abyssmalice · 2 years
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commissioned this sketch from @laweyd - she has a really cute artstyle, it gives me such fairytale or storybook-esque vibes!! which I think makes it all the more neat for smol tonitoni because of her own youthful, innocent vibes wwwwwwwww
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onetoothpig · 2 years
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[ID: Assorted power-ups, items, and other trinkets, mostly from the Super Mario games. /End ID]
Hey guess what time it is
Because nobody asked for it, here is a sprite sheet of items for my graphics pack! Hope you enjoy!
Pixel Artist's Notes (yes these are back):
The shields here are for the Shield power-up (no duh) which acts like the Energy Shield from the Sonic games.
Those purple star thingies at the bottom are my graphics for Shards. Collecting a Shard brings you to the Special Stage. They are triangular in the default skin, but I don't do pixel triangles all that well, so I made them into four-point stars.
The Ankh next to the two 1-Up Mushrooms... actually is a 1-Up itself! The game uses a different set of sprites for each course theme, so those are what I'm putting in for the desert theme. Probably.
The green mushroom outline with the red dot is the Dotter, which turns your character into a red dot with a green outline. The Undotter, featured next to it, reverses the effect.
The H Block serves no purpose, I kept it there for the palette.
To differentiate it from its harmless cousins, the Poisonous Mushrooms have a purple cap with pink skulls and anime-style shade over its eyes.
I was going to have the outlines for these things be all in black, but I decided to color and shade the outlines, like Kopejo does in his art.
The axe variants are inspired by Minecraft! From top to bottom, they are Wooden Axe, Iron Axe, Golden Axe (brickal barkal) and Diamond Axe.
The Fire Flower's leaves gave me actual hell. oh my god.
@bipperbopperbee @fluffernauto @dazzlingsatan bothering the mutuals again. sorry!
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: ITS MY LIFE!, a Portal fanfic [part 12]
Oh yes, friends, it’s back! It’s been entirely too long (two years too long, to be exact) and I hope you’re all ready for some more vaguely Portal-flavored nonsense. 
No real warnings for this chapter, just typical MarissaTheWriter ridiculousness. And canon character death, maybe, depending on whether or not you take the events of this chapter at face value (and, if I remember this story correctly, you probably shouldn’t).
Recap: Chell and GLaDOS have fused into one entity, P-body is pregnant, and Marissa for some reason decided that Rattman is the only one who can prevent disaster even though dude is strictly a non-action guy. She located him and now the two of them are planning on taking down the Chell/GLaDOS fusion.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
That is pretty weird, yeah. 
(I’m not even sure what she’s referencing. Maybe a play on “assault”?)
I dunno who Sephral is, but “the buziness guy” is user ASBusinessMagnet (later a recurring character in MarissaTheWriter’s stories; I’m pretty sure we got married at one point), and “Cat Not Bouncy” is Tumblr user catbountry, who was going by “Not Cat Bountry” on Fanfiction dot net and who did a dramatic reading.
See, I told you she’d explain that. All makes sense now, right? Perfectly logical writing decision.
Bit of a misnomer, since this is not, in fact, the final chapter.
(Actually, if I remember correctly, MarissaTheWriter may have been writing by the seat of her pants; it’s possible she initially intended this as the True and Honest Final Battle.)
Ratman an I were goin thru the air ducks to get to CHELLGADOSs layer were the final show down wold be. 
Oh my god, she means her lair, not her layer. That literally took me years to figure out. Holy fuck.
Wheatly was growlin an tryin to be scarry becos he didant have weapons so he was lick are cheer leader. 
Considering what happens when Wheatley actually tries to be the bad guy, I think this is preferable.
We intered the layer an saw CHELLGADOS buildin turrents but these ones was speshal becos they cold walk a round an shoot an stuff! 
Hey, I played Portal 2, I saw the turret assembly line. It’s pretty much autonomous. She doesn’t have to build them herself, and honestly I think she’d find it beneath her.
But maybe things have changed since I left the building.
"INTURDER!" One of the turrents called to CHELLGADOS. CHELLGADOS looked at me with all the angry she ever had.
That’s a phenomenal amount of anger. Surprised Marissa didn’t combust on the spot.
"Marrissa Roberts you have interfeared with my plans for the last time becos now I will kill you." 
All right! Time for some murder!
Then she seed Ratman an got more angry. "RATMAN IS A LIFE? NOW YOU WILL BOTH DYE!" 
I doubt she cares about killing Rattman, considering that she didn’t do so before and that he poses basically no threat on his own. Like I said… non-action guy.
