ugly-anastasia · 15 hours
Don't you see me I I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you And don't you need me I I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you On this night, and in this light I think I'm falling (I think I'm falling), I'm falling for you And maybe you, change your mind (I think I'm falling, I think I'm falling)
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toby-determined · 10 months
This Just In || Anatoby
After a very long and very grueling editing process, because when you were about to expose a local spot for being owned by a potential threat to the community, you had to have the i's and t's on your facts all dotted and crossed. But, finally, the Unbirthday Blend story was going to be in the paper.
"Now we can celebrate!" Toby said as he leaned over his chair to log off his computer and shut it down for the evening. He kept his forearms on the chair, turning to smile at Ms. Tremaine. "What do you say we head to Hatter's?"
Ever since their fight, they hadn't gone for their lunches or meetings there, and even after they'd become friends again they had been so busy writing the story and getting through the edits on top of the other work to be done. It had been awhile since they had been there as themselves.
"It probably won't be there much longer, eh?"
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truitt-story · 2 months
TOBY AND ANNIE //clenches fists
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toby-determined · 5 months
Catfish Exposed || Anatoby vs Gabruce
@ugly-anastasia @brucewhite @gabriella-marino
Toby and Annie track down the anonymous mermaid they have been messaging to the local antique store.
Read Here!
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toby-determined · 2 years
Need To Know Basis || Anatoby
Toby had been in rough shape these past few weeks!
With the Halloween fiasco, the election, the events, and all the new winter activities hitting, he’d been busy at the paper. Which, for the first time, had not been what he wanted. He usually writing about that stuff, it was his peaceful time. Getting to sit at his desk, drink his coffee, and write about the different snowmen that had popped up over town after the first snow? It had been nice.
Now it was just something he had to quickly get through to get it handed in so he could work on his own things.
Namely, tracking down a demon.
The only thing he had to go off of was that they liked to go to Hatter’s and their supposed name. Only the name hadn’t helped him and he had yet to see him at the tea shoppe, no matter how long he staked it out. Then again, it had been more crowded these days.
He was staring at his computer, scrolling through another social media site on the look out for a Nathanial Eden. When he felt someone approaching he quickly minimized the tab and tried to look normal! Not suspicious! Toby picked up some papers to straighten as his eyes met his visitor.
“Oh, Ms. Tremaine!” he greeted, eyes flickering around the small office briefly. “What, uh, what brings you over?”
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toby-determined · 2 years
Only Morey In The Building || Anatoby
Toby had gone through Castle Suites with a fined tooth comb looking for anyone who had any sort of information on the eldest Morey and his whereabouts in the time of his ‘disappearance.’
Most everyone either told him to leave them alone, shut the door in his face, or ignored him all together. This was about what he had been expecting, of course, since he had gone door to door a few times before. He had not been on the verge of giving up, since he still had a few floors yet to go and had every intention of knocking on every door in the building, but he had been getting more downcast at the thought of coming back to Ms. Tremaine with nothing in hand. Again.
Only, then, he had gotten a little old lady at her mail box to tell him that she had seen Morey. A few times, actually, late at night, when she went to check her mail. Getting her statement recorded, Toby had practically skipped back to his flat to get it all sent over to Ms. Tremaine so that they could take their next step.
The Stake Out! A few days of hanging around the building aaaand...nothing. They still had nothing. After the 4th consistent day of said nothing Toby met Ms. Tremaine back down in the common era, flopping down onto one of the couches, pulling a pillow over to hug to his chest as he was in need of comfort.
“I think we need a new plan,” he admitted with a frown.
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toby-determined · 2 years
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While Dian Morey, local (former?) doctor and known name around town, has returned to Swynlake, almost a year has passed since his disappearance and the question still remains: Where was he? 
The doctor was originally thought to be long gone after the horrible night of the Blackwell Gala. Lives were lost that night and many others injured due, but all were accounted for. Except for one. The Morey family were very vocal about wanting to find the eldest son of the family. They posted on social media and hung up missing persons flyers around town. Supposedly he was still missing for weeks, which then turned into months. There was speculation of what could have happened to him, most fearing the worst as the known doctor was not characterized as someone to pick up and leave without a word to not only his place of work but to his family, which is allegedly very close to one another. 
That family being made up of Padme and Rohan Morey, the parents of 7 children:
The eldest, Dian Morey, the subject in question.
Mahzar Morey, a PhD student at Pride University who also teaches Middle Eastern studies. He also has a podcast, Let’s Talk About…
Isaac Morey, a teacher at Swynlake Primary in the nursery. 
Elliot Morey, a firefighter for the Swynlake Firebrigade. 
Sebastian Morey, who works for the family construction company as an accountant. 
