#she truly cares and will put in effort to show said care even if she fails
amorfati-rp · 1 year
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CW: Death, Violence, Familicide
Imperia views Femininity as pure unadulterated strength and wits. Through her femininity is how she is getting and has gotten not only power but joy. After all, she only loved her mother. Her father and younger brother (Gray and Shaxor from Utahime Five) she despised and actively aided the Intoners in murdering them. And she did it with utter joy. In a way Imperia hates masculinity, mostly the traditional toxic masculinity that Gray was.
After her mother's death and when Gray was forced to y'know...actually raise his teenaged daughter he straight up didn't. Even though Imperia was a perfect girl practically. Beautiful, intelligent, even combat capable to a degree. Yet he overlooked her and gave territory to an ACTUAL CHILD instead of her. Which led Imperia to straight up help the Intoners. But here's the thing. Imperia only likes One.
She HATES the other Intoners with a passion. Viewing them as actual fucking children and idiots who doesn't deserve the power they have. Even though, in Midgard at the time they are the pinnacle of "feminine beauty" they are literally goddesses. But they are really only beautiful. Five is frivolous, Four is hypocritical, Three is Selfish, and Two is just incompetent. Only One earns Imperia's respect which got them into this deal, that One would aid Imperia as her successor. Cause Imperia genuinely cares.
Imperia genuinely cares and wants the best for Midgard. Wants to improve on the land after the Intoners are gone. And in such she views Femininity as a leader. A powerful protector with strength and wits that through those things can lead to glory and more importantly, prosperity. Just like how she viewed her mother.
Imperia echoes her mother and wants nothing more than to do all she can to better Midgard through her mother's teachings and that includes whatever sacrifice she will have to make along the way. But in her eyes it is worth it.
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tea-plantz · 3 months
Haiiiii! I recently read your anxiety head cannons and I’m like in loveee with your writing. If you don’t mind, could you do the same concept of the head cannons but with Ennui?
Thank you 💗💗
Aaa oh my god, thank you so much! That really made my day😭
I love Ennui, she’s so gorgeous oml, and she deserves some hcs as well! I’ve seen close to nothing about her, she does not get enough love >:(
~Ennui x Love emotion reader~
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When you first appeared in the HQ as the new emotion representing love, Ennui honestly wouldn’t care. You were just another emotion, nothing special, she might even find you a little annoying. Something about the way you always seemed so hyper and talkative kind of pissed her off. You were just always so…. out there.
“You care too much about things”
However, as time went by, and Ennui got more used to your presence, she would tolerate you more and more. You were an extrovert (unlike her), and talked a lot to everyone, including her, causing her to slowly start getting to know you more. She even started to find your company…. quite nice. You would lay on the couch beside her as she scrolled on her phone, maybe even playing with her hair a little, or snuggling up to her. And even though she did find your flirtations to be a bit irritating, a small blush could still be seen on her cheeks.
Once the purple emotion came to the realization that she liked you, after some time of knowing you, she wouldn’t know what to do. She had never been in this situation before, and especially not with someone as vibrant and romantic as you. Ennui wouldn’t wanna admit to crushing on you, she would keep it to herself and try to act casually, although you did notice that she was avoiding eye contact a little more than usual.
The way you found out that she liked you was probably accidental. She might have fallen asleep on the couch whilst playing on her phone, and mumbled something in her sleep.
“Mmh… they are so flirty and annoying… but they’re so cute… ugh, why do I want them so bad?”
Then she went back to mumbling stuff in French. You, Anxiety, Envy and all the other emotions at the console just stood there, mouths wide open like a fish, and eyes as round as plates. When Ennui woke up a little later you took her somewhere private to talk about it, and boy was she embarrassed. It’s super rare to see Ennui look anything other than bored, but when you told her what she had said in her sleep, she looked totally frozen in place and flustered as hell. She had basically just told you that she likes you in front of the whole headquarters… yikes. Luckily, the feelings where returned<3
When you two finally started dating it would be like a super hyper and chill girlfriend duo. You would always be gushing about romance and love, talking a bunch and all that, while she would listen and nod along.
She takes sneak photos of you and keep them in a special album on her phone, I’m sorry-
Ennui would secretly really enjoy it when you got touchy with her, she might roll her eyes, or groan, but she actually loves it. Whenever you cuddle up with her, give her kisses or play with her hair, she feels all warm inside, and a small smile can be seen on her face. I also think she would find it sweet if you braided her hair, it’s not like she has the energy to do it herself anyway, it’s waaaay too much work. That girl doesn’t even pull her socks all the way up, like c’mon-
You guys play games on her phone, I hc that she is kinda obsessed with candy crush.
I feel like the only things she truly shows interest in openly is her phone, and you.
Ennui often tells you that you’re overly sweet, and kinda tease you about it. Like, not in a mean way, she just points out how romantic and all you are, and comperes you to a cupcake or something.
“Mon Dieu, you’re always so sweet, it’s sickening. You’re like a little walking cupcake, all giggly and cute”
Sometimes she kind of feels bad for how little effort she puts into anything, especially with you being so charming and romantic, so she would try her best to put in a little extra work. She’ll probably call you some pet-names in French, like mon amour, or mon chéri. That, and she’ll make sure to give you some hugs whenever she can, like she’ll wrap her arms around your waist from behind whenever you’re both standing by the console.
She loooves to lean on you!
Ennui isn’t usually phased by your flirting, she finds it cute and kinda cheesy. She might roll her eyes or smile a little, but sometimes, when you say something that really gets to her, she’ll stiffen up, her eyes go wide and she gets a dark blush across her face. I don’t think Ennui’s usually that blushy, but if you’re lucky, and use the right words, you get to see it from time to time. <33
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She looks so Lilly with her eyes wide open, it feels cursed and cute at the same time
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showtoonzfan · 6 months
Vaggie in the show really did piss me off, I just…feel bad for the character, like Viv HATES her so much and it shows. For most of the season, she’s just Millie 2.0. Her entire character revolves around Charlie. She exists to help her, to make her dream come true. Without Charlie she’s literally nothing and the show FLAT OUT says that itself in the third episode. I love how during that, she says she doesn’t know who she is without Charlie, but then proceeds to sing about how much she wants to protect her, something we already knew. Like…even Viv doesn’t know who Vaggie is without Charlie and that’s fucking SAD bro. How have you had this character for years and can’t even answer simple writing 101 questions about who they are and what they do outside of their partner/peers. And her having an identity crisis arc would have worked, but the show doesn’t do anything with that concept. Husk says she “hates herself”, and while her exorcist reveal may be the reason to that, the show puts no effort into actually showing us that on screen, cause the writers can’t seem to realize that we don’t know who Vaggie is at all OR without Charlie around. What are her likes and dislikes? What are her hobbies? Interests? None of that in the “female led” show!
Outside of her love for Charlie she’s SO flat and empty, and sadly her VA’s performance plays a heavy part in that cause Vaggie now just sounds so bored and lifeless all the time. Then we actually get to her exorcist reveal and I just know Viv stole this idea from the fan theories and decided to do it at the last minute, because the way it’s handled is so poorly done and lazily rushed. I felt NOTHING during that reveal because the show didn’t give me a reason to care. Not just cause everyone and their momma predicted it, but because there is ZERO buildup to it. Would have been nice to see this secret eating Vaggie up emotionally throughout the season and determined to keep it a secret, but nah…just flat out lay it on us like you do with all your characters Viv. Like….maybe develop the character FIRST before you reveal her darkest secret, and maybe actually show how this secret affects said character so we actually give a damn when it’s revealed.
Then near the end she has a supposed “arc” or we’re of course just told that. The moment Carmilla said that Vaggie was “too bloodthirsty and desperate for revenge rather than thinking of the people she loved”, truly shows how Viv doesn’t understand her own fucking characters despite trying to convince everyone she does. All we’ve SEEN is Vaggie thinking about the people she loves. You’ve shown us nothing else outside of that, you’ve said yourself that her whole purpose is protecting Charlie and making her dreams come true so what the hell was Carmilla saying? This of course would have made more sense if Vaggie was someone who desperately wanted to get back at heaven and we see her rage take over her love for Charlie and her plans, but again….we don’t SEE any of that. If anything all we see is someone who DOES care about the people around her and her actions were always out of love. I also hate how her arrival in hell is in flashback mode, this series is so allergic to taking it’s time, cause these are things you could have made into a full episode within itself, same for her meeting and falling in love with Charlie. Vaggie is a character that’s so easy to make likable and deep, and she WAS likable. But Viv could give less of a shit about her, in the end she ended up being so flat. Love how the joke of her name is that she was given that name by a sexist pig character, yet Viv decided to keep said name for her too that’s SUCH good writing.
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
rhaenyra is as much of a girl’s girl as the society she lives in allows her to be.
book wise she has multiple ladies in waiting (not just alicent, which is a grave oversight in the show), one of which is said to have gouged out her own eyes at the sight of rhaenyra’s murder. that doesn’t sound like someone who isn’t capable of inspiring loyalty from the women around them. rhaenys fully and wholeheartedly supported rhaenyra and her cause, even dying in her attempts to make her the first queen regnant of the seven kingdoms. laena betrothed her daughters to rhaenyra’s sons, ensuring that her blood sat both the iron throne and the driftwood throne, all while being a pretty difficult backing to break due to the wealth and naval power of the velaryons (all of this in spite of the bastardy rumors surrounding jace and luke). the agreement also puts forward how politically astute rhaenyra is, and how she didn’t just rely on her father’s word to put her on the throne. she made alliances using her sons hand in marriage; borros baratheon might not have declared for aegon had a proposal taken place the night luke brought rhaenyra’s terms. baela was only held back from partaking in the many battles because of her dragon’s size, otherwise she would have been right beside her betrothed fighting for rhaenyra. there’s even a chance that rhaena would have joined had she had a rideable dragon of her own. she had mysaria, a former sex worker, as her mistress of whisperers, a very esteemed position on her small council. the cases of rosby and stokeworth have no bearing on this, because they were never named as heirs (along with being literal children during a war time) which is what rhaenyra was using as the basis for her rulership. jeyne arryn knew her own position as lady of the eyrie would be challenged (again) if aegon stepped over rhaenyra and subsequently supported her cause. important women like alysanne blackwood and sabitha frey were key players in cregan’s army.
show wise she is shown in the season two trailer to be taking advice from rhaenys and allowing her to be a part of the war efforts. baela and rhaena are explicitly included on her war council, with rhaena as her cupbearer. moondancer is no longer a hardly rideable dragon and baela seems to be taking direct part in the war. rhaenyra is already shown in a set picture to be communicating with mysaria (whether that’s discussing blood and cheese, the aftermath of it, or something entirely different remains to be seen). these are not the acts of someone who hated other women, and using her falling out with alicent and the resulting enmity between them (that is almost completely one-sided due to the difference in power dynamics) as an excuse to otherwise is worse than strange, considering alicent’s canonical goal was to seat her son, a known violent misogynist, on the throne over a woman who was the named heir to the king.
the green’s entire ideological standpoint is that women cannot rule, ever, for it would make the main members of the green’s powerless, and any other lord or heir’s claim would be up for debate if they have an elder sister. if the iron throne had truly been aegon’s by right alicent, otto, and criston would not have left viserys’ body to rot for days AND they would have had the backing of most of the houses. if alicent had cared more for her children’s wellbeing she would have convened a great council before the war began or considered any other effort that would not lead to her children fighting on dragonback. rhaenyra’s (peaceful) ascension would have at least started the necessary changes needed to grant women more authority and (!) autonomy in the seven kingdoms. queen consorts had significantly less influence after her murder, along with the targaryen’s losing their ability to hatch dragons. rhaenyra does not need to be a feminist for her cause to be inherently feminist by proxy.
rhaenyra was not a feminist, but she did have great love for other women. it’s disingenuous at best and downright insulting at worst to try to paint her as anything else. she inspired loyalty even after her murder. if the black’s cause had truly relied on putting rhaenyra on the throne, her armies would have disbanded once she was dead. instead corlys and larys poisoned aegon, with rhaenyra’s son being placed on the throne afterwards. it was ultimately about bloodlines in the end. jaehaera suffered the unfortunate consequences of an ambitious hand because of her status as aegon’s daughter. it plays directly into how alicent outlived her entire family, besides jaehaera, and went mad with grief, learning to hate the color green. how greed and the allure of power can and will corrupt those who choose to make that a priority in their lives, and how the innocent will usually pay the price for those sins.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
it was just a kiss || j.h.s
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Summary: A night at the Hard Deck takes a turn when Jake confides in Mickey about some personal matters.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, jake has feelings, no use of y/n (reader has a nickname), fanboy is the ultimate bestie, drunk rooster is a menace to society
Word Count: 2.4k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Authors Note: Based on this prompt by @creativepromptsforwriting. Thanks to @writercole @demxters & @seresinsweetie for looking this over for me!
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“The girl with the bachelorette party has been eyeing you all evening.” Fanboy handed him another beer, perching onto the bar stool next to him. 
Hangman looked over to where the group of girls were seated, catching the eye of the brunette that had been trying to get his attention since they arrived. The girl gestured towards the doors but he shook his head, giving her an apologetic smile. 
“Dude, what are you doing? She’s hot.” Mickey slapped his arm, eyes wide as saucers. 
“I’m not interested.”
Fanboy looked concerned, swivelling around on his chair. “Alright, let me get this straight. For the past month, I’ve seen countless women approach you, yet you’ve turned them all down. What’s going on?”
Jake snorted into his beer. “Nothing. I’m just not interested.”
“Can we please just have a human conversation? I know that underneath all of those protein shakes and hair products is an actual human being called Jake, and not Hangman. So, stop trying to avoid the subject.” Mickey leaned back against the wall, knocking his knee into Jake’s. 
