#c: tentomon x
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{from here!}
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taichi-x-koushiro · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi (+with Agumon & Tentomon) (Higher quality art from the character stand previews!)
{Note how Koushiro has mainly ORANGE (Taichi), Dark fuschia pink (Hikari) and green (Mimi) splashes, with a significant amount from Taichi too} (Koushiro also seemed to land a hit or two on Agumon!)
{Crop'd by Me} (Please ASK to Use) (DO NOT RE POST Without Asking Please)
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izzyizumi · 4 months
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Digimon Adventure/02/tri. ~ Japanese Original Version + (Adoptee) Izumi Koushiro{u}'s (Adoptive) Parents + Mrs. Izumi (Focus)/(Best Of)
"...And the 'People I LOVE {/Care for} Most'
-Are MY Mother and Father!!"
-Koushiro in Adventure Episode #38, Definitively
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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hikari-m · 5 months
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
{Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Works/Editing Under any Circumstances, including for A. I. Usage, without my Permission}
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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aph-japan · 2 years
{DigiAdvs} A.M.V. (Preview)/(Unfinished)/{CONCEPT ONLY} x Adv, tri, Kizuna, 2020 Ship: TaiKourato (Sora/Yama/Koushiro/Taichi) as Polyship {Menoa also appears; Meiko MAY appear in a full version; side mutually unrequited Menoa->Koushiro can be read in) Song: "Moon Rain" by Kisho Taniyama
Notes: This song is currently un-translated, so this A.M.V. preview for now is mainly just a concept. Thus, re-blog function is turned off for now, but I won’t mind any "Likes". (A.M.V. finished in about 25 min on 9/06/22) * This is a (my own) {by izzyizumi / koushirouizumi} re-post for archival. Contains Spoiler for: - Adventure {Eps. 21; 24; 48} – Ep. 51: YamaxSora(+Jou) Moment {side Q.p.r!YamaxJou can also be read in} - tri. {Kokuhaku Mid-End; Koushiro & Tentomon} - Kizuna {major mid-end spoiler; Koushiro & Menoa relevancy} - 2020 {Eps. 02; 03; 36 - KouTai + Koushiro relevancy}
"I couldn't MOVE" {?}
"Sayonara" {Farewell}, "{Those} days..."
"MY Precious,"
"A small…" {FLAME?}/{Fire?}
"Hitori ja nai" / "{You’re} Not Alone"
"Same time…"
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (This work is being shared as a FAN Work) {Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Digi-Advs ( C ) T0EI A n i m a t i o n / “Akiyoshi Hongo” nor this song which is ( C ) Uta-puri series / Elements Garden}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (Series) x La Belle et la Bête 2 {Parody} ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / Work-in-Progress: ~ “L’Histoires” [“Stories”] + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai}/{Taishiro} + Friendships/(Platonic) Supporting: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
Digimon Adventure & related Series © Toei Animation La Belle et la Bête / Beauty and the Beast 2 (C) Disney
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work!
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the end section is completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! This 1st part / intro / opening has taken about 45~ min already.
There are small Koushiro-spoilers from: Digimon Adventure 2020 Ep 14, 59; Tri: Kokuhaku (Kou+Tai moment)
{French Ver.}:
Histoires de héros, qui volent plus haut que les oiseaux, et vous donnent pour toujours l'espoir, d'emporter {la victoire}. Je sais qu'un jour viendra, où il gagnera son combat, dans un monde où il règnera, sa vie changera.
Stories of {HEROES}, who fly higher than [Icarus?] / the birds, and give you hope forever, to win… I {KNOW} that a day will come when (they) {WILL WIN} (their) fight, in A WORLD where (THEY) will reign, (THEIR) LIFE will {CHANGE}...
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Koushiro Izumi is NOT a “background chara” (that can be easily dismissed or ‘left out’ of the ensemble cast), I don’t know who needs to hear that...!! (And regardless of Koushiro’s own role usages / screen-time; it’s STILL Important.) Koushiro will ALWAYS be important as representation of non-normative families no matter what Toei may choose to SHOW (or BELIEVE...)
{I might finish this for this month, but we’ll see.} (This song genuinely means a lot to me anyhow; I am making it out of genuine appreciation for this {+canon} chara; and as this is just a pre-view, I hope it can be respected.)