Gem Morey also works for the family company as a contractor. He was also in jail previous to his return to Swynlake in August of 2021 after having burned down a section of Swynlake Secondary. 
Devyn Morey, an art student at Pride University. 
All except Dian were adopted. 
After 6 months of Dian Morey being missing he reappeared. On March 27th, 2022 at the opening day of Swynlake’s annual Farmer’s Market the man was spotted approaching his family’s booth. One would suspect that it would have been a joyous occasion to have the long lost brother to have finally returned home. Instead he was greeted with violence. Allegedly Sebastian Morey threw a punch and started a spark. Literally. The pyrokinetic of the family, Gem Morey, then set fire to the family booth. The fire department was quick to put him out and most of the Morey siblings dispersed from the scene. 
From this chaotic reintroduction to Swynlake, many would assume that Dian has some sort of feud brewing between himself and the rest of his family. However, recent shocking evidence has come to light pointing not to hatred, but romance at the heart of the mystery of Dr. Morey’s disappearance.
CCTV footage secured from Castle Suites security shows Dian Morey entering and exiting the home of none other than deposed Crown Princess of Avalor, Her Royal Highness Elena Flores. These visits occurred late at night and in the early hours of the morning, and body language analysis has proven the veracity and intensity of this affair. Given the tumultuous nature of the political situation in Avalor, it is unsurprising that Princess Elena and the doctor chose to keep this scandalous affair under wraps, and that Dian Morey chose to disappear altogether. 
One may imagine a secluded life for Dian between the months of September 2021 and March 2022, dedicating his life only to his beloved princess. This risky move shows the depths of Dian’s devotion, giving up everything to pursue a woman who stands at the center of war, controversy, and so much personal heartbreak.
As for the future of Dilena, that remains to be seen. Dian’s reemergence into the public eye could indicate a heart-wrenching breakup no doubt fueled by the pressures of Princess Elena’s responsibilities as deposed princess and Dian’s withdrawal from his family and career. Alternately, the couple may have only grown in their devotion to one another, finding even more secret ways to continue their relationship while going about their regular lives. Dian Morey has, after all, remained on sabbatical from his work at Swynlake General Hospital. 
Dian Morey did not provide a comment after multiple requests.
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toby-determined · 5 months
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A mermaid swims among us and her name is Gabriella Marino
By: Anastasia Tremaine and Toby Determined for the Swynlake Squire
Swynlake, the most magical place in England. Home to Magicks of many kinds. Sorcerers, fairies, werewolves, vampires, and now, it has been confirmed that there is even a mermaid who has taken residence within the town. 
Gabriella Marino, age 22,  started university at Pride U in the spring of 2021. She has since graduated in the past semester, fall of 2023. She double majored in Environmental Sciences and Dance, having been a member of the Environmental Club and participated in several performances for the school. She has also been involved with the summer theater productions put on by the community. These are just a few examples of how Marino has been involved with Swynlake as a whole. She is also employed at both the local antique shoppe, Whosits and Whatsits, owned by Sergio Gull and at the Court of Miracles, as well as being a performer there. 
She has been known for her political stances, wanting more rights for Magicks, and it’s clear as to why since she is one herself! It also makes sense as Marino is from Avalor originally. A magic friendly country made up of 7 islands off the West Coast of Central and South America. Avalor has seen major changes since the coup of the government n September 23rd back in 2015. Many other Avalorian refugees have come to Swynlake, as even the crowned princess of the country has lived in town for many years. Marino arrived in Swynlake alone.  
It is also of note that Marino is deaf, communicating in either sign or in writing. 
Swynlakers may recall an anonymous account popping up on Twitter earlier this year, assuring merpeople that their secret was safe with the individual behind the account who sought to counsel them. Messages obtained by the Squire revealed a haunting, abject loneliness in Marino’s life, as cavernous as the Mariana Trench. “Most Mundus don’t understand what it’s like to go through what we do,” Marino writes through the anonymous account.
But is Marino as innocent as her online presence would have us believe?
With her voluminous mane of silken brunette hair and her enormous brown doe eyes, it isn’t difficult to imagine Marino easily luring a man to a watery death as mermaids have done for centuries. It’s why mermaid scales and hair, though highly illegal, are still sought-after ingredients for beauty products. Human women simply can’t compete with the power of mermaid magic.
Marino declined to comment for this piece, which can only lead one to wonder: what is this mysterious little maritime minx hiding behind those captivating eyes? Is it simply loneliness… or something deeper and darker than the bottom of the ocean?
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ugly-anastasia · 2 months
After Hours | Anatoby
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ugly-anastasia · 4 months
A Tough Act to Follow | Anatoby
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ugly-anastasia · 5 months
Hot Off The Presses | Anatoby
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ugly-anastasia · 1 year
Can I Ask You A Question? | Anatoby
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ugly-anastasia · 1 year
Undercover Boss | Anatoby
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ugly-anastasia · 8 days
I Know That It's Delicate | Anatoby
Date: Early June 2024 Featuring: @toby-determined Warnings: none
Toby rolls by Annie's desk a few days before prom.
