#god i love Imperia
amorfati-rp · 1 year
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CW: Death, Violence, Familicide
Imperia views Femininity as pure unadulterated strength and wits. Through her femininity is how she is getting and has gotten not only power but joy. After all, she only loved her mother. Her father and younger brother (Gray and Shaxor from Utahime Five) she despised and actively aided the Intoners in murdering them. And she did it with utter joy. In a way Imperia hates masculinity, mostly the traditional toxic masculinity that Gray was.
After her mother's death and when Gray was forced to y'know...actually raise his teenaged daughter he straight up didn't. Even though Imperia was a perfect girl practically. Beautiful, intelligent, even combat capable to a degree. Yet he overlooked her and gave territory to an ACTUAL CHILD instead of her. Which led Imperia to straight up help the Intoners. But here's the thing. Imperia only likes One.
She HATES the other Intoners with a passion. Viewing them as actual fucking children and idiots who doesn't deserve the power they have. Even though, in Midgard at the time they are the pinnacle of "feminine beauty" they are literally goddesses. But they are really only beautiful. Five is frivolous, Four is hypocritical, Three is Selfish, and Two is just incompetent. Only One earns Imperia's respect which got them into this deal, that One would aid Imperia as her successor. Cause Imperia genuinely cares.
Imperia genuinely cares and wants the best for Midgard. Wants to improve on the land after the Intoners are gone. And in such she views Femininity as a leader. A powerful protector with strength and wits that through those things can lead to glory and more importantly, prosperity. Just like how she viewed her mother.
Imperia echoes her mother and wants nothing more than to do all she can to better Midgard through her mother's teachings and that includes whatever sacrifice she will have to make along the way. But in her eyes it is worth it.
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mangosimoothie · 3 months
4, 5, 15, and 24 for Atticus and Ryan ❤❤❤
thank youuu <333
4. What feature(s) do they find most attractive about their partner? (I'm interpreting this as physical trait)
Atticus loves Ryan's tattoos and piercings. It's sexy to him that Ryan made his entire body into a work of art, and that he had to endure pain to do it. And not physical but he's kinda very into Ryan's temper. It's a thing for him. He's definitely guilty of teasing Ryan just to rile him up a little. Can you blame him?? Ryan's hot when he's angry. And last thing I'll mention -- the way Ryan smells. Maybe it's because of how their relationship started (Ryan was Atticus's bloodbag) but Atticus has always thought Ryan smells very good. Even other vampires notice Ryan still has a mortal-y scent about him. Atticus loves it.
This one also probably stems from the beginning of their relationship, but Ryan's always had a thing about Atticus's mouth. It's NOT how it sounds. He likes the cupid's bow. The faaangs dear god the top AND bottom fangs (not the ideal standard of beauty for vampires to have both, about equivalent to having a gap tooth). How when Atticus is focused and his lips are slightly parted you can see the pointed tips of his canines. Hot. See also: Atticus's collarbones, the small of his back, his hands (BIG hands, long, slender fingers), and, he's only seen it once but, his dark form.
5. What traits / personality aspects do they like most about their partner?
Atticus admires how hard-working Ryan is. Atticus has never had much of a work ethic, he never had to, so to see the pride Ryan takes in his work and the satisfaction he gets from it -- Atticus just finds it really impressive and admirable. See also: His stubbornness (loves AND hates this about Ryan but has to admit it's impressive how set Ryan is when he's made his mind up about something), his assertiveness (kinda goes hand in hand with the temper thing), his demonically high sex drive lmao
Since they met, Ryan has always admired how true to himself Atticus is, to his very core. His unwavering, full-force confidence and knowledge of self. To be fair, Atticus has had a few centuries to figure it out, but still. Ryan also loves how vocal Atticus is with his love. And not just to him -- Atticus is the type of person who gushes about his friends, waxes poetic about the Special Thing he's obsessed with, adores his mother and writes her letters, he's absolutely overflowing with love and not afraid to show it.
15. If someone disapproves of the relationship, who is it, and why do they disapprove?
Isadora, Atticus's sister, is the Number One Katowin Hater. She hates that Ryan is mortal-born. She hates that he's not afraid of her anymore. She hates that their mom loves him and their dad tolerates him. She hates that Atticus is able to go against everything the Winthorpe name stands for (vampire supremacy) and still be accepted by their parents. Shouldn't they be dissapointed? Angry?? Ryan and Atticus's relationship represents everything she resents about her brother.
Atticus's dad was skeptical at first but Ryan really excelled as a vampire and gained his respect. He's on board now. Not as like, gushing about his son in law as Imperia is, but he got over his disapproval.
Ryan's parents don't know about the whole vampire thing, but besides that: his dad is homophobic rip
24. Do they have a song?
Love this question 😭 I need to find a new song for them actually, but during The Bachelorette, when Ryan decided to leave the competition and follow Atticus, it was "I'll Come Too" by James Blake
Oh, you're goin' to the brink? I'm goin' there Why don't I come with you? You don't care what they think I'm gettin' there I could get there too
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rivsocblog · 1 year
Brief introduction to my core casts
GalacticClan (warrior cats magic rp)
Male - He/Him
Raven is one of my favourite murder cattos who I originally heavily based off of Zeref from Fairy Tail, and it shows-
He started of quite distant and cold after an accident regarding the death of the SaturnClan leader, which further led to GalacticClan being exiled from their territory under threat of war from the other leaders, and later the exile of his brother Echo, who chose to take the blame for all the death caused (because if you know Fairy Tail, you can probably guess who actually did it). He opened up a little after getting assigned an apprentice, and also meeting a housecat from a nearby village named Pixie :>
But... Things take a turn for the worse and he ends up being influenced into honing his life stealing magic and then taking revenge for how poorly his leader and grandparent, Asterstar, treated him and his siblings... And it goes even further downhill from there <33
So from that you would be right to assume that he is in fact the villain of the storyline!
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Female - she/her
A little ray of sunshine... Almost quite literally with her light magic!
Pix is Raven's first and (in his eyes) only friend until her death. She would often join him on his patrols (solo or with his apprentice) whether he liked it or not, determined to break his shell. This was something she was infamous for in the village, and earned a reputation for being quite the storyteller.
What changed after she died? Well, first if all, Raven's broken shell built right back up, stronger this time, and he rejected all her attempts at communicating. And after a while she noticed a dark presence with him. Seeing the path he chose to take afterwards as well drove her away. She was sad to have to let him go, but at least she could focus on keeping the rest of GalacticClan safe, and they enjoyed her presence there!
And with that, pix earns her spot as a protagonist <3 a dead one, but still present~
Note- like Raven, Pix was also based off of a character from Fairy Tail: Mavis <33
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Male - he/him
Pebblefang is a warrior of SaturnClan with abilities similar to Dovewing's, being extreme hearing (which he trained himself to drown out). After an accident left him heavily injured and immobilized, some twolegs took him in, and there he met Cecille. They scared him, a lot, at first, but they warmed up to each other quickly as they helped him through recovery. In the end, he managed to convince them to join SaturnClan, relieved that they were accepted.
Big time skip, Raven's return to the clans brought about big changes, one of those being that Cecille was quickly forced into leadership and he could sense that something had changed in them, they had become a lot more... protective of him, insisting he not leave their side. He didn't argue, he loved being around them. (Oh, right, yeah, they became mates like not long before this) And when he found out that Raven had sent out orders for him to be killed, he understood everything.
Pebblefang is a protagonist, but I like to call him Cecille's purpose <33
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Pokémon RP
Imperia Selke
Agender - They/Them
Imperia, my little immortal babyy oh how much trauma I have inflicted on this poor... Child? Hmmm... Idk about that one, I mean, 3000+ years? I don't think they would count as a child-
Anyway. Long story short, they're 'cursed' by Arceus for their role in the construction of the Ultimate Weapon, which backfired and ended up destroying all life on earth. They later awoke in the time of Legends: Arceus, and assumes the role of the player, albeit from the past and not the future this time. Here they met their partners, Arc (the guardian Arcanine) and Chomper (an alpha Garchomp), among many other pokemon who travel with them. In the end, they made a deal with God, I mean Arceus, to aid in keeping the world from imbalance and destruction at the hands of people who wish to harness the power of the legends for themselves.
And so they do!
And that leads us to present day, where they find themselves... Back in Kalos, and on the run from Team Flare after a failed attempt and destroying everything they had been working on with the help of explosives. Along the way, they meet Tana, the daughter of Lysandre and a fellow flare escapee. The two of them team up to stop their mission to harness the weapon (which Imperia had no idea about when they first came here, assuming it had been destroyed, trauma go brr-).
And uhh it doesn't stop there, the duo become an unstoppable team as they deal with situations in Alola, Galar, hell even back in Hisui again! Which all leads up to the final story arc, the final showdown against Rainbow Rocket (all held there against their will by a Malamar controlled by Giovanni) because yes.
And here everyone finds out that Imperia can in fact die, and has died many times throughout their journeys!
And it doesn't stop there! Because there are future story arcs regarding the fan region Roria from Roblox Pokemon Brick Bronze, and also Paldea!
Imperia was originally intended to be the villain, but they ended up becoming the protagonist~
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Demi-girl - She/They
Played Pokemon Scarlet, added my character because I felt like it.
Vivie, omg where do I start with her. Attending the Paldean Academy allowed her to do... A lot, one could even say too much-
Every years treasure hunt ended with her having done one bizarre thing after another, from such a young age. Encountering and befriending an ancient, sealed away legendary cat with sword fangs; entering Area Zero and catching a paradox Pokemon, SOMEHOW obtaining a Hisuian pokemon, among a whole number of other crazy feats. Her most notable however, happened after Chien-Pao led her back to Area Zero, and they found a little Zygarde core at the bottom, which then led them to Kalos... And Imperia and Tana.
Tana and Vivie are basically twins, and this was NOT intended, but a very welcome development nonetheless.
Vivie is my ball of chaos, who doesn't even bat an eye at what she has achieved and I love her. She does mellow out in the future due to... Trauma, and reunites with the group when they come to Paldea~
Vivie is also a protagonist :>
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(Also picrew^)
Disbelief SMP (Minecraft Roleplay)
I am going even more brief with these guys-
Daiki Vespertine
Genderless - They/Them
The youngest of the Watchers. Daikis in game origin is an Arcanite, a being of pure magic. Over many many millenia they have honed their abilities to perform feats like creating powerful beings and travelling to different universes... And is yet another character sponsored by God! Except this time the creator of the universe is a sheep instead of a Pokemon, and he craves entertainment. Daiki takes the form of a human with canine features, although has many others. They also have their own wolf pack, closely bonded to their alpha Prince :]
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Aster Vespertine
Genderless - He/Him
Aster is a feline watcher who took great interest in Daiki's growth. Now however they tend to be there to keep the young watcher grounded if they start overwhelming themselves, acting as an older brother for them.
Fun fact, Aster is terrified of snakes~
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Cedar Lightfoot
Genderless - They/Them
Cedar is a small rabbit watcher with an affinity for spores and shrooms! They are slightly older than Daiki and is their closest friend, but they desire to be more than that.
