#(buff  but not chiseled yfm?... look. i find him endearing and terrifying in this au)
I just think it’s hilarious how so... Gymrat!Virgil does a lot of quick service jobs like inventory, cashier, cart return, all that miscellany.
And he has the Service Voice down pat.
But he will be a passive-aggressive gaslighting lil shit to shitty customers, taking advantage of his tendency for being kind of quiet and terse. As is his right (says the rest of the crew... but let’s be real, the biggest cheerleaders of this conduct would be Remus and Janus.)
I also think Roman is really good at the Service Voice... but he has a lot of trouble dropping it sometimes (curse of leaning so heavily on masking to survive). So like. When a shitty customer starts getting on the dude’s last nerve... expect some Stepford Smiler type of nonsense.
It works... sometimes.
And then we got Patton. Patton is sweet is but doesn’t sugarcoat things and cuts straight to the bullshit. He won’t pull any punches when he sees his kiddos (his students, child relatives... and the twins + Virgil) and friends (rest of crew, coworkers he likes/respects, his VA support group) being harmed. (Part of it’s because of his Army and Combat Medic Training/Service.)
Janus will totally sass the shit out of a fool, if they can get away with it. Janus is the highest monarch of pettiness in their group. That said, if they are dealing with clients that are receptive about their rehabs, they’re not unreasonable. It kinda depends on their spoon count in that moment, in all honesty.
Logan is kind of stilted about customer interactions, but is generally good at being cool and professional around them to help them. But whoo boy, when he gets the chance to vent about it later, he do be getting explode-y. Remus thinks it’s hot (in his own bellusexual way, of course).
Remus? Customer Voice? What’s that? (He’s just banned from the customer facing side of ANY operation. He does on-site IT work, but gets real antisocial real fast. Let’s just. Let’s just leave it at that.)
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