Ever since the other night, Toby had been trying his best to give Ms. Tremaine some space in the hopes that distance might allow her to breathe a little easier. It was awful, to be sure, since he had never felt the need to avoid her since last year when it seemed like they’d never be friends again. But this was in an effort to prevent that from happening Unfortunately, he was a very weak man. So used to their side conversations in the office or going to lunch or whatever it was that without that piece of meaningful time spent together he felt out of routine. Like if he were to suddenly stop drinking coffee and the headache would come for him by the end of day when his system was wondering where its caffeine was.
It was getting to be near the end of the day and since he was at a good place with his actual work, he wondered if maybe he might…say something! All day he had been glancing over to Ms. Tremaine’s desk. Even when she wasn’t occupying the chair there.
Palms pressed against the side of his desk, he pushed himself out from under it so he could use his feet to wheel himself over to where she was. This was a common occurrence, though maybe not for the past while. He’d pushed a bit too hard there on the final stretch and went rolling past the wall of her cubicle. Toby pulled himself back forward, reappearing with a mocked confused expression, “Jeez! Looks like I put too much oil on the wheels this time.”
He laughed shortly before clearing his throat on the realization that was a bad joke. “Er- sorry. Are you busy? I just had a quick question.”
Annie wasn’t avoiding Toby. Because if she admitted to herself that she was avoiding him, she might have to revisit those thoughts from the other night, thoughts she had convinced herself were just the product of too much wine and a too-late night. They just happened not to cross paths much lately. It wasn’t weird.
Except it was, and Annie missed getting lunch with him or poking her head into his cubicle to bounce story ideas off of him. So when he appeared in her space suddenly, she was a bit startled, but it also felt very normal (except for the parts that weren’t).
“Uh- no! Go for it!” Annie said, whirling around in her chair. “What’s up?”
Ms Tremaine turned, her auburn hair swishing with the movement and Toby’s eyes were drawn to it like a magnet. Her voice cut through, making him glance up and- right.
“It’s about prom-” he started to say, leaning to the side to rest his elbow on the arm of his chair. Only he’d missed it, body bending too far without the anticipated surface there to stop his momentum. He paused, having to look down to realign and try again properly, before returning back to her. “You weren’t slighted about not getting that assignment, right?”
He had been thinking about this since their editors had gone through the events, it always feeling like drawing straws. Toby didn’t think Ms. Tremaine would be sad about not being given prom, given her concerns about having to write about annual events, but prom was one of the Big One’s.
Annie had to hold back a giggle when Toby missed the arm of his chair. Not a mean giggle (although maybe once it might have been). It was just that she found his clumsiness endearing, in a way. There was something about feeling like you knew someone well enough that you could clock those little things they did that other people might not notice.
But she was keeping things professional with him. After she'd almost slipped up the other night, she had to. Anyway, his question was about work, they were talking about work, so he was being plenty professional.
"Oh- well, honestly, I wasn't expecting it. I figured Hearst-Pulitzer would think it's a conflict of interest. Considering, um, my date's up for Prom King." For some reason, Annie looked down at the ground as she said this, as though embarrassed. Not that she was. She was very proud to be going to prom with the hunky tavern owner who was up for the crown, and of course she wanted everyone to know that.
It just felt weird telling Toby.
His brows arched upon hearing this since it was news to him. But that was his own fault, wasn’t it? In more ways than one, but he had been trying to keep a distance from her. Maybe it should have been more of hit that she had a date at all, but it really wasn’t. Of course she had a date. It seemed impossible to think that she would not. What he was actually hurt over was the fact that he was only just now hearing about it, and that it had taken this prompting for her to be able to say so.
It was also a reminder of the year previous, when he had been there to see the invitation and she had been upset that he wasn’t happy for her. And, paired with what she was probably thinking he was thinking in that moment, he knew that was why she didn’t seem as enthused to share.
So, as much as he wanted to listen to the stab of disappointment, he ignored it in favor of sitting up a little and smiling. “Oh! How lovely. That’s fantastic! Well, that makes sense, not even for the conflict of interest but that you’d be spending that night having a good time with- sorry, who is it?”
Annie was also thinking of how they'd had this conversation before last year. But Toby had reacted so differently, finding out Annie was going with his housemate. He'd told her not to, that it was a bad idea, and it had been the only time they'd really fought. It had almost ruined their friendship, actually.
Was there a chance that Toby's reaction had been motivated by something other than just friendly concern? That he had wanted to ask Annie?