CHELLGADOS taked out her portal gun wich was modified to shoot bullets lick a reel gun but cold shoot portals to just in case. 
Okay, but does it really shoot bullets? I ask because the turrets use spring-loaded action in order to fire the entire bullet, which is obviously a hell of a lot less effective despite delivering more bullet per bullet. Explains why Chell can take so many hits without dying.
Point being, there’s no evidence Aperture Science knows how guns are supposed to work.
She fired the portal gun an it hit Ratman with a boom an I thot he was dead for sure.
But Ratman gotted up! 
What? Is he still alive?
"Silly CHELLGADOS you cannt hurt me becos..." He pulled down his pants an I saw that he had replased his man thingys with... the space an rick cores! 
…I know we’re leading up to a “balls of steel” joke, and I shan’t comment on that, but this raises so many goddamn questions. How do you replace your testicles with personality cores? A personality core is a hell of a lot bigger, and heavier, than a human testicle. Also, Space Core is in space, so how did Rattman get ahold of him? Did he shrink the cores somehow? How did this make him immune to bullets? How did he fit two personality cores in his pants? Why did he need to flash everybody?
My brain is hurting over this and I know it’s only in the story because the author wanted to make a stupid pun. Moving the hell on.
"IVE GOT BALLS OF STEEL!" (Thats from a game called Duke Nukum Forever its funny) The space core was still thing he was in space but Rick was mad at been one off Ratmans tentacles. 
One of his tentacles? Are we in a hentai now?
"Well then ill just portal you into space like Wheatly an see how you like it you wont!" CHELLGADOS shooted a nother portal unner Ratmans feet an he was sucked into s space. "No dont you are my dotter Chell!" Ratman yelled as he got sucked in.
Uh… what? How? I thought Marissa and Chell were both Cave and Caroline’s kids in this story. Wasn’t that established several chapters ago?
"OMG HOW?" CHELLGADOS an me said at the same time to gether. "It all storted a long time ago..." Ratman gave us the down lo as he was just barely hanging on to the portal. "I used to work for Gabe Jonson affer he changed his name to Cave in onor of his dead brother. Caroline was got shot as you no Marrissa an was put in a robot body that was called... GLaDOS!" 
Right, we know. How is he hanging on to the portal? Can you do that? I don’t think you can do that.
CHELLGADOS o-mouthed at his shockin words. 
Did she forget she spent the beginning of this story being a goth emo over the revelation that she used to be human? Like… this isn’t news anymore.
"Gabe new he wold have to dotters named Marrissa an Chell but since GLaDOS was a prototip she an Cave coldnt make baby normal way an instead used the artificial enseamanation an grew test toob babys. 
Hey, what the fuck is the “normal way” to have sex with a giant robot? Seriously, please inbox me if you know. It’s for a friend. I swear.
But there was a miksup an my dna got used instead of Gabes for one of the toobs that toob was... CHELL!" Then Rutman coldnt hold on any longer an fell into space an died.
Why did Aperture Science have a sperm sample from Rattman on file? How did they get DNA from Caroline, since her physical human body no longer exists? How does Rattman know about the mixup? Who carried the baby to term? How did two white people birth a woman of color? How did two white people birth a woman of color? I don’t know if I brought this up earlier in the MST, but I am directing that question at every “Chell is Cave and Caroline’s daughter” theorist too. You’re not off the fucking hook.
Then CHELLGADOS started shackin an looked funny. Chell was fightin back a gainst GLaDOSs control! "Marrissa there is not much time left you must kill me to stopped GLaDOS once and four all!" 
Okay, but we know what happens when Marissa kills Chell — thanks to having consumed the “zombie taters,” Chell will just turn into a zombie. You don’t want the most tenacious woman in the world after your brains, but especially not when she’s fused with the most massive collection of wisdom to ever exist, who also hates you.
I o-mouthed becos Chells brane damage was cured so now I coldnt put her out of MISERY lol. 
That’s actually not the concern I expected Marissa to have. She has no problem killing disabled people, but being fused with a homicidal AI who is using your body as her puppet is A-OK, even when the victim is begging for death?
Man, this girl could use some new priorities.
"But I cannt kill you Chell yur my sister there must be a nother way! Chell got sad "Hurry GLaDOS is takin control!" An she started lollin with evil. There was no way I cold kill Chell an then I rembered that GLaDOS used to be Carlion an that made me not want to kill herr neither.
Yeah, and remember how she used to be a well-written and complex character who cannot be reduced to a mere villain and who actually likes Chell so much she keeps writing songs about it?
Sorry, there I go talking about canon again.
