#(cam why do you say the things that you do........ one day the mario kart joke will not haunt us)
valuehope · 3 years
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@illusinae​ asked: When compared to his usual self, Cam's expression now seems shockingly serious. For once, he doesn't crack a joke or anything, and when he takes Makoto's hands into his own, it looks like he's struggling to find words to say. With a deep sigh, he gives one firm squeeze to his boyfriend's hands. " So... There's something I want to ask you. It's been on my mind for awhile. " One hand moves to fumble for something in his pocket, and while he does that, he lowers himself to one knee. "Makoto... " His hand emerges from his pocket, and it raises to place something in the other's free palm. Upon closer inspection, it's...a small rainbow pin? Somehow, he's keeping a straight face through all this. " Would you do me the honor of Rainbow'ing your Road?” // ben waNTS ME TO SUFFER KJHFDGSJKL
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   THE SUDDEN SERIOUS DEMEANOR from Cam definitely catches Makoto off guard, leaving him with plenty of questions about what may have caused something like that— although, when Cam takes his hands in his own... Makoto guesses he’s about to find out? “You...wanted to ask me something?” He repeats, head tilting slightly, though the nerves don’t kick in until Cam lowers himself onto one knee. “W- wait, hold on, I— what are you doi-” What?! Is Cam really... no, there’s no way! Of course, Makoto has thought about it, and he loves the thought of marrying Cam some day, but... this is too soon, he pictured them at least a little older!
             And then... he sees the pin. 
  “Would I— huh?” Wait a second... this is definitely another one of his jokes— look what you did, Cam, now he’s bright red. “Ah...! Uh— you... whywouldyousayitlikethat?! For a second I thought you were actually— well... you really don’t have to kneel like that!” That isn’t an answer, Makoto—
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etherrreal · 3 years
“the things you do for charity”
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Pairing: kenma x gn!reader Genre: fluff Summary: kenma's always been a private person, but it was getting increasingly harder to keep his partner off his streams while you live together; so, he decided to join his two loves together for a 24-hour charity stream extravaganza. Word Count: 3,408 Warnings: some swearing, i suppose there are some spoilers from the manga about adult kenma's job? A/N: i'd give my left tit to play some minecraft or mario kart with kenma tbh -Luna
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Kenma's career as a popular streamer was one of the many facets of him that shocked you when you’d started dating two years ago. The two of you had first met in an Animal Crossing discord for your city meant for trading and making friends.
After you had gone over to his island to adopt Raymond from him, he let you keep all of your Nook Mile Tickets with the stipulation that you kept in contact with him to "give him updates" about how the cat villager was doing in his new home. His dorky way of trying to flirt with you was what made you pursue him in the first place, and somehow it had led to a very fulfilling relationship.
It was revealed early on that he was a streamer, but he never expanded on it regarding the actual numbers. Curiosity got the best of you one night, and you decided to google him. Besides also learning that he was a YouTuber, you found yourself in awe at the numbers he managed to accumulate across all of his social media.
And if that wasn’t enough, he was also apparently the CEO of his own business.
Once you moved in together around the one-year mark of your relationship, you got to properly witness the amount of work put into streaming and maintaining a social media presence. This also meant that you got to read the wild comments that were left on all of his platforms–and see the occasional surprise nude picture whenever he opened up his DMs around you.
Because of this, Kenma sat you down to have a conversation about your potential appearance on his social media. You both decided by the end of it that his audience would get to know that he was in a committed relationship, but you agreed it would be best to not show your face or reveal any identifying information of yours.
It had been a year since having that conversation, and you’d both stuck to the agreement closely. The most his audience had ever seen of you was your hand whenever you refilled his water bottle for him.
Of course, it was hard sometimes, especially when you had to remain extra quiet around the house and refrain from yelling out a 'baaaabe' whenever you needed something from him, but since he had his own soundproof office, it lessened the room for any accidental error.
Overall, you were content with never showing your face to his audience for the rest of his career. You knew how nasty the internet could get because of their parasocial relationships with influencers and streamers alike, especially when they discovered those influencers and streamers had a partner who wasn't them, even if they knew they never had a chance. You weren't sure your skin was thick enough to deal with rabid angry stans.
Which is why it was so shocking when Kenma decided one day to nix the agreement.
You were in your shared bedroom answering some emails when he came in. He was dressed in a baggy hoodie, sweats, and tied-up hair; his typical look for a stream.
After some time, you noticed that he was still standing in the doorway, not saying anything. When you glanced up at him, you found him awkwardly toying with the strands of hair that had fallen out of his bun, looking down at the ground like he was just waiting for you to notice him.
"Is there something you need, baby?" you asked. "You're just standing there all adorably shy."
"Yeah, so, um, I'm going to be doing a 24-hour stream this weekend to raise money for charity."
"Oh, really? Cool! I guess that means I'll be going to bed alone that night," you joked.
"Yeah, I guess. Um..." He started before scrunching up his face like he was uncomfortable with what he planned to say next.
"What is it? Do you need me to stock up on snacks and energy drinks? Just send me a list. I can pick  them up tomorrow."
"No, that's not it. I was thinking of making a stretch goal be you coming on stream so we can play Minecraft or Mario Kart or something...I mean, I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable. I could always replace it with something else. I know they've been wanting to see me dye my hair a bright color and dress up like an e-boy, so--"
"Really!?" you nearly yelled.
"What? That they want me to dress like an e-boy? Yeah, Kuroo said it would–"
"No, I mean..." You tried to fight the confused expression that was growing on your face, but your squinted eyes gave you away. "You really want me on your stream? Like face and all?"
"....Yeah, I really want to be able to share this with you. But don't feel like you have to do it just to make me happy."
It was a large ask when looking at the full picture. Kenma had his fair share of fans and "stans" who lacked boundaries, as seen from a select few who visited your home several times this year, or the handful that found you on social media already just from seeing a glimpse of your college ring on the hand wrapped around Kenma's water bottle.
