#s: color me smitten
heartbeetz · 2 years
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Swatch bday!!
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Remus is the type to keep a rubberband or a scrunchie on his wrist for his s/o
I believe that he started keeping it when sirius's hair got long in 4th year and he used to forget a hair tie everywhere.
When remus started dating reader he began keeping one particularly in their favorite colour but never let anyone know.
I can just imagine reader at a house party going around asking each girl for a rubberband cuz she forgot hers and he just pulls one out of nowhere and hands it to them wordlessly (or just holds his wrist in front of them and their eyes light up)
Would be awesome if you write smth abt this <3
Thanks for requesting :)
cw: alcohol, reader has hair long enough to tie back
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 560 words
Remus’ eyes track you as you ping-pong around the party, stopping to talk to people for only a handful of seconds before finding another target. He’s not trying to be a creep, but you’ve reached a stage of the night where a bit of supervision is necessary. Your eyes are alight and your smile comes easy, and when you pivot and a bit of punch sloshes onto your hand you don’t even notice. 
You go from Lily, to Sirius, to Marlene, to Alice, back to Lily, and then aim for the kitchen. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” Remus intercepts you, setting a hand on your shoulder and steering you discretely away from any potential refills. “Having a good time?” 
“Mhm.” You grin up at him, distracted by the movement of his hand up your shoulder to cup the side of your neck. You shrug and tilt your head, squishing his hand between them, and Remus indulges you by poking your dimple with his thumb. You giggle, delighted. “I’m looking for Mary. Have you seen her?” 
He thinks for a moment. “Not lately, no. Want help looking?” 
“Sure.” You catch at his other hand with both of yours, intertwining your fingers messily. “I just need to ask her something.”
“What’s that?” he asks as you start to tug him towards the kitchen. 
“I’m sick of my hair.” You blow a piece of it away from your face, vexation twinging in your features. “I wanna know if she has a hair tie I can borrow.” 
“Oh, wait.” He stops, pulling you closer before taking his hand from between yours. “Hold on a second.” 
You look up at Remus curiously, not protesting when he turns you around by your shoulders and begins gathering your hair in his hands. He takes care to comb the errant strands around your face and the nape of your neck up with the rest, confining it all to a loose ponytail. 
“S’that alright?” 
“I didn’t know you carry a hair tie,” you murmur, almost to yourself, as you go towards a small mirror mounted on the wall. “Remus!” Your voice goes up an octave, elated. “It’s my favorite color!” 
“I know,” he says, a bit smug. It only worsens when you spin around and throw your arms around his waist. Remus hums contentedly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, and you tilt your head back, chin digging into his sternum as you beam up at him. 
“You’re so good to me,” you gloat. “How long’ve you been carrying that around for?” 
“A while,” he says vaguely, because Since you told me your favorite color makes him sound like a loser and in your current state he’s not entirely sure you wouldn't start crying. “I’m used to having one for Sirius anyway, so it was really just a color adjustment.” 
Your eyes go all soft and smitten, your bottom lip jutting out a bit even through your smile. “You’re the sweetest boy I ever met,” you tell him, sincerity coating your words like honey. 
Remus rolls his eyes to dodge the compliment, opting instead to take your face between his hands and squishing your cheeks together. You let him without complaint, your smile going mushy. “You make me do sweet things,” he says. 
You hum like you know the truth but you’ll let him get away with it anyway.
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Yandere Head Canons: You Are My Sunshine
Current brain rot: Yandere Sheriff from the Wild West. An older man has captivated me.
Jack Henry, the forty year old bachelor and Afab Reader
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Yandere Sheriff who’s devoted to locking criminals away. He’s never given relationships much thought. His life was too dangerous for anyone else to be a part of it long term so he’s had his fair share of one night stands but never true love… Jack Henry has lived a hard life and he was getting old. His chocolate hair and stubble was covered in gray hair. And his face and body littered in scars from the outlaws he arrested. Jack knew he was a terrifying man to gaze upon. His face alone struck fear into people.
Yandere Sheriff who meets the new resident in town. A sweet young woman with big eyes filled with innocence. A shy expression on her (skin color) face as she introduced herself to him. The lovely woman was named (your name), a pretty name for a pretty girl. She was a lamb amongst wolves… Jack was immediately smitten with her. He’d be her shepherd dog that would keep her safe in this wild world… wait. Why did he like her so much? She was just a lass…
Yandere Sheriff who would often see (your name) at the post office or at the general store. He caught himself constantly sneaking glances at her whenever he was in town. Jack thought she was attractive… maybe he could talk to her?Jack ignored the flirtatious stares of old flames in favor of talking to the young lass who was the apple of his eye.
Yandere Sheriff who began to court (your name). Jack is sweet with his words and he does his best to be gentle and soft for her. He brings her flowers and meals from town. His green eyes are filled with so much adoration for her. He swore she was sweeter than molasses. The more time they spent together, the more he wanted to be with her. Jack has never felt this way in his life. He wanted to protect her from everything. Jack wanted to come home everyday from work and see her waiting for him. For the first time in his forty years of living, he craved domesticity.
Yandere Sheriff who tries to take things slow but he starts to get touchy. Jack often holds her soft hands in his large, calloused ones while he shows her the town. His green eyes never leave his sunshine. The stubble on his chin tickles her shoulders when he rests his face on her shoulder while she wears his sheriff hat. Jack loves her… he loves (your name) so very much, it hurts.
Yandere Sheriff who can’t get her out of his head even when he dreams. Her face creates butterflies flutter in his stomach and her smile… her smile was just like sunshine. She was his sunshine… and he never wanted her to be taken away. The fear of his enemies harming her started to keep him up at night… he had to make it official so they could get married and he could keep her locked away and safe.
Yandere Sheriff who took (your name) out on dates on the weekends. Jack enjoyed taking her on rides on his horse, Gunsmoke. He adores how much smaller her body is than his. Their bodies fit together so perfectly… it was when Gunsmoke brought them up a hill where the sunset looked most beautiful that Jack felt like he should confess his love for her. The setting sun made her look like some sort of goddess on earth… a goddess he wished to worship until his final breath.
Yandere Sheriff who is shocked that she doesn’t feel the same way. They spent so much time together… why didn’t she love him too? Jack was upset that she didn’t feel the same way. Couldn’t she see herself with him? He saw an entire future with her… he saw children and a wedding. They were meant to be in his eyes… and he would teach her to love him.
Yandere Sheriff who doesn’t budge when (your name)’s fists beat against his chest while he kissed her. His stubble tickled her face and she could taste cigar smoke on him but his arms firmly held her against him. Jack was on cloud nine from the kiss. He sore lightning shot through his very being… she was so perfect. How could she not want this? How could she not want him? It wasn’t long before his lips moved to her neck to press hit kisses all over the soft, tender skin. His sweet whispers of love made her skin crawl.
“I love you… I love you so much.” Jack whispered into her skin, his hot breath tickled. “Let’s get married... my sunshine.”
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
Stepdad!William Afton x Reader - Christmas Present (WARNINGS:SMUT)
Warnings: Creampie, taboo, stepdad x reader, secret s*x, Daddy kink, Christmas Dinner, Secret touching, Fingering, Behind your mom's back, Praise kink, dd/lg, Dark William Afton/William Afton is not a nice man, Mutual agreeance & consensual intercourse.
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AN: I don't know what I did, but this just came out. Not beta read but I am going to sleep now and I wanted to share this with you all. For quick links and more, see notes below.
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The soft glow of Christmas lights bathed the room in a warm, inviting atmosphere. You sat at the table with your mom, stepdad William, stepsister Vanessa, and her new boyfriend Mike. The scent of roasted turkey and homemade stuffing filled the air, while laughter and cheerful conversation echoed around you.
Vanessa and Mike animatedly chatted about their budding relationship, beaming as they recounted their favorite dates and shared aspirations. Their love was palpable, and they seemed eager to impress your mom and William with their connection. It seemed to work, your mom seemed smitten with Mike and William hadn’t said a nasty thing to him all evening – which you considered a win.
"Hey," Vanessa said, turning her attention to you, "when are you going to get a boyfriend?" Your heart clenched, and words failed to form in your throat. She didn't know what had been going on behind closed doors.
"Yes, good question," William chimed in. “Your mom has been dying to get a grandkid or two,” he said, feigning concern.
You nearly spat your drink out and tried to look away. Especially as beneath the tablecloth, you felt his hand snake onto your upper leg, fingers brushing against your skin. It sent shivers down your spine, the ghost of his touch haunting you.
“Dad!” Vanessa cried out.
