#(also nyx I sent you an ask earlier today so I hope it went through!)
heartbeetz · 2 years
swatch! if you could plan the perfect date for you and terrarium, what would it be like? (radioromantic)
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The perfect date with Terri, hm?.....
Typically, we'd stay in for the night. But if we're going out, well... I'd like to take them to one of those fancy restaurants downtown. You know, the ones dozens of stories up, overlooking the whole city. He always says that's "doing too much," but I'd like to treat him to it just once. The dazzling city lights are quite a view from up there.
Maybe we could peruse the nearby shops or walk through the carnival afterwards. I do wish he wasn't so afraid to ride the ferris wheel. That's always seemed like a nice way to end the night.
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snelbz · 2 years
Rendezvous {Elriel}
Oops, this was written for Week One of @elrielmonth, but Tara and I got hella busy. So enjoy this (late) oneshot and expect us to work on the rest of the weeks in the next coming days!
(Also, this story is will be continuing and turning into a mini-series. So look forward to that in the coming weeks, too!)
WC: 4728
Elriel Month. Week One. Forbidden Love.
Co-written with @theladyofdeath.
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Elain sat across the table from Feyre, picking at the beautiful display of food that had been set between them. 
It wasn’t that she wasn’t hungry.
Her mind was just elsewhere. 
It had been like that more and more lately, that scattering of her mind. One moment she was fully engrossed in conversation and the next she was thinking of him.
Her eyes snapped up to Feyre���s and she realized she had been picking at a grape for the past few minutes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep the best last night.”
Feyre frowned. “Why not?”
She lied. “I couldn’t get comfortable. One of those nights.”
Feyre nodded, both because she understood and because she knew not to push. “I was just asking what you’re doing today. It’s beautiful out this morning.”
She shrugged a delicate shoulder. She was right, the late spring sky was calling her name. “I was thinking I might spend some time in the gardens. The peonies have bloomed and I was going to prune them back and make a bouquet for Nesta.”
They’d always been Nesta’s favorite flower, the fluffy buds making her smile even when the shadows crept into her eyes.
“You should join me on a walk,” she offered, stirring her tea. “I was hoping to take Nyx out into the Rainbow today.”
“That’d be lovely,” Elain mused, thinking about how Azriel had run out of charcoal the night before he’d been sent on a mission. She was sure Feyre would duck into some shop for something, would be swamped by the friend she’d made at her studio, and she could sneak off to buy a few pieces for him. “I can wait to garden if you’d like to go after breakfast.”
“That’s perfect,” she smiled, and Elain could almost feel the thread of power she unspooled to check and see if her sleepy infant was awake yet. Night personified, Nyx slept better than any baby she’d ever met. “Rhys is meeting with Azriel at the House of Wind this morning for a report. Gives us time to spend in the sun.”
Elain blinked, trying not to show any surprise or rush of emotion as she asked, “Azriel’s returned?”
“Just this morning,” Feyre responded, sipping from her mug. “Apparently, he had a rough couple of days. Rhys couldn’t even wait for the sun to come up before he was out of bed and getting dressed.”
It was the same any time Azriel or Cassian returned home after days away, without Rhysand. He had been staying in the city more and more while the other two went away to deal with the dark side of being a part of the High Lord’s inner circle. Elain had always thought Rhys felt a sense of guilt about it. So, every time they crossed back into the city, he was running to them.
“His love for his friends is inspiring,” Elain said, although she was thinking of something else, someone else, entirely. 
Feyre was saying something in response, but Elain’s mind was reeling. A thousand thoughts, a thousand escape plans, ran through her mind. None of them seemed logical - or appropriate for sitting across the table from her sister. 
She blinked and looked up at her sister. “I’m sorry, you were saying something?”
“Your cheeks are flushed,” she said, eyebrows lowering in concern. “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” she replied, reaching for her napkin on her lap and lightly fanning herself with it. “I must have overheated while I was working in the kitchen this morning.”
Since Azriel wasn’t in her bed, keeping her up until the Cauldron knew when, she’d been falling asleep and waking up earlier and earlier. Her own hand did the job, but her fingers weren’t nearly as skilled as Azriel’s. After she’d awoken before sunrise, she’d quickly wrung an orgasm out of herself and was in the kitchen covered in flour before even Nuala and Cerridwen were awake.
Feyre was watching her sister curiously. “If you’re not up for a walk, it’s okay. Nyx and I will just go. Or, we can wait a few hours. Let you rest.”
Elain continued to fan herself with her napkin, pretending to think, pretending to weigh her options. She loved spending time with Feyre, loved spending time with her nephew, but she wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing until she saw him.
“A few hours of rest may be helpful,” Elain agreed. “I’ll try to catch up on some of the sleep that I missed during the night.” 
Feyre smiled. “Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll take Nyx to see Nesta. He hasn’t seen her in a few days.”
Elain nodded, that guilt fading just a little bit. She had seen Nesta only the night before, so her absence would not be suspicious.
They finished their breakfast and Feyre headed up to the nursery to get Nyx ready for the day. Elain went to her own room in the river house, wondering how long she needed to wait until sneaking to the townhouse.
It had always been their place of refuge. Though Rhys and Feyre had given it to Elain after the completion of the river house, she often stayed with them in it. She often made excuses to stay there, so it wouldn’t be as obvious that she snuck off when Azriel returned home.
Every time he returned home.
She knew as soon as he was done speaking to Rhys, he would be making his way to the townhouse, either relaxing and sunning his wings on the rooftop patio or already waiting in their bed.
She certainly didn’t want to leave him waiting for long.
Freshening up, Elain listened as Feyre sang to Nyx as she got him up and ready for the day. Their voices passed her closed door and she heard Nyx babbling as they descended the stairs.
“Let’s go, my little love,” Feyre crooned and then Elain heard the front door open and close.
She waited for as long as she could, but was likely only a couple minutes before hurrying down the stairs, aiming for the front door.
She halted, not expecting to hear Nuala’s voice from the direction of the kitchen. “Yes?”
“Would you mind helping us with the baking for dinner tonight?” The elder of the half-wraith twins appeared through the wall, something that should have unnerved Elain, but she’d quickly grown accustomed to. “Cerridwen has tried to replicate your braided bread, but it’s not nearly as neat as yours.”
With a quiet sigh, Elain nodded. Tying her hair back as she entered the kitchen, she glanced at the clock above the stove. It wasn’t even ten yet. She sorely hoped she saw him before dinner.
Pausing before the counter, Elain reached for a large ball of dough. She smiled at the two fae who were her closest friends and started kneading.
Azriel pointed to a cluster of trees over the continent for the third time. “It was impenetrable. Whatever is in this copse of trees doesn’t want me to see what it’s up to.”
Rhysand, no wings today, was lounging in a chair in the war room atop the House of Wind. Azriel had also gone over every note from his mission three times, and Rhysand still thought of something new to ask each time he finished, which spurred more questions.
