saviourkingslut · 2 years ago
Thank you for pointing out that Alfred seems to just be Gay Twink Raphael. I've seen people say Raphael's one of the worst written characters in 3H Back In The Day, but now this bootleg Dimitri acts basically like Raphael about muscles except somehow EVEN MORE ONE-NOTE about it and people love him for it. Isn't he a lord?? You know a pretty important character?? He shouldn't just be an even shallower version of a ONE-NOTE SIDE CHARACTER from the LAST ENTRY in the series
yeah, it's kind of typical. i don't enjoy raphael much bc the game doubles down hard on 'cares only about muscles' and 'cares only about food' and though he's meant to be a comedic side character who isn't supposed to have too much depth, i think neither of those tropes are funny so it just makes him wholly skippable in every sense for me. which is why im fairly sure im not going to enjoy alfred, because i don't like the trope his entire personality is based on, and so far it seems like apart from that he doesn't have much else going for him. which is kind of tragic for a lord, lmao! but they've got a lot of those in this game, so maybe intsys thought they could afford a few gimmicks.
i think the main reason why many people who also don't like raphael much now do like alfred is exactly bc of what you're pointing out: gay twink. for some reason intsys gave raphael the face of a 40-year-old coal miner with hair to match, and i think that didn't do him any favours. alfred in comparison has a flower-themed, frilly costume, and in classic anime fashion he's slender and baby-faced. that's a bullseye design for a lot of players when it comes to likeability! and then, of course, home of sexual. that alone seems to be reason to like him for many players, even if he's not a very interesting character otherwise. for me personally it's played off way too much as a comedy bit so it doesn't pull me in at all, but people can like what they like ofc.
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