“Well, it’s true,” William said matter-of-factly, and you could tell from the corner of your eyes that your mother blushed. “I just want to see all my girls happy and settled. So, when will you bring home a nice boy for me to meet?” His voice dripped with insincerity. Bringing home a date was the last thing he was waiting for. He didn’t want to see you date, or risk losing you to anyone else.
The fingers on your legs dug possessively into your skin, a silent warning that you were already claimed.
"Uh, I'm not sure," you finally managed to say, avoiding eye contact. "I've just been busy with work, you know?"
"Sure, but there's always time for love," Mike added, oblivious to the undercurrents at play. He didn’t know what was going on – none of them did. He couldn’t see how your stepdad’s fingers traced up your Christmas over-the-knee stockings until they met bare skin.
"Maybe one day," you murmured, forcing a smile. As the conversation moved on, William's hand remained on your leg, a sinister reminder of the secrets you shared.
It became hard to focus on dinner like that. With his palm hotly upon your flesh. Memories of your stepdad’s mouth on your skin, his possessive grip on your hips, and his whispered promises to keep your liaisons secret washed over you.
You swallowed hard, trying to focus on the colorful decorations and warm atmosphere as everyone continued eating, trying to ignore the sick knot forming in your stomach.
God, how could you want a man like him so badly? When you knew it was so wrong?
"Delicious turkey, Mom," you said, attempting to regain some semblance of normalcy. Your mother beamed with pride, but all the while, you felt William's hand inching further up your leg, like a spider crawling toward its prey.
"Thank you, sweetheart," she replied, oblivious to the tension that was slowly strangling the air around you.
"Great job with the table setting too," Vanessa chimed in, squeezing Mike's hand as they exchanged loving glances.
Yes, great. Excellent, you sardonically thought as your stepdad’s fingertip brushed past the crotch of your panties. A wet spot formed where his fingers brushed past your nub, the now damp material seemingly spurring him on, for his fingers became more insistent. Even going as far as to hook underneath the elastics of your panties at one point to dip a fingertip between your soaked folds. You flinched, knee banging against the underside of the table, and whispered a flustered apology while William dipped his finger a little deeper inside your cunt – as far as he could go from where he was seated really.
You met his heated blue gaze as you looked to your side, saw the way he watched you intently from behind his aviator glasses. He pumped inside of you a few times, just to the second knuckle, and then his finger slid out again.
The now wet digit remained on your naked thigh for the remainder of the meal, only leaving when William had to pass food around. You watched with fascination as the criminal digit stroked past one of the bowls, how his fingertip glistened with your juices and accidentally tapped against some of the lettuce inside.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as you picked at your food, each bite feeling heavier than the last. Your core was like a fuzzy ball full of wires that all got tangled. Expecting your stepdad to touch you - and hating the fact that you wished he would.
When dinner finally ended, you excused yourself, claiming exhaustion from work. You escaped to your room, away from your stepsister and her happy relationship, away from your mother and her bright smiles. And most importantly, away from him.
You slipped into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin as if they could protect you from the reality lurking just beyond your bedroom door. Sleep was elusive, your thoughts racing and your heart pounding in your chest.
The creak of the door opening sliced through the darkness like a knife, and your breath caught in your throat as you heard your stepdad’s familiar footsteps approaching. He stood beside your bed, his presence looming over you like a shadowy figure.
"Merry Christmas," he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. "I came to deliver your present."
He wouldn’t even flick on the light, but you could see him illuminated by the glow of the streetlamps through the window. He was already naked, a bow wrapped around the base of his already erect cock. He held it in his right hand, stroking himself and brushing his thumb past the head, the slit already weeping pre-cum that glistened like white pearls in the dark. "I've been waiting for you all through dinner." He stepped closer until you felt the bed dip with his weight, resting a knee next to you on the mattress. You could feel his breath on your skin, hot and tantalizing.
"Are you ready for your present?" he asked, the gravelly tone of his voice making your stomach flutter.
You swallowed hard, unable to speak, but your body betrayed you, nodding in submission. The tension in the room was palpable, both of you knowing what was about to happen. You wore a nightgown with nothing underneath. As always. Easy access for Dad. Like Daddy’s good girl.
His hands found yours, gently guiding them to the ribbon around his shaft. Your fingers trembled, but followed his lead, slipping beneath the fabric to pull it off. Your fingertips gently stroked past his fevered skin, feeling the ridges and the veins and how his member throbbed at the slightest touch.
"Beautiful," he murmured, eyes raking over your flushed form before he pushed you down on the bed again.
He wasted no time, reaching out to touch you, fingers tracing delicate patterns across your sensitive flesh. You gasped, hips arching involuntarily as pleasure bloomed within you. The suddenness of it all was overwhelming, your mind racing with thoughts of guilt and desire. Your nipples peeked underneath your nightgown, his blue eyes drawn toward them. He lifted your gown to reveal your stomach and breasts, wasting no time in tasting your skin with his lips and his tongue.
You writhed underneath him in pleasure while his erection bobbed against your hip. The wish to just put it in there grew stronger and stronger with each flick of the tongue and each nibble of teeth.
Soft whimpers and moans escaped your lips as he kept your arms pinned down, hovering over you like a predator eating its prey. His lips moved lower, just when it became too much, and then his tongue flicked past your stomach to your core.
A yelp escaped you, and wetness gushed forth between your folds, making your core glisten in the light of the lamps from outdoors.
"Quiet,” he whispered, leaning down to press a heated kiss to your inner thigh. "Your mother might be waiting for me in our room right now. You don’t want her to find us like this, do you?"
It took effort to shake your head and mutter a faint no, because he was driving you wild. Your core pulsed with slick, too empty and aching to be filled. You were drowning in sensation, sinking deeper into the abyss of forbidden lust.
"Please," you whimpered, no longer able to distinguish between want and need.
"Shh, you want to be Daddy’s sweet girl, right?" He cooed, pressing his lips to your trembling ones. "I'm going to make you feel so good."
And so he did. His hands roamed, his mouth tasted, and your body responded with an urgency you had never known. The world outside ceased to exist, replaced by the symphony of your ragged breaths and whispered moans.
"William," you gasped, as he finally positioned his hard cock at your entrance. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders, fingers digging into his sweaty skin. “Daddy, please,” you begged him. “I wanna be your good girl. Fill me up, please, Daddy. I wanna be good for you.”
And with a grin that made his teeth glisten in the dark, he entered you, filling you completely. His thick cock spread your pulsing walls wide, pussy fluttering helplessly around his size as he bottomed out. His balls slapped against your skin as he moved out and then in again, nudging his cockhead deep inside your core and making you see stars.
It was such a delight. How you had missed feeling him inside of you like this. To be filled so completely by this man that your mother called her lover.
If only she knew.
William filled you completely, satisfying a primal need you wished you had never known as it became an addiction. It was a sensation that both terrified and exhilarated you.
"Say my name again," he demanded, eyes locked onto yours. "Let me hear it."
"Daddy," you repeated, more firmly this time, feeling a surge of power as he shuddered above you.
The love you made was sweet and tender, yet laced with a darkness that could not be denied. Whispers of ‘my sweet girl’ and ‘Daddy’s good girl’ were accompanied by a pull of your hair or a thrust so rough it made your teeth chatter. Your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. And when you finally tumbled over, it was as if the world had shattered around you, leaving only fragments of pleasure and pain. Your walls fluttered around his cock, forcing him over the brink with you. A loud groan filled your ear and revibrated through your entire body.
As you lay there, panting and spent, your stepdad slowly moved up on his elbows and reached for something on your nightstand. The light blinked on and you had to close your eyes because of the brightness, bringing an arm up to your head.
His warm body withdrew from yours with a slick squelch. And then you felt his strong large hands as he pushed your legs open wide. You slowly recognized he reached for his phone, capturing the aftermath of your union. The sight of white globs of sperm leaking from between your legs seemed to bring him immense satisfaction, and he held the camera up close to capture it. The way your pussy pulsed in the aftermath, the way his seed was slowly pushed out and then sucked back in again by your body - a wicked smile graced his features as he recorded it all.
Then, once he was satisfied, he put the phone aside.
"Best Christmas present ever," he declared, his voice heavy with pride and possession.
You smiled up at him, cheeks flustered and eyes tired. You slowly pulled your nightgown back down, covering the fresh hickeys, love bites and bruises your stepdad just gave you.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you said, heart swelling with satisfaction when William’s blue eyes twinkled at your words.
“Good girl,” he said again.
You watched as he slowly raised himself from the bed and bent forward to seek for the Christmas ribbon. Once he found it, he pumped his cock in his fist a few times until it started to become erect again.
“Help me with this, will you?” he asked, holding out the ribbon for you to take. You sat up on the bed on your knees to help him, feeling how even more of his sperm seemed to leave your soaking-wet core. You bit your lip as you tied the ribbon around the base of his cock once more, creating a lovely bow, then carefully glanced up at him.
