#(daniel is me when my mama does the same thing and i'm just like ah yes the hand test)
msfbgraves · 1 year
can you link the scene where Terry apologizes to Daniel in front of their pups but Daniel leaves anyway?!
Can't link it, I'm having a bit of trouble with my dashboard today, but here it is:
This was Terry, angry at his brother Michael, apparently, taking it out on him and maybe the sex act wasn't even any different than anything they'd done dozens of times by now. It was the intent. And when Terry pulled him close this time it wasn't to hold him, but to trap him. But it does calm him, and Daniel by this point is not thinking of himself but of his puppies.
He cannot have this energy around his puppies.
So he nestles in close, whispers nonsense Terry may want to hear, because he needs to get back to them.
He needs to get back to them.
So he gets up, showers, lies down next to his babies and goes to sleep. Robby in his arms, Sammy, Eli and Yasmin draped bodily over him, like little human shields. Baby Gianni in a cot right next to Mama's head.
Terry knows what that means. He's done the same for his Mammy. After Katie, after Daddy's death.
He's crushed. The puppies may not understand what's going on, they can intuit it all too well. So he needs to show he's not a threat. Right here, in their sphere, he needs to get to his knees (that is huge for an Alpha, he can barely get himself to do it in church or even in private), needs to humble himself before their very eyes. He can barely sleep at the thought.
But he does it, and the pups are happy to see him, they love their Daddy, they need things to be well -
But Daniel is distant. He turns away, gets up, hugs his puppies good morning, shushes Sammy, goes for Gianni's baby things. His travel cot.
"Danny, no."
"I need to see my brother."
"Danny please."
'I'll ask Ma to come help you. Sammy, show Daddy where the sandwiches are? And you can heat up the extra pancakes. Fruit's in the fridge."
"There's juice and milk, Yasmin likes her bubble water. Ragazzi, kitchen, now."
Terry grabs him. "Danny boy..."
Daniel's eyes are stone cold.
"My name is Daniele."
Terry never really finds out what exactly happened while Daniel was at the LaRussos. Lucille arrived by cab and let it take Daniel back to his father's. She pointedly informed Terry that they could take the pups anytime, for as long as necessary, 'just in case.' Louie blabbed years later that apparently, the Don had given Michael the dressing down of a lifetime. Don LaRusso pointedly informed Terry that night that Daniele had a slight fever and didn't want to risk infecting the puppies, he would understand. Any new business he and Michael were at odds about was off, period. You can't expand on shaky ground. On that note. He had booked passage to Sicily. Yes, near Corleone, where they'd had their honeymoon. It was unclear whether Daniele would be up for it, they'd have to see in a few days, but he'd expect a cheque regardless. Be ready to leave. Yes, it has to be this ship. Why, the captain of this ship was a family friend. Ah, yes. And Daniele needs his own car. Yes, in New York too. He likes Ferraris. And the Don will keep an extra set of keys in his house, just in case. And an extra set of keys to his own car, should something happen to this one. His son needs his own transportation. And he has access to his dowry money, of course. Of course, good man. They'll take the puppies while you two are away. No it's no trouble. Why don't you come to lunch in three days to iron out the details. Louie will pick you up. No, it's no trouble, Terry, you heard me the first time. Bene. He doesn't know if his son will be there. Let's wait and see. Buona serata to you.
They end up having a great trip, actually, if Daniel misses his puppies. Terry takes him to Ireland next. They visit Amanda, and spend the last three days in Syracuse, from where they sail. The guest house has a great view, which is good, because they barely set a foot outside of it during Daniel's heat.
He returns home pregnant with Anthony.
The Don nods to himself at the news, then kisses his wife.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Robby's fake job is at Tech Town whose tagline is Sales| Service| Repair and the guy who he impersonated is named Edwardo who he winks at.
Like I get Carmen's: I don't want you around my son ever. But he was already being bothered by these kids even without Johnny around. So that seems like it'd just make it worse?
Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes. What I've realized with this watch through is that Daniel has given a nick-name to almost every dish he makes. It's adorable.
Anthony immediately turns it into a 'pancake taco' which feels like maybe he takes after his dad in nicknaming food and coming up with his own spin despite Daniel's disappointment in the whole idea.
