#(and despite being relatively on board with body positivity/fat neutrality)
ploncc · 1 year
i always assumed that i had a slow metabolism since i could go a rather long time eating very little and only realize once i was Suddenly Very Fucking Hungry that i'd missed a meal, but recently i have realized that i may, in fact, actually just have adhd and a fast metabolism, and that chronically just-slightly-under-eating may, in fact, explain quite a few Weird Things my body and brain have, in fact, been up to.
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storyweaverofgondor · 4 years
My extremely unfinished Alonzo story
These are like early middle chapters and take place in my “Alonzo was part of a gang” headcanon so he’s quite rough around the edges at this point. Strap in now. It gets intense!
The secluded alley echoed with the discordant yowls of a cat fight. The fence blocking off the back of the space shook as one of the combatants was thrown roughly into the unyielding metal.
Tundraphon's dark eyes glinted from his shadowy perch on the window ledge, still as a shadow as he watched the fight taking place below him. He had grown a bit since joining Radtacait's gang and had earned a few scars as well. Though those were easily covered up up fur.
As much as he enjoyed being around other cats and being among the leader's inner circle, in the gang position was bought with blood. Ones status could be taken away just as quickly as it was earned. He had had to fight for his position three times since he had joined despite his relatively low ranking.
He had won each time.
If he hadn't he wouldn't be here.
Radtacait did not put up with weakness in his gang and those who lost a fight were weak. As were those who fell behind. Tundraphon glanced away from the fight to side eye the large brown cat splayed out upon the nearby dumpster. The golden eyed cat was a strict taskmaster on a good day with an unshakable set of rules to adhere to.
And one of those was a firm dislike of house pets.
His eyes snapped back to the fight as the orange tabby was thrown though the air and slammed into the ground with a thud near the mouth of the alley, the shiny metallic license tinkling as it hit the dirty concrete.
Tundraphon passed his gaze over the still figure. The cat's sides rose and fell shallowly, unconscious and not dead as was usual with these things. He had seen enough fights to know that showing sympathy for the loser was a good way to lose an ear.
Still he couldn't help but be glad the pet still lived. He kept his mask of neutral superiority firmly in place as he stared down his nose and flicked his gaze to the winner. Furbofell, a brown tuxedo tabby with a long shaggy coat, stood tense and still as he glared out of a single eye at the body of his opponent, gasping slightly to catch his breath. The orange house pet had proven a surprising challenge to the oldest gang member. But the violent fight would ensure that the tom's place went uncontested for quite a while.
Tundraphon yelped in surprise as he was suddenly tackled off his perch. He hit the ground and rolled into a defensive crouch, eyes wide with shock at the unexpected attack.
“House lover!” Furbofell hissed viciously, tail lashing about his ankles as his orange eye blazed with manic fury “You've been eyeing my position too long.”
Thundraphon clenched his jaw at this. Arguing was weakness, which he would never show. If the old tom wanted to challenge him so badly after a long fight so be it. The black and white cat bared his teeth in challenge and extended his claws as he shifted his weight in perpetration for the fight. If nothing else, it would be a good opportunity to show off his assets to Pixdepaws.
As they began to circle each other he made sure to shift his hips just so as they passed the spot where the gray queen was lounging.  
Furbofell gathered himself and leaped for the younger tom. Tundraphon brought up his right hand to grab the other cat from the air by the throat and throw him towards the mouth of the alley.
The older tom twisted in midair and landed on his feet, skidding to a halt. His single eye narrowed dangerously and Tundraphon braced himself as the older cat prepared to attack again.
And so was unprepared when he was struck from the side.
He scrambled a top the far side of the dumpster and out off the sudden mass filling the space previously occupied by just himself and Furbofell.
Two large black cats with oily matted fur had the brown tux cornered between one of the walls and a trash can. Three more circled Pixdepaw's can and another two glared up at Radtacait who hissed at the trespassers from his side of the dumpster. Large sewer rats scampered about and between the newcomers paws, cackling as they heckled the gang members.
They were out numbered but for some reason the invader's did not immediately attack.
“You would be Radtacait, I take it?” one of the dark cats asked in a voice that was almost genteel, one yellow and one blue eye glinting as he stared up at the brown cat.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Radtacait hissed angrily, his hackles raised and ears pressed back against his skull as his golden eyes flashed with rage.
“You've been trying to muscle in on the boss's territory.” The cat with the two tone eyes smirked “He doesn't like that.”
Tundraphon shot a sharp look at the gang leader in confusion as the older tom narrowed his eyes. He had heard nothing about this. There must be some mistake.
But Pixdepaws and Furbofell did not seem at all surprised by the claim, hissing before retreating to their leader's side.
“Vary foolish of you to attempt with so few numbers.” the cat continued as he glanced over the gang now congregated on the dumpster. Then his lips curled into a predatory smirk “As for your question: the boss wants am example made of you lot.”
Tundraphon felt his blood run cold at the statement and his eyes widened in horror.
“Now, I have loved this little chat. But it's time for you to die.”
