#(Takeru ' ... I see ')
samipekoe · 2 months
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thank you god
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
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@takariweek Day 7 - Seventh Beginning
I'm super late to the party, but I really do like the idea of these two in particular being stuck in a time loop and somewhat aware of the fact that their fate - as Light and Hope in a group of Eight - always repeats itself. Over and over again. But at least they will always find each other.
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akilahia · 2 months
One thing about Resident Evil, they sure do know how to write straight couples.
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justgaara · 1 year
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Gaara - Fifth Kazekage - Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces (2023)
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polite-pandemonium · 11 months
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Me to me: don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes you toei has burned you so many times before you know better than this don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP
Also me: Hopes? High. Delusions? Strong. Theories? Brewing.
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animalinvestigator · 1 year
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oh i forgot to post these yesterday. this month i'm doing one of those "art challenge" thingies that i concocted myself...to celebrate the release of the new digimon adventure 02 movie on the 27th, im trying to do one 02 related piece every day..they are of extremely varying quality but ive been having fun with it! the first week's theme is characters :3 here's all of the pieces ive done so far
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deathberi · 7 months
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quite the fun new official art we’re having todayyy
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and idk about yall but im winning here 🥹
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So, a concept that I've been really into is one where Takeru feels jealous of Yamato bonding with one of the 02 kids. This is in the same vain as when Yamato was jealous of Taichi and Takeru right?
So, for example, let's have Daisuke. Daisuke inherited both Taichi & Yamato's crests, so him hanging out more with Yamato wouldn't be out of the question, right?
Let's say Yamato is teaching Daisuke how to sing (in official art where the 02 kids are jamming out, Daisuke generally has a mike, so...), but this leads to Daisuke accidentally monopolizing Yamato's time. The other digidestined think it's kinda cute, and for the most part, Takeru's fine with it until he isn't.
Hikari is the one who makes him realize why he feels so bothered by the situation and tells him to talk to his brother.
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Thanks, I didn't need my heart.
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Digimon Adventure+02/tri./Kizuna/(+Adventure:) {2020 Reboot} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (+minimal Kizuna) A.M.V x “Apologize” {David Archuleta} Live Concert Version Featuring Characters/Duos/Ships: + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUTAI, {02!}KENSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited??) YamaSoraTai/Yamachi, {briefly/+also from Yamato's end); Adventures Chosen; (Overall 02 Chosen-Leaning +Side KouxTai)
“I’m hearing 'what' you say…”
“Take a Fall {?}”–
“I Need you like a heart 'needs' a BEAT– … BUT that’s Nothing {N E W…}”
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
“IT’S TOO– (???)”
"...Ten feet..."
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Comment: If you think I'M not in this CROWD somewhere, {despite the fact my voice is really soft 'irl'} you might just be Mistaken,,,,, (Also - This is my overall personal 'final thesis' on The Beginning.) {If you watch, please genuinely try to FOLLOW the themes presented.}
{Note: Tri Pt. #6 Bokura no Mirai/"Our Future" Spoilers, Major The Beginning Spoilers, (select scenes from opening, final battle, FINAL Post-credits scene at very end clip) + middle part Big spoiler (Rui’s eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye Trauma/Injury; Blood}
Original Song © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c Archuleta cover from AUGUST 1st 2009’s Sunrise, Florida Concert {“Hey O.P., can you explain that GAP in your blogs' hISTORY of this fANDOM—???”} [Do you hear 'THEM' here???]
*Edited in about 5 hrs 10~ min overall (Preparing for this however took at least four days of off-and-on out-lining) {Any final fix's will come in the future...!!}
{*Slightly LOUD/Low quality audio at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its LIVE Ver.)
by Me/Hikari M. Productions @hikari-m/@koushirouizumi/@izzyizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Video Edits Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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toastytoaster22 · 6 days
HELLO I am back on my Digimon bullshit and in celebration of the 25th anniversary rerelease of the movies, I'm remastering all my Digimon fics and might even! Write more???
Buckle up!
