#(and he has fun stories about dinosaurs and my mom loves taking advantage of him getting us in free to go to the museum all the time)
“The Butcher of the Jurassic Period proves that sometimes you don’t need to be efficient! Sometimes it’s enough to just be obscenely violent!”
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of what would be the children of boys with MC ???
Probably more than two, but they'd have a gap in between. Two sets of twins. And in full moon Aaron would be apprehensive.
Three boys and one girl, maybe? He is a very present father and the kids absolutely adore him! But they wonder where daddy goes in full moon... You tell them the truth, but hey, they're worried!
One day, however, Aaron turns and goes for his usual hunt in the forest, but then he hears something faintly familiar in the woods. Yelling.
"Aaron! Aaron!" He sort of knows who this is. It's his mate. He is wary, but stays put until you're in sight... With two cubs. His eyes widen comically and he snorts, jumping in surprise. He sniffs the air wildly and realizes those are his cubs. He accepts them, nodding at you and turning his back to you. You sigh in relief, knowing you can count on him, but god... They're going to eat the shoes.
You thought the other two were normal children, until Ivan yells your name into the distance and when you run to see them, well. There are four little holes on Ivan's hand while he holds a diaper. You can only sigh. Good luck, mc.
The third boy and the girl are the little bats. The boy is a little weird but that's how Aaron likes it. Hehe. Like, he's just so cute! One time he'll be right here in daddy's arms, and in the other... Huh? WhERES MY BABY? HE TELEPORTED.
And the girl! Oh, she's so sweet! Once Aaron danced for her and when she swung her fat little arms, she created a shockwave that made him fall on his bum! That's it, daddy's little warrior!!!!
He's a great dad and he'll train his kids from the beginning. He's gentle yet strict, and your kids seem to love training with him. He also likes reading with his kids and teaching them about nature and how to hunt in their human forms. (The kids like it bc the actual rewards are fruit for the cubs and frozen bunny blood popsicle for the vampires.)
Just a little boy.
He's tiny, and no talk him bc he angy. Yes, he's got some bite to him. He likes wearing big hats and he paints. Biggest garden assistance for Vlad. (He likes Aaron more. He has a plan of owning the garden when Vladimir dies, but he doesn't know yet... ToT)
He's very educated and supportive of people with disabilities and he learned to paint with different textures and layers so his daddy can feel his work!!!! Raphael cries every time.
Raphael is comprehensive and tends to pay his head way too much every time he does some "oopsie". He also supports his kid and teaches him how to do stuff without seeing because he thinks of the day his kid will have to fend for himself and walking at night in the dark wasn't good when he first started.
Raph trusts his kid with the boys, but Aaron and Vlad are his go-to if he can't spend some time with his kid because he knows they'd only do what they think it's best for the kid. He also eggs his son on when it comes to exploring and running around. No sun though!
(You often catch him walking around during daytime. Y'all just Do. Not. Know. How y'all can't see where he is hiding until you realize this kid can literally conceal himself anywhere. Also he's very good at not burning himself so you stop worrying at some point and he'll just start sleeping during day)
Was he doing that just to scare Raph? Oh, he'll see what's scary. No kisses tonight >| |(
He's also extremely protective of his kid even though he tries to get him to see the world. A minute late and he'll be lectured severely, so please step in sometimes or they'll fight and raph tends to cry. It's gonna take him time to realize his kid can handle himself because he's fragile in your vampire's eyes.
You can see her ANYWHERE. She has two beautiful curled horns and an extremely ravishing purple hair full of curls. She isn't stoppable. She's confident, smart, social, a business woman! She's five! she's not only Beliath's daughter. She is fashion itself.
Beliath is her number one fan, supporter and manager. He'll spend the rest of his life moisturizing washing combing and zipping things up and down if that means his daughter is the most ravishing kid in this city.
One day you'll wake up panting to your kid sitting in bed looking at you as if she was a psycho though. You were dreaming just now of your kid waving at you. Yep, she's got her daddy's powers. A few months later, she's going to be itching her back like crazy. Beliath is going to be jealous because hey! He had no wings! >:(
One day he'll wake up with her appearance all twisted and then she'll create the sickest illusions like a goose head and a penguin wearing glasses. You'll have a lot to teach.
Beliath scolds her A LOT and she gets grounded A LOT because she's him but smaller and they fight a lot over how she should learn how to be humble and try her best instead of just thinking she's the best but she won't listen bc... She's the best?