There could be a chance you could receive direct hate on your social media just because you were a person who dated a popular streamer. You would then be in the public eye with little privacy and have a magnifying glass on all of your actions and words. Anything you did would then reflect on Kenma.
What if you messed something up and then Kenma lost viewers? Would they try to cancel you or him for it?
You backed away from all the negative thoughts before you could spiral and looked at the metaphorical 'pro' column.
If you agreed to appear on his stream, you would no longer have to sneak around your house in fear of being heard or showing up in his face cam. You both wouldn't have to feel guilty playing games off-camera with each other because you knew Kenma could be streaming it instead.
And who knew? Maybe his fans would like you. You had to admit, it would be a nice ego boost knowing that you were accepted by so many people.
And, most importantly: you could physically ask him in person what he wanted for dinner instead of texting him and waiting an hour for a break so he could respond, while you sat in the next room, starving, stuck in an endless cycle of wondering whether you should make a snack or if you should just hold off for dinner.
Maybe this was a good idea.
"Okay,” you decided, “I'll do it."
"Oh... alright. Cool." Kenma was trying his hardest not to show how excited he was that you agreed. When he saw the contemplative look on your face, he was sure you would decide that it'd just be too much work and say no. But hearing you agree made him giddier than he would ever admit to.
Despite the cool and collected façade he thought he was putting on, you saw the smile that threatened to break through and the red tips of his ears. You wondered if he felt the same weight being lifted off his shoulders as you did, knowing that, after this weekend, you'd both be finally out as an official couple to the world.
And, of course, the nausea of having to do all of it live in front of thousands of people. No biggie.
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Saturday afternoon came and at 12pm sharp, Kenma began his grueling 24-hour charity stream. The bar had an overall goal of $150,000, and it began filling up at a constant pace right from the start. Donations ranging from $5 to $500 were flowing in rapidly, and you were trying your best not to feel nervous.
You both agreed that if he reached $50,000 within 5 hours, you would join him for an hour or two of Minecraft later that night. Part of you hoped that the donations would slow down and plateau for a bit, but when you saw Kuroo had donated $1000, specifically with the message that he hoped to see you on stream soon, you realized that it was a pipe dream.
So, you had to be your own hype person for now, to get prepared to show your face to thousands of people and not disappoint Kenma.
Whether it was the promise of your face reveal or the people who genuinely adored charity, it took only four hours for Kenma to break $50,000.
When he saw the number update live on stream, the viewers witnessed the most amount of expression Kenma had ever shown: eyes wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape, body frozen. You could see the gears struggling inside his head struggling to turn and comprehend what they all managed to do so early on in the stream.
"Thanks so much, everyone, for being so generous today... I guess this means we'll be having my partner on later tonight," he announced. You watched his chat explode with excitement, his special emotes flying in the chat.
You picked up your phone to shoot Kenma a quick text.
[you]:: hope you're ready to put our minecraft beds together in front of thousands of people 😏
Unsurprisingly, he left you on read. But dating him for this long meant you weren't even a little bit afraid of double or triple texting.
[you]:: maybe we can kiss under the light of an exploding creeper 😫
[you]:: or have a romantic walk through our rainbow sheep while a phantom looms overhead 🥰
It was after the third text when you finally saw him pick up his phone to text you back. You eagerly awaited his response, only to cackle when you read it.
[my sugar daddy]:: im going to replace you with hinata as my partner if you dont stop
Instead of annoying him any further, you set your phone to charge on your nightstand and went into the bathroom to get ready for the stream later.
Once you emerged, you picked up your phone to check the percentage and noticed a text from Kenma stating that he'd have you on at 8pm. You decided to spend the time until then cooking up some dinner for the both of you.
It seemed like time flew by because by the time you were done eating your food, it was 7:45pm. Only fifteen more minutes before you were live in front of all of Kenma's supporters. You refilled your water bottle and sat on the couch, staring at the blank T.V. as you practically dissociated from reality until Kenma came out of his office to retrieve you.
You noticed that he looked just as nervous as you did, despite his face not showing it the way yours did. His shoulders were up to his ears with tension, and his hoodie drawstring was pulled almost all the way through due to him fiddling with it.
He turned briefly to you after he brought you into his office, gesturing to make sure you knew to wait until he gave you the cue. He sat down, unmuted himself, and took down the 'away' screen he had for his audience.
This was it. Everything was going to change in literally ten seconds.
"Well, everyone...please welcome my partner, (Y/N)."
You walked cautiously around his large gaming chair and sat next to him in your modest desk chair that he had rolled into the room for the occasion.
Okay, you thought to yourself, now don't fuck this up.
"Hi, everyone."
Nailed it.
There was a painful moment of silence before the stream finally caught up, and you both heaved a sigh of relief when you saw nothing but declarations of excitement. Amongst the 'AHHHs' and spam of emotes were sweet comments about your appearance and how cute you two looked as a couple. You peeked over at Kenma and saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, elated to know that he was just as relieved as you were.
"Okay, let's start with the gameplay while we answer some questions," he said.
The questions and gameplay started out mild; when did you both start dating, how did you meet, who asked the other out first. They even asked a few simple questions about you specifically, like your favorite anime and your star sign. And while you did see a few bans in the chat after some inappropriate questions –no, you will not tell them the color of your underwear– most were easy and simple enough to answer.
Then they started to get a bit spicier.
"Bokutoslefttit donated $69.69 and asked, 'what is your main pet peeve with Kenma?'" he read, muttering a 'wow' under his breath at the username.
"Ooh, how can I be polite when exposing you?" you pondered while beating a cow to death with your sword. "It's probably how loud he gets whenever he's playing games with his good headphones on."
"I don't get loud," he defended.
"Oh yeah, you do. I've had to come in here several times to tell you to shut up like I'm your mother. I did it literally two days ago when you were playing with Lev."
"... Next question."
You rolled your eyes at his lack of comment but glanced over at the chat to pull up a new question. You stifled a laugh when you read, "Girlboss420 asked 'who has a fatter ass, Kuroo or (Y/N)?'"