Jake stared at Fanboy for the longest time, not knowing what to say. He opened his mouth but no words came out, so he settled back against the wall as well, keeping his eyes on the floor.
The Daggers had been permanently stationed at Top Gun since the Uranium Mission, instructing and flying together. Jake tried his best to play nice, offering to drive most of them home from the bar at times and buying beers on their nights out. He had made an effort to try and interact more, trying to show interest in their lives but he didn’t think that the rest of the group, save Javy, had actually accepted him into their little makeshift family. He still felt like he wasn’t truly a part of the group, but Mickey’s concern told him that maybe he was wrong. 
Fanboy shifted slightly, putting his beer away. “Jake. You can talk to me.”
“I didn’t think, uh, I mean -”
Fanboy smiled, patting his arm reassuringly. “I know. I know you think we don’t care, but we do. If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. But something is obviously bothering you. If you’re not comfortable with me, Javy might be a better option?” 
Jake didn’t know what to say. He waited for the punchline, where Fanboy would laugh and mock him but it never came. Mickey was being sincere. The WSO just waited patiently, fingers drumming on the wooden bar behind them. 
“You know, you remind me of my brother.” Mickey picked at his jeans, pulling at the loose strings over the knee. When Jake didn’t respond, he kept on talking. 
“His name is Diego. He’s the oldest. There’s five of us, by the way. He’s just like you. Walls up so high you can barely see past them. He always used to make fun of us when we were kids. I hated it. But when I got older, I realised that he was only doing it to push us. Mom and dad put a lot of responsibility on him and he did the best he could.” 
Jake listened as Mickey rambled on, the uncomfortable pit in his stomach lessening the longer Fanboy kept talking. 
“I know you’re doing the best you can as well. I know that you taunt Rooster with the sole purpose of making sure he pushes his own limits. I can tell. You push us all to be better.”
He swallowed thickly, trying to make out what had transpired in the last 20 minutes. “How? How can you tell?”
Mickey grinned widely. “Like I said, you remind me of Diego,” he grabbed the bottle again, “you’re one of us Jake, even if you don’t think so.”
Jake decided to throw caution to the wind and believe what Fanboy was telling him. If it was all true, then maybe he could talk to him. Maybe he could start being a part of the group. Before he could even open his mouth, Rooster appeared out of thin air and threw an arm around his shoulder.
“HANGMAN! The lady over there is asking about you!” Bradley leaned in closer, as if he was going to share a secret. “I think she wants to fuck you.”
Fanboy snorted loudly, startling Rooster. “Fanboy, didn’t see you there! What do you think, do you think she wants to fuck him?”
A bright red flush was covering Bradley’s cheeks and his eyes were slightly unfocused and glazed over. 
Mickey rolled his eyes. “Rooster, how much have you had to drink?” 
Bradley was leaning onto Jake now, his head on his shoulder. “You know, you smell good. And your hair is very soft.” Rooster patted Jake’s head, smiling stupidly at his teammate. 
“Okay buddy, I think we should get you home.” Bob appeared, slinging Rooster’s unoccupied arm around his shoulder, supporting most of his weight as he pulled him off of Jake. Bradley made a sound of protest as he was separated from Jake. 
“No, I was gonna help Hangman get laid. There’s a lady over there, and she’s got the hots for him.” He waved in the general direction of the bar. 
“He isn’t interested. So you can go home,” Fanboy laughed, pushing Bradley’s hand away as it aimed for his head. 
Bob tried to get him to move, but Bradley turned in his grasp, almost losing his balance. “You’re not? But I was gonna help.” He pouted, leaning back onto Bob who grunted under the extra added weight. 
Jake didn’t get the chance to answer as Bob hauled Rooster away with the help of Payback who had snuck up on them. Bradley complained the entire way, waving excitedly to Penny at the bar as his teammates practically carried him out of the door. 
“I guess that’s it. You two coming with us or what?” Nat sauntered by, Javy following closely. 
Jake was about to agree but Fanboy beat him to it. “In a minute. You go ahead.” 
They waved goodbye and Jake itched to follow his best friend. Now it was just him and Mickey. Even though he was about to spill his guts out right before Bradshaw interrupted them, Jake hesitated. 
“C’mon, let’s get some air.” Fanboy left his seat and Jake had no choice but to follow him out onto the deck. The sun was long gone, the pale moon taking its place. He could hear the waves crashing against the shore, people laughing further down the beach as they sat around a bonfire, sparkling brightly against the darkness.
“I could tell you were actually going to talk before Rooster interrupted us. Still want to?”
Jake hesitated for a moment before slumping back against the wooden rail. “Have you spoken much to the new team of mechanical engineers that arrived a couple of months ago? Like, Mercury for example,” he sighed as he nodded towards the window. Through it, across the bar, he could see Mercury sitting with her friends. 
Mickey stretched out his legs in front of him. “Sure. Mercury is badass. Her team is much better than Rogers and his idiots.” Their former mechanical team had been replaced by Mercury and her co-workers at the beginning of spring. Everyone preferred the new team. 
“Well, you see, uh. A couple of weeks ago, I ran into Mercury. And we’ve hung out a few times, outside of work. And I…” Jake trailed off, not knowing how to continue. 
Fanboy turned to him, eyes wide. “Are you telling me the reason you’ve been turning down all these women is because you’ve got a crush on Mercury?”
Jake’s heart hammered in his chest, gut twisting slowly. “It’s not that. Well, partly. I can’t stop thinking about her, no matter how much I try to occupy myself. I miss her when I don’t see her for a couple of days and I feel like, I don’t know, all giddy and shit when she smiles.”
“It sounds like more than a crush. So why the sad face man?” Fanboy nudged his side. 
“I kissed her. Well, she kissed me. We kissed. And after, she said ‘it was just a kiss’.” Jake deflated with disappointment, trying to hide just how much her response actually hurt him.
Mickey stayed quiet for a while before speaking. “Did you say you wanted something more?”
“I told her that I knew it was just a kiss but asked if it had to be just that.”
“What did she say?”
It hurt more than Jake liked to admit to revisiting what happened after their kiss. “She said that while she liked me, she knew of my reputation and had no intention of being another notch in my bedpost.” 
Fanboy clicked his tongue. “And that’s why you’ve stayed away from all the women. Trying to show her that you’re serious?”
Jake hadn’t anticipated for Mickey to see right through him. The emotional turmoil of opening up like this, to have someone listen and not mock, was jarring. Jake didn’t exactly have a lot of those people in his life. But Fanboy stayed, listening patiently as Jake talked. 
“Yes. Her words hurt but they’re true. I’m just trying to show her that I’m willing to change, for her. That I have changed.”
His companions' next words cut deeper than they should. “You’re in love with her. This isn’t just a crush.”
He hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself. Love wasn’t something Jake was familiar with. It scared him, to be vulnerable and open with someone. To let them see every part of him. But it was true. Over the course of a few short weeks, being in Mercury’s company had him breaking all his own rules as he realised that he did love her.
“Then you should tell her. Tell her that you’ve changed, for her. Tell her that you love her.”
Jake sighed. “I can’t. She doesn’t feel the same, she made it very clear.”
Mickey slapped his arm, startling him. “Dude! Stop. You said that she said she liked you. If your past is the only thing stopping her, then you need to tell her,” he paused for a moment before lowering his voice, “and you deserve someone, Jake. You deserve love.”
He didn’t want to cry but Mickey’s words brought a wave of emotion upon him. He swiped at his face, trying to hide the tears. 
All of what Mickey was saying went against everything Jake had ever been told. His father always told him he was no good and that no one would ever want anything from him. That he would never amount to anything. Never achieve anything. 
“It’s okay man. I get it. You’re scared. But in the wise words of my abuela, ‘To love is to be scared. If you’re not scared, it’s not worth it’.” 
Jake laughed, a watery sound before wiping his face again. “She sounds like a smart woman.” Jake took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. 
Mickey laughed as well, eyes sparkling. “She’s the best,” he looked past Jake, eyes trained on something outside Jake’s field of vision. “If you were to tell Mercury, what would you say to her?”
Jake took a moment to ponder, trying to put his feelings into words. He guessed it was too late to turn back now, Mickey had already seen parts of him he hadn’t shown anyone in years. 
“I guess I would tell her how she makes me feel. That her smile brightens my day and that I want to make her laugh. That she makes me push myself to be better, both for myself and her. I’d tell her that I love her, even if it scares me. That I’ve changed and that my past doesn’t matter. She’s the only one I want.”
Fanboy clapped his hands together, smiling widely. “Good.”
“What do you mean ‘good’?” Jake turned but Mickey wasn’t looking at him. His eyes were trained behind him, shit eating grin in place on his face. 
Jake turned his head, his eyes landing upon Mercury standing a few feet away, bottle dangling from her hand. He immediately choked up, hands growing clammy as he tried to find his voice. The look on her face told Jake she had heard everything. 
“I’m gonna head back inside,” Mickey pushed off the chair before murmuring, “Remember what I said. You deserve love,” to Jake. He then sauntered back into the bar, saluting sloppily as he walked past Mercury.
Jake held his breath, counting to twenty as she approached him, sitting down tentatively in Fanboy’s abandoned seat. Neither of them spoke at first. Jake’s heart was beating so hard against his ribs that he thought it would break free. His palms were sweaty and he wanted to bolt, rush back inside. 
“You love me?” She quietly asked, hands twisting in her lap. He desperately wanted to reach out and intertwine their hands but he wasn’t sure it would be welcomed. Mercury chose for him when she grew tired of waiting for an answer. 
She reached over, clasping one of his hands between her own. “Jake. Talk to me.”
Mercury was staring at him  with a gentle smile. Her face was open and inviting, making Jake feel braver. He could do this.
“Yes. I don’t know when it happened.” She laughed, squeezing his hand. “Does it matter when it happened?”
“I guess not.” 
Neither of them spoke after that but there seems to be no need. All Jake focused on was the feeling of his hand between hers, the way they both seemed to breathe at the same time. It’s peaceful. 
“I’m sorry that I said it was just a kiss,” Mercury murmured while tracing the veins on his hand. “I wanted to say it was more than that, but I didn’t want to get hurt.”
“Hurting you is the last thing I want. I want this. Us.” Jake squeezed her hand back, intertwining their fingers. He desperately wanted her to repeat his earlier words back to him but he didn’t want to push her either. He knew he loved Mercury. He could wait while she sorted her feelings out. 
After all, he hadn’t exactly planned on telling her nor even approaching her.
He hummed contentedly, the feeling of her hand in his calming him down better than any trick his therapist had ever taught him. 
“If you want to, I’d like that kiss to be more than just a kiss. I want you. Truth is, I think I fell in love with you when we went hiking. I know that’s so long ago and I’m sorry for not telling you but -”
Jake cut her off, cupping her face and pressing their lips together, smiling into the kiss. She loved him. It was all he needed to know. They’d figure the rest out later. If Jake had it his way, they’d have the rest of their lives.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw@imjess-themess@antiquitea@fuckyeahhangman@writercole@hederasgarden@yanna-banana@wkndwlff@bobfloydsbabe@hollandorks@anniesocsandgeneralstore@ereardon@luminousnotmatter@roosterscock@thedroneranger@fandomxpreferences@top-hhun@princessmisery666@bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly@a-reader-and-a-writer@green-socks@angstybluejay@seresinhangmanjake@ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl@gigisimsonmars@girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes@unhinged-btch@horseshoegirl@sadpetalsstuff@bradshawbaby@ahopelessromanticwritersworld@ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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bsd-elle · 2 years
Thoughts on Buddy Daddies Episode 9
I have so many thoughts about this episode and it all stems from P.A works' fantastic SUBTLE writing choices.
This episode, on paper, sounds like a pretty cliche sports day episode, but they somehow managed to show us the character progression and the relationship progression between the characters.
The biggest progress we can blatantly see is Rei taking an effort to help Kazuki more.
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And we can see that Kazuki reacts accordingly.
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Kazuki is surprised by this development, and voices his concern.
Rei was genuinely impacted by the events in episode 7, realizing that he was pretty 'useless' when it came to raising Miri, and has taken the initiative to give a helping hand.
And what I love about that is, we know that Rei had absolutely no clue how to work a microwave or any basic cooking, so for him to automatically suggest and start making onigiri shows that either he had previously asked Kazuki how to make simple items, or two, he was more observant when Kazuki was cooking, because he wanted to be able to do more, do anything to make his little girl smile.
And it's so wonderful to see them actually bring up this plot point and continue it, rather than letting it be a one-off plot point.
They pick up on his interest to be more involved and we see him actually trying.
Knowing the unfortunate circumstances of his childhood, it's not that Rei doesn't want to help out or get into Miri's activities, but rather that he simply doesn't KNOW what to do. Doesn't know what's right.
His hesitance throughout the Episode is evidence of that, his hesitance to give Miri his riceballs.
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He genuinely looks so sad, feeling like he can't compete with Kazuki's sheer talent with cooking.
His hesitance to even cheer for Miri.
Growing up in a family full of espionage and assassination, quietness and taking up little to no space must've been embedded into his system, into his psyche, and the fact that he's actively trying to be loud, to draw attention to himself, just shows the effort he's putting into taking care and raising Miri, something his father never attempted to try.
And both Kazuki and Miri appreciate his efforts.
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They understand that he's trying and are so enthusiastic and receptive to his attempts.
Which is why he takes it to heart that Miri fell down because he was 'loud'.
I think, in that moment, he thought that he failed, that failure is never acceptable.
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But, that final reassurance from Miri (in the cutest way possible), that he didn't fail, he didn't do anything wrong, and Miri considers them all to be a family, something he never had, something he's never known, that's all he needed to realize that, yes, maybe he'll fail, but at the end of the day, Miri is happy, and there's nothing else that matters.
The other one I wanted to talk about, which is definitely more subtle, but the progression of Kazuki and Rei's relationship is truly so beautiful.
