#i can pinpoint the exact time at the end of high school when i decided i was probably overeating (despite being in a weights class)
ploncc · 1 year
i always assumed that i had a slow metabolism since i could go a rather long time eating very little and only realize once i was Suddenly Very Fucking Hungry that i'd missed a meal, but recently i have realized that i may, in fact, actually just have adhd and a fast metabolism, and that chronically just-slightly-under-eating may, in fact, explain quite a few Weird Things my body and brain have, in fact, been up to.
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Dear Reader,
It was an enjoyable Sunday, but as a result, I'm not feeling my best today. My stomach is particularly upset, likely due to the coffee I had last night.
To give you some context, my past week was eventful. We had company events, and then my brother's oathtaking. Also, early on that Sunday, I had a driving lesson. While I can drive, I still need to hone my parking skills. My instructor seemed so relaxed that he was on his cellphone while in the passenger seat. Later in the day, as I was working on my paper for my Technology Evaluation subject, I received an unexpected dinner invitation. Whenever a high school friend proposes a dinner in our group chat, it's usually more than just a meal.
The evening was hot but delightful. Initially, we planned to dine at Aplaya. We went to the place but later we opted for a change of venue. Running out of ideas, I suggested a chill spot where I once went with a guy I dated, his mother, and his two sisters. The amusing part was that I could only remember it as "The Rooftop" and insisted it was near Taytay. Qui even had to contact my former date to pinpoint the exact location. I defended my hazy memory by saying I was merely a passive passenger on that trip.
One of the funny problems we faced was that none of us had brought a car, so we relied on Grab. This became a topic of jest for over two hours, especially teasing Aciel who had decided against bringing cars due to parking concerns. As the night wore on, my friends encouraged me to start dating again. Qui remarked, "Maganda ka naman, Zy. Kumausap ka lang." Wes chimed in, "Oo nga, makikipagusap ka lang. Ano ba yan!" I laughed it off, explaining that I'm booked solid until May 2024. While I do have plans, the next person I date will be someone I take seriously. I'm looking for someone who understands my commitments and shares a "date-to-marry" mindset. I've grown weary of fleeting relationships.
Qui also playfully commented that I weigh more than I appear, drawing a comparison to Wes. Wes jokingly considered going on a strict diet after being called "chubbier" than me. It's a reminder that some comments are best left unsaid. LMAO!
The atmosphere became even livelier when Daniel arrived at midnight, especially since he had a car. One of his stories was about the time we went to a bar and a guy approached me to get to know me, but I avoided him. Dude, we couldn't stop laughing at those stories! Moreover, there were the drunk moments with Nica, Wes, Son, and Rhein from last year. Hahaha! And, of course, the never-ending talk about Qui and Daniel's Rated SPG experiences.
Oh, by the way, another amusing challenge we faced was the lack of money on GCash or cold cash. Fortunately, Daniel was our savior and settled the bill. HAHAHA!
To wrap up the evening, Daniel drove us all home. I cherish these casual catch-ups. It's a reminder of the simple joys of spending time with those who truly know and accept you.
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How blank pages blossomed: My Writing Journey
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Writing… something we’ve all tried at least once in our lives, right? From school essays to cheesy love letters, we’ve all had our fair share of scribbling
Some love it others tolerate it.
Some like the process, others like the product.
But for me, writing has always been so much more than a task or a means to an end. It’s been a “friend”, a confidant, and a way to express myself like nothing else.
“I can still remember the first time. I held a pen in my hand” would have been ideal, but the truth is, my earliest memories of writing are a bit fuzzy. I cant pinpoint the exact moment I held a pen for the first time, but that’s probably for the best.
Let’s just say my handwriting looked like a wild chicken had a dance party on the paper.
As I grew older I realized writing was more than just putting words on paper, it was a way to unleash my imagination.
I wrote my first short story about a heroic pirate that saved the world from a sushi-eating dog. Sure, it was a bit wacky, but it was my little masterpiece, and I was proud of it.
Writing soon became my go-to coping mechanism. Whenever life threw lemons at me, I’d grab my trusty pen and turn those sour lemons into lemonade on paper. It was like therapy but without the fancy couch and awkward silence.
Although writing was fun, it was far from easy. There were times when I’d stare at the blank page, and my mind would go completely blank. It was as if my brain took a coffee break in the middle of its shift.
And don't even get me started on those pesky self-doubts! Oh, they were my full-time companions. “Your writing sucks!” they’d whisper. But I learned to shoo them away like annoying flies. After all, who cares if my writing isn’t perfect? As long as it brings a smile to my face, I’ll keep scribbling away.
Then came the glorious day when I discovered the magic of typing on a keyboard. The sound of those keys clicking away was music to my ears! It was like a dance party for my fingers. I couldn’t help but feel like a mighty tech wizard.
By now I was the Gandalf of keyboards.
The keyboard became my trusty sidekick, rescuing me from countless typos and letting me edit with the finesse of a ninja. The backspace key was my superhero, swooping in to save the day whenever I made a hilarious typo. And trust me, my typos could rival any stand-up comedian’s punchline.
Through writing I also discovered a whole community of fellow word warriors. We’d cheer each other on, share funny writing anecdotes, and provide virtual high-fives for every little writing victory. It was like having a quirky support group with members from every corner of the world.
And that’s when it hit me — why not share my writing with the world? So I decided to start my own small business, where I could write copy for interested companies and individuals. It was and still is a little nerve-wracking, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
It wasn’t about becoming a famous writer or gaining thousands of followers, it was about sharing my writing with the rest of the world.
So, to anyone out there who’s ever hesitated to share their writing with the world, I say: go for it! Embrace the imperfections, celebrate the humour, and let your words dance across the screen or paper.
That’s how my little corner of the internet,��Inkcraftpro, came to life. It’s not just another copywriting website. It’s a place where words come alive, and stories are woven with a sprinkle of humour.
So, from my chicken-scratch beginnings to the clickety-clack of the keyboard, I’m on a never-ending writing adventure. And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy writing, fellow word warriors! May your creativity flow and your typos be few and fabulous!
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undyingskies · 4 years
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request: no
a/n: I can’t tell if I hate this, love it, or just like it. This fic was just be completely self indulging in this idea and writing it all out. Fair warning it is long but I hope you enjoy!
also this fic includes lyrics from the song drown by clinton kane! i don’t claim them as my own, i just uses them as the writing the reader wrote!
warnings: a few curse words
You fell and you fell hard. Like every cliche story ever, you fell for your best friend. It was a long time coming and most people that surrounded the two of you had called it long ago. Both of you were constantly denying the truth of it though, and all these years later here you are face to face with the truth.
You and Owen had met a long  time ago, that fun age in between not being a kid anymore and puberty. You were little miss perfect, always has been and always be. While Owen was quite frankly the opposite, it’s not that he was “bad” or “misbehaved” but he wasn’t shy or afraid to show who he was.
While on the other hand, you were quiet, shy, and kept to yourself. How the two of you became friends, let alone, best friends was beyond you. To this day you still couldn’t pinpoint the moment your friendship began.
Knowing the two of you now, it makes complete sense to everyone. While you may be quiet and shy, you were practically the female version of Owen. A similar personality and humor. You held this certain confidence about yourself that would just draw people to you and Owen always says that’s what got him. That’s what made him want to be your friend.
Now here you are about 10 years later, still best friends but instead of swallowing nervously due to the activities you were always dragged to because of Owen, you were swallowing down the nerves of your feelings for him.
You’re sitting in your shared living room, surrounded by some of your closest friends, your inhibitions low due to the cup in your hand.
You figured drowning yourself in whatever drink was poured in your cup would stop the never ending thoughts of the boy you love. But instead you still saw his face.
I can’t even drink without seeing his face, you think to yourself.
The boys had decided since everyone had the next few days off it would be fun to throw a little party at the apartment. A game/movie night if you will.
So that’s how you ended up sitting quietly in your group of friends, sitting in a circle playing some game similar to truth or dare. You weren’t paying attention when they were explaining the rules, lost in your thoughts, their words just murmurs to you in the background. Until a voice cuts through,
“Y/N! Hey!” Charlie’s voice loud and booming, pulling your attention. “It’s your turn.” A small smirk displayed on his face.
Here’s the thing, you lived with the two boys. Owen and Charlie. When Owen found out he would be filming in Toronto, Canada, he booked you a ticket before he even asked you about it. You have always loved Canada and dreamed about living there, so he took you and now here you are a few months later.
Charlie welcomed you with open arms the same way he did Owen. The two of you getting dangerously close.
Dangerously because Charlie can’t keep a secret for his life and he now happened to know every single one of yours.
Now here you are, staring back at Charlie who has a smirk plastered on his face.
“What was Owen like in high school?” A shaky breath leaves at his question, grateful that his question wasn’t invasive the way you had assumed it would have been.
“Oh gosh,” you say laughing slightly, “ I would say very similar to the guy you know today. He still did the same dumb shit then that he does now! He did get in trouble though, always for being too loud or disruptive!” You admittedly tell them.
Owen scoffs at your words, feigning hurt and a pout. “I was not that bad Y/N.” He says laughing.
“Ya sure Joyner, you had detention like every week!” You laugh out.
“Okay well hey!” He says, holding his hands up, “not all of us can be like little miss perfect over here! Never got in trouble, straight A’s, always on time, always the teacher’s favorite!”
“Well one of us had to be the good one! God knows how many times I saved you from getting in trouble!” You laugh out.
“Very true.” Owen says throwing a wink in your direction. You can feel the heat spread across your cheeks, bringing your cup up to your face to hopefully hide it.
“Anyways next!” You say thinking of who to choose. “Savannah...”
As always you let someone else come up with your question, picking invasive questions for games like this was not your strong suit. Often opting out for something silly or plain, you could never come up with a question good enough.
The point of the game was to get embarrassing answers, get someone to admit something they didn’t want too, or get someone to do something silly. You loved playing but just couldn’t get your questions to match the game.
The game goes on and on. Everyone getting picked on throughout the night. Savannah having to admit who her worst kiss was, Jeremy having to give Carolynn a lap dance, even Tori having to call the guy she liked and asking him out on a date. It just kept going and everyone question or demand getting worse than the last.
Every few rounds you seemed to escape the prying eyes and questions of your friends. You often got up to fill your cup, not wanting to let the substance get below empty.
You were feeling good, giddy even. Your head light, thoughts happy, and mind empty except for your never-ending laughter due to your friends.
That’s until it was Charlie’s turn again. This time he wasn’t letting you get off easy, it happened to many times.
He had hoped that if he asked you an easy question someone else would probe you for a harder one, but no one did.
That wasn’t going to happen again.
“So Y/N, you’ve been writing some things recently haven’t you?” He asks you. Oh shit.
“Yes Charlie, I have been. You know this.” You tell him trying to play it cool. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you knew what he was doing or letting the others know or suspect any embarrassment.
“I want you to read us the last thing you wrote.” You shot him a deadly look, one that does not go unnoticed by your friends.
You feel your ears and cheeks start to turn pink, you would bet that the heat coming off of them would cause people to see steam.
Charlie was very well aware of his knowledge of what you were writing and the topic of such.
Both of you very well aware.
“No, Y/N, you don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable.” Owen pipes up placing his hand on your arm for a split second.
Owen knew his best friend, like the back of his hand. He knew that as much as you were an amazing writer that you hated sharing it. Often times not even letting him read what you wrote.
He was also well aware of how your shoulders tensed up at Charlie’s request and the look on your face.
“No, it’s fine O. I can read it.” You tell him lightly pushing him away from the space he had closed in between you while trying to comfort you.
Then you’re on your feet, heading to your room. Searching for the pale yellow notebook you kept rather hidden, not trusting either of the two nosy boys you live with.
You walk back, yellow notebook in hand and take your seat back in between Owen and Savannah.
With a deep breath, you open your notebook flipping back to the last page you had written on. Wincing at the topic of it.
“Okay,” you start, having to take another breath in, “this one’s called drown.”
Savannah places a gentle hand on your leg for comfort. The two of you also rather close so she was well aware of your discomfort in this situation as well. Your shoot her a small smile.
“I’ve been trying to keep my distance,
but in an instance, you break me down.
I know better than to want you, but I succumb to you without a doubt.”
You look up at all of the faces looking at you before you continue yet again.
“Tell me lies, tell me painted truths.
anything at all to keep me close to you.
Pull me under the way you do, tonight I want to drown in the ocean of you.”
With that, you close your book. You had a few more scribbled ideas around this one but none of them made the cut for it quite yet.
Everyone was quiet after you finished reading it, shocked by your truthful words and ever so obvious confession through your words.
Well ever so obvious to everyone but Owen.
“That was really good Y/N!” Savannah tells you with a smile. “Ya, that was really good!” Tori agrees.
“See I told you it was good Y/N!” Charlie says proud of himself for getting you to finally read something out loud.
“Wait, you read what she wrote?” Owen asks, hurt coming over his face slightly. You never shared anything and on the rare occasion you did with him but no one else.
“Well yeah, she asked me for my opinion on the concept for the piece.” Charlie admits, knowing fully what he was doing.
Charlie knew that Owen liked you, he would even go as far as say love you. He knew that Owen would get jealous that you came to him and let him read what you wrote but not Owen.
Over the last few weeks all he heard Owen do is complain about the distance you were placing between the two of you. He also always heard Owen’s frustration of you not sharing your work with him.
Charlie had a plan and knew exactly what he was doing.
“Well what was the concept then?” Owen asks not reading to let it go.
“Nothing Owen.” Charlie says at the exact same time you say, “Just a guy that I like.”
Your words shocking you just the same amount that they shocked everyone. Your confession makes its way out of you before your mind can catch up with your mouth.
Your newfound confidence from whatever drink had been occupying your cup for the night.
“You like someone?” Owen asks, shocked. Not bothering to hide his hurt from everyone.
You were supposed to come to him about these things, you two weren’t supposed to have secrets. But recently it felt like all that there were was secrets between the two of you.
“Ya I do,” you say shrugging your shoulders, “it’s not a big deal.”
You say with a wave of your hand trying to dismiss the conversation. You didn’t want to get into this, let alone get into it with Owen.
“So,” Jeremy says trying to change the subject and move onto the next person. The awkwardness that surrounded the atmosphere was just getting too much to bare.
“It is a big deal Y/N! It’s a big deal to me, I’m your best friend your supposed to tell me.” Owen says louder and completely ignoring the attempt to change the subject.
“Seriously O, it’s nothing.” You say while getting up to go to the kitchen, trying to escape Owen.
“It is not nothing!” Owen says just as sternly all while following you into the kitchen not letting you escape him or the conversation.
You just ignore him and his pestering as you go into the fridge to grab the water, deciding that it was the better beverage choice to make this time around.
You make your way  around Owen, while he is still yelling at you, going to lean up on your tippy toes to grab a cup for the water. The cup just out of your reach, causing you to struggle.
You feel Owen’s hand lay itself on your lower back, you watch as his other hand reaches over you to grab the cup.
Instead of placing it down in front of you, he keeps it in his hand and close to his chest. He uses his one hand on your back to gently move you so that you’re facing him.
“Just tell me Y/N.” He says sounding defeated.
“I said let it go Owen, it doesn’t matter.”  A loud sigh comes from Owen, the growing frustration evident on his face.
“Why can’t you get it through your head that it does matter Y/N.” He says through clenched teeth, not wanting to get overly mad at you.
“Why Owen? Why does it matter?” You say, the frustration finally boiling over in you.
“Why?” He says now yelling, “because you’re my best friend Y/N! We’re not supposed to have secrets, we’re supposed to tell each other everything, and now you’re replacing me with Charlie.”
Owen says that last part quieter, his head hanging low at his words.
“You think I’m replacing you with Charlie?” You ask just as quietly, your heart breaking slightly at the site of the boy in front of you.
“It sure feels like it Y/N. You’ve been spending so much time with him, sharing stuff you don’t share with me, and just ignoring me and putting all this distance between us.”
You didn’t know what to say back to him. You would have never guessed that he would notice what was going on or the fact that you were pulling away.
It’s not that you wanted too, it just felt like the right decision to make while trying to get over your growing feelings for him.