Before he could ask anything else, Azriel started to subtly move towards the door.
Rhysand waited until he had nearly in the hall to ask, “Where are you going?”
Azriel didn’t hesitate. “I just got home, Rhys. I’d like to go down and bathe, considering I haven’t in three days.” 
“Three days?” Rhysand said, scoffing. “That’s nothing. You’ve gone soft in your old age.”
It was true. They’d all gone far longer without the luxury of a bath, but little did Rhysand know that bathing was the last thing on his mind. At least, he wouldn’t be bathing alone. Azriel’s High Lord had made his demands clear when it came to Elain Archeron, and although Azriel had never gone against Rhysand’s demands before, this time…he couldn’t help himself. 
She had always surprised him, always intrigued him, always captivated him, ever since their first meeting. And now, he couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without her in it.
Even if the life they had together remained in the shadows, their love ignited only in secrecy. 
He made a move to leave the room again, the hallway beckoning before him. But he heard Rhysand say, “Az.”
He halted in the doorway.
Rhysand released a quiet breath, “After you’re done, let me know. There’s a…situation in the Court of Nightmares. We’ll fly down to the river house after you bathe and eat, Cassian will meet us there. I’ll fill you in after you’re done.”
“It…can’t wait?”
There was silence between the two males. It was rare when Azriel questioned his High Lord, but it had been over two weeks since he’d seen Elain, since he’d been inside her…
“We captured one of the mortal queen’s personal guards sniffing around the borders between Day and Night,” he confided. “Helion has given us free reign to deal with him as we see fit, to find out why he was on our lands.”
They will deal with him, Azriel thought, but his hands would be the ones covered in blood at the end of it all.
Reluctantly, Azriel nodded before dismissing himself.
An hour later, he was trailing behind Rhys, Velaris growing larger as they flew closer and closer. His eyes settled on the townhouse a few blocks away from the sprawling manor they aimed for now. He wondered if she was already there, already waiting for him. He would fly to her as quickly as he could, as soon as this matter in the Court of Nightmares was handled, as soon as he’d washed the blood from his skin.
They both landed smoothly on the grass of the back lawn, and as they approached the house, Azriel noted the slight differences in the garden from when he’d left. The peony bushes had bloomed as beautifully as Elain had hoped they would, the irises and lilacs as well.
Rhysand opened the glass door leading into the house and followed Azriel inside as he held it open for him.
The scent of baking bread, intertwined with a delicious scent of honey and jasmine.
Sniffing quietly, Azriel knew Elain was not waiting in the townhouse for him. She was only a few rooms away, but Rhys was leading him towards his private study, where he knew Cassian was likely waiting for them both, Amren as well.
Azriel halted in the middle of the atrium. “I’ll be right there.”
Rhysand paused, hand on the door frame.
“I’d like to get something from the kitchen,” he said, hoping Rhysand wouldn’t push him, that he didn’t realize who was in the kitchen. “I’ll just be a moment.”
One minute, he just wanted one minute with her, to kiss her, smell her, taste her… Nuala and Cerridwen would make themselves scarce, especially when they saw the look on his face. The two half-wraiths were the only two who knew of their secret.
Rhysand looked at him for a beat, that passive look that he gave to the enemies he played games with but Azriel could see right through it. “Be quick.”
Azriel nodded and strode down the hall until he was pushing open the kitchen door.
Only to find it empty.
Well, empty of Elain, anyway.
Mor stood by the counter, cutting off a piece of warm, fresh bread. She popped it into her mouth and moaned. “Mmm. They’ve done it again. Delicious.” She looked to Azriel. “Always nice to see you back in one piece.”
“You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full,” he said, simply, crossing his arms.
She rolled her eyes. “Have some bread.”
He did, angrily eating it as he hurried from one side of the manor to the other, to Rhysand’s study.
There was no sign of her anywhere.
It seemed Elain would be stopping by Nesta and Cassian’s riverside apartment after all, since Cassian stopped her as he headed for Rhysand’s study and told her that her sisters and Nyx were waiting for her there to go get lunch.
She nodded, forgoing the bouquet she planned to make in favor of getting there sooner. Maybe, if they finished with lunch quick enough, she could make an excuse to stop by the townhouse…
She knew her sisters would offer to come along, would offer to help with whatever excuse she came up with to go there.
“What’s on your mind?”
Elain had been tapping a manicured, pale-pink fingernail on the table top. Nyx, sitting in his mother’s lap, was reaching for her finger. She slid her hand towards him, letting him wrap his own chubby hand around her finger.
Nesta had been the one to speak, a cup of tea still held between her hands.
Shaking her head, Elain returned to the conversation. “Nothing. Just didn’t sleep well. You were telling me about the new priestesses who’d begun training when we had dinner last night. How was this morning?”
Nesta’s eyes, their mother’s eyes made over, lit up. “The youngest of the three, Mira, hasn’t spoken to a male in over three centuries. She’s making amazing progress, not just with training.”
And so their lunch went, Elain’s mind on the townhouse across the city, Nesta and Feyre animatedly talking and playing with Nyx.
Elain tried to be engaged, but she couldn’t shake off thoughts of Azriel - where he was and what he was doing. 
She saw her sisters often, could be with them and talk to them as much as she wanted. Azriel, though, she only got a few miniscule moments with a week, if that. 
She had to stop spacing out.
“I’m sorry,” she said, yet again, and mustered a smile as well as she could. “What we’re you saying?”
“I wanted to show you and Nesta the new pieces at the gallery,” Feyre went on, eyeing her sister suspiciously. “If you have the time and energy, of course.”
Elain was conflicted.
She knew it meant a lot to Feyre. She also knew that if she said no, Feyre’s suspicion would grow. Yet, the townhouse awaited. 
“Perhaps for a few minutes,” she said, at last. If only she had wings and it wasn’t a twenty minute walk to the gallery. 
They began the walk, the day gorgeous and not a cloud in the sky. The kind of day she knew someone with wings would love.
People waved at Feyre as they walked, some at Elain, and even some at Nesta. An artist Feyre had been working with from the Brush and Chisel approached and began speaking with Feyre, both smiling down at Nyx as he rode along in his little stroller.
Nesta fell back, walking next to Elain. She could tell her sister wanted to say something, was going to pry as soon as Elain glanced over at her. So she kept her eyes on the approaching Rainbow, the blues and greens and reds beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
It worked for a moment, but not for long.
As they rounded the corner, the gallery within view, Nesta asked under her breath, “You okay? You seem awfully on edge.”
Her tone intended that she already knew Elain was not, in fact, okay. 
“I just didn’t sleep-.”
“That’s shit and you know it,” Nesta mumbled. Elain swore that the more and more time her older sister spent around her mate, the filthier her mouth became. She could only imagine what Nesta would be spewing out of her mouth in a hundred year’s time. 
