#‘contemporary YA with a little sff but the sff is just there for the MC’s journey and it’s still mainly contemporary ‘
aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks
YA contemporary + a little sff
follows a boy who suddenly finds himself able to teleport when he walks through doors, often against his will
and has to figure that out while dealing with a new crush, the end of high school and the queer club, and figuring out whether he definitely wants to train to be an ASL interpreter like his father
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aristarshower · 7 years
21 questions writing-themed!
I was tagged by @setterslsett !!! Thank you so much!!! Sorry it took me so long! My wifi died and I’m on data :/
rules: tag 5 or more other writers. if you aren’t tagged, feel free to use these questions anyway and consider yourself tagged!
1. Short stories, novels, or poems?
All! I love novels tho! I love planning series! Most of my ideas are big series! I love short stories too but I’m not sure if I’m good at them? I used to write a lot of poems but stopped after a while. I should start again!
2. What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy! Contemporary stuff too sometimes! YA, urban fantasy, high fantasy, scifi, sff... I’ll read pretty much anything fiction tbh! Bonus points for good rep!
3. What genre do you prefer writing?
Fantasy! I love world building so much!!!(If you need someone to help you figure out stuff or just talk out a world hmu) I love drawing maps too!!! I also write scifi!!! But most of my writing kind of combines genres with one being predominant and another the background genre? Does that make sense?
4. Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
Both! I love planning though ngl! But I am writing Star Catcher one chapter a week with very minimal planning! I usually plan out some basic outlines and figure out the minutiae of the writing while I write!
5. What music do you listen to while writing?
I don’t usually listen to music while writing especially anything english cause it confuses me when I write. I listen to stuff in my other languages or just instrumental stuff sometimes but mostly I prefer silence to let myself immerse!
6. Fave books/movies?
7. Any current WIPs?
So many tbh!
WIP 1- Kaiden- Fantasy. Bi MC(First person POV all from Kai’s. The next books are each from his siblings. It’s a seven book series). He is a vampire prince exiled after a war forced to leave his wife and kids behind. His good behavior ensures their survival but he is now involved in Dwarvian politics and shit is getting real with old evil coming back to haunt the world.
WIP 2- Destiny-  Fantasy. My oldest and first manuscript. Currently shelved in favor of Kai but I am editing it slowly. It is a multiple POV with ace woc lead and a mlm couple as the other mcs. It is a avatar(last airbender) like world with marks that determine people’s powers. But anyone with a pure mark is considered too powerful and unlucky(there’s lore) so they are shunned. Unmarked are also shunned cause people are shit. There are kingdoms, industrial revolution, badass queens who thirst for war, antagonists who want to free the goddess of Death from her cage and protags of a prequel who failed in saving the world first time around. It’s a trilogy(Destiny, Unmarked and Broken).
WIP 3- YA fantasy, Ace woc and wlw woc are MCS. Librarian army fighting word monsters. Also a trilogy(Librarian’s Apprentice, Librarian’s Duty, Librarian’s Hoard).
WIP 4- Star Catcher (scifi) which I am posting now on tumblr!
These are the main WIPS but there are others I make maps for or write random scenes when I’m too blocked on these! I have like 38 ideas which I jump around on so it’s all one big mess.
8. If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Probably a salwar? I wear a lot of kurtis and salwars or maybe button downs or plaids with black jeans!(I have a new jacket with kind of indian monsters printed on it that I adore so maybe that too?)
9. Create a character description for yourself:
The bright sunlight turned their long dark hair into different shades of brown, most of them beautiful, some of them weird. Their eyes were closed and the wind danced delicately through the lashes settling into the curve of their neck making them shiver. They adjusted their glasses and rubbed at the perspiration on their chubby cheeks. It was going to be a hot day.
(I’m very sleep deprived and I’m so not used to writing about myself so don’t judge me!)
10. Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Not completely. I pick bits and pieces of others and myself to blend into characters tbh!
11. Are you kill-happy with characters?
Not really? I go where the story goes tbh. I don’t kill anyone on purpose? I make them suffer but not all the time either!
12. Dream job?
Author duh. But also anything that would let me be financially stable tbh.
13. Coffee or tea while writing?
Coffee usually but I don’t make a drink just to write.
14. Slow or fast writer?
Fast when I feel like it but feeling like it happens only when the stars are aligned!
15. Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Random crap. Also @julesdap is a blessing and I’m lov her
16. If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
I want to be something with magic! Preferably with no gender! But my first would always be dragon!
17. Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
again so many!!! Fav has to be the happy/hopeful ending! Least fav is “strong” female protags hating girly stuff cause they are not like other girls!
18. Fave places to write:
Anyplace I don’t get distracted. I used to love writing near a lawn but I don’t live there anymore so gotta adjust :(
19. Fave scenes to write?
Absolutely hate dialogue? Love descriptions! But I’m shit at both so eh
20. Most productive time of day for writing?
four fucking am usually but I don’t have one time. I cram in writing when I can and when my fuckt up brain lets me do things.
21. Reason for writing:
I suck at everything else? I suck a bit less at writing? lmao
seriously though, I just love the escapism and creating whole worlds tbh!
(sorry im not tagging anyone, I got very little sleep last night cause nightmares so I’m gonna turn in now! Anyone who wants to do it please tag yourself from me!)
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