William caught your look and groaned. “Oh, honey, don’t look at me with puppy eyes like that. Makes me just want to ravish you again.”
He bent over to capture your lips in his own, cock still in his hand, pumping himself a few more times. When he broke the kiss and leaned back you could see how his cock was now back on the way to be fully erect again, and you bit your lip in desire.
“Much as I want to fill you up a second time, I got to tend to your mom first. Promised her a Christmas present as well.”
He must have seen the way your face fell – no one wanted to be reminded of their lover having sex with someone else, especially when they were family. But you had known something like this would happen. He was your mom’s husband after all. Not yours.
A gentle brush of his thumb past your lip and your gaze softened.
“What will you tell her about the wetness?” you asked, shyly gesturing at his cock which was still coated in your mixed juices.
William’s smile turned into a devious smirk. “I’ll just tell her I lubed up,” and then his hand ruffled through your hair. “Don’t worry, baby. Your still Daddy’s favorite girl.”
He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. The gesture should have been comforting, but it only served to remind you of the twisted reality you now found yourself in. You watched as your stepdad left the room and then cuddled underneath the blankets again. A smile slid on your lips and you closed your eyes.
Your stepdad knew how to give the best presents for Christmas ever. ~ AN: Merry Whatever you Celebrate.🥳 If you like this kind of filth, I have a lot more of Stepdad!Afton x Reader and more coming up. I also write for other interesting bad men such as slasher characters. If you are feeling generous - as it is the season of giving - you can always leave me a little thank you on my Ko-Fi  (: I'll post some quick links below to other works. My prompt box is still open, but I will be heading into the hospital at the end of December and depending on my treatment, I might have to close it in the near future. But I'll keep you up to date :) Quick links: ~~ Masterlist - Request Box -  Support me on Ko-Fi ~~
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imaginingbleach · 4 months
idk got inspired by my Ichigo crushing hcs
Crushing HCs
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Shinji Hirako
This man might have rizz, but he can also become a bumbling idiot when it comes to you
His issue? His charisma comes from not having a direct attachment.
Or already having them in his grip.
If you're a stranger or his partner? Man is the rizz master.
Are you teetering on that line where he's starting to catch feelings for you?
Fuck, suddenly he can't speak-
The fucking second he starts seeing you as a little more than a friend he's flirting with he knows he's gonna make a fool of himself.
He is also torn between wanting to be near you all the time and wanting to avoid you to not look like an idiot.
He ends up stuttering a lot, might even forget words, and if you smile and/or giggle at him? He forgets to breathe.
He's absolutely smitten and it's probably obvious to everyone but you...
Though, it means you get to see him being a flustered mess a little longer.
He's already learned a lot about you with his previous flirting, but he will try to learn absolutely everything.
He keeps a small notebook on him to write things down; even uses notes on his phone and what not.
Maybe you told him about a cloud that reminded you of your favorite animal; suddenly you'll get a stuffed version of that.
Maybe you tell him you love a flower in a field; bouquet for you.
Might even note it as your favorite color and get you small gifts in that color.
Eventually you'll start to notice he's paying a bit lot more than any of the others he spends time with...
You notice he hasn't flirted with you in... A while, which did upset you a bit but you were glad with the different type of attention...
Oh! OH
"Hey, Shinji? I like you too." It was just a simple kiss on the cheek, but Shinji's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
It took a lot of courage to say it, but you knew it would take him a while to get the words out.
Aaaannnnnndddd suddenly Shinji is back.
"Naturally, knew y'couldn resist~"
"Says the one who was stuttering earlier."
"Ya can't blame me if everythin' ya do takes my breath away~"
"S... Shut up!"
The gift giving only gets worse after you've both confessed.
He likes taking you on dates; every kind of date. He might complain about hiking dates , but he'll do it for you.
He was the one who initiated the first kiss.
It was probably spur of the moment and maybe not too romantic in your head...
But, when he saw you sitting there... Engrossed in something he'd seen you do a thousand times before...
It just hit him. It was different this time. The two of you were dating and he could finally show you just how adorable he found your every little thing.
Even this.
He'd walk over like "babe?" getting a mumbled "uh-huh?" before he cupped your cheeks and planted a breath taking kiss on you.
You'd only be able to stare at him dazedly as he walked away with a grin and not bothering to explain.
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call-me-doll-face · 5 months
Thinking about.... pt. 2
Part 1
Reader who has ghost wrapped around her pinky finger as soon as she shoves the balaclava over the bridge of his nose, plump lips meeting his in a clash of tongue and teeth as they stumble into his apartment.
Its dirty, messy, spit dripping as tongues battle for dominance, thick scarred fingers tangling in soft hair as hers push the heavy weight of his worn leather jacket off his broad shoulders and onto the floor.
Smitten Ghost who is already obsessed with her sounds, and he hasn't even made her scream his name yet. Hasn't taken her apart piece by fucking piece until she's a delirious mess beneath him. Oh, but he plans to.
Smitten Ghost plans to wreck her world. Burn it to the ground and build it back up with him at the center. He's going to make her worship the ground he walks on, turning her into a fiending mess, him being the only drug that can cure her.
He's going to make her his.
Smitten Ghost whose hands grab the backs of your plush thighs and lift you effortlessly into those tree trunk like arms of his, powerful legs making long strides towards his worn in blue couch.
"Gon' make ya feel s'good, love. You wan' that? want me to-"
Smitten Ghost who grunts when her lips claim his once more, tongue pushing into his mouth and effectively shutting him up. His mind fogs as the sweet taste of berries burst over his tastebuds once more, the taste so distinctly her that he's sure he'll never find anything else like it.
"I like your mouth when it's used for something other than talking, pretty man."
Smitten Ghost, whose pretty brown eyes widen in surprise, a blush that he's happy his mask covers settling over his cheekbones, because when's the last time someone had the balls to talk to him like that? outside of the 141 of course…… Sure, everyone fucks around with Johnny and Gaz, occasionally Price, but never Ghost.
Reader who takes advantage of his astonishment, giggling at his expression as those tiny fucking hands, hands that ghost can’t stop thinking about, work his leather belt open.
She’s so hungry for him, so ready to have him buried deep that she doesn’t even care about the foreplay, instead, popping the button on his jeans and moving back just enough to yank them down, freeing the most beautiful cock she’s ever seen.
Her mouth waters as it slaps against his stomach, curving up slightly and a prominent vein along the underside, tip flushed a pretty pink and leaking pre-come. Gorgeous.
“Oh, now that I can work with.” The words come out a purr, not taking her eyes off him as she climbs back onto his wide lap. Smitten ghost grunts loudly at the first glide of her bare cunt, hips jerking up in surprise, not expecting to feel anything other than cotton panties separating them.
It’s been so fucking long.
“Such a dirty fuckin girl.” The sound of his palm making contact with the bare skin of her ass reverberates around the room, a little gasp leaving parted lips as she’s jolted against him from the force.
Smitten Ghost who lurches forward with every intent of pinning her little body to the cushions and making her come apart on his fingers, on his tongue.
“S’pretty, need ta taste ya.”
“Be a good girl, yeah, love? That pretty pussy going to come in ma mouth? She going to be good for me?”
The words are obscene, his accent getting deeper as those brown eyes darken even more, pupils dilated until there’s hardly any color showing at all.
Smitten Ghost who gasps loudly, surprised once again as she forces him back, pushing herself back onto him and not even giving him time to process before her nails are digging into his shoulders and that pretty little cunt is sucking him in.
“Wha- wait! What’re you- s…shit!” the force that he grips her hips with is almost painful, but oh so worth it as she watches his eyes roll back, jaw going slack as she continues to slide down his throbbing length, taking every inch with a delighted little hum.
Smitten Ghost who swears she was fucking made for him. Put in that bar by God or whoever fucking else, just for him to find and fuck. Taking him so well, walls so wet and warm and perfect.
“Died and gon to heaven, fuck. S’perfect. So fucken perfect. Gotta move, please, love. Come on, need you to ride my cock.”
Reader who just coos at him as she grins down at him, laughing at his rambling, watching as this big strong man comes apart at the seams beneath her, because of her.
Lifting her hips, she watches as his expression morphs into one of ecstasy before sliding back down, giving a few experimental grinds before she grows tired of going slow and sets a relentless pace.
The sound of skin slapping fills the living room, heavy balls slapping against her as his hips lift, arms banding around her back as he meets her thrust for thrust. Whines and whimpers mix with his deep grunts and groans, hot open-mouthed kisses traveling down her shoulder and chest before latching onto a rosy nipple.