"I'm not answering that."
"Come oooon, this is a Q&A. Can't have the Q’s without the A’s."
You were about to start reprimanding him for implying that Kuroo's ass was fatter than yours when you noticed he ran past you with a group of pillagers following closely behind. You turned to head into the house but when you opened the door, you noticed it was blocked off by obsidian.
"You are the absolute worst!" you exclaimed.
You made a break for it, sprinting past the shooting pillagers and around to the front of the house. You made it inside with only 2 hearts to spare. You turned, in real life, to Kenma to see him tight-lipped to avoid smiling about his betrayal.
"I'm moving my bed downstairs for the rest of the stream."
You both carried on with the stream without another incident, turning to the chat every now and again to answer some questions. Kenma even apologized to you by bringing home a horse that was named "I'm sorry."
It was about an hour and a half after you sat down when Kenma decided that he needed a bathroom break. Your heart fell to your ass when you realized that you'd be all alone to entertain his chat. You considered saying that you needed to pee as well, if it meant not having the spotlight on you.
Instead, when he got up to pee, you smiled and asked him to bring you back a snack and a refill. Oh, how the turns have tabled.
In the meantime, you decided to scroll through the chat and some of the donations to pick out another question to answer since Kenma was gone. You were initially looking for a funny or vulgar comment when you saw one that had a completely different vibe.
"Kermithateblog donated $25.00 and asked, 'what's your favorite part about being with Kenma?' Wow, that's a really sweet question. Let me think for a moment."
You paused to reflect on your relationship with Kenma over the two years you’d been together. You'd had your fair share of highs and lows like any other couple, but, in the end, you both learned how to work things out so you were both equally as happy in the relationship.
"So, as you guys know, he's a busy boy with streaming, creating content for YouTube, and also being a CEO of his own company, which all takes up the majority of his time," you began. "But when he finally can shut off his screens and crawls into bed late at night, I know that he's 100% there with me at that moment. He is able to give me his undivided attention and make me feel like his love for me comes above his love for gaming."
You gave a pause, trying not to get too emotional. You rarely got the chance to gush about Kenma because you knew how much he hated having attention on him, so if this was going to be your only opportunity to do so for a while, then you were going to take it.
"What y'all don't know is that he is the biggest baby when it comes to cuddling," you laughed. "He is absolutely the little spoon most of the time, and he loves when I stroke his hair and love on him all night. In a weird way, it makes me feel special and loved knowing that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable with me. I cherish the amount of time we have together because of that."
What you didn't know was that he had come back from refilling your water bottle rather quickly and stood outside the doorway to hear your speech. His heart almost burst when he heard your tender words describing how he made you feel. He knew that you rarely got to hear how much those quiet moments at night meant to him because he was guarded with his feelings.
Which is why he started into the room on a mission.
You smiled as soon as you saw him. "Welcome back, babe, we were just talking about--"
He approached you swiftly and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hardly even got to bask in the moment before he was pulling away, setting down your water bottle as he sat back down with his controller in hand like he didn't just expose to his audience how much of a softy he really was.
It was in that moment when you realized how glad you were that you’d decided to appear on stream because you'd be able to look back at that clip over and over again to relive the intimate moment.
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Noon on Sunday came at last. Kenma would finally be free from the prison of his office. Not to mention he could finally get off his ass and stretch.
Between your official appearance on stream and the sign-off, you popped in a few more times to say hello to the chat when you brought him some snacks and drinks. You stayed up through most of the night, although you accidentally napped for a few hours during the dead of night which gave you a little boost in energy.
In the end, the stream was a monumental success. Kenma had even managed to blow past his goal of $150k and make it to over $200k, which meant that he'd be getting the full e-body makeover for his next week of streams.
By the time Kenma came into your bedroom after freshening up and having a small snack, you were already dead asleep with your laptop propped open to show his now offline stream.
He tip-toed around the bed quietly, closed your laptop, pulled the covers up and over your curled-up body, and slipped in himself. As he settled, he felt you shift and grab at his worn t-shirt, opening your eyes slightly just to confirm that it's him.
He pulled you against his chest tightly, his body finally able to relax. He was sure it wouldn't be too long before he completely fell out.
"That was more fun than I thought it'd be," he heard you utter quietly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." His fingers gently danced across your shoulder blades as you mushed your face into his clean shirt. "I can't believe we raised so much today so quickly."
"I'm so proud of you, baby. You worked so hard on this."
"I also donated $2000 anonymously to speed up the process," he mumbled sheepishly, pressing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head in hopes to lessen the blow of his secret.
It was quiet for a moment, and he wondered if he’d genuinely pissed you off before he felt the vibrations from your laugh against his chest.
"...I can't wait to ruin your hair, e-boy."
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Written by: Luna
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
Well I saw the self-ship week thing late??? But it seems fun, so I thought to participate!
This one’s for day 3-Playing Games!
(Notice: this will contain... FLUFF!!)
“ok ok, i’m on, can ya hear me?”
You giggle. “There you are! You sure took your time.”
“i told’ja, m’bro was givin’ me a… talk. ya know how he is. he knew we were havin’ gaming night and he said how it’s fine to game but that i should go to bed at ‘A REASONABLE HOUR.’” Sounds Sans’ Papyrus impression, and though it isn’t exactly the same, the similarities were perhaps, slightly uncanny.
And then in the background-
“shut up!”
“Pff- oh my gosh, why are you both always like this??”
You hear the sound of shuffling, a far-away knocking noise… Sans had went to his door and was having a conversation with his brother, right now. A few scoffs from Papyrus, a couple of ‘rrrghhhh’s from Sans, and you hear the door slam, probably in Papyrus’ face, before Sans comes stomping back to his computer.
If you had been calling any other person, you’d be worried about their home condition.
“sorry ‘bout that doll,” you hear Sans’ voice after a heavy ‘omph’ on what you presume is his computer chair. “i swear, sometimes he forgets he’s not my mom… i’m a grown ass adult, i’m the older brother, i can do whatev’r the hell i want.”