“The fence! Now!” Radtacait yowled.
The four gang members bolted for the back of the alley as the rats shot up the sides of the dumpster. Tundraphon spun and kicked one of the rodents off the edge as it made to bite a chunk out of Pixdepaw's tail, defending the others backs.
Furbofell was the first over the top, a quick flash of his tail briefly visible through the links of the fence before he disappeared. Radtacait was quick on his heels, pausing atop the fence to glare down at  their attackers as Pixdepaws leaped up beside him.
“We need a distraction.” The gang leader decided as he watched several of the rats squeeze through the links in the fence and race after the brown tux. More were struggling their way up the fence.
Tundraphon kicked a rat off of him and jumped for the fence. He fell a bit short, catching hold of the links with his hands and pulling himself up on to the bar at the top of the fence.
“Here's your distraction.” Pixdepaws' voice suddenly declared from above him and her right foot lashed out.
Striking Tundraphon in the chest.
He flailed wildly as he was sent tumbling back down and hit the ground with a grunt, the wind knocked out of him and dazed. He shook his head to clear it and looked up into the two toned eyes of the dark cat.
“There's your pound of flesh.” Radtacait voice declared from above him with a laugh.
Tundraphon's gaze snapped up and around to stare at the gang leader in disbelief. “Let Macavity be satisfied with that.” the golden eyed cat added and leaped over the fence with Pixdepaws close behind.
Leaving the black and white kit surrounded.
Shock and betrayal settling into his gut like a stone, he pushed himself unsteadily to his feet. He swallowed down the bile that rose in the back of his throat and settled into a defensive stance as the trespassers eyed him coldly.
“The Hidden Paw will not be swayed by such a measly sacrifice, fool.” the duel eyed cat yowled  and turned to his followers “After them.” he commanded and the six cats leaped to obey, darting up the fence and out of sight.  The dark cat started forward then paused and turned to a group of rats perched atop the dumpster “Kill the scrap.” he hissed and with a powerful leap disappeared over the fence.
The rats eyes glittered red as they turned to look at the patched cat who had been left behind and their lips spread as one into predatory smiles.
Tundraphon stiffened and sank back as they began to stalk towards him. There was seven of the rodents, fat and huge. And he was a single, under grown kit. There was no way he could survive an attack.
He felt his hand tighten into fists and his jaw clenched.
He wasn't going to die here.
One of the rats lunged at him and he ducked sharply, causing it to slam head first into the wall. He bolted out of the mouth of the alley as the rodents shrieked behind him in surprise and rage.
~ Chapter Break ~
The tiny black and white cat leaped atop the dumpster and hissed down at the five large rats staring up at him. There had been seven but a detour through the busy street at the mouth of the alley had diminished the numbers of his attackers nicely. Unfortunately, it had also made things personal.
The red glint of the rodent's eyes glared up at him. They didn't follow him immediately, instead keeping back.  And if their low chatters were anything to go by, coming up with a plan. Which meant he would have to find some way to lose them before they reached a decision.
Bright black eyes roved quickly over the alley. It was made out of two brick buildings and was blocked off at the far end by a tall wooden fence. There was a boarded up window on the wall opposite him with a ledge that looked easily defensible but it would also leave him cornered. There were also three trash cans between the dumpster he was perched upon and the fence. It might be possibly for him to jump from the cans to the top of the fence. Hopefully the barrier was well-maintained enough that the rats wouldn't be able to follow.
Suddenly he was out of time. He backed up as the rats appeared over the edge of the dumpster and spread out, blocking him off from the mouth of the alley. With a squeal of rage one of the vermin leaped for him, buckteeth bared to rip out his throat.
He quickly dodged and leaped off the dumpster. The metal lid of the trash can gave a loud clang! as he landed. He ignored the angry squeaks coming from behind him and launched himself at the next can. His ear twitched back at the sound of metallic clangs as the rodents leaped after him. But he ignored them, instead gathering his legs beneath him before throwing himself through the air at the fence. He caught the top of the fence in his front paws, back legs scrambling for perchance as he pulled himself up. A wide relieved grin spread across his face as his chest cleared the edge and he was no longer holding his entire weight by his fingers. He had made. He'd be safe soon.
Suddenly something tore into the flesh of his right leg. He cried out as he was pulled back be the chunk of ripped muscle and thrown into the nearby brick wall, crumpling into a dazed heap on the ground.
He shook the stars from his eyes and swallowed thickly. He was in the corner between one of the buildings and the fence with the rats spread out in a semi circle in front of him. He was trapped and injured.
One of the rats let out a nasally laugh as they stalked ever closer “Poor little scrap. No place left to go.”
“Led us on a merry little chase.” another of the rats jeered, it's voice rough as gravel and with a scar across its muzzle “Made us nice and hungry.”
“No more games.” a third rat with a high pitched voiced declared, sounding almost insane “Time to eat!”
With that the rats leaped at him.
And shrieked in pain as claw tore through their chests. They fell back with narrowed eyes and twitching tails.
