#you know how in ouran high school host club you have those two twins who flirt with each other to pull in the girls
saviourkingslut · 1 year
Thank you for pointing out that Alfred seems to just be Gay Twink Raphael. I've seen people say Raphael's one of the worst written characters in 3H Back In The Day, but now this bootleg Dimitri acts basically like Raphael about muscles except somehow EVEN MORE ONE-NOTE about it and people love him for it. Isn't he a lord?? You know a pretty important character?? He shouldn't just be an even shallower version of a ONE-NOTE SIDE CHARACTER from the LAST ENTRY in the series
yeah, it's kind of typical. i don't enjoy raphael much bc the game doubles down hard on 'cares only about muscles' and 'cares only about food' and though he's meant to be a comedic side character who isn't supposed to have too much depth, i think neither of those tropes are funny so it just makes him wholly skippable in every sense for me. which is why im fairly sure im not going to enjoy alfred, because i don't like the trope his entire personality is based on, and so far it seems like apart from that he doesn't have much else going for him. which is kind of tragic for a lord, lmao! but they've got a lot of those in this game, so maybe intsys thought they could afford a few gimmicks.
i think the main reason why many people who also don't like raphael much now do like alfred is exactly bc of what you're pointing out: gay twink. for some reason intsys gave raphael the face of a 40-year-old coal miner with hair to match, and i think that didn't do him any favours. alfred in comparison has a flower-themed, frilly costume, and in classic anime fashion he's slender and baby-faced. that's a bullseye design for a lot of players when it comes to likeability! and then, of course, home of sexual. that alone seems to be reason to like him for many players, even if he's not a very interesting character otherwise. for me personally it's played off way too much as a comedy bit so it doesn't pull me in at all, but people can like what they like ofc.
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/color were they? >> Earlier. There's a bunch of flowers in my yard and neighbours' yards that I think are just local wildflowers, but I don't know what their names are; also there were dandelions and tulips to admire. Spring really comes on rather suddenly when it comes to the growing part (the temperature part is much more fickle...). You wake up one morning and suddenly there are PLANTS
Are you in the process of watching or re-watching a series at the moment? >> I am watching The Wire, Riverdale, Foundation, and Jujutsu Kaisen for the first time, and rewatching Stargate SG-1 (well, it'll be a rewatch until I hit around season 5 or so), Red Dwarf, and Person of Interest. And while the first two seasons of Twin Peaks was a rewatch, I'm in The Return right now which is a first-time watch. I'm also finally finishing Steven Universe, slowly but surely (you'd think I'd have finished a show that has 10-minute episodes a long time ago but!)
If so, how many seasons does it have? And what season are you currently on? The Wire: 5 (3) Riverdale: 7 (2) Foundation: 2 (2) JJK: 1 I think SG-1: 10 (2) Red Dwarf: 12 (7) Person of Interest: 5 (5) Twin Peaks: 3 (3) Steven Universe: 5 (5) Has anyone you know gotten a new pet recently? >> No.
How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? >> I was 26 and my closest friends were Vlad, Sigma, and Sparrow.
Do you still speak to any of them? >> Vlad and I had a messy breakup, then Sigma and I had one a couple years later, and I live with Sparrow.
Have you ever kissed someone of another race? >> I've kissed a variety of people, yes. Are there any races you wouldn’t kiss? >> This notion is absurd to me.
What is your favorite thing about your best friend? . What do you mostly have in common with your best friend? . Do you like it when men shave their chests? If you are a guy, do you shave? >> I don't favour shaved bodies.
What is your favourite kind of video game? >> Narrative RPGs with deeply customisable player characters. When you’re visiting a site, do you still type “www.”? >> I haven't done that in a long, long time.
What can you hear right now? >> The sounds that can penetrate my noise-cancelling headphones -- namely, the heater, and the upstairs neighbour that just started clomping around literally right before I got to this question. Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones? >> I don't care, really. Give them one or don't. There's positive and negative consequences with both decisions, pick which ones you can live with. Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favourites? >> I do. Kill La Kill, Kiznaiver, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Bungou Stray Dogs, Kimetsu no Yaiba, and I'd probably still like Ouran High School Host Club if I were to watch it again now.
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best? .
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it? >> I have no idea what my all-time favourite TV show is, I love so many. I'll just pick a favourite from the TV show I last watched: Alice Cooper (Riverdale). Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what? >> I have violated like 5 of those Commandments. Which is fine because, as a non-Christian, I'm not beholden to them.
Do people think you look like either of your parents? Does that offend you? . Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? >> Regular.
Do you think it’s weird when people talk to their pets like people? >> It's normal to me because it's also what I do. I find the baby-talk stuff to be weird.
What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? >> Crowne Plaza Hotel in Indianapolis.
What is the furthest you have traveled alone? >> From NYC to Colorado and back (and there and back and there and back--). Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? >> Sure, because when someone I don't otherwise know asks me out, what else do I have to go on to make my decision? (This was back when I did date that way, obviously. Right now, this concept is unfathomable to me.)
Have you ever been drunk? >> Sure.
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? >> Annie O'Sullivan.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? >> For some reason I always blank on this, despite the fact that I love salad and salad toppings. All I can think of is feta. Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? >> Definitely pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? >> Mushrooms.
Is your dad a jerk? .
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? .
What is your favorite dog breed? >> Pibbles.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? >> I have quite a few grey hairs at this point, yeah. Not quite enough for a salt-and-pepper but definitely well on its way. Do you own a bikini? >> I don't. Never have. I'd like to, though, I think that would be fun. If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? . Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? >> I am desperate for a personal housecleaner.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? >> I do not.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? >> Another question I blank on very easily.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? .
What are three things you like about church? >> Architecture, basking in the heady vibes of religious fervour, music.
What was the last type of pie you ate? >> Whew, uh.... I have no idea. Maybe sweet potato? Which book did you love when you were younger? >> The Phantom Tollbooth, Many Waters.
Which book series could you read again? >> Well, certainly Madeleine L'Engle's Time Quintet.
Tell me about your first breakup, if you had one. .
Which person would you chose to travel the world with? .
Do you have (a) stuffed animal(s) sitting in your room? Which one(s)? >> I have like 30 stuffed animals in here, I'm not going to list them all.
Have you ever had to do a doubletake on someone ‘cuz they were so pretty? >> Absolutely. Is your last ex currently in a relationship? .
Who was the last female you were introduced to? . Who was the last male you were introduced to? .
Do you use a nightlight? >> I don't.
What’s your opinion on border control? >> Not a fan of borders in general.
What are your favorite things to create? >> Madness and chaos.
What’s something you prefer to keep private? >> My passwords?
Are you good at prioritizing? >> For my purposes and to my whims, certainly.
If you’re not religious, were you ever? What made you lose faith? >> I have always been some flavour of religious, but rarely affiliated with an organised one.
What feeling do you have the most difficulty in expressing? >> I think anger is the only one I have ease in expressing. The rest of them are all a struggle. When was the last time you looked at your significant other/crush’s Facebook profile? .
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duckielover151 · 10 months
Rewatching Ouran High School Host Club for the millionth time overall but the first time in several years...
This time around, I'm fascinated by the thought of where reality kicks in for these characters. As a teenager, I always assumed that the club's guests believed 100% that everything that was happening at the club was genuine. But maybe-- at least some of them-- are aware that they're paying for a service.
There was just something about the scene where those two random girls from class talk to Haruhi about how the twins used to be really isolated in middle school, how much they've opened up since joining the club.
I've had years and years to ponder and analyze the twins' characters, which is maybe why this time, I found myself focusing on the girls. And my knee-jerk reaction was, "Wow, you two seem surprisingly sane today."
And that led to me thinking about their classes-- which I presume they do attend, even if we never see it. Like, how do these girls function, sharing classes with the boys they spend their after-school hours swooning over? Do the hosts feel the need to stay in-character outside of hosting hours, if they feel someone's eyes on them? Or do they just shut it off completely, aside from general politeness? A lot of them are pretty much just overdramatized versions of who they really are... but the twincest gimmick is actually pretty racy and risqué. I'm fascinated by the thought of what their reputations must be like with their ordinary classmates.
Furthermore... I know Kyoya's dad's just an asshole in general... but you know, now that I think about it... if you're worried about your kid's reputation and success, I'm not sure running a host club is exactly what you'd want their shining school-days achievement to be. I have no sympathy for the man, but I could kind of understand if their parents were a little disappointed in how they were choosing to use their talents.
Oh god, I feel like such an adult this time around. XD
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dreamtbydaylight · 2 years
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Hi all~!
My latest obsession is Ouran High School Host Club. I had never seen it before. I have since finished the anime, then bought and finished the entire manga box set. >_< And my god is it lovely.
I have to say I absolutely love the Twins. They’re so extra- but I adored their character development in the manga so much. I was in pain for Kaoru for a while before their conflict reached a resolution (totally not yelling to myself in private about how they both better end up happy g*dd*mmit *flipping tables*).
Ahem. Anyway. I was trying to figure out whether Corytha’s personality would work better with Kaoru or Hikaru, but in the end I feel like her and Hikaru would have a good dynamic that challenges them both and balances out. Regardless, her timid demeanor makes her an easy target for the twins’ antics, which you can bet Hikaru would take full advantage of even when it’s just the two of them. So here’s some fluff for those two!
A fun side note: I feel a little bit too much like Haruhi in some ways???? Her hair is the same as mine, we’re almost the same height, both of us suck at acting, don’t care much about appearances… just found it funny. I feel like she’s my anime doppelganger. If I ever have to cosplay I know who it’s gonna be. Except my eyes are blue instead of brown, but ya know, close enough.
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l-sincline · 5 months
Girlish Whimsy Chapter 11
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AO3 tags: Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Ootori Kyouya/Original Female Character(s), Ootori Kyouya, Suoh Tamaki, Original Characters, Original Female Characters, Morinozuka Takashi, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Fujioka Haruhi, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Slow Burn, Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers, Eventual Romance, smart people that arent smart about romance, Oblivious, Battle of Wits, Ouran High is one giant social chess game
Asuka has her eyes on the prize as soon as she steps foot on Ouran High School grounds. Her goal? Impress her father enough to convince him to let her remain as heir to the company instead of handing the title down to her younger brother. She knows going to school at Ouran will be one big chess game, especially coming in late at her second year- but she’s up for any challenge.
Asuka finds herself intrigued by the Host club and the inner workings of it. More than that, she sees untapped opportunities to grow her resume. Now all she needs is a partner on the inside who’s equally as motivated, and he was easier to find than she thought.
Mayu had been a little mopey with her the next day, but her friend was easily brought back to life by tales of her interactions with Tamaki and how kind he’d been. Once she had been done cheering up Mayu, Asuka had weaved through desks to reach Kyouya towards the front of the room and hand him a manilla folder. 
“I kept the script, but the contract is there, signed.” She spoke quietly, but not quietly enough for anyone to question what they were talking about. She knew her own ears would be perked at some hushed whispers.
“No issues?” 
“No. Everything seemed in line.” 
“Great. I have Honey and Mori set up to talk to you after club hours today.”
“Honey and…?” She drifted off, he quirked a brow, “Oh. Haninozuka and Morinozuka?” 
Kyouya nodded.
“I see then. Thanks.” 
Kyouya shrugged. They were silent for a moment before Asuka turned and headed back to her desk. Awkward. 
She did not know that that would definitely not be the most awkward interaction she had that day. 
This was the first time she’d really seen one of these… themed days. A part of her thought this had to be Kyouya’s doing as an attempt to bring in more money, but the concept overall reeked of some ridiculous Tamaki scheme. 
Lots of tears today… She noted, tapping her pen on her bottom lip as she glanced up from her notebook. Somewhere across the room Tamaki seemed to weep into one of the girl's arms. The twins were in a similar predicament between themselves. At least Haruhi seemed as confused as she was. 
On the table in front of her, her notebook had really turned into a sketchbook. She’d tried to get into the designs for Haninozuka and Morinozuka early today, but wasn’t quite sold on what their pieces should be yet. 
On one page, matching bracelets. Then, those concepts turned into just one bracelet with two charms. Then she separated them again and drew two necklaces. Then… friendship necklaces? But that was too tacky. Asuka chewed at her bottom lip and tapped the pen aggressively against the page. Having to wait through club hours was starting to be a little pain staking. Maybe she was more impatient than she thought. 
“Your current posture really doesn’t fit the ‘zen’ image we’re going for today.” A saucer and teacup was set lightly on the table. 
Asuka shook herself from her concentrated state and set the pen down, looking up at Kyouya.
“Well I’m a guest, not a worker. I’ll do what I please. Customers are always right– isn’t that how it goes?” She challenged.
“I give you free tea when you’re here and you have a contractual obligation to the club. I’d hardly call that being a customer at this point.” A small, but typically sly smile made its way to his face as he looked off in thought, “Maybe glorified set dressing. Should I get you a costume as well?” 
Asuka groaned and rolled her eyes , “No, that's quite alright. I think you all have it covered.” 
Suddenly, loud commotion from the door. 
Kyouya turned as Asuka leaned forward to glance around him. The twins, Tamaki, and… a girl she hadn’t seen before all huddled by the door. The twins seemed rather amused by Tamaki’s sudden outburst of pain, Asuka’s ears perked trying to make out what exactly the mystery girl was yelling at Tamaki. 
Kyouya had already started moving towards the door, but Asuka found herself curious. If she had a contractual obligation to be at the club, she figured she should be allowed to get a closer look at what exactly was going on– right? Surely this aided jewelry research somehow. 
She shut her notebook and held it by her side as she made her way over as well, the girl’s voice slowly becoming more clear until,
“...my one and only prince charming!”
It was impossible for Asuka not to laugh. 
Personally, Asuka thought the speed at which she had clapped a hand over her mouth and stopped herself from laughing had been appropriately quick. The girl– Renge, she had learned– did not think the same. 
She was the next to receive Renge’s wrath, and now she was stuck here listening to this absolute trash fire of a conversation. She was shocked by how horribly this day had gone in terms of normalcy. In fact, Asuka believed that if someone pinched her right this moment, she’d probably wake up. 
“Otaku…” She found herself echoing some of the other Host’s cries of disbelief, letting out a deep sigh. 
Renge had seemed to ignore the sounds of disdain and disbelief from the rest of the group and fallen back into her own delusional world.