Elain wasn’t sure how to respond. If she could tell anyone about Azriel, it would be Nesta. Nesta would understand and she would never say a word. Yet, the words wouldn’t come out. They formed perfectly in her mind, but they couldn’t find their way out. 
Nesta eyed Feyre up ahead of them, saying hello to a vendor on the street. She stopped and gently grabbed Elain’s elbow, causing her to halt.
Elain couldn’t meet her eye.
“If you’re in trouble-.”
“I’m not,” Elain promised, and she must’ve sounded convincing, because after a minute, Nesta dropped it. “I’m not, I’m just feeling a little…off today.”
“And is there a reason for that?” Nesta pushed, sneaking a glance to look at Feyre to make sure she was still occupied. 
Elain shook her head. “No reason. Now, let’s go look at these gorgeous pieces of talented sister created and choose which ones we should decorate our homes with.”
She looped her arm through Nesta’s and led her towards Feyre, then towards the gallery where she could ask no more questions.
Azriel sat at a large oak desk in an office deep beneath the living quarters in the House of Wind, oiling one of the many blades piled atop it. His brothers had just departed and he wondered how long was appropriate before bolting from his office and flying down to the townhouse. Looking at the clock in the wall, he saw that dinner was in a mere two hours. 
There was no way he’d be able to do what wanted with her in less than two hours, especially considering Elain was probably helping to cook the delicious meal they’d be consuming. It was the first time their entire family, Mor and Amren included, would all be in the city in over a month. He was sure it would be a massive spread of food and Elain was likely already toiling away in the kitchen, flour on her face, the hair at the nape of her neck curling slightly from the heat.
They often did that while he was inside of her, both of their bodies gleaming with sweat—
He groaned, realizing he had become uncomfortably still. 
And uncomfortably hard.
Maybe he did have time, maybe he would take her quickly now and again tonight. Maybe she could spare ten minutes for him to just give her a taste…
Azriel threw the dagger onto the desk in front of him and sighed. 
This was torture. He had too much energy building up and none of it was healthy without a release. After cleaning another blade, he hurried up to the roof and trained, all by himself, until the minutes turned into hours and he decided it was time to bathe for the second time that day. 
He wondered if Elain had tried to see him as much as he had hoped to see her that day. 
After scrubbing off his sweat and stench, he pulled on a simple pair of pants and a matching shirt, leaving the comfort of his armor at home. 
He walked instead of flew, allowing the extra time to help him clear his mind. With them all together, he couldn’t allow a hint, a scent, of his attraction to Elain to show. The more and more time they spent together, the harder that endeavor became. 
By the time he made it to the manor, he was not only starving but perfectly calm. He could already smell the food, could hear his family gathered together. Surely, he was the last to arrive. 
Hopefully no one had any questions about it.
Although, he assumed Cassian and Mor would, and they were not shy asking those questions, loudly, with everyone present. 
True enough, Azriel was the last to arrive. Everyone met him with mixed greetings - some of excitement and some of it’s about time.
His eyes scanned the sitting room, looking for Elain, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Dining room,” Feyre announced, and Azriel could practically hear her stomach growling. “If I don’t eat now, I won’t be so pleasant here soon.”
“And you’ve been pleasant for the past twenty minutes?” Cassian mumbled, taking Nesta’s hand as they followed Feyre out of the sitting room. 
Feyre shot him a vulgar gesture before disappearing out of sight.
Azriel was in the back, getting his usual glances from Mor, as they all walked to the dining room and took their places around a long, narrow table.
Elain arrived then, carrying a plate full of rolls, breads, and muffins. “Don’t wait on my account,” she said, voice rushed.
Their eyes met for a fleeting moment and he knew that she’d been trying to get to him as desperately as he was trying to get to her. Her cheeks heated immediately, and she looked down at the dirty apron she wore, wiping it off. Rather than take it off or change, she took her seat in between Feyre and Cassian, digging right into the dish of garlic roasted green beans in front of her.
Rhysand’s eyes were wary, watching his sister-in-law, but he nodded. “It’s nice to all be under one roof again.” He looked at Azriel and Mor respectively. “Let’s enjoy each other’s company tonight.”
I plan to, Azriel wanted to say aloud. Wanted to, but couldn’t.
He found Elain’s eyes and saw the same want, the same need reflected there. Her gaze darted to the door leading to the kitchen. She was suggesting they sneak away, suggesting that, despite the presence of their entire family, they disappear into the kitchen together.
Cauldron boil him, there was nothing he longed for more.
He shook his head, enough that she noticed, but anyone else would have thought he was annoyed by the way his hair skimmed over his forehead.
Ignoring the disappointment in Elain’s eyes was easier said than done.
A sudden guilt crept over him for the fear of disappointing her alone, but he pushed it down as he shoved a forkful of vegetables into his mouth. He ate quickly, avoiding conversation, but no one saw that as anything out of the ordinary. 
The only thing out of the ordinary was that Azriel would not look up from his plate. Typically, he loved having dinner with his family. He lived for nights like this. Tonight, however, the second he looked up he would look at Elain, and he would once again be weak.
She made him weak.
It wasn’t a complaint, but she couldn’t make him so weak when there were witnesses.
It had been a long time since someone had such control over him.
And it had never been with someone he was forbidden to see.
As Feyre and Rhys took Nyx up to bed, Cassian opened a bottle of good bourbon in the sitting room. He poured a knuckles worth for Nesta and then himself and held the bottle out to Azriel.
“I think I’d like to take a walk,” Elain said, talking to no one in particular. “It’s been such a beautiful day, I can only imagine the clear night will be stunning.”
She was out the door before either Mor or Nesta could offer to join her.
He knew exactly why.
Cassian stared, the bottle still outstretched. “That was…”
“Strange,” Nesta finished for him, narrowed eyes on the spot where Elain had just been.
Cassian’s eyes fell on Azriel again. “Drink?”
He shook his head. “Not tonight. I have some reports I need to go over after this afternoon.”
This afternoon.
Cassian had been there while he’d cut and torn and ripped the information out of the mortal queen’s guard. It had amounted to little, but he knew his brother wouldn’t push him.
He nodded briskly once and raised his glass in farewell. “Right.”
Azriel didn’t bother to say goodbye to his High Lord and Lady, instead slipping out the door and into the balmy night. He could see Elain just ahead, already heading down the hill towards the townhouse. He could easily catch up to her, easily scoop her in his arms and fly them directly to the townhouse. There was a chance someone would see, would talk and it could eventually reach Rhys. And if he followed her, trailing behind, if she entered the townhouse before he did, it would be clear they were meeting.
So instead he’d beat her there. Azriel took to the sky, letting her hear the wing beats he usually kept silent as a gentle breeze, letting her know he was heading for the townhouse.
And he would be waiting for her.