"Bloody hell Marrissa shes powerin up!" Wheatly screemed from inside my jump soot an I looked up an saw CHELLGADOS was floatin in air an electric stuff was comin out off her. "THANKS MARRISSA YUO REMINDED ME THAT I USED TO BE CARALIN SO I REMBERED THAT I HAVE POWERS TOO!" 
Hey, uh, what the fuck? 
I o-mouthed, that dumb ingineer forgot to make it so only I gotted the powers! I didant no what to do now an it seemed hope less when a herd a sound. "Hey b**** were heer for backup!" It was... ATLAS AN P-BODY!
Who are they here to back up?
"OMG why are you jersk helpin me?" I asked while o-mouthin from the shock. "Becos CHELLGADOS is half yur sister an we dont lick you so we dont lick Chell neither!" Atlas eksplained. "An I rembered that you gave us the drugs an beer in the first place so if it wasnt for you we woldnt have drugs an beer!" P-Body added an Atlas nodded like yeah! 
I guess that’s reasonable. I, too, feel indebted to those who give me drugs and beer.
We started ti fire are portal guns at CHELLGADOS an the portals combined to make a big portal black hole.
Co-op mode would benefit from the inclusion of this feature, I think.
"OH SH**!" CHELLGADOS screamed as the GLaDOS parts were all sucked out off Chell. 
Should have attached them better, I guess.
Ones all of GLadOS was gone we closed the portal an Chell falled down on the ground. "Chell I safed you!" I rant to my sister an gave her hug. "Marrissa Im sorry, but the damaje from GLaDOS was to much..."
“…not to mention, having my butt sliced off after someone used their powers a little too recklessly…”
An she dyed in my arms. "Nooooo Chell my sister you are died!" I cried soooo much an Whealty cried to becos they was frends even Atlas an P-Body looked kinna sad.
Isn’t Chell gonna turn into a zombie now or are we not doing the zombie stuff anymore? Was that only because she was brain-damaged? This fic is confusing.
I put down Chells body an stand up when there was a clikclak nose be hind me.
Oh no! Not a clikclak nose!
"LOL we tricked you to get yur guard down Marrissa! Now die b****!" An Atlas an P-Body lolled an shot me in head.
I’ve probably mentioned it before, but I love that the author of this mess has no problem writing over-the-top violence but feels the need to censor the word “bitch.”
"Marrissa!" Wheatly screamed an ever thing got really black an I died.
Love the prose.
Yes, indeed, we’re not done with this fic yet!
Oh, yes.
Well, seeing as she’s dead, I think it may be a bit late for that.
She actually did write that spinoff, by the way. I’ll put my MST of it up on this blog at some point.
Next chapter
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homedesignlog-blog · 6 years
20 Gorgeous Planters by the Swimming Pool
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FOR INDIVIDUALS who're into vegetation – whether they simply acquire them or plant it themselves, planters is is also second to essentially the most necessary thing that they need after the vegetation themselves. As we featured ahead of right here in House Layout Lover, there are a whole bunch planter designs which are to be had in the market. they arrive in different designs, sizes, producers and designers that really are pretty. There are even those that glance collectible on account of how minimum the choice of the planters is within the marketplace. Underneath is an inventory of 20 Gorgeous Planters by the Swimming Pool that are just about up to date and something that you simply can see within the market each day. a few of the designs are really neat and expensive-taking a look whilst others look simple but actually attention-grabbing. Take a glance at the designs underneath and tell us what you think about them.
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Decorpro This Huge planter is called after the Greek goddess of knowledge. the colour and form could be very graceful and brand new and the addition of the lovable plant in right here made it glance more stunning and fascinating. i actually love the colour of this Athens planter from Decorpro.
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California Swimming Pools & Panorama The circular planters we see in right here glance really nice with the cute cactus plant that they introduced to it. It’s great as a result of a cactus isn't prime upkeep and still it looks specialized. The contrast of the color of the planters and the cactus sure is usual however always a neat idea!
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Nathan Burkett Layout The wood planters observed in this out of doors house are easy in design however it certainly enhances the whole subject of this swimming pool house. The plants used in the planters house smartly-stored and that i like them.
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Arterra Panorama Architects This u . s . home has an attractive outside area with hundreds greenery and so they’re all lovely! the large bushes at the historical past promise a stupendous landscape behind it. the colorful crops on this outdoor area are in reality stunning and something I’d want for my very own backyard.
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Usona The dice planters via the swimming pool seem to have grasses in them. i'm not really acquainted with plants that you simply use in areas like this one; however i like the idea that this house is adorned with white planters – white sure is one thing that you simply will never get it wrong with.