“She’s so in love with this character she must’ve deluded herself into thinking we’re engaged…” Kyouya seemed to speak out loud in that moment, “We must look similar somehow.” 
“So she’s not really your fiancee?” Tamaki asked, hopeful.
“Well, no. I’ve never met her before in my life. I’ve certainly never asked her to marry me.” 
Asuka was once again stuck wondering why she was still here as Renge seemed to finally come back to the real world– did Renge see making her sit through this impromptu meeting as some sort of divine punishment for laughing at her earlier?
“Starting tomorrow, I’ll be the manager of the host club!” Renge suddenly declared, “I’ll make this place even better– you’ll see!” 
“Kyouya…” Tamaki whined.
“The Houshakuji’s are very important Ootori family clients. So please just play along and do your best not to offend her, alright?” 
At this point Asuka had had enough and stood, brushing out the wrinkles that had formed while sitting for too long. She leaned down and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. 
“Well, if that's quite all, I think I’ll be going.” She pushed some hair behind her ear, “I’ll just reschedule the interview for another day.” 
“Wait!” Renge cried, stomping a foot up on the small coffee table between them. Asuka jumped slightly in surprise, “You have a very important task and you haven’t even heard about it yet!”
Asuka laughed slightly, “With all due respect, I’m Host Club ‘set dressing’,” She threw up air quotes, “not really a member or anything. So, there should be nothing you require of me. Anyways-” Asuka moved to leave again when Renge grabbed her wrist.
“No! You’re the oldest daughter of the Kaneko family. You thought I wouldn’t recognize you?”
Well, I certainly didn’t recognize you… Asuka thought to herself, but settled with a simple shake of the head.
“You must make Kyouya and I’s wedding rings! I’m sure you’re the only one for the job.”
Asuka scoffed and opened her mouth, but was interrupted by a loud cough behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Kyouya, arms crossed, face fashioned by a very fake smile. He purposefully mouthed, ‘contract’ and Asuka turned back around quickly. 
“Uh… yeah. Sounds great. I’ll start drawing up the plans.” 
“Wonderful!” Renge finally let go of her iron grip on Asuka’s wrist and cheered. 
As soon as she was free, Asuka booked it out of Music Room 3 as quickly as possible. A part of her felt a deep-seated remorse for the boys that would now have to deal with their new lady manager, but then she reminded herself that she’d be dealing with Renge too– that remorse turned into self-pity. 
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Hikaru Hitachi in x Fem!Fujioka!Reader (NSFW)
Warnings: smut after the time skip. Nothing to much but it's there so you have been warned.
A/n: OHSHC was the very first anime I watched and it's what got me into anime in the first place. So here some Host Club Smut for ya!
It was like any normal day in the life of a commoner. School, work, clean, cook, downtime, sleep, repeat. So when the weekend came and Haruhi would be home to help out and you actually had a day off from work, the two of you just relaxed. She told you all about the host club's wacky adventures that day and you couldn't help but giggle and the way she described Tamaki. You never met the guy, but you could tell he had something for your older twin. It was so obvious, but as smart as Haruhi is, she was completely oblivious. And from you gathered from all the stories, he was too. "How about I make us some lunch Haru?" You said standing. 
"I'll come with you! I haven't cooked much since I started Ouran and it will be fun to make something together!" She smiled and you smiled back.
"I'd love that!" The two of you made your way to the kitchen and began preparing when someone knocked on the front door.
"I'll get it." Haruhi said and left while you continued to grab stuff to make some homemade ramen. You noticed the lack of food and ingredients in the kitchen and made a mental note to go to the market later. "Uh, (y/n)? You know how you asked me to keep out of the host club's crazy antics?" Haruhi asked while standing nervously in the doorway.
"Yeah?" You turned around slowly, not really liking how she was talking.
"They're here." You froze. You didn't want to be a distraction for your sister or to get caught up in anything related to the host club because you had too much work to do. You had to help keep the house clean and prepare food and actually work a job to help out around the house. You didn't have time to get caught up in some crazy plans to get two children together or go to the beach and flirt with people. Not that you knew that would happen but you knew it could've been a possibility.
"Oh, okay. I'll make some tea!" You said with a smile. Just because you weren't interested in the rich guys your sister became friends with didn't mean you were going to be a rude host. Wow… host.. weird. You quickly made some of your special tea you bought. It was more expensive but it tasted amazing and you only used it for special occasions. You carried a tray of cups with the tea along with some milk, sugar and honey just in case if they wanted to put it in. "I made tea." You smiled as you walked into the living area to see everyone sitting on the floor… try to conserve space? 
The group of boys turned to look at you and their eyes widened. "You look just like Haru-Chan! But more girly!" A small blonde boy, Hani you assumed from the descriptions Haruhi gave you, spoke and smiled. 
"Identical!" The orange hair twins, Hikaru and Karou?, Spoke. 
"Haruhi? Who is this?" The tall blonde with a slight french accent asked.
"This is (y/n) my sister. My… twin…. Sister." That's when all hell broke loose. Arms being flung around and crying? Were they crying?!
"Haruhi! How could you not tell us you had a twin!?"
"She is so cute!"
"Daddy has two daughters now!!!"
"I knew all along." Many voices spoke and it was giving you a headache.
"If you could all just calm down, maybe we could talk like normal humans?" You spoke after, surprisingly, successfully setting the tray of tea cups on the table. So everyone quieted down and that when you began to answer the questions. "Both Haruhi and I got accepted into Ouran, but I chose to not go because one of us needed to help dad with bills and food and keep the house clean. Both of us would have been hard on money and one of us needed to stay. So I decided I would since I didn't get as high a score as Haruhi and she has more of a reasonable life goal than I do. So it was only fair if I let her go to the best school they had to offer. Yes I am the younger twin, but only by a few minutes." And so on and so forth. When you heard everyone's stomachs rumble, you realized that no one had eaten lunch yet. "I'll go to the market and grab stuff for some stew or something." You stood and grabbed your jacket and slipped on your shoes.
"I'll come with you." Haruhi stood and you stopped her. 
"Your friends are here, you should stay." You smiled and she gave you a sad smile back
 She knew you didn't have time for friends since taking on a job along with doing school and cleaning and everything to help out. You left and headed to the market when suddenly someone came up beside you. 
"Hey." They said and you turned to see one of the twins.
"Hello, Hikaru. What are you doing here?" I asked and he looked wide eyes at you for a moment before speaking.
"I thought you could use some company."
"I see, well, you know the rest better than I do. What kind of food does everyone like?" You asked. 
"Stew is fine. Any kind really." He shrugged. The two of you walked in silence for a moment.
"She never told us she had a twin." He finally spoke after you two had left with the bags from the market.
"I know. I didn't want it to distract her from her studies and to be honest, I didn't want to get any attention from you guys either. She talks very highly of all of you, but I heard stories about Tamaki. Daddy? Is he like…. One of THOSE guys?" You asked and he laughed.
"I don't think Boss even knows what a boner is. Much less how to actually kiss someone or even think that being called daddy is a kink." The two of you laughed and joked around the whole way home.
"H-Hikaru." You whimpered inside the dark closet. You and Haruhi were invited to the Suoh estate for a small party, which is how you ended up playing one hour in heaven. How you ended up with Hikaru inside the closet. His lips trailed soft sweet kisses down your neck, he was on a hunt. Looking for that spot that made you melt, and when he found it, boy did he abuse it.
"You're just so beautiful, (y/n)." He kissed your lips again gently. "So incredibly beautiful." He kissed you again but with more passion. "Your fun *kiss* your smart *kiss* and you are just so kind. I can't hold myself back any longer." He looked into your eyes, lips only millimeters apart. 
"Then don't." You whispered. And that's when he attacked your lips in a bruising kiss. Hands tangled in hair and clothes being thrown around the decent sized closet. Every inch of your skin and his were left out in the open for each other to explore. "Let's.. let's try something." You breathed out and he nodded for you to go ahead. You laid him down on his back and proceeded to straddle his face, facing his dick. He grabbed your hips and pulled you down to his face and began to lick a stripe from your clit to your ass. You moaned as you leaned down to take him into your mouth, you couldn't see what he looked like in the dark but fuck he was thick and long. He began to suck on your clit again, causing you to moan around his cock, which he involuntarily bucked his hips a bit. He moaned and you felt it go straight to your core. You came pretty quickly and he didn't waste a single drop. 
Suddenly you found yourself on your back and he attacked your lips once again. He suddenly slammed into you and you cried out in pain. "Oh, oh my God I'm so sorry! I.. I'd isn't realize that your were a-"
"It's okay! Really, just… give me a minute." He nodded and gave you a sweet passionate kiss. Only when you bucked your hips a bit, a silent plea for him to move, did he move. The room was then filled with sweet moans and groans from the two of you. You came another three times before his hips began to get sloppy.
"I.. I'm gonna-" he didn't have time to do anything before he released himself inside of you. "Oh fuck! I'm so sorry!" You pulled him down to kiss him.
"It's okay. It's okay." 
"Will you please be my girlfriend, (y/n)?"
"No, I only fucked you and gave you my virginity because I don't want to go out with you." The two of you laid there for a second before you two laughed.
"So, tomorrow night? Dinner and cuddles?"
"You bet that ginger of yours there will be cuddles."
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writers-block246 · 4 years
Can I have a smut shot of kyoya tamaki hikaru and kaoru?? :3
Ahhh, my favorite boys. Yes, yes you can, anon :)
Tamaki Suoh
It was another Friday afternoon, meaning your boyfriend was still at Ouran Academy. He was hosting, as per usual, which left you waiting for him for hours. You practically flopped on the bed once you got back to Tamaki’s house, pulling out your laptop to watch Netflix to pass the time. You pick out a new movie called Only.
About an hour passes, and you hear a door squeak open from downstairs. Tamaki. You smiled to yourself, knowing your boyfriend would be up soon.
The bedroom door opened fairly quickly, your eyes darting to the handsome blonde in front of you. Although, he wasn’t being his usual cheerful and bubbly self.
“Hey, baby, how was your d—” you began to say softly, being cut off by Tamaki’s body colliding on your own. You wrap your arms around him as his head nuzzled into the space between your neck and left shoulder.
“Horrible,” he sighed solemnly. You ran your hands over his back.
“What happened?”
“Just… those shady twins,” he grumbled. “They embarrassed me in front of everyone today.”
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry,” you softly spoke. He then sat up, causing you to lean back against the headboard, “do you wanna talk about it?”
He shook his head.
“No, but thank you, my love.”
You two sat quietly for a few moments before a great idea popped into your head. You sat up slightly, putting your hand on Tamaki’s thigh.
“Why don’t I cheer you up?” you smirked as you saw Tamaki look down at your hand, a blush forming across his cheeks.
“I-uh—oh,” he stuttered as your hand moved up his leg and to his dress pants, your fingers toying with his belt.
“Shhh, baby... let me help you...”
“Um... oh, okay,” he mumbled.
Deciding not to tease him, you undid his belt and removed him from his pants. Taking him in your hand, you began to stroke his shaft. It wasn’t long before you felt him harden in your hand, making you smirk.
“Princess,” he groaned.
You gave him a coy look from underneath your lashes.
“Yes, daddy?” You questioned.
At that, his hips stuttered. You could tell his resolve was beginning to weaken. I just want him to relax, he’s had such a hard day.
“Fuck, tu es tout pour moi,” he groaned.
Oh, you thought. I have no idea what he’s saying, but it’s so sexy when he speaks French.
Giving a slight moan at the grumble of his voice, you began placing kittenish licks on his shaft. Teasingly, you ran your tongue along his ridge. Not long after, a hand found its way into your hair. Becoming impatient, Tamaki gave a gentle tug, encouraging you to take him into your mouth. Making eye contact with him once more, you take him all the way down to the base. From above you, you heard him release a deep groan.
“Fuck, my beautiful girl. Just like that.”
The rumble of his voice shot heat straight to your core. Filled with a new sense of determination, you began to bob your head up and down. His pleased whines and groans floating down to you did nothing but encourage you. You swirled your tongue around him, and, reflexively, his hips jerked. Tears welled in your eyes, and Tamaki began to panic. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to. Are you okay?” The worry in his voice made your heart melt. He is so sweet, you thought. Smiling at him comfortingly, you took him back into your mouth, sucking him with vigor. Soon, you felt him relax once more. It wasn’t long before the hand in your hair tightened, and you could tell he was nearing his release.
You doubled your efforts, desperate to make him come. He whined, muttering praises under his breath. His hips jerked, and you felt hot bursts of come fill your mouth. Swallowing, you rose on your knees to be face to face with Tamaki.
“How was that, daddy?” You asked coyly.
Panting, he gave a satisfied smile.
“Thank you, darling. I really needed that.”
“Of course baby,” you replied. “I hate seeing you upset.”
“Your turn?,” he questioned, looking a little hopeful.
You laughed. “No sweetheart, tonight was about you.”
He looked conflicted. “Are you sure, because I don’t mind, I swear. You know I love taking care of you.”
God, what a sweet boy. “Yes, I’m sure, honey,” you murmured with a lovesick smile.
He cupped your face and gave you a loving kiss.
“Je t'aime, angel,” he murmured with an adoring smile on his face.
Giggling, you replied: “Je t'aime, my prince.”
Kyoya Ootori
You sighed as you kicked off your heels at the door, it felt great to be home after a long night out with your friends, and now you just wanted to go to sleep with your loving boyfriend, Kyoya.
You quietly walk upstairs, just in case he is already asleep. Upon opening the door, you see the silhouette of Kyoya in front of the bright laptop screen.
“Goddamn it,” you heard him grumble under his breath, “how did he go over our budget again?”
Tamaki, you thought. You knew how reckless he could be with the Host Club’s money.
“Another budget issue?” You quietly asked, wrapping your arms across Kyoya’s shoulders.
He was still tense even at your touch.
“Yeah,” he muttered as his fingers were typing away at the keyboard, “the damn idiot went overboard yet again, and I’m the one who has to resolve the issue.”
“I mean, you could always sell more promotional items, right? I’m sure girls would love to pay for that.”
“Yes, but that means drawing money out of the school’s budget.
“Oh... right.”