You snicker. “Ok, now you sound just like a pissy teen… going against your mother’s wishes to play Minecraft until 3AM?”
“i-!! well i mean, we haven’t decided what t’ play yet! i mean… we could play minecraft if you wanna…”
His tone sounds bashful, and it reminds you of a kid trying to trick you into giving them what they want. And hey, you’re not gonna complain having some quality time with your boyfriend… currently far away from you. You do find yourself wishing you could see his face though…
As if reading your thoughts, Sans speaks.
“hey, uh… sweetheart… ya mind turnin’ video cam on?”
“If you turn on yours! But I mean… we’re gonna be staring at the game th-“
Your mouth closes when Sans’ face appears in the calling program you’re using. The room’s dark, the most light around’s probably just his computer screen, and maybe a desk lamp on his side? He almost looks ominous in the lighting, being a skeleton with glowing red eyes and a shark-toothed grin, but…
You find yourself smiling, getting to see his face again. Was it because you’ve been separated from him a while, or did he somehow become even more handsome?
“here i am. now turn on yer camera.” He demands, his teeth twisting in a bit of an impatient frown. “i know ya love what’cher seein’, but i’d rather it go both ways, too…”
“Oh, Sans!” You breathe a laugh, “ok, ok!”
You do as much, clicking on the video icon and seeing your camera light up. You see your face in the corner of Sans’ feed, and you kind of blush. The lighting isn’t the best here either, though the hotel looked nicer in real life. It wasn’t exactly flattering you and your face was slightly dark, but…
“oh wow. i’ve missed that face.” Sans murmurs, looking like he’s honest to god, stunned just by looking at you.
You automatically slap a hand over your face. “Sans…!”
“jus’ as cute as ever, too. actin’ all shy… c’mon, pretty girl, lemme see…”
“Sans, we’re supposed to be playing, aren’t we??” at this rate, you’ll never get to play anything with this flirty bastard!
Sans guffaws, headphones almost falling off his skull when he throws it back, but thankfully(???), he does get the ball rolling.
“ok, so, what’cha wanna do tonight? like ya said, there’s always minecraft… or we could bust out the switch and play mario kart… oh, ya said ya wanted to tetris right? or also, those… board games..? wow doll, after choosin’ to date me, i’d think yer taste would be a little bit wilder than this.”
“Oh shut up, classic board games are great! Papyrus always liked them!”
“psh, of course papyrus would like ‘em. i-“
Somewhere in the distance, “I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!”
“fuck off, yer listenin’ in on my private conversation with my babe!”
“Pfghgh- hahahah! Ok, ok, stop! I’ve chosen what I want to play first, I’ll prove you it’s fun! Let’s play find-four!”
You see Sans roll his eyelights, but his smile widens at you. “whatever ya say, doll….”
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Love Mac and cheese except for the fact that since I'm so feral and hungry for it I burnt my tongue LMAO... Speaking of food, my birthday is on Wednesday and I didn't really want to do anything this year except eat sushi and play Mario kart with my family that day though people want to come drop off a present and stuff which is fine. But my grandparents are like demanding to see me that day and the thing is...I don't really like them and they don't really like me and we have family drama (shit happened between them, my dad, and uncle) like one of the reasons why I don't like them is cause they say some rude stuff to me and it's kinda misogynistic like "Why be a musician when u can be a housewife" ummm excuse me ABSOLUTELY NOT! I was kinda offended idk if it was a joke but the way my grandpa said it did not sound like he was joking and like he has a habit of saying stuff like this to me. Anyways they're also very sheltered and my parents were wondering if I wouldn't mind going out to eat sushi and asking my grandparents to come eat cause they would have a hard time trying to eat because it's not "Hardcore American" food. It would be funny to see how they would react to eating sushi...but I'm not sure what to do about it?
Ok first off, we are totally celebrating your birthday Wednesday!
Next, I say you do what you want too! If you don't want them there, you shouldn't have to see them! Being forced to see "family" shouldn't be a thing. Just because they are your grandparents doesn't mean they have any right to see you especially if you don't like them.
Honestly if it were me, I would say "it's my birthday amd I don't want to see you" and leave it at that. They cam drop the gift off and leave if that's what they want. And if they don't respect you, fuck their gift!
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taejeonie · 4 years
taehee’s relationships outside nct
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red velvet
close since trainee days ofc!!!
irene takes care of her a lot, just like a mom would
taehee looks up to seulgi a lot, esp when it’s about dancing
“i look up to seulgi sunbae a lot. she helped me dance when i was a trainee so i didn’t worry a lot during my trainee days. i can trust her :>>”
“i want to guest on a variety show with wendy sunbae one day. i find her very funny when watching their variety shows so i think it would be fun hihi”
joy and yeri kept telling her to stop calling them sunbaes on tv bc they’re close but taehee’s just kinda shy oKAY
yeri mentioned a lot of trainees looked up to taehee bc she was like a “monster rookie” back then
iconic moment: during isac, 127 was just supposed to pass by rv to say hello but before taehee could leave, yeri wrapped her arms around her and pulled her down until they’re lying on the floor. she tried to get out of her grasp until wendy came and put her weight on top of them. their fans kept awe-ing at them until irene had to pry wendy off so the two maknaes could breathe. joy also kept feeding her chips, “are they good?” “mhmm :)))”. later that day, she danced ‘russian roulette’ with seulgi so it’s a winwin for everyone ^ - ^
twice’s chaeyoung
very very close
text each other a lot
when they’re both free, they try to go out as much as possible
eat first then they can do anything,,,they once went to like an archery thing
lol the fans refer to them as ‘dates’
they also want a rap duet!! sm!!! jyp!! take notes!!!
chaeyoung’s vvv affectionate with her
like everytime they would see each other during award shows, she would cling onto taehee like a koala
iconic moment: taehee stole chaeyoung’s phone during an award show and took mirror selfies in the bathroom. chaeyoung posted it on instagram captioning it with, “the one who i love 😍❤️ “
exchanged numbers through an award show!!