Charlie was just a convenient confidant, in the best way possible. He was always there and you trusted him, so you told him about your feelings for Owen and he was doing his best to help.
Until tonight.
“Can you please just tell me what’s been going on?” Owen asks breaking the silence and you from your thoughts.
“I can’t Owen, I promise it’s nothing serious.”
“It has to be serious if you’re pushing me away like this. You like someone and you haven’t even talked to me about it once, that’s never happened.”
You don’t understand why Owen was so hung up on such a small fact. It’s true that he was the one you usually came to with these things but anytime you told him about someone you liked he always brushed it off. It seemed like he was always so disinterested in that part of your life so him being so frustrated by the fact that you went to Charlie with it just seemed weird to you.
What you didn’t know is what was swirling through Owen’s head. Owen felt his heart clenching and his head spinning, anytime you brought up who you liked his heart stopped and he couldn’t get a breath in.
He wasn’t one to admit that though, he didn’t want to admit it to himself either. So he dismissed that feeling and dismissed any conversation that brought those feelings bubbling to the surface.
Deep down Owen knew the reason behind that feeling. He had fallen for you and fallen hard. He always would say he didn’t even know what love was, he couldn’t be in love with anyone not even you. But he did, he loved you.
And where it leaves you is you both standing a little too close for comfort in this situation.  
Your heart beating faster because you weren’t ready to admit the feelings you had buried so deep.
And Owen’s breath shallow as he didn’t want to really know the outcome of this conversation yet he was so desperate to have it.
“Owen you never really care about who I like, why so much this time around?” You ask him trying to turn the conversation topic onto him rather than you.
“Of course I care about who you like! I care about anything that goes in in your life!” His tone raising with every word.
“Sure never seemed like it!” Your tone doesn’t match his, you feel defeated.
“I...” Owen trails off not knowing where to take this conversation, knowing that it will have to end in a confession if he continues. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I do care and just want to know who this guy is.”
It was now or never. You can finally admit your feelings that have been swallowing you whole for months now or just keep allowing yourself to drown in them.
That’s all you say. Plain and simple.
Then it’s quiet. Too quiet, it seemed like the conversation in the living room stopped at the same time your confession finally came to the surface.
Your heart was beating faster than it ever has, faster than it was beating earlier.
Owen’s heart beating just as fast as yours. His was out of happiness and excitement while yours was due to nervousness.
Neither of you said a word.
“Well alright then.” You take his silence as his answer. You didn’t want to face him anymore; you were doing your best to hold back the warm tears that were threatening to spill over.
You turn on your heel ready to leave before he can see your tears. But before you can take another step his hand is on your wrist holding you in place.
“Say it again.” That’s all he says.
“Say what again Owen?” Your confused and just want to get out of this conversation.
“Who you like, say it again.”
“Just...why?” You don’t want to admit it again, you don’t want to face it again.
“Just please, say it again.” Owen is practically begging you at this point. He needed to hear you say it again, he needed the confirmation before he acted on his own feelings.
“You, Owen!” You say loud and frustrated, “I said you, Owen!”
That’s when Owen makes his move. In a blink of an eye his hand drops your wrist and makes its way to your cheek, and his lips are on yours.
You don’t move a muscle. Your shocked, you never expected to be in this position with Owen.
“Kiss me back.” Owen says with his lips still against yours.
That’s when you break through your trance. Your lips start to move in sync with his. Finally.
It was like a breath of fresh air, his lips on yours.
You pull apart slightly, taking a breath in. His lips chase after yours not ready to let the contact between the two of you end.
The taste of yours lips new and he was already addicted, not wanting it to fade away.
After a few more seconds of your lips moving together, Owen is the one to pull away. His lungs burning from the lack of air.
He places his forehead against yours, placing a kiss on your nose. Now that he finally kissed you, he never wanted to stop.
“I have wanted to hear those words for so long.” Owen admits, a smile on his face and one working its way on yours.
“Really?” You ask.
“Yes really!” Owen laughs, “I’ve liked you longer than I want to admit.”
“Ohhh really?” You ask teasingly. You could tell by the faint tint on his cheeks that he was feeling a little embarrassed. You couldn’t help but tease him a little.
“Yes, really Y/N! Now stop it!” Owen laughs out.
“Make me.” You retort back, the look on Owen’s face causing you to giggle.
With his eyebrows raised, Owen leans in just centimeters from your lips. “If you say so.” Then his lips are on yours again.
They move together in sync, much more passionate the time before. The both of you finally letting your feelings pour into the kiss.
“Are you two done yet?” You hear Charlie yell from right outside of the kitchen.
The two of you pulling apart laughing, of course Charlie was close by listening to what was happening.
“Yes Charlie!” You yell back laughing.
“Soooo,” Owen says looking down at you, your hands still entangled with each other and your chests still touching. “Soooo,” you say back.
“Just ask her out already damn!” Charlie yet again yells causing you two and everyone else to laugh.
“Fine Gillespie!” Owen yells back, “Y/N would you like to go on a date and get this thing started?” He asks you with a big smile.
“Yes, I would Joyner.” You say back smiling, leaning in for another kiss.
The two of you pull apart smiles upon both of your faces. The air light, all your feelings finally on the table, both of you happy and relieved to know that you both feel the same way.
“Now how about you read me some more of what you wrote about me!” He says with an eyebrow wiggle.
You shove him away, laughing.
“In your dreams Joyner.” You tell him.
He laughs, chasing after you as you run away from his hands that are trying to tickle you. His shouts of telling you to show him what you wrote and you laughing back no.
You’d rather show him happy writings than your sad ones. But with your newfound relationship blooming you were sure to show him some soon enough.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Quarantine On Crack
Until Dawn Gang + Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Some underage drinking, A LONG-ASS READ (sorry 😅)
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Humor
Summary: The Until Dawn kids (including Hannah and Beth) decide to go through literal hell - trying to survive each other while being stuck on a mountain, in a lodge together for an undetermined amount of time. It’s really a 50/50 chance of how their relationships will be affected by this much time spent together.
Requested by my dear Until Dawn Anon. This is the first time our babies aren’t suffering yay! Hope you enjoy! Know I had a ton of fun writing. The credit for some of these amazing quotes goes out to you (keep both the requests and quotes coming, I absolutely love them!) Love you, Vy ❤
Imagine what the aftermath of a human tornado would look like. You’ve got an image? Great. Now triple it as though three tornados had ripped through the place. Cause that’s what the lodge looks like right now.
Let me backtrack just for a second so I can give you a proper idea of what’s going on and how it came to be. I’d like to mention this ain’t my first rodeo. I’m not in Blackwood nor am I staying in this lodge with this group of people for the first time. I knew what I was getting myself into when I accepted Josh’s offer to go there now with this pandemic that’s eating away at the world. I knew certain members of the group would be hell to put up with but that quarantine beat staying at home alone with my thoughts, so I gave in. This plan had its perks: since we would be the only ones on the mountains and all of us are perfectly healthy, we’d be allowed to wander the woods and breathe some fresh air. On the other hand, however, I’d have to restrain myself from committing murder. The snowy wood outweighed the possibility of becoming a murderer and that’s how I ended up here with the ten people I’ve been friends with since high school freshmen year. 
We’re on day four so far. Yes DAY four, not WEEK four, and people are already scrapping with one another. Jess and Emily can barely tolerate each other. Mike and Matt likewise. I’ve been done with their shit since day two and am now watching a literal rom-com unfold in front of me. “Will They, Won’t They Squared” is the title in case you were wondering. Why squared? Well we have two pairs of love birds around here that are not official, BUT THEY SHOULD BE. Not naming any names or anything *ahem*.
I probably should’ve mentioned, while I was on the scrapping topic, that I have already managed to threaten Mike at least ten times. Emily and I are trying our hardest to remain civil with each other through passive aggression, and I must admit we’re doing well. 
Another thing that has been going on is A LOT OF FUCKING FLIRTING. I swear we run on hormones and caffeine. And I’m into it.
Jess and Emily were at each other’s throats just moments ago, the argument took so many turns and kept branching out so much I forgot what they were even fighting about. Sam and Josh are sitting in front of the unlit fireplace. Sam’s giving him a hard time about his inability to light a fire. She’s basically doing what I would’ve been doing if Matt hadn’t handed me a cup of homemade cider.
“Y/N.“ He says as he settles on the other end of the couch
“Matthew.“ I reply to his greeting, clinking our cups together
“GET A ROOM YOU TWO!“ Emily yells from somewhere behind us
“We have like three empty seats between us and exchanged two words.“ Matt shakes his head, looking at the staircase over the backrest.
“Oh, sureee.“ Emily replies sarcastically
I can tell she’s about to go on and I’ve already went off on Mike twice today so my argument energy levels are low and I’m not having it. Thankfully, a single look shuts her up real quick and she goes about her way.
Suddenly, a loud scream comes from the kitchen. Everyone turns to look in that direction, but I’m unfazed. It’s Ashley’s scream so I know exactly what’s up.
“Sit tight, guys. I’ve got this.“ I put my cider on the coffee table and walk into the kitchen, grabbing the can of deodorant that I purposely left on the counter for this exact scenario. I pull the lighter out of my pocket and step between Ashley and the source of her terror which is, as I guessed, one of those mutated ass Blackwood cockroaches. 
I waste no time torching it and picking it up with a paper towel before throwing it in the trash. We take the trash out every night at eleven PM as some unspoken ritual, so the corpse can chill there for now. I ain’t going out in the cold just to throw away the dead body of a cockroach.
“Sorry about that.“ Ashley says through a relieved sigh
“Don’t worry, Ash. Everyone’s afraid of something.“ I assure her, putting the can of deodorant where it previously was.
“Even you?“ she asks skeptically
“Nope.“ I respond with a smirk.
“I CAN CONFIRM!“ Josh calls out from his spot in front of the fireplace, “SHE ISN’T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!“
“And a pyromaniac on top of all.“ Chris mumbles under his breath
He’s not wrong. I did teach them the deodorant flamethrower trick.
I notice Jess has taken one of those three seats Matt mentioned were between him and I earlier. The one closest to him, to be specific. Instead of third wheeling, I grab my cup and plop myself in one of the armchairs.
“Is that another point for the ‘Y/N’s burnt cockroaches’ score board?“ Mr. Munroe struts his way into the room.
I hum affirmatively, “Piss me off some more and there will be another point on that score board.” I warn him nonchalantly, taking a sip of my now almost cold cider.
 Ashley, who has safely made it out of the kitchen and is now sitting on the floor by the couch looks up at me and Mike who is now standing behind my chair, looming over me like a street lamp. “Do you two even consider each other friends?”
I give Mike a debating glance, one he returns, before looking back at Ash, “We fuck occasionally.” Mike confirms from behind me.
“That doesn’t answer the question.“ Ashley’s disappointed sigh mixes with Jess’ shocked gasp.
I give Jess an unamused look, “What? Don’t act like I haven’t slept with you too.”
Poor Matt, who’s halfway through a sip of his drink nearly chokes at my words, “Wait, WHAT?”
“OK, show hands everyone who HASN’T slept with Y/N!“ Mike declares.
Chris, Ash, Sam, Josh and Matt raise their hands in the air.
“I’m honestly offended that I haven’t.“ Sam says while raising hers.
“Offended that you haven’t what?“ Hannah asks as her and Beth come downstairs a bunch of board games and puzzles in their arms. “And why are we raising our hands?”
“People who haven’t slept with Y/N.“ Jess quickly explains, grumpily folding her arms over her chest. I can’t help but laugh, nor can I restrain the urge to fluster her even further by winking at her.
“I would raise my hand but these boxes would go everywhere.“ Hannah shakes her head.
“I won’t raise mine because....well, I just won’t.“ Beth blushes, making me laugh.
Josh whips around to glare at me, “Seriously?”
I raise my hands in surrender, “Wasn’t my idea.”
Thankfully the topic is dropped by the time Emily walks in. She sits down on the other side of Jess on the couch, more than happy to interrupt her and Matt’s flirting.
“Oh, finally!“ Sam says as the fire that’s been in the making for a while now finally lights, “I knew you could do it, Josh!“
“We could’ve done it a lot quicker if you helped, you know?“ He narrows his eyes playfully at her, taking the hand she offered to him so she could help him up.
“True, but I was your moral support. You know I like focusing on one task rather than multitasking.“ She teases him, “And now I’ll be your cider supplier. Be right back.“
I give Josh that knowing smirk when I see his ears reddening. You know something’s up when your cheeks/ears are burning hot in a room that’s around freezing - you’re either burning with a fever or a crush. No other explanation.
Hannah and Beth have set the board games they’ve brought onto the coffee table so we can decide what we’d like to play.
“UNO?“ Beth offers while Jess, Josh and Matt look at the options.
War-like flashback ensue when I shake my head, “No! Nah hah, I’ll be tempted to strangle somebody.”
“Over UNO?“ Josh gives me this look that’s between disappointed and deeply concerned
“I’ve been tempted to kill over Rock, Paper and Scissors.“ That statement tells him enough that he turns back around with this stunned look on his face.
Eventually, after a lot of convincing, the whole gang is on board with playing a round or two of truth or dare until one of us decides something more original because we really don’t feel like playing board games.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?“ Emily asks, not giving anyone else a chance.
I smirk, kicking my feet up on the table, leaning back in the chair, “Truth for the first round.”
“Who here is the best in bed?“ she sneakily narrows her eyes at me, thinking she’s intimidating. How cute.
“Dare.“ Why don’t we make things interesting?
Em doesn’t complain, “We still have that cockroach’s corpse?”
“Enough said.“ I get up from my seat only to get grabbed by Mike and pulled back down.
“Easy there, caveman.“ He says, shaking his head, “Just answer the question. This doesn’t need to be gross.”
Chris, Ash, Matt and Jess look mortified. “You were gonna do it, weren’t you?” Matt gathers the guts to ask.
I give him a sweet smile and a nod. “And to answer your question: Me. My turn! Josh, truth or dare?” 
He glares at me intensely, “Dare.”
The fucker knows I’m not the type to give ‘kiss this person’ or ‘7 minutes in heaven with that person’ dares. But I do ask some risky questions. Well...the only way to get him into my trap is to use his hatred for bug against him.
“We do still have that cockroach. So...“ I give an innocent shrug of the shoulders, giving him the chance to put two and two together instead of breaking it to him.
You could pinpoint the exact moment the realization hits him, his face turning in disgust. “You know, Y/N, sometimes I really love you.” He says, very touching of him, “And sometimes I’d love to kill you.” He takes a moment, a moment filled with aggressive eye contact between us before finally giving in, growling: “Truth.”
I think I’m level with Mother Theresa for what I did next. “What’s your favorite video game?”
The relief that washes over him is priceless to see. His answer comes as a sigh that indicates that the whole world has been lifted off his chest, “Metal Gear Solid.”
“Cool.“ I say with a cheeky smile.
Being the college kids we are, we easily get bored after a few more rounds, but not before having to defuse an argument that’s basically name-calling between Jess and Emily. I’ve noticed a pattern: if one of them as much as breathes in the other’s direction - a cat fight takes place.
Thankfully, the group disperses into smaller groups or in pairs. Sam, Josh, Chris and Ash go to the theater. Mike and Jess head upstairs, and I think no one would like to go to that area of the lodge in the next two or so hours. Emily and Matt go on a stroll while Hannah and Beth somehow convince me to play Monopoly.
The round ends with Beth somehow gathering all of mine and Hannah’s territories. After a brief celebration they head on over to the theater to join the others. I turn down their offer to accompany them and go warm up the cider that’s now literally frozen.
“Grab whiskey if you want to speed up the process.“ I’m surprised to hear Munroe’s voice behind me but don’t show it as I refuse to even turn around to answer him.
“I’m saving the whiskey for when things get really fucked up.“
“Smart, I guess.“
I choose to be nice and fill up a cup for him as well. I hop up on the counter, taking a slow sip of my drink while looking Mike, who’s standing opposite me, leaning against the kitchen island, dead in the eyes.
“You know,“ he’s the one to break the tense silence that surged between us, “jealousy is a poisonous thing.“
Intriguing opening, Michael. “I’ve heard, yes.”
