#repeat 02 chosen
koushirouizumi · 3 months
Digimon Adventure+02/tri./Kizuna/(+Adventure:) {2020 Reboot} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (+minimal Kizuna) A.M.V x “Apologize” {David Archuleta} Live Concert Version Featuring Characters/Duos/Ships: + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUTAI, {02!}KENSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited??) YamaSoraTai/Yamachi, {briefly/+also from Yamato's end); Adventures Chosen; (Overall 02 Chosen-Leaning +Side KouxTai)
“I’m hearing 'what' you say…”
“Take a Fall {?}”–
“I Need you like a heart 'needs' a BEAT– … BUT that’s Nothing {N E W…}”
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
“IT’S TOO– (???)”
"...Ten feet..."
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Comment: If you think I'M not in this CROWD somewhere, {despite the fact my voice is really soft 'irl'} you might just be Mistaken,,,,, (Also - This is my overall personal 'final thesis' on The Beginning.) {If you watch, please genuinely try to FOLLOW the themes presented.}
{Note: Tri Pt. #6 Bokura no Mirai/"Our Future" Spoilers, Major The Beginning Spoilers, (select scenes from opening, final battle, FINAL Post-credits scene at very end clip) + middle part Big spoiler (Rui’s eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye Trauma/Injury; Blood}
Original Song © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c Archuleta cover from AUGUST 1st 2009’s Sunrise, Florida Concert {“Hey O.P., can you explain that GAP in your blogs' hISTORY of this fANDOM—???”} [Do you hear 'THEM' here???]
*Edited in about 5 hrs 10~ min overall (Preparing for this however took at least four days of off-and-on out-lining) {Any final fix's will come in the future...!!}
{*Slightly LOUD/Low quality audio at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its LIVE Ver.)
by Me/Hikari M. Productions @hikari-m/@koushirouizumi/@izzyizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Video Edits Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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aph-japan · 11 months
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{A Summary of A Completely Different Fandoms' Experience}
Featuring: (Lost Time Memory's Route 1 x The Route-2 M.X.4.D (Announced 2k16) We Never Actually Got)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
m E, Digimon Advs+02 Fan: Good morning to Hikari Yagami and Hikari Yagami oNLY
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taichi-x-koushiro · 6 months
Meanwhile with KouTai {+Yama}
TAICHI: {SIGHING...} YAMATO: Yamato: ...What's going on?? Taichi: Taichi: Well, you see... YAMATO: TAICHI: MIMI-CHAN got Koushiro, as a gift, this set of... I think they're called -- Y A M A T O: TAICHI: "NECO-MIMI" 'Ears', and--- YAMATO, MENTALLY FACEPALMING: TAICHI: Koushiro actually tried them, but it's ... Yamato: "Unusual" of Koushiro?? Taichi: ... ..I'm not sure "unusual" is the way to say it but... Yamato: Was Koushiro acting unusual about it? Taichi: NO, that's the thing about this! YAMATO: T A I C H I: Koushiro was trying them out, but doesn't really like wearing them in public. So Koushiro wore them while around Hikari and me for a while. Yamato: ("Ah.") Taichi: And that's what happened! So when the ears moved... (*leans in, conspiring-like but louder*) Koushiro wasn't acting very different at all!!! Yamato: Koushiro Wasn't. Taichi: No... like, Koushiro would be looking really blankly at us, like what happens a lot, and they'd sit straight upwards. Yamato: (Koushiro was PAYING ATTENTION to you---) Taichi: Then, Koushiro got super interested in the Pibook again, and they were ALSO sitting straight up AND moving back and forth a lot, but Koushiro wasn't DOING MUCH, just using the Pibook like usual...!! YAMATO: (*LONG GROANING in Taichis general direction*) ('YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, IT MEANS KOUSHIRO'S 'INTERESTED' IN-') TAICHI, BANGING FIST INTO PALM: AND THEN!!! And then, when I finally {'Got Koushiro's Attention' implied} asked Koushiro about playing a game, the ears were lowered!! YAMATO, AGAIN MENTALLY FACEPALMING: Taichi: I-It means Koushiro DOESN'T want to, with me-- righ-- Y A M A T O: (KOUSHIRO WAS SO HAPPY YOU ASKED THAT KOUSHIRO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU!!!!)
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (02/03)
tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 8.4k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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As you're looking down at yourself, making sure there's nothing out of place, you just hear the loud sound of Sara inhaling deeply which makes you startle and you watch her quickly in panic.
hello! i just want to say that i can't believe how much you guys loved the first part. the story just exploded hehe. I'm so grateful for that, for your support and your opinions, I didn't think it would happen so soon, thank you very much.
i wanted to give you part two after such a quick acknowledgement and support, truly thank you so much and also let me know what you think of this second part please, i love reading and responding to you. enjoy!
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"You like this one?"
"No fucking way, Y/N! You look amazing!"
And at that moment you can feel the color come back to your face and you calm down.
"Come here!" she asks you excitedly, "I want to take a closer look."
You stand in front of her and turn on your own axis to get a better look at yourself in the large full-length mirror, instantly liking what you see.
Last year your dress for the Targaryen ball was red. And you don't usually repeat colors. So now you've chosen a deep ocean blue dress.
Which is Aemond's favorite color.
"This is the one, definitely."
"Really?" you put your hair behind your shoulders, watching you carefully, "Is this one better than the last one?"
"In my opinion the style is better."
You've tried on dresses of the same color in different styles before and honestly… you liked this one better than the others.
It's a long dress open at an angle exposing your left leg. It has no neckline, is strapless and shimmers in a metallic shade beautifully.
This is it.
You think definitely more convinced than ever as you look in the mirror after a few more inspections. You'll shine brighter with your hair and makeup done, you know it and you know you'll look beautiful. That's why you can't wait for the day to come.
You can't wait for Aemond to see you.
"And why did you choose this color?"
"Because it's Aemond's favorite color and it will match his sapphire."
"Oh yes," says Sara in a reminiscent tone, "I had forgotten that detail about your best friend."
"His sapphire eye?"
"But if that's precisely why everyone at the university knows him."
"They also know him for his hair and for apparently having come from the very palace of the Greek gods, don't forget," she says, also amused.
You let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, it's true."
After a little silence between the two of them where they inspect the dress, Sara stirs a little and seems to fight against herself to say what she wants to say. Until she grimaces and nerves invade her as she speaks.
"Listen Y/N…" she says cautiously, "It's not that I want to be nosy or anything, in fact I don't like to know people's things about things like…" she bites the inside of her cheek "That seem very delicate" she says finally "And it's that I'm very curious, I—
"You're a gossip, Sara," you remind him in an amused tone, interrupting her.
"Well… yeah, it's true, who am I kidding," she nods in acknowledgment, shrugging her shoulders and you laugh.
"You want to know what happened to Aemond's eye?"
"Yes," she murmurs, almost embarrassed, "But it's just out of curiosity and if it's something very personal then I understand."
You take a long breath and look away from the mirror to observe her.
"Yes, it's very personal," you tell her, "I can only tell you that it was a horrible accident that happened to him as a kid. He still finds it a little difficult to talk about it, even with his mother and sister."
"Yes, of course," Sara nods sympathetically, "In fact something like that I had imagined."
You nod too, sympathetically, thinking about it.
"At first, when I met Aemond in high school and we started our friendship, he didn't want to tell me," you confess, "It's not as if I insisted on the matter, of course not... but he knew I was curious about it. And it wasn't until after he was sure that I wasn't a fake friend, as I was with him, that we both confided a lot of things to each other until he told me about his accident."
"How old was he?" she ask attentively and curiously.
"Barely ten."
Sara raises her eyebrows in surprise with a face of pity.
"Ten?" she repeats in a murmur, "Wow. I can't even imagine. It must have been pretty awful, huh?"
"It was," you assure her.
You know Aemond has only told about what happened to you and a guy who was his best friend in high school, who now that guy got into another college in another state.
And what happened was that Aemond defended his little nephew, Luke, from some boys who were picking on him and wanting to almost beat him up at school.
But the blows went to Aemond who had to defend himself as best he could against four boys even a little bigger than he was at the time.
Then one of the boys did not measure his strength, hit him and pushed him too, and because of the push Aemond fell on top of a net of wires that made up a small garden in the huge backyard of the school.
They didn't even let him get up, so Aemond also hurt some parts of his body.
And out of desperation, before he could try to do anything, another one of the boys hit him in the face and that's when a piece of wire ripped his eye as he turned his head towards the wires from the blow.
When Aemond was telling you everything, you didn't even know what to say.
And the best punishment the bully boys could have received was to have been expelled. But it wasn't enough for Aemond and his family. They had taken his eye and that was 'justice'.
Luckily his whole family supported him and was there for him through the whole difficult process of doctors appointments, therapies, medications and so on.
His uncle Daemon especially made sure he received the best possible treatment with the best doctors and nurses while his older sister, Rhaenyra, searched for solutions to his lost eye along with his mother.
"And why does he have that sapphire? Didn't he think about a prosthesis or something like that?"
"As a kid, all he wanted was to recover and cope with the physical and emotional pain, and also to get used to his only right sight," you explain, "And then he told me he was thinking about it, but it's been a long time. Maybe he has already got used to the sapphire."
"And it doesn't hurt him?" asks Sara curiously, thoughtfully.
"No, he always has his appointments with the ophthalmologist," you let her know, "I guess the sapphire is to maintain an appearance. Kind of like what rich people do."
"Oh, of course," Sara nods with more understanding, "It makes perfect sense vonsidering how exaggeratedly rich he and his family are."
You let out a small laugh, turning to look at yourself in the mirror at the beautiful dress.
"Yes, they are," you murmur, "Are you sure your aunt will let me pay her weekly?" you ask, looking at her again a little worried.
"I already told you yes, Y/N. Stop worrying," she says amused.
"But she already knows?" you ask distrustful.
"Yes, she knows," she assures you for the eighth time, "She just said that by the time you decide to stop paying for it for one reason or another, there is no refund and you have to return the dress. And if you tear it, stain it or something, you pay extra."
"Oh, I'm not worried about that," you make a nonchalant gesture, "I'm definitely going to finish paying for it."
You think about how the dress is so beautiful that it doesn't deserve to be worn for just one occasion. You can wear it to another event, not necessarily just the ball.
And after you've picked out the last dress, you both leave the dressing room, secure everything for payment, and Sara takes you home and you both say goodbye saying you will see each other tomorrow in class.
When you arrive at the apartment, only Vhagar greets you, to which you assume that Aemond must still be in class or with his girlfriend.
So you decide to take Vhagar with you to your room to do some homework and wait for Aemond to arrive to have dinner together.
And by the time you finally hear his arrival at the apartment, you take Vhagar in your arms and leave your room to ask him how his day was and what he wants for dinner tonight to see if it matches what you want.
But the words get stuck in your throat the moment you see him and your eyes meet his, watching him in shock, definitely not expecting this.
And at your reaction of saying nothing and continuing to stare at him in disbelief, he lets out a small laugh as he runs a hand through his neck and hair.
"What do you think?"
And that's when you seem to remember how to talk.
"No way," you mutter, "Are you fucking kidding?"
"As I understand it, your head can't grow, Y/N. At least not at this age," he tells you amused.
"Shit," you say still in disbelief, "It looks fucking amazing, Aemond!" you finally react with a huge smile.
He has cut his hair.
His fucking long hair is now short and he looks so ridiculously good, like it's not an everyday thing, as well as he looks even better than before and even... sexy.
And in an instant you're all over him, running your fingers through now his short, silky, still straight hair with some waves at the ends that now point slightly upwards.
Even his face, his figure, his sapphire, everything about him looks better than before just because of a haircut.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you ask, still surprised and puzzled, with a small smile.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says with a smile, "What do you say, do you really like it?"
"I love it," you confess, "Even you, everything about you—
You stop, not wanting to look nervous, not wanting to insinuate your true feelings for him through his new appearance.
That's why you think very well what you will say before you speak, controlling yourself not to say anything too much.
"Well... it looks better," you finally say.
"Thank you, pretty one."
He smiles at you and you melt at the sight of his expression, simply because of the gesture accompanied by his new cut, so you couldn't be more ridiculous, but you can't help it either.
You find it so attractive and so striking the way you watch his dimples form and look, even they so damn good, again, because of his new haircut.
"I hope Alys likes it too."
You bite your lips, not wanting to focus on his comment at the mention of his girlfriend.
"And why did you decide to cut it?" you ask not to talk about her, acting nonchalant but still feeling surprised.
"I thought it would be a good idea to cut it for the ball," he confesses, "It's this weekend and I thought I'd do it now because I knew I wouldn't do it later."
You both laugh, as that is very Aemond Targaryen and you both know it.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," you say with a small smile, "I've got everything ready for the ball too."
"Oh really?" he raises his eyebrows, interested, "Now what color dress did you choose?"
"Nope. No details."
You turn away from him in an instant and head to the fridge to finally make dinner, because you know if he keeps looking at you and talking like that, you'll end up showing him everything.
"Oh come on, Y/N."
"I'm so sorry but you'll have to wait for the day."
"Are you serious?" he asks you.
"Even your new haircut isn't going to convince me."
He certainly says with a disappointed tone and you let out a laugh.
"Be patient, Aemond. Now..." You look at him, "What do you want for dinner?"
You and Aemond talk about what his mother has told him she has planned this time for the ball with his sister Rhaenyra while you prepare dinner and listen to him at the same time. And when everything is ready, you both watch a movie in the living room.
And the next morning, Aemond Targaryen with his new haircut is all you hear about even among all the girls in your apartment. Even something as simple as a haircut drives them all crazy. Even you.
But that it's already a real topic of conversation is amazing.