He sighed out of frustration and slammed his laptop shut, turning his chair in order to look at you. You were still in your tight, low V-necked dress. He ran his hands down your sides until they landed on your waist.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? Where did you head off to?”
You blushed slightly. Kyoya didn’t normally show much affection, but when he did, it had a huge effect on you.
“Didn’t I tell you I went out with some friends? We went to this new club downtown to dance.”
He bit his lip, his grip on your waist tightening slightly as he guided you to sit on his lap, faces just inches apart.
“So, you’re telling me other people saw you like this? I thought that body was only to be shown off to me, Y/N...”
You blushed. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“Hmmm, I think it’s time I showed you who you belong to.”
His deep voice had your knees weakening.
“What, what do you mean, sir?” You nervously replied.
Instead of responding, you felt his large and warm hand settle on your upper thigh.
“O-oh,” you stuttered.
“Sh, baby. I’m taking what’s mine.”
His hand spread your legs and lifted up your dress. He teased your inner thighs with his fingers, and then began rubbing circles on your clothed pussy. You gave a low moan, and he chuckled in response.
“Please sir.”
“Please what, babygirl. Use your words,” he smirked.
You whined, “sir, please. I need more.”
“Need more what? Come on baby, you can do better than that.”
Your resolve faded away, and you moaned. “More of you, sir. Please, give me your fingers.”
Kyoya chuckled once more. “I guess that can be arranged, baby girl.”
His fingers moved up your thigh and pulled your panties aside. You whined and wriggled your hips, desperate for some pressure. He moaned at your eagerness, and finally gave in, running his fingers up and down your slit. You groaned and pushed yourself down against him. Sliding in a finger, he moaned at your wetness.
“Look at you, baby. So wet already. What would your friends think if they knew how much of a slut you are?”
You couldn’t help but moan at his words. His deep voice and dirty talk never failed to make you tremble. At your response, he began to finger you roughly in his frustration, causing you to cry out. You gripped the arms of the chair tightly, turning your knuckles white. He added another finger, and you moaned helplessly.
“That’s it, my little slut, moaning so prettily for me.” His voice had dropped an octave, and it made your thighs clench.
Determined to make you scream his name, he began to speed up his movements. You squealed in response, and pushed your hips down onto his hand. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself tighten around his fingers, and Kyoya gave a deep groan at the feeling.
“That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come for your daddy,” he murmured into your ear.
At his words, you gave one last loud moan and came, clenching his fingers tightly. As you came down from your high, Kyoya stroked you softly, helping you along.
When you finally came, you opened your eyes and met his beautiful ones. You cuddled into him, sighing softly.
“Oh, babygirl. Did you really think we were done?”
Hikaru Hitachiin
You had two hours before you had to pick up Hikaru, your boyfriend, from the airport. So, you decide to do what any normal girlfriend would do: send him some revealing pictures.
You quickly undress out of your T-shirt and sweatpants, and rush to your dresser. You pull out a red, lacy, strappy lingerie, which happened to be Hikaru’s favorite.
Once you put on some light makeup and do your hair, you pull out your phone to take a couple of photos. The picture you select to send to him, however, is a simple mirror shot  with your hand slightly in your underwear.
*Attachment: 1 Image*
You: I wish you were the one touching me ;)
About an hour passed, and by that time you had changed into proper clothes. You are walking out to your car when you hear your phone buzz.
Hikaru: Fucking hell Y/N, you better be ready for me.
You smirk, knowing you have him exactly where you want him.
You finally reach your destination, heading for the gate where his brother told you he would be. You sit down in a nearby row of chairs, browsing through your phone for a few minutes until a pair of feet come into your point of view. You look up to see none other than your boyfriend.
“Oh hey, babe, how was your flight?”
He looks flustered, a slight blush rising on his cheeks.
“My flight?!” He near-whispers, “we’ve got a bigger issue to worry about other than my flight!”
You chuckle, your eyes darting to his pants.
“Oh really? What is the bigger issue?”
He rolls his eyes before kneeling down to your level, whispering a little more quietly.
“Did you not see the issue? I had to take off my sweatshirt to cover myself during whole flight, and it was freezing on that plane!”
You look back down at your phone with a smirk on your face.
“Huh, I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
You say playfully.
He grabs your hand, quickly pulling you to your feet.
“Fine,” he starts pacing before he drags you along, “then I guess I have to show you what I’m talking about, yeah?”
You giggle as Hikaru mutters curses under his breath, looking around as if he was searching for some place to go.
“Finally! Christ!” he shouts, dragging you into a unisex bathroom and into one of the stalls.
A mischievous look settles on your face.
“Oh, Hikaru... a bathroom? We need to solve this issue in the bathroom?”  
He rolls his eyes.
“Yes, Y/N, you’re the one who caused the issue for me with that tease of a picture.”
“Uh huh,” you start, moving your hands to his waist as you toy with the elastic of his sweatpants, “I was only showing you how much I missed your touches, and now I want to pay that forward.”
One hand remains on Hikaru’s waist as the other makes its way to his face to cup his cheek. You pull him into a kiss, at which one point Hikaru nips your bottom lip in hopes for entrance. You happily oblige. Your left hand slowly makes its way under his sweatpants and into his boxers.
Taking him into your hand, you begin to expertly stroke his shaft, hearing him give a low moan at your motions. This encouraged you to speed up, making him putty in your hands.
After a few minutes, his groans grow louder and he begins to tense. Knowing he is about to come, you drop to your knees and take him into your mouth. With one last shout, he grabs your hair and comes into your mouth.
Swallowing, you look up at him. He gives you an amused glance.
“What? I was trying to contain the mess. We are in public after all.”
Kaoru Hitachiin
The bouncing of Kaoru’s leg definitely does not help him focus on the teacher in front of him. His mind is running a mile a minute due to the scandalous little rendezvous you and him shared last night. In fact, the memories are still clear in his mind as his fingers brush against his collarbone.
“Hikaru,” Kaoru near-whispered, “keep still! I don’t want to fall!”
“I’m trying! Tell Y/N to hurry up and open the door, or else I’m gonna drop you. My shoulders can’t take this forever!”
Kaoru rolled his eyes as he hoisted himself up onto your balcony and peered into your room. You were brushing your hair when you suddenly saw your boyfriend’s reflection in your vanity’s mirror.
You rushed over to your sliding glass door, letting Kaoru in. You stifled a giggle as you two sat on the bed.
“Kaoru! When you texted me you were gonna come over, I didn’t think you actually meant it!”
“Well, I mean, your place is on the way,” he nervously replied.
You smiled at him adoringly. “The way? And where exactly were you headed at two in the morning?”
He gave an embarrassed cough, averting his eyes from yours. “I just really missed you, okay?”
You placed your hand on his, running your thumb back and forth across it.
“I missed you too, baby,” you murmured.
Kaoru’s cheeks tinted pink as he made eye contact with you once again. Your faces gradually moved closer, as if something was pushing you both.
Your lips finally interlocked, while Kaoru’s hands landed on your waist, pulling you closer. Your arms draped across his shoulders. Your tongue barely touched his bottom lip, begging for entrance, which you were granted. You felt Kaoru pull you close to his chest as he laid against the headboard. You giggled against his lips before you slowly pulled away.
He gave you a confused look, to which you replied with a smirk. Your lips went to the side of his neck, pressing soft kisses as you trailed down to his collarbone. Kaoru let out a hum, and you knew you found his sweet spot.
You took the skin in between your lips and gently sucked, hearing him softly moan at the touch. You took this opportunity to nip the area a couple of times, quickly running your tongue over it as your saliva relieved the pain.
End of Flashback
“Mr. Hitachiin, do we need to have a chat after class?”
Kaoru looks up and quickly shakes his head.
“No sir! All good here!”
3:00 comes quickly, and instead of heading to Music Room 3 as he normally does, Kaoru heads directly out of the doors of Ouran Academy.
The next thing he knows, he is at your front door, frantically knocking until you finally open it and let him inside.
“Kaoru? Aren’t you supposed to be—“
He cuts you off with his lips meeting yours, and almost immediately you feel his hands run through your hair. You feel him gently push you until your back is against the door.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day, sweetheart,” you hear him mumble under his breath. “I wanna try something if that’s okay with you?”
You quickly nod, knowing words would take too long to describe how much you want him.
And with that, Kaoru drops to his knees, giving you a smirk before lifting up your dress to your knees. You giggle softly as you feel his teeth pull at the elastic of your underwear, which slowly drop to your feet.
“You sure you’re okay with this Y/N?” You hear ask as his fingers begin to tease your inner thighs.
“Yes. Please, Kaoru. I need you.”
He doesn’t hesitate for much longer before his tongue licks a stripe up your pussy, making you shudder at his touch. He speeds up his movements as his fingers work circles on your clit, earning him a soft moan. This isn’t enough motivation for him though, so his tongue begins to fixate on your clit. His lips start to suck gently, and you can feel your orgasm coming quickly.
“K-Kaoru...I’m gonna...”
You hear him hum against your clit, the vibration shooting through you as your orgasm almost peaks.
You immediately hike up your dress with one hand, your eyes finally coming into view of the top of his head. The other hand gently grasps his auburn hair, to which Kaoru lets out a low moan. It isn’t long before you come, spilling your juices into Kaoru’s mouth. He looks up at you and licks his lips, but his face is quickly overtaken with a nervous look.
“D-did I do alright?”
You chuckle.
“Oh, you did more than alright.”
-Admin Maddie 
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
(Ouran high school)☁Haruhi x Fem!Reader
"Come on Y/n the host club will be fun. I set an appointment with a cute boy named Haruhi," Bella said as she dragged Y/n to the music room.
"Fine, but can we make this quick, I wanted to try out my skateboard,"  Y/n groaned as Bella pushed open the doors.
Rose petals blew past them as multiple men stood waiting to greet them. Bella's face was beet red, while Y/n just stood with an unimpressed face as she pulled out her phone. Bella quickly dragged her to a table with a cute looking boy with short brown hair and brown eyes. Bella babbled away with the "boy" Haruhi, while Y/n just mindlessly poked her cake.
"Bella oh I'm sorry I have to cut my appointment short my Father came early, but have fun talking with Y/n," Bella said as she dashed out of the club room.
"Wait, what?!" Y/n asked as she looked up from her phone.
The two sat in awkward silence, till Y/n spoke up.
"So Haruhi, why are you apart of a boys host club when you're a girl?" Y/n asked bluntly.
Haruhi just stared in shock, She stuttered as she tried to come up with some excuse.
" if it's a touchy topic you don't have to answer, I could just leave," Y/n suggested.
"No, no it's fine. I'm surprised you were able to pick up on that so fast," Haruhi laughed nervesly.
"I can tell when another girl is in a boy's uniform, just have sharp instincts. Don't worry I like the boy's uniform too," Y/n smiled as she leaned back in her seat.
"You wearing the male's uniform cause you like it?" Haruhi asked.
"Yeah, I think the girl uniforms look terrible," Y/n whispered with a giggle, " What about you?"
With a sigh, Haruhi recapped how she got into this club, what she had to put up with, and all the crazy adventures up till this point. Y/n listened closely as she took in all of Haruhi's stories and mini-rant tangents, all with a kind smile.
"Wow, sounds like you've had a crazy month, but damn eight million yen that's crazy," Y/n gasped as she put down her coffee.
"I know and there were some times they threatened to reveal my secret and put me back down to errand boy, or the dog they would call me," Haruhi sighed as she rested her arms on the table.
"Man if they called me a dog I would tell them where they could stick that coffee," Y/n said as she took a bite of her cake.
"I wish I had the guts to say stuff like that, but I'd rather not draw attention to myself and maintain my grades," Haruki chuckled.
"Oh yeah, you got in through scholarly recommendations right?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah, I didn't come from a rich well-off family. I got in cause I scored really well in the entrance exam," Harui explained.
"Sweet, hey could you like tutor me in this history class?" Y/n asked slowly.
"Tutor, can't you hire some personal tutors? I mean a lot of the other students hire personal tutors," Haruhi said in slight shock.
"Well, my grandmother isn't too keen on may for stuff like that, so I'm kind of poor," Y/n smiled nervesly.
After father left, he took my older sister and all the money with him to who knows where. Leaving me and my mother in poverty, till my grandmother on my father's side came by and started supporting us. Course she didn't do this out of the kindness of her heart for her family, she wanted to raise and groom me to be a perfect bride for another wealthy family. So we may leave better lives, she is only paying just enough to rely on her.
With a soft smile, Haruhi agreed to Y/n's straightforward request, so they quickly exchanged numbers to keep in touch. With a goodby Y/n skateboarded out of the music room, Kyoya came up with a serious look.
"Haruhi your next appointments are waiting, and handing out numbers isn't allowed," He said as he snatched Y/n's written phone number.
Haruhi sighed in relief when her phone pinged with a notification of a text. Turning her body so Kyoya couldn't see, it was a simple hello text form Y/n. Haruhi smiled as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.
(5 months later)
The two friends grew closer with each study session at Haruhi's house, and sometimes they would wander the town together instead of study. Haruhi learned many neat things about her cross-dressing friend. How Y/n is a self-made rich student, who started her own company to have some independence from her Grandmother. Yet she had to keep it on the down-low or else her grandmother could just buy out the company.
Haruhi gained great respect for her for that reason, someone who made her wealth and wasn't born into it.  It was nice having a friend in Ouran who didn't see Haruhi as someone who is an ignorant commoner cause of social class, or rudely comment about her not so lavish things.
The host club started to notice Haruhi's more chipper attitude lately, and they were very curious as to why. She would always look up at the clock every so often and appeared to be waiting for someone specific.
"Wonder who Haruhi waiting for?" Koaru wondered.
"Maybe Haruhi is waiting for her crush or something?" Honey suggested.
"Wait what?!" Tamaki gasped in horror.
Suddenly the music door room opened and the other cross-dressing student rushed in. Tamaki and the twins watch from a distance from behind the couch as they watched the two cross-dressers talked and laughed over some cake.
"Who is that guy?" Hikaru wondered as his heart twisted slightly.
"That is Y/n L/n, She and her mother are supported by the Tenshin family head. Her only connection is that she is the daughter of the oldest son, but the parents divorced and know her and her mother live on the Tenshin's support," Kyoya explained.
"What does that mean?" Honey asked.