“Then why don’t you just drop it? You’ll be happier if you do, trust me.“ That smug look on his face makes me want to pour the hot liquid (Destery Smith, anyone?) directly onto his handsome features.
I hear a pair of footsteps approaching the kitchen. A side glance in the direction the noise is coming from confirms that there are indeed two people coming this way - Chris and Ashley.
“A bold thing to tell me while we’re around so many sharp objects.“ If the eyes are really windows to the soul, I would like to picture his with a bunch of stab-wounds from my glare-daggers. Though my gaze is intense, there is a calm smirk on my face. “I can kill you right now.“
Chris and Ashley walk into the kitchen and freeze - they clearly hadn’t noticed us until it was too late. They are looking at us like a pair of deer caught in headlights - mortified.
Mike jumps at the opportunity to ensure his safety, “You can’t! There’s witnesses.”
Unfazed, I turn to the pair who’s on the fence about what they should do, “Guys, could you please excuse us for a moment.”
They both nod hesitantly, slowly taking a step back. Mike is not about to let them go, however. He straightens up, setting the cup he’s holding aside. “No, no, no! Don’t move! Not another step!”
Their eyes land on me and I give them a reassuring and encouraging nod to exit the room. They both comply easily.
“Guys, come on!“ Mike pleads desperately, making me suppress a chuckle
“Sorry, Mike. But you won’t show up at my house in the middle of the night....“ Chris trails off with his apology when Ashley takes hold of his hand so she can lead him away from the kitchen.
“She will.” Ash finishes his sentence, giving me a subtle wink to which I reply by blowing her a kiss.
“Checkmate“ I say triumphally, turning to look at a somewhat scared and disappointed Mike.
“A FIRE IN THE THEATRE!“ Hannah’s scream startles all of us.
I look at the where I left the deodorant earlier, finding the spot vacant. Oh boy...
“Damn it, Josh! I told you not to use the flamethrower without my supervision!“ 
As Mike and I run out of the kitchen I hear Chris say: “I’m afraid this is the only time this getaway will be lit.”
I hope Ashley gently smacked him upside the head in response to that.
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Dresses and Confessions | Steve Randle x Reader
this is my first time writing anything!!! it’s just a fluffy steve one shot. I hope you guys like it!! <3
summary: steve loves (y/n), and (y/n) loves steve. neither has confessed their feelings to the other, but when steve hears that (y/n) has her eyes on someone, he knows he needs to speak up before he misses his chance with her. 
word count: 1652
It was a warm July night, and you and your best friend decided to go out and dress up. Even though there weren’t many fancy places in Tulsa, you decided it would be fun to throw on some dresses and heels and go out on the town for the night. 
You had been friends with the Curtis family for forever, having grown up on the same block as them. You became very close upon entering your high school years and they pretty much considered you part of the gang. In fact, you had been introduced to the rest of the guys a couple years back and you loved each of them. They were always there for you when you needed them, and they loved having you around as well.
Overtime, you took a particular liking to Steve Randle. Steve always made you laugh. Whenever you were upset, you’d talk to Steve because he’d never fail to make you smile. In return, you’d always be there for him when his Dad upset him. He’s a very caring person, and he can be quite emotional, which you realized as he slowly opened up to you more and more. You can’t pinpoint the exact moment you realized you had feelings for Steve, you just knew they’ve been around for a while. It seemed as if Steve felt the same way about you, but he hadn’t made any serious moves yet. You wanted him to make the first real move and ask you out, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could wait before you said something yourself. You didn’t speak of your feelings to any of the guys, because you didn’t want Steve to hear from anyone but you anyways. 
After your girls night out, you found yourself driving over to the Curtis household, because after all you spent most nights hanging out with the guys anyway. 
“Hey guys” you spoke as you entered the house. And as the guys looked up to address you, their jaws dropped in the process. For a moment, it seemed as if none of your favorite greasers could speak. “What’s going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?” you questioned after a moment of silence. 
Dally was the first to speak up, and of course he got straight to the point. “Damn (y/n)! You look hot as hell! Where have you been all dressed up like that?” he said as you instantly started blushing. “I went out with a couple friends for the night and we thought it’d be fun to dress up”, you spoke as you glanced down at your wine red colored cocktail dress and your strappy gold heels. You had your makeup done naturally, and your (y/h/c) hair was curled into loose waves. “You look great, (y/n)” Johnny said and Ponyboy agreed. “Aw stop that, you guys are making me blush” you said as you giggled a little bit. You fully walked into the house to greet all of the boys, and when you got to Steve he was looking at you in complete awe. “What’s up, buttercup” you said playfully as you hugged him. He chuckled and said “you look incredible, (y/n)”. You felt your face get red as you gave him a quick thank you. Once you hugged everyone you sat down at the table to watch the guys play their game of poker. You sat at the only open seat, which was between Dally and Darry, across from Steve. The entire time, Steve seemed a little distracted. Every time you glanced in his direction, you caught him looking at you with a look in his eye you have never seen before. And each time you made eye contact, you’d throw a small, bashful smile his way.  “So (y/n)”, Two-Bit spoke from the living room, “did you pick up any guys while you were out tonight? because I’d find it hard to believe that no guy would approach you while you’re looking like that.” You immediately felt a little nervous, because the truth was one guy did ask for your number, but you politely declined. However, you ultimately decided to tell the guys what happened, in hopes of maybe getting Steve‘s attention. “Actually, yes one very nice guy did ask for my number, but I told him I wasn’t interested” you responded. You quickly looked at Steve to see if his expression had changed at all. He looked a little curious, but then your thoughts were interrupted by another question. “If he was nice, why’d you turn the guy down?” Soda asked. You thought to yourself “what the hell”, and threw all caution to the wind while preparing for the interrogation that was bound to be thrown your way after your response. “Well, if you all must know, I told him that I have my eye on someone at the moment.” And of course, as you predicted each of the guys immediately started questioning “who’s the mystery guy???” and “is he in this room??” This went on for a good five minutes. They were so loud (as always), so you had to yell over all of them to be heard. “GUYS I WILL UPDATE YOU ON MY LOVE LIFE ONCE I’VE GOT IT FIGURED OUT MYSELF, I PROMISE.” And with that promise, they let you be. Of course, one of them would occasionally throw out a name that would be incorrect. Even Pony and Johnny, who had been quiet most of the night, threw in the names of a few guys which were all incredibly wrong. You were surprised that none of them could see you had feelings for Steve. You thought it was obvious, but you were a little glad it wasn’t so apparent to them. 
As the night ended and all the guys shuffled out of the Curtis house one by one, you also got ready to leave. You said your goodbyes and made your way to the door, but a hand grabbed your arm before you could make it out of the house. You turned around, and you suddenly found yourself face to face with none other than Steve himself. “Hey, could I talk to you before you go?” He asked. “Yeah of course, is everything alright?” You questioned as you both headed outside towards your car. “Yeah everything’s fine, I just have to tell you something that’s been on my mind for what feels like an eternity, at this point.” He responded. “Steve you’re kind of starting to scare me, what’s going on?” You questioned as you internally hoped this was the moment you’ve been waiting for for months on end. “I’m just going to go on and say it” he started, “I love you, (y/n). I think a part of me always did, and as time went on that part grew bigger and bigger until I completely fell for you. No one has ever cared for me as much as you do. I’ve never been able to open up to anyone as quickly as I did you. My days feel off if I don’t see you. I think about you constantly and I think you’re the most beautiful girl on this dang planet. And when you told Two and Soda that you have feelings for someone else tonight, I knew I needed to speak up before it was too late. Heck, it might already be too late, but I just had to try.” He finished his little speech and you were shocked. You weren’t expecting him to feel as strongly as you did. I mean, Steve Randle just told you he’s in love with you. You had planned this moment out in your head so many times, but you never really got around to the part where you responded to his confession. “(y/n) please say something, say anything...” he continued when a moment of silence passed between the two of you. You weren’t really sure what to say, you were so overwhelmed with so many emotions so you did the first thing that came to mind: you leaned up, grabbed the back of Steve’s neck, and you kissed him. He was shocked at first, you could tell, but after a brief moment he kissed back. It was a kiss full of love and passion, one that took your breath away. Once you both pulled away to breathe, you leaned your forehead against his. “The guy I’ve been pining after is you, Steve. It was always you. I feel the same way. I love you. I always have, and I think I always will.” His face lit up with that big smile of his that you loved. He leaned in to kiss you again, and this time you both smiled into it. You couldn’t remember a time you felt this happy. You were knocked out of your trance when he pulled away from the kiss and spoke again. “Let me take you on a date tomorrow night. We can go to the drive in after my shift at the DX” he said. “I would love that. More than anything” you said. “Alright then it’s settled, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7” said Steve, as he pushed a piece of hair out of your face. You looked at your watch and realized how late it was. “Oh sugar! I have to get home before my parents start worrying, but I’ll see you tomorrow at 7”, you said just before you gave him one last goodnight kiss. “Goodnight darlin’, drive safe” he said as you got in your car. You waved goodbye to him before you drove off to your house. You were smiling the entire way home and you could not stop thinking. You loved Steve Randle. And he loved you just as much. You knew one thing for sure: tomorrow was going to be a good night. 
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songandashadow · 4 years
Friends to Lovers fic rec
the 🔒 means you’ll have to be logged in to read!
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California Sold by isthatyoularry | 123k  🔒
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
❥  adjudication by bottomlinsons | 75k
Harry's been engaged to Princess Charlotte of Ryde for as long as he can remember. He's come to know her, to love her, through the letters she's sent him over the past three years.
But when the wedding finally arrives, Harry quickly learns that nothing is as it seems. With his crown and country at stake, Harry must decide who to trust in this strange new land. And the sly Crown Prince of Ryde doesn't seem inclined to make things easy.
❥  rivers 'til i reach you by embodied | 29k
Louis can’t begin to understand how he’s always this close and still can’t manage to make Harry his. He stands up and gets another beer. AU. Louis studies astronomy; Harry studies Louis. They spend their summers on the water and it shouldn't be complicated (spoiler: it is).
❥  The Very First Words of a Lifelong Love Letter by LiveLaughLoveLarry | 9k
Harry thought he was just imagining things when the flower girl looked like one of the twins, but -- he’s almost certain that groomsman is Louis. The pictures he's seen haven't been the best quality, granted, but he knows Louis. He does.
Harry stares wide-eyed as he walks down the aisle in step with the bridesmaid, taking their places on either side of the stage. As they turn to look out into the audience, Harry’s strong suspicion solidifies into certainty. That’s Louis. He’d bet his life on it.
But Louis doesn’t look at him, and it’s not like Harry can wave. He can only stare, mouth still hanging half-open. Suddenly, as much as he loves weddings, he can’t wait for this one to be over.
❥  Remember Me Fondly by kiddle | 73k
You’ve told the beginning of the story so many times. I want to hear the end.” Louis laughed, scratching at his chin. “I can’t say I really know when the end happened.” “How about the tour of ninety-five?” “Alright.” Louis took a deep breath. “But it took a few steps to get there. What would you like to know?” Penny cleared her throat. “How did you first meet Harry Styles?” Grunge legends Fearless Doe topped the rock charts in the ‘90s, but they spent the decade kicking Smudge off their heels. From lawsuits to jaw-dropping scandals and a surprising joint world tour, the two bands share a complicated history.
Twenty-five years later, frontmen Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are finally ready to sit down and tell the world their two sides of the same story.
Truth may vary.
❥  You Can't Blame Me For Tryin' by lululawrence | 5k 🔒
Reason # 38 - Because He Is From One of the Countries You Haven't Had Sex With a Person From Yet.
Louis had been accepted into the study abroad program through his uni back home and therefore got to spend a year in rural Minnesota, of all places, but he wasn’t going to complain. It was still a pretty cool experience, even if it was far different from what he had been expecting. And besides, if he’d been sent to literally any other university, he’d never have met Harry.
❥  Untangle Me by suicxne | 103k
Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supposes back in the early days, home hadn’t been a place. It’d been a person. He’d etched it permanently into his skin for fucks sake. It was always him and Harry. Stuck to each other like super glue. Pulled together by some magnetic force, existing in their own bubble. Everyone could see it, but that was half the problem, wasn’t it?
It’s not like Louis can pinpoint the exact moment in time when him and Harry fell out of sync. There wasn’t really one at all. It had been a gradual slip, like the tide wearing away at a sandstone cliff. Chipping the solid foundations until there was nothing left to stop the structure falling to the waves below. It’s not like he spends all of his time sitting around moping over a lost friendship, he’s good at distractions. But LA only seems to accentuate the distance between them. Two separate planets, not even in the same solar system.
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
❥  A Sweeter Place by Halos_Boat | 50k
Harry doesn't think he has it in him to find love again, at least, not until he meets a man at his support group that just might change his mind.
The prompt was: Older (like 50+ ideally) H & L are both recent widowers who meet in a grief support group. They both think it's too late for them to find love again until they develop a strong friendship that quickly becomes more.
❥  i'll stop the world and melt with you by Wankerville | 12k
Liam burst into laughter, startling Louis from his internal battle over whether or not salad had feelings, letting his eyes trail to where Niall tried to sneakily steal one of his pickles. He pretended not to notice though, because he took the one on top of his salad deactivating his troubled thoughts of “To Be or Not To Be: Why Pickles aren't in Omelettes.”
But that was also when he caught a quick glimpse and saw him and it was like everything went quiet. Every single bad reincarnation of Shakespeare acts in his mind faded away and he forgot what the word pickle even meant, and for once everything was just- quiet.
or high school au where louis has ADD and harry is the only one that can ease his restlessness.
❥  Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds | 88k
If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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Thanks to the talented @klarolineagainnaturally for the gorgeous cover, I am in love with it! So, in honour of Valentine’s Day, here is an UPDATE, thank you for the love you’ve all given me so far. Let me know what you think. 
Synopsis: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Mr Mikael and Mrs Esther Mikaelson and Dr Grayson and Mrs Miranda Pierce request the pleasure of your presence at the wedding of their children:
The Hon Elijah Edward Mikaelson and Dr Katherine Elena Pierce
On the twenty-third of June, twenty-twenty one, 1400h at Ely Cathedral followed by a reception at Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire
Dress: White Tie
23rd June 2021, Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire - 9:39am
“Okay, less trying to manhandle the cupcakes and instead more hustle, Mikaelson,” Caroline ordered, barely slowing down in the process.
Klaus, meanwhile, was trying to be annoyed but couldn’t stop thinking how adorable she was when taking charge. He’d met her in the kitchen as directed and was already in full ‘save the cake’ planning mode. She was in her element clearly.
He was a little disappointed she’d decided to change out of the shorts and robe combination into jeans and a t-shirt but Klaus decided that it was okay if he could spend even a little more time with her. Once the wedding started he doubted they’d have much time to talk, let alone anything else.
Which was unfortunate for Klaus because he had a lot he wanted to say. Over a decade’s worth of things, in fact.
The realisation that he’d liked her since high school but was too stupid to see it.
Then falling in love with her two years ago when they pseudo speed dated and watched romantic comedies on Valentine’s Day. He’d woken up with her cradled in his embrace and Klaus knew it probably wasn’t a coincidence they’d ended up that way.
The night had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced with anyone. When she pretended like nothing happened Klaus had no choice but to deny it too. He’d been in denial ever since until now.
The previous night’s events had been playing on repeat in his mind as he tried to sleep. She stole his sandwich and then they talked, like really talked.
Then there was that whole other thing that happened before Tully ate the wedding cake. Nobody knew about that yet and given it was his brother’s wedding day it was probably best.
Too much to say and too little time clearly.
“So, what exactly are these bonbons for anyway?” He asked, removing one from it’s white box and transferring it to the cake stand.
“It’s Bomboniere.”
“What now? We can’t all be wedding aficionados,” he joked.
“They are the gifts for the guests,” she explained. “We’ll make them the cake, not overly traditional but problem solved.”
“Well, not to nitpick love,” he murmured, she gave him a look which clearly meant she didn’t believe him. “But what are you going to give the guests instead? I mean I don’t need a gift, even if my presence is a gift in itself to the happy couple.”