The song is in French but I provided the machine translated lines above. (I’ve seen the song sub’d properly before in past too; it was pretty much along these lines, so hopefully you can follow!)
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izzyizumi · 4 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure/02/tri./Kizuna/Adventure: {2020} ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi + Dynamics + Koushiro & Chosen {+02 Chosen} (Mutual S u p p o r t) + Koushiro & Taichi (F r i e n d s h i p)/(can be viewed) {Ship} + Koushiro & Izumis (P l a t o n i c L o v e) + Koushiro & Tentomon (F r i e n d s h i p) + A D U L T!Koushiro {Kizuna C r e d i t s}
"F r i e n d s h i p and l o v e is not asked for
but O F F E R E D, LIKE tea."
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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[Please interact on this set Respectfully. The overall intention is platonic dynamics, for essentially everyone else featured though this set can also be viewed particularly as: Koushiro{u} x Taichi (KouTai)/Taishiro{u}.]
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} {""Millennium"" Bug}: Y2K24 Edition
Taichi, walking back in Way Late after a really tough day of Taichi's own: (Loud enough murmur) Koushiro, are you awak-- TENTOMON: (sHHHHHHH) {Lightest of buzz'ng noises} T A I C H I: Tentomon, Quietly to Taichi: (Koushiro was in bed by 2 A.M. tonight but is actually getting decent rest in).... TAICHI, Taking in view: TAICHI, Light laugh: (I should be expecting it by now) Koushiro, half curled up on side, sheets haphazard, still in work outfit, full rest mode GO: . . . . . Taichi: (It's ok if Koushiro's still in Koushiro's work outfit, we'll take care of that later.) Taichi: (Also, Koushiro uses the way better software that Koushiro personally developed, anyway.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure / 02 / Our War Game / tri. / Kizuna / “2020:” re-boot A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ ““Dirty” COMPUTER” [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& e.t.c.; as Friendly/Supporting) [+Izumi Family; & Tentomon] MUSIC ( C ) Janelle Monáe DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {Some minimal Koushiro & Taichi-spoiler[s] for Tri, Kizuna & 2020} (mainly Koushiro focus eps & Scenes, including from end of 2020) [& a Kizuna!Taichi bit originally shown in the trailers, extended slightly] [Tri!Taichi & Koushiro scenes used come only from: “Ketsui” {“Determination”} [Koushiro only] & “Kokuhaku” {“Confession”}]
{If you look CLOSER you'll RECOGNIZE}
Crashing slowly,
“The {‘BUGS’} are IN ME”,
Dirty computer, breaking down Picking my face up OFF the ground
I'll {LOVE YOU?} in this SPACE and Time
'Cause baby, All that I'll ever be
{YOUR} --
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIP/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Technically, it can also be read as semi-canon Compliant; regardless, please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only as the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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{Lyrics also under the ‘
(I said I didn’t have anything “major” finished for 08-01-22, and then I made a Koushiro-support + Koushiro/Taichi O.T.P AMV in 2~ hours...)
Even this A.M.V. took a strong effort to make; my editor almost began crashing by the DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 scenes. Fortunately, I managed to pull through and finish this one too. In total, it contains about 47 edited clips (including spliced clips.)
(I’m also including a lot of cross-canon ‘Parallels’ I’ve noticed in this; Can you note/find them all?)
Dirty computer, walk in line If you look closer you'll recognize I'm not that special I'm broke inside Crashing slowly, the bugs are in me
Dirty computer, breaking down Picking my face up off the ground I'll love you in this space and time 'Cause baby all I'll ever be is
Your dirty computer Dirty computer
Searching for {someone??} to fix my life Text message, GOD up in THE SKY, Oh, if you love me, won't you please reply?
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Oh, can't you see that it's {only me?...}, your dirty computer?