has a gc with all the members
jisoo was one of the first people taehee texted when she found out she would be mc-ing for music core
she goes out to shop with jennie a lot too
she and rosé always go out to eat delicious food!!!
they also play mario kart together
she and lisa compliment each other a lot on their dancing!!
from baby taehee 👶: unnie!! i watched your swalla performance!! (in english) so sexy~~ 🙈
there was this one convo where she and lisa abused their emojis it will never be not funny to the both of them
iconic moments: they would always have conversations on stage during award shows. there was this one time, jennie had an arm wrapped around taehee’s waist as they talked. rosé joined the conversation later until it seemed like just the two of them were talking, making jennie pout and look sulky. “are you friends with lisa and rosé from blackpink?,” taehee was reading comments during her vlive, “yes!! we went to an aquarium about,,2 or 3 days ago? i think? 2 days ago. we took a lot of pictures too!!”
met through lisa
before meeting, taehee would dance to ‘very very very’ a lot
animal crossing buddies!!!
somi gave one of her 막걸리 to taehee
“taehee unnie’s really cool!!! i should make a video with her sometime”
that video was just them eating 자장면 while talking about random stuff
“unnie can you teach me to surf?”
“i’ll bring you to australia. let’s surf there”
iconic moment: during the whole 자장면 video they were literally sooooo chill. even if they’re like 3 years apart, they act like they’re the same age. also their kinda deep voices are nice to listen too ngl. they drank in that video too. “cheers” “cheers” clink!. “somi” “m?” “this is what you call 폭탄주” “폭탄주? ahhh i know that!!” “i’ll show you how it’s done,” taehee places her chopstick on her glass to make something similar to a bridge, so that the whiskey shot would balance on top when she placed it. “count to three” “1, 2, 3-“ taehee suddenly bangs her head on the table, making the whiskey shot fall into the glass of beer and at the same time surprising somi, “OH UNNIE ARE YOU OKAY??”. taehee holds up an ‘okay’ sign while downing the whole glass. she tips it behind her back to show that there were no drops left, causing somi to open her mouth in amazement, “wahh unnie you’re so cool :OO”
stray kids’ han
friends since predebut!!
jisung wanted her to go with him in jyp but sm accepted her audition earlier than jyp did
so he was kinda like :(((
but they’re still friends so yay!!!
they support each other’s music
either they dance to each other’s songs, sing them, or just show off their playlists
their reactions for each other’s performances are so hype it’s so precious
taehee memorized jisung’s rap in ‘my pace’
imitates his growl it’s cute ;<<
iconic moment: when they did a lil handshake and bro hug when they passed by each other on stage. jisung ruffled taehee’s hair before he left, causing taehee to hit his shoulder in retaliation.
gugudan’s mina
she, mark, and taehee were already close friends in sopa
became closer when they mc’d together!!
taehee’s lowkey kinda clingy with mina since she’s like an older sister to her even if mina’s like weeks older than her
their script is sometimes about mark and taehee fighting over mina
taehee watches hotel del luna and then teases mina about the kiss scene off cam and on cam blep
they have so many pics together,,mina posts them on her ig while taehee posts them on twt
their height difference kinda cute tho
taehee thinks mina’s really really cute & pretty
she and mark kinda teased her when she cried on her last day but that’s just how their dynamic works :>
iconic moment: when she and mark visited mina in the waiting rooms, they openly teased her. “why did you cryYyYyyY,” and they succeeded. while mark was talking about her being a cool mc and all, taehee just clung onto her side, head on her shoulder, and mina was just patting her back all through out. then when their trio group hugged in the end, taehee gave mina a long kiss on her cheek so that there would be a lipstick stain afterwards :DD
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fallinfor-youreyes · 6 years
for the fic prompt thing 17 for neric but like opposite height difference ya feel?
When he returns back to the bar,peanuts and pretzels in hand, no one is there.
Well, no one expect for hisgirlfriend, who is standing on top of a bar stool, reaching forsomething a little too far out of her reach.
He’s pretty sure Nell Jones isgoing to stress him out so much that one day he’s going to die fromit, but apparently, today is not that day.
“Uh, Nell?”
She shoots him a smile over hershoulder, and he carefully makes his way over to her, dropping thebag on the bar before resting a hand on the stool.
“Where is everyone?” he asks.Before he left, the team was all here, helping with the finishingtouches before the Grand Opening of Fern’s. He left to get someback up bar snacks, just in case, and now everyone was gone. Exceptfor Nell. Who was still standing on top of the bar stool.
“The boys went to check outCallen’s new apartment, and they were gone for a while and notanswering their phones, so Kens went to check on them. Apparently shestumbled upon a very vicious game of Mario Kart.” Nell stares downat him, and smiles. “Said they would be down when it was over.    I didn’t go because I wanted to wait for you.”
“Callen has video games?”
Nell hums. “Anna really likesthem.”
“Doesn’t explain you on top ofthe bar stool.”
“That is because one of the lightskept flickering, so I was checking it out.” Nell bites her lip, andsuddenly squats, instantly relieving some of the stress in his chest.
“I may or may not have had 3glasses of wine with Kensi while you were gone,” she says as sheslides rather gracefully onto the bar, wrapping her hands around hisshoulders as she does.
“I wasn’t gone that long.”
Nell holds one of her hands andmakes space between her thumb and forefinger. “They were prettysmall.”
“Really?” he asks.
She nods, and wraps her legs aroundhim, pulling her closer to him.
“I missed you,” she says insteadof answering, and it makes him feel all warm inside. He’s been inlove with this woman for a good portion of his life now, dating herfor a decent amount of time, but her saying she missed him when hewas gone for less then 45 minutes still makes him turn to goo.
Nell Jones has a lot of power overhis emotions, and by god, she knows how to use it.