A cry of pleasure leaves her lips as that skilled tongue twirls and flicks against the nub, teeth nipping and sucking until she’s perked and sensitive, pulling off with an obscene pop before giving the other breast the same attention.
Fingers move down to grip the globes of her ass, fingers dimpling the fat as he spreads her cheeks, lifting and pushing her down his shaft, working her on his cock.
Smitten Ghost who climaxes a lot sooner than he anticipated, than he wanted, desperate pleas of, “wait!”, “S…Mph! stop! Please, love, im- “, and “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Leaving his kiss swollen lips.
Smitten Ghost who spasms, eyes rolling back and back arching under her as he experiences the most earth-shattering orgasm he’s ever experienced.
Blunt nails dig into smooth skin, leaving little crescents in their wake, forcing her as far down as he can go as his hips rut up into her, thick seed painting her walls as he fucks it even deeper.
Reader who just giggles once he finishes, smacking a kiss to his parted lips before climbing off.
"Thanks for the ride.”
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday 14
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
at last (i see the light) by @theroyalsavage
Of a tower, a missing prince with the sun in his hair and the ability to heal with a touch, and a terrible-dangerous-very-bad bandit who’s never been all that good at being very bad, dangerous, or terrible. An AU based off of Disney’s Tangled.
IVE BEEN W A I T I N G FOR A SOLANGELO TANGLED AU OMG. and this ATE. was so fucking good. obviously bc its theroyalsavage but still omg. sorry for harrassing u btw. but i LOVE this. nico as flynn pov and just fucking reluctantly smitten from the beginning.....oh i know that's right
2. a letter to the moon (it is not brighter than you) by @theroyalsavage
When his kingdom is plagued by a series of unsolvable murders, Prince Will Solace must confront several things: tragedy, helplessness, and the dizzy-sweet inevitability of falling in love.
is this, like the author's note indicates, reminiscent of bbc merlin? yes. and so i LOVE. rivals to friends to lovers my BELOVED. royalty aus my BELOVED. and honestly yall should be supporting my royalsavage agenda purely by her titles like LOOK at these. my heart hurts like
3. In the darkest grays by @izlaria
[The sun bursts, clouds break.] Nico di Angelo loves in color. This is something that Will Solace has always known.
hi. i am obsessed w this fic. a nico character atudy that is disguised as will character study that IS a will character study........something something they are braided strings of fate something something....also! sally jackson my love!! she is everything to me and of COURSE she would show up here!! i am also obsessed w longtime pining will like is it even a solangelo fic if will has not been in the trenches since he was ten years old
4. eudaimonia by @forochel
Nico watched Percy wave his arms excitedly at Annabeth and breathed through the habitual twisting of his stomach. For a moment, he thought of walking over to them - ever the masochist, he thought wryly to himself - but then Annabeth threw her head back in a laugh, and Nico dismissed the thought. There would be another time and another place. ** Diverges SLIGHTLY from canon in that Nico does not confess to Percy right off the bat - he gets the chance to heal, find himself and a place to stand in camp, and form friendships. Also, attempts to fix the whole Solangelo shoehorning thing.
AUTHOR IF YOU ARE STILL ACTIVE. FOROCHEL IF YOU SEE THIS. I AM BEGGING. KNEES ON THE GROUND HANDS CLASPED ROSARY CHOKING LIKE A NOOSE. PLEASE. PLEASE UPDATE THIS SERIES IM BEGGING. I KNOW IT IS UNGRATEFUL BUT 20K IS NOT ENOUGH. THIS IS N I C O S VOICE. LIKE ACTUALLY. dude it KILLS me this is HIM 😭😭😭 i cannot get over how wonderful this is and how FRESH....like this came out right after boo! it was fresh in ur mind!! and you went CRAZY like this is SO SO GOOD!! this fic is CONSTANTLY rotating in my mind and i am constantly thinking about the path it carved.....hve never gotten over it ever
5. Baby Satyrs and Charming Boyfriends by @biancadiangeno / @fiestiest
Nico di Angelo had absolutely no idea how babysitting works, and Will Solace was having way too much fun teasing him to actually help out.
this fic is so silly and fun. i love it!! and the ending made me giggle will needed that humbling
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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97linelover · 6 months
Birthday of 2024. - Kim Mingyu
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18+ / mdi
summary: it´s your boyfriends birthday, you decide to suprise him. Well the night gets pretty steamy.
content: Mingyu x female reader, smut, doggy, mention of nudes, party,alcohol, voyerisum, outdoor sex.
wc: 2.1 k
a/n: I had this in my drafts for a while, I know I am a little late but, better late than never. Happy birthday to my lovely Gyu.
"I know Baby, I'm so sad not to be there," you answered through the phone while grabbing your bag, trying your best not to sound so stressed. "But I'll call you later; I need to go " You needed this call to end; your train will come soon.
"I love you, Baby" his deep voice rang through your ear "I love you too Gyu, enjoy your night out with the Boys, and have a little fun for me." With that, you ended the call.
You hurried towards the train station, taking the train to Seoul. You were on the way home to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday, his day, but he thinks you're still on the work trip.
But luckily for you, you could come back home earlier. Normally, your boss would not want you to drive home after work on a Friday because you were tired after starting work so early; it's a rule in your company, but the thought of your Boyfriend made you wide awake, and you tried your best to explain it to your boss.
Luckily for you, he directly agreed; he knew Mingyu and they often went out for some drinks and to watch football.
Mingyu will be out tonight with all his friends, drinking and having fun, and you will join later.
The time frame was strict but you will make it.
Not even two hours later, you were dressed in your newly bought red tight dress wearing some jimmy choo heels. Your hair was in curls and falling over your shoulder. After applying your lipstick, you smacked your lips and smiled happily.
Red, Mingyus favorite color.
The cab was already waiting and you grabbed your clutch with the key cards for the hotel.
"To the Hybe building please" you told the driver and he nodded "it will take about 30 minutes" he then told you with a smile. "Perfect thank you"
You grabbed your phone and looked at the stories some of the members had posted, Mingyu was clearly drunk by now and you giggled, drunk Mingyu was always clingy and full of love,Seoks storys were full of Mingyu clinging onto Han or Chan.
You put your phone away and looked out of the window, watching the skyline of Seoul with curious eyes; you would never grow tired of it.
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It's been 4 years since you've come here and 3 years since you started dating Mingyu. You were directly smitten by him when you met him at your workplace. You were helping at a bakery at that time, and he was there with his best friend Wonwoo. You noticed his gaze on you until they left.
Not only that, but you noticed him coming back for days, and then he asked you out for dinner at his favorite Italian place. Quickly after that, you were officially dating, and you met his family and friends.  For your luck, you were happily accepted by them all.
Kim Mingyu was your happy place, and you were thankful for him.
"We're here," the taxi driver announced, and you grabbed some cash with a tip. "Thank you so much; have a nice evening," you said while getting out and closing the door. You could already hear the music blasting from inside so you quickly walked up to security "on the list?" the tall man asked "Y/N Y/L/N" you answered, and he quickly nodded "go straight in" you thanked him and walked inside.
You looked at the time and there was only 1 minute left, you looked around for your boyfriend and it was not that hard.
Kim Mingyu would always own the spotlight for you; he lights up the room for you and you smiled seeing his friends count down until it was midnight; they all jumped onto him, and he laughed out in joy.
This was the first time in two years he actually celebrated his birthday. It was a rough time for him seeing his best friend unhappy on his birthday. But this year Wonwoo decided that Mingyu deserved to be celebrated. And seeing Wonwoo smiling so bright was just the cherry on top.
You waited for a small moment standing at the bar when Seok whispered something in his ear, and his eyes widened, and his gaze fell on you. His eyes sparkled, and his smile was on full display. Before you could react he walked towards you with long strides.
Let me tell you one thing; Kim Mingyu is majestic with each step he takes.
„You came" he whispered, taking your face in his hand, kind of like he couldn't believe you're actually there. „Happy birthday, my love" you smiled brightly at him, and he kissed you.
His one hand still on your shoulder the other on your lower back pulling you close, his scent hitting your nose, and you grabbed his shirt trying to pull him even closer.
„God I'm so happy you're here" he said, leaning his forehead against yours, and you blushed „I would never miss your birthday, love; you're too important for that” he grinned and pecked your lips again, you could kiss him for hours.
„Let's meet the others” he took your hand and guided you towards his friends „Y/N" Jeonghan said smiling and giving you a tight hug, it's been a few months since you last saw them so you felt incredibly happy about seeing them. 
But shortly after Mingyu twirled you around that your hands landed on his chest "let's dance baby" He slurred, and you felt his drunk cheery aura "Whatever the birthday kid wants" you grinned, and he guided you towards the dance floor "You look so good in red baby... you know that red lingerie set I bought you? It's my favoriteeeee" he said into your ear while kissing it afterward, "I know Gyu" you giggled. 