[No design]
Briar Silvius
Female - She/They/It
Briar is what the people of Disbelief would call a Dragonkin, however she would argue otherwise, due to actually being a dragon with a humanoid form that she prefers taking. Her official title is Guardian of the Forests, and it's a role she takes seriously. Briar used to have a lover, but a curse took her away and all that was left was a great tree and small dragon egg that Briar took to raising.
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Daiki (Nickname- Foxki)
Genderless (Female leaning) - She/They/It + Neos
Foxki is a... Messed up experiment I guess, the result of what happens when you test means of reviving humans on a dead fox. This baby has a lot of trust issues but, after years and years of struggles, somehow found their way to Disbelief where Daiki, their counterpart from this world, swore to make sure that they can finally live in peace.
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These are all very brief (trust me, there's a lot of material on these guys), and there are a lot more characters, but for now...
(Side note, I call some of them villains instead of antagonists because their intent is truly meant for evil)
Everyone here is now open for asks!
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doomednarrative · 3 years
Speaking of "Darkness At The Heart of My Love":
It actually ended up being my favorite track off of Imperia both because of its similar emotional messaging to "Cirice," but also because you get to hear EVERYONE singing on it, all the ghouls and Popia together and its SO FUCKIN PRETTY because of that. Everyone has such amazing vocal talent in th band and it was such a treat to see that Really highlighted in this entire album, but Especially for this track. It really drives that emotional feeling home~
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xenosgirlvents · 4 years
Hey can I rant to you about how I find the mono-focus on the very much human dominated forces of Chaos as the real bad guy of 40k to be honestly even worse than the Imperiaal focus?  You know what I always wanted in 40k?  Lizardmen, Alien Ogres, Space Dwarfs, Skaven, and some Vampire Counts to the Necrons’ Tomb Kings.   In WHFB only three playable armies were human (five if you count the undead as human) and WHFB had a larger number of independent factions than 40k.   Meanwhile in 40k about half of all the armies in the game are Imperial and another large chunk are the equally insufferable legions of Chaos as the two factions circlejerk over who is the more racist and xenophobic.   While in FB you had the annoying emphasis on Chaos as the one true threat (which is increasingly being emphasised in 40k including the awful, awful retcons they want to do to the war in heaven where what was supposed to be the xenos equivalent to the horus heresy gets “akshually the real bad guy is chaos lawl” shoved into it), humanity was just a part of the struggle against it or other forces such as Undeath or the Greenskins.  Not even the biggest part, with the High Elves, Lizardmen, and Dwarfs all bearing more of the burden than the Empire or Bretonnia.   Meanwhile, while theoretically 40k is a setting where non-chaos bad guys are more relevant and more able to defeat Chaos and take over as the one; the non-humans actually do less.  Chaos is the only bad guy faction allowed to have permanent wins, to be undefeatable without any asterisks marks and whose fanboys (including GW’s writing team) love to endlessly circlejerk about how opposing Chaos is useless because they’ll get you in the end. And how 40k is really about humanity’s inevitably doomed succumbing to Chaos and how the Chaos Space Marines and Daemons are the destined victors and blah-de-blah.  Any time an effective counter to chaos is written about in any other faction’s lore; the Chaos favouratism gets to show with “akshually chaos overcomes this because phhbbbbbt” with eye-rolling descriptions of how Chaos overwhelms say; the Tyranid hive mind by scattering it with the great rift, or how the death guard can infect nurgle, or how actually Tzeentch only pretended to lose to the Eldar or how Slaanesh actually pulled a fast one over the T'au.   Nobody is allowed to be more of a threat than the Chaos Space Marines and Daemons even though the former are literally a bunch of spoiled paramilitary stormtroopers salty about the Emperor saying they weren’t allowed to rule over normal humanity like god-kings and the latter have lore that is fifty million variations of “lol inevitable victory”.  The Chaos Space Marines are so lacking in numbers, so incapable of large scale cooperation not riven with petty fratricidal personal rivalries, so bereft of a functional logistical train, and are lead by such an insufferable band of edgy cartoon villains that they should honestly be little more than a nuisance that the Imperium only focuses on because of their symbolic threat. An annoyance compared to the much more organised and vastly more numerous and far better at exponentially scaling up power of the Necrons, the Tyranids, or the Orks. One that is carrying out an empty, pointless rivalry sparked largely over a bunch of stormtroopers being furious about not being allowed to be kings.  Wouldn’t it be more thematically meaningful and fit better into the cosmic horror that 40k wants to be if Chaos was actually mostly a symbolic threat that would be ignorable if the Imperium wasn’t still spooked over what amounted to an attempted religiously motivated military coup ten thousand years ago and that ultimately; this petty rivalry doesn’t matter? That the bitter hatred over Horus’ coup ultimately is meaningless in the face of the fact that this galaxy, this universe, has never belonged to humanity or anything spawned of it?  Khorne may feed off the violence of humanity and many minor xenos species; but Gork and Mork are a far more pure form of warmongering and what we now know as the Greenskins are just the tip of the iceberg compared to what they can really do when the WAAAGH! gets rolling. Nurgle may be an infestation of humanity’s despair and inability to progress but the Tyranids are the cancer that will kill the universe itself. Tzeentch may be clever and ancient as the firstborn of Chaos; but the Necrons have plans stretching back to before even the very idea of Tzeentch came into being.   And of course, unlike the Dark Elves; the Druklhari aren’t really a major villain or threat. Vect is just kind of an asshole in his own little corner, not one of the top big bads the way Malekith was.  But nah instead we get CHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOS coupled with ADB and Reynolds’ bizarre (but in hindsight, given what we’re shown of Chaos; sensible) revelation that actually Chaos is even more racist than the Imperium.  It leads to 40k’s central conflict being between Satanist Ethnonationalist AnCaps and TradCath Ethnonationalist Reactionaries. Creepy bloodthirsty edgelords versus Roman bust twitter pfps.  None of the other villains are ever allowed to “usurp” Chaos’ place as “the real threat” and any time non-chaotic bad guys get a time to shine, the Chaos writers pitch a fit and force in awful reminders that Chaos is actually the real threat behind everything and can never ever lose.   It makes Chaos come off less as an interesting villain and more of a childish edgelord fantasy written by a bunch of kids who go “nuh uh!” everytime they take the L or insinuate that spikelord edgy mcgee is anything less than the coolest bad guy ever made.  The fandom makes fun of Abaddon because he textually hasn’t really done much in thirteen tries? Well actually retcon in some outlandishly complicated super duper secret plan so that he and his army of *checks notes* less than one million racist storm troopers in ancap colours are actually totally the greatest threat in the setting and not the vastly more organised Tyranids or more tactically competent Necrons or the more numerous Orks.  People still make fun of abaddon because he looks like a goofy mook rather than an awesome overlord (at least Archaon looks like someone you’d immediately figure for as the big bad of a setting; Abaddon looks more like…the real bad guy’s stupid but strong brute muscle enforcer)? Have an entire novel series written to squee about how awesome and cool he is which literally none of the other “big bad” factions’ primary characters have ever gotten.   Also I am sick to death of how GW pushes Khorne as the unbeatable poster bad boy of the entire setting over and above even the rest of Chaos. Yeah his aesthetic is simple, marketable, and he’s incredibly easy to write into plots (even if I think there’s never been more interesting takes on Khorne where he’s shown as actually capable of cleverness in the pursuit of maximising mindless death and destruction as we see in Dawn of War 1 and Dawn of War 2 Retribution; where the Khornate villains have an impressively clever scheme even if the end goal is just “kill people”) and you can explain his concept to anyone.  Please stop trying to throw him into literally everything and let other bad guys have even a little bit of spotlight.   Octarius and Armageddon? Khorne crashes the party. Tzeentch threatens Luna? Well akshually Khorne invades Terra, take that nerds.  Where does Khorne even get all these worshippers to yeet themselves into every warzone in existence when he probably offers the least to his followers that most people would want? 
So on some points I agree with you, others I disagree, and in some places I understand the general feeling you’re conveying but am not quite so vitriolic.
Yes; I wish 40k as a setting was more akin to WHFB and AoS in that it permitted more factions to matter. 40k is, I agree, so myopic in it’s focus that it becomes frustrating. If the other factions weren’t playable I would understand, certainly, but if you’re going to offer players a chance to invest in the Xenos factions but then just never give them any return on that investment it feels like nothing more than lying to people.
Similarly; I also wish we saw more of a non-Human (and even then more of a non-Chaos Space Marine) component to Chaos. I find it hard to take Chaos seriously as a universal force when, over their supposedly non-linear/infinite period of existence they seem to never have done anything other than obsess over one species who, compared to the majority of other playable species in the game, have been around insanely briefly.
Yes; I do agree that I wish at times Chaos wasn’t used to usurp Xenos threats just to pull the old ‘but Chaos was the true villain all along’, see what you mention about the Hive Mind and the Great Rift, about Chaos usurping Orks on Armageddon etc. etc.
However, I disagree that Chaos is remotely as irritatingly favoured in the lore as the Imperium. Yes, it is true, that it is not infrequently written in vague terms that ‘you are all doomed, Chaos comes for you,’ but, in the majority of cases, this is purely informed, never shown. It is akin to the lines that tell us ‘Aeldari are so smart and elite,’ but then we just get shown them being curbstomped over and over again. We’re ‘told’ Chaos is some great looming threat which will win...but in practise they do only mildly better than Xenos in the lore, with Chaos losing the vast majority of everything they ever do in the lore, just like Xenos. I will admit Chaos has, lately, done *marginally* better in the lore, and that is definitely connected, as you say, to the active focus to make Chaos the ‘big bad’ now, but it is still only marginal.
I do agree that I would prefer not to see Chaos made to eclipse all other threats but my main motivation here is just because in 40k, as you point out, Chaos is never separated from the Imperium. In WHFB and AoS Chaos can take on a plurality of forms and is not just a ‘spikier’ version of the main human faction. For this reason the recent feeling I have had is just that 40k is increasingly becoming a clone of the Horus Heresy which, as someone who likes Xenos, is obviously a disappointment.
I don’t share your very strong disdain for Chaos. For the most part, in 40k’s lore, I feel Chaos is largely akin to Xenos in that we’re all glorified punching bags for Space Marines (you yourself point out Abaddon’s memetic loser status). I concede Chaos does *marginally* better but, at current, that is so inconsequential to me that it doesn’t bother me anywhere near as much as the treatment of Xenos vis-a-vise the Imperium.
My personal take is I think the favouritism as an antagonist, shown to Chaos, is less detrimental to the cause of Xenos agency in the lore than the raging boner GW and BL have for the Imperium and, in particular Space Marines. 
I also, in general, think Chaos would benefit from being developed in a more nuanced way. I don’t see them quite as cardboard-cut out as you seem too (not denying many are because BL and GW can’t write non-Imperium characters well mostly) but I think many of them have, and to an extent do also, get treated more nuanced in some of the literature. I do think a big failing here is that Black Library has made *some* efforts to make *some* of the Chaos characters interesting and nuanced but, for some reason, GW tends to just ignore this. Hence Magnus can in his own novels be portrayed as sympathetic due to his loyalty to his people and desire to not persecute Psykers, but then when appearing in a campaign supplement just makes the stock-generic ‘bow before me mortals/I am your doom/all shall fall’ comments with little to no character.