“I really wasn’t gone thatlong.” He rests his arms on her legs, and she smiles at him, thatsneaky, all knowing smile, that one that let’s him know he’s introuble, but in the best way.
“Long enough for me to miss you.And drink 3 glasses of wine. And lose all of our friends.” Shesighs and wraps her arms around his shoulders, using her new foundheight to her advantage. “What do you think we should withourselves while we were all alone?”
She tangles her fingers in the curlsby his neck, and Eric Beale is a goner. He’s been a goner for NellJones for a long time, but right now, he will do just about anythingshe asks him too.
Which is probably a little dangerousand exactly what she wants.
“We could fix that light bulb thatwas bothering you so much,” he suggests. She shakes her head athim, eyes full of something he can’t quite place, before knockingher nose against his.
“We could um-”
“Shh,” she says, cutting himoff, before leaning all the way down and sliding their lips together.He braces himself on the bar so he can push himself closer to her,and she tangles her hands in his hair, pulling him closer.
She kisses him harder, sliding hertongue against the seam of his lips, humming happily when he openshis mouth, his teeth catching on her bottom lip when she pulls away.
“I really missed you,” she saysas his lips find his way to her neck. It’s much easier, from thisposition, him on his toes and her slightly hunched so she can kisshis hair. He understands now why she kisses his throat so often. It’seasier to reach.
It’s also easy to forget wherethey are when they kiss. His brain does nothing but think about howhe can kiss her next, how he can make her make that sound again, howhe can make her feel loved.
She pulls him back up so she cantaste his lips again, when there’s a sound from the other side ofthe room.
He freezes, and Nell pulls back,cheeks red, but a laughter in her eyes.
“Oh God, my eyes!” Deeks yellsas he renters the bar.
Eric slips away from Nell and grabsthe bag of snacks he was sent out for.
“I have returned with snacks.”
Deeks still has his hands over hiseyes, so Kensi takes them whacking Deeks in the arm as she bringsthem to back.
“It’s like watching someone makeout with your baby sister.” Deeks says, finally taking his handaway from his face as he settles into one of the seats.
Callen shudders, and Sam just shakeshis head.
“Does that mean we have to givehim the talk?” Callen asks, accepting the beer Kensi passes him.
Sam cracks his knuckles. “I’vebeen practicing for when Cam brings home her first significantother.”
“Guys,” Eric whines, droppinghis head to the counter. “You didn’t do this when Kensi and Deeksbecame a thing.”
“That is because Kensi would havekilled us,” Callen says, grabbing a handful of pretzels.
“And you don’t think I can?”Nell pulls her legs up under her and turns to the rest of the team.
“Oh no,” Sam says, taking a sipof his beer. “You could if you wanted to. But you also take delightin watching him squirm.”
Eric groans again, contemplatingslipping under the bar and never showing his face again.
Nell’s face erupts into a smileand she pats his head. “Sorry babe.”
Kensi wraps an arm around him andrests her head on his shoulder. “If it makes you feel any better, Idefinitely set Sam and Callen on Deeks before we even starteddating.”
Deeks nods and a look a fear crossedhis face. “Let’s not bring it up.”
“So who won the game?” Nellasks, swooping in to save Eric from even more teasing. She shoots hima smile before turning her attention to Callen.
“I did.” Callen says, and he’ssmiling, obviously proud of himself
“Really? You won?” Eric asks, asDeeks starts to protest and Nell starts to laugh and Sam justcontinues shaking his head at them.
“Why is that so hard for everyoneto believe! And considering 3 of you saw it.”
“You cheated.” Deeks says,slipping past Kensi and Eric to get behind the bar so he canstraighten the drinks for the fifth time that night. “Only way toexplain it.”
“Or, I’m just better than you atMario Kart.”
“You take that back!”
“Not that I want to defend G, buthe was trained by Cameron and Anna.” Sam offers.
“Thank you, partner.” G clapsSam on the back and Sam rolls his eyes.
“Still not better than me,though.”
Callen protests and then chaoserupts, and Eric smiles because these are his friends, and today theysaved a lot of lives and now they are arguing over Mario Kart, andtomorrow might be the end of the world, but right now, in thismoment, everything is okay.
Sometime later Nell slips besidehim, back to being Nell sized, and she reaches up and pulls him downfor a kiss, her on her tip toes and him a little hunched over so hecan reach her this time, and the room erupts into chaos again, butNell keeps kissing him, and Eric Beale thinks he is the happiest hehas ever been.
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im-tops-bottom · 5 years
💑Rare Love💏 (just a fic idea)
"CHILLED BEHIND YOU" Vanoss calls out before laughing as he hears Chilled Yelp.
"Sorry Delirious, I would love to stay and chat but I gotta run" Chilled says as his hula girl prop starts zig zagging out of the room.
"noooooooo Chilled come back. I need to shoot you"
"wow Delirious, are you just gonna shoot a little girl just like that? You haven't even taken me out to dinner yet"
Everyone laughs at that and starts making bad date jokes. Vanoss, Delirious and Cartoonz all feel different feelings as they mask it under the laughter and jokes.
"noooooooo the props wo- oh my God you changed into that chair I kept walking pass? No way" Delirious says before having a drink.
"alright run it back. New teams. Let's leave the Gmod gods deligate us" Moo says as he laughs at a tweet Daithi posted.
"and this time Vanoss no ghosting" Panda says as he eats some of his food.
"hey everyone what's up?"
"oh hey Galm. We are playing Prop Hunt. Wanna join?"
"it could be everyone vs the Anthony crew"
Once again everyone goes into giggles and jokes. 3 certain YouTubers secretly don't like this idea as it would mean they won't get to be on the same team as Chilled.
"hey is Mini online? See if he can get into contact with Padilla. The more Anthonys we can recruit, the more of a chance this would turn into one massive derpfest"
"mini had to go to bed early. Sam is ill"
"damn. Hey is anyone Keen to play Mario kart afterwards"
"hell no. I've seen Galm play and he is way too good at it."