The song changed and Mingyu was now behind you his one hand wrapped around your stomach while the other was holding his whiskey glass "to my fucking beautiful girlfriend" he said while lifting his glass and the people around him cheered "it's your day stupid" you said laughing "to my fucking handsome boyfriend" you cheered, and the people joined. 
You were never the biggest party animal, but with the 13 guys it was surely a lot of fun, the all jumped around and danced around, and Mingyu felt alive with them, and when your boyfriend was happy, you were happy. 
Before you could even think deeper about this, you felt his soft lips on your neck, your weakness, and he knows it.  Combines with the alcohol this was not good, you turned around just to see his darkened eyes "Let's go home baby" he pleaded, and you bit your lip "already? You don't wanna party anymore?" 
"The only thing I want to do right now is, fucking you until you're crying out my name" he rasped into your ear, and you felt the heat rising to your cheek "I know you missed my dick like I missed your tight little pussy" his hands were grabbing your ass and a whimper escaped you "then let's say goodbye" he smirked at your horniness and you both said goodbye. 
You called for a Kakao while leaning against the prick wall "god damn my cock is hurting" he groaned and you giggled "I mean you basically caged it in those thight jeans" your hands was caressing his thighs "fucking skinny jeans Gyu? You know that your thighs are my fucking turn on" he grinned "all yours baby" his hand was slowly getting around your neck "but I know your favorite body part is my dick" Your eyes looked into his "It's beautiful" you agreed and palmed it over his jeans. 
"Can I fuck you here? Please" he was drunk and desperate, it was insane thinking about fucking in an alley waiting for your taxi.  But Mingyu and you were never normal when you were horny, Mingyu introduced you to his outdoor kink at the beginning of your relationship, and you tried it with him. 
You always made sure it was decent, that there was nobody around, but right now as he was pounding in to you while holding you up the wall, all of those concerns were gone. 
You moaned into his ear, and he let out some groans, you felt the alcohol because both of you were sloppy while doing it, Mingyus thrusts were irregular, and he was furrowing his eyebrows, you were not caring about anything but Mingyu stretching you completely. 
As you looked to the left you saw the taxi coming closer "Gyu we need to get the taxi" you giggled, and he nodded softly, pulling out. You both pulled your clothes to the right places, and you walked towards the car.  The entire right you both were just dozing off, and you both became a little more sober. "I can't believe we did that" you whispered, and he grinned "that was hot baby!" he admitted, and you blushed like a little kid. 
He parked in front of the Plaza Hotel, and Mingyu looked at you, confused "What? It's your birthday; let me spoil you" He raised his eyebrows at that, and you paid the taxi. 
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The check in was already finished so you both went straight to the elevator "we could've slept at home love, this is too much" another Mingyu habit, he never wants anything, but he will spoil everyone around him. 
"Baby you spoil me all the time so I want us to enjoy this, Wonwoo wanted to leave but I told him that I really want to be in an Hotel" You sheepishly said "my boss paid for the room because I helped him so much, so dont worry" he smirked "I adore you" The door opened and you walked towards the penthouse room "Let's get the night started". 
Mingyu was laying on the bed completely naked waiting for you to come out of the bathroom, but being slightly tipsy made everything harder. 
You bought a new lingerie set, Red and Lacey. You opened the door, and his gaze landed on you. "Holy fucking shit," he said while sitting up now. "Fuck," he licked his lips. "You're unreal." You giggled at his comments and walked towards him. "Do you like it?" The innocence in your voice made him lose his mind. 
"I want to engrave this in my brain; you're beautiful." His dick was by now standing tall and bright between his legs. You crawled onto his lap "Will you let me ride you Gyu?" Your red nails softly scratched along his trained chest, and he nodded "Please, baby". He helped you to guide it inside you, and when he completely stretched you out you threw your head back "You always make me feel so full Gyu" A whimper escaped your lips when you began to circle your hips. Even after all this time, he was still too big for you. 
"Taking me so well babygirl" his hands roamed your body and you let out another moan "got the prettiest woman out there" he praised you and whimpered when you began to bounce "god this pussy is so good" you felt your legs getting weaker "let me take over baby" he said lovingly and you got off him, you knew what he loves the most so you got on your fours with a little surprise waiting, the set had his name with custom rhinestone letters on it on your ass "going to tattoo this in my brain" he groaned while sinking his cock into your pussy. 
"Going to take a picture of this, even better, a video" he groaned while grabbing his phone "mhm Gyu don't stop" you whined and he chuckled you saw the light against your back "Taking me so well babygirl" He filmed your juicy ass while he was pounding into you, his name on your slip making it so special, and your desperate whimpers making him lose his mind. 
"going to come Gyu" your legs began to shake "me too baby, fuck" he felt his balls harden and he fastened his pace.  His hot spurts of cum dripped into you while you clenched him empty. 
He pulled out, and you looked at him "this was mind blowing" you said in trance and he agreed "lets take a quick shower and then sleep baby, mhm? How does that sound?" you yawned "carry me please?" he chuckled at you and lifted you up. 
He took the lingerie set off your body and turned the shower on. 
When you both laid under the white sheets entangled with each other he kissed your forehead fondly and smiled "thank you for this my love" 
"You deserve the world, Mingyu, so please let me give it to you , Happy Birthday." 
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istoleyoursk1n · 8 months
Hi can you do halsin Gale and Astarion with a very explicit and flirty paladin s/o who looks super stoic and serious please?
Like they’re there standing stoic and menacing and then whispers in their ear the dirtiest pick up line ever?
Like I think they’d have a funny reaction!
Feel free to refuse ofc! Thanks anyways!
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How would Halsin, Gale, and Astarion react to a paladin who looks stoic/strict only for them to be an explicit and flirty?
(Damn, reminds me of my PaladinLMAO)
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“Oh, darling, and just when I thought you were as dense as a brick wall. I never could have guessed that beneath all that was a cheeky little flirt. All that dirt coming out of such a filthy mouth, you ought to have someone clean it out for you, my sweet.”
He was the one being the flirty ass at first, hitting on you in every teasing way he could think of with the hopes that perhaps someday he’d get a reaction out of you for his own amusement.
You never seemed to comment on his “advances” at first, you remained as stern as usual with little but a side glance to offer.
Probably got personally offended each time his usual charms failed but he was persistent. More so because he wanted to prove that he could truly seduce even the most stoic of hearts.
He made it his personal mission to make you crack, but along the way, he may or may not have fallen for you. Regardless, the realization absolutely horrified him.
Perhaps he just has the worst luck ever or you finally started to begin your master plan of turning the tables against him but nevertheless, he wasn't prepared at all for what you had in store for him.
He was already taking quite the liking to you, so the moment you began whispering such depraved yet smooth words into his ear, he was shocked and speechless for the first time in years.
His mind was practically breaking apart as you laid out every filthy thing you had in mind. He truly couldn't tell if this was utterly fucked or if he was somehow into it.
You would be the sole reason a tint of color finally appears in his otherwise undead skin. The tint being a bright shade of red of course.
He goes from being startled, angry, confused, flustered and then eventually hitting you right back with a little pick up line of his own once he’s finally calmed down.
Now both of you end up teasing and flirting with each other as sneakily as possible, both of you trying to outdo the other in terms of who could fluster whom the most.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“I…oh gods, love, you truly don't understand the things you do to this heart of mine. Of all the weaknesses I could have possibly gotten, you are one I’d welcome with open arms. I have stood proud amongst a Goddess but for you? I’d fall to my knees.”
He was slightly intimated by you at first by how stoic you appeared to be. You seemed like a person who’d prioritize business and work above all else, repelling anyone with nothing more than a glare.
He wasn't even sure how to approach you, he was already admiring you from afar but he feared that you would have never felt the same. Not when it felt as if your heart was locked within walls of stone.
He tried to shoot his shot once or twice, but they were always met with a few words of acknowledgment or even worse, a mere nod.
As much as he wished to simply move on from his utter fixation on you, he can't help but pine. You’re something he's grown to truly desire in ways he could hardly express.
However, one way or another, every little attraction he’s felt for you thus far is revealed by him. Completely exposing just how smitten he truly is by you and perhaps that single moment of true vulnerability is what finally made you snap.
Pull him close and abruptly whisper every depraved fantasy and dirty pickup line you've thought of just for him and he’d die. I mean, melting right then and there into a puddle of shame.
For a man who talks too much, he suddenly becomes oddly quiet, his eyes wide with a certain gleam of helplessness that makes him look all the more exposed to you.
For once in his life he’s stuttering his words, barely even able to hang onto a sentence without having to take a moment to breathe or silently whimper out in a mix of embarrassment, confusion, and frustration.