No. No way. Toby had been right, after all, Theo had ghosted Annie, and the whole thing had been a bad idea. And besides, Toby had told Annie, in no uncertain terms, that that wasn't the reason.
"Uh- it's Gaston," Annie said. She smiled, though it wasn't as big and enthusiastic as it had been when Annie had told other people she was going with him. "He just asked me the other day. We've been sort of, um, seeing each other for a little while. So it'll be fun. I'm excited."
The name was a surprise if only because Toby hadn’t known, but it was also not a surprise at all. It made perfect sense as soon as she had said it. They made sense, that was. She was beautiful and so was he.
Did Toby think he was a bit questionable given some of his actions in the past? Yes. But he was also a staple of the town, well liked and respected. And he had decided he was going to show his support rather than trying to poke at her choices this time. He knew, even, that if he did have any negative things to say it would probably only be stemming from a place of envy. Unlike the demon, Toby had no actual reasons to be against the match. In fact, he should be happy for her, and he was.
Of course he was. Toby cared about Ms.Tremaine and with that meant he wanted her to have the best. He knew that wasn’t himself. He knew that was better found with someone like Mr. D’Avenant. Who looked like that, who had a business of his own, who was younger, and who probably had loads of friends.
“I’m excited for you, too,” he told her. “I had no idea you’d been-! Well. That’s really great, Ms. Treamine! You two make a good couple. I’m sure we’ll be writing your name in the paper when he wins the crown. Did he just ask or did he do one of those erm…what do people call them? Promposals?”
Truthfully, Annie didn't even feel like it was honest to say he had asked her. Considering how heavily she'd dropped the hints. If you want to go, we can go, those had been his words. Not a real ask, and not a Promposal by a long shot.
Did Annie wish he had at least thought to ask her without her prodding? Without her practically begging? Well- wasn't that what every woman wanted? But Annie had learned long ago that you rarely got what you wanted when it came to love, and you took what you could get. Anyway, guys who were all romantic were usually liars. At least Gaston didn't keep Annie guessing.
"No, uh, he just asked me. He's not really that kind of guy. The promposal type," Annie said, not sounding entirely convinced. It was not true, actually. Hadn't Gaston done that whole mason jar thing for that girl last year? Whatever. "Which is actually what I prefer. I don't need anyone to make, like, a big fuss for me. That's not what it's about. People get so caught up in that stuff, it's like, let's just focus on what matters, right?" Annie forced a smile. "Anyway, are you going with anyone?"
Toby tried to keep an enthused expression on his face, nodding along to what Ms. Tremaine was saying but he didn’t agree at all with it. Any of it.
“I don’t know, your partner matters to you, so it’s focusing on them, isn’t it?” he asked with a shrug. Sure, they may have been dating for a while, but that didn’t mean the romance of it all had to go away, did it? That’s what these odd dances and events were there for, weren’t they? Toby still wasn’t entirely familiar since the only things like it he’d had in school were formals, but he had never gone to them with someone. And the same had gone for the years he had spent here, in Swynlake, but he had observed from media and the people around town, that it was simply an excuse to do something nice for your partner. Why wouldn’t you take the opportunity when it was there?
“But, I see your point. If you aren’t moved by something like that or don’t want it, then just knowing you’re going is enough,” he tried to backtrack, realizing he was verging into negativity. Toby smiled, genuinely amused by her question. “No, I doubt I’ll be going, so long as the person writing for it doesn’t get ill or something.”
Annie opened her mouth to protest— not necessarily to disagree with what he said, but to correct him that Gaston wasn't her partner. Which was another weird thing about this conversation. Usually, she was pretty happy to let people believe Gaston was her boyfriend. Even if she didn't lie directly about it. She'd done it before, after all.
But with Toby, it felt wrong.
He moved on, though, and Annie felt odd bringing the point up again. So she let it go. Was it really a big deal?
Anyway, they were talking about him now. "Oh- really? Are you sure?" Annie asked. "Do you have other plans or something?"
He nodded. Yes, he was sure. Unlike Ms. Tremaine he did not have someone he knew he could go with, nor did he have anyone who he thought would ask him simply because they wanted to. He was who he was, and that was someone who did not get asked out to big fancy events and it was someone who would get rejected should he ask anyone to go with him. He wasn’t fine with that, but he had come to terms with it at least.
“Nothing concrete as of yet but,” he sat back a little, voice turning nonchalant,. “I figure my flatmate will probably be there, at the dance, so I’ll have the place to myself. Might go wild, you know. Clean the kitchen, listen to music without headphones. Fun stuff.”
He was still smiling but now it was more of a knowing one, fully aware that this was quite dull and could not compare to the grandiose night that would take place within the walls of the castle.