Jokes about Panda coming last in 90% of the games pop up and when they hear Daithi's come through their headsets they start making Daithi de Cumberbatch jokes.
Galm joins in on the session without recording as he is only playing just for fun and the game commences with team Anthony vs "team non Anthony".
"which one?"
"I'm seeing Chilled pop up on my screen"
"ah shit. Now look"
Delirious laughs as he is about to shoot Chilled but let's out a "noooooooo I shot the wrong one" as his player model dies.
Chilled laughs as his prop jumps around in the kitchen "I'm the king of props. No one can shoot me" and just like that he watches as his prop gets destroyed by Vanoss.
"that kill came at the right time" Vanoss says as he carries on looking for the other two props.
"what the hell Vanoss. I thought we had something special. You even ghosted for me man"
Vanoss blushes as he stays silent and concentrates on looking for the other two. Lucky for him it doesn't get awkward as he locates Galm and starts chasing him around the attic. He shoots Galm before the timer runs out.
"Panda had an amazing spot too. Next round I'm following you"
"where was it?"
"the both of you follow me next round"
After a couple of rounds they finish the Gmod session and some of the group leave. The only ones left are Chilled, Vanoss, Delirious, Cartoonz and Terrorizer who came in right at the end. They decide to see if anyone is else is available for Last Year Nightmare and manage to pick up Gorillaphant and Ohm.
Whenever Vanoss, Delirious or Cartoonz was the killer, they would do their best to not try and attack Chilled and if they were on the same team then they would fight over saving Chilled. Because of this Chilled was dubbed the Banana Bus Princess with his 3 saviors.
Ze joins in the call and starts teasing Chilled about leaving the derp crew but chilled whines about how everyone is teasing him. Ze laughs and tells Chilled to suffer as he joins in on the next round of games which was CAH before leaving.
The crew finish up on a game of Skribbl.io before ending their recordings and just sitting back.
"so Chilled you still Keen for this weekend?"
"yes, I can't wait"
"what's happening this weekend?"
"Chilled and I are recording some vlogs and doing a 24hr live stream with Galm, John and Tom. John found this cabin in the woods that is apparently haunted so Galm said no balls we'll do some vlogs there. If there is any internet then we'll do the 24hour stream there otherwise we'll do it after the weekend and just talk about the experience"
"can I come?"
"wow Cartoonz, someone who hates horror games wants to go to a haunted cabin in the woods? Until Dawn anyone?"
Everyone chuckles at Delirious' joke while Cartoonz tells him to shut up.
"hey man I'd be down for a spooky house tour"
"and the only person who has ever seen you in real life has been Cartoonz"
"who says anything about me being on cam?"
"are you serious?"
"yeah I'm serious. I trust everyone not to let it out that I've secretly been a talking teddy bear all this time"
Everyone makes jokes about Delirious face reveal as they plan the trip. Terrorizer says he'll see if anyone else is keen for the trip and will let Chilled and Ze know by tomorrow.
A couple of days later and it's Friday. Everyone had gotten time off their jobs so they can pack and all meet up at the airport for the overseas friends to join.
Everyone has their recording devices already out, including Delirious who is only recording for personal reasons. Everyone makes sure to not get Delirious in frame and if they do then they'll make note to edit something to block his face out. They laugh as they realize they all had been recording the moment they woke up.
They head out to grab some shopping for the weekend before going through drive thru's at different places to order something to eat as they don't want anyone to spot Delirious.
They arrive at the spooky cabin just after 2;30pm and park up. They bring everything inside and pack the shopping away before checking out the rooms.
"thank God it's a huge cabin" 2 stories in fact, Ze says as he looks around.
Cartoonz, Delirious, Vanoss and Chilled take one room. Ze, Galm, Tom and John take another. Terrorizer, Daithi, Mini and Wildcat take one. Kryoz, Scotty, Smitty and Panda take the last one.
"I swear if we some freaky shit, I'm ditching you guys and just making a fucking run for it" Wildcat says as he grabs a drink out of the fridge.
"you know what we should do?" Mini asks.
Everyone shouts out "ASK MINI" before cracking up laughing.
After finding out that yes there is reception, Mini turns his phone data on and sends out a tweet. He mentions everyone who is at the cabin and to start sending questions while recording equipment is being set up.
Ask Mini got real hectic and at some point there were dares put in place as well. Delirious, Smitty and Vanoss stayed off camera. Delirious for obvious reasons while Smitty and Vanoss weren't real big on being recorded. Vanoss was still shy in front of the camera which everyone joked about.
His shyness went away however when halfway through someone had tweeted that Chilled looked weird standing behind the couch and should just sit between Cartoonz and Ze. just as soon as space was made, Vanoss rushed over to sit down and pulled Chilled onto his lap. Jokes were made and he ignored Delirious and Cartoonz' glares in favor watching Chilled go red when Ze sings the wedding song.
After playing around outside and playing some games inside (they had laptops, phones, board games and console's galore. All types of games were played) they had a BBQ before heading of to their rooms.
Each room had their TV's on with different movies playing in each one. It was nice and calm. Well except for one.
"I wanna sleep next to Chilled"
"but I want to as well"
"how about one of you pick tonight and the other goes tomorrow night"
"why do you get two nights?"
Chilled watched the 3 fight and can't help but snort. He's had a thing for each one of these idiots and can't believe they are still fighting over him. What did he do to deserve this.
"how about instead of fighting, one takes each side"
In a minute, Chilled finds himself in an awkward position. Cuddling on his right is Cartoonz, his left is Delirious and underneath him is a smirking Vanoss.
"guys this is not what I had in mind"
"shhhh Anthony. The movie is playing"
As it was still early in the night, they watched a couple of movies. As each movie came along, Cartoonz, Delirious and Vanoss got more and more touchy feely.
Halfway into the third movie Chilled let's out a little moan as he feels a hand slide pass his clothed hard on and laying right on his thigh. In the span of several seconds of silence, Chilled finds not only himself but the other gentleman naked and kissing all over Chilled. Chilled has to bite his bottom lip so he doesn't moan out loud as teeth come into play.
