#(also kinda falls in love with One depening on the mun)
amorfati-rp · 1 year
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CW: Death, Violence, Familicide
Imperia views Femininity as pure unadulterated strength and wits. Through her femininity is how she is getting and has gotten not only power but joy. After all, she only loved her mother. Her father and younger brother (Gray and Shaxor from Utahime Five) she despised and actively aided the Intoners in murdering them. And she did it with utter joy. In a way Imperia hates masculinity, mostly the traditional toxic masculinity that Gray was.
After her mother's death and when Gray was forced to y'know...actually raise his teenaged daughter he straight up didn't. Even though Imperia was a perfect girl practically. Beautiful, intelligent, even combat capable to a degree. Yet he overlooked her and gave territory to an ACTUAL CHILD instead of her. Which led Imperia to straight up help the Intoners. But here's the thing. Imperia only likes One.
She HATES the other Intoners with a passion. Viewing them as actual fucking children and idiots who doesn't deserve the power they have. Even though, in Midgard at the time they are the pinnacle of "feminine beauty" they are literally goddesses. But they are really only beautiful. Five is frivolous, Four is hypocritical, Three is Selfish, and Two is just incompetent. Only One earns Imperia's respect which got them into this deal, that One would aid Imperia as her successor. Cause Imperia genuinely cares.
Imperia genuinely cares and wants the best for Midgard. Wants to improve on the land after the Intoners are gone. And in such she views Femininity as a leader. A powerful protector with strength and wits that through those things can lead to glory and more importantly, prosperity. Just like how she viewed her mother.
Imperia echoes her mother and wants nothing more than to do all she can to better Midgard through her mother's teachings and that includes whatever sacrifice she will have to make along the way. But in her eyes it is worth it.
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