The kit pushed himself up onto his good leg, arms spread and claws glinting as he glared back at them. He wasn't going to die without a fight.  
The rats circled him cautiously, sharing loaded looks. One rat suddenly scurried forward, buckteeth aimed to take out his good leg. He grabbed the rodent by the scruff of the neck and lifted it in the air, slamming it into the brick wall. A hiss was his only warning as the scar faced rat leaped at him. He spun around, batting it out of the air with the unconscious body of the first rat and sending it into a nearby trash can. He did the same with third rat who leaped at his back. He threw the unconscious rat aside and lashed his claws down the dazed vermin's back. Blood sprayed and he quickly silenced it's screams with a crushing blow to the snout.
A sudden weight slammed down on his back as something rammed into his knees, knocking him to the ground. He twisted and kicked wildly. He felt his good leg hit something yielding and was rewarded by the sound of a loud crack and a startled scream. He felt a slimy paw press down on his neck, pining him down. He twisted desperately, clawing at the ground frantically. But he couldn't get the leverage needn't to free himself.
“Well, more for me.” the gravel voice of the scared rat hissed in his ear. The kit felt his heart fall in horror and resignation as he felt the hot putrid breath ruffle the fur at his cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut and steeled himself for the first bite, praying that it would be quick. He felt the vermin's buckteeth graze his neck.
And its weight disappeared.
He looked up sharply and stared wide eyed as a tall figure slammed the rat roughly into the ground, snapping its neck in a single blow.  
The shadows around the newcomer were thick, reducing it to an outline. But he could make out broad shoulders and thick fluffy fur.
The figure straightened from its crouch and rose to its feet. The kit stiffened and shrank back against the brick wall as the figure turned towards him and stepped into the moonlight. The kitten caught his breath in shock.
The tom standing before him was strikingly handsome. A thick coat of silver and black and the most exquisite pair of ice blue eyes staring out of his face. Oddly enough in spite of the metal ring dangling against his chest from the collar the cat was no pampered pet. Instead his body rippled with muscle and every movement was that of a hunter on the prowl.
“Who are you?” the kit demanded suspiciously
“I could ask the same.” and damn him if his voice wasn't as exquisite as the rest of him. The tom eyed him for a moment, gaze sharp and probing “I am Munkustrap. What is your name?”
The kit oddly felt like he was being introduced to royalty. It was even odder to him that the other cat would volunteer his name so freely. But he was injured and at the mercy of a strange cat, it would be rude not to reciprocate.
“Tun-” he started then quickly slammed his mouth shut. No. He would not answer to that name again “I am Alonzo.” he said instead.
If the other cat was at all suspicious at being given such a human sounding name he gave no sign beyond the quirk of his brow.
The silver tabby frowned sharply and suddenly moved forward, reaching out a paw for him. Alonzo flinched back and shot to his feet, shocked by the unexpected gesture and desperate to get away.
Unfortunately he had completely forgotten his injured leg.
He gasped as the pain slammed into him and his vision went black.
Munkustrap shot forward as the kitten crumpled in on himself, catching him before he could hit the ground. The tabby gently lowered the other cat and sat back on his heels with a frown as he considered the figure before him.
The other tom's face was tense even when unconscious, strikingly monochromatic features sharply angled. He shot a look at the bodies surrounding him and frowned. That such a small and malnourished kit could take out four large sewer rats alone and injured was impressive. Especially considering who the rats most likely worked for.
He leaned forward to check the kit's injury, cleaning the blood from the surrounding fur. The wound was large and severe but he had seen far worse. Glancing about he caught sight of a tarp flung over a nearby trash can and hurried over. He run his paws over it in consideration and frowned. He disliked the thought of using the the filthy materiel to bind the other cat's leg but Jennyanydots could easily heal infection. Blood loss was a different matter.
That decided, he tore off several stripes of fabric and, gathering them up in his arms, moved back to the other cat's side.
He folded up one of the stripes of fabric and pressed it carefully to the wound. He took another stripe and wrapped it around the leg.
“Gah!” The kit exclaimed as he jerked awake as Munkustrap wrenched the cloth tight, arms flailing as he lashed out.
Alonzo froze as Munk caught his hand in a firm grip and dark eyes slightly glazed with pain locked on pale blue “Peace.” the tabby soothed as he stared intently into the other cat's eyes “You are badly hurt. We need to get you somewhere safe to heal.” he told him “Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?”
The patched cat stared at him for a long moment, suspicion flicking at the corner of his eyes.
“I'll walk.”
Munkustrap gave a nod and took hold of his arm with his other hand. He pulled the other cat to his feet. Alonzo winced in pain and swayed unsteadily in place.
The silver tabby moved to slip a supportive arm  around his shoulders. But the patched cat batted his arm away and shot him a dangerous look.
The two shared a challenging look before Munk backed off, allowing him his space.
But he stayed close just in case as he led him towards a concealed gap in the fence.
And yes, Alonzo’s first reaction to Munkustrap in this is the reason i started shipping him as Bi. He is 100% checking Munk out! ;)
@jellicle-ho Hope you like it!
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