Dropping one of your pickup lines would be just enough to have this man in a chokehold. Truly. It’s one of the only ways to actually silence him.
He’s not one for pickup lines but he’d try his damn best to voice out his admiration for you similar to how a poet would describe their one and only muse. Through each sweet whisper, you dare utter, he falls deeper and deeper in love with you.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“My heart, I beg of you. Each word, each whisper, even the soft tingle of your breath against my skin- you are a walking temptation that I so longingly wish to taste. My blood runs wild when you are near and I fear what I may do to you if you if you continue on.”
He was hardly bothered by the fact that you seemed a tad bit uptight. He has met far too many people similar to you and he’s learned better than to judge someone based on appearances alone.
Doesn't change the fact that he was in fact attracted to you.
The thing is, he respects you too much to ever make a move. At least, not for a while. Most conversations you’d have with Halsin were of the friendly sort at first, prioritizing the mission at hand before anything else.
However, in truth, the way his eyes practically brightened and his breath ever so subtly quivered when you approached was something you could have slowly picked up on.
He eventually slides very discrete hints about his attraction toward you, simply testing the waters to see if you would reciprocate. However, he truly never expected you to actually take the bait.
Before he could even properly make a move on you, you were already whispering every one of your sweetly depraved desires into his ear, catching him completely off guard.
He knew that there must have been more beneath your hardened exterior but he would have never suspected this. But is he complaining? Absolutely not.
But do be careful when and where you decide to whisper such things to him because you may or may not be seconds away from being utterly ravished by one bear of a man against the nearest surface.
Do so in public spaces where it's safe to tease him, giving you the freedom to watch as his breath heaves and his voice breaks just by the smoothened words coming out of your dirty mouth.
Nevertheless, he’s absolutely obsessed with your little flirty remarks, said remarks being enough to fluster him instantaneously. All the lovers he had taken in his life and yet he had never met one who could madden him as much as you do.
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zorosbeau33 · 7 months
Courting Gifts~ One Piece Omegaverse Headcanon Part 1!
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Starring: Ace and Luffy! x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, sfw AU: Omegaverse, Omega Reader Wc: 1180 TW: Mentions of battle Masterlist~ Part 2~ Is ready! Thank you everyone for all your support! All characters involved in this fic are legal age or older in my au hope you enjoy!
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This Goofy goofball knows exactly how to court. He gives me soft alpha/strong beta vibes. And he learned from Makino the ways to court long ago.
HOWEVER that being said, he also likes making you laugh. Courting gifts when it was just a crush were often goofy and maybe small inside jokes, or even mini pranks. 
Like a cupcake with sour flavored icing, still good but not at all what you were expecting. Boy did he giggle and laugh when your face puckered up with confusion.
Once he realizes these feelings are here to stay, or if you take initiative and heavily hint or gift him something. Then he gets sincere and downright smitten and soft
I hope you like the color orange, because he thinks you look so cute in the fuzzy luxury fur blanket with orange silk lining. Yes the fur has been dyed orange to match as well and you stick out like a sore thumb on this winter island but you're warm!
He is much more of a simple gift kinda guy, first sign is him not just sharing his food with you but getting a plate and filling it for you before looking after himself. 
He long ago memorized your favorite food 
He uses his devil fruit as a gift for you as well…yes in his mind warm hugs or warm handed deep tissue massages count as courting gifts. They're a promise from him to you he will take care of you forever if you allow him.
He has never understood collecting shiny rocks, seashells, and the like…until now. Something about courting makes every exceptional seashell and rock extra special now and if he thinks theyre pretty he will pocket them to give to you later.
“The way it shined reminded me of your eyes/smile”
He's much more of a physical show rather than buying gifts. So his presents may not be noticed immediately.
Giving you rides in his flame boat (he has to carry you so his flames dont set you on fire and boy does he love carrying you now)
Insisting on being the one to be paired up with you for anything and everything. From crew game night, to exploration parties, to mission assignments, even to his previously hated cleaning duties. 
Soft touches, on your waist, your hand. To help you get across a large gap (if he doesn't just pick you up). To reassure you if you’re expressing a moment of doubt/trouble. When he thinks your smile is especially bright and he just needs to touch your cheek to ensure you’re real.
 Or to push you behind him in times of danger or conflict, yes you can take care of yourself BUT he wants to be your support and fighter. He is first to cheer you on in a fight, but if he can prevent a needless dangerous encounter he will put himself in front so any animosity is directed at him not you.
When he realizes you might want clothes, or scented items he goes to Marco.
He understands the process, he gets how to scent something. However he wants his brother figure and the very honest bestie to help him judge which ones are best. He doesn’t want to over scent something and have it be oppressive. And he knows he’s rough on clothes so he’s making sure the things he’s giving you are good quality still so they’ll last as long as you want to keep them.
He also gives you a nickname, you’ve always had one but it was more of a teasing best friend kind of thing. Suddenly you have a much more dignified and polite nickname…its also a very classic 50’s romance sort of nickname like Doll, or Pumpkin, or Kitten…or Angel
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Okay he’s alpha, if that wasn’t evident from his emperors haki and being captain etc 
Unlike his brother he is dumb…very dumb. Has never cared about courting a day before in his life. Used to say “EW” and stick out his tongue (even at 16)
He doesn’t even realize at first that the things he is doing is courting when he first starts. Probably because he doesn’t realize at first that he has feelings for you.
Robin did from day one, Zoro did maybe the first week, Sanji had suspicions too after a month or so, and the others later feel like they should have seen it coming since he constantly talked about how mouth-watering you smelled and loved to cling around you and just burrow in your neck to snuffle you. He learned not to nip when Nami yelled at him for it the first day he met you. Like I said the others feel they should have seen this sooner.
Giving you bits of his food, scenting you, constantly asking to hold your hand, and giving you every single cool thing he sees for you to “keep safe” but if you try to give them back he’d “no thanks you keep them!” then laugh and bounce off
Unlike what anyone would have expected Luffy figures out his emotions for you very quickly. It didn’t take Robins hints to him, he knew after you all finally got in a large altercation together against the world government or some pirates. He was always protective of his nakama, but before the enemy could land the devastating blow to your back in the battle. Luffy was screaming in rage. Bounding across the battlefield to you to protect HIS friend. His…ohhh…
He talked to Robin and Nami, they advised him on courting and how to make you his. He only grasped 30% but he’s trying
He would make the ship go broke in order to buy you every cool thing, or every soft nesting thing, or all the food you could eat. 
The king of bringing you random plucked wildflowers (several have been confiscated by Chopper as they were poisonous plants, Luffys eye for weird things haven gotten the best of him)
They're messy but he learns to make flower crowns for you both to wear. Talks about making them for your future kids
He didn’t used to own much clothing, but now he is expanding his wardrobe just so he can have more things that smell like him to wrap you up in.
You have exclusive hat permission, don’t abuse it but if you ever ask him, he does not mind putting it on your head for a while
He thinks you look so good in it too, makes him puff up his chest and yell to the world how awesome you are.
He has bought you one very nice present, one he had to work his butt off to get. Literally, Nami made him get a job on an island to pay for it and he was actually sincere while working there (sorry Baratie). 
It's a unisex gold bangle bracelet with a red ruby with your and his initials engraved in the gold along with the date you joined his crew (because yes he remembers the date perfectly)
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badh6bit · 8 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ dance with me, baby!
dazai as your boyfriend headcanons
content: fluff, dazai is head over heels in love, maybe ooc??, dazai calls you "dear", gn!reader
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: ̗̀➛ dazai was definitely the first to fall, and how could he not?! everything about you was absolutely adorable to dazai; your sweet smile, eyes that shine beautifully under the sunlight and most of all, your amiable personality. he was absolutely smitten
: ̗̀➛ but despite being absolutely in love with you, he never found the right time to ever confess to you. until you eventually stepped up and decided to confess to him, how the tables turn
: ̗̀➛ when it comes to pda, dazai's the farthest thing from ashamed. doesn't matter where the hell you two are, dazai's clinging onto you like two magnets.
: ̗̀➛ he absolutely LOVES holding hands with you. the warmth that radiates from you two just make him so fuzzy on the inside, plus it lets everyone around you know that you two are a couple! most of the ada members (and chuuya) think that it's absolutely repulsive seeing dazai act like a puppy around you, but he doesn't really care! as long as you're fine with it, he'll continue to do so
"can you two just get a fucking room?!" chuuya snapped, a raging inferno lighting in his eyes as he watched dazai cuddle up with your arm. you giggled, feeling dazai's hair ruffling against your neck and cheek.
dazai smirked, "hmm? you jealous, chuuya~??"