And the next few days are really stressful for you, also for Aemond, as you have to push your respective careers forward with homework and projects.
In fact the week is so busy that you barely have time for breakfast in the morning as you have to rush to the university. Aemond also told you that he was very busy with the same thing.
But it's worth it.
You tell yourself even in every break that you actually make use of to continue doing more homework.
And for you there is no better motivation than knowing that by the time the week is over, you will finally be free and the ball will be a great way to finally relax and have fun with your best friend.
And you honestly can't wait.
However, you were not prepared to hear what Aemond says to you the day before the ball when you arrive at the apartment and he is already there, apparently waiting for your arrival.
And you knew it wouldn't be good what he would say to you the moment you see the sadness, worry and sorrow in his eyes as he watches you.
"My family wants to meet Alys."
He tells you and then says nothing for a few more seconds, looking away from you, running a hand through his hair, frustrated, to which you already know what he will probably tell you.
"And I couldn't think of any better occasion than to take her with me to the ball so everyone can meet her."
And her words stab like a dagger into your heart, shattering it into little pieces.
And he speaks to you so softly, so carefully and so sorrowfully at the same time while you want to believe it's a damn joke and he's really not doing this to you.
"I'm so sorry, my pretty one," he looks at you with all the anguish in his eyes for your reaction, worried, "Could you do me this favor, just this once, please?"
Do him the favor?
You repeat in your mind, just watching him without really having any expression in your look, because you don't want to make him see that he has broken you with this news and this suddenly change of plans.
And his next words only make you feel worse for your lack of response, with him wanting to make the situation better, as if it were possible.
"You could still come, you know. I'll be with Alys, but Helaena or Aegon can keep you company and eventually I'll try to be around you as well."
"I'm not taking Alys."
He had said.
"This ball belongs to both of us, it always has. And I'm not going to break the tradition."
He had promised you.
And you say to yourself: he is asking you this as a favor. It's just a ball and it's only fair that his escort should be his girlfriend. Don't bother, you shouldn't bother.
"I know you had everything ready and I know I shouldn't be telling you this a day early."
He continues saying to you with sorrow, and then he goes to you in a desperate action and takes your hands in his.
"But I promise you that I will make it up to you, I will—
Unable to stand it any longer, you take your hands from his, which makes him stop and look at you instantly, a little surprised and worried by your reaction.
And you again... you act unconcerned and like it's no big deal.
Mostly because you no longer want to keep listening to his promises that are worthless in the end, you also don't want to be around him right now and also because you want to end the matter once and for all.
"Okay, I understand."
You tell him with the best look you can put at that moment, really trying to pretend that everything is fine, almost convincing him, almost.
"Don't worry."
And without waiting for anything else, because you really want to get away from him, feeling that if he tells you something else you're really going to burst into tears right then and there, you walk past him and head to your room.
But he doesn't let you go so easily.
"Y/N..." He holds you by the shoulders, looking at you worriedly, "Talk to me, please."
You let out a small laugh, the fakest laugh you've ever let out, trying with all your might to make it okay.
"What do you want me to say? I told you it's okay."
Again you try to pass by him but he again stops you. And you let him.
You let him because you don't want him to see you bad, broken. You let him because if you get upset, if you let him see that he has broken you, you fear he will realize your true feelings.
And you don't want that now that he has a girlfriend and looks happy with her. So happy that she even managed to change his mind about taking her to the ball even though he told you he wouldn't because that ball belonged to the two of you.
And you don't want to ruin that for him if that's what he wants, you also don't want to make a big deal about the change of plans. You want to make him see that you're okay with it.
Again...you don't want to look sad and broken in front of him.
"I know you, Y/N," he says to you in a sad, apologetic soft voice, "I know you're not okay with me wanting to take her now because I told you I wouldn't, that this ball belongs to both of us," he lets out a long breath, "But I—
"I'm perfectly fine with it, Aemond," you interrupt him with the most nonchalant and fake look possible, "I mean... she's your girlfriend and it's only fair that you take her, right?"
And your words don't know why they make her feel worse when that's just what she needed from you: understanding.
But somehow it feels a hell of a lot worse that you're understanding him after he knows he promised you he wouldn't take her and you'd both go together.
"But you—
"Look... actually this is good," you lie, "Now I have a lot of homework to finish and also a big project due on monday. The weekend will help me to get everything done and delivered on time."
That's what you assure him even though this whole week you had worn yourself out getting everything ahead of schedule for next week so you could go to the ball and have fun without any more worries.
"Are you..." He looks at you suspiciously, "Are you sure?"
"Very," you say, putting on a small fake smile, "Now I just want to rest before I do everything."
He watches you for a few seconds with the softest and gentlest expression possible, still a little worried, while you watch him firmly back to show him that it's okay.
Even though it hurts like hell all this is happening.
"Well," he murmurs, looking away from you, nodding slightly, "Would you like me to make some dinner for the two of us? I can...
"No thanks," you cut him off, "I want to sleep, that's all."
And finally, carrying all your dignity with you, you head to your room, pretending that everything is fine and that you are fine.
But as you close the door to your room behind you, that's when all the appearance finally goes away and you allow yourself to really feel the way you feel.
And it makes it worse to see the beautiful dress on your bed, looking so spectacular, so ready to be worn, when you will no longer need it for the main occasion you decided to buy it and wanted to wear it for so badly.
Looking at it with longing and sadness, the first tears fall down your cheeks and you avoid letting out a sob as you bite your lips.
You would have preferred that Aemond told you about taking his girlfriend that day when you went to get the dress and then he came home with his new haircut. It would have been more preferable to telling you the day before the ball.
Either way, though, you know it would have destroyed you, just the same way you feel destroyed now.
That's why the next morning, you don't even leave your room. You don't want to and can't see Aemond knowing that today is the day it was supposed to be the two of you.
So you only leave your room when you make sure Aemond is in his room to grab something from the fridge and get back to your cave as quickly as possible.
Until the time of the ball gets closer and closer and you make sure your desk is full of sheets of your previous projects, pretending to be busy as you had told Aemond you would be.
Even his sister, Helaena, sends you an excited message asking if you will come tonight and with all the pain in your heart, you reply that you will not be able to come as you are too busy with homework and projects.
When Aemond knocks on your bedroom door and calls you from the other side. You quickly go to your desk, pretend to be busy with the sheets, tell him to come in and he does.
"I'm leaving now, pretty one."
"Okay, have fun," you say in the best possible tone, without looking at him.
You really don't want to look at him.
"I will probably come here to sleep, I don't think I'll stay anywhere else, just to let you know," he says in a soft and cautious tone, still a little worried about yesterday.
"Yeah, that's fine."
A few seconds of silence and then you hear him let out a sigh.
"Are you sure you don't want to come? You know Helaena and my brothers will be there. I can wait for you to leave."
You bite the inside of your cheek, annoyed that he's suggesting this again, when you shouldn't be.
You know he means well, but it bothers you, it hurts you. How does he think you'll want to go to the ball after changing your plans?
"I have a lot to do," you answer briefly.
And again you hear another one of his sighs.
"Okay," he murmurs.
But he doesn't leave immediately, you hear how he is still at your door and you feel his penetrating gaze, as if he is asking you for forgiveness, but you don't even look at him.
You can't and you don't want to.
You think that if he tries to talk about it again, you'll tell him how busy you are so he won't do it.
But fortunately you only hear him let out a long breath and finally close the door to your room. And the next thing you hear are his footsteps and then the apartment door opening and closing.
The next few days after what happened between you and Aemond at the ball are again like you didn't want them to be.
But it seems that the ball was an important point that broke between you and Aemond and again he and you don't spend time together anymore. It's only in the mornings when you both see each other for breakfast, but there isn't even a conversation for the time being.
There are no more movie weekends, no more going to a restaurant for breakfast on some weekends, and no more going to the grocery store together.
However, the agreement remains that he takes care of everything financially and you take care of the food, laundry and cleaning.
Still, it's as if you live alone.
Suddenly Aemond stopped coming to the apartment less and less, as well as he has stopped sleeping here constantly anymore.
Sometimes there are not even any more of his clothes to wash, mostly because they are still clean or because he takes them away or has left them somewhere else, with Alys obviously.
All the food is finished by you since he barely eats breakfast or dinner here. And the few times you've gotten to talk, there's been no mention of the ball at all.
And you can tell, as he also shows, that he seems to be very busy with his classes and also with his girlfriend.
He still pay for the electricity, water and everything you need, you know he does, but he's not even here. Now it's like you totally take care of Vhagar, which you don't complain about, but she's supposed to be his dog because you gave her to him.
And even though things are tense between you, you still can't help but feel sad and lonely every time you realize that he didn't even get to sleep and on weekends you're all alone.
Whenever you text him asking where he is or why he didn't get to sleep, he always replies the same thing: Alys. He apologizes for not telling you but still never tells you.
Now you sleep in the apartment all alone, with only Vhagar's company every day. And even though it hurt you a lot about the ball, you still miss your best friend very much.
You missed him the most especially when a nasty storm hit King's Landing at night and lasted all morning until six o'clock.
You hate storms and Aemond also knows that you are afraid of them.
That night you couldn't sleep at all, you were curled up hiding under your sheets, hugging Vhagar as your only comfort, hoping that everything would pass soon.
The next morning you couldn't go to class due to lack of sleep and Aemond didn't even show up at the apartment.
Until one night, saturday at one o'clock in the morning, you heard the sound of the door and his footsteps in the living room and kitchen.
And ready to talk to him about how you've been feeling these past few days, as well as the fact that you practically live here alone, you head out of your room.
But you stop just as you open a crack in your door when you hear and realize that he is not alone.
"We should have arrived at my house, Aemond."
"We talked about this, Alys."
"But she's always here. I don't understand why she never goes out with friends or anything."
"I told you she's not that type."
You could have closed the door and gone to sleep with the idea of talking about what you had in mind with him another day, but you stay still when you hear that they are talking about you.
And what Alys says next only makes you stand stiller and listen more attentively.
"Oh my love... Are you still worried about her?"
You sharpen your ear more, attentive and confused.
Worried about me?
You repeat in your mind not understanding, willing to listen more, even though you shouldn't but still you do.
"I'm not worried. I'm just thinking about her."
"You are worried, Aemond," Alys repeats in affirmation and in a serious tone, "What I don't understand is why if the ball was two weeks ago."
"I know," you hear him mutter, "But still, you should have seen her face... she already had everything ready and I told her a day before that I wouldn't take her with me."
"But she told you it was okay, didn't she?"
"Yeah, but..." sigh, "In a way it felt much worse that she understood."
Alys lets out a snort.
"Of course she must have understood, my love," she says obviously, "I'm your girlfriend, not her."
You press your lips together, thinking that it didn't even cross your mind that he was still thinking about the ball when he doesn't even see you and isn't even here.
You don't fully understand but you do have an idea that after the ball, maybe he needed to distance himself from you and that's why you haven't seen each other anymore and he doesn't come to the apartment.
Maybe he felt really bad about himself for killing your illusion of going to the ball together, like every year.
But if he feels so bad, then why did he do it?
You ask yourself with some bitterness.
Apparently Alys was more convincing to him and it's okay, she's his girlfriend, but he's just feeling bad after it's all over.
"You care a lot about her and it's ridiculous, Aemond. As ridiculous as it is that she lives here and doesn't give you a single penny."
And then again her words catch your attention more than ever and you continue listening attentively, with your face falling because of her words.
"Alys..." he calls out to her in a tired tone, "I already explained that to you."
"But even so," she insists with an absurd tone, "Won't she be ashamed? She's your best friend and she doesn't even think about helping you a little?"
"She does help me and you know it."
"I mean financially."
"Her parents send her what money they can for college. She buys food and also buys what she needs for her classes and other necessities."
"Oh, so not only she doesn't help you with money, but also her parents?"
"Hasn't she even thought about getting a job?"
"Yes, but I told her that it wasn't necessary, that she could help me with the domestic and I could help her with the money without charging her anything."
"Are you serious?"
"She's my best friend, Alys. I'm the one who convinced her to live with me because I wanted her to."
"No, Aemond. It wasn't because you wanted to. It was because you pity her."
Your heart skips a beat and you open your lips and listen in surprise, beginning to feel that sharp pain in your chest as it hurts to hear those words.
"No," he says firmly, "It's never been like that."
"Oh please, don't fool yourself," she insists, "Y/N is not like you and me...her family has no money and from what you've told me, she's always been on scholarship in everything."
"Not everyone can have what we have, Alys," he says incredulously, "Besides, why would I care if she has money or not? Other people like us are really distasteful and don't have even a shred of humility, sincerity and trustworthiness like she has."
"I don't see it that way. I think she's so different and you feel so sorry for her that you've made it easy for her by putting her in an apartment like this because you know she and her family don't have the resources."
"That's what you think. But she and I both know that's not true."
He says with a confident tone and yes, it is true.
Alys at this moment made you doubt, a lot, because of the venom he was spitting out every word and for speaking so confidently about how he really feels about you.
But you never felt that Aemond treated you, since their friendship began, with pity.
"She has always been there for me and never with the intention of taking advantage of me for what I have. Not for nothing is she my best friend and you know how selective I am with my friends."
You hear the long sigh she lets out, to which you must think she has an irritated face.
"Well, if you say so," she says bitterly, "Still, isn't it annoying that she's always here? She doesn't go out to parties, she has no friends but you, and whenever we come here we can't even have the privacy we'd like because she's locked in her room."
"This is her house too."
"She's not a child anymore, Aemond. You should tell her to get a job and an apartment of her own or live in the dorm now. Tell her you want your own space now."
"It's not even a year since we've been living together, Alys."