Kazuki treasures the help Rei attempts and supports him in every way possible.
When Rei said that he wanted to make riceballs and was worried if Miri would like it, Kazuki instantly reassures him that Miri would love it.
In fact, he proudly proclaims to Miri that Rei would be making onigiri. And I'm sure that if he hadn't, there might be a chance that Miri wouldn't have been able to eat it, while Rei was clouded by his doubt.
When Miri says that she likes the onigiri and she thanks Rei, Kazuki immediately tells him, "hey, you did good, look our daughter agrees too. You're doing good and trying, and we both see that".
When Rei is drowning in his self-loathing about potentially causing Miri to lose the gold medal, Kazuki tries to reassure him and tell him that he didn't do anything wrong.
Finally, when they're walking back, Kazuki tells him that he's proud of him, that he worked hard, and you can tell that Rei really appreciated that, to know that his efforts were being accepted.
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And that's why their relationship grows in such an organic manner, Rei puts in the effort, tries his best to help out to the best of his abilities, and Kazuki reassures him, let's him know about things that he would have no idea about, and vocally supports him.
And Miri, my sweet angel, with her bright personality and even brighter smile, constantly comforts both Kazuki and Rei, that she's happy, that they ARE a family.
The reason they are a family is because each one of them helps each other, is an equal part in the group.
And at the end of the day, they're just all trying their best, taking one step at a time, while the others, cheer them on.
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(And this picture is the perfect symbolism of that sentiment, Rei awkwardly trying his best to smile, and Kazuki physically trying to bring him closer into the picture).
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 year
Binding and Blinding (Alhaitham x fem!reader NSFW)
Notes: You guys thought you were getting some wholesome shit, but you were wrong, it’s all angst. I swear it’s like the first time I’ve ever written half of this stuff on this intense of a level and actually put any sort of effort into it so it’s probably not all that great, but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, fem!reader, sub!reader, riding, bondage (Shibari), doggy style, spanking, sensory deprivation (blindfold), overstimulation, edging, dacryphilia, use of safeword (kinda??? Reader can’t say it because of how overwhelmed she is), rough sex, sappy feelings n’ shit, Alhaitham being the mean dom we all know he is but then being a big softie toward the end
NSFW, minors DNI, by scrolling further past this point, you have chosen to read the content below of your own accord!
You were a very bubbly and chatty individual, always willing to talk with people whenever you had the chance, and a stark contrast to your boyfriend. However, what truly drew Alhaitham to you at first was the way you handled things. You always took great care to plan ahead when doing things, and rarely cowered away in fear from any sort of intimidating situation because of said planning. However, when he got into a relationship with you, and more specifically, started getting intimate with you, he found that the one thing that truly terrified you was not having any way of knowing how to plan for things ahead of time.
You had been talking to Kaveh almost the entire evening at the bar, not paying Alhaitham any attention whatsoever. Since his roommate was spending the night in Ghandarvaville, he had you all to himself, and there was something he’d been wanting to try for a while now. In your eyes, sex was the ultimate show of love that anyone could give their significant other. However, there were times when your dear lover saw it as a stress reliever. That was what scared you, him seeing something so important to you as another tool to use to make his life easier and less stressful. You’d never told him how much it meant to you, but he had a small inkling that you liked more vanilla things in the bedroom than him. However, you agreed to try everything he suggested at least once, and unfortunately, tonight was another experimental night in the sheets. It didn’t help that he was annoyed at his roommate for taking all of your attention tonight, which also made him annoyed with you, which in turn added to his foul mood and therefore his stress and anger. The walk home was silent, with him tightly holding your hand the entire way back to his place. You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, trying to reassure him that you had eyes for him only, but instead of squeezing it back, he started walking faster.
You knew that tonight was going to be a long one when he told you to go up to his room. The moment you’d disappeared upstairs and closed the door, he grabbed the bag he’d gotten earlier that month when he’d traveled to Inazuma. He took out the teal silk rope and the matching silk blindfold from the bag, looking at the stairs. Shibari, which originated in Inazuma, was an activity that was a type of bondage, but could also serve as art, depending on the mood of the situation it was used in. Alhaitham had extensively researched it once the silk ropes had arrived from Liyue. As for the blindfold, he’d be using that on you as well tonight. He had memorized how to tie the knots using the rope, and he certainly knew how to tie a blindfold to where it wouldn’t fall off. He’d always wanted to try sensory deprivation on your sight, since he’d already done so with your hearing using his headphones. Since it had been so well received, and had left you panting and begging for more even when your legs were shaking, he wanted to try taking one of your other senses, which was, of course, sight.
He walked upstairs and opened the door to his bedroom, noticing how you turned shy under his gaze when you looked at him. “We’re trying something new tonight, two things, in fact. I’ve been researching the art of Shibari over the past few weeks, so I know how to tie the ropes, and I’ll be able to tie the blindfold easily. However, I’m still going to teach you a lesson tonight about paying too much attention to other men like you did at dinner. Get on the bed.” he said, watching as you nervously nodded and got on the bed. He focused on tying the ropes, making sure you couldn’t move when he tied your wrists together. He then gave you one last annoyed look before tying the blindfold over your eyes, knotting it at the back of your head. “Are you uncomfortable anywhere?” he asked, watching as you shook your head. You were much more flinchy now, but in all honesty, it gave him some sort of sick satisfaction that you were nervous. Whenever you were nervous, you didn’t like showing it, so to see you like this was truly a treat in his eyes. He needed to relieve himself of the stress from tonight, and this was the perfect way to do it. Alhaitham leaned in close to you and gently kissed your neck, watching as you shivered. You were speechless, almost as if he’d taken your ability to speak. He chuckled softly, the noise serving to make you shudder as a chill traveled up your spine. He didn’t waste any time on preparing you to take him, you didn’t deserve his touch, tonight. He slowly pulled back the covers and let you get under them, watching as you pressed your legs together and rubbed your thighs together to get some sort of friction. He slowly undressed and let his clothes drop to the floor, before getting in the bed under you. “Tonight, you’re going to be on top, and you’re going to ride me until I tell you that you can stop, understood?” he asked, watching as you nodded. “Lift your hips.” he demanded, watching as you did so. He grabbed his leaking cock and slowly lined it up with your slit, pushing himself inside. You couldn’t help but whine softly as he held you there, with only the tip inside. You were about to ask him to move, but cried out loudly when he fully sheathed himself inside of you with one harsh thrust, squirming on his lap. “I think I like you like this. You keep that mouth of yours mostly shut. It’s nice to get a break from your constant remarks every so often. We should do this more frequently.” he sneered, too busy mocking you to notice the fact that there were slightly damp spots where your eyes were on the blindfold. You couldn’t handle the intensity of it all very well, or the fact that you couldn’t move all that much. Sure, depriving you of the ability to hear like last time was a new and exhilarating experience, and left you both breathless by the time that evening was over, but being deprived of the ability to see wasn’t. It felt wrong, vicious, and much crueler than jealous sex with him usually felt. Your sense of touch was enhanced to an overwhelming degree, and you couldn’t help but occasionally shy away from his touch when he tried to give it.
He noticed that you didn’t want his hands on you, and smirked up at you. It was as if you felt his gaze on you, because when you tried to get him to hold your hips still, he didn’t, and put his hands behind his head. “You don’t want me to touch you? Fine, but I’m not helping you ride me if you’re gonna be a brat, sweetheart.” he said, watching as you kept pathetically trying to get him off. He thrust his hips up against yours every so often, watching you make those pretty little moans he loved hearing. Eventually, you mustered up enough courage to speak. “Haitham, m’close, m’so close. Please, m’gonna-” You didn’t have time to finish speaking as he grabbed your chin roughly and leaned in close to your ear. “You don’t cum until I say you can, this is what you get for talking so much all the time.” he hissed, roughly letting go of you. He kept thrusting, knowing that you wouldn’t last much longer. He wanted you to cum first, just so that he could punish you further. “Ngh~ Haitham, please, lemme cum! Please just lemme- AhHng~!” you didn’t even get to finish begging when your orgasm hit you full force, pleasure wracking your body as you squirted all over his lap. The moment you realized what you did, you were too late to apologize, as he pulled out and flipped you over, before sliding right back into you. You gasped softly, before yelping against the sheets as his palm made contact with your bare ass. You tried to ride out your high, but he pulled out completely, ruining your orgasm. It was getting to be too much, but you once again felt like you couldn’t speak, and could only lay there and take it until he was done.
When he came inside of you for the second time as he took you from behind, Alhaitham looked down at you and smirked, leaning in close to your ear as he spoke. “See? I told you not to cum without permission. Perhaps if you’d listened, I wouldn’t have had to punish you like this.” he hissed, before forcing you to ride him again. You were too sensitive, it was too much, but he didn’t see that. He didn’t see the trembling of your lip, or the way you flinched a little when his hands made contact with your hips. He also didn’t see what you were thinking as he kept bouncing you on his lap. You could only barely hold back your sobs as he continued fucking you roughly.
Does he really not like it when I talk?
Do I talk too much?
Should I just stop talking whenever he’s around?
It was those thoughts that kept you quiet, kept you from doing anything other than panting heavily. The moment you started holding back your moans, Alhaitham looked up at you. “What’s the matter, can’t speak? What happened to your bite, hmm?” he mocked. “Go ahead, make as much noise as you want.” he taunted. However, the moment you removed your hands from your mouth, a loud, desperate sob escaped your lips, causing you to cover your mouth again. That made him do a double take, and that was when he noticed all of those little things. You trembled as another orgasm hit, the damp spots on the blindfold being hit with fresh tears as you tried to keep quiet on his lap. You were about to try stuttering out an apology, but stopped midway through that attempt, and settled for collapsing against his chest in a whimpering, sobbing heap. You tried to get up, but he held you down against his chest as your orgasm washed over you in waves. You could only tremble against his chest as he quickly untied the ropes, getting them off of your body. He was hesitant to remove the blindfold, but when he did, you slowly opened your eyes and wrapped your arms tightly around him. He could tell that you were feeling overwhelmed, and slowly rocked his hips against yours to get you through your high. The sensations had been too much for you, and he could tell now. He mentally slapped himself for not being more attentive, and now focused on bringing you back down from the intense high you were going through.
His eyes were wide as panic rose in his chest, and he couldn’t help but try to whisper sweet nothings in your ears as he brought you back down. “Shh, relax, just relax, sweetheart, I’ve got you.” he whispered, his tone a much gentler contrast to the harsh one he used when he was speaking to you earlier. You slowly nodded along to what he was saying, not really catching any of the words coming out of his mouth. The slight rasp of his baritone voice soothed your mind, and calmed your racing thoughts. His soft, soothing voice made you feel every pleasant emotion you could feel in that moment, but above all else, it made you feel safe. Once you’d come down from your high, you looked up at him and focused as hard as you could on what he was saying. “Do you want me to pull out?” he asked, watching as you nodded slowly. He withdrew his hips slowly, letting you lay down against his chest. He didn’t care right now that you’d made a mess of the sheets, the only thing that he was paying attention to at the moment was how you were feeling. He gave you a few more minutes to make sure you were, at the very least, somewhat lucid, before he started speaking, cupping your face in his hands. He knew you were still feeling very overwhelmed, so he asked simple questions first.
“Are you ok?” he asked, watching as you shook your head. “Was it too much?” he asked, causing you to nod. You laid your head against his chest. “Do you want me to clean you up?” he asked softly, pressing his forehead against yours. “Mhmm~” you hummed, sighing when he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. He handled you like glass, almost as if you’d shatter from being set down on the edge of the bath. He still set you down, and turned on the faucet to the bathtub. The sound of the water was enough to make you cover your ears, your senses still kicked into overdrive thanks to the blindfold. Alhaitham noticed this, and ran back into the bedroom, where he grabbed his soundproof ear pieces, letting you wear them when he came back. Your shoulders slouched and you relaxed, slowly calming down again. Once the bathtub was full, he slowly removed the ear pieces from your ears and put them back in the bedroom. He then slowly picked you up and set you down in the bath, looking at you from the rim of the bath. “Do you want some water? Something to eat, maybe?” he asked, keeping his voice low so as not to overload your senses again. You looked up at him and nodded. “Both?” he asked, watching as you nodded again. “Does Tachin sound good?” he asked. “Yeah.” you muttered, not quite meeting his gaze. The fact that you were still reeling from everything didn’t surprise him, which is why he was taking care of you. “Alright, I’ll let you have some space for now while I go make the food, alright? If you need anything else, shout for me, and I’ll be here, ok?” he asked, taking your hands into his as he spoke, kneeling beside the bathtub. You nodded, reluctantly letting go of his hands and leaning back in the bath. “Don’t fall asleep in here, ok? It’s bad for your back and you might slip under the water by accident.” he said, causing you to nod.
Alhaitham exited the bathroom and looked back at the door, before throwing on a shirt and his underwear and walking downstairs. He quickly grabbed the ingredients and made some Tachin for the two of you. He knew you liked it because of how sweet it tasted, and he’d been marinating the meat he was using for about a day, so he knew it was going to be good once he was done. He cooked it slowly, before walking back upstairs with the plates of Tachin. He saw that you were still awake, and gently tapped your shoulder. “Hmm?” you looked at him. “Do you want me to get in with you for a bit? The food’s still a bit too hot to eat.” he asked, watching as you nodded softly. He took the shirt and his underwear off, throwing them in a quickly forgotten corner of the bathroom. You moved over a bit so that he could get in the water with you, sighing softly as he pulled you backwards into his arms. You looked up at him and saw the worry in his gaze, before reaching up to gently cup his face in your hands. “I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention to what was going on, it was my idea to use the blindfold and the ropes on you, and I wasn’t thinking things through when I did that. I should have introduced them in moderation.” he muttered, resting his head on your shoulder as he spoke. “I tried to say the safeword, but it was almost like I couldn’t… like I couldn’t…” You were trying to find the right words to describe how you felt. “Couldn’t breathe?” he finished, watching as you nodded. “Can I ask you something, if you don’t mind?” you questioned, looking back up at him. “Anything at all, I’ll try my best to answer,” he replied. “Do you… really not like it when I talk a lot?” you asked, looking to the side. He turned you around and cupped your face in his hands, pressing his forehead against yours. “I love hearing you talk, don’t ever forget that. I don’t know why I said that earlier, I shouldn’t have,” he said. “Can we not use the blindfold and the ropes at the same time again? I didn’t like that at all, and I hated how it made every noise around me sound so… loud. It felt like every noise I heard was inside of my ears when I had that blindfold on, and it stayed that way for several minutes after you took it off.” you said. Alhaitham nodded softly. “Was there anything else that bothered you about tonight?” he asked. “I- yeah, but can we get out of the bath and eat, first? I’d prefer to tell you when we get in the bed, and the water’s starting to get cold. Plus, I’m pretty sure that cold Tachin isn’t really all that tasty.” you said, giggling softly.
