#(bc of the Mukuro and Syo stuff)
fma03envy · 1 year
Bored so I'm stating my thoughts on every DRS swimsuit sprite
(Part 1: THH)
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Makoto: it's like. Fine lol. Kind of generic but totally fits with his "totally average high school student" thing
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Taka: Accurate. Next.
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Byakuya: Torn between "this looks stupid" and "it's Byakuya we're talking about here, of course he'd wear something stupid and think it would make him look more refined ". Like this looks bad but it's absolutely in character
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Mondo: Eh. Feels almost kinda young for him but I don't really have any better ideas and it does fit his color scheme well
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Leon: Flaming hot cheetos vibes but I'll take it
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Hifumi: Fitting but makes me even more mad that he's stylized Like That. All the other characters had plausible proportions I'm SURE you can do that for a fat character too. Either they all should be cartoony or none of em should be
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Hiro: I guess I get what they were going for but this is too patterned and also not his color scheme at all. Maybe I'm just saying this bc I think orange and green basically never match but yeah
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Chihiro: BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SHOWSTOPPING PERFECT. My favorite outfit so far. Dr may have utterly failed in basically every aspect of Chihiro's writing but they did not fail with this outfit she looks amazing
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Sayaka: This looks dumb sorry. Idk what they were going for but like. Why. The top and bottom of her suit don't even match? (Admittedly her hair being draped over her shoulders weirdly like that is just for this sprite not all of them but still)
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Kyoko. Like. Technically it's better than Sayaka's aesthetically in that at least it matches with itself and her hair ties (in most of the sprites at least. For some reason they're discolored in this only fullbody one.). Still. The thing about me is that I have trouble imagining Kyoko wearing literally any feminine clothing ever so I see this and my mind just goes "OOC" even though she literally also dresses fem in canon
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Hina: Worst one yet. She's literally ultimate swimmer why would she wear this it's impractical and dumb. Also the color scheme is soo different from the normal desaturated red+white+blue she normally wears. The bandaid is an ok touch but that's the only good thing about this design
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(I'm sorry Toko's expression is like that; this is the only close-to-fullbody DRS sprite on the wiki)
Toko and Syo (kind of the same outfit so I'll judge it together): I really like this one! Toko having a skirt thing so no one can see her tallymarks but Syo taking it off is a good touch. I wouldn't have thought of blue as her color but it actually really works (and reminds me of Komaru's uniform...)
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Sakura: Cute! Tbh a bit more frilly/cutesy than I would have expected but she looks nice :)
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Celeste: SECOND FAVE AFTER CHIHIRO I <3 IT. Generally Celeste's aesthetic fucks so hard (only tiiiiny criticism I have is that the lace on her suit would look nicer if it was matching in size with that on her headdress)
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Junko: Why so plain??? Like it really doesn't seem to fit with the gyaru aesthetic at all (admittedly I don't know much about said fashion subculture though so I def could be wrong it just looks very different to my eye). Like I feel like this is what Hina should have worn it looks like smth actual swimmers would wear in a race
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Mukuro: REAL LIXED FEELINGS HERE. On the one hand, this is very fitting for someone pretending to be the ultimate fashionista; you've perfectly captured that vibe. On the other hand, why should she have to pretend to be Junko in this context whyyy. (So like generally this aesthetic is good she's getting a good grade in Junko mimicry but the "Mukuro is butch" part of my brain is NOT a fan she shouldn't HAVE to wear that)
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Monokuma: Sure lol. this is fine. Why do you need a swimsuit when you're normally naked
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c0nfuzzld · 1 year
I’ve gotten super into danganronpa lately and since it’s now a hyper fixation it’s been on my mind a lot, and now that I’m playing thh school mode and spending time with characters I didn’t in the main game, one thing I’ve been thinking about is… well I might just be reading the vibes wrong but why does it feel like almost every character in thh has almost romantic or at least qpr-like behavior towards makoto? Like it almost feels as if they all have a crush on him, and I know this prob sounds insane but I keep noticing it?? Like with byakuya and kirigiri I think almost everyone can agree naegi’s like their puppy lol, and then Chihiro feels like they like-like him but maybe it’s just because guys aren’t usually that nice to Chihiro so they’re just not used to it?? Idk, and then Asahina had that thing where she used Makoto as her practice bf and I didn’t think she actually liked him at first, but as the interaction played out and makoto said she should just be herself, it seemed like she was flustered or smth bc of how genuine he was towards her??? And junko (mukuro) it felt like she was flirting/toying with him a lot but maybe that’s just her personality or just mukuro trying to seem more like junko. I feel like with Sakura she didn’t have a crush on him but she did say that he reminded her of her first love.. and of course there’s sayaka, I don’t need to elaborate on that one, and there’s probably more interactions during free time with characters that would come off as somewhat romantic or smth but I can’t think of anymore, and I haven’t seen everyone’s free time conversations yet. And keep in mind although I do enjoy character shipping, I usually don’t go too crazy with it like it may seem I am in this post.. like usually I’ll just ship one or two pairings and then leave it at that, not reading between the lines too much or anything, but something about danganronpa and how intimate makoto gets with them sometimes in the conversations or the ways characters just interact with him in general, it just makes my brain kind of explode with theories and possible ships and stuff lol idk why (also, it’s not just makoto x other characters.. but just how other characters are with eachother in general, like toko/syo and Hina?? Like what’s up with toko/syo always commenting on Hinas mommy milkers but then insisting she only likes Byakuya?? Like does she like hina or is she just saying weird stuff?? AAAAAA)
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013hasablognow · 1 year
blog intro 😋
hii!! im buffporcupine but this is my rp blog!! i’ll use it occasionally since i won’t post many starters, but i’ll use this blog for rps as to not clutter my main.