Elain walked slowly through the streets of Velaris, fighting the urge to run. It was a long walk but nothing out of the ordinary. The streets were always busy at night, beneath the starlight. Elain was just another peaceful civilian, enjoying the calm, warm night.
She nodded to those she passed, smiling in greeting as an exchange.
It only took a minute to see an Illyrian overhead, heading in the same direction she was.
Elain absentmindedly picked up her pace.
With each step, her heart grew wilder, beating ferociously inside of her chest. Just the thought of being near him in a matter of minutes was enough to consume her.
She made herself stop at a shop or two, even going so far as to buy a box of sea salt caramels, covered in dark chocolate. It was just a few moments, but it delayed her further, so that she was just a passing buyer, shopping on the way home from dinner. 
And then the townhouse was in view, a welcoming orb of faelight glowing in the foyer. She knew she’d extinguished all the lights when she’d last left and she increased her pace as she let her grin grow.
She was through the iron gate, barely acknowledging the bite of it in her grip, and then she was up the stairs and pushing the door open. The antechamber was open to the foyer beyond and it was…empty.
She listened quietly for a moment, hearing nothing, before she called out, “Az?”
The soft press of his lips on her throat would have scared her, had she not gotten used to his shadows and the way he was prone to step in and out of them without a thought. “I’ve tried to get here all day,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her from the back.
Leaning back into him, Elain relished in his warmth and the feel of his lips on her skin. “I have, too,” she admitted. “Everyone needed something—”
“And it couldn’t wait,” he finished for her, loosening his arms so she could turn to face him. “It had to happen then.”
“Exactly.” She was rising up on her toes, eyes closing as she waited for him to kiss her.
“What’s in your hands?”
Elain’s eyes opened and she was grinning, even if she hadn’t gotten her kiss yet. She pulled the box from behind her back. “I stopped at the confectionery down the hill. They had just finished making a fresh batch of these.”
His hazel eyes were sparkling and she could have sworn he was nearly vibrating with excitement. “Chocolate caramels?” He asked. Elain only nodded and let him take the box. His fingers grazed hers. “These are my favorite.”
“Are they?” She asked, voice cool and amused.
He breathed a laugh, knowing that she knew that fact fully well. “Thank you.”
Her smile grew as he set the caramels down and slowly slid his broad arms around her waist. For a moment, neither of them said a thing. They simply looked into each other’s eyes, silently, dwelling in the moment that they finally found for one another after such a long day. 
“I missed you,” he said, at last, and it was hardly more than a whisper but it made chills sweep down Elain’s back, her arms.
She knew that the time he spent away was no vacation, was no holiday away from the real world. When he was away, his time was spent doing horrible things that Elain could not fathom.
Even if it did support the greater good. 
“I missed you, too,” Elain said, but before she could get out the last word, Azriel’s lips were against hers.
The kiss was soft, sweet, genuine, but Elain knew exactly where it would lead.
Her arms went around his neck, their bodies pressed up against one another in safe comfort as that kiss deepened. For the first time that day, Elain relaxed.
She could finally do so as she melted into the arms of her forbidden love. 
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Born Into the Wilds - Snippet
This chapter is already 8 pages long and still not finished XD
Hhhmmm, what to choose...
“I would have loved to see their faces though,” Libertus suddenly said, jarring Nyx out of his thoughts.
“With the fire-ash. I would have loved to see the Insomnian's faces when it suddenly grew up from under the streets.”
Crowe gave an amused snort. “Probably as dumb as yours was.”
“Hey! You weren't a paragon of serenity either, so you have no room to comment.”
The two glared at each other until Crowe huffed and rolled her eyes good naturedly. “Yeah, whatever.”
By now they had all seen the newsreels about it. Interviews with upset pedestrians and citizens that their beautiful city had been blighted by a blessing of Ifrit. But on moogle net there were quite a few people voicing their interest in learning more about this. Especially young people. It was strangely heartening in a way.
Nyx looked out his window at the large form of the fire-ash peeking out from behind the buildings. It's crown had grown around the main street of Insomnia and the Founder's Plaza along with a few other places. It looked like round islands of bronze and green in all the grey. Currently there were concerns flying around about how much light the lower districts were getting now with the tree blocking out much more of the sun than the buildings already had, but Nyx could already tell that somehow they now had even more light and that the air had become cleaner.
“You think the sinehär gisdrauhti will declare it a sacred sight?” Pelna asked no one in particular.
“Don't think so,” Crowe answered. “They would never declare something of Astral making sacred. Also, it's at a too inconvenient a place to set up a sacred sight. I give it until noon today at most until the children are climbing all over it.”
“No bet,” Libertus snorted, amused.
The sudden ringing from a phone made them all twitch. Libertus gave a quiet slew of curses and fished his phone out of his pocket, it's screen lit up and emitting a series of semi-melodic high pitched jingles. He answered in Lucian.
“Yeah? Ostium speaking. - Wait, how did you get your hands on this number? - Yeah, okay stop. What did you call me for? - Know what, get yourself over here and we'll talk about our training sessions. - Of course that's alright. Why wouldn't you be able to come down here? We didn't shut us off from the rest of the city, you know.” Libertus sighed and rolled his eyes before giving out the address for Nyx' apartment. “You know how to find it? - Good. See you in an hour then. And don't be late.”
“Did you just invite the Amicitia kid for food?” Nyx asked with a raised eyebrow.
Libertus stared down at his phone like he couldn't believe he had just done that. Suddenly, Nyx grinned.
“Admit it. The kid grew on you.”
His hunting-brother scowled and shoved Nyx in the shoulder. “Shut it, you.”
“But you don't deny it,” Nyx singsonged and ducked out of the way of the kitchen towel sailing his way.
Someone clapped their hands together to gain their attention. It was Crowe.
“Okay, playtime is over. If we want to eat at a reasonable time today, we need to start to clean up. No getting out of it Luche! Don't think I didn't see you try to sneak away. You can help Libertus in the kitchen.”
The bond's expression did not change eve a little bit as he walked over to the kitchenette, where Libertus had finally started to sort through the bags. As always, he had bought at least thrice as much as should be needed.
Nyx turned back towards his bed and started to resort the loose papers into their proper binders, all carefully labelled for easy manoeuvring. It was done relatively quickly, so after he was done, he went to help Crowe, who just shooed him away. So he just shrugged, turned the TV louder and retreated into a corner to mix some limeschti after his Clan's recipe.
“... live from the Founder's Plaza.”
“Thank you, Lucius. I'm here at the Founder's Plaza where you can see the very top of the fire-ash. It appeared yesterday precisely at high noon, causing a minor accident on the Insomnia Main Street and surprising the pedestrians here,” a female reporter in a muted green military styled blazer spoke into a microphone.
“They still harping on about that?” Libertus wondered out loud. “That's old news already!”