She's the greatest performer ever. Knows how to dance and that's what she does the most. Another party animal for you. Now turn them Barney songs on!
For some reason, she absolutely LOVES Raphael. I think it's because he's got shiny outfits and he's chill so she can brush his hair however she likes AND read her books for him. Lives rent free on the library reading princess stories and complaining about the princes.
A boy. He's shy, sweet and super articulated. His hair is blonde and he loves to wear nice clothes. Another one who'll bicker with his dad like he's talking to a kid his age.
Also he can hipnotize others in a specific way that turns him invisible when he wants and he can be persuasive, but it's hard to develop your powers when your dad is always complaining about the millions of cars you left on the floor and you're grumpy so every time you hide on the walls and turn invisible he complains and you go "tch, old hack" and he hears you. Tough life, grrr.
Even though they fight SOMETIMES, all they talk about when they're together is cuddles, studying and gardening. Vladimir is the actual mom if you wanted to be addressed to as the mom, just forget it lol, if not it's fine, you have a mom for your son.
He grounds your kid and talks it out calmly because even if they fight, your kid is a very good listener and he knows when words are well-meaning.
They sleep together a lot like two old grandpas and you have the advantage of Vladimir not knowing about modern cameras. Have fun!!!
Your kid ends up growing up to be an ABSOLUTE gentleman. He's funny, smart, handsome and really educated. Momma owl Daddy is proud!!!
They're trouble. Trouble.
Ethan yells, rips his hairs off, jumps and rolls on the floor but these kids, they're absolute raccoons! The girl literally can control minds Neil style and the boy is a tracker just like his father.
Honestly they're smart, but they just like to use it to make his dad go crazy!
They love each other tho, they rarely get in trouble and they behave when you say so. They're scared *laughs evil laugh*
Ethan teaches them many things and since he can't fight so much, he sends them to train with whoever they like. The girl usually hangs into Beliath's sleeve and they get along super well. He teaches her hand in hand and the boy goes with Aaron because his tracking skills are developing. Sometimes he takes both of them and teaches them knife combat and how to be a good medical support because again, being a vampire is tough.
The boy likes embroidery and Ethan thinks he's weird because he makes some sick Dinosaurs but he tells him to go off. He likes how well made they are.
The girl enjoys violence fighting more so she trains extra hard.
This is the sweetest kid of the bunch. Your little girl. Is the shy baby you see clinging to their companion's shirt/pants in the street. She likes gardening herself, not with anyone else. She plants some flowers in a space Vladimir didn't use and she shoos everyone off, but gently bc babygirl is never mean... Until she finds out she has fangs
She's going to run to you crying and pull her lips up and squint as if struggling and then BAM, fangs are out! You'll have to explain with Ivan what's going on. She understands *sniff*.
Ivan is head over heels for her. They read together, they play board games and she's extremely skilled at every single one. She loves to pursue education on her favorite themes and she likes fiction.
Little girl also loves fashion and she wants someone to teach her how to sew. If you don't know it's okay, she'll put extra effort in learning to teach you!! "You'll see, we'll be sewing in no time, I'll teach you too!"
Sometimes you wonder if you're being a parent right because she just doesn't get grounded. You speak once, she never does it again. Is she really Ivan's daughter? "Hey!" "Shut up, go back in the hole or I'll use the stick!" "Ouch, stop!"
She turns very aggressive when she fights though, to the point where you're worried about the others when they teach her, because she fights like her life depends on it and she doesn't hold back until she overexerts herself. Turns out your daughter can use some sort of gravitational field and if you don't stop her, she might send one flying or pull them right into her clutches, so be careful.
Overall 100/10 great kid. Ends up designing hundreds of clothes and lives her life peacefully.
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erikaember · 6 years
Dreamcatcher - A fanfic
This is something I really wanted to make into a comic, but I know that I won't be able to make it anytime soon so... I'll just write it down.
I haven’t given this character details like gender, age and name but here’s the basic stuff about their akumatization:
The person got really tired of all the nightmares they've had and no tips or tricks work for them. So when they got really upset because of the aftermath of the nightmares, Hawkmoth decides to interfere as usual. The person becomes Dreamcatcher, they create order in the world of dreams and catches the nightmares so they stop causing problems for people. What's fun is that Dreamcatcher is not the only one who can enter the world of dreams and there's a lot of dreams in that world...