Annie's eyes widened with interest, and she kept a closed-lips smile on her face, like Toby was describing an exciting evening. And not something that made her kind of sad. Toby, alone on prom night, the most exciting part of the night being that he could play his own music out loud. He didn't say it in a self-pitying way, so Annie didn't want to seem to pity him.
No, she didn't pity him. It was just…
Another scene flashed across her mind. One where Annie didn't have a date, and neither did Toby. But they were both assigned prom to cover for the Squire, so they had to go, maybe they even dressed up as Chuck and Corinne, just so that they could get the real scoop. Maybe they'd celebrate a job well done with champagne after. It would be fun.
But- no! Annie was going with the possible prom king. Gaston. The kind of guy who had plenty of women who would want to go with him. And he desired her— maybe not in a romantic way, but he thought she was attractive, and that was more than Annie generally got from guys…
"Oh! Um, yeah. You totally should. Have a little dance party, go all Risky Business-" She cut herself off, suddenly self-conscious picturing Toby dancing around his apartment in just a shirt and boxers. Once again— not professional, Annie! "Prom's pretty overrated, anyway. I wasn't even sure about going."
Toby snorted, not really thinking about the comment further than just being a joke. His smile diminished slightly, brows furrowing a touch at what she said next.
“What?” he blinked. “Why?”
Toby didn’t think it was overrated at all. He could see why people enjoyed it and why it was probably one of the most well liked events in town for both adults and the teenagers going to the one at the secondary. It may have been absurd on some level, but he figured that was the point. It was a place where you could go dressed to the nines without having to be a celebrity on a red carpet. Especially in a town like this, with a close community, it was probably nice to go somewhere with all of your friends and their partners just to look nice and have a good time. Where the venue would decorated and atmospheric and you weren’t expected to do anything other than enjoy yourself.
Maybe because he had never experienced it in that way, only ever just an outsider watching from afar, he had built up the experience to be something it wasn’t, though. Maybe Ms. Tremaine was right and it was nothing to be excited about. But he couldn’t help but to think otherwise
Annie hadn't expected Toby to react like that— she'd expected him to agree, to take it as an excuse to act like he hadn't wanted to go anyway. It was what Annie would have done, if the roles were reversed.
But Toby wasn't going to take the easy way out, was he? He did that sometimes, asking questions when he could have just taken the more comfortable answer and left things unspoken.
"Oh, I mean- I don't know," Annie said with a shrug. "It's just a bit of a hassle, getting a sitter for the kids, getting a dress, all that… But, um, I think it's the company that makes it worth it. So, since Gaston asked me, uh, that makes it all worth it." She smiled when she said it, as though trying to convince herself.
Again, he could see where she was coming from, but wasn’t swayed. A bit of a hassle for one night seemed like it was worth the effort to spend time with someone you cared about or to simply have a nice night at the dance, surrounded by other people who had decided they were going to do the same thing.
He did agree with the latter half of her reasoning so he could nod in agreement and understanding since he was assuming that the pair of them were going to have a splendid night together.
Though it did concern him. Her attitude and opinion about the dance. It didn’t seem like something she would say. He had always thought of Ms. Tremaine as someone who enjoyed these sorts of things, even the getting ready portion. She had seemed so excited to go last year, and now this year she was down playing it like- Toby let out a slow breath, expression softening as guilt and a fondness for her made something ache in his chest.
“You don’t have to say that,” he said. “Just because I’m not going doesn’t mean you can’t be happy about it, you know. You should be happy. It will be fun. Like you said, you’re going with someone who will make it so.”
That caught Annie off-guard. She hadn't realized that was what Toby meant by his question. If anything, she'd been trying to convey that she was excited to go, because she was going with Gaston, who was up for prom king, and because she did want to be with him, and honestly, any girl would be lucky to go with him—
"No, yeah, I am! I really am," Annie said quickly, her smile still frozen on her face. "I just meant, um, that it's not for everyone, so, like, I get it. But obviously I'm excited. More than that. I'm- uh, I'm honored. Really. I'm lucky."
That sounded more like it. His smile turned easier, relieved that she wasn’t worried about not wanting to make him feel bad by being happy. Or that she didn’t have to feel the need to keep the fact that she was with someone else from him because she knew Toby had feelings for her.
And it was obvious, by the way she talked about Mr. D’Avenant, that she really liked him and enjoyed spending time with him, so far be it from Toby to let her keep that amount of joy to herself just to spare him. He would much rather hear about it.
“Well, he’s the lucky one,” he said without thinking, only to regret it the second after. Toby sucked in a deep breath, “Anyway! That was all I wanted to ask. You’ll have to tell me all about it after.”
He's the lucky one. Annie's expression changed slightly at that— the frozen smile faded slightly, and her cheeks warmed.