“Not for Insomnians,” Luche said. “You know they love to regurgitate things like that again and again, until no one wants to hear it anymore.”
“Thank you. And that was Julia Videte, life on-site. And now please welcome in our studio renown biologist Doctor Sania Yeagre. Thank you for coming, Doctor.”
The screen showed a woman in her early to mid thirties with dark skin and black, curly hair done into a bun on top of her head. Large glasses framed eyes that glinted with a childish enthusiasm rarely seen in adults.
“The pleasure is all mine,” she said, a bright smile on her face.
“What can you tell us about the general attributes of a fire-ash?”
“The Fraxinus Ifriti, commonly known as fire-ash, belongs to the olive family. Since the fall of Solheim this tree has become exceedingly rare, for a few centuries it was even considered extinct until they found a living specimen during the construction of the Tomb of the Fierce on Mt. Ravatogh. It also is the slowest growing tree on Eos, with barely half a centimetre per year. Studies also showed that its sap could be used as a strong curative.”
“Can I infer from the scientific name, that there is a connection to the Infernian?”
“No shit,” Libertus muttered, causing Nyx to snort.
Sania Yeagre, not at all perturbed by the leading question, nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! In some of the earliest botanical works we have today, it is listed as a symbol of Ifrit's blessing. Which is why the tree must have been very common during the existence of the Empire of Solheim. It is depicted in near every work of art we have left of that time.”
“Then the fire-ash that spontaneously sprouted from Little Galahd, can be seen as a sign of the Infernian blessing the Galahdian people?”
“I imagine so. This is a very rare opportunity. I returned to Insomnia as soon as I heard of the fire-ash's existence. Hopefully the Galahdian leader will let me study it.”
Nyx shared a look with Pelna, who had also finished cleaning up his papers. He stood by the door, papers and laptop crammed under one arm.
“I'll be back soon. Just need to put these away and get Tethys, Moireus and the girls. We'll also bring another table and some chairs. There's no way we'll fit all at this tiny thing you call your dining table, Nyx.”
“Hey. I haven't needed a bigger one until now.”
“Time to get a new one, then,” Pelna teased and slipped through the door.
Nyx scowled after him while Crowe and Libertus snickered and Luche's lips ticked up into a grin. A knock came from the open doorway. There stood Athina, her hand raised and a smile on her face. She looked gorgeous in the dark red tunic dress with a wide cream cloth belt.
“Athina!” Nyx exclaimed, surprised and joyous. “Come in. Can I offer you some tea?”
“Good day, Nyx. Thank you, that would be very appreciated,” she smiled.
She stepped into the apartment and towards the table that looked like nothing had changed for the last ten minutes. Still papers were everywhere but woe to the person who wanted to help Crowe clean up her mess.
“Can I help you? Four hands are faster then two,” Athina asked the other woman.
Nyx was about to open his mouth to tell the dark skinned woman that it was hopeless to ask, when Crowe squinted at her and nodded after a few seconds of staring, which Athina bore patiently. Libertus gave him a wide eyed look. Crowe never let people help her with cleaning. Never. Athina, not knowing what had just happened, just asked their storm-sister where which papers went and started to help as per her instructions.
Very deliberately Nyx turned around and reached around Luche to fetch another tea cup. His last one, since he only owned four. He poured the last of the tea he had made earlier, and earned himself a bright smile when he set it down at a spot of now paper free table. The answering smile growing on his face was more of a flirty smirk that made Crowe roll her eyes.
Not too long after that there was a roast in the microwave oven and Libertus had gone to fetch Crowe's to put the second roast in. Because one was apparently not enough with the amount of people who were suddenly coming. Pelna returned with Tethys and the children not too long after that, bearing a foldable table and chairs along with more dishes. Nyx sent them a grateful look.
“Nyx!” Moireus cried and barrelled into his legs to give him a tight hug around the waist.
“Buhgil! How have you been? My, have you grown taller?”
Nyx tousled the boys hair, which earned him a bright, toothy smile. “I grew this much!” He held his thumb and index finger about two centimetres apart. Nyx nodded, impressed.
He looked up and gave Tethys, Ker and Dione welcoming smiles. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for having us,” Tethys returned with a smile of her own.
“Don't mention it. I think Libertus' secret ambition for today is to feed the whole house with how much he bought.”
“I want to see the pretty tree!” Moireus spoke up, tugging at Nyx' trouser leg.
“You need to ask your parents that, buhgil. Maybe they'll take you tomorrow, if you're on your best behaviour this evening and go to bed without complaining.”
“I will!” the boy nodded eagerly and ran over to his mother to tell her, even though she had clearly heard every single word being spoken.
The TV was turned off and someone set up a CD player on his chest of drawers. At once a lively drumbeat filled the apartment along with their chatter and the smell of meat and steaming vegetables. It gave Nyx a sudden pang of homesickness. What would it be like to do something like this again in his Clan house? To fill it with voices and music and laughter? He hoped he would find out sometime soon.
Not long after everything was set up, the tables and chairs cramped into all the available free space, and they were just starting to set down the plates, there was another knock at the door – which, surprisingly enough, had been closed sometime during this endeavour. Nyx, who was closest, opened it.
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Because I’m incredibly bored:
is there a boy/girl in your life?
Ask me again in a couple of months
think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
I forgive very easily.
are you afraid of falling in love?
At this present moment, yes it scares me. 
do you like the beach?
I love the beach.
honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Absolutely not. This is not where I imagined I would be in my life right now. 
who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
are you tired?
how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
I have known Amy since I was like 3. 
when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
A little earlier today.
if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
If I knew for absolute sure I definitely would.
would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I would. 
is there a certain quote you live by?
"Whatever makes you happy”. I just go with the flow. You do you and I’ll do me and everyone is happy.
next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
No clue.
think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
I have not.
have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
This happens a lot actually.
do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
I do. 
do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I think so.
has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I’d be hella bitter, but like you do you man.
are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Yes I am.
has anyone upset you in the last week?
God, this week was literally awful.
have you ever cried over a text?
A couple of times yes.
who was the last person you were on the phone with?
does anything on your body hurt?
Everything always.
are goodbyes hard for you?
Yes so hard.
think back to january 2007, were you single?
I’m pretty sure 11 year old me was most definitely single.
when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
No clue.
do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yes, I most definitely do.
when will be the next time you text someone?
Later tonight maybe? If not then definitely tomorrow.
what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
“You’re going to be really tired if you go to sleep now you should just stay up” and obviously I did not do that.
how old will you be in 5 months?
Still 22.
have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
I have, yeah. 
have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
This question makes me sad.
how many people have you liked in the past three months?
I literally couldn’t even tell you. The last few months have been a whirlwind of emotions.
has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Technically I guess. If a bra counts.
will you talk to the person you like tonight?