: ̗̀➛ when you two go on dates, it's like one of those really cliche dates that you only see in fiction. movie dates, amusement parks, you name it!
: ̗̀➛ when it comes to gifts, it's nothing too extravagant from dazai. he really likes giving you flowers, the ones with pretty colors which smell amazing. when he gives them to you, he exaggerates everything and gets down on one knee as he holds the beautifully arranged bouquet in his hands, smirking. you laugh and take the bouquet from his hands before giving him a quick peck on the cheek
: ̗̀➛ constantly "jokes" about marrying you, everything you do is just absolutely perfect. you could literally be throwing out the trash and he'd still sigh dreamily, taking your hand and asking you for your hand in marriage
"you're beautiful as always, dear. ah! let's just get married already!"
: ̗̀➛ says that he misses you every. second. of. the. day. even if you're standing a few feet away from him, he'd still say it
"i miss them, kunikida." dazai sighed as he fidgeted with the black pen on the desk.
"they’re literally sitting across from you.."
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author's note(s): i literally have no clue how couples act 🏃 idk if ill ever write bf headcanons for other characters again bc i have no idea how to properly write abt romance but enjoy dazai lovers
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heartbeetz · 2 years
swatch! if you could plan the perfect date for you and terrarium, what would it be like? (radioromantic)
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The perfect date with Terri, hm?.....
Typically, we'd stay in for the night. But if we're going out, well... I'd like to take them to one of those fancy restaurants downtown. You know, the ones dozens of stories up, overlooking the whole city. He always says that's "doing too much," but I'd like to treat him to it just once. The dazzling city lights are quite a view from up there.
Maybe we could peruse the nearby shops or walk through the carnival afterwards. I do wish he wasn't so afraid to ride the ferris wheel. That's always seemed like a nice way to end the night.
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skxllz · 9 months
𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
warnings; fluff !! + slight angst? + ooc lip
side note; I got bored 😋
“ you like j cole? ” lip was going through your collection of cd's to listen to —you made it a tradition at this point to lay up in your bed on friday nights, and just stare at the ceiling while music plays in the background— when he discovered the plain, azo cd scribbled with black sharpie. usually you picked the songs or album of choice, so of course lip wasn't aware that you listened to this particular artist.
“ yeah... ” you trailed off, raising a brow questionably as you looked up from your notebook. you had been coloring a scooby doo picture to pass the time. “ so what? ” your gum popped, then smacked obnoxiously.
lip scowled at the sound but didn't comment on it, “ ... ‘s nothing. just haven't heard ‘im in a while. ” his head turned towards you over his shoulder, his chlorine eyes meeting your own while he bounced his brows; spinning the cd between his thumb and forefinger. “ wanna’ listen? ”
shrugging, you sat up from the position had been lying in on your stomach; capping the brown marker you used to color over scooby's body. “ sure. don't see why not. ”
the male whistled in reply, only to lean over and press a button on your stereo. a clip noise sounded, before the tray to the cd player popped open and slid out.
lip took out the cd you had labeled songs to sleep to <3, and sat it aside, before popping in the j cole mix. it was random songs you had collected on your computer over the years and decided to burn just the year before.
as the tray was slid back in and the first song whirred to life, lip got up from his criss-crossed position on the floor and walked over to your bed. plopping down, the bed slightly bouncing, making two of your markers to thump up and slide - only to fall onto the floor.
you lightly shoved him for that.
“ hey! ” he laughed, throwing his hands up, “ ‘t was an accident! chill out, pup. ”
“ oh fuck off, ” you blew out your tongue at him, while leaning over to pick up the turquoise and black colored markers. only then as you sat up did ‘ work out ’ start playing.
your head whipped around to lip and both of you guys’ eyes widened. surprisingly enough, you both loved this song.
getting comfy, you nestled back into the wall back first. bringing the coloring page into your lap, while lip laid down and got comfortable on your bed. he folded each of his arms behind his head and smiled to himself, silently voicing the lyrics in his head.
“ ya’ know, this song reminds me of us, ” your voice suddenly met his ears while the back n’ forth of markers against paper could be heard. “ we got a good thing, don't we? ”
lip's smile slightly faded, but then he chuckled, his eyes panning onto your figure. the way your hair fell into your eyes made you look rather... cute. “ yeah. we do got a good thing. ”
a small grin tugged at the corner of your mouth, “ good enough for you to be my man? ” the question was cocky and unexpected, and you knew this — that's why your eyes darted to look up from your picture, to study your friend's expression.
to say the least, he was shocked. eyes wide, lips parted in... you weren't sure if it was awe, or surprise- it sure was somethin’. but lip just stared. he looked gobsmacked. and usually, he was never rendered speechless, that's why you suddenly regretted saying anything.
“ uh, ” you cleared your throat. “ forget I said anythi— ”
“ no, no- ” lip sat up abruptly. his hands shot out, grabbing onto the arm that moved to gather your markers that slid down rhe bed- he thought you were going to leave.
what a silly thought, really. it was your room. your house.
“ i- uh- did you mean that? ” aquamarine eyes blinked rather innocently at you, the look he had screaming smitten. what an odd look for lip gallagher to wear. “ being your man? do you really want me, being your man? ”
your brows furrowed. “ lip- of course. ” you dropped the markers from your hold, arm lifting to palm at his cheek. cradling his face gently, you made sure to firmly hold his jaw, “ I... wouldn't say something like that as a joke. I know how sensitive you are to this shit. I'm not an asshole. ”
swallowing thickly. brows pinching together, skin meeting roughly in the center. he looked choked up, but you said nothing about it. lip's pride got in the way, way too much — if you pointed out how vulnerable he was being, he'd surely reel back. you'd let him come to you.
and he did. lip circled his arms around your neck, and pulled you close. your own arms met around his back and hugged tightly; not daring to release.
“ I got you... ” you mumbled. “ we got a good thing, remember? ”
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Baki Angst Stories: Triangle
Hanayama Kaoru x Female Reader x Jack Hanma
Could be slightly yandere if you squint
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The tournament air was chillier than normal. (Your name) swore she could feel a cool breeze rake its fingers down her spine to make the hairs stand up on her arms and legs. She hadn’t realized she had convulsed in shivers until a white suit jacket was bundled around her.
(Your name)’s eyes widened and she turned her gaze upon Hanayama Kaoru. The stoic man gave her the faintest of smiles as he snuggly wrapped his warm jacket around her.
Hanayama was a man of few words but his actions were loud. Ever since she had saved his life in an alleyway, he had latched himself to her like a loyal dog. It was strange to see such a soft side to the scarred giant, but she wasn’t opposed to it.
“You’ll catch a cold.” Hanayama simply stated, his obsidian eye gave her a once over. “The temperature has dropped significantly this week so you should be more prepared.”
(Your name) gave Hanayama a soft smile. The giant often cared for her in his own way, usually with act of service or in the form of gifts. It was charming.
“You’re always so sweet to me. Thank you.” (Your name) secured the jacket around her and inhaled the light tobacco and rose scent. It was oddly comforting…
Hanayama wasn’t competing in the tournament today but he knew (your name) would be here so he came regardless. Hanayama was enamored with the sweet, young woman and he was determined to court her.
Ever since she kneeled in that dirty alleyway to try to stop his bleeding with fragments of her dress, Hanayama was smitten. To dirty herself for someone like him of all people amazed him. Hanayama was a criminal, a dangerous crime boss, and yet (your name) treated him with some much kindness… Hanayama had to have her. It did not matter what means he had to turn to, to achieve her hand, but Hanayama wanted her. And Hanayama would have her.
Hanayama sat himself beside her in the stands. His side pressed against hers for more warmth. Hanayama fidgeted for a minute until he hesitantly wrapped an arm around her like one of those romance movies he’s seen a few times.
(Your name) was surprised by the gesture but she didn’t reject it. She just gave Hanayama an even brighter smile, her body curled into his like a cat’s.
“How about after the tournament is over, I can take you somewhere to eat? And if you’d like, I have a surprise for you.” Hanayama muttered softly, his heart drummed in his ears.
“A surprise?” (Your name) smiled up at Hanayama who blushed a bit. “What kind?”
Hanayama turned his head away which made (your name) chuckle. He was so cute in his own way.
“Okay, keep your secrets then.” (Your name) placed a kiss on his hand which made Hanayama nearly explode with the color. “I’ll go out with you tonight.”
Hanayama placed his hand on the small of her back while his heart raced in his chest. He was so happy she didn’t reject him… perhaps he had a chance after all?
Hanayama turned his focus back to the arena where Jack Hanna fought like a wild animal.
Hanayama didn’t know what (your name) saw in the blonde, but he was hopeful to take her away. She deserved to be treated like a princess…
Hanayama glanced down at (your name) who watched the fight with her utmost attention. Oh what he would do to only have her eyes on him… but he’d be patient for now.