Okay. So maybe the other night wasn't just about the wine.
But it didn't matter. Gaston was her date, and Annie was excited about that. He was up for prom king. He had really bright blue eyes and giant biceps and he was the same height as her (shorter in heels, but Annie didn't have to wear heels). He was a business owner. A lot of people in this town liked him. And he was into Annie— at least in one way. Gaston was the kind of guy Annie's mother wanted her to lock down. Whatever feelings she thought she had for Toby, she was just going to have to squash them and move on.
"I will," Annie said, nodding in a way that was uncharacteristically subdued for her. She glanced at her computer. "I should, um, I should probably get back to work."
“Yeah,” he said, swallowing hard, knowing he had done it again and that there was nothing he could do to take it back. A hand curled into a loose fist, hitting lightly against the arm of his chair as he lingered for another second, wondering if there was anything he could say before he left another conversation between them with this awful emptiness just sitting there. Maybe if he told her that she didn’t have to worry, he would never do anything, she would understand when he said things like that it was just for her to have them, not because he wanted anything in return.
But he didn’t think that was a very good idea. It was too selfish. It would only afford him the opportunity of being relieved of those thoughts while she would have to take on the weight. And it was quite clear that she did not want them, even in the small segments that had managed to slip him by. Why would she? When she already had someone who was the antithesis of Toby Determined and who she cared for a great deal. It would only be a further burden than it already was.
There was an apology sitting in the back of his throat, waiting to be said, but he couldn’t find the bravery to do so. Because he wasn’t actually sorry for saying it, just that it was he who had, and that felt like the wrong thing to say, too.
“Okay. Have a good night,” he said, deciding that silence on the matter was for the best, and wheeled himself back over to his cubicle.
The distinct smack that rung through the Squire office could be attributed to his head making contact with his desk shortly after.
Annie just gave Toby a small smile before turning back to her computer. Back to work. Just like she'd said.
Five Ways To Beat the Heat This Summer!
Easy. It was just a listicle. Annie could write this shit in her sleep.
Five Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer!
Maybe she'd just poke around her inbox, in case she'd gotten any new pitches that were relevant… Oh, look, Toby had forwarded her one this morning… And somehow, suddenly, Annie was rereading email conversations, completely banal exchanges in which they forwarded each other pitches that were more relevant to the other person's beat, or sent their lunch orders, sometimes there was a kudos from a particularly successful article…
Annie jumped when she heard the sound and looked around the office. But nobody seemed to be in any intense pain— and, okay, maybe she knew the direction that noise had come from— when Annie poked her head over the top of her cubicle a few minutes later and saw that Toby seemed okay, she just went right back to work. No more distractions. Five Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer! God, could she even come up with one way?
Annie sighed and pulled up a Word document. The cursor blinking against the blank page taunted her.
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truitt-story · 2 months
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funny you should say that... timestamp like literally yesterday
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ugly-anastasia · 1 year
The Perfect Witness | Anatoby
Date: Early March 2023 Warnings: Discussion of child custody battles, Annie twisting the truth as usual to fit her narrative Featuring: @toby-determined
Annie gets a phone call while on a stakeout with Toby.
This was a crucial part of the plan: the stakeout. They had to observe Hatter's, find out when people came and went, plan the perfect ambush. Annie and Toby were very non-suspiciously stationed outside the teashop drinking from takeaway cups as Annie jotted down notes about which baristas were on shift and glanced very not-suspiciously through the window from time to time.
And then, annoyingly, her phone rang.
Annie wouldn't have taken it, but then she saw the name. Steph. "Ugh, I gotta take this," she grumbled, lifting the phone to her ear. "Hello?
It was crucial! Learning someone’s habits and routine were an important part, it not only gave you insight into them but also gave you fluff points to go back to when a story was in need of it. Which is what this whole lie he had come up with to cover for had become, a story.
He turned toward Ms. Tremaine when the phone rang, eyebrows lifting as she said she had to take it. Yet she seemed annoyed about it… Toby nodded, understanding, then tried to make it obvious that he was trying to give her privacy despite being curious as to who it was. He twisted in his seat, looking off in some other direction.
"Hey Steph, I don't have a lot of time, what's up?" Annie sighed. She probably should have taken this somewhere private, but Annie was really just trying to get Steph off the phone and she didn't see the point in giving up her seat. Knowing her luck, some random Swynlake newcomer would walk over and spill coffee on Toby while she was gone or something.
"Annie, I really need you to send me some ideas for potential character witnesses. It's been weeks," Steph replied firmly, exhaustion evident in her tone.
Annie squeezed her eyes shut. She had been avoiding this particular task. She would do anything for her son, obviously, but... the idea of asking people to testify in her custody trial was humiliating to Annie and it revealed everything she was trying to hide. She hadn't even asked her mother and sister yet, even though she knew she could guilt trip them into saying yes. Those were the only two people she could even think of, though...