"So, if I tell you in one more year that we want us to live together, will she live with both of us too?
"Of course not."
He answers instantly in an absurd low tone and again you feel your heart break at his words because of how quickly he answered and in what tone.
And you can't blame him, those are plans with his girlfriend, you have nothing to do there. But you can't help it and it really hurts because you will never be her.
"Look... I admit that I do wish I could have more privacy and also that she would go out to have fun and meet new people... I even want to get here with you and she's not here."
You feel the tears start to form in your eyes, but you bite your lips and control yourself.
"But I can't just tell her that I want to live alone now and give her to understand that I want her to leave. And I really don't want her to leave, not like this," he say honestly, "Not when things are still tense between us," he sighs, "She's my best friend and I love her. I don't want to hurt her anymore. I really want to make things right with her."
And as if everything Aemond had just said wasn't relevant to Alys, she says the following with every intention of it actually happening someday soon.
"What if the two of us go live together somewhere else?"
And the few seconds of silence afterwards on Aemond's part you know is from his confusion.
"If you don't want to hurt her, fine, let her keep living here so you can feel good about yourself by continuing to help her."
You frown, really hating and feeling annoyed with his girlfriend's words.
"Then we can look for another apartment to live together," she proposes and you feel your heart shrink, "It doesn't have to be now, but later, but really do it, what do you think?"
You don't hear anything again for a few seconds, wanting to hear Aemond's answer while your heart beats hard against your chest.
"Please, baby. I want to live with you. I want to do many things with you."
And in that moment you know it's enough as you hear them start kissing and you finally, carefully, close the door and lie back down on your bed, holding back the tears.
Not wanting to hear anything promising out there, you put on your headphones and try to sleep with this ugly pain in your chest.
You shouldn't have listened to that conversation between the two of them, but you couldn't help it. But after listening to them, staring for a few moments at the ceiling of your room, broken, you make the decision you had thought about before but were not sure about.
And that is that you will fulfill Alys' wish... you are going to look for a job and you are going to ask for a doorm in the residence.
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The following days after hearing Aemond's conversation with his girlfriend, continue the same.
Aemond still doesn't show up much at the apartment, the two of you don't talk much, he is always with Alys and you start looking for jobs near the university without success.
When you don't find anything, the days of searching get longer because the ones that are available are far away from your area and others don't apply for you because they ask for experience.
And at the same time you try not to let everything you heard that night affect you by keeping busy with college.
You also try not to let it affect you that Aemond said he wanted to make things right between you but he still doesn't see you and doesn't show up because he's with Alys.
You really don't understand.
That's why you continue to look for a job as it hurts you that you are practically living alone in a big apartment like this when before it wasn't like this and you enjoyed Aemond's company.
Now it's just you and Vhagar.
Then one afternoon when you come home from school and finish feeding Vhagar and start preparing food for yourself, suddenly the door opens and Aemond enters with a soft look, instantly observing you.
"Hello, pretty one."
You try not to look surprised and confused by his arrival, so you just don't let his nickname affect you and smile a little, just a little, in his direction.
He smiles a little more at you as his gaze turns to Vhagar who runs excitedly to greet him.
"Hello to you too my little one," he says tenderly and you see how he takes her in his arms, "I missed you."
You look away from him to continue cooking, not wanting to talk and preferring to ignore him in the same way he seems to ignore you by not showing up or sleeping here anymore, leaving you and Vhagar alone.
You want to know why he has suddenly appeared, but you control yourself from asking. Just as you tell yourself that you don't plan to say anything to him about moving into the dorm until you secure a job.
"What are you cooking?"
You hear him ask you as he approaches you.
"Fillet," you reply briefly.
"Do you mind if I ask you to cook one for me?" He asks with some care.
"No," you answer simply.
You really don't want to be rude to him, after all, this is your agreement, so you cook a fillet for him, waiting to serve everything.
"Do you have something to do today?"
He asks you suddenly and you continue cooking, without looking at him.
"Homework," you answer, "Why?"
"Ah... some classmates are coming to prepare an presentation we have tomorrow," he lets you know and you finally turn to look at him, "I hope you don't mind."
"No, it's fine," you assure him, turning your back on him again, "I'll be in my room, you know."
"Of course."
You continue cooking and he seems to be waiting for his food, so you don't say anything, mostly because you don't have anything to say.
You feel his gaze on you at almost all times, which you deliberately ignore, trying not to make a big deal of it.
When you start serving and finally turn your face to him to place the plates and also the glasses, feeling more firmly his gaze on you.
And as soon as he says your name you knew he wasn't watching you silently for nothing, but because he was fighting himself to talk to you about something that had him in doubt.
"I know I haven't been around much..." he starts to say and you avoid letting out a sigh of irritation, "And I also know that I've left you alone with Vhagar—
"Yes, I know," you interrupt him in a nonchalant tone, "And that's okay, you have things to do and honestly so do I, believe it or not," you say quickly and then open the refrigerator, "Do you want soda or juice?"
Your clear disinterest for not wanting to talk about it makes Aemond stop talking and watch you in silence, feeling a little guilty for your attitude.
But you continue to watch him expectantly for an answer and he gives it to you after a few seconds of silence.
You nod and start filling the glasses. And at that, Aemond doesn't insist on the matter and simply remains silent, waiting for you to start eating together.
But he can't be like this anymore. He really wants to make things right and that's why he mentions the next:
"Don't think I forgot your birthday."
He says in an attempt to finally calm the tension between the two of you as you turn and hand him the glass and then take a seat in front of him.
"You don't?" you say almost sarcastically, almost.
"Of course not," she assures you, "It's this Friday. Aren't you excited?"
"Not really," you say honestly, "I have a project due that friday that has been causing me a lot of stress. I don't want to get a grade that isn't worth all the effort."
"Oh come on, you always get the best grades," he says with a small smile, "Don't worry, you'll see, everything will be fine."
And the next thing he does is to place his hand on top of yours to give it a gentle squeeze as he always used to do before in situations like these, just like you do with him.
At this, you try not to fall for him and his gestures, so you just nod thanking him with your eyes for his support and start eating, just like him.
"And what are your plans? Tell me," he asks you interested.
"Mmm..." You grimace, "In the morning I don't have much planned, just to talk to my parents," you confess, "After class my friends said they wanted to take me to a restaurant and at night to go out partying but... I'm still not sure about that."
"About what?"
"The party."
He takes a sip of his soda and looks at you confidently.
"Let's go."
"Where to?"
"The party."
"You want to go?" you frown.
"Of course I do," he says with a smile, "I want to celebrate and have fun with you on your birthday."
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, come on, I'll take you," he says more confidently than before, "In fact, since you won't be doing much in the morning, I could buy a cake for both of us, give you your present and I don't know, go out or watch a movie," he proposes, "Just me and you. Then I'll see you in the night and we'll go out and party."
So, for all that confidence in talking, even with that determination and that excitement in talking about making plans together on your birthday... you shouldn't but again you feel that hope come back to you.
That same spark and hope when he told you about the ball and in the end he did the complete opposite of what he promised you.
But this time... they are both talking about your birthday. You know and you know that he knows you're not just talking about anything.
That's why you stop feeling that little bitterness and forget about the conversation you overheard, you also stop considering going to live in the dorm because he just gives you hope.
"What do you say? Do you like the plan?" he observes you with a little excited smile.
And without being able to help it, you also smile softly in his direction, feeling how that emptiness in your chest fills up, leaving you feeling alone and ignored.
So you nod your head, avoiding showing too much of your happiness and illusion.
And after you both finish eating, before his classmates arrive, you both make yourselves comfortable on the couches and talk about almost everything while Vhagar keeps you company.
And because of this, you feel more of that hope, that companionship that you had needed so much from him and finally everything is okay.
Everything feels okay.
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All the following days, both Aemond and you go back to the old routine where you don't see each other as much and don't talk much.
But at least there is that feeling that between you everything is already fine and there are plans in place for the weekend that you couldn't be more excited and anxious about.
You've already planned everything with your friends as well, so it's sure to be a perfect day.
Until finally friday arrives and you expect to wake up to Aemond making a big fuss with that happy birthday children's song.
However, it doesn't.
You wake up to a chill in your room and also in the whole apartment when you realize that Aemond is not here. You check to see if he has left you a note or a text but nothing.
Instantly you think to yourself that he must be getting that cake he promised you, so you take a shower and get ready for the day.
Then you get congratulations from your friends and other family members. You even talk to your parents who are in your little town, Stone Hedge, in the Riverlands, working hard to support your studies.
And then when you finish getting ready, Aemond still doesn't show up, so you call him but he doesn't answer, you also send him messages but nothing.
[You]: I'll be waiting for you until 12PM. I have my class at 1PM.
And you send the message, wishing and hoping he'll be here soon.
Until the hours go by, he still doesn't answer, doesn't even return your calls, doesn't tell you anything and there definitely comes a time when you can't wait for him anymore.
And you control yourself. You don't want to think anything bad. You tell yourself that maybe something important came up at school.
So you stay positive, tell yourself that he will explain when you see him tonight, and leave the apartment to go to the university.
The moment you walk into your classroom, your friends greet you with big hugs, flowers and helium balloons wishing you happy birthday, which definitely lifts your mood.
And even more so when you turn in the most stressful project you've done so far in your entire career and with all the happiness and excitement in the world you see how you get graded with an A+.
And your friends are quick to say that it's all the more reason to celebrate tonight.
When the class is over, along with Aileen, Sara, Ryan and Ryan's friend James, you head to the restaurant they told you they wanted to take you to.
There they all order a bottle of wine and toast to your birthday and also to their good grades in this final project they handed in. Even the restaurant's employees bring you a small cake and together they sing happy birthday to you, feeling very nice.
Although unconsciously, you keep thinking about Aemond.
From time to time you check your phone to see if there are any answers from him yet, but nothing. So you really try not to think about him too much and fortunately, with the help of your friends, you succeed.
Until it starts to get dark and everyone says they should get ready to go to one of the many fraternity parties.
Ryan takes you with James to your house and expecting to see Aemond at the apartment, you arrive and no one is there except Vhagar.
You let out a long breath and call him one more time but nothing, so not to be late you get ready for the party.
You're hopeful that Aemond will eventually arrive, but even when you finish getting ready, nothing. And you know he won't show up or he would have already.
But there is still a little hope.
You think, confident and positive, because it is your birthday.
You ask Sara to pick you up and soon you are both arriving at the party where you meet your other friends who have also brought friends.
"What about your best friend, is he coming?"
Aileen asks you over the music and you, still wanting to feel confident, nod.
"Yeah, he might be a little late."
She nods and takes you to the kitchen to play with the other party games before everything here becomes a mess with so many people and louder music.
And you get distracted for a moment as you start to play and have some fun with the games.
You realize that you're actually having a great time despite Aemond's absence, but you still want to see him since it's your birthday.
That's why after a few hours have passed, the party is getting more crowded and everyone is starting to drink more, you check your phone and there's still nothing from him.
You turn away from everyone for a moment to call him but he doesn't answer. You look at the time and realize that it will be eleven o'clock at night and feeling a little worried now, you send him more messages.
[You]: where are you?
[You]: i have been trying to talk to you all day.
[You]: will you at least come to the party?
You let out a long, disappointed breath, yet you tell yourself that he couldn't have forgotten about your birthday, he just didn't.
He made the plans, he promised you a fun day, he said you two would be together.
But then... where is he?
As you walk back to the house, across the entire backyard, you finally feel your phone vibrate several times and you stop to turn the screen back on again, hopeful.
However... you wish you had not.
[aem❣]: sorry for not responding, I was busy all day with alys and we just finished having dinner with her parents.
[aem❣]: party?
And that's all he tells you.
So surprised and incredulous, somehow already expecting it since he didn't show up in the morning you think it can't be.
You can't really believe it and you wish you were so wrong but... it's the truth.
He forgot your birthday.
Your best friend really has forgotten your fucking birthday.
He doesn't tell you anymore, he doesn't say happy birthday, he doesn't apologize for his absence on your birthday, he just doesn't tell you anything.
He just asks you that, with that question being reason enough to give you to understand that he has forgotten the whole plan and your birthday.
And you don't cry.
You really don't want to cry. He doesn't deserve it.
So you avoid breaking down at that moment and just put your phone on silent to put it in your little bag, holding back the tears and enduring this huge sharp pain in your chest.
When that's when you decide you've had enough.
It's still eleven o'clock, you have one more hour to enjoy your birthday, then you'll have fun for the rest of the party and tomorrow you'll have time to feel bad about what your so-called best friend has done to you.
But this is not going to ruin what's left of your birthday.
So you suppress everything, mentally prepare yourself and go back to the party more confident and determined than ever to have fun with your friends who are here.
And that's what you do.
But after this, enough will definitely be enough.
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ch4singchase · 8 months
The Ballad of Moths | LUKE CASTELLAN
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Summary: Eurydice Gaumont receives gifts from her father and one of these proves invaluable as her journey intersects with fellow demigods.
Word count: 4.9K
Warnings: Mentions of blood and Injury, violence, grief, ophidiophobia (since the monster in this chapter is a giant snake), mentions of death, mild language
chapter one, chapter two | series masterlist
chapter 02: I Defend A Bunch Of Kids From A Giant Snake
The rhythmic tap of rain against my bus window played a lullaby, coaxing me into a swift slumber.
Abruptly, I was no longer confined to the bus; the rain had transformed into the hushed serenity of a forest. This was no typical ominous woods of a horror story; its allure lay in a distinct kind of beauty.
Drawing near a tree, my fingers traced the rough texture of its trunk, relishing the tactile sensation. The leaves gracefully danced, swaying in a tranquil wind, as if encouraging a shared nap. Smiling up at them, I entertained the whimsical idea that the tree and its surroundings comprehended my thoughts.