You see where I'm going?
"Eh... Chat?"
Chat Noir looked back to not see Ladybug standing in the corridor, but floating up in the ceiling. He wanted to giggle, but he didn't have the nerve to express anything other than a simple smile and a silent chuckle, "Calm down, Ladybug, it's okay." He walked to where she was without breaking eye contact with his partner who almost looked like she was glued to the ceiling.
"You know, I've always looked up to you, this just makes it literate," he pointed out before reaching up with both of his hands which she soon grasped, "Just calm down and keep your eyes on me."
Soon, gravity returned to her and she felt ground under her feet again, "Thanks, Chat."
"No problem, I've done it a lot of times," he confessed as they continued to walk down the hallway.
She raised an eyebrow, "What? Are you a psychologist?"
"No, but my mom taught me how to control and enjoy dreams. You just have to calm down, find a happy thought and things will seem less bad," he explained.
Ladybug smiled, her partner showed such confidence. It felt great to know that at least one of them knew how to get around in the new world that they were in; the world of dreams where the laws of physics are just a concept.
Soon, they reached a new corridor that had A LOT of doors. Arranged like a normal prison; levels and levels of doors, it seemed to be in perfect order. Ladybug thought for a moment before taking a step back and look up. She saw a sign above the entrance to the corridor.
"Dreamcatcher must've already been here. This is the arrondissement that was under attack." she pointed out, remembering the event that happened a few minutes ago. Dreamcatcher had caused a ruckus to make someone’s biggest fear come true which granted them a passage to the dream world somehow.
"So... they have sorted the Parisians' dreams based on arrondissements and then sorted out the nightmares which explain that group of scary-looking doors on the web up there." Chat Noir pointed up in the ceiling behind them where, as he said, a web with the look of a dreamcatcher held dozens of doors with shapes and decorations of scary themes; vicious dinosaurs, vampires, shadows and demons. It was a bit odd, but there was also a door covered in glitter and pony plushies. But then again, you should never judge a book by its cover.
"Let's go to the next corridor, then," she told him and ran down the hall. When they reached it, she looked up to see the number of the arrondissement. It was her own. She had to remember not to mention that. It was quite obvious that it hadn't been visited by Dreamcatcher, but they could still be there. All they knew is that Dreamcatcher was after nightmares specifically and was looking for something dangerous enough to use to their advantage when fighting the heroes. "Okay, let's split up, I take the right and you take the left. Just take a peek that is long enough for you to tell if it's a good or bad dream, you can never really trust the decorations of the doors."
"Yea, I can imagine the difference between the doors for an admirer of scary animals and someone with zoophobia." Chat Noir commented before beginning his search.
It took some time for them, but thanks to the lack of physical laws, it wasn't too hard. Thankfully, they didn't bump into any dreams that were... scarring, so to speak. And to see so many positive dreams, Ladybug started to think that Dreamcatcher really is in that corridor and has sorted out the nightmares she should've seen but has just not come to the part of fixing the mess yet.
After going through maybe fifteen doors, Ladybug reached a door that seemed a little bit familiar. It was simple and colourful, some flowers and plants decorated the frame and a cute group of Ladybugs flew around a flowerbed at the bottom. Sadly, she felt too stressed to admire it further. She opened the lid to the peephole which looked like a dreamcatcher the size of her hand and looked in. It was a little dark, but she could see a very welcoming interior. There was a fire in the fireplace and a couch in front of it, someone was sitting in it. She couldn't see the face for some reason, it was as if the dream had no info on how she looked. But she was a very good looking woman with raven hair and dressed in very neat clothing; a simple and warm turtlenecked shirt and sweatpants.
Ladybug was both unsure if it was a good or bad dream, but also very curious about the woman who seemed so familiar.
She could hear a door open and close and the woman turned towards the noise. Ladybug could hear the new person call the woman something, probably a cute nickname... it sounded like... "peekaboo"? She couldn't tell since the door blocked out too much sound. The woman smiled as her eyes followed a figure that soon walked past the door to sit down next to the woman. Ladybug couldn't see much of the man either, but that was because his back was facing her. But he seemed a bit taller than the woman, he was quite handsome and had blond hair that seemed very familiar.
"How do you feel?" he asked her. That's when Ladybug noticed something. The woman was previously in a position that made it difficult for her to see it, but now when the man came, she had moved enough to make it very clear; the woman was pregnant.