I am right now.
what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
Nick got mad at me for texting which prompted the whole “you shouldn’t have friends that aren’t me” fight again 🙄
what is something you wish you had more of?
you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Not at all.
have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
I have not.
Who was the last person you texted?
When is your birthday?
October 18th.
Who do you want to be with right now?
What is your favorite song as of the moment?
Tightrope or Rewrite the Stars both from The Greatest Showman.
Why did you create a Tumblr account?
Tumblr and coolmathgames were the only websites that weren’t blocked on LCN’s computers and I was bored in journalism.
When was the last time you cried? Why?
Wednesday night after work because reasons.
Who was the last person who called you?
Who was the last person you hugged?
What kind of person do you want to date?
Someone who is genuinely sweet and kind and kind of a nerd and someone who likes Disney and dogs as much as I do.
Do you have troubles sleeping at night?
From whom was the last text message you received?
Do you like someone as of the moment?
I honestly couldn’t tell you how I feel about anything (I know I've been answering questions about the “person I like” throughout this whole post but I really actually don’t know how to feel right now).
Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t?
LOL story of my life.
Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?
Several things.
What hair color do you prefer?
I’d like to say I don’t have a preference but almost every person that I’ve ever had a thing for has had darker hair sooooo
Are you good at holding back your tears?
LOL absolutely not.
Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight?
I mean I've been kissed outside at night, so yes I guess?
Have you ever ridden a boat?
I have and it was a whole lot of fun.
Who is the 6th person in your contacts?
My dad.
put your music on shuffle and give a 5 song playlist
Okay here we go:
1) “Waving Through A Window” - Dear Evan Hansen
2) “I Won’t Lie” - Go Radio
3) “The Arena” - Lindsey Sterling
4) “Across the Universe” - Across the Universe
5) “Since We’re Alone” - Niall Horan
That’s certainly an interesting mix.
what’s your favorite piece of clothing?
My Minnie Mouse hoodie 100%
what’s your favorite instrument?
Flute and Trumpet.
Ooh and violins are nice too.
kisses or hugs?
Depends on my mood but I’m gonna go with hugs.
what’s your favorite season?
Fall and Spring.
who do you go to for comfort?
Usually Colby.
the sun, the moon, or the stars?
Who was the last person you held hands with?
Are you outgoing or shy?
I am very very shy.
If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
If I we’re with him he’d probably be drunk too but probably?
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
We’ll see.
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not really.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“how was the drive?”
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I love that shit.
Where would you like to travel?
EVERYWHERE I want to see the whole world.
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
All of it 😅
Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
One. Right after my best friend died, as if he expected me to take him back because I was vulnerable 😂
Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV I literally couldn't live without music.
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Several times.
Favourite makeup brand?
Wait that’s impossible. Think I’m gonna go with Tarte for now. Also Nyx is really good. 
Favourite store?
Last thing you ate?
Chocolate ice cream.
What colour are your towels?
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
They live on my bedside table or they would end up on the floor.
How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Way too many for a 22 year old.
Favourite animal?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla usually.
Favourite ice cream flavour?
Vanilla or cookies and cream (or whatever the one with Oreos is called).
What colour shirt are you wearing?
First person you talked to today?
I texted Graham when I first got up but the first person I spoke to was Nick.
Have any pets?
No 😔
How are you feeling?
Have you ever been on a horse?
I have. That was an interesting experience.
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Sylvia (and the rest of the damn store cause I was at work).
Do you like chicken noodle soup?
I could live off of chicken noodle soup if I had to.
Would you change your name?
Yes to something prettier. I would also go by my middle name (Elizabeth) cause that’s cuter.
What your zodiac sign?
Favourite lyrics right now?
“It’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view”.
Curly or Straight hair?
I’ve been really digging the curls lately.
Brunette or Blonde?
Summer or Winter?
Night or Day?
Definitely night.
Favourite month?
October cause it has my birthday in it.
Are looks important in a relationship?
I mean I guess but I can easily be attracted to someone with a killer personality that I did not previously find physically attractive. 
Are you a virgin?
I am not. 
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. I believe that you can know that you’re going to love someone at first sight, but I don’t think you can fall in love right away.
Do you get jealous easily?
So easily.
Do you like kissing in public?
I mean yeah it’s cool.
Do you shower every day?
Yeah unless I fall asleep before I shower (which is rarely).
Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I think so (didn’t I already answer this?)
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I would hope so but it’s a long shot in this particular moment.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I doubt it.
Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
Story of my life.
Have you ever had sex with a man?
Have you ever had sex with a woman?
I have not.
Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
Everyone I’ve ever kissed has been older than me. 
Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
That’s usually how it goes for me.
Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Yes. Major curveball.
Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Almost always 🙄
How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
I could just kiss forever. Depends how fast the other person gets handsy.
If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
“I told you that you'd meet girls”
What are five ways to win your heart?
Just two: be a sweetheart and call me princess.
What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
A couple of years.
What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
Call me princess and I’m literally yours.
What is your sexual orientation?
I just go with the flow. I like what I like and I don’t like to put a label on it 🤷🏻‍♀️.
What turns you off?
Assholish personality.
What turns you on?
Princess, telling me you want me, kisses.
What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
You do you man I have no right to an opinion on your relationship unless you ask for it.
Who was your first kiss with?
Technically Ryan that one night we were playing truth or dare.
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
I wouldn’t say no.
Have you taken someones virginity?
Is trust a big issue for you?
It never was before but I’m currently re-evaluating that. Ask me again in a couple of weeks.
Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I did.
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Ask me again in a few weeks.
What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Work 🙄
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
I certainly hope so.
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Nope. I have momma’s eyes.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yes it is.
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I mean I’ve never said it but I think he gets the hint.
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I do.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
He kissed me.
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Hell no. I want more of it. 
Do you sing in the car?
Last time you had a photo of you taken by a photographer?
Josh and Kristi’s wedding.
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes but that’s what makes them so great!!
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I’m gonna have to be biased and say Target.
Nike or Adidas?
Nike but I’ve been loving wearing my Adidas lately.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Literally last night.
What was the last concert you saw?
I think the last concert I went to was Warped?
Opinions on sex before marriage?
You do you man. I do it so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Do you want to get married?
Maybe one day.
Have you ever faked orgasm?
Why are you no longer together with your ex?
Aside from overall being an immature ass and it being his way or the highways, what pushed me over the edge is that he was overtly religious and pushing it on me.
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
What was the last thing you cried for?
I was sad?
Do you like small kids?
I love kids.
How are you feeling right now?
Drained (didn’t I already answer this?)
What would you name your daughter/son?
How old were you when you first got drunk?
How old were you when you first got high?
How old were you when you first had sex?
Do you like your body?
Lol no.
Ever sent nudes?
Do you watch Youtube?
Every day.
Can you keep a secret?
Yes I can.
Would you freak out if you were to get pregnant by the last person you hooked up with?
Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings?