A soft flap of wings echoed behind me, and there it was—the moth that helped me understand where I should go earlier.
This was the same moth, its wings a rich black with subtle brown accents, patiently awaiting my presence in a circular dance.
"Hello, buddy," I greeted cautiously, extending my hand to see its reaction, "How's it going?"
Predictably, the moth remained silent. It alighted on my fingertip and then took flight, leading me along a specific path among the trees, unveiling a concealed trail through the forest. Glancing at the shadows that enveloped the moth's chosen route, a fleeting doubt crossed my mind—was it truly wise to follow?
Without dwelling on the question, I pursued the enigmatic guide, allowing instinct to override rational contemplation.
As I ventured deeper into the forest, the canopy above formed a protective shield against the sporadic drizzle that started. The moth continued its dance ahead, weaving through the foliage with an innate knowledge of the path, as if the trees themselves whispered directions to their winged companion.
Moss-covered rocks and the scent of damp earth under foot marked my journey. The woods seemed to respond to my presence, embracing me in a mysterious symphony of rustling leaves and distant calls of unseen creatures. Nature itself had become my guide, and the moth, my silent escort through this living tapestry.
The path curved, revealing a hidden glade bathed in ethereal moonlight. In the center stood a peculiar tree, its silver bark shimmering in the celestial glow. The moth settled on a branch, and as if on cue, the air became charged with an otherworldly energy.
I looked around, confused. The wind gently brazed my cheeks, guiding some leaves with it and revealing what was hiding in the glade until now.
Moths. A bunch of moths. All joining the one guiding me into a beautiful dance.
Perhaps, when I was younger, I would be frightened, but instead, I was just stunned by it. They were gracious and in an infinity of colors, painting the air like a vivid rainbow in the middle of the night. Even some fireflies had heard their excitement and joined the party, lightning the night in a blink of an eye.
“She’s here, she’s here, she’s finally going home!” They all seemed to whisper, even if I couldn’t understand what they meant by it.
Where was here? Were they following me? Were they the ones who sent the moth to help me?
There were too many questions and no answers.
“No, no,” they all repeated to what sounded like a response, “Our friend did.”
“Yeah yeah,” others agreed, circling around me as they did so, “Your father.”
For the first time since I had seen the moth from before, I ventured to speak up.
“My father?” It was just me repeating what they had just said but, still, it had taken me some type of courage to say so, “He’s dead, how is that possible?”
“Dead?” most of them laughed, as if I had told them a joke, “That’s not possible; he is a god.”
“You heard us,” it seemed like I hadn’t only questioned it in my head, “You’re the daughter of a god.”
I stood frozen for a couple of seconds. A god…?
I recalled what the Cyclops had called me, a Half-Blood. Cyclopes, chimeras, half-blood, all of them were characters that my mother had once told me were tales. Stories in Ancient Greece, myths. Nothing more but stories.
But stories don’t simply come to life. They have to have always been there.
If they were talking about gods, they could only be the Greek ones, right? The Olympian ones and so on.
“How...” I tried to ask... Anything, honestly. But I didn’t even know where I could start; in the end, I was talking to moths, what was crazier than that?
“We can’t tell you everything,” some of the moths mumbled.
“Yeah yeah, he had told us just to help you find your way but we couldn’t stop ourselves,” others complained.
“Once we heard you were still alive, we were so excited,” the moths giggled, holding back screams of joy.
“Yeah, even if one of us ended up saying something about the titan, we wanted to risk a chance,” one in a million of their siblings said, and if almost every one of them were speaking at the same time, I heard it.
Every single one, but one brought my curiosity, “Titan?”
It was all I needed to ask before they went into a deep silence.
The moths hushed as my question lingered in the night air. Their whispering dance seemed to still, and the anticipation was palpable. Then, one moth separated itself from the swirling mass and approached me.
It wasn’t the same one I was already familiar with compared to the others, but its wings fluttered with a measured elegance.
“We should not say anything about it,” the moth said, “It’s just a rumor, a cruel one”
“But the prophecy?” one of the others questioned, daring the one that was speaking for them, “The prophecy says…”
Most of them hushed the little one, giving voice to the same one of before, “As I said, it’s just a rumor. Some things are better left unknown, life must unfold naturally..”
“You said about a prophecy,” I tried to reason with it, approaching the moth, “What prophecy?”
The moth shook its little head, “You must go now, Eurydice Gaumont”
“No” I persisted, stomping my feet into the ground.
But it didn’t matter what I wanted, slowly the scenario around me started to go blurry and slowly the sound of rain tapping returned.
I protested, but the scene blurred, and before waking, I heard the words, "In shadows deep, a reaper's kid must tread..."
Then, I was back on the bus again. Alone.
I looked around, trying to look for something. But despite the sleepy sleepers who snored near me, there was nothing new after the dream. It was still dark, the first sign of sun daring to peek out of their hidden spot.
Sighing, I looked at the sky, searching for an answer. At that point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer came in the form of a god of the sun trying to mime what I should do next. Or sing—I didn’t know much about Greek gods at that time, but I was almost sure that the god of the sun in the stories also sang.
What was that I had heard? A reaper’s kid, right?
Now, what did that mean?
Sighing once more at the dawn of that day, every time it looked like things were making sense, my life would get twisted.
A sound of wings caught my attention when I looked at the empty seat by my side. The moth from the convenience store and my dream was my company once more. If it had a face, it would look like regret or shame.
It flapped its wings, as if to call my attention again.
“I’m seeing you, stupid,” It flapped its wings one more time, perhaps it didn’t like being called stupid, “You didn’t talk like your siblings at that forest right, I don’t remember hearing you”
And I truly didn't. For some reason, I could recognize each moth that had talked in that clearing, but none of them was the one that had been with me since Springfield.
This time, the moth flapped its wings twice.
"Alright," I scoffed, contemplating the sanity of conversing with a moth. "Enough beating around the bush; what do you want to tell me?"
Rather than flapping, the moth took flight, turning beneath my seat. I didn’t know how to curse, but what I thought was similar to a ‘what the fuck?’
Leaning forward, I peered beneath my seat, expecting to find the bags from the convenience store—snacks, sweets, water, a flashlight, and some change. Yet, unlike what I remembered, there was also a backpack.
Which, by chance, was not mine.
It reminded me of the backpacks I had seen at the store or some of the other people on that bus wearing, but I didn't have enough money to buy even a fanny pack.
Puzzled, I picked up the backpack and examined it. It seemed lost, probably belonging to another passenger. To my surprise, my name was on a sticker affixed to it.
Was it truly mine?
I opened the backpack, looking for what could be inside.
If my expectations were set on receiving a cellphone, all-star shoes, additional snacks, clothing, or perhaps a map, I would find myself in a perpetual state of hope until the arrival of the non-existent date of February 31st. Alas, none of those anticipated items were to be found.
What I found was, in fact, a leather wristband with a snap button closure, adorned with small stones. Accompanying it were a couple of coins, featuring a peculiar carving that deviated from any standard penny. Doubtingly, I reached in, confirming the wristband, coins… Plus a map.
At least that.
Exhaling deeply, I hoped my godly father, wherever he was, could hear me. Was this his gift? A questionable assistance from a man presumed dead.
Truthfully, I anticipated something more beneficial for survival, perhaps a letter explaining his whereabouts and the ongoing events. It was the least he could offer after all these years.
My mother had portrayed him as a soldier with a calm heart, unwilling to return to duty but aware of their need for a reminder of peace. How every end no matter how it began, would meet peace. She would always remind me that he would be the one to go down in a nonviolent way, with his hand laying on his chest, above his heart.
Would. She never said he was. Because he was a god, a greek god.
Knowing I was aware of his divine status, he chose to bestow upon me strange money, a wristband, and a map. Well, the map, at least, seemed somewhat helpful.
I stowed away the bags containing my purchases from Springfield into the backpack, arranging the snacks and supplies meticulously to avoid any mishaps during my travels—whether it involved catching the next bus or evading a new monster.
The coins and map found their place inside the backpack as well. However, before I could tuck away the wristband, curiosity got the better of me. It was a finely crafted leather piece, elegant and delicate.
Examining it closely, I wondered if my father had crafted it himself. The mere thought tightened my heartstrings.
Looking at the inside of the wristband, I frowned when I found something carved into the leather. Something was written into another language.
I turned the wristband and looked at it closely, words were always hard to me so if I wanted to understand what it meant, I would have to take my time.  If I intended to understand its meaning, patience would be crucial. Or so I thought.
As the letters began to weave into each other, a surprising clarity emerged. Instead of becoming a confusing jumble, they started to make sense.
While it wasn't an exact match to what was written, it was undeniably the meaning it conveyed.
Latin, perhaps?
Gazing at the wristband once more, I opted not to return it to the backpack. Instead, I made the choice to wear it.
Perhaps my father had indeed crafted it. Wearing it became my silent expression of appreciation, a subtle invitation for him to emerge from his hidden shell.
Ultimately, it proved to be a beautiful wristband.
When I looked out the window again, the sun was already rising. We seemed to have arrived in New Haven, recognizable to me from a previous visit. It appeared we were near State St, very close to Yale.
There was a time when I thought I might study there, a distant dream from my younger self. Back then, despite never attending a real school, I held onto the possibility.
Revisiting the city at fourteen, a few years later, doubt crept in.
Knowing what I now knew, it wasn't hard to recognize that the odds were always against me. I never had the chance, not before, and certainly not now.
As soon as the bus stopped and the other passengers started to get off, I did the same. I picked up my backpack and put it on, following the others to the street, deciding to be the last one to get down.
For a moment, I waited a bit before finally getting off, looking inside the bus and waiting for the moth from earlier to appear and follow it. But, it didn't happen.
So, I went my way. If I remembered correctly, there shouldn't be another bus stop so far away, I could eat something on the way while I looked and hope my change would be enough for the next ticket. Or, hope they would accept my dad's weird coins.
As I strolled down the street, I seized the opportunity to approach strangers, concocting a flimsy tale about a new school on Long Island and my ailing parents unable to assist with transportation. However, as they began to provide directions, a sinking feeling crept in.
Clearly, I lacked the funds for the entire journey.
Faced with limited options, I considered potential avenues. One option involved seeking employment on the streets, donning a somber expression and appealing to tourists for financial assistance. Ironically, the more morally questionable choice proved to be the swifter means of acquiring funds.
Anyway, I tried to risk it, at least make it to the bus stop that supposedly was the cheapest one to my journey. Maybe, the driver could take some pity on me and take me to Pennsylvania. If not, I would have start to figure how to gain money for the whole trip, I wouldn’t dare to walk all the way to that fucking camp.
I walked, walked, walked and walked down State St. As I traversed the street, covering only a fraction of the distance, I encountered a Thai Restaurant. The sight of it made my stomach protest loudly; I hadn't eaten in a while, and the prolonged walking intensified my hunger.
However, there was no way I would eat in the middle of the street, under the scrutinizing gaze of strangers. That was out of the question.
Despite mustering all the courage, I hesitated to knock on the closed restaurant's door. Even if a waiter were to appear, what excuse could I possibly give for not wanting to dine outside?
So, I found an alternative. In less than a minute, I seated myself in an alley, extracting a snack from my backpack and indulging in it.
In fact, that was within question.
Ignoring the curious glances of passersby, I continued my impromptu meal. Candies followed, accompanied by sips of water. This brief moment of rest was crucial before resuming my walk under the scorching sun.
I just needed two minutes, or maybe ten… Honestly, a whole thirty minutes were enough for me to restore my energy.
As I rested, I took another look at the wristband I was wearing. The more attention I paid to it, the more I noticed a strange energy emanating from it. It was difficult to explain and even less tangible—an unknown aura surrounding something hidden inside the leather, beyond the engraved letters.
When I opened my mouth to express the feeling, the only thing that came to mind was the night of a day or two ago.
My mother was held in the air by the monster's hand, the only one watching her intensely and impatiently, while all she did instead of fighting was ask me to run. And run was what I did.
Until I heard her scream—a stunning, heart-wrenching scream that froze my feet in place, forcing me to witness her body flying to my side, blood overflowing from her mouth. Her torso seemed broken or twisted enough to inflict severe internal injuries.
Still, she had the strength to ask me to keep running. How could I? How could I run and leave her behind?
I couldn't do that. Instead, I stood beside her, ignoring the disturbing footsteps of the Cyclops approaching.
I held my mother's hands, hoping to somehow absorb her strength. Perhaps I did, for even though I didn't follow her request, it seemed to matter little to her. As if, in the end, she felt no pain.
Tears and sobs dampened my face, but I could swear she thanked me. Ridiculous, considering I should be thanking her for being an incredible mother, sacrificing everything for my safety. If only I had known sooner...
After that, everything was a blur, difficult to understand. Holding her hands, a strange sensation tingled down my spine, adrenaline coursing through my entire body. When I saw my mother attempting to say something but succumbing to exhaustion...
The Cyclops was already beside me, reaching to grab me.
Anything between that moment and the hospital was a haze. Fragments of memories. I recalled his hands trying to lift me off the ground, my palms facing his monstrously large fingers. Almost facing a 5-meter drop but feeling no pain.
When the ambulance arrived and I reached the hospital, attempting to explain what I had understood about the situation at the time, they were most surprised that I hadn't broken my legs or at least sprained an ankle. But I think my exhaustion and grief were enough for them to believe me.
I tightened my lips, holding back tears at the memory. What did my mother's death have to do with my father's gift?
Tenebris—was that really the only clue I had?
Gradually, a shift occurred in the air, and it didn't escape my notice.
