#(aha ................. unless 😳)
mangosaurus · 2 months
so to finally respond to that poll i made a couple days ago:
in my own ideal scenario (so not what i'm actually expecting out of the show, but simply what i'd personally love to see happen in a universe where benrius is endgame), darius would be the first one to "make a move," i.e. confess. i've seen a couple people point out that ben's pretty impulsive, so it makes sense that he'd be the one to say something, but i think that's what would make darius confessing all the more impactful? darius has always struck me as a deeply emotionally repressed person, and he's undoubtedly had the biggest burden to carry on his shoulders, between repeatedly losing his loved onces and being the person everyone looks to for guidance (despite being the youngest one in the group). this is still true for chaos theory, where brooklynn's dead and darius blames himself for it, although ben might assume something of a co-leader role since he's the one behind the "we're being hunted" conspiracy (and is thus the driving force behind getting the campers back together).
and i like to think, in maturing enough to lead the group, that ben would likewise have enough emotional intelligence to recognize that darius is Not Doing Well. now would not be the time to suddenly dump a love confession on his best friend, especially not when ben's unsure if darius reciprocates (in my mind he's fairly confident that darius doesn't, but i'm a masochist who loves the not-actually-unrequited-love trope). even if darius was in a good place, they have more important things to worry about, considering the whole "there are people out there trying to kill us" subplot. being able to put his own feelings aside as to prioritize the group and, more importantly, darius, would be a huge sign of how much ben's grown, and an equally monumental testament to his unconditional love and care for darius.
so i'd really like to see darius come to his feelings for ben on his own, without anything (or anyone) else to prompt him. i think it'd be particularly interesting to see him grapple with those feelings in the midst of the main plot, too, and how that might collide with his anxiety and his grief. something that jwcc was somewhat lacking was that deep and intimate look into darius's psyche, at least in seasons 4 and 5; i would love to see that explored further in some kind of way. and it'd be so satisfying that if after everything's said and done, once everyone's safe and sound, that darius is able to approach ben with surety—maybe not full confidence, since all of this is so new to him, but with the knowing that his affection for ben is real, that it's worth confessing.
and maybe then, when darius is explaining what ben means to him, how much he's valued their friendship over the years, that ben lets himself take that leap he's only ever dreamed of: a chaste, hasty kiss, as awkward and endearing as his younger self. he jumps back almost immediately, cheeks and jawline growing red in a way that might seem unbecoming of his sharper features if it wasn't one of the prettiest things darius has ever seen. and ben is starting to apologize, probably one of the only times he's outwardly said "sorry" for anything in his life, but darius already has a hand on ben's shoulder, the other cupping his face. and he pulls him back in, because there's nothing to apologize for. this is exactly where he wants to be—where he's always wanted to be, even.
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birues · 4 days
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"Here, let me take care of that, my dearest."
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
found out my manager's husband is a scrub, boy you better treat your girl right or i will.... SIKE i am throwing in some light flirting
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writedisaster · 4 months
Like all ghouls, Jules has inhuman strength and stamina. Unlike most ghouls, she's employed for her brains, not her brawn. Still, she gets use out of the job perks - she can pull repeat all-nighters working on a tough case without negatively impacting her health and performance (y'know, up to a certain point) and she gets around a lot faster and a lot easier than you would expect from someone her size.
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lucydonato · 19 days
who is julie 👀👀👀👀
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what if your parents wanted you to become a doctor and my parents wanted me to become a cop and we both told them to get fucked and became a paramedic and firefighter instead and then we kissed and we were both girls........ aha just kidding. unless? 😳
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What if you... posted some... 😳 feet pics... 😳 aha ha, just kidding.. 😂 unless.. ? 😳
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milky-fixx · 1 year
💌 for Deku 😳👉👈
💌 = your secret santa has a confession to make
“Hey [Y/N],
Isn’t it funny that I got you again for Secret Santa this year? What are the odds? It’s only been four years in a row, aha…
Okay okay, I’ll be honest. I’ve been begging whoever your Secret Santa is to switch with me every year! But this year, Todoroki said he wouldn’t give me the spot as your Secret Santa unless I said something. 
Well actually it’s more like Todoroki didn’t understand why I’d want his spot, and then Yaoyorozu had to explain, and then everyone found out I’ve liked you for the past five years, and then they threatened to say something unless I spoke up first--
Um! Sorry, I’m rambling. Here goes. 
I--I really like you! I have, ever since we were students at UA together. I’m--I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything till now! But I want to be braver, now that we’re both Pro-Heroes! I don’t want to live my life with regrets. 
Will you go out with me? Like, on a date?
Oh, um. Also, I hope you like the gift! I know you’ve been talking about wanting to read this book for awhile. 
I bought myself a copy, too. Maybe we could read it together?