Personally, and this is recognizing as I said above that I do understand some of the points you’re making, I feel like Chaos players and Xenos players, in terms of the lore treating us like crap, have more in common than not. But, again, that’s just my personal opinion! 
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lo-55 · 4 years
Revel Ch. 13
Crowns and Kings                    
 They spent months on the island.
 Tori all but lived in the library, she spent hours each day with Robin and the books, transcribing everything she could get her hands on. Each paper went into wax lined crates that would keep them safe from water on the return trip.
 She had gotten so much.
 Thousands of books, she barely remembered all of what was in them, were stacked away in her ship. She would take them home, guard them and hide them until it was safe enough to start copying them into real books again.
 Each day she spent with Robin she grew more and more fond of the girl.
 The first time Robin slipped up and used her devil fruit Tori very intentionally didn’t flinch. She just took the book from her extra hands and moved on, leaving the little wide eyed girl to watch her with wonder. She had to explain, later that night, on the ship, that the New World was filled with devil fruits, and their devourers. Tori could name three off the top of her head that she knew personally, and Cracker’s family had plenty of them.
 The look on that little girl's face…
 She started eating dinner with them, and before long she was on the ship more than she was in her own house. She had a million and a half questions about the Grand Line, and Totto Land and all of the other devil fruits that they knew. She asked Cracker about his island and his responsibilities, and about being a pirate.
 Tori was seriously considering asking her to come along with them when they left when the message came from home.
 In Flora’s handwriting it arrived in the early morning light , on the wings of a seabird.
 Tori sat that night with Robin and Cracker. Bright children, beautiful people.
 She lay the letter on the table once it was cleared.
 “My father is dead,” she said. Quiet, but true.
 Robin gasped, covering her mouth.
 Cracker’s seemingly eternal smile wilted and died.
 Yet, it was Tori who didn’t quite react. She didn’t know how. This was her father and he was dead. The man who raised her, and Lucien, and Gemma. The man who held her hand when they cast her mother into the afterlife. The man who wept for his wife only when the rest of the country could not see.
 The man who, one by one, sold his children off to the highest bidders. The man who implemented the sexist ideals of his homelands on his eldest daughter, but not his younger.
 Tori didn’t know how to feel. She had spent the last year, almost two years, unable to forgive for breaking her mothers promise. And now he was dead.
 He was dead.
 She was queen. Or would be soon.  
 “I’m so sorry,” Robin said softly.
 “Yeah. I am too,” she nodded absently. “That means, that my time here is done,” she said quietly. She watched Robin’s face fall. Even leaving now, Tori would never be back in time for the funeral. She would come home to her father already gone, his throne barren.
 Tori reached across the table and took the girls small hands in her own. She couldn’t imagine truly changing the future. She couldn’t stop wars or change the tide, but this one little girl-
 “Robin. I want you to come with me,” she said softly. “Away from your aunt. You could see the Grand Line, you could see the New World. You could learn more than just what’s in books, and you could be around people like you. You’re no more a devil child than I am, sweetheart.”
 Tears started to well up in Robin’s eyes.
 “Do you want to come home with me, sweetheart?”
 “Yes,” she gasped out, “Yes, I do. I want to come with you.”
 Robins small hands squeezed hers, but there was something in her eyes. Tori knew that look.
 “But?” she prompted, sadly.
 “But, I can’t. I’m waiting for my mom to come back.”
 “Oh honey....” Tori couldn't fault her for it. Not when she would do anything to speak to her own mother again.
 “I’m sorry,” Robin grasped at her hands. “I want to, but I can’t! I need to wait for my mother.”
 “It’s okay,” Tori murmured. “It’s okay, I promise. I understand. Just don’t forget, my invitation to Imperia always stands, okay?”
 Robin nodded with a watery smile.  
 She stayed with them that night, and long after she had fallen asleep Tori got on the shell-phone and called her husband.
 She needed to talk to him. She needed to ask him a favor.
     The Great Room was ancient. It was a relic from another time, left over from a civilization that was spoken of only in whispers. Even the true name had been lost to the sands of time. It had been maintained carefully since antiquity, but never upgraded. No electric lights, no indoor plumbing, nothing of the sort.
 It was exactly as their ancestors had left it, the day that Tori walked in with her husband.
 With a high ceilings that’s paint had not faded with time it was just large enough to fit Katakuri inside without him smacking into anything. The rectangular pool that took up the center of the room was still and undisturbed, an inky black that betrayed nothing of what lay beneath the surface. At the head of the pond was a massive throne made of shining gold, the sun blazed on its back. Standing opposite of it was a throne of equal magnificents, with the moon shining in soft pearl light. For the god and the goddess who watched over their people, the sun and the moon whose names time had forgotten. Those seats remained empty, always, for none stood above the gods.
 On both sides of the still pool were lined eight obsidian goblets in which fire burned. Every other cup held blue to red fire, always. Blue was the color for delegates from each island, Imperia, Soldano, Aosta and Pamence. Red was reserved for outsiders. The fire was the only light in the room, where windows of colored glass diffused sunlight until the only good it did was to show old depictions of the kings and queens of a golden age.
 When she was young, Tori had spent hours in the room, staring up at the incandescent glass, the men and women trapped inside of them. Dressed in their finery, unsmiling. She wanted to know their names. Their places in this world. She wanted to know what they had done in their lives, how they lead their people, how they had lived within their gilded cages.
 Now, sitting in front of a red fire with her husband hunched at her side, she wondered again.
 The world had lost its memory of the time before, would they lose it again? When she died, would anyone remember who she was? Or would she, too, be no more than a stained glass window for her descendents to look upon and wonder.
 To the right of her was the current Doge of Soldano, an ancient man with a sunken face that barely hid the fact that his eyes were blown huge once more. Ziani Ipato had been voted the Doge after Victoria’s mother had died, all those years ago, and when he died in the coming winter a new leader would be elected for the island. That was how it had always been done.
 Soldano voted their Doge or Dogaressa in for a life long term. Only death or abdication would end their reign. Pemence called their leader Viceroy and Vicereine, who were chosen by a small council of the five head clans of each island. They, too, served for life if they were not voted out or chose to give up power. Aosta also used the term Viceroy for their leader, but the difference lay in that the successor was chosen directly by the predecessor. Imperia alone passed the title of King or Queen from parent to child.
 Ziani Ipato had brought no guest, and so the red goblet to his right burned for no one.
 Directly across from Tori, who was close enough to the silver throne she could have shook hands with the goddess it was built for, sat Galla Tradonico, Viceroy of Pamence. The red fire beside him lit up the dark shadows of a youthful face. Pietro, his young ward, who couldn’t quite hide the way he fidgeted with his fingers.
 That was nothing compared to the deathly pale face of Pisana Capello. The Vicereine looked deathly, more ghost than girl in the cerulean light that danced across her ashen cheeks. Her eyes were wide, white all around and her hands were clenched into such tight fists Tori swore she could hear them creak. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some had greatness thrust upon them.
 Some fall ass backwards into greatness.
 That, was Pisana.
 She had been the Vicereine for one and half years, and Aosta was starting to fall apart. Hector Ruzzini had, it was said, decided that the next person to enter his room would be his successor when he lay on his deathbed. No one knew with any measure of certainty whether he recalled that he had summoned his favorite prostitute to see him one last time, if he wanted to spit on his bloodthirsty children one last time and put a whore before his own sons, or if he had forgotten and stuck to his guns.
 All Tori knew was that Vitale and Nicolo had been after her head ever since. Called lawyers and councilmen to try and overturn the decision, saying that their father was out of his right mind at the time and one of them should rule instead. That Pisana was unfit to lead men anywhere but into her bed. Tori wouldn’t be surprised if, after all that had failed, they had moved on to trying to poison the poor girl.
 As it was she had brought along a stone faced advisor who Tori recognized as Girolamo Mocenigo, Hector’s old friend, closest confidant, and former lover. A good choice. Girolamo loved his country and his Viceroy more than anything. He would honor his decision and keep as much peace as he could.
 They did not have a representative from Corsica, which was largely populated by Greenmen who had no desire to leave their island, and cared little for anyone outside of their own. They would not come to see her crowned.
 “I thank you all for coming here,” Tori said at last. She tilted her chin up to look at Galla, who was easily a head taller than she was. The people of their islands were all larger than natural born humans, but still nothing compared to Big Mom’s brood.
 Galla nodded to her. Pietro tried for a watery smile. He had fostered at their home for some ten years before he returned to Galla and Pamence. He knew her father well.
 “We are sorry for your loss,” he intoned gravely.
 A thick wave of rose, sage, and frankincense billowed gently with his breath. The incense burned in four corners, filling her lungs. She let out a breath, nodded once to Galla. She would speak to Pietro later, in private, where they could properly grieve.
 For now, she only smiled at him.
 “We look forward to your leadership,” Pisana jumped in quickly. Girolamo glared hard at her and the girls teeth clicked together. Custom said that no one would speak of her rule until the coronation day.
 Still, Victoria smiled at her. She couldn't imagine being thrust into so much power at once. A place where social convention was so strict, she had made many blunders already. Tori didn’t mind. She understood.
 “Thank you, Pisana. Let us pray for all our sakes that we may lead our islands into a good future,” she recited the words like a hymn, her voice musical even in mourning.
 “Agreed,” Ziani nodded once. He held his knobby hands up as though cupping water only he could see. “The business of the coronation now. You will hold it on Mt. Pernases, now you must decide who will bear witness.”
 “No,” Tori shook her head. Her father had taken up his crown on the flat top of that mountain, where the spring bubbled up from beneath the earth, hot enough to burn. Her grandmother had done the same, and her mother, and her fathers father, as far back as their records went.  
 “No?” Ziani turned his face towards her, as though trying squint at her with his dark eyes. “You must have witnesses or no one can prove you were properly coronated.”
 Tori carefully hid a smile. “I will have many witnesses. The whole country may bear my witness if they so wish, for I will not wear my crown upon the mountain first. I will be crowned on the Breach.”
 There was a beat of silence. Pisana looked at her advisor, searching for help. Galla cleared his throat politely.
 “A very humorous gesture, my lady, but this is serious business,” he said. Pietro was staring hard at her. He knew she didn’t joke about things like this. He knew she was serious.
 “It is not humorous at all, my lord,” she said smoothly, “It is what I intend to do.”
 “You cannot go against tradition so blatantly, with such little respect for your ancestors!” Ziani was suitably scandalized.      Good.    She thought viciously.
 “I can and I shall. The world is changing. Imperia must change as well, lest we be left behind. We will not attend the Reverie this coming year,” she went on, “We will take our time mourning my father, and we will grow stronger with the trial his death had brought upon us, rest his soul.”
 “Rest his soul,” the others chorused. Pietro crossed himself.  
 “You speak of strength yet you would throw your country into malcontent, going against the most ancient of rites?” Ziani demanded. His voice grew louder, echoing ominously off of the pristine marble walls. It was said that no lies could be told within the chamber. Tori had never tried to find out.
