#(as the ace char still goes on dates with boys)
aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks
YA contemporary + a little sff
follows a boy who suddenly finds himself able to teleport when he walks through doors, often against his will
and has to figure that out while dealing with a new crush, the end of high school and the queer club, and figuring out whether he definitely wants to train to be an ASL interpreter like his father
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AGE: 38 ( ADWD ) DATE OF BIRTH: ( 6th August ) 262 AC SPOKEN LANGUAGES: The Common Tongue & Valyrian HERITAGE: Maternal ancestry originates in the Reach, whereas paternal ancestry originates in the Iron Islands. OCCUPATION: Pirate HOMETOWN: Braavos RELIGION: Jack was never officially baptised by the Drowned God or adopted the religion as his own, and he develops a very agnostic attitude towards the idea of organised religion. However, given his later brush with R’hllor and his followers, he doesn’t discount the presence of the divine entirely. HOUSE AFFILIATIONS: formerly, to House Teague of the Iron Islands, and House Greyjoy by extension.
        just a disclaimer that the actual outline is going under a read more, because it’s looooong:
          Jack is born at sea in the middle of a storm, and spends the first seven years of his life in Braavos, raised mostly by his mother ( who originated from the Reach and fled for the Narrow Sea in the face of an arranged marriage ), but with sporadic input from his father, who is part of an influential Ironborn family.
         After his mother’s death, Jack is taken on as a ‘ward’/cabin boy by Teague on his ship ( but not before spending a year on the Iron Islands with his grandmother, attempting to beat the ironborn into him ), and spends the majority of his upbringing either on the Iron Islands, at sea or in foreign ports, excelling at sailing but growing to hate the iron way of life. As a technical bastard child, Jack would have been given the surname ‘Pyke’ by the Ironborn he sailed with, but he is never called that by Teague in all the years that he grew up on the islands, and Jack stubbornly continues to refer to himself as Sparrow.
         Over the years he becomes a very talented sailor, although longing for nothing more than to leave the Iron Islands forever and strike out on his own -- particularly as he was convinced that he was not tough enough or good enough to make it among their kind. It’s because of this that Jack grows close to Essos pirate Christophe-Julien de Rapièr during his teenage years, a man who represented the freedom to be that he so craved. As adulthood creeps closer, he also becomes aware that he would soon need to pledge his allegiance to the Drowned God if he hoped to ever gain the respect of his Ironborn peers, Jack had planned on multiple occasions to join the other man’s crew and leave the life behind, but is thwarted at every turn -- until he turns twenty and finally gets his wish.
         Rebellion had broken out in Westeros against the Targaryen dynasty, and while the Ironborn stayed largely neutral in the conflict, there were still those who wanted to throw their lot behind a side -- and those who wanted to stoke discord amongst their ranks. When Christophe is apprehended by the Ironborn, accused of being a so-called conspirator and meddler in their affairs, and a butcher of their kind out on the water, Jack is outraged and remains a firm believer in the man’s innocence. But in his attempt to break the man out and gaol and smuggle him and his men out of Pyke, the man’s true nature is revealed, and Jack is subsequently pressganged aboard his ship and taken with them.
         Aware that he can now never return to the Iron Islands unless he wishes to be branded a traitor, Jack finally claims the Sparrow name for himself ( determined to leave no evidence that he was ever one of them ) and later escapes Christophe’s ship, making for the place of his childhood, Braavos, and signing onto a merchant crew, transporting cargo around the continent and across the Narrow Sea.
         Within five years, Jack becomes the captain of his very own ship, working under a wealthy merchantman in Volantis. The arrangement is beneficial to both parties until a bargain between the two goes terribly wrong, and Jack is blackmailed into transporting a cargo of slaves out of the city. Refusing to do as he is ordered, Jack takes the slaves to Braavos and frees them, drawing his employer’s ire. His ship is captured, he is imprisoned in Volantis, branded a pirate and made to watch his ship burn as punishment for his so-called crime. In a desperate attempt to save the Wicked Wench, Jack breaks free of his captors and tries to put the fire out, but passes out and sinks into the water before he gets the chance.