Good things always came to those who wait.
Jack’s opponent suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Jack. The blonde stood tall and proud while the arena chanted his name. He may not have been about the glory and fame, but at times he enjoyed to hear praise.
Jack’s eyes scanned the audience until they landed on his childhood friend. His eyes wide in shock when he saw her and Hanayama in amorous conversation with one another. There was not a doubt in his mind that the two were flirting.
Jack narrowed his eyes in resentment. As of the last two months, he had noticed the scarred yakuza linger around (your name) like a shadow. And Jack admitted that at first he was happy her undivided attention on him had been uplifted but now he hated it.
Jack hated that (your name) no longer catered to his every need like a mother. That she no longer made him meals and cleaned his apartment for him. That her attention was now on Hanayama of all people. A dangerous crime boss.
Jack made his way toward the stands after he left the arena, the blonde determined not to lose the only person he had in his life. Jack didn’t want to lose (your name)… his beacon of light.
Jack sat behind (your name) and Hanayama, the young woman gave him a small smile. Jack didn’t like that her smiles were longer wide and bright like a ray of sunlight to him. They seemed more of a curtesy now… she slowly turned a stranger.
“Congratulations on your win, Jack.” (Your name) smiled at Jack, her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes like the used to. It left a bitter taste in Jack’s mouth and that wasn’t just from his opponents blood.
Jack hummed, his cinnamon eyes glanced Hanayama up and down. The yakuza’s arm still wrapped around (your name) like he was her lover. His signature white jacket wrapped around (your name) in a loud declaration to all that Hanayama had claimed his stake on her.
Jack bit his lip, he knew he had no right to interfere in her personal life… and yet he didn’t want her to be with Hanayama. Anyone but Hanayama.
“Would you like to get dinner after the tournament?” Jackie quietly asked (your name) which made her raise a brow. Jack never invited her places…
Before she could answer, Hanayama replied for her.
“Sorry but (your name) and I will be going out to eat and then to see an opera after this.” Hanayama stiffly answered Jack, his eye stared into Jack’s very soul with veiled vehemence. Jack could feel the distaste Hanayama had for him in that simple look.
(Your name) blinked a few times at Hanayama before she smiled brightly at him.
“I thought you said it was a surprise?” Hanayama felt realization sink in and he quickly deflated like a balloon. “Oh don’t be so sad, I didn’t think you were the type to be interested in the arts.”
“Well what kind of man do you think I am then?” Hanayama asked (your name) in a hushed tone.
“An enigma.”
Jack clenched his jaw when the two lovebirds ignored him. When had they become so close? Was this his fault?
“Sorry, Jack. I’ll be out with Hanayama tonight.” (Your name) told her emotionally constipated childhood friend. “Another time perhaps?”
(Your name) was then lead out of the stands by Hanayama who had her arm wrapped around his. The pair gave Jack a small farewell before they left to enjoy their time together.
Jack simply sat there in place. His hands clenched into fists.
This couldn’t be the end, right? (Your name) would come back… she always came back.
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yakdee · 2 months
4 Minutes Ep. 1-2: A Theoretical Stream of Consciousness
Disclaimer: When time permits (hehe), I usually watch the previous episodes before the new one airs. The haphazard mess below are things that I've noticed. Can't really make sense of much of it right now, but I thought it'd be fun to note down.
Great's time of death in the future is 11 o'clock which is also the time he wakes in the present; he dies in PM and wakes in AM
"Time is a flat circle. Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over and over again … for-ever." - Rust Cohle in True Detective, à la Nietzsche's concept of eternal recurrence
There are moments when the timelines intersect like when Great flatlines and is resuscitated (please please please) in the future vs him having his first panic attack in the present. His near death experience is the catalyst for his visions.
Great is in a coma in the future timeline.
In some East Asian cultures the number 4 is considered unlucky, ominous even (in Chinese, the word for 4 sounds like the word for death). Conversely in numerology, repeating 4's (i.e. angel number 444) are considered auspicious.
Blue scenes, specifically the ones before the title sequence, are from the future timeline. The events that occur after the title sequence will determine whether or not the events in future timeline change.
The color red is ominous:
Red light flashing on the clock when future Great flatlines
Red light on Title's face when he kills Dome
Great's room shrouded in red when the clock reads 11:01
Shareholder's red umbrella when he got shot
Blood, wine etc.
There are 3 timelines in play: past, present, and future
"I didn't know what happen to me. I just lived life normally. But it was my life in the past. Like events in the past were playing in my mind again." - Lukwa during her interview with Dr. Den (Side note: Dr. Den very much in love, smitten if you will). This is why Great is able to have visions of the future—they are the past memories of his future self.
Rotating scenes show the direction and/or flow of time?
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Manee dying in Great's dream - clockwise, future
Great going down the stairs - clockwise, present
Great's panic attack at the hospital - counterclockwise, past/present
Tyme coming out of surgery - clockwise, present
Great recapping his visions - clockwise, present/future
Honorable mention to the lighthouse in ep.2 that seems to be keeping time as it rotates clockwise
Scenes that are askew and not exactly rotating show emotional imbalance?
Great bumping into Tyme at the hospital
Great waking up after dreaming of Manee's death
Tyme talking to Manee in her hospital room
The way Tyme looks at Great is not only a look of attraction, but one of recognition:
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When Tyme asks Dr. Den about the 4-minute phenomenon, he is also asking for himself, not just Great. Tyme also has visions and/or can see 4 minutes into the future.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 8 months
Older Favourites: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have a recurring theme to cap out the first month of the new year- Older Favourites! Check under the cut for 11 fics that are over a year old, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
Fundamental Forces Other Than Gravity by mllekurtz (TheKnittingJedi) (40676, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A sweet collage AU one-shot where they are both a bit vulnerable and the m9 is its usual chaotic self.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Hold Me Close (But Not Too Sweet) by AnaliseGrey (5312, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Dom Caleb gets Essek out of his head with ear clamps and oral sex.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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multitudinous echoes awoke and died in the distance by mousecookie (10003, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek and Caleb end up on the opposite side of Resonant Echo in a dangerous place.
Reccer says: Fascinating concept and interestingly written
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only code it knows is rote survival by Chrome (12637, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
In a world where Trent makes it back to Eiselcross before the Nein do, Essek spends a night under the effects of the Feeblemind spell. Caleb undertakes a duty of care, and the Nein learn how Essek feels about them beneath everything.
Reccer says: Always love Feeblemind!Essek and this one is lovely in all the care the rest of the group gives
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(perhaps i may) elaborate by demonstration by marsastronomica (10057, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Aeor flirting, flirting, flirting, and smut. Funny but loving.
Reccer says: This is one of my favs of all time. The characterization is great. A rare confident Essek. Tons of great lines too and the Nein are perfect.
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we never do go over (we always gotta go through) by Chrome (17169, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
after a final battle with the Tombtakers, Five times Essek woke up with level(s) of exhaustion and one time he didn't.
Reccer says: It's so tender! An interesting take on a possible end to the arc and a wonderful demonstration for (the consequences of) Essek's power
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Lay Your Bones by ladyorpheus (53587, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
The M9 rescue Essek, meet his brother, and muse on family.
Reccer says: One of the very first fics I read in this fandom and it's always stuck with me. A real ensemble M9 piece with shadowgast at its heart.
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Like darkness to a dying flame by Sangreal (, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb Widogast, arcanist in the service of His Excellency, Prime Magister Ludinus Da’leth, and antiquarian at large, travels to the ancient city of Ghor Dranas in search of a powerful drowic vestige that he believes can help him turn back time. He finds his vestige... and something more.
Reccer says: So. This fic. It is a fever dream, a fantasy-warped nightmare. Art in text. Heavy like lead in your mouth. Fucked up and absolutely gorgeously written. I think about it like once a week still. (Eldritch horror-Essek and Caleb succumbing to obsession and tentacles.)
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shrimp vision by nevenne (5662, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Humans can’t see in the dark. They see well in sunlight, however, and their eyes are exceptional for distinguishing color and depth. Drow can see at night, but more importantly, they can see in complete darkness as their eyes have accustomed to tracking the invisible heat radiating off objects and living flesh. There is a series of unfortunate complications to co-existing with a human arising from these facts.
Reccer says: It's funny and hot and there's some great drow biology in it!
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Troublemaker by SaltCore (1309, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Kittens, while precious, do tend to cause problems on purpose. Good thing Essek is already smitten.
Reccer says: Amazingly sweet domestic fluff
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learning all the old things by hanap (1353, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek cooks a meal for Caleb and himself.
Reccer says: It's super sweet and domestic
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with non-penetrative sex!
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