"It means the head is giving them money to live, and without them. She and her mother would live in poverty, the lower class," Kyoya sighed.
"So She's a commoner like Haruhi, makes sense why they would get along," Kaoru said simply.
But hen the group looked back The two were gone. They gasped as they looked around till they noticed that the door to the club was wide open.
"So that's what happened to those guys. Wow, they sure got guts sneaking onto a private beach like that. Sucks I couldn't be there, maybe I could have helped," Y/n sighed as the two sat on the roof on a lone bench.
"It's alright, Tamaki would have just gotten mad at us for trying to fight off the boys, cause were girls," Haruhi sighed as she leaned slightly on her friend.
"Cause were girls. Wow maybe it's best he never said that to me, Or else I would have kicked him where the sun doesn't shine," Y/n laughed, " But I guess I could see where he's coming. Boys are just built stronger than girls. Though, now I know that these boys really care about you, which is good to hear,"
Y/n slowly leaned on Haruhi, as they watched the sunset behind the trees. Haruhi's cheeks pinked slightly as she felt Y/n's hand slowly hold hers.
"Umm, hey. My dad is going to bring home stuff to make a large dinner, so I was wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner?" Haruhi asked as she slowly tightened her grip on Y/n's hand.
"Don't you have a club party to be at tonight?" Y/n asked.
"Y-yeah, but, I just want to spend more time with you," Haruhi said wistfully.
"Alright, I'll pay double to make up for the time you were off. You gotta pay off that debt," Y/n smiled.
"Thank's Y/n... I love you," Haruhi smiled.
"I love you too," Y/n said rest her head on Haruhi's shoulder.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Mayhaps you could draw a Tulip Karasu? I just scrolled through them all and I love seeing your interpretations of them!
Aww, thanks, sweetheart! I'm glad you like what I've drawn so far. :3
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Hey, @weasley-adoptee, look -- it's your girl! 💗 Hee hee. 🤗 (This seems like an incredibly appropriate request, considering the cook-off side-quest that was just released!!)
Serial troublemaker Tulip Karasu is quite honestly the last person most anyone envisioned becoming friends with a paragon hero like Carewyn Cromwell. Even as friends, Tulip picks on Carewyn constantly, seeing her as a bit of a stick-in-the-mud, and has a lot of fun throwing "Little Miss Perfect" off her game. Despite this, though, Tulip does sincerely care about Carewyn, largely because the Slytherin is such a sincerely kind and compassionate person. Tulip really hadn't had a friend who was such a good listener before Carewyn, nor someone who would put in so much work to solve her problems or even just bring the smile back to her face when things got hard. So Tulip, for as much as she teases Carewyn, is actually oddly protective of her, most notably when it comes to people having crushes on her. Tulip knows overly sensitive Carewyn hates letting people down, and that includes romantically -- not only does Carewyn not like hurting that person's feelings, but she also resents that those students could express any sort of romantic feelings for her when they just about never know her that well, instead only seeing her as "Cursebreaker Cromwell." And so Tulip -- along with Charlie and Tonks -- tends to head off anyone who they hear is considering asking Carewyn out or sending her love notes on Valentine's Day. To quote an old platonic ask of mine about Tulip and Carewyn's relationship:
If Tulip ever catches wind that anyone might have a crush on Carewyn, she will usually take the piss out of them for it, but the type of teasing she uses depends on how she feels about the person in question. If it were a mutual friend, she’d just tease them as if they were her sibling. If it were someone Tulip doesn’t know well, but thinks seems decent enough, she’d probably try to pull pranks that would place that person and Carewyn in close proximity. If it were someone she thinks is out of Carewyn’s league (like, say, a much younger student), she probably would tease lightly at the start and then sort of pull them aside and “gently” (*snort*) break it to them that they’ve got no chance. (Tonks would probably have to be the one to soften that, if she were present.) And finally, if it were someone Tulip doesn’t like, Carewyn is actively not interested in, and/or is at all aggressive in expressing their feelings, Tulip would probably break out the more malevolent, targeted pranks to say not-so-subtly, “BACK OFF, BUB. :)”
Canonically, though, most of those people who crushed on Carewyn at school were in those last two categories. I based Tulip's hand with the letter off this one scene of Hikaru and Kaoru in Ouran High School Host Club because honestly the Hitachiin twins give me life. And here's Tulip's playlist, which served as good accompaniment while I drew this!
Send me a HPHM character request!
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iidascalves · 4 years
Sweets for the Host Club (Kyoya x Reader)
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Hey! Sorry I’ve been away for a bit, I’ve been really busy with school. Anyway, I wanted to do a little something kinda outside my comfort zone so I whipped up a little Kyoya fic for y’all. I literally wrote this whenever things were slow at work lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Also I might have a little ~spicy~ fic in the works.
Sunlight illuminated your spacious club room. A massive kitchen suited with all the best appliances the school could provide. There were granite counter tops to match the white sparkling appliances and fresh vase of flowers at every of the eight work stations. As a second year student and president of the Culinary and Baking Club, you held meetings and hosted activities in this magnificent room.
Today you and your two club members had the stressful task of compiling a display of your finest treats. Why, you ask? A childhood friend of yours reached out and asked you to bake goods for his Host Club. Apparently the bakery where they originally got the sweets from had a fire and won’t be able to bake for them for a while.
“(Y/n)- senpai. Are you sure you’ll be okay delivering these by yourself?” One of your underclassman members asked with concern.
“Of course. I just need help getting things on the cart and then I’m good to go.” You reassured her with a smile as you applied glaze to some pastries.
“Don’t you know the Vice- president of the Host Club, senpai?” Your other club member asked while she applied garnishes to a tea cake.
Your other underclassman squeezed her piping bag in surprise.
“You know Kyoya- senpai? Lucky! He’s so handsome!” Her swooning made you chuckle.
“We’re childhood friends. And if you want to get to know him just go to the host club.” Your giggles filled the room.
Even though you said you knew Kyoya, you sometimes doubted yourself. He had changed so much since childhood. His new cool attitude and intimidating stares had not been a part of him when you used to make mud cakes together in your garden. Your friendship began to dwindle after you were sent to an esteemed French academy for your middle school years. This was where you discovered your love of baking. However, upon returning home and starting your high school career at Ouran, you were able to rekindle your friendship with Kyoya. Despite not seeing you for quite a while he caught your gaze in the hallways and you shared small chats here and there. This would probably be one of the only opportunities for you to properly talk to him until the holidays when his family had a party. And that was if things went as planned.
You and your club members loaded up your large silver cart with your delicious goods.
“Well, ladies. I’m off.” You carefully pushed the cart out of the room, careful not to run into the doorframe.
“Let us know how it goes tomorrow Senpai!” One of your club members waved you off as the other held open the door for you.
You sighed in an effort to relax yourself. Your chest was tight at the thought of displaying your treats in front of the critical eyes of the host club.
Your nerves were hushed as you focused on locating Music Room 3. Eventually you found the correct room and carefully opened the door.
After only opening the door halfway, a majestic gust blew them open entirely. A shimmering wind full of flower petals blew around you. A twirling figure emerged in front of you with an outstretched hand.
“Madam! Allow me to welcome you to the Ouran High School Host Club!” Your eyes met with charismatic violet ones.
“Tamaki, this is the president of the Culinary and Baking Club. She’s here to offer us some samples of baked goods.” Kyoya stood behind the charming boy with a smug smirk.
“Oh..” Tamaki’s face fell for a moment. “Why didn’t you say so earlier! Come to the back I’ll introduce you to the others.” He marched on ahead towards the back of the spacious club room.
You reached for your cart, but found that Kyoya’s hands were already on the handle. He had his clipboard pinned under his arm.
“Seeing that we’re in the host club, I cannot allow a young lady to push her own cart.” He knew you well enough to know you would respond with protest. He smiled as he continued. “But if you insist on helping, you may take my clipboard.” His confident smile remained as you took the clipboard from his outstretched hand. You could catch glimpses of his perfect uniform script. He always had such beautiful handwriting.
While making your way across the gigantic room, you felt the stares of the few girls who lounged around. They would pause their conversations with those red headed twins to give you a look up and down.
After crossing the sparkling floor, Kyoya held open a curtain for you. Behind it was a little makeshift break room, complete with a table, chairs, and a few other small appliances. Waiting at the table was Honey- senpai and Mori- senpai. Those two never left each others side.
“(Y/n)- chan!” Honey chirped while bouncing in his seat. “What goodies did you bring for us to try?” You smiled and began to take your items off one by one, placing them in front of the designated taste tester.
“(Y/n), while he’s tasting the sweets how about we talk numbers.” Kyoya motioned to a couch off to the side.
After a brief overview of what he had proposed on his clipboard, you signed his contract, ensuring you would bake goods for the Host Club for the next following year.
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Ouran High HCs
For the fifteenth birthday of one of my favorite romantic comedies, and the day that I started watching said romantic comedy with my boyfriend who is relatively new to anime it got me thinking about these characters and how wonderfully diverse their personalities are. The show has 100% chaotic energy and I love it so much. I wanted to look at every major character in the host club (Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, my favorite twin Kaoru, Honey-senpai, and of course Mori-senpai.) using all their personalities and make some head-canons for favorite group of crazies!
- She/they icon, we stan
- Always preferred to wear more masculine clothes growing up, they were less expensive than the feminine ones. Plus she felt more comfortable in a pair of shorts as opposed to a dress.
- A very active child, she was always running around her neighborhood, going to the park and doing things with her dad.
- Her dad taught her everything that she needed to know about makeup once she became a member of the host club.
- She worked a part time job in order to help her dad pay the bills and to get food money.
- She thought that she was arosexual before joining the host club. Despite the confessions that she got in junior high they either went entirely over her head or she told them that she was too focused on her studies for romance at that time. Of course all that changed when she met our favorite blonde haired himbo goofball.
- She did wind up taking the conversational French with the twins and often times they'll slip into it for practice. Of course, Tamaki always understands when they talk shit about him so they just do it to mess with him.
Tamaki (my favorite):
- Bisexual king, honestly I love that for him out here living his best life.
- He didn't have much of a childhood between constantly needing to be there for his mom and make sure that she was healthy and okay. It's why he made the host club in the first place to live out his childhood that he was robbed of.
- Is actually way smarter academically than most people might think. If you were to look at the class grades he's always right behind Kyoya. He dedicates a lot of his free time to studying. He's not inherently stupid, just naive.
- His mom was the one that got him into cosplay by introducing him to the various kinds of fabrics. It stemmed into a personal interest that he could lose himself in and distract himself from the loneliness.
- He practiced flirting on Kyoya back in middle school for the future host club once he had his heart set on it.
- In the words of the great immortal J Michael Tatum "Kyoya is probably gay". It was something that didn't even occur to me until I watched him do an Ouran panel and then I was like holy shit the king makes a good point.
- While Tamaki was his gay crisis, he quickly realized that he would spend forever pining after him and eventually shelved his feelings. Tamaki was his best friend and that was more important to him than his feelings.
- Kyoya has always been a really keen observer of people's true intentions. He's excellent at reading people and knowing what they want from him. The only people he has never been able to read perfectly are Tamaki, Kaoru, and Haruhi.
- He originally didn't want to be a doctor but he eventually wanted to prove himself so badly that he told his father that he would surpass his expectations no matter how high they were.
- Doing background checks on people is fascinating to him. It's not just for blackmail purposes but he likes learning people's weaknesses. He's also an excellent chess player.
- The definitive over protective sibling. Anybody hurts Kaoru they will wish that they were dead. Kaoru is the most important person in his life and he would do anything to protect him.
- His tsundere tendencies come from a place of wanting to protect those he loves not out of anger.
- While he is begrudgingly worse at letting in other people once you fight your way through his walls he's actually a really amazing friend and s/o.
- His love of the fashion industry stems more from the model side of things than anything else. He can't design anything of his own to save his life.
- He never cared about any girls in his life before Haruhi came into his. Even though he didn't know how to deal with his feelings she was the first person who ever really showed that she cared about him.
Kaoru (my preferred Hitachiin sib):
- One big gay disaster that is absolutely crushing on Kyoya (I just learned about this ship today and it has stolen my life juice.) To blush when he's working with Hikaru to please the ladies all he has to do is think of Kyoya in his brother's spot.
- Is the far superior designer that can actually make really beautiful clothes. Most of the costumes that are worn by the club are designed by Kaoru.
- His hair is a lot softer than Hikaru's even though it's the same style, hair product and everything. I think that his would be more poofy and Hikaru's more spikey.
- Kaoru has always felt like he had to work harder to be like his brother that when you spend time with him alone at first it will be almost like you're talking to a replica of Hikaru and not a separate entity. At first it's a little bit awkward but once you get him out of his shell you find what a sweet and amazing person he is.
- Kaoru is an incredible skateboarder. He loves the feeling that he gets from the wind in his hair and designed his own skateboard. A lot of his hobbies outside of the club are athletic related causing him to have a more defined body than his brother since Hikaru is basically a cat.
Honey-senpai: - If this boi could make cakes and pastries for a living without the threat of eating them all he would make the best sweets. He knows when something is just the right amount of sweet and when something is too sweet.
- He learned martial arts to be stronger because he knew that people would try to take advantage of him due to his childlike nature.
- Honey had a fight with his grandmother before she passed away over something completely selfish. That is why he is so attached to Usa-chan.
- Him and Mori were always really close, even as children and understand each other better than anybody.
- His constant animosity between him and his younger brother is because he feels like he is constantly being babied due to his personality.
- Mori has autism. He is also selectively mute. I'm sorry I don't make the rules, the show itself gives them to me.
- Looks like a tough guy but in actuality would give the best hugs. I want a Mori hug. Haruhi probably gets the most Mori hugs because he is immensely protective over her.
- Aro-ace baby but gives the best platonic cuddles to any of the club members that are having parental issues.
- While he prefers spicy over sweet he does have a sweet tooth at random times of the day. Has been sighted at a local Cold Stone five minutes before closing in the dead of winter, while it's snowing outside by Kaoru and Kyoya while they were trying to find a place to get warm while out on a date.
- He actually didn't start his athletic endeavors with kendo, he started with ballet and gymnastics when he was really young.