Dirty computer Your dirty computer Dirty computer
I'll love you in this space and time I'll love you in this space and time
{Gifs by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT COPY Or re-share my A.M.V.s, I WILL KNOW} {DO NOT remove caption} {PLEASE ASK to Use}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs {s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” (Part 3~4) [End of Pt. 3] Former Parts: 1, 2, 3 [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro + Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai {Main} (Not seen much here) & {Former} Tri!Koushiro x Mimi {KouMimi}; Mimi x Sora {MimiSora} [Also seen: Tentomon line (Friendship)/(Support); Tri!Sora, briefly]; ~ IZUMI FAMILY {Mr. Izumi x Mrs. Izumi} {Moments} (Note: Mimi is also mainly there as Supporting, but a bit of Angst happens)
My Commentary: I won’t mind if others want to read KouMimi or side KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi into this, (or other Poly-ships I’ve stated I enjoy) though it’s not the main focus of the overall series; they’re definitely meant to be overall supporting each other in it. (This is just one of their rougher spots, but there’s more things to come...) {It’s currently un-subbed still, my apologies.}
Audio/Dialogue © Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: Just under 1 hour 08/09/22
Scenes used come from: - DigiAdv [Ep. 15]; (Kou+Mimi) {used for mainly Koushiro emphasis} {Taichi does kind of appear here, but in the background} - DigiAdv [Ep. 31] (Izumi Family & Adopted!Koushiro) [Parallels] - DigiTri [Ketsui] / {“Determination”} &  DigiTri [Kokuhaku] / {“Confession”} (Koushiro; & very brief KouMi - Koushiros struggling with reciprocating) - DigiAdv 2020 [Ep. 59] (Koushiro & Tentomon) [Moment]; Not major spoiler
- Dialogue (Preview) -:
“What should {I} do?”
“People’s {hearts} can’t...” / “...{is difficult}”
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“I know.”
“For example, the {Emotion} of...”
“...<Then> {I} will have to CHOOSE.” “I will HAVE TO CHOOSE, And---”
“...My other--”
[Full dialogue will be added in the full version!] {IMG by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful OK!]
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs {s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” (Part 3) [Start only] [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro [Also seen: Tentomon line (Friendship)/(Support); Tri!Mimi briefly] (Note: Mimi is also mainly there as Supporting, but a bit of Angst happens)
Audio/Dialogue (C) Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: Just under 2 hours total on 08/07/22, finished in evening
Scenes used come from: - DigiAdv [Ep. 22, 24, 28] (Koushiro & Taishiro Moments) - DigiTri [Kokuhaku] / {“Confession”} (Koushiro; & very brief KouMi - Koushiros struggling with reciprocating) - DigiAdv 2020 [Ep. 36] (Koushiro Moments)
- Dialogue (Preview) -:
“Will {that} [Person] really like {ME} and only {ME}?”
<<It would be {NICE} if it were [True].>>
“<If> {THAT} [Person] can’t like {ME} for who {I} AM, <THEN> {THAT} [Person] ISN’T for {ME}...”
“really?” “really.”
“...Then, where?”
“Probably very [CLOSE].”
[Full dialogue will be added in the full version!]
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izzyizumi · 3 years
I can hear it now I can feel the encore This endlessly thrumming beat Let it RING OUT once more {Jou Kido appearance} I just want to know what’s out there Beyond the furthest reaches of the sky I set my sights on the beyond In my desire for an infinite shine {Mimi Tachikawa appearance} [+Tachikawa Family] No matter how hard it got You gently wrapped me in those kind arms of yours These feelings too overflowing to express in words {Takeru Takaishi appearance} [+platonic Takaishi-Ishida Brothers] Let me express them to you now Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together {Sora Takenouchi appearance} This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above {Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon appearance} Though this may be goodbye It would make me happy if YOU could KEEP SMILING Even if I can’t see you anymore This place will always be special to us
{Yamato Ishida appearance} No matter how many times I’m reborn or travel the stars I want to find you again I’ll embrace you in my kisses {Taichi Yagami appearance} Let my love RING OUT to the farthest futures {Hikari Yagami appearance} [+WIZARDMON friendship] Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness {Adventure Chosen & Digimon} I sing out in THIS moment because IT WON’T LAST F O R E V E R {02} I can hear it now I can feel the ENCORE This endlessly thrumming beat Look, a rainbow spans the sky Instead of saying goodbye Let me hear you call for me one more time Believe that it will start once more in the future A call for us and only us {tri.} We’ll CREATE TOMORROW This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness I wish for the beginning of eternity Our love lasts through the encore
{ WE L O V E ... }
- M A M O R U . M I Y A N O ; E N C O R E
“When my {Quality of Life} is so diminished that I can no longer enjoy even eating, {when I can only be fed through a feeding tube lying in a hospital bed}, That’s when it might be time for me to go.”
“... BUT I’M NOT A F R A I D.”