 Tori folded her hands in her lap, soaking up the quiet mountain of solidarity that Katakuri presented. His eyes narrowed at Ziani.
 “She will do as she pleases,” he said blandly. Daring his to talk back again. How she loved him.
 “You are an outsider! You have no knowledge of our history, of our honored past-”
 “He is my husband,” Tori’s voice swept through, ice cold, “He is to be the King Consort of Imperia, Lord of Komugi. He speaks with the voice of our most noble house and he ceased being an outside the day we wed.”
 Silence fell oppressively around them.
 Ziani made his disapproval clear with his sharp glower in their direction, but said no more on the matter.
 “The coronation will be held on the Breach, within view of any citizen who may wish to see it. We have two months before the mourning period for my father is over. Preparations shall begin at once. You are, of course, all invited,” she added. “The gala where we receive our bereaved fellows will still be held in Villa Procida...”
 By the time the sun ceased lighting the depiction of a queen holding a bloody sword over her head almost everything was sorted out, from funding to trade to interim ambassadors while the real ones were recalled.
 Tori stood smoothly and held out her hand for his husband, who took it without question or comment. Together, they exited the great room and walked into the crisp night air.
      Tori stood in a moonwhite dress that burned in the light of the setting sun.
 The Breach glistened, the churn of the water sparkling like the diamonds that dotted her sea-dark hair. Her dress was simple and plain, and she wore no make up save white paint across her lids and lips. The shores were lined with her people, a million eyes upon her.
 Orso stood at her elbow, and Madelle at the opposite. At her side was her husband, who had agreed to wear white for this occasion himself and held his tritan in hand. A man and woman familiar with her virtues, to present her again to the Enchantress and the eldest priest.
 They stood before her, the moon and the ocean while the sun died slowly on the horizon.
 Tori let her gaze wander to the people come to see her. She was shattering tradition with this move. Men and women in white, mourning dresses formed a wall that looked like snow bordering the glimmering water. The Breach, where two long fingers of land came together with just enough space between them for a single ship to pass, was packed with spectators.
 It was a shock to Tori that she saw movement off in the trees, flickers of green a shade off from the jungle leaves.
 Greenmen come to watch a coronation was unheard of.
 So was having a coronation where the consort was an outsider and they were presented to the entire population of the island.
 Wind pulled at Tori’s skirts and she took a breath, drawing strength from the quiet, firm presence of Katakuri. She could imagine her parents at her other side, her mother filled with a dutiful pride and her father with a stern certainty that this was for the best.
 She opened her eyes when the priest spoke.
 “Victoria di Imperia. Child of the Sea, daughter of Lysander de Imperia and Dolce Regina Genova. You are sworn to this island, and to her people by blood right and rearing. Do you deny this?”
 “I do not,” she said firmly, lifting her chin. She made steady eye contact with the man, in his fine robes that shine with silver spider silks.
 “You are childless. Do you deny this?”
 “I do not.”
 “You have a wed, do you deny this?”
 Tori resisted the urge to role her eyes or point to her husband. Instead, she let out only the smallest huff of irritation.
 “I do not.”
 “You are heiress and princess. You are blood of the sea and raised of the earth. Is it your intention to guard this land, which raised you from your infancy, no matter the personal cost?”
 “It is,” she made sure her voice carried to all to hear.
 “And is it your intention to put forth the interests of the people over your own? To be fair and just?”
 “It is.”
 “Is it your intention to put the land of Imperia over your own desires? “
 “It is.”
 The priest turned to her husband. There were a dozen questions he was meant to ask, but Katakuri must have frightened the man more than Tori would have expected, for the priest bowed his head.
 “Charlotte Katakuri di Imperia, Governer of Komugi. Is it your intention to support Victoria di Imperia as King Consort, for so long as you are able?”
 He gave a single, rumbled. “It is.”
 “Please bow your head,” the priest instructed.
 The Enchantress came forth while Katakuri dropped his head low enough for her to bring a circlet of gold to rest in his mulberry hair.
 “      You shall be King Consort.”  
 She intoned gravely. Her words fell from her lips and cracked against his brow before scattering in shards of black across his skin and sinking in. The power in her voice nearly made Tori tremble.
 “Victoria. Please bow your head.”
 Tori did. She bowed so lowed her hair would have tumbled into the water if she hadn’t had it pinned behind her head.
 The gold and red crown that had once graced her mothers brow was settled into her dark curls.
 “      You will be Queen.”  
 And so she was.
 Tori rose, as did Katakuri, until they stood before her people in all their glory. Her heart beat like a humming bird in her heart. Above them the sky cracked and roared with red and yellow and green. Fireworks screamed into the sky. Tori took her husbands hand in hers and lifted them into the sky while a roar ripped through the crowds.
 Madelle and Orso cleared them a path back to the mainland, off the thin peninsulas, and into town. They walked through the people, Tori smiling and grieving in turns, and Katakuri standing her loyal shadow, her beloved consort. He was frightening next to her but…
 With the crown on his head and the queen on his arm, her people greeted him gladly and with warmth that she had not expected.
 She didn’t know how many people she spoke to, how many times she promised to do her best for their sakes before they finally arrived in the villa. It was their only escape, and it would only last a few minutes before the dignitaries made their way in and started trying to curry favor.
 Tori held Katakuri’s hand tightly in the brief quiet they had to themselves.
 “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” she said, breathless. “This is a life long position.”
 “I know,” he told her, his voice strangely soft. “I promised to be by your side for life when we were married. Don’t you remember?”
 Tori smiled at him.
 “Oh, I remember. Your mother picked out that scaled scarf didn’t she? That was so gaudy…”
 “Are you insulting Mama?” Katakuri cocked a brow.
 Tori paused before she realized he was teasing her, then broke into a grin that she hadn’t felt on Imperia in years.
 “Perhaps I am. What will you do about it?”
 Katakuri squeezed her hand. There was something different in his eyes. Something she hadn’t seen before. He was nervous. Nervous and indecisive. Why…?
 Tori brought his hand to her lips. “Thank you, for staying with me when things get hard.”
 She must have made up his mind with that, for he reached for his face and grasped his scarf. His shield. His defense. Tori watched, her lips parted with shock, as he pulled it down and out of the way. Until it hung around his throat.
 She knew, consciously. What he was hiding. His scars. But knowing and seeing were different things, as she kept relearning recently.
 They were not pretty. The skin was pulled together by rough stitches and jagged when it had ripped when he was so young. It was silver closer to his ears the way old scars were and faded into red closer to the corners of his mouth, as if it reopened periodically. His lips were parted with jagged teeth that poked through like a bulldogs.
 He was watching her. Waiting and tense.
 Tori put her hand on his shoulder, grabbed his scarf with her other one, and dragged him down so she could brush her lips against his, feather light and gentle.
 “My loving husband,” she murmured, “Thank you.”
 She kissed him until they were broth breathless, and mess of sweetness and too much teeth and started giggles when he picked her up with the greatest of ease. They only had a few precious moments to themselves, and she wanted to remember them all like this.
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patricksilverrose · 4 years
Current Music Obsessions: August 2020
It's that time of the month again. No not that one, this one! I'm horrible. Let's just see the honorable mentions.
Anilah - Embrace The Measure - Dead Wood feat. Tyler Matthew Her Chariot Awaits - Just Remember Planeswalker - The Forever Serpent Caligula's Horse - Don't Give Up (cover version) Kehlani - Butterfly Dopesick - Freaks Djerv - Throne Witchcraft - God is Dead Homoferus - Herocly Sofi Tukker - Batshit Nanowar of Steel - Barbie MILF Princess of the Twilight feat. Fabio Lione Bleeding Gods - Tripled Anger Dark Sarah - The Wolf and the Maiden feat. JP Leppaluoto Tei Shi - Goodbye
Eklipse - Weak Fantasy (Nightwish cover) https://youtu.be/EXQTgzKxtd8 Hozier - Dinner & Diatribes https://youtu.be/HlLx7oE7q3I Natasha Hardy - In Too Deep https://youtu.be/wT1lai2vlEA Thy Despair - Ghost Rider https://youtu.be/HjY_uEPZzyg Oceans of Slumber - The Adorned Fathomless Creation https://youtu.be/fLayDQk_ECk Silentium - Truth https://youtu.be/L_K4jc-l_Ic Helalyn Flowers - Metropolis Necropolis https://youtu.be/yD-xOG3CUPw Ephemera - Нет памяти в рае https://youtu.be/MwQr3qfU-AI Netta - Cuckoo https://youtu.be/WfnRsamFUUA Dispel - Modal Consequence (The Threshold) https://youtu.be/DCYGTPg_FHM Lykantropi - Coming Your Way https://youtu.be/H1hB6Z0A_o8 Iva Toric - Dark Side of Me https://youtu.be/XpWMaZyAjOA Qveen Herby - Self Aware feat. Durand Bernarr https://youtu.be/2kj2MnFWc1o I Miss My Death - Господар https://youtu.be/DGqtToGD2Ps Ayreon - Hopelessly Slipping Away feat. Tom Baker, Cammie Gilber (Oceans of Slumber), and Tommy Karevik (Kamelot, Seventh Wonder) https://youtu.be/JeeVX6rbVMc Katatonia - Lacquer https://youtu.be/zGvZhRFBQ_I
And now for my main obsessions.
Eskimo Callboy - Hypa Hypa
This song is absolutely ridiculous and I love it. It's so much fun and the production on it is amazing. The riffs pack such an amazing punch, especially during the bridge. Also mullets are great.
System Divide - Rise Again feat. Mark Jansen (Epica, MaYaN)
They're back! I lost my tits when I saw the teaser for this song. Miri is back at the helm and is reminding us that she really is that girl. And I mean you can't go wrong with having Mark as a guest on a track. This track packs such an insane punch and is full of so much power and energy. The perfect way to announce that you're back.
Vinetersea - Illuminated
Holy fucking shit. This is absolutely amazing. I saw the thumbnail and assumed it was going to be something entirely different, not an atmospheric progressive death metal masterpiece. Their front woman has such an amazing and powerful voice. I'm definitely going to check out more from them.
Angel - Never Again
The new album is absolutely beautiful and this song is such an amazing way to open it. It serves as a strong reminder that this project is way more personal to Helena than Imperia is. The lyrics and messages are way more personal and more direct. She's always eluded to an abusive relationship she was in, but she goes in on this song. It's so heartbreaking and just so raw.
Angel - Imprisoned
This is probably my favorite off the album. The rawness, the power, the emotional trauma, the chaos; it's all there. Helena's screams just keep getting better and better. And those choirs are everything. Such a power house of a track.
Miracle Flair - Echo of Fears
The album this song is taken from is such an interesting take on symphonic power metal. Their front woman's voice is so different and unique to the genre and it's very noticeable on this track. The pre-chorus and chorus are so haunting and really help make this song stand out on the album.
Operus - Ruin
Found this through the band's record label and was quite shocked at how much I love it. The whole album is amazing too. When it comes to symphonic power metal bands I tend to like the darker ones, this is definitely one of them. They have such a dark atmosphere to their sound (or at least they do on this album) and it's amazing. This song just hangs around you.