And that's all my head-canons for the day! Happy anniversary to my favorite ridiculous throw everything against the wall and see what sticks to it romantic comedy. I hope that one day we will either get a season two or at this point it would be better to just do a hard reboot. Hoping that one day we will see our boys animated in high definition, even though I feel like an HD Tamaki would definitely kill me.
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ohshcscenerios · 3 years
Hello and welcome to our third Choose Your Own Adventure story with the Ouran Hosts! This time around the hosts are attending Ouran University as neighbors in the campus apartments. Let’s see what kind of mischief, drama, and romance come from this new development. 
If this is your first time, the rules are simple. After reading a chapter make sure to vote in the poll at the very end to decide what the characters should do in the next chapter. Each decision will affect how the story progresses, who falls in love, who betrays who, and much more so you must choose wisely. Let’s begin!
Chapter One
Haruhi yawned as she scooped instant coffee into her mug of hot water. Just a few sips and she’ll be ready to take on the day. She gripped her mug and walked to her bed, taking a seat at the edge by her nightstand, and promised herself she’d never resort to pulling another all-nighter again. When she attended Ouran Academy she never had to forfeit sleep to study, even when the host club stole most of her free time. University already proved itself much more difficult within its first month and Haruhi prayed she could survive the next three years.
She still had an hour before she’d need to leave her studio apartment and walk to her first class. Thankfully her professor was very forgiving during his early morning classes and allowed a five minute tardy window for those who couldn’t slink out of bed. Haruhi was never late but it was still nice to know she had a safety net, just in case she did have to pull another all-nighter in the future. 
A knock at her front door pulled her from her sleep-hazed thoughts. She swigged the last of her coffee before answering the door, although she had a pretty good guess on who would be standing in the hallway. These days there were only a handful of people who visited her - let alone knew where she lived now. After she moved out of her father’s apartment and accepted the campus apartment her full scholarship offered her number of visitors dwindled to a select few. 
Just as she stood to her feet her front door swung open. 
“Wakey wakey Haruhi!” Hikaru announced as he walked inside. “Oh, you’re already awake.” 
Haruhi huffed, rolling her eyes and turning to put her mug in the sink. “I was going to answer the door, you don’t have to barge in like that.” 
Hikaru met her at the sink and leaned against the kitchen counter, “Then why was your door unlocked?”
Haruhi looked at him wide-eyed, “Huh? I didn’t lock it?”
“That was pretty careless Haruhi,” Kaoru chastised as he entered her apartment, hands on his hips in a disappointed fashion, “Anyone could have walked in. Be thankful it was just us.”
“Do you want to get coffee?” Hikaru asked.
Haruhi looked at the empty mug in her sink and shook her head, “I already had a cup, I don’t want to drink too much this early. Maybe I’ll grab something with you after our first class.”
“Oh Communications 101?” Kaoru piped up while he looked through Haruhi’s small book collection beside her nightstand, “The professor sent out an email this morning. His daughter is sick so he had to take her to the doctor. Class is canceled today.”
Hikaru added with a wide grin, “We have the next two hours to ourselves.”
Haruhi went to her desk where her laptop was charging to make sure. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her best friends… but they were known to fib every once in a while to try to make her skip class with them. They got away with it once in high school, after that she vowed never again. 
Sure enough, after she logged in she saw her professor’s email at the very top. 
“Well,” she sighed, clicking her laptop closed, “I guess this gives me more time to study.”
The brothers scoffed in unison. Hikaru pushed himself off the counter and joined her by the desk. “You’re always studying, come on we should have some fun this morning. When was the last time you explored the campus?”
Haruhi thought for a moment but couldn’t give them a decent answer. Truth was, she never cared to explore the campus. She and the twins had been attending university for a month which was just enough time to get settled and well acquainted with her new classes. It took her a week to memorize the many routes to the different buildings on her schedule. The Ouran University campus was big, perhaps too big.
“I haven’t really had time to explore. To be honest I’m still getting used to campus life.” She answered. 
Kaoru tsked and wagged a finger at her, “That’s no way to enjoy your college years Haruhi.”
“How about this,” Hikaru kneeled down to face Haruhi still sitting in a chair, “We won’t go crazy today, we’ll just get breakfast together. There’s a few places around campus you might like.”
Kaoru slid a book back into its place on the shelf and stood up, “And if we’re lucky we might meet one of the others too. The dojo is near Lotus and the music department is near Pâtisserie. Which would you rather try?”
Poll: Where should they eat breakfast? 
Vote Here - (this poll will close at 5:00pm ETS)
Next chapter update will be up by 7:00pm ETS. 
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gilbirda · 4 years
About couples of 3 and other wishes
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Hikaru and Kaoru loved her so much, and at the same time. They were afraid of rejection, that's true, but they were more afraid of being alone in their little world once again. Even so, they risked it and asked Haruhi out. "Would you go out with us? Both. At the same time."
Sequel >> Read in AO3||Read in FF.net .
Haruhi has never been a complicated girl, she preferred simple things. She enjoyed hunting sales at the supermarket and living her commoner’s life at peace.
Well, as peaceful as it can be having the Ouran Host Club as her best friends. Yes, she loved them and thought of them as her friends although they bother her more than she would like to. She treasured her time with them and today was no exception, not even when she had to cosplay as a greek goddess (obviously without the customers finding out her gender) and had to play scenes of mythology with the host, getting fangirl screams in the process.
She loved her normal and simple life, her normal days at school with the boys.
What she didn’t know was how her relationship with them had changed. She was so dense that she still hadn’t realized the way that even Kyoya looked at her from time to time when he wasn’t writing down new additions to her debt on his notebook. Even Kyoya! Slowly, the petite girl has wrapped the most influential men in the country, and probably the world, around her finger. And that without counting guys like Kasanoda that weren’t on the Host club.
But, let’s not talk about that. This is about two lovers in particular, the Hitachiin twins. They both loved her but couldn’t agree with who should get the girl, even if she would want them that is. They loved her, at the same time, and often fought because of that; but always hiding it from the other so as not to get in any troubles as the last time.
Haruhi would never love them both, they knew that. It was impossible to… have a couple with three people, it wouldn’t work. On one hand, there was the moral part: society would not agree and they will be pointed at everyday; it would destroy Haruhi’s dream to be a successful lawyer, they couldn’t do that to her. On the other hand, it was themselves: Hikaru is very jealous and he couldn’t even share his brother with other people (which are their friends), although he has been controlling it; otherwise, Kaoru, used to give up everything to his brother, to lie for him, and knew that Haruhi hated it. They knew it was difficult and would never work out.
That is if she chose them, of course, and if Haruhi would have a relationship with two people at the same time.
It was reckless, they knew, but they were so madly in love that every day it seemed a better idea, the best one. It wasn’t about choosing between their brother or the love of their life anymore, about breaking a life-long friendship or losing her forever. They already do everything together, and always found a way to do so. Why not take it further?
First, they did a few tests, just to be sure.
They took her to their house to introduce her to their parents, sitting together at the table and acting as normal as they could with her, trying if they could really do everything together; but Haruhi was the natural host and it went smoothly as usual.
Then, they went further and invited her to sleep in their house. They didn’t try anything perverted, and of course they didn’t tell Tamaki about it (but probably Kyoya knew everything), so it was just the three of them alone. They did not want to bug the King of the Host Club nor make fun of anyone nor take good pictures for Kyoya to sell to the best bidder; just them as the best friends they were. Haruhi, as oblivious as always, just went along and laughed with them. She wasn’t disturbed by the fact of sharing a room. Maybe she doesn’t consider us as men, said Kaoru when they thought about their possibilities. They wanted to change that.
And then, at last, one day in their break at the host club when they didn’t have any customers, they chatted with her as usual, as normal as possible, until they asked what they wanted to know.
“Say, Haruhi,” said simultaneously, “would you go out with a host?” It’s not that they wanted to encourage her to go out with any of them, they just wanted to know if she saw them as possible… partners? in the future. She thought a few seconds that were important while Hikaru and Kaoru were thankful that the other hosts were busy and weren’t listening. “Well, I won’t deny that I’ve thought about that sometime,” she put a serious face, but they knew her and saw the small spark in her big, brown eyes, “but I can’t think about that stuff right now. I need to study to keep my scholarship”
Translation: yes, she has thought about them in that kind of situation out of the Host Club stuff. And that means they had hope.
And for that, they chose to risk it. Haruhi has been always very understanding and mature in her decisions; is what they thought when the option of losing her friendship was obvious when they’ll tell her their idea:
They wanted a relationship with her. They both, at the same time.
She didn’t know why she was still here, on top of a ski slope lost somewhere in a mountain whose name she couldn’t pronounce but sounded like a type of cheese.
With a serious face, she tried to remember how she got there in the first place. She was peacefully making her father’s dinner at home, when people in black clothes broke into her house, put her in a bag and pushed her inside a car that sped down the street. Nobody spoke to her and she stood very still, as she was used to, knowing it just has to be one of her host friends. What a sense of humor, she thought bitterly when they finally got her out of the car (a limousine?) and shove her inside a… plane?
Okay, this was more than enough.
Freed from her bag, she took in her surroundings as her eyes grew used to the brightness as the flight attendants gave instructions in english. Great, she was in a private jet in her ugly “house clothes”, in a very bad mood, with the ones and only twins.
“What the heck am I doing here?” she growled knitting her eyebrows and crossing her arms.
“We are taking you out this weekend!” said Hikaru. “What do you think?” asked Kaoru.
“And you need a private jet for ‘going out’?” she raised an eyebrow, incredulous.
The trip ended up being a ski trip to a very high mountain (with a lot of dangerous cliffs, by the way) in a country which name they didn’t want to tell her because “she’d want to turn around when she knew”. They were positive that she wasn’t used to traveling by private jets to the other part of the world and she would throw a fit.
So, she was about to do something that’d hurt, a lot, because she already could see her becoming a giant snowball rolling down the hill.
“What are you doing, Haruhi?” asked Kaoru, jumping above her head in his snowboard. They both went to a higher place, for experts. “Come on! It’ll be fun!” said Hikaru flashing just by her at top speed.
She eyed them with a little sweatdrop falling in the back of her head. She looked down again, where the silhouettes of the twins swirled gracefully, and for a second she thought it couldn’t be half bad. She thought that maybe she wouldn’t die.
She let go, knowing it was a very bad idea the moment she felt the wind hit the uncovered skin of her face. Yep, now she was positive she wouldn’t make it alive. She closed her eyes expecting the snow in her mouth, and maybe other parts of her body as well, and the bruises that will come; but nothing happened at all, just the feeling of the unmerciful wind slowly dying away and other people’s voices around.
She carefully opened her hazel eyes finding she was perfectly fine and alive at the end of the hill, people looking astonished and the twins laughing their heads off in the background. Of her, probably.
She snorted, feeling her face hot, and took off her skis before approaching her friends while avoiding the curious stares. She looked daggers at them when she got there and threw the skis at them.
“You should have seen your face!”
“You even closed your eyes!”
“It’s not even funny”, she said, trying not to turn away and leave. “I could have died.”
“But, why did you close your eyes? Is even more dangerous!”
“I don’t know how did you dodge those people so fast with your eyes closed”
She glared at them, crossing her arms.
“Beginner's luck”, they simply said and shrugged. Haruhi sighed again and slowly her face relaxed. She couldn’t be angry with them for much longer, they were her friends. Her best friends.
“I think skiing is over for today”, she said, taking off her helmet. While untying her gloves, she noticed that the twins were strangely silent. Lifting her head, she looked at the weird glint in their eyes, but she was interrupted before she could ask. “What..?”
“If you don’t wanna ski…”, started Hikaru smiling, taking off his stuff and throwing it around. Strangely enough, someone appeared out of nowhere and took them elsewhere.
“...then….”, said Kaoru with a smile as big as his brother’s.
“Let’s go sightseeing!”, they shouted.
Oh, mother... , thought the girl, already feeling tired for the things she was going to be forced to do.
She was literally tired. She couldn’t feel her feet, her head was pounding like crazy and she was going to faint sometime soon. Her bag, which wasn’t really her bag but some clothes the twins have lent her, was filled with more presents for her father than she ever has got him before, and souvenirs from that place (which name she had finally learned and fought with the twins because of that) that she couldn’t close it properly.
She just wanted to get a shower and sleep. Nothing else mattered. And because of that she didn’t realize she was being guided to a hotel room, filled with luxuries that she didn’t look at, but just one room. For them.
She neither saw when the twins put two beds together to make a queen sized one and hers was right next to it or that the clothes she found in her suitcase weren’t her oversized t-shirt and old pjs’ pants.
Neither she saw the anxious faces of the twins. It is true that they were acting strange all the way through the town, but they always got to distract her in time until she forgot about it.
As she took her shower, Hikaru looked at his brother Kaoru, who nodded. Now was the time. They would bet everything they had and risk their relationship with Haruhi tonight. They were scared, very scared, but they knew they had to do it; and knowing Haruhi it’d end well one way or another. She always took things with a calm face. She always did the right thing.
They had to believe it.
They waited until she finished and when they saw her in the pajamas they chose for her, towelling her hair, they rose from their seats and sighed. It’s now or never, they thought.
“Haruhi”, said Kaoru softly. She looked at them with fatigue in her eyes.
“Sit down, please”, said Hikaru pointing at a chair close to the beds. They sat in front of her.
“Did something happen?”, she asked, getting worried and trying to put the tiredness aside for them. She frowned slightly thinking about what they could want.
“Relax, it isn’t something bad”, Kaoru took a mouthful of air and sighed. “Haruhi,” he could mutter with a serious face, “you are very important to us, not just for being the only one who can tell us apart, but also for being our very first true friend.”
“You make our days brighter and when we can’t see you we feel like something’s missing. We don’t know exactly when the way we see you changed, but before we could realize it we needed you, even more than we needed each other.” Hikaru continued.
“When we found out how we felt about you we knew it wasn’t going to end well.”
“We love you, Haruhi.”
She widened her eyes, surprised, but kept silent and let them continue.
“If one of us went for it, the other would suffer.”
“We were so scared, Haruhi”, confessed Kaoru and she believed it. Believed all of it. Naked emotion all over their faces; expressions like theirs could not tell lies.
“That’s why we… we thought about this.” This was the important part.