Pretty sad, huh? That was the worst part, Annie thought.
"Okay, I will." Annie's voice was strained.
"Can you at least tell me who you're planning on asking?"
"I... listen, Steph, it's complicated."
"But you've gotta have someone in mind—"
"My mom! And my sister! And that's literally all I can think of, okay, now can you please do your job and I'll do mine!"
As much as Toby did not want to hear the conversation, it was very hard not to. The more frustrated Mr. Tremaine seemed to get the more he was paying attention. He glanced sideways a few times, but otherwise looked like he was focusing too hard on the other side of the street.
At first, he thought it was a friend. She’d used a nickname, that seemed friendly. But she didn’t sound too happy to hear from this person.
It was complicated. It involved family.
Toby was practically bursting at the seams to ask who it was, what was going on, what job did she have to fulfill for this person? He kept it together, wondering if he could somehow get her to tell him without having to ask directly. Turning in his seat to sit properly he shook his head, dismissive. “No, no you’re okay…I um….I mean, you are okay, yes?”
"Uh, yeah."
The honest answer was: not really.
Annie had been avoiding this for a long time, this whole awful process. Part of her thought that maybe if she just dragged things out for long enough, Tom would forget about it and maybe, somehow, magically, everything would work out in her favor. A lot of things used to work out in Annie's favor. Not so much anymore.
And the worst part was that it showed what a failure she had become. Annie had moved to Swynlake for a fresh start, to win over all these new people (and hopefully even the people who had perhaps forgotten just how awful she used to be in secondary school) and rebuild her image. Instead, she'd burned bridge after bridge. And now she couldn't even come up with a single effing character witness.
That thought hit Annie and she groaned, rubbing her temples as though trying to ward off a headache. "I mean, I've been better, it's just..."
Did she really want to tell Toby all this? Something she'd always liked about him was the fact that he was so disconnected from all the drama in her life. He barely knew any of it. She could pretend to be someone else with him. But now her worlds were colliding, and he'd heard enough, and now he was probably jumping to his own conclusions.
And part of her thought... maybe, just maybe, he could be the one person who might take her side.
"That was my attorney. I'm, uh, sort of trying to get custody of my kid right now," Annie sighed. "Sorry, that's a lot, you probably don't wanna hear about it."
Just as Toby was contemplating a follow up to that, Mr. Tremaine spilled the beans! Sort of, it was like she had cracked open the door a little. That was always everyone’s mistake. They opened the door when he knocked. After he introduced himself they started to shut it but he was too fast, always able to get his foot in between before the opportunity was lost. And, yes, he had learned that it needed to be his foot and not his hand the hard way.
Here he was quick to reach out before she, too, could shut the door in his face because an attorney? Custody battle? Now that was far more interesting than watching a bunch of college kids pour water into cups!
“I’m so sorry,” he started, because he was, and then, “You don’t have to apologize. I do want to! I’ll listen if you want to tell, that is.”
Annie sighed again and angled toward Toby so that she was facing him now. "It's, like, honestly all a load of BS," she said, but before she could really stop herself, the words came tumbling out.
In the past, she might have been more careful. Her working relationship with Toby was entirely based on both of them being extremely nosy, ruthless people who made their living on exposing other people's secrets. There was no reason he might not expose her secrets, too... except Annie was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, they were... friends?
And she really wasn't gonna be able to focus on this stakeout with this weighing on her. "You probably heard about a lot of it from, like, the town gossip mill and all. Long story short is this guy and I have a kid together and he got custody because of, uh, some stuff I can't get into but the point is that I'm just trying to get, like, weekends and he's not budging. So now we had to get lawyers involved and it's really effin' expensive and now this woman wants me to give her a list of witnesses to call and it's like, isn't that supposed to be your job, Stephanie?!" Annie huffed again and took her sunglasses off, rolling her eyes as she cleaned them on the outside of her jacket. "Anyway. It is what it is. I'll figure something out."
That was a lot to take in. Despite what Ms. Tremaine thought, Toby didn’t really know anything about what she was talking about. Aside from what had happened last year on social media for everyone to see. From there he had assumed all was fine because that was the way she had made it seem.
Apparently not. And he felt irrationally upset about the whole thing. Why did this guy want to take away custody? What could she have possibly done to deserve such a thing? Aside from have two kids of her own already, be taking care of a whole neighborhood, and actually being the one to carry them for months and all that! She was nice, she was caring, she was a good mother, why did this person want to take that away from the child? When she had been beaten down to only wanting to see them on weekends, too? He couldn’t even grant her that? And her lawyer wasn’t even doing their job? Toby could imagine she had loads of contacts and friends to pull from, how hard could it be to find someone to be a witness?