        He washes up further down the coast, and is vaguely aware of only one thing: a choice between life and death, and the cost of a soul for the former. The next thing Jack remembers is waking up in one of Essos’ many Red Temples, homes of R’hllor. Whether he was dead and brought back by the Red Priests and Priestesses of the fiery god, and struck the pact in the afterlife, or was merely brought back from the brink, he can’t be sure, but what he does know is that he’s alive -- for thirteen years, at least -- and that his ship is waiting in the harbour, charred but as beautiful as the day he first laid eyes on her. After the thirteen years is up, he would belong to R’hllor and whatever divine plan of bringing light to the darkness he has planned, but for now, Jack would live.
         He rechristens his ship the Black Pearl and takes up high seas piracy, operating primarily out of Braavos and other popular ports around Essos. The affairs of Westeros are of no interest to him until, aged twenty-seven, he hears about Balon Greyjoy’s rebellion against the crown, a doomed attempt by the Ironborn to seize independence for themselves -- and he can almost sympathise with their plight.
          By the point of the start of A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Jack is aged thirty-six, with two years left before he would need to pay his debt.
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
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demigod-dems · 8 years
junghope fanfiction mistresslist
because i clearly don’t know when to stop
(previous yoonseok fanfiction mistresslist)
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Before you start reaping the fruits of this list, here’s some info you should know:
- The list is made up of fanfics I have personally read and thought worth reading (I have read a lot more than these, and a lot didn’t make the cut)
- This list is in no way finished and done, it will evolve and update as I gather more fics for you to enjoy (feel free to message me new ones or some that i’ve missed)
- I’m a fluffy marshmallow and enjoy happy endings, so 99% of these fics won’t have any tragedy / death / gore and mutilation or cheating AND it won’t have any mpreg, because I am just not into it, sorry
❤ Favourites
☆ New to the list
last updated: [19/09/2018 03:06AM]
☆ 11 Things To Do Before You Die (bucketlist, friends to lovers)
☆ 27 Kisses (Hoseok is confused)
☆ ❤ A Little Help (oh my god, just. Read it, I love it so much, WIP)
☆ ❤ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (A/B/O, beta Jungkook wants to be knotted)
❤  another life (wistful, nice, BonVoyage AU)
☆ An arrow to the foot and a bow to you (pretty ironic for Hoseok to shoot himself, him being a cupid)
☆ all because of you (sad hoseok, but overall uplifting fic)
❤  all tomorrow's parties (jungkook/jimin/hoseok, a common hobby, AU)
always nice to meet you (AU, ace!guk, platonic)
❤  all the world’s noise (ridiculously sweet AU)
☆ Are You Sure (you want to stay?) (Jungkook overthinks)
☆ baby, you're a caramel macchiato (fluff)
☆ Be a good baby, mr. bad boy (Jungkook is good just for Hoseok)
☆ Belt Loops (public)
Bloodflows (unplanned bath sharing with Jungkook)
Black Cat (ancient Egyptian deities, AU)
❤  bone + tissue (sex, tension, photos, AU, sssssooooo goood) 
☆ Boy Meets Boy - Boys In Luv (Hogwarts AU)
Brat (fluff)
breathe again (daddy kink)
Break Your Plans Tonight (sex worker hoseok, new gang recruit guk, smut, AU)
☆ Bunny Boy (hybrid AU, human Hoseok)
☆ Call Me Baby (Jungkook wants to be called ‘baby’ by one person only)
can you teach me how to feel real (drabble, robots/androids AU)
'cause i'm burning up, burning up for you baby (yoonkook/hoseok, pizza delivery boy AU)
☆ Come Over Here (And Overwhelm Me) (Jeongguk takes a yoga class on a lost bet)
☆ Coffee in the Morning (KookYoonseok, needy Jungkook)
☆ Creep (the famous shower incident)
crushworthy (awkward jungkook, teasing hoseok, AU)
☆ daddy’s good boy (Jungkook wins  a private skype session with camboy Hoseok)
☆ Daydream (Hoseok borrows Jungkook’s laptop and finds some personal videos, daddy kink)
❤  Dance With Me Hyung (sexual tension up to the sky)
- Pt. 2
- Pt. 3
Double Texting (AU, fluff)
Don't Say Goodnight (Don't Say Goodbye) (AU past lives)
❤  DOES/DOES NOT (both are oblivious and everyone’s frustrated, AU)
Dream Chaser (Members only, nightmare, fluff)
☆ Drip Drop (A/B/O, submissive alpha Jungkook)
E - H
even my name, knelt down inside me, asking to be spared (mentions of prev. char death, past yoonkook, mental health issues)
eventually (AU, awkward Jungkook)
❤  Fall and Recover (ONLY THE BEST JUNGHOPE AU EVER???)