- Dedicated to my Grandmother C., Z”L*, (*May her memory be a Blessing) 1926 ~ August, 2015 (passed near 89 years old) - Jewish, she also lived through the years of the Holocaust, (1941~1945) and her entire Jewish family got safely through those years. [Not long before WWII ended, she met my Grandpa.] My grandmother was one of my closest family members. When I was little (around 8 years old myself when first watching), she wholeheartedly supported my strong interest in Adventures/Digimon when I was first getting into this series, even if she didn’t know anything about it, (other than small bits I told her) even she could see how much I loved it. (Because she was one of my closest family members, she was also the one who overall learnt the most about my health. When I was, few years after discovering Adventure as a child, diagnosed Autistic and with generalized Anxiety disorder as well, she continued to support me all throughout, educated herself & our other interconnected family about my conditions, and continuously encouraged my interests and growth.)
Original Posters [Mine] commentary: I made this quick A.M.V edit a handful of days ago to this gorgeous song by Miyano, one of my favorite JPN voice actors/singers, {You may know him as: Dent[o] in JPN Pocket Monsters, Tamaki in Ouran, Rin in Free!, Tokiya in Utano*Prince-sama (where this song comes from), Konoha, Haruka & “Clearing Eyes” in Kage-Pro, among many more} mainly made with thoughts of general appreciation for this series in mind. I also made it with thoughts of my Grandmother in mind, who passed late August 2015, (yes, August). Tri had been announced, but wouldn’t yet air until November. I didn’t start much more actively blogging about Digimon until a bit later on, starting from a couple years later, because I was still heavily grieving. However, I still enjoyed reblogging Digimon posts I enjoyed to other blogs I had at the time even in the pre-Tri and early Tri years.
This was made very quickly, so it’s not perfect, has minimal editing, and the 1st Adventure portion is straight from the final battle with no editing done to it, but it fit the music well enough, so I included it as-is for now. I’ll probably re-arrange scenes if I remake it later and include much more other, varied scenes from Adventure, (for example, during end of Yamato’s portion, I was also thinking of the Yamato&Sora+Jou scene from the end of Dark Masters Arc).
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(^One of my favorite Adventure scenes regardless of personal favs) But until I can edit those in, I’m just leaving this as it is. The middle portion with 02 is edited slightly more timed to music. A major Tri ending spoiler for the final battle’s result appears during the end. Kizuna is not included in here as of yet, but it may be in the future, along with Adventure 2020. All of this will probably be rearranged in a remake overall, but I’m keeping the general themeing & feel as-is for now, along with the Tri ending scenes.
Because this was made in appreciation of this series and out of respect to and with thoughts of my grandmother, please be respectful when interacting with this post. Thank you.
{& Pretty soon, in a few days, I’m getting my 2nd C.O.V.I.D shot.} (So I’m posting this now as-is, but I’ll see if I can work on it more later. It’d be nice if I could manage to finish it in time for August 1st, but we’ll see.)
{because every August, I think of not only this series, but also my grandmother.}
(August 2021 will be the 6th-year anniversary of her death.) Please remember this if you interact with my blog during the month of August. Or just during the summer in general.
This blogs’ queue will be ongoing in general for a while after this post.
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended GENERAL CHARACTER/SERIES SUPPORT-FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {my other major ship/O.T.P. is Taichi x Koushiro, though I’d probably keep this A.M.V. more gen[eral] overall later} [I also enjoy various other ships with all characters on the side anyhow]
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures/Tri ~ Chosen Family A.M.V [song by: Rina {Sawayama}] featuring implied DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya in US] x Koushiro(u) [Izzy] Izumi also known as [KouTai]/[TaiKou]/[Taishiro(u)]
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
{Originally created for August 1st, 2020 anniversary; “Chosen Family” Day is also recognized February 22}
and significant bonus characters: MRS IZUMI [Yoshie (as I prefer to call her, is a name translation used in some translations still, such as the Adventure novelization); her name has also been read/translated as Kae]; Mr Masami Izumi (briefly); the Chosen Children (as support); Tentomon / HerakleKabuterimon (as support); Taichi, Koushiro, & Tentomon in Digimon Adventure 2020 Reboot [Episodes 02, 03, & 05 of Reboot only; just Koushiro-relevant scenes] - ALL of Adventure{s} Chosen; (including a few brief scenes of Meiko from Kyousei) (Tri Part 5) will show at some point towards the middle to end;
Because, as per the symbolism,
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
- As well as some Koushiro-relevant spoilers from Tri Part 3; “Kokuhaku” [“Confession”] (These may hint to Tri’s plot progression, though without ‘full’ context.)