“Ignoring that ego, I assumed people wouldn’t notice?”
“If you mean my grandmother as well as Mikael and Esther then good luck,” Klaus shared.
“Well, do you have any better ideas?”
8.5 hours earlier
“Well, do you have any better ideas?”
“I only mean that you could kill a few of the jokes and add some more sentimental content, I realise you do have that stand-up comedian dream but I’m sure it can wait a little longer,” Caroline teased, sandwich in hand. He’d long given up hope she’d return it to him.
“Sentimental? Have you met me, Forbes?”
“Oh come on, I’m sure you have something buried way deep, deep, deep down inside.”
“He’s your brother, you must have something you could share about growing up together and…”
“Well, there was that time he wet his pants when Kol…”
“Not what I meant, Mikaelson, and you know that. He’s getting married, this is your only opportunity to do this and you have to get it right.”
“So, what have you written for your Maid-of-Honour speech?”
“Oh, so now you’re going to copy me? Trust me, I don’t think you could pull off half my speech.”
“Let me guess, you are going to say something like...'the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.'
“Did you memorise The Notebook?”
“You made me watch it remember?”
“Yeah, like two years ago."
“What can I say, cheesy lines have this annoying ability to lodge themselves in my brain, unfortunately.”
“Let me guess you’d say: a wedding is a sacrament... a joyous celebration of love and commitment. In utopia. In the real world... it's an excuse to drink excessively and say things you shouldn't say.”
“Says the girl who’s judging me but using her own rom com lines.”
Klaus realised he was trying to play it cool and quoting the Notebook and recognising dialogue from The Wedding Date wasn’t a great look. Klaus didn’t want to admit it, especially to Caroline, but he might have watched those movies a few times since.
It was ridiculous, especially given he didn’t like them..much...but they reminded him of her. He figured if he couldn’t have the real thing he’d torture himself with romantic comedies instead. Messed up, right?
“ So it isn’t true?”
“That guy had the right idea.” Of course he knew the guy was called Nick but Klaus figured he’d already embarrassed himself enough.
“So, you don’t believe in marriage.”
It was faint but he could sense the change in her tone and strain in her voice. For a split second Klaus felt buoyed, like maybe he still had a chance with her. But at the same time he wasn’t sure if he was imagining things.
“I believe in marriage if it’s for the right reasons and with the right person,” he replied, noticing her face soften slightly. “I just think the concept that the wedding day is supposed to be the biggest and happiest day of your life is wrong. It’s about the commitment, not just one day.”
“I think that’s fair, everyone gets caught up in all of the wedding festivities and forgets about the real meaning behind it all.”
“As we hunt for wedding rings in the garden and madly try to perfect our speech the night before,” he teased. “Although that part about drinking excessively and saying things you shouldn’t has my Great Aunt Maude written all over it.”
“Noted,” she chuckled. “So, maybe that’s what you need to say in your speech then.”
“I’m not sure my mother would appreciate me insulting Great Aunt Maude during the speeches, even if she will probably be too drunk to remember.”
“Not that part,” she shot back, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly. “The part about marriage being not just one day but a commitment shared for life.”
“Let’s hope everyone is too drunk to remember me saying that,” he joked. “I do have a reputation to protect, Forbes.”
“Well, maybe it’s time you stopped caring about what people think and be yourself. If there is anytime to do that it’s for your brother’s wedding.”
“You have this annoying habit of eating my food, making me watch romantic comedies and also making me feel guilty.”
“It was one sandwich, Mikaelson. If you don’t want me to eat it next time don’t add mayonnaise. As for the guilt, maybe that is just your conscience screaming to be heard in the form of a best man speech.”
“I never said I wasn’t taking notes.”
He held her gaze, a genuine smile that had been suppressed. Instead of looking away, Caroline’s blue eyes remained trained on his. It was as if there was no wedding or kitchen or mayo sandwiches. Just them. At this moment.
Klaus could pinpoint the exact moment he knowingly fell in love with Caroline Forbes, it was when she teased him about crying during the Notebook. The moment he unknowingly fell in love with her was when she rolled her eyes at him when he gave a smart ass comment during english class. Here and now, Klaus knew no one would ever compare to Caroline Forbes and that he needed to get out of his comfort zone and tell her just how he felt.
“Wow, is that the time?” She interrupted, her creamy cheeks tinged slight pink as she consulted her watch. “We should get to bed if we want to be functional tomorrow.”
Then she was gone as quickly as she’d arrived. Klaus wasn’t sure how to feel. Disappointed she’d interrupted him or relieved that he didn’t make a fool of himself.
Either way, sleep didn't come easily that night.
“What did you say?” Klaus broke out of his trance wondering how long she’d been trying to reach him.
“I said, how are we going to fix the Bomboniere issue,” she pressed. “It’s T minus four hours until the ceremony starts. If only your grandmother and parents didn’t have such a keen eye for detail.”
“It’s not detail, it’s how things will look,” he drawled, knowing his parents’ motives all too well. “I’m surprised they thought a cupcake would suffice to be honest.”
“Well, Kat wanted to do a donation gift to the hospital for the Bomboniere and there was so much back and forth during the planning stages that a cupcake was a quick fix.”
“A donation gift?”
“In lieu of a gift, the happy couple donate to a chosen charity on the guest’s behalf.”
“That’s a brilliant idea.”
“Well, not to brag but it was my suggestion.”
“Of course it was,” he said warmly, thinking it was just another reason to love her for being so kind and generous. “What was their issue with a donation to a good cause? Oh hang on why am I even asking, it’s my parents, I know exactly why.”
“Well, apparently your father argued it would be showing favouritism to donate to one particular cause and given Elijah is supposed to represent all people and groups it wouldn’t be a good look.”
“Oh please,” Klaus scoffed. “That is a lie and we all know it. I love how my parents can still manipulate every situation to their benefit even years later.”
“To be fair to Kat and Elijah I think it was just easier to give in to avoid further disruption of the event plans which were already fairly delayed.”
“It’s their wedding and they should be able to choose what they want,” he growled. “Okay, I have an idea.”
“I’m listening.”
“We nominate a half a dozen different charities and it is up to the guests to choose where their donations go. Then father can’t say the bride and groom are being partial to one charity over others…”
“But that the decision is ultimately up to the guests.”
“But there’s not much time to make it happen.”
“I hate to stereotype but I’m going to,” he shared. “Men don’t take that long to get ready, with the exception of Kol, so we can get this done in time, I promise.”
“I’d like to help...”
“On the other hand, and not to stereotype, but some women take longer to get ready.”
“You’re talking about Rebekah aren’t you?”
“Apparently I am incredibly transparent too. How about I work on this and you find a cake or cupcake topper?”
“Wow, you know its name? Have you ever considered wedding planning as a new career direction, Mikaelson?”
“You tell anyone about my part in this and I will detail the almost wedding ring loss in my best man speech and that is a promise, Forbes.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” she mused, her smile widening and tugging at his heart more than he was expecting. “But I’ll take it.”
She held out her hand and Klaus was almost afraid to touch it given the feelings it would no doubt conjure up and now was neither the time or the place. He acted against his better judgment and enveloped his hand in hers.
Her skin was soft and enticing and as soon as she touched him, the feelings he was trying to ignore had made their way from bubbling below the surface to front and centre. But there was a wedding and Klaus wasn’t even sure if she felt what he did so it really wasn’t the time.
“Klaus...” the way she said it was so vulnerable and inviting and all he wanted to do was let her finish the sentence but he was also afraid at the same time. He couldn’t do rejection right now, that was for sure.
“I, uh, better get going if we are going to pull this off,” he smiled, albeit awkwardly given his heart was racing due to their unexpected contact. “We’ll compare notes in a few hours.”
He was the one to leave this time.
Klaus felt bad but at the same time he knew it was the right thing to do given the enormous job at hand.
Entering his bedroom, Klaus close the door quietly behind him. He leaned his head up against the door, willing his heart to stop racing and to return to normal so he could try and be productive. Klaus knew he needed to focus.
Then he let his eyes wander around the room. He could be messy at times but this was another level. His clothes were strewn across the whole space. Given he hadn’t packed that much, Klaus was wondering how his clothing seemed to have tripled in that time. 
Then he realised it, there wasn’t more of it, it was just cut into many pieces. He bent down and grabbed a few handfuls of material confirming the jagged edges weren’t a fashion statement but sabotage pure and simple.
Klaus knew exactly who had done it and why. Klaus knew he was to blame for her outburst, although he was certain she wasn’t that upset at the time given she couldn’t wait to get out of this ‘god forsaken place’ he’d dragged her to in the ‘middle of nowhere’ with ‘nobodies’ to ‘the detriment of her social media.’
Yes, he’d woken from a restless night after his time in the kitchen with Caroline and decided it was best to be honest and tell the truth. Klaus couldn’t in good conscience keep dating Hayley when he was madly in love with Caroline. Even if she didn’t reciprocate his feelings Klaus knew Hayley didn’t deserve that. She’d basically packed her bags on the spot while he tended to the Tully cake eating emergency. When he’d returned briefly she’d shut herself in the adjoining bathroom and wasn’t ready to talk.
Looks like she still wasn’t given the bathroom door was wide open and her luggage was missing. On the plus side she’d left but on the down side she’d shredded his entire wardrobe. Immediately Klaus felt sick, rushing to the wardrobe to check on his suit for the wedding. Needless to say it had been unceremoniously massacred and left in a pathetic heap at the bottom of the cupboard.
A woman scorned and all that.
Now, he didn’t just have Bomboniere to fix, as promised, but now he had a suit emergency too.
“Bloody weddings,” he muttered, wondering how he was going to fix this problem.
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crossroadsfossil · 4 years
Fake titles!!!
"Giving matches to paper dolls"
"Making wishes out of Airplanes"
"For wheat is still wheat when mistaken for grass at a distance."
" you've got time to grow"
"Letters to myself"
"I begged god to spare you, 10yrs later he got the memo and knocked my front teeth."
-im sorry this^ title is so long-
"You and have a long walk home."
"We decided not to cry."
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
"Giving matches to paper dolls"
OTGW fic. 
When Wirt was finished with high school, he decided to take a gap year, encouraged by his stepdad, who also offered to help fix up an old car. Wirt chose a moped. 
His stepfather held up a hand when Wirt wheeled the moped into the garage. Wirt stopped and waited, his stepfather massaging the bridge of his nose before turning around and entering the house. Less than three minutes later he returned with a photo album, an almost manic grin on his face. Wirt ended up learning a lot about his stepfather’s own gap year, and his moped. His stepfather suggested he go south. 
Looking back on it, Wirt realized that was probably not a great choice. He might not have ended up going through the kudzu covered wall in the rain and ending up nursing what he hoped wasn’t a broken ankle. 
The woods were dark, and oh so familiar. 
plot: return to The Beyond. World hopping Wirt and Greg. Eventual Beast Wirt. 
"Making wishes out of Airplanes"
Plot: The thing about living in large cities was that light pollution drowned out all stars. The heavens could be raining down wish bearing stars and no one in the city or its suburbs would be able to see them. 
That’s alright. Izuku was used to taking terrible situations and transmuting them into success like an alchemist of old. He did it when he was young, he would do it again. 
He just hadn’t counted on Tomura being sent back in time with him. 
"For wheat is still wheat when mistaken for grass at a distance."
Inko Midoriya could once move mountains. If you gave her enough time and a spoon, she would show you a new valley where it used to be. Marriage and the birth of her son had provided her the opportunity to retire - something she took with both hands and would refuse to give up. 
Or it had been until she had seen what Izuku was being sent into, what even the top ten couldn’t prevent from happening to her son. She was... disappointed. She had expected more of them and, well. There were few things that could prompt her into leaving retirement. Izuku was always one of them, and when he asked how to save a person, well. 
She pulled out the small black book with her cyphered contact list and began to call in favors and upon old friends. 
" you've got time to grow"
One of the first things he was told after being taken in by the commission was that he was to be called Hawks. Which was fine. He liked it. It sounded cool. It sounded badass. 
The second thing he was told was that he was being placed in a home. A pair of foster parents, carefully vetted. His mom had always told him to slow down, to not go as fast. Clearly, he didn’t listen to her. He didn’t regret it. Now, now he was forced to slow down. Bandages pulling at his back and shoulders, the echoing pain dulled by creams and medication. That wouldn’t stop him normally but the driveway that was half a kilometer to the road hindered him. The fact that the nearest town was an hour's drive beyond that was another factor. Until his wings grew back, if they grew back, he was stuck at his parent’s retirement home. 
“Hawks, honey, the farmhands are almost here.” His mother said, phone in hand. “Your mom says they picked up lunch on the way back. From the glee in her voice, I think she got several buckets. I swear.” She sighed fondly and left. Minutes later he heard the front door open, and the tromping in of several sets of feet. With a sigh, he got up and limped down to the dining area. 
At the threshold, he froze, seeing people he didn’t want to ever see again, and especially not with his mothers in the same room. 
“Hawks.” Spinner said, surprise written over his face. The heads of the rest of the league snapped hard toward him, surprise and creeping dread over everyone’s face.  
"Letters to myself"
If Phalnex could have written a letter to his past self, he would have encouraged another post. Any post. Any position would have been better than where he was currently. Yes, there were benefits but he would not consider this one of them. 
A large feline purred as he entered the hanger. It was the largest of the lions- that was what the humans were calling them. He wasn’t sure what their fascination with comparing wildlife to creatures they had on their homeworld. He saw where they drew the comparisons, but still. 
“Oh thank fuck.” A familiar voice said. His ears swiveled to pinpoint where the holder of the voice was and he spotted her held between the lion’s front two paws. 
“Vin.” He greeted. The Midoan smacked the paws until they loosened enough for her to wiggle out from between them. She offered him a sympathetic look as she sped by him. As soon as she cleared the door, he was being picked up, scruffed as if he was a kit. 
Gods, he couldn’t wait until that pilot returned. This lion was ungodly clingy without him. 
"I begged god to spare you, 10yrs later he got the memo and knocked my front teeth."-im sorry this^ title is so long-
This would actually be a series, a trilogy to be exact. Age/roleswap. 
I begged god to spare you, - 
If there was one thing Izuka was worried about, it was this year’s UA internships. Tokoyami was doing his best to reassure him, but even the antics of darkshadow (who was doing her best to imitate an overly fluffy utahraptor) weren’t easing the twisting in his stomach. Something felt wrong. He wasn’t sure what it was, but when the interns had left with his sidekicks, something trilled at him to go with them, even though Recovery Girl had assured him that between herself, Apex and Ravine, they would be fine. There was a knock and then Ochako stuck her head in. She had that look she got when dealing with Bakugo and paperwork in the same room- a mix of exhausted and simmering annoyance. 
“Guess who found trouble?” She said. Izuku groaned and let his head thump the table. 
10yrs later he got the memo - 
The two children before him were pale-haired, short, and one of them was looking at Izuku like he dared the hero to come closer. Toshi was letting Recovery Girl look over his arm, inspecting her work before moving on to Enji. The fire-user was giving a glare towards Toshi that, were his flames capable of shooting from his eyes, his classmate would be ash already. 
The smaller of the two children clung to, what Izuku assumed was his older brother. Both were too skinny, and the smaller (younger?) of the two looked several minutes away from toppling over. 
“I’m Izuku.” Midoriya greeted. The kid that bit Toshi snarled and reached out a hand, only for it to be grabbed and pulled away. 
“Shigaraki.” The smaller sibling interrupted, shooting his brother a look. A silent conversation passed between them, and Izuku let them. No one knew what their quirks were, but judging by the fact that the yakuza had them, he was sure it was powerful and dangerous. Worst case scenario, he asked for Miss Eri and got Tenko in here to provide a pep-talk. 
and knocked my front teeth. - 
“Babysitting?” Touya asked, dropping his bag and removing his shoes. Tenko nodded. Around him, there was what appeared to be the entirety of Tenko’s comic collection. One child was eagerly engrossed, chattering excitedly at his brother. The brother glared at everyone, tracking their movements. He hoped Tenko had told his boss that he wasn’t keeping the brats overnight. Being roommates with a hero-ling was one thing. Being dragged into a literary trope was another, and as much as he enjoyed his college courses on such books, he didn’t want to live one. 