- Your Deku”
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kami-scribbles · 1 year
what if u... aha... drew ur harry but with pinstripes like he has in dialtown... jk jk.... unless? 😳
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I’ve been groovin' lately, Have been movin maybe~
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waterfallofspace · 11 months
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Alright people, I'm gonna do another long ramble, thank you @snzfeels for the requested lil guy~ (part one-c/huuya ~and~ part two-g/ojo) ~From This Ask Game~
(bonus) Part Three: G/eto
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!)
He's a default stifler. And while they can be small, like "hngt-! inght-!" more often then not, they come out a bit harsh, something more like "ah'gNZXT-! hd'kNDT-! en'dXGT-!" especially once he's been at it for awhile.
But if he actually let them out (rare) or they start escaping (more common) they come out more harsh, less rapid, and desperately itchy. Something along the lines of "hh'RZSHhah-! arRSHhuuh-! hk'yrrZShhhoo-!"
Though if he just lets them out from the start, and it's not a super intense fit, he can get a bit softer ones, but you'll hardly ever see them as most of the time he stifles until they burst. Softer ones would go a bit more like "hk'rsshhhoo-! yieshhh'oo-! ahkihhshh'huu-!"
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
He feels like such a lil rapid fitter boy, though I think if he gets a natural sneeze, and he lets it out, it'll stop at one or two. However yet again, that's incredibly rare, as he prefers to stifle them, whiiich leads to rapid lil multiples.
Fits are pretty frequent for him if he's exposed to an allergen or sensitivity, though I think when he's sick, it's less 'fits' and more little sessions of multiples that lasts all day. Maybe kinda one long drawn out fit. And yes, it definitely depends on the cause, and how (pointlessly) he tries to keep stifling for.
😭: When they’re sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
The complete opposite to his one and only, not a word of complaint will drop from his lips. Sure, he's happy to complain about how annoying Gojo is being, but any signs of weakness are to be hidden and overcome. Not shared and whined about.
Though, I do think in his own head he'll tend to start complaining, and then spiral a little because he's upset at himself for complaining when 'I should be strong enough to deal with this'. Only time you'll get actual complaints is when it's a really bad sickness, he gets a migraine from it, and Gojo takes him somewhere private. (He only feels safe enough to complain when it's with someone he trusts, soooo Gojo bc I'm a satosugu freak, aha~)
💦: How wet are their sneezes? Do they spray barely at all, or are you gonna need an umbrella? Do they try to cover at all, or just let it go? Do they sniffle a lot when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them?
When it's his stifles or normal, pretty dry. Like he'll cover still, because he's polite, but there's not a desperate need for it. However, once he's been stifling for awhile, if they start to break free, there's a fair bit of misting.
He's the type to need to sniffle, but try everything in his power not to. He'd prefer to just grab a tissue and wipe his nose when no one is looking. But if he can't find the safety to do that, and he does sniffle, it almost always leads to a sneeze.
😳: Are they embarrassed by their sneezes, or do they just not really care? Do they apologize after sneezing? Do they say “sorry!” or “excuse me!” or anything like that? If they’re embarrassed about it, why?
Embarrassed, poor guy <3. He'll always follow it with some sort of 'excuse me' or apology, unless Gojo's been annoying him, and they're alone. That might be the only time he'll void the polite responses. (That, or when he's in the middle of a fit so bad he can't~ </3)
Part of the embarrassment comes from how violent he feels they are, bursting in multiples, harsh sound, ones that just feel so unrestrained. But another big part is the lack of control, and how it makes him feel weak. Far too human. Far too vulnerable.
📝: Quick! Come up with a scenario for them! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something you think would be cute or something you’d like to see with them!
Smoke sensitive Geto has been on my mind lately, though it's been done before. Sooooo, I'll try to come up with something a bit new..? This is loosely based off an experience that a friend of mine told me about, tho no snz in that.
Suguru Geto was not a religious man. Hard to be when you've seen the worst humanity, and creation itself, has to offer. Even harder when you feel like you are one of those things.
So when he found himself standing in front of a Catholic church, rare enough across Japan, he wasn't quite sure what to expect. He certainly didn't expect his hand to reach for the door, or for it to open so easily at his touch. Part of him presumed it would burn to the touch.
Though, from the second he took his first breath of incense heavy air, he realized maybe burning wasn't so far off. The first few sneezes were rapid, breathy, and left him coughing into his sleeve. No one around him seemed to notice, in fact the church was quite empty. Aside from the smoke consuming every inch of the building.
BLAH BLAH- Geto finds himself trying to suppress the fits, he can't, he can't get a clean breath, he stumbles back out of the church, into the fresh air, but the smoke lingers on his clothes and in his hair. Some angsty stuff about this being a sign, 'God has refused him', he's allergic to the pureness, etc etc etc.