He nodded, grabbing the spare set of sheets in the towel closet and making sure that they were on the bed properly before getting some towels and lifting you out of the bath. Alhaitham dried you off and carried you to the bed, setting you down under the covers before drying himself off. He got in bed with you and set a plate of Tachin on your lap, making sure that you had some water first. The sweet taste of the meat and rice, combined with the Padisarah petals he had carefully added, tasted wonderful, and each bite practically melted in your mouth. You hummed softly, turning to your lover and giving him a thumbs up. Once you’d finished the plate of Tachin and downed the glass of water, you leaned back and sighed deeply, looking back over at him. “So, what was the other thing that you didn’t like?” he asked. You gave him a nervous look, and took a deep breath before you started to speak. “You know how I usually only initiate these things when we don’t have anything to do and when we both need to be closer to each other than usual, right?” you asked, causing him to nod. “You know how I told you that I don’t really like super intense sessions like these because of how long we go at it and how rough you get, right?” you asked. Again, he nodded. “That’s because of how much those nights mean to me, you know? I try not to go to you and ask for things like that too often because it feels like it loses meaning if I do go to you too often. I do these things with you because I want to remind you that I love you, and no one else. Whenever you tell me you want to do these things with me, it mostly has to do with relieving stress, and that kinda takes away from why we do it in the first place, in my eyes, you know? I know you get really stressed sometimes, but…” you trailed off, causing him to cup your face in his hands. When you looked up at him again, he saw that you were crying. “I thought you just liked taking things slow, I didn’t know that you felt that way about all of this.” he said, resting your head in the crook of his neck. He held you there for a while, letting you calm down a bit. “But I just… I don’t want to be seen as just a source of stress relief and nothing else, because it hurts, it really hurts.” you whispered, laying down against him. He wrapped his arms around you as the tears fell, thumbing them away gently as he held you there. “I know, sometimes being rough is just what I need, and I know I sound selfish as I’m saying these things, but-” “Don’t… don’t say that, you’re not being selfish by telling me how you feel. If you catch me doing that again, please tell me. There are so many options for alleviating stress, and it’s not like I never had to deal with stress before I started dating you.” he said, giving a small smile before he pressed his lips against yours. You nodded, giving him a smile of your own in return. You yawned as the exhaustion finally caught up with you, and you laid down against Alhaitham’s chest. “I’m exhausted, goodnight, ‘Haitham.” you sleepily mumbled, closing your eyes. Within minutes, you were fast asleep against his chest. He looked down at you for a minute, before pressing his lips against your temple. “Goodnight, (name).” he whispered, closing his eyes and holding you close as he fell asleep as well.
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etrsilk · 2 months
Hi! Can you do the main four with a famous cook reader, ? Like she always cooks for them, always do delicious lunch box for them when they get away and when they meet she always brought pastries specially for them that she cooked herself. Have a nice day !
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₊✩‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⇝ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢,𝘎𝘰𝘯,𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘢,𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘰
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 — ✘
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
⎝ 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:: here is your request! I hope you like it and sorry for the wait ♡ and thank you for being so active on my account!! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ ♡
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 —𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀ꫂ ၴႅၴ
❀ Killua loves food, especially anything sweet. He frequently asks you to make homemade cakes or candies for him. He also often sends you recipes he finds in his recommendations, hoping you’ll try them out for him.
❀ Even if he doesn’t always show it willingly, he’s your dedicated assistant. When you cook, he’s always by your side to help, handing you ingredients and reading the recipe. He loves feeling involved in creating his favorite treats.
❀ Killua has made it a habit to rate your dishes on a scale of 1 to 10, even though he’s not an expert. He always tries his best to offer constructive feedback and suggestions, aiming to make you smile with his comments.
❀ He would never dare to tell you, but you literally make his day when you slip your homemade lunches into his bag before he heads to work, especially when you include little love notes. It reminds him of how much you care and makes his day much better.
❀ You always make sure that when he comes home from work, there’s something he loves waiting for him. Whether it’s a dish, a dessert, or even just some sweets, you ensure that he feels cherished and appreciated every moment.
❀ I have a headcanon that Kurapika deeply appreciates food and uses it as a way to de-stress. So, naturally, the fact that you are a pro in this area makes him incredibly happy!
❀ The first time he tasted one of your dishes, his eyes literally lit up. He said it was the best thing he had ever eaten, with a sincerity that warmed your heart.
❀ He loves being with you while you prepare your meals. Often, he just watches you with admiration, and sometimes, he stands behind you to give you a hug while observing your cooking, finding comfort in your presence and culinary skills.
❀ From time to time, you secretly slip lunches filled with his favorite foods into his bag, especially when you know his workday will be particularly tough. These thoughtful gestures warm his heart and help him face challenges with more ease.
 —𝐆𝐎𝐍ꫂ ၴႅၴ
❀ He asks a lot of questions, being very curious about what you’re preparing, how you’re going to do it, and why you choose that particular order… In short, he’s always eager to learn.
❀ When you cook, he’s constantly underfoot, eagerly waiting for you to appoint him as your assistant. He loves being involved and feels honored to help you.
❀ Somehow, you’ve managed to pass on your passion for cooking to him. It’s not uncommon for him to try cooking on his own, often in the hope of impressing you. Although he rarely succeeds, his enthusiasm and effort are absolutely endearing.
❀ Cooking has become a shared activity for the two of you. You carefully teach him the basics, while he puts all his concentration and motivation into mastering even the simplest dishes. It’s a moment of sharing and bonding that strengthens your relationship.
❀ You often slip homemade lunches into his bag when he goes off on adventures. He truly appreciates these gestures and finds them incredibly sweet. However, he often gets “robbed” by his friends who clamor for your precious and delicious food, which has gained quite a reputation.
 —𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎ꫂ ၴႅၴ
❀ I can easily see Leorio being an excellent cook. It’s not his main passion, but he certainly doesn’t dislike it. You’ve even had cooking competitions before. The premise is simple: you both cook the same dishes and have your friends decide which one is the best. Naturally, Leorio loses almost every time, which always brings a lot of laughter between you two.
❀ You often try to help him in the kitchen, but out of pride, he always pretends to know everything with a slightly arrogant tone. It’s endearing to see him trying to hide his need to learn.
❀ In reality, Leorio is very creative and innovative, perhaps even more than you. He always has the best ideas and advice to improve your recipes, adding a touch of originality that always surprises.
❀ He loves to brag about your reputation as a chef and constantly encourages you to open your own restaurant. He is your biggest supporter and firmly believes in your talent.
❀ When he wants you to prepare homemade lunches for him, he drops “subtle” hints, leaving little clues here and there. Each time you slip these meals into his bag, you brighten his day. His eyes light up with gratitude, and he feels incredibly lucky to have you by his side.
—English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Izutsumi! and Elves
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Chilchuck my love, you so fucking asked for that one.
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You woke him from his nap!!
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Asfslkfjsk was the fact that Senshi accidentally made this guy in the show? I don't remember it.
I love how this fight showcases how fast Izutsumi is. Girl's got a Dex of like 22.
Fuckin' tragic that this is just a chapter cover and they never actually, so far as I'm aware, dress in sheepskins the way they dressed in frogskins.
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Not to be Edgy(TM) but I'm pretty sure that by this definition, humans, especially magic-users, are also "monsters."
The green-growing, snow-free cavern with the barometz suddenly appearing is I'm pretty sure the most blatant the dungeon has been so far about giving people what they want - except possibly for this usually hot & humid floor being freezing in the first place, just because Laios said he didn't like the heat.
I hope it keeps doing this sort of thing after he becomes king. I know that's not how this works but god I love a sentient land, especially one that tries to accommodate its people. Alas that this one's all a honey trap for flies.
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It's very clear to me that, while Izutsumi may genuinely prefer to avoid strenuous effort, either physical or emotional, most of her argument with Marcille in this chapter is about her testing the boundaries of the group's tolerance for her. Where she was before, they'd tell her, "You'd think you could be a little more grateful to us for taking you in." And this is a philosophy that Tade, Izutsumi's closest friend and the one other subordinate-due-to-species person among them, bought into:
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Izutsumi was skeptical...but that's still what she lived with. Until now, with this new group, where she's getting mixed messages - or, what feels like mixed messages, between what the group does and says and what she thinks they're saying based on her past experience.
Chilchuck calls her a beast, then basically has her act as distracting bait for a dangerous period of time while the rest of the party (is busy being injured or tending to the injured) does nothing to help, and all Chilchuck does to help Izutsumi kill the ice golem is mark its weak point for her. But then he compliments her skills, apologizes for being rude, and gives her her own pack and bedroll, truly welcoming her to the group. And when she remarks sarcastically that nobody cares about a beast being naked, Marcille only redoubles her efforts to help her keep her modesty, while the others bind Laios's eyes because he's the one who's going to Make It Weird - not Izursumi. Laios stays blindfolded throughout the steam bath scene because the party respects Izutsumi as a person.
So then she starts that fight over food, partly because she genuinely doesn't want to eat gross things - and more importantly, doesn't want to risk becoming even more a monster than most people already view her. But also because she wants, perhaps subconsciously, to see what happens when she's "supposed" to be a "team member" now but she disobeys the more senior members of the group.
This chapter threads two needles, builds two distinctions: between "earning your place" and "pulling your fair weight", and between "doing things you don't like for others (on their orders/for their goals)" and "doing things you don't like for you (for your own goals)." I think it...could do better at it? Like, Tade is kinda failing at step 1, because it's not clear to me that she realizes needing to "be useful" in order to stay is inherently fucked up. But she DOES think of that as her personal goal, even if it's actually externally imposed, and she's okay with putting in hard, sometimes unpleasant work in order to achieve it.
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Kabru internally, triumphantly: CAHOOOOOOOOTS!
{fond sigh} the Elves from the West on their white ships with avian figureheads... They may be dicks, but we do love a Tolkien reference.
CANARIES IN THE COAL MINE. I have NO idea if that translation is intended but my god I love it. If it's deliberate, is it a subversion of that concept or is it an indication of what the Elvish government thinks of their crack team of dungeon-delvers?
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BIGGEST, BLUEST EYES OF PERFECT* HONESTY*...followed by the visible pupils of honest evasion. Man, I'm really enjoying the Shuro-Kabru dynamic here, too? Shuro like, "Don't bullshit me. I'm a prince. I'm willing to help, but I know a politician when I see one." They vibe, your honor. They bonded over one of the weirdest and most traumatic meals of both their lives.
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LMAOOOO. This was NOT in the show!
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I love how Namari greets him excitedly and immediately asks for news of Falin, and Shuro says nothing but, really, everything; and Namari changes the subject to something lighter that's still gossip about their friends. I don't really expect it to happen but I'd LOVE to see the whole old Touden party reunite in battle or just around a campfire again, because it's clear they were a very good party of dungeon-competent people who worked and got along well together.
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Srsly though the opening view of this scene is such eloquent dynamic-establishing, vis a vis the elves relationship with the Island Lord and, well, everyone else here. We heard people muttering nervously in the streets, we heard Kabru's brief but heartfelt story of Utaya... And now we get this:
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The words of a man who would definitely for sure not have a single problem, not a one!
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Wait, what shady side business did Shuro have?! I love that Chilchuck is objectively the most reputable person in the party... Except really he fits in with the others: I bet a lot of parties don't want to hire That Bitchy Pushy Halffoot, any more than they want to hire an Easterner with weird vibes or the daughter of an infamous thief. (Or a mysterious elvish mage who won't explain her real reasons for wanting to explore dungeons, but Marcille would've joined the Touden party anyway, for Falin.)
It shows how Laios's trust of others pays off just as often as it doesn't.
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kitty cat
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I like how this sort of comment is obviously genuinely hurting Laios, and Chilchuck does kinda genuinely mean it, but also he's saying it more reflexively than anything. Laios says or does something Particularly Fucking Weird; Chilchuck comments and keeps going along with him. I do look forward to Chilchuck growing accepting of Laios's weirdness rather than just resigned, but it's a good character beat all around.
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cyfics · 1 year
Title: School Bully
Warning(s): NSFW!, Aged up!, femdom, pussy eating, pussy drunk Izuku
Pairing: Izuku x fem reader
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: You bully the class nerd.
Word count: 2K !!
Note: Everyone is aged up! Unedited + not proof read
On aO3 as Cyfics btw
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2nd POV
You were walking the schools halls idly without a care in the world, your skirt was riding up your thighs but you didn’t bother pulling them back down.
“Hey Y/n, was wondering when you’d stop slacking off.” Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully at you “Slacking? Me?” You acted offended by his words “Me and the gang were gonna pick on Deku after this last class, you in?” Katsuki asked.
“On Deku? That short loser you and I harass on a daily basis? Well of course! I wouldn’t be myself if I said no.” You laughed to yourself, Katsuki joining you in your little laugh fest as he escorted you down the hall.