My past/other AMVs can all be found within this tag on my blog! {As well as this and this index for Koushiro & Taishiro specific A.M.V.s!}
This A.M.V. was originally made for August 1st 2020 Anniversary of Digimon Adventure. More information on this A.M.V. can be found under the ‘read more’!
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This is a Koushiro Izumi-centric AMV with, honestly, a very special overall message intended. It ALSO, however, functions as a SHIP/OTP AMV as TAISHIRO is my ultimate OTP of OTPs. I understand not everyone ships the pairing, but, if you can, please consider viewing this AMV regardless. I worked very hard on this AMV, totaling about 9 HOURS spanning 2 full evenings/2 days. (AMVs are not made “easy”! They can and do take time!)
I stumbled upon this song after recently hearing about the British-Japanese artist Rina Sawayama; her album is also titled “Sawayama”. As soon as I saw the title / read the lyrics, I knew IMMEDIATELY this was the literal perfect song for a Koushiro Izumi AMV. You’ll see as soon as the 1st chorus what I mean by this. (*You can probably guess from the title alone.)
However, something important of note. The artist of this song ALSO identifies as both Bisexual+Pansexual. She has also talked notably about her Bi/Pansexuality in interviews. The artist has also stated she wrote this song to reflect those who have been ostracised, disconnected from, or “Othered” by their parents / loved ones / even communities due to being LGBTQ(IAPN)+ (bolding mine for emphasis): “ The concept of a chosen family is, to me, a Queer one – people are often kicked out of their homes or ostracised by their family, friends, and community after coming out. This can be an incredibly painful experience that can be remedied by finding a new ‘chosen’ family. ” She has stated that this song is intended for anyone who has felt such a disconnection in regards to their family / communities in general as a result of their being L.G.B.T.Q(I.A.P.N)+ and that Family as a wider concept does not necessarily have to involve Blood Ties, at all. FRIENDS CAN VERY MUCH BECOME YOUR CHOSEN FAMILY. Essentially, the concept relates to/is basically “FOUND FAMILY”. There may be such a similar implication in this AMV in regards to the various other Chosen Children as a whole UNIT. (Though for Koushiro specifically, while Koushiro truly loves and is supported by the Izumi family here, In regards to a “Disconnect” Koushiro and others may feel in general, still, even within their own communities/society, otherwise ...) [Basically, I have created this AMV from my interpretations of the characters and through the lens of many of my own various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.(P.N)+ headcanons; Obviously, I recognize they are non canonical, I do NOT need to be TOLD. That said, my many varied headcanons are absolutely intended regardless. Basically, please recognize various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ in general is intended.] (You can view some of my past posted headcanons in this tag!)
So, you can probably see why I was inspired to make this AMV and also the intentions of it... Note: my other ships can be found on the sidebar of this blogs’ layout AND also via the links to my old main blog, where my shiplist is linked. BASICALLY ANY OF THOSE OTHER SHIPS can be read into this AMV. I’m a pretty big multi-shipper (includes me having numerous polyships) so if you’d enjoy reading any of those in, feel free to do so; HOWEVER, please also note the main pairing and focus intended is still Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro].
[ ^ NO SERIOUSLY, PLEASE READ THE BANNERS. If these rules are not followed or ignored, I WILL LIKELY BLOCK. PLEASE DO NOT FORCE ME TO BLOCK YOU. Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok!]
{ NOTE: THIS POST IS FOR TAISHIRO(U) FANS. Please refrain from leaving non-ship comments/tags on this post. Thank you. } [i.e. ‘ I don’t ship this, but [x] ! ’ or ‘ I only see them as friends ’ * etc.] ( *It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!) 