“Haruhi,” Kaoru breathed deeply and looked at his brother. He nodded. “Would you go out with us?”, they said, fixing their eyes to the big hazel of the frozen girl in front of them. “Both of us”, completed Kaoru. “At the same time”, finished Hikaru closing his eyes and waiting for rejection.
But nothing happened.
Startled, he opened his eyes only to find Haruhi in the same place, frozen like a statue and speechless. What could she be thinking? Would she hate them for proposing such a crazy idea? She was very logical, following rules all the time. She knew what was right and what wasn’t.
But there was no reaction at all. That was a bad signal, right? He turned to Kaoru, distressed, who probably wore the same face as him, and then looked to Haruhi when they heard her chair. She rose in silence, murmured something like she was going to sleep and went under the covers of her bed without saying another word.
Astonished, and a bit hurt for her lack of reaction, the twins stared at the floor knowing the obvious answer. No. A big, fat no in bold letters.
Hikaru closed his eyes trying to contain the tears that fought to be free and got up slowly with his hands fisted; then he went to his side of the bed in equal silence. Kaoru sighed and turned off the lights, going to the bed and allowing the weight of the moment to get to him. Then realized he wouldn’t get any sleep that night.
He sighed again, but this time it came choked in a strangled sob that he could hide in time in the darkness and quietness of the night. He heard another sob, but this one came from his brother.
He looked at his side and there he was, curled up in a ball and hiding his face on the pillow to muffle his crying. Because he was crying, he knew. He was his brother and knew what the other was feeling. He rolled to him and carefully hugged him, feeling his pain and trying to soothe it. They had failed and probably now Haruhi wouldn’t want anything to do with them, would treat them differently.
On the other bed, Haruhi was lying with her back turned to them, eyes wide open, but that was something they couldn’t know. Her heart beating fast and her brain repeating what had just happened again and again. Slowly processing what they had proposed, her thick head realizing why they had brought her here in the first place or why they were acting so weird today…
They were nervous.
She focused on the matter at hand. A couple of three people? They really got to share everything or adapt everything to fit them all and enjoy it together.
She thought about it some more; for example, the way they looked at her, the way they treated her or how they behaved that day. The twins loved her and most likely they knew that it wasn’t an easy thing, neither for her nor them.
She wasn’t blind, she knew how illegal this could be. It was not well regarded by society; they would be glared at, pointed at, and they’d try to hurt them or break them up. The boys were heirs of such a big company, this could bring their ruin. And there was their parents, of course. What would Ranka say about this? She was so scared.
But then she thought that to hell with those who cared what other people do with their lives, who they love. Because yes, she loved them. She was afraid and probably was going to be the hardest thing in her life but she wanted to at least try. It had been so long since she stopped seeing them as just friends, but she didn’t know what to do with these new feelings inside, so she tried to ignore them. Today had been an eye opener, though.
She turned and looked at the silhouettes of her friends in the bed at her side. Were they sleeping? If that was the case then she could tell them tomorrow… Wait, what was that? Sounded like a… sob?
She stood in her bed, putting away the blankets, and listened carefully to confirm that it was sob indeed. She silently got up and approached the twin’s bed just to face the most… heartwarming? thing in the world. Could be. She smiled, amusement barely drowning the sadness and orry - the twins, her best friends and who she was willing to try this couple of three, were crying in the arms of the other. They looked like children, and she realized that was what they were beyond the jokes, smirks and everyday pranks. They were completely different people when those were gone, now there was just their bare hearts and pure feelings.
She walked closer to their bed and gently caressed their faces, watching with newfound eyes under the moonlight that leaked from the window, and receiving their watery eyes with a content smile. The boys stared at her with hope shining brightly in their eyes and she nodded still smiling.
Full of happiness, the twins jumped to her and hugged her like they used to, so the girl could be shared and everyone had their part. Remaining tears ran down their cheeks while they smiled with joy.
“Haruhi...”, whispered Kaoru full of emotion.
“Yes, here I am”, she said and they knew she meant something more than just physically.
“Come here”, and Hikaru dragged her between them onto the double bed, Kaoru pulling the blanket over her as well, keeping her warm and comfy.
Her smile grew bigger when she felt their arms around her, Hikaru’s head in her chest and Kaoru’s somewhere between her shoulder and hair. She lifted a hand to caress Hikaru’s soft hair while closing her eyes to sleep peacefully at last.
“Haruhi,” whispered Hikaru a bit too softly for him. His face was so red that Haruhi internally laughed, amused by the sight. “Can I…. Can I kiss you?”
She froze not knowing what to say, but nodded a few seconds later. Carefully, he approached her lips and gently touched them with his feeling like this was what he has been waiting for all his life. It was sweet and warm, and everything he needed.
Kaoru watched in silence. He wasn’t going to hide the jealousy he felt of his brother; knowing this was Haruhi’s first kiss (with a man) and there weren't two of those for the twins.
With a “devilish brothers” trademark smile, he came up with an idea to have something “new” of Haruhi for both brothers. While waiting for them to finish he sniffed Haruhi’s scent in her neck, enjoying the warmth.
“Ah…”, he heard them sigh and admired their blushed happy cheeks. He then thought that maybe this was a bad idea and he should forfeit and leave them be, as he intended in the beginning; but smiled instead knowing that they would break up if he did because they knew how much he cared for both.
“Kaoru…”, Haruhi said, watching him and suspecting his thoughts. She lifted a hand to his hair and pulled to reach his mouth more easily, wanting to give equal attention to both brothers.
She felt again his soft warmth, so similar to Hika’s… but kinda different. It wasn’t better or worse, just different. And she so loved it. Haruhi happily kissed the boy and let him feel her love and acceptance of this relationship; but then something wet distracted her and a slight bite in her lower lip made her blush wildly. She opened her eyes and rolled them when she saw the devilish glint in the golden eyes of her now boyfriend. She smiled, letting him in nonetheless.
A new world of sensations disclosed before her, making her think “oh, so that’s why everyone's so obsessed with this”. It was even warmer and hot than before with Hikaru; more rash and demanding, but soft and tingly and nice. She loved it too.
When they finally got apart she was flying far away from there, floating like a feather. Hikaru demanded her attention and trapped her swollen lips with his own, taking advantage of her absent state of mind from Kaoru’s kiss. Without asking permission, he ventured in with his tongue and attacked her mouth mercilessly, but kindly, not wanting to take this somewhere uncomfortable for both and making sure that she could end it if she desired. She could always end this if she wanted.
Haruhi had to admit that this was way different from Kaoru. More enthusiastic, rash, fast and intense; making her realise that Hikaru had been wanting this from way long back. While Kaoru was more relaxed and controlled, Hikaru wanted her all and devoured her whole with his lips. And as she surrendered her body to the boy, she felt her mind abandon her right there and then. She couldn’t make even a coherent thought at the moment.
Her head was spinning out of control when they finally got apart and she could not feel the bites and kisses all around her neck and shoulders. So many caresses, so much love, that it was choking her. And it was doubled tonight.
Again one of the brothers captured her lips (Kaoru, she imagined by the slight calmness in the movement against them) while the other was kissing the sensitive skin of her throat. For a brief moment, she wondered if that’ll leave marks. But, well she will worry about that tomorrow.
The next morning, Haruhi woke up to sun rays hitting her right in the eyes. She frowned and opened them feeling really hot, too much, and couldn’t even move.
When she saw the sleeping faces of the twins, one on her chest and the other next to her head, she remembered everything that happened the previous night. She blushed and was about to scream, but stopped just in time to not wake the brothers. She sighed.
She watched them sleep for a while without worrying about the hour. Their faces were so relaxed and calm, a bit red by the heat, and a cute smile on their lips. It was such a contrast with the tears from last night when they thought that she despised them for asking if she was interested in them. They looked like scared kids, but that’s exactly what they essentially were: children. In so many ways. Especially in emotion management.
She felt someone stirr in his sleep and wake up. Kaoru, she knew instantly because he was always the first one to do it. She rolled her head and kissed his cheek softly to greet him. His eyes were bright and showed so much happiness that her heart skipped a beat.
“Good morning”, he whispered before kissing her in a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Good morning”, she smiled. “Shall we wake him up?”, Haruhi looked down to the redhead on her chest. Kaoru nodded.
Haruhi gently grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged, but no reaction came from the boy. She pulled with a bit more strength but still nothing. She sighed. Haruhi knew that Hika was a heavy sleeper, but this? She glanced at Kaoru expecting further instructions, but she found him pointing at his own lips, which were arched in a smile, his eyes shining with mischief. She rolled her eyes but still bowed down to press her lips softly on the other twin’s ones. (Not) Surprisingly, the boy was awake and trapped her there not wanting to let go, a very Chesire-like smile on his face.
Haruhi glared briefly at him but let it slide. She was just too happy to fake annoyance that long.
And then, because neither of them really wanted to get up, they stayed in bed for a while sharing hugs, kisses and cuddling nonstop, enjoying each other’s presence and new found love. Not even the heat seemed to bother them.
“Room service!”, said a voice through the door after a few knocks. Before they could move to get up, a maid opened said door and entered the room pushing a cart with covered food on it. “I brought lunch as you ordere-”
Her voice faded when she looked up from her carefully placed plates and cups and finally saw the twins and Haruhi all cuddly in bed, really close (closer than anyone else in the room would be comfortable with), with the red-faced girl in the middle.
“Eh��”, the embarrassed maid managed to say. “I’ll… I’ll leave you alone now… Yes, I’m going.” And then she literally ran away, closing the room’s door behind. Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other before exploding in laughter at the absurd situation. Kaoru mentally made a note to give the maid a generous tip before they left this afternoon.
“I guess it’s time to eat, right?”, said Haruhi when her breathing slowed down.
They helped her down the bed and put her between them, as usual, before pulling the cart closer. Without warning Kaoru grabbed Haruhi in for a tight hug, which Hikaru joined, making a successful Haruhi sandwich. They laughed again softly, just being silly and happy, letting the joy of finally being together flow through their bodies.
But there was still an important question: What would they say to the rest of the Host Club?
Well, we’ll leave that for another moment.
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iftadwascool · 3 years
Hey, I wrote a review of show I watched.
Off the bat I want to say I really don't watch anime all that much. I watch a show here and there, from time to time. Anime really isn't a big thing for me. I had a weeb phase like 17 years ago back when I was a teenager, but it's part of being a weirdo in high school. 
I wanted to put that out there first because I don't want to come off like an elitist or something. 
So I watched Maid Sama over a few days last week, and it wasn’t good. It's not awful per say, it's just… boring. Especially after you finish it. It's a very basic shoujo anime. It has the troupes. 
Tsundere of sorts
Clumsy protagonist 
Protagonist can't say their feeling
The fucking wall slams, so many fucking wall slams
And the most important part of all, NO PAY OFF
Okay, about that last one. There's a pay off, but it's… god it's boring. And that's what really been bugging me. 
Like I said, I watched this show over a few days last week and something about it rubbed me the wrong way. Like gnawing at the back of my head. I couldn’t pinpoint it till recently. The whole show was a set up for a second season that never happened. You get a glimpse of what they wanted to tell with the outtros oddly enough. Also I want to talk about those outtros songs, because FUCK THOSE SONGS DO NOT FIT THE SHOW!!
In the outtros you see a glimpse of the love interests, Takumi Usui, life before the show. At first I thought it was just a generic “we’ll show things unrelated to the show” kind of thing. Like Outlaw Star, one of my favorite animes, or like other animes from the 90’s I grew up watching on Toonami. So it really didn't bother me. 
It wasn't till the eleventh episode you see Usui life outside of school away from Misaki Ayuzawa, the main character. Misaki gets dragged by her two friends to go stalk him. For funsies, you know, how high school girls do. One of the friends made a joke about how he's secretly rich and does all these fancy things when no one knows about. So over the course of the day he does all these things and the girls get more and more freaked out until they give up. When the two friends leave because they’ve had enough, Misaki stays back to see what he’ll do next. Usui confronts Misaki suggesting he overheard and set the whole thing up and offers to show her where he lives. All while helping a stray cat, you know because he's a good guy. Misaki declines, they have a “will they, won't they” moment, and she leaves. After she goes home we cut back to Usui and we find out he lives in a towering apartment building alone. 
Well not alone now, he has the stray cat with him. You know because he's a good guy.
So this episode establishes that he's rich. Which tracks with the outtros because they’re just stills of him alone, or walking along a private road in what looks like an English Manor. It's like something straight out of Downton Abbey. 
I should probably describe the character dynamics to help illustrate why this show bugged me so much. 
Misaki is the protagonist. She's a hard ass with tsundere characteristics. I wouldn't call her a full blown Tsundere because she’s not really one. She's an asshole because of circumstances. The school she goes to was an all boys school that recently changed to mixed genders, I guess that's a thing in Japan, but the boys hate that girls are there. She got elected Student President and has to fight back against all the misogyny the boys have. It's completely understandable. Oh and also she has a secret that if it gets out she’ll lose all credibility. She works in a Maid Cafe. Honestly you’ll need to google that because I get it but at the same time I don't. It's just a weird Japanese thing that I just don't understand. It's like Hooters but somehow feels worse to me. Anyways, if the school learned she thinks she’d be ruined. So she tries very hard to keep those two parts of her life separate. Only a select few people know. One of them is Usui.
Usui is the love interest. He’s basically the cool guy at school. All the girls love him and all the guys want to be him. Except he doesn't care. He turns down girls and usually ignores all the guys asking him for help. He's honestly a real paper thin character. There's not much to him. He's in love with Misaki but he's an asshole. Like, to me, he comes off real unlikeable. He has moments but they're just that. Moments. 
So why does this show bother me so much? It's fine. It's the perfect show to watch while you eat. There's not really much depth, you don't have to pay attention or analyze much. Everything on screen is what there is. Until you get to those damn outtros.
The outtros were there to give you depth that wasn't in the show itself. Usui is a paper thin character throughout the whole show till the last five episodes. It's when I realized why this show bothered me so much. It was banking on a second season. 
It needed a second season to flesh out the Misaki and Usui relationship. The last five minutes of the show them getting together. They finally tell each other how they feel and kiss under fireworks. Because before that it wasnt so much “will they, won't they.” From the start you knew Misaki and Usui would get together. But the issue is not that, it's that there is no lead up to it. 