VOLA - Alien Shivers
This song randomly popped up after I finished listening to an album and I was blown away. It's such a gorgeous prog track. The vocals, the guitars, the production, holy fuck the production is every-goddamn-thing. It makes me think of the 90's a bit. The singer has such a lovely voice and the chorus is breathtaking. Do yourselves a favor and check this song out.
And that's it for the month of August. I'm presently purging my watch later playlist, so just be prepared for a possibly long list next month.
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princess-of-france · 5 years
Hi! I’m auditioning for a production of Cymbeline (probably for Imogen) and I was wondering if you have any monologue recommendations? I’d really appreciate any help! Thank you!
Hooray for auditions! I’m so excited for you. Cymbeline is a Trip™.
If you’re gunning for Innogen (you should), then I advise prioritizing a monologue that allows you to demonstrate integrity, passion, mental agility, and determination before anything else, even romance.
I’m also going to be a #director here, and recommend a set of speeches that your director is less likely to have heard a hundred thousand times before, including some by Shakespeare’s contemporaries. (Women auditioning for Shakespeare roles are at a colossal disadvantage in this regard, so hit me up if you’d like some recs for canonically male speeches as well.)
Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona“Nay, would I were so angered with the same…” (I.ii)Comedic
Silvia, Two Gentlemen of Verona“O Eglamour, thou art a gentleman…” (IV.iii)Dramatic
Lady Percy, Henry IV, Part 2“O yet, for God’s sake, go not to these wars!” (II.iii)Dramatic
Princess of France, Love’s Labor’s Lost“Good lord, Boyet! My beauty, though but mean…” (II.i)Comedic
Portia, The Merchant of Venice“I pray you, tarry. Pause a day or two…” (III.ii)Romantic
Cressida, Troilus and Cressida“Hard to seem won. But I was won, my lord…” (III.ii)Romantic[This one is a real doozy. If you can pull it off, you will shine.]
Isabella, Measure for Measure“To whom should I complain? Did I tell this…” (II.iv)Dramatic
Hermia, A Midsummer Night’s Dream“Help me, Lysander, help me! Do thy best…” (II.ii)Dramatic
Miranda, The Tempest“I do not know / One of my sex…” (III.i)Romantic
Joan la Pucelle, Henry VI, Part 1“Dauphin, I am by birth a shepherd’s daughter…” (I.ii)Dramatic
~Shakespeare’s Contemporaries~
Dido, Dido, Queen of Carthage (Marlowe)“Speaks not Aeneas like a conqueror?” (IV.iv)Romantic
Moll, The Roaring Girl (Middleton & Dekker)“To teach thy base thoughts manners, th’ art one of those…” (III.i)Dramatic
Bel-Imperia, The Spanish Tragedy (Kyd)“Is this the love thou bear’st Horatio?” (IV.i)Dramatic
Isabella, Women Beware Women (Middleton)“Marry a fool! / Can there be greater misery…” (I.ii)Dramatic
Duchess, Duchess of Malfi (Jonson)“The misery of us that are born great!” (I.iii)Romantic
One last thing: I replied to this ask under the assumption that you were looking for an early modern monologue. But if you need some contemporary recs, don’t hesitate to follow up.
Break a leg! 
xx Claire
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Anath (Michael Langdon x Reader)
Title: Anath
Chapter no.: 2
Notes: Michael and reader don’t meet until the end,that’s how I imagine it,but there are some parallels,oh and reader becomes a witch.Italics are song lyrics.
Rating/Warnings: deaths
Chapter’s Soundtrack: Fire And Forgive by Powerwolf (x)
Summary: Every new pope learned that the antichrist would be born by spirit and human,they didn’t know when,no one did.When Michael was born,at the same time a daughter of Christ was born too.No one knew that both of them had the same purpose or that the one was the soulmate of the other.
Tag List: @roxytheimmortal
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“Fire and forgive
We all
Fire and forgive
We call
Fire and forgive”
As the days went by I couldn’t forget his beautiful face,those electric eyes so pure and innocent,how could he be the Antichrist..?
I told my dad about that dream,and Michael,he told me that it was time for my training.I didn’t know what he meant by that but I trusted him.And so the next day he helped me pack some things to take with me,he told me that they’re gonna give me something else to wear where I’m going,but eitherway I took some clothes with me.The road was long but calm,my dad was explaining to me how he found that kind of university or church or whatever,but I wasn’t listening to him,because something inside of me was wrong.Something wrong happened to my Michael I could feel it,I felt trapped and scared.As if the emotional pain wasn’t enough..I felt physical pain as well,a sharp pain on my chest and stomach,and the left side of my face,sorrow.
“Darling..are you alright?”
“Somebody hurt him!”
“(Y/N) stay focused..”
“They hurt him dad! I must do something!”
“GO AWAY!” I screamed and a vision popped in my mind.. “oh my God..” I whisoered to myself but dad hear it..
“What is it? (Y/N)..?”
“You can tell me..I can’t help you if you don’t..”
“His..his head..exploded..?”
“Whose head..?”
“I don’t know..dad..what’s happening?”
“It happens faster than I thought..”
“Your urge to help him,Michael,to keep him safe..it somehow gave him strength to do what you saw..”
“Like some kind of magic?”
“No..something stronger than magic..”
“That’s where you’re taking me? To a magic school?”
“No..well something like that..it’s more like a heretical kind of church school..”
“I don’t understand..”
“They’re people like you..they know you,and you know them..you’ll understand when you go inside..” he smiled at me and wiped the tears off my eyes,wait..when did I start crying? and when did we reach our destination?
“Go..I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
I got out of the car and looked around me,it was the middle of the forest,and as I was walking in the direction my dad showed,I found an old church,big as a castle,but for some reason I wasn’t scared or afraid,I felt at peace.
“Rex patrum
In cielis
Peccata mundi delis
Rex patrum
Ignis imperia”
I walked up the stairs,and opened the gate.It was the most beautiful church I’ve ever seen,it was quiet,the light coming through the windows giving a supernatural aura around.There was no one around,so I went to the crucified Christ statue,lightly touching his feet,I felt tears in my eyes again.Then I heard footsteps coming closer to me,soft footsteps.I turned around and I saw a man,tall and thin,with short brown hair and ghost like face,but I wasn’t afraid of him.He was wearing dark grey clothes,that had lighter grey waves or smokes on them,like stripes but not exactly.He was..familiar..
“Fundamental armament
The price we all ignore
Bring to fall the last of saviour
To son of god we swore”
He looked at me with a smile and bowed his head slightly.
“Welcome home (Y/N),my name is Falk-Maria.”
Before I could even ask how he knew my name,other four men came out and joined him,the three had long dark hair and the other one was bald,they were wearing the same clothes.
“Please allow me to introduce you,Matthew,Charles,Roel and Attila.”
“Well,kid,welcome.Let’s get you settled because we have little time,every moment your bond is getting stronger.”
“Sons of god and sacrament
The night we're dying for
By the call of pyromania
Bring fire into war”
I was there for about a week or so,they were teaching me forbidden gospels,prayers,hidden Bibles,things that people could never learn and yet I felt I knew them all my life.In my dreams I could see Michael,dressed in a very weird uniform,and his hair in stylish waves,he’s so beautiful and he would always smile at me.
One day I woke up by the sound of the church’s bells,they never ring the bells..something happened,I thought to myshelf.I dressed in those grey clothes they all wear here,and went to see Attila.He told me that there was no more time,we must move quick.So that’s where I come in..
“You must go to Miss Robichaux Academy,a scool for witches,but..before you reach it there’ll be a quest that you’re gonna face.I can’t tell you more..”
“This quest,you speak of..has it anything to do with what I..my soulmate did to that man..?”
“A part of it..you must go now.You made us proud,kid..now it’s your fate to complete the prophecy.”
“I’ll do my best,Attila.” I hugged him,and he hugged me back it was the first time he did that.
“Rest in flame by testament
At midnight we return
Raise inferno for the living
The grail of life we burn”
I was very close to Robichaux Academy,I need only to take a bus and then walk some more and I would reach it,but there was one problem..Attila didn’t tell me what I was gonna say to let me stay with them,because clearly I couldn’t say that I was the Antichrist’s soulmate now could I?As I was waiting for the bus,I felt a pain in the back of my head and before I knew it everything went black.
I felt sore,and I couldn’t move,felt a bit cold and I was lying on a wooden bed? I opened my eyes,and groaned from the candle light that was around me.Oh no,nonw everything made sense..this wasn’t a bed but an altar,I was actually tied up naked on it.I started to freak out,my heart rate fasten as my eyes looked around me.There were people dressed in red with pentagrams on their cloaks as thir priest was talking about the end times,she was holding a knife and I knew..I knew what was gonna happened and for the first time in my life I felt scared.When the priest turned to me,she smiled wickedly at me,but then I felt something..it wasn’t my feeling,I felt calm and powerfull,was Michael helping me?Did he felt my distress? I thought that yes,it was him.He calmed me down,and I had the time to think what Attila told me about the quest,and what Matthew had taught me about fighting.I couldn’t help myself and I smiled..it all made sense now.The priest saw that..
“There is no God that can help you now,little nun.”
I laughed
“Oh..I’m not a nun,love,I’m something that even your savor is scared..”
“And we bring fire, sing fire
Scream fire and forgive
Forgiven the liar, by fire we live
We bring fire, sing fire
Scream fire and forgive
The last of our blood we will give”
I felt a strong amound of power running through me,and all the candles burnt out,and light up again,a blue fire so strong that made all of them fall down on their knees screaming bloody murder,the ropes that kept me tied up are cut,my church’s clothes materialized on my body.
The priest was looking at me in horror,it felt so nice.With a wave of my hand she burnt in blue fire,as everyone else..one..by..one.
“Rex patrum
In cielis
Peccata mundi delis
Rex patrum
Ignis imperia”
When no one was left I stopped my magic.The satanic church’s only lightthe small red candles under the pentagram,which I didn’t knew they were there..Satan must have known..or something.So I bowed out of respect to him,and left.
It’s time for Robichaux Academy,and I know exactly what to say.
Notes: So that’s the 2nd chapter! Hope you like it! Also if you please leave a comment and also if you want to be in the tag list,let me know! ♥
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klubidzpanstad · 6 years
History of the world. Biblical lesson one and only.