{ this post is NOT FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING, DO NOT INTERACT: Exclu-sionists / T.E.R.F.s and all similar spinoffs of such; / Trans-phobes / A(ce)phobes / Aro-phobes / Queer-phobes / Pan-phobes / Bi-phobes / Exor-sexists / any L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+phobes / Rad-fems, R.E.G.’s (Re@ctionary Exclusion@ry G@tekeepers) in general not for people who refuse to tolerate/respect others’ L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ identities/headcanons not for people who insist they don’t care for Taishiro as a ship / brotp not for people who hate a majority of Adventure/02/Tri canon especially if to the point you cannot even be respectful when interacting; not for people who hate/excessively criticize ANY of the Digimon girls ( * INCLUDES/ESPECIALLY MEIKO MOCHIZUKI [Tri]) seriously just please do NOT interact with this post or my blog if any of the above applies to you. THANK YOU. }
There are somewhat, if brief Tri and Digimon Adventure 2020 spoilers in this AMV. (*Mainly involving Tri Koushiro, and TRI TENTOMON, with very miniscule Tri Taichi moments) [the vast majority of scenes are for AMV aesthetics purposes.] They are listed (vaguely) as follows.
- scenes from KOKUHAKU / CONFESSION, 3rd Tri movie (mainly character scenes of Tri Koushiro + HerculesKabuterimon). [*Also, That Thing xxxx Was Involved In, a.k.a. The Rxxxxx.] (*Also, a moment involving Koushiro + his partner from the ending.) [*Also, a quick moment involving Koushiro+Mimi just post Rxxxxx.] - scenes from SOUSHITSU / LOSS, 4th Tri movie (mainly a Taishiro moment; however, a moment with Meiko as well.) [*The Meiko moment is overall not majorly spoilery / friendship implied.] - scenes from KYOUSEI / SYMBIOSIS, 5th Tri movie (mainly a scene involving the Chosens’ family members.) [*The family members themselves are not present in the scene. It is overall a not majorly spoilery character moment involving two quick flashes of Tri Koushiro and Tri Taichi for aesthetics.] - scenes from BOKURA NO MIRAI / OUR FUTURE, 6th / final Tri movie (*Overall not majorly spoilery Koushiro aesthetic scenes; some moments of him in his office only.) - Taishiro interaction (brief) from Digimon Adventure 2020 Eps 02~03. - very brief scenes from Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 05 Koushiro + Tentomon’s battle + the ending moments with them.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdvs} A.M.V. (Preview)/(Unfinished)/{CONCEPT ONLY} x Adv, tri, Kizuna, 2020 Ship: TaiKourato (Sora x Yama x Koushiro x Taichi) as Poly-ship {Menoa also appears; Meiko MAY appear in a full version; side mutually unrequited Menoa->Koushiro can be read in) Song: "Moon Rain" by Kisho Taniyama
Notes: This song is currently un-translated, so this A.M.V. preview for now is mainly just a concept. Thus, re-blog function is turned off for now, but I won't mind any "Likes". (A.M.V. finished in about 25 min on 9/06/22) Contains Spoiler for: - Adventure {Eps. 21; 24; 48} -- Ep. 51: YamaxSora(+Jou) Moment - tri. {Kokuhaku Mid-End; Koushiro & Tentomon} - Kizuna {major mid-end spoiler; Koushiro & Menoa relevancy} - 2020 {Eps. 02; 03; 36 - KouTai + Koushiro relevancy}
"MY Precious,"
"A small..." {FLAME}
"Hitori ja nai" / "{You're} Not Alone"
"Same time..."
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (This work is being shared as a FAN Work) {Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Digi-Advs ( C ) T0EI A n i m a t i o n / "Akiyoshi Hongo" nor this song which is ( C ) Uta-puri series / Elements Garden}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ "{TSUKI} no [Uta]” / {MOON}’s [SONG] [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& e.t.c.; as Friendly/Supporting) [+Tentomon; (eventually) Izumis & etc.] MUSIC ( C ) Elements.G@rden / {Sung by}: Kishou Taniyama DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {+Some major Koushiro & Taichi-spoiler[s] for Tri, Kizuna & 2020} [Tri!Taishiro/Koushiro scenes used come only from: “Kokuhaku” {“Confession”}] [Kizuna scenes used DO SHOW THE ENDING relevancy, Take Caution!] [DigiAdv 2020 scenes used are from Eps 14 & 36 {for now}; Koushiro scenes]
My Commentary:
(Making this literally on a whim?) Time spent: About 2~3 hours so far. Total Clips used thus far: 39, (will smooth out rough spots later)
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[Note: replying/Tags that are Positive/respectful are ok!]
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