"Excited, you know how happy she is to hear your voice. Oh! There's a kick to prove it." the woman chuckles.
The man leaned down closer to the woman's belly with one arm on the couch as support so he could be close enough to see the movement. The woman took his free hand and placed it on her belly. It was as if it was his first time because of the small sudden twitch his body made as if he gasped. Soon, he was chuckling quietly. "Hi, sweetie! I'm here. Daddy is here and he loves you," he gently whispered. Then he looked up at the woman, "And don't worry, I love you too."
The woman chuckled, "I love you too, Adrien."
Slowly, Ladybug felt the need to stop looking. Not that she didn't find the moment adorable, but she understood that it's either some girl's dream about Adrien or Adrien's dream about some girl. However, it didn't have to be Adrien Agreste, there's surely more than one Adrien in her neighbourhood. But either way, she knew now that it had to be a good dream, so she should move on to the next. ...but what if it really is Adrien Agreste's dream? Who is that woman?
Ladybug turned to try to get rid of the thought and focus when she saw Chat Noir. He was standing completely still while staring through a peephole to a door, his tail slowly moving back and forth. She sighed and went up next to him, "What kind of dream is it?"
It seemed like she had scared him, he was deeply focused on whatever it was on the other side of the door until she asked him about it. He quickly turned to her and shut the peephole, that's when she noticed how flustered he was; cheeks as red as her suit and eyes as worried as if he had found his darkest secret behind the door. "Eh...it's-it's a... it is a g-good dream, so let's go!"
She got really curious as he shyly moved towards the next door. She took a look at the door and noticed how familiar it was. With cute flowers, a hamster sleeping on the head of a dog, a few pacifiers... it reminded her of her own dream...
(For the curious ones, her dream was about coming home to find Adrien read bedtime stories to Emma, Hugo and Louis.)
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
A Random Tuesday + Ryder is Three Months Old
Hey friends! As I sit down to write the first part of this blog post (all of my work seems to be completed in small fragments these days!), the sun is shining through my office window. After several back-to-back days of clouds, rain and storms, it feels nice to see the sun again! Temperatures are back to the mid-80s in Charlotte right now which makes me feel a little ridiculous for decorating our house for fall over the weekend but since Hurricane Florence had us hanging out at home, it seemed like a good time to knock it out.
Hello pumpkins!
I wanted to pop in today to share another random day-in-the-life recap with you guys and give you a peek into our Tuesday. Let’s get to it!
All plans I had for waking up before the boys went out the window when Ryder was up before the sun with me with no intent to go back down. Thankfully Ryder almost always wakes up in a great mood, full of gummy smiles and sweet baby chirps. He’s often content to kick and wiggle on a blanket in the mornings so I got dressed for the day and then brought Ryder downstairs with me and set him up on the floor while I made coffee and spent some time going through one of the chapters of my small group’s most recent study.
Ryder wasn’t up for too long before he was ready for a cat nap and so I swaddled him up, placed him in the Rock ‘n’ Play, made myself a smoothie and then got some work done on my laptop while he snoozed.
(Sorry it looks so gross! I swear anytime I add cocoa powder to a smoothie it instantly looks like cat puke.) 
I spent my early morning work time tackling emails and following up on some upcoming partnerships before I heard Chase calling me from his room. Ryder was making noises as well, so I quickly nursed him and then we headed into Chase’s room to get dressed and read some stories before preschool.
Whenever I walk into Chase’s room in the morning he almost always asks me, “Mom, you have Baby Ryder?” and immediately wants to get in his little brother’s face. It’s actually been a nice little incentive to help Chase get dressed at warp speed since I tell him he has to be dressed like his little brother before playtime can begin. We read The Cat in the Hat and played in Chase’s room for a bit before making our way downstairs for breakfast and a little more playtime before we needed to head out the door.
Chase only has school two mornings this week thanks to a hurricane-related closure on Monday and a teacher work day today and he was more than ready to see his teachers and friends. He ran inside and gave me a dinosaur growl goodbye. (He was a velociraptor yesterday, in case you were wondering.)
Once Chase was settled in school, Ryder and I made our way to boot camp!
While Ryder hung out in childcare, I went through a total body strength workout that looked like this:
(The workout includes my modifications since I’m still modifying quite a bit.) 