Several people.
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough?
Wayyyy too many.
What’s the most you’d be willing to spend on a pair of shoes?
$100 tops.
What’s something you complain about frequently?
Work and bae.
Do you walk fast or slow?
As fast as my little legs will take me.
Is there any alcohol in the fridge?
Yes there is.
Are you someone who worries too often?
Lol yes.
Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room?
I have.
Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge?
No. I am extremely passive aggressive.
Well that killed like an hour. Props if you’re still reading. 
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 30}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Written with @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Wow. The final chapter. Tara and I are so glad you've come along on this journey with us. We've absolutely loved writing this story for you all and we hope you've enjoyed it as well.
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Nesta looked around their home.
It was decorated to perfection - at least, that had been Nesta’s goal. The theme for Nyx’s second birthday was space cowboy, which had happened when Cassian wanted a cowboy theme while Nesta wanted an outer space theme.
It had been a challenge to perfect the space cowboy theme - especially when it came to a two-year-old’s birthday party.
There were aliens with cowboy hats and paper cows on UFO balloons. In the corner of the living room, there was a horse wearing an astronaut costume - a decoration that Cassian had created, and one he was quite proud of.
Nesta herself wore a “space-like” outfit that reminded her fondly of Zenon: Girl of the 21th Century. When Cassian came down the stairs, however, it looked like he had just walked out of the Wild West.
He wore chaps over his jeans, and Nesta found her mind wandering on those chaps alone.
She hoped he kept them.
They would be useful in the future.
He also wore a plaid button down and a cowboy hat.
She thought he should keep the cowboy hat, too.
Nyx, however, looked like the cutest little mess Nesta had ever seen. His onesie looked like a spacesuit, but on his head, instead of an astronaut helmet, he wore a teeny little cowboy hat. On his feet were genuine cowboy boots.
Nesta laughed as they reached the first floor landing, and Cassian’s grin widened.
“Now introducing our two-year-old space cowboy,” Cassian said, unable to control his laughter.
Nyx’s grin was wide as he clapped. “MAMA!”
Nesta laughed, taking Nyx into her arms. Yeah, he looked ridiculous, but he also looked oh so cute. “Happy birthday, sweet boy.”
Nyx took Nesta’s face in his hands and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.
With a chuckle, Nesta said, “Thank you, that was very sweet. Now, let’s go make sure everything’s ready, yeah? Our guests will be here soon.”
“Dada,” Nyx said, pointing to Cassian. “Hi-hi.”
Cassian laughed. “Hi, bud.” He went straight for the corner and adjusted his astronaut-horse.
Nesta just shook her head and brought Nyx into the kitchen.
It smelled delicious.
Nesta had spent the entire morning cooking.
At first, she had no idea what to make for a space cowboy party, but she really felt like she nailed it. She had a taco bar, which worked for every type of party, and baked and decorated a cake that looked like Cassian’s horse in a spacesuit.
It was ridiculous.
And absolutely perfect.
Nesta looked at the clock. “We have twenty minutes, Nyx. We have to make the homemade tortillas and get out the salsas.”
“What about the alcohol?” Cassian asked, sweeping into the kitchen.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “It’s our two-year-old’s birthday.”
Cassian blinked. “So, no whiskey, just wine?”
Nesta clicked her tongue. “Check the wine cabinet.”
“Yes ma’am,” Cassian winked, tipping his hat before he left the room.
Nesta snorted, even though she found it deeply charming and handsome as hell.
Yeah, she definitely hoped he’d keep that outfit.
Nesta took the dough out of the fridge that she had rolled earlier that morning and a rolling pin. When she had countless flat, doughy circles she dropped them in the oil-filled skillet one by one. Fifteen minutes later, she had a giant stack of flour tortillas and was carrying them, alongside a tray filled with different types of homemade salsas, to the table she had set up in the living room.
There was a quick knock on the door and it cracked open before Nesta could even turn towards the door.
“Oh, my.”
She laughed at Azriel’s reaction to the house, turning to see him carrying in a stack of presents, Elain’s camera bag and Persephone’s diaper bag. “Go big or go home, right?” She chuckled.
“You decided to go big at home,” he replied, shaking his head.
Nesta wasn’t surprised to see that Azriel hadn’t dressed up, wearing his traditional all-black attire instead, but a little space princess in cowboy boots ran in right after him and she couldn’t stop the grin as she looked at Seph.
Elain was a just a few steps behind, and as she came in, she dropped a black cowboy hat atop Azriel’s head. He rolled his eyes, but said nothing as he adjusted the hat, and was off in search of Cassian.
“Okay, you’ve outdone yourself,” Elain announced, beaming as she looked around the house. “This is awesome.”
Nesta shrugged. “He only turns two once, right?”
“I’ve got the wine!” Cassian announced, pushing through the kitchen door with two bottles of wine and a glass of whiskey.
Nesta chuckled. “I thought we said wine only?”
“We did,” Cassian said, setting the bottles on the table. “For the guests.”
“Am I a guest?” Azriel muttered.
Cassian snorted and motioned to follow him into the kitchen.
In the middle of the room, Nyx and Persephone were dancing to the techno space playlist Nesta had put on.
Elain laughed, quietly. “I need to get out my camera. Anything I can help with?”
Nesta shook her head. “You’re good. Take pictures and send them all to me.”
Elain promised she would, and Cassian and Azriel came back out with their full glasses of whiskey. Nesta looked around.
Elain was right.
They had done well.
Nesta hoped the rest of the guests thought so, too.
Before they knew it, the house was full, people were laughing and eating and drinking and Nesta couldn’t help but smile from where she stood to the side watching it all.
What a difference 365 days could make. Nesta couldn’t believe it as she watched Nyx and Persephone play with Viviane, who had also come dressed up, much to Nyx’s delight. He kept stealing her hat, and she let him, donning his tiny one instead, though it didn’t fit on her head.
She couldn’t help but think of the two people who were missing though. The two people who should have been here. Her eyes drifted to the cross Cassian had made, where it sat on the mantle, it’s permanent home.
A set of strong arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned back into Cassian’s embrace.
His chin was resting on her shoulder, and he said, “Nyx is happy. We’re happy. But… It doesn’t feel right without them here.”
As always, he knew exactly what she was thinking. She gripped his arms over her abdomen and held him there, letting him know she understood.
“They’re here, though,” Cassian whispered into her ear. “They’re here and they’re watching us, watching him. They wouldn’t miss today.”
Nesta nodded and held onto him tighter. If she would have tried to say a word, the tears would have come.
Sad tears because she missed her sister and brother-in-law.
Happy tears, though, because she loved Nyx, and she loved Cassian, and she couldn’t believe how far they had come in the last year.
Clearing her throat, and wiping a tear that had snuck out, she announced, “Let’s open gifts and have some cake!”