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Krótka historia świata dla protestantów (publikacje Chick Publications związanego z niezależnymi baptysami z USA, w druku ukazały się w nakładzie 800 milionów i w ponad 100 językach). Tutaj wyjaśnienie dlaczego protestanci mają kochać Ż*dów i Izrael i jak to wszystko w ogóle wygląda (wybrane fragmenty broszury "Love the Jewish people"). Uniwersytecki poziom opracowania, podobny do "nauczań lubelskich" i wszystko staje się jasne. Rys. 1 Ż*dzi byli uciskani za panowania Rzymu. Imperium rzymskie upadło (jakoś tak się zdarza w historii, że imperia upadają) co jest dowodem na to, że to kara boska za to, że Ż*dom było źle. Tak samo ma się sprawa ze wszystkimi innymi imperiami. Rys. 2 W 1933 roku "katolickie Niemcy" służąc Watykanowi zorganizowały inkwizycję przeciwko Ż*dom. Za to Bóg rozpieprzy Watykan tuż przed drugim przyjściem Chrystusa, które nastąpi zaraz po tym jak rozpęta się wojna atomowa o którą modlą się baptyści. No i chuj, no i cześć. Rys. 3 Ta sama klątwa działa po dziś dzień, więc jeśli jakiś naród / kraj krytykuje Izrael i go nie kocha to ma przejebane. Dlaczego w Afryce jest głód? Bo państwa afrykańskie zerwały stosunki dyplomatyczne z Izraelem czym wkurzyły Boga. Dlatego amerykańscy podatnicy nie powinni złościć się, że miliardy z ich kieszeni idą na zbrojenie Izraela bo za to mają hamburgery i w ogóle God bless ich. Rys. 4 Była sobie wspaniała królowa Wiktoria, normalnie oblubienica pańska, która za przewodnik miała Biblię. To, że w czasach jej rządów na sąsiedniej wyspie będącej pod jej panowaniem zagłodzono półtora miliona ludzi nie ma większego znaczenia bo to katolicy byli. Ale Ż*dom było dobrze więc Bóg błogosławił. Niestety Wielka Brytania zapomniała o bożej obietnicy dla Ż*dów, Bóg znów się wkurzył i przeklął Brytanię. Już nie była mocarstwem. A wystarczyło kochać Ż*dów. Rys. 5 Rosja też jest wrogiem Izraela i dlatego chujnia jest u Ruskich. No i oczywiście Bóg ją zniszczy w tej wojnie atomowej ale... "interesująca notka: Izrael przetrwa tę wojnę". A jakże! Rys. 6 Izrael odegra w tym wszystkim najważniejszą rolę bo w ogóle jest najważniejszy i lepiej go nie krytykować za nic. Z Rzymu przybędzie Bestia, pozbiera wszystkie armie świata by wymazać Izrael z mapy (tak straszą się Iranem protestanci ku uciesze syjonistów), ale wszystkie te armie chuj strzeli a Bóg osądzi wszystkie narody świata, które miały czelnośc otworzyć mordy przeciwko Izraelowi! Tadaaaam! No, historię świata macie już wyłożoną, teraz sami poczytajcie sobie Biblię i wspierajcie "pastora" Chojeckiego. A jeśli coś wam się nie podoba to załóżcie własny kościół bo o to chodzi (ale wtedy zostaniecie nazwani "biblijnymi debilami" jak mówił rebe Chojecki o innych polskich protestantach, bez zbytnich odchyleń pro-amerykańskich i pro-izraelskich).
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fluxesworld · 3 years
It was a God's project. A new nation. The youngest for two or three centyries, man.
A powerful nation. Powerful country.
Powerful imperia.... It's gone.,. The world is gone...
I liked AMERICA. Land of dreams, freedom, democracy, good living.... The land of OPPORTUNIETIES.
Pink Floyd's concert also in Belgrade at there
Last tourney called himself "the long goodby".
It's a new order in world. More disorder.,.
What left ?
Poeple. Poeple everywhere. Houndreds, thousends...billions.
Let's be kind one to each other.,.
What too left... God. Maybe. HE 'S all ways there.
But WE are not all ways prepared for HIM.
We, his children.... His creations, his projects..
Let's have faith. In his power. PoWer of love.
POWER of harmony, forgiving, freedom, brotherhood....
America had some of this attributes.
Of GOD. And menkind....
Let's not WASTE OUR LIFES...!!!
So help us god. Amen
Noel Aysberg. 2022'
February 26.
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avoidedentity · 4 years
Listening to "Chasing Cars" -Snow Patrol
Dear No One,
Romance is not meant for the weak-hearted, nor is it mean for victims/survivors of circumstance. Fate decided not to discriminate when it placed the opportunity within my reach.
The stars heard our confessions and blessed us with a shining sky. It was three in the morning and he and I found something we'd pretended we lost for two years.
I'm sorry there was ever an in-between. I'm sorry there was a time period where I couldn't say I love you. I'm sorry it took me so long to catch up.
In the beginning, I wasn't supposed to fall in love and neither was he, but it happened, and its so goddamn beautiful. He sees me for the person I am and not for the person I was. He sees me halo and devil horns and calls me cute. He sees me.
He and I call ourselves gods; our power scares the hell out of us.
I'd like to say something to you, Skateboard Boy. I love you. I love you the way Andrea loved Bel-imperia and the way Bel-imperia later loved Horatio. I love you more than Lemony loves Beatrice. I really fucking love you. Like Popeye and Olive. Mahal kita. Te amo. Jeg elsker deg. I love you in the way that I know there's a chance soulmates don't exist but I choose you as my soulmate anyway. Je t'aime. I love you so much I re-wrote this six times and I am still not satisfied with how it reads or looks.
I should tell you I'm not good at saying it. I'm good at standing on a bed with a Polaroid to capture your grin post-sex. I'm good at holding your hand. I'm good at ignoring my coffee for you. I'm good at all the little ways I can tell you without telling you.
I am lucky to be able to love you. Romance may have not been meant for me, but we can be meant for each other regardless.
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teremiah8403 · 5 years
Hawkinos Teremiah 18 hours ago (edited) Cover it up yes or no I don’t know I just know what I did spell casting No Spirit Puppet string jutsu no tailed beast spirit manipulation Okay I stopped training with spirit magic for right now so we have to stop to much power - Tsuguko Takamado we have to stop we training in very powerful magick I know I just spoke it and casted I intend no collateral damage from a Kogeki Hawkinos Teremiah Hawkinos Teremiah 18 hours ago (edited) On target No in What they called Susanoo mode Tsu they Susanoo mode We Call it We can Call it magick Chakra manifestation it is created from the wielders Chakra It do make you feel so much more powerful don’t it Ninjutsu Jujanjutsu Jujandojutsu Come on Takamado  vibrate don't just sit still with Mudra vibrate cast the energy outward your no shaking trembling In fear you Gathering energy you summoning energy= That was just me vibrating my fist for seconds- I felt it= Let me know no communication via YouTube Seishin mask jutsu yes or no magic combination= Can you feel my spiritual pressure= = = Hawkinos Teremiah Hawkinos Teremiah 17 hours ago (edited) You can handle Tsuguko Takamado Who are you Go get in Goddess mode spell God mode with me I was thinking of making Tsuguko Takamado the General my Army for 24 hours but she has unlimited opportunities to work my The Holy Heavenly Royal Imperial Armed Forces Like wait Like Field General Tsuguko Takamado Dai Gensui Tsuguko Takamado Hawkinos Teremiah Hawkinos Teremiah 17 hours ago (edited) First Japanese female to become Dai Gensui Ai love JAIN  Dai or Dao You can don’t let me down Up and Through Ranks Your Booper has you up is two Letter word not shattering College’s anymore Bestest focus on General and Two Rank to become Dai Gensui you dont become Dai Gensui without being A Genius also what he would have said to all of US I can not wait until Tsuguko Takamado sounds like me and Emperor Hirohito saying Dai Gensui when no person is around to see  you say it but every one hears you and know it’s no person on a planet but you the Power of A Dai Gensui - don’t stop I receive a message to get you before the power goes to your head- with power it is Responsibility with power it Discipline control be more powerful then the power you have don’t let the power consume you you consume the power as becomes only but part of you Hawkinos Teremiah Hawkinos Teremiah 17 hours ago (edited) She  handle she shattering Japanese Imperia And International Military Armed Force Ranks like she was me she can handle it Dai Gensui Philo Professu Tsu Teri Madosier Aquamarine they Marine spell March Pisces Hawkinos Teremiah Hawkinos Teremiah 12 hours ago No no if you watched television as children you should know a Husband and wife three some is Breakfast in bed and a plate of breakfast or eating served in bed for two
JAPAN OR PAN CAKE - PAIN OR PAN IKIGAMI SHINIGAMI LIVING GOD DEATH GOD NO MALE OR FEMALE NOT XY OR XX RULES TO YALE SEX IS GENDER PEOPLE ARE SEX CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE — COLD CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE HAWKINS TRANSLATED TO HAWKIN Message from Philosopher Professor Doctor Field General Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins jr HAWKINS UMBRELLA CORPORATION COATS ACTIVE IN CASE TERRY LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINS (via teremiah8403) WORDS WORDS poemswords - poemswords - sword and words YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ? DAI GENSUI TSU TER PHILOPROFESSU MADOSIER ( ER IN EMPEROR AND BOOPER AND ( DOSSIER / DOSIER ( OSS OR OS ) DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM01 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KINGMAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDN’T GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9) [email protected] TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not Book Rank‎: ‎TEN ( CODE_LOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected]/TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via blaze8403)Modus Operandi - GOD OVER MONEY THE LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABOVE MONEY - IN GOD WE TO TRUST - USDA * (MURDA)HONESTY / DISHONESTY - SIDNEY / DISNEY(MONEY-YENOM) (BECK OR BECH ?)—TERRY CHRISTIAN CHRISTEN ANGELOUS LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINSWORD WORDS poemswords  poemswords -POME-OPME-(OPEM) YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ?DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM04 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KING MAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with Philosopher Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER -DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not BookRank‎: ‎TEN ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Loki Aisuru Ikigami ShinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via teremiah8403)Source:teremiah8403
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
A State Of Trance Episode 852 XXL - Super8 & Tab (#ASOT852)
Listen or download the new Armin van Buuren single here: Listen or download: https://ARMAS1346.lnk.to/SLWYA Listen or download A State Of Trance Year Mix 2017 here: https://AvB.lnk.to/YM2017YA Grab the new ASOT anthem ‘Be In The Moment’ now: https://asot448.lnk.to/BITMBPYA Click here for all the A State Of Trance episodes: https://ASOTEpisodes.lnk.to/PL Subscribe to Armin van Buuren: http://bit.ly/SubscribeArmin #ASOT852 1. Mark Sixma & Husman – Prime [Armada] 2. Patrick White - Reason (Taken from Wake Your Mind 003) [Wake Your Mind] 3. PROGRESSIVE PICK: Underworld - Scribble (Henry Carlin Remix) 4. Hello Machines - Air [Euphonic Visions] 5. Marcus Santoro - Savitar [Statement] 6. TRENDING TRACK: Armin van Buuren feat. Conrad Sewell - Sex, Love & Water (Club mix) [Armind] 7. TUNE OF THE WEEK: Simon Patterson feat. Lucy Pullin - Fall For You [Armind] 8. Ferry Corsten & Paul Oakenfold - A Slice Of Heaven [Unity] 9. Armin van Buuren - Be In The Moment (ASOT 850 Anthem) (Allen Watts Remix) [ASOT] 10. Super8 & Tab feat. Envy Monroe – True Love (Taken from Reformations part 1) [Armada] 11. Super8 & Tab - Cosmo (Taken from Reformations part 1) [Armada] 12. Super8 & Tab – Pressure (Taken from Reformations part 1) [Armada] 13. Super8 & Tab feat. Sarah deCourcy – Seconds Away (Taken from Reformations part 1) [Armada] 14. SERVICE FOR DREAMERS: Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton – Rain [Armind] 15. Dan Chase & Aneym - What I Am [Black Sunset Music] 16. Protoculture - Valley of the Red Gods [A State Of Trance] 17. Andrew Rayel - Let It Be Forever (Andrew Rayel & DRYM Remix) 18. Anthony Ragni - Imperia [Black Sunset Music] 19. FUTURE FAVORITE: Poshout vs Holbrook & SkyKeeper - Someday [Interplay] 20. Nu NRG - Dreamland (Factor B's Back to the Future Remix Master) [Vandit] 21. A.R.D.I. - Army Of Angels [AVA White] 22. Warrior - If You Want Me (Dan Thompson Remix) [Groteque Reworked] 23. Deep Fog feat. Djiva - Open Your Eyes (O.B.M Notion Remix) [Entrancing] 24. Alex Wright - Mnemba [Infrasonic Pure] 25. Daniel Kandi - Finding Carl [FSOE Fables] 26. Paul van Dyk & Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Breaking Dawn [VANDIT Records] 27. Amir Hussain & Leroy Moreno - Jura [ITWT] 28. Richard Durand - Savage [Reloaded] 29. Vini Vici & Timmy Trumpet ft Symphonic – 100 [Spinnin] 30. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Jakarta [GO Music] Super8 & Tab XXL Set 01 Cosmic Gate & Super8 & Tab - Noom 02 ID - ID 03 ID - ID 04 Cosmic Gate & Markus Schulz - AR (Patrick White Remix) 05 Super8 & Tab - Nino vs. Your Secret Safe feat. Julie Thompson (Super8 & Tab Mashup) 06 Kyau & Albert & Genix - Mantis 07 ID - ID 08 ID - ID 09 Super8 & Tab - Komorebi (David Gravell Remix) 10 Darkness Falls - Error 606 vs Armin Van Buuren - Sound of Goodbye (Super8 & Tab Mashup) 11 Daniel Wanrooy - Revolt 12 Super8 & Tab - Mega vs. True Love feat. Envy Monroe (Super8 & Tab Mashup) 13 Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Goveart - Never Say Never (Super8 & Tab Remix) 14 Super8 & Tab - Quest 15 Davey Asprey - The Dawning #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #Armin #van #Buuren #Armada #Music #Trance #State #Of #Radio #Episode #asot852 #852 #super8&tab #servicefordreamers #Beinthe moment #Allenwattsremix #Ferrycorsten #Pauloakenfold
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witheternityinmind · 7 years
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B R U S S E L S 22-24 Sep So some form of independence/solo traveling over here - Took the bus alone to Brussels and thankfully all went okay. I know it might sound absolutely ridiculous to be thankful for something so simple like a good ride to Brussels but I’ve learnt that in Europe anything can happen, so BLESSUP. Anyway, met G when I got down the bus and we bought a pack of Chocolate and navigated through a comic strip wall route I found online, taking a photo of a piece of chocolate with every comic strip wall we found. There was so much joy in unexpectantly chancing over walls since we only knew the road name but didn’t know exactly which corner the wall could be found. Just simple joys in life and the opportunity to do something less touristy (somewhat).