everything is below the cut bc this post is kinda long!
~ stuff I WILL rp:
-oc x canon (I can play the canon character or the oc)
-oc x oc
-angst (including heavy angst, but I won’t go beyond what the other person wants to have in our rp)
-implied angsty stuff
I’ll add to this list when i think of more stuff lol, if it’s reasonable and if it’s not in the no-go list, then go for it lolz.
~ stuff i WILL NOT rp:
-large age gap, stuff of that sort
-unhealthy stuff
-i don’t do 18+/smut rps (I’m a minor)
-just don’t do anything repulsive and you’ll be fine
~ Anyway, my main muse list is ocs, but I can also do canon characters from Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, BNHA, Death Note, and some other stuff. i’m also better at playing girls and genderqueer characters than boys.
when listing ocs, I do their name, an additional name if possible in brackets, then gender in parentheses. genders I list are male, female, and gnc/gq (gender non-comforming/genderqueer).
also, i hope i’m using the word muse right! i’m not good at rp vocab.
ocs (i’ll link the intro posts as i make them):
-Kiyomi Itō (f)
-Rosa [Clover] (f)
-Akira Itō (m)
-Aurelia Scott [Aurie, Scotty] (F)
-Kirumi [kiru] (gnc)
-013 (f)
-R [Raye, Ricky] (f)
More ocs to be added soon lolz!!
Canon Characters I will Play:
For these, I’ll bold any character I prefer/ like especially.
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Sayaka Maizono
Toko Fukawa (Genocider Syo as well)
Mondo Ohwada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyouko Kirigiri
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mikan Tsumiki
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Peko Pekoyama
Akane Owari
Gundham Tanaka
Hajime Hinata
Chiaki Nanami
Sonia Nevermind
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Kirumi Tojo
Rantaro Amami
Korekiyo Shinguji
Tenko Chabashira
Himiko Yumeno
Miu Iruma
Kokichi Ouma
Kaito Momota
Tsumugi Shirogane
Death Note
Light Yagami
L Lawliet
Misa Amane
Kiyomi Takada
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidouin
Joe Tazuna
Kanna Kizuchi
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Gin Ibushi
Sue Miley
Tia Safalin
~ If you wanna do a ship rp for two (or more, idc) canon characters, then just say so, and as long as it’s in the realm of reasonability, then I’ll do it.
~ Thank you for reading!
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uh who smokes in each danganronpa game this is so stupid
ok off the bat here, leon is the weed man. I seriously think his room is just like punk albums and his stash. pretty quickly established his place as the spot literally, like, first night. they can use his stuff but they gotta listen to his music. the crew is leon, yasuhiro and kirigiri. you can’t tell me kirigiri doesn’t smoke. became real weird after leon’s execution. after Mondo’s execution yasuhiro and kirigiri get Leon’s pad back and debate whether to use it. they end up smoking in his room again after chapter 2, but they insist on listening to his stupid punk music. it feels wrong if it’s not in the background. after the chap 3 trial kirigiri will invite makoto to tag along a few times, but after he breaks her trusts, she uninvites him. which is ok bc he felt weird when high anyways. syo would probably also smoke with them, but toko hates it. mukuro would too in theory but she’s dead lol rip
akane nekumaru mahiru and ibuki are the main squad. mahiru is the odd duck out when sober but she loosens up p quick. they invite kazuichi bc it seems obvious but he actually gets anxious when he smokes so he declines. nagito’s the plug but he is NOT invited to hang out. related is my nagito has a box mod headcanon that’s it that’s the whole theory. hajime wants to be included but feels left out bc they don’t know lol rip. akane will smoke with him once all her other buddies are gone
komaru and syo are just 420 blazin it the whole fuckin time in udg. also think haiji towa also smokes but not with komaru and syo. he is not allowed.
the most ICONIC group of stoners this game has ever seen are rantaro kaito ryoma and himiko. would 10000% light one up in their dearly departed’s honor. kokichi and miu will join intermittently, but only when the other isn’t there. also angie is the type of religious person who thinks pot is a gift from god and it’s a sin not to smoke. but she gets weirder than usual when she’s high so she just. smokes by herself as a form of worship. kaede talks big talk about being an expert and tries smoking with the group once but she chokes on the smoke and rantaro has to tap out to make sure she’s ok
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