It felt good to move and sweat and Ryder seemed to do well in childcare. I chatted with some friends for a bit after my workout and then we headed home so I could nurse Ryder and get a little work done before preschool pickup. Ryder wasn’t in the mood for a long nap so my work time was cut a bit short but I took advantage of a very awake and very happy baby to snap some pictures of him to celebrate three months with this sweet guy!
I just love the way Ryder reacts to happy faces, voices and smiles. It’s almost like he looks at the world around him through the eyes of a tiny human sponge that just wants to absorb everything. His big gummy smiles seem to overtake his whole body and he’ll often curl up into a smiley ball that makes me smile right along with him.
Before heading out the door to pick Chase up from school, I figured I should take advantage of an awake and happy baby and made myself lunch. Everything came together quickly thanks to yet another Daily Harvest harvest bowl (the obsession continues!) and this time I added some shrimp and pumpkin seeds to the red lentil bowl.
(FYI you can use the code pbfingers to get three free cups on your first Daily Harvest order if you want to try it out!) 
After I was done eating, I loaded Ryder into his car seat and the two of us picked Chase up from preschool before making our way back home. I let Chase unwind and play in our family room for a bit while I nursed Ryder before corralling everyone upstairs in Chase’s room for a nap time picnic. (I told you guys I do this ALL the time! So random but it works!)
Once Chase was down, I brought Ryder into our bathroom and put him in his Dock-a-Tot so I could grab a quick shower before I nursed him and put him down for a nap, too. With both boys sleeping, I made myself a bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter (random snack but I was starving) and then began typing up this blog post. I ended up having TWO hours of time to work in the afternoon yesterday which felt like such a gift from my guys! It wasn’t fully uninterrupted (Ryder isn’t the most solid napper) but it still felt amazing to have time in the middle of the day to wrap up a future blog post and continue to chip away at my inbox.
Ryder was up before Chase and once he was done nursing, he seemed content to hang out with me in the kitchen in a little bouncer seat my friend Lauren gave me at preschool pickup yesterday. Ryder LOVES the bouncer seat in Burn Boot Camp’s childcare and since Lauren is doing a massive purge of baby things, she asked if we wanted her old one and I jumped at the offer. Ryder is a huge fan!!
With Ryder happy in his new bouncer seat, I quickly assembled dinner which looked like chickpea pasta paired with kale and shrimp. (I loosely followed this recipe from Clean Eating Magazine.)
We haven’t had the chance to get to the grocery store yet this week but I cooked up a big bag of shrimp we had in the freezer on Monday which worked well as a quick protein source in both my lunch and our family’s dinner. Freezer food for the win!
Chase woke up from his nap right around the time that we had a package delivery at the door. He was excited to thank our favorite UPS man (he’s practically a family friend at this point) and we immediately opened the large box to find the new comforter I ordered for our master bedroom.
I’m excited to see how it looks but sliiiightly concerned Ryan may veto this particular design choice and say it’s too frilly for his taste. We’ll see!
We spent the rest of the afternoon at home splitting time between our backyard where Chase “helped” clear our patio of debris from the weekend storm (thank you Aunt Laurie for his sweeper brush!) and our kitchen where we made a new batch of chocolate energy bites with dates, oats, peanut butter, flax seed, honey and cocoa powder.
Since Chase took a longer nap than usual yesterday, he was amped around dinnertime and had no interest in settling down to eat. He was also pretty content to play by himself with his toys and since this coincided with an evening cat nap for Ryder, I decided to roll with it and took advantage of the time to clean up the kitchen. Ryan arrived home a little after 7 p.m. and after a quick round of soccer with Chase, we all settled down for dinner. I reheated the pasta I prepared earlier in the day and we dug in!
Eventually we made our way upstairs and did the whole bed time routine. We finally had both boys asleep around 8:30 p.m. Ryan and I chatted for a bit before we were both ready to call it a night. I read my book until my eyes could no longer stay open. (I’m currently reading Total Control by David Baldacci. I like the story line and look forward to reading it at the end of the day but there’s something about the way the author refers to the main female character that irks me over and over again.)
Today should be a good one over here as Chase has the day off from school and we have some fun plans with friends at a local park on the agenda this morning! I hope you all have a great Wednesday and I hope to see ya back here tomorrow for a yummy recipe I have coming your way!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/a-random-tuesday-ryder-is-three-months-old/
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