The two of you exited the building to the sports area outside, next to a small building where you each got changed into your sports uniform, a huge oval of grass standing behind you two. The rest of your class followed behind not long after you two got there, some of the scrawny extras were already out of breath. ‘Pathetic.’ You thought to yourself.
‘How in the fuck are they gonna survive sport if they can’t even walk from the lunch to the sports field?’ You truly felt bad for them.
“Alrighty class! Now that you’re all here, I’d appreciate it if you all did a few laps around the oval.” The gym teacher instructed before blowing his whistle. “Don’t tell me what to do! I’ll do what I want!” Katsuki growled at the teacher.
“Yeah! We should all skip out, hey?” Katsuki’s goons were delighted at the thought of doing no work. You rolled your eyes at all of them and got a move on, you didn’t care about skipping out. You were happy to the the laps.
You were running at your own pace, which was noticeably faster and quicker than the other students trying to catch up to you. You smirked to yourself as you noticed this, suddenly looking back and gawking at what you saw!
Deku the loser was right behind you! You furrowed your brows and hurriedly moved along, you were now making a show as to not lose to that scrawny runt. Your legs moved faster than your brain did, rushing around the oval to avoid Deku catching up.
“You’re doing good for a girl!” One of Katsuki’s goons called out to you, making no effort in haltering you. “Don’t let that shitty nerd surpass you!” Katsuki was obviously as pissed as you were, and neither of you wanted Deku to beat you.
“Slow down! You’re gonna run out of breath, this isn’t a race god damn it!” The teacher shouted at you. You felt a tinge of embarrassment wash over you, that was true, you didn’t have to challenge Deku where there was no race..
You slowed down and came to a stop, putting your hands on you hips before approaching Katsuki. “Weak, why’d you stop?” Katsuki commented “I did better than you, look at you! You didn’t even try!” You defended yourself “whatever. Here’s a bottle or whatever.” Katsuki offered you a drink bottle.
You took the drink and sipped some water from it, watching as Deku stopped running and came walking over to the lot of you. Deku was covered with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead from the amount of sweat he was drenched in. You grimaced as you also noticed his shirt clinging to his now damp body.
“Hey Kacchan! Did you see me out there?” Deku asked cheerfully “Tch. I didn’t see shit. Get lost loser!” Katsuki waved him away, Deku didn’t move from this spot though and continued to talk everyone’s ear off.
Deku moved his arm suddenly which accidentally bumped into you and caused you to drench yourself in water, you gasped before quickly growing angry and growling at him. “Shitty loser! Look what you’ve done- you’ll pay for this!” You moved to attack him but was stopped by the teacher.
“Do I need to write you up again, Ms L/n?” The teacher asked you, he could really get on your nerves sometimes. It made you wanna just jump onto him and punch his brain out of his head, but you couldn’t, you had at least some sort of school record you wanted to uphold.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n!” Deku apologised profusely “I don’t care how fucking sorry you are! Fix this right now!” You shouted at the poor boy, Deku huddled up to himself and thought for a moment “C-Come with me! I have a spare shirt you can wear.” Izuku offered you.
You didn’t wanna agree to it but you also didn’t wanna be standing around with wet clothes, so you half assedly agreed and walked off with him. You two ignored the sounds of Katsuki’s goons making fun of you, saying you two were gonna kiss in there.
You entered the changing rooms with Deku, looking around curiously and seeing little to no changes than the girls locker rooms. The only change was that the whole room smelt like boy musk, and it was occasionally littered with clothes sprawled about the floors.
You stood beside Deku as he explored his locker for a spare shirt for you, your eyes wandering to look at his arms. He was a scrawny weak little loser with thin arms, it looked like he had never worked out a day in his life, he had no muscles whatsoever.
“You’re so pathetic looking Deku, you’ve got no arm strength whatsoever.” You commented “h-hah??” Deku was taken off guard, defensively covering his face with his arms. “I’m not hitting you idiot, I’m just saying the truth. You’re a sad little loser and you look like one too, maybe try putting some muscle on those bones.” You insulted him.
Your mouth was bitter with the words slipping off your tongue “H-Hey! I’m trying my best!” Deku frowned “Not doing well enough obviously. Maybe you should try not lying to yourself first!” You laughed to yourself at what you had said.
“Maybe you should- keep nasty things like that to yourself!” Deku’s voice grew shakey and you could tell that his eyes were starting to water too, you would’ve felt bad if you didn’t understand the meaning of your position. You had to be the big bad guy so that little dumb weaklings like Deku could be taught a lesson.
“Maybe you should work out, ever think about that?” You giggled “I-I do!” Deku exclaimed “Not well enough. Have you been eating properly to be able to bulk up?” You asked “e-eating properly..? Like what? I’ve just been eating the stuff my mom makes for me!” Deku explained.
“Are you fucking serious? You get your mom to cook for you? Why don’t you do it yourself, that’s pathetic.” You scoffed at him “I-I’m just always so busy so-“ you cut him off “stop trying to defend yourself. You know that you’re a loser.” You smiled coyly.
“Anywho! If you’re trying to stop being such a small fry maybe you should start eating more protein.” You commented “protein?” Deku was confused. Were you really helping him out? “Hey, I’ve got something with lots of protein you can eat.” You offered him.
“Really? What?” Deku tilted his head in confusion “If you want it you’re gonna have to kneel on the floor.” You smirked at the boy, knowing he’d do just about anything anyone asked him to anyways.
“Why do I have to do that?! That’s so embarrassing- what If someone caught me like that?” Deku whined “They wouldn’t. Theres a whole forty or whatever minutes left and no one’s stupid enough to skip in here.” You explained.
“Except for us..?” Deku pointed out. You sighed “except for us.”
Deku confusedly lowered the the locker room floors, looking up at you and waiting “why do I have to be down here for it?” Deku pouted. “Make it easier for you.” You stood closer to him, basically hovering directly over his face.
You watched Deku’s expression go from pure confusion to pure embarrassment as you lifted your skirt up your legs, Deku’s face grew red and he attempted to back away- back hitting the cold locker doors.
“W-What’re you doing??” Deku was all red and flustered “if you don’t want it just say so. I’m not forcing you to do anything. But if you want protein, pussy juice has a lot.” You explained to him “I- Ah-“ Deku was stammering all over the place.
Deku slowly started to nod his head, shutting his mouth to stop the many times he was stammering. “Good, now get over here and get to work you fucking loser.” You pulled your skirt up again and revealed your lace panties to the nerdy boy.
Deku moved in closer to you, shyly and gently kissing your thighs as you stood above him. “W-What’re you doing idiot?” You asked him with a slight confusion in your voice “I’ve never done this before..” he admitted.
“What’s hard to get? Mouth on pussy. Get to work.” You crossed your arms and watched the flustered boy struggle. He brought one of his thin arms up, his fingers moving your lace underwear to the side. The sight of your pretty pussy almost sending Deku into cardiac arrest.
Deku leaned in, feeling the heat coming from your core. Deku shyly kissed your clit, his tongue slipping past his lips to flick at it. Your left hand immediately flew down to tug on his hair, the other hand being used to bite down on to muffle any noises coming out of you.
Deku took this as a sign he wasn’t doing the worst, growing slightly more confident when he licked at your clit again, swirling his tongue around it. This action continued before his tongue slowly licked lower, Deku growing curious at what his tongue has found.
Deku used his hands to spread your pussy open a little, his tongue slipping into your tight hole. You couldn’t help letting out a soft groan, your hips rocking up against his face. Deku’s tongue slid in and out of you, one of his hands grasping onto your thigh while the other one was brought up to play with your clit.
The added pleasure made it hard for you not to make any sound and Deku knew this, he surely did, that fucking loser bastard was doing this to you on purpose.
Deku’s bright green eyes flickered up to look at you from the position he was in, innocent eyes staring into yours as he was licking at your hot wet cunt. You let out a muffled moan, your hand grasping harshly onto his hair as your hips bucked up against his mouth.
You came undone, legs shaking as your cum leaked out of your pussy into Deku’s mouth. Deku groaned to himself as he had the taste of your cum on his lips, his freckled face pulling away to finally get some air. “You.. taste.. so good..” Deku was breathless “Gross. Don’t say that.” You spat at him.
Deku stayed seated on the floor, you looked down at his pitiful state and then realised he had a huge tent in his trousers. It looked like his dick must be pretty huge, a slightly blush rushing to your cheeks.
“What are you waiting for? Get off the floor loser!” You berated him, Deku sighed before hopping up. His facial expression looked very different to the one you’re used to, he looked almost drunk. Like he was pussy drunk or something.
“I’m not done- let this pathetic loser fuck you please..” Deku whined “Gross. You’re probably a virgin, besides you’re just Deku- I’d never let someone like you fuck me.” You took his shirt and left the change rooms, slipping his shirt over your head as you left him alone in there.
Deku cursed under his breath to himself, he had never ever considered liking you and would even go as far as to say that he had hated you a little even - but with what happened.. He had fell head over heels with you, or at least your pussy.
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strwbmei · 11 months
I'm sending this anonymously but i am one of your mutuals (guess who >:3) and I wanted to request a Vertin X shy!S/O fluff cause i'm completely in love with her (hint: i like a certain pink haired girl and i love Italians)
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pairing(s): vertin x gn!reader
a/n: Hello!! Truth be told, I could tell just from the ">:3" emoji alone haha, it's always such a joy to talk with you (:
I'll get to all of the thirsts in my inbox I swear, I've just been really in the mood to write fluff lately
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Vertin with a Shy!Reader
: ̗̀➛ Vertin isn't really shy, just more of an introvert who has a hard time expressing what she feels. Because of her past experiences and the people she has lost, she never really saw the point in building a relationship with someone whether it be platonic or romantic.
: ̗̀➛ That said— one thing that the Timekeeper has always been is curious. Your naturally shy and closed-off character piqued her interest even more so than the others, and she wanted to know everything about you.
: ̗̀➛ It's in her nature to be inquisitive and prying about everything; you, in particular, are no exception. Although it's true that her that this has gotten her into trouble more than a few times, she can't really bring herself to care if you're involved.
: ̗̀➛ After a while, her curiosity wasn't only for you and everything about you, but also for herself. Poor girl is usually so rational and calculated, but once she's in your presence all of that is completely gone. She believed herself to be a person who's very self-aware, yet you have her questioning everything as she knows it.
: ̗̀➛ Why does the world, usually so dreadful and miserable, feel so much more colorful when you're around? Why can't she take her eyes off of you? Why is it that whenever there is danger, her first concern is if you're alright? What is this... thumping in her heart that just can't seem to stop whenever you so much as look at her?
: ̗̀➛ It's love. Vertin was well aware of that fact, and it scared her. Scared that you might not feel the same way. Scared that the two of you will go back to being strangers once you find out. Most of all, terrified that you'd be put into danger because of her actions.
: ̗̀➛ You may have been shy, but you're not oblivious. You're aware of how she treats you differently from the others and you can feel how she gazes at you with unbridled love from across the room. You also know that Vertin would never tell you how she truly feels because of her fears.
: ̗̀➛ Sure, confessing your love to her despite all of that might have been a selfish move, but do you regret it? Not at all. You're prepared for the worst— as long as you're facing it with her. The process of the confession, though? The two of you were bumbling idiots who couldn't properly articulate their feelings even though you both have thought of this exact scenario a million times before.
: ̗̀➛ Still, it was worth every second. Vertin might not show it, but she's completely over the moon. Suddenly, the world isn't such a negative place— suddenly, she has hope. It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep her going.
: ̗̀➛ She's very patient with you. She knows that all of this about relationships and feelings is entirely foreign to you, and while that may also be true for her, she makes sure to put in the effort to be extra understanding since she knows of how timid you are and all she wants is for you to be happy and safe.
: ̗̀➛ Of course, she also tries to improve her ability to communicate. You're the only one who she feels like she can be vulnerable with and finally let the walls she's built around herself down. It's the first time she's felt so... secure and loved in someone's presence, and she wants to make sure she's the best version of herself for you.
: ̗̀➛ Until she's done with that though, expect random shows of affection throughout the day. Mostly her just remembering she hasn't kissed you or shown you love in the past 30 minutes and spontaneously deciding she needs to give you a peck on the cheek.
: ̗̀➛ Her sudden touches surprises you sometimes, but it's cute! You're just happy to see Vertin getting more comfortable because both of you were very hesitant to even hold hands at the start of your relationship.
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jack the ripper platonic headcanons with muichiro!fem!reader
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warnings: spoilers from the manga, ooc
This is a collaboration project with @onecantsimply, I really had a lot of fun doing this piece with them. Seriously, check their content guys, it is amazing.
With that being said, enjoy these headcanons! :)
[First Name] [Last Name] was the second Valkyrie in recorded history to have been a human prior to their ascension into Valhalla. ‘Mist Hashira’ was the only thing they could remember who they were, and quite frankly she did not care either way. All she wanted to do was have an easy life and spend her days watching the clouds without being nagged by her sisters, especially Brunhilde. 
Then there was the incident at the council hall, which led to Zeus allowing Ragnarok to decide the fate of humanity: preservation or extinction. Brunhilde was ready to rebel against the gods and prevent Midgard’s destruction alongside the other Valkyries through the method of the Volundr, the wielding of a Divine Treasure. 
 [First Name] did not have a choice in the matter, even when she was assigned to work together with the most despicable serial killer in mankind’s history: Jack The Ripper. 
To create a weapon that will kill the gods, the weapon and its user must synchronize their emotions. That might sound easy, but it’s a lot harder to pull off when someone in the party, well, lacks any emotion whatsoever. When Jack had formally met his partner for the first time, he was a bit stunned to see the Valkyrie’s ‘canvas’. 