Within moments, an unsettling realization dawned – something was amiss. The streets teemed with people running in the opposite direction of my intended path once I felt ready to resume my journey. Fear and confusion etched on their faces left me puzzled about the impending threat.
Swiftly, I rose, stowing away my belongings in my backpack and hoisting it onto my back. Approaching adults warned me of an out-of-control truck menacing pedestrians, urging me to find safety. Some chose the rational path, sprinting toward the police station for genuine assistance.
However, skepticism gnawed at me. It didn't ring true. Something felt off.
My eyes caught sight of the unfolding drama a few streets away, just beyond the dog park on the opposite side of my position.
Initially, I perceived three kids, one notably smaller than the others, sprinting from an unseen threat. The girl in black wielded a makeshift spear, while her companion brandished a golf club. How could such feeble weapons aid their escape from an out-of-control truck? Why weren't they going to a store or going to the sidewalk?
Then, I understood.
At first glance, the runaway vehicle resembled a refrigerated truck, careening down the road with a desperate screech. The driver, concealed behind black-tinted windows, eluded my view from this distance.
However, as I advanced, sidestepping the frantic adults, reality emerged.
It was no truck, but a snake. A giant fucking snake. There was no other way to describe it.
All the sense I was lacking suddenly decided to take control of my actions. My brain, which had previously been unable to muster the courage to stand at the door of a closed restaurant, had now regained enough courage to force my feet to run after that atrocity.
For no logical or plausible reason, from one moment to the next, my rationality  was replaced by stupidity.
The monstrous serpent pursued the kids, including the one almost the same age I was when I met Viola. It seemed absurd to consider intervening, given the potential to continue on my way or capitalize on the disturbance to pilfer from unsuspecting pockets. Yet, I couldn't turn away.
Just as I couldn't flee when my mother's cries pierced the air or when she tried to wrench me from Viola's grasp as the Chimera's stinger pierced her chest in the past.
Perhaps it was stubbornness, authentic courage, or sheer impertinence.
It remained unclear where my resolve originated as the idea of confronting a giant snake pursuing a group of children took hold.
The snake, swift and destructive, both hindered the children and itself. Exploiting that and my familiarity with the streets and their shortcuts, I discerned an opportunity to intervene.
I ran like I had rarely ran before, until the tips of the toes hurt. My sneakers had already gone belly-up to that moment, after all the running I have being doing in the past months.
I walked around the streets, without for a second taking my eyes off the scales of that thing. Entering some alleys and following the murmurs and exclamations of the children as they tried to formulate a plan, even though they were at a disadvantage.
Swallowing hard, I took advantage of the shelter outside some buildings to avoid the fragments of asphalt, cement, poles and benches flying everywhere. Gradually but quickly managing to reach that monster.
But that didn't mean I didn’t continue to run, attempting to maintain a good and safe distance between the giant snake and the peculiar trio.
"Hey, girl!" the older girl from the trio shouted, attempting to grab my attention. "Get out of here, it's not safe!"
She wore dark clothes that complemented her short, black hair and extremely light blue eyes. In addition to the makeup on her face, which was almost gone, having been worn away by time for a long time.
It didn't take long to notice her limp, a testament to an injured foot sustained during the chase – or even before.
I just smiled, hiding behind some trash cans and away from the giant snake's senses, hoping it would continue to pay all its attention to that bunch of kids. Which, to be honest, weren't much younger than me, except for the little girl.
"No, you guys go," I shouted back, "Head into the park and blend in with the crowd there. It'll be hard for them to believe that a truck would actually enter a park."
At least, that's what I thought at the time. Nowadays, I know that mundanes would still believe in the idea of an out-of-control truck wreaking havoc, even within a park.
They didn't follow my advice; instead, they halted their escape.
“Aegis,” the girl from before exclaimed, and her bracelet transformed into an incredible shield. She shielded her friends, positioning the protective barrier in front of them, waiting to see my next move. The boy behind her appeared both confused and scared, alternating his gaze between me and his friend as if awaiting an order.
At this point, I was hoping for one too. I had no idea what to do, and I didn't even have a weapon.
However, the giant snake paid no heed. I could distinctly hear its slithering and the destruction of cars in its path. I refused to let fear or my earlier stupidity show on my face.
Instead, I glanced at my wrist, the leather band my father had given me. For a moment, I wished it were a weapon, similar to the girl's shield bracelet.
Despite having the slightest idea of how to handle a weapon, I hoped for anything that could help me assist those three.
Timing couldn't have been worse for it to resurface, but as I looked at a trash can in front of me, the usual moth landed patiently, as if awaiting something.
Perhaps it shared the girl's curiosity about what I would do.
Then, I remembered—the sound of rain yesterday morning, at the funeral, and even at night on the bus, a hostage to "what ifs" that could have transpired instead of my current reality. I remembered the blood, dark red staining my hands and clothes, and how cold it felt against my skin. I didn't care, holding my mother's hands with all my might.
Just like I tried to hold Viola that day, attempting unsuccessfully to move her body away from the Chimera's sting.
The giant snake drew closer, its slithering growing clearer by the second.
Glancing at my wristband again, the carved words caught my eye.
Out of the corner, I saw the snake's scales and its wild eyes. Emerging from my hiding place, a word escaped my mouth like a battle cry before I fully comprehended my own line of reasoning.
A blinding light filled the air, halting the giant snake and diverting its attention towards me. I closed my eyes, feeling the wristband transform within seconds.
Suddenly, something weighed down in my hand, like the sheath of a sword. Its dark sheath matched my wristband's leather, and its slightly curved blade, made of an uncanny bronze material, felt strangely familiar. Bronze. The sword's blade was made of bronze.
As quickly as the light appeared, it dissipated, replaced by a cloud of darkness covering my ankles and part of the street and alley.
The trio gaped at the spectacle. The older girl struggled to maintain her defensive stance, her injured foot hindering her movements. The younger one's wide and curious eyes betrayed a mix of fear and fascination, while the boy among them clutched his golf club with a determined expression that hinted at a desire to help.
Without giving the serpent a chance to recover from the blinding light from before, I surged forward, the newfound sword in hand. The blade cut through the air with a metallic hum, and I slashed at the serpent's scaly underbelly.
It hissed in pain, recoiling momentarily.
In the end, the wristband was a useful gift. I had to remind myself, one day, to thank my dad.
Seizing the opportunity, I circled the serpent, keeping it off balance, continuing to slash its scaly skin. It tried to knock me down with a movement of its body, but before that could happen, I dodged it, cutting its scales once again. But this time I made a point of sticking my sword in, hoping to hit some organ of his, then pulling the sword out.
The boy with black hair, recognizing an opening, sprinted to the serpent's other side, wielding his golf club like a hero facing a dragon from the tales. His fearless determination served as a distraction, affording me yet another chance to strike.
The girl, despite her injury, bravely stood her ground, using her shield to protect us and the little girl. While, said little girl, spurred by a sudden burst of courage, found a dagger in her pocket and joined the fray.
The serpent, now enraged, lunged at us with deadly precision. The older girl skillfully deflected its strikes with her shield, while the boy continued to harass it from the side. The younger girl and I coordinated our attacks, aiming for vulnerable spots between the scales.
As the battle raged on, I felt a surge of adrenaline, my movements becoming more fluid and instinctive. My sword seemed to respond to my will, enhancing my speed and strength. Each strike resonated with power, and the serpent's resistance weakened.
Finally, with a resounding clash, I drove the sword into the serpent's forehead, or what looked like its forehead. The creature convulsed, its massive form thrashing before collapsing to the ground. The dark cloud dissipated, leaving only the echoes of the intense battle.
Breathing heavily, I turned to face the trio, equally exhausted.
They, too, looked weary, particularly the girl nursing an injured leg. Despite their fatigue, they regarded me with awe, as if I had materialized from the pages of a fantastical tale. Given the circumstances, I couldn't blame them.
I didn't blame them, I really had appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm Thalia," the older girl introduced herself, leaning against a wall as her shield reverted to a bracelet. "That's Annabeth," she pointed to the younger dark-skinned girl, now displaying a hint of shyness.
"And I'm Luke," the boy interjected, assisting his friend to stand while keeping a watchful eye on me, still processing the surreal reality of our shared encounter with the monstrous serpent.
"I'm Eurydice," I replied, glancing at my sword and back at them. "It seems like you needed a little help."
“We did,” Luke agreed, looking at me from head to toe, but keeping his eyes on mine while talking to me, “And I think we still do”
Shifting his attention to his injured friend, he examined her leg, revealing a severe wound beneath her baggy jeans. Thalia attempted to whisper something to Luke, diverting his hands away from the injury.
Feeling lost and searching for a solution, my eyes wandered, and I spotted a parked car on a nearby sidewalk—doors open and windows relatively intact. It seemed like an abandoned vehicle amidst the chaos.
"I can drive," I offered, drawing the trio's attention. "I just need to know where we should go and someone who knows how to start a car without a key."
Luke sighed, helping Thalia walk toward me, followed by Annabeth.
"Lucky for you, I know both," the grin he flashed at me while uttering those words hinted at one unmistakable thing: trouble.
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galesdevoteewife · 4 months
Wedding asks!!! 14 and 21/28 (either or, or you can do both! they’re both about dancing) <3
✨✨Thank you my friend for spoiling me!! hehehe yes these I had given them thorough thoughts!! Imo symbolism is always a big thing in weddings so I made up tons of them LOL✨✨ 14. Rings -
Rings, yes! They looks like this.
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I adopted Ed's traditional Waterdeep wedding ring setting (in short, 1. each party contributes a ring, 2.each ring is cut in half and 3.reforged/resized into two half-and-half rings). But I replaced the half-and-half metalworking method with Mokume-gane. At the center of each ring is a small round diamond, and they had chosen colors that best represented their impression of each other. The wearer should always take good care of and maintain the ring, keeping the diamond shining to signify the importance they place on caring for their partner. The ring Gale gave was infused with raw magic. Assume he was 35 years old in BG3 (1492). He was born when the Weave was broken, and it wasn’t restored until he was 22. But he could cast magic from infancy, so my HC is that he can conduct raw magic to some extent. As the foundation of the world and his core, he chose such a ring.
Zilvera chose to forge her ring from small pieces of adamantine shaved off her beloved hand crossbows. She had an almost fetishistic attachment to these hand crossbows—she considered them reliable companions, her pride, and friends that saved her countless times. It was a tough decision for her. She knows them inside out and the change in weight does bother her greatly. 12. Music + 21. Dancing + 28. First Dance -
🕺🎻🎶All-out-Party-Hard, Tavern Music DancePartY🎵🪘💃 The only step that matters in this entire wedding is dancing! I HC a whole set of— ᔓ Dekarios family wedding traditions ᔕ They are a long-standing and large family with many traditions. Every couple picks and chooses whichever they like, but this one most important/beloved dance is the one almost everyone retains. I'll call it "Wedding Circle Dance."
First, everyone forms a circle, with the couple on opposite sides of the circle so they can look at each other the entire time.
People who are next to the couple move to the outer ring, and every other person also moves to the outer ring.
Repeat until only the couple remains.
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What's special about this dance is that the music starts slow and gradually gets faster and faster, so by the end, many people can't keep up, which makes the scene hilarious and brings laughter. Young /elder/limited mobility members are intentionally assigned to positions where they can move to the outer ring soon, ensuring nobody gets hurt.
The couple's coordination is tested, and they should strive to keep up with the dance until the very end of the song, symbolizing that they can overcome challenges together. (By the way, Gale and Zil nailed it like pros, hehe)
^ A reference of how the Wedding circle dance looks/feels like Then the music switches to a very slow, romantic tune. The couple slowly circles each other, catching their breaths. Whenever they feel ready, they may exchange vows and put the wedding rings—which hang on their necks with fine chains—onto each other.
The wedding is thus concluded. The officiant can give a speech or start the next dance.
The family loves dancing and everyone is encouraged to dance all night! Whoever wears out their shoes that night is believed to share the couple's luck and will find a great partner soon.