From episode one to twenty it's just “will they, won't they” and wacky adventures. Episode twenty-one the “Rival” appears. I put quotations around the rival because Hinata really isn't one. Hinata is a childhood friend who has unrequited love for Misaki. It annoys her but makes Usui jealous. Which is good for the plot but bad for the viewer. We know the show ends in episode twenty-six and he shows up five episodes before. There is no real tension because she very obviously doesn't love him back. His arrival so late into the show feels like it would have been set up for season two, if there was one. Which leads me back to this show banking on a season two. 
I’m not even touching half of what the show sets up. Aoi realizing he likes Misaki too and whatever the fuck is going on with the Miyabigaoka school student council people.
In the end Maid Sama needed more plot and build up which is why I keep thinking they were saving the meat of the story for season two. Sadly we didn't get it because I like the characters, oddly enough. They just don't have anything to work with. The show feels like it was made to cash in Ouran Highschool Host Club and it shows. Ouran has character development with funny, inventive writing. Maid has a run of the mill Shoujo plot. Ouran has individual characters, yes even the twins, while Maid had three blond characters I kept getting confused with.
I hope one day there's a Maid Sama resurgence because I would like to watch it. Until then I'm going to read the manga.
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alitaimagines · 5 years
request: “can I request literally anything Ouran hshc lol this bitch is starved for content.”
kaoru hitachiin x fem! reader
fandom: Ouran High School Host Club. 
note: this is one of the two Ouran requests which is cool. since the request is vague, I hope you like it. 
 The holiday season was in full swing at Ouran. Being that you were one of the few lucky commoners who got to attend Ouran, you were involved in a million and one clubs. One of them being the Ouran Student Council. You were invited to help decorate the ENTIRE campus with Christmas trees, lights, mistletoes, anything Christmas-y, you were hanging up. You were being paid for the extra time and you weren’t going to lie, Ouran was paying you a lot for it. 
Being that you were a commoner, you had gotten close to Haruhi. She helped you around and the two of you found comfort in each other because even Haruhi needed a break from the likes of the Host Club. 
You hated that Ouran made you wear those stupid frilly dresses as uniforms and if you were honest, you would have much preferred to wear the boys uniform but alas, you were stuck with the tacky pastel yellow dresses. You even hoped that Ouran would at least let you wear a formal skirt with the boys blazer but they didn’t allow it. It also didn’t help that when you had to go out for groceries, you sometimes went in uniform to the store and people eyed you down like you some kind of meat. Although, a part of you did like the attention. 
“Haruhi, are you coming to the formal expo this weekend?” You asked as the two of you walked into school. “The student council is hosting it and we’re all being forced to attend it so I was wondering if you could possibly, maybe, come with me to the store to find something to wear after school?” 
Haruhi rolled her eyes. “Yeah I’m going. Kyoya is making the entire host club go so you’ll see me there but you know I’m not useful in those things. I can go but just as company.” 
“That’s all I need you there for! Thank you so much! Love you!” You said as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran off to class. “Don’t forget, come to my door and we can head there!” 
Haruhi nodded as she walked her way to class. Now it was up to her to make up an excuse to the Host Club as to why she wouldn’t be able to show up later. 
She knew that the Host Club liked to intrude on her daily life so she prepared her usual “I’m sorry for these idiots” speech for you. It wasn’t that Haruhi was embarrassed of the Host Club, okay maybe a bit, but she didn’t want you to be so caught off guard by the charisma and borderline clinginess that the Host Club had. 
As the end of the day grew closer, she had already gotten permission to skip a day by Kyoya and made her way to your class. 
“Hey, we should get going, the mall is a bit far and I want to stop and put gas before we leave.” You said as you took the keys out of your bag. “I’m surprised your club let you come with. I know how important it is for you.” 
Haruhi shrugged. “Don’t worry, we’ll see them eventually.” While you wanted to question what she meant, the two of you got to your car and hauled your book bags inside of the trunk. “
The two of you got to the mall, only to find it eerily quiet. To the common person, the two of you being dressed in Ouran uniforms, it would have made it seem like the two of you were rich and dating and if you were being honest, it made you laugh. 
“Let’s go inside of this store, dresses looks kind of cheap!” You said as you walked inside of the nearly dead store. “I just have to send pictures to my mom. She’ll hunt me down if she doesn’t see the dress I picked.” 
Haruhi laughed as she found a bench as she watched you pick out a handful of dresses. As much as she didn’t like wearing dresses or wasn’t too keen on fashion, she did give you any advice she thought would be helpful. 
“Does this look good?” You asked as you flopped your arms down annoyed. “What’s the look you’re going for?” Haruhi asked. “Probably to make it seem like I’m one of the rich ones even though I’m not?” 
Haruhi gave you a thumbs up. It was a two piece dress. The top was a white plain tank top with the skirt being a floral pattern. It was under $100 and you were sure you that your mom was going to approve. 
“Am I on crack or do you keep hearing whispers?” You asked as you looked around the store. “I think I’m going insane.” 
Haruhi sighed knowing what you were talking about. She had been hearing the voices of the host club behind the racks of dresses but decided to ignore it until you mentioned it. 
“Who do you think that is?” “Is she dating them?” 
“You guys can come out now.” Haruhi groaned as she sunk down on her chair. “Do you guys have to follow me everywhere?” 
You were a bit confused as to who Haruhi was talking too. You quickly zipped up the dress again and unlocked the door of the changing room. You were surprised to see so many boys suddenly appear. 
“Oh!” You said as your face came down with realization. “You guys must be the boys from the Host Club!” You stuck your hand out for them to shake but you were pleasantly surprised to have them kiss your hand to shake. 
“You’re ( your name ). You’re one of the commoners at Ouran. You’re in the same year as Haruhi but in a different class. You’re apart of the student council and Ouran’s Orchestra.” Kyoya said as you felt a bit off-put by his sudden information. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” 
You nodded as you shook the hands of the rest of the boys. It wasn’t until you made eye contact with one of the twins when your face went red. You didn’t know who was who but you had seen them with Haruhi before. 
“I’m Kaoru Hitachiin.” Was all he said as he let go of your hand. 
You felt your face warm up as you retracted your hand from his grasp. The rest of the boys continued their conversation as you went up to the register to pay for the dress. You couldn’t help but notice the looks from Kaoru as you gave the woman your debit card. 
“Hey, we’re all getting dinner if you want to tag along.” After buying groceries for your dorm as well as buying your dress, you were left completely broke. “I would but I’m broke as shit. You guys can go ahead though.” 
“I’ll pay!” Kaoru blurted as you gave him a surprised expression. “No because she’s going to remain in your debt forever and I’m not allowing that.” Kaoru shook his head no. “It’s free. We’ve always wanted to try commoner fast food.” 
You wanted to protest but the smallest of the group grabbed your wrist. “Please! Please come with! It’d be so cool to have Haruhi’s friend with us!” The boy gave you the sweetest face and you couldn’t deny him. “Sure, I’ll make sure to pay you back!” Kaoru shook his head no once again. 
The group walked towards the food court and found the biggest table they had. You followed Haruhi to the stand she had. It looked like it was sushi which you couldn’t help but sigh. Being that you had a shell / seafood allergy, you were stuck ordering avocado nigiri sushi. 
“Thanks!” You told Kaoru as you put your hand on his arm. “It means a lot and I’m sure I’ll see you Saturday so I’ll be able to pay you back.” 
“No, it’s free. You don’t have to pay it back.” You sighed knowing you weren’t going to win this argument again. “Fine but don’t be surprised if you find money in your book bag Saturday.” 
Kaoru chuckled as he tried to put his Host Club face on. He thought if he put himself in the mindset of you being another girl, it would be easier to speak to you but he couldn’t. There was something about you that stuck out to the younger twin. 
The both of you walked back to the food court and sat down with the rest of the Host Club. You couldn’t help but smile at both Haruhi and Tamaki. Deep down, you knew that those two were going to end up together and it warmed your heart. 
“Hey, your club is hosting the formal expo tomorrow. What time does it start?” You heard the other twin ask. You finally looked up from your sushi. “Oh, dinner starts at five and the dance at seven. If you ordered a ticket, you have to be at the dinner in order to stay for the rest of the expo.”
Haruhi sighed. “I’m the one getting tickets so I’ll be the first one you see! I heard the food is going to be fantastic.” They all nodded knowing Ouran didn’t play games during formal expos and school dances. 
After all of you had dinner, you seen that Tamaki offered to take Haruhi home which gave you a bit of time to lazily walk to your car. 
Through the rest of the week, you had been noticing Kaoru in the halls a lot more. You hadn’t said hi to him yet but as you were getting your books out of your locker, you seen him walking up to you. You quickly dusted off any invisible dirt. 
“Hey!” You said as you shut your locker closed. “I’m actually heading to your Host Club later today. I need to talk to your vice president about a collaboration we’re doing with all of you.” 
Kaoru smiled. “That’s cool! After you’re done with Kyoya, come by me! I’ll make sure to book you and we can have some dessert!” You nodded as you felt yourself yawn. “I apologize, I’ve been staying up late with homework and trying to get all of the decorations up for the expo tomorrow but for sure! I hope it’s something tasty!” 
Kaoru nodded. “It will be!” You laughed as you ruffled his hair and walked into your class. “I’ll see you later today!”
By the time the end of the day came, you felt yourself exhausted and ready to pass out from sleep. You grabbed your book bag and walked towards the Host Club with absolutely no energy. 
“Hey, I’m looking for Kyoya?” You asked Haruhi as she pointed over to an empty table. You quickly thanked her and walked over to the megane student. 
The both of you got to work on the details the two clubs were working on. The student council was hosting a maid cafe after Christmas break so all the girls were going to be maids as the Host Club was going to offer company to any of the girls who asked for them. 
“You know, I’m not the one who brought up this idea.” Kyoya said slyly. You gave him a confused look. “It was actually Kaoru. He mentioned working with the student council the day after all of us had dinner.” You couldn’t help but laugh as the warm feeling came up again. “I have to thank him. I’m actually booked to be with him in a few minutes.” 
Kyoya nodded. “Figures. You’re the only girl who’s ever gotten Kaoru by himself. Any other girl would be stuck with the both of them.” Again, you wanted to ask what Kyoya meant but he didn’t bother to elaborate as dismissed you. 
You made your way to Kaoru who was already by himself with a large plate of red velvet cake and a mug full of coffee and tea. 
“Hey! I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I had to finish off all the stuff about the maid cafe next month.” You explained as you took a sip of the coffee. “Haruhi told me you liked coffee over tea so I found you the greatest coffee we had.” 
You couldn’t help but give him a smile. “Thank you! Any coffee could’ve been fine but I appreciate it. I’ll make sure to secure all of the Host Club together and at one of the best tables we have.” 
With that, the two of you continued to talk until you realized you had gone way over your limit. The sun had set and had missed dinner. 
“I need to head out, I have to be up early tomorrow for the expo as well as try to find something to eat.” You said getting up from the couch. “I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” 
Kaoru nodded as he grabbed your book bag from the ground and handed it to you. It was blue and white book bag with a bunch of buttons on them. As he gave it to you, he noticed one of them fall off and by time he picked it up, you were already gone. 
Kaoru looked down at the button and seen it was a quote. 
“Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.” Kaoru tightened his grip on the button as he shoved it inside his pocket. 
You woke up mid afternoon the next day. You were way more tired than you’d like to admit. You groggily took a shower and did your makeup before taking the dress out of the closet. 
After slipping the dress on, you quickly fixed any makeup that you needed to before fixing small mistakes on your hair. 
By the time you got to Ouran, students and any faculty were already inside. You put on your heels before making your way to the ticket table and taking over. It was an hour before seen the entire Host Club walk in. 
“Hey! You guys are sitting near the table and closest to the dance floor!” You said handing all of them a bracelet. “I’ll see if I can sit down and have dinner with all of you but I doubt it.” 
They nodded as they all headed to the table. “You look amazing.” Kaoru said as he gave you a smile. “Thanks! You as well!” He blushed as he slowly made his way to the table. 
He was hoping that you would be able to have dinner with them but it got continuously busier and looked like you weren’t going to have a chance. Once it calmed down, he decided to take you a plate over to the table. 
“Thank you!” You said enthusiastically. “My shift is actually done! So I’m going to finish this up and head over to the table.” Kaoru nodded as he sat down on the empty chair. 
The two of you talked for a while as you put the box of tickets underneath the table and ate. The food was amazing and funny enough, the music wasn’t outdated and boring. 
“Do-do you want to dance?” Kaoru asked with shyness in his voice. You laughed. “Of course.” 
You took Kaoru’s hand and made your way to the packed floor. You noticed Honey dancing with a bunch of different people as Tamaki had dragged Haruhi out during the slower songs. By the time your feet got tired, you noticed how swollen they had gotten. 
“Take my shoes, it’s the proper thing to do.” Kaoru said as he took his loafers off and handed them to you. You raised his brow. “Kaoru, my feet are tiny compared to yours.” Kaoru shrugged as you went down and slipped off your heels. 
“How about we go sit down outside? That way I can sit and you don’t have to give me your shoes.” Kaoru nodded as you used him to hold yourself up until you got back outside. 
You hoped that it wasn’t too cold outside considering your dress didn’t have enough layers to make you warm. The both of you made your way to the court yard of Ouran. 
“So, I’m surprised Hikaru is even letting me near you. I’m told from Haruhi that the two of you are very very close.” You joked as Kaoru chuckled nervously. “Yeah, he’s not too pumped about it. He’s been clingier than usual.” 
You smiled. “It’s nice though. Having siblings that close to you? I have three older ones and we’re not as close as the two of you are. I imagine he’s found someone special as well?” Kaoru nodded no. 
“He hasn’t. He’s still is stuck in the past which is why the Host Club is good for him. Its commitment without the actual committing.” 
“He’ll grow out of it, I’m sure.” You whispered. Out of instinct, you leaned up against it. “Just make sure Hikaru feels the love the two of you had with each other when you finally get into a relationship. You don’t want to leave him out in the dirt.” 
Kaoru nodded as you sighed. You seen your breath in the air due to the cold. 
“You won’t mind?” Kaoru asked as you realized what he meant. You whipped your head up and realized what he meant. “Wait-.” 