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okay but i wanna know how the people that died in the borderlands actually died in "real life" like i want to believe hatter got decapitated by a street sign i think he would like that
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
Time Saver - a Taishirou Fanfic, Chapter 1: Lightning Strike
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Summary: Takeru struggles to find the inspiration to continue writing his novel. It's a warm Summer night in July 2015 and the last thing he expects is a sudden lightning strike - one which may affect him, the other Chosen Children and their future to an extent he cannot fathom yet...
Word Count: 738
Chapter POV: Takeru Takaishi
Chapter List: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
‘One thing that shall never be underestimated is that there is always something unexpected to expect when Digimon are involved.’
Once he had finished that sentence – as stiff as it appeared to him –, Takeru leaned back into his chair and stretched out his arms. He had been trying to get into a habit of daily writing his novel for a while now, but today, the words simply didn’t want to flow.
After yawning loudly into the silence of his room, he let his eyes roam around. Patamon was already fast asleep, dreaming of chocolate frappuccinos on his bed as the clock on his laptop taunted him with how late it already was.
“Almost midnight…”, he mumbled to himself. The chat window had gone silent an hour and so, without much distraction, he didn’t even have an excuse for the lack of creativity that had been haunting him all night. Unfortunately, he didn’t feel like sleeping either, so the urge to just go and text the others to see if anyone was still awake was incredibly tempting…
Takeru was pretty sure that Koushirou was still up, as always. Maybe Iori was up late studying. Hikari was having a week off from kindergarten duty, so he might be lucky in trying to reach her. Maybe his brother, who currently resided in the United States for an internship, was not busy for once and could text him back?
“I shouldn’t though…”, he groaned, knowing he had to be responsible. In sheer desperation, he opened the Chosen Children app on his laptop to take a look around the map and chat options, hoping to find any news he could occupy himself with, regardless of where in the world somebody was texting. It was a shame that gate hopping wasn’t a thing anymore since the Digivices had vanished almost three years ago – and they still hadn’t figured out how to make it work with Koushirou’s technology. Still, Takeru liked checking on the app, just like he liked checking the general group chat. It was giving him a sense of serenity to see everyone interact casually, just when everything finally seemed mostly peaceful.
… Which was his last thought before he caught the glimpse of lightning striking outside from the corner of his eye.
There had been a loud noise – somewhere not too far away from his apartment complex, so he had naturally jumped up from his chair.
“Wha- Takeru?”, Patamon shrieked, woken up by the rumbling as Takeru rushed to his open window. It had been a warm Summer day in the middle of July, but there was a chilliness right now that sent a shiver down his spine. His eyes sought through the night sky, trying to locate any kind of strange occurrence – and apparently, he wasn’t alone in his assumption that something about this lightning had not been ‘natural’.
“I can feel something…”, Patamon murmured, still half asleep, but alert enough to fly next to his human partner onto the window sill to join his efforts to look around.
“What do you mean? It wasn’t a digital gate, was it?”, Takeru asked, heart racing, both with worry – and excitement. Not that he had wished for a nightly Digimon attack disturbing the peace they had worked so hard to achieve. But a part of him really missed the supernatural experiences they used to encounter on a daily basis.
“I’m not sure… Something like an energy spike…? And doesn’t it look more foggy to you?”
Takeru squinted his eyes. “Yeah, it does…” Never had he missed the responsive beeping of his Digivice more than in this moment. Either way, whether or not there really was a Digimon involved, he felt validated in sending a warning into the group chat after all.
‘Just witnessed a lightning strike near my flat. Did any of you see anything? Patamon says there was an ‘energy spike’?! Will check out if there’s anything dangerous out there. I’ll keep you guys updated!’
“We should go and see if anything happened. You ready?”
“Aaaaawwwwlways!”, Patamon agreed with a yawn in between and Takeru quickly grabbed his phone. It was still odd to be able to trigger an evolution just with the “power of his belief” facilitated by the phone. But with Angemon by his side, he was confident that they’d be able to face any threat out there. And maybe gather some more writing inspiration in the process…
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warriorfujoshi · 1 year
3/4 routes through lkyt and im like hm! i wonder why people joke that the love interests are straight. i go on the official twitter. search the word straight in japanese. turns out APPARENTLY!!! these men. who i thought i knew. who i have witnessed open their hearts, and their holes. have all been heterosexual this entire time!
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nugulover69 · 3 days
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kyuairyeo · 2 years
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shinkenger + flower symbolism
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