snarled at you, his face softening when he saw the pure terror in your eyes. “I don’t want to die.” You whimpered as tears threatened to spill. “Your not going to.” Julian said with a voice filled with something like determination. The optioned looked slim here for a chance of your escape let alone yours AND Julian.
Asra had finally pushed his way through the crowd. “Nadi! Mc’s Innocent!!” He yelled up at her desperately. “How do you intend to prove that?!” Nadia almost snarled.
Asra panicked and said the only thing he could think of. “They were dead, Remember!?” Asra screamed over the crowd.
Nadia’s eyes widened, you could see something snap inside her. “Stop!” Nadia yelled as he came to stand.
Though your own eye’s were wide like plates from the new information, somehow everything started to darken to the point it went black.
The last thing you saw was Julian trying to catch you as you fell.
The last thing you heard was your name followed by Vastomil. “Hang him! He’s trying to escape!!” Followed by a sickening snap of bone.
Your eyes fluttered open, you were on an island. One with red dirt, a bird man stood beside you, everything else to foggy to see. You recognized the figure almost instantly. “T-The hanged man?” You asked softly causing the bird to almost smile and laugh. “Exactly, Your smart MC. Speaking of which, you should be getting your memories back now.” He almost hummed as he stared at you with beady eyes, and just as quickly as he came he was gone.
The fog cleared enough for you to see another island with a street lamp on it. The words on the signs were jumbled and ever changing. Your focus changed to the two people standing there, One the Hanged man and the other Julian.
“Who are you.. Bird man?!” Julian asked. “You don’t remember me?” The bird smiled with his arms crossed. “I... Your... Your the one who gave me the mark.” Julian slowly pecked the pieces together while you tried to call out to him only to find you couldn’t speak.
“Precisely, And you Julian have been lying to yourself. You didn’t kill the count, Did you?” The raven asked.
“No.... No, I was locked in my office in the basement.” Julian said, more memories flooded back to him as they did you. Though yours not as comforting as you remember the pain of flames eating you alive
“Why?” The hanged man asked, it seemed he already knew the answer but was coaxing Julian to remember.
“Because I had come down with the plague... I was dying! I remember! I remember...” Julian fell quiet as he looked down.
“MC?” The raven hummed.
“MC... They died, They died during the plague because of me. Oh gods I didn’t see it in time and they died because I couldn’t find a cure.” Julian looked like he had just seen his dog run over. While you stood there remember your own death over and over in your head. Falling onto the streets when the plague overcame you, how could he not know? How did he not notice you dying in front of him...
“Julian.” The raven called his attention which was granted “You hung in the coliseum. Now I’m going to give you two options.” The raven stated coldly. Now it became clear why you couldn’t speak, Julian had to make this choice himself.
“Your first choice is; You can come back to life with your old memories but not your mark and fight the devil to keep the plague from coming back.” He started, “Or?” Julian asked. “Or you can stay here with me in the afterlife and I will make sure the plague stops before it starts.” The raven headed man finished.
Julian thought it over for a moment. “If i die... MC will be safe... But if I go back, They’ll want to help me fight the devil and they might be killed because of me again....” Julian repeated his optioned out loud. You prayed he knew what to choose, what you wanted, that somehow he’d choose to—
“I’ll stay.” Julian said sternly. “You can have longer to choose if you’d like.” The hanged man said softly as he glance over at you who stood there trembling on the other island. “I don’t need more time to choose... I don’t— no i cant let them die because of me again. I wont let it happen. This way they wont get hurt...” Julians voice fell off once he followed the ravens gaze to... you? Your eyes locked once more, his gaze hardened. “I’m staying.” He confirmed once more. The raven nodded before disappearing.
Your islands crashed together, as soon as it did you hugged Julian as tightly as you could. “NO! Come back please.” You sobbed. “Now Love... You know I cant do that.” He sighed as he laid his head on yours for one last time. “I lied... When I said I didn’t love you... You know that right?” Julian chocked up softly. You nodded silent. “I love you more then i could even explain. That’s why I’m staying.” He sighed as tears started to stream down his face, You shook your head repeatedly. “Do me a favor... Okay?” He asked as he pulled you out of the hug, he had a itching feeling you wouldn’t be around much longer. You swallowed and wiped you eyes, you wanted to be strong for him. You had to be strong for him. You nodded not trusting your voice.
“Find someone else. Girl, guy, whatever just find someone who’s good to you. Someone who spoils you rotten and can cook. And tell Portia I miss her and that i want her to take care of you and Maz.A-And tell Asra, I’m sorry.” He smiled painfully as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “I love you Julian...” You whimpered one last time, “I love you to MC.” He smiled one last time. A genuine smile as he kissed you softly.
You clung to him in the kiss. The feeling of his warmth and firmness slowly fading away as you closed your eyes. You weren’t going to break your promise even if it killed you.
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