“Right,” he said, a little heated. His eyes were focused downward as he thought all of this over. It didn’t sit right with him. At all. Toby picked his head up, hand having to push his glasses back up from where they had begun to slip from the angle of his gaze. “That certainly is a load of BS! I can’t believe you’re having to go through that, and the person you’re paying to win this for you isn’t even pulling their weight? That’s awful. I- I am so sorry, Ms. Tremaine. You don’t deserve that. Any of it. A kid needs their mother, especially one as good as you!”
Toby, looking mostly like an annoyed little dog, had a slight shake to him with his anger and was huffing through his nose. He crossed his arms over his chest, hugging himself in an attempt to calm down. “If I could do anything, I would. It would just take a while for me to get the right credentials to become a lawyer, though.”
"Oh, Toby, no, you don't have to do that," Annie said quickly, smiling sadly and clasping her hand to her chest, touched. "But thank you."
She had hoped Toby would be sympathetic, but she didn't expect that from him. It was really, really nice. Even if it was all based off of the incredibly biased version of the story Annie had given him, Annie felt vindicated. She had a sudden, strange urge to hug Toby and burst into tears, but she just as quickly pushed that thought away. Now that was unprofessional.
"Honestly, there probably isn't anything you can do, it's a complicated situation, and even just listening helps, since..."
It's not like I have a lot of people who will do that, Annie thought, and then she remembered what her actual problem was. She didn't have a lot of people who would take her side.
But Toby would take her side. He was doing it right now. And as much as Annie hated to ask, this might be her one real shot at getting Levi back, even if just for weekends.
The idea struck her and her eyes went wide, hope dawning on her face for the first time since that phone call. "Toby. There's actually, uh, maybe one thing...." She fiddled with her sunglasses and then looked up again. "All that stuff you just said. The nice stuff. Do you think you would ever go on the record with it? Uh, in court?"
He knew that, and he was already trying to think of something else! Like getting dirt on this guy for her to use. Surely he had some on him. Everyone did! He could find it and bring it to her lawyer for them to use so she could get full custody instead of just weekends, or nothing, like this guy wanted.
Toby gave a nod of his head, his anger deflating the more she talked him down. It was very tragic to hear her acceptance of it. Must have been an awful ordeal. He had seen what going to court did to people. Divorce, custody cases, adoption. He used to sit in those hearings, just to get a scoop. It was horrible, the things people did to one another.
She said his name and he looked up again, at attention. His eyes narrowed, leaning forward slightly as he waited for what she was going to say. It wasn’t big or what he had thought about but at least it was something that might be helpful. When he nodded this time it was enthusiastic, “Yes! Yes, of course! There’s plenty more to say than just that. I’d be happy to.”
This could... maybe actually work.
Or if it didn't, at least Annie had a fighting chance. She didn't know how many witnesses Tom was bringing in, but she had one thing he didn't: Toby Effing Determined. And if his testimony in court was anything like the way he was talking now, with some support from Mummy and Drizella, Annie believed she really could win this thing. Or just some of the battles, if not the whole war.
Suddenly, Annie felt more optimistic about this than she had ever felt before. And so, this time, she completely forgot professionalism. "Oh, Toby!" she cried, impulsively springing forward to hug him. "You don't know how much this means to me!"
And then she realized what she was doing. Toby! Her colleague. This was so unprofessional. Annie extracted herself and cleared her throat, her face reddening slightly. "Uh, sorry, got a little excited here," she said awkwardly, chuckling. "But, uh, really. Thank you."
“Ye-” he started to say until he cut himself off after her arms wrapped around him. Her unexpected added weight made one of his legs kick out behind him to stay upright but the rest of him froze up, swallowing down the rest of that word. Toby had no idea what to do with this. Even if his arms weren’t still wound around himself and now trapped between her and him he probably wouldn’t have moved to return it, too caught up in the fact that she had.
This had been his first hug since leaving his family. Also the first person outside of his family to hug him.
When she stepped away he blinked. Then he blinked again, his own skin heating up with what he assumed was embarrassment.
“Nothing to fret about,” he assured her. “And I’ll give the best witness statement that courts ever heard. I promise.”
Annie nodded, trying to put her little slip-up out of her mind and focus on what Toby was actually saying. Witness statements. Courts. Yes, the future was looking much brighter, and that was what was important. Whatever had just happened now was clearly a symptom of Annie's current out-of-control mental state. But they had a job to do here.
"I have total faith in you, Toby Determined," Annie said, with one of her usual bright smiles instead of the small, vulnerable one she'd just had. She slid her large black sunglasses back on her face and pulled her baseball cap down. "Now let's get back to work. This investigation ain't gonna investigate itself."
0 notes