Other dance vibe reference:
These dances are all about having a great time together regardless of age or ability. That is the spirit of their family traditions! ♡ Wedding Prompts ♡01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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bad268 · 1 year
Writing Inktober 2023
300 word minimum and no repeats are the challenges this year. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably. (haha yes)
BTW the medal emojis are the winners from the polls :)
01/10 Dream
Sebastian Montoya X Reader (W.C. 386)
02/10 Spiders
Seth Borden X Reader (W.C. 338)
03/10 Path
Max Verstappen X Reader (W.C. 367)
04/10 Dodge
Benny Rodriguez X Reader (W.C. 348)
05/10 Map
Sebastian Vettel X Reader (W.C. 338)
06/10 Golden
Justin Herbert X Reader (W.C. 342)
07/10 Drip
TMR Newt X Reader (W.C. 342) 🥈
08/10 Toad Sacrifice
Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader (W.C. 338)
09/10 Bounce
Marcus Armstrong X Reader (W.C. 384)
10/10 Fortune
Johnny Cade X Reader (W.C. 485) 🥉
11/10 Wander
Peter Parker X Reader (W.C. 402) 🥇
12/10 Spicey Scandal
Pierre Gasly X Reader (W.C. 391)
13/10 Rise Tonight
Colby Brock X Reader (W.C. 370)
14/10 Castle
Oscar Piastri X Reader (W.C. 370)
15/10 Dagger Nightmare
Lando Norris X Reader (W.C. 419)
16/10 Angel
Mick Schumacher X Reader (W.C. 395)
17/10 Demon
Kimi Raikkonen X Reader (W.C. 327)
18/10 Saddle
Daniel Ricciardo X Reader (W.C. 318)
19/10 Plump Wet
Ollie Bearman X Reader (W.C. 365)
20/10 Frost
Paul Aron X Reader (W.C. 389)
21/10 Chains Bouquet
Charles Leclerc X Reader (W.C. 369)
22/10 Scratchy Flight
Joe Burrow X Reader (W.C. 390)
23/10 Celestial Redeemer
Corpse Husband X Reader (W.C. 400)
24/10 Shallow Chosen
P! SBI X Reader (W.C. 358)
25/10 Dangerous
Callum Ilott X Reader (W.C. 310)
26/10 Remove Shots
Dennis Hauger X Reader (W.C. 348)
27/10 Beast
Christian Lundgaard X Reader (W.C. 339)
28/10 Sparkle
Dino Beganovic X Reader (W.C. 406)
29/10 Massive Approval
Felipe Drugovich X Reader (W.C. 358)
30/10 Rush
Clement Novalak X Reader (W.C. 386)
31/10 Fire
Pato O’Ward X Reader (W.C. 343)
Bonus: Break
Tadashi Hamada X Reader (W.C. 363)
Average W.C. 369
Want to read other years’ Inktober stories, check these out:
2021 // 2022 // 2024
On a side note, I looked back at last year’s entries, and I definitely thought Bouquet was Banquet, so instead of admitting I was wrong, I did it as a sub this year. If you noticed, no you didn’t :)
Also funny story about Shallow, I kept reading it as Swallow, so I couldn't do it
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forgotten-realm5 · 2 months
Gortash Week Day 02 Prompt✨
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(image made by @aristenfromwarsaw)
Warnings & summary: Decided to write some good ole smut for Gortash Week cos you can never have too much! I'm way too horny for the old man. MDNI, 18+, pre-tadpole, named Durge (Stefni), face sitting, receiving (f & m), 69, Gortash's advances have been rejected time and time again until he is practically begging to worship Stefni ;) TW slight blood play
Words: 2.8K
Notes: Im fairly new to this fandom and it does not disappoint, lots of love to @sankttealeaf for running this event <3
“So now that our business has been dealt with for the night, care to stay for a drink?” Gortash asks hopefully, eyes locking with Stefni who is sits opposite him at the dining table.
This has become their new routine. The regular once a tenday meetings, turned into daily meetings, which has led to meeting for dinner every night to discuss their most recent plans. Over the last month, it has developed into Gortash propositioning the Bhaalspawn at the end of every meeting to no results. Her rejection of him started as genuine, worried about how her father would react, but it soon became entertaining; a game to see how far she could push him, irritate and tease him.
“I don’t think so Enver, are you not getting tired of my repeated rejections?” Stefni laughs, moving to grab her coat off the chair and start to leave.
“I would stop if you genuinely told me too, and I don’t remember you ever saying so” Gortash teases as he walks over to Stefni who is now buttoning up her coat. Gortash leans towards her and lowers his voice “I think you like it”.
Stefni rolls her eyes at his response and takes a step back. “Just because we’ve kissed a few times doesn’t mean I want to sleep with you” she replies sharply but with a hint of a smile as she does enjoy this.
Gortash steps forwards, bringing their bodies just inches apart, his hands grabbing her wrists with surprisingly gentleness to stop her leaving.
“Then tell me outright that you are not attracted to me, and I will happily put this matter to rest”, he states matter-of-factly, his eyes darting to her lips. Stefni moves her hands out of his grasp and turns away.
“Why does it matter? I told you we’re not sleeping together and that’s that!” Stefni exclaims heading towards the exit. Gortash follows, and steps in front of her, blocking the exit.
“It matters because I want to hear you say it”, Gortash demands his voice deepening. Stefni darts her eyes briefly to his exposed chest, admiring the dark curls of hair and strong muscles. Gortash slightly tilts his head and smirks as he notices where her eyes linger.
“I’m leaving Enver, move out of my way” Stefni sighs reaching for the door handle, but Gortash is quicker, covering it with his hand.
“Not until you say it!” Gortash teases, his body now covering the door. Stefni sighs at his behaviour, although she is somewhat amused.
“Fine! Of course I’m attracted to you, but we can’t do this I’ve ----“ Gortash cuts her off abruptly by capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. He moves her around so she is pressed against the door and deepens the kiss, both their tongues fighting for dominance. He pushes her coat off and cups her clothed breasts with his large hands. She releases a quiet moan as he starts to squeeze and tease her nipple through the material of her shirt. Stefni leans into the touch, starting to feel herself give in.
“I really need to leave”, she pulls away slightly, out of breath from his actions. At her words Gortash holds onto her tighter for a moment and then releases her, frowning.
“Stop this, I know you want me as much as I want you!” Gortash groans.
“Why are you holding back?”, he demands, lips slightly swollen and eyes dark with arousal.
“We shouldn’t do this; our gods are rivals! You really think they will be happy with their chosen fucking?” Stefni replies, not fully convinced of her own statement.
“They don’t care what we do, as long as we get results” Gortash answers his tone becoming slightly irritated.
“This is about you and me, I really don’t care what they think” he growls starting to get annoyed.
Stefni pauses for a moment, taking in his statement.
“What a blasphemous thing to say, Chosen of Bane” Stefni smirks at him, her voice softening, teasing him. She notices that his frown has morphed to hopefulness, half a smile flashes across his features.
“My dearest assassin, don’t you know how good we would be together?” Gortash purrs confidently as he steps towards her, grabbing her hand with both of his. His expression suddenly shifts, his eyes darken as he roughly pulls her arm, guiding it down his body to cup his growing firmness. Stefni lets out a gasp at his bold movement, her mouth opening slightly in shock.
“See how much I want you dear, we’ve hardly even touched and I’m already achingly hard”.
Stefni blushes at his words unable to respond straight away. Gortash takes the opportunity to emphasise his point and forces her to squeeze himself with his hand still covering hers. Gortash watches her for a reaction. Stefni can barely contain a small moan that threatens to abrupt from her lips at the feel of him. She looks up at him, her blown pupils betraying just how turned on she’s become. Gortash notices her reaction and pulls her into a rough, pleading kiss. Stefni notices his desperation and grins against his lips, enjoying it. He suddenly pulls away from her, staring intensely into her eyes.
“Please don’t leave this time” Gortash almost begs, “let me worship you like the god you are” his voice needy and aroused.
Stefni pauses and then laughs in response, caught off guard by words she never thought he would utter. Gortash’s face drops slightly at her reaction, he seems genuinely hurt. As she watches him she realises that she may never know with Gortash if his words are genuine or a manipulation, however, tonight she believes he’s been pushed far enough.
“Well then, how can I deny such prayer of devotion?”, Stefni grins at him hungrily, Gortash’s expression morphes into excitement, his eyes roam her body in anticipation. Stefni takes a second to truly look at him, taking in just how attractive he is. She bites her bottom lip in response, having no idea how she’s managed to wait this long to have him. Gortash moves towards her but then unexpectedly bends down to pick her. He chucks her over his shoulder and walks towards to bed.
“Enver! What are you doing?!” Stefni cries out in protest at the undignified position. Gortash just laughs in response, throwing her onto the bed. She lands on her back sprawled out, while Gortash towers over her still standing at the edge of the bed.
“It seems I’ve already made you cry out and I haven’t even begun” Gortash’s voice deepens. “What a noisy little thing you must be” he eyes her in a lustful gaze.
“And so far you’re all talk, let’s see if that silver tongue is as good as you think” Stefni challenges, enjoying teasing him.
Gortash chuckles at her response and starts to unlace her boots, dropping them audibly to the floor.
“Oh it is, and I plan to savour you” he drawls, his hands trailing up each leg at a teasingly slow pace coming to rest at her inner thighs. “After all a good thorough worship takes time” he whispers, squeezing her thighs roughly.
Stefni feels her arousal burn between her legs at how close his hands are to her pussy. Gortash smirks, seeing her mouth open slightly and the dark lustful way her eyes watch him. Gortash moves his hands to either side of her head, and climbs on top. Stefni wraps her arms around him and crashes their mouths together. His lips are soft and full against her own, both tongues sliding against each other. She bites down on his bottom lip wanting to taste him, causing Gortash to inhale sharply at the sudden pain. The bite draws blood, Stefni moves back holding his chin between her fingers, and flicks her tongue out to lick the blood off his lip in one clean swipe. She is pleasantly surprised when she hears Gortash moan in response, and move forward to deepen the kiss. He seems to be enjoying tasting his own blood in her mouth, which sends a jolt of arousal down her body.
Gortash then trails his lips to the side of her neck, kissing and sucking at her flesh hard enough to leave a bruise, Stefni whimpers in response. She can feel herself becoming increasingly wet at his touch. Gortash moves down her body and starts to take off her shirt at a hurried pace. He pushes off the fabric and rips off her undergarment, throwing them off to the side. Gortash sits up, straddling her hips and pauses for a second taking in her exposed chest and hard nipples.
“Beautiful” he murmurs while taking off his own shirt and adding it to the mess on the floor his eyes never leaving hers. Stefni reddens at the comment, eyes traveling to his newly bare chest; taking in his broad shoulders and strong muscular arms, she can’t help but think the same.
Gortash begins to trail kisses across her chest, licking and sucking at her nipples while his hands knead the opposite breast at a hungry pace. Stefni’s breath quickens and she whimpers at the devotion he’s showing her body. She feels the pressure building between her legs and tries to move her hips to grind against Gortash’s body, needing to find release. He quickly realises what she is doing and forces her to stay still by grabbing her hips forcefully.
“Not so fast” Gortash teases, she can feel him grinning against her stomach as he moves further down her body.
Stefni whines at the lack of contact. Gortash sits back on his knees and reaches for her pants and starts to undo them at an agonisingly slow pace, his expression shows he is enjoying every minute of the tease. He finally pulls her pants off, undergarment following as he throws it to the floor.
“You’re going to be the death of me” Gortash mutters, voice deep as lustful eyes stare at her now naked form lying under him.
 Stefni tries to cross her legs feeling a little too exposed under his gaze, but he grabs her legs in response, opening them up and eyes her aching pussy, already glistening. She moans at his touch waiting for his next move.
Gortash positions himself between her legs, lying on his stomach and lowers his mouth to her thigh. Stefni whimpers as Gortash licks a long stripe up her thigh crease. Her body jerks at the sensitivity of the spot, causing her to cry out. Gortash chuckles and continues to tease her, squeezing the flesh of her thigh, peppering it with kisses while his fingers slightly brush over her clit every now and then causing her to whine. After what felt like years, Gortash finally stops his teasing and inserts a finger slowly into her pussy. The room fills with wet, slapping sounds as his thick fingers begin to move inside of her. Stefni moans at the sound and how good he feels, hitting just the right spots. Gortash’s breathing increases as he watches how responsive she is to his touch.
“Look how wet you are for me, what a good girl” Gortash purrs while removing his finger from her pussy and raising it to his mouth, licking her juices off himself. Stefni whimpers at the display, her core burning at his words.
“So tasty” Gortash murmurs while lowering his head towards her pussy finally giving her what she wants. Gortash begins to feast, he circles her clit with long licks, tongue dipping inside teasingly. The sight of him between her legs is even more arousing than she thought. Feeling Stefni’s stare, Gortash looks up, locking eyes. She feels another jolt of arousal as she watches her your own juices coat his lips while his tongue flicks across her clit.
“Fuck Enver,” Stefni whines, back arching off the bed.
“Gods you sound so good moaning my name” Gortash replies in a ragged voice, sitting up slightly his eyes glazed with need. “I want you to come on my face” he orders, his tone hungry as he gets up off his stomach and moves to lie next to you in the bed.
Stefni looks at him confused for a second, brain foggy with arousal, but a new shiver of excitement travels through her body when she realises his meaning. She adjusts her position, crawling on top of Gortash while he guides her sit on his face, his hands surprisingly gentle. He begins again, the new angle bringing her such overwhelming pleasure she has to grab onto the bed frame for support. Stefni grinds against his face, meeting every movement of his tongue increasing her pleasure. Gortash hums in approval, his touch becoming rougher as he fondles her bottom, squeezing the flesh causing Stefni to cry out in bliss from the pleasure of his ravishing mixed with the pain from his firm grip. She starts to imagine giving Gortash the same treatment; how throbbingly hard he must be at this very moment.
“Wait!” Stefni shouts suddenly. Gortash stops, his expression changing into one of concern as she looks down at him. “I need to touch you” she whines, her eyes glazed with arousal.
Gortash laughs, newfound desire spreading across his face.
“I have an idea”, he replies his breath hitching in anticipation. “Turn around but stay sitting on my face” he orders, eyes darkening.
Stefni does as instructed while Gortash grabs her hips and pulls her back towards his mouth. From the new position on her stomach, back arched towards his face, she is able to reach down and start to undo his pants. He is visibly straining against the material, the sizable bludge threatening to burst out the seams. Stefni frantically releases his cock from the confines of his pants, it springs free, glistening and throbbing, and so much thicker than she imagined. She starts to pump him, Gortash hisses in response. Stefni feels his breathing hitch against her pussy, increasing her pleasure knowing she is the one making him fall apart. She licks her lips in preparation and envelopes him in one swift movement, no time for teasing as both parties are nearing their peaks. Gortash moans as both her hands and tongue work him in unison at an increasing pace.
“That’s a good girl” Gortash gasps, sounding close to coming undone. Stefni feels a rush of heat through her body at his words, squeezing him harder, and increasing the pace.
Her pussy buzzes with pleasure as Gortash matches her pace with his tongue, his deep moans increasing in number, the sound vibrating against her dripping centre bringing her to the point of ecstasy; her pussy twitches about to peak. Gortash suddenly brings his hand up and proceeds to give her arse a hard smack. Stefni cries in pleasurable pain, finally pushing her over the edge. She sees stars climaxing harder than she ever has before.