Tenko got up and pulled Touya into the hallway, just far enough that they could talk but not far enough that Tenko couldn’t lean back and keep an eye on them. 
“Midoriya-san is working on placement, but well. He was of the opinion that our apartment was the safest place for him. The yakuza are after them.”
Touya snorted. Of course Tenko got dragged into this. 
“Well, Deku isn’t wrong. We’ve got what, four heroes and an almost doctor here? If Himiko can make it, we can add one spy to the list.” 
“She’s not a spy.” 
“Uh-huh. And Iguchi hasn’t adopted half his class.” Tenko opened his mouth to negate that statement but a pale-haired child peered around the corner. 
“Who’s a spy?” of course that was what interested the angry child. 
"You and I have a long walk home."
This would be a FMA fic, mostly because I want to just have shenanigans as Ed and Al get kicked off a train and have to walk back. Post the end of the series and they go through a town they’ve been through before. Very soft and very sweet. Some Teacher!Edward and alphonse getting to do a lot of things he couldn’t the first time around, like pet all the barn cats and fondle the freshly washed wool and being buried in cuddly sheep. 
"We decided not to cry."
"The tears of a mermaid.” Ginko set the small bottle on the witch’s desk. She picked it up, tilting it before leveling a skeptical glare at him. 
“These certainly aren’t.” She set the bottle down, but stopped him as he went to put them back in his pack. 
“It doesn’t mean I don’t want them. I do want the story. What happened to the real tears?” 
Ginko smiled, sitting down. The witch leaned over and lit another stick of incense. He voiced his thanks before launching into the story. 
plot: mushishi episode basically. Will contain mermaids, mer-other things, and some potential murder. 
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trance-griff · 4 years
Kyoka Jiro x Kaminari Denki                          Part One
Tumblr media
Pairing: Denki x Jiro
Summary: Jiro now in her 3rd year, close to graduating learns about her feelings towards Denki however reacts passive-aggressively and struggles to open up.
Genre: Fluff, AU (They don’t have quirks and are normal students in Yuuei.)
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Word count (pt.1): 1202.
Notes: - This will be divided into parts otherwise it’s going to be too long to read. Hehe. Hagakure will appear v i s i b l e.
Forgive me if my writing isn’t perfect, it’s purely for fun.
Part Two 
 Graduation was just around the corner, everyone hyped and making plans, the classroom filled with chittering noises of students formed into separate groups making plans of what they should do just before graduation and making all sorts of memories.
However, the student on the 12th seat minded her own business, the surrounding tables empty as she stared at her blank note, a grey mechanical pencil twirling over her thumb and index, the other hand supporting her jaw over the desk, as she stared at the lined pages, mind far elsewhere.
Her consciousness was preoccupied with thoughts that weren’t like her, it was self-realization and she spent most of her time thinking rather than talking about it, making up fragmented thoughts to rid of the heaviness in her chest and to avoid a certain someone who was just as loud as the explosive temperamental class bully.
Images of him flashed in her head. Their simple interactions flashing to her mind too. His happy-go-lucky attitude brimming everywhere he went. He was the class clown, the dumbest person she’s ever encountered, especially when his mind would go putty after a simple math equation, she always enjoyed poking at him and reminding him how stupid he would get causing the male to fluster and snap at her. Her mind wandered elsewhere, if there was such a thing as a parallel dimension would their roles and relationship be any different? Or would it be the same? One thing she knew for sure, if they were people with superpowers, his would be something akin to shocking his brain and others to putty. She chuckled to herself, clearly picturing that strike of charged energy harming his poor brain and maybe killing a few brain cells in the process. Part of her wished in one dimension they would be together as a happy couple, displaying their undying -cringe-worthy- love publicly but here she was, the harsh reality of her not sincerely approaching the man she slowly and subconsciously fell for.  
Denki Kaminari. His social circle included his best buddies; Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, and Katsuki Bakugo She didn’t know when it happened, maybe these feeling occurred to her at the end of the first year of high school, especially after her singing competition; he was the reason why she had signed up for it in the first place despite being hesitant and insecure.
‘You can do it! Make the class proud!’
‘A-Alright I get it! Get off my back now!’
 It started as a small burning fire easy to extinguish with a bit of wind and she hoped that was the case but now it was their last year and the fire remained strong, she could hear it crackle and lick at her chest when she was in proximity with Kaminari causing her to act passive-aggressive towards him and remain stubborn, keeping her emotions all bottled up and daydreaming her feelings away, hoping it would satisfy the fire in her; it helped, somewhat.
She wanted to believe that, at least.
Kyoka Jiro; the victim to fall for the biggest dork stared at the group who were busy making plans; occupying the teacher’s desk with Denki seated on the table and Mineta excitedly explaining how a beach trip would be thrilling, easily catching Denki’s interest. “Beach trips. Cute girls. B-Bikinis! What more could you ask for?!” Mineta’s fiery passion was heard throughout the class, earning a few stares and glares, definitely a shout from the class president, Tenya Iida. Denki stepped in to cover Mineta’s mouth. “Shush you idiot! Don’t you have any pride?!” But the only given response was angry muffled noises. “He’s right, it’s not manly at all to just stare at girls at the beach. We need to prove that through a challenge, a challenge!” Kirishima was always pumped up for everything and Sero only piped in with a ‘yep!’
“Shut up Shitty hair! Manly my ass!”
Jiro shook her head; how did this happen again? Did her standards drop? Was she desperate? The whole group was full of dumbasses. She groaned and rubbed her forehead. “Perverts…”  
“How about karaoke?!” Mina Ashido who completely ignored everyone else jumped in. “Whoever sings best, wins!” The scenario was all too familiar, especially to Jiro who only hid her face behind her notebook. “Huh? We all know Jiro sings best…” Sero butted in, rubbing the back of his head as Kirishima agreed. After all, she was the main star during the competition. Who knew Jiro had such an angelic voice despite her punk rock demeanor? “So, then we have Jiro join us! Right, Jiro?!” The groups’ attention diverted to Jiro when Denki called out to her, causing her to jump in her seat. “H-Huh?! Why would I do that? More like- Don’t just involve me in your plans so suddenly!” And there it was, her passive-aggressive attitude towards Denki which was returned in confusion, the redness that overtook her face was hard to mask. He wanted to speak up, help motivate her and assure she had no reason to feel insecure after all her blushing face wasn’t foreign to him but, he decided to hold back.
Something has been off about her and he couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
“Maybe the Arcade would be better?” Sero casually changed the subject, shrugging off Mina’s prior suggestion as she reacted by drooping her shoulders, nonetheless, she was down for whatever, it caught most of the group’s attention, even Bakugo who wasn’t paying attention now peeked in.
“Hold on.” A voice, this time the vice president’s; Momo Yaoyorozu stepped into the group’s plan. “The karaoke is a must; I suggest we do all three activities.” In reality, Momo just wanted to do what the commoners did, she’s never been to an ordinary karaoke before so perhaps she could go to one before graduating and missing the chance.
“My family owns a private beach; we can go there?” Now, who were they to refuse such a proposal?
“Who’s she to decide our plan?” Denki interjected with a whisper too afraid to directly confront the vice president, but for Mineta? It was perfect. “This is a good opportunity, don’t you see?!” Mineta’s lowly plans filled the other’s ears, causing him to approve with a satisfactory nod, whenever Denki and Mineta teamed up it never meant well, devious thoughts and plans went through their heads and the class would always witness them fail. Jiro just wanted to smack the two, her eye twitching as she glanced at Denki who seemed to have caught her stare across the room, him being intimidated by her vicious look and attempting to shut Mineta up while she glanced away with a roll of her eye.
‘Man, she’s vicious when it comes to her friends.’ Were Kaminari’s exact thoughts, but he didn’t particularly mind, maybe a part of him liked that about her, his lips formed into a lopsided smile, softening up to her expressions.
“So, it’s settled?” As they planned, somehow it became more of a class trip than just a group of seven, everyone was part of the plan, each pitching in with their ideas and different agendas, even Jiro who just wanted to mind her own business was involved because Momo was in, and she didn’t want any pervert to approach her best friend.
“It’s settled! What about you Jiro?” Uraraka questioned in excitement but Jiro only waved her hand dismissively, radiating nonchalance when really, she was burning up on the inside, anxiousness hitting her deep. “I guess it’ll be fun…”
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goindownshipping · 4 years
“No no no no no you aren’t going anywhere like that without me.”
Just say yes
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes (Stucky)
Rating: Gen (this is pure fluff)
Notes: This prompt was fun, and also challenging! @ohwereusingourmadeupnames, I hope this makes you smile a bit :)
Word count: 2.2k
There were countless other moments that led to this exact moment but none of them really mattered. Here he was in New Zealand traveling the world with his best friend turned the love of his life, Steve Rogers.
Or, Steve is a photojournalist and Bucky goes along with him for an international assignment. 
Bucky Barnes tried to identify the decisions that led to this very moment, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint where it all began. Was it in fourth grade when a quiet blonde boy sat down next to him, taking pity on the new kid? Was it in middle school when he joined band just so Steve wouldn’t have to audition alone? Was it in ninth grade when they came out to each other, crying on Bucky’s bedroom floor? Was it the end of high school, when he and Steve decided to room together in college, knowing they’d both be terribly homesick without each other?
College was arguably the most important part of their relationship and how they’d grown together. Finally getting out of their small town, Steve and Bucky were introduced to the world in a way they never could have imagined. By sophomore year, Steve finally worked up the courage to tell Bucky that he’d been in love with him for a while. Steve expected the worst but knew he had to be honest with his best friend. What he didn’t expect was for Bucky to burst into silent tears and crumple into Steve.
“Buck?” he’d asked carefully.
“I convinced myself for years that there was no way you could ever feel that way about me, Stevie,” Bucky sighed.
“What? Are you crazy Buck?”
“Crazy about you, Stevie,” Bucky grinned, tears still in his eyes.
Steve shoved him slightly, groaning at the cheesy line.
From that moment on, they navigated a new relationship entangled with a lifelong friendship. As silly as it felt at the time, they did all the things one should do in a new relationship. They flirted, dated, got nervous while getting ready in their respective bedrooms, and on their next trip home, they reintroduced themselves to each other’s families as boyfriends.
There were countless other moments that led to this exact moment but none of them really mattered. Here he was in New Zealand traveling the world with his best friend turned the love of his life, Steve Rogers. Steve had graduated with a degree in journalism and a knack for photography, Bucky with a degree in computer science and software engineering. Five years later, and here they were. Steve was now a senior photojournalist at The New Yorker and Bucky was a lead database developer in the financial industry. 
When The New Yorker gave Steve the opportunity to do some international work, Bucky didn’t hesitate to join him. At first, Steve had insisted that Bucky stay in New York, not wanting Bucky to feel forced into traveling with him. Bucky couldn’t imagine a world in which he willingly stayed behind and let Steve go travel without him. It shocked both of them when the conversation blew up into a full-blown argument. 
“Buck, how could I possibly ask you to just up and leave your job to follow me around the world for a few months?” Steve exclaimed.
“You’re not asking me, Steve! I’m literally insisting on going. I can work from anywhere, you know that!”
“But Buck, the timezones would be impossible and our families are here. Of course, I want you to come with me, but I would hate myself for dragging you away from your life here”.
“Steve, no, stop it. The magazine wants to send you on an international photojournalism spree for three months. Do you really think I don’t want to visit Thailand and New Zealand and Morocco and all the other places they want you to go to? No. No no no no no, you aren’t going anywhere like that without me. How could you possibly tell me not to come with you, Stevie? Why don’t you want me to come with you?” Bucky lost steam, tears filling his eyes, as he realized that maybe Steve didn’t want him to go with him. He didn’t let himself think about the small box hidden between several layers of sweaters on his side of the closet and the fact that he had big plans with what it contained.
Steve immediately approached Bucky and wrapped him in a tight hug. “No, honey, no. I want you with me, always. I just want to make sure it’s what you want, that’s all. I promise, Buck”.
“I want to, I promise. I’ll clear it with work, and it should be fine. I’ll be there to annoy you the whole time”.
Steve just chuckled, pulling his boy in closer, wondering how he thought he could ever go three months without Bucky in his arms.
So there Bucky was, halfway through a three-month travel spree, standing on the balcony of their apartment in Hamilton, New Zealand. He glanced back over his shoulder, happy to see Steve still sleeping soundly. Bucky’d gotten up early to get some work done, knowing he’d follow Steve around for a while today, loving any opportunity to watch Steve work. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, but a while later he was surprised by Steve’s large form coming up behind him, wrapping his strong arms around Bucky’s waist.
“Morning babe,” Steve mumbled.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Bucky replied. “I hope I didn’t wake you this morning”.
“Nope, not at all”.
They just stood there for a moment, wrapped up in each other, still just as in love as they had been in college. 
“So,” Bucky started when they’d headed into the kitchen for breakfast. “Where are we headed today?”
Steve waved him off. “No work today,” Steve started. “I got us tickets for a Hobbiton Movie Set tour today. I know you wanted to visit while we were here”.
Bucky’s face broke into a massive grin. “Really, Steve? You hate those movies”.
“Yes, really. You’ve been going all the places I have to go, I wanted to take you somewhere,” he shrugged. “We don’t have to leave for a few hours, so you have plenty of time to nerd out over the website”.
Steve spent the next hour or so combing through his photos and drafting a few different columns and articles. Meanwhile, Bucky was excitedly researching all the different things they’d be doing at Hobbiton. Steve tried to focus on work, but it was hard to concentrate with Bucky mumbling about Green Dragons, various Hobbits, and Hobbit Holes - “we can crawl inside them, Stevie!”
Eventually, Steve gave up trying to work and looked over Bucky’s shoulder to get a glimpse into the set they’d be visiting that day. He’d never been the biggest fan of the movies, but anything to see his boy smiling that wide was worth it.
A while later they pulled into The Shire’s Rest where the bus was waiting to take them the last distance to the set. Bucky was buzzing the entire time, barely able to contain his excitement. Steve had brought his camera under the pretense of gathering footage for work, but really he just wanted to snap some candid photos of Bucky.
The next two hours passed in a blur. Bucky was hanging on to every word their tour guide said, eagerly repeating information to Steve as if he hadn’t also heard the same information. Steve snapped several photos of Bucky throughout the tour, loving the smile on his face. By the time they made it to the Green Dragon Inn, Steve couldn’t wait to order a beer and walk around with Bucky. As much as he loved learning more about the set and the movies, he was looking forward to some time with just Bucky. The crowd slowed them down a bit, but eventually, they had their beers and they were able to wander the grounds before the bus would take them back to The Shire’s Rest.
Bucky eagerly pointed out different spots here and there. Specifying where certain characters stood for certain scenes, which hobbit holes belonged to whom. 
“This place is like magic, Stevie,” Bucky said with awe.
Steve gripped his hand tightly, smiling over at Bucky. “I’m happy you’re having fun, Buck. We should probably start heading back toward the bus, though”.
Bucky nodded and begged Steve for just a couple more photos of him and at least one selfie of them. Steve happily obliged, taking several shots of Bucky and a whole burst of selfies. They meandered back toward the bus, chatting quietly about the rest of their adventures as they rode back to their car. Bucky drove the 40ish minutes back to their apartment, giving Steve some time to scroll through the photos he’d taken. Aside from all the pictures of Bucky, he’d gotten some good footage of the set. He wondered if maybe the travel editor would want him to work up a quick tourist piece.
Before he could get too caught up in work, he and Bucky arrived back at their apartment. Exhausted from the afternoon, both men collapsed on the couch immediately.
“Thanks again for letting me crash your work trip, Stevie”.
Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky, pulling him into his chest. “Thank you for coming with me, honey”.
Laying there in that apartment, thousands of miles away from home, they had everything they needed. Steve still couldn’t believe he ever thought he could take this trip without Bucky, and he still hated himself for asking Bucky not to come. He was grateful for Bucky’s stubborn nature and his insistence upon traveling with him. 