It did not exist. More specifically, it was colorless. Cloudy even. [First Name] was practically invisible to his right eye. When she looked at him, her own gaze half-lidded and dull. A blank face to match a blank canvas that should at least be brimming with fear at the mere mention of his name. Alas, his and Brunhilde’s efforts were in vain as the younger Valkyrie remained unfazed. Brunhilde shook her head in exasperation and left in a huff, more than likely to pair up the other champions with their respective Valkyries. 
Over the next few days, he quickly realized that [First Name] did not care what he did so long it never included her. And even if he did try to do something, she could stop him without trying. That was probably why he wasn’t too upset with the young lady’s rudeness towards him. She fascinated him. 
It became his goal to make her feel fear. The Mist Hashira, in contrast, wanted to make sure he did not die in Ragnarok. So, she put him through a ‘special training’ regimen to help increase his stamina, strength, and agility in no particular order. 
But Dear God, she showed no mercy towards a gentleman. Not even a speck of compassion when he was worn out in body and soul, barking at him for being an incredibly weak fighter in the roster as her sword clashed against his knives. She might have the appearance of a young lady, her strength was nothing to scoff at. 
Although there were times when he wanted to simply quit and rest his weary body, Jack knew he could not do that. He was the one who took up on Lady Brunhilde’s offer to fight in this competition. And as much it pained him to say it out loud…he has noticed the changes in his body. He had been a nimble fellow when he was alive, yet his speed between then and now was….well, the difference is unbelievable. Not to mention he was not as tired as he used to be when doing anything particularly strenuous or physical. 
He’s changed quite a bit this past month….including his Volundr. 
It had been a slow process of [First Name] warming up to him, but now he can with certainty that she has actually begun to enjoy nibbling on the sweets and drinking Darjeeling tea when the clock struck three in the afternoon. However, there is still the issue of performing the Divine Treasure ritual. 
He had many emotions, and she still had exhibited nothing else beyond annoyance when he corrected her table manners and the slight wonder of gazing up at the clouds. Truly, what was so interesting about spending hours laying around the tall grass of a floating island and doing nothing? 
When Jack tried it out himself, sitting on a large boulder that was conveniently settled right behind his Volundr, he actually managed to space out a bit. Him, a productive gentleman and an artist! In retrospect, it could even be called a miracle that he has been able to form a bond with [First Name].
It was not an instant connection like some of his fellow fighters, but he knows she has grown more comfortable around him, even while knowing what he had done as an assassin who wanted to see the color of fear in his victims. Pardon him, his targets. 
A  slow, platonic relationship? He’s fine with that, even though you are still a little rude. A gentleman must be patient, after all~.
He eventually dragged her away from the island and back to the Valkyrie compound, only getting a blank stare instead of a glare this time….but he’s not too sure if that’s actually an improvement or not. 
With the clock ticking down to the first round of Ragnarok, he and his Volundr spend the rest of their time trying to link their souls together. They eventually were able to agree on a single emotion that did the trick: betrayal. 
Jack felt betrayed that his mother had never loved him, instead seeing his very existence as a chain to connect herself to a playwright that abandoned her to marry nobility. [First Name] felt betrayed that the pantheons wanted to destroy humanity, even after you had supposedly died to save them from demons. 
That’s all Brunhilde would tell her just to make sure the ritual would be completed. Jerk. 
When the ritual activated, a bright green light surrounded the two of them before a kaleidoscope of fragmented memories entered Jack’s mind. By meticulously piecing them together like a puzzle, a tragic story unfurled before his eyes. [First Name] had lived a hard but happy life in the mountains with her twin brother Yuichiro after their parents died, but it all came crashing down when a demon destroyed everything. 
It was [First Name]’s rage towards demons that kept her moving forward, even when she had been pushed into a corner by Muzan’s commanding officer, the Upper Moon One ranked demon known as Kokushibo. Even when her memories had been buried again in the dark corners of her mind, not because of the shock, but because of Brunhilde’s machinations. 
She wanted another Valkyrie amongst the ranks, a soul who was powerful and yet malleable enough to twist to her own design. After all, what use is the soul of a Hashira if they’ve lost their fighting spirit and desired peace?
Ah…poor thing. To go past her limitations and become a Hashira within two months, to obtain the Demon Slayer Mark and single handedly kill an Upper Moon demon…all of that power, to die at such a young age. And just when she had begun to express herself more, exhibiting a compassionate, teasing persona towards her comrades. The one she’d liked the most was a young man named Tanjiro. 
Jack assumed that he, at least, had survived against Muzan in the final confrontation. 
Including learning the truth behind her memory loss, he was also able to discover what was his Volundr's ability in combat: anything that he can touch with his hands  would become a Divine Weapon. Even a small pebble can be lethal to a god. 
The given name of his Volundr is Muichiro. In the Japanese writing system known as kanji, the name meant ‘nothingness’  but ‘Mu’ could also be written as ‘infinity’. 
Upon the transformation being released, Jack’s opinion of [First Name] changed. Someone he’d believed to be a disrespectful, slightly spoiled brat, to a young lady who struggled on how to cope with her memory loss.
Right up until the fourth bout of Ragnarok, he made sure his Volundr was comfortable and fully relaxed with snacks or blankets for her to curl up under on the couch. 
[First Name] was quite confused with his behavior, but did nothing to stop it. She was, however, taken off guard when her partner confessed that he saw her as a surrogate child. If something went wrong in the match, he wanted her to commence the separation ritual as quickly as possible and get to safety. 
Thankfully the confusion did not cause any mishaps as she transformed into a pair of tailor-made leather gloves, synchronizing their hearts together as a single unit to fight against Heracles, the beloved Grecian God of Fortitude. 
(Jack did have to hold back a snicker when his Valkyrie asked if she could punch Heracles just once, really hard, because the spiel he gave about asking Zeus to spare humanity if his opponent ‘laid down his arms’ is really fucking stupid. If Heracles loved mortals so much, why not just fight with them as a representative of humanity?) 
As to be expected, the battle had been tough. Timing was everything in order for Jack’s plan to be executed perfectly. He defeated a god, and gave humanity an advantage they desperately needed in Ragnarok. 
So why was [First Name] happy that her partner had changed over the course of round four? She’d seen through his memories, the good and the bad, and she didn’t mind it. Now, all of a sudden, his heart seemed to be purer than before….more than willingly to change some parts of himself? It did not make sense. 
Neither was the hate that Jack received from the angered guests in the god’s stands. Heracles knew what he was getting himself into, so why all of the fuss? What part of a combat tournament that can end in total annihilation for either party did these idiots not understand? 
Quickly releasing the Divine Weapon ritual, the sword at her waist quickly unsheathed, creating a veil of mist that disintegrated the shower of stones flung at Jack into a pile of dust on the ground. But one attack did not faze the screaming spectators, who now resorted to using glass and garbage. 
Annoyed, [First Name] maneuvered her grip on the hilt and created a thick veil of fog around the arena. Originally it was supposed to provide some cover until the two of them made it pass the drawbridge to humanity’s side of the coliseum, but hearing the crowd become confused and panicked amidst the chaos was worth it. Served the idiots right. 
Jack also seemed happy that she had helped him…but why? More importantly, what was with the sudden change of heart? She bluntly asked him this question, though the only answer she received was it had been Heracles’ unconditional love that saved him.
 A stupid answer, but whatever. 
Upon arriving at the medical wing, [First Name] kicked the door open just when a group of winged nurses were coming back from their break. Quickly realizing they had a patient, they immediately guided the Valkyrie to an empty unit where they instructed her to lay Jack down and let them start working on him. 
[First Name] nodded, following the command before plopping down in a chair and staring off into space. Ah…she was  tired. Is it time for a nap now? 
Bonus Content:
After hearing that Jack will need to spend a night under observation before being released, [First Name] left the medical wing to go get cleaned up. 
Once she had taken a hot shower and changed into some spare clothes, the Mist Hashira decided to reward her human partner with a box of sweets from a high-end patisserie shop. Purchasing two boxes and some other items, she ventured down the corridor leading towards the medical wing when she was attacked from behind by a god. She hasn’t had an opportunity to draw her sword when her entire body was encased in a floating sphere of water. 
The thought that she may die again in Valhalla triggered a flood of emotions to encompass her body, followed by…memories? Ah….that’s right….this is the second time she’s  lost them. 
How annoying. 
Feeling her face burn, it took only a moment to realize that her Demon Slayer mark appeared again. Half a second to decapitate the god who had the guts to try and kill the Mist Hashira with the same trick Gyokko pulled when she said his art was shit. 
Wiping the god’s blood off with the hem of her shorts, she sheathed her sword and continued her trek towards the medical wing, teal sneakers squeaking across the marbled corridor. 
Blinking, she stopped walking and looked down at herself.  Ah…she was covered in blood and water. Should she go back to her room and change again? No, it should be fine. Water will dry out, and these clothes - a black, long-sleeved hoodie, shorts with teal suspenders, and kneepads - were all that she had right now besides that stifling Valkyrie uniform. 
Besides, Jack was an assassin. Seeing her like this shouldn’t be too much of a shock to him when she tells him that she recovered her memories, right? 
Spoiler alert: The Ripper almost fell out of his bed when she greeted him, his face white with fear and shock even when she handed him a big slice of apple pie on a paper plate. He wouldn’t have reacted in such a manner if he didn’t just wake up moments ago. 
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Bounded by blood and shadow (24)
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azriel x magic!fem!reader
Cassian watches as the young children of the village run around Azriel. It makes him happy to see his brother so celebrated. He knows that all he’s gone through weighs on him heavily every day. Being here, being with you, helps relieve that pressure. All the anger and guilt that comes from his childhood before he came under the care of Rhys’ mother.
“It’s…nice. To see him like this.” Nesta says to him.
Cassian gives her a smile.
They both watch Azriel pick up one of the children and throw him over his shoulder. The shorter ones jumping up trying to reach, the ones on the taller side full on stretching their arms to get the little boy. Azriel laughs at the efforts.
“He deserves it.” Cassian adds.
“He always has.” Morrigan chimes in.
She tracks how the kids are rough housing him, but are being careful about his wings. They must know a lot about him, she thinks. They know about his wings. And they aren’t scared. They see his shadows and they aren’t scared either. One of the little girls is being chased around by a few of them. Morrigan’s face is laden with a smile.
“I was wondering where the three of you went.” 
They all turn around. There’s Amren. She’s standing there in a deep red cloth outfit. It’s hot in Sangri now. It never really reaches cold, even if they are basically an island. Cassian had complained about his leathers making him sweat buckets and ditched them about five minutes into the visit. He was supposed to look formal but he wasn’t about to sweat all over the place.
“We had to see it for ourselves.” Nesta answers.
Amren nods, “Well, we’re about to begin. So if you wouldn’t mind telling the shadow singer to wrap it up.” Cassian catches something in Amren’s tone. A thing he’s never heard from her before. Nerves. She’s nervous to talk to Azriel? That is not a sentence Cassian ever thought he would think. He would never say it out loud either. 
And with that Amren is walking away. Back to the palace. Morrigan and Nesta both cut and run, leaving Cassian to tell his brother. He scoffs at their childishness but he bucks up always. He walks slowly, and tries to come off as non-threatening as he can to the children. Azriel sees him coming and puts the little boy down on his feet.
“It’s good to see you brother.” Azriel says.
Then Azriel brings him into a hug. Cassian has almost always been the one to initiate hugs between them. It’s not like Azriel has never done it, it’s just a rare occurrence that usually only happens when one of them almost dies. Cassian smiles and squeezes his brother tighter. With a few claps on the back the two pull away from each other.
“We’re being requested to come inside.” Cassian says.
Azriel sighs, then he looks at the children, “I have to leave now.” There is a loud chorus of boos and awes from them. They all swarm Azriel to give him a hug. Cassian watches in amazement, it’s a sight he truly can’t believe. And then all the children disperse amongst themselves, some back to their houses and others down the road towards the common areas. 
“This suits you brother.” Cassian confesses. Azriel smiles at that.
You dismiss the palace assistants from the office. Really you hired them because it was too much work for yourself, but you also really needed more people with you inside the palace to get rid of the bad memories. When it was you just you, Amren, Azriel and the cooks it was still a bit to quiet for your liking. That’s why you went out of your way to look for any village people who needed a job.
But tonight didn’t really need to go off without a hitch. It was more so an informal homecoming.
The blood benders who left for the night court are back home for a couple of days. To visit family, to take a break from training, and to do whatever they please. And Rhys wanted to visit with the inner circle for diplomatic reasons, so he said. You think he has something else up his sleeve but you don’t want to push it. To show his face to your people and show support. 
You weren’t too fond of having Elaine here, but you’d have to put up with it. At least for a few hours. Then she could go on her way and you yours. 
A knock on the door tells you all you need to know. You told Amren to gather them and send them your way. 
“Come in.” You speak.
The door opens and they come waltzing in. Rhysand and Feyre arm in arm, Then Morrigan, Nesta and Cassian, then Elaine. Last to walk through the door is Azriel. You don’t miss the smile he sends your way as he does. And you can’t help the smile you send him back. He shuts the door and walks over to your side.
It’s in this moment you realize that they don’t know you’re married. Azriel hasn’t told them. And It’s pretty much known in the village so it’s not like it would suddenly be a topic of conversation. You highly doubt if they knew they wouldn’t come barging into this room and asking you about it. Here they are, sweet smiles and waiting for you to talk.
“I’m glad all of you made it here. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit.” You greet them.
“I already am. That ale is really good.” Morrigan answers you.
You smile, “It’s becoming great for out economy. We export to Summer and Day now.” 
“Well, I’ll be having some later.” Cassian adds.
“Seeing as this is a homecoming for the blood benders I sent three trunks of our favorite wines.” Rhysand says.
“That’s thoughtful of you.” You thank him for the gift.
“I hope you didn’t touch any of my wine, boy.” Amren speaks up.
“Don’t worry, we haven’t touched your things since you left.” Feyre answers her.