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Dotter & Solfjeld Structure + Layout That Is one large out of doors house – a big swimming pool is the center of enchantment in this space. the reality that there are hundreds large trees in here, i would like to consider that this home isn't situated in the city. There are a lot of planters in here and so they glance all too pretty.
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Tim Barber Ltd. Architecture This seems like a relax or holiday space that you can see in films. The design of the house is a bit conventional however the out of doors area appears really stunning! Whoever delivered the plants in here, made positive that it is lovely but easy to take care of.
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Nest Architectural Design, Inc. This black and white home is moderately intimidating. I do not recognize if it’s the columns or the small swimming pool – however except for taking a look in point of fact pricey, this Hilltop modern house positive is sophisticated and trendy. the color and the layout of the planters in here positive glance in reality glamorous!
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Raymond Jungles, Inc. This outdoor area is surrounded by means of a whole bunch crops and flowering crops. Most of the vegetation by means of the swimming pool is low maintenance so it wouldn’t be arduous to regulate.
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AMS Landscape Design Studios Well, that is one beautiful infinity pool with a cute accent within the middle. Well, it’s not likely an accent but a shocking plant that without a doubt looks very amusing! If I had this space and feature a view like this one – i believe that it is just superb.
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Property Swimming Pools & Landscapes Layout/Build Need A lovable waterfall effect for your swimming pool space? This Is one nice thought you'll ask your dressmaker so as to add on your out of doors space. i really like the incontrovertible fact that there are vegetation around the pool, even if i feel that there are so much of them in here, it nonetheless seems attention-grabbing and Earth-pleasant.
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DDB Layout Building & Building In This house, for example, the planters across the swimming pool positive is superb on account of all of the concrete in this assets, slightly green house might a great deal great for it.
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Symphony Pools Inc. I do not likely recognise the size of this pool, nevertheless it certain appears to be like sufficient for a brief swim every day. It’s background seems to be in a few mountain or one thing and including the vegetation at the nook of this property turns out very abundant; the fact that it looks crowded seems to mimic the feel of mountains or forests.
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Harold Leidner Panorama Architects Fancy a mansion-like area? This looks like the distance you might be in search of. This house sure is large and really telenovela-like and very attention-grabbing on account of the mentioned glance and have. The shrubs which might be surrounding the pool is adorable and looks as if its really well-taken care of.
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Bates Masi Architects LLC This position seems to be truly fascinating as a result of the lights from the interior of the house that turns out very ideal for cafes or espresso stores that use mood lights. The layout of the house is also really beautiful – and with a fantastic scenic and heritage in here, this is certainly one remarkable area. Notice the spherical planters that are at the facets of the pool.
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Michael Tauber Architecture Fancy and wasteland really feel to your swimming pool area? From what i will see, the insides of this visitor house is nonetheless empty, plus the planters have been in some way made into huge planter packing containers to put the entire plants on it close to the pool. The air of secrecy of this outside at this hour seem interesting and just a little spooky.
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AquaTerra Outside A lovely oblong pool which is decorated with hundreds crops around. From this angle, the look of the facade of the home plus the roofing looks something that you simply can see in places like Rome; I Do Know it’s no longer at all times the case however i think this facade seems romantic and very lovely.
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Harwick Homes Well for a residential area and pool, I wouldn’t truly expect having arms this large as a landscaping plant but when you where hardly ever sees arms or that the landlord if truth be told loves puts with palms, this outside positive is perfect or even perfect. i think each and every now after which, fallen leaves would be a subject matter, but if you've got anyone to keep up it, then there’s no downside!
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Jeffrey Erb Landscape Design Envision using shrubs however in a vase or planter? Take a glance at what they did with the crops on this pool lawn in Tribeca. The brick walls delivered drama to the areas and the wood floors seem really neat that completes the glance of this house.
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Craig Reynolds Panorama Structure Considering adding a couple of planters by means of your swimming pool? This positive turns out to be the solution to that. The glance is unassuming but very contemporary. The planters would possibly look easy as a result of they are extraordinary cubes or squares and white, however i think the look in right here is solely best possible. What do you think that about the 20 Stunning Planters via the Swimming Pool? Aren’t they stunning and great to look at? All of the planters that we featured on this listing positive complemented the swimming pools and the outside area normally. A Few is also easy but all of them are pretty. for those who favored this list, you should take a look at the opposite planter design to brighten your space that I accrued prior to. Extra to are available in Home Design Lover! What out for it guys! Read the full article
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