A few weeks later, Steve and Bucky walked through the door to their temporary home in Nice, France. Steve was supposed to focus on the cuisine there for the next couple of weeks, and Bucky was thrilled at the prospect of taste-testing everything. 
“Hey Stevie?”
“Yeah Buck?”
“Would you mind running down to a market to grab stuff for dinner? I don’t really feel like going out tonight”.
“Sure thing. I’ll be back in a sec, you just get settled in”. Steve pressed a quick kiss to Bucky’s cheek, quirking an eyebrow at how tense Bucky was all of a sudden. “You alright, honey?” Steve asked quietly.
“Yeah, just tired,” Bucky muttered.
Steve nodded, knowing how Bucky could be when he was tired. He headed out with a wave, leaving Bucky to relax at the apartment. Bucky’s heart was racing. What Steve didn’t know, was that he had a small box burning a hole in his pocket since the day they left New York. He’d planned to wait and propose somewhere more romantic, but he’d hit his breaking point since the trip to New Zealand. He’d been planning for a while back in New York, but with Steve needing to travel for work, Bucky wasn’t willing to wait until they got home. 
While Steve was out, Bucky got them unpacked and explored the small apartment. They were a short walk from the beach and had a lovely view of the coast. It was picturesque, and the perfect setting for what Bucky had planned. All those plans went completely out the door when Steve walked through the door. Time had either completely gotten away from him or Steve was gone for far less time than expected. The bags of groceries in Steve’s hands indicated the former.
Before Bucky knew what he was doing, he dropped down to one knee and pulled the small box from his jacket pocket. He froze, no words coming out of his mouth.
“Um,” Steve stammered, bags of food dropping to the floor.
“So, the real reason I couldn’t let you leave without me for three months is because this box has been hidden in our apartment in New York for about six months. When you said you wanted to go, I panicked, knowing that we were finally ready for this. Steve, you have been the love of my entire life, and you are the love of the rest of my life. You have given me more than I ever thought I could have in this world and I want nothing more than to call you mine, always. Will you, Steve Rogers, marry me?” Bucky was sweating, his hands shaking, and his breath was coming in short pants.
Steve took a few large steps and dropped to his knees in front of Bucky. Without a word, he tangled his hands in Bucky’s long hair and pulled him in close for a hard kiss. Their teeth clicked together briefly before Bucky remembered how to move his mouth. Bucky could taste tears on their lips, unsure if they came from him or Steve. When he pulled back, Steve was looking at him with wonder, tears running down his stupidly beautiful face.
“Yes, Bucky. Yes, always yes to you,” Steve sobbed.
Both men were shaking as Bucky pulled the matte black ring from the box and slid it onto Steve’s left hand. Bucky held Steve’s hand tightly, bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to the ring.
“I love you, Stevie”.
“I love you back, Buck”.
They stayed seated on that floor for far too long, groceries and dinner long forgotten. They whispered softly about their favorite memories together, reminiscing about falling in love and how Bucky had managed to keep a secret for this long.
Steve just laughed to himself, smiling at the man in front of him. “Thank you, Bucky. And thank you for insisting on coming with me”.
“Not getting rid of me now, pal. ‘M yours, Stevie”.
What Steve didn’t tell him was that he also had a ring hiding in their apartment back in New York. That one could wait a few more weeks.
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oblivi-ace97 · 4 years
Marissa’s 31 Nights of Halloween
Today’s movie: The Phantom of the Opera
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I decided to watch the 2004 movie musical since it’s been a while since I’ve watched it. I know fans of the musical are kind of divided on their opinion of the movie. I went through a phase in high school where I absolutely hated the movie. But I actually quite enjoy it now. This version will always hold a special place I my heart since this was how I was introduced to Phantom.
I think we all can agree that the Phantom kind of has a good thing going for him. Like he lives rent free underneath the opera house. Not just rent free but he charges the owners! Like what a power move!
Raoul it is RUDE to get up and leave in the middle of a performance!
Madam Giry! Why would you just stand there and let the Phantom lock Christine inside her dressing room?!
Yet another much older man that I had a crush on as a kid, the Phantom. And Raoul too (despite his blatant disrespect for people performing)
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Question: did the Phantom light all those candles in that corridor? Like while we was walking up there did he just light them as he went. Like can’t try to seduce Christine without the proper mood lighting.
Gerard Butler your dramatic cape twirl gets an 8. Good job.
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I feel like all these candles are a fire hazard
Damn I wished I looked that good when I woke up
Sometimes the lip syncing in this movie is not good
You know Christine doesn’t seem scared by his deformity she seems more scared that the Phantom like freaked the fuck out. But I mean Christine ma’am you should t just take people’s masks off without permission that’s not cool.
The Phantom is so fucking sassy in his letters!
Look I know Minnie Driver didn’t do her own singing and her Italian accent was a bit much sometimes but I love her as Carlotta!
The Phantom has a little doll set of the theatre and all the actors that’s cute! And a little creepy not gonna lie. But I mean he had nothing but free time so...
Damn I miss theatre. Seeing everyone walk backstage just made me really sad...I MISS PERFORMING!!!!
What with the drinking champagne out of a shoe? I’ve seen that in a lot of period films like what is it? Please someone explain!
That is a wig...
The way everyone takes a giant breath before the last note of Prima Donna 😂
I do like that in the movie we see that the Phantom has done something to Carlotta’s throat spray (is that what that would called). Like in the musical it’s like he magically did something to make her sound bad.
I love how Christine decides to go to the roof instead of like leaving the theatre
All I Ask of You is one of my favorite theatre love ballads
God this scene gave me unrealistic expectations about romance
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Welp Phantom if you weren’t following Christine like a creep you wouldn’t of had to listen to this
You can pinpoint the exact moment his heartbreaks
I just want to sing a love song on a rooftop in the snow and have someone spin me around is that so much to ask!
Wouldn’t it be funny if they got locked out on the roof
Masquerade is better in the stage version solely for the costumes
Like why are all the costumes part of the same color scheme? (Look I know it’s so Christine will stand out but still)
What was the Phantom doing for 6 months? I know he was probably working on Don Juan but like what else are you up to?
Raoul don’t kiss me please someone will see us...two minutes later their making out in the middle of the ballroom.
Phantom you’re so extra
Why did a group decide to dress up as candleholders?
And that’s how you exit a party!
The scene where we get the phantom’s tragic backstory freaked me out as a kid
These people really said I can excuse child abuse but I draw the line at justified murder
I was gonna ask why Raoul didn’t just have Christine come stay with him at his place but then I remembered that it like 1870 something so people would have talked. And Raoul wouldn’t want to ruin Christine’s reputation. So he selflessly sleeps out in the hallway of Christine’s dorm room.
The only thing is Raoul is a heavy sleeper so...
Christine’s outfit for Wishing is wonderful like all the black with the fog and the graves just *chef kiss* perfection
I love that they added a sword fight like that the one thing the musical is missing
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Another dramatic cape twirl?! And during a sword fight no less!
Dramatic cape twirl into the next scene... perfection
I don’t understand why they didn’t just make Emmy Rossum sing the part before Twisted Every Way. Like it sounds weird to be spoken since it rhymes. Like the audience already knows it’s a musical at this point since it’s like 2/3 of the way through the movie.
During Don Juan the Audience just looks like what they he’ll are we watching?
How did no one know that was the Phantom like that is obviously a completely different person
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Emmy Rossum’s Christine was very sympathetic towards the Phantom like when she unmasks him she looks sad and apologetic. I don’t know about all of you but I like my Christines full of rage.
The scene where Raoul almost drowns freaks me out
Ah yes we need to use the emergency noose located in the lake
It is very obvious that whoever directed this movie shipped Christine with the Phantom...
Hang in there champ in the sequel you apparently have a kid with Christine
Smashing mirrors...this is all kinds of bad luck my dude
Why does the ending where Raoul goes to Christine’s grave make me cry every time?!
Overall a good movie. My main criticism is that Emmy Rossum was like 16 and Patrick Wilson and Gerard Butler we’re in their 30s.
I give it an 8 out of 10
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blissedoutphil · 4 years
Dan the Personal Assistant Epilogue
1038 words
on ao3
~Part 13~
“Wake up, boy.”
Dan groaned, sprawling his body to Phil’s side of the bed.
“Do you want a spanking?” Phil chided, buttoning up his own shirt.
Dan made a sound that was like a whine, but it was muffled into the pillow.
“What was that?” Phil lightly smacked his butt through the blanket.
“No Sir,” Dan grumbled, finally sitting up.
“Hey, at least you don’t actually have to go anywhere,” Phil kissed his forehead, “I wish I could stay home and work here with you.”
“I wish you could stay here with me too,” Dan pouted, looking downright precious as he rubbed his eyes.
Dan dragged himself out of bed to walk Phil to the door. They kissed goodbye and Phil left for work. He opened the blinds and let the morning light warm the home - their home. He was still amused by the spiderman on the cord, and didn’t think he’d ever lose the humour for it.
After their New York trip, Phil had asked him to move in with him. It was harder than he’d thought to part with his simple and empty tiny apartment. He’d still had the mindset that he didn’t deserve what he’d consider high-class living in Phil’s penthouse. He’d never get used to it, he’s a simple guy, he’d thought. But he’d be mad to want to stay in an empty bed alone at night when he could be wrapped in Phil’s warmth instead. About a year later, and he’s settled in great. Phil always told him that he used to keep decorating this place yet it never felt complete, until Dan moved in. Now, Dan added on to their growing knick-knack collection, making this - their - place as whole as it could be.
He got dressed and had a quick breakfast before going to the office room. He’d been so afraid of what the future held once he was ‘laid off’ as Phil’s assistant. But Phil made sure he had nothing to worry about. Phil guided him to find his interests. He’d thought he’d never have passion in anything. He’d viewed himself as a failure ever since he dropped out of university anyway.
Phil was so kind that he broke down and told Phil that Phil didn’t deserve to have a boyfriend this dependent on him. But Phil wanted to take care of him, and Dan had no choice but to learn to embrace being taken care of. 
Dan didn’t have the qualifications to work in the field he liked, so Phil signed him up for a part-time degree. It was easier for Dan to handle after a bad university experience. He liked that half of the course was online and the pace was slower so that he had time to do other things.
Things like getting a job.
Phil had insisted he could help Dan with the tuition fees.
“You’re my boyfriend, not my ATM,” Dan had retorted.
He had quite a sum from his stint as Phil’s assistant to pay off the fees, but he still wanted to be useful and help with his share of the house bills. So he worked whenever Phil was at work too and he didn’t have classes; it was better than staying home alone anyway.
His online class lasted for 3 hours, and though he loved his new course compared to his previous attempt at a degree, school was still school and he wanted nothing but a nap sometimes.
But he stayed at his desk and worked on his assignment instead. He’d asked Phil to help him - make sure he woke up for his lessons, didn’t procrastinate his assignments, studied for his tests. He did not want to fail his second attempt at school. Phil took the role very seriously. Sometimes Dan found it cute how Phil, an accounting graduate, tried to help him with psychology notes. Other times, it was less cute when Phil threatened to spank him or lock his dick for weeks if he didn’t study. But Dan had asked him for such help, and he was glad that he had Phil for some kind of kinky discipline.
Sometimes, he’d procrastinate on purpose just to get that spanking, but he would never tell Phil.
This time though, he made sure he finished his assignment before he had to leave for work.
“Nice to see you’re finally early for once,” Frank said, rather surprised as he took his seat across the table from Phil in the coffee shop.
Phil was already buried in his laptop, preparing the documents he wanted to share with Frank. He huffed at Frank’s comment, but didn’t rebut it. His cup was already half empty, indicating to Frank that he’d left the office and was sitting here for a while before lunchtime already. Surprisingly, it wasn’t caramel macchiato like what Frank would’ve expected Phil to drink.
Frank glanced at the counter, and nothing was surprising anymore.
“Ahh, you got the seasonal special drink from the special barista, did you,” Frank smirked.
Phil rolled his eyes, but he smiled anyway. “He can make you one too.”
Before Frank even ordered, his special coffee came his way.
“On the house,” Dan smiled at Frank, the same way he’s given Frank’s drink every time they came here for lunch or work while his shift was on.
Frank had insisted to pay lots of times, but to Dan, no amount of free coffee could ever repay how Frank had helped him and Phil back in New York.
“It’s the least I can do,” Dan would always answer as he refused payment.
“I was only being a snoopy busybody,” Frank had moped the first time, as he put his card back into his wallet. These days, he’d cheekily offer to pay just to see Dan get annoyed about how it’s the hundredth time I’m telling you, Frank, you don’t have to!
“Thanks, love,” Phil replied before Frank could this time, “see you at home later tonight.”
Dan all but beamed at him. Who would’ve known he’d end up here, happier than he could ever remember with everything he’d ever need and a love he’d never dreamed of getting, all because he accidentally sent a wrong - not to mention incredibly embarrassing - job application video?
The end :,)
When I wrote the summary as “But what happens when he accidentally sends a wrong video?” I never thought it’d end up this way either lmao.
This fic was born solely because of a prompt sent in which made me want to write office smut and nothing more. But somewhere along the way, between irl dan & phil coming out, me graduating uni and starting a proper job and losing free time to write, and the occasional discussion on the morality of writing phansmut in a post-coming out universe, I just kinda lost the motivation to write this.
But I hate abandoning fics, I know the feeling as a reader of one too many abandoned WIPs. I tried continuing but I started hating this fic, I never (still don’t tbh) understood how this ended up one of my popular ones. I can’t read back on this work because I can pinpoint the exact moment I lost inspiration/motivation and had no idea where the hell I was going with the fic lol, and wished I wrote those parts differently.
Then it took a whole pandemic for me to finally have free time off work so I decided to give this story another try. This resulted in the story having such a prominent shift from the beginning parts (to me anyway, a lot of you have reassured me that the story still flows well, thank you for that because I can’t bear to re-read and see things from my perspective lol). And I started having a bit more fun with it again, learning to write a bit more plotty things instead of pure smut.
I hope I did this fic some justice. It may not have been what I had in mind when I started it, but I can say I’m quite glad with how it turned out in the end :) For what’s originally meant to be only a smut work, it sure got me reflecting a lot lmao. I guess it’s because so much has changed in the past 2 years - like, imagine telling Me who was writing Chapter 1 that Dan would come out in a few months and confuse my whole conscience on writing phansmut lmao???
And thank you so much for still reading despite the long breaks and everything in between. All your interactions with the fic, every like, reblog and ask, were the main thing motivating me to even continue! It really does make me happy to see that there are so many of you who enjoy this (totally not worthy imo lol).
I don’t know what 2021 has in store in terms of fic writing, but I hope you stick around if I ever do come up with new works :) And if you have an idea you’d like to share with me, please do!! This fic wouldn’t have been born if not for a prompt after all :)
Thank you and I hope the remainder of 2020 will treat you kinder than the rest of the year had been <3 (wow this is a long end note lmao)
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freckledmountain · 4 years
But I can try for your heart
By @freckledmountain for @kirbywritesstuff
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
Relationships:  Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man)
“Tony becomes Peter´s guardian.
It doesn´t go as badly as Tony thought it would.”
Anthony Edward Stark´s life had looked at words like normal, nice, easy and said “how about no”.
For as long as he could remember, there´d always been something. Terrorists, kidnappers, giant worm alien things, gods, life seemed to throw in anything and everything in it, and he was left reeling every time. Domestic life? Heck if he knew her.
…and then existence did a 180 again, and gave him the one thing he´d thought he´d never have.
Someone to take care of.
He´d liked the kid, right from the start, but getting attached to him was definitely not an option for him at first. Tony swore Peter literally had cartoony stars in his eyes whenever he looked at him, as if Tony deserved even a tenth of that adoration.
He didn´t want to be there when the kid realized how much of a failure his idol really was, didn´t want to imagine the inevitable moment that brightness would leave his eyes forever.
But it just showed how he didn´t really know who Peter Parker was back then, or rather, how darn stubborn he could be. A few months later and he was running around rescuing the kid from every possible mishap, desperately trying to keep him safe, ready to do just about anything to make him smile.