Amanda trying like 12 different ways to calm Daniel down about the billboard and I love her first response is to make a joke. She'd already done the pr spin and I love that for her.
So no deadpool art anywhere in his room but Miguel is wearing a rick and morty t-shirt.
Miguel calls his mom Mama, which I feel like I need to remember. I remember Ma for Daniel all the time, but I forget Miguel's Mama.
The comedic timing of Miguel defending Johnny only to show Johnny passed out on his floor with the spray can and a beer is still hilarious to me.
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I was wondering what his keychains are. Seems to be a bird, which maybe should've been a clue. But it also might just be a 'firebird' or phoenix for his car. Honestly with how much of a mess he is I'm surprised he doesn't lose his keys more.
According to the phone call with Ms. Jenkins it's been a couple of months, which it being after Halloween makes sense.
Colorado canoe trip. 😂The fact she heard how Robby spoke to Johnny and was like maybe I'll call his mom instead and then was like ah yeah this kid going on a canoe trip with his dad makes total logical sense...like ma'am no wonder Robby's giving you trouble. She grew up on the Mississippi delta. Which is a fun little fact and makes me wonder if she's mentioned it multiple times before and if that's why Robby told her he and his dad were going to canoe the Colorado. Which is just...smart.
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That is not what I'd expect to be in Aisha's locker. Let alone how little is actually in it. It's so...empty. I'd expect like science jokes and pictures of her and Sam from when they hung out more. Not one random red blob and what looks like a card with a fairy on it.
What are these schools new colors? The outside is very bland with some red, a lot of the posters are red and white but one of the kids is wearing a shirt and it's blue.
It's a Sony production so why am I not surprised Daniel's phone is Sony? Also what teen has their phone size for calls and texts so big. Also Daniel, Sam's at school, do you really want her to be texting and calling you back while at school?
oh right the 100 sausages from Cole.
I love that Amanda is like oh hey free lunch. Which is funny for Cole to have done.
Robby seeing his dad: angry. Robby's friends trying to trash talk his dad: fail and then feeling self conscious when he strikes back. Which is fascinating because I always kind of thing of Robby's friends like Kyler and his group, but Kyler and his group will fight Johnny while Robby's friends are just like ah man don't diss my mustache.
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The decor choices for the Keene household are interesting. It's got a bit of a hippie vibe with wall tapestries but also art that looks like something Johnny would pick out but I guess more tasteful and a whole lot of wine. Which, Robby doesn't have food at one point so is the wine gifts from someone else that isn't consumed that frequently? Or does their money get spent on wine rather than food?
It's interesting that they make it seem like Johnny's had absolutely nothing to do with Robby most of his life. But Robby knows who Daniel is.
Oof Robby does get his wish, the whole I'm not going to school I'm done. Bud, you do want to go to school. I also do not believe Shannon is okay with it.
Both Kyler and Miguel ended up with bruises on the same side of their face. Both the left eye. Kyler's from his fight with Johnny and Miguel from his fight with Kyler and his friends.
Brucks being an english and grammar nerd surprises me a little.
Miguel speaks up to Kyler and Demetri's whole body language of like bro what did we just talk about. Even though the person they're being mean to is Eli Demetri's bff.
Demetri, how much yogurt did you throw in the trash can? Also how did you manage to throw so much in there that it got all over your back pack? It's generally in a cup. Like logically that amount of backpack coverage doesn't make sense.
The library has a 2 chalkboards in it?
Carmen taking Miguel to see the new spiderman is cute. Miguel apparently likes m&m's in his popcorn.
The marketing team they use and that tom cole uses is called VP productions. Tom Cole has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Encino Oaks, North Ridge, and Arleta. Which is interesting because on the Van Nuys location has been mentioned so far.
The guy who did the ad for Tom is named Bobby Lamont and it's called Yankee doodle which...was originally created to make fun of the USA so it's kind of a funny choice. Kinda shows how he wanted to hit at Daniel but then also didn't do any research.
The drought-resistant cactus 😂
The marketing lady realizing the mistake she'd made as soon as the ad ends.
Shannon not-so subtly hinting that she needs another drink.
Shannon's date is (I assume an accountant) named PJ. And Shannon actually in front of the guy is being very friendly to Johnny which is fascinating.