Chilled finds that it was going to be a great night. He's sucking on Cartoonz as Delirious eats him out and Vanoss bites all over his body. None of them noticing a red light by the doorway.
Each of the older men take turns at drilling into Chilled. At times there are tag teams as Chilled gets spitroasted while at other times they manage to find away for two of them slip Chilleds ass while the third is getting a blowjob. Sooner or later they have practically gone through every single sex position and making up their own (and oh boy are they greatful that all 4 men are flexible) as the sun rises up.
As they make their way downstairs they notice everyone smirking at them. The older 3 look smug while the youngest of the 4 has gone completely red as he limps his way over to the kitchen table to grab some pancakes.
Chilled smiles as he is given painkillers by Delirious. Vanoss gets him coffee. Cartoonz grabs a soft pillow for him to sit on. They surround chilled as they eat while feeding chilled some of their own pancakes even though he's eating his own.
After the weekend is done and everyone is driven to the airport, another argument is made as Vanoss, Cartoonz and Delirious fight over who gets Chilled.
Terrorizer stands between the 3 and tells them that Chilled has his own life and he can make time to visit all 3 men or they can organize to meet him but until those moments come up, they'll just have to deal with long distance relationships.
Daithi feels proud as he pats his boyfriend on the back for that incredible speech.
Everyone says goodbye (chilled gets pulled into 3 long kisses) as they all separate to go their own ways.
So this was an idea I had in my head as I was rewatching some old gaming vids (i pretty much watched every video of that had chilled with either 3 YouTubers.) Another inspiration was this fic which I really liked.
Seriously if anyone has any ChilledxVanoss, ChilledxDelirious or ChilledxCartoonz fics then let me know.
And if anyone wants to write this up as a full fic then tag me because I would love to read it. I'm not great at writing and I prefer reading other people's stuff rather than writing my own.
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updatedphan · 7 years
🛩 dan’s younow april 4, 2017 🛩
I don't hate you all!
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read on google drive with links
-he's using his phone bc his mouse died -he feels like it looks better tbh -welcome to the chatterino -did u enjoy his vid -he does not hate us. Chillax friendos -phil is not a very rude person -they have Reciprocal Bants -they're doing a lotta traveling soon -should dan upload more dumb casual videos -did u like the craft vid -how us it been 3 years -"good things come in 3s" -it's the end of the craft channel rest in peace -they felt like the 3rd vid was the Natural Progression of the craft channel -don't talk to him about food -if u got Anything out of tht shirtless phil scene. he doesn't know what to say tbh ur worse than them -thx for spamming even after he said Don't Spam -we are completely out of his control -let's do a bit of the show upside down -nvm he can't read the chat -upside-DAN -he'll talk about dapg... -u exist to please urself. no pressure. -so many of his videos just have him having a Breakdown in them now tbh -he should put some Intellectual and Deep content up in the future -his sunday school teacher messaging him made him aware of how anyone can see what he says -sunday school had jams and biscuits that's what he was there for tbh -he left the message unread he can't deal with that tbh -should he stop giving us actual content and just make videos about who's on his Daddy List -they've been Busy Bees -filming lots of gaming videos -woo -he's so good at mario kart -the craft video and illuminati yt meeting weren't planned but he'll take credit anyway -shittywatercolour has no shame -dan is dragging everyone around him into depravity -he heard he was in the bg of 13 reasons -he had to cut the quiz vid down from 25 min -but it was mostly him having a breakdown -yt is aware of the community's opinion on everything they just should try to work faster -Susan Waluigi, CEO of YouTube -nose angle -Hair Cam -he's Relocating his wirrow painting you could say -the next dil video is Dramatic -do u want some Fanservice -ur not ready for this -they were out having lunch -then dan had to meet up with his mum to get his jacket he left at his house -but he was cold so he had to borrow phil's jacket -he was wearing phil's coat for 20 minutes today -holy moly -don't say he doesn't give us what we want tbh -why is anyone even here -baby weasels -give him an app where he can buy a weasel to nibble his hand -his wirrow painting is like damocles' sword rn -did he rly use tht as a reference -club penguin -the vid was just like 20 min of them getting rejected -he wants our input on his ugly video background -let's talk about this in 2 weeks when they're back from australia -when he gets into it send him Palettes -he was so traumatized by his last terrarium experience does he really want to do it again -phil isn't doing a liveshow this week but he may be uploading a video that day instead -he doesn't speak for phil. phil jus told him this -they'll try to upload on liveshow days -prob no liveshows til the 25th (?) -window seats on planes > aisle seats -what's the gender neutral equivalent of BallAche -AssAche -playing with keys ASMR -lookin Fresh -it takes like 30 min to edit craft vids -they were all completely improvised -other than the craft itself ofc -his Weed Jumper is scratchy and leaves fluff all over him -why does he keep it -"phil and i........        [whisper ] i'll break your legs" -forehead 5 o clock shadow -beep beep i'm a sheep -frosty nips -beluga whale -slow puberty -no beard -slow aging boi -sorry if it's laggy -he was betrayed by food yesterday -it didn't come for an hour -their order didn't get processed -so they just ordered domino's -bc it was like. 11 pm and nothing else was open. -a fresh pizza though -the next gaming vid is a Hoot -love/hate with twd -chin fluff -he has tense shoulders -could do with a massage tbh -he used to roleplay sonic with his friends when he was little -his sonic oc was named silver -what is it about sonic the hedgehog that makes children go Nuts -it's a gateway to the furry fandom -the furry fandom is Out There on twitter -it's a whole world for u to get lost in -he almost just ended the show by accident -that's what he's been up to recently -thanks for watching -he's always Semi-Joking -only ever 80% having a breakdown -ty everyone who made quizzes about him -hope u enjoyed the vid -they're off to aus -no liveshows for a bit -maybe next one will be more productive -hope it's been fun -look forward to phil's video and the rearrangement of dan's possessions -Bye
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