He grew on him, scaled the 30 foot long walls around his heart with his endearingly dumb t-shirt puns, his incandescent enthusiasm for technology, his 3 am rants about how fluffy some cat he´d seen was, his willingness to go out there and do his damn best to help anyone who needed it. Because when life threw dirt at Peter he stared back and smiled, and grew kinder for it.
Maybe Tony´s universe wasn´t just some practical joke, waiting to see what would trip him up next. He was terrified of breaking Peter, but after a brief period of trying to drive him away he realized the kid would just keep coming back, worming his way gently but firmly into Tony´s life without even meaning to.
And honestly?  After dozens of frantic calls to Cho as he held an unconscious Peter in his arms, lazy saturday mornings spent laughing his head off as the kid tried to flip pancakes as high as he could (he ended up getting a little too enthusiastic but no one noticed the half cooked pancake stuck to the ceiling for three days anyway so-), he realized all his doubts could go screw themselves, because no matter how badly Tony messed up, that light in Peter´s eyes hadn´t left once.
Peter was just bright, and sweet, and kind and yeah, maybe Iron Man had a soft spot now, but he wouldn´t change it for the world.
Peter was worth every night spent worrying about him, every Star Wars marathon, every “borrowed” hoodie that never quite made it back to his closet, because the kid was good, and every time he smiled he made Tony want to make the world into something good too.
Life was way more nerve-wracking when you cared for a smaller human, but he couldn´t help but think maybe it wasn´t all that bad either. Peter would always be worth it.
 And then on a day like any other May Parker´s heart failed her, and without a single warning, both of them were hurled straight into the impossible.
 Grief was…
It made everything around you fade into spots of either red hot pain or complete numbness, and whichever one it was, you couldn´t escape it some days. He would know.
Peter dealt with it a hell of a lot better than Tony himself had done when he was 21, but he could still see himself there, mad and lost and so achingly confused, filled with screaming questions no one could possibly give answers to.
Peter cried. He went out as Spiderman, returning later and later, screaming at Tony when he tried to get him to stay. He didn´t know what to do anymore, didn´t know how to get to him.
May´d loved her nephew above all things. If there was one thing Tony was absolutely certain of in this new swirling world of legal papers and sobs masked with yelling and mixed feelings, it was that from now on, he´d have to do the same.
He´d been sitting in that plastic chair for four hours, barely moving, when someone came barreling in.
He stood up quickly, knowing immediately who it was, trying to make enough sense of the half-finished speech at the tip of his tongue to say it out loud. “May.I´m-“
That shut him up.
Firm footsteps resonated on the tiled floor as she came up closer to him. He expected her to scream at him like she´d done all those months before when she´d found out about Spiderman, only now he´d gladly accept any other feeling that wasn´t the crippling guilt currently eating his insides. He´d fucked up, and Peter´d paid the price for it. He deserved every fragment of the storm coming his way.
Instead, May Parker stared at him for a long second, and the next she had her arms around him in a fierce hug.
“Thank you.”
Any coherent thought trying to find its way into his mind promptly disappeared after those two words. May spoke gently, but her stance was firm as she held him.
“You got to him in time. You saved him, and as soon as he gets better we´re going to go in and he´s going to see us and I´ll tell him off and it´s all going to be fine. Okay?”
“I didn´t-“
“You saved him. You did. I saw you running inside that building to get him, on the news. I know together you´ve got a guilt complex the size of Canada but Peter is going to be fine and what he needs right now is people who love him to be close, so we can save the misplaced sorry´s for when my nephew´s out of surgery, yeah?”
She pulled back slightly, and he could see his own fear mirrored in her eyes, but there was trust there too. And love. Love gentle enough to be all-encompassing. And for once, his guilt wasn´t enough to overpower how much he cared for the kid.
He loved Peter too.  
“How-how ‘do you even do this? How do you deal with wanting to protect him from everything, how do you just not- implode or something-?” He was a mess, but May just smiled through misty eyes and hugged him again.
“You learn. Welcome to parenthood with a teenager, where half of you wants to see him succeed and go further than you thought possible and then the other half thinks keeping him cooped up at home with fifty blankets and a gallon of ice cream is the best idea since ever”
Tony managed a short laugh at that. “But something tells me you´ll get the hang of it, Tony. Something tells me you´re going to love him no matter what, and that´s already the most important part done”
Those words came back to him whenever he felt he was doing more harm than good by deciding to adopt Peter.
It was a whole different level of delicate now, and his attempts at being a normal parent didn´t always end well, but Peter´s fierce hugs reminded him a little of someone else´s, and he held on to the hope everything could work itself out as long as they kept trying.
 Time runs strangely.
It can never quite mend the pain completely, but given it´s gentle enough, time can help.
The weird thing though, is how you can’t pinpoint the exact moment feeling okay doesn’t seem foreign to you anymore.
Maybe it starts when he takes the kid to school again and finds the note he packed in his lunch hung in Peter’s room a few days later.
Maybe it’s when he wakes up and realizes Peter slept through the night without a nightmare for the first time in weeks.
Or when he makes a particularly bad pun as he’s helping him with calculus homework and the kid laughs so much the tears running down his face don´t make him feel terrible for once.
…it could possibly be when Peter’s so sleep deprived one night he whispers a gentle “I love you” before drifting off, effectively making Tony blub like a baby once he´s sure the kid´s asleep.
And yes, there’re still bad days with screaming, and there’re still moments where he feels like the least capable human on earth for this job, but he just won’t give up, on either of them.
He vowed to try, didn´t he?  
It´s been 8 months since he took Peter in, and things he´d have never imagined doing are quickly becoming commonplace now. Packing lunches, helping with English essays, occasionally dragging his butt halfway across the city to save his kid from yet another weirdo in a tacky suit, not to toot his own horn, but he thinks he´s definitely getting the hang of it all now.
So it should all be chill when he finds out he´s going to attend the parent-teacher conference at Midtown in a few months, but oh look at that, he’s panicking.
As much as he tried sheltering Peter from it at first, word that Tony Stark had been seen with a teenager soon got round, and within a day every reporter in New York seemed just about ready to trade an arm and a leg for some more dirt on Ironman.
Pepper´d dealt with the brunt of it, so it wasn´t as if the world didn´t know about Peter by now, but the thought of waltzing directly into the school when every pair of eyes would be fixed on both of them didn´t exactly make him want to skip in joy, see.
Then again, Peter was the smartest freaking kid in the whole school, and the thought of teasing him lightly in front of his teachers was…yeah, okay, he was pretty sure he could work something out.  
It was a beautiful Friday morning, they only had a few more teachers to go, and Tony was so glad he´d rescheduled three work meetings earlier this week to be here, because it was freaking glorious.
Peter was blushing bright red from all the compliments his teacher´s had told him all day. They were only allowed about 10 minutes to talk with each one, lots of kids and all that, but everyone had something positive to say about him.
Most teachers did a pretty good job of not letting a vein pop out of their forehead when they shook hands with Tony, but others seemed to have mini freak outs until they focused on Peter and regained their composure. He wasn´t at all surprised when they showed him Peter´s perfect grades, but God, he was proud.
He knew all the credit in raising Peter to be the wonder he was belonged to May and Ben, but he darn almost melted when Peter beamed at him as Mr. Del showed him a perfect test score in advanced chemistry for an exam he´d helped Peter study for a few months prior. Maybe he actually wasn´t screwing up at this parenting thing.
He knew the teachers were anxious when he asked questions (hey, he had no idea what a parent-teacher conference was like 3 months ago, he did his research), but they softened slightly whenever they turned to look at Peter.
He got it; the kid was pretty hard not to love.
Mr. Del was sitting across from them now, the man visibly nervous at being in front of Tony Stark, but smiling genuinely all the same as he talked about Peter´s work in class.
“There´ve been a few late assignments here and there, but nothing major in terms of academic development. I feel sleeping earlier could be a good idea though” Peter smiled sheepishly, probably remembering all the times Ned´ had to poke him awake in class after patrol got a little too long. Tony made a mental note to check up on it.
“His essay on analytical chemistry in an applicable field was particularly impressive” Mr. Harrington took out a thick cream folder, flipping through it until he came across Peter´s, “I showed it to some of my colleagues and it´s got some real potential. If you give some more thought to it, Peter, this could really make a difference.”
Peter´s ears were positively beetroot by now and he stuttered out a thank you, smiling. Tony felt about three seconds away from exploding with pride, but he just grinned at Peter, knocking their shoulders together gently. This, this right here was nice.
Peter´d worked hard for this, spending uncountable nights staying up late finishing projects or homework, studying for hours before an exam, still muttering formulas sleepily as Tony carried him up to bed.  
He might be Tony Stark´s adopted son (months of it and the word still made his heart go full on Speedy Gonzales when he thought about it, but in a nice way, in the best way), but he had no doubt in his mind Peter´s grades had definitely been earned by him fairly.
And later, when they´re having a celebratory pizza night/movie marathon, when he´s surrounded by a blanket fort and a kid that definitely does not have the right to make him feel as mushy as he does, he thinks back to when something like this seemed impossible, and smiles.
Life´s unexpected, alright.
Somehow, he thinks he loves it this way anyway.
(many virtual hugs to all of you!)
It´s also on my ao3
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kaijonginie · 5 years
Uncontrollable - Kai
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Title: Uncontrollable Word Count: 2,700 Genre: smut, fluff, story + boyfriend!Kai, college au, light masturbation, ‘punish’, little part of Kai pov A/N: i did some research for this one, so hope you like it! Couple No. 1(part 2)
“Why don’t you come over?” Kai asked changing his tone noticeably. You pulled the phone from your cheek to give a glance. Pretending to see if it was actually him. 
“Is that a joke?” You raised your voice gaining the attention of the 30 people also walking to the library. You smiled cheesily, embarrassed at the judgmental eyes.  
He scoffed over the phone, “What do you mean?!” 
“I told you I have to study for mid-terms! And your response is I do it at your house! Pfft! Yeah.” When you got to the steps you settled to hear his laughable excuse. 
“Well, yeah. I have to mid-terms too, I can help!” He reasoned with you. 
“If I come over, you and I know no “studying” will happen,” He gasped loudly. As if you were speaking lies. “I’m not arguing with you.” Quickly, you smacked your teeth as you were easily drawn to the red button to end the call. Just as you ended the call abruptly and his cute photo disappeared; you could only feel the guilt build up in your throat. You opened his texts and typed: “I’ll call you later” Only a second later did it read: ‘read’  
You sighed, choking on your own breath wasn’t fun. You knew that you had barely seen him in the past two weeks. Even you were hungry for his hunger. You snapped your fingers repeatedly - a habit you picked up in high school to cope with nervousness.
You turned back to the stairs to step on each step. You felt your skirt hike up your waist. It scared you to think about how many guys were trying to look up it. You smooth the skirt out trying to pull it back down to its original place. 
Inside the library, it was more crowded than usual, and even though it was three days before mid-terms this was still much. You scanned the room for just one single empty chair. It was in the corner, but it was better than nothing. 
After you put your over-the-shoulder bag on the table. You searched the aisles for a textbook on basic history. Up and down the aisle you couldn’t find a thing. Until at the end at the very top, the exact book you were looking for was barely visible. You cringed, knowing that if you tried reaching for it your skirt would work against you. You sighed before making a reach for the title. One hand trying to snatch the book, the other pulling down your hem. All the while you were unwarily pulling on the delicate lace of your panties. Your sharp nails started cutting into the weak fabric. Before you knew it the ripping noise alerted you. You pulled back and went into a dark shadow of the library. You gasped realizing that half of your ass was exposed! 
You needed out! You went for your bag, halfway to it you hear a cruel cat whistle in the crowd of focused people. You can’t pinpoint it, but it sure does boil your blood anyways. 
“Immature.” You mumble to yourself. You reach into your bag aimlessly for your phone. You can only find it by the rough crystal DIY case it has. Grasping it by both sides. You press the power button. Reluctantly you open Kai’s text-only saying the word “ok”.
You know that if you ask to come over, it’ll be humbling but quite a blow to your pride. You slowly press the keyboard telling him that your way.
I wasn’t amusing myself. I was stilling beating my self up. The fact that my girlfriend thinks I can’t control myself baffles me. But it got me thinking...is she right? It can’t be! The last time I saw her all we did was kiss and eat dinner. She even slept over, and nothing happened. She’s just making excuses. I sighed aloud.
My eyes went down to rest in my palm for a moment. It stayed that way until my phone notified me of a text. I lifted myself out of my pitiful state peeling off the sofa in the centre of my bedroom. Immediately I lazily grab at the screen until I am completely gripping on it. I turned the screen on and she has texted me! I rapidly unlock it anxious to see if it was all a misunderstanding. 
“Oppa, I hope it's okay...I want to visit you now^^”
A sigh of relief leaves my lips, I begin to reply to her text: “It’s a long way from campus Y/N. Do you want me to come to get you?” I hear the rain outside begin to hit my windows urging me to add another text. “I hate it when you walk in the rain.” 
Three dots pop up, then they disappear. One more time and she responds.
“No, It’s okay I have an umbrella~”
I pout. She turned me down again. I take a deep breath deciding whether or not I should continue this conversation. I slam the phone down in anger as if I was moving on from it. I stormed to the bathroom door, slamming it behind me. I took one glance and I was already fixing my hair. I focused in on my hair. Moving the hairline back and forth. My frustration got the best of me. 
“Screw it!” I yelled.
I started at the hem of my shirt stripping it slowly in pace. When my shirt was blocking my face the lusty image came to my mind: her taking my shirt off for me. I winced. Internally begging myself not to think like that. But I couldn’t stop. A whole scenario played in my mind, of me fucking her till I basically pass out.
“Cold shower it is!” I announced to myself.
I spun around to the glass door, the crystal clear glass door. I reminded myself that my jeans were most definitely still on. As excited as I was for this shower I lingered in removing my pants at all. 
I took another two steps and one more into the large spaced shower. I stepped under the showerhead as if it was a spotlight. I was very reluctant when turning on the cold water and not the hot, but I still ended up turning it on. Like needles in my skin, the water was almost painful until I got used to it like I would in a pool.
It dripped down my face to my lips and to my neck. I tried to pry my eyes open but one involuntary blink and I was still seeing her mouth engulfing my dick. I cried out. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn’t. My head fell to the tile wall in front of me. And my hand was almost instinctively sliding to my hard length. Seeing what I was seeing while stroking myself ever so gently, I was merely tasting faux satisfaction.
I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself around her at this point.
Your POV
You ran down the stone path to his house. You were barefoot at this point. Your cloth Converse shoes were more important than your now cold feet. An arm's length away from the lock you reached into your bag desperately for the house key Jong-in had given you. “Where is it!” You whined. Hyperventilating worried you had dropped it or left it somewhere. “Please.” You begged. when you heard the key chain shake you tracked it down, seizing it frantically.
You jangled the keys in front of the lock, using one hand to hold the umbrella and the other to find the matching key. Once found, you jabbed it into the door, then shoving the door open when it clicked. 
You stood up straight throwing your umbrella to the floor. All the lights were off. You could see everything but no lights were on. You dropped your shoes behind the door and started travelling up the wooden stairs. 
“Oppa?” You called out slightly. You didn’t yell it loudly, seeing as barely anyone was home you reckon he would have heard you. You got to the top of the staircase and peered up. All doors were closed except for his. Before going on, you fixed your strap and your skirt. 
When you got to his door, you tiptoed in and suddenly felt more comfortable. You dropped your bag and kept on to the bathroom. The sounds coming from it peaked your interests. “Oppa?” You called again. 
The moaning stopped, and he replied “Y/N! I’ll be out in a second!” He insisted nervously.
You shrugged and backed away to your bag. Grabbing your phone and tossing it to the perfectly made bed. Your hands went on the waist-line of your panties pulling them down, glad to be rid of them. You moved on to the lone clean close basket beside his couch. Digging through it in search of the underwear you left 3 weeks ago after making a quick escape from his parents.
No sign of them.
You stood up to the dark wooden wardrobe in the corner of his spacious room. You kneeled down to the mini drawers at the bottom of the closet. Digging through seemingly-endless pairs of socks and underwear. 