In general, am so unbelievably blessed because I was actually provided two places to stay for my short weekend trip in Belgium. First was Daphne, my cousin’s fiancé, who let me put my things at her place while I toured Brussels for the day. We had an amazing dinner together, and I think this completes the family tree for me since she’s probably the closest I can get to a sister. Conversations were amazing and I am so happy for my cousin that God has blessed him with such a thoughtful and lovely Wife. I felt so happy for them and so sure that it was part of His divine plan for them to fall in love and share life together. Also my Cousin is practically my Brother, having seen me grow up through the years and he rly took care of me since the age gap was pretty substantial. He told Daphne there’s a special unspoken bond between us, and rightly so! So i always felt that he deserves the very best for a Wife, and I truly see that in Daphne :’) we had tea at her apartment after dinner and it was kinda what I needed. Apart from experience life overseas with a singaporean and comforting as it may be, it’s another thing meeting family overseas. It’s heartwarming and suddenly that communion just feels like you’re coming home. It’s a strange feeling that’s hard to put in words.
So afterwards, Alice fetched me from daphne’s place and I got to meet her Sister who’s based on amsterdam too. I felt so immensely blessed when I got to their home because it is huge and so beautiful in terms of architecture. Also, their parents are sweethearts, they may no be very good at English but they tried their best to converse with me, and had tea with us till late even though they were tired. They really hosted me like I was family and shared with me a lot about their town, how Belgian culture is like etc. In the morning I was greeted with love by Alice’s dad in the form of a kiss on the cheek, who woke up really early to buy breakfast for us. It reminded me of the father’s love I experienced in Imperia, when Renato made breakfast for us.
We did pretty ordinary things like go out to the garden with Alice and her parents to get potatoes, strawberries, corn, apples, pears, herbs, a huuuuuuge pumpkin etc. and also just watch Alice’s father cook a little here and there in the kitchen for Sunday’s feast (Alice’s grandma was coming over). I also got to see Celeste showing her parents her latest product art projects and it was nice to see how much genuine interest her parents had for her work and the amount of pride they had for their daughter. It kinda reminded me of my parents where they’d ask me every day when I come home “How was your day?” and ask about school and “can you show us your project?”. But anyway it was such a beautiful sight watching her parents watching her work on her ipad while standing behind the cough and looking over her shoulder to see the screen. It was simple, and extremely everyday but it made me feel so warm and fuzzy and loved. Perhaps God needed me to see this and nudge me to remind me how fortunate I am to likewise grow up in such a loving, nurturing environment. I also felt this wave of love from God and was reminded that He too cares about every single little update in my life and has the same kind of genuine interest in my every day.
Brussels was another instance where God revealed himself to me, showed me that I’m not alone in Europe but instead transforms my perspectives on things (case in point - taking my folks’ love for granted)
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lo-55 · 4 years
Revel Ch. 12
Onwards to Ohara                    
 Tori was restless.
 Everyone could see it, from her handmaids to her husband. Ever since she had returned from her trip to her mothers home she had drifted through the halls in the golden afternoon light and walked the fields of her worst enemy without her usual air of cheerful delight.
 Victoria was a people person.
 She always had been, even when the only thing she could focus on was her next paper, her next test score, her college major, her GPA, her STEM projects, she had always loved people.
 She loved humanities and history. Even though it was science that her mind was hardwired for, even though it was mathematics that her parents pushed her to pursue, Tori had always loved people.
 What she wanted to study was humanities. Anthropology, if it must be academic, she didn’t care.
 They had settled for anesthesiologist. Her parents and herself, but mostly her parents. Anything to show off how smart she was. How many grades she had skipped. How many awards she could win.
 By the time she was eighteen she was trapped. Strangled by a blue ribbon around her neck, her leash so short she could barely speak to her neighbors without being pulled away to ‘focus on her future’.
 She hated it.
 Tori was not a spiteful person. She didn’t keep many grudges. But when she died, and she died so young in retrospect, so young and so oblivious to the world, missing out on so much of her life, she      hated    .
 She hated her first grade teacher for telling her parents that she was a genius instead of sending her to remedial classes for being so bored in class that she didn’t do her work. She hated whoever was in charge of her junior high that sent her right on to high school. She was only Twelve and suddenly she was a freshman.
 She hated her parents for pushing her so far and so hard and so      much    without ever letting her climb trees or play but decided to have her test her limits and climb ladders
 She hated      herself     for knowing too much, for showing up her peers whether she was trying to or not, for giving her parents an excuse to isolate her. For not standing up for herself. For not knowing people or making friends. She hated herself for dying alone.
 All of this meant that now, when she was pretty but not smart, did it seem very unusual for her not to strike up a conversation with everyone she found in her path.
 Tori could have seen it coming that Madelle might come for her, or Aelia, or Lapa, or any of her other handmaidens.
 The one person she wasn’t expecting to come find her that warm day in spring, was her husband.
 He found her in the gardens that had begun to grow her own home islands plants. At some point when he had gone home with her, he had also procured seeds and clippings of their flowers and had them planted here.
 Now, almost a year after, they were starting to bud in the golden sunlight.  
 Tori sat amongst them, staring at the sky and thinking about the formation of clouds. The pull of molecules, the weight of water, and the cold upper atmosphere. She thought of light reflection and refraction, and just how could sky islands exist? How were their clouds so thick to stand on but not so heavy that they fell? What stopped gravity from dragging them?
 She had tried for so long so hard not to think too much. Not to try to unravel all of these mysteries, or consider devil fruit, or lost history. Or anything else like that.
 She tried to just be pretty. She tried to just know people, without ever seeming like she knew much at all.
 But now the itch was back.
 The curiosity.
 The want to know.
 It was here and she was having trouble shoving all of it back into the box inside her chest while her mind whirled through things she had once known and tried to forget.
 She was just reminding herself about cloud seeds when a shadow fell across her face and she found herself staring up at her husband.
 “Katakuri,” she said, surprised. She had neither heard nor felt him coming. Not that sensing was her specialty. “Hello,” she sat up slowly, drawing her legs up under her. Her skirts wrinkles around her calves.
 “What’s wrong with you?”
 Tori blinked at him once. Twice. Thrice.
 “Oh. You’re blunt.” What else would she expect? This was Katakuri, not a courtier. He had no need to soften his words to her. Even if he was in a court and not in their home garden, she doubted he would mince his words.
 In fact, if he was more prone to talking she was sure he would wind up in more fights with, well, everyone.
 Katakuri’s brows furrowed and he lowered himself to his knees in front of her. He still towered above her. Tori took the liberty of taking his hand in hers.
 “Forgive me. I’ve been thinking.”
 “Thinking of what?” he asked suspiciously.
 “Ah. Well, a lot of things. The sun and the moon and all of the stars. There’s so much I don’t know, and so many questions I’ve never asked.”
 “Then ask them,” he said, like it was simple. Like it was easy.
     What’s behind your scarf?    The part of her that was still bitter whispered. The part that feared the consequences of what would happen if she was more than just pretty again. But she didn’t ask that. She didn’t say such a spiteful thing, and besides.
 She already knew the answer.
 “There’s some questions that aren’t easy to ask. Or easy to find answers to,” or      legal    to find answers to. “Our library on the island is limited largely to past years accounts and agriculture and irrigation. And the ones on Imperia are similar. I’ve had my lessons there.”
 She did not mention that the only real things she had learned there was the island's personal history and her family's role in it, and to a smaller extent geography and tides. Everything else she had already known. Math, science, and so on, that hadn’t changed across the dimensions. It didn’t help that they didn’t even know what DNA was here. And wouldn’t for another twenty years, if she remembered correctly.
 Katakuri stared at her for a long time, like he was contemplating not her, but the secrets of the universe.
 Finally, he spoke.
 “There is an island,” he said, “Where they have thousands of years of accumulated knowledge. If you want to know something, that is the place to go. South of us, across the calm belt.”
 “In West Blue?” Tori cocked her head. They were in the New World, a million miles away from Paradise. They were sandwiched between the North and West Blue’s.
 It took her a minute to realize.