Hit Well With an Open Hand (dumbasses slapping each others butts)
☆ Faceplant (Jungkook crashes into Hoseok)
fallingforyou (short, sad)
Falling, Catching (A/B/O, knotting, mating cycles/in heat, AU)
Fever (Yoonseok/jungkook, crossdressing, smut)
☆ Five Months (very fluffy)
☆ footprint nostalgia (taehyung won’t have to go back to farming)
☆ Forever Seems Just Long Enough (Jungkook has been a permanent fixture in Hoseok’s bed lately)
☆ Golden (KookYoonSeok, Jungkook has a nightmare)
Hard. Rock. Steady? Rock. (Daddy kink)
☆ ❤ helping hand(s) (maybe Jungkook has a crush on his best friend that happens to have tentacles)
☆ Here in your arms ( sometimes the air is too quiet and his limbs are too restless, Jungkook sneaks into Hoseok's room)
❤  Hold Me Close (betrayal of a trusty heater, fluff, AU)
☆ hold me tight (KookYoonSeok, bondage)
☆ Hope is Last to Die (childhood crush, AU)
☆ #HopeKookWeek2017 (link to whole series ↓)
1 - how long, baby, have i been away? (oh, it feels like ages though you say it has been only days)
2 - your skin is so soft (kiss him once, kiss him twice to keep the night on)
3 - heaven’s on the backseat of my cadillac
4 - we can't hold back 'til the night escapes
5 - they'll hang us in the louvre (down the back, but who cares, still the louvre)
6 - you don’t have to leave (you could just stay here with me)
7 - shiver shiver (you strip the buttons off my coat)
☆ How to Make These Feelings Known 
I - M
☆ ❤ i wanna be yours (Jungkook has been in love with Hoseok since he's 15)
☆ If You Let Me In (soft and fond winter evening)
i'll take you on (established, sore loser Jungkook) 
i'm not a coffee drinker, but i lost sleep thinking about you (so pour me a cup, i need to wake up) (tired Hob, fluff)
☆ I’m bound up in you (Jungkook wants to ask something new, rimming, facesitting)
☆ i’m coming home to you (every night) (jungkook’s sensitive nose has trouble sleeping)
ineluctable (pool boy Hoseok, rich home-owner son Jungkook, AU)
☆ It’s Called Appreciating Beauty (lets admit, Jungkook is a liiitle obsessed)
☆ It's important to stretch before strenuous activities (Hoseok is a personal trainer and Jungkook has had his eyes trained on him)
is it me that you see? (tell me i'm not dreaming alone) (kookyoonseok, AU, fast paced)
Join US (vkook/hoseok, birthday present, smut)
☆ Joke (Jungkook needs to be punished)
Just a Boy (And boys have Needs) (hormonal teenager Jungkook, weak Hoseok)
Jungkook started a game (VHopeKook, Jungkook is shameless, really) 
Keep On Wanting (smut, established)
Young (pt. 2)
Cosmic Love (pt. 3)
Found You (pt. 4)
A Beautiful Mess (pt. 5 , Junghope/Yoongi, not finished)
The One (pt. 6)
Take a Breath, Take a Step (pt. 7)
I'll Give You Love (You Wanted Nothing) (pt. 8)
Love You (Even In My Sleep) (established, sleepwalking, kink negotiation, smut)
❤  less is more (less is a bore) (a lot of hickeys, feelings, AU)
❤  Lather Me Whole ( Prince Jungkook, Hoseok, his servant ↓ )
Mark Me As Your Own
Whisper In My Ear
Keep Me In Your Hands
Tie Me Up, Hold Me Down
Life with demons (should not be this hard) (exorcism AU, ending frustrated me to tears)
like everybody else (Daddy kink) 
Lionheart (aged up, established, AU)
☆ Lose My Cool (highschool AU, yearbook photographer Jungkook)
☆ Lucidness (daddy kink, the big red hoodie)
❤  Ma Tulipe (a BRILLIANT, soft glowing fic, AU) 
☆ Mountain Dew Me? (Jungkook is a bartender)
☆ Mommae (Jungkook gets caught watching something) 
☆ my favorite places (it gets too much sometimes)
N - R
Name The Stars (and know their dark returning) (getting together, fluff)
New Romantics (AU, piercings)
no mess, no fuss (aged up, AU, rough sex)
❤  Noge Do Poda (yoonseok, yoonkook - yoonseok just like Jungkook)
Noge u Zrak (yoonseok, junghope)
Dolje na koljena (yoonjunghope)
No One But Me (Jealous Jungkook, Oblivious Hoseok, established)
