koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{from here!}
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wild-battlebond · 3 years
MonKart Ep1 Liveblog
I have no idea what this show is about besides what the summary said. Why are the monsters in karts? Why does the protagonist want to be a knight when this is a show about go-karting? Why is there a princess? Will this even be a good show? Time to find out.
• wow this show’s fancy it even has an english dub 
• well in the first 2 minutes this show is already better written than the other show from the same production company i watched so i’m tentatively hopeful about this now
• there's an old guy with goggles who has a cane that shoots cleaning spray (? it's some kind of eye irritant) and a princess
• i’m not sure if this is the princess’s castle & she’s just running away from home or if she was captured and is trying to escape HELLO lady knight
•FINALLY the monsters are here. very curious about why they battle by racing karts and what the importance of the swords these people are holding is
•they can issue attacks by slashing an X with the sword??? and then they can also use moves while driving the karts???
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•i can sense that this girl is going to be like. a very stereotypical “girl” character and that could get a little bland. but both her and her monster are adorable they’re even color coordinated
•hello protagonist
•now the monsters are transforming???? forme changing???
•wh. did he just kill the other kid’s monster????
•no it’s alive. it’s in a burning car but it’s fine.
•so Jin’s all about chivalry and knightly things. got it.
•is the ref going to tell him off for wrecking the other one’s car
•n. no it seems he was only in trouble for standing around instead of racing.
•*shrek and his friends talking to a castle worker voice* he doesn’t even have a monkart
•so if Jin doesn’t already have a MonKart, then that means that whoever becomes his partner is probably going to be special in some way, right?
•everyone’s outfits so far are a real aesthetic. which aesthetic? i don’t know.
•so these two help out/work at a store that sells monkart parts...? i wonder, are they just friends who happen to work at the same place, or are they related and this is a family store?
•there you go just pick one of these convenient starter monkarts sitting in this glass cage. so the monsters that go in the cart can be sold, too? sort of like in pokémon’s capsule monsters concept art...
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•i genuinely love the monster designs in this so far. these are so adorable. though at the same time the one on the far right looks like a bootleg palmon and the one on the far left has a similar colorscheme and V on its chest to veemon. that doesn’t detract from how cute these designs are though lmao they could have a green pikachu and i wouldn’t really care.
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•YES ALRIGHT hopefully this means that bonds will be really important in this show. anyways Jin is rejecting these starters because he says they have no “buzz”, like no fighting spirit/he doesn’t feel a connection to them
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•ok this show has endeared itself to me purely through this alone
•hmmmmm he wants to become a knight like Destro... but Destro is the one that the princess said she had to stop... 🤔
•and this is. their dad? he’s probably at least the girl’s dad since he’s blonde like her
•boo i don’t wanna go back to the dragon quest princess i wanna see more monsters
•oh but she’s in the town now
•OK they are not related and Jin is an orphan
•now Jin and the princess have met and also he saved her from a bunch of bullies
•i guess the old guy is bad at keeping secrets
•sooooooo Jin’s sword is fancy and special because it’s the sword that the Keit guy that the princess & old guy are looking for used. he’s definitely going to get a special partner with that.
•oh finally someone said the girl’s name. she’s Laura. and also I just noticed her monster isn’t with her anymore. I wonder if they can be conveniently stored somehow? they do seem to turn tiny when they’re in the karts, unless perspective made them look tiny.
•the monster was IN the sword?!!?!?!?!? so he’s inheriting the partner that Keit had. also Laura doesn’t seem to have a sword so that’s probably not where her partner went.
•so the monsters don’t talk & just make babbling noises but also the princess can understand their language. cool.
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•YES!!!! partners!!! he even offers it a little handshake, that’s so nice!
•ah, i guess it’ll be a little stubborn at first until it trusts Jin a little more
•i love how they talk like they’re going to fight right then and there and then they have to walk to a stadium to go-kart in.
•ok i guess they’re normal sized while in the cars and I just thought they looked tiny because of perspective. good to know.
•wtf this turtle makes the mario kart countdown noise
•the battle was just OK. it was a little hard to follow the action sometimes. also, Jin obviously has an advantage since his partner is already trained and very powerful, so it’s likely that he might start struggling later if he can’t keep up with Draka. that’s also why it’ll be important for Draka to loose some of its smugness and learn to trust Jin so that they can help each other improve.
OK overall that was actually really enjoyable and right up my alley. I’m definitely going to watch this some more!
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