The bartender's name is Terry and he's so ready to give Shannon an application to work there. Though it shows she lied about it.
Robby's had mono.
He tried to build his own half-pipe and broke his wrist.
I get that Shannon's mad and has every right to be, but you'd think if you can't get Robby to do anything at all including go to school and you're at bars trying to scrounge a meal for yourself you'd take Johnny up on the offer to take Robby in. Because a. someone else can give it a try and you make sure Robby knows he cane come back to you if Johnny screws up. B. Johnny will not let those other kids in his home. c. you don't have to worry about Robby getting food/feeding Robby for a bit. Like you'd think that Johnny looks relatively good and sober and less of a wreck and you might be like well maybe but if you break Robby's heart it's over.
I guess I just think Johnny should've gotten that chance and things would've been so different.
Oh hey Shannon did get her drink refilled.
Tom Cole calls Daniel "Dan" and despite making a very targeted ad is selling and drinking boba. Tom cole has a blonde staff member named Angela.
Angela disapears into the back on the left with a customer for boba and then somehow pops out from the right to get Daniel a boba. Girl is fast at making boba and in those heels. Sorta just teleports wherever Tom Cole points ready to bring people boba.
Is Tom Cole shorter than Daniel?
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Looks like it. Wow Daniel actually taller than one of his rivals? Who would've ever known?
I'm surprised no one made a joke about the boba.
The fake movie they made for Sam and Kyler's date is hilarious. Dying teenage romance drama "Let me give you one of my lungs" like I don't know if you can medically do that. It sounds like a great B movie.
Sam not just telling Kyler to stop but literally flawlessly and very subtly kicking his ass is amazing. Where's Daniel and his JERSEY TOUGH or THAT'S MY GIRL.
We will put a little note for times Johnny was right and no one listened. Ah I should've made a counter for that at the beginning. Oh well.
Kyler sitting there looking terrified and in shock is delightful.
Johnny sees a guy and his son, gets turned down on son #1 on both fronts (by son and mother) so goes tries to be parent to son #2 knowing son is excited and mom is the no.
I love Carmen's bored tired look at Johnny here
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She is so not impressed.
And it's interesting how Johnny does in fact listen. Because he got the "there's no do-overs with your son" from Shannon. and is like well okay, if I don't have a chance here, which he did in fact try, he went to Miguel.
I won't fail him again...says this guy. Though I will say Kyler is not Johnny's fault.
I love that Rosa is on team Johnny since day 1. Even before she knows him. Like heck yeah Miguel found something he likes, love that for him he just needs to keep his hands up for his next fight. and then Johnny comes by and Rosa's like yup I like that random weirdo who lives next door.
Which I get Carmen being concerned makes sense and protective, but Rosa also knows everything and is protective of Miggy too.
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What do you think that top room gets used for? It's like a little watch tower.
Even on low-energy not up for making breakfast Daniel still sets the table with english muffins.
Sam totally knows she's got her dad wrapped around her finger with that what no banana-rama pancakes.
Quick talking Daniel back for the win in response to don't look so excited dad.
6 trophies, a bunch of tiny ones on his desk. Clearly Johnny won more than just the all-valley. It would've been fun to have had the kids in smaller tournaments or just...other tournaments.
The graffiti on the billboard is such a...prank. The fact Louie takes it to an 11 and it ruins Daniel's day to find out who did it is just...oof.
Like Anoush clearly was like debating even telling Daniel and Louie is ready to fight and taking it personally. My dude there's graffiti everywhere.
Honestly the better choice would've been to call up Johnny and be like hey, you graffiti'd my billboard, you know that's an actual legal no no, how about you graffiti Tom Cole's and we'll call it even?
But nooo Louie's gotta get a biker gang involved. This is such a soap opera.
Louie I thought this was cute until I realized who did it which is Johnny and now it's not cute. Which fair, all he knows about Johnny is that he gave Daniel's life hell and then Daniel fixed Johnny's car for free. Not that Johnny's car got wrecked by Sam's friends or that Sam's now ex-boyfriend is the reason Johnny got arrested and his only student got beaten up so badly.
The main component of this show is that no one ever has all the facts and/or actually investigates and discusses the facts making it very pride and prejudice and soap opera-y
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danielslaw · 2 years
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