Amren makes a face at that, but nods nonetheless. 
“And I’m here to propose a new idea to you, empress.” Rhysand speaks again.
“Go on,” you say.
“Since you are graciously lending us your blood benders for the war, I was wondering if you would like some fae.” 
It throws you off. It knocks you off balance completely. You lean back on the desk and cross your arms over your chest. You can tell your eyebrows are furrowing, meeting tightly in the middle, based on the tension there. Fae in sangri? Huh. It’s not like the blood benders were sharpening pitchforks and lighting fires because of Azriel and Amren. But more of them?  Why? “Is there any particular reason why I would want fae?” You ask him.
Rhysand clears his throat and loses the smirk on his mouth. This isn’t going to be good. Whatever the hell is about tumble out of his mouth is going to be the opposite of good, you assume. Feyre’s hand brushes up and down his upper arm. She’s comforting him. What is he about to say?
“Well it would seem that, uh, after relocating to the night court that one of your blood benders has coupled up with a fae.” Rhysand answers.
“So you want to send fae here to encourage interspecies relationships? I never thought you were the type.” You tease.
Rhysand lets out a forceful laugh, “Well I am sorry about that. But I mean, it goes to show that you and Azriel would be welcome to the night court should he ever want to return.” 
The room goes silent. Amren lets out a loud sigh. You look over at Azriel. So that’s what this was really about. You liked having the blood benders return home. You also liked that your diplomatic relationship with Rhysand was becoming more positive. But this right here lets you know that he’s not just thinking of one thing all the time. The fae is used to tactical and political approaches. He wants Azriel back home. What foes it he nigh court without its spy master?
“I’m staying here indefinitely.”  Azriel puts quickly.
“And how are you supposed to work? I’ve given you months but we have to figure this out.” Rhysand replies. 
“I have figured it out. Effective immediately I am no longer the spy master of the night court.” Azriel answers. Your eyes widen and you turn to him. He looks at you, as serious as he gets, and doesn’t break eye contact. He did tell you that he would have to formally make this decision. But you didn’t think it would be today, you didn’t think it would be right now. You thought he might go home, visit with his family, maybe talk out some sort of deal. You were okay with whatever he wanted, it’s just that this seems to sudden. 
“Brother, we can talk about this.” Rhysand says.
You turn back. So does Azriel. You have half a mind to think Elaine would speak up and say that you were taking him away from his family. You look at her. She’s not even looking at you, or anyone really. She’s playing with a bracelet on her arm, gold and with red and orange charms on it. You look back to Rhysand.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I have given every inch of myself in your service, and I don’t need a thank you or a reward for it. But I do not wish to spend my whole life doing that.” Azriel states calmly. Cassian steps forward after that.
“Wait, so are you saying that you’re never coming home?” He asks.
Azriel steps forward to meet his brother face to face. He places his hands on his shoulders. 
“I will still visit the night court. I will still hang out with all of you. But, my place is here.” Azriel says.
“It’s what he wants.” 
At the sound of her voice, everyone including you turns to Elaine. You are surprised to say the least. She looks up from her bracelet at the group. You watch as she carefully looks all of them over, her eyes seemingly teary. You wonder why.
“I thought you of all people would say the opposite.” Amren says.
“Amren.” Morrigan chides.
“She’s right. I was against the two of them for so long,” Elain says and then she looks at you, “I really apologize for that. And for what I said to you that day. I see it now. I understand what it’s like to be called to someone that isn’t part of your world.” 
You nod your head, “Thank you for the apology.” 
Azriel places himself back at your side, a bit closer than last time you notice. 
“We respect your decision, Az.” Feyre says.
No doubt having to speak for all of them because Cassian and Rhysand don’t necessarily agree with it, but will say that they do for the sake of their friendship with Azriel. You slide just the slightest bit closer to Azriel, your arms brushing together. He leans in closer to you too. 
“If you send fae here, you’d have to come and visit them every once in a while.” You say.
“If I send fae here, you would have no use for them.” Rhysand responds.
“I guess that’s why being empress is useful. I could come up with a reason and everyone would go along with it.” You reply.
Rhysand looks at you then, shock on his face for the smallest of moments. You can tell. It disappears as quickly as it came but you saw it. He smiles at you and then bows his head. 
Morrigan claps her hands together, “Well I declare this meeting over, seeing as I have more ale to drink and a very short amount of time.” 
Amren opens the doors and leads the way out of the office. Feyre, Nesta and Morrigan leave first. Elaine right after them with a small look over her shoulder at you. Which leaves you, Azriel, Rhysand and Cassian in the office. 
“I can give you three a moment.” You say, trying to excuse yourself from the two males.
Azriel reaches for your hand with his. He stops you. You turn to face him fully. He looks like he wants to say something but he can’t quite get the words out You knew he wasn’t one to openly talk about his feelings so easily. You don’t want him to regret not telling his brothers how he feels. 
Cassian playfully scoffs, “Can’t keep your hands off of her, can you?”
“My wife—“ Azriel starts.
“Your what?!” Cassian’s booming voice sounds.
“I knew it.” Rhysand smirks.
“You didn’t know shit.” Azriel scolds teasingly.
“Oh, but I did. The blood benders that came to the night court spoke about it on the first night.” Rhysand answers.
You wince, completely forgetting that they could say something. It’s not like you swore them to secrecy.
“So why weren’t we invited to the ceremony? I mean, kind of mean if you ask me. I could have been best man or whatever the humans call it.” Cassian jokes.
You look at Azriel, “Maybe we should just tell them.” “No, no. I like the confusion.” He answers you.
“What’s she talking about?” Rhysand asks.
You nudge Azriel with your elbow, and he groans. You turn to the two other males in the room. 
“When he drank my blood, in front of all of you. That was it. That’s when, technically, we got married.” You answer.
Cassian and Rhysand stand there in shock, confusion and a secret third thing you can’t put your finger on. You watch as they look between you and Azriel, their eyes darting back and forth. The room is silent for a few moments. 
“As soon as we tell Mor, she’ll want to plan a whole wedding for you.” Rhysand states.
“And Feyre would no doubt love to host. Any picks for best man?”
Azriel laughs, “You two are incorrigible.”
Then the two of them look at you. 
Rhysand extends his hand out to you, “Welcome to the family.”
You take his hand and shake it, “Thank you.” When the two of you let go, Cassian cuts in between you and engulfs you in a hug. It catches you by surprise but you return the gesture. He lifts you a bit off the ground which makes you laugh. “Finally, someone else in the family who can kick his ass.” Cassian says.
“Untrue.” Azriel.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hi! What pet names do you think Valeria, Kate and Farah liked to be called? do they have a favorite pet name to be called? thank you!! take care!!🎀🩷
Hey there! I think these are their preferences :>
Pet Names Valeria, Farah and Laswell Like
Valeria: I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: Call her “jefa” and she’ll love you forever. Yes, she’s the boss among the both of you, that much is obvious to just about anyone who has ever met the both of you. However, the implication that the both of you are family is nice. She’s never really thought about it, she doesn’t think about marriage and all that it encompasses all that often, but she loves you dearly and wouldn’t mind being family with you. Other than that, you can try to use Spanish nicknames with her. She won’t always react to them, but her heart would sometimes feel warm upon hearing you use her native language. Especially if you’re putting some effort into actively learning it.
Farah: She’s very open to any kinds of nicknames you could give her. You could call her a little cutie or your personal little limpet, she doesn’t mind either. However, if you really want her to melt, then you should call her something sappy and sweet in Arabic. Her personal favorite would be “ya gamar”, though. There’s just something so romantic and beautiful about being called someone’s “moon”. Every time you call her that, she’ll smile at you, maybe even put her head on your shoulder. Hell, if she’s feeling especially playful and you’re alone, she might just wrap her arms around you and nuzzle into you. She gets a bit playful as well and will retaliate with some Arabic of her own, especially if you don’t speak the language. But she truly appreciates you trying for her. If you speak Arabic then she won’t ever stop being sappy with you in that language anyway.
Laswell: She doesn’t particularly care too much for pet names, especially not when being on the receiving end. Sure, she’ll call you her “sweetheart” from time to time, but she doesn’t do it as often as, say, Farah. So you can call her just about anything that is nice and she’ll smile at you. I don’t think she has a favorite pet name to be called either, she just takes whatever it is you dish out. If you call her something sweet then there’s a chance she’ll call you something sweet back in retaliation. But she won’t always do it, sometimes she’ll just hold your hand for a bit instead before letting go again and resuming what she was doing at that moment. Pet names aren’t the most important thing to her, she has other ways of showing her affection.
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
Deceiving the Duke | 4 | Todoroki Shouto
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Female Reader
length: 3.1k of 30k words | 4th of 9 chapters
summary: When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
tags/warnings: romance, regency au, class differences, hidden identity/identity porn, aged up characters, eventual smut
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A few weeks on, you received a reply from Camie.
It was a great luck that the Utsushimis employed so few staff, which meant that you were the servant in charge of collecting the post. You imagined Mrs. Utsushimi would have seized on the letter as soon as she caught sight of it.
It was addressed in Camie’s horribly girlish hand, and it opened in the most typical of Camie phrasings.
Y/N, my sweet foolish friend–
Your plot is hilarious but doomed and you should end it sooner rather than later. Mumsy should have never asked you for this, it’s sure to ruin you and ruin her, even if Caroline makes a match.
I would have always taken care of her, and Inasa has promised the same. Of course you will come live with us on Inasa’s estate, too.
You’ll find a way to put a stop to things, won’t you?
She’d signed her name below with an aggressively elaborate flourish, so you knew how upsetting she truly found the news.
Guilt settled in your stomach like a leaden weight.
You shouldn’t have undertaken this plot, obviously. You’d said as much in your original missive to Camie. But now that the scheme was already well underway, you thought it had to be seen through. Otherwise, what had all this been for? The Utsushimi family would be embroiled in scandal with absolutely nothing to show for it. And you doubted Mrs. Utsushimi would be so generous with your promised wages, were you to renege on your commitments now.
Carefully folding Camie’s letter and stowing it under your mattress, you decided you’d just have to redouble your efforts. Perhaps you would start accepting dances with gentlemen just to talk Caroline up, and mention her kindly to Miss Uraraka and Lady Asui.
You wished you’d taken the chance to mention her to Lord Shouto, before you’d caused the scene at Lady Cathleen’s party. If he wasn’t actually courting Princess Yaoyorozu, that was, as rumor seemed to suggest.
With a new plan in mind, you started your morning chores, mending the hem of one of Mrs. Utsushimi’s gowns where she’d torn it, starching the linens, picking seams on the latest of Camie’s dresses you planned to wear. You helped the family with breakfast and saw them off to the milliner’s, after which you changed their bedding and washed the old sheets. You were just settling down to get more work done on one of Camie’s gowns when a knock came at the door.
When you pulled it open, you found Lord Shouto on the other side, peering into the dim of the hallway. His mouth parted in surprise to see you, those mismatched eyes going rounder at the corners. You immediately panicked, slamming the door shut on him.
Fuck! You’d been dressed in your maid attire, not expecting the family to receive a caller! Your only grace was that the hall was very dim this time of the morning–you hoped he hadn’t been able to make out your dress in the dark.
“Um!” you called through the door, your voice strangled. “Forgive me, my lord, I am not yet properly attired! I will be right back!”
You dashed up the stairs, grabbing the latest of Camie’s gowns, quickly unlacing your apron and shedding your clothes, then stuffing yourself into the dress. Your fingers scrabbled over all the ties and buttons, shaky with nerves. You were back down the stairs in under two minutes, panting, hoping Lord Shouto wasn’t working himself into a state at being so rudely received.
When you pulled the door open again, however, he was wearing a curious expression. Those eyes picked over you, seeming to note every detail, and you self-consciously tugged at the skirts of your dress. You did not even want to think of the state of your hair.
There was a bouquet of flowers in his hand, sweet purple lilacs decorated with bursts of white clover. You squinted at the flowers, remembering Caroline had told you each had a special meaning, if you knew how to interpret them.
They looked too pretty to be declarations of your idiocy, however, so you guessed they might not be for you.
“I—you must be here to see, um, Caroline?” you asked. “I’m afraid she’s out at the moment–she should be back in a few hours, however–if you want to leave your card…”
Lord Shouto shook his head, stepping forward. “I am here for you.”
Your heart tripped over itself with his proximity, and you backed up a step, leaning back to look into his face. “I–-you are?” you asked stupidly.
The tiniest hint of a smile twitched at the edge of his mouth. “I came to see that you were well, after Lady Cathleen’s.”
Your stomach churned guiltily. That was really too kind, especially considering that you’d done nothing but fling snacks at him, ramble nonsense at him, and then pretended to faint on him. To say nothing of the fact that you were pretending to be an entirely different person than the one you’d introduced yourself as. And here he was, in your doorway still, looking at you carefully, as though he meant to catch you were you to faint again.
Now that he was here, it would not be so easy to refuse him. You backed out of the doorway, gesturing him inside. “Please come in. I can serve tea in the sitting room.”
Lord Shouto inclined his head and followed you inside. You lead him to the parlor, glad you’d neatened it, wondering at your own nerve–a servant, entertaining a duke, in a sitting room that was not her own.
“The maid is, um, indisposed today,” you told him. “I’ll make the tea myself, please make yourself comfortable.”
You left him to his own devices, darting to the kitchen. You’d hoped to run into the cook but she was also apparently out, probably at market, so you threw the kettle on and spent several long minutes rummaging around for the nice tea–-the kind Mrs. Utsushimi only served when she wanted to impress. You figured a duke would definitely meet her criteria for people worth impressing.
When you returned, Lord Shouto had left his flowers laying over the settee. He was at the mantle over the fireplace, glancing through the Utsushimis’ portraits and displayed needlework. That curious look was back on his face when he turned back to you, and his eyes seemed to rove over every inch of your face.