☆ ❤ not a booty call (the feelings, oh my god the feelings)
☆ now my bedsheets smell (like you) (5 times +1 one time)
☆ of white lies and autumn leaves (pretend relationship, ofc until it’s not)
☆ on the edge (wakeboarding, ‘rivals’)
☆ On My Life (I Swear) (Bodyguard AU, multichaptered)
one shot (is all i need) (bartenders, AU)
☆ one strange night in one strange city (rich young businessmen au) 
☆ Ousia (magic AU)
☆ pas de deux (growing old together, fics like this always make me sad even with happy ending)
☆ Perfect Ten (bowling AU)
petting (predebut)
☆ Pink Cushion (Jungkook needs some disciplining) 
☆ Room for Three (Yoonseok fall for Jungkook)
S - V
[second] (student/teacher relationship AU)
☆ Sing For Me (part of ot7, smut)
☆ Sixth Position (miscommunication, getting back together)
☆ share my life (it's yours to keep) (might as well marry they’re so domestic so fast)
Shelter From the Storm (fobias, jungkook trying to fix things, AU, slightly bdsm)
☆ ❤ Skip The Glory (demon AU, rough sex, some tentacle action)   
☆ Social Animals (nonsexual intimacy)
☆ Somebody’s Crying (Hoseok is the resident dorm advisor)
☆ ❤ sparkles in his eyes (my heart is jumping out)
stars (brotp, drunk jungkook)
study time (aged up, established, AU, piercings and tattoos, bottom hoseok)
☆ stuck (sometimes Jungkook’s mind gets.. stuck)
Stranger Dangers (rape kink) 
☆ stitch me up (you're so pretty) (Jungkook enrolls into an embroidery class)
sunshine (angst, character death)
☆ Sunshine next door (both Jungkook and his cat crush on Hoseok)
☆ sweeter than honey, softer than silk (no milk, however) (nursing kink and some awkward conversations, KookYoonSeok)
talk me down (petting, fluff)
☆ That Kinda Lovin' Turns A Man Into A Slave (they run away from Catholic boarding school)
❤  the underlying rhythm (favourite hyung, drabble)
☆ the feeling of getting you closer (is taking me under) (anal fisting)
the world is in your palm now so take a breath and calm down (Hogwarts AU)
The One (Hoseok steps in as a stand-in date)
The Stars In Your Eyes (Are Only For Me) (Space AU)
❤  these spaces between infinities (so so so good ;=;, AU)
❤  there and back again (sports therapist Hoseok, soccer player Jungkook, AU) 
☆ ❤ the world could use more of you (modern magic AU, multichaptered)
☆ this feels like falling in love (a step away)
☆ touch me in your own sweet way (Jungkook would not be lying)
☆ ❤ touch, my love. touch my heart. (Jungkook is into ASMR and Hoseok happens to make asmr videos on youtube, this is so nice)
too naughty to say no (Vhope/Jungkook)
☆ Tryna Count Me Out (who goes around kissing random strangers?)
☆ Twist of my Heart (misunderstandings)
Untraditional (A/B/O, kookyoonseok, AU)
☆ Up in the Sky (Hoseok is a businessman and Jungkook is on his first shift as a flight assistant)
W - Z
☆ wanna stay locked (between your fingers) (hair pulling)
☆ we could be together (if you want) (it’s been 2 years)
❤  What It Means to Know (breathplay, platonic)
☆ While You Were Sleeping (Jungkook is having a wet dream and Hoseok doesn’t want to interupt. much)
☆ Whipped Like Cream (they’re whipped)
wide awake (seokjunghope, jealous junghope, smut)
☆ world business (collars and bsdm, canonverse)
your warm embrace (AU, fluff) 
☆ you attack my heart (surely you're my destiny) (jungkook wants to be pretty)
☆ you got me catching feelings (they start as fuck buddies, but start catching feelings)
☆ you are my favorite "what if" (and my best "i'll never know") (junghope are hoeing w each other at a club)
☆ You Don't Need To Hesitate (so they’re handcuffed together)
☆ your love is bright as ever (Hoseok worries)
☆ you’re staring too much (Jimin sees straight away that Hoseok has a crush)
☆ you're the sun in my morning babe (KookYoonSeok, birthday sex)
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