Cassian kissed her cheek before he was on the floor, Nyx climbing on top of him, and helping the two year old open his gifts.
It only took one or two gifts before he was completely distracted by trying to play and wasn’t even paying attention as Cassian opened his gifts one by one. But they made it through the pile and Nesta carried in the astronaut horse cake, which had Nyx on his feet and chanting, “Cakecakecakecakecake!”
With Cassian’s help, Nyx blew out the big “2” candle and narrowly avoided a smash cake for the second year in a row.
“Not this year, bud,” Cassian chuckled, carrying a confused Nyx to his booster seat in the kitchen. “We’re all going to eat this one. Not just you.”
His irritation disappeared as soon as Nesta sat a piece down in front of him, but he made nearly just as big of a mess as he had the year before.
“Nesta!” Elain called, and she turned from where she was cutting more pieces in the kitchen. “Come here, I want to get a picture of you guys.”
Her eyes found Cassian’s and they softened, thinking back to the picture they’d been forced to take a year before.
“Still think you’ll burst into flames if you brush arms with me?” He asked, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Maybe,” she said, and he chuckled as she wrapped an arm around him. “But I’m not as bothered by it as I used to be.”
Cassian grinned, and Elain took a picture of their little family.
It was the day after Nyx’s second birthday and all three of them anxiously waited in the living room. It wasn’t that they were scared about the visit, but after last time, there was a little bit of nervousness surrounding them all.
Well, everyone but Nyx.
He was giddy as he played with all of his birthday toys.
Nesta was pacing, while Cassian watched a hockey game around the path she was wearing into the carpet.
“Come sit down, Nes,” he said, reaching for her hand. “They told us it would be this afternoon, but that could be anytime.”
“I know, I know,” she said, biting her nail. It had been a horrible habit of hers when she was younger, but now it only appeared when she was nervous
He caught her other hand in his. “Sit,” he repeated, tugging her towards. “You know what the doctor said about stress. It’s not good for—.”
A knock on the front door had Nesta bolting for it, and Nyx asked, “Hello?”
Cassian couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood and walked to him, crouching down in front of him. He smoothed Nyx’s dark hair back from his face and said, “I need you to be good today, okay? Be a good boy and daddy will take you to get ice cream after dinner.”
He nodded and repeated, “Ice cream.” Or he tried, but he couldn’t quite pronounce it.
Cassian could only grin down at him.
“You’re taking too long,” Nesta chastised, hurrying toward the door.
Cassian rolled his eyes but said nothing more as Nesta reached the door, smoothed down her non-wrinkled dress, and opened it up.
Alis Birch stood on the threshold, a folder in her hand, and, surprisingly, almost wearing a smile. “Nesta, it’s a pleasure.”
Nesta nodded, hesitantly. “Yes, you too. Come in, please.”
Alis crossed the threshold and nodded at Cassian. “Good afternoon, Mr. Nazari.” She looked at Nyx. “And glad to see you wide awake for one of my visits.”
Nyx smiled as he waved, and said, “Hi-hi.”
“Ah, he’s talking,” Alis said, going into the living room and smiling at the toddler.
“Oh, he hardly ever stops,” Cassian snorted. “Picks a new word up every day, I swear.”
“Sit,” Nesta said, sitting in the chair. “Please.”
“Thank you,” Alis said, taking her place on the couch. “I hear someone just had a second birthday.”
“Yesterday,” Nesta said, nodding. “We had a party. He had fun.”
“Good, plenty of toys and excitement, I assume?” She asked, watching as he played with a chunky, wooden puzzle made of farm animals. As if it were a gift from the gods themselves, he slid the cow into the right hole, and grinned up at Cassian. “Mooooo!”
He chuckled as he sat on the arm of Nesta’s chair. “Good job, bubba. Cows do say moo.”
He kept on grinning but went back to his puzzle.
“So,” Nesta said, clearing her throat. “What sort of questions do you have this visit?”
Alis didn’t say much, just looked around at the living room and kitchen. Cassian’s astronaut horse was still set up in the corner, as he’d insisted it was a work of art and as such, deserved to be displayed for at least a few more days. “Honestly, I don’t have many today. You two have made it very clear that Nyx is your main focus, and I can tell that he’s very happy and is thriving under your care.”
Cassian doubted she knew it, but Nesta released a breath she’d been holding and nodded. “We love him, more than anything. We— We’ll always miss Feyre and Rhys, but it’s not just about doing right by them anymore. Nyx has…” She took Cassian’s hand and continued. “He’s become our son, and we’ve become a family. And we couldn’t imagine it any other way at this point.”
Alis nodded and jotted a few notes in her binder. Nesta could have sworn a hint of a smile was on her face. “And, as far as the relationship between the two of you goes, where do we stand? It’s been a few months since we last discussed it.”
Cassian was the one to answer. “We’re engaged. We have been since Christmas, and, since Nyx’s birthday just passed, the wedding planning will start soon. And actually, we’re also—.”
“We couldn’t be happier,” Nesta said, interrupting him, holding up her left hand and showing the sparkling diamond on her ring finger. She gently squeezed his hand, and he didn’t ask, but nodded. “We couldn’t be happier and neither could Nyx.”
Alis looked from Cassian to Nesta to Nyx, and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. I’ll put in a good report, and you have nothing to worry about. Truly, I wish you all the best.”
Nesta smiled, and it was genuine. “Thank you, Mrs. Birch. Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you all be,” Alis said, standing. She closed her binder. “If you ever need anything, please reach out.”
“We will,” Cassian said. “Thank you.”
With one last smile, she said her goodbyes and was gone.
Nesta leaned against the closed doors and sighed a loud sigh of relief. “We did it. We’re done.”
Cassian pulled her into his arms and hugged her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I never had any doubts.”
She pulled back and looked up at him. “I sure as hell did. Who knew an old woman could be so terrifying?”
He chuckled but shook his head. “What now?”
“We wait for Tarquin to reach out to us. There’s some official paperwork that will have to be signed after she submits her report and findings, but…” She looked over at Nyx who was still engrossed in his puzzles. “We’re officially a family.”
Smiling, Cassian leaned down to kiss her. “And we didn’t tell her about this one because…?”
His hand brushed over her abdomen, over the life that was growing inside.
“I’d say we’re entitled to a few secrets of our own,” she replied, smiling. “Besides, they’re more focused on ensuring Nyx is taken care of. We’ve proven that time and time again.”
They’d found out Nesta was pregnant just a few weeks before. Not even ten weeks, and for that reason, they hadn’t told anyone, not even Elain and Azriel.
“Fair enough,” he muttered and kissed her, again.
Nyx had walked up to them and was tugging on Cassian’s pant leg, begging to be picked up, which is exactly what he did.
They hugged him tight, and felt an overwhelming amount of peace.
A year of ups and downs and chaos had passed, but they had made it.
They were a family.
All four of them.
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