He looked strange, in fact, as though he’d just been confronted with a startling discovery. You flushed under his scrutiny, hoping you hadn’t missed a stain on your dress or some large rip in the fabric.
You hurried to the corner and set the tea tray down on the sideboard. Your skin prickled tellingly as he drew near, and you quickly poured him a cup and ordered him into a chair to get him away from you. You did not understand why his presence made you feel so strange.
You dared to pour yourself a cup of tea, too, and perched on a chair opposite him, luxuriating in how good the tea was compared to your usual fare.
“I, um, appreciate you calling,” you said to him, watching him settle into his chair, and trying not to pay too much attention to the way his thighs filled out his breeches, or the way his shoulders seemed to take up the entire width of the chair back.
Lord Shouto sipped at his tea, humming low in his throat. “Have you recovered, Miss Utsushimi?”
You nodded quickly. “Yes. It was just, um, a passing thing. I am completely fine.”
He looked satisfied, smiling softly into his tea cup. “I am happy to hear it.”
You noticed his lashes left long shadows over the tops of his cheekbones as he drank, and you pinched your leg through your skirts when you realized how deeply undue that observation was.
You quickly cast about for something to take your mind off of the way Lord Shouto looked sitting across from you.
“The flowers are pretty,” you said, glancing over at them. The purple of the lilacs looked especially deep against the lighter fabric of the settee–you wondered what purple lilac was supposed to mean, and which of the Utsushimis they were for.
Lord Shouto had said he was calling on you, but he’d not said the same of the flowers. It would be the height of conceit to think that they were also for you, especially given how completely unhinged you’d been with him to date. A man did not bring flowers to a woman who pelted him with snack cakes.
“Are they–-Caroline’s?” you guessed.
Another threat of a smile pressed at Lord Shouto’s mouth. “You speak as though you’ve never received flowers before.”
That arrested you. What did he mean, you? They were for you? You couldn’t help the way your mouth dropped open.
“I–me?” you asked, dumbfounded. “I’ve never—are you certain?”
Lord Shouto’s eyebrows went up, and there was a note of something amused in his deep tone. “I should hope so.”
You left your cup on the table beside you, unable to help the way you were drawn to the flowers. Your first bouquet! And probably your only, considering your prospects and the expense. But they were so lovely, and they smelled so bright and green and fresh.
A weird giddiness came over you, and you tried to squash the feeling down.
“I–Thank you, Lord Shouto,” you said, unable to help the embarrassingly touched note in your voice. “They are beautiful.”
Lord Shouto looked a little bit smug, you thought, as you fingered some of the petals, feeling their silky smoothness on the pads of your fingers. You’d have to put them in water. And maybe hide them in your room, if you got the chance. You doubted Mrs. Utsushimi would be pleased to discover Lord Shouto had brought you flowers, considering you were supposed to be keeping a low profile.
Which you were apparently utterly failing at.
You turned back to Lord Shouto, placing your flowers on the seat next to you, unwilling to be parted from them. It was probably strange, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care quite enough to try to be normal about it all.
“They don’t mean something like learn Greek, do they?” you asked him suspiciously.
Lord Shouto laughed, out loud this time, low and easy, and the sound went straight to your head.
“They do not,” he said, but he did not elaborate on whether they did mean something. You made a note to try and look them up later.
You had the sudden, wild thought that a man bringing a woman flowers meant something more than you were currently accounting for. And it also dawned on you that you were a man and woman alone–-an impropriety by any of good society’s standards, regardless of the fact that your first meeting had been much like this as well.
“Caroline and Mrs. Utsushimi should be back soon,” you blurted out, as if to reassure him that you had no inappropriate designs on him.
Lord Shouto looked unbothered, watching you with those mismatched eyes over the rim of his tea cup. “It does not matter to me. I am not here to see either.”
There was something teasing in his tone that warmed you all the way to your toes, and you had to school your face so as not to betray how much that pleased you.
You tried to remind yourself that he meant nothing by it, and that this could be nothing, in the end. And now was as good a time as any to try and talk Caroline up, now that you had Lord Shouto in your clutches.
“Caroline is good company, it is a loss,” you said. “Have you met her?”
“In passing,” Lord Shouto said. “She’s never flung anything, so I’m afraid she did not make a significant impression on me.”
You laughed. “But a better one, I hope.”
Lord Shouto did not say so.
“You’ll remember how pretty she is, though,” you said insistently. “And she does read Ancient Greek, I think. She’s accomplished on the piano forte.”
“So her hobbies are not so secret as yours?” Lord Shouto asked.
You smiled. “She is rather more accomplished. I must hide my own in order to save myself the embarrassment.”
Lord Shouto leaned forward in interest. “You’ll tell me at least one? You are aware I am a trustworthy secret keeper.”
He looked so earnest, and his tone was so genuine, you couldn’t do anything but give him what he wanted. Much may it please him to learn.
“My chief hobby is reading–though obviously not in any ancient languages. I’m…quite fond of novels, actually.” You were mostly fond of them because Camie was fond of them, and they were the principal artifact she had been able to smuggle you. But you quite liked all the tales of adventure, cunning, and head-spinning romance. The only type of adventure you’d seen thus far was this hare-brained scheme of yours–and it would not end nearly so well as the stories in your novels did.
“I too, enjoy reading,” Lord Shouto obliged you. “Though not usually novels.”
You smiled. “I’ll recommend you some, though I can’t tell if you’d enjoy them. They’re a lot of nonsense.”
“I believe I told you,” Lord Shouto said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on those thighs. “I like nonsense.”
For some reason, your heart did a weird fluttering motion in your chest. Your cheeks heated, and you grasped your tea cup tighter, as if holding on for safety.
“Well, then,” you said. “I’m certain I can oblige you. I’ll send you a list, perhaps.”
Lord Shouto looked pleased, blinking long and slow like a cat in a sunbeam. “I’d quite like that.”
You took another sip of your tea to hide some of your face, trying to reign yourself in. You had not meant for this conversation to turn towards you–Caroline was the objective here. You wracked your brain for another segue back to her.
“I’ll ask Caroline to send along recommendations as well–though they won’t be novels,” you said. “Perhaps something in Greek may tempt you.”
Lord Shouto regarded you curiously. “Your recommendations do not stand on their own?”
You frowned at him defensively. “My recommendations are the finest,” you sniffed.
A tiny smile lifted the corner of his lips, like he’d caught you. “Then I need only accept yours.”
“But really–Caroline–” you started, but Lord Shouto cut you off.
“Miss…Utsushimi,” he said, pausing strangely over the name. “It is not Caroline’s opinions I seek. My attentions are yours, and yours alone.”
You froze, a spear of ice plunging into your heart. His attentions were yours? What could he mean–which attentions, exactly? That sounded quite terribly like an admission of interest–-romantic interest–-except that would be insanity itself.
He was so very noble, and so very handsome, and you were beginning to learn that he was so very kind. You were the most horrible match imaginable for him.
You’d have to make sure he understood it.
“Lord Shouto, you understand I do not mean to marry,” you said, testing the waters.
“You’ve intimated as much,” he replied, his tone low. “Though your reasons…remain a mystery.”
For some reason, his eyes cut back to the mantle, lingering strangely over the Utsushimi family’s portraits.
“I would be a poor choice,” you said. “You understand my shortcomings already.”
Lord Shouto’s features arranged themselves into a mask of polite incredulity. “You think all a man wants in a wife is her knowledge of ancient languages?”
A laugh burst out of you. “In part.”
A tiny smile threatened the corner of Lord Shouto’s mouth again. “I assure you there are other qualities one might desire.”
Yes, like needlework and piano forte and singing and such. Your talents lay elsewhere–and plenty undiscovered.
“I also understand that your hand is all but promised to Princess Momo,” you told him. You hoped he understood what you were implying–whatever attentions he had been referencing, he needn’t lavish them on you.
“Do you?” Lord Shouto said softly.
You nodded earnestly. Lord Shouto looked thoughtful but did not elaborate.
You wondered what he was really doing here, in the Utsushimis’ sitting room. If he meant for you to be a distraction, a shield against the other debutantes while he waited on the princess. Or if he was perhaps open to marriage.
You decided it could not hurt to continue to peddle your Caroline agenda. Whatever Lord Shouto’s reasons, you were not a suitable prospect for him. But if he was open to marriage, Caroline would be a good match.
“Still, I’d like you to meet Caroline,” you said. “I’ll introduce you at the Satos’ dinner next week.”
“If you like,” Lord Shouto said vaguely, but you could tell he had no interest in her. His eyes drifted back to the mantle, roving over the miles of needlework and colorful oils of the portraits.
You sighed, sensing the enormity of the task before you.
After that, Lord Shouto steered the conversation back into calmer waters, trying to ferret out more about you. You managed to turn a great deal of it back on him, learning more about his family. You were surprised to learn he was the baby of his family, as he’d inherited his father’s title.
He told you about his eldest brother, Touya, who’d disowned the family to join some antimonarchist group in the south, and his other brother Natsuo, who’d rejected the title to become a man of the cloth instead. He talked fondly of his mother and his older sister, Fuyumi, who he seemed to visit often.
You liked the way he spoke about the people in his life, with patience and intention—even Touya, who it was clear had bad blood with the rest of the family. You could have listened to him for hours, luxuriating in his low, soft tone, the occasional conspiratorial twitch of his mouth.
He really was unlike anything you’d expected from a duke.
Eventually the tea ran cold, and the real world called back to you both. You saw Lord Shouto to the door with both regrets and a resolution forming in the back of your mind.
Whatever his interest in you, you would redirect it to Caroline, and kill two birds with one stone–Caroline could make her match, and Lord Shouto would be made to see what a pretty, qualified wife could be like. You carefully ignored the large part of you that recoiled at the thought.
It did not matter what you wanted, and you wouldn’t let yourself think on it. Lord Shouto was good, and he should make a suitable match.
You would arrange it so Lord Shouto and Caroline got a happy ending, just like in your novels.
You would make absolutely sure of it.
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bomikalover · 5 months
Did my yearly rewatch of Austin and Ally (all 4 seasons) and now I’m hyper fixated on it. So I decided to yap my head off on here so if you don’t care for anything A&A specific then just scroll and enjoy my other posts or edits of the stuff you do like 🫶🏾
Anywaysss, why I’m here.
There i said it.
The only one I give slack is Ally’s mom as she mostly lives in Africa for work (I think?? I kinda black out the parents storyline since I’m here for any else but the parents) plus she wrote a book and when she was in Miami with Ally she spent all her time WITH HER DAUGHTER. She gave advice, presents, and even gave her an opportunity to sing at her event which was the event she overcame her greatest fear. She was polite and sweet to all the kids, put effort to talking to them, and getting to known them. We’ve seen her for maybe 2-3 episodes TOPS in the whole show but I never disliked her. Do I think she could have had a talk with her ex-husband and made him work at his own business?? Yes but they spilt for a reason and maybe she was just already mentally clocked out of anything dealing with him…cuz I know I am.
Her dad on the other hand I majorly dislike. He opened a business just to leave in the hands of his only daughter between ages 14-18 while she was already occupied with school and then her career as an artist. Plus she had friends and a young life that she wanted to live. Fortunately Ally was lucky her 3 friends stuck around all day in Sonic Boom helping out and hanging there instead of completely leaving Ally out since she was constantly busy with work.
He was also extremely cheap. Like being cheap with urself is fine but with ur daughter is a whole nother thing. Like when he gave her emergency funds for when she went to go on tour with Austin and she actually needed it as she was stranded in an unknown state. Just to find out that her dad only gave her $6 and an expired coupon. She once again was on her own and performed for her own well-being.
And he was also unsupportive of Ally sometimes. Like in the first episode when he said that she had one in a billion chance of making it into the music industry. (Austin’s dad said that as well, but we’ll get to him later) WHAT?! Is it so hard to be supportive of ur daughter. (He does support her in future episodes but for me it’s says a lot that the first impression we get of her father is that he’s unsupportive and only wants her to run the family store)
Speaking of no support and forcing their child to follow their footsteps…Mike and Mimi Moon.
They also came out the bat being unsupportive but seemed to care enough to not force Austin to work at the Mattress Kingdom. But they heavily offered the job every time something went slightly off course with Austin’s Career. (Him getting vocal nodes or when he chose loving Ally over his career that he’s been passionately working on for years)
Both of A&A’s parents were just letting their kids travel by themselves or go on tour by themselves. (It’s EXTREMELY common for parents to be MIA in kids tv but these rubbed me the wrong way) like we rarely saw Mr.Dawson at Ally’s performances Vice versa with Austin and his parents. It took Austin having to go the doctors or Ally moving away super far to accomplish her goals to get their attention.
I’m not surprised Auslly has such a strong unbreakable bond when they’re two only children with neglectful parents who are unsupportive of their dreams. They have no one to relate to and share the passion with beside each other. They both have best friends that have been in their lives YEARS before each other yet Auslly talk of each other as if that’s all they have is each other. (Side note: the way Auslly write their songs make me question how much stuff they truly went through together. Like “You can come to me” lyrics are so sweet and intimate but also so deep but it’s extremely evident that they are singing these lyrics to each other and only each other. Like they surpassed hurdles that Dez and Trish weren’t there to surpass with them. I wonder how much of Auslly we haven’t seen and will never see.)
Dez and Trish aren’t only children like Austin & Ally. Dez has a (older?) sister and Trish has a little brother. Both their families seemed extremely happy, loving, and outwardly supportive of them…I can’t say the same for Austin and Ally.
I could go on and on about this topic alone but I’ll spare your eyes from all the reading and stop yapping. But I’ll gladly talk about all my other thoughts about certain A&A things. Like the Auslly dynamic in a whole, why Austin’s passion for music is so strong, or even why Trish can’t keep a job.
But that’s a yapper-sation for another time.
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