“Enver!” She whimpers sitting up slightly to grind back against his face. Stefni continues to ride out her high, body writhing while she leans forward to again capture his neglected cock in her mouth. She continues to suck him feverishly, her moans now gurgled from his achingly thick member. Gortash reacts to her choked sounds, his balls tightening at her touch as he reaches his climax, thrusting deeper into her willing mouth.
“Stefni, fuck!” Gortash moans in a breathy voice, his hot seed coating the back of her throat. She swallows him down with an audible gulp causing Gortash to mumble something incoherent as he presses a kiss into her pussy. Stefni twitches at the feeling, nearing overstimulation as she releases his softening cock from her mouth.
She rolls off him lying back on the bed, mind foggy, her body weak and still tingling from the comedown. She stares up at the ceiling trying to wrap her head around everything that just happened, coming to realise this was probably the most erotic experience of her life; and he hasn’t even been inside her yet. Stefni smiles entertained at the thought. Gortash moves to lie next to her, propping himself up on his side giving her a cheeky smile, his hand ghosting over her stomach, admiring her.
“What did I tell you, I said we’d be good together” Gortash teases while he pokes the side of her stomach in a playful way, grinning at her.
“Alright I’ll give you that, but you don’t have to be so smug about it!” Stefni laughs, rolling her eyes at him. Gortash chuckles at her response.
“Ready for round two my dearest?” he asks with a sly grin, reaching for her hand and planting a kiss on the back of it, his thumb now gently tracing slow circles. Stefni glances down his body and notices he is already starting to harden again. She returns his grin, viewing him now in a different light and realising that she’s in for a long night.
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blam-marie · 5 months
Married to the Evil Wizard King - 02
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Read all currently published chapters (a whole 40 of them so far!) here on Tapas
All things considered, Autumn didn’t mind living in a land bordering the kingdom of a Dark Wizard King. It was the sort of thing that you just eventually got used to. ‘Oh, have you heard that all of the sheep in the south pasture have been eaten by evil spirits? I hope the farmers don’t raise their prices again, I was hoping to cook some lamb for the pot roast…’ That sort of thing. People just couldn’t live in fear all of the time, and the Dark King had been part of the decor for a thousand years, after all. He was even somewhat predictable; war would be followed by anger, then a bride, then a period of peace, and then war again. Rinse and repeat.
But just because she could tolerate his existence, that didn’t mean that she wanted to be married to the man. Or eaten, or used in a dark magic ritual, or whatever it was that he did with the women sent to him.
“You must see this as a betrayal,” said her mother as she fussed uselessly with the fastening of her cloak. She kept opening and closing the brooch at her daughter’s throat as if the exact fold of the woollen cloth could change anything about what would happen next.
It was a nice brooch, as such things went. It was round, made of brass and engraved with the head of a stag, with a small ruby inset in between its antlers. Her sister Spring had given it to her for her birthday some years back, and now she wished that her mother would stop touching it. The only reason she was even wearing her cloak at all was because the summer had been a cold one, and that was because — well, because the wizard was angry. The one that she was due to marry.
They were assembled on the edge of the woods, shivering in the wind. All of her belongings had been packed, most of it discarded. She wouldn’t need much where she was going. In a few minutes, one of the servants of the king would appear and take her into the dark recesses of the trees. From there on they would allegedly make their way to the Wizard King’s castle, and then supposedly she would get to meet him. Or the creature would quickly and quietly slice her throat a few miles into the woods and bring up her heart for his master to eat. There was no way to know, really.
“Of course not,” she deadpanned. “All the little girls dream of being sacrificed to the Evil Wizard King.”
“All the smart little girls know that it’s a possibility, at least,” snapped back her mother. “Instead of daydreaming about algebra.”
“Geometry,” she muttered. “I daydream about geometry and I make beautiful sewing patterns.”
“Yes,” sighed the queen, suddenly deflating. “And we could have found you a nice husband just on the strength of that skill. But I’ve not chosen you for the Wizard King for your sewing patterns, child. And I’ve not chosen you because you’re an obedient, demure little thing. I’ve chosen you because you’re a handful.”
“Wow. Thank you, Mother.”
Far away, the rustle of an approaching carriage could be heard coming from the woods. There was no road here, nor even a path between the trees. Thorny bushes were packed so tight on the edge of the woods that one might mistake them for a solid wall from afar. But Autumn had heard that the trees of the cursed forest could move, and that once one of the king’s creatures approached, branches and trunks would simply spring apart to let them pass. It might have been an interesting sight to see on any other day, if it had not meant the prelude for her death. The queen grabbed her cloak tighter and spoke with urgency.
“No, listen to me, my daughter. You are the most willful woman I’ve ever met. We hired a bard for your birthday, and you bit him.”
“He knows what he did,” she hissed, wondering where her mother was going with this.
“We taught you embroidery, and you used the needles to stab the scullery maid.”
“She was an assassin sent to kill you!”
“We showed you poetry, and you turned to mathematics instead.”
“I studied both!,” she felt compelled to point out. She knew what the poetry was for, it wasn’t like she’d just ignored it altogether.
“My point,” continued her mother, “is that you have never listened to anyone in your life and you will not listen to the Wizard King now.”
Autumn felt her eyebrows rise in surprise. “You want me to die faster? Is that what you want? I thought the whole point — ostensibly — was for me to cajole him into a marriage.”
“You will die regardless,” retorted her mother, brutal as she’d always been. “Whether you secure the marriage or not, whether now or in ten years. The bastard has killed my husband, and he will kill my daughter. It cannot be avoided, and I won’t feed you some hogwash about how your sacrifice will save the rest of your people. You already know all of that. What I am telling you now, instead, is that when your death is inevitable, you don’t have to go easy. Give him hell. And secure the marriage before he kills you, if you can.”
The rustling grew louder.
“Understand that your father failed, ten years ago. I am under significant pressure from the other kingdoms to make up for that failure in any way possible. But if I am going to send anyone into a rat’s nest, then I will send a viper. Remember what I told you before. Do not give in to him.”
Autumn nodded. Her mother was referring to the only other conversation that they’d had on the subject of her sacrifice to the Evil King after it had been announced.  The old woman had slipped into her bedroom after dusk to whisper urgently at her, as if the only real conversation she could have with her daughter had to be hidden in the dead of night, away from prying ears.
“Don’t let him touch you until your wedding night,” had been the brunt of her advice.
“Are we really still pretending that a marriage is going to happen?,” she’d spat, bruised and tired already at the thought of two months of trials and the reward of a certain death.
“You are about to enter a land where magic is real, and it has rules,” had cautioned her mother. “And one of the core rules of magic is that it works with what you give it. We are not pretending to the universe that a wedding will happen. We are telling it so.”
“Right. And as with any proper wedding, I have to go into it a proper maiden.”
“You haven’t been a proper maiden since you were of age,” had scorned her mother, and Autumn had felt her cheeks burn. The queen hadn’t been meant to know about the cook’s son. Or the viscount’s cousin. Or the knight(s).
“We are far past questions of propriety,” she had continued. “This is a matter of magic. Consumption is a powerful act. Once you eat of his land, you will belong to it. There is nothing we can do about that. You will be there for two months, and you have to feed yourself. But once you eat of him, you’ll belong to him, too. And you cannot allow that to happen before you’ve secured the wedding.”
“Right. Because…?”
“Because it involves a contract; and a contract signed on lands where the magic is alive and words become reality…” she had trailed off and raised her eyebrows meaningfully.
“… It will make his word unbreakable,” Autumn had breathed in realization. “You want me to make him swear us protection, out loud and on paper, during a sacred ceremony. While standing in a castle made out of magic. Shit. Okay.”
“Yes. And then I want you to seal the whole thing with the oldest, most powerful ritual at your disposal. I am not asking as your mother; I am asking as your queen. I want you to lure the Wizard King into a vow and to put the seal of your own body on it. Can you do that?”
“I don’t know,” she had told her mother honestly, mind reeling. “None of the other girls ever managed. But I can try.”
The fact that she might not even get the opportunity to try, or that she might not get a choice in the matter, had been such a clear evidence that neither of them had felt the need to point it out.
Her sisters had a different idea about things. The day after she had promised her mother that she wouldn’t spread her legs for the Wizard King until he’d wedded her in front of her whole family and kingdom, Summer and Winter had cornered her in the music room.
“You have to mount him the first chance you get,” had been their piece of advice.
It was a matter of magic, they had claimed, because all everyone ever wanted to talk about was magic. That, or sex. To be entirely honest, Autumn didn’t even know if sleeping with the Evil King was even a possibility in the first place. He had been alive for a thousand years! Maybe he wasn’t even human anymore, by now. Or he was really old.
In any case, Summer and Winter’s argument had been that if the Evil Wizard King was about to stake a claim on her, then her only option was to cut him off at the knees and stake a claim first. It would be a bold move, she had to admit. Like biting a cat that was about to bite you and then watching it try to process what had just happened. She might even have agreed with them, if it hadn’t been for the promise she’d just made her mother.
Still, it was an option to keep in the back pocket. Autumn liked having options. ‘Don’t die’ was an obvious one. ‘Stay a maiden’ might or might not be doable. ‘Mount the guy on his own evil wizard throne to make a point’ was terribly unsubtle, but at least she was reasonably sure that he wouldn’t see it coming.
As she stood on the edge of the forest waiting for her ride into hell to come and pick her up, Autumn reflected that this was probably not in any way, shape, or form what her mother meant when she said, ‘give the Dark King a hard time’. She tried to keep in a hysterical chuckle.
Hand in hand with Summer and Winter, she wished that their eldest sister, Spring, were here to say goodbye too. But she’d only recently given birth, and her husband (some chump of a duke) thought it too dangerous to bring their child near the forest. Never mind that the spirits hadn’t been seen for months. Never mind that she could have left the baby at home for a few minutes. Never mind that she would never see Autumn again, and that her child would never have the chance to meet his aunt now.
Never mind that Autumn was almost certainly going to die. But at least she would die with her head held high, after having given her best shot at securing a wedding vow out of the most evil man on the planet.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
"...That's why I'm here," Iori reaffirms calmly, as Iori now stands up, BOOK in hands-- "...Because I should be able to support my upperclassman, in turn." Iori smiles, and closes THE BOOK -- -- it closes between Iori's hands.
Pre-Epilogue Iori in my fic, "The Past World" (originally written in 2k21, idea in mind since Young Me days, before XW finished airing)
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#The Beginning Spoilers #TheBeginningSpoilers
(Visually Iori likely looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS before breaking out the smile.)
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taichixmimi · 2 years
MICHI KARAOKE (general tag)
the list by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
playing cards by ex-machiina (x)
try to score, try to help by piedrpiper (x)
dance revolution by ladyofodaiba (x)
the straight shooters of the chosen by zoetekohana (x)
confessions by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
take note, take notice by piedrpiper (x)
revival by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
are you and i doomed to repeat history by ex-machiina (x)
pull a prank, pull it back by piedrpiper (x)
are you and i doomed to repeat history by ex-machiina (x)
the perfect blend by zoetekohana (x)
the green stone by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
let it out, take it in by piedrpiper (x)
the big day by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
say more, say less by piedrpiper (x)
find your voice by zoetekohana (x)
first night out by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
coyote ugly by ex-machiina (x)
make an effort, make a move by piedrpiper (x)
coyote ugly by ex-machiina (x)
the parents² by bokura-no-digital-world (x)
all good things (never comes to end) by piedrpiper (x)
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omgfloofy · 1 year
‘dal segno al coda’ update
hi. it’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my crazy FFXV fanfic that I’ve been working on for over half a year now.
I guess it’s time to provide an update to it. I also feel a lot more comfortable in giving the big outline for this story. As it comes from this prompt by @mypromptlair​.
But since my update gets a bit more spammy from hereon out, I’ll go ahead and toss in a cut to save you all on the wordiness of everything.
This was originally one giant fic, but has since been broken into three files, with a fourth supplementary file. It is written mostly from Noctis and Luna’s perspectives from start to finish, with prologues/epilogues breaking away from this. The fourth ‘section,’ called ‘Meanwhile, Elsewhere...’ (thank you, FFXIV) contains scenes that are retold from different perspectives. Some I can’t release until after the whole story is complete, unfortunately.
I named this after musical notation. ’d.s. al coda’ is at the end of sheet music, you restart to the symbol (segno), and repeat until you get to the coda, another symbol where you jump away from the music and continue on where it is written in this new section entirely. So I’ve chosen to lean heavily into this and name the sections after three bits of famous (or infamous) phrasing notes from scores.
Section 1 is attacca subito l'Allegro - this comes from the first movement of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, called “Pathetique”
Section 2 is molto pesante ma non tropo - this comes from Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, specifically from the section called Spring Rounds. It’s clearly one of those ‘you’ll know it when you hear it’ sort of moments.
Also, seriously. Look up the original Nijinsky choreography of Rite of Spring and read about the ballet’s story. It’s kind of a very interesting parallel.
Section 3 is Sotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesa - Wordy? Yes. Crazy? Absolutely. I love it and it’s from Summer from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Instead of just using phrasing notes through the sheet music, I learned that Vivaldi wrote a literal story throughout the score.
This is the first line of notes in Summer’s score. Especially because I have a special connection to Summer III - Presto and Final Fantasy in my head for Reasons. That’s for another time, though.
Word Counts
The main three files currently total out at 67,125 words. (01: 37,133 - 02: 24,745, and 03: 5,247.) This does not include some stuff from the original file that hasn’t been carried over yet, snippets that I’ve already written, the text in Meanwhile, Elsewhere... and the Date Night (this title may or may not stay around) short I’m putting together to give people a taste of the setting that’s come together for this story.
