#(after a bout of emotional lability - i managed to actually write... at like 2 in the damn morning... damn night owl tendencies...)
Me: Dammit. Brain. Come ON. WRITE.
Mel (That Goth Chick; Dark/Main Creativity), after looking at more Remus fan art: How bout you draw iZ!Remus murderizing some Dead Enders?
Me: Yes, I'd love to but- *angrily gestures at giant pile of art/writing ideas that just keeps getting bigger.*
Mel, giggling: Oh, what's one more to the pile.
Prudence (The Nurse; basically an Analoceit fusion of fxns): Wow. Okay. This is a ticket to choice paralysis town.
Me: Aaand water is WET.
Liam, prancing into frame (The Hippie; Light Creativity): Don't forget to work on that Gymrat!Dukexiety drawing! Don't they make the cutest couple?
Mel, having a moment of realization and starts to whine some more: O-oh yeah... we had that Promethean!Patton thing to do. Religiosity is haaard...
Prudence: And you will be covering a very sensitive subject matter. You need to tread carefully on that one.
Prudence: Whatever do you mean? I'm just doing my job ensuring you've done your research. Psychology fascinates you on good day, anyways.
Me: Don't you dare use my special interests against me, man.
Prudence: I'm only trying to help.
Mel, eyeing Prudence: Yeah well, I'm just waiting on sOMEONE to digest the material so I can finish that thing.
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