You giggled as you lifted your head up and gave him a kiss. Kaoru pulled apart and give you a surprised look before leaning back into the kiss, this time making it steamier then before. 
“You won’t mind dating a ‘commoner’?” You jokingly asked as Kaoru shrugged. “Who cares?” With that, Kaoru pulled back for another kiss. You ran your hands through his orange hair which prompted him to sigh into the kiss. 
“I KNEW IT!” Honey screamed to Mori from inside the dance hall. 
Tamaki and Honey had excitement written on their faces as Kyoya tried to figure out how this relationship would affect the Host Club. Haruhi had a small smile written on her face as Hikaru stood in the back of the group. 
Hikaru wasn’t happy, not one bit, but he couldn’t do anything about it. He was watching his twin brother grow up and while it hurt him, he knew it had to happen.
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lcdrarry · 5 years
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LCDrarry proudly presents:
The LCDrarry Box Office Hits 2019
It's Reveals Day! Thank you so much for participating in and following along with the first edition of "Lights, Camera, Drarry"!
We hope you enjoyed the fest and all the wonderful creations as much as we did.
Your LCDrarry Mods, Suzi and Tami (@erin-riwen & @llap115)
PS: Now check out who wrote your favourite fics and created all that wonderful art under cut ;) And please share this post to show your appreciation! Thank you!!
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Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar
Prompt: #3 | "Legally Blonde" - 2001 - Robert Luketic Author: @lettersbyelise Word Count: 8,700 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: No warnings
Summary: Draco Malfoy offers to help his coworkers to improve their seduction techniques, with unexpected consequences.
Read "Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar" on AO3.
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Love, Harry
Prompt: #118 | "Love, Simon" (2018, dir. Greg Berlanti); "Alex Strangelove" (2018, dir. Craig Johnson) Author: Zzzara / @big-draco-energy Word Count: 26.4k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Harry Potter keeps a huge secret: that scary thing he can't tell anyone about. Until a mysterious penfriend changes his life, because he keeps a secret, too.
Read "Love, Harry" on AO3.
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Harry Potter and the Disorder Of The Phoenix
Prompt: #93 | "Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix" (2007 - David Yates) Author: @postjentacular  Word Count: 1.3k Rating: General Warnings: It's all getting a bit meta
Summary: An exasperated werewolf-slash-professor, a decidedly not-dead drama queen, a brat, and a straight white man settle down to watch a movie. It goes as well as you'd expect.
Read "Harry Potter and the Disorder Of The Phoenix" on AO3.
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Heavy Burden
Prompt: #132 | "Howl's Moving Castle" - 2004 - Hayao Miyazaki Author: ViridianJane Art Medium: digital Word Count: 225 Rating: General Warnings: N/A
Summary: Harry offers to help ease Draco's burden, and Draco can't find it in himself to refuse.
Enjoy "Heavy Burden" on AO3.
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The Shape of Desire is Your Name
Prompt: #8 | "Call Me By Your Name" - 2017 - Luca Guadagnino Author: @dracoismytrashson​ Word Count: 44.6k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Internalized Homophobia
Summary: In those days, I often felt like I wanted to burn the world or I wanted it to burn me, scorch me with it’s mysteries and mundanities until I was a blackened strip of a thing, rapturously spent and reshaped into something far more interesting than I’d ever been. I was waiting for something to happen to me, some indelible experience to come along and justify this dangerous searing feeling inside me, this dormant volcano that felt at turns exciting and oh so volatile. I was certain Harry Potter was that thing. The match to my tinder.
Read "The Shape of Desire is Your Name" on AO3.
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The Extraordinarily Magical Host Club
Prompt: #94 | "Ouran High School Host Club" - 2006 - Series Author: @bafflinghaze​ Word Count: 20.6k Rating: Teen and up Warnings: No warnings
Summary: One day, Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, breaks a one-hundred-thousand galleon magical artifact that belongs to the ‘Host Club’, consisting of six not-so-mysterious purebloods. Unable to be reparioed and Harry’s inheritance tied up in charities, Harry’s forced to work for the Host Club to pay back the damages! Cue all the hijinks that come with dealing with a bunch of (mostly rich) purebloods...and maybe a bit of romance, too??
Read "The Extraordinarily Magical Host Club" on AO3.
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The Thing I Hate About You
Prompt: #140 | "10 Things I Hate About You" - 1999 - Gil Junger Author: ElleGray / @diligent-thunder​ Word Count: 1030 Rating: Mature Warnings: poetic mentions of blood, slut-shaming/use of the word 'whore'
Summary: An epistolary of a poet and his future lover, in which Draco is annoyed, Harry is a messy little shit, Blaise is a Bad Friend, and shit goes down in a flood of gin and hot chips. Ultimately, Draco laments his inability to master his heart, and oh so dramatically falls apart (in iambic pentameter).
Read "The Thing I Hate About You" on AO3.
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A Series of Unfortunate Ghosts
Prompt: #61 | "A Christmas Carol" - 1984 - Clive Donner Author: bottseveryflavorbeans_jrayoh23 Word Count: 25.8k Rating: Mature Warnings: death talk, depression, self-hatred, physical and emotional abuse (not between H&D), suicidal thoughts
Summary: It’s sixth year and Draco Malfoy’s life is about to change thanks to some meddlesome ghosts who show him the path he is on is not the only path for him. Between their ghoulish advice and some deep soul searching, Draco regains some of the hope he lost.
Read "A Series of Unfortunate Ghosts" on AO3.
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Prompt: #44 | "The Great Gatsby" - 2013 - Baz Luhrmann Author: Forgetticus Word Count: 5.6k Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: none
Summary: Harry, Draco, Millicent, Pansy and Blaise pile in the Duesenberg to go to a party in the Great Gatsby Universe.
Read "Nightingale" on AO3.
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Hot Air
Prompt: #36 | "Avatar: The Last Airbender" - 2005 - Series Author: fantom_ftnoise / @fantom-ftnoise​ Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Rated T for a wee little rude gesture
Summary: When firebenders butt heads with airbenders, it can be explosive. For Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, it's just another year at Hogwarts School of Elements & Bending.
Enjoy "Hot Air" on AO3.
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Prompt: #127 | "Boy Erased" - 2018 - Joel Edgerton Author: Zzzara / @big-draco-energy​ Word Count: 26k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con (not between H & D) - please read the tags & author notes!
Summary: I know I'm lost forever. From now on, I am not able to un-trust him. It's like falling in love, but deeper - more secure and safe. Something that's not easily undone, not with him. It’s a revelation. Have you ever fallen in trust?
Read "Revelation" on AO3.
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Run Away
Prompt: #115 | "Titanic" - 1997 - James Cameron Author: carereren / @straightasdrarry​ Word Count: 5.8k Rating: Explicit Warnings: internalized homophobia, period-typical homophobia (set in 1912)
Summary: Draco Malfoy has to choose between love or his family as he boards the RMS Titanic.
Read "Run Away" on AO3.
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Dying in L.A.
Prompt: #143 | "A Star is Born" - 2019 - Bradley Cooper Author: tsundanire / @breathofmine Word Count: 9.6k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Angst, Drug use, Implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism, implied/referenced drug addiction, mental health issues, addiction, implied referenced self-harm, Inspired by "A Star is Born", Ambiguous/Open ending.
Summary: After the war, Harry loses all sense of purpose. He travels the world aimlessly, from one spot to the next, chasing a high that never lasts. When the morning comes all that's left is a pounding head, and a foul taste in his mouth. Until he stumbles into a bar in L.A., where his past and present collide.
Read "Dying in L.A." on AO3.
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Nobody Tells You How
Prompt: #137 | "Return to Me" - 2000 - Bonnie Hunt Author: @thirdeyeblinkings​ Word Count: 34.2k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Canon Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Draco never expected to find love once, let alone twice. But how does love work when your heart's still broken? **OR** Harry gets a heart transplant and develops feeings for Draco, but those two things are not related. Until they are.
Read "Nobody Tells You How" on AO3.
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We Are Going Back In Time
Prompt: #68 | "Skyfall" - 2012 - Sam Mendes Author: GlitternGlow Word Count: 4.7k Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death (MCD), Swearing
Summary: Draco has been 007 for a while, his mother and father, even his friends are part of MI6. One day he sets his eyes on his new handler, a scruffy black-haired youth with enough balls to stand up to him. Can they beat Silva and bring him down before anything else happens? And will Draco have the guts to tell Harry how he feels?
Read "We Are Going Back In Time" on AO3.
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Expecting to Fly
Prompt: #15 | "The Sure Thing" - 1985 - Rob Reiner Author: ruarcher / @coriesocks​ Word Count: 45.5k Rating: Mature Warnings: Excessive drinking, attempted kidnapping
Summary: While at university in America, Harry plans a cross-country trip to get laid. He doesn’t count on having to take this trip with Draco Malfoy.
Read "Expecting to Fly" on AO3.
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Rest your heart in my hands
Prompt: #133 | "Moulin Rouge" - 2001 - Baz Luhrman Author: saphira_black Word Count: 2.7k Rating: Mature Warnings: implied sexual work (but not really)
Summary:His heart skipped a beat. A slender figure stepped through the curtains. The music changed and the whole crowd started to roar. "A man?" It was not more than a faint whisper, but the twins heard him, nevertheless. "You didn’t know? His name’s Draco Malfoy," answered Fred.
Read "Rest your heart in my hands" on AO3.
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Lost in Blue
Prompt: #75 | "The Blue Lagoon" - 1980 - Randal Kleiser Artist: @sirene312​ Medium: Digital Art Rating: Mature Warnings: half-naked wizards ;)
Summary: [Fan Art] Harry and Draco accidentally get trapped on a desert island. A "The Blue Lagoon" movie AU
Enjoy "Lost in Blue" on AO3.
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When The Universe Reels
Prompt: "Meet Me In St Louis" - 1944 - Vincente Minnelli Artist: @maesterchill​ Author: wishes to remain unnamed Word Count: 1.2k Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen and up Warnings: none
Summary: After a week of convincing himself it wasn’t really a date—they were only taking a trolley ride together for Merlin’s sake—the agreed hour arrived and Draco waited anxiously at the trolley station. But where on earth was Potter?
Read "When The Universe Reels" on AO3.
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Prompt: #59 | "Grease" - 1978 - Randal Kleiser Author: milkandhoney / @fictional  Word Count: 10.4k Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Slight Virginity Shaming
Summary: Slick is the word. Harry's bike is a bird. And Poor Draco's a sex noob.
Read "Slick" on AO3.
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The Loudest Bang
Prompt: #51 | "MythBusters" - 2003 to 2015 - Series Author: @jeldenil Word Count: 1.2k Rating: Teen and up Warnings: none
Summary: “You’re not going to use a nuclear weapon on Gringotts’ strongest vault, Potter.”
Read "The Loudest Bang" on AO3.
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A Truth Universally Acknowledged
Prompt: #12 | "Pride & Prejudice" - 2005 - Joe Wright Author: epsilonargus Word Count: 23.9k Rating: Teen and up Warnings: none
Summary: It has been four years since the war. Mr. Henry Bennet is perfectly pleased with his domestic life at Longbourn, managing the affairs of his demanding mother and many sisters. But a new Muggle gentleman moves into Netherfield Park, and he brings with him a surprising figure from Mr. Henry's past ...
Read "A Truth Universally Acknowledged" on AO3.
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Man Eater
Prompt: #25 | "Little Shop of Horrors" - Alan Menken Author: milkandhoney / @fictional Word Count: 2.4k Rating: Mature Warnings: Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence (not between H & D), Dark Draco, Implied Sexual Acts
Summary: “You can’t lie to me.” The plant released Draco and he stumbled, overbalanced by his own gangly limbs. “I've watched you. I've heard all your idle thoughts. All your whispered secrets. I know what Harry means to you.”
Read "Man Eater" on AO3.
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I Wanna Get Better
Prompt: #139 | "One Day at a Time" - 2017 - Series Author: donnarafiki / @rose-grangerweasleyisbae​ Word Count: 5.0k Rating: Mature Warnings: Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression
Summary: One night Draco comes knocking on Neville's door, with a tape recorder and a desperate need for a hug.
Read it now on AO3.
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A week at the Humdinger
Prompt: #9 | "Pretty Woman" - 1990 - Gary Marshall Author: AhaMarimbas Word Count: 52.2k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non Con (not between H & D), Being Outed, Ace-phobia, Rude and Derogatory language
Summary: What happens when Europe's richest business tycoon asks London's poorest (probably) prostitute for directions? An adventure at the Humdinger, and a love story to last the ages. Or at least the week.
Read "A week at the Humdinger" on AO3.
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Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
Prompt: #33 | "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" - 2004 - Michel Gondry Author: @thefifthbiscuit​ Word Count: 1.2k Rating: Teen and up Warnings: none
Summary: Harry's used to being recognised wherever he goes. Then he meets Draco Malfoy, possibly the only person in the wizarding world who doesn't know what Harry Potter looks like. Based on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Read "Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before" on AO3.
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Four Years Gone
Prompt: #141 | "Point Break" - 1991 - Katheryn Bigelow Author: ladderofyears / @clemandben Word Count: 10.8k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Relationship breakdown, Bank Robbery, Sexually Explict, Obsession
Summary: Four years ago Harry Potter let Draco Malfoy fly away in a snow storm that no flyer could possibly have survived, and ever since that day his life has been on hold. Then, one day he receives a photograph of a Mountain Range. The Pir Panjal mountain range, in India. Draco is alive. Will Harry chase him, and give up everything he cares about?
Read "Four Years Gone" on AO3.
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Our Husbands Are Gay
Prompt: #134 | "Grace and Frankie" - 2015 - Series Author: MarchnoGirl Word Count: 14.5k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Infidelity (not between Drarry), Explicit Sexual Content, Older Characters (60 yo)
Summary: As soon as they stepped foot inside, all his willpower crumbled once more. Draco grabbed Harry’s arm again, making him stumble backwards. “I can’t. Let’s run away. You and me; we’ll build our lives together somewhere else, somewhere far away. Please, say yes.” Harry turned properly to him and smiled softly. He adjusted Draco’s jacket, smoothing his hand down his chest and stopping at his heart. “I learned long ago that running away is not gonna solve my problems. C’mon, Draco.”
Read "Our Husbands Are Gay" on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry.
Thank you! See you in 2020 ;)
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