How hard can it be to find a bright yellow pair of panties?
As you began to give up you noticed the light fabric underneath it all. You pulled them out, stood up, and closed the wardrobe as it was before. 
You went to the right side of his bed where your phone was. You rested on the edge of the bed forgetting about the panties which you planned on putting on. You went into your pocket for your AirPods. Taking them out quickly and putting them in without a second thought.
You opened up Instagram. Scrolling endlessly. Double-tapping. Everything was unamusing and simply boring. You with your legs barely one the floor, and in a state of trance; didn’t even realize that the shower was off and Jong-in no longer in it. 
You were distracted by your phone when you felt to hands slide onto each side of your ass and massage smoothly. Your head leapt up and looked back. Jong-in starring at your exposed ass, merely drooling at the sight. He closed his eyes and stopped his hands. He stuttered out the shy words. “I need you.” You looked down almost ashamed. 
You frowned at his distraught face. You took out your AirPods and put them back in the Winnie the Pooh case. You shook your head. “Are you sure?” Chuckling out whilst questioning him. “, because if you really did you would already have me naked and begging for it.” You narrowed your eyes, cocky and sure of yourself. Hoping you would get him to fuck you. 
His hands started again and he revealed: “I’m afraid I'll be rough.”
You stood up looking at him face-to-face. Taking the lead with a kiss. You started to run your hands through his thick hair. His hands travelled up the back of your shirt, unclipping your bra you pulled back giving him a deep stare. At this point, he was so afraid of making the wrong move. He went on a limb and started sucking on your neck, making you moan under your breath.
Running out of skin to kiss he pulled the neck-line of your tight t-shirt. You scoffed and pulled it off yourself along with your bra.  You pinned back to his lips and he started to stick his tongue in to explore you more. You started to release yourself bit his lip sending adrenaline through him. He hands still caressing your back then slid down to the zipper of your black skirt. When it dropped to the floor, he pulled your bare pelvis to his to feel his staff stabbing through his towel. He snatched your waist again turning you around pushing you to the bed. 
You on your stomach, crawling up on all fours resting on your elbows. He stood behind you, untucking the towel still wrapped around his waist.
You didn’t know when h-- Your walls clenched around him, the cold shower making him nearly chilled. He almost fell over after feeling your walls around him making him groan loudly. Once he stood back up straight, immediately his hips starting thrusting into you. Now your breaths were matching his thrusts, however, his were rapid pants.
Pulling your hips further into him you moaned with the deeper feeling. You encouraged him with each cry of his name you shouted. When you tensed up your end was near. “I’m gonna cum!” You insisted. Without a second Jongin replied, “Not yet, baby.” You tried holding back. But only a moment later did you let go.  He slapped your ass, “Bad girls who don’t listen need punished.”
He pulled out and turned you on your back. You backed up until he grabbed your ankles. You followed him as he snaked up on you. He hung over you, set at your entrance once again. You laughed and requested, “Do better this time will you?” Only sparking his ego further. Almost annoyed by you he was abruptly in shoving his dick in you. You weren’t expecting this much force, in return, your nails dug into his back making him howl “Ow, fuck, Y/N!” He started thrusting harder and faster. Your moans started to be screams. “Oppa!” You called out. “Please!” You weren’t sure why you were begging for more, but you knew he sure did listen. The nails, which were still in his back, starting scratching marks into his. His snatched your arms from around his back and pinned them beside your head. He got lost in his throbbing trying to reach his orgasm. He threw his head back when you clenched around his member. His hands let go of your wrists, and his face fell into your neck. He began nibbling on your collar-bone. Whilst your hand stroked the back of his head and the other rested on his back. 
At this moment he felt his orgasm coming. He started to groan while still buried at your neck. “Aw, fuck! Baby, I'm gonna cum!” He yelled helplessly. He started to moan your name each time he went in deeper. “Y/N!” 
You wrapped your legs around his hips as he came. You cried out as he pulled out. He lifted his head up to give you another kiss. Smiling brightly he asked, “How about a cleanup?”  You nodded vigorously as he dropped down. He started in between your breasts, before taking one in his mouth. The travelling further down, giving butterfly kisses to each inch of your sensitive skin. 
When he was finally eying your soaked pussy, he licked his lips and said: “Baby, you look so good.”  One of his hands went to rub your clit softly, wary of how sensitive you are right now. You swallowed down one moan before letting out a louder one. His finger stopped and his mouth went to your clit. Sucking on it hardly and roughly. You grabbed each of your nipples giving a good massage before nearly smashing them between your fingers. Now biting on your clit he was ready to taste you. His tongue made a trail to your entrance. Then both his hand and his tongue went it. Beating in and out of you. His other hand went in too, on each side of your opening; allowing for easier access inside of you. You felt each digit add a second, both pumping in and out of you. “Yes, Oppa!” You yelled. Quickly, you reached for his head pulling him closer. Driving his tongue further in your pussy. His fingers found their way deeper than his tongue, they were syncing and stretching you. By the time you could catch your breathe his fingers were curling on the inside. Forcing a pleased scream from you. “Yes!” You shouted. His swipes and circles were hard to keep up with, you rocked your hips to feel them further. “I’m----” You had finally come. And Jongin was there licking every drop of your sweet juices up. 
He came up for air and found a comfortable resting place on your stomach. He caressed your waist and spoke after a long silence. “Thank you, baby.” 
You smiled weaving your fingers in his locks again. “I love you, Y/N...” He admitted aloud.
You sighed peacefully before replying - “I love you, Jong-In.”
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I Could Use A Hug (Uni!Yoongi Oneshot)
1. “Can you please come and get me?”
4. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
20. “I could really just use a hug right now.”
Pairing(s): Yoongi x Reader
Genre: University!Au, fluff
Warnings: insomnia, allusions to depression, signs/symptoms of depression and/or anxiety (if you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to seek help)
Word Count: 2.3k words
The thrum of rain drops pelting every surface around you dulled your senses and fogged your aching mind. You could barely see two feet in front of you, the darkness surrounding you only broken by the sparse light of the street lamps that became farther and fewer the longer you walked.
You weren’t sure how long you had been walking, hell, you weren’t sure where your feet were taking you anymore. All you knew is that you couldn’t lie there and pretend like everything was alright; like your mind wasn’t tearing itself apart bit by bit for seemingly no reason, and no matter how much you wanted to believe that closing your eyes and forcing it all away would work, in the end, it never would.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had slept, really slept, and the nightmares in your head seemed to enjoy their slow torment of you from the inside out.
You’re friends would tell you you’re in your head too much; your parents that it’s stress and lack of a proper routine. None of them seemed to dig deeper, try and see that you’ve tried every solution you could think of to fix their idea of the problem, and that none of them worked.
Then again, why should you expect outsiders to know all the answers when you can’t even pinpoint the why yourself.
So instead of staring at your ceiling and letting your mind run rampant with negative thoughts that feed off your sleep-deprived brain, you decide that taking a walk in the pouring rain at 2 a.m. alone would distract you from everything going on in your consciousness.
Only now, sitting on a rickety bench on the side of some street you’ve never heard of, illuminated only by the blinking bulb of a street lamp 20 ft away, you realize that there is no way to outrun this. And, honestly, your exhausted from running this marathon alone.
Wiping away the rain streaming down your face, that may nor may not have been mostly tears that you hadn’t even known had started spilling, you take out your phone to stare at the screen.
3:45 a.m.
“I shouldn’t bother him.” You whisper to yourself, although you bring up your contacts and push the one your looking for anyways. As you hold the phone to your ear, the dial tone ringing through your mind, you curse yourself for being so thoughtless.
How dare you call him when he’s just trying to sleep, knowing he’s probably been up late working, and expect him to drop everything for you. He probably won’t even answer the pho-
“Hello?” A raspy voice cuts through your intrusive thoughts and it takes all you have not to breakdown right then and there. You knew he’d already be worried by the time and nature of the call, no need to add in your hysterical sobbing.
“Y/N? Hey... are you okay?” Yoongi asks, and you can tell he’s getting more worried by the second, and you need to hurry up and find something to say before he panics.
Clearing your throat and taking a deep breath, “Can you please come and get me?”
You hated the way your voice cracked and how needy you sounded, having half a mind to just tell him it was a joke or something and hang up.
You hear him shuffling around, no doubt getting dressed and grabbing his keys, already one foot out the door.
“Of course, where are you?” His voice is soft, calming, and despite the weight it lifts off of your shoulders, you can’t help the pang of guilt that rumbles through your chest for dragging him into your bullshit all the time (though he’d tell you it’s not bullshit and he’s happy to help).
Your eyes dart around your surroundings, trying to find an indicator to your location, spotting a street sign a few yards away, relaying the information to Yoongi.
After a few seconds of what you’re assuming is him getting in his car and trying to figure out exactly where you are, he clears his throat, “Alright, stay there, I’ll be there in, like, 15 minutes...20 minutes top,” And then hangs up the phone to begin the journey.
Slowly tucking your phone back into your pocket, you discover that the rain pelting down just a mere few minutes ago has died down to a light drizzle. It’s a cool evening, but not uncomfortably cold, though you felt so numb right now you doubt you’d have noticed otherwise.
Left alone to your thoughts once again, counting down the seconds till Yoongi would arrive to save you yet again from yourself, you can’t help but let your thoughts wander to the first time you met him.
You hadn’t been quite the mess you were now, freshly out of high school, entering uni and the real world with a blind sense of optimism that would soon be crushed under the immense weight of classes and college life that you’d been naive enough not to wholly consider beforehand.
Yoongi had already, as he likes to say it, “cracked the code” of university life, handling the stresses of student life with ease. Knew exactly what classes to take and avoid, which professors he could swindle, what work he could get away with skipping, and avoided campus social life like the plague. As far as he was concerned, this shit was a breeze and he’d be out before he knew it, degree in hand and job secured through suckering some admin for sweet connections.
He’d never guess he’d get swept up in your steep downward spiral into oblivion when he bumped into you, a happy-go-lucky freshie, that night he decided to let Hoseok drag him to some random new student event in the music hall despite his aversion to such poorly planned social nightmares. In all honesty, he would’ve just ignored you if you hadn’t asked him, quite honestly, where you could get a shot of whatever made him so “incredibly apathetic and disinterested.”
No one had ever really approached Yoongi in the 2 years that he’d been there, except for Hoseok and a few other guys that frequented their shared dorm, let alone a girl. He’s not sure if it was your blind boldness or your Arcadian demeanor that drew him in, but he won’t lie that he’s glad it happened, because you ended up being the best friend he never knew he needed (and the same goes for you.)
Yoongi was there through finals, bad blind dates, terrible roommates; everything. That kind of friendship also came with a front row seat to watch as your mental health deteriorated, with no sure fire way to help you, and it killed him inside.
Soon life was filled with insomniatic episodes that could last for days, a bad caffeine addiction, and an impending sense of doom looming over your shoulder every second of every day, and Yoongi felt like the only thing he could do was watch it all unfold. He was scared of saying the wrong thing, pushing you further into the black hole you edged closer to, and he didn’t want to lose the closest friend he’d ever had.
He quickly learned that just being there and listening when you needed it was the one thing you needed, and he happened to be pretty freaking good at it.
You’ve been up for 13 hours straight working on the exact same assignment? Let’s take a break and watch your favorite movie.
You’re roommate kicked you out again because she can’t deal with you being up for 3 nights in a row? Crash at my place and we can cuddle (which ultimately puts you to sleep, even if just for a little while most nights).
You’re crying for the 5th time today and you have no idea why? I’ll put on some calming music and crush you in a bear hug until you have no more tears left to cry.
Yoongi didn’t need an explanation or any answers, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. Admit it or not, he’d come to love every single piece, every inch, every molecule of you, and he hated to see the person he loved in pain.
So getting an S.O.S. call at 3 a.m., knowing that in your weakest moment you needed him and only him, sleep didn’t mean anything to him anymore, in fact nothing else did. You were his top priority and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
And so there he was, in his pajamas and a sweatshirt, hair sticking out in all directions, on his way to a random street across town in the middle of the night with only one thing one his mind. You.
He could tell by your voice that you’d had a rough night, considering he’s been present every other time, and he know the signs when he hears them. The fact that you’d gone so far, alone, in the dark, scared him; you’d never done anything quite so reckless in the time he’s known you, and the the fact that you weren’t in the right state of mind had him picking up the pace, urgent to get to you as quickly (but still safely) as possible.
Yoongi learned early on that even though you had a calm and serene attitude, you took things to heart easily, and the more that piled on you, the harder time you had digging your way out. You were very good at hiding how negatively things affected you, and you always put others before yourself, even when the only person desperate for help was you.
He didn’t really understand how someone so in tune with others feeling and emotions, could be so blind to her own. Sometimes you’d even skip meals working yourself into a frenzy, but still manage to scold him for not eating the proper amount of meals per day.
Sometimes, he thought, it was as if you didn’t see yourself as a living, breathing, person that needed everything you were so willing to give to others. Whether you were selfless or stupid, that was a debate for another time.
Turning down the right street, he finally caught a glimpse of the girl he’d been looking for. Your hair was soaked, along with your clothes, and you stared off at the road with an empty look in your eyes. Parking and shutting his car off, Yoongi hopped out and approached you cautiously, shrugging off his sweatshirt as he went.
Your mind finally broke from it’s thoughts to see Yoongi handing you his sweatshirt. When you didn’t reach out to grab it, he quickly moved closer, pulling it over your head and helping your arms through. When you were situated in the warmth of it, the familiar smell of him flooding your senses, it was then that you finally woke up and looked him in the eyes.
You could tell he was tired by the slight discoloration under his puffy eyes, but the emotion that swirled through them was one you had seen him wear quite often when these things happened; sadness.
Without saying anything, he slowly reached out, taking your frail, chilled hand in his, rubbing it to bring back some warmth. You smiled slightly, though tears still spilled from your eyes.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” He asked, continuing his ministrations, searching through the storm that raged on in your eyes.
You shrugged, a long, exhausted sigh escaping your lips.
“Not that long.” You lied, and he saw right through it, not only because he could tell by just looking at you, but he knew it’d had to be significantly longer than usual for this sort of thing to occur.
When you looked back at him, he continued to burn through your facade with his gaze till you broke.
“Like... 6...6 days.”
There was a short silence between the two of you as everything sort of sank in. It wasn’t unlike you to survive on a few hours of sleep, or maybe go 2-3 days without it, but never this long. Why didn’t you tell him beforehand? Why didn’t he notice?
“You know,” he begins, bringing your attention back to his face, which softens as he takes in just how tired and sad you looked, “if you need help, any kind, I’ll be right there for you.”
You’re a bit surprised by his statement. You know you’ve been in a bad state for a while, and he knows it too, but the topic of getting help outside of the two of you hadn’t really been discussed. Not that you were opposed to it, it just never crossed your mind.
Your silence seemed to worry him, making him add, “if you want, whenever you’re ready, and if you’re not, well, then that’s okay too....because I’m here for you, not matter what, and-“
Your light giggle breaks him from his tangent, and his mouth turns up in a half smile when he sees you wipe your eyes and turn to him, the life seeming to slowly trickle back into your eyes again.
“Are you sure?” He asks, slight worry etching back onto his face even though he tried his best to remain as composed as possible for your sake. You nodded, and he gripped your hand tighter.
“Ok, when do you want to-“
“We can figure that out later.” You interrupt, the fatigue cutting through the bit of energy you seemed to gather just being in the presence of the most important person in your life.
He senses you fading, and lifts his other hand to rub your back.
“You know what though?” You say, causing him to tilt his head in question, awaiting your response.
“I could really just use a hug right now.” And without any hesitation, you’re wrapped tightly in his arms, face buried in his chest as his lips place a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you, you know that right?” You mumble into him, and you can feel his body shake a bit with his light chuckle.
“I love you too, now let’s go home.”
This is my first attempt at a short prompt imagine type thingy, hope you all enjoy, and if you find any mistakes or have any questions, let me know! Feel free to message me for requests, I’ll try my best to answer if I can! I have lots of drabbles, imagines, and fics planned for this blog so stay tuned!
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