 He was talking about-
 “Ohara,” his voice was a low rumble. “You could go to Ohara. You’re restless. And snappish.”
 Tori frowned at him. “I am no such thing.”
 He just arched a brow at her until Tori felt herself start to flush. It was a jittery sort of anger. It was fear and old, bitter spite that reared its ugly head when it hadn’t in twenty years.  
 If she gave in to herself, if she let herself start devouring books and knowledge, what would become of her then? Who would she be? What pedestals would she stand on, that even her handmaids and her friends, and her family could not climb to stand beside her on?
 She didn’t want to do that again, but her skin itched and her mind yearned. There was so much she didn’t know. There were so many places she had never been. This world was strange and new and-
 She knew everything, she told herself. She knew how water flowed and clouds formed. She knew how cells gathered together to make a person. She knew how lightning cracked through the skies to the seas. She didn’t need to go to Ohara, there was nothing else she      needed    to know.
 But god, there was so much she      wanted    to know.
 And here was her husband, offering it to her.
 On top of that, he did something only the Orseolo brothers ever really did to her.
 He called her on her behavior. He saw her behavior.
 Tori slowly reached up, and took both of his hands in hers. Her smile was soft, and affectionate. She wanted to grin like a loon, but she didn’t know she could do that yet. She’d had a little too much training.
 “I want to. I want to go to Ohara.”
 Tori was traveling more these days than she had ever travelled in her entire life. In either life.
 The trip from Komugi to Ohara wasn’t a straight shot across the Calm Belt. They had to sail all the way to Reverse Mountain, and then down to the West Blue. The Big Mom pirates didn’t have seastone lining their ships, only the small ship that ferried her away from Komugi, sans her husband but including his young brother.
 At twenty five he was one year older than Tori and still only half grown for a Charlotte, meaning he was actually a foot shorter than Tori was. It was strange to look down on anyone from Katakuri’s family, but whenever they were together she found herself staring at the short cropped purple hair of Charlotte Cracker.
 He was cute, this young. He didn’t have his scar yet and he was all bright eyed and cheerful and utterly terrible at staying still. He also glued himself to Tori’s side as soon as Katakuri asked him to keep an eye on her.
 He only had a modest bounty yet, and that was mostly because he was Big Mom’s son, so he could leave Paradise and not get a whole army of Marine’s on his ass. Unlike Katakuri, who had already gone toe to toe with no less than three rear admirals.
 When she thought about it, he could probably kill her with a napkin.
 It was a good thing they got along.
 Privately, Tori wondered if she wasn’t already halfway in love with him. They were too alike.
 Yet, he couldn't be more different from his younger brother.
 “Hey,” she caught him by his elbow when he went nearly skipping by. They both stayed steady when the boat lurched into the dock. “Calm down, FireCracker. We’re here already. You can stretch your legs,” she teased. He’d gone completely stir crazy somewhere around the second week on the ship, and it was on the backs of the fighters in the crew that his energy fell. He sharpened his skill and sword at their expense.
 Now, he was about ready to leap over the side of the ship and start a fight with whoever he saw. Given that this was an island of scholars, he wouldn’t find anyone who could pose a challenge.
 “Behave,” Tori warned him, and led the way off the boat.
 They both towered across the other inhabitants of the island by at least three feet in all directions. The crew was more average sized and they ran around like bees securing their space at the docks. Tori didn’t know how long she was going to be here. She didn't even know how long Ohara was going to be here, but she was going to take advantage of what time she had.
 Cracker was supposed to watch over her, he’d been sent to do as much by his brother, but she doubted it would last long. She was going to be reading, and he would get bored of that soon enough.
 Cracker reminded her, in some ways, of Gemma. He was a brilliant, brutal fighter and he knew it. But while Gemma was cunning and vicious he was cocky and perhaps a bit foolish. And neither of them could stay still for very long. The curse of always being ‘able’.
 Tori had to crane her neck up, up, up to see the tops of the Tree of Knowledge. It was amazing. It was ancient and towering and it enveloped the entire island in a cool shadow.
 It was every bit as magnificent as Tori had ever dreamed, and then some.
 “It’s strange, don’t you think?” she asked, drawing Cracker’s attention to her. Her handmaidens had stayed on Komugi, dressed as her in turns, to distract anyone who might wish her harm.
 “What is?” he asked, looking away from where he was eying one of the dock workers.
 “The tree of knowledge. It’s old and big. I’ve always thought of knowledge as new and ever growing, infinite possibilities.”
 Cracker squinted at her.
 “... Mama sure picked a good person for my brother.”
 Tori was so startled she didn’t even think of saying anything to him before he was off harassing a strong looking man down the block.
 “A good person huh?” Tori started to smile. Maybe that was true. And maybe Mama had picked out a good person for her, too.
 The hallways of the library of Ohara were vast and packed with so many books it almost made her head spin.
 It was wonderful and just a little bit frightening.
 A lot a bit frightening.
 There was so much knowledge here, so much she could learn and find. It reminded her all too much of fairs and vicious competitions and night spent sitting in front of her parents while they snapped at her any time she didn’t answer perfectly.
 Even more so, because she knew all of this knowledge was about to disappear. It was going to vanish off the face of the earth, lost forever in the flames of a Buster Call.
 It hadn’t registered before. Tori had known, consciously, that there were a lot of books. She had known that a lot had been lost. But to see it? In person, with her own eyes?
 It made her sick to her stomach. Alexandria burned, Carthage was razed, Yunchin was destroyed, Baghdad was sacked, and the Aztecs were utterly destroyed. So much had been lost from her old world, and now so much again was going to be lost from here. How long? How long until this tree was felled?  
 Tori’s fingers itched. Her stomach churned. No, absolutely not.
 Tori caught the arm of a passing librarian, marked by her name tag.
 “Excuse me,” she said politely, ignoring the fact that the woman didn’t even reach her shoulder. “Do you have paper available for the public?”
 The woman looked at her, surprised, and nodded.
 “Ah, yes. There’s paper available next to the almanacs.”
 Tori thanked her a left her to her work. She found the papers and pends, and grabbed the first almanac off the shelf.
 She began.
 It was slow going at first, until she got into the rhythm of it. No one seemed to notice what she was doing, or if they did they were too intimidated to remark on the fact that she was copying down each book she came across.
 In tiny short hand, each stroke of her pen no thicker than even a quarter inch, she wrote down everything. All of it, page after page she copied every book she could get her hands on. She lost all track of time.
 The spell of translation didn’t break until a ruckus of whispers broke through the small reading room she had found herself in. It smelled like books and ink and dust.
 She looked up, expecting the whispering to be about her, but it wasn’t.
 There was a tiny, tiny little girl standing in the doorway, a book as thick as her head in her hands. Her hair was short and straight, even darker than Tori’s, and her eyes were wide and blue.
 Tori wasn’t the only person in the room. Most of the tables were full of people, and when the little girl started looking around those same tables were suddenly over flowing with books and papers, and there was no room for a child anywhere.
 Tori very intentionally moved the books around. The too-small chair she sat in creaked, giving her away to the little girl. There was only one space left in the room, if she wanted it.
 It took a few minutes before the soft thud of a book on the table across from her told Tori that she was no longer alone. Robins head popped up the other side a minute later.
 “Can I sit here?” she asked, her voice quiet and soft. Tori’s heart melted. She’d always had a soft spot for children.
 “Of course you can sweetheart. There’s plenty of room.”
 “Thank you,” Robin smiled shyly at her. Tori returned it, and got back to her work. She finished the book she was working on and started another. She had gone through five before Robin’s voice broke her concentration again.
 “What are you doing?”
 “Hmm?” Tori lifted her head. “I’m taking notes. I don’t live here, and when I leave I still want to have access to some of this information.” All of this information. At least as much as she could get her hands on.
 Maybe it would have been  better to find Clover or whatever his name was and tell him what was to come. To tell him to start evacuating the books, but honestly? Why would he listen to her? She was no one to him. Just a foreign princess and a pirates bride.
 It was the first part of that that meant she could travel as she pleased.
 “I don’t know that language,” Robin leaned forwards before she caught herself, flushing and drawing back. Tori pushed the paper over to her.
 “It’s short hand. A sort of code for writing things down faster. See? That line says ‘      I destroyed Humbaba who lived in the Cedar Forest, I slew lions in the mountain passes! I grappled with the Bull that came down from heaven, and killed him    .’ “
 “That’s a lot,” Robin looked fascinated.
 Tori smiled at her and pulled a chair beside her. “Would you like to learn?”
 Robin’s whole face lit up. “Yes! Please!”
 She scrambled around the table and popped up at Tori’s side, just a little sprite of curiosity and innocence that watched with rapt attention as Tori showed her what she was doing. It was a shorthand unique to her island, to her family in fact. They had records going back a thousand or more years that looked almost identical.
 Tori realized quickly that if she was a genius, Robin was a super genius. She was just a child but she was already fluent in more languages that Tori had fingers to count them on and she learned everything Tori told her without needing anything repeated.
 What a frightening child.
 Tori did enlist her help. She had Robin translate the texts in languages other than japanese and english and in turn transcribe those for her with the promise of stories of her homeland as payment.
 She felt like she was taking advantage of the child, but Robin didn’t seem to mind. She was just happy someone was talking to her.
 Tori wanted to scoop her into her arms and carry her right home to Komugi, sit her down and spoil her for the rest of her life. She didn’t want this little girl to be chased all over by the government, tormented and betrayed for her entire life. She wanted to scoop her up and protect her at any cost.
 It was because of Robin that Tori left the library that night to get dinner in time to see the sun burning into the horizon behind the Tree of Knowledge.
 Cracked appeared with dinner for her, and enough left over for Robin to eat with them, even though he had no idea she was there.
 “Did you clone yourself in there?” Cracker asked, squinting at the little girl when he caught sight of her. Tori was startled into laughing.
 “Oh, yes. A mini-me,” she teased, ruffling Robin’s hair. The little girl stared up at them, stunned.
 Cracker laughed harder than her and grabbed the little girl by the back of her shirt. He lifted her up when she squeaked and propped her on his shoulder while they walked back to the ship. Robin grabbed his hair, looking bewildered but not afraid.
 “Where are we going?” she asked, looking around the town from her new vantage. The villagers were quickly scrambling out of their way. Tori didn’t take it personally.
 “Us? We’re going to our ship to eat dinner. With you, now. But eventually we’ll go back to Tottoland.”
 “Totto Land,” Robin repeated, looking off at the ocean.
 Tori smiled.
 “It’s where we live. Although I’m from Imperia originally. If you ever decide to travel, you should come visit me there. You’d be more than welcome.”
 “Really?” Robin looked at her with such heartbreaking hope.
 “Yes, really,” Tori smiled sweetly at her. “You’re very smart, sweetheart, and I think you’d like it there.”
 Cracker dropped her on the deck of the ship, and the three of them descended into the cabins to eat in peace. Tori couldn't help keeping an eye on the window, searching the horizon for Navy ships.
 In the morning she would go back and keep at her work, but for tonight she ate with Cracker and Robin and laughed at their silly antics. They were both so young and unburdened by the world. Tori wanted to save them, if only she had the strength.
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