OPTIONAL ADD ON (that I love the idea of bc... my beloveds~): He gets back home, just to find Gojo waiting outside his door. The lingering air of incense almost makes him sneeze, and he winces when he sees the damage it's causing to Geto's sinuses and eyes. So Gojo gets him changed and showered, flinching at the let out fits he hears from behind the bathroom door, and then sits with him, stroking his hair and laying a washcloth over his eyes. Something something God may have refused him, but maybe the universe sent him Satoru instead.
I once again am putting a lil "this was so long why" at the end hahaha~ Hopefully this is enjoyable, and thank you for requesting it!! (and I'll once again put it out there that I'd absolutely love to write this, and... well I just might~)
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dazaiapologism · 9 months
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ok well what if I blowed up everything :) and I was an incident commander :) ………. aha just kidding ! unless 😳
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loadsofcats · 1 year
Sooo… I Miss You by Blink-182 could be a Bayana song. Brief literary analysis to follow:
Hello, there The angel from my nightmare (hmmm… «И теперь ты - монстр. Мой монстр. А я - твой» vibes, no?) The shadow in the background of the morgue The unsuspecting victim (Balor taking refuge in Yana’s mind) Of darkness in the valley We can live like Jack and Sally if we want Where you can always find me And we'll have Halloween on Christmas And in the night, we'll wish this never ends We'll wish this never ends (oh no, the world’s ending. We’re gonna die! Or maybe you’re gonna die. We could go to the limbo together! Haha jk… Unless 😳😳…?)
Where are you? And I'm so sorry (maybe not the best idea to annoy the person you’re literally sharing a body with…) I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight I need somebody and always (unless Balor is in someone’s mind, he can’t survive) This sick, strange darkness Comes creeping on, so haunting every time And as I stare, I counted The webs from all the spiders Catching things and eating their insides (I don’t think I even have to explain this one, it just goes well; insides could, apart from the literal sense, refer to feeding on someone’s emotions) Like indecision to call you And hear your voice of treason (both could be saying this) Will you come home and stop this pain tonight? Stop this pain tonight (aha, so it’s awful to be confined together, but awfuler more awful to be away from each other)
Don't waste your time on me, you're already The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you) (this one speaks for itself) Don't waste your time on me, you're already The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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What if I were the yolk to your egg white aha jk jk.... unless???? 😳
W-wow,,,,,,,,I am normal™,,,,,, I-I would let you kya-
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primojade · 2 years
aha! I've started on the concept art and I've got the general routes planned.
Your father has recently been assassinated, and anger bubbles inside of you as you swear to avenge your father all while maintaining your kingdom by marrying someone.
Genre: Mystery, Medieval AU, Romance Characters Include: Heizou Shikanoin, Thoma, Kamisato Ayato, Albedo, Cyno, Tighnari, Scaramouche, Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaeya Alberich, Kaveh, Xiao, Venti, Kaedehara Kazuha, Al Haitham, Childe
Will include 1 secret ending, 2 bad endings per character, and 1 good ending per character
So that's 15 characters 15*3= 45 45+1=46 that's 46 individual endings I have to write : D
and a bunch of art I'm gonna make for this little cyoa- oh my god some endings aren't even gonna be viewed cause no one in the right mind would choose it unless they're TRYING to see all the endings- I'm also still tryna figure out how to make a secret ending- Maybe do a Pastebin and the murderer's name as the password???
I'm probably making a huge commitment mistake but it's ok :,D
NICEEE ✨ ANON IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT 😳😳😳😳 all my faves are there so *cough cough* u got me hooked before, now u got me on a chokedhold :3
BUT THATS A LOT OF ENDINGS SJSMWHWKW my own cyoa was idk...just about 25+ and -35 planned endings (and that includes all good and bad ends and the secret end) AND ITS BEEN CONFUSING AND FUN AND FRUSTRATING AT THE SAME TIME bc of the branching routes LMAO its getting even morw confusing when the time comes that the endings were approaching but ehhh 🧍
BUT GOOD LUCK!!! I'm pretty sure if u finished all endings, im gonna view everything cause im not the type who could fall sleep if i know i didnt read everything 🤣
But ITS NOT A MISTAKE!! If making the fic is making u happy, then there's no way its a mistake 😌😌👌
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birdymuses · 2 years
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[ What if I completely rebrand, revamp the muse list, and start RPing again? Aha ha, just kidding.. unless..? 😳 ]
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peace-nd-protection · 2 years
It feels so romantic when someone I’ve never met gives me a dazed, confused sort of look and asks if we’ve met before and why I look familiar …. Idk babe maybe we met in a dream x your soul recognises my soul aha , red string of fate, perhaps 🧶 🤔?ahahah kidding😅unless…😳
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Aha chrysalis au wips.....haha jk.....unless? 😳
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