I don’t intend to do any publishing of this story yet - not until all three sections are done and they’re in their editing phase. Especially in situations like this week when I realized I needed to add stuff to sections 1 and 2 to support stuff I’m working up for section 3. However, once I finish up with Date Night, people can have a little bit of an idea of what’s going through my head for this.
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taichi-x-koushiro · 8 months
A Summary of Repeatverse {if not Tri as a whole}
Repeat!Daisuke, holding up a Not Great Drawing: Well, basically, to stop the Virus, which Meicoomon was Infected with, from being spread further amongst the Digimon, your group 'originally', in 2005, went off to the Digital World to beat up, and get information out of, one of the key guys who first appeared, that "Alphamon"... then the fake Kaiser showed up!... then the older "Gennai"! Jou: T-Those {drawings} look nothing like them!! Mimi, EXCITED: No, I kind of see it!! Repeat!Ken, Helpfully Adding as Daisuke holds up more drawings: But Alphamon wasn't necessarily a wholly "bad" Digimon, {though Alphamon DID Get up to a Lot of Things...} and the "Kaiser" was a fake who ended up 'being' that "Gennai", who was ALSO a fake. Repeat!Daisuke: So you realized that the guy who's extremely evil was {Holding up scribbled Drawing!!} "Yggdrasil", who has a role in 'maintaining' the supposed "balance" of the Digital World, along with {Holding up Another Drawing} "Homeostasis", that 'being' who keeps trying to possess Hikari-chan! Repeat!Miyako, ADDING: "Homeostasis" also realized "Yggdrasil" was extremely evil and is trying to fight Yggdrasil for control to 'maintain' the "balance", but that makes "Homeostasis" something like our 'enemy' now too, regardless of its original "intentions" being 'good' or not! Repeat!Daisuke: THATS SO SIMPLE THEN!!! REPEAT!DAISUKE, FIRED UP: DEFEAT YGGDRASIL!!!!! A.U!Koushiro: (*facefaulting, along with Taichi by side*) {'I-It's not quite that simple, but let's go along with this for now, then.'}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv ~ Tri + {Side} / {A.U.} Adventure: [2020 Reboot]) ~ AMV [Anime Music Video] - Tomodachi no Uta {Song of Friends} (sung by: Nanami Kashiyama) {from originating series: Kagerou Project} featuring DUO/O.T.P/Poly-ships: - {Main} KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi (Mimi x Koushiro x Taichi); - (Heavily Implied) KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [TaiKou+Chosen] / Shissou Word [Never-Lost Word] [(Yamatox)Sora(xMimi)(xJou)]+[TaiKou]+[Chosen] / My Funny Weekend [Mimi+Hikari+Chosen] / Kusanagi Attention [(Ken x)Miyako(x Hikari) (xDaisuke)+Mimi+02 Chosen+Advs Chosen (+TaiKou)] / Shinigami Record (Short Edit) [(+2020!)TaiKou] / [KSHRO’s]? Theory of Happiness [Adv~Tri TaiKou + Special Appearance] / Imaginary Reload (Music Edit Ver. 2) [Adv Chosen+2020 Chosen] / Children Record Re:Boot (Music Edit) / Children Record (Nijisanji Cover version)
Digimon Adventure{s} Franchise © Toei Animation & Bandai
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work * Please do not re-post, re-distribute, edit, or use my specific editing of any work in this series without asking my Permission! I do not allow my works to be re-produced for any usage, including A.I.!
There are some spoilers for Tri (mainly Ketsui); {as well as a much smaller ‘moment’ of Mimi & Sora from “Kyousei”}; a scenery spoiler from the very opening moments of “Kizuna” also included (No character is shown!), as well as scenes from DigiAdv 2020 Eps 49~50, which feature an important mid-end series (second-to-last big) battle. The 2nd to final scene included has audio left in (though I still have to add in subs); of that battle’s aftermath; {the enemy itself is not seen in this}
This A.M.V. is part of the “A.M.V.s Route” of my Digimon Adventures Koushiro Izumi-centric, semi canon compliant A.U.s series; REPEAT?_VERSE (Please note all notes on that series if you choose to view it!) This one is an A.U. spin-off of sorts, with a pretty, “calm” song, and can easily be watched as a stand-alone!
A fan-translation for the song (not by me) can be found here! You may want to read the lyrics first before watching!
Side ships, AMV specific notes, & Lyrics/Translation under ‘read more‘!
also featuring - {as Poly, Friendship or Side-shipping}: -- Michi / TaiMimi (Taichi x Mimi); -- JouMi (Jou x Mimi); -- YamaMimi (Yamato x Mimi); -- MimiSora (Mimi x Sora); -- MiMei (Mimi x Meiko); -- Yamato x Jou x Mimi x Sora (YamaJouraMi); {as canon-compliant!} - (so long as KouTai is still included somewhere, regardless of combinations above involved)
{Other Original Notes}:
This A.M.V. is currently technically incomplete; I’m aiming to see if I can add in a few finishing touches; (as well as sub-titles!) However, as this has already taken me 1 hour and 45 min or so of editing, along with another full hour of simply previewing; (And this was made during in-betweens of a large storm near my area on top of that!!); Those finishing touches may have to wait just a bit longer, so hopefully this pre-view can suffice!!
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I walk home alone in this transparent city.
In the depths of these tearful eyes, my vision blurs, and I can’t see.
Within this scenery that never changes, I found something precious to me.
I don’t want to lose it, so I’ll carry it with me forever.
Ever since I met you, so many radiant and gentle words have piled up over TIME.
They’ll always be here.
I look back on today, that was full of smiles and dreams, while holding your hand.
Yeah, I fell down and cried yesterday, even if it’s embarrassing to remember…
This “LIGHT” is so small, so blurry.
Yet it SHINES so softly, so KINDLY.
- Mimi, about Mimi’s Friends {in this A.U.}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro); [along with] (this work) KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi and etc. listed Poly-ships; please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship names and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship names!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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aph-japan · 2 years
{Digimon Adventure}/{02}/{tri.}/{Pre Epilogue-verses} {Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi’s Fanfics for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi {KouTai}/{Taishiro}/{Etc. (+Friend)Ship[s]}
I know there’s been a lot of Digimon Adventure-relevant fandom/fan-events going on lately. I usually can’t participate in events for varying reasons, but I’m glad to share my past works in the form of this index. ALL were created out of Positivity and respect for this series. Please feel free to reblog anything relevant if you have a fan-event going on and I've made a relevant work, as long as you follow my general Interaction rules! (Looking over my F.A.Q first would be beneficial to you too!!)
{This post is initially marked as 'no reblog', so I can go back and change later; but feel free to 'Like' if wanted!}
[I'm trying to keep this out of less commonly-used tags; but I do use {many of} these for organizing on my blog, and I hope they can reach more fans of these pairs this way!] As usual, many of my works can be found via my AO3! {Anything else will be linked here, then likely to AO3 in the future!}
Title: REPEAT?_ Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} (Main Focus) YamaSora {Yamato x Sora} is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments {along with a single ambiguous timeline one-shot} Summary: Taichi wasn't sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn't… this…
(Please see inside for all Notes!)
Title: The Past World Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing (both Taichi & Koushiro) & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general - Royalty!A.U.; however things may not be as they appear... + Dark!Chosen Children A.U. appears in some parts (mainly in flash-back form, until...). Characters: Taichi, Koushiro, Adventure Chosen team, 02 Chosen Ship{s}: (Same as "Infalliable" listed below can be read in) + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus. Ken x Miyako has a scene where they're both present, but not completely in a relationship yet; as friendly. Yamato x Sora is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments Ken x Daisuke is implied for a total of one (flash-back) A.U. scene, but will come to have a heavy presence in future sequels to this A.U.
"-- About that, you'd be better off asking your new advisor," "H-huh?--" When suddenly -- -- as if out of nowhere -- -- from a short distance -- a shy gaze peers up at him
… pure black eyes.
Title: Possession Rating: PG-13 / R (Violence implied) Notes: Epilogue era / Taichi and Koushiro are adults, 30-35+ - can be conidered a spin-off timeline / part of REPEAT?_ - partly based on general head-canons, partly based on my old as heck Digi-O.C. fic and the head-canons I / Young me had for its own future / epilogue era - Leans more post-02, {no Tri} canon compliant overall (thus many things happen differently between these two things) - (still) partly based on new ideas gained from Tri - KouTai + Government Corruption A.U.??? + Ambassador!Taichi (Koushiro hasn't quite reached the "Digital World" Researcher position Yet) Summary:
"We’re… being targeted," "but not just by---"
"One, a certain one, among them" "had the power to open the gate" "–and immediately close it again" Title: Ten Rating: PG-13 Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya {Friendship} Ship{s} KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} heavily Implied Summary:
“…Can you turn around and— - it’s April 2004. (..Or is it April 2003? Spring 2003?) - at the end of Spring 2003, something else astonishing occurred: Daisuke’s sister Jun, the Inoue sisters, & Shuu Kido all became Chosen at once. - an incident, (occured, and then) —
“I’ll help, so we, you, can get out of here !!—”
“They {Won’t come}”
…TAICHI-SENPAI’s GOGGLES ( … Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but…. ) Title: Candles Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) or Mature / technically Work-safe Notes: some Specific Headcanons are heavily implied technically part of REPEAT?_Verse, ( ficverse version here ); - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff Verses: Post-Advs (can also be post-Tri/Kizuna); pre-Epilogue [+Kids]; Taichi has graduated a while ago by now. Taichi has been involved with his Ambassador career for a while, but it’s still getting off the ground too. (And it’s . Stressful) +Taichi and Koushiro are heavily implied to be living together already here. Summary: Taichi is having ... a hard time. Featured Head-canon: Jewish!Taichi (+Koushiro) Implied
Title: Dreams Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) {It's a bit Ambiguous. You Might Get An Idea} Summary:
Sometimes, Koushiro dreams. (Of Brown hair, Brown eyes.)
This can serve as a prequel spinoff to my other Koushiro-centric series, "REPEAT?"_-verse or be read as a standalone.
Title: (Dirty) Computer Summary:
"Do you like computers?" Tentomon had asked Koushiro, once.
“You just like working with machines more THAN PEOPLE, don’t you?!” … But why does it MATTER if Koushiro – DID —
A character study and analysis on Koushiro Izumi's Canon personality, (with a touch of heavily implied headcanons), with brief references to Koushiro's notable relationships, Family, and those Interests. "It's OK for you to be obsessed with computers!" - Mr. Masami Izumi, Adventure Episode #38 (There are some light references to the novel's given backstory details for Koushiro, including Koushiro's mindset there.)
Title: Koushiro Izumi Is Touched By Death Rating: PG Notes: Implications about Death & Grief (for passed loved ones), + the mourning/grieving process in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned Summary:
In which Koushiro Izumi Is Traumatized, Has Always BEEN Traumatized, And Daisuke Motomiya {NOTICES}.
Takes place shortly before "the summer of" a somewhere between 2003~2005. (02 takes place in April~December 2002, Tri takes place in 2005 June~December.) {Tri knowledge is not required to read, but may be helpful to understand continuity.}
Title: Infalliable Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned; Daisuke x (Girl)!O.C. ("Hikaru"); in background; (My O.C. does not appear much within the context of the fic, but the dialogue refers to an event she was involved in immediately previously, with a Koushiro-focus and Daisuke-relevant aftermath.) Daisuke x O.C. aren't "together" yet; it is developing relationship. Ken x Daisuke x O.C. may be Implied in spin-off fic{s}; Ken x Miyako may be implied in canon-compliant 'verses, with former Ken x Daisuke heavily implied / mutually requited-yet-unrequited (as purssuing a direct relationship) / hinted. Poly-ships may be included in any future spin-off, but none are referenced in this specific one (yet). Summary:
Daisuke stares moodily ahead. Koushiro does the same, except Daisuke genuinely doesn't know - cannot even tell - if Koushiro's doing it "moodily" or not, because Koushiro's blank staring is that unreadable. They sit, Daisuke next to Koushiro, for a few long, long moments. And then -- Koushiro... opens his mouth -- "I'm not infalliable." Daisuke's eyebrows furrow, even if he can't look at Koushiro in this exact moment --
"Unshakeable? Indestructible--" Daisuke's head hurts. "I admit there was a time when I thought, ..." "NO!! That's not true!!"
"When you asked me, 'What about YOU, Daisuke-kun' -- the one who gave me that push -- that was you."
A "missing scene" of Daisuke & Koushiro friendship from my other Adventures & 02 Chosen fic; "The Past World" You do not have to read that one to appreciate this "missing" moment, as its mainly friendship. There is a slight hint of Daisuke/Original ("Girl") Character OC, but its more lightly implied; (Epilogue semi-canon compliant) There are also background relationships like Taichi/Koushiro, the slightest hint of background Ken/Daisuke, others hinted.
Title: Words Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general; with a focus on self-acceptance + Koushiro's heavy use of formal speech and communication in the J.P.N version is referenced frequently. Tri is referenced / implied-as-AUs or for semi-canon compliancy (light spoilers for Kokuhaku; but not majorly referenced; just a quote) {plus a gif of a small moment involving Taichi + Koushiro} [also one more small conversation moment between Taichi and Meiko] (a scene from the first episode of the 2020 Reboot is referenced) - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff (i.e. this can be read on its own) Characters/Groups: Taichi & Koushiro; Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon; Koushiro Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa; Koushiro & Izumis Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus Summary:
– To be honest,
Taichi and Koushiro don’t need words.
( They have a lot more than Just )
( words )
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